3 t*4} 14 } B 1p3 Cp d . w s# *« Yss & 14 443 \ t th N *® M i in 48 f le 40 14 it * Maraschigo, Chatrense, «reme do Moka, Olives, & Otth wa, May to, 1870 QQ V im Daire, Vin :o Ht, George, _â€"_ MEJS AND PRIMNE mESS roRrk Â¥.4 0 Y K. NO. 1 4& tC * The spubscriber will turmish 1CK dally to those requiring itfor th» season. Double apply n Snaturdny‘s for Sunday‘s use. 10 Ibe dally, tfor the senso® $4.00, Terms payable in o’nu. l-n.-nmmmow"m on liberal tertie as paer agreement. All orders left at Mr. G. Mortimer‘s Drog Store, Suspex street, Mr. Alex. Christiv‘s PDrug Store, street, Contro Town, Mr. F. Hallanâ€" tdaiw‘s, Wollington stroét, Upper Town. or at the Double W atecproof and K. B. C Patent W ire Cartrldges, Felt un Waddings .b'o.'lnnl and Musale 5.«.... and every description of Sporting #td Militar â€" Ammunition. _ â€" Pooket Revolvers. _ _"~ PIN CARTRIDGES for Lefaugheuzx Revobrers of (2â€"m., â€"m, aod ?â€"m. bore. CENTRAL Fi"K and PLN FIRE® CARTâ€" RIDGRS for all=.«. sandsyscoms of Gune Rifes, and Revolvers. ' \he above cartridge cuses (owpty) of all sizes, and for the diferent systems ot Breach â€"loading WKiles, can be bad with or without the suitabe Bullets and Machines for Anish the Cartridges bOXER CANTIID‘)“al-q bn. tor R evel ving Platols, usedin bor Mo wÂ¥y . COPPEER RIM FIRK ï¬l}n»?- of wl wiios, fo: Smith & Wo*son‘s, Tr , and ouher pFomsadioge against manufucturems and ven lute of sgon, or any . wher imitations by which their tight may be LM-..‘ â€"â€" BPH" Ask iss LEA & PERRINY Suuce and see Name m Wrappor, Labe!, Bottle and buopper, | Wholesale and for ltr' the Propristors Worsester ; Crosse and Iul’fll. London, do, &#o, ani by. Grosers ana ofln aniverâ€" swily. C Auiiap Yaw ABd to sae that their numes ars upon tas wrapper, labels, stopper and bottle. seome of the toreign maurkets naving been supplied with a mvao W orcestershire Sauce, -,uolbo'u"un'u labels of which the «ames 6 L‘..Pmill.b†been forged, L and P give notice that they have furnished Mum donts wih power of attorney to take prossediags against manufucturers and ven uts At Ottawa, Sand Point, and Pembroke NOR BALE The snscess of this most delicions and anrivalâ€" ad condiment having caused certain dealers to app y the name of «Worcestershire Bunsse" to their own! nferior compounds, the public is hereby informed that the only way to secusre the â€" anuine, CEK, 1ICK, 10CK. The «* BLEY BOXKR®* are the oarâ€" dges known, carrying their own ignition, and ing made wholly of metal, are waterproof and porishable in any climate. *bonhn unvl.l.. ansas ELauinkw\ ab s1 atzas «un on up ah @ ama vaoids. â€"s00d0n w olimate are sourses of Pulmenary laums a0a Asthmatic aflections, Rxperionce having proved that mnll:.n-um often aot apsedily and oer tmaly w taken lothe early ourufllo dieâ€" sase, recourse should at once be bad to * Brown‘s l-rslhl‘lwn."n Loson yoo,. Pow are awars af the Importance «t cheokin, « cougb, or #*som won gold," in its Orat stage. in«¥ whiob in che i“ LEYV!8 AbUnuasaitios. wa Ma 18, i8to 14 N, 8I. arkonos & cos ""f“ wWiNEs Surra® u008 â€"Rrtra »\ul‘cd this day nbote cwill be str oc WORCESTER8SHIREK SAUCE, IR'I.BV UROTHERS, _ U@RaA1‘s INXNX‘ RoAaD, LONDON KA & PERRILNXE* WWreen Raw lHides #8K FOR LEA & PERRINX® s#AU CB, Jompiled ex prossly for the Qrtawa Ma THE BOXER CARTRIDG®® * lor Enider RKnafeid of +4 bore, #, A and for the Henry, and lute w Menry Rides .n-fn “t % od by Har l-muo ar 33; r-n-m.sbno- 0 MMAâ€" 19 9 ary Ridua. | °_# CAUTION AGAINST FRAUD. THE ONLY GOOD sAUCE « @ald pleld to a mild comedy, if neg» e +g* '..-{- the lungs. * Brows‘s Brow the«,"" s Cough Losenges, allep irrita h \ iduges soughlog, havicg a oi®®0T inâ€" the alfeoted parts. . As there are imitaâ€" upo to ONTaIN the yenurne Sold by all nedietnes,. at 10 cents a box®, Wl t M mile ira wWiuPrek nrkans Deslared by Conaoissours WWHoLR#ALE ONLY <TTawZ& »#aus®&T® loge l!rt the Propristors :uud lul’dt.ln‘u..o. Urosers and Qllmen univerâ€" MBv1130 law Cognas Vieux, 0 Kan de vie 8t. treuse, CUnme do l::: J P MACPHERSON, EKlgina Street Mr. Alex. Chotstis‘s PDrug ontre Town, Mr. F. Hallanâ€" 61. Uppor Town, or at the t @@!p aitended to." THOMaAS® STARMER, 8 Cha&I®sti® No 5 Sparks street. Nmes# OMee, Otawa, June %#, «670. Ride au street, es lot: Builard enry Repeating § 1%. # 5 10 R PU RE amdersigned | to intorm the that hohas alwaye -..l..‘. be m..pbl. mpply of the abore, which will be soid uolo...' it, not c.tln-&nh.l-nb.uq. R@EORGE N1CBHOLSON, | bus> RH) No #5 Ricenma street, concession of the Township of wloucester, Ride: a tw h @ Fromt, with :.ro‘ aw house, well Onished, barn, sheds, other out buildings, and also a good spring well, 15 or 40 asres sleared and 1n a good + of eusthvation, well fenced and waterâ€" o-d. l:t‘o.lom?mhofn- C m w n -llh‘ acad ow inod Io“.bo‘-. to Matoalle. lul:&‘ and Hobool House atths corner d:; Mer Chuwsch baif a mile; Roman Cathole ‘burch| one mile and a bait detant ; Rallwa Station 2 miles There is also a*} mile n.x wuuing aloog side of the los. will be given for p money, If required. * Â¥or loulare apply to the 1 tm w The on an Life Oompary auhorined by Te lor the l-.hnu’. lts Rates lower than thous of Britisher Amerioam T Im of ahlorosis, anem| ru..u.., &b::b t ~ ':.'m'&i :: lorraginâ€" E'u'v!uï¬ PILLS: the =pidlty of it setieg -'-vwm'mmn.o always in rasiable | Council, may hom time to time make lor thi : "z',w,.w. LABARRAQU #, parpose ; and that the same Reguiations mey the Ascadeomy of lo:.tu. 2-&::':.0: extend to the substitation of Nour and meal |â€" m,. mediolne mm tich in astive prinoipias, and on which ts pager‘ | 4080tities equiralent to the produce of such W tes AORIUM EREARKAQUE in proveribed | y procticeey, ts gor with success for k Mis Kxcellency, the Governor Genenal in ::.:.:.:. ohl’..:;’o'-ubo-* hi c« the sifive durain if bart rloknese ; for 3 ""z: Monble, the Minister of Customse, and und»r by too sw : foe brle Mbc&m -’l:.i‘uhyrb the authority atoresmld, has been plensed to '-nb.;flu .