ncorporated under LIXVIH of the ITTAWAOFFICEâ€"G P Darumoso‘s Rxchange s @ee, 19 Sparks streot. _ , _ DIRECTORS ; â€" a JusKPMH, Chairman; D C THOMSON, Treaâ€" urer}; 8 B FOOTB A THOMSON, T H DUKNK. * DRUMMOND, Manager: . 1108 x wor» sHOuE RAILWAY F’&lfl PROYV«SCIAL As8URANCE COMPANY. LNVISTED 1# CAKRADA..ssssseqyssmeens enssee In Wilnstration of the benefits which have asâ€" Mnhnulpfl:ddtuf Life Assurance the Hm-.l may “q&d.ul. trom whe of the Canadian Brasch of THE SCUTIIsH PROVINCILAL AaSSURANCE COMâ€" PANY : % Poticy, 5313, effected October, 1861, for . £1000. Additions amounted in 1807 to £83 10s.. Total mu-â€"-::.chzxm‘l.uuuw uuvq; per cent, of premiums paid. ‘*rh. u.opltyâ€".:lullh become a statm durins anrrent vear 1870, the Bonus Addiâ€" oi P C Le c a.‘.'::h.m‘y‘o.-’r'lgwhom Addiâ€" tions amount to mcn.â€˜ï¬ mmmd":-dm pala at the d of last Division in 1887, Tuis is sccounted for by the INTEKMEDIATE sONUS allowed by the " 3CO PTISH PROVILNCLAL." f Policy 4236. Honus Adgitions, £61 17s. 64., giviag up the Policy, all f.'.'.': In reply, attention REGULATION As TO SURBR&ENâ€" DER OF POLICIES. YWor surrender of Polisics for the term of life, effected at unitorm premiums, and which havre been three years inforce, a return of 40 per cent. on the amount of ordinary premiums received, will, at any time, be al.owed, besiaes the value of vested Sonuses, where such have been declar, ed. An objection, often urged against Life Asâ€" surance, th at there is no certainty of value being obrained, in the event of surrander, is thus comâ€" tho.-'?-clrh.r‘“- These must be evident to all. It m be asked whether, in the O'fl‘l“‘-'x wivine un the Poltey, all such benefts would be Thus :. Should Policy above referred to (No. §313) bMu‘tlfl)'.‘"‘-"â€" .‘a'mb,.ddhm * Loans graxted when surrender walue is of not less amount than One Hunidtred Dotlars, R | * OTTawW A, HANKNXETT P, HILL, Solicitor &e, 1407 3m Agent. THE ONL* GOOD 8AUO0E. %( CaUTION AGgAINST FRAUD. The success of this most delicious and unrivalâ€" ed condiment having caused certain dealers to TY snutmiarice Semprunds: the prblne is heveig w.uum-nuna';:u enuine, rï¬wa‘ Inbels of which the «ames Losn & Pertins huve been forgea, L and P give notice that they have furnished their corresponâ€" deats with power of attorney to take instant prossedings against manafacturers and vyen jors of sacn, or *ther imitations by which their lwmhbm | T pi Land Comcany." The Line will run betwéch Quedec and Montreal on the North Shore of the River St. Lawrence. P ® After the 10th of the present month the prodle of the Reilroad and the specifications and termis of contract may be examined at the ofite of the company, UNTION BUILOING3, Place d‘Armes, in the City of Quebes, between the hours of TWO and FOU R o‘slock in the afterncon. . By order of the Directors, f and to that names ars tae Some 3 the markets having been sappited with a sperious ‘Woreestershire‘ Sance, ~0 es is bereby given that TENDELY will be roceived until THUMSUDAY, the FIR8T dayâ€"of SEPTEMBER, at NOON, for the construction o the MAIN LINE OF RALLW AY of the = North Shore Railroad and St. Maurice Navigationâ€" and Pum’o rm’.uuu"p 00M P aA NY CAPITAL:â€"ONE MILLION STERLING. WORCESTERSHIRK SAUCE, | : _ Declared by Connolssours QUEBEC AND: MONTREA BENEFIT OÂ¥ LIFE ASSURANCE. In reply, BK FOR LEA & PERRIX®W 8SAUCE, Canada ;-uo.a:â€"m * _A DaAVIDSON PARKEX, J08. CAVOHON, President of the Board otf Directors. 