W las# thér W T7 maney of their destroyed properâ€" W iApryes g large farms of unincumâ€" *"R The committeo, however, are Privrang. their charitable work too w\ . pu â€"* mposed upon by ‘persons of l £ no fear need be entertsihed relief donations going into a f eup.â€"J. R. Booth‘s sawâ€"mill re has. been stypped since ‘ p afternoon, and.Messres. Perley p and Mr, Baldwin‘s since Thurs all waiting for saw logs which Des Chenes, and which they at the Chaudiere this eveâ€" w 4 10008 ‘*ou.m(hniaqh Artill its debut on Major‘s Hill last ie ‘wotpcnum were '“M .qnittfod itself in a iat household furniture and plated um Glzss and Crockery. A small if the best standard works, as well volumes, plans and designs on tkal Engineering. â€" Persons in want iwill do well to attend. . Montrenl Mazseen â€"Fridayâ€"Thore was a urket this morningâ€"theâ€"largest sween during the last couple of ‘Hay was plentiful and sold for %224 per ton. Butter was searce ul 25.cenite per tub, and 25 and 30 -# Eggs, 16 cerite per dozen. s sold from 50 to 63 cents per Apples of rather (pooryquality, l.h‘d. There was not much hat was, sold forâ€" 25 cents per H"_â€"fl went off ifully at the Theatze last evening as and notwithstending the attraction wro, there wasâ€" a good audiencse. fecuadit the Music Hall last night ame Mary Ann. Summers, a resâ€" looking young woman, who was E for the same kind of crimo. this hrauten ts es ask for reliof, while Â¥Surs.â€"Mr. Bermingbam adverâ€" all by suction, on Tuesday next } & 11 o‘clock, a.m. at the resiâ€" Mrs. Rossiter, Maria street, boâ€" |bl is for this evening, “mojo and see the u-mmrmr. t‘uv Glencde ; R. Bartin, ; F. W. Myers, do ; Wm. hl-i'no‘;xn.wm Monâ€" Thurston, Toronto ; M. L. Chrisâ€" %L H. Donaxlson. Michizan : gCAL was. the chief witness| PMA ‘‘l% 4 and considered the phice to | | W®***** As* JMML He was cross examined MACEL .‘::‘b.-bonund t f surrounded b :‘;flflm‘ mu-c;'.\"'"-‘ uy o0 t Dower of the law as the ...,.l.:..'.':.’,'" w.‘ Re W‘“luu u..: C not being sufficiently c k ganway is now “‘Pw F,_ Bridge to which the cars o werett" _ | >| oNnLÂ¥y PLACE 'I‘\‘Bl‘\' JOU } MEDAL (!l.l.:’ CEXT® FOR T3CTS, 18 A" T. uCNTG® £ oo s t * ecat fte0e 0n .pplicmion, * her first offence, she was mulcted msetadie amusement in Court, lanner<in which Joseph exhibitâ€" 4 and rolling up his shirt sleoves uld not allow Roy to come to kise is wife, that he was ablo ‘ Frenchman, and he would welt Wer came there againâ€"dismissâ€" ."ucll ’mw‘ 3 are no® cle _...__Fmpar, Aug. 2Xth. ease this morning was that of a 4. named Robert (ioodwinâ€" disorderly, â€"fined $2 and costs. pnmccacmemend auom \meeational Cburch on Suuw Reuse Commuttar.â€"This Comâ€" it out relief to about 20 families The relief consisted: in clothâ€" ons, building material, &c., of st quantity was given out. The in kept pretty busy during the t of the day in attending to the destitute farmers of whom a er can always be seen with their at of the Committese. Room. maÂ¥s in thair ent, a boarding house keeper streét, appeared next on the iking Damase Roy, Thisicase that several cases of attemptâ€" on the Relief Committee dn vfeadinagats ns answer to a charge of having premises: on Thursday mornâ€" Urpese of shoeing cart wheols, ‘*_h.mlym @wmeu to the the b«= ad, Montreal ; James Ro C. Sheebry, Detroit ; W. â€"~On Wednesday lasingcery. hwby-?