8 women in chili birth; snd for P uï¬-ihlb’yn-nn'h-. ln:gi:;: .:.nnv.’nnhm casos m"’* thie wito is & the farruginâ€" e i Ti a\t: with V AuLEIS PLLLA, the ol ts is really marvelious. tivn, ar for those ..oâ€"-:v-â€" !"â€,fl’f.i.;“.‘?.‘ sanme wie with groas successe for persons of timn, art for those debilitated by v are propared from harks -lum considerabiy in the degxres to which they possers the desired propert.es. Wesides, owigg to the mannor im which they are prepared, those winss contain ~scurcéiy more than _ the duppflfl-‘l“mh“ info m 1d that the only Is to Burley * _ MWibs. 0 w~l-l“ W unayâ€"Fuailâ€"per bushel, 60 Ibs.0 0# " the QUINIU UB, br i QqQuINt :u:nwm Mioh in aotive principles, and on which the phys Mok in active prinoipies, uo oo mm mm PAE CC QUINIUM LABARRAQUE, Approved by _ Amporial Academy of Medicine. ,3’...“'3?..".... :‘m‘n* ail the other mm.%nm The bark wines usually in medicine low Wonnerad free hakke w considerabiy THE ONXLY GOOD siUCE.] CaUtION AaGAINAT FRAUD. . The success of this most delisions and unrival« uwuqn-ul certain dealers to o e e o o ioi stt in paveng swul » de, ‘he pablic is hereby supplied with a sperious Worsestershire Sauce, the wrappor and labels of waich the »ames :mahm.bmi-m L and P give notios that they have mu-â€":: dents wich pewer dmu:‘b 4 "*W‘m vea lure :l'“un’ Wher imitations by which their and to that their names arsupon tas wrapper some the torsign markete Aaving beon mMH* Ask tox LkA k PERRINY Bance and sae Name m Wrappaer, Label, Bottle and Wholesale and for the 'u.d_-lï¬qoMm _ The subscriber will turnish 1CB delly to those requiring it fur the season,. Double supply Mtore, Aparks streat, Contre Town, Mr. F. Hallanâ€" duis‘s, Wellington strest, Upper Town, or at the su beoribere, will be striotl y attended to. N Baturday‘s for dunday‘s use,. 10 lbe dully for he enason $0,00, Terms pagpablein advance. Larger quantities supplied on liberal terms as Arew more gentlomen can be accommeodated Mn.'mtnmmmu Gentlomen Ishing the Capltad will Mmm hflnmfldqn'ulu tts mma. N Bâ€"â€" uwu%m nhn.‘r of the Pariliament and the «i t m in Ne# . #1ve6 T- PRORLEK! TKA A#TOREX, No. 16, KLIDEAUV sfR8XEI, DUKE 8TREET, CHAUDIERE P. BASK ERVILLE & BR OQ. WORCESTERSHIRX 8AUCH, Deslared by Connoissours Just receiving 800 Chests Toesa and a Qeperal Assortment of wrosaries, Wines and l-‘-u l.xrotu also, Unnadian Liquors, 1h0@, Uid myo and Froof of the best made ig Canadga. Those uot having bad atrinl of our are reques ad to oall and jJadge for Aak your nsighbours «ho hate tried our Feas and Ali orders lsft at Mr. G. our nsighbours «ho hate tried our FTeas and {-?-u. A«Mmmdfl:ï¬m OF CHARGE within the City. Frah Hums, Batter, Cheese and Egge con “"'}“.-‘. â€"Quick tnles and Light Prodte wl t an t on t t k premil m f_ lf-_‘““'lm.“. 0B, 108, 108. Mtawa March 31, 1870, OTtiwa MARKETS. w“.~“‘b'â€", Imes Ofles, Oftawa, Juy 19, 18780,. WUV K i# A 4o UKnH+BUHTAION ORL!}} OHURCH STREET, LOWER TOWN, COMMIS8SION MERCHANTS w 4. DVIGNANX*!S, ARARLKA 8STREET, OrTAW A AK FOR LEA & PEXRINW siAV CK, Wholesale and Retail. Dealers, Indian Meal ** +« wu‘d,_‘lit Purst tlass %ede alLF LABARRAQU £ asssensensses ces 0004444 #* en gueens on o +444 6 4000# see se ewet. #6 THOMAS STARMER, esee000 0000 to seance the . anulne, U 00 #@ 27 M #1 00 @ 0 6# 13318 _ OKNTuLAL Fi1RE and PLXB FIRE CARTâ€" RIDW@H8 for allatnesandsymeme of Gane Ritsa ndw;-s it i. i Â¥ire druggiste and by medicine deaiors everywhere. PLN unuu;uun,-â€" Revobrers Of 11â€" u.. um Hink Tâ€"me. bore. : °* _ _i ___ and etmer Rides,. Also a bor Builard the Apenser, and m.‘!“l amd Milliac Mathers t mesmers . Metherabâ€"Arse you dinturbed at aight and broken of your reat by a stok eand sudering and erying with the exeruci« «wing pain o ceutting teath t 1f so, go. at onoe and . diges known, carrying their own ignition, and hh..dl-hdb-.l..-ld.mw-n l.gfl.floh ol innate . Mflm(np‘ndd-â€" and tor the 'x_ndmm Hites, can be had or without the suitabe mumhu-_zucmn.- -o'x&uru:-a m. tor Rovel Aik k ""oprck KiA Sine Castaiodes of «0 stzes, Iw. Amith & Wetron‘s, Tranter‘s, and whoet geat a boitle of stire. WINBLOW‘s souTULN® UNYRUB. It «ul relleve th poor Hitlesaferet w,â€"a’u‘qaln.-lbp*l nmmw..?-“om c-oo, o# U allisnasâ€" Busowan, of Utie# New Vork, sages: @1 have used Dr. A. Trask Magnetio intment in prasiice a aumber years, and can am y ""?::'"',_",‘:'._""' \he greaisal disovveries 4 sate ludurnmatioa of the u.,.n::..