mo of #7 Jaly Â¥e We _"Tf tuBewoersr axo . Exeurraxy. â€"The * _ JR TWt taken by the ladies of Osgoode in , P â€", _ of extending relief to the sufâ€" > JR [NV the late fearful calamity, is one % ‘ - '*l'jmtcmm upon them in _,,; .N‘ And upon the Township in genâ€" utk _ ii.. Worefer to the handsome donation gie® ui (b67 presented to the General Fire “d ¢ N?ï¬u yesterdsy afternoen 4 e l Sop! m'udmo_nuc«ntyol Car. t o M _ donation consisted of 38 pair eyee‘".. <‘ *..jemln? 1» 3) per tonâ€" umm _fhs late main has i meetin , * all be boid in Gowan‘s ‘::"‘:: â€A_‘:l' fpbira Rivous.â€"A eW in ?""" ay lets by train yesterday ; 'p.uyilm »he remai | this _ morn ng. and â€" will the Station by the band of "“A E; B. W. Burker, Kinston ; R. B. ‘Quebec;, J. Bunt, Voronto ; A, weikts, Brocknile ; ‘R. Irrus, Purt Hope: rd~‘lnwn. Lindsey ; Miss Iixk, Bloomfield ; J. Dou,w, L. m Muzert‘s Tuzaras..â€"â€"ihe performâ€" b‘hm'-'q‘“n’ successful »'u‘ the preceding night. The P..flihflommd patâ€" site, and the «pplause given and interâ€" :. ad is proof of the auceess of th* Escars.â€" A boy drivinga buggy on Wellington street, came in with a waterman‘s cart. The was upset and the boys ieg being the wheel . heâ€" could not manage to himself. Fortunately, however, the and a man lifted the buggy off the boy‘s leg. le was more than burt. the Station by the uand of INC | . C.;&inoftodd.m“ Npatks streot f about o‘clock las, night, she being u_Ab.ut the viggest bear we hare .qmmm accustomed to the inâ€" 7 brought to the market yu-llmol whiskey, ï¬&q&. MoeVitty ‘ from (Glousester. He| having spoken in fa of her general d;._.naoc in that @wunship em.hhwn-ipuou‘fm wou‘$ uies from the city at 11 @‘clock | and drink no more." _ She left, o aunt He was very fat. {r blessings on his head, ~~ ... _ _ . . Pâ€"l in the city. IDeJy are uruou =.uro‘mcnytrdl..°d allowed to for food, anid all vegetation being Lv;,m-,mmto.minï¬h* f fits. We know one case in which ‘ broke mto the same garden four suc nights Trouble will arise out of if people do not take care of their pmrracs at Ruissuc gouse.â€"Tuesdayâ€" » casses of on the 1st j 4 to® {OCAL : t«rms, filled barns left un ied by the fire, and having large sums P out on interest. This is not of the most contemptible Â¥id, but virtuaily punishable theft. If h of such a case come to our we shall <positively hold the *nmbm contempt. sn JAMXHROXC:.â€"At the Western corner 0 “-huhu'-smm trogp _“-’hull. Several persons hare al amiy been injured: through means of it, td but a fow days ago a woman was seriâ€" Suly burt in the same place. 1t is cerâ€" bad enough to have defective sideâ€" is on Rideau and other: principal but : to have <a sidewalk about a iso much frequented by the public as + in a dilapidated state shows neglect on the part of thise whose 1t is to see to the interest of the 1. P. M. Lecourt. The ceremony #£, irmed ‘st an early hour by the Rev, t Daudurand,, Vicarâ€"Genéeral, in . the 10»-«-!._ > and the happy couple \by the 7 o‘clock train on their youk.~"*** ‘;,'H.. the reâ€"| ‘ i o Thmi | mW".‘"“"iD“ ywess ‘anp» Lazcencr.â€"We are posiâ€" by parties in a position, to that there aro still some persons in from the country, and obtaining the Relief Committee, who have asa*"" . > | hu.noldn,nd it extiogniab good shower io put the .M " _ L sf the woods. &m ror Escare.â€"A couple of named Watt and Mattie, who w to six months imprisonâ€" Btst hard labor last Suturday, for larâ€" "*U, were detected on Mond«y in making to escape, . They were overâ€" s Mr. Pinard, the mtmk-yof FBs expression to their _ te Nummgmm b-umou,.nm was soncealed. After this their persons M®searched and on one of them six gold Ri@mereSund. The credit of this im g“ is solely dug to the new , will not run cars "auk the lat September snn * x zes of the Ottam® “j“’,ll -“w% i rhere the City Passenger cars Conâ€" locked between he rails, which ~ his‘ wheel being smashed »out fre® ONLY e t _ utd ment out of the woods. c uzsn Utâ€"A careless carter in _ sseriage aloog Sparks ‘street, s1y PLACE 1O 5U foxre enc ad, @Lep 5 EXT® n‘l- o s P [‘NTU' 3€T8.., & (yQ).