ï¬ï¬‚’d «* ai8 J U aA 4 Vid a} d PP :.fl U Â¥y { id# 9 Tw At #¢ U W a / > > k a U 4A a4 a ds Mt" & o t4 ter composecl of *" _ Yea, under any cr cummstances th> question is a natural one, anmdi fortunately for the correspondent‘s enquiring mind it is casily answered. The " mlvance guard of the grand Fenian army‘" was composed . principally of the scum of New York and other large cities of the United Ntates, of â€"men, some of whom had seen service in the iate war, but who, fighting in a bad cause, were no match for Canadian Volunteers fighting in defence of their native lamd, A rumour was current a few days aince to the éffect that Mr. Hugh Allan, of Montr al, was to be knighted at the same time with H. K. HM. Prince Arthur, We are not prepared to say by whom the story was atarted, but wo certaimmly never believâ€" «d it, for we are not aware of any grounds whkhoxhlhwm man would be likely to* e so high a mark of Her Majesty‘s favour. (Mr. Allan has never been distinguished as a public man, except, indeed, on one occasion in connectionâ€"with a certain wellâ€" known poliâ€" tician of Ontario. Many of our‘ readers will . recollect the singulit _ manner lelay madlay last, and madidates for arliaments are ad pr The Ottawra Ciumes. extremity of Nainy lake is so on by Rainy River to t »ngle â€"of the Lake of 151 miles from Loks Superio from Fort Garry. Up to t Dawson‘s route wl be foll any â€" slev.ation. _ From he tinery the course wibpted mnnmamn â€" eironmatances. which T he The Montreal muke it. â€" lt is tnme that a Lmek was cut| We referred on Muturday toâ€" the faot ‘hrough there some twolve years ago, over | that the iwentyâ€"seventh section of the which the mail was for some time carried | Manitoba Act provided that*=the Custom‘s on _ horsebuck, . but _ that does . not | dutic« now by law, chargeable in Rupert‘s imply _ that it is _ now, _ or _ ever | Land, shall be continued with increase for was‘lit for a militiry expedition without | the period of three years after the passing further labour .being expended upon it. | of the Act." We find that this should read Whether such labout will ‘be expended in | «without increase &¢," and so it appears in the lirst instaunce or only after the expediâ€" | the original Act, the error occurring in the tion reaches Fort Gurry it is not. perhaps | pamphlets which were prepared to be sent desirable to say, and we are quite willing )out to Manitoba by Father Richot Of to leave it in the hands of the authorities | course tus ommisâ€"ion of the last syllable of the expedition, both military and eivil, j makes a serious difference; in fact des. who will no doubt act then as now, in perâ€" | troys the wholo sense of the section. think that they could drix ance gward of the grand Fe Yeino t now appears certain that the Grand ink Railway worksnops will be eregted Stratford. Mr. Brydges had intended have them at Toronto, but the Corporâ€" m of that city throw difficulties in the v. and Mr. Brydges whoâ€"always acts with mptitute and decision, deciled at once m establishing them at Stratford. A num» : of towns upon the line offered land â€"mpt from all taxation, and in some inâ€" nces, bonuses of money, in the event of ks being built at those points. ‘The tmactors will commence the foundations the new buildings at Stratford at once. PHE ROUTE OF THE RED RIVER EXPEDITION, n n Â¥ 1. hn A. Macdonald was able to «it up hort time vesterday, and is# much «t t Nee i 38, Aparks Atreet. Honble. Mr. Archibald arrived in : on Nuturday evening, and is stayâ€" the Russell House. We presume â€"will be gazetted to the Lieutenant onship of Manitoba in a fow days, w. «d to the new Province without MONXDAY, JUNE 13, 1870 morrow unt of the moeting at Fitzroy on , and a letter in reference to the for the Dominion anmd Local cROWDED oOtUT AlL m here men RTIsEMLkNTS rrespondent of the New in, the principal Fenian city, samys : * When n who composel the here, and one has the of ~milita@wy know edge, rowded out Wh it W r€ «* but w in army the lat aok the The Rétion Which inD0 _ ... Jean Buptiste Society _ of this _ city has taken, with a view of contributing to the relief of the sufterers by the late lires at Quebec and in the Nugnuenay counâ€" try, is in the highest degree creditable. 1t is the intention of the Society to devote the whole of the funds arising from the ¢elebration of their natuional holiday to this tharitable purpose, and we are glad to see rnbn-pbwurh they have set is ing followed by the St. Jein Baptiste Rocieties of Montreal, Quebec, amd other towns in the Province of Quebec. There will be a grand concert at the Rink Music Hall on the evening of the 24th inst., under the auspices of the Society, in which the lewling vocal and instrumental amateurs of the city will take part. rfl accord in view of all the North west angle of the Lake of the Woods hias Leon reached. | We have showp, however thit for 331 mun out of the 441 aile«s whis ke up the entise distance between Thgnoder Bay and Fort Garry, it is General W ‘a imâ€" tention to follow the lino markpd out on Mr. Dawson‘s chart. 