# 6 X § 4| ty § fo J | | 1j Department of Public:Works, O:tawa, 0th June, 1870 150 ACRES.â€"The soath half of the oast halt, M]oll.mnowwdl‘lou.hu. waPe woure ind tfeBatan prod en mâ€"& Itin mz wiles from m-; Title Bor further information 0"?00 cAlm.thm 3m Will be recstved at this offce untis MONDAY, the 25th duy of JULY next, at noog, tor the supâ€" ply of 200 tons of Grate Coal, (2000 Ibe. ver ton} be delii at Ottawa, ""z"“"l!tflhw A vraluable Treatise on the haman o‘ï¬blln :.t‘l:l..‘o::..h:.‘mu. with a valuâ€" lating Whivite» L. K Vergette, manufuctuirer of TE" A fow ware san be accomnrodated vith :.ll and trooms. Gentismen tedut will And 1000 0u0k0â€"~ ..u.:'.‘:.uy.m..m...... N Bâ€"â€"This house is situated in the immediate vsmity | olJbo Parliament Buildings and the *. woll . ven lor of the ."?,?&‘:’mwp- he purshase c ie .. i i enatx. 1 w hangg, 6 Ll%i h% Articlea, Mailod _rglo‘.,“dmcn receipt of price 25 cents. running along side of the lot ‘harok and a hailt dustant yR Station nll:“.'l'lno in alsoâ€"a O omite QUINIUM _ LABARRAQUE, Approved by _ Amportal Aosademy of Medisine. T:“Q" INTL M LAIAM..U: .I:‘ ..:-lu.- tnorWuge w replace The bark wines usually employed in madisine apea lhs wrapper and labals of which the «ames u-ah-lmhnh.un" give dents power Miorney to take Mw-:uh.nnâ€nn ven iwte llqum:Lh.-‘. PM® Ask io LkA & PERRINY *Yunce and see Name m Wrapper, Label, Botle and M Roagd, lnading to Metosits. Bugâ€" ltm Sohool Iunullo-dm Methodiat Chursh haif a mie; Roman Cathohs w\ “hmbï¬m Crosse London, #9, 'h'.‘ ‘ip Oa:: and Qllmen aniver> s ® 80v1330 law l];i';mn.-xm QPF 1054, PFirst slass Moda , ALF LABARKEAQUE & 00. mflid:;::.mqnmm"- : markets Aaving besn & THE ONLY GOOD BAUOCKE, CaUTION agaINat rRivyp. anssese of this most delicions and anrivalâ€" .:o.:.ll.ou having eanused certain deaiess ie on dert reprarne t wots wens ue inlormed that the only way to seouss the enaing, NARLM FPOR SALE. URMAEY a Diviesan‘s,] * : BPARKS BTREET, OTTAWA. wWORCESTERSHIRX 8AUOR Declared by Connolssears o HEALTHA AND BRAUTrY Or an Raw Wides............. 0 00 AK FOR LEA & PERA&IN®W ai0U08, OrTawWa MARKETS, Jomplied expressiy for the Oreawa Tixb | * fas on the. By etder, 8. BRAUXN, 106 « b um Onars Merm ar inga ns 'Wi: -:'-' to amll .T‘ J i raones ~â€"Jaskt receiving 400. Chests Temand a Geveral :’ lauu;muuu -u.u' Cunnds. _ These not. haring hada trinl . of onr Goods are Miore, Bussex street, Mr. Alex. Christia‘s Drug Store, Aparks street, Centre Town, Mr. F. Hallanâ€" dais‘s, Weilington strest, Uppor Town, or at the adbsorkbere, will be strioil y attended to. THOMAS STARMEKR, 1383tf Ridean street,. >‘ 'l\ll PEKOPLEK! TKA #TORE, No. 36, RIDEAV STRKET, DUKE STREET, CHAUDIERE The subsoriber will turnish 1CE dally to "‘E"‘"“'“"""s""'- Double sapply l A8KS OF THE ACALR.. , | d has. t to be the most bygienio drink in hot wwalaer and Ayglenilo drink in hot wemaer agd E‘“"M:M- L Â¥RERZI, 19 m mmmuï¬mm Government for the Dominion. lbl&omb....'l.od.l’tfl. hohoubuh‘i.uluolu.