“l.-‘ ?u'l::::- erder, and it is hersby Ordersd, that thâ€" prmmere ind A Aor s Snd oomnanat * I ostudinag nud puckinek of whark malas amt LIFE ASSURANCE ComrPANY The barsk wines nu.uyo-rqo‘ in mediqane -onmho.bnlo-l vary considerabiy in the to which they possess the desised properties. Berlides, owing to the mannoer m which they arse prepared, thess winss eunalmn _ searooly more than the traces of notive prinoiples and these always in variable proport ione The QUINILM LABARRAQUE is an eminentâ€" &hda wad tebriluge wine, cestined to repiacee 1 the other proparations of Peruvian bark. dujot‘s tas Io-’ln with the gromtest #neâ€" ~ml. 3 At a .uomâ€"l ul in a gluse ot water, or two w a bottle : nlcnn’ls CATARRH OF THH BLADDEE COLDs® OB8STINATE C 1 ons IRRITATION OF 1 .12 CHEST HOOPING CoUcgh DISBASES OP THE THROAT “PUI..IORAIY OUNIU!"..I:).I a Lotio®â€" erdiluted with a w aber AFFECTiIUOSS 0# TaB sk iX JTCHINGS nuu.l-u orF ‘l'fll.l.CA.l..P. Qugot‘s tar eean tried ¢ susess !n the r-t%-wm a of ’:. to be the most by gienis buvm In tme of eprdemics. Detailed lastrw mons asâ€" company sach botile. QUINIUM LABARRAQUE, Approved by _ Amporial Asvnademy of Medisine. “?Q'olu'ubM|Lnlll.†Quyot‘s tar possesses all the "advantages o ordinary tay water without any of its drawbacks ‘dmdl-n.m'm'umn, die agresauble taste may be instantancously obtained by pouring a teaspoonful into a glase of water Any one can thus prepare his glase of tar water ummhmlï¬.mm Uinegrevakte aeduatity orfhee diieg Says (tnd *** necesaity of t Quyot‘s tat "Nï¬rdym .-nuhnlu:r:‘ dn treatment of Od‘..mb.-q:_‘.:mmn W ib tas of in infuppatinhte mermees 200 Slewaicin aod ts i wery soluble. Proding by this m- propares a sunscentrated llrnudlu.' in a amail volume sontmias & latee proportion of astive prinuiples. _ mother, and reluet and health to the child, opers Mug like magie. Ltls pertectly safe to use in all eases, and pleasunt to the taste, and is the preâ€" mdmdmmmmmmw mole* and aurses in the United Statés. Price 14 aate avarypwhere. Be sure to coull to, "MR3 @WIN3LOW‘% sootuixg sÂ¥yaur.» Having the jacâ€"mnmauls of = Cartie & Perkine® on the outside wrapper, All others arse base vmitaâ€" *A N ADA Metherse I Mosners Mothors 1â€"Arse you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a Mok ennd sudlering and srping with the exoractâ€" Ming paln o cutting teoth ? 1f so, go at onee and geat a bottle of atrme. WINELOW‘= souTUILNG BYRUP. It will relleve th poor Hitle sufferer immediatelyâ€"depend apon it : there is ao mistak about it. There is not a mother on sarth who ba aver ased it, who will not tail you at onese that it will reguiate the bowels, and â€"ivs rest to the Lact dis ds s 6 A.4 C mSy CHmaml CRamie@ek ‘ A LRXA KAIX »%3.08%KA AXS JLE»INe Purshasers should be sure and ask tor Dr. R. rnn‘-lar-uoma-.n.ndmuumnt @A. TRASK‘S MAGNETIC OlNXTMENT * ars o.llo'n'r. Northrop & Lyman, Newsustico. C. W.. (Gbanaral No p & Newsnstic, C, W ., General A“nz'tlom Botd in â€"Ott=ws by all druggists and bw medicine dealors every whor o. Da. A. W. Bunsing, of Kuowlcav:lie, New York aaye; @1 hare used it in severs | cusee of Spectal lmuu:.:un tl‘o-.'ou:‘u.ou of Prles, and sundry t complaints, a ad i a aupertore article, and well worthy the notice of all * * _ Da.J. P, Kanuapyt ,of chutou:.r. New York, sauye : * It bas stoud thetest trial, has ant been lound '.*t Ita astonishing curses of Lafamâ€" mation of the Langs and Croup and the wonderful sucsese in nhflhf.m torturing paine o# Kbou matism, and reliew .!.lorvmo A@sctions, entitle tto a Mign rank lint of ramailes for these somplaints." _ g & Deâ€" &A« Tvuh'o...umfl-c-.-fl.'-u‘ Cvn’ as Wattilss:â€"â€"Ds Uisowax, of Utlica, | New York, saye: @1Ihave used Or, A. Tramk‘s Magnetie Uintment in my prastice a aumber of yoears, and can sany witlh pleasure | deem it ons of the greatest dissoveries ol the «40 ; lor the curs at | Infuramation of the Longs, Infammation of the Bowels, Infammatory Rnouwmatiâ€"w, and in Oniaâ€" bed Fever, uow.o wlb perfact asmossss, in sases of Buros, Brulase, Frosen Linbe, L aste like t tm on . }utm CTAR, ie < CONCENTRATEKD PROOR LiQUktUL, :: 4 &A ALL®K c"lvlumuu::vl.-b Iwo the Mamt ; .sw* w <v amape> c without sodinant _ it in wary ob cAis o.O.ï¬'l‘m wwomels r wiuw.*s, . dp groat wiperins 4s a ï¬ ..’a:l"l‘t"â€â€œ.'