YOL .Y# ARMITRODX@, PROPRIETOR, . Lo# quees aso KLgisâ€"sf3 p * f.on‘ WA. ~ ' AND coxrokt £0R TRAVELLLNG PUBLIC. bmâ€"-_'lum ike hcm LIqV OR 8, m::‘a-mwh the coming season, comprising , [MeGQill Uniâ€" | Burgeon anu Accouchesar, | m by Dr. Malâ€" | ~~ 11887 | Phaysionan . Sur geaon, Mr. Mearn‘s vrog | «& Bridee, . VBes | She io the tre .a>0 i A alger ¢ae | areet. t comnvenie on omm t i an nigeu cae | uis s rp>* ‘ } E*A ag* W WE . ye, Jo, for the PFo¢ | Agant. dole agout, (or Read‘s \ily * * Duwes‘ Laâ€" * es E_ 1 uo. w. 0 ~*** { j srgcor PICAWONS, &¢â€", ' slrl'cl.ll T (ot: of deseription, b7 -.l!“‘. ll.l.‘", AMD.M" u18 ©1 _â€" Wt _ | WW *" suetrins A Ports of Ans U ys mrerimess ot uniare | 11GHWINES, OLD _ RYBE, rBoor aND dfiee Buildings, maga: me"" ugh proofand . avor, «t cl-.-ll:lo' riees. <@ Ruxe Eowase Kuees. ‘?-fl.usu-m' Seotah Whukey and mfl AROtâ€" | ‘Dupyilie‘s Irish Whiskey. _ agr| We L Tari, o en nemrm=e pt| poniaucauimimis omm mm mm e L . ars and Syrups, all grades Architect. Officeâ€"Aumosd" | Sufe atreGnors‘ prices. [ 4 .“i.-..o-'- 203y / (HK m:'u:rocx. uvmo"n'ogtrm e m * FHfHAT SKLLING . aT TWENTYâ€"FI k 4& TalkLON, HHMMNC/ PEBR CENT BELOW QO8T._ _ Â¥, OVA ScOTIA, Emh boarders accommoda~ to their com{ort. | 19 V us wolicanort D * | wE &nuhm;‘t_ | °_‘ 39 RIDEAU STREET, i Awa store, Spatks street, s , _ OPFTAW A "4aVING OPEXED HIS NEW E8TALâ€" =___¢:_'___,'_‘lf"_'-"-:' LISHMENT ‘.u.--“m 3 (..-m.".mmouanu.) & %M %ers forsale at VERY LOW PRICES a large m# | ud well selected stook, comprising Grocgeries, :'r*-,‘____â€"o___,;, | Wines, Liquors, Tabaceo, l.cv';'dq aod Fancey MW&:"': cuaal.bum-‘i\.un. Aiso. MMIEED "s cuanoery , Convey" Bordecuzand ther Vinegors EJ » RESTAUzSANT, U. LAVANAGH, Proprictor, ife and W ellingtonâ€"streots, 0:: ramce to the @overnment Bail emprises ulï¬oue“" & int. â€" Tho House has been rabited the table spread with ’. W-.-â€"--*, vad _â€"-g"":“‘"‘m,. maget| dus i naren samâ€"timen | BP o inmins Jenâ€"ey® ) BP unstsm ,-..“.:._"-'Z-n.!‘ '.." iHTON, * 'm Saloon.) saumunbeâ€"ruom for commercial and Satoons. ROUSKs» AND D&EPORTSENXT. aad as Aiteative Uostler 24ge . deugrove‘s Bailiings: | MAR FiA, Daacst mphoutr The BAR ODtAIDE | o. , suass cattar nwï¬mflm! first glass catier wiil be found on thetable. The | Saits made to erder in 1 s will bedirested :o looo-‘uouum«_nqc. & Shal af w Hind lastant, P slare may ye obtamed on appti bert Stewart, Wilbrod street. <lManeolts s> -“~â€"!-w.--uâ€"--. rders fortaning more promptly .u-flom'oma‘s-:.l.! , Betmingham s Aaction Milas‘ Music Store. l ir, Esq, Architect, Alb®O7 i Keaws , Thos Reprolds, K+q 0. & &. L. K. K. tTam HUrCHIS0N, CY 0+ THE $KANO N BTH COL L EC G E drâ€", Aronitedt» SJuppere‘ Brodge . Ruition per asoum, $ : ; James and Kingâ€"sts. . and Public O@Mces, ST. Ethe Imperial Conservatory PMano a 1 Jinging. Rideae» Commission Merohant @as having made arrangemenis i lady teacher, announces * nanay M \A* : agotet * / ".