‘i M #\ 4 'ii . I , Iif required. ~ â€"== ¥°***** e parshass MBS§ AXD Primnk ukss rork. . | ",",;,:,.,:m‘m * o i U n i ie EFLOU R NO 1 & lX"l‘RA [7“"'-7" â€"â€"_‘mw__; WAIPR BKANS, | 'Jl'- l us ; # At Ottawa, Sund Polnt, and Pembroke, " Msï¬rzd-m- :i-..mu- 8 CHRIGTIE, m ‘-mm‘“:-flâ€"hhg No 5 Oparks stroet. ‘x h__“ . Ntawa May 18, 1870 Otthwa, May 20, 1070 P Cognae V yaraechine, Ctatiewt Ceet it $ Mhlflsww‘:..'u e h"'!.‘."“'flo'-. m!" HHGer® en a% Mt. G. Mortimer‘s Stove, Susse® street, Mr. Alox. Christin‘s Store, Bparks street, Centre Town, Mr. F. duis‘s, Wellington street, Uppor Town, or at subssribars, will be strist!y attended to. THOMAS STARMER, 1UA4f Ridean street. The subscriber will turnish ICE daily those requiring it for the season. Double ‘ on Saturday‘s for Sunday‘s use. 10 ibs daily for | the soason $6.00, Terms payabis in advance. | Larger quantities supplied on m-uu--np’ pet agreement. + hl! All erders left at Mr. G. Mortimer‘s I UKNTRAL FLRE and PIN HMRE CAatt. RID@URS for allsizes and syscoms of Guas Waterproof and E. B. Caps, Patent Cartridges, Felt un Waddings for Breech Mussic u‘mdn«lpk.d and Militar Ammunition. ELEY sRotuErs | @RAX‘3 INAN RoAaD, Lo&pon®. , | C ew us aole NB WHP s COPPER RIM FIRE CaKTRIDGIES of an pon, fe. maiith & We?son‘s, Tranter‘s, and PLN CAKTRIDO@ES for Lefaucheaxz ofi2m., vâ€"m, and ?â€"m. bore. UKNTRAL FLREK and PLN HRE CARTt SEUIAVINEE Bc cau eC CC B WATERPROO m i FIRE METALLINC CAREREE 43 m'. enlarged base for b-«.n-ru by foreign w & t _ donverted and other Rides, Also C for Builard the Spencer, and A-cfl:my Repoating being made wholly of w.'o::. 'W.:.l td lImperishable in any slimate. j "“ *Gâ€"v hok /~alp h c . s cca â€" TT p oL o) Hhedin her Majesty‘s Nav The above cartridge cases (ampty) of all sizes, and for the dtlca‘ï¬.o ~.£ d'guu-l vag ::-o. o:‘lo had -1‘ or vhb-‘u? Maonines -&z l:::ll CARTRI DG ES of â€" bore tor & evoi wltcs Wasesk. c eC E_C sally _ Lo .70 41 _ "3. pOwur of sitorney to take b'uu‘ MOOPING Covon _ procsesdings against manufacturers and ven iors DIBEASES OF THE THROAT -l--umz wher imitations by which their PULMONARY CONSUMPTION right may be «_ k 4k or diluted with a little water B Ark o 1BA & PERRLNS® rSauce and se« | * * "APFRECTIONS OF TaB hiR Name sm~ Wrappor, Label, Bottle and | ITCBINGS 'l-h.b‘ul for by the Propristors | DISEASES OF THE SCALP. !"â€:‘fll_“'!.'!,“m"'“- London, &6, l _ @Quyot‘s tar hus seen tried with the greatesi or von & Portins have been forged, 1 and P givs notice that they have furnished their corresponâ€" dents with power of aitorney to take instant prossedings against manufacturers and ven lurs of mon, or yny wher imitations by which their n Cmm e """-lr and bottle. Bothe of the b-n.-ulo. baring been aupplied with a spu W orsestershire Sauce, upon the wrapper and labels of which the sames labely and to see that their names ars upon tae wrapper O0B, 10B, tox. THE ONLX®% GOooOD siUcE. ° CaUTION AGAINST, FRaUD. Rrmodo ermacnocg ced c eaiaene ceprern es iss triorol informed that the only way to secours the anuine, % P umsccsn suit We Papid io smile« Oe mmE m taâ€"htisetken '5:..-?' oan be chimined, or at the ;Um. lr.',fl..‘lfll & Co‘s, fl!ll*; A A @ RAMdA Y j ' * u nrat Arrived this day ; Eo emistncrznnch, J ... ! _ > > deroenle t veangme ama velds.â€"Buadden changes o allmate are sourses of Pulmenary Rronshial anda Asthmatiec affections, Kaperience having proved twd-::n-nm often aot speedily and cerâ€" tanly w taken in the early m‘od the disâ€" ease, recourse should at onee to * Brown‘s Bronshial Truohes," or Fow ars aware af the importance of checking a dough, or * somâ€" won oold," in its Oret stage. That which in <the bogion‘ng would {uld to a mild remedy, if negâ€" lected soun «ltacks the lungs,. * Brows‘s Broaâ€" abial Froches," or Cougbh la-:.-.‘-lhy Irritaâ€" t‘om which induces coughing, having a priasor in. Auenes on the adsoted parts. As there are imitaâ€" ione, be sure to ontain the genusne. Bold by all dealersin medicines, at 35 cents a box. ‘ LEYV anmunsirions. W( WORCESTERSHIRE SAU Cl, Beslnsed by Connoissours HA & PERLRAOXS8* I fudiHitatin s . . _f1____ °"% To) FTTnomimng A&K FOR LEA & PERRINX® sivce, f"'lï¬ {facilitating W:‘“ the |\_ Quyot‘s lu.m-. A‘n.rq, svveral '(.lï¬ | more or lers 1 t es bilsans in the treatment of \| l C a whus h' with the m.. “L uy ‘mm;“h'lbvm ta TUE BOXER CaARTRIDO®ES tor Sniderâ€"Knfieid of +577 bore, and for the Henry, and Martin:â€" Jomplied expressly (or the Oreawa Tiwas | Madeira, by UE WMUcraerrertctrans WHOLE®ALE oxi.y OTTawaAa Wansg® ts JÂ¥ MACPHERASON, w# Kigin Street and OQllmen . univer 82v1236 law O [TRL | Wood apring weil, 15 or #0 sores sleared and in & nod or 80 acres lutn"pun‘dmh-. weall fenced and waterâ€" at. This is tuated 7 miles from Oitaws on the N 5'"“-“#!-“.»-‘-..“‘? Â¥ u.sM.“wl-u‘onl. 4 Methodist Chusch hall a miie; Roman Shuiee gns iile and a halt dstant; prtom e mm O-u:.