1t is, therefore, wihary |estly unfair and incorreet to + } that his route has been abandoned. _ The United States House of nta tives has at length passed the FardÂ¥ Bill, The great object of American iere appears to be to tax as many di Arâ€" tivles as possible, and to render the mode The Concert will be given at the KRink, inâ€" stead of at the French Canuwh n Institute, 12 heretofore, in order that a large audience of both French and English may have an dpportunity of enjoying a rare musicil treat, and, at the same time, contnbuting to a most worthy object. The members of the Society of St.Jean Baptiste evicdently umder stand the object for which national Soc oties are established, and the duties which they have to perform. _ A French Canadian has as much right to perpetuate the memories and traditions of his nationality, as an Enyâ€" liahman, a Scotchman, or an Iriwhmn ; he will be none the less true to Canada, none the less loyal a subject of Queen Vic wria, for doing so. But thus to keep alive the old associations of name and race is not by any means the Urst duty of our national societies in Canada. The principal dbject for which they are established is to minister to the wants of gen aml women of their own race, who, as in the present instance, are suffering privation and dis+ tress.. The Society, it is wrue, is only doing its duty, but it is doing it well and ener getically, and we sincerely trust that its efforts will be crownmed with success We are requested to remind those who are to take part in the concert, that there will be a practice this evening at the French Canâ€" wlian Institute, at which it is hoped that there will be a full attendance. The amount of the subscriptions already raised by the Society is $300, and the work is dnly begun. of collection as : expenaive to the Govern: ment and as burthensome to manutuctu rers and the public genmerally, as it well vamn be. _ There is to be a considerable reâ€" duction in the Customs‘ duties levied, however, and a large addition to the free list, which will include anthracite coal, neids, dycs and other chemicals, forvign books and ‘old books not for sale, burr stones, chauk, coniwood, dinmomd dust MMM; eggs ; Spanish glase; Hbres; fresh fish ; flint ; twhion plates ; furs (undressed); broken glas« ; gume ; life boats and life saving apparatus; works of art produced by Amwricon artints abroad, or intended for public use ; and m‘ of nautural history for the wame purpose ; ahrimps and shell fish.of all kinds. The duty on coal of all kinds will wo beliove, be done away with altoâ€" gether In the course of a recent speech made in reply to an address presented to Mr. R. G. Haliburton, of Halitax, that gentle man referred to the present condition of teeling in the British West Ilndia Islands, which he has lately visited, and expressed the opinion that not only a very groat #eld is open to the manutactures and proâ€" ducts of the Dominion in that part of the world, but that a political union with Canâ€" ada is warmly dn.t:.a.-:-o of the most influential and persons in those islands, _ We have no doubt that during Mr. Waliburton‘s visit he had abun dant opportanities for becoming thoroughâ€" ly acquainted with the real state of publc feeling there, nor would he pmake omdl&lflwhh. thoroughly satisfied as to its correctness. The idea is not altogether a new one, al though we do not recollect to have peard before fromian authoritative source any thing as to the views of the West India peope on the subject. If we mustake not the Hon. Joseph Howse some years since mentioned the practicability of such a scheme; advising in fact that the various groups of British colonies in different com tinents should be confederated under central governments subordinate to the British Crown, and be united together for mutual self defence and purpeses of traudp. Nince the visit of our trade comâ€" minsioners to the West Incdies and South Qwmerica,‘ much has been done in the way of establishing a trado with the people of those countries. Still very much more might be dune, for Canada possesses in abundance the very commoditiee which they most urgently require, whils many necessary arti¢les which we cannot obtain ol ewhere so advantageously, are produced in the West Indies. A political union with those islunds may come some day, meanwhile all that is possible shoubl be dene to encourage intimate trmle relations. CANADA AND THE WEST INDIES NtE UPXITED sSTATES TARIFE JEAK BAPTINTE 1®1ET\ FHME MANITOBA ACT omm tm« which «l ie mm css oly the . Jean of .this . city has w â€" of â€" contributing hie been recognized not only by hbhis por songl and political triends, but by tho«e who have always Leen bis politnec.l oppo We regret that a Lrother gcior shoukd have taken the opportunity of try ing to detract from the reputation which (‘ol#nlc\aurluh-hdym-dcm concluule that some feeling of persoâ€" nal apite must have induced this uncalled blum. Members of the Canadian press should rejoice at the fact that one of mP number, when suddenly called upon ::w the pen for the sword, did his I , and did it well. Surely, on an occaâ€" mwon whon the wellare of our common counâ€" We notice that the Cornw:Jdl1 Freâ€"Aolle, of Enday last, indulges in some vey i natured and utterly unsalled for remarks {amummmx |Livut. Colonel Robertson Ros is the 24 m_fllhoh“ fl’...'