-e;' ns lumber from one of tb m is it deserved to be. The p.ll carried out: in ever pmight be expected from the i talent that was employed. good sudience and no doubt s«am has been realize i. Police Court. sudiere." He was knocked by the hinding pole. which a blacksmith, residing M‘,“, \h@ smoke re, and the night‘s and { rks stréet, between, streets. L NEW N. &noflul'“ is Oitaws, Augurt 28, 1810, Porsons desiring a good and genuine apâ€" tioleo will have to Mlh?“"t‘n“n Manutacturing Co " are‘ on the ticker of each pair of & Cornwall, 17th August, 1870. . 1445â€"t1N. W holesale in Ottawa, v Orrawa CITY PAWENGER RALILWAY 1â€"0s As 4â€"taot, ,titurtrated by »nagravings and wood cuts. An Exateosion Diniog Tabl« B W dideb ard, Diwuer and Boeakf.st Serrive, to white and gold,‘Curlery, Plared Ware, Chias, inss and Crockery, Ha | and Stair Osrpâ€"ting, Bâ€"droom Carpets. Bedsteads, Bursaus, Dres aing Glassos and ‘Three Feather Bâ€"de (geoese b-th-a Paurlor, Kitchâ€"n and Hail: Stoves, weli : the necessar; kitchen asd Hall as well as all the n=cussary kitchen furni, Ottaws, Augoat 25, 1870 1446 3 * ol "OUMPANY. n Will be held at the oftse ot the Company in the Village ot P B At the hour of tweive o‘slook noon, tor the eleotien of Direstors and other businers. Ofice of the 0 C P R R C., hi A . New Ediaburgh, August 28, 1870 _ 1144# The doctor stated thereâ€" was a shed in the ?nl, and that a?n:ic.um}'bel the city is surrounded by it was *o tire to run any risk, that he contended there was BOX PLANX now open at Orme & Son‘s Music piials Sievin io Pn Oloote th ons e CC d mily tatia as repionl ter bnctutth atitls Mitneisiicibednithithoodiitwatitcat c tuts tb lc ons t ces inctzath lt xt t 4| wa TUESUAY, the 80th instant, at 11 o*clock s, m., all her Honse bhoid efâ€"ets, consisting of vâ€"ry neat pastor furniture, handso me Carpet», large and veautital Eograrings, excâ€"llently tramed, Fmâ€"ach Lithographs«, several rolames of stt W. I-uh.onn-om Byren, Bauras, Mre. Iâ€".A::“..b autifully bound, as well as various of l‘.q‘;c and Machin 1â€"t‘a As 4â€"tanot, , tituntrated eâ€"agrarings and NCODL «eesenessveces cnqeresecvesspssseesâ€"sssssM T Olinton o.'.‘u. Irish Jig Johnate Ward & Miss Nelson To conclude with a roaring farce,. L The subscriber is instructed© by MRS8, ROSSISTER to sâ€"!1 at ber r«.idence, Maria Suwe»t, between OUonnor and Bank Btreets, nautical drama, in three acts of Subscriptions all grages Bor_ma k.::.‘ Mowlay, August 29, tho first appearanhce ot UR _ OLIYER DOWD BYRONX inâ€" the Nale unseserved and at 11 o‘cliock sbharp. J B&RMINXGARAM, t sPE Auctioneer, Production of Dougias Jerotd‘s celebrated The Annual Goneral Meeting of the grOCKHOLDERS wA 1¢wm, AUCcIo®. By James Bermingham, Auctionser. UOTION AALK TUEADAY. SEPTENBER wh, 1878, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, RObSING THE CONTINENXT MAGEER & RUSSELL CORNWALL +BLANKETS. BLACK EYED SUSAKN ; Or all in the Downs. 