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Ottawa Times (1865), 31 Aug 1870, p. 1

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P aarg 144 40 (any United sl= geth* E4A ~~â€"kp ies A.’:‘l“ UHACO â€" Sagpory‘ Crvuge. y Adizs, E1q, a.cuitect, Phila: Builer, ©1q, A~n=t. Mbu'y & ‘. ; Enmoes rolus,. 5#q rt-tg;;.l..l.v. id . .._| PM mioox. #> Ritsanu Streeat (Mawa. â€"_â€" B,. CMEARA. Puopaisto®. PROYG, PROPRILCTOR, gUEEX axo ELGLX 403 OQTT a W A. § s WIUyOR aAND COMGOR&T FOR LAVELLING @UBLIC. _ BJ# REATAUSRAKT, Â¥, LAVANAGH, Proprictor, ‘ trance to the Goverament semprises antbn:-h u‘h‘.‘ut::'b!h-m always sapplied with the EK8T LI&Q&U OR S8, HoUVSCE, ;‘,.ufi' Barmster®, & / saeut @uoses T.aMzo® * _ Public for the Pro m 4 wiee in Mr. E. WOVA 8uufila. lshed 185 1 . * F‘n accoum modaâ€" to their comfort: ROMANS, Pr sprictor. Case I.ofl sur reyors, burkuâ€"st. Qitawa. V table spread with tON, + otgiine‘s Diming Saicon.) (MtBW & IFLCOATION3, #0, 14 as Acteative Hostlier. uin 4 Aâ€" 1/ /w LR . Pork, Fiour, A0., for sale. dan e ol > t James and Kingâ€"ste., oad Public Ofices, ST. Y OR PHE SEASON o e es UTH COL LE G E a LADIES‘ COLLEGE WÂ¥ U. &. H Prince Arthor. wp ancum . «t#¢ Ret. 1. Helimath, D.D., itloaldes . nply to} Major Evaos, umay se obtainméd on appl Stewart, Wilbrod street. so Gth 1AAG. 11 181f Commiussion Merchant and wous, |MeGiuli \Wai '.‘W. mmipiacd DJ Dr. Mail« Ts uk 13887 DEKEPORTXEXT. ationat. haring maile arrangements d lady teacher, announces &.â€"The subscriber having s his time equally between irgh, would beg to Inform his hers, that he hopee, in future, :hn-h. more prom ptly tiait Ottawa once a month. Â¥r. Bermingham s Auction , Burrister and ABOtâ€" ; Chanoer] , Conveyâ€" Buildiag, Rgo#* instant . Officeâ€"Aumond*? Suare. 2037 a%a. 8. BEXEDIC Tt Hearn‘s 1/ public, Cleork netire United NO. 1449. & Lixe i n _ ! _ mBY.WiRD, MARKBL A8ST0. nmmmnyuwuwm and customers that cary havé Just regeived and have ready orinspes lon Yuitevie for the coming seasen, he preinises . sxuLts3H, NEWEST AND .___" ABLE DESIGN®. EZrTuE READY.MADE |> c1oraixe D*®"‘ is also vary complete, aad will be Touna Special attention is called to a LaHOGE AssoO8TMENT OF iPRING AYD @UMMS& flfi"‘ Suspendears, Soarts, Lies, Collare, Shirts, Gloves, ko, &o. Together with a large and well assorted ooR 0t § wayâ€" DXÂ¥ Go0ov8. m« | mw-nvm-mdo Arst class cutter Suits made to order in best aad ""'“\ Good 4t ensured or no a4 6. A, DUFF. EK®I% WUEKELAKX, a VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT THr â€" GovERSOR _ GrCRaL Boy ‘o intimate to their castomers aad th renorally, hat they will keep conscantl . FRAEN®H, wiye BKEF AN! sPRIYG ~«hroutaTIONs, € MEARA & CO. 8PICau To‘ha had ¢r g A or THE NEWEST STYLES. UIrCHEEKI to scortcil asD CaANADLAN w ANUFACTU 8E3 ROLLRD BEERZ FOR PARTIES, THELR CELEBRATED RFRESH KILLED ©UEIR STALLS, and ‘will be found ofgthe) Nes. 5 and 1, Wt 1 On Money Order Ofices the Domiâ€" comprising‘ , Newfound~ land Prinee Réward ean be I obtained at this Mve, Postage and w BRill §tamps. | EP ARTMENT «P a 44 SALT ROUND, O‘ MEARA &4 00 h p FASHIONâ€" BRCOATS | Interest allowed at the rate of Foot I:nn. | per ennum, and deposits can be withdrawn at snn Aeperttr 12 ‘rems oC $100, tor the with» sams I hrawal of which 3 months‘ notlce will ‘be reâ€" Per Cénadian Steamer from Quebee every m.uo.un.;' Per direct Packet via York, grery Tuesday at 5.40 a.m. | | ~£ Note.â€"A u"uâ€"-_:y’_ dian Steamer will be ¢ ‘ Depart................ 5.10 a m, 1.08 p m, 10.00 pm AIHMYG ..............s: 4 40p®, ) 1.08 8 m, 0. 00 J.