} "Conveyanost, * LADE®®COLLEOEK â€"â€"The sqbscriber havin his time equally bot'n: ' gh, would beg $o inform his | we,that he hopes, in future, | Laad gurveyors, Land | e par, s ao m . «ip Rav. L. Usl\ma:s, D. D. ; Public es me the #K0. X. BEYEOLC t @roses: TamLo® wply to Major EBrans, will tor the United | Oftceâ€"â€"Is the | a.euvitect, Phitaâ€" Public, Clerk NO. 1447. W etlingt on at ar, Notarp hk wak|n._._ 7 " T. .Os akew Lark‘. Toz | anss pows, & CKLED JALMON, eeamt ~LABR. BERxiNGS, _ _ |, Ols»â€" atthe Cathe ~ / 1870. HiXf & | | _ |NEwEsT axD Most FAsHIONâ€" ‘ ABLE DESIGNS.! |\ rgrtas sEaDY.MADE | | 1 *, uty * C Congou, imperial Young & » » mgt&»‘â€ï¬‚m i# C :::'-m,nâ€"‘u reested daily on he promises. f 4 l‘“m-m Renaalt & 0o, Hen weesy, Piper‘s and other arands. _ .. / .l“b.ll"llâ€" # . _ ‘De Kugyper‘s and Houtuans, a wood l Cw rarNo \~â€"__~ DL ENQLL3H, a â€" the numerous other articles dacessary Titute a coimmplete stook. i 1s also vary complete, «nd will be founa oigne best inaterials and most fashlonable styles. _ * Special attontion is called to a \ LARGE ASsSORTUEXNT OF 4 M Y ERCOA® <yremeaso guuxs: (p e _ w@~ BEEF AND MUTTON. Q.Mgw-uhwud. 6t clase catter | Guits made to order in best «xd latest styles A. DUVUEKF Now is the cime or bar Suspendars, Searts, Fies, Collars, Shirts, Glover, e, &o. g.pmnuuup and well assorted 3 aAYrV KNX18 WHKLAN, SPICau FRENX"H, To be has /1 aPRINGO 1MPORTATIONS, =~> ~BYâ€"WARD MARKE1. oPr THE NEWEST STYLES, y wiyâ€" DiÂ¥ G0O0DS. w« ROLLED BEKEF FOR PARTIES, C MEARA & CO. sCOTCH AND CANADLAN MANUFACTURES C rocertes. FRESH KILLED THEIB STALLS, lflu-) Buad and will be found offthe Nos. 6 and T, SALT â€" ROUND, EPARTMENT WNUEARKA 4 CQ 1870 Per Canadias Steamer from QueSeo every Friday at 10.45 A.M. Per direct Packet via Now York, every Tuesday at 5.40 a.m. â€" * 48 Nore.â€"A tary ag for Canaâ€" intae iess ues Ab a mm re w * . flump‘xcm ean be sent in this bag. Acrive l GREAT CRNTRAL ROUTE AND saVE M)NEY, TLME ANO DLISTANOE | _ Cumparitre diss«ace of the several Western | Routes to Chic«go : { Americanâ€"Oxdensoarg or Prescott...... o M y ns iO TCtc no o _9 wiles ‘Cmd" *4 Graad 1 GREAT WBET?BN RAILWAY. . : [The Model Road of Canads j To Surnia, ‘Detoit, Milicaukee. t â€" || CBICAGO, Cincinnati, St. Louis, New Orleans, and all Points in the West and South. NORTHERN \TRANSPORTATION COS â€" N) First Class Ung‘(_)_gigm Partics going west can secure: lickels at this office to any Pont desired, m ¢ ALL RAIL OR ALL BOAT Fares always cheaper than by any other Ottawa, 13th June, 1879 TT8 ................ 4 80p m, 11.0¢a m, 9.00 pm the above trains connect at mmu‘n th Braad Trank Railway for «! points south at and west. | 'Oxn Ormonâ€"â€"York street, corner o Bussex H TAYTLOR, Agents. Roaté ... seepeseectens socmccsessenes SWM . SOH For ELOKWT3 to any in the United Btases, and all information to J t J :n00RANK, _ Generai Western Railway and Steambont Ticket “ulu-‘buu.-.ml _ Doaper‘s, Busâ€"ex at, two doors from St. viag in Suvor of the Greas Contral Lmawine in Juverk of the dA Eul 198 4o . Atex Fraset, K:q, | rew@ "quperse. Esq, ;ntnf P CaNTRAL AIR LINE ROUTE, __~. GENMERAL COMMISSIUN AGRNT, Ularence Street, next to the City tlotel ance in the trade he ofers his services in engaging mwen and aitending to their rafts n_ï¬ â€˜passing sere io the best of his ability. > t 0 DENsSBURG x CHICAGO, SHAREHOLDERS OF 1'? CANADA CENTRAL RAILWAY €0,, Solicits the patronage of the Lamber Merchan merally on the Ottaws. From his long experi~ Post OorFICE, OPTTAWA. Arrtval and Departure of Mails, SUMMER ~ARRANGEME®T. Oreron Hours rzox 8 1%., To pass BYâ€"LAW3, and consider the DEED OF AMALAAMATION with the NORTHERAN 00LONiZATION RAILWAY CcouPaXY. $ W R WORsSLEY, Li wRE®0® iÂ¥D ortriawa rALrwaiyr Aersicss».....s... 8.10 a m, 1.00 p m, 1000 pm 0 »»smssoswo..s.. 4. 50p m, 11.90 8 M, O.fl!