L y fie ‘ 17 all «pply the name of * Worces.terahife Suuse _ "D their ownl aferior scompounds, t;e pablic is hereby laformed that the only way to seours the . anulue, in to aK FOR LKA & PERKINY siA0CK, THE ONLH GOOD SAUCK, caUTION AGAINST FRAUVD. ° !umdï¬bu‘“-‘“ uw--‘n-‘-"'-"""" and to see that their names arse upon the wrappar lohh.?..lb‘ Some hm“ having besa supplied with a spe W orsestershire Bance, T"m‘“"““m Lo & lmh.-â€"‘:.i'†notice tnat they have furaished corres ponâ€" dents with power of |-=.:hb lnstaat proseediage against m smuf amd ven wte .c....-ha-wu by which their right may be F%a“d-flum Lon & l-oh--â€"‘:.ltdw uun::.qh:m.:-ï¬ M“w --l'-zluud vea iore of sacn, or *ther imitations by which their ".“..’M DHA* hak to LkA k PERRINY Bansce and 18e Name m Wrapper, Label, Bottle and P. BASKERYVILLE & BRO # * *£* Wholesale and l‘\ï¬lnnhn. ._â€" TTaWa MARKETS. : Jomplied expressly for the Orta#a Timas ) * fimes Ofice. Otawa, July 16, \1670. The subscriber \will turnish ICE dally to those requiring itfor the season. Double supply \ _ Bnturday‘s for Bunday‘s use. 10 lbe dally for "he eason $6,00, Terms pagablein advance. Larger quantities supplied on liberal terms as Btore, Op arks street, Contre Town, Mr. F. Hallanâ€" daits‘s, Wellington street, Uppoer Town, or at the subsoribers, will be strisily attended to. TUOMAA STARMER, WORCESTERSHIRKX 8AU0E, Desiared by Conaoissears M. 4. DUVIOXAR!H, # SPARKS JTREEKT, OTTAWA. g':...'.:r-;_ can be ascommedated 'a e ww"‘u =l~ Gentliomen snn Larraaiy oo weew attmwederai¢tenme, rl\-l'v-om’-, % KA ATOREK, No. 36, KIDEAU STREKET, DUKE 8TREET, CHAUDIERE _ N Bâ€"This house is situated in the immediate nl..l:r of the Parliament Builldings and the a mme Plaunten. g10tf HA & PELALRLRE m moebving 400 Chests Tea and a Qeneral A uu.nm.m‘.. :‘l:.w .n.-u‘u..u.. 1ore, 100# , oa.‘â€nl rmof of the best made in Canaga. Those uot having had atrial of our Goodse are reques od to call and Judge for themseltes. Aik your neighbours who have tried our Teas and ofviahas w e e it o Oitawsa March 31. 1870, ogURCH STREET, LOWELR TOWX, COMMIS8ION â€" MERCHANTS3 T Gememberâ€"Quick taies and Light Prodte, aLF LABARKRAQU®K & 00. ds« FPiret ala*ss at Mr. @. Mortimer‘s Drug NWothaerse 1 Moraore Moethers lâ€"Ars you dsturbed at aight ad broken of your rest by a sick cnnid suffering .ad erying with the exoruck get a boule of aire. WINELOW‘8 auTULNe SYRUP. It wili reliers th poot Hitlesuferer unmediatelyâ€"depend apen it : there is no mistak _ WATERPROOF CENTRALâ€" T P Aoiintairen es wm # & bm and otner Rides, Also tor the Bpenser, and A..?.‘..""t-. K imperishable in a1 t S hn ren ogvalt ons Pomptetatisins Rides, can be had with or without the suitabis mumuu?:‘.um UOXER CARTRI DOHS of +400 bore tor Revol _ The «* KLEY e uait the e «e Cw nï¬ nake whoity o hatal, are h amd Militas NOTICH.â€"Depositors will hereafter enigs by the door on Bparks strest. For the future the nusiness of the Bank in all its Branches will be sonducted in the OMse fronting on Bparke strest * D. D. KASTWOOD, freral o k w aber . :‘:. “..min.h:.:uvz _.__ HuuPING CuUGH DISEKA3EKS OF ‘I'BIRIOAT PULMUNARY CuNsUMPTION MAM.fl-fl'floflnm , AFFECTIUONS uF THE sKINX s ITCHINGS wonty im e mm mea e wh 4 wied sa cese ln..:o ':%-.fl-.b.: "‘-:.'. to beethe most by gieais in hoe wemaer and in Ume ‘of eprdemies. Detalled lastractons asâ€" company aach botile. Gansral deanot in Paris: L FEKERE,. 1# 14 Oitaws, June 11, 14 10. 13M3 Jum UYVOT TAR, «}xmmrn PROOF LigUsus. M Guyor has susceeded in depriring tar of is j rud'WT)ubu L Â¥KERZ, -::u-am"r‘.:.u. n":-::-‘:':m tw O t Â¥rom, with ..rumb-n. wall Anished, bars, sheds, other out buildings, and also a od spring well, T5 or 80 aores sleared and in a good state of cuithvation, well fenced and waterâ€" ad. This is situated T miles from OGKeawa on the Macadamised Road, loading to Metgalla, ’- lish Charsh and Scbool House at the corner of lot ; Methodist Chussh 50:::;;!-.-0-.