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Ottawa Times (1865), 29 Jun 1870, p. 2

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1 ® t ad gfi M 4t ‘?n? «J * eP i) it at) | #@% [U #4 4 644 ‘¥\ Ek 4®% +4 + Â¥ % 4 * j { 7 4) - i MAfi & %/W #% "‘ t $3 8 3% hear hinm. l Mro. W then saidl that he w.u‘ sure when men, who were not agricultu rists, stopped forward ag Mr. Lewis and M”thmdt&m{» mote agricultural ohjec “m it was du.:‘ the dury of an agricul district, as this was, to do so. The socrioty waus not local, but gâ€"neral in its olzu-. and v":“hm the mlo;:;tm UAtawa ) alley,s year t a large prize list open :or mmh-. and t was . competec y â€" partied from laebiuo‘.”lmtml. Prescott ans W UMtawa last ve m n n N Durmmmmemox or Puizes, &o., ar tuk 8t Joâ€" zru‘s Conpzoen.~â€"The distribution of prizes imong the pupils of the Ottawa University will take place this evening in the Recreaâ€" tion Hall, . Neances in English and French will be given after the distribution., Dt h was _ Com m Lachine i1 other dist At M ion conte: i Statutes utt or charges relating to e adminiatriâ€" ( erminal justice he is to make out resent his nccounts to the Provincial nment, and not to the county." This, min, seems to me conclusive, and, h l am a county offcer, appointed 16 M »t m of orun nment of L I t t h H imiy an ALP . mt x 1 ( th . Wille begs to acknowledge the 16 | bia with this portion of the Dominion, and of the following . amounts on behalf | to ascertain what.amount of assistance can o widow of the lato Robert Bell, of| be obtained towards its construction. No | Hoyal Artillery, who/died of sunstroke | one.can shut their eyes to tho fthaet that : he 17th instant : mmmmuu-m-‘ Thomas Reynolds.. . . ... . . .$5 00 _ | ed by the building of this railroad, woull "yre‘~~ i mm‘ in the end be of much avail. Aml»‘ I. A. Wicksteod. . . ... .... 2 00 _ | way ranning through British territory and ture actionâ€"saugh omll‘ to be I at the expense of Council. Wanien then said that as Mr. un, the Necretary of the City. of A.riodlr.l Nouiety, was here, and to say a few words to them on the of the society, that they would LOCAL NEWS i6 Mt market yestetiay was but a «light ement on Momday‘s, but that is t can. be said. Uwing to the hot r, butchers keep only meat enough d to «ttooly an immecditite demand. iy amd entitled o which 1 must then moved : hat the audit m L# tounell * to morrow 1 to suppl chine, â€" Montreal, _ Prescott ans r distant mm Even Mr. Ham n far up the Gatineau having conâ€" atock. This year they offered a imount of prizes which would be ill, Thay hoped to make the soâ€" intral one for the Ottawa Valley, lraw the Provincial Exhibition to »ocasionally. _A voto was carried c that it should be held there aex; but the deception v d the tine féllow had to 1 its and a.rum for his life, losse in the rear by a : a«cholurs attemding the different at Sundays schools of the city w.ll i~â€"nle on DAminion Day. Covut.â€"â€"An old woman named sh was sent up for (wo months for .. It was an act of charity as she rly destitute. | 4 W db 1 1@« 1@ t @4 al aLP AM n# t his #1 moved an the auditor : question LLN‘OI tibles, and CUryers are to rally, their agcounts against Guvernment for such ser , therefose, think that the sace can be properly told th relating to the administre ion. Te ;",:m,':'“., _The British Columbian delegat« hx illy. now taken their departure from Otta + then adjourned to 9| and although we are not: permitted to t morning. "| know whnt are the exact terms of union agroed between them and the com L Ntws’ * -luu:f':o Privy Council, or how fw SitirstinWignccommns they differ from those originally oftered by t;:':m::: the delegates, we have the sutistuction of s of the m.l'.l‘u'm" mu‘.wmwu wat a€lec ils evening in the Recreaâ€" with theâ€"result of their mission, and thit wes in English and French they regard the speody admision of British ib es iivmnn it ind in all human probability, certiin to take â€"An old woman named place before many months have passed. ent up for (wo months for | \Â¥p believe that the report of the com a an act of charity as sh¢ | mirtse was laid before Council yester tute. _ day, and _ that the [ terms _ agreed attending the different| upon will be at once forwarded to iys schouls of the city w.ll | His ‘Excellency to rmceive his signature, i Déminion Day. awml wlil bé sent on by him to Gorâ€" eatetlay was but a «light :x'::::':.."fi."’“::: R b:.r: m M onliera, Nok i0ll t | will bssue the writ for am clostion .in r.:;‘u;op :?n.;‘u:ot'amgl: Reekitty C\ due twdur the new comstitt ly an immediate demand. ' “‘l IMI-N. ‘ ”‘::: Nw...Seven trips will be! place in October; the House will meet in mer Alzandre on Domin:â€" | December to consider the proposed terms, wien‘s wharf to Dunning‘s | and if accepted, they will be lail beforo ening excursion will atart | the Dominion Partiament in February next. in llxv«nin.. No doubt | After being discussed here, if they ars of persons will be glad to | agreed upon, joint addresses will be for : of the opportunity for en | winled to the Queen trom Canada and dlightful sail. British Columbia. praving IHar Mailesty to «treet tox NTRE iuch @xjJ nc have | Stuzetr.