-. The «bore traias connsei at r&n‘ Jun with Braad Trank Rail way for points â€" south |_ Orrawa Q#rriczâ€"â€"Yoark streat, corner o Bussex Poer Orric®, Ottaws, 13th June, 1870 _ ;CHICAGO, ud + Cincinnati, 8t. Loyis, New Orleans, and all Points in the West and South, NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION ‘CU‘s$ ) FirstClass Upper Cabin Steamers. OCDENSBURG: x CHICGAUGU Making sure connections with Railway for * * * Points West und South, _ Partics going west can secure Tickbts ‘ at this office to any Point desired, VIik ALL RA!L OR ALL BOAT: Fares always cheaper than by any other ~ GBRKEAT CRNTRAL 1:0UTE AND saAVE MJSEY, TIME AND DPISTANCE. Comparitve dist«nse of the several Western Roates to Uhicago : k Q@rand Troak to Torvato, Wreat Wesâ€" m ” m.-‘. 0-.‘09.‘.0.“0'.. Leaxing in favot of u“&a- Contral }IIA‘P * I “a, be: f CENTRAL AIR LINE ROUTE, d, LMW Â¥lk . Ahn.dl'dnh.- GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. iLADlEB' ‘KND® °C For TLOKETS '-""’-i'p"“"m""";i-”"&' United .” all ‘”.-mlAl. £.â€"A Sa “i’ Mail Bag for Canaâ€" dian s-.'.’o'r will be closed eyery Friday at UAba.m. All l-m-uofillbr"- paid by Stamps. No Registered Letters eun be sent in this bag. | Solicit the patronage of the Lamber Merchan U gonerally on the Ottawas From ‘his long experiâ€" snos in the trade be offers his services in engaging men and attending to their rafts fih.‘n‘ here to the best of his ability. Alex Fraser, £#q. ~ . Waiter Bwith, Keq, * ioh *oupore, Eiq. _ © & W Orulse, Eeq. [This Model Road of Canada j To ‘Sarnia, Detroit, Milwaukee. Orricn Hours rzowx 8 1.x., ro T r.X4. 0. P. BAKER, Wedssesdisy, the, To phss BYâ€"LAW8, and consider tha EW ®" AMALGAMATION wit# ‘the NORTHE COLONIZATION RAILWAY COMPANY. YR WOnsLEt, C ITY BRRaVy ¢1.1L8R avio8. LA WEESO® aAnp ortiwarinsit rogt OPFICEK BAYTXCA RAXL. @ENERAL COMMISSICON AGRNT, mee Street, next to the City Hotel oFFICE OP THE CONPANY, SEITIEE MAILS CLOSE OXEYT ORDEZS, DalLY Li®® BB W AT SEVEN O‘CLOOK P. X., NUTICE. A ONCNERAL MEETING essedues secbsessequesedesessness Will be held at the the 14th day of September o ‘FIOKETS at by the C uhk ‘wm, 11.00 & u, 9. 00 ;': G*~***" t ak ' » y for «il poings aouth RESs TA streat, corner o Bussex | -D H TATLOR, Agents. | Bmm or ; ThE OoITawWA. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 81. 1870. 1to:s, next to #ir & "o‘.flb’.lfi& 18 Tu® fl,nauona. of Four per cent. mméseeseves®e® O TT aAa W A, RAILWAY COM 1 such praces as will clear out the greater perâ€" tion of them in a very short time, viz : DbOD«<® “7 WPER Brt‘ltasts, W t" 1% w.l‘l‘l-.d Seif=Colored Flllfl‘.c The followiny list of goods wn‘!l be sold at AEATHERES, / _ _ Preach Waere, Whits*and Greg | <OLLARS and Cafs, 1O RIETS, AT THE NEW EsTABLITS ILK Jackets, HREXCH Chambrey, HA W LEâ€" LOWKEKXS, ADIES! White Cotteon He AaAPANEAHR s1KS, ARGAINS 18 ADIRA®! and Children‘s H LACK Lace thawle, RILALIASTS, AaAcB Â¥FISUES, UFIYX POLDS, OMAN and Egyptian Geari «CYO â€" C 4 â€" Blask USLINAâ€"Printed. Opposite the Ro PWEX BOME 0oÂ¥ THE P! ARAGESâ€"Bilack and Co| RES! TRLIMKKING®, HITE MiaRs#sEKILLES, instant. The whole of my stook is offered to ousâ€" tomers at a very lowâ€" Egure so as to make reom for the New Spring Goods. | I would call specially the attention of customers to my heary stock READY MADE CLOTHING Which will be sold without Reserse at a low price All goods marked in plain figures. eÂ¥ jadge for poursel{. For dooe month only, comme C'l.flm- & A No, 14, Sparks stree Raéar CLEARING SELLILNG AT / PA R ASOLEK, w@wK â€" Paily K1id4 Gh CcAgH P NEKW MUSLIN NBE W ‘BRILLIA NEW DRESS G NEW FLOWE NEW KID G EW LISLE 13W SILA 1 GBAM: & and esamine my BY, HKEXT, N + 8, ABRDSA Y« LLUHDEAY. IOB® : sell H ow «. IILDREN‘8 the ‘above are and quite naw. is and dows, [ & 14 reat 10 vemiss $ zenats 11 centss O 468 U â€"s eommeneed b er n.