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Ottawa Times (1865), 16 Aug 1870, p. 4

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£ AA ; & 4& Pork . Mess â€"â€"per bartel...... Prime Mess per 46. “" “-'---“"'â€"I norviv |7‘7.|l|-. 1i onl wranter somponndse the pabtie in harshy ‘.m“...d"ubuag.: an alne, . _‘ ~OPTiWA WARKERE | | Jompiled ex pressly (or the Ormara T:m® | sad steetibete, Aise Onrtragns for the Bpenser, and A“m'fi The «* EKLEY BOXKER®" arse the s «aldges known, carrying their own .ou.-.b'wyd“fl.m'l imperishable is any climate. 'K'um cnses ) of all atues, and e h dMerent rtom d erurvack Nesn Aifles, can be had or without the suitable uw“muufimm BOXER CARTRIDOES of +450 bore tor Roevel fng oo we m nfaentodh PPE8R RIM FIRE MB of all sizes, fo. Smith & WaTson‘s, Tranter‘s, and other Pookst Revolveres PILN CANTRIDONES for Lefuachenzx Revelvers ofi2â€"=., v.m, and Tâ€"m. bore. 6 â€" COKNTKAL FiRE and PLN FIRE CARTâ€" LIDG@ERS for allsisesandsyssomse of Guas Alfes, ”l‘)nlo'w.‘ I.D-Oz.'“'h C un Waddings agd lm-umwm «4d Militar Ammenition. EKLEY IIO‘!'IIIIh @Riy‘s I®X ROoaD, LO#pou. l= $10008# " & T “,A_‘ Lo cloks Aushiss s vubâ€"â€"Rer 100 Ihs No. 1, Insp 1 6# No, %, do Inspested......... # 4# No. 3, do ltk awrumcolH Or sn Raw Hides.........._.. 6 0# INMAN LINE OF MAL ATRAMERA, AAILINQ :‘ FROM NEW YORK EVEET SATURDAT AND ALTERNATE TURSDAYs. AaÂ¥8g 0# FAddaG® T TH® Aa fCadaY #tkiXH0) Liverpgol 0f QUOGNELOWNR. ....=..0ss»«»sssecse000e _______ RNret Oubin, Payabie in Goid. !.â€""“_M. QHOONBOOWN.....s44 00 me0 00e e00008 Et, John‘s, N.F,, by branch steamer..,,..>«»» â€"-"Fm""rq-lb’f n“.u“. "'"'""7..,.' g+, Payable in Currency, _ _ _ mconlouj-ugou wWoORrCESTERSHIRK SAVCE, Deslared by Connolasonre uvmlu \YUOODBUOWR.»«s«sses eosssscpmnsess ©0 WB Wal (Cokk suirbvimnatnuk yinitecyrice thvannmctlirnn, Th t .John‘s, N. £., by branch steamer...s».».. 30 4# Mekete sold to and t-.mi.lnl.l. and Continent, at moderate mee ! _ [0 Â¥in, *"*Tan de vb:. c..-alu.onv_-g._b_q______ Otthws, May 10, 18t0, Moes, rasRaG® a‘¥ vHe whabat OTRAÂ¥ER T1 KALLFAX. Will be received at this oflies antis MONDAY, lou.#ydlm.!n&uâ€"n.l. the sap p \ yof tons of Orate Coal, [ 2000 ibe, per ton) u’omuoun. or partionlares y o the 1J erddy Ne Â¥. BRAUN, _ Department of Public Works, l!' a, 20th June, 18 10â€" One of those sommeodious houses, Prines‘s Terâ€" rabso, fronting on the Ottaws River, Neviy _ nds QWW""Mâ€"' e mu hood . J0 W# 4 dOKU LV EU Pou. a 4V E q8 #T OW dK FOR LEA & PERRILXWY saAU C THUEK ONLY GOOD s10U0%. caVUTION AGAINET FRAUD. UKTTON Arrived this day TUK BOXER CARTRIDOEA tor Auiderâ€" Enfeld of «A77 bore, mhhlflk:flw Menry Rifes of+ iuo..‘t od by Her W'n partment, also of 400 for Miliâ€" Yin de At. GGeorge, Malaga ". Madeirs, amail bores, ies 2 % ["\hnnnoor OENTRALâ€" FIRE METALLIC CARTRIDâ€" OK8, with enlarged base for : l.".. by branc‘\ s12a eP L*. Papyable «in QJurrency k WHOLERALE ONLY , Bt. arokas & CO‘s. PURE WIN E8. JOHN K. ARMOLDI, __ 18 Broadway, New KRKEWNO® 4 t)i4 ) j > *Dept, Pub. Works. Or at No. 4 Princs‘s Terrace. seeses ccssessesee a00 008 +60 98 6 J P MACPHERAON, «... 3F 0@ @ 37 5¢ .... B 0 # 00 08 BAOO 04 W9y w «epenememmenmntiemmmememmee es eC Mothers 1 Mesmers . Metheralâ€"Ars 108 disturbed atunight and broken of your rast by a stok enild suffering and erying with the exeruci« ating paln o culting tosth ? Lt 1o, go at enee and Feser==~ k ds w get a botile of Mrs. WINSLOW‘8 800THING UYRUP. It will relieve th poor Uitlesuferer amediatelyâ€"â€"depend «poun it : there s ns mistak about it, There is not a mother on sarth who ha sver ased it, who will not tall you at encethat it will reguiate the bowels, and Ive rest to the mother, and reluet and health to the child, opers Uing like maegle,. : Tt is pertsotiy safe to use in all mist, «.1 pleasaat to the taste, and is the preâ€" sription of one of tad oldest and best femaile phyâ€" mats * #ud aurses in the United Otates. Prics 18 Having the faeâ€"nmais of =Curtie & Perkine"®* on the outalde wrappar, All othere are base umita« Deâ€" A.mnl-.;:bmm C'o? ar Ratiies.