ts m‘ .‘: e uh € “. NCDE, in -3 ontaining ngy ot soil whitg Por w AÂ¥ADA For e oly for a 0 HAIR ODim. mn ols and a Klazds olso can J« 19 wugh peostuad MOT> * . ces Dussilia‘s rink WhiX® Murply s Ob Lote® PA duingess‘ aed Loadon P o n onane, ain .‘". whh q e it > > iss PORK, Â¥ (KLED gALYMON, LWA HER«LNG®, w‘- articles nesessary to «on« NHUML _ .. sas Congos, 1 , Luparieal Young }\%® + Aig"Bs _,..-m abek¥«~ Â¥reach OoGe® :“""".','x"‘uo.. loen ons W... Houttan &, & #o0! 4 fermn, Flour, Oatmeai, Pork, &6. c OTTaAWaA, Rad of Little dussorâ€"4 NPorms relating to their APPLAICATLON® &h the Profts above referred to, all whish may be: PERFRCIED on or Olmaseo will be beld ue MK, 0o W AN‘3 MUSIO :‘5 Spark# Stzest, on Monday, Wednssdiay ..&- sad after Monday, the 26th April parpmed{giving thorough instruction in the m.lnuh. egpecially as apâ€" a:ï¬cm. PLANO FORTE ander the Wino Mr U.B, FRIPP.condustor of the Ott=~ milatmonic Soctety, lormer\iy organist of the Eul-b Trinkty, Oathsdral Church of Tordato, and of Christ Church, Ottawa, M m‘â€l-..l‘-ohl-ont- R--uu-un-b: d@OW a «. be limited to cight pupliis, _ 13390f (“rl’ ."o‘ e EC CCCE ue aale * YKAY Lo W PRICEA a large pll selectod Loo k. somprising Qreserio®, L1q409% ‘Tobacee, Laandr3 .1'1.:..‘, sgai004. '\“ W. e ..,,,::n\fl.fl Arso. s * **" * / " use Vinegat* waps, all grados. K. saAVE)+ FROM FILK AT TWEaTY.FLVE BELOYW cO8T. . et bas alms rolk _ Â¥8 AgsSURANCE COMPANY, RTABLIGUEKD 1817. Ts thibs prrrons at & dlitance to complate the â€ï¬‚ can be assommedated ..“‘“.:“ Gentlomen a000 m o -m-x":fluu ated in inmediate Parliament uu:p :‘-:'.' KJK0 AND DKvOo HLTMENTC. u. DVIGNA N *#, i [ ue rinmate sns . * ABRKS OTREET, OrTAW A YOL. OLO3t Oofgf C ty m‘t Lists of the closing year, Tle A 0@ RAMAAY, Kidtewart having made arrangemenits stompliished lady teacher, announces PDansing Classes will sommense on iy, the dind Instamt ® râ€".mnoiu-d on appll= Robert dtowart, Wilbrod strest. ) lbotam ber Oth. 1409. " NAAAE k10 w id C L UUONUING.â€"The subsoriber having to divide his time equaily between woald beg to \nform Ais ons and others, that he hopes, in future, :nfl-o lor taaing more promplly Chalil risit ttawa onse a month . m- Mr; Bermingham s Auction Mileo® Music Store. A @KO, X. BENRDLIOT Wu MERCHANTS, W a RDERS al &\ OF In the Divigion of Profte of the past Ore years, to 30th April iast. MUardware, ‘-lï¬. ennmwensing es the 10th The whoie of my stook in oflered to ous» Marery tow d#gare 20 as to make rosm -h_*".t‘. l'uldodlm†Wakkoy . mm- pte aod qte Edne ationei. 42 D, Manager <trs# WA AC s S® ol customers to my heary stook _ ".nl MADE CLOTuI®Ne ‘h-u'“lmuuulnm Wmarked in piain Agures. RUEBDAY, vus iIrs MAY, ENT BELON "0O8%. OFFICE ANXD siLE n00Â¥M%â€"City Anstla m_‘__‘__‘_-'_._.._'-':-â€"‘ mart, York strost, h aentithe Saokes sc cmenem l?“‘._'il WI"'? ' m'.:...“b :.h hulo..“. ::k nie bpring t“\::; under C LEFH of the l Ves UertGeret pramie of Citat m breAumery publie of | . t# hnla,mla-d- Mumwwm::::l.umo.zln \ mesema very liberal patronuage bostowed on, and cond« nâ€"on--nm\m piaced in bim, since his «dvent as Nog, 1Â¥ Apatite «i: owk. Auntionser of this ory, and to arsure theae that .. withtknins m.ï¬:‘-:n:'n:v ::Q’.u ameirbt 5 conatinuance , patronage DIRECTORS: . _ |wy“u-_;_n-':f Ned k â€" 4 Cash PORCHASERS, du m s 4 .‘Mlhnfwnl Wo-.um“ he wress and Camberland‘ 13898 im NPCLEARLING BALLE _ SELLLY® at CcoST PRICE jap o all grader, Ports of UNS | “m‘fm‘. "“E ‘ t by & CX mm ‘J“d extramely low riees. | i un‘ Scotih Whiuker ang | hmurman; D 0 TAOMAON, Treaâ€" t% a MWoOMdAON, t 4 DUSXN. ROTICE,; a8%, yiee ground in (Mtawe., ind Â¥anet *°" steei, Lrom, Rops: soa. 1044#; OM, WPPA W A yep. @18 iau%®8 T ACOADRM Y . 30, ) sd# NB A 1. ®% & W o cavy M ardwar NK BUIRLDINX®, , Cong! ...' TH, ( otthe Cathe . bofl,nm-ny ;Q 1 Minging. “-:- # o he Y. NQ.â€" 18867. ® | 4% ind reosted Adully on Hand. Fou BAGNNBR3, TUK LIST3 YNEKW ESTAL« it K. M. Rantos 1138 .4 I_lq! my Ot Tthy ‘Ii)l IN8URANCEK â€" COoOMPANX Y OR MÂ¥ALIN h. Auditor. 1 have this deposited with the Meosiverâ€" m%mu addition to san d Mm&in‘fl; U. 8. Bonds, 62 of ‘®i1 the .