‘- Jhurch one mile & tfltrt Station 2 wmiles There is also a m "‘Tiws ‘will be pron tor part of the parchase l-;-'u.h-mb.o thes NE TFinor.. LCs _T LIFE ASsSURANCE coLnur. astaauiammed> 1847 The only Canadian Life anthorised by (Government for the Dominion. lts Rates are lower than thoss British or Amerioan OMoes. The faot that the Canada has a a nouat of lavestments and of Assurance in the Dominion than any of noll:-: -A-nnz the pablic of Canada Zvo'cl Canaâ€" dian lastitetion, and its rapld in aaties« Inotory evidence of the of its prinelâ€" ï¬'m . a oun be obtmaed, or at the “.': A u RAMSAY, ~â€"4er UX U HAYOOCK, P.m'. HEALTA AND BEAUTY. A valuabie Treatise on the bauman complezion â€"the Oxin, the Hair, the Testh, &o., with a valnâ€" able sollection of new and important Resipes rs Inting theseto. L. K. Vergatte. manufacturer of Pertumery, Tollst Articles, Taronto Malled tree to any address on reseipt of price 25 cents. U‘ & Hax. 1M% #7 â€" l an NTARAO BANK. #AVINGOX DEPARTXENT. * & 04 M0 HPADA% © AAAE O L Wws = OLAYP‘A IAX AROAD a"- WHOLE®ALE ONRY. RuNCBITIS CaATARRH OF THE BLADDER CuLD8 OBs8TINATEK 0 i GHa IRRITATION OF 1 42 CHEKST Ottawa, Aprit 27, 1078, _ 10 Jn 18 in yaypgbbII}I,] . Praak*s Oiniment Caree ar Saitions~0e. Pmramax, of Utiee: aPRC\AL NOTICHKE Agent in Ortawa Un the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs, and in pursuance of the provisions of the 11th Bection ot the Act #1 Fic. Cap. 6, lntituled ; * An Act respecting the Customs," Ris Excellency in Council has been pleased to Order, and it is bereby Orderâ€" ad, that the following Reguliations m specting the comstiog trade of the Dominion, in a«mendâ€" m nt ot the Reguiation adopted by Order in Council of the 14th July, 1468, shall be and the same are hereby adopted and established : lat,. 1t having been enscted by Chap. $ Sec. 11, 1314 Victoris, that the Gorernor may .-‘Mmu-.-oblm"fl- sols navigating the loland watere of Cacsada above Montreal, although such vessels may sometimes make voyages to Foreign Ports, it is her by Ordered that the Bonds to be given DÂ¥ the Mutwr or Ownuse of such vemel, ob wking out such Lisense a«ball not coutmn the condition provihd for in Bâ€"ction Boats shall not be ewmploped in the Foreign M‘““Iflbowdu‘ Hond, that whenever any such Vomel or Hoat is employed in a vopyage to or Foma Foreign Port, the master or other proper officer there. .gmn.-n--duunu-t.hon HIS EXCELLE®XCY THE Consting License. “Wmh. made ol wrious Incomvenience to the Masters and Owners of Bteam Versmle employed as regular passonger and freight packets, between the port of St. John in the Frovince of New Bronswivt , and the ports ot Digby, Annspolis and Wiudsor, in the Province of Nore Beotia, and also to the Mercantile Communaity of the said ports, in consequence of such Steam Ves wis being obliged to r»port their cargoes cach twip in detail, It is hereby further Ordered, that the (C*etlector of Custome at the Port of 61. John, may grant any such Stedm Vemse!, a yearly consting lcense, sabject to the same couditions as are provided tfor in the case of Vemmels trading between ports in the mme Proviace, with the additional condition that monlths, and that at the ond of cach month, he shall surrender the book during that month to the Oollecter of the Port of 8t. John, and the said Collector shall rmturs to him the other book with which be had been furnished, 1o that the record of the trade of sach monts, «bail be in the Custom Hooure, to be ased for Hiatintioal parposes during the whols of the sacomdiog monatb. Whereas it is among other things, in effect enacted by the 58 Seo. of the Act 31 Victoria, Uhap. 6, intitaled : * An Aot respecting the Customs," that the Importer of Whest, Maize, or other grain, may grind and pack the same in boad, provided such grinding and packing be done and conducted under such Regula tHonse and Restrictions as the Governor in Mqhhbh-ï¬ohï¬b m;d“““ Regulations may extend to the substitation of #our and meal in quantities equiralent to the produce of such Wheat, Maise or other gra‘o. Honble. the Minister of