-.â€". lavestments and of Assurancse business in the hh.\bumdm.venhuh: '-'thcn:::E'o'dm nat itethon, saties u«m....u."’..‘.‘.::!;‘:....u "gw the Dominlon, where Information can be obtmined, or at the OfMcs, in Pamilton, Ontario, ‘ Aolm'.. i LR U HWAYCOCK, C LIFE AS8SURANCE CoMPANY .:?r_'f.m‘:}::-'c‘z::; ( o cai nï¬ in namaimd "Ar‘s Bastven & remsprontal m ‘n glaas oi | Buturday‘s for Bunday‘s use. 10 lbe dully for r exson $8,00, Terms payable in advrance. ‘ Larger quantities supplied on Hberal terms as water, or two and Militac dbr;u' u:'n'n‘ tilrï¬iio":. of «8 :::.“ Soaith efron‘s, Tranter‘s, ru PLN OAflN.‘“':w Revolbrers m FiRE and PLX BIRE CARt. RIDGES for allsisesandsysmome of Gune Rides, .“D-ih W aterproot and K. B. _z Mfl& 'dh.cz‘lnal CHURCH COMMI38SION MERCHAXT3 "mar uen ind The above aartridge sasss fampty) of all sines, aud for the fl'-nu'xn-. ot Breachâ€"loading ll.u.o:‘io had ~- '.-.;..o*h. BOXER CARTRIDOERS of al-n ll-l!: All orders left at Mr. G. Mortimer‘s Drug CB, 10K, 10K. As 1 Lovionâ€"Purs or dllutead with a | NAN ADA BASK ERVILLE & H’O. eases, and plaasam to the taste, and is the proâ€" seription of one of t a oldest and best femaie phyâ€" male * ADJ aurses in the United dtates. Price s anis. . aeverywhers Be sure to oall to, @MXRA8 «@INBLOW® 800THINXG SYA&RUr.* Huving the Jacâ€"smmais ot = Curtie & Paerkite" on the outside wrapper, All others ars base uniteaâ€" gat a boitle KWMupMWINILOY‘N sa0vTRLNG oÂ¥RUE. L th poore Hitle eufterer l wpon it : there is no mistak about it. Thereis anot a mother on sarth who ha avaz ased it, who will not tail you at onee that it Mesthera t Mesmers . Metheraslâ€"Ars you dinturbed. atnight and beoken of your rest by a aldk oniid sudering and erpying with the exoructâ€" wing paln o eultlng tooth t 1fs0, go at onoe and MOoPING COUGH . DISEKAAKS OPF THE THROAT PULMONARY CONS3UNMPTIOYX RUNCBITIE CATARRH OF THE BLADDER " CoLps OBSTINATE 0.LGHs IRRITATION OF T.4» CHEST OLRAY‘8 IAX RoiAD, LOo#Dox. AFFECTIONS Of TAE sKiN ITCRINGS eall and Judge for. themenbres." Ank beure .who kavre tried our Teas snd l1 @eoods warraated and $MNT FRER K within the City, t n me, Batter, Cheese and Hgge conâ€" ReTasLiat®o 1847 WHOLE®RALE ONLY BPERECLIAL HOTICES. : bowels, ani to the and Baailh operaâ€" 1t is porteotiy in all , LOWRERâ€"TOWX, nle in a bootite ; assay, _ _ . | abdvaie stanget t n arcecy!*** | pioer _ AaAgent in Ortawe . Apring Purniturs = mm 1om aany «> | i venk TROM aire * Txvep > a e â€"Hâ€", 1. + +c 1+ . Te Inbuletndpeilfreds s3)a17¢ <a > 421 14e > 1540 0 HOPE 400. and > = ‘_ se JONXES & HOLL AX p Ottews, March 1879. Wheat,. Oote, Klour, Oatmen, Pork, &e, % % m"‘. wu‘ Domie ie 6 +000 on c onl ntantt » Rind of Little Bussexâ€"st. Goods : seak in tor duis, or may be porcshaset in seferrote uty resatatia io weing e a 3e Wns dtater Saipnizenean in oopnnttale Boveral Houses Aw~tha ?