-mo‘pmm" «+ad Caâ€"treal, with Mails and Passongers, learing I raews anf am delly, | & & RAEAT .Thflll w«»â€"FAIRY Wi‘l commense ronning her regular trips from Meljer‘s ® harf to Oitawa Monday and Yaturdoy loarlag Major‘s u.:r-. and Ottawa at 4p m. | Ottawa, April, £8, 1270 [’coolmo STOVES ! COOKING 8 : OV COOKINY ‘And every other kind of pTO patiorns of | pOUBLE STOVES _ ~ DOUBLE smv'f 'fmnonndum‘ pboril :i .+ | *3 | x@avÂ¥iGATIHN COVYV‘8s 8STEAMER®S. Notice is given that the peri tion of Tenders for the constri way HAmited. by the advortise pany of :dste the PIFTH T linstunt, is beroby, extended t DAY ol bHPTHMBER aest is By order of the Boord, ttawa, August 33, 1870. Bvory deseription of t4â€"HARTESTING 11 At the sign of the ANI btrect, you can And a compl *HOUSE FURNISHL «TIn Great Vpriety,} Q UE EN Y1CT OR 1 A," Ottaws, August 22nd, 18 70. vÂ¥ CYeHNES : IKMPVRTER$ 07 ufllnn HIVsB PURKâ€" isALXG q'.nnwus â€" sn rermern go ts pint Unmara,pree is posnt, t msmnq.% Pem, Milk sancepant, #0,, K0 . .. _ .0 0000 _ Ottaw â€" 24th Jone, 187« ki P t( eemamemnemt 1 TH BB & f | O1!1 it; . * sCYTHEY!: SCYTHES!!!.3 «CaAPITAL" â€" STON 1441 im BLYTH 4& TO LESD on t‘a r,"* HP BILL, 8 a%. THE a w SNREPHERD. Sor the recepâ€" :h- of the Raul« ot this ?-- F.‘ AUGVUST, the TWELFIH NG G0OO0Dbs 85 Russer Street. “DOWB & CO, meus..l b‘Tovns 1 ‘lfl. including test Meal Ketate. H CaAUVCHOR, E.’fia“:?n- Post ORi¢e.BI oc k E DEPOT, [PLENMNENTS.â€"4LA IUi2113%3 1341 i ready for use. â€" â€"Pimnnts â€" I‘r Ships Uognac,. from Charente, ana Nero, from Oporto, (and to .arrive from I‘a]’s) â€" + DPIR&ECT IMPOoRTATioNnS ‘i“' RUM and WILISIG N Y, The very best brar d» to be bad l "illz?. PORT WINXE, vrory old vintage 10 !k.’; CcasKks® SHRRR®Y WIAE, "a o P 6i l)ccxx.n. A full and well momd stock of ° general Groceries ; The ahove goods ars» wall kaa#n to be the finss kind brought into this sity, and ars well worth being trmd by families requ ring. thew for .e A few trials will provo their auperiority common goods. a A VALUABLE STEAM : SAW, MILLL. Qupable of cutting 40 000 fâ€"et "of boards in 13 hours, containing 1 Circular, 1 Stewart‘s omlhlha Mulay, 1: Seifâ€"acting . Double g‘;:pr, with Butting Saws, and 1 Sett Gang Engine 75 horse power with ample boiler space, a large portion of machine:y new. ‘The Mill is well‘ situated tor cutting fill stuff, but could easily be moved as it is situated on the navigable waters nf Long 10FFEER, _ For turther particulars enguire at THIS OrFPFICE. â€".. .‘ ; N Octawa, August 1,;1870 1233 1m )"..Q Polot Bay. NANUY §$0APS8, VOARS, BYRUPS and FRUITS, The Sisters of the Congregation de Noir Dame respectfally ‘inform the public that th»y will open their|olasses on the 1st Septem ber. Besides the Boarding School a Select Day School is attached to the establishment . f For partioula:s and terms apply to the : LADY aUPERLJR: Corner of O‘Conner and Wellington Streets. Ottawa, August 12%, 1870 .. | 14f a‘‘ras. 13 70. A call solisited by LKS & PORTERâ€"ALL KEX 8, KKsdRS CHEKESK, First Class Brands,° werranted genuine for famr _ us . w. CHAMPNESS, / Baitisu Liox Hor:t, SParKs StReetr. Mz, OHA MPNESS has always on hand the best seleetion of horses ana carriages to be found in the City, and to be let at reasonuble rates. Eficien* grooms alway «m hand or customers. Ottaws, 13th Ju1y, 1870. 