Custome, and under the authority atoresald, has been pleased to grinding and packing of wheat, mailse and other grain, in bond, shall be done and conâ€" ducted under the Regulations and Restrictions Ni4 EXCELLENCY TBE QOÂ¥ERNKOR Iit. The Uollector of Customs, at any Port of Entry, shall receive entrice of foreign wheat, maise or other grain, to be ground and packed in bond, for exportation or consompâ€" tion, and such Collector shall deliver or cause to be delivered such Whent, Mailse or other grain to be forwardrd on to the Port of destina. tion, where may be situated the Mill or Mills at which the «uid Whest, Maise or other grain in to to ground and packed in bond, as by law permitted . ovÂ¥ERxa®uzat noulsr, s OtTtiaW A, #nd, The Whest, Mailze or other grain aball be so Lorwarded under bouds to be taken alther by the Collector at the Port of Entry, or by the Collector at the Port of destination, as may best sult the counvrenlence of the Imâ€" porter, which bonds sball be taken fer an amount that will cover the dutles chargeable upon the said Wheat, Maise or other grain, and be conditioned for the due payment of such dutlies. abould such Whest, Maise or payment or exportation under the hand of the Collector of Customs of sach Port, shall be tlbrwarded to the Collector of the Port of Entry at which such Whent, Maise or other â€*llhvohnh..ï¬.u“! tor manutacture in Booad. dOther grain, or the quantity of four and Mee! exportation of such Whest, Maizse or other grain, or the equiralent thereof in door and Meal, and on proof of the payment of such dutiee or of the due exportation as aforesal| within ons year trom the date of the amlsd Hond or Honads, the salid Bonds shall be duly eanscelied ; and If auch boads shall be given at the Port of destination, a certificate of such 1988 3. Clark Privg Council. KRNOR GENERAL WHK. L. LXE, 1305 3 Clerk Privy Council, as though he had ast receirved such Excellency, the Governor General in UOENXERAL 18X {COUNXCIL vie COUXCIL. >‘ «hall be tursisbed with two I % H T K‘LH YÂ¥ K r * raRma®t ; OTTAW A, Tuceday, 10th Mag, 1870. Tu aday, Jist May, 1870 or lotr the due THE OTIAW RQ'“ "m‘:_ rn.u::n.-u *‘ *Â¥ â€"P. YVEHRBL Profesor of Chemistry in PADUA, NT all :1.0 the princoipai â€" PRICE $1.00 fere a a A ulu.u,’.. Bolo Manafacturer and for the ton of Qanada and the U N.B.â€"Thesse celobraisd are carefully propared with the very quailty of Sherry Wine, and are sspesially and recomâ€" meaded to persons ol delicate They are geaily stimalint, and be foand infallible alds to digestion. f Por direstions uwr neok of each boutle{ Nane are grauine unless thesignature of ihe proprieior. | ccoappiag the foe ksown as Chamâ€" ma--‘:"l.mqu m.:mhpoflod a and rieinity for the 14 as well as the ..u.â€".m-;‘- his arrival in this aity. Hebolds BALES KYKARY DAY, (when not Wrerwlee engaged), elther at bis rooms or on the market. He appeais with ceondience toall who OOMMEROLAL S*I RQOMS, York utreet, neer the Morket. N-Wl.zl'r!wï¬ub &“an!&tma‘ym known as Chamâ€" hary Luolten heemt:" He infer this opportaaity ofthanking the people otf Ortawa and ricinity for the liberal rea +4 as well as the ..u.â€".m'm‘iu.mmunu eit y Io““blil'l:! DAY, (when not trerwise engaged), elther at bis rooms or on the m airtet. low sond lence to all who have eatrusted e€ects or real estate to him for sale to certify that he has given full salisfaction as MMM.. n}lu.n.ptmwuouwmw mediate and caretul atientioc. Cash advanses made on furnliture or ther umn-bhnh. % svastantly on hand for hire. The highest price pald for second han* planos Ne is ready to reseire instructions from persons uvw& Mdun.w.mu e 'm.hfloo“.:b;ll-u voa::: T een to drcharhs o tas wisl denkdrd io hh required by the bist and following Rulos of the Logisiative Asmsembly,(which are published 11 the =«Outurie Qusstta"), to give NOTICHR of the applieation (elearly and distinotly specifying its asature and objent) in the * Ontario Gasrtte,"â€"and also in a snewrpaper published in the Uounty or Union ot Connties afestal ; cuch notisce shall be cwatinmed in each ceare for a period of at least sizx weeks during the interval of time between the slove of the nest presediag Besmon and the conâ€" Wderation of be Petition. Coples of the Arst and lan of uach notives to be sent to the Private BHi P."A'. .lm-_ Terento Marâ€"Ak 15, 1878, 1300 td lawbk. Anouu DIVORCES leguily obtained .a-l...lu.;l'-."