â€"(n Monday wk, a npan dressed in created . considerable ot. Me made himself time among some of + dogception wis discovâ€" d have been audited s according to the wernment, and not the Peace, Sher #s, » conclusive, and, olhcer, appointed n i to Â¥ look my. with an LPP O M T w1 UnAMDL mithorized B. Lowis, to guwle pull olfhis . m. b' number of the #A10+ us â€" The n who ex reports ring the This apâ€" |~ Phe xt Inucd le amonal | 4A M the N ,, ,| | fore the government and people of the Â¥oâ€" ther Country: the subject of the Transâ€"conâ€" tinental railroad to connect DBritish Columâ€" 16 | bia with this portion of the Dominion, and half | to ascertain what. amount of assistance can A lady named Currie F. Y oung has start ed in San Francisco, the «* Pacitlc Coanst Journal" an anti woman‘s right«‘ monthly publication. We cannot refrain from payâ€" ing our tribute of respect to her or to any luly who wages womanly war upon Mr«. C-L,m Susan B. Anthony, and the strong minded sisterhood. We truâ€"t that Miss Young‘s erusude against these «un fominine (o males® will ho auccessful. A tow days since Mr. Goeorge Laidlaw had the pleasure of attending a meeting of the Emigration Committes at the Lon Jdon Mansion house, nidh;ifi his emi gration scheme warmly applauded as com prehonsive and practical, and one lhikely to be fraught with complete success. As statel in another paragraph, Mr. Honry Seelye, the special: correspondtent of the British Colonist of Victoria, B. C., leaves this city toâ€"day. â€" During his brief sojourn here this gentlemen has made many friends who, while regretting his departure, hope, at no distant .Pfio» to see him in Ottawa again. Mr. Seelyo‘s visit has been highly beneficial to the: co lony, and we hops that his services will be duly appreciated by his fellowâ€"colonists. (2Â¥) both inclusaive. _A iberal be paid to any person throug strumentality the thiel my b commmmms cmmmmiiiiniihiiige~ < SWns« > Two thousaml! notes heen stolen from the U «uty, of the series of °1 muage from No. L 3, 50 (*®), both inclu«sive. A A horrible murder has been e« it Charlotteville, in the county of an old resident named Brown hay murniered by a young man name win. The murderer has been arr Wo believe Mr. Tilley will . Ottawa in the course of three w w\ I then proceed to Western C in that portion of the Dominion t% | NHon. Mr. MeDougall in town to diy or to m un M «The Fenian General‘‘ Donnelly has been " interviewed " by the reporter of the Burlington PFree Press. HMo aoys that at first he was inclined to condemn the F# niuns at Egcles Hill, as «cowards,‘"* but afterwards came to the conclusion that they were « disheartened by the thought that if coptured they would probably be hung, and that their motivre for running away was the natural instinet of self preser vation." We imagine that Donnelly is about right. M TUE BRITISH COLUMBLAX qUEsSTIONX Mi f th af winled to the Quseen trom Canada and Bmtish Columbia, praying Hor Majesty to comsent to the admission of tho latter into the Dominion. The Royal proclamation will then be issued, and the union will proâ€" bubly come into effect about the comâ€" mdthol-.rhlyo...hlylu‘ X7T1. * that one of the most important matters connected with the Honorable Mr. Campbell s visit to Englanmd, is to bry beâ€" tour of inspection of the Custom Th: Ottawa Cimes. it MV wn yesaterday sent WEDNESDA \ L H H Helm 4490 AMes t A®, Rpathe Rtreet. t EuW d 1% 11 pretty genorally understood Swelyc W Uk Y tA YEKTISEMENTS nlert K.T this morming communuitin: @ im lesrer has be« «omm @> tm Ne HOPY NE hy & V m n return t td ds a H letocted nanitté Norfolk P\ if + return twil PD d M ) $¢¢ nt LP N harbor of Exjmimault being about three miles farther north. â€"Rathee more than vight milss to the southward of Victoria in the straite which _ divide Vancouvrer lalamwd from Washington Territory, is the Httlé mlund of San Juan. It is of no value to my one in a ¢ommercial point of view, and coukd anly \be of use to the United Sktates in the evxent of a war With Great Bro we with M lay ~the r Wa beliov plain to | t wtual posit un Juan boumly;p. No on ‘horoughly o-poni to do » mis position in the Government Columbia having. of course. 