14076 docotots in this vicinity. Ordered for the purpose. Fine, very Booe and Exua V P Eog tamils use or first class boteis. A trisi will snow that they are cheap and reli«b:is, and the price as low: anr the common trasiay «ind generally used a The olllx'old and reliable wices for tamtiy use in the city, and used by all the best Qubli ~ Porter, put up to order. Laver Ales and Porter, in good condicion, «itways on hand. | The very best, always Frosh Roasted a1d Around on the promises . | ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT ROARD. Apply at > > y _ _ _ MREROWSELLS, v Opposite the Union Hotel, . "\WO OBR THREE GENTLESAEK can be aco~nmmodated with BLACK, in diferen kinds; also very trosh sound and swoet. GREEN, of the various kinis. new. eason EEKILINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, SAUCES and FLAVOURTING EXTRACI®, The ver; bert, from the Crowss & Bi . well‘s, Loxpox, a WVirect from Loadon, put up to order trom the maker, a vyery superior artiole, very ; ®TRAt TUOWK .. ...:; LIVERYF STABLLA. UHDS. BR&ANDY, ‘VAI‘I'ID R& SALLE: A Branch of the Monklands Villa, JA . ESTABLISRMENT, MONTREAL, THEK FOLLOWiNXG GOODS : OF AlLL KINDS. 1870. Arms and stilton, very @oon Wines, Katy 4. 1473 "FHO8. PATTERSON, No. 28, Ridean Stroet. and Liquors, all inds. Centre Town. 1439 it INTERVIEWING THE CROWX PRIXCE, 1 Among the French who ‘fell into the | hands of the Prussians, after the battle of Worth, were two correspondents of the ! Paris press, M. Henri Chabrillart, of the Figaro, and M. Cardon, of the Gaulois. ; Each of these gentlemen has published an woount.‘of his adventures. â€" At Soulz they ‘ were brought into the presence of ‘the | Crown Prince, and the interview is thus | described by M. Chabrillart : ‘I confess l am very much embarrassed. If 1 draw a flattering portrait of the Prince, it will be said that f am scld to the Prusâ€" gians ; if I draw an unfavorable picture of hins, to gratify any malvâ€"lent passion, I shall be guilty Of injustice and. falsehood. I aim a reporter, which mesns a kind of photographer. I shall therefore simply and truly state what I sar, and what was said. Those who may be dicntiufio%’:vith my account, must deal with the Prince themselves. It is not my fault that he is human. Would to Heayen that all Ger:: mans were like him ; but, unfortunately, it is not :so. Prince Frederick William, |h ir to the Crown of Pruss:a, is a man of tall stature, thin, with a calm and placid | eountenance ; but in the curve of â€"his aqueâ€": | line nose and dilating nostrils there are l evidences of energy, while the rapidity of his glance convincés you of his decision. A full, fair beard, soften the somewhat steorn expression of his features. l[&\h. groat simplicity of manner, and affects rather a kind of bourgeois style of spericâ€" ing, . thinking, and general behaviour, He was dressed in a black tunic with red collar and frcings, without any embmm or gdold braid, upon the shoulder a . epaulet to indicate his rank, but no other disttnguishing ornament. _ He wore a small black cap bordered ‘!it«h‘ red, I|fld the whole uniform was severely simple. He speaks French with great purity, withâ€" out foreign accent, beyond a slight Gerâ€". man intonation and pccasional: hesitation . at certain words. " Do you speak German, sir?"‘ said he to me.. * 4 No, Prince, not sufficiently." «I am sorry for it, as otherwise you would have heard in waat n;:aw our troops nreak of yours, and in what esteem they hold them.‘‘ . __«#I thank you very much for that opinâ€" ion,"" .: "« Ob, it is quite deserved.‘ We have all admired the ténacity and the. courage which have been evinced by oven the bumâ€" blest of your soldiers.