Â¥| 10 11 ) Â¥L 0 & "I EKEA & PERnias :_'r. IC"*..- PROYV.SCLIAL A88$URANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL: â€"ONE MILLION STERLING. , _ fn lilustration of the benefits which have s ecued to rmm,ï¬m of Life Assurazce the following ®x « may be quotd, takeo trom the Bocks of the Canadian ‘t!ald TH K ;ccd’flal PROVINCIAL aA2SSUKANCE COMâ€" ANXY :« Poiuley, 8313, elf seted October, 1861, for £1000 Additicns amounted, in 1867 to £82 10s,. ‘Fotal fuuny »t asmerne, 401. i09 Potus tane Amee® ing to seventy. Ave per cent paid. _ 1YYHBT4D 18 CAKFADK...04««40â€" «0004 «++ @3009 y A DaVIDSON PARKER, apply the name of Worcestershire Sunce" to thsir owninferior compounds, the pablic is hereby informed that the only way to seccre the . anaine, THE OXNLt GOOD â€"8AUCE. a °_ . cavTION adAINST FRaUD. Tae sucsess of this most delicious and unrivalâ€" ed condiment having caused certain dealers to and to see that their names are upon the wrappet Some mm:.-nhi having been supplied with a spe W orsestershire Nane, the wrapper and labels of which the sames :mn?un.snnbo--'n&:‘adrpn notice that they have furniszhed thei Odm donts with powdr of aitorney to take prossedings against manufacturers and ven jors of suen, or any‘ ther imitations by which their right may :bhpt is o4 ___ * LAt" Aak tor LÂ¥A & PERRINS and see Name... m â€" Wrappor, L»J.'.‘..).o‘o a0d RO"OI. * ~ Wholesale and for by the W ore«ster ; Crosse am&'dl. m &o, and by G:ocors :and Ollmen univerâ€" sally. 42v1238 law o ce is hereby given that TENDET Y will be roceived ustil THULSOAY, the FIRST day of SEPTEMBER, at NOON, for the construction o the MAIN LLNE OF RALILW AY of the # North Shore Raiiroad and i. Manrice Navigation and Com:aay." The Line will run between :ï¬omm on the North Shore of the llnv.:m | } After the 10th of the preseat month the profdle of the Reilroad and the specifentions.and terms of contract may be examined at the ofice of the com,any, UNION BUILOING3, Place d‘Armes, in the City of Quebes, between the hours of TWO and FOU & o‘siock in the afternoon» By order of the Directors, % 1407 3m Incorpdrated under LXVII of the W&%{M. i ITTAW A OFFICRâ€"Q P Dacunono‘s Euchange OMce, 19 dparks street. DIRBRCTORS : WORCESTERSHIRK® SAUCE, Deslared by Connolsseurs . | «l2 d, Yhauurmas; D 0 TAOMROS, Trea Pm .ntm A THROMBONX, T U DUKK. DRUMMONXD, Manager. 1104 August 8, 1870, "ORIEH SHOâ€"E;RAILWAY BENEFIT_ OF LLFE ASSURANCE. ROPLE!S TLKLEGQGRAPH COM P ANY QUEBEC AND (NMNONTREAL 8K FOR LEA & PERRISW BAUCZ, JO8. CaVCHON, President of the Board ot Directors. DIRECT <â€" LINE â€"BET W EENâ€" 1009â€"1w ating paigo cuttingteeth ? If»0, go at once and gat a of Mrs. WINSLOW‘S s00TRINQ SYRUP. | It will rellove thâ€" . poor little suferer upon it: there is no mistak about it. | There is not a mother on sarth who ever it, who will not tell you at ouollol3 wilt the bowels, and ive reat to mother, abd reliet and bealth to the child, opers ting like It is pertectly safe to use io all eases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preâ€" seription .odluc!“ud)ulh..byl& nota"® #00 nursesin the United States. Price 2# _ents _ 4 everywhere Be sure to call fos "MRA @INS8LOW‘Ss s0OOTUING SYRUP.* Maving the fuoâ€"sumels ot =Curtie & Perkins® on the wrapper, . All others are base umita P ol h â€" es * Weierecu I Cn-, Hatiles.