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Ottawa Times (1865), 27 Aug 1870, p. 4

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c WOROEsTERSHIRS® sAUOCH, _ *= ~ Declaced by Connolsseurs THE ONL% GOOD 8AUOK. * CcaVTIOX AGAINST FRAUD. * od condiment having caused certain deslers to tel weniviinler vemprondh the public is harety informed that the only way to secure the enuine, ¢mime Mars par do..... 2 0@ @ 00 08 u.u’.iu" surance, that there is no certainty «4 value Mhmm.:lu'nn.:.huuu ‘!h'o wm.m-dqun(u & W)hm‘ufl;&mdm $46» will be paid to poincy k l.-ss'-‘l.flm"lfl, surrender & € OfTawW A, IA.“"P.HII.I-‘““ For surrender of Policies for the term of lite, e€ected at unitorm premiums, and which have been three years in turce, a return of 40 per cent. on the amount of ordinary premiums revelved, will, at uny time, be al.owed, besiaes the ralne of vestes Honuses, where such have been declar, Policy 4234. Honus Adaitions, £81)7s. 64., or nearly seventy per cent. of £¥1 2s. and 64., the amount ol premiuams paid. f ‘h-ol.‘oâ€"nbom..ll.‘uâ€"-’a be asked whether, in the event of the rvlq-p.ohlq.ul such benedts would be 1~ t? ~ In reply, atteniton is airected ta the sollow KKGULATION Aas TO 8SUR&ENâ€" DKR OF POLICIEX w-hoprn&dwm” ing to same policyâ€"should it become i claim during current year 187%, the Bonus Addiâ€" tk-x.-‘-t to £112 1 0s. Steriing, «xcceding the T Amount of prewiums patsg at the date of tast Diviâ€"ion in . +867 . ru-: sccounted for by the INIEKXMEDILATE suNUS allowed by the =»3CO0fTISH PROVINCLA®L.* _ =_â€" _ __ on the â€" and. labels ioh the sames :ma'm.n h-#: L asd P give notice that they have furnished Mu-z decats whh power of attornsy to take prossediags against msnufacturers and ven lours of sa0n, or any ther imitations by which their of «her imilations which their um:-hh.-‘ s L* Ask is L*A k PEREINY‘ Sauce and see In lilustrawon of the benefits which have aso uudnww‘-l Life Assurance the following may be quot.d, taken trom «be Books of the Canadiae Brasch of THE ;c‘u’l‘flil PRVLINCILAL A88UKRANCE COMâ€" fmc Posiey, §313, effected October, 1861, for £1000. Additions amounted in 1867 to £82 102. Total vatiay by assured, £1 . 3: tas Boou» thus amoun.â€" ITTAW A OFFICEâ€"G P Derwmonp‘s Exchange * _ Mhee, 19 Bparks street. a 4 ~SPu, Chaitman; D C THOMBOS, Treaâ€" «.er; & 8 FOOTBâ€" aA THOMBON, T a dunx. PDKU MMOND, Manacer. 1144 " Tons TP oo Tieigh "madkets naring pe mpgieg with‘s sporiyes Worrtscertatte, Sfuon _0 as is bereoby given that TENDELY will be reosived ustll THUULSOAY, the FPIRST day of BKPTEMBER, at NOON, tor the ccastruction , the MAINX LNXE UF RALLW AY of the * North thore Rariroad and St. Mauricoe Navigation and Land Comsaay."*" The Line will run between Quedes ans Montreal on the North Shore of the River 8t. Lawrenase. * After the 10th of the presont month the profle of the Raitroad and the specifi¢ations and trwe of ‘coniract may he czamined at the cfice of the com, any, UNION BUILDOIXG3, Place d‘Armu, in the City of Quabes, between the hours of TWO sad FOU R o‘siock in the afterncon. f By order of the Direcstors, ? and to see that their names are upon the wrapper 107 3m August 8, 187¢, "Pa va «Aa4KETs. Kure phicb t ,» teel v.;v the Omme. Tsm | " \ _ fimss 066.0uve ®Ai & euan QUEBEC AND MONXNTREAL BEXEFIT_OF LIFE ASSURANCE. BK FOR LEA & PERRIEZW BAUCE, 198. CAVCHON, â€" President of the Board et Directors. 