- I L Te esc ues OMINICK POX. aNKaADBA CEXTRAL. RAILWAY COK | PaXY. CITY OFP OTTAW A, Ti A VÂ¥ L4 KK Trank to Torento, Vreat Wesâ€" OFFICE OF THE COMXPANY, anada Central Railway OMice, a, August13 1870 I Polats # est and South, AT BEVEN O‘CLOCK P. M., A GCNERAL MEETING DalLYy LLE® B8/W»â€"8% sespesss censsscessesespechsneess Will be heid at the NoOTICE. ...;1_“{ _ï¬y of September TICOKETS at this office 122# with Railway for 'Mmuo R W Crabes, K1q. D T o.x. orTaAwWA. MONDAY AUGUST, 29, 1870. Tickets The following list of goods well bersold at such preces as will clear out the greater por: tion of them in a very short time, viz: ./ SIL‘ Jackets, iD0P 4J P * Opposite the Russell House. pmâ€"ukn souE vÂ¥ THE PRICES ; FAIO' Dresz Aaterials, ‘ M 1} cont o (vensmiad geeres es W UWITE @rt‘liants, F EATHERS, Wnn. MianrsEILLES, :Â¥ LACK Lace thawh, Also, extra good U A WLSâ€" AT THE NEW EsTABLISHKXEX®‘T, aAPAXESE 81 IGNMT Prints, fast colors, ADIKES! White Cotteon Hoss, ADIES! and Children‘s Hats, Ew “." .'â€â€. ARGAIES 18 CÂ¥ ULY %10 _Â¥ C1 tnstant. Tas wholoe of my stook is ofered to oausâ€" tomers at a very low Agure so as to make reo® for the Now Spring Goods, . I would oall specially the attention of customers to my heavy stook jadge for yourself. rï¬u} Aud | Timber Consri.h 1 | Coples READY MADE CLOTHING & Which will be sold without Reserse at a low prict All goods marked is plain figures. . | ... ___ Please come and examine my atook and judge for yourself. . _ / ; it & a. n130TTE. DGoark: powarDp, Christ Eera tm ape on amnnt '.Mdtmm%m TS mmmu"mwflno mmce 2s ‘Aud | Wimber fl’:u. lm â€"m"'".'.im“"‘;“;’ _ MA W‘_'.'; W . Done, of gm Cathodral, England. _ WKEKRS, CRAEAYF UNDE WNo, 14, Uparks streot, PARAROLA, UWuZ Pair Kid Gloves, suuLNe ar cost PriC® _ ‘|. o an C\8H PURCHASERS, NE XE NEW LISLE GLOYES, SZW 8ILxs GLOVES ite. and Ago>ut for to | T ';u::‘u?‘;:. &Wl 5 oPk informations ; Ab adges m““‘“"""’.......'“.m.‘ ‘Ottaima Decembe NOHAM &A LIKDSAY. W MUSLINS, W DBRESS GOODS8, W *BRILLIAXN 1 8, EW HOSIERY, Inck and Colore? AND _ CHILDREN‘8 Râ€"COLOTHING. mmmm w FLOWERS. remembered the abouve are ‘mportations and quite new. m t odls W KID GLOYVES, B ‘«(Hair Cord, Ohecked, Jaconet, Nainsooke, Book, Best makers, K#, RAJ0TTE. 18]cent:. . U« | and 10 cents. 14 cent > 1} conts 17 cents. 00108 Notice is given that the period lnjo recepâ€" tHon of Tenders for the construction of the Rail« way limited by the advertisement of this Comâ€" paty ot date the P[FTH DAY of AUGUST, lastant, is hereby extended to the TWELFIH DAY of £RPTEMBER next inclusive. \ ~_ ... By arder of the Board, S8T. MAURICE NAVIGATION AND LAND | OUMPANY. _ Will commence running her regular trips from Major‘s Wharf to Oitawa ever Monasy and Baturday leat\ 4 Major‘s at 5 a m, and Ottawa at 4pm. | | f Ottawa, April, 25, T870 Otaews at? a m, deaily, . M &A RKET â€" 8TEB AM ELE _ mrFAIRY m | y | \ â€" President Qitaws, August 23, 1870. |_A4Mitl%s »g in*e ortraw a RIVER NAaVIGATION COY‘3 STEAMERS. COOKING sTroYEs 1 _ â€" _ ‘CoOKING $ : OYEs ! , ~| cooKing stoves And ovqmuu of sTOV £8, inclading ‘bes: #â€"HARVESTING IMPLEMENTS. 4 "QUE EN |YICT O R 1 A4," Ottawa, August Byecial attention ap Ga‘vanised lruq #¢., t.?' | i > 1 & IMPORTERS OFP |GENERAL HOUSE FURN 4 f | _ 1s@twe Rarowake. > cvru®s:© ) | sCYTHEY!!| S0OYTHES!!\RW: ONRL TO LEND on Real EKstate. . | Apply to | H P HILL, Solisitor, &c., m REOEIVEO, se .