1 dramas of NEW EDINBURGH *udon Porter, pts and gts. Extra Attraction. GREAT BILL. jn‘uMl shall not to deoos contracted in my same hout my written order. ROBEELT 8URTEEs, Bpecifisations can be seen at this ofice, or at the oï¬ 1« of the Canal Superiatendent, Corawail, on and »fter Tussday, the Ard instant, where printed forms of tender, and other Information, »a also be obssine4, * * ;\ The names of two solrect and responsible perâ€" se0â€", willing to become sursties for the fulblment o‘ the centract, wust be attaohed to such ten. Nm‘fl coneRacrons. * " genied Tenders, addresâ€"ed to the undersign ad, (to be endersed, * Tender for work on the Corawall Canal") will be received at this office until the ereaing ot FRILDAY, the O9th of Septemâ€" ber next, lor Repairs to the Waarres at the Upper and Lower entrance of the Corawall Canal, and at the Towa of Corawall. l,uu FOR §ALEK. 1, B. TACKABKERRY, havriog received structiogs from I:A‘I?F:Jog'ld‘.l‘u‘:.u sell the Soath | iÂ¥ O# » third con Front, ‘v 140 eomuine hridgan Frout) Olovemstaro eontaining‘ 140 wioucester station, 8t, Lawrence & Ottawa Rail. way . ‘ Hald lot will be sold by pablic suction as th UNION 4 ~UsB ouvo’. :1- o‘clook s:.. c; FRLDAY, 23rd SEP BM BER, 1570, iEnotsoud by private sale beforethat dey, _ _ cï¬ s This department does not, howerver, bind itse‘t bo ascept the lowest or any tender," _ Terms and conditions made known on day at ® ..::1: partionl ars .:;ly to L. l..;A:&l “ “,.‘;'. BEARY, Otsawa, Aunstlionser, Commiqmion Ewe boys to carty n Roal HBetate Agout» 4 1483 Blrd able to read and write,; Apj Ottaws, August 2%, 1870 aores wore or lose, (sald lot is well timberesd and watered) witch +0 acres of clearance It m simarsed withis "-l_“!_‘ the city, and one wile from Department of Pubhe Works, Oitaws, 26th August. 1870 . MA 4 Lhe Corporation of the County of Carieton are ‘munnnoh‘toodou to: the ersstion of a “ 183TRY uFFICH and Walls to enclose Gao! ard. % The Plans, Specification: and conditions of sontract can be seen, and Farms of Tender ob= talned at the ofice of the Counatyâ€"Clerk, Willi +m vowan, E»4, Nicholns Rtreat, Ottaws, on and n.n‘l’l)l!lnt.lhouldud&m(l x%, Neated Tenders in accordance the torm Snfore Is oclock »eun. on Thareday,the Tice day 1 roon. on , the l4th of beptember nex: addressed to the -M-dc.l. and endoreed =" Tender for Regiuutry «Mhss, &2 " The work may be letcither as a whoio or diâ€" vl;:hom“hu. «it alge=tures of two solvent rescoenaible persons willing to Becoma sursties for tmo due performunce of the contract. must be attached to -r.oo.‘"m. b..dtl-ln themselres to > se« sent lhe 1owast or any tender. _« IRA LRARGAN. WÂ¥ arden, County of Carieton, pttaws, August 16ch, 1870 v»_ 14M 6 Wl leave 8STEAMER ©"ANN SI8S8ON,". WUI leare Apimer daliy (Bundays excepted) a 'l\o BUILOERRI a%0OCO®TRA.CTORS. A MUCH LARGER sTOCK THAN HERE. _ Cotton Goods bought late, and fully ten per cent ckeaper thas those opened up now. We have received ex 83 8. " 8t Patrick,‘ and other shtpments; the following, which we are determined to sell at war prices : WA Inapection invited, & Wey"Whole:ais entrance be.«@00 02. We Office and Mesars. Lewis & Pinhey‘®, E)gin a‘rect. j | ' Figured Repps, Dress Tweeds and Clan Tartans, 4 Black Glace and Gros Crain Silke, Italian Cloths, Loom Huck Towels, ;.\-fl Black Lustres, . | _ | 25 Black and Uoloured Cobourgs, 187. Gurtand, Nutcamer # Cs ; fBHE TEA | BM Memmad Laxun Mandkerchisfs onuly 3i4 afar the * c Ufhst OF SEPTEMBER, W leare Pembroke Dailly at 3 p. m. Drab and BDrown Wincies. â€"â€"«»«facturers prices #@R JOHNX YOUNXG" CA TOFORE PURCHASED © Mavelook daily. at T a m. tor Returning â€" wiil leare Chapesnu at 1 » f R 8 CA83ELA. HOLESALE TRADE, m CHANGE OF TIXE. No, 30, Bparks street, 4 J ASON / GARLAXD, MUTCHMOR £ CO. Lohï¬ 3 NADIAN GOODS8 W HOLEKS A LE. sY CPFHRI®G Prints, Regatta Shirtings, Rough Brown Hollands, under every advantage. Marl Dress Goods, P BRAUX, i to Increase their HMOR & CO. ‘_1870. 