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Ottawa Times (1865), 23 May 1870, p. 4

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J | 414 6 ©4 % U #% t# l,‘ \ “{..l."_"â€"-“' 38 9c o . cold," in its Orst stage. That which in the “:,‘...w.o wmild remody, if Lected soom the lunge, «* Brows‘s suiai Fr.obes," or Cough Losenges, fl“""‘t t on which induces coughing, having & di2SOT # isuce on the «#ected parts. As there are lamitaâ€" tiens, be sure to ontalnx the genuins. Boid by 411 de .lors in medicines. at 25 cents a box. ¢uiowa‘ Couroune $vaur or Wrrorncernit®s â€"1 am bappy to say 1 have not had a of Bronomitis, from which 1 suffered many .‘.'M~~mm‘ ; hices. & DEKAN, #t. John, N 8. November fnd. M m 0 m Urpetnorphies ts sn aee se '.“..“...'.“â€"-L--“‘- Broachial hb"'.-p..‘ .‘.”’- & wadve f t# a Ima SÂ¥ imil "eucn bohto oure and ‘prevent disease, should cmmenn, OCas oi mt ND EO i 4s it does, have every security the law can aford :.fn-o-u-flu‘i*d‘.-“l&- Jweplied **p “ho sugsess of this most delicious and o vie aen melertes sempoonte: t publte in Retent informed that the only way to secure the w OROEsTERsHIRX uuon} Declarsd by Cor nolssoars : HA & PEALRIZE* F.‘OAI.I--TN' t Lot No. 31 b~~=‘,~bfi 'o‘-‘L. Nes 18 and 28, in the somâ€" session, at present in the Â¥a. 1. Avion, . PBor tfurther We Jour and Wu,. Tuowson, Mepean, 184 & Puwauy, Burristers, Ottaw a. Jea8+141â€"6f Prime Mess per do. I° ssm aâ€"the north half of Lot No |1, in the 4&th Tnane Tamenl ce "ii% ...4. 0'-1.“ 'd\...& acres .b‘: rdm eultivation. This is eca the mmmm-fl-d Also .l‘ou-l of l.dllo“O tm Qo..hd the reat well wooded, 'n'm : well watered, and situated & o mile of the nlmy.:uh-”. Titkes Â¥or BaATKRICK WERR % ..“ M”o commErc)al. ateilli genee.; FROA4A CONSTANTINOPLE, WILL ARRIVE 18 00N A8 NA Ottawa, April 16â€" I‘ln wA aacsid D. ; »«presaly for the Ornaws Tumme ) t wmmeen l May 21, T0 ©rHE ONXNLt GOOD si0V0L. "RLME â€"Fomnm sLAK OR TO L CaUTION AGAINST FRAUD. . mh‘ufi .“#qn KFor KHale or to LA4L. G‘.'.'ciuu} CKNLEBRATED (PREFPARA TLON+ you ouraxsure, peauTUryINQ, AXD PLEsSLVING THB TEETE Hold by Chemists aad Perfumers, and by the FOR THE TEETH. MESSRS. GABRLIEL, The cidâ€"established Dentists, «o «100 ol e T C O O Smd T tie apparatus tor « mogel of the mouth wi} hhov“fl&mm Mesars, Gubriscl will undertake to Remodel or L. ..;..-.--â€";-â€"â€"-â€" un oun Mb k -“. Driek‘s '|.~ ..“' of .........":u .nfllodmm weet peet Gabricl‘s Pamphist on Artifisial Testh :%m-wim letters to be to 64 LUDGATE * HILL, LONDON, 102) fauts irkim woliie 4o aot meove radigteatery }. se modarnte ALEXANDER OHRISTIE, Druggist and Pharmacentical Chemist y Oparks btreet, Contre Town. The subscriber begs to inform his triends and ho. publis generally, that he has commensed nusiness in the new building adjoining the Qutario Bank, Sparks street, with a perfectly new and somplete stook of ”dw Patent Medisines e ‘ Midisines and Preparations, Freach and Germaa * Perfumery, Hngiish Brushes and Tollet Articles, Dys Atuiffs, Seeds, and all the Mussiiansous artl« ~*~ _ _ es usually sold ay Deuggists Family medicines and physicians‘ preseriptions will receive the attention their . importance de= mands, The preseription department ander the personal supervision of the F:-‘: .:r.-n----uupnmbv-'l of all materiale ewmployed. Physicians and sountry mershants supplied. m“ppp-@ofi@gfiu lor atteadâ€" ing to the wants of his customers. ETE Ktawa, Pebruary 11, 1870 10044 v 84 Ladgate Hill, Lor And at LIVERROOL and BRIAWT )N LAZARUS, MORRIS A CO. ARTIES AP Aa Di=TANCE AEQUIRING ARTIFICIAL TEETH may hare them To share in the Division of Prodts of the past Ore years, to D0th April inst. C a N a D A LIFE AS8SURANCE COMPANY, rarious Forms nfifilnuanou tor dharing in the above referred to, all Appliications which may be PERFECTED on or TUESDAY, e 1trs MAY, Can be included in the Lists of the closing year & 8 LAYOOOK, A 0@ RAM3AY, Agont in Ottawe. Manager _ _One bundred and tem asces, Lot No 14, in the th consession of the Township of wlousester, Ridsan good 1h or 00 aores eleared and in a ,umhulmum- ai. This in attuated T miles from Ottawa on the Macsadamised Road, loading to Metoalls» 7 lish Oharsh and Sebool House at the sorner of lot ; ”“ half a maile; Roman Catholne r--uou.wuu.wn CSkathioo *Mbd-o!nloni t‘jfi.