-" i 4 Prsssdias Will HMestore tirasp Mair to its Naturnl Lite, Color and HReauty,. It in a most deiughtful Hair Dreâ€"sing. It wili promote inanriant growth, FALLING NHAIK in immedintaly checked. Comii.al in One Botile, MBRS. . A. ALLEN‘S| +. HAITlH RESTORER | duwop 4 + ¢ MVERAAL CKXHIBITION o# 1084, t t Bs + Ne a Aisiz. . busp oriam Choagse. Pirsst cluss Meda., ALE LABARRAQUE a co RWTaRLInN®®D 1347 d aPRLIAL NOTICK®. taf ;. Loo M» Caltivate it * â€" GFiF Walk. A a (+1 )o . ndication af daum» a: <che roots LEAPTIFYL RAIK, Natureâ€" Crown. whent, maise or other grain, to be groond an packed in bond, for exportation or consomp tion, and anch Collector shall deliver or can>» to be dellvered such Whest, Malise or oth ¢ grain to be lorwarded on to the Port of destina tion, where may be altuated the MIHll oe MH! at which the said Whest, Maise or other grain in to be ground and packed in boad, as by iaw permitted. Whereas it is among other things, in e€et enacted by the 14 Hee. of the Act 31 Yiterkh Uhap. 6, latitaled : * An Act resqpecting th â€" Custumes,"* that the Importer of Whest, Maiz, or dther grailn, may grind and pack the mm in boad, provided sach grindiog and packing be done and conducted under soch Regulsâ€" tain Mins Kucelloency, the QGovernor Genenal in Conncll, on the recommentation of th> Monble, the Minister of Customs, and under the authority atoresmld, has been plensed to erder, and it is hersby Ordersd, that th» arlading and packing of whent, maise and ther grain, in boad, shall be done and con â€" ducted under the Regulations and Restrictions tollowing, vie : R Ist. The Uollector of Customs, at any Port ao that the record of the trade of cach monts, l.-nhb.tc*-lun. to be ased to: vintinticnal purposes during the whole of th Imï¬..“. 1 x taameadton ht the I-'nn or m :o" 0.-;:: a:: whfl.‘y“r NGBaw, Steam Vessel, taruished Queen‘s Auctionser, eargo books to be uset during alteroute ty NHoose, Land and General Ageot monaths, and that at the ond ut cach month, | â€"mmepmemmemmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme be shall surreader the bowk during that month to the Collector of the Port of St. Jobs, and | »**Y**AT*® *4*â€"_ the sald Collector sball nturn to bim th Parties Inteadiog to make application other book with which be bad been furnished | &# the Legisisturs of Ontario for Private _ Pnd. Representations Laving been made of ’cmo.o Inmcomnvenlence to the Masters and Qwners of Steam Yersmole employed as rogular passenker and freight packets, between the port of 8t, Jobn in the Province of Noew Branawlck, and the ports ot Digbg, Annspolis and W indsor, in the Provinace of Novs Bceotia, and alup to the Mercauntile Commnanity of the ald ports, in consmâ€"quence of sach Steam Youâ€" a ls being obliged to 1. parst their cargoes cach tip in detail, it is bersby further onnn.l that the Failector of Customa at the Port of lo.Jon.-qm-yntllt.-\'-l,.‘ yearly consting lHcense, sabject to the same conditions as ate provited tor ln the case of Vemmele trading between ports in the mme Proviace, with the additional conditiâ€"n that 13808 3 Un the rw owmend.tion of the Honorable | ton of Om the Miniater of Customs, and in pursuasnce of| K.B.â€" the provislons of the 11th Section of the Act | prepared | 31 Vic Cap. 6, latituled : * An Act respecting | Wine, as ‘mcm-.-." MHis Excellency in Council has | wended becn pleasid to Order, and it is hereby Order. | 4* §*5; ad, that the following Reguliations rspecting | 4444 t 4 the coss‘ing trade of the Dominion, in amend. | | *** 4 m ut ot the Râ€"guiation adopted by Order in ""“... ‘Co-clldlhm.hly. 18408, shall be 0d | she propri the same are hereby adopted and established:| _ 10334 N19 EXCEKLLENXCY TuEK oovtaXxor lat, 1t having been enacted by Chap. 9 Hee. mm mmemmmmmmmmeens n in mmmmmmmemmmmm mm #2, 231d Victorls, that the Govesnor may: Commltsston Merchants. grant yearly Constiog Licemae®s to Brlti#hy Vemâ€" | â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"==mz mmz awis navigating the Inland watsre of Cansade C""' AUVCOTION XAamTt, above Montreal, although such ncalouy, stk sometimes make ropages to Foreign Ports, it * is her by Ordered that the Bonds to be gives| COMMERCIAL SALE ROOMS, by the Mutt or Owner of u;-l vessel, on . Fork street, mnear the Market. taking onut such Lisense shall not contaln Stizing i The sunsertber respestful that be the cenaition ""“':uh "' .';“" lu-':dh-m:'h’vt:m;m 3 of snid Regulations, * wach Veeuele or mmc:np mwerly knowse as Chamâ€" bar‘s Austion « Me takes this opportuni Boats shall not be emplored in the Foreign ofthan ks hombu.om:.am'uhlq 12 Trade," but that it shail be a condition of such | (§, .....ï¬mh..:‘..,r..“‘.. well sn the Bonud, that whenever any such Vemsel or Boat | :“4’ 7:&-“- “wzv::o' D.A.;'..("hol it in «mployed in a voyags toor f oma Futtigh | saâ€"rweise engaged), sither at his rooms or en the Port, the mastot or wther proper oflear there | :::.l-l. lonâ€uL m‘-:‘:muoll 'b‘: of, shall report "'"""""""‘-“‘ "';uu- sale io eertify that be has given full mapects, as though he but ut receired such m-.::.u.m prices amed, as Constiog Licenae. ':h-llum lmmediate scttiement after HIS EXCEKLLENCY THE GOoY OVER®HKE®T novur®e, 1385 3 OÂ¥VER®MEX®T novik, OTTtAawW A, UENERAL I%X couoxor KRNOR YENERAL INX & ILCGT EK THNUP T CC OTTAW A, Tusuiay, 10th May, 1870 CcOoUNCIL WÂ¥M. H. LEE, _ | i """"""."_'..‘ Clork Privy Council, Metoails, June &, 1870 1801 #%6 1 Tw wlay, 3411t Map, 1870 Â¥. U LEK, antries of fomwign Clotk Privy Conncil be taken for an 'l‘ui fl.m’ l i‘ / METC due payment of Whent, Maise o ot dour and Men! Malse or ‘n! THE OTIAWA ‘11MES, JUNE 28, 1870 tm «Boet from Frasets‘s Magootio Â¥iuld THE :lut nu'couL bheadacbe cur: .u ree mloutes a% an atute pabnintbe h*:::“:- vheumalem by the h Ue paln and the enddenens of its ultack, may be cured withins two :::-u. Ibis Finid uw compased eatirel n\.u substances, Mm“h.