‘..0- * .J.n.:o Wray, I:'.':u beer appolated Counsel to t Domie lom. N,h.dm-&%nlb. U. K. COORWINX, par*D?0o+!. In a fow days at _ WRhe tollowing lmumvo-put has raselved ‘.-hoannnwnohflmd ite Enswrancse ammes .. id " L O C Agent (or the Beaver, Toronto Muatoal Firse and Live stock lnsutance Co, theneral Commisaton Ageni, linporters, M=nufuotures and Mining Agont &dï¬u cvnataatiy on nand / OMcse, corner 3 and Sparke streots, over Masn Bros MHardward Store. No. 34. The UNION MUTUAL LLÂ¥E LN3UVUR noosuiv of Maine. tin U. 4. de of ‘#1â€"$50,000, j No: 10p _ Mw ean reter with plemsure,.lo twatimonials bhe has reseived {rom pinased propert» ln his hands log : :-'-.nm.“.f.""' s la solisiting public patronage in this branck business he would respectfully intimabe, that. the future as in the past, it «ill be his unseasing sare to study the intereat of his patrons ; wad that by cearaful attentiop, prom,4 cash returas, and mederate charges, to morlt a continuance of that pat rons g> nerecofere 1o liberaily bestowed upon Bpring Furniture Sales atthe Mart will com mensce immediaeiy, and from time to tiiame will bo duly announsed.> e will hold weekly salos of Morses, Cnitle, &0, &o, onthe Market, due notice of whish wili : yiven. The large aumber of Morses and wid by him during the past year, in auilslant guarantes that me abllily in mfl bramock of auctionsering is appredi ...w. and Sales will soon commence, | u‘m-humcumï¬ ndllul devrawa m-t:-â€". sormer of Qusser ness to dispose of will do weil to send them to | stract. h Cuw Minak Ue rawknpoulnikw _ c : _ _ _ | (A & A U TAYLOR, Ag on4, Trage Suies of Meronandise, Farm Atook, Keal Ku:ate, Libraries, Works of Arst, #o., #0., as wob as consignments, from a distance, will mest with .:m.uum.o very moderâ€" weat uy the Fany uy w t wnioek‘y m ay | o mens n o oe . 4 vanses made -13-». rwu.":cu- «ie w e ““"wuo.uw be porshased in CHANGE OF TWME s The Saie Koom is well Highsod an. ventilated, ROCKYTLLE & .‘“uwha-m'.:u. #0 a 18. B 'C"Ofl"b K AUL» Your tavoure and patronage are respestiuily in . _ Beveral Housse in the an hands for sale. TIME TABLE, No. 43, J?uuuaun. Commencing on MONDAY, NOY. 18, 449. Ot awa, November 7, 1884. mroatuas o® WOUsSE FUXKNISWINGâ€" HARDWA ATOVE3, STOVES, COOKING, FARLOR & BOX mvll.' ";',;‘;;;"ai;(; m LPE %.AG _ + in great varlsty# p o y A'l:}‘:‘. Tok w 1 8“5 panta® Telis xt 10.06 e m and Sole Agenis for "NoriNs* Busned Drum | 434 p m.seriving at Porth at 10.45 a m and ".34 Meater; and also for Katon‘s Pasnt Yeon | ? Witht th u-mâ€".m’. ‘ 9 ) & u-:- &&‘. aher O T Traine ass L C o 1 Pnierariiceniogingintns hm & IAGA RADARRSZ L SNCSCNTLERY e U. ABBOTt, + WB YOURH Cl Wonke* J0Y%. RODGERS 4& SON‘s CUTLERY AND DIXON & s0ON3 Britanvia Metal, Block Tin and Japan .....""‘..‘...‘:‘..‘.‘...'.u....'.’..‘:k....z.‘:‘. tys or grease. â€" Hara Soap, and some of them of a uperior article. * C M E The wildest and ugilest hores san be to obey his master, and aven to walk after lm the streots, rouds or Aelds, without the flnmm All ascomplished in one day . c-:.thOIIlu a sheap raie, without t r mh' TS on your Hands or tase. They mhhmd“:oâ€.‘tfl.-o'u-l In jury to the Qure for lame sacok dizeasess Rhonmatiom of he woret kinds san beoured in lessthan a woek without taking #ay kind of medicine in the inside. Qures persons troubled with the Gravel Oure tor Auntons. ° Oure (or Plles. f mmwdmwmum t any time in less than twenty hours, Also, by a emmon herb. ‘ Parties who are indlated with any such dinâ€" awy.. should make application to Â¥. MARTIN, , mm tlbe ud mï¬â€œâ€œâ€œâ€œ OO“ Al. the uu Ume to â€" Partisedesirona to be agents can make a \nn, as b# .99_.::’ other ralaable mm HALES AT PRIVATS REALDE®RCEKH K. W, HIWUOANX®, Aus you a sufferer rom Neuraigia, Mbeumatisen | O nuin of any deseription ? Dr. J. Briges‘® Alleâ€" !‘.“"‘_'.*Wâ€"“m"_"."."l GENERAL AUCTIONEER, Tmeomitions apt Thaith pour pale.