hay oR #. nute h Colonist, July 3 yeath. tike place on S# ree ofclock, frou ‘nga‘ Keg., 10 M B3 ang e and v of them wont Of aving M‘ river. The three weeks art and Hnish 8 old ‘® litasp . Wiatap e n t# »Whlfb]l- "Bth Jw t e e ,"" . omm in Papered 98. 0 Aiiititie i til the where C un n 1@ argo of coal and stone from the > wUL D* afha rs truly strikeqwaq e the mail left will« the discoverens T . 8. 3. Lincoln gpcoived . 2P '“‘.’ to Puss 4# ho Popal4 4LMO of rik n ’I‘“.. b."..‘ doot | , lowest sondéf. w ol"â€" agy" w th axrNe Mé hx : Pulf 1E Star and Noord LIE Dem. last neard on soulth ng, lay .. ussted to sbe0d t in arrivals hve RichBeld ; ano Wiiinm croek; hat lose Noh N0 a a. orme 400 returd his Nanâ€"tm6 "“ 7e T p Faureox a Hosmusis Daatt ®oming last Mr. Wu. Mo. < ‘h the employ of Messrs_ Nw-' ‘5 bad a narrow oscape ':v“" i Cloucester is again at the | :.d ; we are 'mforme-l a m the to Mr. McLaughlin of that nint at w omsamed by fire, which r & to it from the bush yester 9 was a good large one, and 30 and 40 tons of old ion of a bamn at this f pat is a heary loss to a wis 4) tons of hay, when omsideration that with the P the hay crop has been 10 1444 yutp mone of '...‘cuuh"'"' "‘,..m-'mc- ’ omm .‘â€â€œ the ‘M .’W inning to 8@ shat if we do. Nol wain much d4ma6e apÂ¥ pxL + * ' w | ..A dficam. hi fall, rmhlr by * stnaim frotf weitice® "QN‘ ’v; 0. B. \‘*lmn af baker‘s shops in Lower nealted in the seisiure of ) isxâ€"The auction sale of tho" krupt stock of gold and silver ied ware, cutlery and fancy mes on Duke street, Chaudiere. r-ltm reserve, and ate beng obtained. It is ghim‘s instruction from the igmes to sell for what ever price i The sale commences each md“ pm. Gentlemen r.'dmot P toattend, and in parti wiriee housekeepers to do so. ? Town made it a “u of bread doâ€" '““ avd in several nd the bread to be wanting netimes we believe lacking if a pound. Poor people of not afford to pay for what :3 and. yesterday of the above fact. mats of tham madle & YVis1t H.â€"m mhfl\ the best: seen tor some y potatoes ars now comâ€" bough the former still "“ this morning for m,potatoces sold at 15¢ uwetre a few barrels of im had been offered for the i invention within the past L@erf would have been th¢ wflhu‘: diminutive beliows, with whi tirs, he or any person who fol pus, can exterminate all the mse.. Who will suffer their from him by these deâ€" nights hmm MEM® During the remaincder C san be seen at the NC yM intensely hot wea. won us, and persons work j are liable to sunstroke, imminent, other ail«â€" - intense heating of the ‘“‘!. more or less sure good o Rurerureamox,â€"Probably ;‘“b‘"g' id, Potert Wmm Wilso ‘h"“‘. the man‘ is genâ€" and an experience in the hay hmlflhtdmmsun- bsowing machings were in genâ€" is us to say that & bunch of :- ‘bhl.w. it it gets hot and someâ€" me of the best preventatives it dizziness, as woll as a most for promoting comâ€" Wtk. A wet cloth is perâ€" Tut the wisp of moist grass and is appropriated as work wondars. SN L o marme : The fountain *â€"i we: beliove En glia) gaundy 1 _ "Wears that on the mornâ€" limlelad occasion to faston a Pw saw gangs, but N gang was started, 88 sitaightoned himself up .N-. and as the gang :?N skin offhis nose " mtamed his face around< .__h‘u_ the gang and the 4 W * o U by p _..‘.l l ] fire ':.:.M hi Lo P Ne tkin off his nose | ryrg 10NEER®, __FARMEKR®, !hhnuhfm -«mmd.l 'l‘o :::::nu UEMOVING, ANQ ten the gang and the « nens, f : hick he was standing| Wanted to Purchase for Cash, any time w 0) on the former going withil two Months Hence, I dagi it badly tore his ear. | 11t a slightly| used Spring Waggon, 8ulky, l tho, #t of agility he oxâ€" | Buxkt, of Buckboard. 2nd, a slightly used W â€" . W# Sritical position ghity uns ( feug waegen . hn un # + h "ame shat off and the gang | ith, a «lightly used Plougb, «ad double harâ€" mss ;.