-h::uo aJare the bumen PMâ€â€˜O“QDOQ-‘ applic at iome. vp -.":"‘g:. be disappointed. For sale S w 9 rraskn. * Inn?o WUote!, 1304 1 ararove street. Po-uo BOTICK < s Is hersby given, that the Lower Ottawa Crowns Timber Agener, formesly under the sharge fC E BELLEK, K+q., has been abolished, and thatthe territery comprising aald Ageney is aitached to the Uppor Oitawsa Crows Timber Aganey, under the charge of A J RUBSELL, Â¥a &mlhï¬.muouonb"u-mm toe ahipment and clenrances for Quebes will be BROLUTE DIVORCEE legulily obtained A m New I-tb:aa.t. lilinole and other Brates, for persons any State or Country, logual averswhere; desertion, druskenaess, nonâ€" sapport, ale., .‘.‘I.l exame ; no r.bmhy‘; bo aharge unill divores ontained, viee free. Business established Ofteen yours. Addres: M HOUAKE, A-u-&.' 1MB im _ No. 18 Kaspan Strest, Kew York Â¥ "m“hh.h. i t . 5 The ““"‘,QI‘.:‘MM'%“‘ .‘&u .* pald for second : planoe Teromts Marâ€"4 15, 1879, 1300 td lawk eaatinued in each ease for a period of at least wie weeks during the interval # time between the slose of the next precsediag Sesmion and the conâ€" Aderation of bhe Petition. Coples of the Arst ond lam of vach aotioes to be seat to the Private BH) All etitions for Private Bills must be presentâ€" «d whhin the FIRAT TURKE WEEKS of the Bulle are hetsby aclded that they ars rquired by the Iost and fllowing Rulos of the Legisiative Assembiy,(which are published i 2 the â€"~Ontarle Qasstte"), to give NOTICE of the applieation (cleariy and distinotly specifying is asture and object) is the * Ontario Gasrtte," and «lse in a newspaper published in the Vounty or Union ot Counnties afested ; such notice shall be COMMERCOLIAL SALE ROOMS, . Fork streot, mear the Moarket, muwm-:l y announses that be N.m““fn.m:"wt' a.not. m;.fl comapying mer awonâ€" ber‘s Austion c:’lo utu’ t::':';:nuuy cï¬lu.i.»" the people ot Utta®wa and ricinity for the 1 patromage extended, as well as the Me is ready to reseire bnstructions ram persobs 1aving houschold hnllnn.h-tm.u..:r.u raal estate to dispose of, and pledges himsell that vithing will be isï¬ asdone by biws to giove #atisâ€" unh“upï¬â€˜:'om ouuodtlo.h::. Consignaments from a distance will meet wit = mediate and carelul attentioc . matket. He appeals with condtence to all who have eniruâ€"ted nousshold efects or real estate to him for sale to certify that be has given full aablelaction as au‘o the prices obtaine4, as wall as prompt lmmediate scttiement after _ LC AIALRE & CO, Avaorts, Mairk. â€" Oitawa, April #7, 1878, 1343 3m 18 3m )A MJLOOMLEML Nome are gonnuine anloss bearing therignature of the propristor, PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. «> A. M, F. GIAXELL1I, Sole Manulacturer and Propristor for the Dominâ€" lon of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"These selobrated Bitters are carefully prepared with the very best quallty of Sherry Wine, and are espesially adepted and recomâ€" mended to persons ol delionts constitutions. They are geatly stimulant, and will be toond infallibls alds to digestion. 4 PBor directions see label round the neok of each RQ'AL ITALIA®X HTTERL. Prepared by specsial permission â€" om the original resipe of Â¥. P. YVKAM, M. D. Profemsor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY, Kept by all tas prinarpal Druggute and Wrocers in Are you aBleted with roothache, immediate .' B, & ‘-._." James O‘ Kislly, Req. G 0s | a 2 ld..hl?-.é'm BDank, Otawa 8 RICHARDE®, 100 3 Commisnioner of Crown Lends Cash advamses made on furnaiture or other Detamtuwa®nt ce CamurL ons e _‘ Teronte, Ap»il 1tb , 16 0 CHARLES T QILLMOR, Clork ot the House. &,. M. F GIANELLI Richmond, on TUESDAY, the TWENTYâ€"FIRST Day of June next, at the hour of TWELVE o'a‘-i noon, for the examination of Teachers and ’omi HINTONX, 10 B PETTIT, M A, ® e m..“ llfl-.l.ll,’l]â€.lm“ 1361 1â€"34 3 NOTIOK is bereby given that " The Richmond Clrouit Board of Public Instruction in the County of Curleton" will meet in the TOWN HALL To ® @7 @Biesitsso us trtice: antciaitis AsiccaacesA hw Of QUBSDELOME.»=»sersessmmeecenenn+++$1 l icT DT.« +s c un exonyrienie afrenirnennir in tirirntionrietiping, 81. John‘*s, N.F., by’in-r\ H*#2ID6F ... ...... ayable in % urerpot n Iivientmen, in h. John‘s, N. £., by branch HORIDOT ..»»«.... I’:‘otul. anld to acd from Engiand, Ireland First Cabin, Payable in Goid. Liverpool or 0‘0-!--.....:.... P Es C TR TT 'â€"'“. LAverpoo! or Quesastorn......................... 35 ParbAGH WY Tak roRsbaY ATRANRER T1 Hallrix INMAN LINE OF MÂ¥A @STEAMERA, AAILINq PRON NEW YORK EYVEEY sAaAtURDAY AND aALTERNATE TUOEDAYs. Laves OF PadBRaGk uV TWE BarCaOiY STRiXE®:; lhat in her case it bas acted almost like the performance of a micacle. w wftke _A F WOoOD, J P. ot arden County of l“'- Provinao Ontario, Dominion of Canada. 4 Bwore to before me at Madoc, County of Hastings, bis ninth day dhbflax. 1809 . 1 that 1 Â¥ '000.1:. &e. hereby certify have known Mrs. Mary Auh"lylu)h last Afteen years; she is a Â¥oman and truth. 1 have known ber hl-to.ma s«ince her iliness. I believe her certidente to be true in ovmwdalu. 1 know that while i!1 ber case was ared hope, lm;u‘ltmthuhhu.du.l«mmry. always attributed her recovery to the Shoshoness lo.oq. Whatever may be the pecullar 1888, when I was induced to try the great Sho shonees Remedy by reading the cures performed in a pamphiet, â€"At this time [ bad begun to teol mmu-{nuu in faot I was getting almost belpless have taken two bottles of the Sbhochonees Remedy and two boxes of the pilts and 1 am entirely to health, I never expectod :rw.bu tried the medicine as a | of forlorn hope. {lhuuu-lu'uuu a private one, bot known to all my ulflbe-n and friends; and to any one aBisted as 'u.l} have only to say try the >»hoshonees Remedy ; I | bellove it will cure you. 1 omznla::;uuamu..movnroF i }AS AvVA/‘ UF.. _ € LV €.1 TS Canada :; .