«€i *‘ No 3 do ‘‘do ... Or on Raw Hides........... W PROYLâ€"@RUCIAL A88URANCE COMPANY. CaAPITAL : ~ONE III,I.IOI BTEHRLLNG. lyv.0ttD I® Ca®iDi...... BRNEFIT OF LLFE ASSURANCE. In Wiustraton of the benedts which ha«re acâ€" -‘nhahlpd::“lhoo! Life A surapce the following sxamples may be qu@ted, taken trom ihe Bo. ks of the Canadias Brawch of THH Eï¬':r'Tu'fr‘iJvï¬ciE aA8sURANCEK COM Fame Poviey, 8313, effected October, 1881, for £1808 Additicas amounted in 1867 to £33 10e. Total outiay by assured, £1 1: too Booau: thus amous.â€" ing to seventy. Ave per cent, c! pnd:- paid Tor surreader of Poligies fo: the term of lite, eGeted at unitoma promiams, and which bavre been three years in t=rce, a return of 40 per cent. on the amount of ordinary premiznms received, will, at any time, be al.owed, besiges las vraine ol vested Sonuses, woere suen havre been declar, «wl. An objestion, often arged ag) inw. Lile As: s«rance, thas there i no certainty «1 v«lue being vbtained, in the eveat of aurrenuger, 1. thas com pleteiy oaviated. Thas: Shoutd Policy above referred to (Ne. §313) be sureadered now (!870) the sam of over $146» will be pard to poluey aoider:; ‘ %lq to same policy â€"should it become & claim during current your 187), the Bonus Audiâ€" tions will amount to £1+2 }0s. Steriing, exceeding the To al Amoun: of premiums para at the date of las: Diviâ€"ion in *837. Tais is sccounted for by tos INIEGMEDLATE svNUs3 allowed by the = 3COTTISH PROViINCIAL.®* _ > _ 0 _ ing Policy 4335.. Bones Adaitions, 461 its. 64., or nearly seventy per cent. of £¥1 2s. and 64., the amount ol premw:ums pard. Tuess Benobus must be erident to all. lt may be asked whether, in the event of the Assured svlo‘op the Policy, all such benedus would be loâ€"t ? hnlv,mndnï¬ufl“- _Lpang grarmed wauet Policies when sarrender value iwof not less amoust than Une Hundred REGULATION As TO SURRENâ€" DK& OF POLICIES. °C > Dottars, The suscess of this most delicions and unrivalâ€" od comiiment having eaused certain dealers to apply the name of * Worcestershire Sauce" to their owninferior compounds, the pablic is hereby informed that the only way to secure the â€" enuing, Some of the markets haring besen .."ndm-m- W orcestershire Sauce, rmmmud inbels of which the »ames Les & Perr:.s have been forgea, L and P giâ€"e notice taat they hare {furnished their corresposâ€" dents wih power of attorney to take instaot prossedings «gainst m.«oufucturers an l ven iv & & ETCO OIT kE G pecteatks... austs % w :::._-" & PERRINY‘ *Sauce and f+ LtA ’;:-"O. m Wrapper, Label, © Bottle ::l. % €% Wholesale ‘und for â€"Export by the s.;.zmwl and to see that their names ars upon tae wrappert NC ba wa «186669 Jduplied wwprsssly lor the Ormmva Trum | ‘.lll SHOn® LAILWAY & o se is bereby given that TENDEL3 will be roceived ustil THULkSOAY, the FiIRST day of SLPTEMBEK, at NOuN, for the ccastraction the MAIN LINE OF RAaLLW AY of the * Northf whore Raniroad and 81. Maurice Navigation and Land Compaay." Tas Line will run between Quedes and Montreal on the North Shore of the River st. Lawrence. After the 10th of the present month the profle of the Railroad and lhqulltdl-ul terms of contract may be examiued at the ofice of the com, any, UNLIQON BUILOINGS, Place d‘Armas, in the City of Quebes, between the hours of TWO and POU R o‘ciock in the afterncon. P By order of the Directors, . 