8 FELEORAPH COM P a 8 Â¥ under Chapter LXVI of the Kothers! Mmotmers Motwerslâ€"Aro you distucbed .at night and broken of your rest by a mnok enilid suffering and orying with the exoruciâ€" ating palna o outting teath 1 If so, go at once and get a bottle of mirs. WINSLOW‘3 soOvTBRING BNRUP. It will relleve th peor littlie suferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there (s no mistak about it. There is not a mother on earth who ha ever used it, who will nottell you at ones that it will reguiate the bowels, and ive rest to the mother, and reliet and health to the child, opersâ€" ting like magie. It is pertectly safe to use in all eases, und pleasant to the taste, and is the proâ€" sari ption of one of tha oldest and best (emale phyâ€" hotan #ad nurses in the United Otates. Price 24 NMoew York, sage: «1 hare used Dr. A. TCrasks Magnetic Vintment in practice o-n; .‘v::fl.-l-nv “:.l’to-l:'-‘o.m: " eagk m Onita® mhlr.‘q , aed in Oniiaâ€" ever, witin a1o0008, 1 u-. ol.‘l.n-..w:..m'.u.:h.lwm: Da.J, P. Kanzzor ,of Now cufe + ** TeAE Fared thytnt Ponto no hatnerbore imparting a natural redness to the guins ; whitens ‘:‘ of < ?d'?v- hnllhnybz aces enamel. mu -Whmm-flunâ€"-::‘ the breath ; is is tnvaluable to smokers, strongly recommended to sufererm from Tic, l-n,h.nim _ Nes Gabriel‘s nameâ€"None Genuine without i. GA':R 1KL*8 08'{‘!‘0 ENAMEL STOPPLNG keep white, and as frm as ."-ai'“ !l: mlmll. mum-fi‘h:: Renders the tooth sound and nseful, . I;i'm-"“ Foothache, no matter how far decayed be bd per box. Ask for Gabriel‘s Colebrated Denta) Pllflu AF A Diâ€"TANCE R#BQUIRING j ARTIFICIAL TEEIH may have them supplied,, in parmial or compicte sets, on Messrs. QGuorlel‘s new system, by sending partionlars of Mou-.''mdbm mwhht-:o-ul‘ of the mouth wil! be forwarded, with all necessary instrustions Mesers. Gubrinl will undertake to Remodel or hepair ArtiGcial Tooth made by other Dentists, [which do not prove satisfactory}, at moderate Messrs. Gabriel‘s Pamphist on Artificial Teoth ond FPainless Dentistery an receipt of postage. .Â¥ All letters to be addressed to 64 LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, 134 1:.vtan lawkin AM-m‘cb.- culonom Li somfertable board and rooms. vhilhing the Capitai wil} M.-:muu-o- pation by the day or week at to: me. N Bâ€"â€"This house is situated in the immediate â€" Iellnity of the Parliament Buildings and the h MESSRS. GABRICL, The oldâ€"established Dentists, Ottawa, 16th Augast, 1870. 107 1 «#3i4d Gl:&l.l.l-" CELEBRATED PREPARA rOR LEANSINu, BREAUTIFTINO, ANV PRESERYVING TAE TEETL ‘ 1aABaiki*s WAiTE QoUTTAi PERCHA NK ENAME., tor bropping Decayed Teoth mau1 into execution, and vill offer for sale at public auction, at my ofise, in Baldwin‘s Building, in the City of Ottawa on SATURDAY, the NINE» TEEXTH DAY of KOVEMBER, A. D., 1870, at 14 o‘slock, noon, all the right, title, Interest and equity of redemption which were of the suld Roger Bawkins at the time of bis death, of, in and tothe fellowing lands, being the East : of Lot No. 34, in the second concession of + of 24 in the Afth n i Porenity 4 biepmces, fitie s WÂ¥ Â¥ POWELL, _ bank ot the C\ Mu . DVIGONXAD*S, C BPARKS 8TREET, OrTAWA. Ottawa, Augs _ The subscriber will turuish 10E daily to those bg it for the season. Double supply umumw-.ummu he eason £4.00, Terms payable in advance. bask with ta »LATÂ¥ZEBRY slnum SALEOF LANDS. t‘n.