‘.'l‘h:.:nboiï¬ ".“.._‘..',‘“ ht HXCHG HE BHEKL af the nuralas. The only Cunadian Life Company suthorized ivfln‘:’mub&..-b- lin Rutes use lower than thoss of Brivink or n.rm.tmo“u..z_ of lnvestments and of Assurance in the Dominion than sny -hl.lu:: .‘~4 C #Ulke stthatk ':‘-"::‘::‘M z'o'dwb\ dian Institution, and it# rapid progress is satlaâ€" this wine in & pows LIFE A8S8SURANCEK comrany L. oo it fILLS, ihe : The bark wines uuialy amplozed in medicine are hom berks w v-q‘m Olm‘t'“ they possess the proport on, Besides, owing" to the manner in whigh they are prepared, thess winss enntain . searsoely more ° than the tracss of active pmuciples and these always in rariable proport ion«. > proport i QUINIU M LADA!MQU'._ Approved by _ 1mporial Acudemy of Medicine. The QUINIUVM LABARRAQUE is an eminentâ€" ordinary tar water without any of its drawBacks "d-ul-alh- tar water without say dis ;mmwh instantancvusly obtained """"‘m teaspoonful into a glase of water. | Auy one dun thus prepare his glass of tar water 5“".‘3“.“'-!9"-&.---.â€" as 4 Mt®, brincipal hospitais of ‘France. in in iamvta en ie freman ":““ d.'::.:‘od.. Detailed instrustions asâ€" J"‘“N“»-H- Paris: L FRERE, 19 :14 0 . As tâ€"â€"A teman whikee of frre twieks oo *ANADA will reguiate the bowels, and ive rest to the m.flnlflll‘lï¬.lh..“w ting like magle. It is pertectly safe â€"to use in all eases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preâ€" seription of one of taa oldest and best femaile phyâ€" nola® #ad aurses in the United States. Price 24 antt .o everywhere; Be surs to sull fo, "MR8 WINSLOW‘s s0ooTuING sÂ¥YRUVP.* Having the facâ€"simais of ©Cartie & Porkine" on the outside wrapper, All others are base umita. yat a bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW‘S s00THUILNG SYRUBR. It will rellers th poor llitle sufferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistak about i¢, Mu-u-..-m-uu aever used it, who will not tail you at anos that is Mothers 1 mosnmers Methers1â€"Ars you disturbed at night and broken of your reat by a slok cntid suffering and erying with the exoructâ€" ating pailna o cutting teoth ? If so, go at onee and nn‘umauuu -v:.:ul:‘!:.h.l Traak lardom‘-. woe words "A. TRASK‘3 MAGNETIC OLNTMENT * us -Mlh : a M'O W ., Qeneral Alenta ied the Cnendin Soid in Ott=ws by all druggists and by medicine dealers everywhere. Da. A. W . Bannoina, of Knowlesvilis, New York aayes; @1 have used it in severe i cases of Special Arritation and tor the worst cuses #f Piles, and undry other compiaints, and Ond :t a supertors article, and well worthy the notioe of all ** _ Purshasers should be surse and ask tor De Du. J. P. Kaewxuapt jof New York, says! = It has stoud thetest trin, and has ant been found w , Its astonishing cures of Infamâ€" mation of the cmd and the wondertul suosess in the ot Rhaw â€" matism, and Nervous entitle it to a Mign rank Nint of remedies for these MVERAIAL KXuiBitio®n or 18844 Du. A, Frask‘*s Maguetics Oint.ment C tb Hatitles.â€"UDu. mdx u%ul.nyo: @1 have used Dr. A. Trask‘s Uiniment in my practice a aumber of m-lcnuvm.p{-ol.-.lmd the greatest dincoveries of the ; lor the eurse »t Infammation of the hn..l::-.u.dho Mlmwb-.n‘hm bed Wever, 1t maos with perfect sucoess, in omdflm;ubu.'n-u-h.l“.o a ob aron, Wl Hestore Grny Wauir to im Naturnit Life, Cotor and Beanty. It in a most delightful Hair Dressing. It wili sn-m lucuriant growth. PALLING HAIR is immediately checked. Mis 8. A ALLEN® EYLOBALAAMUM amother pt:nâ€"ï¬- e bloair ; Mâ€"dm wl sadument. . lt is very simplt cmd «fa~m prodtirs woude r mal reawith lin groad mporivrity and an an Haie Desssing over *‘“MA%! de mard ome with ie »ther m"“m~ * 3J Husier &n mt on Py B ie "tee iz Drstithtts MHICD a%, caduttct es CATARRR 0P THE Buapoer COLDS OBSTINATE G:LoGgs IRRITATION OF T4s CHEST Now Atslis. APmportans Change. A REAL HALR RKSTORXA AXD su%8 Combined in Oune Bottle, MNS. 8. A. A LLEN® * MUAIKR RESTORER Pirst oluss Modan., ALEF LABARRAQUE a 0o #TAaRLIAEED 18947 easpooniul into a glass of water, hus propare his glase of tar water he requires it, thus sconominng ;a. mm the necsssity of taut. %hcmd 18, and catarrha. :-“-,"1‘.‘..."‘.- * patukrst Mkâ€" in a gluss ot “':"_:'x:':‘m. @PRECIAL KOTIHICKs. No 80 Ridean strovd. suxiliary of the ferraginâ€" part of the purshase BEAUCTIFCL Kalk, Naturc‘s Crown. You Xast Cultivate it _ RiAt HAlK | In a e@rtain indication G.'.II.I.' HOUF, of decay at the roots. f Oftaw a. you at onse that it Ob Wl Y tor manuiact ure in Bood. Katry at which such gruin shall bhurs. bas Bond or Boads, the uid Boads shall be duly exncelled ; and if such boads shall be given at the Port of destination, a ‘cetpihcate of such payment or exportation‘ under Thea hand of the Collector of Custome of suck Port, shail be foewarded to the Collector of the Port . f Meal and on proof of the pasmant of u:h duties or of the due exportation as aforesald grain, go Into consumption, or lo: the due wdflmm"..., yrain, or the equiralent thersof in Asur and lther by the Collector at the Port of -lv.oo-l-.