‘s TuesiaF, x_ GermuD, on application® NEWS BuxevoLENTt 13 AT A fow members of this has# almost comâ€" ires. 1t is everyâ€" (‘ollo_ifl will â€" / 3M1M8 3 amrm; #K6¢ anmi 30¢ R .fl.’nkl *Â¥ JjOU Socu®l Y . to : the ~ _ {of blankets 45 guilts 55 pair socks and‘ ____â€"._ «Afwcféion Sates. to mike such a donation already show \th( ‘ommittes. must have been carly formed, the charitable ‘work commen: ;god without~delay. In fact when ladies ‘M-" in & benevolent cause they are sure to schieve some good. We have no dowbt that if the ladies of:the other ‘wv_uhipol Carleton are not already at work, they will take example by awd emuâ€" ‘ late their sisters of Osgdode. [r 9 i‘ Rorowx Fwut. A row took place on Puke street at the Fluts, yesterday afterâ€" l noon, in which a man.named John Keana received some serious wounds, and from what we haye heard of his conduct he com tainly deserved some summiry correction of the kind. â€" It appears he is a man much addicted to drink, and when under the inâ€" f@uance of liquor is very ‘quarrelsome and insulting. Yestecday, after indulging in .drink, he went to Mr. W. Frarer‘s hardware store, on Duke street, and having repeatâ€" 1.(1!’ lmulul.{ that _ gentleman | and his customers | hs attack.d. him with stockings, and a quantity of clothing in th6 | /â€"~ppyxgryg aAUCTION SALE a hoe, Mr. rt had in self defence tomake use of weapon, and seising a p.tcbfork he struck Kenua with the handle on the head, inflicting a serious wound:> Kenna made several subsequent attempts to uwtrike Mr Fratar, from whom hete:; ceived a couple more blows »nd was finally taken away. Late in the evening he atâ€" tempted to return with an axe fo kill, as he saicd, Mr. Frarer. !!owillprblyop- pear at the Police Court. s â€"Jotn Cbnway, drunk and a disâ€" t ,:.9;. in the streets, at six 0‘ last evening, Fined $2 udAeo-lc. Yom: yere The adjourned case of Mrs. Tuffill, as reported in yesterday‘s paper, was this morning resumed. . There. were a couple of witnesses examined, but the facts of the case being evidently against her, this Worâ€" ship imposed a fine of $2 and costs. . She left the court, having promised to pay the amount in two hours, but returned shortly ‘afterwards, enquired the t of impris onment should the fine be forthcomâ€" ing, and then «* guessed" the constables might go 40 her house and carry her back. * Trespar, Aug. 31. There were but two cases of drunkenness will relieve the ladies from the responâ€" duliqd'-urhhin'thomth‘offln ï¬;mtihdnd two and ‘six, & rooms, in m’l mwgo.‘l. i i The Committee bâ€˜ï¬ to return. . LRow thanks for many parcels of . clothâ€" ing and materiaus already sent, and to soâ€" GKEAT CLEARANCE SALE STILL CON. TINUES ; _ EXAVINE OUR < PRICES BEPORE BUYING. : Patterns post free on application. The Commissioners appeinted fer the conâ€" umiflhlm.‘uid Railway give PUBâ€" LIC AOTICE that they are propared to receive TENDER3 for the three remaining Sections of the Line, all in the ince of New Brunswick. Section No. 21 will begin at the Kasterly ond of Bestion No. 20, one and three quarter milos ast of the Rirer ‘Miramichi and will extend to Station No. 1640, three thousand feet W esterly from the River Kouchibouguaeis, a distamce of about 25 miles. Section No. 212 will extend from the Masterliy end of Section No, 31 to Station No. 118> at the crossing of the Rirer Buctonche, a distance of about 25 miles. > " Hection No. 23 will extend from ï¬oh‘:z end of Seetion No. 22 to the Buropean and N American Railway, at Mencton Station, a dis tance of about 22} miles. wanmeizczam The Commissioners also give PUBLIC NOâ€" TICE that they are prepared to receive TBNâ€" DEBRS for reâ€"letting Section No. 10, the Contract u.nuwm.