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Ottawa Times (1865), 23 Aug 1870, p. 1

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s 1yBM0L0T & 18 4W &A LPr OPf LPY yOL. 'M..cnn. mt ,'l ,fii 'flr ‘ LAd!\ ya4 sxs0 18@ -’. “{iwn v, uns Fust Tages whic® ® l racliy ind mnturary aftets || (Goiner at sterondd » M ".ln. wau 190 #0¢° ~~~ sailre line io .! what 6f sny railway or this oon‘ | | s have beep made wwavrei. £::] advertisements and | PVLMAN‘S : _ SLEEKPING | CARS Â¥% ... 800 am, 1:08° a=w iJ mes, 13# 5 m, 400 p m tone wuast. Ogiteashargh Ottawa, NK â€" RAILWAY COM+ d# .”..‘a w fi170. soONaVRNTURE STATIO» %C, m jJJ U «4 apy aavwaas Wad (ith, the nsw arrange it fh:ee, and traine will leave 16 Tork mreat, corner of Sussex Ab A BTATLOR, Aonge Ewun. itfox. or srEr®D FALL axeness TiAl omm hul in 123 Hot ., mespectively at 4 p o. sccommodation for passen tor Laland Pond SAKENOUS U ... »»»=»» &707-'. T i . 0 p a. £ 60 K #30om. (he ofonto im 1 eeaeprmont VC pemaek tes a i w“"h!._ "p" C thoure bar manrabtind mmmm cel raished The BAR sontains f & ‘ranasir Winssand Ligs ‘to, and avery oE Nt 1AY ofthe seam a will be lound on chetable. The M culap es » best efforts will be dirested to he somâ€" a "Ba-m."fl | e -=u-uummu‘ Mit" Oystern Jume sto. ARKY _ un ab tord U WE Wktke || | e wlccccvepeil ismmc w I'IL Date ~ Ukk _ points west at.... 9 00 1 m _ 10im. :te «+ smee P00 p 4 !uvn «o wB8T; &A D 290 lutermediâ€"~ : AND RAST, Island Pood AKD BAST lot | Broskriite 0 J BRYDAR®, . _ | Managing Virsctor | paitut _ A D A w s yaitt M langhe® Aitibcter 08 OF TRiaix%s®s . 2 B, as #3 t ‘NO. E-'-"r-.--'.'.fi‘:.'. Boston, vim iplain, Burâ€" ho thi# ’ and m" Athe Company‘s prig= .d tins of and ‘arminal way es Ofics, Soastenture skaso® in 13 Proviaces PR AL N & IWeimeiar aad Faiz, m 406 p 44. Lol and 13. Hours. | Juaws §3 Hours| *"*"= Fails, , 400 p m | Motets and 8atvons, w Frixtuce | wgn.i.’i'-.a.-. e > ao ks 6 $ , n desrtccct: YÂ¥ CoOnL+ U. WOLALAAKLD, ‘ y | P Accoubsur, dwte, mnast ona otf dupser‘s Bulides, JVhes $ nmo.ln:.:-u:uop... lutketnntd '{ . & «â€"â€"spemal Auput.o0 sÂ¥et STATIO» | of aissases of t=e KX $ and KAK _ At m.:'l | ut 1#0.0 at his residence, Murray streel. .“.“'I ““‘“YL. U albL LOO®%, Barruaters, via | WK® & t M MAMLLL 4 Asor® : latonded | bum Conveyancers, &o. aoâ€"ll : * Gourt House, Ottawa. |_~â€" Rosuut L®®6 diutd _ Joun J. OQazam 4: 09 1 Mours, L MHours. T lAINS 1 tan| â€"â€" fiwt Iho‘ 3 0# p m 9 00 a m 6 00 a m 4 00 p a 1 30 p m cz| _ HALIFAX, NOÂ¥A |S0OTIA: : | LC _ __ / MA# a m | Establighed 18§1 . E 3 FPermanent and translont boarders accommodaâ€" In also very ‘somplete, aod will be found P® uumw«nmam | best mat«rials and most (askionable styles. whke 1. . ao lgflm | Wfi"‘"“""‘" 143606 To Hida?‘& \.u;.«o. Bafistore Aoud “ Au-.-'r atâ€"Law, sollqmsore in Chancery, | Conveynneers, Notaries Public, a0, A0, for the Pro vinses ol Uutario and Quebes. l ense d wl P THL 1442.‘ »muu HHS#DEKArOX, | MoMIl Uai e %.'.'.’........ --'uc'.“oy Jr. Mai. (J00. m# ts 1308y iLfeet LBLCK WiCn Mol p OF Pwl“'w- ';0"?:_. and K1 'b‘ LAROE As8soRTHYEXT | the Court House and Public OMcss, l raiNe asD @UMx®® oymggl Ow . | (Late of > ::-.loh..‘ B ‘ n&w sampleâ€" ruoum 850y _ | OP PHB NEWEST 3TYL23. | mt s t oo c ol B AFAUmANT, Hearts, Cies, Collare, Shirw, Mloves, . F“-"O.T:Avalu.l.;nr«.-. ‘““' Together with a large: and well assorted . Corner of Metsaile and 'M-‘u stook of » l posite the main outranceto the Gorernment Buld~ |"9"" u. nuy G00D8.â€"@a â€"| | J , :.