144 46 THRB OTTAWA ‘IMEs Ottawa, Augus I im nt | P j tunity of ““Gy‘n‘ MA . ot cttinc ts ct ce fiicdh cirrcatecet atect Ssn tds s :“-'J"-w VL MB thwr::to all vnobl'u:: -??lLanl?. u“:nzlxz‘du:‘rflï¬"rfh !M" for many years past, and hopes | St Lawrence Dock Co, Quebec, . _ ~==~~ . by attention and clyility to e a continuance of their fhyore. _ ., | Termsâ€"Oke third cash, and the balance in two P ; e e o | equal annual instalments, with interest at seven « 4 | "' }\ + t s P e.fl. s Buy at the " TEA PO?,’f Rideau Street, what Groceries you Require.] | P.n. above Limits are in one bloock, andcomprise Ohests and Halif Chests Jap« All thase Teas are roor selected with the greatest c 'rl.m....u... #* --oouJ-o-. a 4 4 s e# a .;ooJ.-.io we e 44 ks s ® 1n» BANKS, in DEROSIT MOU“INT AWSUN'I‘S....... ' In Hâ€"ncs of AG + principaily PREMIUMS RECEIPTS, vis "5O% hn 1OX ‘...“"‘"‘5.% BAEMIDA k. b “ D 0 1 | B # 'gtl?‘l'&‘d at M .“Llwh; . the Days of T&C®@ " a 4 e wa W# a a 4 4 a en 4 44 B# db # 4 uon e # e dn a d# a + e 4 BUMS DUE the ON, being ‘ chiedy | PREMTU M REâ€" OEIPTS, das at Ed and Bramch Offices, the Days of REAL SECURI [‘IE$ and ur:.......... Firaria vaae i ns f s ®xinak BAILWAY DEBENTUREs, TURE STOCK, #:.......... BRITISH COLONIAL GOYVERNMENT BONDS}................. LOANS on the A AXATIQN‘B POLICLKS, being under their value abhd policles with o mRi iceret qrr]a rare ranaralt s +1 2 LOANS on SECUBITY of CONSOLS, PUBLIC RATES under Acts of Noteâ€"The: ®t by the Association at the date ot Balance, but, hot applied for were £1480 1% 1 . } At this BONUSES have been allocated to the participating Policyâ€" holders in Class A. to b« led as usual in abatement of the premiums payab‘s during the year ending 5th April, 1870., These abatemments are at the samerates as formerly for Policies that bave pre partigipated, and amount to 25 per cent. of the Lifs premiums for Plicies which pate for the first time,| 1t is matter of satisfaction to the Direc« tors that they are thus to continue to declare the same large Bonus to the A Pulicy»â€" holders as they “t‘" years past. An allocation of Bonus to the B. Policyâ€" bolders will be after the next balance., | [ Thur'muu cn'flm'I‘N.........f'....\.u.--n....w PREKMIU UMS payable for ABSURANCES...;. ......c.l..0a.... BEYENUE fom PRE 41U and IJNTE»E®T, alter deduction of the Abatâ€"ment ) allooated in Cl â€"s4 A. for this year TOTAL AMOUNT of CLAIMS on DECEASED LIYES cince the ’5’.“"‘ n.-.--[-oooo s# % e# ® "...".F.‘....:...r':J...... 1’3.‘50 11 There were 44 DEATBHS n-‘qd the Annuities, cancelling Life Anâ€" “l“ml"‘ a # @ # .;r..........l.....O..?.'.Q...Câ€n.