_ any Biate u.o.o‘:ty.. All lilons for Private Bills mast be presenatâ€" «d within the FIRAT THUREKE WEEKS 6 the Beas icn. OHARLES T GILLMOR, Clerk ot the Hoase. sapport, safcolent cause 4 sharge = divorese o‘h-'t. n.vbwt‘n: Business established Afteon years. Address A Teacher well quallfed to teach Engilsh and the alements of Freach in the Catholis Bchool of Watriet No. 4. A Wheral salary is ofered, pays able quarterly . Apply to the Schoot Commissioners of Calumet Island, Ca Pontins, or to akonieamienarweii a || :. _ _" s 1818 im _ No. T8 Nassan Strest, lnm Calumet Lsland, #1th June, 1876. 41.3 ~ in« rora uce f t cmemen 110 ACRES.â€"The sooath half of the oast ball, Lot Ne #1, and the south half of Lot No 24, in the weonk conssumion of the Townsbip ot with a good Stope House and two Baras, go« ='="='-?a_=q‘i'-'~"'=-‘-‘w‘::.,.. *®. it:-%\il:? _.. & lor2td James ORielly, Boqg,Q C, U.V. Koeel, lufo-tuun.m“. Robort Lyon, x P P. . BERMINONAN, h Queen‘s Austioneer, Liity Moose, Land and General Agent. «TY AVCTIO8 KiART, and walt woerered. It ie is mileo from Obtawa. CAMPSELL, on the promises. Commitsston Merchant*#. hitached to the Upper Ottaws Crown limber Ageney, under the charge of A J RUSSELL, E+) CrownaAlimber Ageat at Oitaws, by whom porsits tor shipment and clearances for Quebes will be Are you aflisted with Mï¬ohl:-dhu aMHet from Frasers‘s Magnetie 4 THE UREAT PALIX CUREK. Resdache cured in lmhd-s lnnltg-u acote l:.dl.ln: O#®, rheuma! t \ntensences ’ Uts pain and llo.“&l‘l atteck, may be cured within two minotes. This M-â€"..lmn.:.&-m u‘-llll-‘:f'“m Jure the buman alther by outward or loaward applicoations. mu‘y.-.l wot be disappointed. For sale bym.lm sunl..' y WIll be reselved at this oBles untis MONDAY, the 1ith day of JULY next, at uoor, tor m of 300 tons c Orate Conl, 2000 lbr, mwuouo‘.. neJ For particulare apply to the undersigned. TIIDII, Department of Publis@W orks, Oittaws, D0th June, 1910° 8 RLCHARDS, 1309 3 Commissioner of Crown Lands, KADEER. AaANTED, from a distance will meet with imâ€" †erder, n‘ J, K. A,. VALLQUETITL, 4. M, F GIANELLL, ig to make application of Onutario for Privats TKeokangt Hettls gists and Grocers in a . om the original the University ¢ LY. Â¥. BRAU®, owerove streel. (IMES, JULY 16, 1870. list of Remedies for , , Dealers romint inPien Aarioist onnetvacd knb ag ie w ‘uguhuul nlmufl.vu i Cans dian Pain Destroyer never falls to give Invaluable to tovallds and of 1 ** digestion ; an excelient _'9_‘_ .l?._"'_c::::.". m‘_u-.:llh-. ltto:::,h.;unhflo } price one doll u. Â¥@ c many In i‘-';nz. 5....‘.1‘.1".:1‘:............ â€"â€"K is pleasant to the taste and harmless in its nature. Forsale by druggists and general dealâ€" ers in all parts of the Domiajion. CGurdener‘s First Prise Baking Powder, un rivalled for purity and excellence. For sale by packets, 10 cents lw puuh.:lu.-'.a: m.fl. Jh-v:cl'mhho'mt C ENER‘B and no other. @GARDENER®S EPIEERTIC CURE. Price $1 per bottle ; slx bottles for $5. J GARDENER, Chemist, { 0 T _ severies stands the UOANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER 457 Notre Dame itrect, Among the most importan! of modern Medical Dis .&%d mo.-um’ru'- Destrayer, in diseases for which it is reâ€" sommended, and its wonderful successin subduing wondertul and extraordinary cures in Canadea by be Gazar Inviax Rewrot. They are stern undeniable faots, suBclent to Snnintte ie seaiind wher for dpoacss ho aoccessible in the groat ulhddrniovlnm;dmmfld Consamption, or that of Amwbrese of Conseâ€" oo , Out , of “‘u‘ ipt, Of Mdfcuzz‘vr-‘t.l-m w- who had actually been on crutehes for years, but luu'.v:?:nn‘huod&lhb. .