- Aunds for sales J BUDAMLINwH 4A M, .. â€" Carriage and Sales will soon commenses, u.--uumw and Hasâ€" ;.md'fl. well to sead them to l-t:.:u,.‘hh. Te Teat MM'W‘A&O&?&.- ::l. consignments, from a diustance, mest ::.“-.ulhm- very modeas» alo terme. # becoud hand Purnituce will be received auy hour duridg the day up to T o‘glook p.m. Ad« Morses and Cutile sold by him during the past .h.‘“nl g:-u Mdm::u':bw sm€ mon. V wing, mJ ,, ESS weel pemiaint Senanite ie retiep iecthe Bon‘® I hare this depoesited with the Reseiver mh"l‘-.’.:-:mu addition to in( e of: $ ul oo be cce the future as in ot, it will be his anceasin .nb...md:b’-n u‘tro.l Eecerele a n wbtit 4 evatinannge of teat gâ€"pm-n'm bestowed apor . Apring Perniturs Sales at the Mart will comâ€" zâ€"uwrtâ€"m»m-mu announced. will boid weekly sales of Unitle, #0, &A0, on the Market, due notice m,!e be given, The large oumber of AhrAmegw s I orgrnd Aroverrs qbechapedegh 4e JR DEFICE AND dALE __ mart, York streat, nsar the Mariet, _ PepiTieonirent eaal sntint io. g!;â€â€œ"‘!â€"!flfl"“-.ï¬"‘: ' Pimazson Daraatuwant, imiswa, l tth Oetober, 18064 ;On-n: i ua:a'qvmmu.unm ANCE ANY , of Maboe. n.:oo"v'ï¬.“ t, 8ti Joho, N.B wâ€"-dm * LANUTON, LI#E® INBURANCEK COMPANY OR UAIX h Ne will have alwags on hand the best perâ€" tumes imported dirsct!y from Paris and Lonadoa. MHL QOKNDAEAU solleite a visit io csonrinse all of the truth of bis statements® of his astablishment in a manner that cannot be bis anmmerons friends and the pablle in general, that to anaower to the groal ensouragement whica he had resatrved up to the present, be has detet» mined to emlarge and thoroughly fursish anet his eatabllshment. Ne wil caure as expsense to ML OENXDRULAU, the proprister of that 1o popular Parlour, has the plessure to arnounee to 0 proou . be most experiansed bair dressarc, MH wENDRRAU having sorved considerable hme in mwae of the best and maut exteasive Hair Desssing dAulssnsia the Dominion and Uaied O awa, November 1, 144. Otact ofoe, whar the 1300 IAthMHL, WhOP# [AMRMEE | | =â€"=== â€"ssusmimmmmmmmmmmmmpmmmmmmmedecantediiiithih + -:=~u¢uumu -nluicm averios siar, be obtained. & ine o The nuames of two soivent and qesponsible | _ k m “.-...mnnuhnoh-’ OQMMEROLAL uu\ ROOMSB, inldlment of the senatrect mast be allasaed (o cach Tok uitr the ader . .a-._ Korket. The Department wil not be bound to ascept lhnt he tns lowest or sny teader. ..".