‘n lu‘ l T H 11.: A N N U aA L MEETIN G * Of the A8SOCIATION wasbeld within the Hâ€"ad Offices, Kiinburgh, on FRIDAY 29th JULY, 1870, Sir ARCHILBALD uozl. B«ronvt in the Cbair. > . The NEW ASSURANCES transacted by the Association during the last year, ending 5th April, have been more as well as larger than osual, while, at the same time, the Assurances deaths and surrenders, &c, bave not been excessive. Conâ€" siderable aud propor v bave beed made to the Funds and the Anonal [nâ€" come. The lov bave been ghosen, as formeriy, only (from the best class of securiâ€" ties, and the whole are _-L&'_m'flz_go-_ï¬m zfl-flw'v.wmov- Bs Sn td : o. 5" FULL and DETAILED STATEMENTS of the truoedtu and position of t tution were submittâ€"d, tig=ther with the aUDITOR‘8 REPORT. The following are t M | * w ote J : NEW T NS AND MORTALITY DURENG TRHE YEAR. The KNEW LIF®E ASsURANCES proposed were.. ... (..... 1784 for £882,071 Those dâ€"clined or not with were...... ...... .....‘BA47 "_â€" 180 874 :/ And those transscted i aenk x+ | +646 "it ts * Argles : s : «4205 DROY * PORLYq :: The ANSUAL PREMIUM ow these NEW ASSURANGEs are. â€" 2101 1 New LIFK ANNXULTI purchased to.the amouut of per annam 1,395 1% The MORTALTY the Assured Lives during the year was HAND PC Grace "" 0;0.0.000000000.. Â¥# #14 # 6 aon e # l4 d e e 4# 6 a 6 UMS DUE â€"the IATION, being chiedy PREMIUM RE\â€" OEIPTS, das at and Bramch Offices, the Days of O::“ h‘-.'o&onb-'ooatooco-.ao o'ocal-;‘.oggonnon Sl‘.- ve, WLOOI d.) URKENT INXTE , &0., up to the date oqmm....z...i... Ifyou desire a Cup of re & WÂ¥ at the " TEA PO‘F," Rideau Street, what Groceries you Require.; IX 1 #4, 18780. a ve been us Fo 8SULFr J r;lm{llJ 1,000 B&io The q And y Then And all JOHN HILL ean saupply you with C and Teas, And ou -nP tm’wnm auch ples as these, _ | In 1 he offers« is ohul&mlcill is o n And y acknowledge w nevm} you try, The quality‘s good and the prices are low, _ _ °. ) RITISH NORTH A M EB R1C A. MONTREAL, 99 ST. JAMES STREET. [¢« |r | £1,351,386 15 0 { ‘by‘o Association at the date ot Buhneo,ftm. b'::appllod for were Pac Regpars ie uns nedvats a soe ) * n B -!4!._m l-af(! .fl--.l"..‘."'!".‘ _& 3'“-7 PI “‘u‘ mm.-gw.nwhom:gu be a great | | | «THE TRA POT,* Rrogao Srezeer. illy Good Coffee, try some of ‘ on yy shot) | "Coam Apanipiniegs oc | P | Btropg en vongou, mmended vltlafldn&floou: onstomers, as they have been PURE MOUNTAIN BERRY, AT THE CLOSE OF/THE YEAR. OMcrâ€"R. Palmer Howard ; )â€"P, Wordlaw, | _ $y M D. 0O T T 4# W A. , ‘Me ON HAND CONSIST OF m.v:l.â€"flmy,qu , MÂ¥. D. AGENTSâ€"MESSRS, J. T. & W. PENNOCK. | MONTREALâ€"SESSION 1780â€"41., FACULTY OF ARTS â€" The classes will reâ€" Qr on WEDNESDA Y, SEPT. 14 FA TY OF MEDICINEâ€"The classes umr TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4th. FACULTY OF LAWâ€"â€"The elass s will reâ€" lopen on TVE*~DY, OCTOBELK «h. f Calendar of t‘.e University, containing all information, may be obtained on Eu. to the undersigned. | '#' BAYEKES, B A., ~ BER: It is desirable that the pupils assemâ€" bie on that d-t. as the regular term will m: the day after, Any delay wiil be at loss ; parents and guardians are, thereâ€" :-.unpï¬l'yw to send in the pile on the day above named. ‘Ottawas, August 15, 1870 1436tf Youc LADLES® / LITERARY . INSTITQTE | ‘. w«â€"O@Pacâ€" | Notre Dame du Saere Cour, Under the Direstion of the Grey Sunrs, corâ€" ner of Rideau and Ottawa Streocts. ; ol The reâ€"opening of the classes of this Instiâ€" totion will take placse on the ist SEPTEMâ€" ULTY OF MEDICINEâ€"The clasi 11 reâ€"open gn TUEsSDAY, OCTOBER 41 ULTY OF LAWâ€"The eclase s will : open on TVUE~DY, OCTOBELK «h. Lâ€w-uw of ¥‘ze University, containi: information, ;:y be obtained loation, Eu. to the undersigned. ‘! ':: umm f | Eocrotary bolhp espectuses may be obtained at Mesers. Durie -lmu‘n on application to Â¥ PAL, or g | LEY. H. POLLARD, ie school year will commence, Sept. 1st, 870. e@ILL UNIVERSITY, 1, 0. B. An Eifficient Staff of Teachers. eÂ¥d July 25th, 1870. & ADG. 27, 1870 «~+. 