‘ k "b t‘es and Cofese Ccms bo,n" Mitk ~ancepans, Constantiy on « | | _ No. 24, Kidean Streoot, Ottaw 24th Jupe, 1870, FIsHING tm Â¥lies, Hooks, Nets, F7 Books, " CAPITAL‘ BLYTH & KERR, l\â€wfl 1441 im Quaws, DOUBLE STOVES, | DOUBLE STOVES. KITCHEN UTENSILS No. with Malls and Passengers, leaving Mardware. her regular trips between Ottawa Carr. H. MEADOWS & CO. 2nd, 1870. . JOSEPH CAUCHON, IDEAU STREET, | given to Roofing and Siti s and Tin Gatters, Oo.dl:::l‘,! n:ls m 'l'iuen, Tio r <â€" Smiths, Bell BsTOVE DEPOT, LE ising Rods, Li h Fonk Praper, Lebires i Heary Hardware, 8 STO NE BUILDLING, hand, ..â€"p“- | 10, 1870 in any of the above esd in a‘ prompt and & W BHEPHCLRD. * 141t( 35 Sussex Street. Post Office Bicck 1433 iy Ottaw a F‘xz Ships Cognac, . jrom Charente, an» Nero, from .Oporto, (and to arrive from Italy;) . f t * THE FOLLQWING @00D8; i & uuosâ€"sBuaoy, â€" _ L A8, % U 16 DIRECT â€" IMPORTATIONS "' 1%X, RUM and The very best br A fall and well assorted syk of general Groceries® j 10 & l) 1ICKLES, The ahovs goods are wall kn»wn to be the fines kind brought into this.city, and ars well worth being tred by families requ ring: them for o A tew trisls will prove their superiority common goods. * f i VGARS, SYRUPS and FRULTS, Capable of cutting_40.000 foet of boargs in 12 hours, containing 1 Circular, 1 Stewart‘> Oscellating Mulay, 1 Seifâ€"acting (Double Edger, with Butting Saws, and 1 Sett Gang: Baws. i 14 ‘Engine‘ 75 borse power with ample boile: space, a large portion of machine:y new. The Mill is well | «itaated tor cutting fili stuff, but could easily be moved as it is situated on the navigable waters of Long .Point Bay. e > t .a Sias, 1 % 70. * _For iurther particulars engquire at THIS OFFICE. |_ f Oitawa, August 1,;1370 j 1233 14 YOUIG _â€"_.â€" LADIES‘ SEMINARY, WELLINGTON STREET, C MISS A. M. HARMON, Parxotran, The EIGHTH SCHOOL YEAR of this Educa= TT sape ‘bh: when MLSS: HARGMODNâ€" will be DAY, Sept. 5th, when ARMON wili d‘J in the English classes by o&y. who has received a th«u:i Normeal sohool Education, and who possesses bâ€"th the gift of teaching and ol rightly developing the cbara stor tf her pupile. NOFFEE, The French, Dnvhfl. singing and Instrauâ€" mental Music Classes will be taught by competent, experienced Professors and ‘Teschers. : Applie:â€" tion tor BoarJing and Vsay Pupils can be made by letter, addrersedâ€"M.ss Baru~x, Otlawa, usiil K.m NASCY A0A1P8, A call solicited by -A'-&;{ï¬nvi- m Marmon will be at home. rospectuses the course of English Studies, and the School Fees, can be, bad at Messrs Durie & Son‘s and Messrs Hope & Co‘s Bookstore, Sparks street. 1407 8 > A Branch of the Monklands Villa, MABRLA EsTABLISAMENT, MONTREAL, “OR SALLE: A VALUABLE STEAM SAW MILL The Sisters of the Congregation de Noir Dame respectfully isform the public that thiy will open their classes on the \st September, Betides the Boarding Sohnol a Select Daiy Schuol is attached to the establighme at. For particulars and terms apply to the ~LADY sUPERIIR > . Corner of O‘Conner and Wellington Streeis. OQlawa, August 12, 1870 ° 1i LES & PORTE EKKsUuRS CHEESE, ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT ROARD. ‘ Aoply t aR L ROWsELL 8, ; Opposite the Union Hotel, _‘ Jhe onlg old and reliable wines for tamiâ€"y use in the city, and used by all the bes dostors in this visinity. Urdered express!y for the purpose. f Fipe, very five and Extra V P for (amily vase orâ€" first olass hotels. A tri«al will show that they s10,cheap and r.liable, and the price as low as the common trashy kind generally use4. I ""0 OR THREE GESTLEMAE