- of the BLoweis, Indamimatory Rboumasism, aad in Onblaâ€" nei Fever, uvruum partect mmosses. in a «es of Huras, Wruises, Frosens Limbe, it aste Hke NOTIOH,â€"â€"Depositors will hereafter enter by the door on Bparke strest. For the Puture the business of the Bunk in all its Branckes will bt sonducted in the OMse fronting on Sparks strest D. D. EKASTWOODO, , e . k Da. A. W. Busoma, of Knowleavilie, New York says ; @1 have used it in sevare | eases of Special Irritation and tos the, worst cuses of Pules, and sundry other complaints, and Ond it a supaviors artiole, and well worthy the aotioe of all *‘ Purshasers should be sure and ask tor Dr. R. abous ts There is aot a mother on sarth who ha ever used it, who will not tell y..'..“I will reguiate the bowels, and Ivs ress to the mother, and raliot and health to the child, opars Uny Hue magie. Lt in portectiy sate to use in all savee, and pleasant to the taste, and is the proâ€" seription of one ol taa oldest and best femaile phyâ€" mole ~ «* aurses in the United dtates.: Price1® says : = It has stoud thete@ intai, and has ant been| lousd -01 lts astonishing . cures of Infamâ€" ma«tion of the Langs and Croup and the wonderful) mosege in 6t mwwn- «um ol h oe , @tvad Nervous embitie: it to a Aign ramk list of remedies for these: %~L__.__ «en c ouc cothes We W k enie averywnhers Be sure i# cfll1 "MHA WINSLOW® S0OTHRING SYRUP Maving the jucâ€"mwmals of =Curtie & Perkine* on the outalde wrapper, All othere are base umite« t t e uh _Quyot‘s tns possesses all the ‘advaentages o ordinary tar water without any of \to drawbacks Aâ€d“:n wates wlhhhout any dz r‘m.w" W*-d-“ ug-oa-homln.h- of tas wabst at .-low&:fl.-?. meess in the heupitals of . Frange Beiginm and Spain. lnnse bhas proved 1t to be the most by glionla in hos womaer and in thme of epidemics. Detailed lnatractions asâ€" _ One bundred and ten asres, Lot No 15, in the tih sonsession of the Towuship of wlonsester, Ridess Job. Â¥rom, with u-n new house, well Anished, bare, shede, «ther out buildings, and also a od apring welil, T5 or 80 aores sleared and 18 a good state of qusthvation, . wall fenced and waterâ€" ak. This in ntuated I miles from Ottaws on the Masadamised Road, loading to Metosis,. Aagâ€" lish Charch and Sobool House atthe corner of lot ; Mathodist Church hall a mile; Romwan Catholhe Jhuursh one mile and a bait duitant; Railway n..':..':‘&".“.:."'-'."...a'.. purshase money + _ ie °_ ie iA t rennt. of lnvestments and of Assurance business in ths Dominion than any dllolm:: uA.-nu: hee rere ..m“"“‘%o....."""...n..z...."‘"‘"x dran lastitetiob, and its rapla n laotory evidence olj.on-ru.:;‘:hopu- ples aad : 05. 6 5 Aplnw the Dominipn, wherse mwmmhM-ulï¬o Oloo.bl..ln:.:uuh' Tub «« ELEY BOXER® are the choapest oar LIFE ASSURANCEK COMPANY, The only Canadian Life Company authorined by @orernment for the Domimon, _ _ ___ . â€" dittaws, June 11, 14 10. 1343 Ju HEALT:HA AND BEAUTY. A valuahis Treatise on the human complezion â€"the Anin, the Hair, the Testh, &0., with a valmâ€" able sollection of new and important Recipes rsâ€" Inting thereto. L. K. Vergaittes, manufucturer o Pertumery, Tollst Articles, Taronto _ Malled tree to any address on recseipt of price 2} cents. P. 0. Box., 1343 97â€" tm C Arramaiis menars e ‘Pormes iea ie it wery soluble,. Profing by this bu. J. P. Kannape ,of New YÂ¥ was i ~luh“~m-0u: SLKYV!W AMRURDPTIU®Eâ€" UIotn Ttan, s %uoarrum PROOF LiQUEUL. PU.I"'. OB8TINATE O GHA IRRITATION OF 1 .12 CHEST HOuPING CuUGH DISEKASES OP THEK THROAT PULMUNARY CuNSUNMPTIION As a Lovionâ€"Purse or dlluted with a little water AKÂ¥FECTIONS UF THE sKINX ITCRINOG®S 4 D3KA8KS OF THE 8CALP, Quyst‘s tar. hus seen wied with the greomies! mpaay sach bottle. Ueneral depot in Paris: L FRERAEK, i# 14 The faot that the Canada has a larger a nount lts Rates are lower than thosn of Britishor NA 0M WOM #4AA.M. Ottawa, April 37, 1870, _ (1343 In 18 in NTARLO BANK. SATINGS DEPARTXEXT % .00 h 4P t 6 on ULAY‘s IXAX ROAD, LOADONX, "_t_ ..« . JOe CATARRH OF THE BLADDER THE tR CALTRIDO®: Lt e in n ATBRPROO® CENTHRAL viat Ren un sraants ‘-.'-"‘.E.