“"flb;. o:;.':s'h. m gth, a w k Y : 4e would reâ€" â€.:., ":.fa" Te t Habtly â€" used Threahi hine. Tth, a = Â¥ h&"‘ opening per lho'iu.z Mowing Machine, and a Horss=â€"rake. M this evening, of | 8th, a slightly used Stumping Machine, a Sin= ooo ind Burlseque Tâ€"oupd | Horceee whopbaron, and a Cnltivater. . | § AEBO W ‘« K# , + i ie nernmanint | sate mars eipre ts be mc afe mdonter i M'\. es â€" | Mate prbl o,.:. to w O . ! e mm tnd groent xt | . . rondtipiarnnee ind e in C X 6 &Â¥ «a, P Q. theatre in Canada. And nau.?;..:s? nelaniy Sus 1421 â€"22w»â€"] m (EW ~. For some time pas Detel extensively h was err, Housg.â€"J C#, Burlington ee ; Mr. Brunet urg. Miss. ; Mr ui Montr eal : . Fellows, But O ively pat wrly by the trom New gery pleas: soon nixo may aga"\ which v the To tÂ¥ & n moreover M pa LY \ | The return match between the Cotton Bros, and the Civil Service Rifies came off yesterday afternoon on the Ridean Rillo Range. By comparing the score it will be seen that the "family" were again viectoriâ€" | ous, this time by a majority of 46 points. A | yvery atrong wind was blowing across the "| Range, which rendered goil shooting dif. | fieult : alqnge. on tho +«tage ; | tho. weit Known com que Johnnie Ward w.1l supply fun suftiâ€" culnt for the most ‘insatiable. taste, and with a number of other good actors to perforin the several parts, n most pleasant entertainment may. be expected. Let all be present. at the grand opening performâ€" ance which takes place this evéning poâ€" sitively. | The box plan may now be seen at Orerea.t.Son‘«music store, where seatas or boxes to suit tho thiste of every one y be secured. The chkarge for admisâ€" sibn to the Dress Circle is Sucts ; gallery, S)cts. { | private boxes, $3 or $3 ; single in private boxes, T5cts., and a limited ber of season family tickets miy be at raduced rates. _ . [ @ > t\ V M And | 20th July, 1847 Saurah Lynch was charged with assaulting a Mrs. Ellet. 1t was shown in the evidence that they are next door neighbors and that their yards are unseparated by any fence, a cireumstance by the way whith is very productive of contention beâ€" tween tenants. Mrs. Ellet maude encroachâ€" ments upon the portion of the yard claimâ€" od by defendant, who forbid her doing so ; her command was disregarded and the reâ€" sult was expulsion which the defendant anmimenced the attack, and consequently ments upon the portion of the yard clmnl dlydoh.dln,whowwdmȠwwmm.-dodump reâ€" | sult was expulsion which the defendant | commenced the attack, and consequently plaged herself within the Wmur-. Mrs. Lynch was fined $3 and $2 costs. (Ceasar Etienne was charged with abusing his wife, but the charge not being Pâ€"“l the case was dismissed. + * Victor Lefevre was brought up on the \ charge of being drunk and disorderly. Some days ago he and a companion en ’ deavored to gain wlmission to a house tss on York stroet, hammering at the dOOF M | .._._.___â€"â€"â€"â€"z=â€"=â€"<==â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" -“M" linguage towatds the inâ€" '.‘.M.. -Imm WWMW“'“ " on “n’mmâ€";“.“ Te copoimn, anatorn t on | e rale es peamae t the corner of Spuks and,Metcalle 1 erly of the two, escaped, Lecfovre WA* 47 | pi, cioy, will be received by the un on eg bias prnmaanmaans . * Phfl.fl.flh'“““ A voung man hamed Andrews WA# | p, sgoad, % L1 erly of the two, escaped, Leefevre was arâ€" rested, and this morning lined #5 and costs or three weeks in gaol. A young man hamed Andrews was charged with the larceny of two hats from the store of R. J. Deviin. He sail he was Lnuhrthomhuooof liquor and did not know what he was doing, and the evidence of Mr. Dovlin‘s clerk was of a nature to corroborate this statement. HB has not bmhn.intbomw.wthohcu of the Canadian sun ‘connected with the in fuence of American !