-.ohad-mm as may best sult the comvrenience ot the \m. M&--‘-â€,bh..l.‘ packed in boad, for sxportation or coosompâ€" tion, and snch Collector shall deliver or cause to be delitered wach Whest, Fuize or other grain to be forwarded on to the Port of destina. Hon, where may be situated the .M U or MUs+ at which the eald Whest, Maize or other grain hbhmflfldhh-g-byh grinding and packing of wheat, maime and other grain, in boad, shall be done and conâ€" duoted under the Reguiations and Restrictions Customs," that the Importer of Whest, Matt#, or other grain, may grind and pack the same in bond, provided such grinding and packing be done and conducted under such Regulaâ€" NHone and Restrictions as the Govrernor in Coancil, may fhom time to tUme make for thi» parpose ; and that the seame Reguiations may extend to the substitation of dour and meal in quantities equiralent to the produce of such Whent, Maize or other gra‘n. Whereas it is among other things, in e€ect anacted by the 54 See. of the Act 31 Victoria, Uhap. 6, iIntitaled : * An Act respecting the wWÂ¥. U. LZKK, 11086 3 Chack Privy Council. months, and that at the end of cach monthb, umnmmuduh.u...u to the Collector of the Port of St. Jobn, and the said Collector shall return ito him the mmm-wsuummu«. so that the record of the trade of each montn, shall be in the Custom House, to be used for statistical parposes durlog the whols of the succeding montb. ® Ist. The Collector of Customs, at sny Port HI%4 EXCRLLENCY THE coÂ¥ERNOR ’ Puad. Representations baring been made of wrions Incomvenience to the Masters and Owners of Bteam Vore is employed as regulat passenger and freight packets, between the port of St. John in the Province of New Brunswick, and the ports ot Digby, Anuspolis and Windsor, in the Province of Nora Scotia, und also to the Mercantile Community of the aaid posts, in consequence of such Steam Yesâ€" ale being obliged to 1 post their cargoes each trip in detail, lt is bereby further Ordered, that the Coilector of Custome at the Port of Bt. John, may grant any such Steam Vosse!, a yearly consting Hcense, subject to the same conditions as are provided for in the case of Vessels trading between ports in the ume Province, with the additional coodition that the Master or other proper Oficer of such Steam Vesmel, shall be turnished with two sargo books to be used during alteroate _ Onu the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs, and in pursurance of the provisions of the 11th Section otf the Act 31 Vic. Cap. 6, lnrituled : * An Act respecting the Custome," Ris Kxcellency in Council bas been pleased to Order, and it is hereby Order. «d, that the fullowilog Regulations m specting the consting twade of the Dominioes, in amensâ€" m ut of the K gulation adepted by Oâ€"dâ€"r in Conncil of the tAth July, 18%68, sbail . be and the same are heroby adopted and established : OVERuKEur nouln, The Wheat, Maise or other grain| sha)t Rrwardud under bouds o be laken HIS EXCELLEXCY THE cov. 1385 3 UKNERAL i% couoxo, EKRNOR GENERAL 1x T‘K C UR T BR IH B I OTTAW A, COUNXCIL W. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council Tw wlag, Blak Mag, 1870 , 10th May, 1#70, Malse or oth» ¢ #WI, O¢ awtene hmols ,43-."-".'-'-"».."“"".., Te m lngul avery where; desertion, dreakons | A *# l-- m I--â€"â€"â€"-â€"- -â€"â€"--â€"iv.v"-vo- ~E e --w.-:wuu'a:. ‘ or A i J se 1800 Imm _ Ke. 10# Masoun Street, Nee :":.‘1.. Â¥jx®â€" Teronto, Marâ€"Ah 1b, MMTE. n‘n-i.â€";: ’wm-omuu @Onutarle Gumite"), to give NOTHIOE of the applisation (slearly and distinotly specifying |‘s asture and ohjeat) in the * Ontarte Gazrtte," and also in a ne@upaper published in the Vounty or Usice otf Conaties afectei ; wach notise shall be aamiluned h sash sane tot a parioh of ut least s weeks during the interval of time between the slose of the neat pretediag Besmon and tht con» dderaitive of "‘he Priiticn. Coples of the brst and last of uuch notises to be sent to the Private BiH} &AIil “.M‘“hm _“'uï¬ PFIRKE TUREKE WEEKA o the OMavea, April 2!, 1004, _ 1M In 18 Jn mmquired by the bist and foliowing Rulcs of the bhenies y menses wigh tnevananes ue se me Potmcet is ABELLILALLLEL ETE PINA'. .u.t York urest, mear the Morket, Thesubsortber respectfully announces that be has moved from Bussex to York street, and is now tere haskion Heome: He tnke? this spportanity ts thenf m ho m Goenp en oo hor a#s mï¬h slnoe bis arrival I:.ulo aiy. Hehbolids BALES EKYERY DiY, (when not othorwiee alther at bis rooms or on the market. QE with ceenfdence to all who have affleots or real estate to .':'..L'.:".."a..."""’..““..