‘ *{ lymtnm‘dbflo‘lu lssued oat o Her M»jesty‘s COUNTY COURT of the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, to we directed and delivered, again:t the lands and whereof ROGER HAWKINS died, and which are gssets in the mands of TOMKTN», Executor of the said Roger Hawhins, at the suit of ALSX 4NDER ROSS and ALBERT PARSONS, L hare seizsd and taken lQI. 1CB, 10B Bold by Chemists and Perftumers, and by the Ortawse, A uy JQK THE: TEETH. ABRIEL*S ODONTALOIQUE KLIXIX _a mouth wash unrivalled for its agresable ABRIEKL®S CORALITE TOOTH 1&2 for cleansing and 1mproving the Testh, 64 Ladgate Hill, London, And at LIVEAPOOL and BRIGBTON. sPREOILAL HOTicks. o MRS. ART on the on tho 20th lnst., PWENTY» . marked witk s stroke on the Information to be given to WM. , By Ward Market. 4%, 18+0, 144kt sail for the abore on the ”-wum splenâ€" F--"r" MULLIN, & 00., ___ ... Ganal EBtreet, Montreal. ts Line for Me!bourne. ppor Slup ©BLAM" is now . rapldly l A p A 30, 1870 1444 6 hin2*| "buave e angest huuuuurkrt*-muum-q to make between the | 1 With close connestions ap all posnts. The 1i fllhqd.p‘vhlJ. NEW FIRST.C1ASS CARS, Unsurpassed on the cillout Bpesial attention is to this, Compan: announcement, in regard to | RUN NING COF TRALIN FOR THE ENSUING ARAsON. Portland and Mo in 13 How! Montreal ‘and Toronto in 13 Hou Btoppleg only at the unmportant Stations in soanection with the ‘Grand Trunok Railwa leavre Portland n:s ONDAYX and rnud DAY at 6 pm, for N.B., &s. stations. | e tow ’.‘l. and time of arriva l an of all terminal and way sta dn n too Takb? Wncs Hobarinters _ Phe steamarse " Chase" and ="Charlofta" leares PorGanderaay W y and Saturday afterâ€" no~n, for Haifax, N.3., vely at 4 p m. Express for Boston st.......................... Expressfor NewYork and Boston ‘via Intermediate Stations, at............. T:30 sw Frains for Lachine at 100 a m, 7:00 an» 9 1W.a m, 13 1;30 p m, 4;00 p m and 5:30 p m. ' > The 1;:30 pm train through to. Provines Line, t _ GOINGBOUTH AND £AST. Ascommedation Train tot Island Pond ° > WITH DWELLINGS . THE BEST sSTAUD . oK BU88EX §TREET. On and after JUNE 1ith, the now arrange mwents will be patiin force, and trains will leave TO LET. ~~@GOLNG BOUTH AND RAST. Accommodatiion Train for Lsland Pond and I:t-‘hu'h T uo..:. m Boston, ermont * Express for New York Boston, via _ Verment _0.::&-1 ectares svevends Express for New York and Boston, via IG¢ KT # I B Express for Quebes, Isl h-,'.l'ulu-l and lzwrm'mie.:o Jane 3, 181¢. IMPROYED SERVICE OF TRALINS t \ _ ROR TEOESUMMER OF 189. ACCELERATION OF SPEED. RaNDTRUFK RALILW AY RAND TRUXCK RA EAST AND WEST, C aA N A D A . O aA N *\ ILWAY A D A PRE33 TJAIN3. in 13 Hours. in 13 Hours. it...... 400 p m »»â€"«â€" 1 30 p m T H 1;00 an 3 46 p m 5 00 p m T 10 a m 9 00 a im 9 00 p m 6 60 a m 4 00 p m T 00 a m PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. A., M. F. GIANELLI, § Sote Manufacturer -i‘ Proprietor for the Dominâ€" ion of Canada and the United States. Kept by all the principal Vruggiste and‘Grocers in Rovu. l'nllE:'lll. Prepared by special # om the criginel N.B.