car be> ace ~omodated with Dubli . Porter, put ‘aup to order. Lawes Ales and Porter, in good condition, alway» on haud. s The very vest. always Frosh Roasted and Ground on the promises. . _ BLACK, in differen kinds; also vory trosh mr and sweet. GRKEEN, of the various kinis, new eason Firet Class Brands, warranted genuine to Ebe only old and reliable wines for tamiy Queon‘s, Arms and Stilton, very ao0op. WAII'ID ; By a young girl a situstion as SEAM. STRESS3, or DRESSâ€"UMAKER, in a poate family or place of busines«. _ _ Beferepces given it requir.d. Apply at the 'rm. Orrion. * 3 x lew 18to. 14M»t _ SAUCES and FLAVOURTING EXTRACTS, The ver, best. from the Crossse &. Bt . well‘s, Loxpox. DVir»ct from London, put up to order from the maker, a very ‘superior articie, very EMINARY FOR YOUNGLADIES, fll&l)l. PORT WINE, vory old vintage 1861, + STRAaL To Wws CA8SK® BAKCRHY U IXE, Qimnnt§s â€"|â€" a wa. Jalr §5, 1873 LIYERY. STA&ABLL®, OF ALL KINDS. W ines, UGrocerles 1870. . THOS. PATTERSON, > No. 26, #ideau Street. t“l"t'. 1ds to be bad. Râ€"ALL KILN| 8, and Liquors, all inde. 1430 t who go to ï¬â€™ht " with God, forKing, and Fatherland." â€" Slips of parchment, like luggage labels, have â€"been prepared, on which the name of each German soldier is pliinly written, and one of these will be tastened inside his coat when he goes into action. . After the day is decided, the enemy, if he be master of the field, will beroqfnat.odto collect and return these labels, of which aboutia million have been provided, % te for an unknown journey. Thi the German wife or mother nwin& it onâ€"the battle ticket of her stake in the q 1â€"the address of her particular « material of war," the awâ€" ful travelling label whereon no loving hand may write, "with care,‘"‘ seeing (that its bearer goes into the Vallo;.o‘mo Bhadow to come forth again orhotz}:s hearen shall decrec. _ Sewn on with German thread, ripped off, perchance, with@aFrench knife, wgole packets and parcels of these little human memorandsa will surely be returned, but yet every man who buttons his coat over the label of death has looked his fate full, into the face, and made ® himself © ready for the burial." C A GENEROUS EXEYÂ¥Y. f Somewhere above % in the dusk of departing day, a officer, attended by a single orderly soldier (orâ€" derlies go armed in a cunpufn)‘m malrâ€" ing a reconnaissance either> for Prussians or for salmon on the bank of the great r.vgr, when he pe ceived a horseman in his clolk ride down to the water‘s edge at the opposite shore.. The two Frenchmen lay down in the reeds, and the officer, taking A Berlin letter in the London Telegraph says : Maurk one instance of the German practical spirit ‘as a proof of the fushion after which these Teutons prepare to fight. In recent wars pupular feeling has demanâ€" ded that rank and file, captains and genâ€" erals, shall be equally and impartially mentioned ‘in tbo.(llisti of the sl:in ; but difficulties have arisen, because the enetoy cannot know the dead men‘s names, and. when the muster roll is called after battle the missing may be only wounded or prisâ€" oners. ° Germany*has, in her solid, calm manner, arranged, in view of this difficulâ€" ty, that each wife and mother shall speedâ€" ily know the best or the worst about those npeef across with his glass, informed the orderly that the German enemy was cerâ€" tainly an officer, and he rather thought one of rank,. In a moment the Chassepot was