*benzsine" has & L strong effect upon his tmind.. He appeared to be a young man who would not commit such a crime while in his sober senses. He pleaded guilty to the charge, not doubting the statement of the clerk, but he stated in exculpation that he was not at the time in his sober senses. . He would have reâ€" }urmtbohhwhnho was sober. Sent to for one«anonth. . : An ingenions darky at Detroit has been trying to sell a bobâ€"tailed cat, dyed red and blueo, for an Arkansas wolf. ‘ All persons are hereby forbldden to pur» chase a noto mede payable at sight, in favor Oll"l.“l'm & Charles Smith, of this city, Lumberers, and signed by Mesera. Charles Ephraim Mobr, Quio. Village, P Q , the makers of said note, for the sum of tour handred and Afiy.dre dollars, dated in the mosth of May last. % Ottawa, July 29, 18%0. 1421 â€"3 it has not those drawbacks which h felt in many public halls, Â¥14â€", if hearing in the galley and op» mat. â€" The Theatre is always cool. all opans witly a firstâ€"clasa comâ€" t3 3 a i *A UTION «/ + se by M |&s N 4 Hifle Mateona Police Court n by Thursday, July 8 W 3 3 3 5§ s tw ti® P Ne 2«E&£ | The subsoriber is instructed by the Agent ::.‘WT";du-:th Assignes to‘ sell without reâ€" * * | wrve * 2 £ it J E 4 not b6 | at the «haudiers, in the large stone building | known | on Duke «treet, the abore exjenaivs stook, M Whil 1 ITII-â€"Q;":i- s (ttawa, Jaiy #1th, 19070 all II § Bankrupt Stock of . .. . FINE GuLD AND SNILVER WATCHES a VLATED WAKE,.CCOTeERRY, commencing on TUKSDAY EVENING, JULY $Bth At 1 p m., and each succeeding day at 2 m., and 7} p. m., unill the entive stock. in s« ‘This is the most valuable and most ex «lvo stock ever offered in this part of comairy at auction, and comprisew in awveral of the Anest 14 K gold, Indio® gents‘ hunting case, diacsond back, and amelled wautches ; several valuablye aterl ulmm“.dl:hl and dover some very superior K. . torks and African {vory ba.died tabie and dessert kal carving kuives and torks, &¢., #e, nas and fancy ware. £ es _ All must be sold regurdless of price, great burgz.Ins may be looked for. Sale punctually cach day at 2 and WPORTAN®X AVCTION #ALE Ottaws July 2oth 187 U 1P t KX D F 4 ( ke â€" Becurity will be required fot tl execution of the contract. | The lowest or any tender not necessarily ace â€"ptc d," t saengt (Rich Elegant goods, 90c. per yard) |. aros DE sUEZ ‘ (Riph Col d Corded Silk $1,23) _ / Black & Cold, Giacls and Grds Grain Silks PC BL LC 4VC T10 g>reston & p;0W8SELL, M I L .MA BIT XAKBRES _| NU. 46 SPARKS ~TREET. MILLINERY Jaly 25th, 1870, No. 200 WELLINGTONX STREET. LADY â€" PRINCIPALâ€"MISS . MACHIN, An Kfteumt omy J ®MATT! ‘The sohool year will commence, Sept !nt, ate. Prospectuses may be obtained at Mesars. Duris & 8~n,. and urther inforgation on appieation to ths LADY PRINCILRAL, or on mm tnnimmmmgme n ommmmmnnnmmn@unmmmpnmemmmm m ifigmmmn n tm mm ho WMuction Hales, hx / rl\ul: YERY VALUABLE dispose of certain classes As it will pay us better â€" way»1t will be evident to any of goods at a very low dgure NOW than keep them over & termined to ofer Semmer Goods at 15 to 25 per cent prices for New Goods 14 «KPARKS STREET» nadr the Lowestâ€"Ottawsa sV M M E R A SELECT AgsgORTMENT voawWa PROTERaTA®Tt Li DIEED®* sCHOOL, one who will take tht M to examine lh¢st goods that they are by far the cheapest offered to the public this season. U WIRYZ MADEK TO ORnDEAR, LTARY â€" T4ILOAS IAPANE®E â€" SILK® Ottawe, July 1%6, 1 4fe. MANTLE» JAMES & 8ALE / Broad Cloths, OP A Efficient Staff the Russelt Moense Pancy Coating*, J. BERMINGH AM, Aucts ue +@"0. 1418« LACEK SHAWLES ~WHITE BRILLLANTsS K. ARNOLDI Architect, ° 11 Metcalle street, Ottawe t * i1o.M & L JAMES & Co i+ t D 8 day uz-.l took in K most ex: part of ow im , lndlo® } ik, and guâ€" bly ateriilbe | m' !