‘‘ foid Ay LYVEH & KELHR, U6 6 14 ME NGAL A NC , HORSE TRAINING INFORMATION CJRW 1NX, General A, Bt, Jobhsn, N. B Â¥or uï¬ï¬-â€" ol Fimancse JOUN LA NWTON, wbere, Gas and Steam Puters, Tin and Copper Smiths, Bell Hangers LO0 K RCLPE Wi* Â¥iat:» Waxke, Ao hm nue quantity of A t WA@HING COMPOUND, AND BUY NO OTHER, E® MONDE‘3 «2 gentiléts, Cinmamnon Daraarua®t, Uttawa. lith Ootober, 1008 REERIGLERATOE, e D Z1 F Noa, 20 MIDEAUâ€"AT., I L T KK, hir Un« til| â€" fete Mooiteabaha tnland Fobd in # Mlaponal, that bt, Witnive, 3t. Wyrascinthe, Aston, wud Mm‘ Rishmonad, ?'m M DRNCEKS, | *:m rw nemam , |MNtecamrerane ts nrinr ha twlw â€"up:- tnx, N. 1., raturnung on Tussday,. _ K3 M ) » DK t U Manager wWuatP av dn TML Cl W 0. 0« + (ioucentier Tmn UÂ¥. LA WRBEKNXCHEK aND OTHFAW A Uh A Uhe W A W . (Wirmeriy the Ottaws gurt Proesson Rauilnwag) On ami from MONDAY, 13#t» JUNE, watese | """ """ MTC" wild m.n as followe : graph lalanad, Geing South Ottawa to Pressott. I-l_l_t‘ï¬l_l“‘: Rostitor®.... OQugmnl® ... W qoman pt w thve O%ho#4 ...... Presooit Whars‘... Pressott Juastion Mig 0d cxrmenanarcams K69HDOWWIAG »»»=»»«» Wioucester ; Obtaailk « L. Noreâ€"Trains are ran by Montreal Time. R LU TIWEKLL, TUOMAA WKY NULDOS Night do doe | ds _ do _ doe tJP ; = Ascsoinmeodation too Cormmeall udlu-.mlnh. Who»»««» WO & # Ascommodation Train for K ingstoa and Intesmediate Htatl0n8, 4t..... «...»~ TilP 4W# Trains for Laskine at .......001u, 40 a® t am. 18 soon, h# pa,. ht p a,. bp a aad 430 p u. c R EB9 1889.]) WINTER ARRANGEKXENXTs. (i8to Trains now leavre BONAVENTURE STATIOS as followa : [ w dOLINJ s00TH AaND EAST Assommodation Train tor Taland Pood and Intermediat® SURHOR® #4..»»»«««« K o promm CuP BOROD tb...»0»000sssee0000cee00e0s Utnvsae tos New Y orkznd Bostonat...... Caqpreag‘or Now \ DPXUaRa Hostonass...... HW PE | sad OUzues Rabuwayp Comupyany wA be hok u6 txpram ‘her" Ren" Yurk and Hestex the CUMPANY‘E OFFICK, is the Tows «t viea Plattabargh, Lake Champlain, Broskr\ile, on WREONKADAY, the TK®TH | imb | emeng worg n m y > m n Nmmemapeptntlaieny ~+ 4 $H | day of AVOUST nest, at TWELYVE «/dtack aece, ~""'-’- Quabes, Lsfand Pond. ol «hich all passous lntesested are beseoy requirâ€" "a:â€"- :w_-n.. wl in Ganliae quinlibants G-AID TRUNK â€"RAILWAY COM+ FANY OF CANADBA. ag* ~Ooln WENT, "Ettemes m Detroit, Chisage, _ W MF POMEREG WUBGE, 6. cooccoccerccter, The 1.3) p m Line .. * Â¥or furtherinformation and thme of arrivnal and departure of all trains at terminal and way sta toas, apply at the Tloket OMee, Donarsenture Jta ‘.-;-m~~ W hluk ‘“'“'u m $ loave Portsad MWIDA' n mb Ilva DAY at 4 y‘uo, tar at Jobn, X.B., &8 | "‘uumm-»-. pats> ~I Yowwd esnc & pal suatlons. _ helk« toa: $+ 4:1 8 ¢ LKAYE AANDPOIN‘C. G:00L *eests, chtey pa, arriving at Broouvrilie at 1214 p m,430 on ce Py i | l& :BA On snad ahest SAFURDAY, the 1Mh Dkâ€" URMBER, 1404, this| Rauilway will be open for MI..". \.. he with the w % traine of the Nove: (lnllm Matila®‘y at 10.30 a m and 6.040 q m, arriving at Keneriile at 1t 40 a. m., amd 4 O p. a*, and at Annapoiles i# 10 p m. uoo.? dloasmege Silininntipeciiectiralile Loute ‘Aenkpaite at 136 [® m -l'm‘u'h...«'...........«.u..... '; | M Pm meatfeweceemcnmenecsanices. W } OUulang Rovttk ;n-oo to Qitawe, Statome ' . Me 4 su part l a ten t e 4 “ LÂ¥A £o aot @ego®, ay touska, ‘_ No. #ral}, W W urd Market, Takes this io thaak. his numerous frlends tor the 11 which they have hoeretofore bestowed him, and to expreas bis ope that thoa4 of his MEATA, the promptacss with w ho attemis to the wishes of uis customers, and his goneral desire to ploass, w â€" asure for him a wb Uh. Two or three sxtra CORNEO BEEF m:)\r 1470 To be obtained | LKAYE BROCKYILLE, I&Â¥"%..ATm tay a a6) a. 1i hrivmeg is Funiytint it hi § is _ ~mh-tâ€"v°-b‘" wt Toâ€"DAY 130646 0. ): BRLYDGERA, Managing Dissster PEXTH BRANXCH LEKAYE PERTU, I, W.