18 ons of war could be | Atlantic to Halifix, fro by our *Pacitic Ruilroad t on across the Pacifle t Caleutta, fu more safely route. _ In the event Grdat Britain and Nus«b% tmming the pomution which they now in theâ€"Chinese aml Japanese trad woubll also serve to greatly stre: British power in ladia. In the & that groat (struggle for the poses India, which many people think is or Iater sure to come, troops amdl umting the two oceans, is an alseolu cessity of out position, but it is m» N O 4 Â¥ h nb " A meri w lelays and perilk otf the long ound the Cape of ttiood Hope, lian milroul would be the only Lany ND more especially of the lower counties, have troated their: fums, This fact was realized by the Legislature of Quebec, and the Council of Agriculture composed as it is for the most part of practical agricultus ints, are endesvoring to educate the peo ple to some knowlelge of wcientific farm ing. As the Council only came into exis tence in August last, it was of course not to be expected that any very important results would be attained before mtoduu year, We hope however, that in his nex! report the Minster of _ Agriculture ‘-m be able to point to some antisfactory results. The majority of the he nulltary and com Iritain in bocia, Clhin ‘rutch, who intemds ‘noel uul on the Sth p M JUANn tirat olumbia having, of very opportunity of 1 ith all the facts bes ADRICULTURE AXND COLONXIZATION . ROADS IX qUEREc. ANCOu V Or satisfictory results. The majority of the ) . ime of the gifts of Charles Dickens which people of the Province of Quebec are far | Will always reflect credit upon him, was + he a donation of $1,7(Â¥) sent to Dr. 8 G. mers, and. it i« highly important 10 th¢ | Hoy, of Boston, to boumadulf;rht- welfure of the country at large, that they | ing for the blind, copio'ponb #Old Cur. should understanmd the theory as well a« | iosity Shop." the practice of their business. s C T.: Tames “MW'L" satates thut to been A considerable amount of money ®#*| ioy 1y the Pruie of WWaiew to the Duke m::‘m The :’o:;::ngh ts the Princs Af Waiew which have aum & to w Â¥e LC ol he ies W v bares s en broa tw'u'in. llhwmlbh'u: aggregate number of miles of carriage way originally in an lrish paper. mude being 339 miles and 224 acres. 146 ".;5, Army and Nary Gazette of the nulles and 21 acres of winter sroud werealso| lith June, we learn that the Queen has t We M wy* mivk periis of ino iofng NUL YOF°BC | orly direction a Yast tract Of try at ind the Cape of Good Hope, the C#B# | me.ont undeveloped, reaching as far as n milroud would be the only route upO® | Lake st. John. The greater portion of ich the Imprial Government could well | ;pi, acconding to the Câ€"mmissi ‘s reâ€" penedl, < The construction of this railroad, | port, is well adapted for settlemen welore, would not only be an immense | _ 1;, ch= County of Ottawa the ts for nellt to us, and a certain boad of un |eelonizition rexls« in 1®6J amousted to hwen the dif@rent Provinces of the Do+ #i1wa+ which were .'.'.u..] as ; wion; it would also teml to establish | pswert river rovl, #2(88); Ripon Suf. : military and commercial supromuy Of | folk roul, #16*); Ewudley amit Masham, tain in India, Chine, and Japan. â€" Mr. | giixr; Brilge over the White Hiver, €1,400; itch, who intends leaving Quebeq 10¢ | Wakelieclkd amd Portland road, $&xi®). We glind on the Sth prozimo, will c0 0p4r= | are gli} to see that th» superinte ts in with Mr, Campbell in h efforts to | (%,| »atimiandother countios, report that the railroul â€" scheme : before th¢ ) , nomber of French Canadians who had §sh GCovernment in a proper light as»ti‘ed in thâ€" Un ted Stites, are returning No believe that Mr. Trutch will also #xâ€"| 1« . !, v« taken up lots of lanl adj«cent in to ‘the Imperial authoritics the | 1., ;%» new!y constructed rowds«. : ual position ol-l.lh-u"'nhlbl omm % Smss ® + | Juan Mn No one b-onl TJE PRIME MINISTER, roush!v to io «o thin he. } "Yeb . emeame [ op o n C T «h U At to u«s, amd a certain bon en tho diff@rent Provinces i th not t} P Imp nmal Government The construction of th P % «0M who hhoar that,. in order «omm t l M P t To it t t '"w mo' vi the HRed #« mese _ available le _ Railroad ith wostern extrem w ® houte t »OVe Eh t becoming act bearing upoh t C ILG¢ ET B1Hl1 1 FYTC & Very the nay 1® brought across the m thence conveyed to Victorm, aml 1> wan to Madtas and + than by any other »f it is very doubt ten im the | ke of which, to | on of t f the delegates; | cnerg es Ane .‘ w q woye i ; the wiehos consunk in when; we. say m results of their| The M respects sitisfac. | poration rian people, that "‘!": as ours may be m wad union, and | abhout th wid welfare of our -a;‘“': e minlon« may be cukt * 1 a feow ¢ n «1104Â¥ 1 al # the island wilistinet i s ~Of the 40 1J ANONW 4J an immenso nt #t1 lation and sout three more than certainly avokul the sa1 voyage the Cana »f th wled hm th ite upon wald well railromd. t} w t Wt THF OTTAWA TIMES, JUNE 29, 1870 by way would $9% 9 m 11 Mr WHi Th €1) n Ja4 nul.a aimil 61 acres carriage _ road. I=> «* 21 .