-l?l ‘I«m‘: Nrot: ge, by Mary, k ho elmonivaig, Count i;-n-; he succeeded his â€"un-{ the late Liout.General Hugh Row«, Glenmowlart, and in complianse with deed of entail, received the royal liâ€" to take, use and boear the surname -.llhd?du“ T of “l‘l‘-:‘ 44 & k " abo to boar arms of Rous for amwd heirs of entail,. _ 1Lt.LColonel Ross entered the army in 1848, s«ervul with distinction at |bol::£: uoawtbl“'ndl 1, was «x times in og. and twice -rhh s es, and promoted for searvices there ; he modlhvmlh whole of the in the C during the Rus man war in 1854â€"55.56, and was present at be done 1« ::lh‘» work thy private mon whon the wellare of our common counâ€" try is comâ€"erned, we may put all narrowâ€" muwh«! politiccd and personal jealousics ssule for a while, amd unite in sho«ing some mark of respect and esteem for a man whofhas display«d cournge and patriotism, whether his political views my exactly agrea with our ownh or not. 1® The thiwa Time states with reference to the intercolonisl contracts *‘ There U wore soveral tenders which would have @been accepted, but they were found to U be so low, considerably lower indeed than @# the Eng neers«® suinimum estimate, that & «d in the orders amnd despatches of Mlumidl:.h-.fl promoted tor his services in that war. He has re (oonar t ioi t in eparniiian & » nud the Order of the ,lcm-m} battles of Alms and Inkerminn and ego of Ywhastopol. He was twice thank j u-.:r:-uuh-uum-u Hl:hlblltbd . U.A‘vl. Robinson ‘ gramiftauther was in the male line: from the an 1 Neottsh faumily of Ross, aml his was a mieco of Cameron of the fumous chef amd adherent of Charles Edward Stewart, who led in claun in 174% _A party of Ameriwcan tournts who lately W from Boston to Han Francisco, took with them a bottle of water out of Boston Harbour, which, with much cereâ€" mony and spread eagleism, they emptieâ€"d Into Sun Francisco Bay, thus effecting as they amid : f erlin @ A literal blemding of the water of the mmv““hu:&u -llllh‘nohnhnmnï¬ Â«yoaâ€" hbolizing a unity of the people of America in tige of interest and brotherhood, which «hall continue until the lastâ€"ware of tme whall broak upon the sternal «bore ! ! ! * ME ADJUTANT GENXERAL OF TLE h CANADIAX ARu@uYÂ¥. “‘l‘b.â€"-:ymc-h- ? bir Eflm:ï¬m‘?z--‘lo : mm-t The means "'..:..u"""‘m.s.""““‘w'l t:cl‘ «mall paper is admitted to b« of great genoral convrenionce." 1@ [ ‘l?hopn:i-d‘::.o dtbdn‘r-dh- fl“:â€"â€" t K B one abould that the epi+ cachhl--:&nlh-nb amwml real infullible chauir of blessod , or that it has not been divinecly heen by God as the most solil, inclefectâ€" [hh.lmn-t of the whole ‘hrustian Church, let him be anathema. _ IL, Wany one should mmn Xinte in the world another chair the truth of the Gospel of Christ our distines and from the cha«r MM.HEN-&-\. IIL, If any one shoulkl deny that the ine magisterium of the chair of bless= dA tar is necessary to the true way of eter Wfl.~'.h.|hrby- bhq-.w or Ot uh-h.uh-n. in the word of fhith superior toa the Ponti or equal to him, or neces by divine institution in order that the P of the Roman Bishop should \bo preserved infallible, lot him be anathâ€" C K a«bould that L“ï¬â€˜:’uuua?, ud A the Church as a power of feeding the divine _ IV, Wany one should say that sach Pontiff, legitimately eleoted is not y“*l&mdu ter, even lz‘dholthwk' of magisterium, s«hould to any one of them the prerogative of Lor hnh:rthch-bthnddfldm From all corruption and error, let him be hey we;e ¥€ »# FUE ANTERCOALANIAL RAILWAY CUSTRACT®. The London Prototbypose saye > AN UNJUSTIFIABLE ATTACK Mugh Mayn Cansas of the lafalWibility Dogina. ie E134 ce behaviour at urs which h mbhon and with ce : & im commuitite : t lt tw t P y Engineers® report the work d i3 t al 6 % W Th DC th 19 Â¥ set ANBOGt " IG K4T 3 MmOn t3 th PÂ¥ © Â¥ The ocean barque TAermutis from, Liverâ€" pool direct, with a mixed cargo par Kingâ€" ston amd Toronto, arrivel at the former place at Friday. A gentleman who has just arrivel from Fort Garry informs us that liel has «pread the report that the expalition has bween abandoned, amd, that Canada hbas no intention of nndh.ax.fmto the Terâ€" ritory. In order that people may not discover that hbe is lying, he opens every :::l:;.thmt it enters }m(::rry. destroys every newspaper tter mmmhm to the exâ€" The ladies of Montreal are coming out a be Militaire with linen sunshades on the back of their bonnets. of the township, with $40. Considerable excitement prevails. * * Rev. Wm. Mclareon, of Bellievillie, has accepted a call to Knox‘s Church, Ottawa. A Hine sheep belonging to Mr. James tioklen, of Farmington, Amaranth, sudâ€" Thoma«s Rhall, of the townsh‘p of Asâ€" phodle!, was killed by lightning afow days ago. Among the papers found in his posâ€" session, it is sail, was a Fenian subscrip thm list, beaded by Timothy Cochlin, Reeve wwn goauin, which, with 1 gx»l «hower of râ€"in, will yfl.'dod:l;.'m;m the whole, â€I weyo agr. oa‘ & tw« at the va nm'-:.l‘.cv J!hoaupc through mm of country referred to, The hay crop, howe.er, will be short. _f \ It is claimed that Mr. James Adam, of the Victorin Riflte Club, Hamil on, has mule the largest score ever recorded in nifl» practice. (On the Tth inst:;, he scored VJ points in 16 «hots at 1,000 yards, lnnï¬ AnX ve t with a sim g 11 fours and five threes, with 1 I-n:.lï¬-y ride. . f A: bas been published showing the gob! yield in Nova Sootia from the first mt‘noflbmin 18() until the close of 1869. . The total number of minies is 87 ; nillls, 85 ; lnalof%nnl raised, 4,086,680 ; ounces of gold, 176,40; value, £717,800 sterhng. C i o e denly expired on Momday in the feld where it was grazing. Mr. Goklen had the aniâ€" â€"lc’.-l‘:: on examining the throat he foumlia anake coliled up in it in 1t is pmpo-ul:ip-nk:thohu been e uw'&gm Rn' ngou: pany ver Naviâ€" gation to ask the several municipalities slong the River to grant bonuses to the «mount of $3),0»), to add to $30,000 already subscribed, and then at .u'bdmlx‘uvimw put it in a thorough statafief repair. We are glzl to notice that the County Council of Missisquol, have voted a stand of colours for the Oth Missisquoi Battalâ€" ion, and a silver medal to . the officers and men, including the Home Guards, who were actually on services. The presenta; mnilhwwl.htobo made on the 2ith at Hill. General Averill, formerly U. 8. Consul (ieneral to Canada, is a cundidate for Congress from Missouri. auch a manner as to® com the â€"wind Pi&.'