â€"Du. BiÂ¥uanaz, of UbG#t New York, sayes @1 hare ased Dr. A. Praak‘» Magnetic (intment in my practics a aumber of ME33RS. GABRIEL, The oldâ€"established Dentists, GA.IIII-' COELEBRLATED PREPAR A TLON® FOR %uxmnxu. AND YING TUB TE®TL. OA fantaa im Inito *tihitind i MA los Presseving Prouk Teath. Warranied to FOXR THE TEETH LIFE ASSURANCH COMPANY ¢i;i-‘~=:“ inte and of Assurumse business in the Dominion , any of the British or Amerioan Uold by Chemists and Perfumaers, and by the The Cunadlan Life auathor(sed ap only l 1 Company Its Rates are lower than thoss of Brittsher eP oainyoanane dor a oi nndioiea oane Tetery etidense of the popularily it us princt The subscriber will turaish ICK dally to those requiring Utlor the season. Double supply Buturday‘s for Aunday‘s use. 10 \be dally for ho enason $0,00, Terms payable in advance. Larger quantities supplied on liÂ¥eral terms as Mtove, Bussex strest, M:o. Alex h.,,,-r, “-mh k Ks Aursls Wallinetan stecst IInnar 12-.. m'idm%E 2 * the Tn PEKOPLE® TEA n?l-. t No. 1#, RLIDEAU DUKE 8TREET, C DIERE Thse Inst that the Canada has a larger amount [ #4 Ledgats HWll, London, And at LEVERRPOOL and BRIORTIH. & mwm 1 QGeneral Assortment of W ines f l-'-l al’o.::hdduo 2“ Those not having had a trial of our Goods ars requested to call and jJadge (for Aak neighbours who have tried our Teas and Liquors. * All oods warranted and SENT FRAEE L w Gid "fyy ane broorat van beie maas 1eronnmas" Those not having had a trial of our Goods ars wbflmh C ::: our neighbours wo tried our Teas {_?.-.. All Goods warranted and $ENT FREE OÂ¥ CHARGE within the City. t Â¥rash Hams, Bater, Cheese and Egge son Oitaewna March 41. 1078 All orders laft at Mr. GO. Mortimer‘s Drug ag .DVLCOE AX*8, SPARKS OTREEZT, ortawa. wetmtiiiifis Haxd sho rhoags CB, 108, 10K, ANADA CHURCH STREET, LowER trow® COMMISSION MERCHANTsS! ns-fii-'.'fi“u:w |1. U the Parliament eral banks. ‘.‘ l?:l. ~INOLOW® #0OOTHING SYRUZ* BASKERVILLE & BR o. PA RAT} MK $§$## " CABRIEL. Dentists . L UPGCATE WiLL; L ONOON. i WA Gnctws 18447 uky #Y. # _< m & BRO. -l-fiun MVEA ' NAYIGATIO®X COYT‘8 8TEAMERS. luâ€".‘loll.h"'fl'-"', Camme‘e and Montreal, with Mails and Paskeogers, learing Oitaws at T a m, deliy, N a KK KT #TEAMEXL wut hee trins ~ &. M ® , EARA! RRARSS , c.-.'.-':..‘ ..."“'“ my ud Boio Manafacturer and Proprister for the Dow:» Suturday leaving Major‘s & 3 a m, and Ota®a at pircyâ€" qewe ; i N.D.â€"Thams ealaebruted Bitters are carehs)>; a w SWEPHERD. m‘-..omi‘mdm Pesesimenen / V e o 0| 1MM4uf Wine, sad are sepecially adey and Ottawae, Apreil, 16, Int# Sealgd Tradars, tike aadersigned. will be recstved at this ustil Wednesday the Ird day of AUOTOT aect, &6 nsen, far the arsc» Uou sad sompistion of the &o, of the LA* + rary of the Parliament Cxtawa. Plans and specifestions tan be sean ab thia etice, on and after the 130d instant, where printed torms of “.“dl.*.fli. aa also t o i ialmed. R ~.;_._._'.~”. bescame wureties for the due tnlftment of the contract mast be altached to sack _ The Department will not be the lowast or any tender. Wellington street, . Oppositethe Buak of Mentreal. NK ORNDRALAU, the proprister of that 1o p'-ho'ql-t.l-hmu“b bis numerons frieads and the pablic in general, that to anawer to the graat enscureagement whicn lolnndvd-'b-mhho“ minedto ealarge aad thoroughly fursish «2+= hin ectabMatment. We @1 sarve ao expense to Ne will have abwaps an hand the best perâ€" tumes \mported dirsctiy from Paris and Loadoa. NK ORNDHEAU solleite a visit io couriasce all of the truth of bis statements® Departmenat of Public W eke, vnh'.olum Teroato Mateal Fire and lwl&u.‘“w Bmm-m.o‘u.“ sad Coarks ‘streats, over Masn Broe o proson . be most expariensed hair dressati, NH wENDRRAU having sorved conslderable muse in waene of the best and mt extenaive Halr Drassing #aisonsina the Dominion and United Hutes, is in a position to conduct the dutics J his astabilahrment in a mabner that calfiiot be LIÂ¥E IN8URANCE COMPANY OP XA/X A. M #Q UE ENX Y1CPO R1A" OrFFICE AMD BALE #0OMSâ€"â€"Olty HAIR DREsS8ING PARLOUR, ~__ _ murt, York strest, T The subsoriber in this his bpring Cireaâ€" lar, boge io rstaurn m.‘ to his triesnds ..‘..ruplhdo.ov.uum. a# weil as his many sonsignore at a distance, for the Wauâ€"i.