â€"â€"« FRAINE wilh beawse Porth at 4.4b p m and %.08 a m amnlroads. walm sunme through to Provine | MAIX LINE, CY t O & .0 NOPE & 00., and JONES &A HOLL A XD Managing Dirsstos OGrrawA, SarURDaY, JUNE k. %. Â¥. WÂ¥ Pians sad SpeciQyailo ns mwap 1 W 12 14 | Depastment, ank at the Othows â€" % 0# 3% 40 84 18 W) v.w. | Piuns and Bpesifyatine map be smm at cLis 14 14 ) Depurtment, ank at the Othoes of Waber Hos, 19 4b Keg., M. P , Prston, and the Collectors of Castows 1 §§ | at Kingaton and Beltert io. at which plases, also, % 0% | Formse of Fandaers oon be prasored by itonding ifllm % KKE y â€" Wislie hee "Ioatlaod hn Ks Aumortetecd ke !5‘3’ qa**>« ® 18 +® 3ub 84 | MONDAY, the 20th Day of Juane neat She Works ate teqsired to be complated by tikhe Oth duy of Ontwbers, 1830 rpwsouns you . Bure the sonstruastion «t Lightâ€"MWouses at Tolo graph Ieland, Bay of Quiate, and Pigece L lans The Department ‘does aot bhai steall to assept the lowess or any Pendar. © Â¥KNDERS will be ressived at this Departmont at Outawa, up t asoe of & Department of Marioe and Flahorie®, UAtawn, bat June, 1470, . which all pertons Intecested are heraby required in take notice. .# Canade Contral Railway OM+«, Oataws Ciky, June 10, 1408 . 14 tus OTTAWA RAILWAY COMPANXY Broskrlie & Otta®sa L L. OfBee, Buesakrtile, Ous., Juae Wik, 1HIL. _ 1384 tn. TUIF GOVERXOR GFNERAL Beg io intimaie to their customers aad th peblic In Otta | generally, hatthey will keop conssuath on BAB4 | ) poueation to be made to The Asomab Qeneral Mesting of the Besolrilie »i»~ BEKEY AND MUTTOXNX. s 8PICaÂ¥ ana» S8ALT ROUXNXD n.‘...o Are you aBisted with n.d’ lmmediai® «Mef frem â€" Rrasara‘s lï¬â€œ Yak eReat PrAlX CUREX. l---‘: .l- kree minates . Mearaigit, *A m setpap ) cungny bpued «ut ...uw thogma‘lam by the Intensemsss of \ts pain and the peddencer of its «ttack, may be cured withis two misstes This OENTRAL RAILWAY Co Bfloa rouECL i "C i Aant* Finid uw composed eatire) yof "?“M" ..‘uvd--.hgmwm bemen r~.m. applieations. u and pou will not be disuppointed. Feor rale I" e ie " [ k is C by Chamists and Drosgins gosetaily . ROCHK VÂ¥ iLL M L 1 G KT â€" H O ! ROLLAD BEELF FPOR PARTIEHA 1304 1y P. WITCUKLL. MWinlaters of Marine and Fubersies AF KWiAiARB XARKE!, €HEIR CELESRATED Â¥RESH KILLED THEIR STALLA, NiA ICE NOTICE. APALLâ€"D n i» WNoese. 4 and T, 4* ® . L. KWORSLKY, Â¥ . L WORALEY, Beoretasy N7 wind 4M Proside | *A eoup ixYESTXEAT. es commenced ber regular trips between Ottara and Mosatreal, with Malls and Passongers, leaving Outaws ant 7 a m, deliy, M A KK ET _ 8TE aM Ex 2 waeF AIRY s ; Cort, XHa®s, Will cammench running het reguliar trins from Majuts Wherl to Oitaews ever Mondry and Sutunloy loariag Major‘s at 5 a m, and Oitawa at ip m. 5 Ottawa, April, 15, 1870 KOONCOU Y Passengers and Familles morlieg West. car ambark woth their m-.'.nt.?o and lana wguther withoot disturbance or houh‘z-u.u their port of destsnation, thas n“-&".nu incvavenionce of the many chancts, 1 and «xpemees of Aber rout 1 _ c C 5 | BMI" There Hinamers havea large cablnos and C o i s l Wate rowme, a mply and neatly furnished, for Are Por Canadian amer from Quebes every tlums passibgers, and second cabinms, with cook Friday at 10.4} AM. dlovee c.:‘r.l-uuo scoommedations tor pas | Por direct Packet yia Now York, every.Tacsday magore tuuillâ€"s who may wish to furpish at 5.40 a.m. A & their own ppovisciens T MA %s edorte wl\ be epared to malntain: the rapatuties of this as the cherapest and bee route _ ME" hak bor Tiekata via Rorhers Transporta time Company‘s Steamers, the only American Lines learing Ogéemburgh. _ _ _ MX hrough Cickets to Chicage with» out Change, #1 00 "0%, pDU" Larving OGUDEXRBURG everyp d47 s:.‘n‘o ameepted). on arrival ol noen train* CHICAQO, MILW AUKEEK and Iotermediate PORT®H, without change of Bost; and erery mlfllc.u‘i excepted). for CLEYVELANXD, TOLE DEYROIT, and Intermediate PORT®. â€" Ubrweghk Tlokets to all ,..u.' in the Qrest U ust, Foms Wert and Routh West, cheaper than the cheapat on applieation to _ __ . _ _ , _ _ DI" UWh The nagpage tree to cach P i-au-.-h:!:_ Lhrough to clr-i-u:.. .'.' W leare Apimer Dally (*uniay excepted) #30 a, m. a K A IL WY A Â¥ Co M P aANX Y 5Puuo NOTICK [ _ . e Kershy gives, fhat the Keower OHANE | Crews Timber Agesty, forme:ly under the lmddl.lu.l.lm.u been abolished, :uaummmuflwh | aitached to the Upper Oitawa Crows Timber | Agem«y, under the charge of A J RUSSELL, Es !Mlhwlflflm'ï¬.b“m. for shipment and clearances for Quebec will be IKtawa, May %, 1878 * x OrraAw A RIYVEE "MBTHKRYX TRAX8PORTATIOX 0O.