.:-h-’“?u'n E': L. R. A + - a "# I, C on the Feniin buttons shall mean bence forth, not Irish Republican Army, but *« | Kan Away." T The nomination for the County of Prince Fdward will take place on the 2nd inst., uwl the election on the 20th. A woman named Plunkett run over by a Grand Trunk train at Toronto on Wednesâ€" day, Verdictâ€"accklental death and no blame attached to any one. GOGREAT BRITAIXKX. The people of Brantford aro in ecstacies h“.:ituh-h-h-dfwun Blad A«sy lfth.:fltoflbm could be restored it be still better. Mr. Dickens mde $2)00) his las -ri-"dh-!o-_mw b’, g * OTTAWA TIMES. JUNE ) 13, 1870. A lhbrary of all the editions of Burns‘ 'uhhp:paduhwulbm near Ayr. u%. Roev. George Gilfillan, is now enâ€" c.dn.“flbofllr\hlw M.:a publishel by Mesars. Oliphant & Co. _ A comcession has been grante1d by Spain for laying a telegraphic cable between -a.olp_ht;tho English coast and the _ The HBritish Government promises to take strong messures agauinst betting at Two locomotives have been built at Rristol for the Toronto, Grey and Bruce The new telegraphic cable from Falâ€" mouth to Maita has heen successfully laid o Lubat . . The income tax in England produced u. -.n.an-mn-m:lmms though the rate was a little over two per mti_ An income tax of five per cunt in nited States produces considerably lo«s than this. A French translation of Moore‘s * Irish m*umww:{mw J msmlin, of the Imperial Court of Paria. mmd.uuut:nu wo groat that three special trains emâ€" mn«.odqunylh fish from ~ w w&owâ€"rku; | olun(l'o-nuï¬rdll?h m -uwm.-lh have been considâ€" r;uy' within ':l:oflm ï¬;\d.ht consigrnents recol rom t » wluking tm in Kuptand, C Mr. Merseli will make, before the sale of the cheaper editions of "Lothair" is exâ€" e on se ie ie S aden Derromondert of Shatidid "Tuls Mrs, John W.:.od. ihob‘::man actress, acknowle«iges the roc: an anonymous :'ndu.u.mu.. amounting value to. £700. being tahen 4o gak for" faving asteried t# t that "«mokers are generally tipplers, and unpervious to the truths of religon." m%'o "Woman in White," and m“::lhl and" hh':iu blished aro as serials in :lh wporln Floâ€" t@ncé. The deith is announced of Colonel Geo. Macdonell, C. B. This officer, who was a exuilet of the house of Macdonel! of Glenâ€" garry, was the son of an officer who served Ntuart at the of Culloden, where he was severely wounded. His son, the Coâ€" l:.ol,-:“::-d,v-hunh.ï¬mor early following year, was nominated a Co.pn‘u-‘o‘ the Bath in I817, He saw active service in North with the 70th Foot, and preceived the medal for the action at * The Belloville Intelligencer says : & trip to Peterborough via Grand Trunk d Port Hope Ra Iways, awd a short arive o the country, prove that the crops mg the route are looking remuk Ay Al, if we except some full and very Lite i# of ( S U M M A RY. noMINX 10 N d to $30 {,'(;;l Sir Richard Graves McDonnell, late Gov . Wâ€™ï¬ ernor of Hong Kong, and Jady MacDon : Slark munk k ...: | nell have arrived at New York. very late shower of This is doubtless|a relic of the baitle of Culloden, * |â€" It is estima e4 by the Registrar General of England in higlatest Quarterly Report that the populatiqn of the British Isles was as follows on the J1st March, 1870. | Great Britain and Ireland . . . 30,838,210 Enfhn«l ahd Wales. .... .. . .. 22,090,163 uelumt ......:. .L. . x â€"*> 4. 2,0208, 210 Neotland. .. :. ;|[>..:...‘0...;.%. /. €,°@0001 ~â€" The effect: caused by the commercial eonvulsions of 1866 are passing away. The number of marriages, the most inf.llible index of national pmporit{, is increasing. The number of marriages «o om-iaedduri:j 'tho last quarter reported on, exce those eflected in the corresponding quarâ€" lur of last year by 1322 as it does the ‘utter ignorance of the writer on the lu:g;ct which he is treating. He begins with the nonsensical assertion that the time of the mile heats won by Metaiâ€" ric on Naturday is much better than that maule in the Derby, as Metairio®s time for the first two heats wos 1:47 and 1:48}, whereas the Derby was run in 245, or at the rate of 1:50 per mile. So he would I h q?‘:n to be:> he «d of a regimâ€"ntal color«‘ standard, irs found aout a fortâ€" night 1g0 on the farm of Assich, on the banks of the Riger Nairn, ncar Contray, and only a few miles from the field of Culâ€" lowlen. It was alput seven inches below the surface of tlhe ground, imib.dded in turf, but in excelent preservation. _ The relic is ab ut ning inches in length, urenr- head shaped, amil myule of bronze gilded. This is doubtle«sla relic of the baitle of A lewling srti:::d in‘ th;}: .Y.'E:r:‘fd, comâ€" ing the}time e in England Ameri "'T'!:' horseâ€"racing. is very amusing, exposing winthe hk wl san 'hfh‘tion." % The Inverness} Conrier says that what h:'ofly-flvo M-ndh m lb“ieomu for t en-uing ve y n grantâ€" wl in New I::: s j 5 James Smith, «"Champion walker of America," has challe Weston to walk 100) mites for $1000 him five miles start. * The weapons found on the field of a reâ€" ecent Chinese riot in San Francisco were 4 cleavers, 13 iron bars, 2 hatchets, 1 knife and 1 chisel. * Next year completes a thousand‘ years since Alfred the Great, founder of the Uniâ€" versity of Oxford, ascended the English throne. The English are proposing to celeâ€" brate the occasion. Une thousand married couples were «dliâ€" vorced in Ohio last year. Npotted Tail and his delegation of Sioux Indians have departed for their homes in the far West. Red Cloud will remain a week or ten days longer, and will hate anâ€" other interxiew with the President. A bookâ€"keeper in St. Louis has abscondâ€" -In‘f:;r forging bills to the amount of #40,000, 2 J, Howard Livingston, recently reported