“w. m::::.:mm::d“ # Pinkey & removed Offoe to lol‘l'fl.o- o-..m.....::-':f Mouse, Kiginâ€"st. Iiuiias Mosenove. _ 14614 _ wweses Taumos & _ ERTHAKAU, Aetary Publias tor the Pro _.Jflce over Durie‘s Book dStore, Spurks sArost, t a w W Ic‘&u W u10 ut . daw Â¥ 0 Cusmo®se |__ w. anustadsa, u--:unh. cossxyr® oOF qQUEEN ax KLGLNâ€"3TS OrTAW 4. ‘%nx oquvENIESOR AND CoMFOAT FOR | TAE TRAVELLLNG eUBLIC. | CouolIcEst LIqUVOoRs, D uo-w- LA BIEHRHE, Barrister, Attorâ€" noyâ€"atâ€" Law, solicitorâ€"in,Chanooery, Convey»â€" "â€" Vartitter and Aborâ€" a .1.:.. c umta.-‘M.? “l I »pposite the Post "‘,?L:'.‘fi,'" 1 As MAMA, Architoos, 0&“ ";. Bailldings, Midenuâ€"st., (tUtawa. \flh apoonros Keerva. R Aageonw,B angh:smen, &o. OMes, .‘m ttawe. V: tor Trust and Loan e And the table spread with RYVERY DELICACY 04# THE SEA8SONX ;r.'.'.‘a.;*..: Pork, Piout, &0., for sale. Nurion: No. 4, dparks threet, asar the Russell Ruveaswnorne.â€"â€"H A sime, .ya.aâ€"' usu- Thes #uller, Eeq, Architeot, A\ Dr A&'.‘.- "om'.u n.‘."“' Aunuging Virector 0. & 8t L. K. K. tam Vrs Robdrt Stewart havring made arrangements :: an accomplished lady teacher, announses it her Duncing Classes will commence on Wednaesday, the Q2nd instant * satton to Mre Robert .:;'u:..\.v:: T-'-‘. Oitawa September Ith, 1869. | 1 4046 ',uuo UUNLNG.â€"The sgubscriber hating dedided to divide his u-Jnu"v between Ottawa and Ogdessburgh, would bog to inform his \is old patrons and others,that he hopes,in future, to attend to their orders for tunaing more promptly than heretofore. uq:'-huou-n-nu-fi- Orders ceceived at Mr, Berminghams Auction Rooms, and at E. Miles® Music Store. i ako. 8. BLENBDICT mue, Ottawa oly, 0. W . Mr. GU8TAYVE rnl.( Cathe m. @raduate of the Conservatory o Lessons on Plano as 1 Singing. Ridess streot, sorner ofK \ngâ€"streoot _ k | DLANA, BPRCOY mnm des; Propared for b fidings of avery desoriftion> *" H EL LMU T H C 0O L LE GE . add Taition per aanum, $126 HBL TH 1ADIKES COLLEGE by U. K. M. Prinss Arthor. Boats 84 §$134 per anoum. vaâ€"aipget) â€"The V ry Rev. L. Helmath, D.D., ‘e eneral Agont sole sgent lar Eesd‘ e ;'\umllhlq «l1o, Dawes‘ Laâ€" Ales and Porter. Pork, Piour, &0., for saie. m. OLIVER MAULTLIX, Dentist GMceâ€" Sparkeâ€"streot, Contial Oitawa. _ utd _ K. GKOLGK UUrCiLSON, Deatist. _ Ollceâ€"Sparkeâ€"straot opposite Mages & add Taitio HABL TH 14 by U Bours .84 $134 #aâ€" @10 â€"ERBe V 9 Dein of uw WU* U se a n.&‘ moo.rm..m-fi «UWIRTLE & Co., Land durvepots, London, 'uu?nw-u Angast 8, 1870. uh @Good stabling and an Attontive Hostior. UILLINGE, Jr., Arshitesot, a â€" Beit‘s B ook, Auppors‘ Bridge. ***"Aumoups sloc | C Ad lu::.‘b:.hâ€"t , ANCLNO AND DRKÂ¥rORTHXZC®‘T. OURI*TIE, USRICAL ACADEXY. TOUEK EDVUIATIONâ€" Â¥Pom witse Bulldings, Kigin strest, _;i_n_f;Fni. »Wianae+â€"llaneul â€"â€" »NHedicaul, Baec t 10 m 64. MEA RA, Puovuiwron. maws Rowano K iwaws, apply to] Major Kvans, * Cellingtonâ€"#. a. Liquors, Tobacee, Laasary aed Paney | 5 3|‘=§§’:‘fi?j‘= 4| ns renmenas P1 L. t ’-"‘°"~"l“‘”"“*’“‘;‘o‘a.";m-o«..{;-fiizfi?;s:&mé oi . hi apRiAr03 *Â¥ sh s;igg;%;::‘fi.i % ‘ articles nscessar 7 : _*ir :....z uk Aneinamn n avn‘toce EHEEH fbrrranct w“'.w‘:.â€"".“m: 1 * *}-'.,% ;grgi.!}zgl ded THQ | apres, vitirie sn w iprme{{CTlF] 1 toit dal | _ opresâ€" and ressted dully on | I ¢ & :':‘-""3’:4r e ecrunge, | i * Tok Outes jround Prsilti? fift‘re | ...;.!:q-:...,_m ---*‘“-"’-Hti-s f;f"?‘.:ir- ) s hk "‘ ,m‘:-ul-"“ «i':‘_ to 3 > )%,’-l.n BE MESR CS m mt en HiPR3] Mizp smS i hel HLl -‘f"'â€"...fw.-.;-a"""'?-'----““""‘-i‘ig’? [z $ l;}fif Pss caleme gpiy tor ib SAE UILIN SCn jereiei mes pmsmim un | if ( EnE sknmm.| fogurs mt M Seth -.?%!E:i*;a-:,z i(Â¥ "outier: | "insvaets ies whieer. HayttrOrH = iss pN [ 5) â€"M"_!l ?W“‘w.':: Sethc tAE flllli k 4 A LRA LEA EE, 1 ae \ P marn| bfooueilt: & L.