‘*8 _ ~OENERAL COMMISSILON AGKNXT, Clarence Street, next to the City Hotel Jttawa. Sollieits the patronage of the Leamber Merch an grssraily on the Ottaws. From bis long experiâ€" sase in the trade he offers his services in engaging men and attending to their rafts while passing hare to the best of his abliity. Alex Fraser, Keq. Johs Pospore, Eeq, % GRoOCERIES8 ANXD LIQUORS, YIGATION COVSSTEAMERS NALL STKAXER "l\o "I?l.l: _ Merap COrase, Copp Lrom for sale by FWO DAILY LEXES OF sTEAMERS YU EKE KE Xâ€" Y IGC T OX 1 4," OrICE WELL EESTABLISHED BUSIXESS, C BROWXE £c0O, OX SPARKEST 1340 3 Commissioner of Crown Lands. PMINICK POX. $ 11131 Â¥UK UNXIO®X FPORWARDI®XG Is now open to Joachim On Liberal Terws a Btook of LEABRE OÂ¥ @8TORk, i x x B8 80 X" Deramnwawr ce Cnow® Larts, Toreato, April 20b , 18 F OR 81LE MJl van HiH¢rv®#. Togother with the Carr. â€" Bow@s, CansieJ on by 0. U. BALDWIX & ©0., In Ottawa J T CORCORAXK, Agent, w & WB BALDWIX BRO3., IS, 187t. & W 8HUEPHEKD 1M1f W REID & 00,° eOrll atrret, Mentce W alter Emith, K#q, ‘.rm.utumuu-u. 'unbom R W Cruiss, beq. ltfl.lhnwhnnunmb M . relief was not obtained."â€"OGeneral Alezander to ,_.-_,~_~‘«â€"ghl.~¢. | In Tins, 2s 64, 6s and 108. k | Or formed into Cigars and Clrarsttes, Bexes, 31, r. Leoad Line and Ca | b5, 8+ and 154, * ; Puaaiie tor tnatagin, Boven 264 97 0t 10e W REID & 00,° u\Inl-‘c..IA.. CAONK steaet ‘ Miantre Assurupâ€"Mersre. Â¥. Cundill & Co., Montreal & & CA8SELA, Presidect 8 nLCH ARDS, COMFORT Ottawa. 1 MITH . PoRT OÂ¥pICE SiYIXO8 BAXK. _ . £®* m†Ill be received at this Ofice. Interest the rate of Four rc cent. per annum, and iits can be withdrawn at amy time. Five per cent. will be allowed on o"oehl deporits ig sums of $100, for the withâ€" rawal of which 3 months‘ notice will be reâ€" quire« NOXKY ORDERS. be too much, four familieaciubbing together could On Money Order Ofices throughout the Doimiâ€" | $6,4°6,Ffours 1b bores, ortwo 1216 bokes. Wasend nion, Great Britain and lulngd. Newfound~ | ; pem to one address carringe paid, and mark each land and Pripce Edward Island, can be box plainly, so that each party get their own Tea. wbhtained at this QMoee. Also, Postage and | w warrant a the Tea we sell to.give entire , Bill Stampe. | satisfaction. If they are not sa.isfac tythey can | _ uesmm h | be returned at our expense. _ _ Depart...............4 8.10 a m, 1.00 p m, 10 00 pm AFTIYO ..............4 4 40p m, 11.90 a m, 9 ..J. Che aborve traiasiconna~t at Prescott Junstien with draad Prank Ralil #ay for «@ll points south sast and woeet. ue d "&-T;a'l'{vâ€"r‘wur'nt street, corner o Busser streel. f U TAYLOR, Agents. Post Orric®, L Ottawa, 13th June, 1870. FOR LEAN3INd, BEAUTIFYI®NG, AND PRESERVING TAE TEETE Sold by is and Perfumers, and by the Manufusturers. _ * | Pllflll AF A Diâ€"~TANCE REQUIRING ® ARTIFICIAL TEEIH may have them | supplied, in partial or completé sets, on Mesars. | Qabriel‘s new system, by sending cm-luuf : their oases, with a r: puitance of Ose Guines, when | the apparatus for taking a mogel of the mouth wil} be forwarded, with all necetsary instructions, Mesers. Qabriel will madertake to Remodel or Repair Amtidcial Tosth made by other Dentists, [:Mcldo not prove satisfactory}, at moderste t J I-uu.'“ Gabriel‘s Pamphiest on Artifsial Teéth Q ond Palsless Deptistery on receipt of postage. *#,* A‘lletters to be addreâ€"sed to 64 LUDGATE | * HTLL, LONDPON. _ 13233 faw6n lawkom )lls‘.sm. 8. GABRIEL, The Dentiste, Renders the tooth sound and useful, and ‘mow Tmubo.un:hnhrhunl. riee 1s #d per box. Ask for Gabriel‘s Celebrated Dental P ud ++‘<â€"/ watnd l e F.. A8STHN A»~ !l DATURA TATUL A, ‘ Affords Immediate Relie!. ;luhl.‘i-.â€"'nr]. i. e * ysnt !&%‘flï¬uï¬"u&m:ï¬ keep white, and as Arm as the tooth iteolC. The beautiful preparation restares Front ‘l'-_u! and f ,Annimios wnirk eufrta PsRCdA NK EXAME:,, for Stopping Decayed Teothâ€" Imparting a natural redness to the gums ; whitens ‘ 1 ABNHIKLI8 OBTEO ENAMEL STOPPLNG NK for Preserving Front Teoth,. Warranted to (‘ ABRIKL*S CORAUITE TOOTH PASTE, XK for cieansing and 1mproving the Testh, and Gnl-vuvl ROYAL TOOTA POWDER red from a recips as used by Her lq“mhommmm.