1870, 11l9â€"2w DIRKECT â€" LINE atteniion is alrected to the rollow. «â€"BETWEENâ€" _ _ >, rakeg bolng | Erice ts rred to (Ne. | (f *R sum of over | propertia on surrender :." )ne Munidred â€" -?. . Bee Gal Price 51. Mothers I ‘ motnors Motheors lâ€"Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick oniid suffering and crying with the exeruolâ€" ating pain o outiing tooth T Ifso, go at once and get a boitle of Mrs. WINSLOW‘83 s00TRHING SYRUP. It wil}religve th poor little sufferer immediatelyâ€"depend|upon it : there is no mistak about it. There is not a mother on earth who ha ever used !}, who will not tell you at onse that it will regulate the bowels, and ‘ive rest to the mother, and reliet anu health to the ohild, opors ting like magio. It is pertoctly safe to use in all eases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the proâ€" seription of one of tha oldest and best famaile phyâ€" solan and nurses in the United States. Price%} ( illl’zl'l.l.’l mw:xrl @UTTAa PERCG Renders the tooth sound and useful, and Toothache, no matter how far “m 1 “nb:&__mfnunbflpl‘l MESSRS. GABRIEL, The oldâ€"established Dentists, ' clous fragrance to the breath ; gives the Tecth a ‘mlo.‘m \nd p:n.a the enamel. 8, 04. | c GA:xtol'l'l.’l CELEBRATED PREPAR A NOR LEANSING, BEAUTIFYING, AND PREsSRVING TAE TEETE GAI.':‘I."I IOY'A.I:’ TOOTA N."D“l: rom m as used »thllll.’l ODoONTALGIQUE ELIXIR w:d.h u:'..“h;‘- ou-lu. pr cloansing aw the breath ; is is invaluabie to smokers, ; FOXKR THE TEETH Silie ~r l e s EPy En mes (eet n( PsP 9n ‘lugchn-h nameâ€"None Genuine withent it. T. ARTIFICIAL TEEITH may have them aupplied, in partial or complete sets, on Musars. Gabrlel‘s new system, sending of Mnn‘.'h.n‘-inzudhm the apparatus tor hlhgno-oul of the mouth wil! be forwarded, with all necessary instrustions, wil! be forwarded, with all necessary instrustions, Messrs. Gabriel will andertake to Kemodel or Puflu AF A DLâ€"TANCE REQUIRING ARTIFICIAL TEEIH may have them nmepair Armjfcial Tooth made by other Dentists, [.-:l‘ do not prove m’u. at moderate M'“ GQGabriel‘s Pamplist on Artificial Toesth ond Faialess Ventustery on receipt of postage. . *,* All letters to be addreased to 64 LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, 1333 f2.u6m bawkom â€" the Capital will And superior ascommoâ€" m‘g“hd.yormumh-g N Bâ€"â€"This housse is situated in the immediate . PThe ber will turaish ICE daily to those requiring it for the season,. Double supply Baturday‘s for Sunday‘s use. 10 lbe daily for he eason $6,.00, Terms payable in advance. Larger quantities supplied on liberal terms as ’.An,ctdln left at Mr. G. Mortimer‘s Drag Store, Bussex streot, Mr. Alex. Christie‘s Drug daie‘s, dw“l)m or at the subscribers, be strioily attended to. : â€" C THOMAS STARMER, Ottaws, 10th Augast, 1870. . 1437 1 w3k4 The only Cansadian Life Company authorised by Government for the Dominion. ° Its Rates are lower than those of Britishor American Ofices. » Tue faor that the Canada has a larger a nount of lnvestments and of Assurance business in the Dominion tha= any of the British or American Companies, suficiently attests the preference of lhpuhdcn::.l:tovdlm:do‘b dias Institetion, rapla io satiae lutJy evidence of mmm-c.Ibphd- 'u.