®® 1 +4 CGuitable for the somiag seqson, comprising I & ",‘.AM t WV + "- CIIIIIII. ...“-. from Qut*zee @reF} * 4 Friday 0. As * Beg most respe ifully to intimaite to their friend# | pyy giseot Packes vis Now York, overy Tuesday and customers that shey have Just reseived and | Lt 5.40 a.m.‘ » have ready ofinspso lon ‘lm-.‘l-u“"bc.- ABLE DESIGNS. i tu® s%aDY.MADE «o r4i80 D*‘ NEWES3ST AND .:d‘y.hc&-.w.u Mageria Winee | C .& C , in wood amd by i ® nolwiXEs, olLD AY%, * Asb ;;i , WHIBKEY . | ! 1gh proof and avor, at exsremely low mesw. | | ; Thorus‘s and Stewart‘ Ssoten Whuker and ; | / Ad4 Tom. 14 Murply‘s rish Pottoon 1 j Mu‘Lflhflv,pu‘p 1i i $ iMHK uwsruc% saÂ¥k)+ FDOM FIRL | * SKLLINGQ af TwWEaKsaTY.FIYE | ‘ PFKL CENT OELON cO8T. _ [ | _ & | terse forsale at VERY LOW PRICKS a large ud well selscted stook, comprising Groseries, '“MW aad Faney Joape, Baaces, spiees Breoms, Brushes, w.fiuâ€"aflb‘fl Aisos * _‘ Hordeauzand ther Vinegatrs I®7 0. Talloring Department under tas supervision of a Orst claas outtor Guite mide to order in best and latest styles @Good M1 snsured or no $a . _ _ _‘ 89 RIDEAU STREET, / OPFAW A #AVING oPEXED uls SEW ESTALâ€" p LISNHNNEXT tb Now is the thime TiIP â€" GoOvERNOR .« GEFNERaL Bey to intimate to their custemers and th pablis seneraily, hat they will usep ccnstanil on hand 8PLICa#®UV Nolbeihas ¢: HK&X"H, UrCOnMEAA To sraisg IMPORLTATIONA, _â€"C MBEARA & co. | Crocertes. EUA AXD YEKRY LABGE AA8ORTXENXT ROLLELD BREEPZ POKR PARTIES BEEF L‘P MUTTON. s LL BR | O gg !” sCOTOH AND GANAD!IAN MANUFACTU LES BY WARD XARKE1 FREIH KILLED THEILR STALLA, AFALL D n4# Wes. 6 and T , SALT â€"ROUND, EP AATUMENY WMLKARA &A 00 1870W. * bo found offih® | RA8@HLIONâ€" OrraWwWaAa. â€" ‘FUESD Y I Nore..â€"A Bupplementary Mail Bag for Caneâ€" ) dian Atqumer will be closecd every Friday a ] UMAd aamm. AU hum-mlohle | pala by Stamps. *e Regiutered ® ‘ ean be sent in this bug. * * Canada Contral Raliway OBer, 'M“fll&m __ 1e3fB1t POWt OFFICH A1Â¥1308 BAWK. _ * pwnmummnum-o.‘. Interent umomdl-u:n-. per annum, and deposits can be rawn &* z::‘lb’dvbn-d lor the of which 3 months" notice will be reâ€" quired. A]T nsP l k Ou Money Order OGece* s tw ::.muun.u N and Prinee Island, cas b* obtnined at this Oliege. Also, Postage Lns Bill Stamps. , Poar Orric®, . Outawa, 1ith Jane, 1878. Cincinnati, St. Louis, New Orleans, and _ all Points in the West and South. N ERN TRANSPORTATION CS o:rg-ua‘- Upper Cabin Steamers. m' ; sure sonnectlons wlth Ruiwsy for as Potats # est aod south. } Parties going west can secure Ticket at this office to any Powt desired, YiA ALL RAlL OR ALL BOAT Huares abways cheaper than by any othes Solicits the patronage of the Lamber Merchan generally on the Ortawsa. From his long experi« sase in the trade ho ofers his servrices in scageagine men and sttending to their rafte while passing | nere to the best of his ablilty. 4 GREAT CRKNXTRAL ROUTE AND saVk M®EKY, TINE ANODISTANCE Cumparitore dlatanew of the several Woestest Routes to Chisâ€"go | Ameriocanâ€"Ocdsensnurg or PresgALi...a _ _ _ a-..uulh--n-‘rlab General Western Rallwasy an4 Tisket “ul'u.-'ou-.q-u.w D. aper‘s, Gussaar tw door from * GREKAT WESTERNX RAILWAY. * [ The Model Read ot.Cineda j ‘Po Sarnias, Detroit, Mileaukee. CHICAGOO, & CEXTKRAL AIBR LILXE RQUTE, Alen Prasec, Kxq. 'ol-h‘:.