‘‘ : .. °_ |.. | . . _‘ ‘ Then,‘with much delicate considerstion, and almost making excuses for montioaihn: the facts to us, he told ‘v« that they taken between 3,000 and ©,000 prisoners, thirty. guns, six mitraillsuses, and two -’:Tmong the prisoner«," said (he, «! is Gemeral Raoult,. 1went this morning to see him at Reichshofen, where he lies wounded, his hip and thig., being broken ; I fear that he is now dying. tie is a brave officer, and he has given me some adâ€" dresses in Paris to which he wishes letteors to be sent." * twiP i tsA * w,c‘s'vB.',;,-frinoo,” I observed, * the other prisoners also have families." , _ _ . _ __ yln-vuvuw i u4 l c n d B ds ces sA uie i «I have thought of that. I hare had them supplied with wr.ting materials ; the letters will be sent unsealed to our consul at Geneva, ‘who will forward them to France." | «. Prince, we thank you on behaif of the mothers whose grief you are about to asâ€" -w'o ‘ @1 do not like war, gentlemen. If I should reign I would never make it, Now despite my love of peace, this is the third aign that L have been oomlhd to uua I went over the battleâ€" yesterâ€" day. \t was frightful. I it only dependâ€" ed upon myself this war would end here. It is your Ministers and the Emperor who m:,fi" it, it was not we who wanted it. yet the Emperor has been very fiod to me and very kind to my wife. The last time that [ saw him was at the Tuil ‘eries on the 12th of January, when he said to me. © You know thit l have found a new Minister.‘ â€" That was this M. Ollivier, who now mukes this war against us.‘"‘ â€" . wvlfilto_râ€"n-fi-o,‘;;doed, and I think your artillery is very formidable." P en i oW o o ol s f «No, sir, it is not superior to (yours, but we make different use of it from. what you do, placing it more freely with the adâ€" vanced posts, "Your aim is very good â€"too good, indeed, for we hi+ve lost, I think, more men than you have, I have regiâ€" ments which have lost twentyâ€"nine or thirty officers.. But we hive taken prisonâ€" er«, and that restores our gdvantage." «"An enormous advantege, lor you know I what you had before ‘-rfi' esterday '.‘'.'.l:‘.’zg.?:dmm ml!_ the Aor "Nearly forty thousand men, the co:g of Marshal McMabon and a aivision of Seventh Corps. Idid not intend toattack, wishing only to make a reconnoisance in force, but one is not able to put an end to s fight when once it has begun. _ It was fortunate for us on the whole &s he would doubtless have received reinforcements, ar d we should have had still harder work next day.‘" > a< "Prince, it seems to me that you are very well informed concerning our army." "WUne must. be so,""‘ said he, nu{ln’ _ "But," said I, wiliully committing an ‘error, it was your entire army which was _u‘?od. 250,000 men at least." ~_ »Not so manyâ€"180,000 man. . They all fought well; but if the Bavarians had marched as well as our men, we skould have had it all over by noon instead of fighting until after 6 o‘clock. . I .should not give battle to yonr:my.nnle- 1 was superior in pum prefer to retire." /_â€"4#4YÂ¥ou have one in the precision 0 uqop_o.