‘ and amert k h ,b ‘ U p Vestings, de. . U. POLLARD, these Co THE OTTAWA TIMES. JUOLY 29, 1870. Teachers AJp ot build. F:‘ Y) ()0% m # t ! 1:3..‘ *« :o- to all w he hay wt ww ebyi Just arrived and guaranteed to be of the Ane«t Asvor Uhests and Lom'h"*" Jpiie Tok i. 0_ .L ~ mtm“bb u-:n'..t.' } #eat Ma. CHA MPNEKSG has always on hand the best selestion of horses ana carriages to be found in the Chy, and to he let at reasonable EQcient groomse alway . o hand for customers, ou.'g‘fl Ju1f, 1870. | 1aenwt \WwW,. CHAMPNESS Bnnunil.mu MHotr:1, Sraaxs Stazet. ‘;Iq' C | ‘ P â€" CENTRAL AIR LINE a_tm'u. Cincinwat:i, St. Lours, NEW mS, €67 all ;OM in the Wet MIM; xoï¬}t!s TRANSPORTATIDN CO8 *) First.Class Upper Cabin 0(’1* ENSBUKG x CHICAGO, Making connections with for all _ Polats W est and South. > P.nict going west can Tickets at .this office to any Powt desired, § Buy at the * ALL RAIL OR ALL |BOAT Â¥Wares abways cheaper than any other ; { Route. Be sure sad procure TICKETS ht this office GREaAT CRNTRAL ROUTE AND saÂ¥yH€ I.'l“. 1.l‘l‘=Al Dlll"Alcl. ve diacanoe cstern Routss fo Chinago : e AaAmerlennâ€"Osdenasburg or Prescoti..,..» C480 mallas uufr WESTERN® RAILW AY, _ | Borderiags, | The Model Roead of J beautiful va To F‘rm'd. Detroit, â€"Milgaukee. direct from | | . â€"â€"CHICAGO, ; | neinmati, St. Louis, New Orleans, and Orand 4 rank to DetrOIt.....=»â€"sssssse UGrand Trunak to Torontp, UWrest I’; Leaving in fuvor of the Oreas Congral If you dp«ire & ( wu- avee e uEF EmeRy CE C exesaatkurs snkrkretrameh sevarktncthirss M# 4e Vor TICKKTA to any Polats it the United dtaiss, and all information .‘fl: to J ¢ JnC0DRAN, o.w:-un Railway and Steambosat Ticket at U Paimer‘s store, next to Fingland & _ _ | GENERAL COMMISSION AGRNT, Olarénce Street, next to the City Hote} Uttaw a. * *mwo‘lhmm generaily on the Ottawa. From bis long experiâ€" sace in the trade he offers his services in engag!9g men 4nd atteading to their ‘tufts while passing nere to the best of is abllity. "1“. To Wws | LI F £ER Y sundu & A I L #I0 1. mâ€" 4 On and after the Ist of August, the stoamts 8sIR JOUX YuUNXG â€" Cupt. : Bloadin, will leare Havelock daily, :qo*l.lfl o‘slock «. m.. for Cha« returaing same day, learing uhapease at | o‘diook, p. & Passengers will arrive at Chapess «i 1% o‘clock, and Mavelock ut 5 o‘ciock, R 08 CA83HLA, Wili ieare Ayimer Daily (Sunday excepted) at o k n Greur Rat Traps tm )1 | | ‘Wire wn(hx-" 1 wb i “"" & % m Birds Fathe ! the fol Wire Dish Covera | Wite Flow»â€"r Trainers | t ‘u »...........m..-m_rw-- .n.c“umhflm. r Olase Frait Jars, wle is Enam lled and Brass Preserve Ketiles, Plas 5 ssm ts UMINICK POX. 12 por‘ #, (Mtawe, July KAUCEIRULL 11 Guarden Chairs! _ Lawna Ohairs! Crogquâ€"t Lawn Bettees ! C Klastte Chabre! Â¥ulding Chairs | Craquet Chake! . Camp Stools | Croquet Wite BRorderiogs mq'fl Larks Cagen | Canary Cage«| * Breediog Cages TEA POT,." RIDEAU STREET, R L igerators, Baths and Water Cool«rs, / _ At " Cupita!l" Btove Depot, H. MKADOW® & CO ) C1 " aA NN 818 80 N."m pailÂ¥ Li®k 84 W TUE PURE MOUNTAINX BERRY, w aYy CoMPAaANY. COusâ€"ex at, two doors from PevBAN HHHLA Fhie 6 *uel s up of really Go««l Coffee, try «ome of TEA POT," Rideau Streot, what Groceries you Require. s eatabl P Of comnveyib« 6 ooo nniieed " Pitk TBA POF * Ar medy yeart pest, and hop»* uunpowiler Tea (heavy «hot) UNIONX FORWARDILXG] N HOLLAL with Cattees and Teas, } 1 h y will it dith rood semptes as iss tact, all ho offiere is the best can + , «8 thubw ,mmw-(:-m you try, i + "“"“::2:..."".1""‘....‘.".'."‘"‘.....'%’. I khow. :.n";::y «+ "THE TKA POT®* what you now may require by open to Â¥1 & 10th, 1410 J | Hay w W mnert® CC dkks and Brass Preserve Kettles, | M‘*’;‘.:t"""’[ h i un be saan at GQrabas f’__.f.... noute a continuance of thetr favore Cuun d r.;'.'