‘. Joh* * @HAREHOLDERS OF THE CANADA CENTRAL RAILWAY Co.,, (O‘DEKNSBUKG a CHIC Go, W edoorday, To pass BYâ€"LAW 8, and sonsider th« DEED Or AMALAAMATION whe te NORTHUERX 00OLON:XA FLON RAILWAY COMP «®¥. | ~â€" a above trabas evanect at Pressou J4 Ibramd Croak Railw@ar tor «ll polots and weets * + ~aÂ¥a Qpritaâ€"â€"Vork streot, eutust 0 C K A® | §3it: Qumen Hovne raow 8 14. to ! Â¥x. 0. P. BAKEK, AWABA CEYTRAL RaILWAY COK $ PAaNXY. + Arrtval and Departure of Maile, CITYX, QF OTTA Wia, so W im bCim W#u@X. @OENERAL COMMIBSL N AGKNXT, mee otreet, next to the City totel . _ AYMIAWE. JUMMEK ARLAEGENZIXT OrPFICE oF THE COXPANTY, * * + B3 | 8 #y! LA WHBmOR ano orta®ws aale it U w AÂ¥ K L 4. % 4 sU1dkL. w # . w»@ # % it tbis Be sad prosure TICKETS ®#1 | 5P At ORVEX OOLOCK P. 4. A& OKNERLAL MEEZTINGQ hnall.Â¥ Litk Bs W #»® wOniy oa0*®®. 4# mm WIUH be held at the N‘ Tl('to the 14th day of Reptember Kext,) c R W COruiss, Beg. W L WORSLEY E| . | L _ The following list af gouds wi‘l be sold at :gdrnaamchc but the yreater porâ€" | Niom of them in a cery short time, oiz : «0049 E N .,‘ll“ll‘o L"'" Â¥reach Werse, Whitâ€"Zand Orry § *OLULARS and Cautts, & t AUGUST, 23, 1870. ‘v ETE QrilMHanats, W 1# AREXCH Chambray, Also, eutrs good va‘ve in ILK Jachets, WA W LA â€"Biactk , Grenadinc* ”-‘lvd’ instant. The whols dm“h‘“um-l tomers al a very low Agure so as to make room : for the New Spring Goods. Iwould call specially | the attention of enstomersâ€"to my heary stook . : AF THK AXEW LsSTABLISHNENT, ARPANEA4HE HK#, jadge for poarsel{. READY MADE CLOTHING Which will be sold without Reserse at a low price All goods marked in plain Agures. â€" 30 ww£% Pakle II‘O:::.: ADIK»* and Children‘s Hats, 7 € 10WUT Prints, fast colore, A NC W LW Moehair Birips, ABDIK®®! Wohite Cotton He#ts LACK Lace thawls, Â¥W . Done, of 'mw.h::_t_r * , Orgasins, Cl Emah neme w iiges, Foketed pugieg OM A N and Kgy ptian beartieand dows, T.C Ottawa, bolisitor 0° M tae B @ . Trade and m‘-‘. l..m':fi.u. Copyrights c.hun.n::.d-ud tree on application, and all basines? transaoted on ® akors) =wot Air Furmaces, W ater Coolere, Baths, DIES‘ AND CHILDREN‘8 :d.:r&)-&m.--‘* U'D‘“'Cw!nl.\o. W are, t lt« 3 HITE MUSLINXS (Hair Curd, Oheoked, + P ® r-‘.m:-‘-. Nalnsoobe, Book, : F.8H+NG fAcll.%M.:‘ Rods, Lines, ae + | Vile«, Wroke, Froats, Toolis, Panblers, Landing n&-u‘nbll-u. : Nets, Â¥)3 Books, 40 , &0. y lcsnllu-t-l LaCKs _ Qitaws, August 10. 1870 119 iy a8D 8 &Ts, â€"| Kaund we\ LAOBK CURrAINA, ESEHHEDREAE KEA AFML » ARGALIRAR in Eiil DAXAsK, * BL4, NaAPKIN+, Dh toobedy opryons. -ugmn-. &* R L JAMBS & CO., C1Q _Â¥ &¢°.â€" Bisck _ and _ GOrcy | Plumbers, Gas aod Etecam Fitters, Tin Grgund« . â€" _ & and Copper Smiths, Bell . iR AORKERâ€"Elack and Colore/‘ / & â€"â€" li»â€"ugers, &e. ARAOR®Râ€"Elack and Colore/‘, " 14 WIUITE KMiR#EKILLLELS,: M XKZ »OMEK OF THE PHLICKS® ; It will be remembwred the *aboue are : } s Seasonus Importationk qalqnu’ktn.l: ALAT CLEARILNG BALL. UELLING AT COO8T PRICE sUNWRINXOMAMX 4 LIND®AY. CABH PUROHASERsS, Ne â€" 1 4, Aparks streed, UNKKILNGMAM &A LIXD®AY Vre«e; Aateorials, P AH ARW1.®, NEW MUSLIN®, KNEW DREKS8 GOOD8, NEWJBRILLA ® 1 8, NEW FLOWERS, KEW HOSIEEKY, NEW KID GLOYE3, AEW LISLE G1OVER, SEW SILs GLOYEs pparkes Bureet, _ 14, Upposite the Russe!) House. Opposite the Rasrel] Youre, to my heary stook . | . Â¥. RAJOTTE, assort ced 10 centas Â¥} conts 17 cemtes 0 cents _ ikV*â€"*®TIXQ IMPLENMNEXTS Jur Metrgerators are the eglebrated Mckeurt Parext, and have a continudus cireulation of air paswring througt them, Notbing gets musty Eych one is plased on axt ol plano forte castors . A Nee asscortwent of Dog COotlars, Croquet Lawn botierings, Chairs, Hrools and Reats, with a beauwiful varlsty of .Wire Work, expected soon ort+et trom Encgland,. : At the aign. of the AKVIL, Xo. 14 hidens »tre 1, you aan Lod a eomplete assortment of | thâ€" house and outballdings be an y * ';‘.......“‘.,.......c"»m" r"‘!..".