1784 for £882,071. 0 0 Stg. is«.rar u) > 1890814 0 B |. i. clWUr ® POHIRT 00 ~|| ANCEKs are. 21,391 12 6 [ vper annom 1395 12 4 s and position of the Instiâ€" CcoTLAND. â€"47425,181 14 2 ... 231.386 1t 5 1,231,419 16 11 445,096 " 8 1,367.386 15 0 Boorstary, Ottawa. 254 683 13 ‘T 562 206 296,365 43,947 237,194 49,168 30,907 10 10 13,073 14 11 48,168 11 4 356 53,822 11,557 54,785 11 11 10 12 11 11 .9 FOR . BALE, S I jwill offer for sale at the UNION HOTEL, Oitsawa, on the 15th of Beptember . next, ‘the following valuable timber limits, on the * drine ait rths, Nos. 10, 1%, 18 and 14, in 160 equare miles, Those limits were never occu. rage and Provendâ€"r, «t reasonable prices wi!l br found on the Grounds. ¢ ‘The different Rail way and Steamboat Com» panies will carry Passâ€"ngers and Freight to anit fr.m the Fairat reduced rates. Arrang â€" ments will b> made with the Cu<tous Deâ€" partment for the Free Kutry of Asticles from the Unitâ€"d States for compâ€"tition. KFor Prige Lists aod Enirg Forms my to, the Secrâ€"tauy at‘ Ottaws, or the rent Becretaries nf County Agricuitural Societies thtougbout the CAfawa sountry. ~ . The Building aud G:punds will be open trom MONDAY morning, the 19th instant, for r=ception of articles intended for the Exâ€" hitition. > % p..® s }* Eatries must be_made bâ€"fore the 10th Sepâ€" temmber, _ Alt parties are.entitled to compcte on payment of $2,00. ; : § â€" ~ Buie to commence at TEN o‘clock s. m., and SEVEN o‘cluck p m. c 4 JOHN DORAN & THOMAS MURRAY. Ottawa, August 12, 1870 y P. 8.â€"Will also be sold a NEW BRICK MACHINE and utâ€"nsels, with a pdircleg= oi makizg brick for a term of years, ne«r the ubove property. 1436td | D. & M. A°SAM, â€"â€" AAMIL WARDIH 440 M l'll- annual instalments, at 7 per‘cent {ntâ€"rest. R. H. WILSON. â€"_ ttawa, Jaly 218t, 1870« 1415â€"2m For Live Stock, Agricultural Implements, Agricultural ‘and Hordcabural Productions, Menufactutes, Domestic Pr: dacts, &¢. .. Officers of the Societyâ€"J. B Lewis, Preiâ€" dent ; John Ashworth, 1st Vice Prisident ; Jobn Rochester, junr., 2n0d: Vice President ; A. b. Woodburn, Secretary and Treasurer, Vitectorsâ€"Hon James Skeâ€"ad, Alonoso Wright, M. P , J. M. Currier, M. P.. George .W. Exton, A, McKeliar, Th s, G:abam, W,. â€"F, Poweli, R&, Kâ€"nny and Ir» Morgan. _ ~ _ 7 at n t o ons w siuinine 0 s are 6 the limitw of R H. W“!.ml. Req., on.::g KT-.;'HI be ofered for sale at the UNION UHOTEL on the lith BEPTEMBER next, at 12 Plars of these limits, with of lease can 06 se0e At Orshaw‘t, City AAOWT, ‘Uitene On the Bociety‘s Grounds, adjoining the city, when will be offered Will open on toae s FIHRsT S@PTEMBER PROX. * _ Roomfor one or two Boarders. Qtuws.“}u', 1810 \ 1. ~3431tf HUTEL on the lith BEPTEMBER next, at 12 noon. Plan of limit and n{ of ieask can he seen at the oflice of H. Mo ‘tl,hm Terms hadf casch, bâ€"lanse in two equal annual instaiments at 7 per cent interest. Ottaca, August 10, 1870 1433 im pied, My:â€" only reason for offeri sele is constant {l!