“l- clous fragrance to the breath ; gives the Tecth a pourlâ€"like whitemess and protects the enamel. G‘m""..'.‘"c?. e.uu fn.r.no‘ to | m-mo whitene 1s, 64. (‘}".';IR-'.“ a mouth wa Gllll.l-'l ODONTALGIQUE ELLXIX, w ..h‘ -un:‘nld h.r.n‘i agreea ble vproperties in sleansing the mouth nuu-:’ the breath; is is invaluable to smokers, strongly recommendsd to suferers from Tis, Nenraigia, and Toothache, Bee Gabriel‘s nameâ€"None Genuine without it. Price 1. 1%.â€"A Rupplementary Mail Bag for Canaâ€" dian Steamer will be closed every Friday at 11.45 a.m. AB letters must be fully 'lwo- paid by Stamps, No Regirtered Letters van be sont in this bag. | t 1 ABHIKL * OBTBRO ENAMEL STOPPLEG Arrival and Departure of Mails, £ { 64 Ludgate Hill, London, And at LIVERPOOL and BRIGABTON. Po#8T OFFICEK. OrPfTAW A. Orric*® H rrox 8 1.4.,, To T rx. G. P. BAKER, Postmaster. EUMMXER a deonay . Bathslent for Stopping six Teoth. TLAVELLER _ GUIDE. Li WRENO® aNXD OTFAWA RAILEAY OMIItS 9 R I L BRITIBH MAILA CLOBE DATURA TATUL A, l Affords Immediate Relie!. I ® A remwedy ot great power and OELEBRATED PREPAR A AlRANXGEMEXNT OR ASTHM Aâ€" aad Chronic Bronchitis ouLyr 8Y. # 7 | + Our Teas, after the most severe tests by the best â€"=â€" | medical authorities and judges of Tea, have been «a | pronounced to be quite pure, and free m and ;’ | .rtlï¬--hlooluril‘ot poisonous substances so often im | used to improve the appesrance of Tea. They are O | ansqualleq for nn?rl and favour, They have â€"~ | been chosen tor their intrinsic woilh, luru‘ in ‘ mind hullh,omcv,ud. hi&h.do‘m of pleasure in drinking them. We sell for the emailest possible "I | profts,e€fecting a saving to the consumer of 1be to ;hrtlb. Our Teas are putup in 5, 12, 15, 20 and Y | 25 1b boxes, and are 'Mrn and free from * | poisonous substances. (Grders for four 5 1b boxes, | ‘wo 12 1b boxzes, or one 20, or 25 1b box sent carri «ge a* | free to any Railway Station in Canada. Tea will at | be m-u‘odl--oduul’ on receipt of the order by eâ€" | m=il muhh‘b-onoy.or the money can be collect re | ad on delivery by expreseâ€" man, .'Ln there are A stmple and eMsient protoction.«nd alarm ¢â€"® be uuLdu a8y door, wingow or place where valuables are kept, A fow very useful «CAPITAL" â€" STOVE : DEPOT. Also new sapply of beautifut Including the Bird Cages, CHILDREN‘S : CRIBS, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, The whole Dominion snould buy theirteas of the + Imp.rters, THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY a if astured; â€" Bailders jeb work to order. H MEADOWSs & Co, 35 susser tree u‘nu ofices, In sending orders below the amount of $10, to save expenreit will be better to send money with the order. Where a 25 ib box woulda be too much, four familieaciubbing together could BLACK TEA l‘ll‘l‘m Breakfast, Broken Leaf, Strong Tes Lio, bbe;, Fine Flavoured New Semson d0,550,60¢ and 65¢ ; Vu‘lut Full Flavores do, T5¢; Sounc Ociong, 456 Rich Fiavored do, 600 ; Vo?.flu do, do, To¢ ; Jupan, Good, 50¢, 550, Kine do, 606 Very Fizne, 650, Finest. The, GREEN TEA. . hml‘.tu. bbe, Abe; Â¥oung !l&:u £0e, 666 6be, T00; Fine do, 15, V.nx'fllo. ; buperfin« and Very Choics, $1 Fin: Gunpowder,850; Extr» ll&orho do, $1. awtukiL, April, â€" 68.â€"To the Montreal Toa Company , 6 Hospitalâ€"street, Montrea] ; We notioe with plea»~ s the large amount of Tea that we have » rwar‘ _ for you to dtlwo‘uJuu ol the Jomin on, 1 . we are glad to your busimess s rapi¢ ; increasing . We presume your lens ars (uley C t aus is 7 Iviug ral satipfaction, as ont of the large tnull’oflord“. we have only had vocasion ‘u return one box which, we understan . wassent t« through a mistake. s € ChENXEY, # Manger Canadian Express Company,. Teas not mentioned in this ‘ciroular equali sheap. Tesorly so‘d by this eo-rg‘?. ‘ An excelient Mixed Tes could be sentfor bÂ¥#6 and 10¢; very guod for common parposes, 506. IDH* Bowarse of pediars ana runners using opt name, or ofering our Peas in small packages. Nothing less than a cattie sold. Note the Addressâ€" The Montre _ ea Company Ontario Banokf, Sparks street, with a perfectly new and complete stock of Genuine Drugs, The Popular Proprietary guropean and