‘m of Hastings, Will be procteoded with as quickly as practicable. Provin«s of Ontario, Feb. »'& ‘ Persons desirous of sharing in these profits Th‘s ts to certify that during the winter of 1846 will obtain Forms of application and all intormaâ€" I was taken with a weakners of the ancles, which | 9D #t the Hend Office, or at any of the Agencies gradually, during the opflu‘ of 1867, extended to | 10 the various places througbout the Dominion, .’tl-n.auu-pu-ylp.n"lbou-ou 4A 0 RAMsAY, _ woenk that 1 sould not walk, but wasâ€"confined to »lanager my chair. For abouttwo years, whilethis weakt | Agontin O:taw», * * ness was coming on me, and afterwards, I sough R H U AÂ¥Y00CK. medical advice, o-mg. at diferent times | ~â€"â€" m ie rmmmmmenrmmem mmalan nc imemmemmenntme uooo sijem: nsm omm three ‘un.u;. and H.r:.:::‘l:n;u kinds Tll: 50th VoLUME : m M m-- ad to get worese and worse, until the summer of *‘ KW SERIRS TD NXRPW pabu 'co;;u- & u.n:.don. fates» ’7';;';':" o or letine: iuformation, a at the paoy» loes, younP ouiyefonpe APUCATION aL. MHandbook, containing unquest:obable certifâ€" enies on the groat Bhoshonses Remedy and Pilis can be obscained at all drug stores. * Where was there ever such a cure as that ot Wilson Storms, of Brightpn, Ont of Consumption, or that of Peter C V Milier, of &rnstown, Ont, of Consum,tion, or that of Ambros Wood, of Conseâ€" n-.Ofl..d Dyspepsia and Liver Compluint, or that of Johs Heoey, of Napanee, of Rhoumatism, who had actually been on crutehes for years, but has now resovered the use of his limbe." | They are stern undeniable facts, sufcient to n"t:o.lu most sceptical llu'llo N‘: edi. cloal pound, yearned after for ages, is now accesaible in the great Â¥** The following remarks on testimonials of mos wondertul and extraordinary cures in Canada by be Gutar Iania® Rewror. The Canse tian Pain Destroyer never falles to g1+« mmediate roliel. Ali Metisine Dealers tu‘ 3 Physicians orderand use 1. ; and no family wi\: muohou.non.u. Pricet wontyâ€"fve couts per bottle. _ « uonnï¬'r & LYMAN, Newsnstle, C. W., deneral Ac.n for €, W So‘id by Geo. Murtimer, John Roberts, W M Mamey, H. ®. MoCarthy, J. Skio»®r, and J Breown. in . iws The uuoï¬l.l:r' eBoney of the Canadian Paip Destroyer, in ng disenses for which it 18 reâ€" sommended, and its wonderful successin subduing tlomr‘:' pains of Cneumatism. and in re ieoving Nervous Affections, eutitle it to a highrank in «h» list of Remedies for thesecomplaints, Dealers are soming l'. bo-' "“l‘:dlolu‘“ l:.:ll parts of the sountry for su s # testifyi to the universal a_uh’;cuo. t gives _ ns Qnoouo.n:o RHREMEDY. _ Ks smm ; 8sTOP +~AND 8EE ! We c‘ru from experience in this mattor, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are a«affering from any of the comp «ints for which it is .ecommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" sign Remedy. _ _ Wlde, Back ana slead, Couphs, Colds, bore Throw lpcohl. Bu:n‘“.a‘;’p in the m.““ b, bholera Mor sentery , C ?ldw. Burns ,Poalds, rost Bites, &o., k6. The Conadian Pain Destroyer has now boen before the public for a length of time, and whenever used is well liked, never tailing in a «ingle instance to give permanent nlbf‘ when Uimely used, and we have never kuown a single ease of dissatisfaction wherethe directions are proâ€" perly followed ; htonhomgrz all are dolight ad with its :z:.‘.udm. and spealk i nthe hi termes of Its wi and magical efects. OA] Price of the Remedy in large pints, $1.â€" _ 137 Among the most important of modern Medica! D is “' _ _~ soveries stands the 487 Notre Dame street, Montreal, _ A Bole Propristor and Manufasturer. w to lovalids “‘I“O‘:Oâ€M“ Impair® R an excelienot persons > ecovering ‘n- Winess. Forpale in quart buttle ; price one doll ar. y ie . _ Garprta‘s Dowrerro Oooolllllnv will aave you many a lloorou night. In botties 28 cents and 80 cents each. Good for adults and childten ««1t is pleasant to the taste and barmless in its nature, Foreale by druggists and general dealâ€" ers in ‘all parts of the Domision. _ _ Uardener‘s First Prise Baking Powder, un rivalled for purity and excellence. For sale by grocers onry-boui in 3 on packeth, ’l‘em ; 6 ‘in packets, 10 cents ; nd paokbts, 25 cenw ; six pounds, $1.25, I‘n-’:v.otlu want the bes task lor GARDENER‘8 and take no other. UARDENER‘8 EPILEPTIC Curg. JANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER Price $1 per bottle ; six bottles for $5. . 1 * "S"" " J OARKDENER, Chemist, wol Teachers ard ail Others Whom it .. _ May Concern. " aAnoxe«n‘s *ANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER : SHOSHONEES REMEDY. Mecrage, Payable in Ourrency, LIV KR POOL & QUKEKENSTow x Pirst VUabin, Payable in Goid. qQUININXE s@~ WINE â€"BITTERS, w Whatever may be the pecullar f this 20‘3!-.. one thing is certain, uim&.'!'