__l"mpth witnessing your the two Nanking movements which you effected upen our positionâ€"‘"‘ §# The hills of Freischweller are real fortiâ€" ifications, and I did not câ€"re to attack them ‘directly. | By t rning them . I lost fewer AMDONLA I We are very obli&?flm jor : the few minutes you have pleased to devote to us, but we do not see with you the Duke of Cobpurg, whom we desire to thank, for it he who saved ~us yesterâ€" Shoe mmumncthe muas eties not forgotten promise whio‘hom-dotouthoyonsboutu” <I will perform your &<mmission." â€" _ itWe now ask that we niay be taken back lw;ho.dnnood_ posts." "I see no objection;" and then, haring ecourteously saluted us, he withdrow. The greatest efforts maue by the police. were of no avail ; only the persussive mnamw'w who presided got each a large basin of boute.on â€" an â€"r: more than a quarter of a pound of beef, bread and cheese, a pint of beer, and a ~Sar avarvthingâ€"I tasted them myseli WAR NEWS BY MAIL hundred, the strongest appetiio} could be Apipiee "erpe tnniay e edienprer mwmuwmwh-‘ mh’ey-bddboddy either rench headquarters or from Brussells. Am-uhrm than was expected could write ; for those that.could not the others acted. 1t renâ€" mth.hwoh ebxuem-b nthoin::; waited u so many preity mmth, Wmnluififl'fl] I?pk': French. When the ladies came to a Turco, they saluted him partly. with "Salem Aleikum :‘ and the astonished reply, "Alcikum salem‘" mgunwishmhw{‘wmm â€" The German soldiers who accotmpanied 19 *9 in pumberâ€"otherwise I would great advantage, Prince, the movement of : your tower of Worth . we adâ€" ith the grief caused by the two fHanking you effecoted upon our ge, for you know | which . was addressed Im yesterday." | Zouave after the mann muuw& Les chats [ les chats! a givision of cats ? had become the intend to attack, | the juvenile voices. 1 reconnoisance in | able that, with the bo to put an end to | from being considered basun. _ It was | miliated enemies, wer the Krinonou were enthusiastic with regard to the bravery with which the French had fought, aftâ€"r . the G«issberg had ~been stormed, © Whey pointed out fourtzen men, belonging to the seventy fourth Regiment of the lne, who were the whole remainder of the regiment 1¢ft standing on the batâ€" tle fieldi but who réfosed, and who, deâ€" prived of ammunition, kept on figting at the point of the bayonet. As the Prusâ€" sians â€" did not like to kill . them, . they rushed at last in a body upon them, and drew them down wrestling. | «* Nous avrous cherche la mort," said one of them to me, ©comme n~tre colomel. comme notre general, dont voila le chev L. The train had brought the horse of Gen. Douay. _« in ns ©Ask him,", said a Prugsian privavte, " why he thinks they were overpowered."‘ That was a sagacious question, and the reply of the intelligent and well bred Frenchman told the whole tale of the war. It was, **We. were . too . weak in number ; we had (on: an advanced post) neither cavaly nor sufticiont artillery with zl, and finally we had no more ammuniâ€" on,"‘ _ When this was ex‘g;i:ed to the Frenchâ€" man he said ;>" L. w it, too, but too h:;; We never be.'g;e j al;ou;ht n'gdnu such troops as yours$. We mustngq longer skirmish as we have been accustomed to." {PRICEâ€"3 CENTS Most of the prisoners were taken, as skirmishers, in a cave which formed their cover, and where they were cut off by the rapid and continuous advance of the Prusâ€" sians«. 3 Motz is the centre of the triplcnn‘o 0 fortresses with which the celebratedâ€"Vau ban, the celebrated architect ‘of Louis XIV., attempted to defend, France against Germany from the north and the east. Round these frontiers he constructed .no less than eightyâ€"eight fortresses, of which Valenciennes in the north and Mets in the east are the strongest. As said beforé, Metz lies in the centre of the triple M::i having as advanced . post 'l'h‘i‘onvil.lo, _ ® in ticable for small steamers that go down with the current to Thionville, Sierck and Treves. At Coblents it flows right through the city ; one part of the river is still water. Mets: is very irregularly built ; has a popuâ€" lation of 80,000, and something