American Medicines and Preparations, English, French and German . English Brushes and Tollet Articlos, Dye Stuffs, Beeds, and all the Miscelianeous artiâ€" cles usually sold by Druggists. will: receive the attention their importance deâ€" mands. The presori department will be under the personal -’::}Hnd the proprietor, u:lrmhnlum'lllbpd“flhqumy 'rny“m.l::d.::zy‘. merchants supplied. The subsoriber has ample facilities for attendâ€" Ing to the wants of I!l'giuicnt- 2000 0 g.. ... ALEXANDER CHBRis1:k. Ntawa, February 17, 1570 1285.8 y mrFEET WARrk s â€" AT THE CAPITAL BOOT & SBHOE sTOR YORK STREEY. I nmnulv_l:-y BPRIN® and BUMâ€" MER STOCK which wili be found complete in all lines comprsing Ladirs, Misses, and Chllérens Kis. Gost and Prunnella, in ‘Buttoned Balmorals u"u‘o-’uu. Gonuts Eaglish and French imported Calf, Kid and Morrosco Congress Gaiter U ppers, Those who desire a comfortable biting Boot will please call and leave their orders, which will be attended to a1 the shortest notice.. All work gone by first class Workmen in my establis>ment. 1 have been particular in shoosing and manufacâ€" turing serviceable ware for the Farming and Lambering community by whom 1 am sa large‘y patronised, and at prices as ussal aetying comâ€" _ ONE BUNDERED THOUSANXD DOLLARS t LEND on sity and country property, is sams 6 $100 and oprards, at a low rate of interest and vpon very easy and adrantageous terms to the borrower, Cholios Vile Lots for sale, suitable for gontJemen‘s sountry residences,in blocks, contain ing trom balf an sore to 10 acres, within a few minutes drive of the Government Builldings. LFerms o! payment very easy, *# Asconcheur, OMGeein Mr Hearn‘s Dra, Rore, KWart end “ox“" B:idge, . OB+s hoors from 9 a m. to 4 p. m. . N, B â€"4pesial strention ~iven to the tre utment o( cissases of tie CYE and BAK. A: night can Bangs‘ Block, nearly opposite the Post flce entrance, next door to the Custom Hooss. 1367 3m Agent tor Ottewa, pe seen i his residence, Murray sireet. The subscriber begs to inform his triends and ; public ° geceraliy, that he has commenced Â¥amily medicines and physicians‘ preseriptions KNLIANS BEW ARE ! HK MONXTREKAL PRIEXG AND SUMMER STOCK «x 0 Râ€"W ES T E R," TE A.COMP A N VY. OTICEK. BR | RAOBILLARD, Phesisian, BURKRGLARS ALARMS BB 6 Hospitalâ€"si ., Montreal. KR bURGLARKS TAKE HEED Wire Flower Baskets, Apply to COOK sToVEs, English Chemioals, at THE For sale at $1.50 each. H MoLEAN, 18 Sparks street. dEORGE Â¥URPHLT, For burning Coal. Iron Bedsteads, R A BRADLEY Patent Medicines Perfumery, PARICEâ€"3 CEN ITS. In the published records kept at Nuremâ€" berg, in Knvn.ria, are the following interest. ing facts relating to extremely hot seasons in times past :â€" 00 _ sya y +4 In the year 1132 the earth cracked by reason of the heit, the wells and streams in Alsace all dried up, and the bed of the Rivrer Rhine was dry. In the year 1152 the heat was «o great that sind exposed to the sun‘s rays was hot enolugh to csook eage. ; â€"â€" c ‘0 .. _â€"In 1160 great numbers of soldiers in the compaign against Beladied from the effects of the heat. â€" In 1276 and 1277 oats failed complet« oats failed completely. s f In the years 1303 and 1304 a man could have crossed, ury shod over the River Seine, Loire, Rhine end Danbee. rn 1393 and 1394a multitude of animals perished by re:son of the heat, which was so great that the harvest dried up. $ In 1440 the heat was extraordinary., ‘ In the years 1538, 1539, 1540 ufll&l all the rivers were nearly dried up. §1+. In 1556 there was a grom.dmugll’nt~ which extended over nearly the whole of Europe. In 1615 and 1616 there was, in Italy,* France and the â€" Netherlands, and overpow â€" In 1718 it did not rain a singledrop from April until October, The growing grain was burnt, the rivers dried up, the theaâ€" ters (but wherefore . is not stated) were closed by commund the of police. The therâ€" mometer showed 36 degrees Reaumer, equivalent to 113 degrees Fahrenheit. In irregated gardens the fruit trees bloomed In 1648 there were fiftyâ€"eight consecu tive days of extreme heat. « cloudodwoountt,eoftbsoshut, the h“h’ est tem ture being 36 Reaumer, or | shronbeit" % ag: The year 1678 was very hot, as were the first three years of the ei&teenth cenâ€" ury, :s ~: .c i x 1k e dr;h‘::mmerofluo wa;:ery hot and ing in being absolute ly ’euï¬l:;.mm:dufmnotum for many In famous comet yearâ€"]811â€"the sumâ€" mer was very warm, and the wine produced that season was considereqa very precious. "During the three d-y-oflbewh gg.l::y, l‘nl&.