. BR ®P!OB 2 ¢) 6 a «Medicat. MARY ANX DUOGHTY #ebbee 000800000 ) atta s 4100 0: $100 o8 WILL ARRIVE 48 sooN as OPENS. and clll:flz?;. Ladies 2. V are ofering the most liberal premiums. Inclose 15 cents for a#ample nynber, with new Pictoria) Poster and Prospectus, and a complete list of premiums. pproi, wl wul hk m ; Auicmits Je lsnt iss h Muct general and usetu! information on the leading topics ot the day is given, and no efforts are opqu make this the most interesting and petructive, as well as the Best Pictcrial Family ll&ulu. ever pa blished. * raBLieuroâ€"The Journal has reached its 50th VOLU MR, and wich January Number, 1870, a NEW SERIES s commenced. The form has been changed from a quarto to the more comveni. «nt votro, and mubÂ¥ imbrovements hnws has Paxkxts ano Tracu=rsâ€"Asa guideineducating and training Ckildren, this Magazine has nc superior, as it Bolnu out all the peculiarities of Character and iwposition, and renders govern -o: and chuifleul_:n not ocly possible but easy . ho ul : tva w m : en ue B S c c d o I Prurssoroor & Axatourâ€"Tue Or ulshld. Structure and Functions of the I!--u"od,n the Laws of Life and Healthâ€"What we should Eat and Drink, How we shon!d be Clotbed, and How 0 Exercise, Sleep and Live, presented in a popaâ€" |’:. manner, in accordance with Hygienic Princiâ€" Portraits, Shetobes, and Biographers of the leading Men and Women of the W orld in departâ€" ments of life are spacial featores. Eruxomoor orthe Natural History of Manâ€" Customs, Religions and Modes of Life in different ‘l‘rl_hu and N-.u?u‘, will be given, M g ’ '.‘OR 18§DIGESTIONâ€"â€"P A NX C 4 & aâ€" TINE completely efects the DIGESTIONX and AM?M&:‘[ION of COD LIVER OIL, the fit eaten at meals, &o. In digestive activity , auâ€" perior to Pepsine. Pancreatine Pfowder, bottles, 28, 38 64,‘ 6e 64 and 12s6d. Pancreatine Wine,botties,38,5s and10s. N.B.â€"Pancreatine Wine is the best vehicle for ’ taking Cod Liver Oil. | | _ Agextsâ€"Messre. F. 1 After which the To share in the division of profits of the past s fve years, ~â€" P AN A D 4A LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY s ESTABLISHED .s417. The 1 |1#NUNNTATG | :+** A rewedy ot gro®power and |~.|...‘,.:.T;J. W. Parker. 6 | _ **Of ut eficacy in cases of Asthma and | Oirollos:o.chu 8. â€"â€"Dublin Journal Medical Sciâ€" THE PICTORIAL PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL Or formed@nto Cigars and Cigarcttos,; Boxes, 38, be, Bs and 158. Pastillies for Inbhalation, Boxoes, 2s 64, 58 and i 08. SAVORY & MOO0LE, â€"â€" 143, New Bondâ€"st., London. Aozxtsâ€"Meests . E. Cundill & Co., Montreal * The asmoke causes no nausea,. When the right kind, I have never known an instance in which relief was not obtained."â€"encral Ailexrander to Address Mesers. Gabriel‘s Pamph ond | aluless Ventistery on : *,* A‘ll letters to be nudge> HILL, LONXBONX., «; DIYVY Is IO N.: O F P RO F I T8 l)u}th- AP A DLTANCE REQUIRING ARTIFICIAL TEEIH m»y have them »upplied, in partial or complete sete, ch Messrs (Gabtlel‘s new system, by sending particulars of their oases, with a r. mittapee of One (Guinea, when the apparatus tor taking a mogel of the mouth will be forwarded,vith all necorsary instructions, Mosears. Gubriel will unsdertaks to Remodel or Kepuir Ariilicial Tooth riude by other Dentists, [which do not prove satisfactory], at moderate charges. YLABRIEI® ODONTALGIQUE ELIXI® (VT a mouth wash unrivalied for its agreeable properties in cleansing the mouth and 'woeuli:: the bresth; is is invalaable to emokers, a sirengly recommended to sufferers from Tic, Neuralgia, and Toothache. um Bee G abriâ€" Price 51. GA.I!IEL'I CORALITE Tootu PASTE, for cleansing and 1nproving the Teeth, and Imparting a nitural redness to thc gume ; whitens the teeth without leaving betwcen them any traces o(Jsowdor, and gives braiiiancy to the enamel. Price 1s. 64. 6 ol 2 ‘ROYAL TOOTA POWDER PR preparcd from a recipe‘ as used by Her Majerty . Preserves the Teeth, and 1mparts a deliâ€" clous Iragrance to the breath ; gives the Teeth a arlâ€"like whiteness . and protects the enamel. F:leo Is. 64. ‘ j AbnuiIE:scs WiHiTE GUTTAi PERCHA # ENAMEU, for Stopping Decayed Teeth. Renders the toot 8 sound and szeful, and prevents Toothache, no matter how far decayed ptioo 18 6d per box. Ask for tinbriel‘s Celebrated Dental Preparations. e ( 1 ABMIEKL®® ©CSIFQ ENAMEL sTOPPING M tor Preserving Front Teoth. Warrauted to keep white, and as firm as the tooth itself. Ths beautiful preparation restores Frout Testh and prevents decay, &uthsient for Stopping #six Teaih. Prio> 51. * t ‘ 1 ABRIEK K TiONs Bold by Chemists aod Perfame:s Manufacturers. = 1 AESSRS. GABRIEL, LThe o2d_ establubed Dentiate, _ igrien oo WA Y :. > FOR THE TEETH FOR LEANSING, BEAUTIFYING, > AND PRESERVING TUE TEERTR In Tins, 2s 64, 5s and 10s PEKCIAL NOTICEK. EW SERIES!! XEW FORM ! Asts for the 23rd Year will be Closed on 30th ‘* of this month (Aprit), 1ABRIEKL*® CELEBRATED PREPAR a _ 4. x ) 84 Ludgate Hill, London And at LLYVERPOGL and BHIGHTON. ‘A FIRSTâ€"COLASS FAMILY | MAGAZINE, B ANUT A* CLOSE OF THE LIsT3 pthimic io MESS;S'CA PRICL _ mentists . LUDCATE HiLL,. LCNDOON. B R WELLS, Publisher, 49 Broadway, New York @ngi PATUVRA T ATUL A nameâ€"â€""~Nune sGenuine without it, ¢/ ‘s Pamphlet on Artificial Teetb hstery on receipt of postage, be nudjeâ€"sed to 64 LUDGATE «mat "OO AST 4M 1. NY egeit* . *ï¬i 77{' wi‘lt Q};‘â€â€˜b&,v’ fver A4fords Immeduste Relietf. Gentlemen at the happy ® 13284 aad Chronic Bronchitis ind and »eeful, and p-ovenu how far decayed tiee 18 tinbriel‘s Celebrated Dental NAVIGATIO®N 2.w6m lawkom A A s and by the The Department does .g bind itself to accept the lowest or any Tender. P, MITCHELL, Minister of Marine and Â¥isbheries, Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, 1st Jane, 1870, 178014 The Works are required to be completed by the 5th day of October, 1870. Plans and Specifications may be seen at this Department, and at the Offces of Walter Ross, E+q., M.P., Picton, and the Collectors of Customt at Kingston and Belleville, at which plases, al80, Forms of Tenders can be procured by intending Contractors. For the construction ot Lightâ€"Houses at Teleâ€" graph Island, Bay of Quinte, and Pigeon Island, Lake Ontario. MONDAY, the 20th Day of June next 1 ENDERS will be received at Ottawas, up to noon of Tlloln. FoR _ Trains leave Windsor (in connection with the trains of the Nova Beotina Railway from Halifax) at 10.