‘,,,..,.......,!.,' street, and is now By ordat, es ccoupying the promises formerly knova as Chamâ€" imeert ie vagties [( > like Bealed Tendiars, addressed to the undersigned, will be ressived at this oftee untll Woednesdag the Iui day of AUOTOT asct, at aoson, for the erse= ton aad somplation of the W alls, &o, of the Lit= rary of the Pasliament Buildlage, Osta®wa. | \___ KW SREPHERD. Oolawa, Apeil, 46, 1878 1M4if HAIKR DREs8SING PARLOUR, .__ Wiellington street, 4t . _ Opposite the Bunk of Montreal. WUI sommenese running har regular trine hrom Major‘s Whart ty Oitanre aver. Monsag. «h4 COaturday leaving Major‘e at 5 a a, and Otta®wa at ".. Has sommensed haer requiar trips between (Xtawa aad Moatreal, wilth Malle and Passongers, learing Outaws at T a m, delly, KA KK ET OTEaM% ELk 'l“ OrtiawWA RLIVEL 6 ® NAVIGATIQON COY‘3 sTEAMERS, ® MAilL AFKAWUER RALES AT PRIVATE RAKsSIDE®CES, GENERAL AUCTIONEER YODTICHR Â¥%O CONATRACtoOoRs. BE R N INOQ OA K, #@QUVE EN Y 1CT O R 1 4," U,, EKAATOQOIK A €0â€", : " arksts 20 o *n Agencres. WwyeÂ¥ AIRY e Cart BRHD U M A 1 , wreats, ovet Mase Broe Calendar Â¥ BRAUX, ree minutes N an Moute pain in the L..h ‘htnrm rhoamaiism by the Intensences of its pain and the suddeness of its attack, may be cured‘ within two minutes. This Flaid is composed entirelyof And contains nothing which ean ure the Nee aerrnmtee n on it and you will not ‘or sake by Chemists and Droggists generally . Aitzached to the Uppor Olawa Orown" Timber Ageney, under the charge of KX J RUSSELL, Es Mlhh‘.uufltï¬.'zv\.m_ for chl’.u and clearances for Quebes will be c . AraAc Asth Fhik/Yere. { Pvluc novio® Is hereby gives, that the Lower Ottawa Crown Timber Agenc3, formerly under the eharge ofC E BELLE, Epq., hus heen abolished, aad thatthe territory comprising said Agencey is the door on Bparks strs#. For the futurs the businets of the Bank in all its Branches will be eonducted in the Oflse fronting on Bparks street A Teacher wen qublited to teach Engiish and the slements of Freach 1u the Catholic Bchool of Matrict No. 4. A Wheral snlary is ofered, N. able quatterty . Apply -mwâ€"oâ€"mcnâ€"y Islund, Ca. Pontine, or to thiige" anill ‘diverss sotaines." Aovies thep. Business established Afteen yoars. Address "~umariec Gamits"), to give MOTICB oA the applisation (clearly and distinotly specifying its nature and object) in the * Ontario Gasertte," and also in a newspaper pablished in the County or Union ot Connties afected ; such notice shat! be snniinmed in each ensw foer a perlod of at least ste weeks during the interval of time between thes slose of the next presediag Sesmnion Tevents March 13, 10#, ~ * 1309 i4 I1wk, lant of uach notives to be sent to the Privabe BU! M HOUSE, Attor 1918 Im _ No U Nasoan Atreot, Hoew Yor stitlons for Private BHIs ' o4 whthlh the M:M% Seasicn. »Ak1s ahirtl onaruts r 4 c en airiinds (Ottawn, June 11, 1670. BAVINGS pu'unrpn-. * Sn i a | NOTICR.â€"Depositors will hereafter enter by TAume«mie pimosd in Lim sinse bis artival in tarme of and ol e« eity. l-uu.uu'::n:‘::u.