â€"Dzs. BiÂ¥anax, of Utio# . New Yor : *Ihave ased Dr, A. Trask‘@ Magnetio 1a my practice a aumber of years, and say with pleasure 1 deem it one of the alscoveries of the 10;&0 the oure of of the Langs, Indammation of the Bowelis, [nflammatory Rhoumaiism, and in Callaâ€" bed Fover, it : ites with perfect success, : 18 suses.of =n.oa.h-u Limbe, it aots like Du.J. P, Kunwant ,of Chittonango, hew York, says : * Itiha@stow.l thetest tr.al, and has not been found -uih’.‘ Its astonishing oures of Ianfamâ€" mflm ng: and Croup and the wonderful o in subsiding the umï¬u‘.rhtd Khou â€" matizm, and relievi ¢ Nervous sctions, antitle it to a high raunak .20 list of remedices lor these s«omplaints."* * Dai. A. W. Buupis 1, of K nowleaville, New York says ; # I have used it in soverr | casesof Bpecial Irritation and tor th e woret cuses of Piles, and sundry other complaints, and Ond 1t a saperiore article, and well werthy the notise of all."" _ _ _ druggists and by meâ€"ticine dealors everywhere. -;:;0.}-;:;-“' ';_)‘.i be ':::-:-Tu...ior- Dr. K. Trask see that words *a thasks Ma imBTIC OINTMENT * ars Northrop & bymac, Newesstie, 0. W., General Agrott for the Danecias. "Bold in Ottara by all _* MESYRS. GABRIEL, The oldâ€"established Dentists, 5 Mnlhndlnmfl‘m&w Toothache, no matter how far decayed 1e 84 per box.>â€" Ask (or <Jabriel‘s Calebrated Dental GA‘:_N 1KL*® 0{:;0 laanll'.mnll: lupvlh..u‘u\.n-llon-llp- Ths benuatiful (preparatica restores Frost | Testh and provents decay, buinsient for Btopping sizx Teoth. oï¬ UKLESRATED PREPAR A TLONS : FOR LEANSINY, BEAUTIFYING, _ _â€" AND. PREsERVING THE TEETH Bold by Ohes Manufacturers. “Alllll.'l WHiTEe «UTtTa PERCOHA LK ENAME., tor Btogping Desayed Testh m _ > 0 a< J £F OR THELE TEETH P&aflu AF A DL TANCE AEQUIRING riee, tn) paniet or somptate ‘2406,â€"08 Mutern wua wa) or $048, Gaorlel‘s new &-nd thaie .......'3':"'-....." raee Onk Gnines, when tak a mogael mouth Q\ll.:.m wm‘.“-:lmm Mesers. Gubricl will anadertake to Remodel or lnpd:rn-dâ€" Tosth made by other Dentists, (which do not P"’Ml- at moderate charges. ie ond Falaless Venhsâ€" ery on reoeipt of postage. *,* All letters to be adadreased .to 64 LUDGOATE HILL, LONDON, _ . 1333 1.w6m lawkom LIFE ASsSUIANCHE COMPANY. usTAisLIsu®b 1847, e "Its Rates are lo vrer than thoso of Britisher American Offices. ' Tue fact thas the â€"Junadae has a larger anount of lavestments and of Assurance business in the Dominionos tha= any of the British or Entoing cBenin, mem as, rermns g‘;.,.luhdo..-u a well Canaâ€" 2s Inmtitwclon, +. d Me raph* is satis» fsotry evidence of .on“’bphd- â€..“_m.-. aue lt l LALL by Government for he Dominion. __ #She subscriber will turaish 1CB daily to MMIUH..-.â€Dâ€"P†* All orders left at Mr. G. s Drug M.rm“cd!‘mlq.l.lnl- daia‘s, clll:su.n.nd.t!â€-l' Town, or at the subscribes, will be strict!y attended to. 4 THOMAS STARMER, Oitaws, 10th Augast, 1870. .. 14307 1 w3nd By virtue ot a wril of feri facias issued ont o Her Msjesty‘s COUNTY COURT of the United Counties of Stormont, Dandas and Glengarry, to mwe directed and delivered, againat the lands and tenements, (whersof ROGOER HAWKINS dled, anction, at my ofice, in Baldwin‘s Building, in thie City of Ortaws <sa SATURDAY, the NLNE« t\lll‘l‘l DAY «f HOVENXBELK, A. D., 1870, at 12 o‘slook, neen, all he right, title, interest and Roger Hawkine at the time of bio doath, 8, tn unad to the Lollowing lands, being the Bast s of Lot No. 34, in the second Sbnesmion a# he Township of Nepsean, and Lot 24 in the Afth con» m‘ of the Towuship of Qioncsster, all in the e ols o Lo LE 1 lhing the Capital will And a0commeâ€" 92 t ue o anieig es visiintiy d_munnâ€" Buildings and the seized, and which are assets in the hands t RETER TOMKIN», Executor of the said Roger Mawkins, at the suit of ALEXANDER RO8S and ALBERT PAR3JONS, I hare seized and taken into execution, and vill ofer for sale at public equity of Baturday‘s for Bunday‘s use. 10 ibd dalily for he eason $6.00, Terms payable in Larger quantities supplied on al terms, as il. . DUIOS A8*H, Foe wey SPARKS STREET, oOrtiawa. taw more ean be ascommedated The on!y Canadian Life Company autherised oi l ho on â€" E. â€"<P 7 C Reaiorinhh Bink, Kondics, And at LEIVERPOOL and BRIGORHTONC . CE, 1CEB, 1CEK: HERLPE‘S SALE OF LANDS Ontar1o,County of Carleton, / ut night and broken of your rest by & suffering and erying with the exeruceiâ€" UPEOLAL NOTICEKE 9 R lb ‘ A w RAMSAY " _ _ _ _ Manager. Mothers lâ€"Ars 7you which is niment Cures, Ridean street. «ad by the T-I OTrAW Aa RIVER { NAVIGATION COY‘8 STEA MALL STEAMEX Has commensed her regular trups between OMa#s and Mostreal, with Mails and Passongers, leat:9€ Octaws at T a m, deliy, M A RK ET . ATEANME® byâ€"Â¥AIRY e W\ll commenc4 Major‘s Whart Satardeay loar\s Ap m. Ottawa, April, will be receivall at this office untll Wednesday the Ind day of A GTST next, at ncon, for the erec= ton aad of the Walls, #o, of the Li® = States, is in a position to conduct the duties of his astablishment in a manner that cannot be Ne will hare always on hand the best per tumes imported directly from Paris and Loadon. NK QGENDLEAU solicits a risit io conrince all of the truth of his statements* . Wellington streei, + Opposite the Bank of Montreal. MKL OENDREAU, the proprister of that so popualar Parlour, has the plessure to arnouance to bis namerous friends and the public in general, that to answer to the groat envouragement whica he has received up to the present, he has deterâ€" minedto enlarge and thoroughly furnish anew his establlshment â€" He will «are ao expense to reader Parlonur the most comfortable, and 0 prosu he most experiensed hair dressors, MH @SNDREAU having served considerable tume in seme of the best ud-u-u-m:-u Dressing Saloonsina the Dominion and Unzited " Q U &E B N VlcroRIlA." Sealed Tendars, addressed tothe undersigned, Un pprenmanearstnmecass "*OTIcE Y 1n soliciting pablic phtronage in this branch ‘1....“ intimate, thati 1 tht ts miady ths imbredl at his parrias wed t hw sarafel attentiom. ut cash *n-.n‘ mederate charges, to merit a continuance of that m-'w- liberally bestowed upor and those who have Horees, Carriages, and Ha«â€" uh?od.'-llb well to send them to the Mart as soon as possible. Trasse Bales of Meroshandise, Farm Stook, Rea) Mm'uhdmlt'-.n?&.u "t‘i -mh.‘m meet wi b:mmum-m moderâ€" vanses made -13â€"-. M.":cn-u ...a:'mnqcnyh porchased in malt-bfvdl lighted an. ventiles: d, Ln‘o“.ohnpnhllom.m 80 x 18. | YTour tavours and patronageâ€" are respectin ‘ly _“w 1 Rig s d d coccaietenndicind duly announced. ï¬ovll hold weekly sales of Horses, Caitle, &0, &o, on the Market, due notise of which will be given, The large number of BHorses and Catitle sold him during the past , is suthclent that hius abihty io m'wb;“dm is appreci> Olttawa, March 1870. Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeat, Pork, l‘-I:.