%5 a m and 6.50 p m, arriving at Kenwrilie At 11. 46 a. m., and 8 & p. m*, and at Aunapolis a* 2.30 p m, connecting there with steamers Emperor or Empâ€"es lot 6t John, N B. Ketarningâ€"the trains leave Annapolis at 2.35 r-. with passengers by steamer from St Jobn, eaving there at 8 a m, end arrive at Kentvrille at 6.20, Windsor at 6.40, and Halifar at 9 p m. VERKNON SMITH. Kentville, Dec 8, 1869. 1 1$0y On and after SATURDAY, the 1#th 11â€" CEMBER, 1869, this Railway will be open for passenger and goods trafic, as under : Opening through from Windsor l 0 05 A. M.«â€"«TRAINS® will leave S ¢eD Smith‘s Fatls at 10.05 2 m ana 8,30 p m. arriving at Porth at 10.56 a mand 1.2; w, 9 Ail trains on Main Line connect at Smith‘s Falls with trains to and from Perth, No 1 leaves Brockyille after G T Treins are due trom the cast and wes., No 2 is doe in Brockville in time to connect with G T Trains for the east and weet. _ H. ABBOTT, > @F a*B®F Porth at zfu“i'; _and 9.05) artiÂ¥iag at Smith‘s Falls at 6.25 p m ard $.56 __ LEAVE SMITH‘S ;ALLH. 6 00: M.=â€"TRAINS will leave 3 Sndioln! at 6.00 a m and 2. pm, arriving at Brockville at 12.15 p m, 8.30 b:deaX._inifA 4.1 5?. M.=â€"«TRAINS will leay o MROZ Brockville daily at 4.15 p m, 74 aim, arriving at Sandpoint at 10.0G p m, p m. LEAYVE SANDPOINT. “7 INDSOR & ANKAPOLISX W aAy. | â€" TIME TABLE, No. 23, Commencing on MONDAY, Novy P ine " : Cpr Rat P 0 mt ~l esdb ates. B w tions, apply at the Ticket Ofice, Bonaventure Ste tion: f C.J; BRYDGES, Maraging Directo: Montreal, December, 186y 4 & Ortawa Orriczâ€" street. * DA NcihctefsteGitat (dacis idz mss duld tw _vis Vermont Central. Express for New York and Boston Â¥ via Plnmvr‘h. Lake Champlain, Buslington & Rutland at......> a m,4 42 p m Express for Island Pond, at..... .......... ‘%â€"00 1 m Nigkt Express for Quebes, Lsland Pond Gorham and Portiand,stopping beâ€" tween Montreal and lsland Pond at bt. Hilaire, 8t. Hyacinthe, Acton, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Waterville and Coaticook only, at......... .........10#:10 PB Siceping Cars on all Night Tiarins. Pa € checked through, € € 'R. steamer Carlotta leaves Portiani over; SATULVAY AFTERNGON (after the arrival o train from Montreal on _ Friday night), for Heali f.:.‘ NLâ€' returning on Tuesday. and Intermediate Stations ut... Erpressfor Boston at.................... Express for New York and Boston at and Intermediate Stations at....... 5:10 & Ascommodation Train for Kingston and ; __ _ Antermediate Stations, at..... ........ T:15 _ Tria‘ns for Lachine at ........... 5:00 a m, 7:00 a 9 a m, 12 noon, 1;30 pm,4;40 p m, $ F and 6:30 p m. L'l’holawpn train runs through to Provi: ine. o s & GoIng soUTH aAND East. Accommodation Train for Island Pond completing the connezion between Halifez and 8t. John. i & 00(1\'0.' WEST, Day Expressfor Ogdensburg, Ottawa, ’Broekvillo. Ki‘:pwn, Bellevilie, turom,()lu-l‘h London, Brantford Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all points West, st. ............... Night â€" do do * do do _ do Accommodation Train for Cornwall Trains now leave BONAVEXTURE as follows : » 1869.] WINTER ABRANGEMENTsS. 1870 MELOMODENNE s»+sssrrevee so poameeciursraresiuy y J S§H 4 ORFUDINE .cs â€"sresrres mertrargrreccrn ce caute mee . uL RmmppibÂ¥iLit . scommmmnrrilis ercrrterrert sik en * Mly DrIODE +.+ntrmoactormatentrieennacrentanmenrancues i | S pPONOEEUMLY :s . 123 2 ien ioh e i+s0) s eeiel s en nae, B MB Prescolt JUNCHQON ....s,«<â€".â€"«.zs2.+«««+...~ Â¥ 1B | P DORDOLE: NÂ¥ EL ~1++â€"+srneerxcrnacanmnsccgres *Â¥ Sb 1 Going Nowuth Prescott to Ottawa Btations $ P. M | FDEROOE WIRBHELS:+â€"<wcofessrencecrertczrscess 4 011 Proccott JHNCLFON »=:iâ€"it> :+»»sscss,â€"crssse 34 45.3 BpemoERVING . «54â€" sersfrserrccmmccrstarivcres & MB | DIHOEE nenessessrencasacentieprcencrrirnst suensees WB _Konnmllo..............’r..........-........ 2 40 Dapoodis .1s500.108rtressfeuersrzenicexre ritny as â€" B NHQ TEAHERAAEE »erursceret renertfo resrearoncatveseceny" C W Gloucester . : * [ somumure esssense 38 209 A Oiteawk . . .: i. o C ie AROMMO ersrirennenenrthntserssssetizrcsss+ 2 40 iB $Q DhagoodG s ss0«.+ 0s ieiseeriedemcnesirs se mss :+ & NN woâ€"@en ROORBIEOINNE »+sxrsersetes rexifossersovencercesssoug‘ & 18 W 4B Glouncester .. * { sommssess sesssam & 20 H #9 Otark . /« .. | srsarristarcerarains "" K YW B Norkâ€"Trains are run by Montreal Time. R LUTIRELL, THOMA®3 REYNOLDS Buperictendert, Managing Directo: 6th June, 1870. * J On and from MONDAY, 13th JUNE, will run as follows ; Going South Ottawa to Prescott Btations 1 & cart (Formerly the Ottawa ‘and Prescott lh’xlny) ROCKYVILLE & OTTAWA RAalLâ€" WA Y. LIGHTâ€" HOUSE S HEST. LAWRENCE a xD OTTA"A , R A LL W A Â¥. MAIN LINE. LEAVE BEOCKVILLE PERTH BRANCH CHANGE OF TIME. LEAYE PERTH Aailroads. NQOTICI York street, corner of Susses A & A H TAYLOR, Ag ent TRAINS will leaw« at this Department Managiny Lrrtutor § 4 to As.nepoli Tip KA ILâ€" A .. M P 1 00 12 7 35 12 1 40 i STATIO: 1;30 :00 8:40 4:30 trains vine THK TIMEB is printed CAMPEELL NC 150 ACRES.