‘f‘bh. be qpreo tor part of nom [ â€" 4# LD, M g"..‘.‘:.*;x."-:a'"&“;_., To enable persons at a distance io com gRAIE} KCEVW A88%0RTHKEIE®X F ARM POR AALE. & LRADRPORLD Have just"resetred a RATABLISHED 1417. Knglish Chemioals, oR THE LIST3 onLy® #Â¥Y diciously takon for each cass, Lo dmtilt Sn S Rruret “m-m~.v.‘- it yormam O TUE L e ce WIHABIUHH . DX 14 NA yaen of wa en Cands uh t# the system. Wihhk such ¢ MF_."A_-‘ w e es ud \4 oL 3: x *A ~o zhy 4. y ) +4 SWM banpppediingenpededuateebernnisios «s dubamicletiieitings. .-n nbn.o-l-:t .“; u U« MA Â¥COOCK, ‘?""""“'i"” hwoele into *m‘-z‘lâ€".n‘.:“mu.'.uu.’ o‘.-l. and invigorates the system. Honce it is oftch 44 | peqisieiy opposite Russelil woure, Elginâ€"s4. 4Jut (me who fesls tolerably well, haks that a cbo«e nronnuisy ut hn uk en‘ ge wees tve apparatus. 4 DK 4. C. AXEL & CO., Prastioat Chombats, LOWKLLE KMAKL., Vo & 4s _ anoubtte thhen in lafke and frequant doses to pro oo 25 pernln in and on aee o o 1e ducs the effect of a drasud pure®. .__ _ _ _ _ . _ they were afficting, have been raiically o on ho amaanernen n n mens ty whsi‘ ts of e virtues or usés. w is one of the most destructive oo aaioahesemgretatiomantones iduoken en deat e rntne tm tm ues armkm uetne ue derantonsareait serntet .-"'”-;-‘-'-'-T&Eigfl_: e Tings or Te es ns Hpean ) e is hi n'm Movewrial Diseases .wnu.wofichfl-mm" fit:.‘:{:""‘"-l""""“ use of this ime will cure the comniaint. svre haeg 0+ W hites, U terime the complaint 4° PREPARLED AY Br. 3. C. AYEHR & CO.,, Lousll, Man, Practioal and Analytioal Chomists, UHOLD BY ALL DaOoowts EYERTWHEKEZ & WWn Cmm SE _‘â€"-â€"";_’“’ K l ‘b mdnlqb%fl.IWO weak that 1 sould ast walk, but was condned to ._County of Lennox, Ontarie, Canada : in hn iemgur mam retad This ts to “-1."-.‘ L was taken with a weakness of the ancles, which my shair. Fer abouttwo years, while this woak! u-uu-h.-.s.lwlo-n medical advice, .m‘d differenot times thras dostors, and of different kinds :-â€"t-nn-t.n-uun& 1 ccatineâ€" ..umu‘m-dl.o--d 1008, when I was induced to try the great She in a pamphist,. Althistime i Saq Segus W °20 mmh-'lnbl in faot I was gstting almost heipiess â€" { have taken two bottles of the Shoahoness Remedy arnd two bozes of the pllis and I am entivrely restored to health . 1 never expected :rwhu\-%:‘dll‘m a* & dml:s cu:uddu'uu a private on®, known to "r"‘" [uuâ€"m d.mfl":,‘- was, 1 have only to say try the Bhoshoness Remedy ; 1 o Messre,. uuaun® snai® & trurse, Con®ay P O e m n ie P VCC KAKY ANX DCOHTY â€" rum-ul-agmdm- whais lvwoon.:r.u. 1 -r“ 1 have known Mrs. Mary Agm the last Aftsenm years; shels a x aoad trwte. ‘ml-llu her .dh :' k 1 wase in eveary * U-v.“-mmlummm loss ; and 1 know that she has, slnce her recovery, always attributed her recovery to the Shoshoness KHemedy. Whaterer may be the pecullar pertormance ol a miracle. W arden d.:u ot :-""- h:fl:-o of Outario, Domintonef Casmadas _________________ ppas emrar LEvimor _ For the Olty of Ottaws, will boid lin Orst sitting in the City Hail, in said elty, on WEDNESDAY, the \9th DaY of MAY, 1878, At Two o‘clock p. m. > pltaws, May 10, 1070 Peatie uie t e ie ie e cce nc ‘ INWKWAN LINEK OF KAL ETEAXERS, KAILINQ c-..‘... rRLOX NEW YORXK EKYVEET AATURDAY | > D AL STEAM . PLANING _ MLLL, | | > asnirorfomna t mvereiiat Wcz Queen street, Le Breton‘s Flats, Firs Cabin, Payablssa Goid. «aenmm Liverpool or Quessstown...... 4106 i The undersigned inform the pablle th at Bemwage, Papable in Currency, hey are How i orduts fas Liverpool or Qué#BSOWR ..................ss0ss Bb C l kcl Lulien, M.“-fl."'