â€"health, â€"| .. OPEN To THE WORLD! Will take place on f Â¥ wWEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY, ~ |SEPTEMBER 2ist, 22xp, axp 2320, Thursday, the 15th Day of September next Al 11 o‘slock a. m, the following Valuable Timber Limits, situated on the Petewaws and Indian Rivers, viz:â€" | : ~Licen o No. 95, of 1889â€"70â€"Indian River. Mechanics of all} kinds are wened, th demand for labour is almost unlimited, ard now is the golden opportuniiy for town lots to by purchased at reagonable prices, and on modjerate terms, which will be as follows : Ove fourth of. the purchase money will require to be paid at the time of sale, ana the balance in three anvounl Instalments bearâ€" ing interest a! gight per cent _ a ind sn doamtc mil oo l t TT T TT ve * 10984 * 1 | 4 «s #+ Plans of the above Limits,with copies of Licenses may be seen at the Office of H. McLean, Ottawa, the subscribers Pembroke, and at the Office of the PEMBROKE is the COUNTY TOWN of BRENFREW, and is the most convenient point to furnish the extâ€"rsgivs Lumber Trade uf the Ottawa and its tributaries, the exten. sion â€" of igitway m.mwuni«-nt;:{: is autici~ pated, Factories are now about to be erâ€"ctâ€"d, and P mbroke pwbiaa to be m place of great iiwportance on the Upp 1 Uttawa.. > The above lots are in a prominent position being adjscent to, and having a nice elevaâ€" tion over the magnificent lake Allumette ThLlnd is dry, level, iree from. stones and rtumps. . Pare epring watet can be easily obfained within 10 féet of the sorface. Tlll BREYV, J. MA Y8 THUxSDAY, the FIBST DAY of SEPâ€" : TEMBER next, 1€ One Hundred and Fifty to Two Hundred -‘VALUABLQ ToOwWwX 1LOT8, *« Situated on Pembroke,; Berlis, Millar, Cemetry, Victoria, Christic, Dominâ€" W[D’Arcy and Moâ€" vu.m-m an area_ of 85 bquaremiles The gubscribers will sell by ' PUBLIC : a UCTION, OTTAWA HOUSER, â€"PEMBROKE, DI'Y or ofl-tQ,t AGBIOUL’I?BAL sOCIETY. The Second Ann"ulâ€"â€"‘- j 19 « u 00 SUou Terms. â€" Ottawa, July, 1870 The Subscribers will offer for Sale by °* PUBLIC AVCTION,. s0I1O0OL FOoR B O Y 8, QUEEN STREET, 1 MPORTANT SALE. «THRE UNIO ' TeE pyIoX K0 ALE OF TIMBER LLMLT3 TIMBER LIMITS @;* EXHIBIT I O N, Auction Sales, $2500 IN PRIZES, 95, of 1869â€"70â€"Indian River. Â¥6, Petowawa ~ ‘‘ on A & P WHELTE. 1412td in two equal h:by. the t 2 p. m. on lance du“ LEWIs, l:m JSB," The subscriber has been favored with inâ€" structions from the Bociety and f other celebrated importers of stock, in the i1nity bf Ottawa and Montreal, to sell on the, ciety‘s grounds, THURSDAY, 22nd Septe ‘ber, the second day of the show, a large quanâ€" ‘tity of imported stock. Consisting of Ayrâ€" shire Cattlé, Short Horn Durhams, Hampshire Downs, Cotswool and Leicester Sheep, Berkâ€" shire and Suffolk Pigs, Bramah Poutrah Fowls, Parifes having prize stock or implements to dispose of, can do so by making arrangements with the Anctioneer, up to the evening previous to the sale. This will be a rare opâ€" portunity both for seliers and purchasers, as the prizes offered are large and competition asked for from the whole Dominion, and wili NMHMOWMMJ ; ; | A. ROWE, Ottawas, August" 25. Lkc., &c. 'l‘l}hwill'bosm opportunity" to secure imported . stock as those offered are from the herds of some of the most extensive importers in the vicinity of Montres! and KOttaws, June 3, 1870. 