** winter â€" do, 2tI %* 1 _ ® rowlway repaired Fo: Quobec to make nearly 600 miles of rowls in a year is certainly not doing at all butly, and that such a result should have been attained, is a sufficient reply to those who are constantly complaining of the Quobec Government in this respect. The larger proportion of the: money expende 1 on _ colonization _ roads has _ been . spent in the Sagueâ€" nay district aitd between .there and the city of Quebec. In rear of the ancient capital, there stretches out in a h eastâ€" orly direction a vast tract of 3 try‘ at present undeveloped, reaching as far as Lake ®t. John. The greater on of #14 W M th # 1 The advance of the Red River expediâ€" tne wrame Toar of the Teo tiver Priprs, the great mas er awi the Mhmldmm continue until the troops are well on their nymthm.:{ % . There was a toritlie hail rain storm at Richmond Hili, on Mun.h{.o:l:outou o clock, lastipg about half an . Winâ€" dows were broken by the hail, and shade traw« torn up by the hurricane which acâ€" ‘e-mpnnnllpbm Much damage was There is‘ is of fruit of all kinds in reat & Lieutenant Governor Howland h isâ€" med cards for dimner amd evening parties n Confederation evening in honor of Sir whn an 4 lLadly Young. About Ii»» of the discharged artisins rom the English dockvards arrived in Monâ€" A coloured man, named Wm. Price, a guble in the of Thos. Barnett, museum, Niagara : was shot on Matâ€" urday evening, about 8 o‘clock, by Edâ€" ward Dmvis, «on of Suul Davis, Table Reck. PFrice was walking on :n‘hml,m_un nvlseum, in company some when Davis fired several shots. Pm halfan hour afterwards. He leaves a wife ammi four children. Price was" generally reâ€"spocted, quict and civil. Davis is arâ€" The Essex County Council has voted #J31)(XX) to assist in constructing the Great N.}‘::k 'Tbomo is to mmlo,lm& for rom&;t-nbn at Ningra Falls, o':l the 13th of August uxt.h%’o notceo the fact merely for the purpose of oongratulating Frank‘s heire. _ C The cable across 8t. George‘s Channel to Wexfurd, lreland, has been repaired, amwl a markel improvement in the transâ€" qveanle twlegraph service has followed. 'nmlnuh'd:c hnbooau»dn- ly attenmded by most torrid in {n.du.,-hich has drawn many from the city to seek refugefat the seaside and in the suntry. * A correspondent of the Srotwman states that QQueen Victoria has expressed to the IDmchess of Sutbherland, in a rlnu note, the deep interest with which sbe regards |he-p~«rhh. Protestant conference . in New York. It is now saul that Lord mswlent of all local grant« and contriâ€" :.‘i'.‘:;'l‘" ineeeomnees en n en ne ie 0C 00 Tc 30 m ocm m ol ol ions. _ The total sum expended bÂ¥ | ~ q now sixpenny monthly periodical, an vernment on rowds of all ciasses was | nounced in . London, is * The Poetic.l s 460 giving : Maguazine,‘" to be devoted to the writings TE MX U 5o s Lc o ok. â€"~ 1. > ~ 3 To iakktbener pogks. $ ntet h 114 wonling to the C.anmiâ€"zonpr s reâ€" s well adapted hnlllem:'tn he County of Ottawa the t« for S U M M A R Y down the 8t. Lawrence, Dr. i* his heen in constant attemdance lisiinguishal patient from the ement of his unfortunate iliness, , with that devoted woman, lady ll, accompany the Prime Minister. vwlod, wo be‘iove,. to cruise about for some weeks, to enable Sir Macdonald to benelit as much as from the sea air. . Most do we wish our great statesman wible advantage from the trip. uxd 1 ) miles and 24 acres of road, na le wenyrreprired, Om roid« of GREAT BRITAINX IK. PRIME MINISTER w here « mention«l are of course in D OM INX 10 N l turl that Nir John Macâ€" ive town on Friday next, here ho will take one of the ernmeont «team vessels and were expended #1, 4; i+ We POrnk ent The harvest in Southern Illinois is nearly over, and the yield will be more than the average, The peach crop in some sections i« a fuilure, in others it is only fair. Envious Chicago describes Cincinnati, Ringerfest week, as " a gigintic beer garâ€" den, with a few houses interspersed here amd there." literature nowu,:c better than in John Milton‘s time, . William Cullen Br{lm is said to be worth $500,000; Longfellow, #3X),(XX); Holmes, $100,000 ; Nuxe, $80,â€" ixx); Lowell, $40,000 ; and Whittier, $30,â€" K M 3 torial work of Harper‘s Weekly, the Eas Chair of H. # floulhl'. and some 'orz on llarpa"mw. There are 400 papers in foreign languages, 250 of them being Germ uafl French, and the remainder in various known tongues, two of them being in Bohemian. e y logs teais used in the United States thin in England, but more than in France. A mai len lady in Oswego has fifteen cats â€"quite a concatinat.on. " A cmminom fhydcun' in Philadelphia, Dr. Wailter H. Foster, has imysteriously dhlrpmn d, â€"He went to Yonkers last week with a view to purchasing a dwelling, «ince which there has been no tidi of him and foul play is suspected. It is computed that ovo? year the Misâ€" -i-ilrpu carries to the Gulf a bulk of soil amile square and nearly three hundred teet deep. _ In time, therefore, New Orâ€" leans must become a far inland city. [ RNeveral cases of sunstroke have occurred im ('hicnfl. some of which have proved fatal. weather is intensely hot, and rain is buily needed, ol tarce 6 Helmbolil, the famous druggist, attends personally to his own advertising. He is about forty years af age, below the medium bo‘ifkt. a good talker snd