- 10 | ~ pasmaos uy ve® ressoay erracts v! KiLIPAX hlu‘ohtn af Meomng and Ci+pâ€" PFirs Oabin, Payuble is Goid. boards, Shingle Noel and Extrus. Liverpool or Queesstown........................$180 O rov« LAW A JOUNSTON | HADIHE....,0ssmmmmcmmmmemmmmmmmmmmmemmmmsssenees O OM The amdersigned Legs to lnform the purlla that always hand, in seasoen, a las é."“ h.. ..:1-'-'-".'.‘::.-.,”' y s " AioRkas MICHOLSON, * No 45 Ritean strest. recpabrec. of this medusine, one thing is certa‘n, Sarsaparilla, . o Mcmg: o ooo pore oo reading the pertormed xfihol _l.“.?'fl"'“’.‘,” change thos J:- mesiie un -'npy ...‘-‘ #*% # B'W'aum many wf are truly marvellons. . Inveterale “:‘-.:Ollt # l:‘: scemed nfi-nw-l-ll bave been and cured by i. gv&i-w“ C apaky * have been radically contamination uni WÂ¥ BLETT, C IGHI B LK D I K C on plain ts 4 exists Parhamentary Proctice and Patents for lar® ton, &* , esparally aitended to in VHAWAâ€" YÂ¥. McoLavp, W, MCK Waser, L. 8 La W1OR: Sn s oi ce w Te ww o is . 13,3â€"6% L1 C200 o 0 t Aesemies Kyapes, _ _ sxk Kow.ko KixkX®, Te # KB A in #, Harrister and Attor» 4.‘ ..,-»i‘.-. dgulisitorâ€"inâ€"Uhansery, Cooveyâ€" sacert, &# ~OMoeâ€"Lang‘t Bulldings, EKiginst. eppcaite the Post QAes, vitaw‘h AlÂ¥y .,‘ &As MAMA, Arshiteot. @toeâ€"Asmend‘t 414 Belldings, Lidean #4., Uawa. _ Â¥#09p Convey ancets, 4¢, must pawbrmt. _ _ _ ’|oul¢'t &A FAILLONX, Darruers, & Buliatwers, o. Vuee~â€"Meegrove‘s Buildings, Ridena â€"streot, T a® & Wuitik Mossmove. _ 1Mtu _ duones Tainio® ..o.nczl.::lllnl. Barrister, Abtorâ€" seyâ€"at» Law, Sodieitorâ€" umt 6.»)- aacer and Notary Puble, &m and York streots, ttawa. .__~v_ s ” UHCOONNOM , Atice aeyâ€"atâ€" L aw, Bolleitorâ€" «in Chansery, Conveyanser, &o., Beserâ€" treet. OOese, Unie Bulliings, Aia®wa. bby i. WA YCOUCK, Auorssyâ€"atâ€"Law, Soilâ€" uo cln-b%nm._(_qo_nnu_n‘ id_u, Lm.o“.lu-..m Hollaitors, Conmmpamemm, As,. O8 Cuust House, Otta®e. _ _ & %) F.'IID C. DARTEKXELL, Barriset + Uolleiter, Attorney and Nxary Mhbflui f the Poase and Comnty A.m.huu alued Juwatbes of Prescom and OMeeâ€"In the Coart House, L/origeasi. â€"_________ _ B48m _ Ntaws, Doessmber 4. 1%*# RO'AI. IFALIA®X BITTERL. Prepared by special permiasion om the original rectpe of Â¥. P. YEBAL, M. D. Professor of Chemistry in the University of j PADUA, ITALY, w"mummmmb* the Domigion, PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE: s A. M. Â¥. GTAXELLI, Sale ManaCacturer and Propristor for the Dominâ€" on of Canada and the United btates. N. B.â€"â€"Thesne eelebrated Biters are carstully popared with the very best quallty of Sherry Wine, and arse espesmally adepted and recomâ€" menaded to persoas of delicate constitations. They are geoatly stimalant, and will be toond lnfallible alds to digestion. bottle ~ Nomse are gomuine unless bearing thesignature of ihe propristor, lorntt A,. K. P GLIANEKLLL ' TETLKAU, X Rublic for the Pro « vinse of Quebet, Kol. soar the Pos CLEKOD, WAIGuT & I.Q'w..o COMMERCIAL SALE ROOMS, York areot, : the Morket. uk mmced fonk Peater in Painoose tad it pan To nolii freink s taket this cuporquniey OTrawaA TIMES, MAY 23, 1870. * Cpdt Cians. ~â€" : Hedteat. _ 1_ HRKPKH & MALRABKEMH, Darmeters Vor direstlons see label round the asck of each Bulls are hersby aotlfed that thoy are required by the bist and fllowing Rolee dbl Legisiative Asmembiy,(which are published 11 the =Onturic Gasette"), to give NOTICE of the application (clearly and distinetly specifying its nature and object) in the * Ontaric Gasette," and also in a newspaper pablished in the Uounty or Union ot Connties af€estel ; such notice shall be watinued in sach case for a period of at least tix yesaks during the laterval of time between the close of the next presediag Sesmon and the conâ€" dderation of the Petition. Copies of the Arst and last of vach uotives to be seat to the Private Bill eeoeeke Ee Cene . . MBE .A hss T Barristers, Advosstes, &o. JBoes, AJ) , (Maun Strem), and quaee, (Pps SUEY AUVCTI0E KART, l)l IVATE Il:-l‘- Conmmitssion Merchants. UHis Lordship the Bishop of Kingston, s h e *4 ~~‘~ ‘4A*/M James O‘ Rislly, Beq, Q C, : t:-t":y':‘-\. l___F !;._-_:... Al «titions for Prvate Bills maust be presentâ€" ad withis the FURST TUREE WEEKS of the Ceronto, March 15, 18708, * 10090 lawk. PI I-l'“"._l.n_. &UKKEKKITOWE aPost JBee Eul dingt Uilty _ Neess, Land and General Agent _John‘s, N. P., by branch steamer....... 