*r" m Tony hn Ertamatint #PEKCIAL NOTICKA. WWHOLE®ALE ON%LY . and every desoription of Sporting satasuimweo 1847 KH HAYCOOCK, ~ Agent in Ortaw#» above Montreal, although such ressels may wnothwee make vopages to Foreign Ports, it is her by Ordered that the Bunds to be given by the MaArjor QOume of such remel, on twking out such License shall not contaln the condition. provihd tor in Bection I% of uid Reguiations, *that such Veescle or Nouts sbail not be emploged in the Foascign of, shall report tawards and outwards, in all mapects, as though be had ust received such gnd. Representatlons bauring been made of wricus Incomvenlence to the Masters and Owners of Bteam Yermls employed as regular passenuere and freight packets, between the port of 81. John in the Frovince of New Branswick, and the ports otf Digby, Annsepolis and Windsor, in the Province of Novea Beotin, and also to the Mercantile Commnaity of the sald posts, in consequence of such Steam Yosâ€" awis being obliged to 1â€" p»xt their cargoes cach wip in detail, it in bersby further Ordered, that the Catlector of Customa at the Port of bt. John, may grant any such Steam Vomre!, a yearly consting lcense, sabject to the mme coniitions as are provided lor in the case of Vomele trading berween posts in the mme Province, with the additional condition that the Master or other proger OMicer of such UHtwaum Vemel,. sbhall be tutnished with two Un the recommendation of the HogofaDit the Minister of Customs, and in pursuance of the provisions of the 11th Section of .-u-’ 41 Â¥ic. Oap. 6, Intituled : * An Act respecting the Custome," Mis Excelloncy hu"" been plessed to Order, and it is hereby Order. | ed, that the following wml the cossilog wade of the Dominion, in amendâ€" meat of the Râ€"guiation adopted by Ord«t in | Council of the Â¥6th July, 10468, shall be and the same are hereby adopted and est=ablished : lat, 1t bhaving been enacted by Chap. 9 Hec. 11, #%rd Vistorls, that the Governor may ygrant yearly Consting Licenses to British Yerâ€" wis navigating the Inland wah is of Casade Trade,* buat that it shail be a comiliion of such Bonad, that whenever any such Vomel or Boat is employed in a vopeg» to or T om a Forsign Part, the mastur or other proper officer there. monaths, and that at the ol cwach smonuthb, he shall surredder the book tnet month to the COuollector of the Port of 8. Jobn, and the suld Collector shall réturs to bhim the other book with which be bad been furnished, «o that the record of the trade of cach monts, s«hall be in the Custom HMosame, to be ased for sintintioal parposes duripg the whols of the HIS EXCELLEKCY THE Wheress it is among other things, in effect enacted by the 84 Heo. of the Act 31 Victoria Uhap. 6, intitalsd : *# An Acst respecting the Customse,* that the Importer of Whest, Maise, or other grain, may grind and pack the mme in boad, provided such grinding and packing be done and conducted under such Regulsâ€" Honse and Restrictions as the Governor in Council, may hom time to time make for this purpose ; and thai the smme Regulations mey extend to the substitation of four and meal is quantities equtvalent to the produce of such Whont, Malzs or other gra‘a. _ Mis Exselisney, the Governor General in Coumi, on the recommendation of th, Honble. the Minister of Customs, and unde: the anthority atoresuld, has been pleased to arinding and packing of wheat, maise and other grain, in bond, shall be done and con ducted under the Reguiations and Restrictions tollowing, Â¥vis : Ist. The Uollector of Oastoms, at any Por\ of Entry, shall receive entrice of forelgn wheat, maize or pther grain, to be groond and packed in boad, for exportation or consomp tion, and such Collector shall deliver or cause to be delivered such Whent, Mailzse or other grain to be forwarded on to the Port of destina. tion, where may be situated the Mill or Mills at which the uid Whent, Maise or other grain is to to ground and packed in bond, as by law permitted . #nd, The Whenat, Maize or other grain shall alther by the Collector at the Port of EKatr3;, or by the Collector at the Port of destination, as may best sult the convrenlence of the Imâ€" porter, which bonds sball be taken fer an amount that will cover the dutics chargeable upon the said Wheat, Maizse or other gmin, and beo conditliened for the doe payment o@ grain, go into consumption, or lor the due exportation of such Whest, Maise or other grain, or the equirailent thereo{f in fdour and Meal, and on proof of the payment of such duties or of the due exportation as aforesald within one year trom the date of the amld RHond or Honads, the sald Booads shall be duly cancelied ; and i( such boads shall be given at the Port of destination, a certificnte of such payment or exportation under the hand of the Collector of Custome of soch Port, shall be lorwarded to the CollecK® of the Port of Entry at which such Whest, Maise or other yrain shall have been imported, or entered for manutacture in Boad. other grain, or the quantity of four and Mea! Hi*% ERXKCELLENCY THKE OOÂ¥YEXINXOLR 1983 3 WH. X. LEE, 1305 8 Cleck Privy Council, EKRNOR OUENERAL QoUNCALL. OTtawW A, ATAÂ¥WA, Tuseday, 10th May, 1870, } Tussday, 3ist May, 1870 Clesk Privg Council. + of Chemistry in the University &f IN PADUA, TITALY, Kept by all the prinowpal Druggists and Grocers in ; the Domlaice, _ PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. | A. M. F. GIANELLLI, a Honorable | Bole Manufacturer and Propristor for the Dominâ€" pursuance of lon of Qanada and the United Btates. s of the Act N.B.