(-u...: uns opeee pheee oeneieaitintl alte anorwise eagaged), alther rooms or on the wn | market. Re with csendisnce o all sufering olhcaamited effests or .ecommended may depend upon its Ml-flobmtf’:‘uuu *. k ol tini o k ::"" prices obtained, efloacy e wall as prompt and immediate settioment ailg | Destoper, in ontlng disedese for s 8 RICHARDS, 13590 3 j Commissioner of Orown Lands, wiee, and are espesially Adapted and recomâ€" “‘bmd“m* They are gonily stimalant, and be foand infallible alds to digestion. bosd Bor direstions see label round the nocok of each lon of Ounada and the United Atabas, °~ ~** _ N.B.â€"These selobrated Blitterp are carefully H#uLUTE None are greanine unioes bearing thesignature of Commilssion Merchantt,. > OTIAW A ANTED, I, L. A. VALLQUETTE zn *X }~ + ippboaae 4. K. Â¥ QGLIAMNELLL and Beot‘y of btate, 1383 im immediats d _THE eured in |I cartify that I ha Ann hu:“lutll woman truth. hl-n.hmuduoh her certificate to be true in that while il1 her case ; and I know that she has ays attributed her recove «_ _ Whatever may of this medicine, t in her case it bas ac .' ‘ï¬ï¬â€™ i..i;-.i.’-- COCAECERTUNET EERERe®RRReAbEeRE s z VB ll-"u, Payable uin Ourrency , * l‘lm:: Or Quesnstows......... ...4...‘..... '!‘!! I o L. L202 ,. O3 710 eeenineninnere >‘ d Tao «John‘s, N.£., by branch SOORIDOT mwew»..«» * $0 00 Tiokets sold to and from Engliand, Irelang, aud Continent, at moderate rates> . Weareringet‘s Por (eriherinform Lees, JOH“ ls re or BBPJ®B a ¢) » 'VM& APY pB CR YOL htniis stt Wcc i w Th s »â€" S â€"â€" 4 T d::' "** ArF woop.J P. i Ohtaric, Dogninien of L0 2 40 UMEAG®) Provineo of before, during, and since her iliness. °I believe her certificate to ‘be trus in Mmq 1 that whileil1 her case was hope, ; and I know that she has, since her recovery, '.nmhmyuï¬.m. «_ Whatever may "be the ‘pecullar uuum,mmnum.. in her case it bhas acted almost like the s avs o w cse c better, “"“'% tried the medicine as a of forlorn hope. oase otf mine was not private one, bat known to all my ;?).. friends} and to any one affinted as I was, I I dl:n:" try the Shoshonees Remedy ; I . o ’“?lrulnzuom Bworn to before me adoe, County of Hastings lb““yolhbnux. 1869. ; "!woon.n.u. . cartify that wo known Mrs. Mary u-.gt’um last Afteon years; she is a woman of probity and truth. 1 have known her aally, during the.spring ot 190{, extended HyAromy n tomcct Mllab ars ul ® A °9 95 Thists t serfify Orat‘durtry the Wihte? of y, du © . aprl e y C Where was there wrer stich a ours as that of ar thes af pae, io 3 dEkee ont on boarumption, weeianiel 240 inizaerdiennf earer in Ceneds o7 be Ganet Inmm®=Ramo®s 0 00 s en nenate pin snscessible in the groat :: ; ‘swoeno®®EH . RXxrkov." .ecommended may depend upon its being a Bove: K. hing effcacy of the Canadiaa P D-:u.