‘i."l’?:. £ ;:ou'uhbunw ve uf mw ‘ ! _ FTerm:« of sale, carh, it preferable to purshaser e o o refiband pachodk * _‘ " | ut f $ % ‘ th®: tor, 4 amdminy 1e 8 BaapUsy, * M,&p, w #. K the Post Office. 5‘ l.lâ€",l.yb.xl’ us Real Estate Torms ICE CREAM FREEZERS,â€" ; REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS AND FILTERS, m BATHS of all kiods, JAH® Fon HOF WE£ATHER. 1 UX BED8TEAVS, A @+mplebste asscrtment of ESheif an4d Hewry Meriware, Paints, OuU, Glass, Patty, Coal Oll, ke , 46. . 3 pPa~â€"All work in any of the above branehos â€" exocuted:© in . a prompt and workmanlike maoner. * bveciat Attention giÂ¥em to Roolng shd Stting ap Oautvabised (ron and Tin Gatters, Cbadustors e . Am " ‘ x IMPORTER : OF GENEGAL HOUsSE FURKEâ€" JsA1ING HARDW An K. % JUSC LUEIJSIV®KU,er »‘ride of 0 sn ada*‘ and =wgeda,"‘a rplendid sesortmem of Block Ti Tess and Cofee Pots, selily Moulds, Ware Dist Câ€"vers, Episse Boxes, I.“{u’ Dressing Case* l‘n{o. Enamellies Plo Lishes, Preserving Prns, Daif Wiik : auce, ans, &o., &e. * § uind l Ma. CHA MPNES$ bas always on hand the bost muw-rmuut«-cum : Ouy, and to he lef at regsonable rates. Riicien® | grooms alway ‘h‘i.m < | ~Obawa, 1tih 4..7/1870, _ 14eTd _ paruwe . | efi \ A beantifal reaidenre with Filtwon (18) | Actes bf Laad (â€"r more if nesessary) hitached ; Copstaotiy on MMIO‘ Btoveis, (b st imakers) n,t Airs Furmaces, W ater Coolere, l(:ho. ('.1. ainds) Cotiery, Pliated ana Britannia Metal #10, ( DEALER IY M P SBhelf and Heavy Hardware, HENEY‘8 STO XE BUILLOING, Weltington Street, Upper Town, ‘Oltawe Câ€"oking and Feney tior: wW. CHAMPNESS, Barpisn Ltox Horter, Srarxs Sraret. Miawa, Decoember %0, 1864. } l’llwl-v"w. o2 _ 2 A . J ® ® RLE NE E ‘ & wnmme | â€" The rr-‘l' hkitherts exi«ting jO8N LKG90 aed OAARLES Am.a NONDELET, Oentisis, ander the u..n&lo |::‘ Arm of .I'u‘rblhg‘ A» expired Jrion Ge. ‘vu’lho.nhl on at the #Old Ptand" ‘by : "{o. #4, Ridean street, Oiltaw 24th Jope, +819, esns * Tensers for tha of a block of build. tags for th« Mo«treal Telegrapt Company, on the coruer of Spuks and Metcalle str.ots, in this city, will be recelved by the undersigned -pumdrh:rm,mlllhm C CÂ¥ PilkKe t Plavs &¢, can be gcen on and after Tursday the 204. sig 1 E.4 i: f Bocurity will be required tor the proper execution bf the contract. * OGras: and «Aser Beythoe . Biood r.'n‘. dtsol, al lengtls, Hiâ€"od Cast Mtool, # Hloog German Stect, * » Prige of the Field aliver F‘so‘. Hed Rover Mh: Wt «6 Ilint‘s Colebrated »ojth, : C W hitinge Kuroka Reyth grouni, ready for use. g., K akes, atraight and Lbout : «s Fork» two and three proogs, seraw Forks, three propge. »«;, thes Bnoathes. > % tbrain ""tadles Muley and Graps Vize. taptherâ€"stonee and Grled:tomes of all sorts abd #!2%»0. ( » BLYTH & KBEBRHKR, Ottaws, August 10, 1870 tWxy LAT. CYTUHUEKS!: â€" SCYTHES®!!! ! NTRAL TOoWSs LIYERY‘ STABEES. HOMAS I8AAC€, July 25th, 18 10. The lowest or nhy tender not necessarily 10 Culra aActons, Ottawa, bth Augest, XNo, 25 RIDEAU STREET, Timmts August 10, 1870 1431 2 ___ ; than herself, and a testotaller egu io | Witerkne ‘eddress 654 e a anndomnh & who says he has "a postical eye, an ami}â€" TUREE NEKW STORLES, \ww, ? ;mwr"‘%‘a;?:o‘: wn;u DWELLINGS whfl! Ate '.L‘.'l HE BEST STAXD Tok llored “‘mru and / Of /ds Apply 10 *u' oCK. wapmmmhutbm 3 A‘P._hu. ‘”'m a year," and ”'m...‘.g".‘_‘“?_a l.t Mardiare. Twine, Gilzss, Oil; Poklty, &¢., CHILDHREXN‘8 CRIB®, THO#F, BLRKETT, Ab & <@\ 8 K& Capital Stove Depet, I 34 Bunsex street, < | U MEADuW® & bJ. â€"| K. ARKNOLDLI Architect, 11 Metonife streot, Otly4, R y 1418 On Preomises. -“_ 'u,uuv ndset Abwrer wis vivegrent C PHS / 14361 a i..m.:&uourim-pnblmv and it Revanchne Fugreillante Flandre Gugeuse Gaule is» f .