“ k Iw ““‘ *.-Nm Remedy and Pilis cun be o tab ed at all drug stores. __ _ _ __ e ine A t in it Aonigen, obh af & M1nv00, County of Hastin ‘ mammm&o.‘i; Th‘s is to certify that during the winter of 1886 L was taken a wenakness of the ancles, which knees, and ..h h‘.n"l 1e my + on m w ‘ s0 weak that I uu:d'n’ll.tmmu my shair. For abouttwo years, while this weakt uum:l‘-h.u.o.ul‘lr:;ï¬.lfllfl medical adrice, om erepnt times three dostors, and m of different kinds prescribed by triends, but of no avail, I continuâ€" o‘bma‘mnfll&omd :::'mlo&:;.bym.h‘:’m’uht: cures in a pamphiet, Atthis time [ bad begun to teel tu'uluuh-{m;hbdl'um almost belpless have taken two bottles of the Shoshonees Remedy aud two boxes of the pilis and I am entirely restored to health, I never expested upw.uuwmmu. sort of forlorn hope. ease of mine was not &â€"-“.ï¬ml.l and no family wil} T uiess Webtysave real par botite." IOITIEPC LYMAN -mo.i. soie u3. Oe Murin@ttiots (Eoriie & h n.q..i Â¥. M. J. Skinzper, and J a private one, bet known to all my u?hh-n und friends; and to any one aflisted as I was, I nncdl{nmwybo BShoshoneses Remedy ; I mulhorks h wilh wiunke proue ... =.._ . s [ _ _ bis ninth day of Februa I hereby cartify that I have known Mrs. Mary mbu"lyhnhlutlbuyom;-hhl m-mnyudm 1 have known her before, and since her iliness. I believe Nmnhmhmw. 1 know that while il1 ber case was hope, lese ; and I know that she has, since her recovery, alwayt attributed her recovery to the Shoshoness . Whatever may be the pecullar of this medicine, one thing is certain, at in ber case it bas acted almort like the performance of a miracle. _ _ ___ _ _ â€" _ _ * 'u‘;-«mo-qu WH&L« Ontarie, Dominion of Canads«. INMXAN LINE OF MAL STEREAMERS, SAILINq FROM NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAYT AKD ALTEERNATE TUEsDAYs. AATES OF FABRAGK EY THE 8. ICRDAY OTEAXER! 8HOSHCONEES REKMEDY. Where was there ever such a ours as that of 0 Mesers. uawntzsram® & Bi118, Coawny P 0 Price ot 12e Remedy im large pints, $1. _ 137 PFirst Oabin, Payable on Goid: _ Laverpool OF QUOGRDELOWD..»»»»ssseccescecsenes * . T. (Anrages Papabic in Parmary,"" * * h‘mlu SHOUIKHNPUATL coorcerentmerractrsccrnil St. John"s, N.# ., by branck steamer......... e ma _~‘-'|. F’dh «n Ourremcy . Otth wa, May 20, 1870, LiverpoOl OF QUARDRUONHâ€"»sâ€"sssserscerssmerccerees 36 FASRAGEK Y THE TCOESDAY STRAXER Â¥! KALIFPAX Hv-w-o-o--.....' en stor ioi Wnn atiectiminiey: :A ‘du“-om sessessessess . sessesssnse censbnensetunes s l .Jch‘u..:.".. ::‘tnnl HORIDOT »â€"see»»»» 3 Tiokots to from England, Iroland, Contivnent, at moderate rates: For (usther informataon, apply at the Compq Marascbino, Cht»uo,“ag..fl 1e de Martha d JP MACPHERSON, Elgin Street, MbtL mwe issc tA wBmA W Swore to before we at fihive fvoup of iastings, me is ninth day of February, 1869; Arrived this day : * Ti UR hcoree Malags _ ANADLANX PAIH DESTROYER : ARDNER *# CQoes, QUIXINE % waâ€" WINE BITTERS, m County of Lennox, Ontario, Canada : UETTON, £T. GEORGE & CO‘s. PURE W J NES. "o * (T «buF\ ‘t *X teay). x %, CS + ?o -?"' * NerXPuC ‘ag pains of Lbeamatism, and in re leving A’-,!l-_---.-“-“'!-.!'ci'_xh «he R LIVEAPOOL & QUEENIT OW Bole Propristor and Manufacturer. PFirst Oabin, Payable in Goid. 15 Broadway, New Y 4B P‘C®¥ 4 €) 6B J oB aon a T7 woop,3 P, 46. Kau de vie Bt. Geotge at theCompanyr »»»» $) 00 00 15 00 GA.ll‘l.’l' CELEBRATED PREPAR A TION FOR LEANSING, BEAUTIFYING, . _ AND PREs%KRVING THE TEETRH Bold by Chemists and Perfumers, and by the Manufacturers. MESSRS. GABRIGKL, The old established Dentists, Renders the tooth sound and useful, and prevents Toothache, no matter bow far decayed Blieo 0 8d per box. | Ask for Gabriel‘s Celebrated Dental Preparations. f rOXK |ITHXE . TEE‘CH GAIIIBI.'I OBTEO ENAMEL STOPPING for Preserving Front Teeth. Warranted to keep white, and as firm as the tooth itself. This beautiful preparation restores Front Teeth and hm a patural redness to the gums ; whitens traces of powder, and =m brilliancy to the traces of der, an enamel. mlo:“. GAIBIILOI ROYAL TOOTA POWDER red from a recipe as used by Her Idmm the Teoth, and 1imparts a deliâ€" clous fragrance to the breath ;. gives the Teeth a m-:\ho““m anud protects the enamel. a, 6d+ Gllllll.’l ODoONTALGIQUE ELIXIR & -c.u.