â€"Thess ealebrated Bittiers are carstully ok â€" propared with the woery best quailty of Sheery t '-"".:9".‘ are sspesially adapted and recomâ€" Ceancil | mended to persons of delioute constitations. They anaby Of0CT> | use pontly stimalant, and will be found infallible --MI..--..â€"- a, in AmDODE® | _ #ap directions see label round the neck of each Fork a«treet, neer the Aarket. The sunsertber respestful‘y announses that be Ma-d-:‘lflohu&â€-lq 4dupl:~mlou0~oou‘nd*h ie age extended, as well as the “zh“obolh.mnlhm awiy. Mebold. BALEs CÂ¥KAY DAY, (when not i“'.'!"."""‘b“_!“'!"""fl"_" an a rtiat.. .w send lence to al who Mutpentmate m entty Met eP ie iirin hn satsfaction as r the p:- oblained4, as wall as prom pt Immediate scttiement after in ready to reseire |astructions from persons -.n.wmm..:'m. Roaschoid Tarniture, borees, Lad :Lu&q-d.nl'b‘rw:u withing will be isA andone by him to give antisâ€" 'fluumnumflr‘&?uu‘:. MMQM meet w % aediate and carsful atientioc . Cush advamses made on furniteare or Aber proparty sent in for sale. _ _ | _ wl hnlhe R.'AI-I'IAI-IAI MTTERS. Prepared by spesial permission . om the original wpuited by the Bist and tollowing Rulos of the Legisiative Asembly,(which are published | : the «Outurie Guemitta"), to give NOTICOBHR iÂ¥ the applisation (sleariy and distinotly specifying \ts asture and object) in the * Ontario Gasrtie," and also in a newspaper pablished in the Uounty or Union ot Connties afecstad ; such noticse shal! be cwailumed in sach sase for a period of at least siz weeks durtag the interval of time between the slose of the next preseding Resmon and the con~ Adéeration of he Petition. Coples of the Arst and lan of ensch notices to be cent to the Privates BHi Am umm obtained -ln !-QLI-‘:: .u‘m logal overy where ; C-u-.ï¬;‘l.-. nonâ€" sharge =l diveres o‘ho". flm. &o: Dusiness established Afteen yoars. Address M ROUAE, A s 1318 im lo.nlâ€huu.lnmv Teroento March 14, 1008, 1009 td lawhk. All stitons for Private Bills mast be presenatâ€" «i withinm the FUIRAYX THREE WEEKS of the A Teacher well quallfed to teach Sngiish and the elements of French in the Catholis School of Wiatviet No. 4. A Wbheral enlary is ofered, pay» Appliy to the Bchool Con Islzned, Ca Pootine, or to ___ NWO ACRES â€"The south hallf of the ons hall, Lot Ne 41, and the south hall of Lot No 24, in the & two u"r"c“ lt io aisx miles from Ottawa. un':‘ll.l.':um 8 im * OOMMERCOLAL S8ALE ROOMS8, FA“ POR l‘_l:_l-. Pu.uom Is heraby given, that Abe Lower Ottawn Crown Timber Agenc3, foumuly under the sbarge of C E BELLE, E+q., has been abolished, and that the tegritery comprising sald Ageney is sttached to the Upper Oitaws Crown Timber Ageney, under the charge of A J RUSSELL, E: Crown limber Agenot alt Oitawa, by whom peorswits Department of Publieg{W orks, Ortaw a, $0th June, 1870 the $ith day of JULY pext, at uoor, tor the sup of 300 toms ol Graise Conl, 1000 Ibe, pertton !.thwnduouu.o. prrften} aBet from Frasers‘s Magnstie Flald THE : w.l“ o.bp::::t: ree an mhï¬&.l'b‘t thoumaiiom by the Intensemses of its pain and the anddeness of its sttaok, may be oured -?‘b two -.h.u IThis Flaid is composed entire) nfï¬bu apoos, n‘n"dn-ï¬'lflou Juare the beman avatem elther by outward or loward applications. petem elther by outward or loward applications. m-"ifll “h...â€ob-o‘. Fot sale ike -m (5kK, ** None are granine unless bearing thesignature of PRrancle H. hï¬.?’ K P James O‘Kielly, Roq, I.'.Mï¬â€œufl.m Robort Lyoe, K P P. . BERNTINOHNAX , Commitasion Merchanlt: Slih June, 1878. For particulare apply to the undersigr od. Wl be recelved at this oBee untii MONDAY, PCY AUVOTIOHE LHART, liity Noomn. Lanad and General Agent. RIVATE BILLA. Purtiss Intrading to make application \ _ 8 RICHARDS, 139 3 Commissioner of Crown Laads, Are you aflisted with toothache, immediate KADER. AaANTED, OTVAW A Deramwaent ce Coowr 1 181 #. KFeorento, 4111 10b, 1810. anatly on hand for hire. price pald for secsond hand planos and clearances for Quebes will be COHARLES T GILLMOR, Chark ot the Housse. 3. U. A,. YVALIQUETTL, Quesn‘s Anstioncer, A, K. P OGLIANELLL bnsioners of Calamet Â¥. BRAUXN, TIMES, JULY 19, 1870. .ecommended may depend uponits being a Sove t‘%u the Canadian Pstr Destrayer, in diseases for which it is reâ€" Mn‘h".