adjusted, the Prussian was covered, but the barrel. was grasped ‘with a n-oluul hand. «"Down with. your arm," said the officer, ‘to shoot that single man in the silence of theevening, and in a moment of ‘ unsuspicion, seems to me so uncommonly like murder, that I order you to reserve your cartridge for some other occasion." * All the same to me, sir," said the sol. dier, shmiging his shoulders, * whether there be ohe more or less of them, but parbleu, I would have snuffed out this fine feliow at all events if you had let me !" s A NAD VENTURE.. M. About hs given us a most amusing | woounm the defeat of the Baden recon: \na.immmwi in front of Niederbronu, which he justly calls a fool hardy affair. Six Grand Ducal officers, with t n or a doren men, wtu:ll‘lL marched thirty two kilome tres {upw: of twenty miles) into the enemy‘s country, muking their observaâ€" tions and gleaning information, not &t night time or in disguise, but in broad sumâ€" light and full uniform. They crossed on Sunday morning near L‘mwrbnr!, .d'e‘n scen by numbers of people, cut the tele graph w.res at Huntspach Station, while. the inhabitants were at church, passed the day in riding ahout the country, und were not caught until Monday morning, when they were surPrmod' while at bmk’ut in &A farmâ€"house. They rushed to their horses ; there was a pretty handâ€"tc haud combat, such as Wouvermans loved to paint, but the audacious Germans were outnumbered and taken at diudnnt:g; poor Winsolw was killed, four other officers ‘were taken prisoners, two of them being wounded (one of these has since died), and the sizrth escapedâ€"it is said on a French troopherse, his own having bx‘huod in the affray. It was a very b picturesque sort of affair altogether. _ m A oorrelpondcntofdnza‘a. Nationel says that, grand as is effect of the Marseillaise‘‘ when sung by Mdlle. Sss or M. Faure, it is tame compared to the performance he heard close to Forbach. A regimental band was playing before head quarters snatches of operas, L., when suddenly it began the "Marseillaise." The brassâ€" rang out with a strange warlike sound, when, it was overpowered by the voices of &n col-di«n:il Bing ng as they & so near the enemy, the great war achnucterofm{ity which %:Lm ed : its :mfniflooneo. Bome notes there were in the chorus, but it was on such an occasion that a French officer ob. served of his men, "They sing false, but they aim true;" or, as we might say, they }-ing flat‘ but are sharp shooters. K. s THE SECRET TREATY. 'l‘hoPaynemindsmMonthom ion of a visit of the King of Belgians t Pnrichialnjutyoomfhmdmfl“fl to Prince Napoleon of the hloiw a buted to Francée, upon w the Prince replied : ‘It is not we who ask for Belâ€" ium. For the last six months Bismarck g'uboonnrving'uonsmytothohpc- or just as a footman @‘Ters refreshments." The Pays published this afecdote shortly after The N. Y. Heraid says :â€" "There has been a curious analogy thus far between the conduct and fortunes of the French G%vernmont in this wznnd those of the Federal Government in the war of the secession. France set out to invade Germany just as confidently as the North set out to invade the South. . Weisâ€" senburg and Worth startled all Fn'ngo inâ€" tonganic, just as Bull Run startled the North, Immediately after the defeat of McDowell all the world cri.d out that the North was hopleuly_bum,.ï¬un as all the wor‘d now cries out that all is over with wor;dnow.rhc:ieéo:lt.