-uu. " _ Section No. 10 is in the Province of New Brusswick and estends from the centre of the Chaplin Island Road, near the Court House at miles in length. . Tuaxvums for Section No. 10 will be made upon the basis of the quantities specified in the oriâ€" ginal Bill of Works for this, Section; and in drawing the New Contract, there will be deâ€" ducted from the amount of the accepted Tender a porcentage sum equiralent to the percentage of the whole work which the Chisf Engineer shall report to have been exscuted byâ€"the first Contractors. » y These Contracts to be completely fnished by I.aumm-udy.‘ 1872. Ormwi, 20th August: R@&eT. HUNXTON, SHOOLBRED & COS8 L lorers s lw e epnel ® â€" FWNRT ~Plans and Profles with Specifications nll Terms of Contract will be exbibited at the Ofices of the Commissioners in Ottawa, Torente, Que | bec, Rimousk}, Dalhousic, Newsastle, Halifaz and St. John, on and after the 15th SEPTEMâ€" BER NEXT, and Smito» Trwoms addressed to the Commssionrzs of the Iursscorosnap Ramâ€" wir, and marked " Texpurs" will be received ‘at their OFFICE in OTTAWA, up to 81X s‘clock, P. M. on WEDNESDAY the 5th day of OCTOBER next. § * _ Sureties for the completion of the Contract will be required to sign the Tender. The names HTERuOLO®LIAL R A_II-'A". in full, ccoupation and address of cach surety shouald also be given. _ _ ___ M ve undertaken. s)PHY H. F Police Court Ottaws, 15th August, 1876. towards Batharst, a distance of 2 o P99 beg to return ED. B. CHANDLER, C. J. BRYDGEs, k. W. cLELA, Commissio ner : Brunswick, | Oatineau. _ « The contair nc on | i "Rdt hn ‘emn aod < are woo a Pine of a o# qu ":';'::fl“ o.-.n‘m‘tnn‘d.?:- 0 T | _ The farms are known as ; ‘distames of zb%’,“‘" the Rasterly M’ limits and o . 118» at the | acres 104 of whichare us iintunce of 8 U â€" CE‘ \be aoff The aubscriber has been favored with 18â€" | structions from tha Society and from other | velebrated importers of stock, in the vicinitr ‘ of Ottaws and Montreal, to sell on the Bo» |‘ ciety‘s grounds, THURBDAY, 2ind Reptemâ€" | ber, the sgcond day of the show, a largs quanâ€" tity of imported stock. Consistimg of Ayr-| whire Cattie, Shoct Horu Durhams, Hampshice Downs, Cotswool and Leicestor Sheap, Barkâ€" ‘ shire and Suffolk Pigs, Bramah Poutrah Fowls, &o.:, &o. This will bo a rare ofpportanity to secure imported stock as those offered are | from the herds of some of the most extensive | importers in the vicinity cf : Montreal and Central Canada. * . Partt«s having prize stock or implements to diapose of, can do so by making artangements with the Auctionser, up to the cvening previous to the sate. This will be a rare opâ€" | portunity both for sellers aud parchasers, as | , the prizses offered are largs and competition . gaked for from the whole Dominion, and will | | no doubt attract a large attendance, I | . RLOW®K [|| Ottawa, August, 24 The sabscoibers will sell by 2 P PpUBLIC AVCTI0ON, â€"| @rVvaALUABLE TOWK 10T8, & Lsimbd on Rembroke, Berlin, Mill OrTawaAa HOUSE, PEMBROKB, THUxSUAY, the FIBST DAY of P _ *~ TEMBER next, Oné Hundred and Fifly to Two BE ®tt Of oftiwa _‘ Cemetry, Victoria, Christie, Dominâ€" ion, Jamés, New, D‘Arcy and Moâ€" Gee Streets, . : At the west ond of she rising and prosperous TOWN°GF PEMBROKE. ||â€" The above lets are in a prominent position being adjacâ€"nt to, and having a nice clevae tion over the maguidcâ€"nt lake Allumette. The land is dry, level, tree from stongs a; stumps. Plnmhgmc-ruph“ obtained within 10 fect of the surface _ . PEMBBRUKE is Am_OOU:lTlY TOWN of BENFREW. and is the most convenient point to furnish the extensive L Irade of the Ottaws and its ‘tributari@s, |the extons slon of rallwar comm ‘In anticl= Mm.nm-mt be erectod l mi P.mbroke promises to im. place ol M PVA TANT 81LE. and P.mbroke promises to be a. place of great importance on the Uppâ€"r (Otfaws. Mechanics of all kinds are ted, th demand for Inbour is almo«t unlimited, avd now is the golden opportunity town lots to be purchased at reasonable prices, and on modjerate terms, which will be) es follows : Ode fourth of : th« parchase | money : will require to be paid .»t the u-w sale, and the balance in thrse avua«l in+tglments bearâ€" log interest a 5‘:! ptLOr:I.