“m_A_-A A“j -_._l_l w uw 19 CA!ADA ‘ LIFE ASSURANCH COMPANY. cession of the Township of Gloucester, all in the O-nvdo'ulnu M' F POWELL By virtue ot a writ of ferifacias issued: out o Her Majesty‘s COUNTY COURT of the United o-uummcuqam. to me directed and delivered, against the lands and tenements, (whereof ROGER HAWKINS died, seized, and which are assets in the hands otf PETER TOMKIN», Executor of the said Roger MHawkins, at the suit of ALEXANDER RO88 and ALBERT PARSONS, L have seised and taken into exccution, and will ofer for sale at public auction, at my ofice, in Baldwin‘s Bullding, in the City of Oitawa on SATURDAY, the NLNE#= TEENTH DaY ef NOVEMUBER, A. D., 1870, at 12 o‘slook, all the right, title, interest and equity of :-pu. which were of the said Roger Hawkins at the time of his death, of, in and to the following lands, being the East al of Lot No. 24, in the second concession of h# ‘Township of Nepkan, and Lt 34 in the fifth CoRS mn .DUVLGONXAN*S, ce( oo BPARKS STREET, OTTAW A. A t -on' â€"ou be ascommeodated m:-tn.m «nd rooms,. â€"Gentlemen 0B, 1CE, 64 Ludgate Hill, London, And at LIVERPOOL and BRIGBTON, HERLFF*S SALEOF LANDS Ont arso.County of Garteton, } 8PECIAL NOTICES. of the Parliament Buildings and the P«rRr AT} MESS®® °CABRIEL. f Dentists. \ LUYDCATE WILL. LONDON, . Buthsient for Stopping sizx Teoth. 18. 1841, Archt in Ortawa oxLy s8Â¥y. # Tie, regpueormvA RIVER | NAVIGATION COYX‘s STEHAMERS. £:*0" Cart. Bown, â€" ‘ Has dommenced her reguiar trips “‘"T and with Mails and P leaving Nm-ow’c * \ KARKET 5T8 aMERR mwrFAIRXY m | | Will commence running her regul Major‘s Wharf to Ottaws ever _ Saturdsy leating Major‘s at 5 a m, "‘ | * ol due sw Ottawas, April, 25, 1870 Sealed Tenders, addressed to the undersigned, will be received at this ofice W eanesday the 3rd day of AUGTST next, at for the eres= tion and completion of the Walls, &o, of the Li*= rary of the Parliament Buaildings, Ottawa. . Plans and specifcations ean seen, at this office, on and after the 23rd where printed forms of tender and other lon can also persons, willing to besome for the gue tuiflment of the contract must be ed to cach “o The Department will not be ad to accept the lowest or any tender. s ’,0*. 6 prosu . he most experienced h: MBR uENDREAU having \serve time in some of the best and moct Dressing dgaloons in the Domin{ States, is in a position to con: of his establishment in a manner He will have always on hand tumes imported directly from Pari MB QGENDREAU solicits a visit 4 of the truth of, his statements® No: 104. | 7 The tollowing h-nnoo.-pu{ hu receivec r.lh:.o to transactthe business of Life Insuranor No. 33. The UNION MUTUAL LLFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY , of Maine. | Deposit in U. 8. 6« of ‘81â€"$50,000. B. L. CORW LNX, General Bt; John, N.B ":'&'n: "s aron,"*** A-&t. MBR GENDREAU, mm of that so popular Parlour, has the to arnounise to bis numerous friends and the public in general, th at to answor to the groat encouragement whicn he has received up to the pres he has deterâ€" mined to enlarge and thoroughly furpish anew the above Thousand, m lwd{ Thouâ€" sand %;fl; U. &m‘nï¬. of ‘81 The Hon. ohn M. Gray, M.P., has beer appointed Counsel to the tor the Domin lon. Alllegal matters will be to him. { B. R. CORWIN, w of Public Works, Ottaws, loth, July 1870. OFFIOE AND SALE #00OMSâ€"â€"City very~liberal patronage bestowed on, and conf denes ,....J_ in him, since his advent as Anctioneer of this oty, and to assure them rhat constani desire and endeavour :Ll be, to merit sontinuznce of the support and patronage ""Me son (eter : with "pleasnre to the /n testimoniais ‘he has received a: roobtgc<A :nw..