3# 0# wlÂ¥ a® # y â€" Ubutt _ Jous 1. Omaani. im e wlucttwre in C3R8 digesiiun Cns e o Ubtarls | eevering OHARLES T OLILLMOLR, Clork ot the Hoase. Conveyance;, 40. UIbhuages, Kigie arsst, » is Queen‘s Auctioncer, nied o o qurlt y Lignn stre6t, Iaven* ‘pbm“llu. 3 arnparn‘s u-mw'o:uul-uvv;:l save many a «lee botties 25 cents ".:um..r“o«-ihmuum â€"â€"2 is pleasaot 10 the taste and barmless in its nuture . Forsale by druggists and general dealâ€" are i8 all parts of "'_M!“E:_ y _ GQurdener‘s First Prise Baking Pcowder, un rivalled for purity and exsellence. For sale by Mcv;q'nnihlnw.:‘u&fl.: Mo centls ’.fl '.“. cents :u-.u.u. "uw want the bul'ul UARDKNER‘8 and no other. UARDKEKKER®E EPILEPTIC CURZ. Price $1 per boitle ; six bottles for $8. e e feats 4b7 Notre Dame itreoct, M p oc lavalaabie to lovalids and rl- of impalr®y ] Igemiup ; an excelient. TONIC for persons :-'ofl::lr:: vwioass. Poreale in quart bottle $ ! tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are safering from any of the comp «ints for which it is .ecommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" *o effoney of the Canadian Pain Destrayer, in dizeases for which it is reâ€" sommended, and its wonderful successin subduing un-m?m“flnrolovui Nervous eutitle it to a highr ank in «h* peekv hea Dufiu ot the ml:.&c-w.oh‘ yee to all parts of the to the universal l&t‘“‘lm The Cans dian Pain Destroyer never falls to give Boid Ges. Murtimer, John Roberts, M:’l. Â¥. MoCarthy, J. Bkurer, mmediate relief. All Medicine Dealers hm'l Dh aslelams order and aseii; and no fanlly w & ti® C-â€"o.rd-"“v- effects the filba'non 1nd A8BS*"*MILATION of COD LIVER OIL, the fit enten at meals, &o. In digestive activity, suâ€" perior to Pepaine. ® Puncrentine Powder, bottles, %s, 32 64, 61 64 and | 126d. Pancreatine Wine, bottles, 32 68 and10s. N. B.â€"Pancreatine Wine is the best vehicle for taking Cod Liver Oil. Aoarreâ€"Mesere. F. U Um-un. KXHLBITION OF 1855, YFirst class Meda., The QUINIUM LABARRAQUE is an eminentâ€" y tonls and tebrifuge wine, destined to replace all the other preparations of Peruvian bark. The bark wines usually employed in medicine A M D M C B *# * The QU1] QUINIUNK LABARRAQUE, the Acsdemy of Medicine, mz contrary, a medicine of determined composition, rich in active ples, and on which the pbysiâ€" clans and orn abw onIJ. The Q IVM uuflm l'r.rnurlb‘ with grom sussnse for persons of constitu« tion, or for those debilitated by various exhaust« Ing canses or past sickness ; for youths fatigned nc o ue ite ullesny; mt e o O o WE m 7 wl u E8 women in cohill birth ; and for aged persons mh’mcll'h-. It is the best preâ€" NOR â€" 1MDIGKSTIONâ€"â€"P aA NCR X A« QUTNTINE wa~ WINE BITIERS, m p. T/ BLOWXE &£(¢0, OX SPARER®«T, Or BALDWINX nu..‘ Oitawa, May %, 1870 iAolams order and use l[l and no fanmily w wat it after onse try ing it. Price twentyâ€"Orve conts per bottle. _ _ Â¥or ons month?only, commenscing on the 20th Instant. The whole of my stook in offered to ousâ€" tomers at a very low Agure so as to make room for the New Bpring Goods,. Iwould call specially the attention of eustomers . to my heary stock ‘READY MADE CLOTHING Which will be sold without Reserse at a low All goods marked in plain Agures. _ ALF LABARRAQUE & Co. QUINIUM LABARRAQUE, Application to be made to __ Part of the rear halfot lot number eleven, in tno second conscemslon ol the Towaship of Nepsan (Oitaws front), which sald parse! of Aand is udge for yourself, known as Villege lot number six, Beli‘s Corners. There is a good log> house clapbourd which is ut yresent eccupled as a BRavern. Qood stabe #1 1 ontbuildings on tha lot, und a good well, wiil be eoid by pablics auction e promises, wfi".