‘uï¬lmi‘:nulh. m-mpno Encomatiem, and in re leving Nervous Aflections, eutitle it to a bighr ank in «h» Iudl“oh“w Dealers are ...uu':'mwmb.“ in all parts of the sountry tarther su » each testifying h&ondnuomuohm The Cane Pain Destroyer never faile to give amediate roliel. Al Medicine Dealers keep i The Canadlan Pain Destroyer has ow been befots the public for a length of time, and m.u-unuuua.muuflu. s«ingle instance to give permanent relief when Umely used, and we have nover known a single md%ruoflnsumm perly followed ; on fliz are .‘-lhbm-.u‘m umm terms of its virtnes and magical e€ects. | _ _ sauflering from any of the comp «ints for which it is vfrolhuw' in this matter, havin n-s-z thoroughly, and therefore those who arm Physicians order and use i; ; and no family wil} mï¬o’n-‘k ow Cigestion ; an excelient persons _ , u_vuh.&,gmn-. l:o:::’h“:mwi Lnvalaable to lovalids and &« impair * digestion ; “W_Nl'.w.!'?!'!'?:!‘.' * “'m'.. mort import ami«l 1.=dere Medional Dis | sovet.cs siands the COANAavV. iNX t‘ils DESTROYER «Bu dosd, C K bore lw .~¢.:;:w, ::ndhu. (;r::::' hot‘ho.b“. o mpisihts, Barns,Noalds, "m:n'u ?o"-d n:nuud uunmom z‘ï¬-u'non.d mcud::‘m'ado‘: :::dhu-lcuv.dlmd Rhoumatism, who had actually been on crutebhes for years, but The following remarks on testimonials of mos wondertal and extraordinary cures in Canade by he Gazat Iapia® Rewror. They arse stern undeniable faots, suficient to convince the most sceptical mu:o ;-nuhn“l- elnal compound, yearned after ages, is now necessible in the groat > umn-flvaâ€"ï¬d&ï¬b.' is cates on <be 5 Remedy and Pilis can be 6 flvfloll“.“ Price of .e Remedy in large pints, $1. 13y Ts M1»00, County of Hastin C Pmdmlï¬.ï¬.&'& Th!s, is to certify that during the winter of 1 I was taken with a woeakness of the ancles, which gradually, during the qrh‘d 1867, extended to my knees, and on up to my hips, and I became so wenk that 1 could not walk, but was to my chair. For abouttwo years, while this nees was coming on me, and afterwards, 1 0 medical advice, o-m‘. ut diferent times three dostors, and nese of difierent kinds presoribed by triends, but of no avail, I continuâ€" «d to get wores and worss, until the summer of Shomess Remely ty reading ths burks pemsrineds e cures in a pamphict. :t’&hu-ollubqubml tlo-ouuuhnllub;ututl-um almost helpless : 1 have taken two bottles of the Sbhoshoneses Remedy and two boxes of the pills and I am entirely restored to bealth, I never expested u.umfldm“lbomu. sort of b.o.“. ou:“dnho-uu a private one, nown to ulrh-ln u"flmiasluuv‘o‘u‘o’lu was, 1 Imullbu'trytho bhoshonees Remedy ; I bullevelt will onre you. : > «_‘ ~ _ } Otthwa, May 20, 1840, Ordine de Moka, Olives, &6 Bt, Johna‘s, K.F., by branch steamer Bworn to before 'u.l‘::w?:flhp. me bis ninth day c(lbhn-rx. 1869 . Â¥ WOoOoD,J P, 46. L eartify that 1 have i-nl.-.m Ams y tor the last Afteen years; she is a woman and truth. 1 have known ber before, und since her linsss. I believe her certifente to be true is mmu 1 know that while i\ ber case was hope, lere ; and 1 know that she has, sinee her recovery, always attributed her recovery to the Shoshonees Remwedy, Whatever may be the pecullar ruud. of this medicine, one thing is certain, at in h..o‘.o-: has aoted almost like the es see mage d puniy Parks a Ontarto, Dominion of Canada. INMXAN LINE OF MAIL ESTEAMERA, AAILINQ FROX NEW YORK EYVERY SATURDAYT AKD ALTERNATE TUEsDAY6. RATES OPF FABRAGK EY THE B1 HCROAY OTHAXER] & _ Firs: Cabin, Payablein Goid. _ _ Liverpool 0Of QUOSDROFR.....».»»»«»»»â€"â€"ls«»++B100 O Rewrage, Payable in Ourrency, Liverpool 0Of QUOGRHORH.»»»»»»»»»â€"»+<mâ€"+»»+»: . 36 W FARRAGE EY THR TORADAY BTEAXKER T! KALIFPAX Pirm Uabin, Payable in Goid. Liverpool or Queenstown....... n k Liverpool or Q::'o;’.-n....:.. ..........E TH O DUWECCMT NWWNMDDM Mesessesss es+eessete*¢e8 'm.... sesssensenhes . seesssenes seveensssb@nsees CUCECY! Cememh T . Arrived this day : YVin d‘ordinaire, * Yin de 8t. George, Fon LIVEAPOOL & QUKESST 0 w Gete by io thertmen Josr roaw W ‘R .-q"l. Â¥. McCarthy, J. Skinrer, and J © Meseres. vaaxntaram® & Bi11e, Conway P O Mdhe-mï¬e:“!,'. [ NAKADIA®R PAIS DPESTROYER ! Tigkets sold to ard from Engiand, Ireland, and _Continent,at moderate rates: Forferther information, apply at theCompany‘s es 0 "oun P DXbH apaie m.... senshansethes . sessssenes seveesssst@eeees l. “ «John‘s, N.£., by branch steamer......... 30 06 nosuoxkEKs REAEKDY. 