very positive in awddress, € ANaA. The Argus says that one of the ten dollar greenbacks of the $24,000 recently stolen from the Treasury in Washington has turned up in Portland. |â€" __ _ _ __ the United States. The highest salary paid to any editor in America is $10,600 to George William Curtis, . who does the ediâ€" 6t Eleven p wore sunâ€"struck in New Y ork on m ® C * great,. Hence it nul{ be estimated that not less than five millions of inchoate fowls are sacrified every year in the production of photographic portraite. . __ _ We learn from the New York » papers that the contract has been entered into by the President and Directors of the Northâ€" ern Pacific Railway Company for the conâ€" struction of the first muo- of 230 miles of their great work. This is called the Minâ€" nesota Division, and . extends from the Dulles of the 8t. Louis River to the Red River of the North The contractors reâ€" resent a combination of the old firm of f«m Payton & Co. , Lb=th, 65th, 68th, ,Uth, and JJth Negi ments, ' | ( "% Dickens lived longer than &uke-mre. who died at 53; than Byron, who dred at 37; than Th-cu'en{’ who died at 52 ; than Burns, who died at 37 ; and was one year younger than Macaulay, who died at fifty nine. | $5" hbeen graciously pleased to approve of the words «* Now Lgl-pd x l-oinl;pbm ne upon the colours and app intments of the {folâ€" lowing regiments in commemoriation â€" of their services in that country at different times, viz: 12th, ]4th, 18th, 40th, 50th, 5xth, 65th, 68th, 7TUth, and 99th Regiâ€" oTHER COUNTRIESâ€" Paris produced seventeen duels last month. A The Chinese Embassy have left Turin for Floense. â€" _ Abbe Heylot‘s prize to the most virtwous woman h‘nncohubm won th'i;Jw llr:laoadno Melin, a handsome bl ofif The subscription list to the monument to be erected to Voltaire have been signed by 205,000 persons. _ se The last epileptic seizure of the Pope says the Rome correspondent of the Pall Mall Gazette, was more serious than sup» posad. It was followed by the volent atâ€" tack of diarrhea, which lasted twenty four hours, and which left his Holy Father in a very feeble condition. His health, howâ€" ever, has since improved, though it is not in a state to bear tfioflnfln to which it is Duval, the founder of the Paris soup houses, is dead. He ownsed eighteen bovuillon establishments Q:J:loyin; uy wards of 1,500 ‘E:nom, the usual ;mount of the yielded eight million rancs. The unfortunate Princess Carlotta, sisâ€" ter to the King of the Bemlns, still reâ€" mains in the same state of depreâ€"sion into which she sank soon after her husband‘s death. (Un Wednesday, 8th June, she complete{ her 30th year, having been lorn in 1840. On the #]th of July, 1857, she w>s married to the Austrian Archâ€" duke Max millian, and became a widow on the 19th of June, 1867. B@~T. HUNTON, SHOOLBRED &0CO.‘8 GREAT CLEARANCE SALE STILL Coxâ€" TINUES; EXAMINE OUR. PRICES BEFORE BUYING. A A letter has been received by the Deâ€" partment of Marine and Fisheries anâ€" nouncing the loss of two ships off St. Pwl'nl‘ lfl;od, viz., the Devonshire, of Livâ€" erpoo 8)w|uburtbu:i aptain Curry commanding, bound for (fi.umy, in h‘l:t. with.:owof 17 me;; lllO'}lO Rcandinacvian, Drainmen, Norway, for Quebec, in ballast, with a crew of 16 men. The brig Alecto, of Charlottetown, P. E. L., from liverpool for Halifax, with a carâ€" go of coal and salt, ran: aground on the south side of the north east bar of Sable Island ani became a total wreck. The crews of all these vessels were saved and their wants provided for by the nts of the Department of Marine. W â€" have since been taken off by the C‘an dian steamer Lady Head, and will be fo. warded to the respective ports to which they belong. â€" _ in the l0th of May a card was picked up on the south side of Sable hhns, with the following inscription :â€" _ L $X)008),000 is invested in newspapers in UNITED sTATES. A girl of eleven wants a divorce in Indi Eighteen fans is a part of a Seratoga out SHIPPING TNXTELLIGENCE. " We are going dowr Davy Jones‘ Locker.‘" Dr. F. A. Schreyer, Memphis, Tenn. & THE PIELD BATTERY a first paraded in Parliament Square, under command of Capt. Forgyth, at 5 0‘clock, and being inspected, went through a number of evolutions in capital order, for which they were highly complimented by Brig ute Major Jackson, the inspecting ‘officer, who took occasion to call their recollection to the fact that they were the oldest Field Battery in the volunteer service of Canada. |_ INGPECMON OF REMAINING FroXCKs, At seren o‘clock the Ottawa Brigado Giarâ€" rison Artillery, headed by their: fine band, marched into the Rjuare followed by the Ottawa Rilles, and ‘being joined by the Civil Service Comp mny, the whele were formed imto lins and awaited the arrival of Brigade Major Jackson. The Garrison Artillery were communded by Major Ross ; the Ottawa Rifles by Captain Mowat ; the Civil Service by C:s}nmin White ; the whole under command