'l\ll PROVINCIAL AGRICULTURAL INDUSITRIAL ‘EXHIBITION FOR 1870, ~ oPEN To Ts Worio, - Will be held in the CITY OF MONTREAL TUEBSDAY, WEDNESDA Y. THE _ FINEST EVER IMPORTEO TAW . AND ELT ATr @G * ~H in both Departments apply to Secretaries of County Agricultural Societies, or to the Becretary ;t‘: au-dl of culture, No. 615 Craig ontreal, + _ Entries to the Agricultural Department must NECES3ARILY be made on \r before SATURâ€" DAY, the 27th of August, For A#rtuu-ul Pro ducts and articles in the Industrial D?m-om thetime will b‘ extended to BA 1URDAY, the 3rd of SEPTEMBER, after which dace no entrics will be received. This regulation is irtendod to Ansure better accommoidation by proventing delay and cunfusion at the opening of the fair, The Countit of" AlminnHMilies lneble esc s ol 4 MÂ¥ I L IT A R Â¥ T &A TL O ai& 5 Grounds of the Council ongrienliure, $ ‘ _NEAR MILE END Prizes Offered from | $12,000 to $15;,000. _ FORPREIZE LISI and Blank Forh of Eetties prEeston & pgowseLL, 13th, 140h, 15th and 16th of September Next on the Tbe Counsit of Agricalture wili make such favorable arrangements as are found practicable with Steambost and Railway Companies for carrying passengers, stock and aricles at For turther particulars to the Secret g.tb:.guuUd Agduu:'l:“d the m..:'.’u o % ' GEORGE LECLERE, @f it sec . o .o 91. . * Mierernty C. &. P. qo Montreal, July: 8, 1810. OFY OP ‘OTTawaA AGRICCLIUVRAL soortr . wor 1870. j jL‘ES } LASSWARE, Enamellied Ware, Iron Xare “ i i ESMONDE BROS.â€" ATIN, HATS ! XTENSIVE AUCTION SALE OMPETENT and CAREFUL WORKMEN at _ .. the lowest prices at ESMONDE BRO8. OAL OQOIL of the purest Quality, Try it at d ESMONDE BXOS, LOCK ‘TIN Japamuned and Wire Goods of __ every due:rpth. e " s EFRIGERATORS, COOLERS and FILTERS A SELECT ASSORTMENT sHUHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. say~ DRESS HATS, a@| Ottawa, July 26, 1870. IMPORTED STOCK. ut $3 Rideau Street. | BIX Cises CaÂ¥TLENE®‘s Â¥iXReT HA A B IT MA KE R 8+ 36 SPARXKS SsTREET. In endless variety. H A TS |! Fancy‘ Coatings, 1HURSDAY and FRIDAY. PRAO()UK' ESMONDE BROS. Vestings, de. ESM)NDE BROS. AATS / 14i7ta 4 ; (Rich Elegant goods, 90c. per yard) GROS DE 8UEZ k:uwao-umow) & Cold. Giacle afd Gros Grain 8 y1P Ottewa, August 28, 1870 IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALER3 Special attention given to Cscadian manâ€" ufacturers. _ MAGEE & RUSSELL. Beg to inform the trade of the Ottaws District that they have opened a And are now receiving and opening large shipments by railing versols, * Lake Enme," " Lake Buperior," "¢berokee," " Medora," and steamers @ Austrian," "8t. Patrick," © Peruâ€" vian," and others, _ Their, Stock will be complete in a few 1‘] AGER & ®° WYA R E H OU 8 & w BELL‘S BLOCK, ELGIN STREET, KILLIXERY m®rTEAY AND WINES, s L.R JVLK & voMPANY+ WAOLESALEâ€" DRY «GOOD8 + a=~~ the Parisiins We goods thak\tkey are by far till nexst prices for New Goods As it will pay us better s of goods at a very low fAgure determined to offer Summer under the Lowest Ottawsa Goods at 15 to 25 per cent KOW than keep them over 14 LPARES STREET g§VU MMEBR 0 JAPANE®E BILKS RUSSELL HOUSE. MANTLES 6 BOBPITAL STREEE, * ISALE ! LACE SHAWLE®® WHITE BRILLILANXTE certain: classes B LIJAMES & C IUAP "Is. of