&a:n&....n.ui‘o‘. at tweive o‘clock noon. .‘:‘r of by r-::: on the lit day of November Terms wadeknown at the time of sale. Apply 10 JOHNX D. OGRADY. WELL ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, Carried on by 3 UNAWL â€"/ 7 w \3"\612 dy LRAAF CLEARING BALLK. SELLING AT CO8T PERIOE twwa, Mey ) 8, 1878 use APSTL mCuWemip Bole Propristor and Manufacturer. LEABE OF B8TOR %, CAsH PURCHASERS, 8 A L®. | .. W. ARMSTRONG, PROPRILETOR, itle ; six bottles for $5. 3 GahDENEK, Chemist, | cornER OF QUEEN AND ELOINâ€"STS, theesk C PP I NORT P & LYMAN, $ _ Newonstle, C. W., Lmperial Academy of Medicine. In Ottawns. 0. _ BALDWINX & 00., of Mcontroal, iinfas UsibeRtr W OOLBER T. * RAJOTTE for 0. W 1887 & 24 2 1M7H 1D 57 Argyle street......... ... Halifax, N. 8 M. E. COCHBRAXN, PROPRIE1OR. This house, (situated in the centre of the city) has been recently enlarged, ftted with all the modern 1mprovements, and ~refurnished through. out in Arst class style. h “ho halls and apartments are specious and z;d Hoursâ€"Breakfast 8 a m ; Lunch 1 p m; Dinner 6 p m ; Tea 8 p m. ‘lm‘! b0 per aay, 4 PRA Varties visiting Halifax will And at « The Carleton,‘ good attention, sleanliness and comâ€" fort. OTTAWA. | EYVERY CONXYENLIENCE AND COMFORT FOR THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. HALIFAX, NOVA 80OTIA, Established 1851. Permanent and transient boarders accommodaâ€" ted, and overy .uufi:;ou to their comfort: 969y JOHN ROMANS, Proprietor. And the table spread with EVERY DELICACY OF THE SEASON. ie travellers. _ The"QUZEEN" comprises all the fer a Arstâ€"olass hestau ant. TYhe House has refitted and ref. rnished ur-"hon. The BAR contains the ohoiogst Brandsir W inssand Ligu wrs, and overy delioney of the seasn a will be found on thetable. The mflmaw-muam to he comâ€" 12 guests ana * pMAi®* omn.umup: ll\un 6 QUKEKEN ! RESTAUsz ANT, M. KAVANAGH, Propricor, _ Corner of Meteoaife and Woum‘w.-md‘.uz- roclum main entrance to the Government Buildâ€" Malifax, A pril 1, 1870. for Trust ana Loan Co. W. &. Turstus. the Ontario Bank, Sperkeâ€"st. Ottaws. rl\ullrl.l & Co+â€", Land Burveyors, Land BR Agents, B aughtsmen, &o. OfMfice, opposite “l?h & Thos Fuller, Eeq, Architect, Alba Dr J A Grant, Â¥ P., Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, Managing Virector 0. & Bt. L. R, R. 1 Q CHRISTIE, Commission Merchant and 4e General Agont. SBole agent for Read‘s mm andProof flll‘oy‘ also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" Ales and Porter, . Pork, Fiour, &0., for sale. Orrion: No. 5, Bparks Burest, near the Russel! L wuse, Ottawas city, C. W . K. C. LKGGO, Ph an, SBurgeon and Accouchour . Oloâ€"m-’a Block, 8Sparksâ€" The largest and best assorted stosk of R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Oficeâ€"â€" Bpurksâ€"st: oct, Cont: al Ottawa., Sautf _ ARLETON HOVSEK, R., GKOMRGK HUTCHISON, Dentist _Oficeâ€"Sparkeâ€"strest opposite Mages 4 l) LANS, SPECIFICATIONS, &¢6â€", ever ofered to the citizens of Ottaws is now for sale at the store of WILLLAM MeKAX Rideaus street, Mosgrove‘s Block. RECEIVED IX THIS GITY. A.dhtldlldsllv-porbdtn-:m w&*2:5,000 ROLLSs OF ROOM PAPEL To be solk at .-‘-ntm'm;bm their houses, and‘ :»y ho:::tmmd IIMAY"; own selestion. The tints are neutral, and give ghqmvuhmshbyd‘ @ Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., prnulo Court House and Public Offices, BT. ATHARINES, Ont. k. HOVGHTON, Pnrktot. (Late of Houghton‘s Dining l.lnl.s BMA spacious sampleâ€"rvom for commet The Bar always supplied with the CHOICEST LIQUORS, The Stock now on hand is the LARGEST EVER CLOSE OF THE LISTS To share in the division of profts of the past fhroe years, C A N A D A LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY ESTABLISHED .847. | }‘ BILLINGSE, Jr., Architect. OMceâ€" © Bell‘s Block, Sappers‘ Bridge. Rurzazwors.