‘fu. the thermometer at Jentigrade, about the same 97 Fmit. « * â€" The yeart 1748, 1754, 1760, 1767, 1778 angilfl&) were extremely ;;ot'. n * In 183:’.durinf the uprising of the |5th and 6th of July, the temperature |was about the same. | The Scine was nearly dried up in 1835. In June, 1850, when the cholera » ed for the second time, the tem was only about 75 Fahrenest. s The highest degree of heat that can withstand for any lengthened px: varies from 104 to 122 of Fahrenheit soale. But with a much lower temperature nuâ€" merous dexsths occur, f | Loxpox, June 1, 1870. Consuls for money, 94} to 94} ; ac count, 93{xd. | COLONIAL GOYVERXNMEXT ©ECCRITIE®, | British Columbia 6 per cent. Jan. and July, 1872..~ British Columbi«a 6 per cent. A:ril and Oct., 1894 . Canada 6 per cent. Jan. and July, 1877â€"84.. ... .. .s; po. 6 per cent. Feb. and Avg. 1877â€"84. . ..... a Do. 6 per cent. M«rch and ‘ Nept., 1877â€"84. ...... po. 5‘5« cent. Jan. and July, 1877â€"84.. ...... Do. § per cent. Inscribed Dritanma « triaeni ver the main‘ She waved with sovercign grace Uprising at lier tonch benign, * We take a Nation‘s wlace. With Britain‘s right, and Britain‘s might Hand joined in hand are we ; In loyalty and love constrained, Yet freest of the free ! The Rose, the Thistle and Shamrock, With Maple Leaf combine, a And with these emblems, ever dear," A wreath we will entwine.* " Dien et mon Droit" our watchword still, With record pure and bright; Through days to come, as in the past, We will maintain theâ€"right. | Do. 5 per cent. April and Mmorumt. Jan. nmi July, ..... .. ‘Our Queen, " God bless her!" let us #sing, And pledge to her anew, Our hearts, our fortuncs, yea, our lives, ‘In promise firm and true ! Nova Scotia 6 per cent. 1875 â€" Do. 6 per cent. 1886 Let others, shameless, boast that they *Midst bloody strife were born ; And from a ruthless parent‘s side, Unpityingly were torn. . No pangs of sorrow, pain or woe, Our Natal Day becloud, In peace conceived, in peace proclaim‘d Rejoice and sing aloud. Waravilla â€" Cocon â€" For â€"Breakjast â€"The + Glone‘ says:â€"**Narions importers and manuâ€" facturers have attempted to uttain a reputation for their prepared Cosons, but we doubt whether sny tborough susses bad been achiâ€"ves artil Mesers. Te yior Br where disoovered the extraordinâ€" ary qualities of © darmvilia‘ Coous, Adapting their perfect system of prevaration to this fnest of all species of the Theobroms they bave proâ€" duced an article which susersedes every «ther "Jocona in the market Entire solubility, a deliâ€" sa«se srome, and a rare concentration of the rest elements of autrition, ‘hfl.rub the “u"fll‘ Coses above all others For homeâ€" paths and tovalids we could nor recom end a more agre sble or v«luanle beverage" Rold in pasvets only by all Grocers, of whom also may be ad Tavior Or thers, al Homan«this Cosona and Bolable hosolate. eam Millsâ€" Brick Lanse, London Rug. Canadians no‘er were known‘to finch, When duty did command : And now to Nation‘s manhood grown, The firmer we will stand. On each return of July First, Most notable of days : Canadians aye will greot the day, In loud aclaim and praise. â€" In the year 1818 the theaters had to be In 1723 and 1724 there was very great CONFEDEH a 110X and 1277 the crops of hay and Horra! hurra‘! Canadian« «ll; We sing Confederation ; July the First we celebrate, The birthday of our nation Canadian Securities. Hot #ammers» 1877â€"84 Hurra! harra! &¢ Hurra! hutral &¢ Hurra! burra! & Hurra ! hurra‘ &¢ Hurra?l Hurral! & Hurral hurral &c Hurra! Hurra! &¢ Hurral Hurra! &¢ Closing prices 107} to 1081 104} to 1054 1044 to 1054 99 ‘to 100 107 to 108 104 to 1054 1074 to 108} 97, to 981 98 to 100 14 1 U