“ Â¥ ‘shikinen. us ces , R# wall as prompt Immediate settiement after lohnuybn.lnluuuu.um-m hwm.m.mm- ceal to dispose of, and pledges hi that nothing will be Isefl andone by him to give satisâ€" lastion in discharge of the trast -‘&b bim:; Hinte und carsful altention. . ============ _ Cush advanses made on furniture or other * Thelne ropitnnily on hand for hire. â€" yme highest nrice pald for second hand planos A. M. F. GIANELL1I, sJole Manufacturer and Propristor for the Dominâ€" lon of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"These celebrated Bitters are carefully propared with the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and ars aspecially adapted and recomâ€" “‘bmd“mm They are gontly stimalant, and will be tound infallible alds to digestion., For directions see label round the neok of each Fâ€I.“*mmnof che s % lz‘. 4. Â¥. F ou:t(u. WWe rrremmmsmnmmmense n .0. Hon. 4. L. C liew o us ontnteey 0 h gnd Beot‘y of State, K. W . Boeou, H»g. K P P Walter Shaniy, Keq, M $ Max. W . Â¥ P J.-v.illy .‘.ac.’ !-'-".h.u.u-hn-n-_ Pransis U. Burton, E+4, M P James O‘Wlelly, .‘,?c, m‘:k.-'f. ':.liuum BHOLUTE DIVORCES legully obtained COMMERCIAL â€"SALE ROOMS, Non. Bir J Professor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY. Kept by all the princopal Dragguts and Grocors in M« MA YOOCK, Astorneyâ€"atâ€"lLaw, Soilâ€" | l‘o eltorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer, Notar | Public, and Pxtent ll.ul-lmc':’. OGceâ€"Imâ€" | mediaisly opposite Rustall Houre, Elginâ€"st adotf °*A itammar sirrekas. Prepured by special permission om the original recipe of F. P. VERRI, M. D. E) Schekm, Aue 9 o Poniey ts Barrinter 4 % of the Ponse and County Attorne , for the United ’q-ul:ul mmhnu’ OMlceâ€"In the ETY avotio® sianatr, HNiHty Commetsston Merchants. Â¥ n ... wid . * 3. solishors, ho. Oflceâ€"Meegrore‘s Buildings, Rideasâ€"streot, (Atawa * WuitaX Mosezore,. . B6U _ QGzonor Tammos, “Il'l. t KAMBKH, Barmaters and Atturnies at Law, Bobciturs in Caancery, Vonvepansets, &o, tor the Provinses ol vutario and Quebes . wihesâ€"Post JQee Bulldings, Eigin street, Cl h P t Acscuree K nurte, _ Rexs Kowiaro Knggs, N lc.ou.nrunu. Batrister and Attor» .f:'o.-’.-um ':::." adoof, "Whap y gosite uhuo.a.unig.w 4bvy 1 _ As MAMKA, Architeot. OGeeâ€"Aumond‘s ..'JQ BDelldinge, l.&u-fl.. Miawa. _ Â¥91p M J# WWC t (C0000 c it . CLK#Dy, WHIGAE & LA WiuOnr, '. Rarrutets, Advoostes, ac. UViboes, Ayiâ€" wat. Q, (Aum Mimn), and (iaiwa, (Hig:na dureet ). Patimamentary Pr.0thos and Patents tor Invenâ€" tHon, #o en amnaily aitpaded to in vUawa. #. Mults®, #, 0K W must, L. 3. L. Â¥108, -GM.-.. Dessmber 4. 1 84Â¥ , e “ __12,.3â€"6%m J W + W« W A t LL, of the lnte brm on Lowit, © Pinkey & W ard, has remuted bis Vbancer y UMes to Beil‘s Lae Chamoers, uppusne tueeedi UHouse, Ciginâ€"#% PRICE $1,00 PER BoTTLE O8ORONVE & TAILLON, Barrsters, AMKXEKE®Y P. HIiLL, Aborney at La#, itoater ie Chanowg, Coutrstyancer, a¢, mia~â€"tPuskt Vikee Lï¬l‘~, MHagie street, TFRETRKAU, Notary Public for the oTTaAwWaA TIMES. JUNE 16, 1870. Money adrazced on is aded s o curity trom a distance will mest with im . the Bishop of Kingston, 3. BERMKIN Q:::. Hosss|, Land and Gpaera! Agent Â¥tgal Carbs, ow + Kaph + >« / L +g Sinpaon to make applicatios Onutarto for Private I® T OILLMOR, Cluek of the House. 1m~m'~ .u. Lear the ’. Businoes aow York City of Carlston" will meset in the TOWNX HALL Richmond, on TVESDAY, the TWENTYâ€"FIRST BDay of June next, at the bour of TWELVE o'-‘.‘u-.hlhcu-hd.dm-u m‘g.hW’muum Richmond Oreu‘t Board of Public IMP_Q.M Em"lo.lh To +rool Teachers ard all w yï¬ 9 d P e en J."‘S‘Jng. C 8 PETTIT, 1a, Papuble in Ourrency, .Jobn*s, W J ‘> 3 , 255 fmr«ss L :D-Ocu-. bin, Payable in Goid. â€" Laverpool or Queenstown...... ...............+$100 P s# s urereineieroe m drree o4 PaskaG® EY THE TOREDAY STEANEE Y! RaLIPAX. INNAN LINE OP KaiL BTEAMERS, AAILINQ FROX XEW YoRK &Eyka&r BaATURDAY AYD ALTERKATE TUORBDAYrs AavE® â€.'-:.-AA.Q‘ILIV_OII AalCRDAiY Orkixun! â€"<oun‘s, K.F., by braunch stenmsr....... 30 6 M:u sold hl:‘ from m‘m und Continenpt, at moderate > ie Wtheriaformabon, apply althe Company y 2C -. P M _0 wonrrs, UBKAXBERLAE & Biu1s, 7. P 0 Omdlm.mo.#a" m«mmm&_{ This ts to certify that during the winter of 1 l'uulu-uh.'uk-.dho.‘u.m cr“.uuy.h‘rh.uo "".ï¬iz.""m“ my knees, and on to #o weak that I “ll‘.:d '.:ll. mmu my chair. ‘ For abouttwo while this weakt "‘"“““llfllc.m'n&.lnqï¬ medical advice, nmg. at different times three doctors, and nese of different kinds presoribed by trrends, but of no avrail, I continuâ€" ad to get woree and worse, until the #ummer of 1808, when I was Induced to try the great Sho ohuulo-o‘,byndh. the cures performed in a pamphiet. Atthis time { bad begun to teel tbo-oau.h-,huu h!utlvum abmast halslace T hn s 4 retrmaicds do+â€" TeR NOR LUVERPOOL & QUEEKAITO W ® oï¬',&_, nadbccaih ul :;-.l:. "a-..'l vOuneâ€" ~on, Ont, ver aint, or that of Johe :’o:.y:‘l.lom of llo'.'