‘m.iéifi-.--u enstant endesvour will be, to merit “Jd.. and e inp olanineme ky . ""~ * returas are hls aredentials. l UALES AT PRIVATE RESIDEXCES, 1a soliciting pablic patronage in this branch “hflflu thais a the future as in the past, it ulll be his unsensing sare to study the interest of his patrous ; and that nnhlmp-u'n‘-ht‘u‘ zuumm.-â€"u- that c-p so liberally . bestowed apen mmmu-m-n_. ateiy , and from time to time will be duly announced. hoid weekly sales of Morses, Cnitle, &6, 40, buthe Market, due notice of which will be gives. The large sumber of .-..couuuuzu-mmpu year, is snclent guaraates that hus ablhty in w.m ".lâ€" I--.'-l-v h Carriage and Cales will soen scommen‘s, .‘u..-hm-&uw and Ha:â€" neses to dispose of, will do weil to send them io the Mart as soon as pessible. Trade Bales of Merchaodise, Farm Stook, Rea) Hstate, Libraries, Works of Art, Ao., &o., as wol as consignments, from a dustance, will mest with bhest attenation, aad be condusted on very moderâ€" alo torma. ussonud haund Furaiters will be ncdvdfl hour duridg the io P = vanses made on or other Goods seat h.“n.--) perschased in uo.llr!t The Room is well Ughood an, ventllased, and about the largest in the city, being 80 x 13. Your tavouts and patronage ate reapecttu)ly @ticEe Â¥to co®taactous. Oitawa, March 19790 Wheat, Cora, Flour, Oatmess, Pork, &0. OTTAW A, Ruveral Housses in the . Uash adransed on Directory for 181B To beobtained from GOENERAL AUCTIONEER. Canadian Parliamentary Calendar COMMIS8SION MERCHANTS, FORW ARDERA DKAL HRS 18 * wt Toâ€"BDAY aat of Public W oerks, aimnanpnme| wint U. KAUTOX 4 004 mwiyâ€"Â¥ AIRY 2e «Agencres. Rmazon Deraatunm®t, Ottzwa, 1ith October, 1008. _lfilbmz to p 1. | or Abar * vldsu-)Eth ¢ L :.':'.od’.u‘hl )tf f * ® 38. uad patronage are respecttully BHDH 6 A V , End of Little Bussex â€"#t 'l=ll=“. _ L. K. Kastes HOPE & 00., ant | _ .. KB AIAIN £ 00. Avorrms, Maune,. _ JOWRA & HOLLAXD Ottawe, April 47, 1870, _ 11M Jn 18 in 1 SEAMILINGRANR: F BRAV X, | _ NR.â€"Thaems ealabrcuted Bittars are carehs))» propared with the very best quallty of Sherry Wine, sad are sspactially adapted and recow ° meaded to persoas of dellieate constitutions. They . OOMMERCIAL SAiALEK ROOME, g*o«* ITALIAK BTTERL. Prepared by special permission . om th Professor of Chemistry in the Unisarsity 4 |~ _ __ PADUA, ITALY. | Kept by all the promoupal Druggiste and Groo¢#tm ® . y,, Popular Propristary â€"_ Phequbzsaerthber respestlul‘y announses that be â€" \"P‘ [ rmeometn enny aniaty y lm Tefues hront:" e ftht? this opportusity | f {Anowen‘s ofthankiag the people ot Ottawa and ricinity for p are genily stimalant, and will be foundinfalliblt | _,,.u,, The prescription department will be aldso to di gestion. :ucnhowuul o-'::u-dmr\.. PDor Qrestions e \abslround the netk of encb | ..:‘r-m-mmm-mupuu quality None are granine unless bearing ‘.‘h ml::‘.m merchants supplied. are thesignatare ihe proprimer. "i n:zu-::u.(s::.a.luuum for attend> to w C# io3 A. M. F GIANELLI “" T C EXaNbkn cunivik. * sumaaucucmmmcummmmmeâ€" | frustks, Febrenry 11, 1010 . 1985.8 y ‘ l)ll'l" BILLA the Uiboral patromage extended, an well as thw -“-o'wh him since bis arrival in this alty. Mebold. AALES CÂ¥EnÂ¥ DAY, (when aot thorwlee engaged), oliher at his rooms or on the mwarket. Re with senbience to all who h a we e€fests or real estate to bncoptnnuine ns ‘regures hn loar Chikined, as a# C wall as prom pt h-dn:‘;.‘o-fl after Me io ready to reseire lastractions from persons "":...“"'“".s.."""'"‘,......'“"‘°‘c'.".:f."" real to of, and that “;‘llh andone by bim to gire outin= faation Md‘:o ..-'“..-l‘a “o“u.:. Consigamensts from a 1nee will meet w = mediate and carseful attentioc. Caush advamses made on furneitare or ther "mn-hb.b. %, Maunoes soastantly on hand for hire},© _ _ .