“:hndlhovuw&: France. nglish press proved downf.]1 of the American Union as clearl uitnowmvutbooolhgndmlmci Empire, and even at the North men got to expecting news of a Southern victory with every battle as un{hnow do of a Prussian victory. France calls out her armed popuâ€" latidon by the half million at a time, just as the North did ; ‘and as the North promptly issued piper money, : so France makes a leg«l tender of the notes of the Bank of France. The North at once blockaded the South with a superior naval force, #fl. A« 4 w:ï¬l this -uyiog oddly.n iy certain ‘political points thi obtains. The clamor of certain Deputies for the practical deposition of Napolâ€"on only reproduces the shout nkod.g;ltb‘ New York: limes and other Radical jour= mg.thnuo:d'o( ‘Ahnh:mlF that war might nzï¬ï¬‚-d igor. wummu hold to the end, and King fare no better than Jef. fanonDnvi-,ml.‘“; to be non.b. h“i‘r one thi at we may sure : | Kinï¬lï¬hnohmldhobuhnnd made l;prmr{nbovodd hldgdbom:’wh: cn certa j mï¬o:otbomhoun." * ? * THE PRUSSLIAX ARKY. | raltt optitdion lmiraice m um i i to remem: ber that the Prussian forces consist of an Army of the North, under General Stein Uï¬ Copann T070 we cmin tade IDEXTIFYINXG THE DEAD. FRANCE AXD YANKEELAXD, WAR GOSSIP. THE MARSEILLAISE, , On to Paris," wih songs and ballet dnna‘n‘. " e â€" A month ago, the Barisians were comâ€" placently speculating on the prospect of the idmuchongur‘ armies to Berlin. ‘Novr:Keymromodwtho startling fact that their beautifal Bois ce Bologne must be cut down to provide for the defence of l their own upxut‘:o § The Duke of Manchester has left :1 land for the seat of war. His Grace will be allowed to remain at the Prussian headâ€" quarters. s m.gmantuthoï¬mnfwm, and was but cighteen years of age. * Tho'h«;p- of the Affiéan :A which arrived in France m}m‘k&mm 4,600 Turcos, 9,000 Chasseurs® d‘ Afrique, and some Spahisâ€"in all; from ao,& to 25,000 bayonets and sabres. IJA large Y.ro- portion of thesq were killed: in the late the receipts to the fund for succoring the wonndfl. x+ engagements. A piece entitled ©" Mabching on Paris ‘‘ is now performed s:“;pw leading theatre in Berlin. The tirst represents . * Peace and Quiet ;" the second « The people rise and the struggle begins ;" the third "The Passage of the Rhmie," and â€" the fourth s The Parisian theatres are givin « ing patriotic performances, ie &m The French sailors ape being armed with dirks for boqdh‘p\xaono, and with this object a number of old double edged bayonets are being cut down for the supply of the navy. ¢ i * a The military career of King William L of Prussia extends over a period of 55 The Prussian soldier on the march slings gi:“l;:dlmot"g:m gis belt, and walks hu-; ; n he . into battle, throws his helmet ngn::dmptbor. Any one who saw the field of Koniggratsz on the day after the battle must have umm slaughter of Prussians to have Yastly greater than it really was; for the et cornâ€"fields, far and near, were strewn wit these cast off helmets.© . % Prince Frederick Charles, comprising the 2nd, 3rd, 4th; and 12th Corps ; and an Army of the South under the Crown Prince Fredrick Williim, comprising tue 5th Corps, the Guards, and the South Gerâ€" Elsinore, Helsingor, where the French intend to organize, with the permission of the Danish Government, a supply service for the fleet, is an imp rtant city on the Island of Zealand, in the Sound, at tlus E:i.htnocm,tm than three mils wide, and ies directly opposite to the ‘Swedish city of Helsingborg. Geneéral Ael Douay, who fell at I.