‘“ in his hands h;-ahp-u. that m.nun.d-h:‘“" : * Goods rent in for Saile, or may be porchased in hl‘.llw&. | The. Room is well an. ventilarsd, and about the largest in the city, being 80 x 28. Your tavours and patronage are respectfully Beveral Houses in the on hands for sale. J‘lillllnul. Ottawa, March 1879. G 4 T B TK D I E C;QUBEN VIC’_'O}R‘I‘:. HAIR +~DRESSINGâ€" PARLOUR, Ot awa, November 1, 1868. ___ mart, York street, near the Market, The subscriber in issuing this his bpring Cireu epanmmnnermengs in as fis imany sonvignors at & distance, fof the , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FORWARDERS Diréctory for 1810,. * Â¥o beobtained from: e kecond hand Purbiture will be received a rar duridg{the day up to T o‘slock p.m. â€" A heanmunkt GENERAL AUCTIONEER â€" HU. KASTONX & CO., TO COKTRACTOR®, MALL STEAMER Opposite the Bank of Montreal. Carr. Nicuous, Agenciues. Fmanon Darar Ottawa., 1 3th om.' 1868. He will save ENDREAU, R W 8 PE & 00® and DNMES & HOLLAKND FBRAUX, and United ot the dutics that cannot be ao expense to le, and the : best per s and London 1 considerable in addition t« for the due THE _ UIAIAY Austionser. 1M gay and Ottawa at 1413 6 Kept by all th Bole Manufact ton of Canada prepared M the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially| adapted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitutions. They are gently stimulant, and will be found infallible Bulls are: heroby notified| that they are required by the 5ist and ML'h. Rules of the Legisiative Assembly,(which jare published ivn the «Ontario Gazette"), to give NOTICER of the application (clearly and distinetly specifying its nature and object) «in the * Ontario Gaszette," and also in a newspaper published in the Vounty . or Union ot Counties affested ; such notice shall be continued in each case for a period of at least six weeks during the interval of time between the close of the nexst preceding Session n\::oon- «A4deration of he Petition. Copies of the rst and last of such notises to be sent to the Private Bill COMMERCIAL SALKE ROOMS, York street, near the Market, â€" ‘ N-%tflaly announces that he has moved ‘Bussex to York street, and is now cccupying the promises formerly known as Chamâ€" * _A Teacher well qualified to teach English and the elements of French in the Catholic School of VistrictNo. 4, A|liberal salary is offered, pays able q uarterly . f CR Apply to the Sohoo! Commissioners of Calumet Island, Co. Pontine, or © uï¬"u-l1" Rooms,. Hetakes this opportuni mm peopte ot om'om'wlnhylz the : age extended, as well as the m'w‘h him since his arrival in this city. Hehold» SALES EVERY DAY, (when not otherwise mds.muhurundnm market. He with conf dence to all who have uï¬'m'lunhld effeots or rea) estate to him for sale) to certify that he has grvon full He is ready to receive instructions from persons e 'u-.:r" ceal estate to of, and pledges that wthing will be lsft andone by him u&nutu- ‘nction in discharge ‘mâ€â€˜tl:l.. to him. Consignments from a distance moet with im~ mediate and careful attentioc. Cask advances made on furniture or other prm.nuhhudo. . Planos constantly on hand for hire. _ _ PIIVA'II BILLS. satisfaction k obtained, well as p-;: m". I-uhu‘.. Mmâ€:a: Toronto Marâ€"h 15, 1870, 1309 td lawk. All stitions for Private Bills must be presentâ€" od within the FIR&ST THREE WEEKS\ of the A..ol-l!