murderad at Oswego, N. Y., is now in Chiâ€" cago, Another little boy, 8 years old, has been rendered insane by the cruelty of a female school teacher in lllinois. § /**" A wiJow in Nebraska, who killed her four children :'fldorw remove impediâ€" ments to a so marriage, has been arâ€" rested and asked to explun the matter, California thieves are o«lled * professors of the accumulatite art." The Sioux and Cheyennes are fraternally killiu‘:uch other to escape being killed by Shoridan‘s method. f hare us infor that the horses which ran on Naturday at Jerome Park are superior to those that rin in the Derby. | But he does not mention two very simple facts which -ntir;lj alter the case. In the ï¬utm the mile and a half over which the y is run is a very severe one, the course beâ€" ing up hill for half a nule at the start, and the finish being also up a severe hill. The second and most important fact is this: In the Derby the borses are all threeâ€"yearâ€"olds amd carry 122 lbs. In the mile heats on Suturday, Matairie, asizâ€"yearâ€"old horse, carried 118 lbs., and Plowman, a fourâ€"year old, 108 lhs. If these two horses were to contend if a weightâ€"forage race with any of the Derby starters, tbo{ would have to carry 140 lbs. end 133 lbs. nminly, agnainst 112 lbs. carried by the yearâ€" In the U. 8. Senate a vote of $100,000 has passed in aid of an expedition to the North Pole. s The Egyptian viceâ€"Royal son and heir enjoys vick Royalty in Paris, living at the rate of 1,000 a year. There dare about zkwo theatres and 18,â€" 0) halls in Europe. Jenny is so embarrassed in her peâ€" cuniary af.irs that she thinks of opening a singing ol in Paris, wmay* CHEAPâ€" PRINT ANKND FANCY DRESS SALE ALL THIS WEEK AT T. ‘HUNTON, SHOOLBRED & Co.‘s. BAR: lGaIXNS ARE TO BE HAD, 47 & 49, ‘ SPARKS ST. 0 ER COUNTRIESâ€" A Ge translation of «Edwin Drood is running in a Hamburg paper, _ _ _ A ce ysician says that it is cake miutvn mchnnrnotcnndy, as in y mppmedg : > _ _‘ _ is the A Ship Canal, which has been in about five lyuu,lndil ex ‘be completed in 1876. _ _ The of Prince d‘Arenburg, in Rt. Pe has been sentenced to 15 years in the mines, and exiled to Siberia for the i of his life. During! the past 183 men, 52 wouun,. &:::hnmw:; killed by ti in Java, 158 persons erocodiles, .5'_3'}.» «analugs, > ~â€" hy sumaiee the inters relics, the nation and the cityuchmm the sum of six hunâ€" dred thousand francs. % It is said that petroleum springs have been tapped in the region lying to the east of the Caspian Sea. 4 The Roman Cirous in Pnrhhwbo‘ru- chased by the Municipal Council, with all A royal edict has just authorized an at: torney, in the Grand Duchy of Hesse, to ware a full beard. * Did I not tell you," said the father of a little girl, not to pick flowers in the ooonrvuozl without leave ?" _« Yes, papa ; but all these had leaves." â€"â€" â€" _ A German writer says a young girl is a liahing rod ; her eyes are a hook, her smile the bait, the lorur'mm and marâ€" riage the batter in which he is fried. _ The & inpomnc' rt work in Holland, and n:*to the Suez Canal in magnitude _ HMooad‘s description of the meeting of the man and the lionâ€"*@when the man ran off with all his might, and the lion with all his mane"‘"â€"attained the acme of whimsiâ€" eal absurdity. A "big Indian" strayed away from his camp and got lost. m" the way back, he was asked, « lost 1" «©No," said he, g:hhmlly. 44 l::hn no l::t,â€" w am #* & i | ' u. e&l. " Indian hong" » Jerrold said one ty he wouldm;kos pun u anything friends would put to hh:nA ï¬iou:h asked u: a.h:t.helzph could pun upon signs zodiac ; to which he promptly replied, " By Geâ€" mini, I Canocer." Lovers‘ Privilege.â€"It is the privilege of the lover to be at one and the same time in two situations. When beside his sweetâ€" heart he is also beside himself. A would â€"be wit asked his old uncle if the tolling of a bell : did not put him in mind of his latter end. * No, sir," he reâ€" plied, «* but the rope puts me in mind of _ An Irish glszier was mung a ‘pane of g‘ «a into a window, . w & who W as oundi:s by began jokingm,mullin‘ h m to m ind and put in plenty of putty. The Irishman bore the banter for some time, but at last silenced his tormentor by © Arrah, now, be off wid ye, or else I‘ll put a pane in yer head without any putty." w must rot UNITED STATES CHiÂ¥ CHAT. Unrelieved by the rancid ent preservation, _ ihe | * ut * incbhes in length, .r,,,.,-.l ++ 4 _ MoxtrEat, Juné 11. mule of bronze gilded. | â€" ®ir John ax{d Lady Young arrived about a relic of the baitle Of | 5.30 last evening. Prince Arthur and a I strar Gerferni 1 dflingunhodr company: met them. The L“::' lt‘::nt:rly Report Vice Regal pirty [»rpoeeded to the Prince‘s n of the British Isles was | residence, where a good dinner was given. Ist March, 1870. _: _ | A royal salute was fired on Champ de 10 r seen. At length ho again appeared td.in‘ Lady Young, whom he placed on‘a seat near the Thronse. He again disapâ€" peared, but presently was seen slowly leading the way up the staircase, followed by an imposing procession marshalled as follows :â€"Master of the Ceremonies ; Offiâ€" cers of the Militia Staff; Officers of the Army and head of Military Departments ; Clergy in full canonicals ; Magistrates ; Corporation in their robes of office ; The Mayor ; Members of the Legislative Counâ€"© cil and House of Commons ; Her Majesty‘s l Judges ; Speaker of the House of Comâ€" mons; members of the Senate and of. the Privy â€" Council; Chief Judges; the Speaker of the Senate; the Bishop of Mohtreal; L‘Administraeur du‘Diocese de Montreal ; the Lieutenantâ€" Governors ; the General Officer