like 23,â€" 000 men u"rrinon. It is surrounded by three walls, forming two ditches, which are about 80 feet deep, and be:i‘. connteted with theâ€" river, may be inundated at five minutes‘ notice. On each:â€"side of the place is situated a kind of a natural fort, called on the right side of the river the Fort BelleCroix, and on the left side the Mount St. Quentin. Corretpondence of London Nows. When the train with the prisoners in, there were about 5,000 people mnE: thourminmlini%thoniu;l‘mtnu » ber of @«gamins," or «streetâ€"boys," ‘as they mfihdlnfe, among them. â€"A treâ€" mendous but merry and goodâ€"natured yell received the red trousers of the French inâ€" fantry and the blue costume of the Tuscos. Ineuh‘m ;b&‘r: was one Pru:i:) private o two regiments stormed the Geissberg (goat‘s hill) at Weissenburg, his helmet adorned with green boughs. The French were partly squatting, but their guides invited to them tostand up to show their respect for the Zouave after the manner of Les Iampions. Les chats [ les chats! Where as the tomâ€" cats ? had become the favorite refrain of the juvenile voices. It was easily obseryâ€" able thet, with the boys, the French, far from being considered as haughty and huâ€" miliated enemies, were 6x !m‘"- In a few minutes the boundless hilarity of the lads communicated iteelf to|the French themselves, their ofticers e ted, who bid themselves in the interior of their firstâ€" class railway inge. I left the young hdhohmdhgmrdfinkw the tawny fellows of Kouthern France and of the Atlas, and made my. cab follow the track of the circular railway, over which the train was to proceed to the Rastern ‘::ro-d,h-in n‘“&'u‘hflh‘:: With bouses, and is, in fact, now a street railway. . Dense masses of people stood all along it. » At last I, was ovorukenh!:{ the train, and let it pass,. But how its mepect chuf:::“lt looked as never railway train m Ce bobn.&hdlufii.fiuof with boys become mofflnmhld crept into cbowuflmnsitdnmtb legs of the French and the wearâ€" ing their cans. Several had: provided lunlnnlm with cats. Those that could not got into the crowded carriages had the rear Na climbed on the top of them, where they amused themselres by standing: on their heads and : branishing their legs,. There were no stairs, no protruding boards, that boys were not sitting upon. _ Seen from a i‘fi“olmwl u'q;. train look:g like '.:.'4""3.':,‘.,“ sands of mmhw lJm dM.m. » â€"~There was a young, tall, fieshy, beardless hnd'n:ni“ + wb'o*in' .t::ll ;u-tl T who excl atâ€" a woman. e lnmod t ovronod higs miks fon, hk which & hokopthu_'u.hixdh.d-ilhghfln most arch and coquettish way, being eviâ€" dently »accyâ€"tomed to have his fun with the public. I reached the terminus of the Eastern Railway by a short cut before the Mbmmd«iptmmfiwdflwlq owing to the immense crowds by which it was surrounded. . The deneo t uo on neighborhood, the seat of the Berlin shawl manufacture, had poured forth still greater town. Here the sttempt to admit by tic/et had perfectly broken down. 1 dare my ple inside. the terminus, Even the huge supper place for the prisoners was filled i. sE mites cntrernaly dfficule The Lords of the Admiralty have de> cided upon making some valuable addition * to the irog clad navy, and have callead upon the leading shipbuilding firms for the conâ€" struction of four vessels of the Scow@ "’m“ ; 3‘ fiwvvâ€"’ '” wm m other ships similar to the Cerborus. tell ETZ to every Turco or . adorned with ch were partly i epeot tor tae res or t Mwnn‘ the Eind 9 t was mostly d of embarrassâ€" ride. Of course

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