ï¬â€˜m‘_;.\_ Fea, W alter Onith, Beq. BR W Cruilss, Keqâ€" bouy whlt tuo whl yOur Yery Bost Hreakfast TI,‘ â€" & with confdence to our customers, E“M-""“ 118 do 118 ds â€" : IRON BED8TEAD»s, io i upgrmra tiimaâ€"sanas. & As the Goods are NEW, STYLISH and and acknowledged by all who useit, to be a great | paRSHIONABLE, this sale presents an oppor | "TWE TEA POT,* Rrpoxat¢ Srazer. tunity seldom met with of gotting, first clas io um peemmname e ggs Goods at prices very far below what such # MHardware. | goods are usually sold for. ; | _ A time WI?Q‘MW!A" _« yjon ROT W&ATHER. ICE CREAM FREEZERS, REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS AND FILTERS, _ _ BATHS af all kinds. Our Reirigerators are the celebrated MoKu.rr r.m.pclm.c“w.dm passing through them, Nothing gotu musty Kach one is plaoed on a set efplane forte castors Borderings, Ohairs, Btools and Beats, with a beautiful varlety of Wire Work, expected soon direct from Englanad. Oapital Btove Depot, e 35 Hussex street, U MEADOWs & CO. y HARYVESTING IMPL ENXENTS. LA us No. 16 RIDEAUâ€"8T., Plumbers, Gas and Stram Pitters, Tin and Copper Smiths, Bell Hangers HOURK ©0OOKIXG, PARLOR 4 BOX SIVVBS, in great varioty. | Sole Agents for * NortKs®* Patented Drum Hester ; and also for Baton‘s Paent Ven 'cvml % . + sCYTHES!!â€" S80YTHES!!! A complelste assortment of Sbeif and Heary JO8. RODGERS4 SON‘S CUTLERY AND DIXON & SON‘8 w»*â€" Â¥H1at:» â€" Wiast, M Britan®ia Metal, Block Tin and Japanâ€" amelled Bird Cagen just KZyxvima.+ HHHH EUE st Intoâ€"noak. ; cent latâ€"rest. l, «iwaltualmals " ts ""yyfusox. Ottaws, July 21st, 1870. alsim Hiawa, Desember 16, 186%. Shelf and Heary Hardware, nEXEYy‘s stO NXE BULLOLING, Wellington Street, Upper Town, O O'L,m ,....:E;.'E:wu HOTEL, on w nex u.c:f-h.nluu- ll-‘-.-"% $‘ s and 14, in all 160 ‘:'ns;uu.u‘i 214 k r.’ oaly resson for offering thâ€"m for wmle is constant Ulâ€"bealth,. _ _ _______,~, ___ Ottawa, November ©3, 1869. LYITH &# KELR, «WOKA8 I8AAC, A LV A BLB TIMBER |LIMITS Goox$ Mack and abns6. FUKNISHING HARDWAKL €OVE8,. BTOVES, CHILDREN‘8 CRIBS. CUOK. MHMAKETT, i::t.“mm io two equal 1844.% i | ('\Il *T O timen Gartanda, Mutchmeor & C€o In erder to CLEAR OUT the whole of. th BALANCE of their BTOCK of C Havre decided to offer the whole lot GARLAaND, MUTCHMOR & CO. Fashionable Stramw lHa‘s, BONNETS, HATS, MANTLES, Fo. SALE F Valuable W MR dorte «x‘ + ABMh W In great varioty, at about bhalf usual prices W"Inspection invited M _ Valuable WHITE PINE LIMITS. Farms. Eteam saw wiJ, with Pond and twonty six ‘mores of lund attached thereto, a‘so one bunogred and thirty acres of land in the township of Hull oppo« vite the city of Ottawa, and fronting on the Ottawa and â€" Ostinesu Rivers, hay, |umbeiing impleâ€" ments &o, &6. A:. It not previously aw of t private sale will be sold tyPUBMOA CTI N T TT TCO C ppuP Th a® MAWDKAN (Kenâ€" ir BLACK LACE AND OTHER + SHA WLS, 1 2l PmE P T P CCE L1 at the rooms of HECTOR <o7f e #â€" Otta® a -ul. uN * EKDNKsSDAY TBE Tn. DiXÂ¥ uF SKPMEMBER NEX F, at 12 o‘clock noor, The steam Saw Mll known as Le«â€"my‘s Mill, is sltuated at the Government Boom on the Gatipeasu River, pear its junction with the Utlawa, and contain: gang and ciroular saws with machinery ard Mill gear, of the latest and most, im proved rumn. aod is capable of sawing from 81,000 to +0,000 f . per 24 hours, There is al 0 twontyâ€"six Het tor ‘other Wt with‘ args milug gromnar, #, hok oo l n l s -.'l‘ud’rll':“f::l together with Mill pard eapable :f sturieg from 150,000 to 200,000 logs and right of boomage at j rates. % Tus liumits are known as tke Pemechango and Joun ds Terre. hbfl situate on the Pemechango and Jean de Terre Rivers, both triputaries of the U atinean. The Pemechango contains from 17 to 20 equare miles, .g‘m Jean de Terre about 