‘l'l ‘DIVORCES legaily obtained im New York, Indiana, Illinois and other States, for persons from any State or Country, legal ever} whero; desertion, drunkenness, nonâ€" support, eto., suficient cause; no x-bllolq {â€n.o charge until divoree obtained. , Advice s Business established Afteen years. Address _: ~ NOTICER,â€"Depositors will hereafter enter by the door on Bparks street. For the futute the business of the Bank in all its Branches will be conducted in the Offise fronting on Sparks street in """"i'lioUn.Amn.g‘ rney. 1318 3m _ No.78 NassauStreot, New York City _ Is hereby given, that (the Lower Ottawa Crown Timber Ageney, formerly under the charge of C E BELLE, Beq., hus been abolished, and that the territory comprising said Agency is attached to the Uppor Ottawa Crown Timber Ageney, under the charge of A J RUSSELL, Es Crown‘limber Agent at Ottawa, y whom permits for shipment and clearances for Quebes will be elther by outward oripward applications. 11 not be ale 57&‘â€:“-1 W Â¥or s Are you affiicted with toothache, immediate alet from _ Frasers‘s Magnotio Â¥lnid THE GREAT PALN OURER. Resdache cured in hree minutes l-nlg: an acute painintbe ace, is clum,tlmbl. theuma‘rism by the intenseness of its pain and the suddeness of its #:.w\om‘ within two minutes. This 14 composed entirelyof regotable substances, and contains nothing which can injare the haman .l:. e ses label round the neck of each None are ine unless bearing thesignature of * e P | t 1033tf | | _ A. K. F GIANELLLIL. wounuro worrc® His Lordship the Bishop of Kingston, Hon ï¬'g‘s:-:'mn.o'n, wA Beot‘y of St * * 0 .“' ln.Aht.Ol-phl},Pl 0a, * R. W. Boott, Esq, M P P Walter Shanly, Heq, M P s lu.'.um. , M P ; Franois H. b&.lr \ ; James O‘Rially, &eq, Q C, H.V. Noel, Esq, Manager Quebes Sank, Ottaws. Robert Lyon, Esq, M P P. His Lordship the Bishop of Kingston, NITY AUCTION MART, 21th June, 1876. Ottawa, June 11, 16 70. 1382 3m PRICE OYAL ITALIAX BMTTERS. 8 %. ATARIO BANK.> $ BAVINGS DEPARTMENT. EKADER. aANTED, ; 8 RICHARDS, , â€"â€"_ Commissioner of Crown Lands. Deramrurenr ce Crown Laxis, . Toronto, April 20tb,1870. _ A. M. F,. GIANELL1I, E and Proprietor for the Dominâ€" and the United Statos. P. VERRI, M. D. _ Chemiatry in the Universil PADUA, ITALY. o Â¥ ) principal Druggiste and Grocers in $1.00 PER BOTTLE price paid for second hand planos CHARLES T GILLMOR, Clerk of the House. J. MH. A. VALLQUETTE, gi: rpacess make application ario for Private ~â€"<â€" â€" + Copese 2i Hl “‘":"“ A® 3P 1343 Im 18 3m IMMU‘W!W%.. om the original stroet. ) N _â€"_ Sparks btroet, Centre Town. The subscriber begs to Inform his triends and he public generally, that he ‘has commensed business in tha new ‘building adjoining the Ontario Bank, Sparks streot, with a perfectly now and complete stook of | Y : * _ English Chemseaks, guropean and American : | | § The Popular Proprietary German . mh‘m“d, h354 * Pmé, English Brushes and Tollet Articles, Dyo Stuffs, Seeds, and all the Miscelianeout under the personal supervision of the w e and particular .untlop: will be paid to the quality ot all materials employed, | Physicians and country merchants sapplied. The subscriber has ample facilities for ‘attendâ€" $5, cles usually sold by Druggists. | Family medicines and physicians‘ prescriptions will receive the attention their importance deâ€" â€"â€" W froin experience in this matter, harin sested it thoroughiy, and" therefure those who at. suffering from any of the comp «ints for which it is .M‘ï¬u-“ may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" 5 hing efffcacy of th Pain ‘m«. %Mm, for.mmu reâ€" torturi ‘.