&dm ngnuodul::‘u quu?lo wroperties eansing the mou asweetenin the breath ; is is invaluable to smokers, +# strongly recommended :o sufferers f:rom Tic, luu#h. and Toothache, Bee Gabriel‘s nameâ€"None Genuine without it. ii!'ilgu.inb;.v. Mgw‘: the apparatus for taking a mogel of the mouth wIlZ boln'u“.vulh:fl necessary instructions, Messers. Gabricl will undertake to Remodel or l:mtnudul Toseth made by other Dentists, l‘. "d6e not prove satisfactory], at moderate r, lc‘l:'l. Gabrie!‘s Pamphlet on Artificial Teoth ond Painless Deatistery on receipt of postage,. #,* A\l latters to be addressed to 64 LUDGBATE HILL, LONDON, 1323 22w6m lawkom Gabriel‘s new system, by sendi arda lars of their u.u.'fll{.l‘:mm:ylcod O.n.o uinea, when l‘“r?n'?."'é;oi;' effects the DIGEKSTION 'o:l m:‘m 12.. .{. o:)n uvn:m 2{‘1’.. the “ m w.. .“' m“m - ic o la®o CC aâ€" #% xâ€"£8 To Wce uhoi ts tCA Pancreatine Powder, bottles, %28, 38 64, 68 64 and 1266d4. Pancreatine Wine, bottles,38,62 and 1 0s. N.8B.â€"Pancreatine Wine is the best vahicle for taking Ood UmOI# lt Aozuesâ€"Messre. F. > Pufln AT A DI®TANCE REQUIRING ARTIFICIAL TEETH mey have them supplied, in partial or complete sets, on Mesars. _ s The smoke causes no nausea. When the Kind, I have never known an instance in 1 In Tins, 2s 64, 68 and 108. O&bt.:d“i:um‘mmmmu “bmmmm Boxes, 2s 64, 5s and 108. BAVORY & modRE, 143, New Bondâ€"st., * Aonnrsâ€"Messre . Â¥. Cundil! & Co., Montreal ‘COLO8SE OF THE LI8STS To share in the division of profits of the past * 0 A N A D A LIFR ASSURANCE COMPANY 0 ESTABLISHED .411 \â€"_ Bof this month (April). After which the W be proceoded with as quickly as practicable. Persons desirous of shart in these profits whl obtain l‘mol.pplur-ndmmoru tinn at the Head Office, or at any of the Aw in the various places throughout the Dom &A G RAMSAY, The Lists for he 23rd Vear will be Closed on 30th Agentin Oitawa, ABRIKL*s® WHITE GUTTA PERCHA K ENAMEL, for Bropping Decayed Teeth T“ 50th YVOLUME : § ~â€" FEW SERIES!! NEW FORM !| : ' . TBE PICTORIAL _ PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, â€"___ A FIRSTâ€"OLASs FAMILY MAGAZINE, â€" Bpecially devoted to the =©Sorexorn or Max," hit m‘..u. by \all the means indicated by Lcation se Netere) bengergy sf ths Orgent, t :o‘nz:‘.d relations between Y Pl?ll.a-" with all the © Signs of Character and How lo‘dh.'h:rdw Etuxorosy® or the Natu nhw{:l Manâ€" M-.lgg‘h-u‘lo‘culub different Tribes and Nations, will be given. _ â€" . Purssoroer & Axarowrâ€"Tue Orgunisation, lmlz‘hmathlunldn&o Laws of and Healthâ€"What we should Est and Drink, How we should be Clotbad, and How nr"“...q is mleopfente with Myglenie Prigct leading nua-.k-d“v.v:.:‘: the World h“m ments of life are special features. â€"_ _ _ wunmmmlm Pazexts axo Teacurrsâ€"As a ruolum ..:ï¬lc hl' Neeviqes :‘Il“th pull.l:fl.fl“ .0: #su , as it out es Mudmh, and renders govern ment and classification unlm- but cnsy. Muck general and usetul on on the leading ot the day is given, and no efforts are 8 to make this the most interesting and natructive, as well as the Best Pictorial Family Magazine, ever pablished. _ _ ues | vents deeay . . Buthsient for Stopping six Teeth Estasimuzpâ€"The Jourbal has reached its S0th VOLU Iafl with January Number, 1879, henmenenges from s quarioty the more sopong. & to more = ent octaveo, and improvements have been made. nhahnnu‘hnvu dering the many years it l;c'h: published, and was never more present. 