80 square mites. h are well wooded and contain = hite Pinpe of a o:‘cfl«f quality, ard large average, Lame and es are of resent construstion. The farms are known as the North Field intend«= :'u" supply the Jean de Terre limits, and 60D« ing ota'un- hundred acres, 300 of which are under cultivation, and the Dixie attached to the Pemecha -}0 limits and containin three bundred acres 10¢ of whishare under cultivetioon,. There are rc‘ houses barns, stables, sheds &¢, on both farms, and the soll is exce ent. Also 130 acres of land, opposite the ouhd Ottawa, tronting on the ~Atineau and Otctawa Rivere, wh‘.wu‘: & & & 8 ® Term:.} cash, balance in 1 and 2 years, 0n wmmm.'flwfl’ per Â¥or further information, apply to Heotor Moâ€" l en Auctionser, Francis Clenmo#, Esq, and Flag» ;.';" & Dbraper at .‘ u-: Fiemng. Oburob. Keavey, Ayimer, Q. or @eo W inks & vo, Mostrea‘. MILLINERY AND MANTLES Thursday, Al 11 o‘slock a ®, tm NHeHmmebtt® Timber Limits, situated on the Petowaws ud‘ Indian . Yvere vis:â€" |" c oi 1 Licen & No. 95, of 1889â€"70â€"Indian River, /. 6 â€"__. Petewawa _*~ in k .7. P + ‘3% «P ~ * 0 Â¥ 5 is Plans of the above Limits, with copies of Liconaes may be seen ut the Oee of H McLean, Ottawa, the subscribers Pembroke, and at the Office of the ;.WM“Q‘M. 3 _ Mermsâ€"â€"One third cash. and the balance in iwe equal annual instalments, with interest at seven per cent, The above Limits are in one block, and comprise an aree of 85 pquaremiles â€" A & P WBITE. t ooo Aecis 1412td Ottawa, 4th July, 1870 To the knife on the prices of the POLAR REFRIGERATOR We will after this sell the $30 size for $24. This iss bargain that house â€"kgepers should look sabarp after. Wire Dish Covers, Baskets, L&mps, Coal. Ofl Baths Cook Btoves, Jelly Moulds, Brushes, everything you want for houseâ€"keeping, you cap find at ESMONDES. We desire to draw particularattention to our work shop, gutters, eveâ€"trough®, and all) sorts of outside work done with gespatch, as well as any other orders we may receive for tin, iron, or blumbing work We work 20 perâ€"cent below any other house in Ottawn : > ; w ol s l dnrome m Amwe HEAFP â€" §A L F. "%e*« wous 45 t ies Sn Sale Agency for the CHALLENGE FILâ€". TER of the world, The Kedsic Filter the only durable and reliable one manufactrred. â€"___| EsMONDE BRO8., Wik.<~ abls f YHTh 1419»tt. aALE OF TLMBER LLMITS } The Hubscribers will o _ for Bale by m PUBLIC . AVCTION, m C n . A dark red COW, seven years old, in good condition. Partics giving Information of the whereabouts of the suid cow, to ALDERâ€" KANX HENXEY, will be rewarded. July 26, 1810. 1419.2 "THR UNION (HOUSK," OTRAWA, ON ' mnreday, the 15th Day of September next L1 11 o‘cleck a. =®, the following Valnable Ottawa, July, 1870 ashionable New Plail, Ottawn, Jaly 26, 1810 TRAYED arte® WEDNESDAY, Ora Jour} AND SHAWLS, * gigFor s 6d. Fashionable Cloth Jackets, $ _ qfgâ€" For 6s 3d AT COST PRLTE, gig»â€"For s 34. «& | i THE .;FINEST EVER , u{roxrzv j ty Taw. AND â€"ipzpr HA‘rs DIRECT Ii.IMPORTATIONS, Ex Ships L’ugmt(, | from Charente, and Nero, from Oporto, (and to arrive from Italy,) | . @ 10 16 t @1 *"® Ottawa, June 3, 1870. ATIN, HATS ! l,lc‘l.tl. A fuall knd well assorted stock of general !'.usc\' koOAPs, ‘The Above goods ars wall;kaown to be the fines kind brought into this city, and are well worth being tried by families requ ring them for use. A lew trials will prove their superiority over OFFEKEE, bi% |i'uu GUNTLEMEE‘8 FIXE»T 8, | I’n}m axp | g»LaAI® | # 1 waâ€" DRESS HATS, w« | IN, RUM and WHISKEY, The very best bracds to be had. UGARS, KYRUPS and FRUITS, } all inds. LES & PORTERâ€"ALL KINXDS, KA#, Firet Clags Brands," warranted genuine for " 1881, _ phire! [ Ihe oply old and reliable wines for tamily use in the city, and used by all the best dootors in this vicinity. Ordered