-ul-. who had actually been on orutehes for years, but Tiksbinks nebninint segrectumcble corls cates on the great M.n..‘ Remedy and flt can be obcained at all drug stores. Prludl.holo-o‘v-l.t.omn. 13y 'th t:‘o:flnornoi .-:nn that of ilson tom, Ooullm or that of Peter C V ï¬u. ?l%-un. Ont, of Oc.u'-:pug..no_( that of Ambro«s Wood, of Conseâ€" They are stern undeniable facts, sufficient to convince the most seentisal that tha sramt m ail eonvince the most seeptical that the great modiâ€" cinal compound, yearned after for ages, is now adccessible in the greoat The following remarks on uouaulooll :‘f. -.ll wondertal and extraordinary cures in Can Â¥ be Gazart Ixbiax Rewrov. _ The Cane tian Pain Dmyo'cmuu..upu mmediate rolief. .All Medicine Dealors keep i Pbysiclans orderand use +.; and so family -J: 'n‘nt it after onoe try s9g i Prisetwontyâ€"five mgm + NORTYHROP & LYMAXN, Nowonstle, C. W ., » General Am:u C. W . Sod by wWeo. Mortimer, Jobn , W. M Massep, U. Â¥. MoCarthy, J. Skineer, and J NBrows, is a@ ® Â¥ The utuhlln, eDoacy of the Canadian Faip ‘ Destroyer, in curing dissases for which it is reâ€" somimended, and its wonderful suoccessin subduing l ucwmr'a’pnuol Cncumatism, and in re leving | Nervous Aflections, extitle it to a highr ank in whe list of Remedies Tor umuflshu. Dealers are soming in from Medicine in all parts of the sountry for turther arplhl. and each testifying to the universal satisfaction it gives sn ids cb s id ind leubed. . bixtratdbitrrcdidcackd We speak from u?don“ in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore thoss who are suffering from any of the comp sints for which it is â€"«ecommended may dopend upon its being a Soveâ€" sign Remedy. _ â€" - ease of dissatisfaction where the directions are proâ€" perly followed ; but on ths oootur{ all are ad with its :rnuo:. and speak i n the i terms of its irtues .“ magical e€fects. Gardener‘s First Prise Baking Powder, un: rivalled for pority and excellence. For sale by grocers o::ry-honi in 3 on pce:fll, :‘oew ; 6 r parkets, 10 cents ; md ots, 25 conte ; aix :“o. $1.25, 'M’u" y-’.“'nu the bes task UARDENER‘S and take no other. £ UaARDENER‘s EPILEPTIC CURE. . Price $1 bottle ; six bottles for $5. ll‘“ ks r. J u‘Al_QlNII.. Chemist, $ UANADLAN PAIN DESTROYER Hide, Buck ana lead, Coupbs, Colds, bore Throat Bprains, Eruises, Cramps in the Storwach, | Cholera Mortiua, Dysentery, Bowel & ?I.hu. Burns,Poalds, rost .‘“‘- “ou The Canadian Pain Lestroyer has now been before the public for a length of time, and whenever used is well liked, never lulw in a | «lingle instance to give permanent relief when timely used, and wo have never kuown a single ounse of dissatisfaction whera tha Airaatinuca aa. _ EC Among the most important of modern Medical Dis o o2 L000 ~~ OWErhee atands the R 487 Notre Dame street, | im. se iL Bole Proprietor and Manufasturer. gphosuoxk Eks nHEMEKOY, STOP AND SEE! reetus C +9 tsP ~odsinlerimet; ce digestion ; an exselient TONLIC for parsons : eovering lrom i‘iness. Forraie in quart bottle ; price one doll ur. CGarbara‘s Dowrerio Coven Rewroy will save yn-uynoloorou night. In bottles 25 cents and 50 cents each. ca«.ï¬fuu-mmumm â€"<l is pleasant to the taste and barmless in its nature. Forsmale by druggists and general dealâ€" are in all parts of the Dominion. 4 lavaluable to invalids and ponou of impair* : Ts sifs 1 es e i e ‘ANAaMmAX PAINX DKS8TROYER : # 8HOSHONEES REMEDY ay 23, 1878 was* WINE BITTERS,‘ | 57' Argylc street KRRICK a CcRox May Concern, Papable in Goid. / odls ~3 Sm *] TT A Othbers Whom it 1367 1.34 8 $100 08 $100 t 180 AORES â€"The south half of the east hall, Luloll,nuuomfu:o;_fdb::l:.!:‘.hlh seound consersion o ow ne 8, '\li:.‘ulluulunodmlu’-,ln?l.:u f.l‘h '“lc mg: “h'ï¬r-fl. u.t' ouï¬'n‘i.x.uum s '“3- ‘ Ottawa, January 18, 1870. . Serdl o wil klgh purohared mad neobang od as J BorpEex, * Susers â€" * LC C d ‘m hummumuuvm Hall, Ladies why do you be troubled with an ord worn -c‘bwvbum oan take it and a litle cush and get a first olass Btove at the * Varlety Hail. All new Stoves Sold at this establishment guarâ€" asteod to the purchaser. ‘ Partics in quest of second hand Stoves will find New and Becsood Hand and ASSMILATION of ©08 Livien af2 08 fit enten ut meals, &o. In digestive activity , suâ€" wekrespnnite Riwtve wottion 30. me o. t e4 "?&ï¬"" is the best rehicle for ie onl _ _ B [_|_â€" : .‘_ Sm-' PFOVE®, BTOYVES, Of these 4 will be ofered in each of the four yoars in Arts to students and candidates . A Bcholarship is tenzble for two years. Uoples of the Calendar containing all necessary information as to the examinations, conditions of com petition, courses of study, &6, may be obtained on application to the undersi¢gned. The Bession of this Faculty will commence on WEDNESDAY, September 14th, at which time here wiil be ofered for competition the following UXTIIN'BCBOL;BSHIPS AND EXHIBI. * 1JONS8, vis:â€"Tex MoDoxarp Bebolarships and Exbhibiâ€" w the annual value of $125 each ; Two Exbibitions, value $125 ; the Cuarues Aurkxaxpk® Scbolarship, value $120 ; the Jorâ€" ®uwors‘ Bcholarship, value $100 to $120; the Jun® Repeart Exhibition, value $100 ; the Tarron Bcholarship, value $1(0. C l;!on 18D1IGKESTiONâ€"â€"P TTKE somnlataly -.