'l‘â€"-m;. at $3 a year, in advance. Bingle numbers, 30 cents. Clubs of ten or more, $2 each, and an extra copy ...?::;l We ‘are offering the most 1i premiums. TInolose 15 cents for a sample number, with new Pictorial Poster and Prospectus, and a complete . C ogreg, * % B R WELLS, Publisher, _ _ WILL: ARRIVE 48# 800N A8 NAVIGATION } OPENS. DIYIs IONK OF P ROF ITS | 64 Ludgate Hill, London, Aosd‘at LIVERPOOL and BRIGBTON. PECIAL NOTICEK. ABRIEKL*S CORALITE TOOTH PASTE, for cleansing and 1mproving the Teeth, and Igjc_lnmul M-Qet_y_nm FROX% CONSTANTINOPLE, ‘PaRATY} lDATUBA T ATUL A, Affords Immediate Relict. w 4J P s :."’:r“;’;:“‘â€":: C outhith ~.Dcbfindou netMediont ut 18 DIGESTION«â€"â€"P A NCBR Z A#â€" 9 R Lk. R H H AYOOCK. OR ASTHMAâ€" aod Chronic Bronchitis Ave yoars, 889 Broadway, New York Manager, RDJGOREUBE 4ssessessc0 x+ seressosmessessent s J B§ 4 _ RAERCSRCE C ARECEREAIEECCEEDCECER TIOTe 56. RODHEDEDILHN® "ssservisririaltr rcrransvessithsarciy; .B 1B BpUROBEVIILG >...safrers rervenciscnciertyerziees D BI! Fropodkt THRBOOOG seivesxprcccrerrrzarertes # TD PrE&FOODKE W IET.:+1: s iSknerrcyrisntzercccnces W Ub _ _ Going North Prescott to Ottawa Stations P. K. . Pruoo?“Jluneuu........................... ; 45 SPBRORIYIIIG »sssssoeâ€"csssrcrcancsrspcrnrcam & UQ TLHEDEVRILOâ€"â€"s...4. +s segecee:mmctartrasvervete â€" R : IRORBIDNRE +1 6. +verrve se rerirarsrrerisbmans ivacny ~ & TB Gloucester .. ... prvatderens hpweies ~ $ BP I DW «> s bnbverkccantcciccn . 0 4 On and from MONDAY, 13th JUNE, will run as follows : GoingSou‘h Ottawa to Prescott Stations *. x: Noreâ€"Trains are run by Montreal Time. R LUTTHELL, THOMAS REYNOLDS, Buperictendert.; Managing Directo: 6th June, 870. (Formerly the Ottawa and Prescott Railway) Trains now leave BONAVENTURE STATIOb as follows : ; GoING wWESsT, Day Exrpress for Ofdombnr% Ottawa, Brockville, Kingston} Bellevilie, Torouo.flul;l, London, Brantford Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all points West, st. ............... Night do : do : doâ€" do:>| do Accommodation Train for Cornwall and Intermediate Stations at........ 5:10 a m Acscommodation Train for Kingston and ~ Intermediate Stations, at..... ....... T:15 sw Tra‘ns for Lachine at ........... 5:00 a m, 7:00 as 9 a m, 12 noon, 1;30 pm,4;40 p m, 6 p m and 6:30 p m. The 1:30 pm train runs through to Provine 1869.] WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. 1870 ““‘“ ET l-l‘:'l E0M auo.;ocono.o-- #»06 ‘. 1 "“ .‘F‘ Quebec, Island Pond. @orbam and Portiand, stopping beâ€" tween Montreal and lsland Pond at bt. Hilaire, 8t. Hyacinthe, Acton, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Waterviile and Oou.loooio only, ‘iumgf"ï¬.}:." J F d ll.::h‘ ars on t * gng:hnl through. * *C steamer Carlotta leaves Portliand over; SATULVAY AFTERNUON (after the arrival o train‘ from Montreal on Friday night), for Hali fax, N. 3., returning on Tuesday. _ Accommodation Train tor Island Pond _ and Intermediate Stations ut......... 7:00 Erpress for Boston at.......................... 8:40 Express for NewYork and Bostonat.....,. 4:30 _ via Vermont Central. m Express for New York and Boston via Plattsburgh, Lake Champlain, & _ Burlington & Rutiand at......o a m,4. 40 pa Erpress for [sland Pond, at................. 200 pm ‘ Bhe has excellent accommodation for passenger mudfreight. . |._ e C The InternationalCompany‘s steamers, running in conanection with the Grand Trunk hu'..x leave Portiand every MONDAY anod THVU DAY at 5 pm,for St. John, N.B., &6. mum through at the Company‘s prine! stations. | For furtherinformation and time of arrival and departure of all trains at terminal and way staâ€" tions, apply at the Ticket Ofice, Bonaventure Sta C;J; BRYDGES, Managing Director Montreal, December, 1869, TIME TABLE, No. 23, Commencing on MONDAY, NOYV. 28, 869, A4:1lsP‘"% 8 00‘. M.â€"â€"TRAINB will leave $ Sandpoint at 6.00 a m and 2.30 pm, arriving at Brockville st 12156 p m,8.0 p mt 10’05 A.M.«â€"â€"«TRAINS will leave @P Smith‘s Falls at 10.05 e m and 4,35 p m, arriving at Porth at 1045 a m and 1. 23 w. P All trains on Main Line connect at Smith‘s Falls with trains to and from Perth. No 1 leaves Brockville after G T Trains are due from the cast and wes.. No 2 is due in Brockville in time to connectwith @ T Trains for the oast and west. #,. ABBOTT, _ Trainsleave Windsor (in co imection with the trains of the Nova Sootia FEalil cayft..lllflll) at 10.