expressly for the purpose. . A call solisited by Fine, very fine and Extra V P for family use or first cluss botels. A trial will show that they a»e choap and reliable, and the price as low as the common traghy Nud generally used. 1¢th Juze, 1870. EEsuRB‘s CHEESE, Just received, from Quetton, St. George & Co., 1 a consignment of old AHDS. PORT WINE, very old vinu.T. 1851, A pleasant and healthful drink .n bot weat A supply always on hand tresh from the $piin on hand Dublin Porter, put up to ordet. LVawe‘s Ales and Porter, in good conaitipn, always T:.V:flont. always Frosh Roasted and Grbund on‘ the promises. 5 WELLINGTON STREET, || â€" MISS A. M. HARMON, ParmcrraL, The EIGHTH SCOHOOL YEAR of this Educa«= tional Establishment will commencé on MONâ€" DAY, Sept, 5th, when MI3S HAKMJN will be aided in the English clarses by a lady, who has received a thorough Normal wchsol Kducation, and who possesses brth.the gift of teaching and of rigbtly donhphl{'l‘lo cbara ster of her pupile. Ins S AAcccal, wine â€" Sincinge and4 Instruâ€" BL ACK, in differen kinds ; alsofvery fresh sound and gwoet. A GKXEEN, of the various kinds, new @ason and fragrant. HHDS. BRANLDY, wtes * ~@5. Aif ~v90 d The French, Drawing, Ringing and iDAE mental Mesic C\uuobmbouï¬t by competent, experienced Professors and Teachers. Applica~ tion tor BoarJing and Vay Pupis can be made, by letter, addressedâ€"Miss Birxâ€"x, Ottawa, until Anfut 26th, when I.ht.l:m will be at home. rospectuses containing the course of E:slhh Etudies, «nd the School Fees, can be bad at Messrs Durie & Hon‘s and Mesers Hops ’O.Co’n _ 5 & 1 CASKS SHERRY WINE, Juoly 8, 1810. SAUCES and FLAVOURING EXTRACTS, The very be:t, trom the Cr.sse & Bi aâ€" well‘s, Loxpox, & YIN DORDINAIRE DU MIDI, Groceriecs iss R|V U 8 I L LO N â€"P OR T THE FOLLOWING GOO0DS ; "\ G COURRKOLLE®, ULaWÂ¥A, onlIvint ". e Pitents, and Agont for the Regelstration ol Trade and Timber Marks, Lodustria! De igns, Copyrights _ Copies of laws and informations sent free on szlhuhu. and all business transacted on the e notice. Charges moderate, _ 11406y OUSILLUN l’fllt'l‘o%r lflr:ot from London, put up to order from the maker, a very superior article, very Ottawa, June 15 ARLRATRACA WATER 33 BRideau Street. $2.00 per gallon; $6.00 per dozen. Per "Soandinavian, ‘ OoUKG LADIES®‘ I88STITUTE, In endless variety. €Grocerites PLANTAGANET, ONT H iT §! J PBACOQ | 1870. OoF§aALL KINDS. Wines, , Hparks street. Another consignment of $3.00 per dozen. THOS. PATTERSON, No. 26, Rideau Stroot. JA8S. BUCHANAN. Sussex and Wellington 1 and Liquors, . ; MACPHERSON FROM nHATS : ©e, Ottawa, boligitor 0 Wine Merchant, Elgin 1407 .8 ; BOXNXETS, Having found it necesgary in order to accoâ€" modate th«ir rapidly fncreasiog business to make extensive alterations aud improvements in their $@* SHOW ROOMS, q so as to give more epace and greater facilities to thein Will commence on SATURDAY to sell all the temaiving stock of Hats, Bonnets, Millâ€" inery Goods, Fiowers, Feathers, Mantles, Shawls, &c., at such prices as nfust «fect a cl.arance before the alt rations Begin. | N REAaT bargains given in other departâ€" (] ments * mPECIAL inducemâ€"nts in Grey and White b Cottous, Printe and Dress Goode. R In the matter of JOHN S KENNEDY of th» Village of Metcalfe, in the County of Carie= SATURDAY, i25re .INSTANT. AN INX8OLYENT, I, the undersigned, CHARLES BAILLIEK of the City of Montreal, Accountant, have been «ppointed Assignee in this matter. Creaitors are requested to file their claims belore me within one month. . . n A mesting of the Creditors. of above name1i Insolvent will be held ‘at my Office, 401 Notrs Dame ntreet,. Montreal, on MUONDAY, fifreenth day ef AUGU®T pext, at FOUR o‘clock in the after= noon for the public examination of the Jnsoivent, «nd the ordering the