8STOP AND 8EE! Priset wontyâ€"Ove couts per bottle. IOII‘IFP & LYMAN, _ Newenstle, C. W., ARDKER *# QUIsxINXE wa~ WINE BITTERS, m UKITON, 86T. GEORGE & CO‘8. PURE WINES, BHOSHONEES REMEDY. me® AIST, mUsueniy inentfalificriate bibs dutabdiie : BAdricadlifict dcrcad °V mEFmAvEu To Proprister and Manufacturer. [ keep white, and as frm as the tooth itself.. Th« ".!.‘â€" : m ue *~ ie li::hhl preparation restores Frout Testh and C k _: t | prevents decay, Suthusient for Stopping six Teoth. sese000) »besnes sesnes se es s00 488 00 006 Cognac Vieux, Eau de vie 8t. George Chatreuse, Creme de Martha a, Olives, &o JP MACPHERSON, 18 Broadway, New 1 BB P)4®% 4 4) + B ) )) voâ€"ps wetrencssestecces@l O #B FOI IKDIGESTIONâ€"â€"P A NCR X A« TINE oo-roly effects the DIGEKSTION and Ab®*MILATION of COD LIVER OIL, the fat onten at meals, &o. In digestive activity, suâ€" "â€"‘,‘.9_!.â€,:_‘-_ Lirit.s ts sA# 4s a% Pancreatine Powder, bottles, 2s, 38 64, 68 64 and 12s6d4. Pancreatine Wine, bottles,38,6s and 1 0s. N.B.â€"Pancreatine Wine is the best vehicle for taking Cod Liver Oil. C % § pea | ‘ aad Chronic Bronchitis iDA‘l‘UB'A TATULA, | . Affords Immediate Relief, iealy) [ Auentr a pouibniscant *« Of at efency in cases of Asthms and onmuf'mauu. «â€"Dublin Journal Medical Sotâ€" CLOSE OF THE LISTS _ To share in the division of profits of the past _ * The asmoke causes no nauses. When ther kind, I have never known an instance in w relief was not obtained."â€"Gencral Alezand. In,Tins, 2s 64, 5s and 108. Or formed into Cigars and Cigarotres, Boxes, 3s, ubu and 16s, astilies for Inhalation, Boxes, 2s 64, 5s and 108. BAVURY & MOORE, 143, New Bondâ€"st., London. Aoerxrsâ€"Messre. Â¥. Cundill & Co,, Montreal Glll?l-" CELEBRATED PREPAR A ® riON3 [ â€" POR LEAN3INXG, BREAUTIFYTINO, â€" ANV PREsERVING THE TEETRB. Bold by Chemis‘s and Perfamers, and by the Manpufacturers. C A N A D A f LIFE . ASSURANCE "COMPANY EATABLISHED .411 tinn at the Head OMlce, or at any of the Agencies in the various places throughout the Dominion, ‘ 1AaABRIKL*‘s WHITE GUTTA PERCHA K ENAME, tor Bropping Decayed Teeth Renders the tooth sound and useful, and rvom Toothache, no matter bow far ‘decayed Price is 80 per box. | Ask for Gabriel‘s Celebrated Dental Preparations. After which the PA“I?. AF A Diâ€"TANCE REQUIRING "““Al lfl?.llAL TEEIH mey nn.:u- #u , 10 or complete setspon Mesars Gabrlel‘s -b":;ou-. by sending 6orualon of their oases, with a r: mittance of One Guines, when the apparatus for taking a mogel of the mouth will be forwarded, wvith all necessary instructions, Messrs. Gabriel will undertake to Remodel or l&:‘ulr Artifcial Tosth made by other Dentists, [which do not prove sgtisfactory], at moderate cherges. Mesers, Gabriel‘s Pamphiet on Artificial Testh ond Paisless Deatistery on receipt of postage. #,* A\l letters to be addreesed to 64 LUDGATE HILL, LONDOXN, 1323 2.w6m lawkom Wil! be procgeoded with lok1 practicable. Fersens destrous of shafing "In these profts Gllllil.’l ODoONTALGIQUE ELIXIX a mouth wash unrivalied for its agreeable properties in eleansing the mouth and uuua::s the breath ; is is inovaluable to emokers, strengly recommended :o sufferers f:om Tic, Neuraigia, and Toothache. * L Fersons Gdesirous of .sflz in these profits will obtain Forms of application and all intormaâ€" FOR| IHEL â€"TEETH Gallluvl OORALITE TOOTH PASTE, for cleansing and 1mproving the Teeth, and I.pï¬ a patural redness to the gums ; whitens the without leavi between them any traces of mur. and zno brilliancy to the enamel. 1s. 64. G A llyk‘l."l IOYAI.. TOOTA .P‘O;VDIR ared from a rec as us y Her l.).ï¬?‘nnm the Mp:“ 1mparts a deliâ€" clous fragrance to the breath ; gives the Teeth s n::-:lho“ whiteness and protects the enamel. a, 64. The Lists for he 23rd Vear will be Closed on 30th Rof this month (April). Ageatle OtFL Bee Gabricl‘s nameâ€"None â€"Genuine without it. Price b1. | cl\ns 50th VOLUME : « EEW BERIES!! NEW FORM ! Ttas Pl_O'-I‘OSIAL ‘ PBRBNOLUGIOALE JOURNAL, A FIRSTâ€"OLAS8S FAMILY )IAO{AZINB, ' Erunxoroor or the iohnl'nm.{.cr Manâ€" Mâ€".N;;I-o and Modes of Life in different Tribes and N«tions, will be given, _ 45 % with directions for on Pursioroor & Axatourâ€"The Organization, Structure and Functions of the Human Body ; the Laws of Life and Healthâ€"What we should Eat and Drink, How '.'.:'ï¬"‘ be clct:&d‘. and How 0 EKxercise, Sleop ve, B & = h_lf maunper, in accordance wm;gflonh P’r,i‘::l- _â€" Portraits, Bhetches, nllhgbrlmd the leading Men and Women of the World in departâ€" ments of life are special features. _ | _ leading topics ot the day is given, and no efforts m-m-nothh tho‘-‘ooumu and nstructive, as well as the Best Pictcrial Family l.ncdu.ompblm TLBLiszzpâ€"The Journal bas reached its L0th VOLUMR, and with January Nomber, 1870, a NEW SERIES :s commenced. The form has i:wl‘nu.qu‘uuum -u:omn!