“hotlnual‘-'.ulil'l lflhh. pains re ‘!‘:rvou A,loodon.q‘itloutoounrflh she list of Remedies for thesecomplaints, Dealets are ie ammaminanasisihey s to the universal as&?&l&m . The Cane dian Pain Destroyer never fails to give mmediate rolief. ‘All Medicine Dealers hml wononuml.t and no family out '‘ te lfll‘l_ï¬i & LYMAHX, & ing to the wants of his custcu¢ ¢ followed flï¬l“f‘:z intrary all are ;':'yu its : and spesh i n the terms of its andmagical e€fects. W e speak experience in this matter C o o c .. ALEXANDER CHRistiR. Htawa, Febraary 17, 1570 1285.8 y Invaluable to invalids u'.rdo 10 ‘"d im pair digestion ; an l‘ persons m’n-,wluuloh quart bottle ; price one dollir, 1 e m“ hight. 1 uu'-':' ou many a n sents {uum.:m“mmmum â€"â€"it is pleasant to the taste and harmless in 1ts pature lcrnlob{..dnw.umw ers in all part: of the Dominion. Gardener‘s First Prim Baking Powder, anâ€" rivalled for pority and excellence. For sale by mmmlouilnlu T cents ; 5 on pa«kon.unuo', pound 25 conte ; six mu h.nwv the bes task sor G KNER‘8 and take no other. * GARVENEKs EPLLEPTIO CURZ. 457 Notre Dame street, M Among the 1mportan! of modern Medical Dis ~ _ ‘General ts for 0. W : Bold by‘ Goo. Murtimer, J mh. luny.†K. Â¥. MoGarthy, rlh-n. !M.J Brown. in â€" awe nit â€" * Grninpntaiiiaicain riniatth canin nsc . accessible in the groat es N Wilson Storms, of “ onhcoll’obrovglu. of Ont, Consumption, or that of Ambrose W of Conseâ€" son, Ont, of fl. and Liver or that of Napanee, of who had actually been on crutehes for but has now recovered the use of his limbs. Handbook, containi certif. cates on the groat Bl.:fu-u Remedy/and Pilis can be obsained at all drug stores. m«mnâ€"m-umm,,ï¬. _ 13y mmizin red nnrnstataary daree in Ganige o ® cures he Grzar Inp1ax Reuror. 2 -Avw.vw- Provinee of Ontario, M.&.&J I‘h‘s is to certify that during the winter of 1 Ivum'm.wuknnuflh.m.m Mlu!o&fllnh“ lprhï¬d ‘lz‘l&w: knees, on up to my became :’MMI mldgot 'm.ï¬mwu my chair.> For abouttwo years, while this weakt ness was coming on me, and afterwards, I sough medical advice, nmu different times three doctors, and of different kinds prescribed by triends, but of no avail. I continuâ€" ed to get worse and worse, until the summer of ~_â€"_ MARY ARF DU0G8TY «. orn to -nuluu.o-.q.(w huquFlobnul.lm. P “%Nï¬u&.m she is a woman and truth. 1. have ‘-.5. before, and since her iliness. I believe her certificate to be true in every "T% 1 know that whileill her case was f less ; and I know that sho has, sines her 6 always attributed her recovery to the Shoshonees , AUGUST 24, 1870. actecmiiedetttsetin ty vesunammmsmsegrreeinencccccnceieieiencemecaimeaianamtes Heaqical, © _ | bottle ; siz ‘bottles for $5. Priee 6L pit :ehnnn. Chem % C "" fores Of}lm. mm NANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER:! Iflâ€lOl!ll I..IDY. ~STOP AND SE ve it will cure you. SHOSHONEES RKMEDY. es of this medicing" ca2° 4s "*,; Poouliar es af this medicine, one thing/ls certain, URANBERLAI® & Si111s, Conwsy P O Bole Proprietor and Manufasturer. Medicines and Preparations acted almost like the: V S s £) £ BB BBE Newenstle, 0. W., Patent Modicines sefulness.