â€"These celebrated Bitters are carefully prepared with the yery best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially adapted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitutions. They are gontly stimulant, and will be tound infallible aids to digestion. * j ‘ For directions see label round the neck of each None are ine unless bearing thesignature of 1023tf ‘ a X. P CGLIANELLL â€"\. | _ Â¥. P. VERAL M. D., _ Professor of Chemistry in the University of PADVA, ITALY. ®. Trade Bales of o'nn.(u'p, Farm Stook, Kea! Es ato, Libraries, W orks of Art, &0., &0., as: wel. as constgnments, from a distance, will meet with best attention, and be conducted on. very moderâ€" ato terms, [ { sesoud hand re will Ae mdv-‘u hour duridg the d4 to T o‘clock p. m. vances made en . . Pianos, or other Goods sent in for Sale, or may be porchased in toto, if required. _ | f # The Sale Room is well lighsod an. ventilated, and about the largest in the city, being 80 x #8, mmlmn and patronage are respectfally Beveral Houses in the oh{o- hands for sale. i g J BERMINGHAM, RLOU. : | . Carringe and Ba, Sales will soon commence, and those who hvmmu. Cnrriages, und Harâ€" ness to dispose of, will do well to send them to the Mart as soon as possible.| . _ [( s wA t BC + ts Ottawa, March 1870. Storit‘s Office, August 15, 181t0, 1486 18 JOHN PLUMSELL JOHN SBAMUEL WARNOCE, Plasads, The undersigned Legs to inform the hat he has always on hand, in season, A supply of the aboye, whish will be gold as it not choaps : than muy Oe Doi‘ th.l:m”ll‘. draw the .hu:l‘u of the hb‘llo to c c w n-fl‘w Btook of Groseries, W ines, Liqvors, and Provisions, all of which will be Liquors, &1d Erovisions, mil of which will be nfi m prices not to be rivalled cither here or elsewhere. I | y â€" MHaving the advantage of buvyingiour Goods at lnox.vur’nc' or ur. 8 â€"_â€" _ Directory for 1810. To beobtained from | > THOMAS J. A writ‘ of at Anguat T, 1870,; Canadian TÂ¥ e | ooxuwsn‘Bu MERCHANTS, f FORWARDERS OTTawW A ‘lLIM " H. KASTON & 00., ian Parlismentary® Calendar #RUIT. Sherif, County of Carleton. ~Otitare, | 4 inchment | was issucd in this F8 | - cuup’._ w.z 6. to be rivalled cither here or HOPE & 00., and JONES & HOLLAND her house in the city . aB NICHOLSON, No 85 Ridean streot. FPOULTRY and Auctioneer:; 11289â€"17 .m..‘ A business in the m building adjoining the Quntario Baok, Sparts Street, with a perfectly now and compi« to stook h $ "ysvig Druzgist ho' ;ubllo mmll-y thst he has commenced The Popular Propristary w"&um&n will be paid to the quality * Physisiens aed dountry, werchants supplied. * na mero Bu l'b: subscriber h::.onplo faciiitres for attendâ€" Ing to the wants of his ccrtcec c * ALEXANDER CBRIÂ¥1 iR. Mtawa, February 17,1570 ‘ 1285.8 y | Roglish, French aod Germ»n _ _/ gles usually sold oy Druggists. Family medicines and physicians‘ prescriptions will receive: W their importance deâ€" mands. The ption departwent will be under the personal supervision of the proprietor, Dyse Auuffs, Beeds, and all the Miscel! UANADLILAN PAIN DESTROYXER Back ana lead, Couphs, Ocu?m Throat ; Oram o :/ . Onolors Morbus, D;:::r‘;. Bowe! 4 iva , Burns ,Poalds As* mhu hls':h. . / The Cansdian Pain Destroyer has now been before the public for ‘a length of time, and whenever usod nuuuha.'mn{.:w’u. single instance to give permanent relief when timely used, and we hare never known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directions are proâ€" "& but on the all aredelight od with its operations, -2"-'.'