of Colonel Forest, In a short time the Brigade Major arrived on th:'.fronnd and was received with the usual salute, the band playing the cusâ€" romary air. / The ranks were then opened and the different companies earefully inâ€" spected, The Battalion then marched F‘lt in companies of open column right in ront and at quarter gistance column. The marching was very fair,. The force were then put through| battalion drill, after which the Ottamatifles were exâ€" tended a« skirmishers, the Civil Nervice Corps acting as supporters, and the Garriâ€" son _ Artillery: _ as resorves. The skirmishing was very well done. The Battalion was then formed into square when Brigade Major Jackson expressed his satisfaction at the soldierly l‘}ke appearance of the men and the manner in which they bad gone through the different movements. He had them under his commind for ten days at Cornwall, and a better behaved or more paitriotic number of men he was sure could not be found in the‘ xolunteet serâ€" vice.* U This concluded the inspection and the‘ Battalion marched off the ground to a l.:;!{ tune from the Gartison Artillory' THE BAXD, . ; The band ofâ€"the Garrison Artilleey, al though orginized but a few weeks, have made lYlondid progress, and in a short time will be asource of pride to the city. Too much praise cannot be given to the officersâ€"ot the brigade for the creditable ambition displayed in providing a band for a Brigade of Garrison : Artillery second to none in the Dominion Since the gallint turn out of t] teess, ond their Figli;ll defeat of ians on thâ€"occiwion of the Jate ra coniduct has been. the sougee of | the Dominion and to the mother who has not been alone tb giv« pression to her satisfaction in tin martial «pirit of Britain so nobly « in her Canadian â€" sons. gNVith th teers much interest has always 1» ciated, butnow that interest i : Bhould the Femans ever dare again to make their appearance, the volunteers of Ottawa will be found as ready and willing to meet them as they woere when called with active service on the 24th of May last. " Â¥Yesterday the examination of the puâ€" pils of Miss Harmon‘s school took place, and in the evening some interesting seances were given by the pupils in the vestry of 8t. Andrew‘s ('lnt‘rcb. The . vestry was crowded with the parents of the pupils and other ladies and gentlemen interested. The programme ofl. the evening was opened with several recitations, a list of which we give below with {tl!m names of the young ladies by whom they were recited. The declamation and general deportment of the pupils thro:%oguut showed that they had been under &n able teachor, and cerâ€" tainly Miss Harmon has reason to be proud of her pup Is. _ In/ particular some recitaâ€" tions and _ performances _ on the piano, _ by n*ere« children, â€" were of such a character as to convince all preâ€" sent of the efficient system of: teaching pursued by the lady under whose instrucâ€" tions they attained to such a state of effiâ€" ciency, and it not a little astonished the audience to witness with what confidence and facility the young ladies went through the different gur}s alotted to them, reciting very long and diffi¢ult pieces of verse withâ€" out faltering, and evidently with a comâ€" plete understinding of the subjeâ€"ts. . The recitations given in French was good eviâ€" dence of Miss Marmon‘s avility. to teach that language in a manner not to be surâ€" passed. gira R@â€"CHEAP SALE OF SILKS®, COM. MENCING ON MONDAY NKEXT. ‘DREsSs PATTERNS PROM $8 TO $20; FORMER PRICES #14 To $§6. . CALL AND EX AMâ€" NE. T. HUMNTON, SNOOLBRFD «& Co‘S. RECITATION®, &o., AT THE ST. AN â€" PREW‘S CHURCH, WELLINGTON STREET. 7 | After the several recitations, a number of songs having been sungâ€" in excelent style, and the marks of honour and merit awarded, the Hon. Malcolm Cameron was called upon for an address. l Mr. Cameron paid a high compliment to Miss Harmon‘s abilities as an instrucâ€" tress, as he did also to the young ladies, for the progress they had made during the scholast.c year. He thought the puâ€" pils excelled in many branches, and it afâ€" forded him pleasure to witness such proâ€" ficiency in young ladies, HMe thought their education should, above all things, be attended to, in order that they might be intelligent and ornaments to society. It was not. absolutely necessary that they should be taught Latin,or Greek,or Hebrew, or that they should become linguists, but they should have all the acquirements to fit them for society, and to enable theml tolook to the general duties of a hoyse and then no young man would be afraid ‘ to marry them. ‘The Hon. gentleman enâ€" | tertained the audience for a tew minutes | with some humorou{ allusions and sat | down amid much applause. 