‘m.mufimumwm mquired by the I+st and followlog Ryles of the Legisiative Assembly,(which arse published 11 the =«Onuturie Gumtta"), to give NOTICHK of the applieation (clearly and distinotly specifylng is nature and object) in the * Ontario Gasette," and cbh.wpilr im the Uounty: or Union ot Connties afecstal ) such notice shall be coatinned in cach case a period of at loast six weeks during the Interval of time between the alose of the next preseding Sesmon and the qonâ€" dderation of be Petition. ° Coples of the Arst aod last of sach notives to be sgnt to the Private BH! All nuaubrflna?fi must be presentâ€" «d withis the FIRAT KK WEEKS of the Teronto Marâ€"4 15, 1878, 1309 td lawk. PA is New York, Indians, Winois and Suates, for '-u:."n. any Btate or am logal overywhere; desertion, druakenness, ponâ€" mm-‘“ eause; no publicity ; no charge divores ottained. . Advice {ree. Bustness extablished Aftesn yoars. Address: . A Teacher well quallded to teachâ€" Engiish| and the elements of Freach in the Catholia of Wistriet No. 4. A Wheral salary s ofered, able quarteriy . A * Apply to the Sohool Commissioners of h‘-fl w RQ . 1 en P xi Satlast pamm aAaiycas T. i. .... 1818 Im _ No. T8 Nassae Street, New York Island, Ca Postine, or NOTICR,â€"Depositors will hereafter enter by the door on Bparks strest. For the future the business of the Bank in all its Branches will be sonducted in the OMse fronting on Bparks street James O‘Wislly, Beq,.Q C, To P e eep t t es taes. ComMilankton Alovs bharnt*, ‘%&Mdl“, s A. Maosgonald, !.:-:LMQ!. und Bect‘y of State, â€"-‘-m' BR Eo ecant hnb * '“‘".“nh.: £ Pramels i. Derice, L2Â¥ P PPÂ¥ AvOTIGOA Kant, _ Is hereby given, that the Lower Ottaws Crown. Timber . Agency,,; foumersly under the ebarge ofC E BELLE, E1q., hus been abolished, und thatthe territory comprising said Ageney is to the Upper Oitawa. Crowsn Timber , under the charge of A J RUBSELL, E Limber Agent at Oitaws, y whom permits t! shipment and clearances for Quebes will be PD.I-IO NOTICK Ret from Frasers‘s Magostie Finlé THE aREAT PAIX :fin. Readuche cured in hree minates . Nearalyia, an acute paininths T C the buman Sfttem sither ay saiward or towand epplications soe, is M:Ilol“h trom rhenamailsm by the \ntensoness :ah and lhm:flu ;'u::.wu within two minotes. This .u.â€"::-n.-nu.n fure tha hinsuama 4OA dsc d quver t oadive igen :A + vemphct onb C(Atawa, June 11, 14 780. 3y ft .. [ ,oimn.m. ' Queen‘s Austionser, Uity CNoose. Land and General Agent MLALALAMILALLALAL: WNTARIO BANK. EAVINGOX DEPARTXENT:. 10E $1.00 PER BOTTLE. I e ____â€"â€" A. KM, F, CIANELLI, _____| gwagiish, Frenach and Gern»a Purties intending to make applications a Leaxtsluture of Ontario for Privais # 8 RICHARDS, 1409 3 . Commissioner of Crown Lands, KADER. AaANTED, uk streot, wour the Koatket, Duramruant ce C aom® Lant #, Toronto, Ap*ll 2 0b, 1810. OHARLES T GILLMOR, Clork bt the Hoase. J. U. A, YALIQUETTH, on the origlna) ( opreve *» 1383 3m | N The pubsoriBer begs to inform bis triends and he public generally, that be has commenced business in the new building adjoining the Qatarib Bank, Oparks street, with a perfectly new ye® * STORK. _ |, ALEXANDEE â€" CHRISTIE, Druggist and Pharmaceuti¢al Chemist Bparks btreet, Oentre Town. and complete stock of y armpese and American English Brushes ana Tollet Articles, Dyse Htafc, Beeds, and all the Misseliansous _*___ gles usually sold oy Drauggists. Family medicines and physicians‘ presoriptions will nc-‘t;:to oh::o. their l.m‘:‘. sns m _ departe abdef the petsonal supervision of the propristor, valuable hhnlunu‘r-dl-pdl'-. bâ€" an exsellent TONLC for persons m'n-ub.a. KHor sale in quart bottle ; price one dollur. , a many n‘ svepiem night.. "In ‘boitier 26 come a m cents 124 it Te ncb "ainder e esd stt â€"At le 'l-'u-d“‘hthoum u“.‘lu-h-h e nature. Fors druggiste general deal. m....u"_ â€".‘”A“.- 2‘,:__ ty oo 3c Wiés, Back Jlead, Conrhs, Oolds, bore Throat C’tm..z‘m.Cruphh‘-.. Obolera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowel Ov-#l:n.luu.h-lh. t‘bocmaura.nw now been befors the pe uraolu‘llwll.o. and whengver nsed l:.v::l"ulu.mwhl Mm‘;.d.udnlnr:mm M.m ‘:dlno‘ huo'cb me all det o.-\x are o’r."lll.ogr“.udm |lm£ 'o:rnifn.npdmlfllh-“.lflh rested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are vaflering from any of the comp «ints for which it is .ecommended may depend upon its being a Boveâ€" _ OGurdener‘s First Prim: Baking Powder, an: uie anreine olsn parbths Proaier‘s io ere, in Sios k O% mm':f"mnpm Muu-‘; six pounds, $1.28. 