%qdm tu.vu.uc low‘ commended, and its wonderfu) successin subduing! pains of Racamatiem. and in re leving mwun.mnmua. mamnnâ€"w Denlers are ml'l.holc:cho ..‘hdlpuudm ugwm-&um uun.l , _ Ariiest ons Pain Dartrorer never falls to give © Mesere. UKANBERLAIX & Bi11s, Conway P 0 County of Lennox, Ontario, Oanads : sase of dins The COanadian Pain Destroyer has now been before the public for a length of time, and whenever used uv.lllh‘.ml':uwu. vingle instance to give permanent when UKTTON, 8t o soveries stands the _ _ wu\u PAIN DESTHOYXEKK Back ana slead, Couphs, Colds, bore Throat Among the most importan! of modern Medical Dis 417 Notre Dame itre«t, Montreal, _ _ L Bole Propristor and Manufasturer. ars 18 all part: of the Domliaion. _ = Gurdener‘s First Prise Baking Powder, un mc'l\.:lum m" grosers K. ; 6 on parkets, 10 conts ; 1 packets, 25 n..b.l‘. "‘hn:‘l:- want !bo.::‘l& C awnd no other, qAxpk*®E&ws ®Pil&rti0 ours. Prige §1 | bfo bottles for §$8. Vog < " _'“ * o'é“nnu,a?.u. NAN A DMAK PALBH DKEATROYER ! mu-m'm""ï¬ii-"hm-."" y O& mplaints, l-n-h-u: and we havre gever kuown a single JULY . ,80,,1870. ‘._ GEORG® &4â€"008; CGnkk. ;. P .2 whete the 00D, J P ;M.umiï¬h Hygienic Prinei. #, Provineo of | "Z, Bhotches, :and hets of the eetain metom on deporitt oo io entarâ€"â€"â€"ms«m«l=|‘| ments of life are special features. MBKBEOW»| Paserts ano Tracutrsâ€"Asa wm in wlfl Children, this pe has nc , LA LjBD ~mdmunlwmhtnq. A 0 & uy ds ‘!M‘.A_.IA‘ l.‘.‘..m‘ 1 1 on on the 1 $0th VOLUME, and with January Number, 1870, a KBW SERIES s commenced. The form has b..?nlcï¬ from a quarto to the more comveni. Snt ostavo, and -n“y improvements have been imnade. It has steadily increased in favor during thopfyyom n h:cbn‘n published, and was E«uxorogr,. or the l'aï¬;ai'ih-{"- y of Manâ€" Onstomes, Religions and Modes of Life different Ui.n‘lnd:;,.fluhdrv: x Prraoroer Arourâ€" Mucmdnoll-ugg;m .l::u of Life Mlultlâ€":'m 'o.:.l.‘ Eat Drink, How we should be Clotb How h and in a ‘..Mbl.’?.lup Uu'.r..‘ popuâ€" fpecially devoted to the ©Sornor or Max," his ‘-Pâ€"""v" all the means indicated by 9.1 .3 D) 20099 44 . . P mvâ€"flo Brain and its Functions ; the 3‘,{:.“‘“â€â€˜_:"-5-0"- P"u{uo-v.misnmua.-«m lhllnulouï¬-."inguulhgp_. ; EoD po Leqpmtep /pou~ Prafudr< ++/ DIYl1s 1 ON.0F.â€"P. &0 F®â€"LTB8 Wil be procecded ‘with as quickly as practisab 'Mo-duluud:a}l {n"lhua Mnhnolnppunanlm Fumnud()lu.c.m‘.mm the various places throughout the Dom m“ Ottawa, ‘".m“ % llm .::n.' &‘ Al*uuo.; % peinctizaiat 1. 3. y yobtahma LIFE . ASSURANCE COMPANY E8TABLISHED .41 % The Lists for he 23rd Fear will be Ofosed on 30th _ BÂ¥ 5) 10 :(MW\(M 100 t# a s1 S To share in the division of profits of the past fhre years, a E_ TINE .a-r.u.am the DIGESTION and AbS!MILATION of COD LIVER OIL, the fat onten at moals, &o. In digestive activity, suâ€" perior to Pepsine. Pancreatine Powder, bonl:a.