3 He had brought a book with him which he'c:o to Miss Kate Drummond, whose declaniation he oon-id?rod to be the best of the evening. , Miss Harmon then expressed the hope that the pupils would spend a happy vaâ€" cation, and that they would all return to her school when it opend on the first Monday in September. PROGRAMME, Recitstionsâ€"" Lessons from Birds," â€"Doane ; John Gordon, To the Robin ;‘ Alice Gordon, ~« The Mountain and the Squirrel ;" Mi*‘Luura HMarper, «©The Pet Lamb,""â€"Wordsworth. f Sovl’ by Classâ€"*" uist! ‘Tis the Whisperâ€" ini“cind." s jss itationsâ€"" The Lazy: Fly," " The Tittle Lamb,"" The busy Bee ;" Kim Jennie Bmith, © Little by Little;" Emily Hill, "If thou hast crushed: a fHower ;" Nellie Skead, «Th Little White Fly." ~ Piano duettâ€"**1Il Baccio," Misses Belle Cassells and K. Gordon.: * Recitationsâ€"Miss F. Evans, " The Lark‘s VOLPXTEER INSPECTI in tin tin ) of praise t« they country the { th spl th t] In n reading. Mustor. Alex. Gordon, 1st in arithmetic ; dnd reading, and 2nd spelling. ~ Master John Gordon, 1st in 1st writiug ; 2nd in Ind reading, and 2nd in spelling. ;\ &Master Herbert E. Dyks, 1st in 1stspellâ€" ‘?‘ and reading. y t __ _ _ SENIOR AXD JUNIOR DEPARTMENT. Miss Annie Stewart, lst ig Scripture, punctuality and, classical geography. Miss M. Workmin Hall, 1st in punctuâ€" ality, compesition ; 4th spelling ; 5th arithâ€" metic; 3rd grammiwr; 2nd dictation, phyâ€" sical geography, and English literature ; 2nd in Seripture;.5th writing and universal history. * i Stewart, and Ree tation ald‘s Wife""~â€" Pimno Solo Clara Drumn _ Miss Georgie Evans: merits honorable mention for close, faithfual study, is 2nd in grunmar, 2nd: arithmetic and 3rd geograâ€" phyi‘! > > $ c s 9| N0 s M ality hist« met and C writin Miss Belia Cassels, 1st in 2nd geography. | w3 Miss Jennie Smith, 1st in 1st geography, and 3rd re vling., N * Miss Belle Skead, 1st in Ist arithmetic, and 2nd in 3rd spelling. | lT Miss Nellie Skead, Ist in 3rd spelling; | {}"* Ist grammar; 2nd in 3rd reading, and 2nd | /" in geography. > e Miss Polly Mutchmor, Ist« in 2nd arithâ€" |;3, met _ BR@°TIHHE ONLY PLACE TO BUY JoOU. VINS GOLD MEDAL (€1.12}; CENTS) GLOVES FOR 75CTsS., IS AT T. HUNTON SHOOLBRED & CO.‘S. New Granite dress goods, just the thing for summer suits, ofly 1s. 3d. per yard, at Garland, Muchmor & Co.‘s. ; . : "Yaliere,‘* | Miss .B. Todd ; â€" ‘ Jacques," Miss E. HMay. Recitationsâ€"Miss K. Matthews Mountain Daisy "â€"Burns ; Miss 1 tie, ~ The Hebrew Mother"â€"Hen Piano Duettâ€"M iss \M; ‘Bell an t M wIngd Dy CAiissâ€"â€"** j Dialogueâ€"*The ] Missos Delisle and M Recitationâ€"Miss ] erland‘s Pansies"â€"] French Recitation Miss Ellen Angus, Ist in universal hisâ€" tory, and deserves honourable mention for faithful study while at school. «_ > Miss )(:u-i‘gul.isle, 2nd in English liter« ature and classical geography. Miss Clara Drummond, 1st in punctuâ€" ality, and 4th in ‘arithmetic, and Pnd in English history, and 4th in geography. Miss Flora Stewart, Ist in punctuality, writing and composition, and 4th in «pellâ€" ing and 4th in geography. us f class Wecitatonsâ€" Switzer‘s Wite Governesse * French â€"Re: liere 111 _ Miss Janet Hall, 1st in punctuality and nd in conduct and composition, 5th in arithmetic and physical geography. f __Miss Minnie Shaw, 1st in conduct and English history, and 2nd. in punctual:ty, 4th in spelling and 4th in arithmetic. _ f FREXCH. â€" > Miss Lizzie [h{, Ist in 3rd French class. Miss Janet Hall, 1st in 2nd French class., Miss Kate Drummond, 1st in 1st French Beautiful Shades im Japinese Nilks for street costumes, just received by Magee & Russell. > » * New lustres for summer suits, in various colors, 1s. 31. and Is 84. per yard, ex last steamer at Garland, Muchmor & Co.‘s. R&=IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN IN DRESS GOOPS, GO TO T. HUNTO:, SHOOLBRED & CO.‘S CHEAP CLEAR ANCE SALE. Seven trips will be made in the n' and commoâ€" dious steamer * ALEXANDRA," Â¥from Queen‘» Wharf, to the beautiful grounds ; near Dunning‘> Landing, seven miles down the Ottaws River, on Steamer to start from the city at 8, 9:30, and 11 12:30 ; 2, 3:30, and 5 o‘clock, pm. Titkets, 25 cent: there and return. * B Wil be given on board the same steamer, to start at seven and return by ten o‘clock. Limited numb« 0{ tickets at 50 cents.. Children haif price at all times .â€" f s ons k ‘. The Court of Directors hereby give notice that | a balfâ€"yearly dividend at the rate of EIX per | cent per annum on the Capital of the Bank will be pay able on the 5th day of JULY, 1870, to the proprietors of shares registered in the Coloâ€" nies, and that a further sum of ten shillings | sterling per share, taken from the profits of the 'yeu 1869, will be paid to the proprietors at the | same time. Both payments will be made at the ‘rate of exchange current on the 5th day of July, |1870, to be fixed by the Local Boards. l No transfere can be made between the 25th inst., and the 5th prox.,â€" as the books must be _closed ‘during that period. _ | (By order of the Court.) _ â€" | [Signed,] xR. W. BRADFORD, _ pPACREFRESHMENTS at reasonable