'uov:c- want the bes task sor GARDKNER‘8 and no dber. od with its ope and speak i a th “wyd“qm_nfl;’l‘g'_fl:-...* _ The asto of the Pais WW’M for it is reâ€" M.u‘l:‘w I‘l.nbhlu thetorturisg pains of ELncumatism. re leving wflm,mun. rank in «she list of Remedies for Denlers are ‘f:fllnhun and e w:.m rextnmmmetie en id The Canse dian Pain Destroyer never falls to give mmediate rolie{. All Medicine Dealers lml m‘.m“‘-fl.t apd no family It'.ll-uu::')n. ltk * * lOl‘rla;b LYMAN, __ Noewsenstle, C. W., _ _â€"__|_UARDEN KR‘ unmo CURK. Price §1 ’uu:l;.‘:lou ftor $8. NA KE We +.: . ~/~~â€"~ pregurs "E1.. .: soveries stands the & UANADLAN PAIN DBSTROY‘B Among the most 1m portan! of modern Medical Dis sm-o;-il REMEDY. | 8STOP AND 8EE! % , AUGUST 16, 1870. The following remarks on testimonials of mos wondertul and extraordinary oures in Canade by “MIMM; ay are stern undeniable fasts, suficient to accesesible in the groat 'tln.&u-a.dlrflit-. dwfi' or that of Peter 0 V Milier, Mo& Consumption, or that of Ambrose Wood, of Conseâ€" ~on, Ont, of m'do and Liver Complaint, or that of Johx , of Napanee, of Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutehes for years, but has now resovered the use of his limbe. & Bhoshonses Remedy Pills :rh-m.tdl“m cy« Price of the Remedy in large pints, $1. 13y gradually, during the uph‘d 18617, extended to my M’flu-ph-ybg‘a‘ I became so weak that I could not walk, was confined to my chair. For abouttwo years, while this weakt nees was coming on me, and afterwards, I sough medical advice, ewmploying, at diferent times ® Mesers. vaausearam & Buxis, Conway P 0 c . . is County of Hast Province of Ontario, l».u.&.i Th‘s is to certify that during the winter of 1 I was taken with a weakness of the ancles, which three dostors, and mediaines of diferent kinds presoribed by triends, but of no avail,. I continuâ€" ad to get wores and worss, until the summer of I:“.M‘.:.:;AIMD“I.I’ the great Sho shoneess eures in a pamphiet. :{ml i“hg!l’duh?‘“l QNMEIIM;MMX'MM almost hel pless have taken two bottles of the Bhoshonees Remedy and two boxes of the pilis and I am entirely restored to health, I never expested to get better, but simply tried the medicine as a sort of forlorn hope. {\houou-homm & v-uo.o.h'tm'lb.ll'nyldr.-n u’ddffloul;..‘hm..“.l was, I have on!y to say try the Shoshoneses Remedy ; I bullere t withoube YWME _ .. 9i 1j o ooo 1 :; :; W arden of the County/of H L-mmuo-:u. 1A NA DIAWN PAIX DEETROYEL : Where was there wver such a oure as that of reveg w â€" Teaak and Pills mm‘ me ave on Shave 5 ~voupe un yUININE wiyâ€" WINE BITTERS, w B8HOSHONEES REKEMEDY. Bole Propristor and Manufasturer. bity . English Chomieals, Medicines and Preparations Patent Medicines Pertfumery, This elegant Turkish TONIC is one of the most salutary and delicate preparations ever submitted for public approval in this hemisâ€" phere, and asserts its pretentions to patronage on the following grounds :â€" § it is a preparation of one of the most t Purveyors to the Ottoman Court, : t prevents Rcidity of the Stomach. It relieves lpwness of spirits. ° It is a mild‘andâ€" invigorkting tonic, and a ost «ficient but innocuous stimulent. It renders the breath swe«t and agreeable. It stimulates the appetite if taken seroxs It promotes digestion if taken arres meals. It meutralises the propensity »for strong liquors. | It renders the intellect bright and clear. If taken babitually it imparts vitality and energy to all the bodily organs. â€" By its use a man of 70 will become, as it were, restored to the elasticity of 30 ; andd to persons of delicate constitutions it is strongly recommended, It is an especial favourite with Oriental "Hecure, then, health, longevity and vital energy by the babitual use of the , ALKABASAR TURKISH TONIC. | _ TRHE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY MG Hosprualâ€"si., Montr cal. W&,. Our Teas, after the most severe tests by the best .medical authorities and judges of Tea, have been pronounced to be quite pure, and free im and utllflslool-.rh..u poisonous subst ances so often ased to improve the appearance of Tea. They are anequaliled for and Asvour. They have been chosen ior their intrinsic worth, keeping in mind M.