‘-u;d-uhb’. ’-un*‘ oTTtAaW A, #% * ?r, it and n:"l.l.l‘ e N:uâ€q f Hdlfltk-c lby“.llluu nm-l,. Cash advanced on goods conmgneds lorim: oâ€" YÂ¥ W FRA ies Ot awa, November 1, 1868. Bpring Furniture Sales atthe Mart will comâ€" ance immediately, and from time to time will be Beveral Houses in the . To beobtained from Canadian Parliame UGENERAL AUCTIONEER. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FORW ARDERA SALES AT PRIVATE RZESIDENXCES, UÂ¥ TOâ€"BDAY. "_ HU. KASTOX 4 004 Mart, Tork street, near the Market. DRESSING PARLOUR, b, 1810 ; Major‘s at 5 a m, and Otifawa at runking her regular trips from ..m‘?--n- Meonday “‘i Care. Kicuorus, { iwo solvent and respondimie % to sarsties for the due M a , ..az. % mBvves l\OO I-BBOIAL BALKE BOQMB. «l gencries,. conTtRAactous. will not be bound to accept EKXDH KAV, Bales will soon commencs, & W SHEPHUERD. 1M 3 ShnLINGRAR, Ab apnes ) yrier F BRAU X, tuE UPIAWA TIMES, AUGUST 28, 1870. L. 4. Ranves at this and Ha«â€" 1413 6 recipe of P; opared by special permission â€:_v 4 E. P.‘Vln_“l',':..:., t d;.mqll?;;; essor i niversity of | . | 'Emm, ITALY. ': 1 lopitymmmwmuduwu';m Popular W . PRICKE $1.00 PER BOTTLKE. f oo P \ A. M. : GIANELL b, French German Fole Manulacturer and stor for “.I. L-nl- ‘ Mose 1 ion of Canada and the United States. I / English and " N.B.â€"â€"These celebrated Biters are curefully . f # f a RBtuffs, und all the M artl= mpm‘-n&ombdqidï¬â€œm-?’. clos y sold by Dru Wine,; and are especially adapted and $000M~ _ Fampily and phys * prescriptions mended to persons of delicate constitutions. Th¢! | wi1) receive the attention their importance deâ€" are gently stimalant, and will be tound infallible | mands. The ption 6 ent will be 1ds to digestion. * .. | ander the supervision of ithe : proprietor, . Lod lar will be paid to the quality Dor directions see label round the -uldoul'“um“ ployed. J tss 0. l ob Lo . s . N 0 111 * Payeioinas naf Sounley merehknts Skppiied _ "aaving Aousehold farniture, borses, carri Or na-nu-a.,..d..u,u..nm:f:'au -nq‘:muu-u..b,u-u ve md.om..l&nlh. from a distance will mest with imâ€" ‘mediate «4g4 earefu) attentior. * | "~ Cash advuanses made on furnitaure or other *‘Phrote sopatantly on in sonstantly on hand for hire. The highest price palid for second hand plancs The subsoriber respectful‘y announces that be m“‘:“frml&l«l‘n&malfl ccou merly koowa as Chamâ€" ufl"hd. ‘:::n.ln.to:u. opportunity -nlu.mlbomlod Ottaw a and vicinity for the 14 q:l:uodo‘. u:"’oll as the mum'm:.h alnce bhis arrival in this eity. MHehbold» BSALES :VIHY DAY, (when | not therwise engaged), o ulnn-own.lt: market. loum with cenddence to all have entrusted hold effeots or real estate to him for ‘sale to certify that be has given full satisfuction as regards th ces obsaincd4, as well as prompt and lnud.h:odutlo-m after . i C O P db > e wsi “_â€"""â€"â€"'-“-u' also in a newspaper published in the UOuNY OF | jue, of Remedies for p..|.,:“.. Union of Counties affested ; such mdwhlmt'l. louu:E.un' parts ‘partod of at leant spuntry for Pirther supplien, end seeh testitying conutinued in each case for a| period "..' it gives R six weeks during the interval of time between the}| " pp Cans '?n""‘""'""'“"."