“ s k 4 s ""-nb tcommeâ€"sce at TEN oclock a. m., and SEVEN wolock p m. | P JOHN DORAN & THOMAS MURRAY. Ottaws, August 12, 1870 | P. 8. â€"Will also be sold a :xw BRBICK MACHINE and utensels, with a priveleg» of e es Ad ‘term of year making® brick for a ‘ term of years, above property. ag F.I ’AL: Liis ie dcaed | . #8. ... P TTE EF1 at the rooms of HECT ‘R McLEAN, bY in Otta® a olgiol w EDNESDAY THUE 7« DAY +F SEPMEMBER NEX ¢, at 13 o‘slock neon, The steam Saw M 11 known as Leamp‘s Mill, is wituatad at the Government Boom on the Qatinesan together with Mil! prad «f storigg from ;“-u..“nmupnl:.:dm“ 4 “L.;‘.h.i. are krown‘as the 2..'“ and Terre. sitoate on mloudo‘l‘mo“nn.bdu‘lflhdz "'m""p-u.:‘ ; contains from 17 to 30 rquare :;z,u‘ the : #e Terre about 80 %:-.n . _ Both are well wooded and contain * hite Pine of a superior quality, and large average. o.-.uJS.-‘a".;'.i--â€"-m' l o_ : The farms are known as the North intend= to #9 the Jean de Terre limits, and cone z.. hundred aores, 300 of which are under oultivation, and the Dizie aftached to the M’ limits and containin three hundred . acres 104 of whichare under cultivation, . There «16 r‘ bhouses barns, siables, sbeds &«, on soth m.“mw“mdu Also 130. aeres of ‘and, opposite the alt of Ottawa, fronting -m-mdmnshm Title indispusanle. ‘ Termsâ€"} cash, balance in ! and 3 years, on . giving satisfactory --u:.-n‘m-auv per For furthet information, 'l;g! te (H~:tor McLéan, Auctioneer, Francis Uleâ€" mow, Ksq,. and Fin&hod & Draper at Ottawa; Fleming Cbarch & Kooâ€" ney, &,l.c,‘q.; or Geo Winks & w â€" 100, e we / _ Plans of the above Lunits,with copies of Licenses [}umuu Ofice of H MoLean, Ottawa, the subscribers Pembroke, and at the Ofice of the 6t Lawrence Dock Co, Quebec, y Termsâ€"One taird cash, and the balance in iwo eqzal anpual instalments, with interest at seven P.‘o 3 ‘The above Limits are in one blook, and comprise "an area of 85 bquaremies . ~ : "THE +UNION HOUSKE," | OoTtawa, ON nfl.mlflhydww Al 11 efsloock a. m, the following Valuable Timber Limits, situated on the Petewaws and lndian Rivers, vis:â€" * Lices e No. 95, of 18¢9â€"70â€"Indian River. e Axi® * <g + Petowaws "~ IKXPORTED STOC K. Ottawa, 38 Jaly,â€" e ESm * I heroby jwm“l_ shall noet be n.d*btuy““h my »1me after this date withent my written order. C us s us . ds eueene en ty Oitaws, August 28, 1970. _/ _ WiÂ¥Im ; able ‘u.l or TIMBER LE CIT3 The Hubscribers will offer tor Sale by w@r POBLIO AVCOTI ON, able m'l PLINE LIMITS, Farms, saw Mill, with Pond and twentyâ€"six adres of laod at~ tached thereto, also. one bundred ad.thirtz‘;:wï¬ of laad in ths township ull opposite the city of Ottawa, and ftonlbglon t: Otâ€" tawa aod â€" Gatineau Rivers, hbay, lumbering implements, &o., éc., COrutawa, July, 1810 ., Montreal, vor 1870 AÂ¥ C# PUBLLO AUDCTIONX 1410=td 3 awk A & P WBHITE. 141214 D. & Â¥. 6 TRE T by attention and obvrili Chests and MaifChests All thare Teas are salectod with the great tremk ! ! The XEW A88 5th A pril, have been tairadias :sns Srcastvind ho ccicts t t ds P es tw a & the Amv;orlh‘ by deaths and surrenders, to,uv; not been cX0¢ owo.dmm.fllbnhnb.‘-‘obï¬o unds and the come. The Investments have beon chosen, as former!}y, only the best cl ties, and the 'mmh.