&t.'y,nd shl&h do‘noofpromro in drinking thew . We sell for the smallest possible g:‘“,olo«h. a saving to the consumer of 150 to rtlb. Our Teas tup in 5, 12, 15, 20 and 15 1b boxes, and are and free fronx pdnruubonnu. Orders Tor four 5 ib boxes, weo 11 1b bozes, or one 20, or 251b box sent carri» ge free to an lui--yfl.flnh COanada. . Tess will be t c‘o‘ onreceipt of the order by --nmm.uuo thoney can be collect ed on y erpress man, v{oro there are offces. In n.dlutoran below the amount 160, to sare expenreit will be better to send with the order.. Where a 25 ib box would be M.fmu-!lludnbbl-t together could send for four .m“m.onwo 121b boxes. W esend them to one carriage paid, and mark each bor , so that each party get their own Tosa. We warrant a the Toa weo sell to.give entire sutisfacotion. Ifthey are notss.isfae rythey can be returned at our expense. _ ALKA:zSAB "TURKISH TONJC, Kept in k by the principal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion. For directions for use see labels on bottles. HENRY CHAPMAN & CO., EVANS8, MERCER & CO,, Montrea!, ‘Bole Agerts for the Dominion The whole oo-uuu,n;t buy theirteas of the Importers, ,bue, 550, 650; Young HByson £06,600 .o..?:, Pine do, 15 v«z‘:m.a’u; Suporfine and Very Cholice, $1 #ine powder,85¢ ; Extre in ow April, . 68.â€"To the Montreal To: Company, 6 Hospitalâ€"street, Montreal ; Wenotice with ple»»"=sthe lur amount of Tea that we have torwaded for you to different :.m of the Dominâ€" agidis Inoreating. WÂ¥ presuins your Luns are . We me your Lteas are ::h. g'onl satisfaction, as out of the large amount arded, we have only had occasion tc Breakfast, Broken Leaf, Strong T Ltnthy) ies Fiaraured en Seatop do,bie, 69c and 656 ; vwmmw do, 750 ; Bounc dseo hich Fisvered do, 606; Very Fine do, do, Tbe ; Japan, Gond, 50¢, 550, Fine do, 600 GREEN TEA. amountforwarded, we have only had occasion tc return one box which, we umderstan â€" wassent t through a mistae. Manage Onuh:'gxn 82 im press any, obm .‘l‘.: m‘nl t bht :zho'..rdm‘n Nl’.u . Temonly so any. ; An exselient lfl.“ Toa u-l]bo vent for 60s and T0¢; very good tor commeon purposes, 506. BPM Boware ofi pediars and runners using our name, or ofering oar Teas in small packagest lullu“I:uM a cattie sold. Note the Addressâ€"The Montre â€" ‘ea Company To share in the division of profts of the past bve years, f j C A N A D A LIFE . ASSURANCE COMPANY ESTABLISHED .847. in the various places throughout the Dominion, ‘ AG RAMSAY, tion at the Head Oflce, or at any of 4be Agencies After which the The Lists for he 23rd Vear will be Closed on 30th * of this month (April). â€"â€" WIU be od with as quickly as ble. Mc-'”.l:‘mn of dn‘{? {n t.{::o‘:;:oflu will obtain Forms of application and all informaâ€" sefainsks.â€"Dr. W. Parker. . : _ uo.(.. '.l“q in cases of Asthma and Mg:::fim «â€" Dublin Jdurnal Medical Sotâ€" Agentin Oitawn, _ * The smoke causes no nausen. Whenther: kind, I have never known an instance in wh .. In Tins, 2064, bs and 108. s u::. and Ill:“ h S astilles for Inhalation, Boxes, 26 64, 5s and 105. _ _ e AVORY & MOORE, 143, New Bondâ€"st., London. M-l'qlarn Â¥. & Co., Montreal fat onten at meals, &o. . En digestive activity, suâ€" perior to ibe. Powder, bottles, 2s, 38 64, 61 64 12264. P: Wine, bottles, 32,58 and10s. N m is the best vehicle for taking Liver OllL. Ae Messrs. F. n Fon 18DIGESTIONâ€"â€"P A NCR & aAâ€" TINE oo-m effects the DTGESTION and AbM"MILA of COD LIVER OIL, the hat he has always on hand, in season, a large} supgly of tha sbove, whinh will be sold At thee? i W-M‘%Mlauhbow._ C lgllwlomul. o 85 Ridean stroot. Montreal, July 6 Residenceâ€"E!gin Street, South of filater Street. COlasses for beginpers at Mr ab‘s Hall on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays mt 4j p m. Ottawa, July 16th, 1870, â€" 1410 tf sumt esn ENCRrat cxgcl 0 % LaAB no b(," o4 no Agont tor Ottaws DIY1s ION OF P ROF I TS HK MONTREAL PECHAL NOTICK. 