‘" close of the next preseding Bession and lloo::‘v amediate -‘-l.o.fl:.m bar ideration of he Petition. Coples of the Arst m-".’k family lust of siuch notises to be sent to the Private Bil} m._,,,..,;“m* ‘ All eÂ¥itions for Private Bills .flhâ€â€˜-‘ . _ Mewenstle, C. W., _ All «titions for Private Bills must be presebitâ€" ad within the FIR&T THREKE WEEKS of the Teronto Marâ€"b 15, 18178, 1300 ta lawk. A-oo'unl DIVORCES hmy obtained Sntenrtor parioms {rom any State or ‘Country, rom sny Iq.lcntm; deseriion, drunkenness, --' -M suflsient cause; no W Do Business established Afteen years. Addrem: â€" A Teacher well qualiGed to teach English and the elements of Freach in the Catholis Hchool of Wistrlet No. 4. A liberal salary is offered, pays able quarteriy . i.__ Apply to the Gchool Commissioners of Calumet Island, Ca. Pontiae, or _ e P O C ~" m ods + 1318 Im _ Ho.78 Nassan Streot, l'é‘mv NOTICER,.â€"Depositors will hereafter enter by the door on Bparks street.. For the future the business of the Bank in all its Branches will be conducted in the Ofise fronting on Sparks street TYEWOWL IT, HECCORE, » M 6 lA I James O‘Wislly, Eeq, Q C, 6 U.V. Noe!, .l.nnr Quebes Sank, Otawa. Robert Lyon, M P P.; .nwoul, Aunctionser, I1I11y â€" * House, Land and General Agent BHis Lordship the Bishop of Kingston, ::."i.’.':u-.m' x .“?;.“:'u Beot‘y of State, :-".mo.-ps.o"?;no. ** imgmgtmxt , â€"|} «UTY AVCTI0N MKART, Commitss#ton Merchants. He is ready to receire instructions trom persons ving Abeusebold furnitare, borses, carriages, or Pvll-lc NQOTICE Is hereby given, that the Lower Oitews Crown Timber Ageney, formerly under the charge of 0 E BELLE, Eeq., hus been abolished, and that the territory comprising said Ageney is sttached to the Uppor Oitawa Crown Timber Ageney, under the charge of A J RUSSECLL, E Crown‘limber Agent at Oitaws, y whom permits for shipment and clearances for Quebes will be OYAL ITALILAX AITTERAL. bhree minutes N a, an acute painintbe u..loounnrloh rheumaism by the intensemess of its and the suddeness of its Pichd 1# comportd vaillalyst vegeteble rmbriansen, 1# m yot substances, and contains nothing ean injure the buman stem either by outwapd ofinward applications. z!.." and you will nof be disappointed.. For sale #1th June, 1878. Ottawa, June 11, 170. Ottave, Apcil £1, 1008, _ 130 Jn 18 In NFAKRLO BANK. . S#AVINGS DEPARTHMENT. ol : > 8 ncnm‘ 1349 3 _ | Commissioner of Crown AaANTED, Vork streot, neer the Moarket Daramui®r C# ‘e‘:nal.uui ' * Toronto, April 20th, 1810. CHARLES T GILLMOR, Clerk ot the House. J, L. A. Y ALLQUETTE. D. D, KABSTWuOD, 4Â¥ om the originel | 1381 3m N.' DRVOG §$TORL. & t AL%‘::: C!lBlBT_l', Druggist g0d | aceutical Chemist Bparks btrect, Centre Town : The subsoriber begs to infort. his and P he public generally, that he bhes ::1-“‘ //\" busisess in the new building iadjoining the|; />"."/ Ontario Bask, Sparks street, with a perfectly now and complete of 4 = Genaice Drugs, ing Lavaluable to {avalids u'donmd im pair digestion nr-lhu persons min- Mness. Foreale in qunhdo 6 price one doll i. Cn..-'l“m mlm.wt.nn save many & . dom 25 conts ’:‘nwdu .:l""o:fl'u aduilts and children â€"it in 'lo'c::quu.mm n.l“nr-h.h its natare # ‘druggiste goneral ideal. oere in all P."a._“!’"_""!".‘:†l s of 1modern Medical Dis A-u.uo-r&:p;‘w o * i The remarks on testimonials of mos wondertul extraordinary cures in Canade by be Gzazart]sp{ax Reuror. a They ars stern ungeniable Tacts, suficient to ages, accessible in the great % hi fr 3 Sm & t inraalline s e m y â€" +ogen T EmmE mo RoWel V.V mEDCOY S RITEOFE, Of %Q“““ï¬â€œ'fl.'& a0a, Ont, Wflwmc that of John , of Napanee, of Rhoumation, who had astually been on crutehes for years, but nimw:ond&hh. ( andbook, cont anquestonable certifâ€" m-mw&:::..