~~~ /+ PROSQIL :\ !}.,fl > KomgWilbelmB dside Arminiusg .. .Turr Kron Irink... .. : * ; Lm'mm * RKRenowk. .. ... * _ And two building AUSTRIA. f: l‘letN'oflo {)fli‘h‘ B .l:l'oido HHapsburg... /. . ** Ames :.‘ .. Tutret .l"’.' g'lmui-,. 4+ â€"â€"~ Kalwer ... . . . *~+ rinz> + y\ > * > APkikes . s |. . *A *4 Kaiser xi .. M Jhntt(..'“ t ‘h: \ \&'}h.;ybdio Lberland» * Yiken ... _ /**‘ RoyalAlfred * Waterwitch . & Penelope . » And 7 building. © FR&NCE: ‘â€" > Magenta . Broa‘side. Valeureuse. Broa‘side Pojarsk: . . . 2‘:,‘orntut RediPonbpllo Ancons . .~. . . .\ RexinalLir Ia 4 SPAIN. â€" » I Vietoria . . ... Bdside Arapiles ... Bdside Numancia ...© " And 3 small vessels. ‘ ; TURKEY..,, . (mp()huyl.roido Fuad . . . ;. Broadside Abdul Assuz .‘. . "â€" IsSmall ..... * QOurkham .. .. * nevessel like Sul Feltah....... *~ tan. 2 unpurchased Ixedin... ...‘ ¢â€"| TMurrots. : y + Growchisi. < UNITED STATES, > Chiefly turret vessels for coast dAefence: Dict «tor Nembsis Minerva Roanoke : Niohe . _ Tempest Achilles â€" Tartar â€" C.stor Altna Ajax *Mero _ Ironclads of the guelw Navies in 4 the orld. Charybdi¢ â€" S«mpson Erebus Tornado Goliath Vesuyius (Jm Circe _ H 4 Fury * Jorson / _ . H«rpy L»â€"h gh ~~ _ Mecate Munivonomoh. Atm.:im:'hhwvehw much of the trou of distressed gen and the necessity of their ~‘self of' it is sa tisfactory to find that som them are helping themscives, and. 0 are being Mp‘ffim‘hflnw f the Matriâ€" monial News and, Esm'd iser, in ‘the number for the 9th instknt, there are no less than eleven and & h«lf columns of advertisements for or wivesâ€"or hak aue bnm‘hdi‘#b w.m' n dill zuc > bnmsssnc Aimimniontie.... T T merély anxious to murry, and not caring very much as to whom they select. They u..unmbonda-nd any person wanting a husband or wife has only to refer to a num ber and open tpongtofi‘f‘.g 572, aged 25, «son of a barrister, desires to marry, provided he can find an le and lovâ€" wx.f(o‘ of oon‘cmul"b_.di- & He has e w on continent, possesse» an income of £300 a »year, and would apâ€" preciate a cheerful, happy home, with a true hearted wite, who would tind a yery t‘:rod-wund hu:bu'::, as v;vol{du b? fiaa sans reproc ou » to eommfi:;u with 506, 55., 1870, f&’ 536, 12, or 530. Editor has addréss."‘ 1844 is a "rising solicitor, aged iwentyâ€"six, dark, goodâ€"looking, long whiskers, «nd who will h.yeconsiderable property at hbis father‘s death ; wishes to correspond, ‘with view to matrimony, with a fair and accom rl'ubo‘d lady, wbho has £400 per annum at least. Carte to be sent in confidence toâ€" editor." 632 is a marvellous man. He describes brmself "a gentleman, educated ; at engineering colleges, and works in the‘ country and on the Continent ; civic and militury ; aged twenty eight;> h.ight, 85 feet 14 mgi ; light brown hair and whiskers; blue eyes,â€" an uthiete ; in:m ber of scientific societies, and holding reâ€" sponsible psofessional appointment¢; en tailing property in his own right after relnm | tives decease ; aftectionate and fond of fomo-zic life ; wi-huw:fiqo;:nh“:lnioo ooking gentlewoman, W cal and connected, of w ehristian principles, ;.ud who.i: m" agreo W'i'lh "Far avsove for April and June ; height about 5 feet 7 or more ; dark oou:g!::.on, and with an | income of not less than £200 a year. She % if desirablé, add part of this to the of engineering works in which he is interested, with interest guarunteed there: on at 74 per ‘ :;l‘l Mudd' that, bei o lonal Autlcs i_Asnandantle af har nroperty. â€" A From the P«» «all Gatette. Marriage Market. .B dside 11 Turretships Turret RUSSLA ITALY Devastation :fi‘nv (9 Fm.q:oynnu- Taureau Belliqueuse ?e:“:fl t "#. * :: Amyd Twenty Hoating Batteties. Custelfidardo . .B‘sile ®. Maurting. . .: : * Mersagiere ... * ear 5d much of the gen! and salf or,"iti-u t som them are d 0 are being sds f the Matriâ€" rial isgr, in *Communché ® Amphitrite Terror, : Acclus Stromboli Four buildin Turret urret | ~At P Cathedral the prayers of "â€"_| the Church aro asked daily for cif sufferâ€" iz | ors in the coming war, and 4: Westâ€" "*___,.