&uflw sound and satisfactory condition. FULL and DBFAILED STATEMENTS of the t and position tution were sabmitt«d, together with the @1 UDITOR‘S REPORT. The fol are Extracts : + NEW NS AND MORTALITY DU GLTBE YE The NEW LIFEL URANCES proposed were.. ... ...... 10408 P ‘Those decliined or not proceeded with WOTB® ...««. «+ss jr++# in‘ ‘““ WOTO . .2 ues ae +++ .oo’o- a «e e w0 * n *# lo'.l 3? ®* The . ANXUAL PREMIUMS on these . NEW. A8BSURANOES are. New LIFE ANN llmncwb&os.ontd per annam The MORTALITY amonest Assured ‘Lives during the was There were 34 DE THB amongst the Anmuities, cancellingâ€" Life Anâ€" ~ qmant (on in t t t Buy onho“‘? f:*+% J0 And Jn The LIFBR ASbURANCES in force WerQ....«s~.s6ee e« e@®« 6« d« 6n + 9 PREMIUVSB payable for these ABSURANMCEB . ... 220 k60 «en e d e d e +s I.IV&UI&â€" REGIUMb and INTEbE®T, after deduction of + A (Oash Boouses) allwoat»d in Clâ€"se &, for this year TOTAL AMOUNXT of CLAIMS on DECEASED LIYEB the TOTAL CASH USES allocated to Policy=bholders ...« .\ â€"+ i+« '“m m“ w:'il.‘ a w e e# #e ## s 4 a w e u66 a # s w# 8 *« + * 1(you desire a Cup REAL 8ECURIT and EKSTA CB....,...,... s.seseesssederes * RALILWAY DEB l‘l‘UllutDle(ml 8TOOK, &o....,... ;. BRITISH u©OLON GovERNMENT BONDS .. ...« ..i2lk 0)k e k4 ++ LOANS on the YATION‘8 POLICIES, being under thc‘r value ‘and with other OflOe8. ... ... .l.k es es« se rese n ed ++ LOANS on SECURITY of CONAOLS, PUBLIC BRA LES under o&cu: of Parliament, Wovernment Anvuities, and a Small Am at on 'f“‘ se v e e n 4 e p e t a sw 6e t e e k66#A .ocuo.lno!'l + +# OrFTICES at Eai London, and other Branches.. ....+}+>+}>+ ‘r‘.“ a% s @®* # se 0e * *# @ *4 a # *# w# s n# ® a e n e 0 s + 6# ® 2 % # # #le s ® «* In BAKKS, in DEP‘8IT and CURRENT A0O0OOUNTS........}.. In Hands of AG 8 uinlul..ny PREMIUMS REEIPTS, k&o., aue in / log , Days of Grace tbeing curtent .. . ...<%." sU is DUE NA-OO!ATIO_!IL being ohbiefy .PREMIU E+ A, JA oc l nele t ae css L.A Bu.aak Affaas tha a of £14100 18 11 â€" " | At this CASH BONUSES hare been al to the participating Policyâ€" holders in Class A. to be applied as usual in abatement of the premiams paysable during the year ending 5th 1, 184e. These abatements are at the e rutes as formeriy for Policies that harve: ly participated, aad amount to 35 per cent. of the Life pr. miums for Pâ€"ilcles which now participate for the first time, It is of satisfaction to the Direcâ€" tors that they are able thas to continue to deciere the same large Boaus to the A. Pulicyâ€" holders as they have done for many years past. An allocation of Bonus to the B. Policyâ€" holders will be after the next balence. w ‘Thes» last two JRREXT . IKT nuitles for , ... IE LOTS T aY PLESS BSECURIT a Â¥aYy DEBE®XT 8H uOLON :.:m mgun 8 on slcu‘.lfl Parliament, wor PUn nï¬ &aauryLik Ekn oo . l C T Aikeiss ~tlhk EUHI CEIPT3, due at Edinburgh and Branch Offices, the ?.{. of DUE ATIOX, being chiedy PREMIUM REâ€" OEILPTS, at Etinburgh ant Branch Offices, the Days of omï¬m:‘--'oao-“.'o...;‘uo;l-l.-..iognu--o e~ wo sams have, exoeptions been ‘ EXT.I BEST, &0., up to the date ofhllueow‘*) IF & 1x USE ONE SEKAsON. PoOWER HAY PRESS, | 4 * ~eemeeeii@ t °> s above astablishmant takes the opportunity of couve F?lbcnlly pum:nml 44 m?'rm P(:E-'-';%-ny nar‘o’ past, and hz:: to ensure a continuance of thair favors, | HA POT,‘* Ridoau Stroet, what Grdqoflu you Require. N HILL can «,p~‘t you wi Coftaes and pleased yro! -.'.Fr-- with uï¬ufl- am t all ho offar« is ta~ hoet you can buy, % ' this you‘ll asknow‘«~ige whenevar you try, qm’lw gx«\ and whe prices are jow, you canure ous bettar or cheapor I know. buy at ‘"THill; TF\ POT" what you now may require. :I'm ardived and guaranteed to be of the fineest fiaver, wmpowder Feaa (ne ivy ahot! o n Aouace Anfest Iua fextes aney â€" |~ [ | of really Good Coffee, try some of [E PURE MOUNTAIXK ind on the promises daily, and acknowledged g‘“‘ "THE TF AWA TIMES. ADbG. 31, 1870. 