-n:.lh‘glg-‘m!ne: Agent in Ortawa, . _" PA Rin Forms of application and all intormaâ€" 'w-.u lb:l lud'OIoo. or at any of the Agencies l thhres: oo l Ee ai t c c 4 C WV 1 mead UiMce, or at any of the hoi in the various places &Mflo-{ the n«-‘fl.., A G RAMSAY, Manager, Acentin Ortmurs . WIW be proseoded with as uick1 Pcn-'l desirous of nln}i will obtain Forms of application | te, CHBRISTIE, Commission Merchant and © _ General Agent. Bole agent for Read‘s llfhvhu andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" "oment Ne o hars., borngo wer ho man, t No. near the \house, Ottawa oï¬y. C. W. After which the 1M3 lawtéJ ARM POR #iL®E. C A N A D A =â€" LIPE ASSURANCE COMPANY ESTABLISHED .817 The Lists for the 23rd Vear will be Closed on *of this month (April), To share in FACULTY OF MEDIGINE : The Bession will be opened on, Tuesday, &th PMCULTY | Or â€"Iaw ; mamwluro-q-u‘houoy.ah Osto B BILLING®, Jres Arohitect, Officeâ€" @ _ Ball‘s B‘ock, Sappers‘ Bridge. Raereaesors.â€"â€"H ASims, l'l;.t"'“"" Philaâ€" ‘olshh & Thos Fuller, Esq, itect, Albany ; Dr J A Grant, Â¥ P., Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, % Managing Virector 0. & St. L. R. R > # 4 IHARP NO ®rrar emmmmmmmms mcmss c 22 'l\l:ll‘l'l.: & hc". M& Btbr;oym. land gents, 8 a tsmen, &6. ce, 0| to the Oflulolhlk,.gszrh-n. Ottawa. Vnrlcbn for Trust and Loan Co. 'l“ll n qUEEN ** RESTAU:ANT, ; M. KAVANAGH, Proprictor, _ Corner of Motonife and Wellingtonâ€"streots; osr i ng:u the main entrance to the Government Buil he "QUZEN"comprises all the uisites for a | Arstâ€"class hostau ant. F‘:“lo House I::l‘lboon refitted and ref. rnished 'Aro;pout. The BAR contain: the choicust Brandsir W ines and Ligu ws, and every delioney ofthe seas. a wiil be found on the table. The ‘ mflflfl"abfltolfl(s will bodirected to bhe comâ€" of his guests ano patrons. W. &. Tureri®s. DIY Is I OX and Becond Hand Cooking Stoves at _ _ 1. s . * / Wittety Haulk, ’ HALIFAX, _ NoOVA scofi A, t * _bublhhod 1851. Permanent and transiont boarders accommodaâ€" ted, and overy mmwsid to their comfort; ~Â¥69y JOHN ROMANS, Proprietor. Prepared for buildings of a Prhin BIDNEY 7. Â¥P travelleors ) LA N8, SPECIFICATION®, &o+, yieiwenigedin o l & whay "© . Htnioact? J Opq‘um the Court House and Public Oflices, ST CATHARINES, Ont. &, HOUVGHTON, Pro?flotor, â€" fLate of itanuktnuke mictcimly .. PECIAL NOTIHICE. eQ@ILL UNIVERSITY, f MONTREAL. BESSION 187071 * 0;â€".6;;-:‘;:&‘!.; EVERY DELICACY 06 THESEASOA W W. ARMYTRONX@G, PROPRIEIOR, LOBRNER OF QUEEN axp ELGIN:sTS. 0TTA W 4. EVERY CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT FOR THE TRAVELLING rPUBLIC. * The Bar always supplied with the 'l‘h01 hails and a«purtments are spatious and alry. Mesl Hours â€"Breakfast8 a m ; Lunch i p m; Dibner 6 p in ; Tea & p m. Terms $2 10 per aay, . KA Varties visiring Halifax will find at " Th« Carleton,‘ goud «ttention, cleaniiness und comâ€" fort. '.\IIIC UNION HoUVsSEK, This bouse, (rituated in the centre of the ciry) has. been tecentiy enlarged, fited witn all the modern improvements, and refurnished through. out is first cla=s »tyle. ut ',l. ©,. LKG6GG0, Ph“ynoun. Surgeon an Accouchour Officeâ€" unton‘s Block, Sparks streot. BLICKWiOK HoUsK®, *HK 64 §UEKEN * UK METROPOLLTAN, f AUMOND‘S BLOCK, blkkes _ â€" Rideau Street Otiawa, Malifax, A pril 1, 1+70 CHOICEST LIQU oR s NABHLEDON HOoUs®k Good stabling and an Attentive Hostler & H H aAÂ¥oocxr. PACULTY OF ARTS M. E. COCHRAXN, PROPRIE!IOR B« OLLVEH MAR PIN, Dentist. OMsc _ oparkeâ€"st oet, Cont al Ott aw a. sls .uuuv 4 Re GEOICGE HURCHISUN, Dentist Uflceâ€"Sparksâ€"streot opposite . Mageé ~& ell‘s. 576y AVERLLY HOUSKEK, CLOSE OF THE LI8STS Boicls and Salvons. (Late of t‘oughton‘s Dining Saloon.) spacious sampleâ€"room for â€oo-“-mlol * > Iy the division of profits _of the past fre years, AÂ¥liscellaneous. W O BAYNER, B A, w lo:?l'l University . And the table spread wi sortal Carbs. BAKRINGTONâ€"8TR&ET, 0 F P ROF I Ts P. O‘MEARA, Proraicron. Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., ge of description, by $SREA Antless .. Matifax, N. 8 a the &. Lixe. 1328 1m 30tA 140 WILL ARRIVE 18 sO0N AB NiYVIGATION OPEN8. ; at theh “mlddo?mnl Gentlemen un: apPpF Aylen, Kseq. For further ; J‘,- ilr‘-. ‘tu-o-.i Pixgtt, Barristers, Ottaw a. F"-".l!mmmvshd.lo- pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in thesameconâ€" cession, st present in the occupstion of Wm.1. A hand. omely situated CcoOTTaGE, eontaining #ix roomsâ€" and kitchen, on Gloucesterâ€"st., Ashâ€" burnhame Hill l'booh:.lubo.o Rower and m oï¬ fog pivoge mt riices p to W . H. BULLEN, on the prem.