- octavo, an mprovements have been made. nmn::?yumuuhm- during the many years it has been published, and was mmplum at present. Trsxusâ€"Monthly, sat $3 a yeer, in advance. Single numbers, 30 cents. Clubs of ten or more, $2 each, and an extra copy to agent. A We | offering the most liberal premiums. x-.u..'fl cents for a sample number, with new Pistorial Poster and Prospectus, and s complete s * s â€" BR WELLS, Publisher, WILL ARRIVE 48 800N As NAVIGATION OPEN8. ment and classification ut'oclc rnlblo but easy . _‘ Muck general and usetul information e:‘:k’o K ! h . PE(@EC » . _ § ... DIYIs I1ONX OF P ROF I TS PECIAL NOTICK. Rejoice Ladies and Gentlemen at the happy FROXA CONSTANTINOPLE, PA k at} ME SS"$~ CABRIEL. Dentists. LUICATE HiLi, LONDON. U HAYCOCK. OR ASTHLM A. 889 Broadway, New York &A 0 RAMSAY, '('Offllfl’ the Ottawa and Prescott B:ilny) No 2: 1is doe in Brockville in time to connect with # T Trains for the oast and west. #, ABBOTT, | TIME TABLE, No. 23, Commencing on MONDAY, NOV. 28, 869, The InternationalCompany‘s steamers, running in connection with the Grand Trunk hu'a lo:v; :o‘tflnd' every oa(’)i D’A! ‘:fl THU or Bt.J ‘pfl‘hru.“nmfl at the ao-pny'cprhd pal stations. ";or furtherinformation and uro of arrival and departure of all trains at terminal and way staâ€" t‘ilou. apply at the Ticket Office, Bonaventure Sta on: A C:;.J;: BRYDGES, Managing Director Montreal, December, 1869, _ via Vermont Congul. s 1 Erpress for New Pork.and Boston via Plattsbargh, Lake Champlain, Burlington & Rutland at......0 a m,4.40 pm Erpress for lol'sna-l:c;:. l‘:i....&..l.’........ %:00 5m Night Express for , Leland Pond, Gorham and Portland, stopping beâ€" . &ween Montrealand isiand Pond at bt. Hilaire, St. Hyacinthe, Acton, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Waterville « '.'“ Bleeping O“l’. .l.-u»;“ ‘l'u.::“, c ars on t * checked through. N* »€ ‘.gc steamer Carlota leaves Portiand over; SATULUVAY AFTERNGON (after the arrival o train from Montreal on Friday might), for Hali far, N.3., returning on Tuesday. ~_ 0 05 A.M.=â€"«â€"TRAINS will leave l SUeD smith‘s Fails at 10.06 e m and 4,35b p m. arriving at Porth at 1045 a m and 1.3 ®, ® All trains on Main Line connect at Smith‘s Falls with traius to and from Perth., 4 15'0 M.â€"=â€"F®RAINS will leay $ R eP Brockville daily at 4.15 p m, 7.4 ;-, arriving at Seandpoint at 1006 p m, . M ¢ LEAVEK SANDPOINT. 7 A, M.â€"â€"TRAINS will leave 6800...?.... at 6.00 a m and 2.3 pm, arriving at Brockville at 12.15 p m,8.30 LEAYE PERTH. s P,., M.â€"+ TRAINS will leare 5830 Peortb at z.uz m and 9.05 a m arriving at Smith‘s Falls at u;..ru.u LEAYVE SMITHS FALLS8. No 1 leaves Brockville after G T Trains are due trom the cast and wess. Bhe has excellent accommodation for passengert wnd freight, _: _ F I Trains now leavre BONAVENTURE STATIO» as follows : * and Intermediate Stations at........ 5:10 a ® Accommodation Train for Kingston and Intermediate Stations, at..... ........ T:185 sw Tia‘ns for Lachine at ...........5:00a m, 7;:00 as 9# a m, 1% noon, 1;30 pm,4;40 p m, 5p m and 6:30 p m. The 1;30 pm train runs through to Provise GoIxa soUTH ANXD EAST. and [ntermediate Stations ut......... T:00 an Express for BostOf at ......................... 8;40 a® Express for NewYork and Bostonat...... 4:30 qr GoING wWEsST, Day Express for Ofdnnbnr‘, Ottawa, Brockville, Kingston, Bellevilie, ‘I'M.Oul"h. London, Brantford Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, * and all points West, st. ............... 8:30 a ® Night _ do _ do _ do do | do 1;30 ; # Accommodation Train for Cornwall 1869.] WINTER ABRRANGEMENTsS. 1870 Accommodation Train tor Island Pond UEMBER, 1869, this Reilrey will be open for passenger and goods traflic, as usder: / Trainsleave Windsor (ir so inmection with the Lrains of the move Sootia P ail say from Halifax) Opening through Windsor to Asnapols: completing lkmï¬:da between Halifaz and St. John. at 10.25 a m and 0.“&-, & riving at Kenwille at 11 45 a. m., and 8 45 p; mâ€", and at Annapolis st 1.30 p m, connectisg chere with steamers Emperor or Empâ€"ess for 6t John, N B. Retarningâ€"the trains leave Annapolis at 2.35 rl.'ul passengers by steamer from Bt Jobn, eaving there at 8 a m, and arrive at Kentville as 5.20, W indsor at 6.40, and Halifex at 9 p m. _ _ On and from MONDAY, 13th JUNXE, trains will run as follows : s Going South Ottawn to Prescoft. Btations J NC > m e The undersigned legs to inform the public hat he bas always on hand, I‘:un'.. large supply of the above, whirh will be sold as cheap, if not cheape than nl other house in the city. GEORGE N1CBOLSON, No 85 streot, vougas anga volids.