%5 a m and 6.50 p w, a riving at Kentrille On and after ESATURDAY, the 18#h Dkâ€" CEMBER, 1869, this Railssy will be open for hlnl-‘.‘-‘. El-“-::‘l:’-.:n..:‘..d'l.- with the 6.20, Windsor at 6.40, and Halifex at 9 p m. VEKNON SMITRB. Kentville, Dec 8, 1869. 11307 at 10.20 a m and C.n&n, & riving at Kentrilie at 11 45 a. m., and 8. 45 p; m:, and at Annapolis st 1%.30 p m, connecting there with steamers mtfl&lml B, _ trains loave Annapolis at 2.35 m, with passengers by steamer from 8t Jobn, L‘,'"l there at 8 s,n.’ud arrive at Kentville as Opening through from Windsor to Asnapolu: completing the connezion between Halifaz and 8t. John. Wl.m‘ & ANNAPOLIS RAIL« W AY. pon 4s p MEâ€"S ANP PRIME MESS PORK. RLOUXL XO. 1 &% EXT L & \ wAITR BEANS, vougas and uolds.â€"Budden changes of elimate are sources of Pulmonary Eronchial and Asthmatic affections Experience having proved Msl.‘l:.n-nm often act speedily and cer. tarnly when taken in the early ouru! the dis ease, recourse should at once be bad to *‘ Brown‘s Bronshia) Troches," or Losenges. Few are aware af the Importance of checking a cough, or *comâ€" on cold," in its first stage. That which in the beginn‘ng would yield to a mild remedy, if negâ€" lected soon sttack: the lungs. * Brow»‘s Bropâ€" shial Troches," or Cough Losenges, alloy frrita» tion which induces coughing, having a piexor inâ€" flnence on the affected parts. As there '::t-lu- tions, be sure To OBTAIX the genwome. by all dealors in medicines, at 26 cents a bok. w The undersigned legs to inform the public hat he bas always on hand, in season, s large supply of the above, whish will be sold as cheap, if not cheape > M“{ other house in the city. GEORGE NLICHOLSUN, No 85 Ridean stroot, g::u m-â€"rnt street, corner of Bussex A & A H TAYLOR, Ag ent, RAND TRUSXK RAILWAY COoMâ€"« PANXY OF CANADA. At Ottawn, Sand Point, and Pembroke. ROCKVILLE & OTTAWA RAlL« ‘ W AY. aws Ka 18. 1870 ISH, OYSTERS, GAME, POULTRY and FRUIT. 5?- M.â€"â€"TRAINS will leay l Brockville daily at 4.15 p m, 14 arriving at Sandpoint at 10.0C p im, LEAVE SAXNDPOINT. GoING soUTH AND EAST MAIN LINE.> â€" LEAVE BEOCEKVILLE. CHANGE OF TIME, PERTH â€" BRANCH. Managiny Lrecor. B CHRISTIE, No 5 Sparks street. JUNE, traiks 8 50 2 4 *# 10 335 Â¥ 25 3 30 1 00 13 16 1;30 25 12 55 1 16 1 35 Po° cured in such grea gotl e miofa® 'M.unu‘ be informad of s e veanee t# poison is en tenant of oi 1208 Ofier, g and invites Q.'a* i nees to onl Amentnt seems ufl. on some : into one or other ¢= dn eabe ite Mo' br ’n‘?'u on some of #lonal use of a EBedâ€"s.," Innass j ow eymptomatic of relief and convi powar pon trial sOLD BY ALL they may be takes with safety by wflnrï¬n them pleasant to take, po harm can arise from En the | ‘*1 "10l HALE®"", C un ie iomion, at prosest is JP *X Saonts, hast on Prâ€"â€" esâ€"Ibe Bo 1M Ayion, 594. *aycystH l ek "‘?!}'_c.-l mmdh_ï¬ OOMPANY arcins low as iW ahonub*- The test of the valuest pot when the premiums afe P THE TIMES 4 Tas OrfiÂ¥A iwe OouPA4Â¥T, e ie â€" _As a Dinner PM, mote digestion An howels into and invigorates vantageous where B6 One who feels of these Pills makes their cleansing and tive apparatus, DR J. 0. AVBA &4 LOWELL XAB. Ottawsa, Augest T, 109 _ . fromtuan o is t im wertand tos ied 1: has no adjusted Tt respectiuliy soll of the insuring public A hand.ome six rooms snd For tom*, ve _ For at should be takes in Â¥ u OF as it produces the vis :â€"Tex MoDosat g:u ot the anses) H OMBON Al.uutm EEXORS‘ flzq J Rrpr b‘c‘::lmiip,v* canpopmn aden eart e t .â€" Copies of the Oalend information &# .n com petition, on application t ." Ayer‘s SIXTEE®® Ievusnar B wEDNES Tuare wiil ud-:‘ {* For Ottaws, April 94 PACULTY The Classes '.d _ PacULMf O The Sessicn will it 4 13431 lawtlJ soTraAgGEk Â¥o o gat BE fuÂ¥. P R &E P Af ‘m & w0 gapRAl P praw A sod otwer p 618 TRiUKING Re.XP 206 E BLISHE w«â€"A WB . A in Otte BALDW > OKL HERK &# CO chea} article vas wl PC the C »res 0 A with ND BA &Â¥ at