â€" ~Oftaews, April 26. larees > 3 _ _ _ _NOmauy, at 33 a yoar, in adrance. Single numbers, 30 cents. Clubs of ten er more, â€mt.m;-om“pyun’nl. We are offering the most l beral premiums. h‘luo'li’::‘-ul::‘ompu III.:O‘P,‘ with new Pictoria er Prospectus, & complete list of preminms, [ Vermmnlir s * ~,. 76 yenlrgpne 4 o tb in hi 1A diGerent Tribes and Nations, will be given. a Prrsioroor & Axatrourâ€"Tsae lon, Structure and Functions of the Hum 4 the Laws of Life and Healthâ€"What w should Eat mbfl-hk..’lwvo:baldhclub , and Mow to .w. 8‘“’ &D ve, D B & lar manner, in accordance vm: C Pn Loeation and Natural Lfl:glié;‘;fvt-‘: Organs, with directions for cuitivating and M‘&“I‘: them ; and the relations uuuf-g between and body described. Pursiouxour, with all the =« of Character and How to Read them," is a feature. lu:ou.:‘v. or th.e“lh-nl.‘ll h.:fll..- Customs, igions Modes erent !‘flph.u and Nations, will be given. 7 g. â€" WDuLOoY & Axaroxrâ€"Tae Organisation, Specially devoted to the ©Soremor or Max," his improvement, by all / SP ent, by the means indicated by Location and Natural | Tfll 50th YOLU..II 252 NEW SERIES!! XEW FORM 1 | â€" THE PICTORIAL _PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL &A FIRSTâ€"OLASs . FAMILY MAGAZINE, FROMA CONSTANTINOPLE, oTTaAGk To REX®T, For Wre mmmu...' they -hom'd ukenln?mndï¬nqwtdombm dn'e& effect of a fl:ï¬cplT. MR ppression ose should be taken as it p m&eduhv:i‘xaby%y. Anl&m, one or two to proâ€" mote udl!lg:mm. hoAv:l- into lealmy“d:n.luoozm tires and invigorates the system. Hence num One who feels colerap uen ho nernatomont existe. One lola'lvww often finds that a dose wmm m feel decidedly better, from cleansing and renovating effoct 0" &- e boar â€" Â¥ yes D‘ J, 0. AYER ‘mc'm ] Przrexoroorâ€"The Brain and its Functions disappear Dody, restoring their irregular action to health, and b rrecting, wherever they exist, such derangeâ€" "Tigues sp on ars on Tess soupe is te ons ven gfu fg:vlrl the following complaints, these # dly cure:= For ta-m or Xndigestion, XAistlessâ€" noss, l-a-or and Loss of Appetite they should â€"be taken moderately to stimulate the stomâ€" ach and restore its healthy tone and action. _‘ them pleasant to uke,whlhhdnipufly vegetable lohu?vlncanu'lsel'ronflldrln any quantity, They operate by their powerful infuence on the hlcmalvimen&opurilythobloodllddhnhbk into healthy action â€"reimove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the ROLlet s ACCCE CRX Hare tried it, know that it cured them; those who have w&how&ul&mwwmmm and all know that what it does once it does always «â€"that it never fails through any fault or neglectof its oolnro-iu'on. We have thousands upon thouâ€" sands of certificates of their remarkable cures of the rollommpmuflt such cures are known in every n rhood, we need not publish them, Adeztedwnuuundoudhbnh?u climates ; eonulmnfl' neither calomel or any mm they may taken with safety by any body. agu:‘omng‘%emu&umuï¬udnnu m pleasan uke,whlhhdnipuqum no harm can arise from their use in any auantity. For Sale or to Let. T. A: 8t. Anthony‘s Fire, Rose or I.‘ryalm, Tetter, Salt RKheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Bore E. es, Sore Ears, and other equuon- or vieinle zrml of Serofulous disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as spepsia , D"T." Meart Discase, Fits, E. ?ay. Nevuralgia , and the various {’Imu ections of the muscuâ€" lar and nervous systems, ® Ayphilia or Fenereal and Mercurial Mseases are cured by it, though a long time is required for subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long continued use of this medicine will cure the complaint. Lewrorrhea or Whites, Uterine Ulcerations, and Female Diseases, are comâ€" monly soon relieved and ummtclï¬curcdll;(iu urifging and invigorating effect. Minute Direcâ€" Kom for each case are found in our Almanac, eupâ€" plied gratis, RKheumatiem and Gout, when caused by accumulations of extrancous matters lcn the m-’»od, ;:l:datsk?u it, ‘:: nl-’o Liver nts , , Congest or Inflamâ€" mr the Liverjand Jaundice, when arising, as they often do, from the nnllit:f ,miaom in the blood. This SARSAPARILLA is a great re storer for the strength and nior of the rystem, Those who are L:;ruu and Listless, Desponâ€" dent, Sleepless, troubled with Nerrows Apâ€"» prehensions or Fears, or any of the affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorative pow‘\won trial, * ( S PREPARED B y %" PREPARED B y Dr. J. C. AYER & CO.,Lowell, Mam,. Practical and Analytical Chemists, 8OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWITERE, they were painfully affliicting, have been radically cared in such great numbers in almost every sec. tion