â€"Sudden changes of slimat» are sources of Pulmonary Eronchial and Asthmatic affections. Experience having proved Mfl:‘l‘ remedies often act speedily and cer. tarnly when taken in the early stages of the dis sase, recourse should at once be had to * Brown‘s Bronshia) Troches," or Lozenges. Few are aware af the importance of checking a ecough, or *‘ comâ€" wmon cold," in its first stage. That which in the mu would yield to a mild remedy, if negâ€" soonp attacks the lungs. *"Brow»‘s Bropâ€" shial Troches,"ur Cough Losenges, alloy trritaâ€" tion which induces coughing, having a prasor in fAuence on the affected parts. As there are imitaâ€" tions, be sure TO OBTAIX the genusme. Bold by all dealers in medicines, at 25 conts a box, MESE AND PRIME MESS PORK. FLOUR NQ. 1 & EXTR A WHITER BEANS, > _ At Otcaws, sand Point, and Pembroke, © ‘Vl.m‘ & ANNAPOLIS RAILâ€" W AY. Ortawa Orriceâ€"York street, corner of Bussex Kentrille, Dec 8, 1869, XRAND TRUNXK RAILWAY COM« K PANY OF. CANADA. * awa Wa . 18. 1870 Buperictendert 6th June, 1#70.: ROCKVILLE & OFTTAWA RAlL« W AY. OR SALE:; On and safter EATURDAY, the 1Mh Nkâ€" ISH, OYSTERS, GAME, POULTRY and FRUIT. MAIN LINE. LKEAVE BROCKVILLE. CHANGE OF TIME. PERTH BRANCH A & A H TAYLOR, Ag ent, 8 CHRISTIE, No 5 Sparks stroct. Managiny Liretor. VEKNON SMITRB. 11307 Managing Directos Joux and Wu. PBANMTD *T hlm.w..'__‘_‘_; THE TIMES is peme u2 rx.hrl‘()fl‘" g.;l'-:."" 87 me Conpast, at the OB 5. ug lt (An‘re t l _ouaws, April 36 _ R 6A LEK.â€"â€"The We EFRZ 27. is First Concessi pean, and Lots Nos. 36 and Session, at prosent in the ## Ayien, l'"" fl" Jaw» and WE m V joe Presidentâ€"Leoris Mo# e en t McM aster, Eeq, B 8 Howland, 3E‘ choner, Tay ho 9l B Bankerâ€"The Caoaadian Bagk Agents for Otta wa~Mewn ;Z hand. omely ““": burnkame Hill There L‘ vegetable ger fon; goud ® The rates of the PROYVIN f:!?:l: are as low As its n rnï¬.flo The test of the value of I» vis :â€"Tex MoDonas 1 Deb@nZ Pnttec tritnies on B uo i 1 ;,Aunn;t.“ Eobol Tatue ‘ Eexon®‘ in ane i + Of chase t witl be afered in 4 cou:f. years in Arts to ï¬ entering. A M.‘ Coples of the Oaleader information as to the e84m0408 com petition, Oâ€"M.‘ on application to ï¬'fl 1344 lawikJ â€" Boewsdatt BP not when the premtoms are losses are being â€" settled, a8 mm of its enitliem m-luo(:a-pnylnuq mnepectors are imwortant lows di it I: has no adjustes It respecttuliy solicite of the insuring public of B# between Dalnousic treot, Jitawa. The Ression of this 9 w ED#ESDAY, beptemter k M here wi.l be offered for -r‘“ SIXTEEN8CHOLARSRIPS 45" tried "'"‘..‘:2“"‘"‘ : know cures their ammum it does ont â€"â€" that it never tails througb any & bl\o'n‘oo-phhh,hn‘ every neighborhood, and we seed Adapted to all ages and conditions in containing neither calomeb they may be taken with ib sugar coating preserves tree storer for the st Those who ‘are 1 "'" â€%. prehenrions or symptomatic of caused by acco in the ‘n‘nud' ;'1 C lainta -‘.m“('ï¬' L a* they often do bJ «t relief and convi power pon trial. uP icts Acls * mpsah y eve As+ a Iu'-m:â€"“d mote digestion and relkere the sio An ocu“d-"‘l. stmulates Imwels into acthom, and invigorates the Y i0 % no Jue who focls inforabiy of these Pill« makes hin their cleansin? and renovatig tive apparatt s dose is rrncraiiy Togd T e rnatieaitaie as it produces the desied Colic and WRilionn diciously taken for eat action or remove the ¢ no harm can arise from tation of the M Back and Lotes, taken, as @ the «ystem, disappemi. . MR OE should be taken in = dur: the eï¬u:bm Pr estâ€"The Hoo Jobs body, “* by eoflï¬ monts 86 ® ll*z*. the for the following JF*ills mpidly cure := _ should be taken m ach and restore lts * rlluu_'" ibr. 34. 6. Am.“ "MW“N sOTD BY ALL DRMGORRA | <orTraGE To LEKY: PACULTY â€" OF The Classes will seâ€"opem t# â€" â€"~| PaQPLTYF or1 The Sersion will be opesth # tober 4 pACULTY OP MB For ROVINCIAL TNBUK of Canada, Head OBe, 1. or tumore formed y DOKPROL Nt cmsscat °o r. J, C. AYEA & CO,, Prooa LOW ELL. W AKK., Â¥. Ottawa, August 7, 1878, Eo. H. LEK P _ This 8 1R8%4p e@LLL UNIYIAL For SMt _;,_.._ CC by ine .. e i ‘““..'m[?‘ . * of & u d‘ ¢uen when no gep eireage nffieed w . Anthomast. . * lik r the ~' 8KSSION printed 06 | Pocs Pasveat TIOXE, EC } .0 ‘ ;pEAU gTR F W‘L‘ aa ie ® /2 n.md “.:“-n l i 44 4+ dLUDP _ biLg '-‘BY * site the O‘ *** _ low P y$ * s othet brand* , al gr2498 Ofttc wa a«nd BALDY on by 81Â¥ IK BR Boct«b 3 T 0 aA PM K)+ z Stoc so 4 gan** 1 .% ۤ8« 1A TY