| com; has on last two Sundays txraqpch .8 __led the people to show ‘their comn oating | brotherhood pby prayers alike for French | and, German & C § It is report;«l that a propt«al has been Turret l’‘ to P‘rince lapold of Hohenzol rt + ~ | lern by a vguished American s«Lhovwren liné. to give up thyy= bu! We ambition;" and .n [ >_| tieu thereof to come to this country on d side , **bbtion, ring him that it would be Tutret f an infinitely better paying epecifiation thin ”fi' | the Npanish Throne. , wb ialenogi ge ui t i ns |+ ~Notre Dampdesâ€"Victorios is cr'qn'm«ldl j day with sad mothers and sisters praying ‘rfor their sons and brothers gone to the & / war. / d * sip t * is impossible to rfead it without feeling to a certain degree alarmed \at the â€"evident | determination of ‘the advertisers to: be ! married to somebody and at the ible consequences which may eosue if tgn tind ; thems~Ives unable to carry out their wshes . '»Tboro can be no .doubt that the s0oo0oner J.they marry th : better, and there seems to he no good â€"rerison why they, should not | tharry each_gther withouts turther adverâ€" ‘ tisement, 6?- they eannot aford topay â€" the fee of the editor. . s * Count V on Moltke is probably th%;‘n. «t able and the most . «ilent soldier in. the German .arimy, The officers »ay of thi« great -mmt. that © Moltke is s.lent ‘in {n(en Iamgsutdges."""*. * *:>>" [11}!‘ During the recent visit of the. Empress to Cherbourg the usual salvoes of artillery were dispensed with at the request of Her M»jerty. +**I)o not waste your power," re Myjerty, +** Do not wi servait for the enemy The Empkror of Prussia i= afioht 16 $e: view a squadron of yésseis afit‘nnifla’du It was the Céar‘s ‘intention «J!havre spent the autumn in the South 0 his emptre, but the outLbtreak of the war has«letorminâ€" ed Inte to remain at St. Petérsburg and await the resuitâ€"of the conflict. ! It is undurstood thiat the P‘russians have ordered a lirge number of mitrailleurs. The experinients of this gun, which were commenced "by the British Gorernment, and which hire hbeen su«pended during the last year or . two have now been resum | A Paris frlnn just sent aa order to a Berlin 5 tor for a large nuvrn:;;:rof pho tographs, LGerm«n generals, th cheap copies. The answers returned was, ,\& havre no mm# ‘c%:q but will «end you the originals." / The answor final was, "I‘a king. after al., would, we think, be the cheapest, 1 save. you ~Aroule.. Marly enkss" 2 1. ooo on 2| : * i In times of rar dramatit authors have to adapt theirmpieces for The occasion. . A vaudeville entitled Les (Tribolations T‘ru« Â¥iennes duâ€" Pulais Royal\en Voyuge, by M, Marce Lepreyost? is destinpd for an« of the theatres. | The Gymnase is about to° pro duce a work of M.: Decourcelles, entitled Apres la Guerre. snn AMngrs ies The King, on foot, «inod inâ€"front of the Palace, with an immense o drawn up . as if they were troops ‘under arms, forming two sides to the square, the other: sides of which were representel by the.lne of troops and by the front of the Palace. Tue colours were brought out and luox‘;)od im front, the. band pl -yilf the Prussiar national air, yery like, bar for bar, and measure for measure, another air we fond ly called our own, the troops ting orms with three loud hurrahs to l1 of the drums, in which the crowd M&w lifted hats and all the voicgl The ine walked «long the front, and to officers of the regimental staff c, and then the uand istruck y§, and linginto column of march, the rorom accompamed =y its bund, rolled down the avenue of the lime trees towards the rail. way station, on its way to the Army} Corps of the Crown Prince. _ Several corps march e in dmn{:bed.