.‘:’“.“. highes ternhé of its '"w"o?-l from experionce in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore those n: are flflb-wdmm <ints for which it is a may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" ‘&':.“lfi:..., of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in disenses for 'u? it 4s reâ€" commended, and its wonderful successin subduing mw in re ieving .'..'.'.'."' To ananAlha l-fl.........n’“.;.a.. "‘.'5.'!'.‘.‘.'.2 :..: Gardoner‘s First Priso Baking Powder, un rivalied for perity and excellence. For sale by Mur'rnou.h_q«pukm, T cents ; 5 os parckets, i ,u-u#lponu packets, 25 conts ; six rout‘ohg.”. henever gu want the bes task or a ENER‘8 and take no other. @ARDENER‘ EPILEPTIO CURK. 467 Notre Dame street, Moutreal, + M Bole Proprietor and Manufasturer. Among the most i1mportantof modern Medical Dis p ‘uvat:o“om the su-lm AEMEDY, BTOP AND SEE! he Gazat Ispiax Rewror. _ _ _ _ _ ___ >« _ They are stern undeniable facts, sufficient to c ces BHOSHONEES REMEDY. â€" and friends ; and to any one affiinted as I was, I ll"'fll{“‘ul"rth Ehoghonees Remedy; I belis ve it will cure you. k “l‘('Anunn'.:‘vem ~=«:m to before me UVounty w ti. ainth day “'Oh‘rx, lb.‘ > Â¥ WOOD,J P, &s. 1 certify that I have known Mrs. Mary Anu tor the last ffteen years; she is a woman and truth. lnn{-nhr before, and singe her iliness. I believe umwumhmm.. 1 know that whileil} her case was hope, M;Wfiatmhu.lhulum, alwaoys her recovery to the Shoshoness Mdy. â€" Whatever may be the peculias of this medicine, one thing is certain, at in hber case it has acted almost like the performance of a miracle. A';Oabli Warden of the of Hastings; Provineo qumriy Doulnichts vhuadn of my chair. "ri’»m""'i-‘o:" re; while 'mi -mm ness was coming -o:u:l. advice, .o.‘‘. at d§o~t times three dostors, and medinines of diferent kinds prespribed by triends, but of no avail. I continuâ€" ed to get worse and worse, until the summer of 1868, when I was hd:m‘b“try the great Sho shonees Remedy by re & cures ‘ormed in a pamphiet. xfibuml bad bunwubd in a pamphlet., Atthis time { had begun to tool tbovn&uuh.lhndl; hfs:t‘lwum almost helpless 1 have taken two bottles of the Shoshonees Remedy ard two baxes of the pilis and Iuwitoly::‘ mm lbzo. £h'o.u:uot mine 'u“u.t a private one, known u; n?»m _u’lqu_u-; n‘“m@'l.“o‘u was, I a“-‘!. "lflmwsomo; Met : hy i = ;. * rmbuofl;:t-flo.ulobdfi.&.‘ I‘his is to certify that during the winter of 1886 lvuuxa'&.“vuhmo:‘t::.;flqwlhtl. '!“..u’o‘.