of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive enetnics of our race. Often, this unseen ana unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the constitution, and invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a tmpu-i«)’ Of its presence. Again it seems to br«.vï¬ infection throughout the body, and then, on some favorable occasion, tapid) develop into one or other of its hideous forms, eklu on the eurface or nmon.f the vitals. In the latter, tuber. cles may be suddenly deposited in the lu or heart, or tumers formed in the liver, or it m“ its presence by eruptions on the skin, or foul ulcerâ€" ations on some ‘pnn of the body. Hence the occaâ€" gional use of a bottle of this Adarsaparilla is ad: visable, even when no active eymptoms of diseanse pear, Persons afticted with the following comâ€" ï¬inu generally find immediate relief, and, at gth, cure, by the use of this SAR8APARIL. LOWELL: MAKRSK., U. B R WELLS, Pablisher, 389 Broadway, New York epean, and Levis & Je2â€"141â€"+f n and lumoï¬aq; the & . .. rafing" and "“"E:i lulnfl‘ between he « of Character i8 & feature. tural H of Manâ€" :fll"d in different ven, aa trâ€"Tase Organisation, Sarsaparilla YING TH®E s#1001 The reputation this ex. sellent medcineâ€"eijoys, is derived from itE cures, many of which are truly marvellours, _ Inveterate cases of" Scrofulous disâ€" ease, where the ":‘yawm seemed saturated with corruption, have : been wrified and cured by it. Lrorulom affections and disorders, which were hgâ€" fr::valrd by the scrofuâ€" ous contamination until ing, have been radically ers in almost every sec. e public scarcely need to ’_’ THE TIMES is pd-", .,,“‘ e Tas OrPfAFA l NHE"" _ _ â€™ï¬ Ottawa, March 18, umnâ€"-du-d."'"l.,d may be inserted in the Stock -“a subscriptions will not be u-fl‘r*' :mmmvfl'â€':. umfl“‘n on the subscribers unill shey baf® by the Company. ‘ By order of the Board, |_ _ â€" _ _ The books will be closed as M# JIRST } JUNE next, and i mmedialy beroitt *» MEETING will be bel io t P°7 uuu..nnu-kuall“"‘ ing of sharcholders may be b44 4***" in PEMBROKE, st the eféar t M MURRAY, M. P. P, asi P. WEZ In BROCKVILLE, «t de0M4 * * _ In OTTAWA, at the OFFIOE PANY. In MONTREAL, at the oc 4*# & C. ABBOTT, Bt. John btrest. In LORIGKAL -mu.-d-‘ DANIELS: t Bubscriptions of stock, with 04058 nocxnooxsuu# of stock in the CANADA y COMPANY have beea openel, #8 . open for such subscription & 4# losses are bot?, setiled, and, from th mm its scttiements the ance Company is second io 1008 lnn. lpploom uod:q seul to « »ortant loss occurs. x........,"‘..'.‘."L.--‘-: It respectiuliy solicits a share of the insuring public ol Otewa _ _ e CoxPA®t, m for Ottewnâ€"Mewm J T 4 N The rates of the PROVINCIAL mlPAll:mu h-hl.: #n to hohn}&onbd_g not when the premiums are being p4M, K. of Canada, Head Ofce, ! fl ’ I'P' Cttâ€"The Hon Jorn Ho V joe Prosidentâ€"Leris 1 lz:& 0.-‘ W ;.& L ® l. e iC J E6 Crocker, l?. Bankerâ€"The Cansdian Bank of In RENFREY, # Mr, Puovncln. IN8URA of Cansds. Hand Nias 1 jJanavba cml.:‘l“." N 0 TICLZ roml °V T Geritlh ~< sc Arsacod For Bil Disorders and Lis n:rxcaub-': remedy, produd P'?-nd m'm..vfl'é! d Analytical Chemists :llnmndlhom 1 PRICE, $106 PER ___Ottawsk, August 7, 1878, _ For Iiver Complain of the Liver, it is an exo the Liver into healthy act “l l-bo‘r':%â€"m Our wld.- in nuim oo L rueâ€" Unaecclimated travell u.m.{ n "&‘:’ “.’.;hki-!x the 48 Ayer‘s Agu For Fever and *ga Bo go~ â€"«lly are io viuak pot pui)lish the certifieates of the ggg;gqpu“hb at the same time the most effectan) :/ be uh , -*.,a: man 13. . 5 q0f9 ACOH mo n h in in m Of the lunge and threat hevepus Bd Mifutadict d confidence of ‘ mnm.,e..,.:‘ series of years, and among * e t cgmtn rty n as â€"ediopte D€Yor before in the wio Ayer‘s Cherry PracTiCAL axp An;; not soil long on lustre a nothing else can be ; (‘onta.inins neither 9i] 1t not soil white camix. ~ useluiness by lu-'“ -| of !buling the hï¬. ment, it will keep it dn Its m-«-nsion.fl use 'i' h from lurnilng Etay of (t consequent y mmies & illjllfion. to u' &' ‘ ouly benefit but 1Ot hare ; merely for a ened, falling ness often, 1 by its use, hair ‘where 1 or the glasd But such as uselulness hy Hair y | For restori its nalum V Prepared by Dr PRICE fim m‘w"u HAIR Dpreofp #*kee he hair, givige y , . ang s o0 Wl ared by Dr. Wny ess by this . i0z the h.%.. t will keep it "l\ isional use w * "SC.‘ iÂ¥Othine _ * ere ‘the Mhflnl bind. Plazds atnrr", resioring ¢, ira 1 u:'.’..gq A)'er'\. AS rem.." | ~ hy shi. 0 ’h P N mms... al ul' 'irz 8 Bray of 1 ' 'm. * m".""'. 1 T |"P Â¥a6, TCl .lhm zuU to you 1m08} of to gee aute #4, 1e «t YERT MA "": rPokk, Â¥ C LiBR HZ whELA® ~orTaÂ¥ ““_.‘.oulllï¬ OL RrLDPEAU 5 AND DEFPO â€"’“Co d others, t orders for a! woek at oTTAW A OF OoLP _ BY DEAL ERS 15 PEALEL®E 1e, O Purty, &* 1ieayy sro xE ! it, UPP vod Th A T 12 K my BELOY meay BA Y Eod ; DC