â€" / o sn raar it ithat ';“""": t ‘m effcaey in cases of Asthma Chronic Bronchitis. â€"Dublin Journal Medical Sciâ€" ence. ** The smoke causes no nauseg. 'hflh:ï¬ kind, I have never known an instance in relief was not obtained."â€"General Alemander to Mon. B. Muart, l In Tins, 2s 64, 5s and 10s. o‘ au:.“ r‘ Mof Ligeree, t l “hsllluht Inhalation, Boxes, 2s 64, be and 105. * uiA.V.O'IY & IOOI& | â€" Amnmesâ€"Messrs. F. Cundil! & Co.. Montreal The whole Dominion snould buy theirteas of the & Importers, w.mrm most severe tests by the best ' authorities and judges of Toa, have been Modufllï¬&poh“' s aubst ances so ofter uodul:rno the appearance of fea. rbo{:n unequalled for ï¬a'& and Asvour. They have been chosen lor intrinsico worth, keeping in TRE MONTREAL TEA COMPAN)} pronounced to be quite pure, and free in drinking themw . We sell for the smallest possible rofts,effecting a saving to the consumerof 1 boe to ‘0 rib. Our Teas are putup in 5, 12, 15, 20 and ulruu..ndmcurnn.:, rnnltno!m poisonous subsiances. Orders for four 5 1b boxes, weo 14 1b bozes, or one 20, or 261b box sent carri free Lo any Aatina) Station it Canada, . Toa wit) in drinkine tham . J::: ::‘ahn‘---.ll-:ttl 6 offices. flmï¬-{mbdwths-uu :‘l‘.uun expenseit will be better to send monty with the ordor. Where a 25 ib boxz would be too.ul.fmu-mudlbbhg together could send for four 6 lb bozes, ortwo 121b boxes. W esend them to one address carriage paid, and mark each box plainly, se that each party gettheir own Tea. We warrant & the Toa weo sell to.give entire satisfaction. Ifthey are notsa.isfae rythey can be returned at our expense. A BLAC'K TEA. reakfast, Broken lo.l.!u-th Ilml'hommm New GCeason do,550,60¢ and “o&!w“:-ll‘dlflomdlo,flo; Bounc Oclong, h Flavered do, u.m.7 Fine do, do, T50 ; Japan, Good, 500, 55¢, e do, 606 Very Fine, 650, Finest, Th0, _ _ â€"__‘_ °> m spitalâ€"streoet, Montreal ; Wenotioe forwadged for you to cu:t‘,uudmnc-h-, on, and we are ‘l“':o m;mu;i:::.: w:mu. we nno:l.’.:“.‘o:.du ta was sent q" : * G.Mls}'.. Yeas :;:,“"mht:.hlm .':-’.'u p# B l""‘! + eommen purposes, name, or ofering our l'o:o“h smail 'u“hk.‘; ldlhsl:ullu.ulhull. ®$63.0 s Note the Addressâ€" The Montre u°-.|1 Agent tor Ottawa â€" Nesc ie free to Lall#ay Station in Canada. Tea wil} hm:‘.‘l-duulyundpconh“nb) --umn‘m.umm&o:um od on delivery by express man, wheore there are p t nontamas _TE A â€"COM P A NY «_ 0| ~@ABEEN TEA. Twankay,b0e, 550, 650; Toung Hyson £06,606 10e ll- 76, Very Fine, 85e ebe thet Bet on "op oo on Sec} Papertine in The Faripus plaser totveghout the Doisien: " hmhhmgMdnï¬ï¬‚ ... > uin . PAWNADA:+ > | LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY * _ of this month (April). After which the * W be procssoded with as quickly as :&.fls Pvrsons desirons of shaling To hree profa 'f' R E H. Fon IADIGMOTIONâ€"â€"P 4 N C LE Aâ€" W effects the DIGESTION freits prapiis be. "In Sigutivemmaiely, i Te # suâ€" perior to Pepseine. Pancrestine Powder, bottles, 2s, 38 64, 6s 64 and 12s6d. Pancreatine Wine,bottles,3s,61 and 10s. taking Cod Liver Oill. QRGAKLET AXD TEAORER o# MuUsIC. : Residenceâ€"Eigin Street, South of Slater Street. COlncsss for beginners at Mr Gowen‘s Hall on Mondeys, Woeduesdays and Fridays at 4j p m. Curtewn, July 10th, 1970, s 1410 tf The undersigned hegs to inform the o omm > aBokes MICROLEOR, * The Lists for he 23rd Fear will be Closed on 80th itsu, oretEers, |oal®, POULTRY and 3 e doe, $1. _ T o s h s s ‘::“1 April, T mu.rum mpany . 