“l‘ © M‘ hay tnsos, and on ap to o7 uips, and *L beokine 1o The subscriver begs to inform his triends and Price $1 per bottle ; siz bottles for $5. J GARDENER, Chem! ‘aANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER! EW DRUG $TORE. Haglish Brushes and Totlet Articles, | s v and Pharmaceutical Chemist Spaurks btreet, Centre Town, j ALEXANDER CHRISTIE, nyglish Chemients, Medicines and Preparations ary cures in Canada by Patent Medicines Kept in stock by the sprincipal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion. ; For direciions for use see labels on bottles. HENRY: CHAPMAN & CO,, . KYAXKS, MERCER & CO,, : Montreal!, s _â€" Bole Agents for the Dominion M Azturth Beaver, Toronto Mutual Fire and Live [ it Iulnlm Co, Gon:::l Commission 1 Im; ra, Manufactures Mining Agent fif:n'-. ol::: constantly on hand. Office, corner Metoaife and Sparks streets, over Mann Bros Hardware Store. LIBE IN8SURANCE COMPANY A OP MAIN® © Fmaxorn Derizrussr; " 104 . Ottawa,12th October, 1868. 0: * s The tollowing Insurance Com has recelved a license to transactthe business of Ll!o Insuraner in Canaga ; ; + No. 33.. The UNION MUTUAL LLFEINSUR ANCE COMPANY , of Maine. 5. k‘CornwiX %m“"_‘“w;“&; Jobhb, N.B ’. * * Te vnbunseraatemes Al‘lht. I have this day, dopalfi;.“flth the Receiverâ€" General, Tw Thousand ars in addition to Ne'mmzim ousand, making Seventy Thouâ€" sand Dollars é':lu,m, U. 8. Gold Bonds, 66of ‘81 The u“(')u s lJon "63."" l’.P..;u beer W neel to the any tor the Domin lon.© Aillegal matters will bo’nLrMhu.. * B. K. CORWIE, He will have always hand the best perâ€" MWMLM and London. MR GENDREAU solicits a visit to convince all of the truth of his statements® his establishment. He will save no expense to render Parlour the most comfortable, and 0 procu . he most experienced hair dressers, . MR GENDREAU having served considerable time in some of the best and mact extensive Hair Dressing daloonsin the Dominion and United States, is in a position to "conduct the drties of his establishment in a manner that éannot be GREAT PALN CURER. Readache cured in huoh-:um. lumu acute ”hs‘;z lm.“' wm and the suddeness of its '-:.:.w be cured within two minutes. This 1s composed entirel yof sabstances, and contains nothing Mom“o bemaen cither by outWard orinward applications. m“':“y. :ilt’l"-u be disappointed. For sale Chem an # ® 7 Piekiy~" | Allol.v‘l'l DIVORCES legaily obtained im New !qth.l:dsus. Illinois and other Btates, for persons any State or Country, legal ov:). wl:o- ; desertion, mnm-- support, etc., clent cause; no no charge until divoree oiullo'l. Advice &n‘. Business established fifteen years. Address MBR GENDREAU, the propristor of that so popular Parlour, has the plessure to arnounce to bis numerous friends and the public in general, that to answer to the groat encouragement whicn he has received up to the present, hohas deterâ€" minedto enlarge and thoroughly furpish anew I‘I.l.‘.'rz“u BIXTY (.!‘OWB and othor Catte some good f ‘ fnll m:’t.nr_r.lon. Corners, Oitawa, August 19, 1870 1440 4 al hand frosh from the Spiin e s oag sodkabads" °6 «lt how "Frakerce Magaotie Fikid FOI lAbFo HAIR DRESSING PARLOUR A pleasaat and healthful drink .a hot west * Ot awa, Novem!er 7. 1868. Ottawa, June 11, 1670. Ottawa, June 15 ARRATRACA WATER Are : EKADER. PLANTAGANET, ~ONT. Opposite the Bank of Montreal. Wellington street, Agencies. wADRID 1847 Bussex and W ellington ENXNDBREKAUV, 1883 3m 14157 LEAYE BROCKYVILLE. 4 15' M.