“aa. 8e 64, 6164 and 1%s6d4. Pancreatine Wine, on,3e,5s and10s. N.B.â€"Pancreatine Wine is the best vehicle for taking Cod Liver Oil. 4 PHRENOLOGICAL _ JOURNAL, Therts uie " n 00 "Voulerif Y eget onei Song jepa . ~ o o[| > > > diiet Romd sb Lamben. Bt.John, N .B ® is D‘A\T U BA .'!‘-g'l" U L A, BR > > o in tane en o ies o ?‘mof:ouuws â€"MW: letical Soiâ€" ied T sams hivee Hapun at tharcane i uid FOI 1NDIGESTION=â€"â€"P A N C &8 E A« TINE completely .effects the DIGESTTION Asosuxreâ€"Messre. F. \ 11 * 143, New Bondâ€"st., London. GAIIIIL’I ODONTALGIQUE : ELLXIR a mouth wash unrivalled for its agreeable properties in cleansing the mouth and lim‘l:’ tha, breath ; is is invalnsisle »to smokeri, strengly gecommended to sufetrers) from Tic, NHK 50th YVOLUNME : r vBPu o ugre n 10t i1a ~Cs pew skaigh 11 " NEw FoRMl . ‘A~~<‘~ tHEB PIOTORIAU CC ~ LKA ared from ‘u recipe ‘as used by Het M ipe as used by Het dn?..}'muv:‘:: M.;o:: m a deli, pourlâ€"tike whilcosst" 2nd priects‘ the enameb GAIIIIL’I OOBALIEI TouTH P R, for cleansing and 1mproving the T. imparting a natural redness to the gums ; w tb:.r.o without lop \between. them ans ts c(_B“of, and vese brilliancy to the We w ie t ty Lo ol F M for Preserving Front Teeth. Warrknted to keep white, siod as firm.as the tooth itself. This preparation restores Front Testh aind pts decay, Buthsient for Stopping six Teoth, PECIAL NOTICE. j ABRIEKL‘8s ROYAL TOOTA POWDER ‘ and at TIVERPOOL and BRIGATAK, FAMILY 1s, & H H AYOOUOK: â€" CLOSE OF THE LISTS A FIRSTâ€"OLAS8SS TLFM AATHMA. . |, :for » aad OÂ¥ronie Bromehitig bas n .a%0 .0 J # as used by Het 3t la‘\;uu. No++] jactn neammr snthirvencianal "" _ | sher.. ipremenint ols omm “‘.w- in , .,M. dung ¢00%, 6 (pbiy of the wbore. whink wail be ra en ciadgs |_ a btad faslf 4| MESS AND PRIME MESSâ€"PORK. FLOUR NO. 1 & RXTR A [ wWaITR BEANS, | . _ ‘*noun'-;nu'm’-.mw ; © '“;ï¬ rpnintianize 1 wltheg beage *xr â€" “"‘a‘ ituinll “‘ Heasmarip e es ’%E 4.70, Windsor at 6.48, an 3 â€" i1 bec / Kentville, Deo 8, 1859. "**_"~°#*MATEâ€" |_ t is o m> mas o8 m eretet enarmnd "|© Jcii 7e 06 _ . evn en trilos Teare Annapolls af % %% s > a en 4 trains of the Norvse Bootis l&l..l:.-nuwz‘l st 1145 a. m., and 8 45 ; h from. Windsor to Mr.napoli %m ,"‘""'.w ride wire A-zplu On _ and m-u?ï¬ur, h.ndhg. + .. 1889, this Reilwey will . be open :TeF El -iaâ€"-â€"â€"v CECCE C OE AICIEE wEl trom the cast weose: ï¬othhhlmhhumm G T Trains for the oust and wost.‘ * ' A % . â€" « y m>son & arszavrotis wam. ) m, Arriring ut Prockville Kte R@QB Brockville daity at 415b t# ; T ##% MAVI l'Ub‘lm ,‘-l | f 431 is 5 Rxor=arx® "wilt 1 NOR SALE,; m"u EEUUTD ‘V_,,v_v..._.-.:-.-- ‘""‘ e \ ' * * L\ f { O m-v.r.