affairs of the Estate gener= ally. it LTERATIO®*®s AXD INPROYVEMENTE. GREAT§ CLEARING ‘SALEB ‘The said Insolvent is hereby notified to attend said meeting, | es ‘l‘lll sCOTTI8SH PROVINCIAL afs'sun.nufl‘: CO M P A N Y. |CAPITAL:â€"ONXK MILLILON STERLING. . IEKYEBTED 18 CAKADA.s+++»++«#«» BENEFIT OF LLFE ASSURANCE. In illustration of the benefits which have asâ€" cpued to Participating Policies of Life Aâ€"surance the following ounph& may be quotod, takea trom the Books of the Canadian Braach of THH ;c&‘r'run PROVINCIAL ASSURANCE COMâ€" N40OLVENT ACT OF 1869. Poiry, 5b313, effected October, 1881, for £1008. Additions amounted in 1867 to £82 181. Total outlay by assured, £112.: tae Bonus thus amoun.â€" hm:n-q-ln per cent, of premiams pad. ring to same policyâ€"should it become a claim during current year 1871, the Bonus Addiâ€" tions will amount to £112 10s. Sterling, exseeding the To‘al Amount .‘8‘;‘“â€". paid at the date of last Diviâ€"ion in +887. This is sccounted for «7 the INIEKMEDIATE sO0NUS allowed by the "sCO FTI8SH PROVINCLILAL." _____~ ___ Mantreal, lith July, 1570 _ Policy 4236. Bonus Adaitions, £61 17s. 64 , or nearly seventy per cent. of £#91 21. and 64. the amount of premiams peid. _ _ _â€" _ _ These Benebhis must be evident to all. It may be asked whether, in the event of the Assure4 giviag up the Policy, all such benefits would be to 11â€" In reply, attention is directod 1o the sollow. NY price is better to us than keeping ‘these goods over. ~~_ REGULATION ASs TO SURAENâ€" DER OF POLICIES. For surrender of Polisics for the term of life, »Heâ€"ted at unitorm premiams, and which have been three years in force, a return of 40 per cent. un the amount of brdinary premiums reesived, will, at any time, be al.owed, besiges the valns of vested Honuses, where such have been deciar, ed. An objestion, often urged agsing Life A«+â€" «urance. th at there is no certainty of value being »brained, in the event of surrender, is thus comâ€" pletely dbviated . Thus: Should Policy above referred to (Ns ‘b818) be surrendered now ((870) thesum of orer $465) will be paid to cohe‘! .h‘o!dcr;‘ EMAINS of Summer Goods all to be zold off, A â€" Loans grirted under Policies when surrender value is of not less amount than One Handred Dotlars, 4 . PfTaAW h.: ** . , . HAMNETT P. HILL, Solicitor &e, Nolioe is bereby given that the St. Lawrense & Ottawa Railway Company have this day deposâ€" ited in the office of the Department of Public W orks in the city of Ottaws, a duplicate map of pln.s,dbnl of referesce of the proposed ex= tention of the line of the said Railwaz, under the «uthority of 31 Vic, Cap. 20, and of its course and direction, and of the lands intended to be passed over, and taken therefor ; so far as ascorâ€" tained, and have also deposited copies of sach MANTLE, MILLINERY, veeeeaneg ‘ Hevine ~Eele on O C e esn on TR c 200 map or plan, and book of Kkeference, in the offse of the Clork of the Pesce, for the County of Carâ€" FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY, 31 SPAXKS STREET. All kindsof JONFZCTIONERY on haad, and ‘-ob to order. Pis Nis Parties, Balls, 414 :aplkd in first class style, and ‘on the oh »rtest \ notice. A share ofthe public patronagze respost â€" | tully solisited. | Ottawa, May 9. 1870 1364 3m MAGEE & RUSSELL lston. im†Bananas, j Ripe Pine Apples, " | . A splendid lot of Rose Verbenas, Hals, «HE 8T. LA WRENCE 4& OTTAWA _ ALWAY Ccompa®sy. * Tailoring Departments, ai},,00K OT Canada Head Office:â€"Montreal, f A DAVIDSON PARKERK, MNILLINXERY, MAGEE & RUSSEKLL. MeCARTHY & 00., COMMEXCINXG GENERAL DEALERS Goods. OP Lilles AND MANXTLES, Lgmon Plants. &6., &e. T FOR YOUR UECICE. We CHAS. BAILLIE, * Assignes» D70« 1407 2w THOY. REYNOLDS Managing Director, [and SHL WLS, Ortawa, 7 Jualy, 1878. «»» ‘«»«».. $800,008, [ A 1 &