â€"â€"H ABims, Eeq, A«chitect, Philsâ€" HK UNLIONX HOUSE, After which the The Lists for the 23rd Â¥ear will be Cloted on 30(h * of this month (April). # Wil! be procseoded with as quickly as ‘E:u.w. Persons desirous of sh in hz:: PI obtain Forms of a; and all an at the Head Ofce, or at any of the Aw in the various places throughout the Dom &A G RAMSAY, Good stabling and an Attentive Hostler. UK METROPOLITAN, â€" s @ AUMOND‘S BLOCK, Rideau Streeat (tMawa, 20 P. O‘MEKARKA, Proramro®. ntin Oitaw Ago . H 1CKWICK HOUSKE, Mofllu. UNIVERSITY, _ MONTREAL. R amobiue 8ESSION 1870â€"71. PACULTY â€" OP _ LAW : wm Classes will reâ€"open on Tuesday, 4th Oct» °_ FACULTY OF MEDICINE : The Soncion will be opened on Tuesday, 4&th October . PACULTY OF ARTS: The Bession of this lu-lx will commente on WIDMAWM Ath, at which time here wiil be for competition the following SIXTEEN"8S8CHOLARSHIPS ANXD EXHIBI. vPrIONX vis :â€"T en lonm louunhs' ips and Exhibiâ€"« tions, ot the nluo("l.uud;‘l'n Tuowsor Exbibitions, value $1%5 ; the Cuartts Aurxi®pt® Schoisrehip, valse $120; the Jorvâ€" zawors‘ Scholarship, value $100 to $120; the Ajoicls andb Salcons. zawors‘ Scholarship, value $100 to $120; the Jmlnn-l;:n‘&c_n.nluuu;u‘hm Bebolarehip, value $100 Cdlo'fcyomllhhu students and candidates entering. A Scholarship is tenable for two yoars. Uoples of the Calendar containing all necessary information as to the examinations, conditions of sourpetition, courses of study, &o, may be obtained on application to. thi udn t DIYIs IONKX UOF P ROF ITS in Huil, ons the Miver Ottawn, < Falls, with two houses, and go shrubberies and plantations i rilp le uy to Polr Aparty ar Â¥1 w & the best l&.-..-lll ’l"'uz on Price, Â¥ra.0bo. * Tereks id EDW ARD HAYOOC AÂ¥OOVCHK, Eion, OUHawe. REAT BARGAINS| GREAT BARGAINS ROOX PAPERS! LAw. “.?'."‘3...""" M e uomm of mie propenty w of six acres in Huil, ons the MWiver Ottawa, o"uh.-:m Falls, with two houses, and good ‘u‘. nd, shrubberies and plactations. Price, &0, 8:::: l:.u uui?’.';:n.y‘:(‘ p‘::u-);.“t"ln.u hh.l&.- MIHl Site on the River (Atows, hfi-‘mm of storage on Brewery Iniot. Price,; 10',000. 'l‘suoâ€"hd?-y on the ru. EDWARD HAYOOCK. Avply to R:H AVOOCHK, biy, Otarves. _ $}Z} â€" 1871 in PRCIAL KOTICEK. AVERLY HOURE, Of there 4 will beâ€"efiered in each of the four glenical Carbs. 1141 lawt4J _ Eecretary MoGill University. it* LOOMX PAPERS *Ws Xliscellancous. M HAaÂ¥rcooK. 1328 1m 67 Bpecially devoted to the =Sommxor or Max," his ?pmuuu. by all the: means indicated by PuzecxoLogorâ€"1be Brain.and its Functions ; the Loontion ans Natural L«â€"nguage of the Organs, with directions for oultivating and restraining them ; and the relations supsistivng between Mind uand nwody gescribed. _ . _ _ = Persiooxour, with all the ©Signs of Chasacter and How to Read them," is a special feature. Ertuxorcor, orthe Natural History of Manâ€" Customs, Religions and Modes of Life in different Tribes and Nations, will be given,. ~ _ l\fll 50th VOLUME : N‘EW SERIES!! NEW FORM ! : _ THE PICTORIAL R PHRENOLOGICAL : JOURNAL, &A FIRSTâ€"CLASS FAMILY MAGAZINE, * Portraits, Bhetches, and i Heile is is the leading Men and Women of the World in departâ€" ments of life are special features. â€" _ _ _ Paxexts axo Teracuersâ€"As a fln(dc in educating and training Children, this Magazine has nc superior, as it Bobuont all the peculiarities of Character and Disposition, and renders govern ment and classification not onoly possible but easy . Muckt general and usetul information on the leading topics ot the day is given, and no efforts are spared to make this the most interesting and nstructive, as well as the Best Pictorial Family Magazsine, ever published. _ _ C kKstiri1exzoâ€"The Journal has reached its b0th VOLUME, and with January Number, 1870, a NEW BERIKES 1s commenced. The form has been changed from a quarto to the more conveniâ€" ent octavo, and many improvements have been made. It has steadily increased in favor during the many