1 B 3ist AbN U A L M E ETL N G ON was held within the Head Oflce, Edinburgb, 'lv.“lo;oâ€",'l'l'r“ ABOHIBAL D HOPE, Beronst in ‘P URANCES transacted by the Association durin | more numerous, as well as larger than usual, ° A / Abus 40004 it t e‘ Y P all that you bay wi‘l be a!} you desira. o sUIL PURCHASERS, re been used onee. 000 BAGS, PutTt" ALDBAU s;ruh-;n-;'r. FoR SALEL. pke Dept, Pub. Works. Or at No. 4 Prines‘s Terrace. INGERSOLL RITI8H NORTH â€" A ME RIO A. MONTREAL, 99 8T. JAMES STREET. P MACPHBERSON, a a 4# t e# # ® edious houses, Prines‘s Torâ€" the Ottews River.. Neowly L. ARKOLDL, THE FUNDS ON HANDâ€"CO Association . oF |gcoTLANp. David Terrance, Eeq., g)- Torra @rorge Mofistt, Eeq , ( “M"i Hon Alex. Morris, Minister of Bir George E. Cartier, Bart., Mi Peter Red (Jobn & Dou. J. 8. R &?fli‘a H. RB. Molson & Bros.) Bolicitorsâ€"Messre, Ritchis, Morrtis. and Rose, Madioal Oficerâ€"E. Palmer 8 , Ksq., 1. D AT THE CLOSE OF THE YE Becretaryâ€"P, Wordlaw. . ry Directors. â€" pffesteng hh ‘ ;oim Mi M -°.¢:‘ ‘oul oflcu-' ‘.‘*03 He! the Association at the date ot. Very Best with sonfidence to our a ues s en e 6# 4 e# 4 0 e# 6# L L ~ cte . this ofl 1 bow Yyming Hyron T ‘l'!v' #» fl::.’ lo-o.u.l'o- & 4 4 8 wte P "after deduction of . se &, for this year. LIYESB the ...'0'..... *# * % ] eP# se 0e +3 ++ 4+ > ..'.0..".' *# + # ] pâ€"CONEIST OF i iÂ¥averie s s bhex «86 m, .onuoouo-d-.' -..‘.0'..'..00-‘0. ng under their value TBE under Aots of , Bmall Am ntLu, duge.:+.12{+> }] > DUNts.... .. .| .. IIUMS RE EI eing curtent. . . ./. 4. » . PREMIU Es» Offices, the Days of & Son, and arther informat the LADYT PRINCIPAL, or Olttawa, Jaly 21th, 1870. FAOULTY OF ARTS FAOU will ro FACUL The } year will commence, Sept. 1st, 870. Pos is may be obtained at Messrs. Datie Bon. and information on application to Beronst in the Cbair.. _ | ciation during the last than while, at th/ &o., bare not been exoe| ;.'"ï¬â€™.im, named. whs 158, 1810 1984 for £882%,071 0 at = 180 874 0 1437 © Torlgt 0 KS are. 21,391 12 rannam . _ 1,395 12 was | l iss is‘ â€" 198,000 11 ... .£ : 562 206 to Anâ€" inaum 1 346 & i .. .%£7,425,181 14 ~2 < 4i .. OIBT,200 17 B on of . fpeh : s year 257 683 13 T ce the }.., 1,231,419 16 11 ~& 445,096 +8 {X. 1,3051,386 18 |0 ovikitvensity, | Revenue of Militin, k long T. on & Bros.) BEALâ€"SESSIOXN 1780â€"41. F ARTS The classes will reâ€" WEDNESDAY,8SsEPT. 14. OF MEDICINEâ€"The classes n‘on TUKSDAY, OC POBER 4th. F LAW â€"The ~lass s will res TUE DaY, OCTOBEs 4th. jar of the University, containing intormation, :y be ubu:ed'd on post paid, to t uoderâ€"ig + w.0. BAYNES, B a Becretary MoGill bollc.o lack Tom, . ELLINGTON STREET._ CIPALâ€"MIS â€" MACHIN, & 0o.) PROTESTANT LADIES st souchong Tea, Mrrong rich Congon. who use it, to be a great, F,‘ Ripeao Srrarer. J. T & W.P £1,357,386 15 0 but, not applied fo: were , on FRIDAY 29th Lake as they have boen 206,365 6 0 48,917 19 9 KLEV. . POLLARD, 337,104 17 48,168 11 356 10 53,823 12 11,557 11 54 785 11 30,907 10 10 48,068 11 4 13,073 14 11 ear, endiog same time, Ive. Conâ€" |Anonval Inâ€" mas of securiâ€" of Teachers. f the Instiâ€" 0 ABtg. 1426t( 1870 teerorts=n4@4. Aatonmsee &# € Are making arrangements to increase their lary o + * A MUOH LARGER STOCK THAXK HEREâ€" GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & CO. Bold at manufaciurers prices . â€" M"Wholerais entance between the Post Ofice.anrd Mekais. Lewis & Plubey‘s, Kigin s‘rect. j Cotton (Goods bought Isate, and fully ten percent chkeaper than thoee opened up now. We have seceived ex 8 8. " 8i. Patrick,‘ and other shipnicnts, the fo‘lowing,; which we sre determined to scil at war prices : Black Lustres, Dress Tweeds and Clan Tartacs, Loom Huck Towels, «& WHOLESALE TRADE, w