â€"l-d,ulm can be obsained at all drug storas. _ > Price of the Remedy in large pints, $1. . 137y @General ts for 0. old y uo. Mutitmar: Junt Reperies Tf 1A NADIA® PAIS DESTROYER : Where was there ever such a oure as that otf th, French and German , . % I | erfumery , {\< English and ‘Tollet Artigles, | Te" itufls, and all the M artlâ€" | gn clos y sold by Dru g',.:" mily and physicisgs‘ prescriptiens | on th. receive attention their importance de=| ° Th is. The seription departtment will be | emin« ARDKNER*8 I «UININE miy~ WINE â€" BITTHRS, s S8HOSHONEES RKMEDY. 0t Rneamatisom. in re leving ;._ï¬.flug._l_.l::r_a:l_. in «she Medicines and Preparations Patent Medicined It ts the intellect bright and clear. * If taken babitually it imparts vitality and ene All the bodily organos. By| its use & man of 70 will ‘bâ€"come, as lt were, r.gtored to the elasticity of 30 ; and to persons of delicate constitutions it is strongly recommended.. .. 30 Y It |is an upeclt{ Tavourite. with Orientaj a [a * t & 3 . Bâ€"¢ure, then, bealth, longarity and ‘vital by the h'nb:u' ure of the $ ALKABASAR TURKISH TONIC. : Kept in stock" by the princfpal Druggists and Grocers in‘ the Dominion. $ Kor directions for use se labe]s on bottles HENXNRY CHAPMAN . & CO., - EYAXNS, ;MERCER £ CO,, | The whole Pominion gnould buy theirtea« of the * Importers, ll‘lll MOoNTREAL . _ ~ ~ _TE A&COMWP A NCY TARK MONTREAL TEA COMPANY MB bHorpralâ€"2 .. Moutreal. WB f mind economy,and a u&h d zgm of pleasure in g thew . We gell for the ¢mailest possible rofts,e a saving to the consumer of 1 5¢ to krtlb. Qur Teas are putup in6, 12, 15, 20 and 26 1 20d are 'M&tn and free fron poisonous subs ances, OUrders r four 5 ib boxzes, we 111b , prone 20,0r 451b box sent carri ge free to ay Btation in Canada. Tea wili be to ed. onreseipt of the order by g e artraly 47 eapriee man, ahore thore apr offces, Ln sending orders below the amount ol:u.uun expenreil will be better u.ï¬: money with the order, .W here a 25 ib box 6 be uo.ul,(dt(adlhuhbbhg together could mmm.m“m.m-.m boxzes. W esend them to one earriage paid, and mark each box plainly, so that each party get their own Tea. We warrant a the Toea we nl}.u.‘ivo entire sntisfaction. Ifthey are notsa.isfac rythey can be returned at our expense. M.AU'K TEA lmh Breakfast, Broken lnol.umz Tea Me,b0¢e;, Fine Fiavoured New Season do,55¢,60¢ apidly inoer #. W Piftag gonesel sntistactice, aep! ‘Yeaonly 2004 by this Company. "*~*/‘ + y se‘ % ‘:'ucudlod L‘Du oabonum ho and 70e ; very tor common , b0e. M Bowarse of maa mm our name, or offe: ing Foeas in small packagesr Nothing less than a sold. Note the Addressâ€" Montre _ es Company Hospitalâ€"st., Montreal. Agent tor Ottawa . y 9n «1o,500, Fine riavoured Rew Season 40,520, SVC inen ds "Lenieindrmide t man 4 # , 606 ; ne To.d0, The; Japan, Good, §Dc, 55¢, fine do, 604 Very Fine,650, Finest, The. | : GQEEN A. | _ «* Thesmoke causos no nauses. mmm kind, [ have never known an instance in relief was not obtained."â€"Gencral Alezander to Mon. B. SAuart, In Tins, 2s 64, bs and 10s. thprmrg )n pas ie ipimmane mrpaen on ' ub“uï¬' Inkhalation, Boxes, 2s 64, be and 108. i 1 ... 7. AMORY & nooz L* .} ..