years it has been published, and was pever more popular than at present. Turusâ€"Monthly, at $3 a year, in â€"advance. Bingle numbers, 30 cents. Clubs of ten or more, $2 each, and an extra copy to agent. . _ We are offering the most liberal premiums. Inclose 15 cents for a‘sample number, with new Pictorial Poster and Prospectus, and a complete list of premiums. and other Rifles, Also Cartridges for Ballard the Epencer, and American Henry Repesting The * EKLEY BOXER®" are the cheapest carâ€" tridges known, carrying their own ignition, and being made wholly of metal, are waterproof and im per lngloblo in any climate. above outfllp cases (empty) of all sizes, and for the different xlu-a ot Breachâ€"loading Rifles, can be had with or without the suitable Bullets and Machines for finisbing the Cartridges BOXER CARTRIDGES of +450 bore tor Revol ving Pistols, usedin her Majesty‘s Navy. COPPER RIM FIRE CAKTRILGES of all sizes, for Bmith & WeZson‘s, Tranter‘s, and other Pookst Revolvers. PLN CAKTRIDGES for Lefaucheux Revolvers of 13â€"m., yâ€"m. and 7â€"m. bore.. KS lvike CEETHRAL FiRE .and PIN FIRE CARTâ€" RIDGES for allsizes andsyscems of Guns Rifies, and Revolvers. DYouble W sterproof and E. B. Caps, Patent Wire ommm Waddings for Breech and Mussle and every description of Sporting and Militar Ammunition. ELEY BROTHERS, GRaYl‘s 18 ROAD, LONDON. TO BULILLE : The Corps * M vooUkt n :|negaba 0 8| and o.azu â€"| forms of Tend a | Cannt®y â€" Clerk. entes on the great Shoshonees Remedy and Pilis on mhcbua‘udlmm. 9 hlfl_dtbol.o.“yulsrgoplnu.fl. 137 The following remarks on testimonials of mos wondertul and extraordinary cures in Canade by Inp akexr Inotek Rkakemes _ _ C "__..._ They are stern undeniable facts, sufcient to convince the most sceptical that the groat a ediâ€" cinal compound, yearned after for ages, if DOW accessible in the groat SHOSHCONEES REMEDY. \ 'Whu 'utzmwuudl:uuw‘: «u«rmcvflm. .o(-imm-.o'-:.o‘ o.wll-.orm of Ambrose Wood, of Conseâ€" N08 , ‘mphulu'wo.-’lw.w that of Johr * of Napanee, of Rhoumatism, who had actually been on crutehes for years, but has now recovered the use of his limbs. Handbook, containing unquestronsable certif~ sefuiness.â€"/Dr. W, Tareo, Chronic Bronchitis. â€"Dublin Journal Medical Sciâ€" enee. . « The smoke causes no nauses. Wlumm kind, I have never known an instance in ) EU CE MA ctrrt 90â€" M ncmert : Abmomidicr ts PUI“O WOTICE Is hereby given, that the Lower Otaws Crown Timber Agency, formerly under the charge of C E BELLE, E1q., hus been abolished, and that the . territory comprising said Agency is attached to the Upper Oitawa Crown Timber Agency, under the charge of A J RUSSELL, Es Crown‘limber Agent at Ottawa, by whom permi{® for shipment and clearances for Quebes will be LEY!S AMMUNITIUON. ~_ The Corporation of the County of Carleton mw‘ to receive Tenders for the erection of a RT HOUSE BUILDING and OFFLCES on or u:‘nbog d&d‘ Court nan.‘;.nny destroy s Drawiags, Bpecifications and o.fiz-l of contract can be seen, and vitgdiciiiizent i ty In Tins, 2s 64, m 108. li“l.t« Inhalation, Boxes, 2s 64, be and 108. BAVORY & MOORE, } 143, New Bondâ€"st., London. Asrxrsâ€"Mes:rs. F. Cundil! & Co., Montreal. HOSHONKES REMEDY. sTOP AND SEE! forms of Tender obtained at the ofice of the om“cun. WILLIAK COWaXN, l«‘.. N street, Ottawas, between the bouse or 10 & -..‘2.-..-.““ THUKBDAY, the 3rd day of May next. #Healed Tenders in accordance with the ferm m:ubbohnvmdumm-mmuk 12 o‘clock noon on TUESDAY, the l14th day of June next, addressed to IRA MOKRGAN, Eeq., Warden, County of Carleton, and -P”l*htm%." se The contractor will have to fnd sureties to enter into a joint and sevoral bond in a sum to be agreed upon by the Corporation, for the dus performance of the contract, The wuzflbifi&fllflvfl 10 roâ€" sept the lowest or any Tender. PA _ _ Wili give instructions in Music and Â¥Faney W ork, either at the pupile residence ; of mumm«,m«w.-m.u L Stoambs . 