Black Glace and Gros Crainâ€"Silks, _~_â€"â€"Italian Cloths, RAT |ismmed Lawa Handkerchiefs omly 2{i4 each . ; 5 R@J*ITuspection lnvited. iWill open on the THB LEV, J. MA Y‘s ~FIRâ€"Tâ€" s®PTEMBKR PROX. Roomfor one or two Boarders. Ottawa, August 9, 1870 431f Will take place on, â€" k } + | f WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY, Black and Cclon:ed Cob« ‘ SEPTEMBER ?21s1, 22xm», axp 232 Oa the Society‘s Grounds, adjoining the #when will be offered j y For Live Stock, Agricultural Inplun;entr, Agricultural and Horticultural Productions, Menufactures, Domestic Products, &c. _ " Officers of the Bocietyâ€"J. B Lewis, Presiâ€" dent ; John Ashwortb, 1st Vice Prosident ; John Rochester, junr., 20d Vice President ; A 5. Woodvurn, Secretary and Treasurer. Directorsâ€"Hon James Skead, Alonzo Wright, M. P , J. M. Currier, M. P.. George W. Eaton, The Sâ€"cond anna«l A. McKellar, Thos, Grabawm, W. F. Powell, R. Kenoy avd Ira Morgan. ‘ Entries must be made b:â€"fore the 10th Sepâ€" tember. All parties are ebtitled to compete on.l!):.vmont of $2.00. ; Bullding saod Grounds. will be open lrom MON DA# morniog, ‘the 19th instant, for receptlon of articles intended for the Exâ€" For Prize Lists and Entry Forms apply to the Becretary at Ottawa, or the different Becretaries of County Agricultural Soci«ties throughout the Ottawa counntry. s _ Forage and Provendâ€"r, at reasounable prices, will b+ found on the Grounde. % The different Rail way and Steamboat Com« panies will carty Passengers and Freight to and from the Fair at reduced rates. Arrange ments will b« e ‘with the Customs Deâ€" partment for tb:l"":co Kntry of Articles from th Unitâ€"a States for compâ€"titlon. ‘ MCaAN AU%TION BALE otf Thoroughâ€" bred Ayrsbirâ€",Â¥Dorbam and other Cattle ; Buffolk and B« rkskire Pigs ; Cotewold, L+icesâ€" tâ€"r and tiampshire Down Bho«% and Fancy KForl, &¢., will take place on Thursiay, the second dey of the Exhibition, at 2 p. m. on the grounds. ; fevt y fal U TY OR OTTAWA AGRICULTU B AL A B:a«s> Band will be in altendance dasing the Fair. > aAB WOODBUR®N, J B LEWIS, Beocretary . President. Ottawa, August 24, 1870. . , 144 s1d VR, C. A, MONNELET having dissolved part« nership with Dr. Leggo, takes plearure is inâ€" forming his patients and filends that be has removed his Dentist Acoms to 26 Fideau Stroet, over Mr, Pattâ€"reon‘s Grocery Store, and opporite the " Citizen OMse," where he will be pleased to see all who wish his professional ser vices. a Ceeene, Sealed Tenders, addressed to the unsersignâ€" ed, (to be endorsed, " Tender for work on the Cornwall Canal")â€"will be received at this office until the ereniog ot FRLDAY, the 9th of Septemâ€" ber next, for Reosirs to the Wharres st the Uppor aad Lower ent ance of the Corawail Canal, and at the Town of Cora wall. Bpecifications can be seon at this ofce, or at the oï¬ se of the Canal Superintendent, Cornwall, cn and after Tuesday, the 30th instent, where printed forms of tender, and other information, at also be‘obtrined, . _ The names of two solvent and responsible perâ€" sonr, willing to become sur:ties for the foldim ont of the contract, der. Department of Public Works, _ . Oftaws, 25th August, 1870 . 1416 4 m@» EXHIBITIOXN, m« â€"This depertment does not, however, toacorpt the lowest or any tenders By ordar, Ottaws, Augurt 28, 1810 1447 4 "OfrICE TO CONTRACTORS. CANADIANX GO0OoOobs No. 20, Sparks street, Drab and Browa Wincies. TOFCRE PURCHASED II 0O t L _¢ Q KR B O Y QUEEN STREET, BXTHTRY. OPENX TO THE WORLD! WHOLESALE. Berges, €SARLAND, MUTCHMOR & CO. BY CPFFRIE® Prints, Regatta Shirtings, under every advantage. Rough Brown Hollands, wust be attached fo each ten. IN PRIZES, Marl Dress Goods, 1870. {Figured Repps SOIETY. J BRAUS, INDUSTRIAL xxamrpo,;c FOR 1870, OPEN TO THB WORLDy . ~ > ; 'ifl“h.ldIA the CITY OF‘ MONTREAL, TUESDAT, wxnnsmg 4 HU 13th, 140h, 15th and 1 Next ou Grounds of the Cor o« NEAR N TL Prizcae Offered from % FOR PRIZE LISL ana in both Depertments app County Agricultaral Societ of the Council of Agri dtrect, Montreal, in both Depertments apply to Secretaries of County Agricultaral Socicties, or to the Becretary of the Council of Agri re, No. $15 Oraig “"E‘."m'.