commandâ€" ing Her Majesty‘s forces ; the suite of H. R. H. Prince Arthur; Esquires bearing on a velvet cushion the Swords of State and insigna, and Her Majesty‘s warrant ; Officers of Arms, the suite of His Excellency the Governor General. The band played a proud and stately \mnrcb,mdtbo sound of the Arâ€" tillery" mingled therewith as the proâ€" cession divided, f g a double line up "each side of the of the room, and. the brilliantly at military portion formâ€"| ing a semiâ€"circle the platform, spreadâ€" ing on each side of the throne on which now sat down. Whilst this was being done the spectators stood partly ‘out o respect, and partly from curiosity, to gain a better view of the pageantrwhich every moment gre# more imposing, and in'hhj were two Esquires, in .scarlet uniforms, bearing on crimson velvet cushions th Bword of State, Her Majesty‘s Warrant, and the Insignia of the Order with which the! Prince was speedily to be invested. | â€" The < Lachine boat house scheme is quashed for the present. « Menry Johnson, a seaman, was drowned by falling oft|a swinging‘ platform by the side of a ship * 7 4 Ge.!‘.f. | f ‘;':u'ncf.v.lu 4 + eR NT EOEE tuurt:u: 124. .l .li This afternoon the ceremony of investi. | éll:!"l‘th[:yw:rl:x L;‘-ddlr;:i&l :ll;‘ :lfl'n‘l \:‘lth‘ _ j f " e »athos, an« 10 matter ::::ï¬ :l‘).: ::ifl d}i::ig::::heï¬n?;elo::;l:? was referred to a ipm‘ill committee, to reâ€" Michael and 8t. George, by I1is Excellency PC l : s the Governor| General, | took place in St. | A special to the Tzlegraph from St. Paul, Patrick‘s Hall, : The nsgemblage ‘was pro Minn., to. the 10th, says : The Press pubâ€" + ) V * s m > fls k bably the most brilliant ever gathered toâ€" 5\';:;? s “l(billn‘!t‘el.\v:;o lllnl lfl:fl: ic d:;“l ether in ‘Montreal, and includ i reomine ue "yhoik o fenaand . is tghe :;:n ‘?: r:;;}.:ci:l?. ded n::: Sf the Indians are concentrating in the gna 7e CHNY and neIg0N00U* /â€"vicinity| of the: Lake. of the Woodds, hood ;â€" also te chief d:gnlm.rxes of the for the purpose of giving the Canadians Dominion. its decorations the Hall a brush should they penetrate the swamps. was somewhat the same as at the ball _ Ridl is throw ng out a picket line that Intely . given| to ° His Royal| ‘Highness, $Xfents irom{the Lake of the . Moods +0 The platform was covered with rich carâ€" _ Captain Heap, of the United States Enâ€" peting, and at the back, under a crimson â€" gineer Corps, has established the boundary canopy, was & Chaiir of State or ‘Throne. l}i,net 5&6"3 fe;tl',\ortth 0}' th‘;holstht of t i or g. is transfers the Hudson‘s :‘::n :‘r‘:;:' ob:h.n!‘nS .“’T the L@m !:'d Bay Company‘s fort, near Pembina, to the god so as ‘to form three sides pikotah territory. j of an oblong, and behind these, the _ The New Nation of the 29th May pub. spac»e underneath the gallery had ‘been lishes the Mani'toba Bill, and in an edito. provided _ ‘with chairs. | This. ‘oblong Titlon the subject says, <‘the passage of | t with & the Bill has been a qoqnplete (lefegt again space was ;coverel with «& _ Crimson.. to McDougall and his friends. Majorâ€"Gen, carpet, down the centre of which ran a Lindsay, a very distingu:shed British offi band of bright green, which was conâ€" cer, will, in all probability, act as admini Fonued : uy : Tt steps : s â€" the‘ : poos. |Sthterol Bhe oprpnnnert here uit Ad , * o â€"â€"D form, and (across the platform. The nhg'oJudge Black. The delegates are exI gallery, at the other end of the hall, pected home from Ottiwa by next boat was filled with those who could not find | from Georgetown. | accommodation in the body of the room. | U°l°“:tl.,o (‘on;manldmt ("l’ & hï¬ The company, all of whom were admitted -::oopspom:tnexe;ising";n tl(;:‘ :.m?h ):aq', by ticket, began to arrive at two o‘clock.: | near Fort Garry.. ‘The course was made The ladies individually filled up the seats out halt a mile long, with targets erected in each side of the oblong spice, and a | 30 Yards apart, and at these the cavairy portion of [the seats fucing the | fired, discharging their pieces while ridi is ' o 4 their horses at the gallop. _ The firing w platform. â€" The _ remaining â€" ssats were‘â€"yery satisfactory, and the New Nation hin occupied _ by _ gentlemen, amongst , these would be splendid troops for guerilia whom was a fair sprinkling of volunteer "S‘â€' R | Â¥ r, uniforms. The gallery too was nearly filled. | puseryed us a genoral holiday. â€"The shote Altogether the sight was one of the gayâ€" | were closed,â€"und the day spent in races est and most beautiful that could ;nndother amusements, and in the evening well be imag‘ned. At a little before & $Uccessful concert came off, . 2 + t o‘cldck) ts sound: of | the 4h.!\.ottbmtgiunldmthepapen of Riel or a o is intentions. l‘f‘d of * the © ~[P. * 0. Rifle ' The last detachment of Red River Brigade told those within~ the hallâ€"/ troops, 100 in number, under Colonel that the Prince was approaching, and the lg:elden. arrived at Collingwood yesterâ€" next moment a cheer from the crowd out. | "*%; usls i _ The Chicora left yesterday afternoon sile was heard, which followed by the bearing on board about 80 tons, principally notes of the National Anthém, gave token | Hudson ~Bay Company‘s stores, amr 50 that he had entered the building. He had ar. | voyageurs under Mr. Monkman. . rived along with his suite, by Capt. | w®® â€""‘u.‘."’"'