rates on board the steaméer and on shore. A GRAND PICâ€"NIC will be held at the above Gardeps on the In commemoration of OUR DIMIXION ANXIâ€" VERSALY. To commence at TW O o‘cslock, p m. pA"Marrier‘s rylendid band is engaged. June $8, 1870, * 13Â¥5ta 1b ANX EYENING EXCURSION INXCORPORATED BY Mss Kat MuC, . and . _nd@ _ in mogern d spelling. | * Miss K ate Gordon, 1st in 3r« d 2nd in punctu«lity, order iting and arithmet.c. Miss Georgie Evans merit Dial ults MUSIC BY GOWAN‘s BAXNXD fPAt"See Posters. Ottawa, 20th June, 1870. NKo. 124 Bishopagate &t, Within, London, E. C., ith June, 187 l) Fc -'N":' BRITISH NRORTH AMERICA, Py LEeDUC‘S GARDENS, HULL. Ls";â€"Sl;::ke[oo:\x-' and Ella Angus citation‘~ Miss n@st the Ruins OMmINION PICâ€"8xIC : A D K. Drummond. itation â€"â€"Miss A. St ~â€"Buchanan. God Save the Q followinz is the, hon od mve the Queen, following is the, honor list : PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Kate Drummond, Ist in p1 rder, Scripture, writing, Can , grampair; 4th creading ; 3rd and 2nd in modern . geog elling. ® Kate Gordon, Ist in 3rd geog ind First Day of July Next, DOMINXION DA Y Hary rth y 1 n PRIMARY DEPARTMENT e Drummond, Ist , Seripture, writing Mutchmor, 1st« in 2nd in Ist grammir, and Buchaman. 2 â€"** Fanfare Militaire tation won.," lanet HMall, Woimn in re â€" Mi« AT OF M Ste ROYAa» CHARTER w. BRADFORD, Secretary, wart, Avare t 0 6n Wanted a 1 punctu Canadian 3rd arith nd arithâ€" nd 4th in graphy ipture raphy M Miss en Mo PA I% ‘We, the un Jersignes, bog io vMiy! that we have disposed of our Whi# Retail Establishment in Euceex Eu0t THE TEA POT, and carried on by ## name and style cf J. G,. ROBINN® Meesrs. DUFR SXE 4& McGANIL MRA church, teacher , hesidenceâ€"*C upor lormeriy Choirâ€"ter Bc W . Done, of W orcests N1 Itali 1 NX EOO E.3 H ry* $2.00 por gallon, $5.0) px im Ottawa, May 16, 1876 The train will «ta the excursionis(s t] leave I‘reseott on 11 hour the same ever Return Tickets, . ... Children (under 12 A sawceet red wine of ful body asith ('fllflm, nd The Northwest, an Ode for Doming Day and Other P oems: By the Ree. An.Mâ€"D. Dares | 330 pages, large 8vo.. Prigo $1.%. 4 all e Booksellers. _ A few mxu\q at Tar P * "by, Ottawa, June 27, 1870 hi 4 Have much pleasure in stating *# purchased the businers of M rGO7) s MESSRS. DUFRESNE 4& Atawa,. Zth June, 1870 io long and favourably rows at V FOUID j On Sparks street, ""': »a sum of mon *7â€" The & turned by proving POPA® MARBLE @x NAGAR _ DW aaro the Tess Tloy. ‘I:S'; loslnnul.l‘i' r'b Celebre te€ o TGHWINE3s AND And they hnu'"‘ & LARGE $ â€"Ofâ€"â€" gust FRESH TEAS AND qunse* Which willhe fuly «1un0tt io 4 vertisement. , I A pUrRESE * Late 0 > 30/ This firm will be known 4# ; s@â€"THE 18A poi: Ottaws, May 18, 1879 *0 PICEF. A J PHURSDAY 1 tak 1345 UR STRERGIH, &« , THURSDAY axp s M G N 1 rCRSE WANTEDâ€" GRAND ANNXUaALT LICANTE : |:lkc-|vhu‘c' on & ,. j * m‘“ ’; MONPAYy 4m JULY xm i "fi'" MESSRS. DUFRESNE 4 TITH REFERSNCE an Mar} tuar nport. MESSRS. J. G. ROBJNX3ON 4 4 YALUABLE FOT IXYAU s&â€"THE TEA PVL® reel, or » lo«horflfi‘o-r": ~‘‘CmuBor street Alclion t June ’7' wl me evening N0 f% Y mt parMR. McoGARITL®® s1°°° of the frm, will take cbuf ner‘s f the OTTAWA BOVS where ke bopes to giW" The confidence of those whoÂ¥# y first favour him with a ooll t“l Think from the 180 they ‘have at their @=" mand, in porting direct#®® the place of growth s1# G00D§, and baving * )4F" By order ATA1; ioddiatcatinss, dizetalp oo * * whHOLESALE & BETAD HOU 3E in Montreal, wb those who pref®! :""""~ !Imrmfl”’ shipped . direct . frem 4# uyB KR *L nov ind ALICANTE 4 Elfloriq] , "\‘\.D’LHNI Dle anq Als e e fveng hand July Ing vss, ases P CB llwnmtflf'm- Mn the return trip #at% come 11 RJ » by Â¥p $ end J. P . M CPRERSON, Ihuf.pu; t 1 Tigis fve 4 youn: w h W 4 ‘Ali ALABAs it 1870 JA8 G R ar h IN8TAx» A L D. 4 Al i. ‘â€"'I m"’“‘ .k‘. 3 x, D PEMEor 6 ... €V4 "40@ge RELLY, §M fpe German Saen, Sectyiun Di ury will give a £raDm m o They will be TER r 4i% ( ang Jw j Qfibfl of â€" gon witee a plasure « fntfl' _ Two or ..;-‘ pigeon wived by the H is Dominion Day. and 20d proxâ€" diéd Feterday was th« pasnt so far. KRev Ie Montreal B »ar meeting or Te Dominion 1 challenge: ‘ to play a kdJuly, the matc The examination C m '- & ‘"-.u , Carpent« ast by ‘ ®as carried to t! isterday aftern Montreal yvolun but hays Farrar, 8 & o t ty spuden! "e of the t preat i free that w. ‘eral urrests lna v ‘“dofi; e L 4 wdusk- * pest smaith W k * Sflm‘ ut have been * hn vepir . u\"u‘ ) 4400 4y Prince Aftim» ver bought at id at‘11} to 14 & were ins is, by the D district. .A &, an &Addre and belt. % Siis line are 1er‘s Ing #om pany was Up is fathe â€" is inf« t of A., jo.| Â¥ere reâ€"oleo.> yesterday and in Julis MONXT of the C a lad JX € g\ John Jo n‘« Chri comm W este hate. while next ted in enqu annuh] zul 81 iph 1 tor ; «xaum t QU the fell 1 in f, bhil wh +d At ha

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