18H, 0 TEA COMP ANY. |_ FRUIT. | £. The undersigned Legs to inform the public he has always -&umonmt & H H AYO0Oock. CLOSE OF THE LISTSB BLACK TEA 'Fou ASTHM A. , "" and Uhronic Bronchitis P;ATUBA TATUL A, \ _‘ Affords Immediate Reliet. «* A remedy otf great power and GamME, POULTRY and SVAE $ 18 Bparks street. 1415+7 On and from MONDAY, 13th JUNE, trains will run as follows: : ?.urvflh..- # so : POBOOR JUNOUOM «seme use emenghenssccs se $ 104 Pressott Wnr(..., Â¥ Th Coing North Prescott to Ottawa, Btations _ \4 Â¥/%4 ‘4 FrEbOOU _ HEBRET > sssfarrse.sâ€"nsssresricvers :A BB M“;Ilt:.wwn&;.‘, 1 45 © M fyi es bnpanarieninanprons ue nirnicicnnts F W . _ ETDE «s ces se rrannferaihsemandncenc hy ..;.....{2 20 â€" MEIADEVIELG , .X cx sc xue esnt artnnn nsc sesiunppciens .. Th : : HHOUOUNOOE s +cheineny > airviczsrss srirpes" & PO I DitaWk . ... beukens s evvvecculn es K NP 1 (Formerly the Ottawa and Presoott Railway) Norrâ€"Traing are run by Montreal Time. _ _| R LUTTRELL, THOMAS3 REYNOLDS, I Buperictendert. Managing Di 6th June, 1870. ts & % + _ TIME TABLE, No. 23, $ Commenmcing on MONDAY, NOY,. 28, #69, .1‘59. M.=â€"â€"TRAINS will leaÂ¥ 4. ®@P Brockville daily at 4.16 p m, 14 a m, arriving at Bandpoint at 10.0C p m,. . â€" m» ® LEAVE SANDPOINT. +s . A, M.â€"=â€"TRAINXS will leave 6:008ndpoint at 6.00 a m and 2.3 pm, arriving at Brockville at 12.15p m,8.30 arriving at Smith‘s Falleat 6.25 p m ard Â¥.55 #" P. M.â€"â€"TRAINS will d4eave 5:36)1’"& at £.35 p m andi.9.05 a m ~ y 5 URBANE BMITHS FALLS, A.M.*â€"«â€"TRAINS will leave KO;sOFEH S ie 0M ? w and #.35 p m,. arriving at Perth at 10.55 . a m and T.28 PÂ¥ :{ . esA ol ie omainie oJ ie & n ie es _ All trains on Main Line connect at Smith‘s Fatly with trains to and from Perth, _ © _ 4 ' 'No& is due in Brockville in tTme to connectwith G T Trains for the east and west. * y «1. ABBOT$,~ *‘ No 1 leaves Brockville after G T Trains are due from the cast and wes.. _# . ~ 7 "â€"Trains leave Windsor (in connection with the ltulnc of the Nova Scotia: Railway from Halifax) at 10.%5 a m and a.u& m, arriving at Kenwille at 11 45 a. m., and 8 45 p. m:, and at Annsapolis st" %.30 p m, sonnecting there with steamers Empero: or Empress for 6t John, N B. Keturningâ€"the trains leave Annapolis at 2.35 rn. with passengers by steamer from St Jobn, uflv there at 8 a m, and arrive at Kentville at 6.20, Windsor at 6.40, and Halifax mt 9 p m, . On ‘and after EATURDAY, the 1&#h Dhâ€" CEMBER, 1869, this Railway will be open for passenger and goods trafic, as under: _ _ CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY The Annual General meeting of the CANADA CEXTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY will he beid in the St. Lawrence Hall, in the City of Montresa on FRIDAY, the TWELEFTH (‘%th) day . of August next, at TW ELVE o‘clock noon, at which all persons interested are hereby required to take notice. . H 4 Opening through from Windsor to Annapolt completing the connemon between lalifaz and 8t. John. . Canada Central Reilway Office + s . Ottawa City, Jun«a10, 1870. 1398td OTTAWA RAILWAY COMPANY The Aonual Qenora:i Meeting of the Brogkvilie and Ottawa Railway Company will be held at the COMPANY‘3 OFFICK, in the ‘Town ot Brockville, on W EDNESDAY, the TENTH [ 10th J day of AUGUST next, at TW ELVE o‘clock noon, of which all persons interested are hereby requirâ€" ed to take notice. . * + Brockville & Oitawa R. R. Office, Brockville, Ont.. June 10th, 1870 1384 2m. BSpecially devoted to the «©Sormwo® or Max," his improvement, by all the ‘means indicated by Przrtxorogrâ€"1Lhe Brain and its Functions ; the Location and Natural Lunguage of the Ol’flnl. with directions for ccitivating and restraini them ; and the relations subsisting between m:3 and nody described. _ se 1. 