‘."‘"’:" Agricultaral Department to the ou must NECES3ARILY be made on «r before SATUR. DAY, the 47th of Augast. For Agricuitural Proâ€" ducts and articles in the Lpdastrial D?m-onl the time will be exteniea to SA : URDAY, the 3rd of SEPTEMBER, after @which dase no entries will be received. This reghulatior is intondod ® insure beiter accommodation by proventing delay. and ounfusion at the opecing of the fair, _ The Counsit of Agriculture will make such favorable atrangements as are Jound }-uulub’ with Bteambost and RKailway Compauies f Carrying passengers, stock and anmicles at For turther ruuulm of the Council of A;rlmt:} Montreal, Jaly 8, 1870. L MTCODEN WARE : V description t BL')CK TIN. Japsas every desoripti; HK PROVINCIAL ASRICULTURAL Â¥X LLIT A LCX gireston & *U0K sITuVÂ¥ ks of th OAL OIL ot the pures| OMPETENT and CA _|_ the lowest pricss BEAPEST LOUSE tawa at > LASSW ARE, Enam THE EFRIGERATORS, " Giitawa, June 3, 1890. Will leare Ayimer & (Sand: excepted ) 1 m -.'.:hr,o- J:“u‘lnu :.'0. uu-dld.o STEAMER ‘*ANN SI8SON," Will leare Ayimer dully (Sundays excepted) a ; 4%4" The steamer a‘cloek p. m. Ottaws, August 22, 1870 A SELECT ASSORTMENT HATS ! ATIN, On and after the TaXY AND sYHIRTé XADE TO ORDER. at at Will leave Pembroke Daily at 2 p. m. H A BIT M A KE R S 36 SPARKS sTRE ET. Ottawa, Juaty 26, 1870. 383 Ridean Etreet. SsIXK 01888 l;lfl.ll-'l rIXEST [N, r’ 4aAB _ AND P s@ay~ DRESS â€" HATS, ®a Por Scandinariap, ‘ Broad Cloths, FINRSP â€"EVER â€" IMXPORTRA FIRSIE OF SEPTEMBER, «@IR JOHN YOUKNXG" CHANGEAOF TIME. 64 In end:ses variety. Uarelock dally â€"st 7 a m. lor isturming wirl leareChapesn at 1 H A TS « Fancy Coatings, G B soar &a rripar. to the Sectetary r:l,c( the Province of ORGE LECLERE, Becretary 0. A. P. Q. 6th of September lank Form of Batries il of Agriculture, $ END P OPr Pl‘AOO(}K «wust Approved Pate ESMONVE BROS. nd ROFXS of the best ‘URNISHINGS8 in Ot« ESMONDE BROS. 0OLEES and FILTERS EFUL WORKMEN a t EBSMONDE BROS8. esd an¢ Wire Goods of ; at Med Ware, Ironâ€" YÂ¥are ESM4ONDE BRO8. Row;iii; 2,000 to $15,000. Quality, Try it at ESMONDE BXKOS. EsM JNDK BROG®S, KESMNDE BROS. ESMONDE BROS. T A L L O 4 8 Vestings, dc. *ELT R 6 CASSELE, 14 It4 BATS #9 Beg to inform the trade of the Oitews District that they have.opened a thipments by sailing versels, " Lake Erie, " Lake Buperior," "Jberokee," " Medora," and steamers ©" Austrian," "Bt. Patrick," " Porn= vian," and others. Their Stock will be complete is a fow days. Bpecial attention given to Caradian masâ€" Ottaws, Auguost 24, 1870. IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DBALERS BELL‘S BLOCK, ELGIN STREET, Ottaws, Augast 21, 1870 y1P And are now receiving and opening large AOoREB & f § LACK SHAWLEAg . wWEITE BBILLLANT® JAPAKESE â€"SILKS (Rich Elegant goods, 6. per yard) $ GRO8 DE SUEZ k (Rich JOoT d Corded Bilk §1.25» \ Black & Celd. Giacie and Gros Grain Sitke ke. &c. 2@ 1 will be cvident to any WHOLESALE DRY S$00DE mweTFAj AND WINES, s W aA R M QU 8 K 1.8001K, & oo se .®¥! KILLIKERY MAGEE & RUSSELL, s V M X ER oa,‘!' As it will pay us better 14 sPiRKS STRBET of goods at a very low digure determined to offer Bummer Mdllb?"'flflfl ce oc uader the Lowest Obewe NOW than keep them jover prices for New Geods one who will take the trouble jo examins these goods that they ars by far the cheapest offered to the © BOBPITAL STRLLET, MANTLEb LACE 81 â€") * WHT JAPAK isl . JAMES & ~ 8ALE ! HOUSKE. & 1 JA T4 & Co, UEK ELL