.c. en tonanl Muir‘s troop of Cavalry and received by ‘ omemegge en t3 a guard of honor f ‘by the Ist batt. | Qurszec, June 11. of the Rifle a:,;m, and . Victorias. | _ The two vessels already reported ashore ‘All were now on the tip.tde of expecta. | below have been got off. tion. The Master of the monies, who | A party, of soldiers demolished a den of had been fiying about in his antique guise iniquity last night in the neighborhood of and with his sword by his side, was no lonâ€" the Plains of Abraham. They have since The steamTr Beaver has been seized fo dues to the Rublic Works Board, for. as sistance in raising her at St. Ann‘s lock. Salvage of |Wellington street fire to be sold this nio:ning by @Auctiony 6 M Investiture of H. R. H. Prince Arthor with the Order of 8t, Michael and $1. The Prince and his suite were amongst the last to enter, and he took up his posiâ€" tion at the foot of, and between the double line of dignitaries already mentioned. He was dresseod in the uniform of his regiment, and with the two well known officers of his suite on each side, and a little in the rear. He stood whilst cannon were stuill being fired, awaiting the opening of the ceremony, s One hundred and fifty men of the Royal Canadian Rifles with their wives and chilâ€" dren went down by the Quebec boat on Thursday night en route to Great Briâ€" H. R. H. Prince Arthur will hold a for mal reception at Rosemount this â€" evening. A splendid game of Lacrosse was played this morning between the first twelve of the * Dcminion‘‘ and second twelve of the " Montreal." It was a protracted struggle throughout m# ended in favor of the ©Dominion," after a contest.of one m@*â€"CHEAP PRINT AND FANCY pHESS SALE ALL TIIS WEEK ATT HUNTON, BHOOLBRED & Co.‘s. BAR. GAINS ARE TO BE HAD. 4T & 49 Latest bp Crelcotaph, i â€" P, Oraum nond*s E zchange Ofâ€" Aor, 19 Sparks street. By People‘s Line NO* PBE AL LATE] i rincipal oi the Congregational College, at a salary of $1,000 ; James P. Clarke Treasurer of the College board, Ge.‘Qrgc-‘ Cornish, as Secretary, and fifteen gonite men as directors. > The reports stated that only $3,043 had been raised for the Lillic memorial Fund. _ A tea mecting was held in the @vening. Professor McVicar was hbeard in _ support of the application from _ the * Prosbyterian, of Montreal, to prosecute Evangelistic work in Lower Canada. ‘ He strongly advogated the transâ€" fercnce of the Kankakee xlission. to the American Presbyterian church. Mr. C, Chiniquy also addressed the Court with great power and . pathos, and the matter was referred to a special‘committee. to re. A special to the 7z(egraph from St. Paul, Minn., to. the 10th, says : The Press pubâ€" li;hst n . letter from Pembina, dated May* ~|10th: â€" which â€" states :: that the Indians are concentrating in the vicinity of the Lake. of the Woods, for the purpose of giving the Canadians a brush should they penetrate the swamps. Captain Heap, of the United States Enâ€" gineer Corps, has established the boundary line 5,963 feetnorth of the old post of Fort Long. This transfers the Hudson‘s lishes the Manitoba Bill, and in an edito. rial on the subject says, «‘the passage of the Bill has been a complete defeat again to McDougall and his friends. MajorGen, Lindsay, a very distingushed British offi cer, will, in all probatbility, act as: admini trator of the Government here until t nprointment of the cival Governorâ€"prob ably Judge Black. The delegates are exI pected home from Ottiwa by next boat from Georgetown. | Colonel _ Commandant _ Gay hï¬ Â£ . portion .â€" of â€" â€"his â€"â€"cavalry Aani Loxpoxâ€"The Times says the ordinary expressions of regret are_ now cold, and conventional millions of people feel the personalfbereavement. Statesmen, savants and benefactors of the race mbey die can leare no‘such void. They" ot like the great novelist be an inmate of every house. es The Daily News says, without intellectual Eï¬â€˜no, writings form an era in glish literature. _ He was generous, loving, and universally beloved. j The Morning Post says Charles Dickens did more than any contemporary to make the ish literature loved and admired. The Telegraph regards the distinâ€" guished dead as a. public servant whose task is nobly fulhloS' ... * » ected home from Ottawa_ ï¬y next boat| Fiske, the American C {'rom Georgetown. who was arrested in thl%' ut ty of g Colonel _ Commandant _ Gay _ had | here hourly in oharge of the oï¬ Â§R _ w a _ portion _ of â€" his _ cavalry and|\ | The Corporation of London .‘. troops out exercising on the 26th May, | Gressed an inviteton to i the fire on near Fort Garry.. The course was made | 18ers to join the volunteers of F» Leaminst a ja 1: out halt a mile long, with targets erected ‘MM‘(‘"“"“‘L > Lt â€" .ns 30 yards apart, and at these the cavairy | _ Th# London Shipping ond ' > fired, discharging their pieces while riding aflamn the Auif mast,â€" < their horses at the gallop. The firing was dent remarks of the agricultural fipict to the very satisfactory, and the New Nation hints wheat crop is progressing {» us these would be splendid troops for guerilia | PrOmises A fair uverage yield, sies. Wirig! "?