&::: tle of Weissenburg, was brother of = al Felix Douny, Commander of the Reventh Corps. .He was 61 years of age,.> le was Colonel of the Voltigeurs of se‘ Guard at the taking of the Malakbof#f, and BriQ P General at Solferino." He was made G. nerâ€" i of Division in 1866, and éommanded the seventh territorial divisi n at Besancon. â€" Half a dozen Parisiennes are forming &A regim.nt of women to march against the Prussisns. â€" Cortumeâ€"corsage of Brand.â€"nâ€" burg blue, (rather a bad French colour, by the m), a premiecre danseuse skirt," gray Turkish trousers, high boot of red moroceo, no chignon, a white felt hat and a red festher. The nams» of the regiment is the Amwzons Oof the Seine. "‘The famous white curassier ;glgimt, of which Premier Bismartk is colonel, and which was so nearly annih lated at Scheles tadt, is so f:.om â€"the colour of 1ts uniform. The coates is snow white, and, what with the bright breast plawe, . or cuirass, and the white plume i helmet, the uniform | is sb$t. tEa handsomest in Earope. A vivid iption of the Searbruck battle is given by a French writer, who bears witness to the gall antry of the enemy : The last Prussian: soldiers have retreated from the excer¢ising und. | Unly. one of them i “&W ing cover, add fiting as rupidly as he can load. A crowd of bullets knock him over â€"hefalls all of a heap. 1 counted 17 b!dld_c_holciaï¬m_ I ‘cut of his Anold officer by my side admires his pluck, as I do myself. | Yesterday the Tyne Crew commenced the coming contest. Throughout the day PRICEâ€"3 CENTS wfly.-dodymnod to exert ves when in the vicinity of the island and towards the end of the course. Thuwunodoubto'in’ in‘;ar-t-n sure to small rowâ€"boats freq y crossing z bourre in thlmflborl:: of the way pier. seem to & as they finish the stroke than the 8t. John crew. 1t will be remembered ‘that the latter merely brought themselves &:’ to tbeporpent{ipnhrflpfmgulin' rard hro'o'ortllboir.mk:.‘ &hoir}ouh. besutiful . # racing craft, Modcom?thh almost -“‘3 mmmt;;qwthuyo;;:-d to a heary sea. The men are somewhat diâ€"appointed with the aspect of the course. They are of the opinion that the lake is :“Wï¬v m-_»lo to '3 :zdh:‘fl“:‘ rough weather. They are, however, in the best of spirits, and are evidently bound to win if possible. . Mr. Renforte during the mornin ;lbotook.;rdlnudtbom in his scull boat, will keep upfl: practice along with the other du.ing thei stay at Lachine. The William which aprived at Bmontblmhly,&mm' , 16â€" rorhthtonlbowthof.: xwhen in u»sN..lon.uW..shof‘:lawiwa :t »8 N., long 55 W., she f..t with a boat contaning eight men in a ingcon â€" ditionâ€"there being nejifiger lood nor water in the boat, As the fellows could not spesk English, it was impossible to ascerâ€" ‘hwhfltihqbolonpdw,ordnnmo{ NM if‘1‘1:‘0’“’ m be atts were to huwhn-m,‘uti-m ‘at all inprobable â€"from their hdz‘mblo to communicate in English, as generality of Fiench sailors are always able to make themselves understoodâ€"that they may turn out to . His Majesty, who was born in 1797, *‘ An exciting trotting race came off oveâ€" un..\ln-fln course, Toronto, on Yon day last, in which Mr Crew‘s b g .« High. hw:l'l:â€bo?,qh_u, and were n lander" beat Mr. J. Lowrey‘s g g 6n Jemmy," in two straight -'f. hlh-’ about 2 min. 30 see. A Strange Story of the Hea The Great Boat Race. FIGHTING BAREHEADED. TBE TYXE CREBW, }j ) }