____‘, 148, New Bondâ€"st., amount{forwarded, we havg only had occasion to retarn one box which, we a wassent to through a mistake. e The Lists for he 23rd Vear will be Closed on $0th CLOSE OF THE LISTS . To share in the division of profits of the past ¢* LOGAKAD 4A § LIFE |ASSURANCE COMPANY â€" "ESTABLISHED .4. |___. _ of this month (April). After which the _ Wil! be procseoded with as quickly as practicable. desirous of shari in these profits 'm'lm'ol w&&.ï¬dlld-m tion at the Head Ofce, or at any of the Agencies in the verious places throughout the Dominion, Agontin Yheme C TNE .?-gruv effects the DIGOESTION and ABS"*MILATION of COD LIVER OIL, the fat enten ut meals, &o. In digestive activity, suâ€" perior to Popsine. , 3 Pancreatine Powder, bottles, 2s, 3s 64, 68 64 and 12s6d. Pancreatine Wine,bottles,3s,5s and10s. IsH, OYSTERS, GAME, FOULTRY and F ~__ EoT. ° The undersigned lege to inform the public hat he has always n:..:c. in mob U wot ,:o:: ....""‘.!.!.‘“..".‘.:'.' ‘:ochy B % «Boka® N1CHOLSON," Our Teas, after the most severe tests by the best sdical authorities and judges of Tea, have been onounceld te be quite pure, and free m and Aaloolouring or poisonous subst ances so ofter to improve the appearance of Tea. They are for m:tl and ‘davour. They have en hosen ior their intrinsio @oith, keeping in OROAKILET AXND TEACRBRER OF MUELIC. _ Residenceâ€"KEigin Street, South of Hlater Street. COlasses for beginpers at Mr Gowan‘s Hall on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4j p‘m. Oitaws, July 16th, 1870, | 1410 t£ Montreal, Jaly 6 DPIYls 1OX OF P ROF L TS PECIAL NOTICE. E. FRIPP, 1KDIGESTIONâ€"â€"P A NCR £ A« | _« _ Montrea!, Bole Agents for the Dominion pA * aad Chronic Bronchitis DATURA TATUL A, ‘ «: A remedy of great power and AYCOCK.»p . F. Cundill & Co., Montreal Wine is the best vrohicle for & 0 RAMSAY, eases of Asthms and No 85 Ridean streot. sume your leas art as out of the large AN :cl.l s 14157 On and from MONDAY, 13th JUNE, trains \ CiT NC Péinfety will run as follows‘: ;‘,'_"J-‘::# 5‘ ml«nh Ottawa to Prescott. hl‘u...,.: _â€"‘, Btations i. 6. E. w.,'.-& ENn atFamnandrn frmmennmientimmmnatconedcince : TAMIK 13 16 ===- Thce. MFEOUHNHANHE 4144 1 s206 cer xy Ns t r e savmannlhine is 2 Y "ih Witkk " 1e oouan, Etations Presso‘t Whart... Prescott Junction Spencerville ...... o“_m' sesssens¢ees . s g:-uullo ;m' MSre 1sâ€"â€".... .1 Wloucester .. Ottaw a w Noreâ€"Trairs are run b lnrd Time. R LUTTRELL, THQ&AB EYNOLDS Superictendert. ~~â€" Managing Directo 6th June, 1870. © © y TIÂ¥MXE TABLE, No. 23, Commencing on MONDAY, XOV.28, 869, LEKEAVE BROCKVILLE,. ze P. M.â€"â€"TRAINS | will leay 4'15 Brockville daily at 4.15 p m, 1.4 .-’ arriving at Sandpoint ‘at 10.0¢ p HB, _ PM« LEAYVEk SANDPOINT. ; s ; » M TR AIN® 11| on 6300:-:‘[;:! hrg y Adigns ;P s pm, arrivicg at Brockville at 12.15 p/m,8.3 4 M.â€"«â€"TRAIN®S will leave l0805 mith‘s Faiis at 10.05 ? m and 4.35 p m, arriving at Po’:h at 10.45 a m and T.2% - LEAYE rERYTH... 9 P., M.*« TRAINS will} lear cD3cB 5D e {5“ 4.# u:“o::‘u' arri at Smith‘s s at 6. m fisk LCA:‘I BSMITH‘s I’ALL&. _â€" All trains on Main Line cochect at Smith‘s Falls writh trabus to and from Perth, No 1 leaves Brockville after O T Traimare due trom the cast and wes.. ~ No 1 is doe in Brockville in time tosonseavith G T TrainsYor the oast and wost. + t. ABBOTT, â€"~ On and after EATURDAY, the 1#h l: cllll.l....c‘lt. this Reilway will be open i passenger goods tratic, as under : Trainsleave Windsor (in consection ‘with the trains of the Nove Eootia Railway from Halifar) at 10.25 a m and C.