4 Prersiooxoxr, with all the ©Signs of Character and How to Read them," is a special feature. Ergxoroor or the Natural History of Manâ€" Customs, Religions and Modes of Life in different Tribes and Nations, will be given. _ ifi _* Prrsionogr & Axatowurâ€"â€"Tne Organization, Structure and Functions of the Human Body ; the Laws of Life and Healthâ€"What we should Eat and Drink, How we should be Clothed, and How .0 Exercise, Bleep and Live, {annnted in m lar mauper, in accordance with Hygienic F. '-P:nrdu. Bhetches, and Blignphm ot the leading Men and Womer of the World in departâ€" ments of life are special Teatures. . â€"â€" _ __ Paxkxrs ayp TriCZrESâ€"As a guide in educating and traini‘g Children, this fl:‘uiu has nc superior, as it Bolnu out all the peculiarities of Character and Disposition, and renders govern ment and olaskification not only possible but ensy . NE eF NOmOLZICLI nbetet Infoonacban an thie Muck geperal and usstul anformation on the leading topics of the day is given, and no efforts are lp.l'J to make this the most iml‘u nstructive, as well as the BestPi Family Ing-hn. ever pablished. ® tiBLiesspâ€"The Journal has reached its 50th VOLUME, and with January Number, 1870, a NEW SERIES s commenced. The form bas been changed from‘a quarto to the more conveniâ€" ent octavo, and many ‘improvements have been made. It has steadily increased in {avor during the many year; it has been published, and was never more popular than at present. . _ _ _ __ _ _ never Inore L_ 3 O iocliwind seiniatetatand ‘l'uuâ€"-Jomhly. â€"at $3 rynr, in advance Bingle numbers, 30 cents. Clubs of ten or more $2 each, and an extra copy to agent. . Kentville, Dec 8, 1869, list of premiums l_\'ll 50th YVOLUME! es Ew sERIES:: xew rory : ©. _ THE PICTORIAL PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, j | _/A FIRSTâ€"CLASS 1. FAMILY MAGAZINE,â€" | dudicumcee RrricaietPtat csw ce >AOW K V\ We are offoring the most l1 beral Inclose 15 cents for a sample numbe Pictorial Poster and Prospectus, and "AN ADA ROCKVILLE & OTTAWA RAIL« W kA X. : * : Geing South Ottawa to Prescott ROCKVILLE 7INKDSOL & ANNXAPOLIS AAIt» { * WA Y . I T arem, â€" ~ Ratlroas. LEKAYVE BROCKYVILLE. CHANGE OF TIME PERTH BRANCH LEAYE PERTH NO TIC E MAIN LINE. NOTICE. NMOTICE. W. R, WORSLEY, W. R. WORSLEY, VERNON SMITH 11307 Managiny Lnredor, 20 BSCV METe rv._. L. A: Mt. ‘uz':.-" Tetter, Ralt ..,__'w .M:" l"" Bore o. * more foi rnur “"‘ im M e Hrort '}.‘.,.,"'i. Satk Freh Oof e® and the varions Ule P lar and nervons eva. a» & Syphilis or Fenereal g, are cured by it, though 45 en bduing MN. Put long centinued use of the c mph]. ULcobadiong" , [autarvk mart Low of the LAiner, " 2o td d M c mm on en * -’ eeniarelss * tbat it never uit Uhough mee is comppsition. We hare = sands their coman ue iss ons prog oo segere: &E‘fifl h. n * foerations, and monly sbon M& purifying and i 1 tions for cach case ary M 4: u> râ€" Those who h' dent, , ty pnlwfl“ ot Fu s3 m ptomatie of W relief and â€"«onvines power upon trigl «tarer for O:. J. C ¢ ..’.:f"; sout) EY Aur They operniec by their internal M!m into healthy stomach, bowels, Hve Bankerâ€"The Casedi &f“' for Otews N _x- t > T ‘rum?du!l. COMPANY are as low ohnuh:“‘ The Lost of the valus lflch:- ’w-: Kit .. * 4 Fohia y voned T necoma _ the bloot pag J aXK LEDTATE "*" Lusk Bcholarsbip, value $i08 entering. : f Copies information on appticarids to tht ber. vis :â€"Tex MoDosat 1 tions," )Of d‘ THOMBON , ALEXANDER ERNORE‘ J1xsz Reoriys BEDEU® The & October D » here wiil SIXTEEN"BCHOL Scholarebip /Y®®®*" T. OT those 4 will be “‘ College years in Artt # & For nC##, should. be ach and ve pills Colic and W dicfonsly en action or remove dose is For M tation nonts AA Minute taken, &8 the #y d‘u-pmafi_ sh mote An howels an«d jnv t'suum: Oue who 1 of these PAHe® their €l 1 tive ap 1u~a the effect of a ble forms of Pr â€" emâ€"The B# pPACULTY The Classes will 1 1M4% 12 ROVIECIAL B of Canada, Head n. J. 0. aAYEA &4 00. Pmaald LoWELL Wikks TA 4 Ottews, August T, 1B racu.r o ®*" P R & P“’u in AYER 4& c . sxse1gN i® pAacuLM J 18 E8â€" Sherries 0 *1 Mo . ong» * oi inask uns © "'° ‘“:;, Ra.xDIE® 1. ®p Gi8â€"~ Oe Kuzyper"* as d P e hy s P uw. 'f,"gfsxr B+ ;> . @reee «L S ELANY e whakLA®» 30 RIDEAU e s Ligk. A® LLA 8# vyOL. . souds or Gelds sÂ¥ £»â€"* M TRiIKIKG uy>‘ prices. sTUCK, 8A &5 atT T "r'i;.a- Pot vher Alesâ€" Eetape, all g1 § U R to be made to A '['u B wl say kind of troubled w NE & cCO ‘ C A K YoRK DIRECT "ABLLSH Cerried > mt k a£ tb w#il, Ladjes. * bo nf 1# ..:Q i past.: Whiske OLP Or baf other In Otte Ep oTTA s10¢ 4 and Kag a%a Og Tere AN cCO w a

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