“re. * pects dth*.w * w3 i May 24th, the Queen‘s Birthday, was |â€" Lhe race of the Thas 12 M uh NN0 Lact observed as a general holiday. The shops Club took place to To pdongr, Â¥ a were closed,â€"und the day spent in races | «4 from Gravesend %Â¥% wii wey h Aipicent and other amusements, and in the evening | the Nore, and retur ) . l F a successful concert came of%, . _ | ing in the Nl-'n Â¥. n Nothing is said in the papers of Riel or | Asbbury‘s Cambria « 7 an / his intentions. Flying Cloud was deckeed 5 $ ant May 2th, the Queen‘s Birtbhday, was observed as a general holiday. The shops were closed, uind the day spent in races and other amusements, and in the evening a successful concert came off, . *‘ k. The Montreal fire is the absorbing topic of conversation here this morning. | Another account says Dickens was enterâ€" taining a dinner party at his house, at Godsâ€" hill, Miss Hogarth, who was seated near him observed evident signs of distress on his countenance. She then made the reâ€" mark to him that he must be ill. To this Dickens replied, "oh, no ; I have only got a héadache, I shall be better presently." llounnulsdthu the open window be shut. Almost immediately, He become unâ€" The Chicora left yesterday afternoon bearing on board about 80 tons, prina{nlly Hudson ° Bay Company‘s stores, and 50 voyageurs under Mr. Monkman. _ . Beveral vessels arrived dlast night fl'm’l sea. C T | A party, of soldiers demolished a den of iniquity last night in the neighborhood of the Plains of Abraham. They have since been arrested by the civil authorities. _ The local English papers are out again toâ€"day with vehement protest against the removal of the Postmaster Servell to make room for Mr. Huot, M.P.P. < conscious and fellh:.ck in ul::mednme.l Hs wuoonvzod to his room i ai red. .)::i- Dickens oti:l“d remained unconscious, never â€" recov. animaâ€" tion. His son and daughter remained steadfast at hs bedside, until his decease. It is.stated that Mr. Dickens had several times complained that he experienced conâ€" siderable difficulty in worki.nt,.ot::uun his powers of application &.m ing im paired. He also said that his thoughts no longer came to him so spontaneously as in former times. While nl:mh'e-tpn he had need of medical aid, and called upon a physician, who warned him not to continue reading, because he was doing so at the peril of his life. _ raglenac} : _‘The Times, in its money article this morning reéferring to the introductionof the New Grand Rapids Railroad bonds, $ % .gho Erien experiment inculcates disâ€" trust ofall suuch securities. e The trig) of the Boulton masqueraders has been Jdeferred to tboJullynuiou. 'gx_? prisoners have been released on 11. * Johnfl.‘ll-‘.iï¬ the American Consul at The Times says the arrest was made in 3noction with the Boulton masqueraâ€" rs. years. The British journals express in stron£ urmofrfpmhtï¬onthe&lbffl“’f‘b‘ loss of the Dacia, which caused so much alarm < here. â€" All are _ inâ€" dignant at what they call an Ameriâ€" oan hoax. "The London Yacht Club have awarded the victory in Wednesday‘s yacht race 10 Bail was refused. CABLE NEWS. GBREAT BRITAIN,. TonOo~To Clarke t 1 that Lilli« n I(c the whi Mu cus n SU Paxts.â€"Severe ho* agricultural districts. . _ _ The £hce have ‘ wheelâ€"shaped ‘bombs, into a canal by the arrests were made of pas the copspiracy. / & : MADRID.â€"â€"YC\'tflW the Od o + came up with a few groun« who captured the A raltar some time : T# result diately guve battle, turing their horses. j | Ald in effecting their «scapg W . ¢ of the killed were found of the money which hWA y Chief §214 95"" 7 </, pregenc® continfl.:‘f";::w’ $ burden and eP« hett He also 100 * Mr. Mc Canadian nounced funds. | then adjourned ce cboan fotoons® . 4 Tt lald them they Â¥994 B homeward JOUD®Y ~/ peply responsible for the borders of ] and troons hal Belize. He nor of Jama the Colonia] Mr. Monsell insisted that ‘ fai . NsISUCU â€" Abst (ig }:::E?..u’ omplied with the ty nargain, â€" and | w; the ; : â€"rood> â€"‘to thought that to Iring present was «noppor unjust, .~â€" o The Constitutional says sia and the Czar had sevet Ems«. Jt professes to that in ther conv Gamacia was not alluded lar attention was given controversy. _ . 54 *@ ~â€"The Duke of m and Obtained a passport# _ Unusual demonstratiend the B are shown in Lowdon m’ï¬â€˜ us f John Lawrence Toole, t disagreeat about to visit the United&ua of the city be 2cceed®& â€""" 0_ make ï¬"‘ iupomâ€""“ o4 announced t# mites memaae h blankets, &¢., and eay New Y“kvflzhg ym eradt % 4 Piris.â€"The delegates Of sons of Fm:v:, to g‘ toâ€"day, vot the suppression dh A Order, and followed this that the question submitted to thet suUuomived 104 s 42 rlmte lodges, m‘ 10. The Grand Orients “:; the election of Pw,"'_-"“"“ to occupy the positiOn } the declination of band Laribidiere reosivel 1W M was elected. Carnot] esd u’&fl j & retary made a £pe0°b * The death of Charis liw a profoundm!rw was apparently in good beiha Ts day, when he wrote ssveaipp novel, "FAwin Drood." _ Benor Livares, fl Porto Rico, advocates for the abolition of «lae® CoxetaXxTINOPLE lost in tho late at one thousand. requests made BÂ¥ 1h°, S mtionl ‘nd W be acceeded, s»8 ". /. rorisdanal® The Government forall political a.l‘g tod since the 1st of March, The Duke de fl“q oompleting the Cabinet . deranged by recent reaig! 3} sec iA 2 eoconis under that Ntz qeranged by recent that the Brazilian $ Chambers that while ""J‘ immediate measures in ies they would aid any privaté gu’}i;:. * .‘ " a tine (on,odmd“ the conditions of # H#Â¥ * . The suddenness of the is the affiction of his frents . n Aoet Mr, 4 Mr. M A MERICAN AJ 10n Agu Monk introduced i ling r BC AL ...3 hm o on w ?f ?:i"e" to suppg t : Chaimg â€"a proceeding w rawhe n the priciar oh. . palpable m h Off rd L1he #eizums T Belne, i ~1 aiready 4 ilso ma A WAs NOW Thew and Dovernmes pportune, FRANCL ““." we‘. & if grou! the £1°** "o TK (Gw:® Aew o deat] RF Only mber Kew Granit© * ; summer sudt® hamil Muchm ~TO 1NX® W e uc _ ; u_“; â€. nnt‘ "(hrlmi | .texp" yinn® KoT 4n Four yaite of *4 Far throneb 6 a d e of fighbtin ,: 1 t “he W oods JP Poois 10 4 pï¬"“h‘ A young mail patio! Pays Indian of th« lce LOCA the [1S.+*~ CHEAP sALE â€"â€"FX3 of th at work 144 Pr o in the Y oRK.*~ ;raa le A RE twoniyâ€"© t the CB and 50 Th .W aln q Charl in and scom® SHAX n tÂ¥ THa this tter 3¢ rl j po Br