“&-, arriving at Kentrille st 11 45 a. m., 4nd 8 45 p. m*, and at Annapolis at 130 p m, m.::i;‘;,mu'v.hl steameri Empere or Emp_es for St Jobn, w ’I?u‘uh'â€"cbo ufl:. leave An.,d!;‘ .5 2‘.: passengers steamer . from ro:;'l' there at 8 a -.La arrive at Kentville a 6.10, ?hdmu 6.40, and Halifax at 9 p m. . fwm. BE RECELNED BY THE UNDEKEKâ€" S1GNED, at this Department, until noon on the 260th day of wo}g. 1870, for the foltow= toe Drasnage Wo A. / ~~ , Opening ‘through from Windsor u'mdu completing the comnezion between Hali and 8t. John. . . y In the Township of Dunwich, County of El . Plans and specificarions capf be seen at Wall ceâ€" nm.uz::‘u.u.m these works can be seen at this ment as well as at the places * " BA The lowest or any Tender will not heots= sarily be accepted. 5 § Laverpool or Queonsto®wn...... ....«»..».»â€".«» 100 3 Lâ€o, ‘Popable in ‘Ourrency. LAiverpool or Queenstowu. ................_.....« 35 FPARRAGOE BY TH» > CBADAY OTRAKER V! RALiFiX Bt. sohn‘s, N .F., Wy branch steamer........ /7 Stecrage, Payable in Ourrency . Hal Otthwa, May: 20, 1870 Maraschino, Chbatreuse, Creme de Martl Creme de }¢ke«, Olives, &¢ w g JP MACPHERSON, s * 1 Kigin Street, Miw 66 imomsacerntrim i Missos, and ORUaTen®s lines Ladies, Balmorais q..;l..‘,n...n in Buartosed ted .‘:.M“":'_“._““- y w «on / APD O Auiv-‘ed&hdo‘y: Yin: d‘ordibaire, YVin de 81. George, 1 am nOW SPRING and BUMâ€" MER STOUK wbich wii be found compietecin all &T THE %04?{1“ BOOT 4 8 + *‘¥ORK STREEY. Kentrilie, Doc 8, 1869 .John‘s, N.#., by brunach steamer......... 30 & Tickets sold to and from Engiand, Ireland, and nm&r-u-. at thesCompany PRIEG AND SUMMER IIEKDSOR & ANNAPOLUIS RAILâ€" | W A Â¥ . % . Pirss Vabin, Payable in Goidk. f . UETTOX, 81. ?ou & cos. , C â€v; Es. . P j PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. mrrEET WAanrk@ PERT..‘ BRANCH. MAIN LINE. Madeira, TENDERS _ 18 Broadway, New KB P)4® 4 4) k) ) Cognat Vitux, Eau de vie 8t. George & aBOROE MORPET, VYVEKNON SMITH 11307 Managiny irestor, 7 00 13 16 T 25 1255 T40 /1 is T 85135 8 15 2 os » 12 3 20 8 80 9 2o Â¥ 40 10 08 on i. "C8 .1 and ifvites tye Sn 4t 6 mou o * Pm a 5 Fetier, Salt n\'i‘;;. Bore Eyes, Sore h~' Vistule g of o more cm N. Meart MN~ lar and DCTVOUS #Â¥ieq w"‘""-"l are cured by it, thouge ied '“M“i(hn“.~ But long continueg use ofge ?""““‘-’MW,' Ey ag « etieved Sro re rCuel and * pow‘r »cwou trig. 3 Slegs A j M Be» ® ownd ‘:9..11 anrrentea s and afmarnaies T Lo.# , vcssion, 84 PC _,* gortott sSOLD BY . For _ The rates of the COMPANY anat Ayer‘s DE J. C. AT W EDKIED! here wi.l be sSIXTEEX® of these PiU‘s on nnentt M“-Aqmfl alf trains at A* mote For For 1141 loutld) The Seaaes «BW * mobet . »apuft Of c oreaos so P 4.C, AÂ¥XMq, on §A LE «M =0- #1, 'i?‘-l Ottewa, auges1, W ALL y i muxe®"" . ** h sill “'.fï¬mned 0 f wd to that oLA ' “.l arronge & thefie« in . ".“h,uhrv PALACF g 8 -hwllw td ‘ _ yEW FIR® a1%p TBP3® ® sédition totie Fast ote hetweenti® Â¥4 res on the fag as complte SUMXMER ARK st the Tick = .OJ&-‘ €.4; dn Y D +4 6: t3 p & pm t SOINA s0UTI 1J YVOL., x LX 4 atiens h atter JUN 6 # folis ae : &z TtuE EY Orricsâ€"Y ork m, for 8t Joh aed througb ) PRUKK Pary O# D0 only A Bostu at s to: Quebec, «nd Portiand and aua ts C W le, . 'I‘(g ieave BON May , 1870 yâ€" W edues! en the conti GoLN® for Ogdecns fax , N.3 Now YoOrk ol /. bew toâ€" Mon Shert Tas et Train 1 in regare Cr a1D pzeail o8 au katt hk * * Toront Train liate * GOIN G o K &6 OR KK R a L SER the u noun L.f ste (or ons D