%ï¬ï¬{ e “,":! J O A 75 , Rupress for â€"NK York and .flox. 6 h h s C M .'dnflm.u.flhg i ie lb w%‘&;"h. n-.;:“ pml } * _, * Or M, »as sansudessee; 400 ‘pm " s Wight Expredé for Quebes, Ltland Pond, ,, ""'Lg"":.‘:"- f s M'MIM‘: &ln #o:(b:f‘ T ..m‘ : Aies treld e «â€"dit. Hilaire, St. Hyscinthé, ‘Acton, *‘ | | %# coimpordes" #e Mn f C W;ï¬hmww~ ~«1» |1 aapde 7 : * ietiqg0l OnlFp Atrceâ€"... mcoescd0al® o â€" benoudll) . 4 m‘tï¬%n’"f"“m‘“"“""’ Xined o all ages and coutees l . mw f&‘- loatos Portikhd aer ..,"'*m taken with sfeat i k .?m»u~mlnmol Cafter sugar coating preserves e kn rimader] | Lrcrpoarcr _ â€"â€" 1 a 4 + 9 45 P #11¢_D0~ 4359R3 hal t7% a "BNe hus exoéli6nt c They operate by their pourt ied . ‘&"' lanl )1 ®bt acopmmod ation for passanges: Pltrcmihe pjouacl + & /9 uoo S" k Potto® L FTewne * * Those Porte", p 1869.) wInTE® AB,BA‘NGIHIN‘N.[N*I Cent, Klees t e . ..l mt & « Tratas now leare BOXAVENTURE 6T4710p ï¬".‘.‘.‘.:" es &4 1. # : pOWer upon gAVE)» Express for %°"'3..',"°§:..... {8 > f af ,:;‘:'r Da press , OW . ۩ Teganten us > | | ao n o eganlfffiertan tss @oderich, Dn:slo. Detroit, Chicago, *4 Pnacties} evPtBE®T+ > and all points West, st. ............... 8:30 * * | soup BY C | Night:.~ do do _ de i * *o css Accommodation ‘Tzair. for â€"Cornwall ~ & 8A L and Intermediate Stations at........ b:10 a J C Â¥0 4 Accommodation Train for Kingstonand . â€" Taw‘s P & asuniiiï¬ &a+ bee m o‘s;r' On and from MONDAY, 13»â€"JUxg will run as follows : e GoingSouth Ottaws to Prescott (Formerly the Ottaws and PreScott PF" leave m hu*rr-_-'." _g{'_?fl!t after G T Trains are W AY. spemndtin‘® t m~m1 #ugar coating preserves ther on Fridey atbglt); for @el , them pleasant to take, while on Tuesday.<_ i; ;;â€"3;. || no harm can arise from theb No 85 o k. l?%fâ€".? W.’!’! l'i‘u:':.m 3. WOY. as, AS RETNMOLDS® | â€" Managing LDirecto besseeee to Ottawa, es« 1200 &9 sviee ©:00 0 Hallfar) 7 00 1% 15 T 3B 118 5s 7 4021 185 7 55 l3 8 15 % of Â¥ 18 9 3: ..fl“,) , traing Gussi¢n, at proge®t is ind on 3 1§ dntemal visoore Am occamonal does wemii® ##¢ be equalled b bov ols ooo hy gie e Bilkings bf Sofi Son, \ Hare Boap, and * Pr t wwel _ " Cl h - l visable, evep w “ul h'â€" C But Ayer‘s LOV ENCOLMLAAL of Canage, Bopk .w wAAAWTU oL Yâ€" o p RIDBAU 4 '.‘I"l- wad other ©! 1x â€" Â¥ayper‘s ®8 â€";7“ . ’/""3!:t "‘»lo * B Qofle® 9 ndy SBATKKG TK T * cig A 5!)‘185::‘“.‘ ";"3" xp. 8! ‘sus&“}' rfl"‘"‘“?‘ , veay LW stt “’«.m e .. T rak t ® TLD |BYE â€" wWHISKEY. QOuries on by _ YOREC etg be made to _CEL BALD me. All accom OORKG at a ob ABLILSHED ; apd T8 on your In Ottawa o ut BALDWILN E o M S" & cCO , OX A THOMSO Serps & ® ECTORS pownd kÂ¥ vor 1 ‘.*M c00, Lap®g Pickies, B somforia Chapter che*f AND J articles 204 Discase #@il ie wes* brande st ex#*® oÂ¥ 4E a COMP even to wel Comy a twonty thet 0R A P their o t wt of jn <TR BoOT ay 8 with a60 Old w (or