â€"The soath swdr Lot No 21, and the south half of Lot “ second concession of the !‘wflw musï¬ndmolmuou_v fre{ * and well wetered. It is cz wile e rnlerd- PFor hmor_hl-“' n A M P 6 ELL. on the promises. FPuyermm=ss | and Lots Nos. 36 and #8, 9 "/%, in nrga n aremn‘t Sn and Wa. Tnowupon, Hepes®, #4s pEEET, Tt :: i * * n u* A hand. omely muu‘wc.' six rooms and kitchemn, ** yoe 4 umnT Hil) M:“"‘"‘d’ ' t » CEcemlog. & Sommenminp n ces Copies of the Calendar G"“fl information as to the examnation competition, courses of study, #6, may® on application to the ubtm i w C BA 1 1342 lawt4J _ Secratary MeodV vis:â€"Tesx McDoxaup l thions, of the apoual m Tnowsox Exbibitions, value $!9; e ALrXAXDE® Scholarebip, valse l‘f: E®NOR®‘ sdolmbï¬&’nb gin w Â¥ Ji®E Reorars Exbibition, value $100;8* Bcholarship, velue $1°B. _ _ _â€" . ,, “.‘.“.IIIP. vEIE® @!Ce “‘ Of these 4 will be ofered in , College years in Arts to students =- entering. A Scholarship is tensbke fo ®" SIXTEEN SCHOLA PSHIPS AXD o _ PaCULTY OF mlfl- The Sersion will be on onteger = m * io »Mtl PACULTY OP ARI8: The Ression of this Â¥: WEDNESDAY, m?"‘{’.'_’! here wi:l be offered for The test of the value ot insurenee & pot when the premivms are being loases are boi:f settled, and, from ro-mon its ecttlements 1be peurapce Campany is second to nome L Its !.q;eetm are alway seat toal mwortant loss di it ocopre It has no uju't.:{a-. due and en .{::n;‘p:.cuuuy oollei::- of se 1 e rip blic Wk. # t*"*"*"** * UCTBUE BAF M The rates of the PROVINCIAL COMPANY are as low as its oop sheen to be profitable. V jeo Presidentâ€"Leris Mofl Other Dirertorsâ€"C J .cï¬i Mai colm C;nor;?. '\l\’ T o MeM aster, Feq, H 8 How lca. A T i-h?n. Eeg, AM‘ J B Crogker, Â¥Erg. Bankerâ€"The Canasdian Bask +(Gom _ Agents for Ottewaâ€"Mewn J 1i NXOCK. Ottawa, l)lnw ~CLAL INSURANCE® of Canada, Head Office, Town 10 TTAGEK TO REKY swe VourE®®g®" C000 Centre Tows, Oftaw$. Axnazing Direcotot. ARM FOR SALEK» For Bilion« Disorders and Uner! an excellent remedy, wfl markable cures, where other ® Prepared by Pm J.C. ArE and Analyrtical Chemists, Lowel @ll round the world. f Tas Orraw a Tiuns h-"""â€" K _ r=o Coxra®y , ut the OB® 1.."- ocm l“l I"ur Bi an exer mark ab MONTREAL » BEsSION 18704 ° Ppactirr ~or _ Whi) The Classes will reâ€"open on Jusitp®® For" Liver Complaints; anang t# gulu- Tiver, it i« n& excellent remedy, e Liver into beal s For Bilion« lbinZrmhm Unacclimated | g-n-g- nt, «wither vesh travelling through miasmatic loollifies, tected by taking the AGUE 0-5 poisons. As its name impifies, it does Owr, whi fafl Containing ader Anmanigiad Zinc, nor any other saineral or posssios whatever, it in nowise ,â€"-nâ€" number and ‘:‘rm its oures in e : trict«, are }i ly ber m’d- without a nnfla{ in the Amen Our pride is gratified by the acknoxim receive of the radical eferred in i cases, and where other remedies hat whit Pr Ayer‘s Agus C Probably never before in the medicine, hlll.n,"flun‘ won ~'~‘~I: upon the confidence of w.'.‘ Aemedy for puimonary complainy. Tivg scries of years, and most of ty men it has risen m & ies tion, as it has become betier i character and power to Cure the vamay 4 oflhelnmnflhmq,hn.blh. liable protector against them. We y milder forms of disease and to hi nmw,&em‘a be given for incipient mm omapiereane vimon be on hand. in hlzm m':"-dh. subject L colds and Wvï¬_ï¬.mh mnd the patient restored to ..m: Cherry Pectoral. io *..- over the disorders of the and Thvg: the most obstinate of them yiad e Tess huelueofldnï¬ï¬. h i * â€"£â€"â€" 2 > â€"wod tection from it. Apeakers tnd gres: Asthma is h“-- y .â€zhn.* is cark Cherry PMflda‘ io onl enlematm es »u Di a:a!f,-_gggge mn&-tmfl Ayer‘s Che trom those make some Lereiy lor a lustre Haip y; J vor Ague, Periodical or and indeed all the & l'or r% 1 its natural y; |At -A'v“‘h’& PRiITF, $1.00 PER KWOk Ottawa, August 7, 1879. eGILL UNIVERSITY, outaininpe For S8amiet or it 1298tf urious Oltaw 2 repared by Dr, ACTICAL axp T Dnnuuofu..,".‘ such as Conohe Aai o HAIR prp tttâ€" Ite Bip qu Tethai _ uch As ness b_' lllil & iling 'lle‘h;'. '_‘.‘ it wil} kee"h h. casional use wil Prev lurn'ing E8y or & queatly prevent uns neither oil q il white cambrie, , n the hair, givings, and & Pratetul pet.. z elso can be fory nc preparations . 8 10 the &' t refit bmuh. PRICE $ig, , August 7, 1889 oC â€" CC ol / Nee ie e Casp & NR 4 "'.'ow ® LOU® Lo # hss WELL xy , lersee o “Mflw AYer; ag 148 pabiis® Pumpeme a® "" concd mavk x!:'"'rw C. Arif#0.» 2o n Phw 3 Eue j, oi o9 4, J1u86 w583 poRK, E. LABR ! # e pameros® 0_ quste a comF yiee J J vINO '...Io mt "E ,“H‘ ‘ta L. __amk. » t Spio®®, woi e i . ent®n® _ ** .cA in C 283 Sm q quite tre® ‘ E_ _ _ “»'nowu OOE _ =" snet A E" "e and Syrept: * Applieation to 1e e n l c“‘.fl Re+® y, piper‘s and is jouts sp Gt® De K.uy per At Pus prame axo lon, Loup 13Y *®** @RoCERIES %, May 2, 1870 WPL TS TE "18KEK~~ #iOoFFLCE SEPH, Chairs BB FPOOTE _ CMOND, Ma WASHTX( strefners‘ p"® mldest and : his masteor, 1 ete, roads or tw the horee . eurs for COR to the person. STor W AR D# Pn man j # for I.-o‘:: ist kinds can E taking +ny Prosh CoG e* (anfl Â¥ ETE C m."' & aas . 41 w008 LEAS ® 'h““i id Lrisk and Lona®® MeFy & car; oP} EsSTABL TRBRAI P OR under at da 1 4404 Hara op? DIR l 1A Yo «L wWi , 19 of ()