=eâ€"Â¥TRAINS will leaÂ¥y $ Brockville daily at 4.156 p m, 14 am, arriving at SBandpoint at 10.06¢ p m, | B ® LEAYVE BAXDPOINT. 6 001. M.â€"=â€"TRAINGO will feave $ Sandpoint at 6.00 a m and 1.34 pm, arriving at e at 12.15p 1m,8.30 p a* : LEAYE PERTH. 5'35 P, M.â€"TRAINS will leare Porth at 6.86‘- and 905 amn arriving at BSmith‘s Falls at 6.25 p m ard 9.456 LEAYVE SMITHS8 ,ALLR. l“ 05 A.M.«â€"«â€"TRAUINA will loave $SUeP sSmith‘s Falls at 10.05 e m and ©,.35 p m, arriving at Porth at 10.45 am and 1.3 w. * ® All trains on Main Line connect at Smith‘s Falls with tratus to and from Perth. No 1 leaves Brockville after G T ‘Trains are due from the cast and wese t lo!:rhlmkvmohfl-flnm-& e‘r‘p for the east and west. #, ABBOTT, o.n.flum.‘o.f-awui'm. Tuose who desire a comfortab ..%uh“'- please eall and leave their orders, @ will be muu?mm All work 01 by first class ct-nnym:lrâ€". have been perticuiar in shoosing mapafacâ€" ‘serviceable ware for, ecommunity by whom 1 am se petron ol‘upfl:o’.uuuldflyh.n-- required by the Stst and following ‘Rales of the Legisiative Assembly,(which are published i a the «Ontario Gasbtte"), "to give NOTIOH of the application (clearly and distinotiy specifying its natare and objeot) in the : * Ontarto Gasetté," and also in a newspaper published m the County or Union of Counties aflested ; ‘such notise be continued in each case Tfor a pericd of at least tizx weeks daring the interval of timés 1 the close of the next preceding Sesson and ©ORe tderation of he Petition. Coples of the and Llast of such notises to be sent to the Private BHW __â€"_â€"_. PRira Oabin, Payablé in Goid: uvupolu@unrvl.....‘;..:...........flflfi WM..................'... 385 0 PASRAGE ET TEE YORODAY BTRANER T! EALIFAX PE _ Pirst Oabin, Payuble in Goidk. _ _ .. MBSS ANKD PRIME MESS PORK. FLOUR NO. 1 & EXT R A Roronto March 15, 1870, _ 1500914 lawk. INMAN LINE OF MKAIL ATELAMXERS, SAILINQ FRLOM NEW YORK EVERYT SATURDAY AXD ALTEENATE TURESDAYs. * RATEBS OF FPABSAGE EY TEE 82 ICR0LY BTRAXEE P. LIVEA POOL & QU EKRNSTOW _u‘v‘uulo,un«n L mun indsor (in connection wil1 the trains of the Sove Bootia way from Ha. (ax) ulo.:ts-udt.,»&-,nmfil‘ at Kenp. ille at 11 456 a. m., apd 8 45 p. m:, and at Anna olls st 130 p: m, MI:M with steamers l avaleg e mates feave hnb u trainos leave Annapolis at 2. 34 r-.mmn by steamer from Bt Jobn, ufi’umul.mnflmum- 6.20, Windsor at 6.40, and l.luqu‘L-. VEKNON 8M ITH. Kentrille, Dec 8, 1869. 1(807 â€" All etitions for Private Bills must be preseat od within the FLRGT THREE WEEKS of the Beasion. a OHUARLES T GILLMOR, Clork of the House. Opening through Windsor to Asnapols: completing wxgb,‘m“muh ® sil + 3 +o | 0M tokn., On and after BATURDAY, the 18th DL UOEMBER, n&f@g Rajlway will be open for P.l"‘ll llfl&_ w ___ WAITR BEANS, At Oktawai, Hand Point, and Pombroke. awa Ma 18, 1878 'mu w BSUMMER STOOK TIADEOR & ANNAPOLIS LAIL ) W AY. PERTH BRANCH. MAIN LINE. GEORGE Â¥URPET, Ne 5 Bparks streot. Managâ€"n9 Lwresor. $100 08 *I,:'F“.‘ k: u. Puon cHBK TIÂ¥EE 1 Tus Orta®* The retes of the PB OOMPANY are as lo# sheen to #BOLD BY ALL DR J.CoA :u # 06. Pn P s o Ayer‘s fi.q For all te 9 € i Medicine. Isn Tins, 26 64, 66 NOTHAGE w y »~** ~* yy te

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