18849 im TUE BOXER CAF.TRIDGES for Sniderâ€"Enfieid of +577 bore, and for the Ilnr‘.:ul Martiniâ€" Henty Rifies of â€"450 bore, adoptâ€" ed by Her Majesty‘s War Deâ€" also of 500 for Miliâ€" m Rifles. WATERPROOF CEXNTRALâ€" FIRE METALLIC CARTRIDâ€" GKS, with enlar base for asmall bores, ad by foreign governments or converted 8 RICHARDS, 1359 3 Commissfoner of Crown Lands. erpments 10 r converied Shassepot, Berdan, Remington, 4 YOUKG LADY BUILDERS ANv CONTRACTORS, <, Ap 1 29, 1870. Deraztuext or Czows Liaxbs, Toronto, April 20th, 1870. WHOLE®ALE ONLY. DATURA TATUL A, l Affords Immediate Reliet. | â€" a A nemedy of gbout power mad 8 R WELLS, Publisher, OR ASTHMAâ€" 349 Broadway, New York mod Chronic Bronchitis * _ . _ JRA MORGAN, W arden County of Carieton. 1346 a A,fis Hair ; For restori w its il_a(umomi:;::'j Toh 1. A 4 / ness often, ;‘. by its use. . Nothi :m hair where the foll .‘ or the glaads mhi 4 * But such as in ~=| uscluluess by this applicat, & of fouling the ha; with 4 I ment, it will it d‘d” Its occasional will M‘ from turning or M!:' consequently / N from those 4 Bulbigy make some "Gers » » s 4 E" w - | 4s n mjurious to t a M for a21* stooks Tac only henefit bu%;hz.t: 'dll.;:fw : mergly for a ,-a”'.:zr ":' HAIR p PSX r CKLl ki esE poas: > Rmsm P_O‘ PIIEBKI and nothing clse can by Containing teitke d“-.h not #oil white camboric, :: long on the "‘"N it a 1g lustre and a grateful perfume Practicat Ayer‘s Cherry Forâ€"Liver Complaints, armnk ::n l.lnur‘.‘lt is an cw rewe ver healthy x For Bfliou: Disorders n:ln{lvwl‘ an excellent remedy, producing markable cures, -ta:r other medicl |'rrx:n4 w In. J. C. Aver & and Ansiytical Chemirts, Lowell, J all round the workd. â€" Unacclimated fltns eithet travelling through miaematic loc# teoted by taking the AGUE CV and the patient restorel to sound hesly Cherry ‘Pectoral. to wages v iy over the disorders of the Langs ant 1 i. the most omdâ€"‘zu % ing else could reach uie " ArngnT had Pb hipw. : :'d"l rebow. Asthint " Tsc ons is qmentr entiieme ie rone Czrry PM? 4 *# generally are its virtme not publish the certificates than assure the public that is Ayetr‘s Â¥*Â¥% %.~ + and hfi‘% As its name implies, it does Oun fail. (mwm:&:*m LZinc, nor any mineral or poiss whatever, it in m,â€"- numberumm ie cares tricts, are urlnq‘ without x patatie) in history A V\ cases, and where other remedies tad Prepared by Dr. 1. C.hur‘;éâ€"“" C “1 V joe Presidentâ€"Lerks Ot her Direstors=C 1 Mai colim Cameron, YÂ¥ ep ~ 4 Frnis, top , A T Fulton, nthr. Eeq. Bankerâ€"The Ca ondias ut «0 :!nu for Otta waâ€"Meun 14 NOCK. 3 ‘The rates of the PROVINOAL COMPANY are as jow as is ye® sbe@n to be profitable. _ ______ For Diseases of the _ ‘The test of the value of lagl pot when the premiums & losses are being settied, ‘4 ptness of it #AMAMAT f::tueo C:-p-yb“':;]‘ imsortant Tows directly 10087 M O88 1: has no u;.:':{--fi It respecttulty solicites sh8 of the insuring publtic dOSSE , 4 rgae proruas sn 89" Ko. s,nlll" DUKE â€" sTREEL PRICE $4 Ottawa, August 7, 1869, Pt 1J es ana brod of 19# Old Rye and PT Those not hev) reques‘ed to oall eere OF CHARGE wil ° NEmmReeee e dtt _ 4 4 A0000. K ' ” “‘ ‘h.ln”“- 1 .A. l meody aamnl CHURCKH nRovIECIAL IX8URAN® of Canada, Hoad Ofber, To# COMMISSION PRJ B A 8 K E R VIMM®* W holesale and pod u* LOWELL, Xtg e1tâ€"Tie Hon Jdn and use £, $100 PER August T, 1879. o Sh cnemar AwaP of its setlemet & seo Choms 1# M y18G tor * * 3f 4 gex:y*® x RIDEAU S qrTtawA YOUL a or“;"lu‘u‘. nearly OPP° 10" C pegâ€"\ :( < > Lo ! \m n % BASTON 4 5:....,...,.--«] _ DIBECTORS 1LD0IGS AÂ¥*8, PABCS ETREET, orx, £_CEL Uont. HERK Comn, Floar, Oat! doftaw A, par 4®"*" "'L"' ‘.AACO L * Suer 6T “‘.uudq B8SIONX ME Â¥VORW A RDFE *-fl“ , HeaÂ¥rXy " spo yE BV ¢t, Upp ""1 y.p0» 128 Â¥ BELOY or bar alns es in w#ill #nd all grades san; D C A THOX all gradl gAVE) TW EN may be at extr it Beot Lr08; bottle RYE, KEY . Ead of Indy k&es OV wit Th

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