6 M.:â€"ot.l.uuul; enotioe Montreal, July 6. DIYIs I1ONKX OF P BOFITSB: PEOIAL NOTICE. EK. FRIPP, iF“ AsTHMA. ‘ mad Chronic Bronchitis DATURA TATUL A, â€"* Affords Immediate â€"Relief. AYOOCK, :A_rgo_lyd great power and Wine is the best vehicle for No#85 Ridean stroot. & G RAMSAY, LEAXN, . l{.awh ‘strost. 14157 On and from MONDAX, 13th JU will run as follows : aun® (Formerly the Ottawa and Prescott Rallway) r MB commmms d 'l HE ST, L&WBRENCE asp OTTAW a RALLWAY, & 4.15?. NM.=«â€"TRAINS will leay S0LD EY © Brockville dailly at 4.16 p m, 14 am, arriving at,.Bandpoint at 10.6¢ p m, w mnemmmngfeesniie pm, arriving at Brockville at 112.15p m,8.30 6:00:, Lo A 12 Ad A s is 5 N_3 b.I’ m and 904 im arriving at Bmith‘s Falls at €.25 p m ard 9.46 . * LEAVE SUMITHS8 ’ALIA. + 5:38 RVUVAUFOP Emith‘s Falls at 10.06 a ’3: 4,3b p m, arriving at Porth at 1046 a w and p®. * All trains on Main Line connect at Smith‘s Fallk tlï¬gTu to and from Perth, No 1 loaves Brocokville after G T Trainsamt due ttom the cast and wos.. 4 No 1 is dae in Brockville in time to connsetwith® @ T Trains for the oast and west. H, ABBOTT, and Bi. John. On and after BATURDAYT, the 10h Nkâ€" UEMBER, 1969, this Railway will be open for wu‘qflflulo,un«n Trainsleare Windsor (1n counection with the trains of the Nove Sootia Railway from Halifax) at 10.25 a m and 6.80 p m, arriving at Keawille un“..-..ndl&p..-..uum st 150 p m, o-nda there with stenmers mu for Bt John, N B. with “b. . ‘-ln- N‘Jz y 7 steamer Lmu’m-.nduflnumu 6.20, Windsor at 6.40, and l'.m -;’o‘-. F EXKNON SMITR. Kentville, Dec 8, 1869. 11307 In the Township of Dunwich, County of El . Plans and specificasions can be seen at Wall 0e Plans and specifications for these works can be seen at this Department as well as at the places PM "The lowest or any Tender will not hecese sarily be accepted. INMAN LINE OF KAL STRAMXERS, AALILINQ@ FROM NEW YORK EYVREYT SATURDAYT ANKD ALTEENATR TUESDAYs. RATES OP FPASRAGE EY THE 81 !TROAY OTRAXER: [ . _ Pirst Oabin, Payable in Golth. _ _ _ Laverpool or Queenstown....................»..0100 & WQOIO-’-';..:.._.........:... 35 @ PASRAGE EY TER TUESDAY OTRANER VI HALWPAX * _ RNiret Onbin, Payable in Gold. __ _ _ WV S1GNED, at ths Department, until noon on the 20th day of AUGUST, 1870, tor the foltow= ing Dratnage Wo In the Townsh o Ruasse , County of Russell Opening through Windsor to Asnapoin mwc{:-u-mmm Department of Public Works, Ontarie, $ ‘l'u-:.lumcno. Plans and specificati ons can, o seen at Dunsan« Otthwa, May 20, 1870. â€" \ Kaude v'lo_lt.fl.:z m‘?g*zuw,“m- de . 7P macrazrson, & Eigin Street, WIIDOOI & ANNAPOLIS WA Y . Arrived this day : YVin d‘ordinaire, 10:085 â€"~PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. DE.J.0. 4 TENDERS | Pirk > wnaaeccauitiecamman y in e aroroneo 37 T Viie hÂ¥ uh‘’m-\m- sessesces Mb 0# PRING AND SUMMER STOCK OR LIVERA Pous a QUBR NETOW â€"_ . LEAVE SANDPOINT. UETTION, 8T. GBRORGEK & COH. PUKE _X WINXES. Vin de 8t. George, there at 8.a m, and arrive at Kentrille a PERTH BRANCH. P. M.â€"â€"PRAILNS will leave Porth at £.35 p m and 906 an A, M.â€"=â€"TRAINS will lLeave SBandpoint at 6.00 a m and 13 LEAYE PERTH. Aatlroabs., NO TICE. A.M.â€"â€"TRAINS will loawe eHOROR XURPET, MWanaginyg Lnreotor, #100 0t on application to ¢ mflï¬& Pr WO â€"y. *~mm* on ant mae are Mhhï¬ Other Ma! <olm hore wi.l be ~â€"~ sowsitL HiK.V. Ottawa, Augest®, B _ & T #7 OF