‘yinunumoi'u‘. and the Landwehr of the Guards have c‘«-lv gone on, and will soon be followed :frvu. q':.;:k of the {nfun;g and by thodcav y n succession. Th« ceremony nqivu. the colours by the Guards‘ regments m‘ tains a constant excitement.. To aPruss an it must be a deeply exciting and in\em::f spectacle. The grand monument of Fredâ€" erick the Great towers alolt,â€"with its guardian (general, the heroes «t the Seven Years War, above the lines of helm«ts and and in the clear space, visible toâ€" every eye,. stands the living K,'m‘t,. the ‘embodiment of armed Prussia, in ciurnition‘ of. hér most recent mlitary triumphs, with his legions, con‘jdent stalwart, saluting him in a. yvery <i & -Yir.t from those that hailed ume C of old with *"Morituri te salutant" â€" The University and the Palace and" the lopg line of the public burldings which form the kernel of Berlin enclose the actors in a scene which moves even tits most phlegâ€" matic stranger. y". UÂ¥ IPRICEâ€"3 CENTS MxwoRraXxDC x 1. ;b instructions contauned inâ€" Far. 240, of the " Reguli:tions and orders for the active Militia,"" with theaccompabnying plan of camps, are to be carefully attended to by all corpsâ€"during the training. 2. Until further osnlar-, and on all ocrcaâ€" sions during the annual triining in camp, officers will wear undress uniformm, «nd forâ€" ige caps instead of shakos will be worn by nonâ€"commissioned officers and men. > 3. The drill in camp to be carried on at .ue‘hour- as will ensure the men from the least exposure to the heat of the sun, and nature of the drill to be stmetly in acâ€" ‘?dm'with the A. G.‘s circular letter of st May,.1870. â€" it â€" 4. Until further orders, at the annual eouree of target practice, the number of targets, size of bull‘sâ€"cye:, &c., ‘and the stem of marking will be the same as thet ;Lerved at Wimbledon. . ° â€" . ~ 5. Posivion at 200 yards, standing, at othér ranges any position, b&t witaout an artificial rest. # * North West }J,;pcditiommfora. i1z The forms«tion, to «date f 1st July, 1870, of a depot company for eich of the © iwo battalions of riflemen «serving in the Northâ€" West, is hbercby authorized, with headquarters at KmB;:ufiz?i, Unui'\o * _ ]st (or Oatario) on flemn. ‘l’oboi“puin: c h .* '! 4* | Licutenant and Adjutant Edward Fidlar. ; To be Lifll?hnt; * Edmond J. Burton, Gentieman.. â€" To be Ensign :â€" *4 i Ensign Angus Gilmor Morrison. *s ® General Forster to the UnderBecreâ€" tary of Btate for War. Horse Guarps, July 11th, 1870 :â€"The Fiekd Marchal w;â€"ndms in m‘;’n ived from â€"General u%w.-“dm‘ in Canada reports of the taken to repel the recent Caenisna Raid unon the Dominion. | ain Ww‘wd:dufor War, that His Royal 1 is ms to «xpress his reâ€" pwlanor t orded, him o obâ€" serve the z al and alacrity with which the Militiand â€"Volunt ers came‘ forward on the occasion, and «o efectuslly demosiâ€" strated their loynllzy to th: 16 Bovereagn, n * * have, 5 ‘ (Signed,) W.F. VURS? I The Under secretary olh for War, Theo A Scene in Boriin From the Canada Garette, WAR NOTES of Canada. #+ Â¥2

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