1 13KP 4, Chairmas; D 0 THOMBON, Treaâ€" «ser; » 8 POOTE A THOMSON, T H DUKN. p.UMMQOND, Manager. 11486 1407 Jm â€"gâ€"_..rmiokarkoonrare WORCESTERSHIR® saUCE, f Deslared by Connolssears EKA & PEALRO8S* August 8, 1870, s _ OtTtawaA, HAMNXETT P, HiLL, Solicitor &o, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL iess â€"per barrel........... 31 00 @37 50 Prume Mess per do..... 12 00 @ 00 00 â€.-'-a«M # 15 & % ‘. Canada Head OMce :â€"Montreal. _ aA DaVvIDSON PARKERJ OK FORLEA & PERRIEW 8AUCE, THE ONLE GOOD SAUCK. CcaUTION AGAINST FRAUL. or any Wher imitations by which the r a Jos. CavCHON, President of the Board ot Directers. DIREKECT LINE â€"BETWEENâ€" seseesiuses anedes b2r1138 law vrieâ€" bs. 3 URRENâ€" C :pnaizws co S. * L for cleoansing -‘u hmd aan | terhmad sns ol + C, # e feverrat, Femmeate" phionreo 5‘ ie las vaine ie * been dectar, | (} ABRIEL!® _ * ce | uind io _ vilue being | MaJ®tyâ€" m 1. thus com E_n."". "'". :' rred to (Ne. te, 4. } sam of over Gnnuuu- oi abaabs: > > a wouth wash uaivar« Methers 1 Mernmers MRetherslâ€"Are Joua disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a mok onilid suffering and erying with the exoruci ating palao cuitting testh ? If1o, go at once and get a boitle of Mrs. WINSLOW‘B soOvuUTRHLNG SNRUP. It will reliewe th poor Hitle suferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistak about it. There is not« mother on earth who ha ever ased it, who will nortell you at once that it will reguiatse the bowels, and . ive rest to the mother, and roliet and health to the child, opera ting like magie. Itls pertectly safe to use in all eases, and pleasunt to the taste, and is the proâ€" seription of one of tha oldest and best fomale phyâ€" nelan a#nd nurses in the United States. © Price 3# =«MRS W@WINSLOW® 300THING SYRUP.*" Mauving the jasâ€"mnmaeils otf = Ourtis & Perkina®" ob the ontside wrapper, All others are base unmitaâ€" on?'" p og Hatiles.â€"Du." Bixonax, of Utiet New York, says : ~‘l.hvo used Dr. A.fnlk.': (Ointment & Inmaamntale unc d insl sare Infarmmation of the Langs, x:n'--fl- of the . MESSRS. GABRLGKL, The oldâ€"established Dentists, :'.lhmwï¬â€œu;ohl.mrvfl acbe, ao matter how far decayed ries 1s ‘i!t_t_hc.____ Aak for Qabriol‘s Celebrated Dental [ *PARAT*! FOR THE TEETH. Gpm.l’vo CKLEBRZATED PREPAR A FOR LEANSINXY, BEAUTIFYING, _ â€" _ Gnnnhn.n 08 (KHuv ENAMEL sToPPING tor Preserving Froat Teoth. Warranted to keep white, and as Orm as the rooth issolf. This beautiful preparation restores Froat Teoath and provents decay., Suimsient for Stopping six Teoth. LA for clennsing and improving the Testb, and imparting a natural redness io ine gums ; whitens the testo withom leaving between them any wases of powder, and gives b:illinac, to the Cx Ganmnn.n otoxtmmuu ELIXIR a wouth wash bartvalled {or is agresab‘e properties in cleansing the mouts and n.u.:: the breath ; is is igvainable to smokers, ureugly recommended :6 suferers from Tis, O-nlegh.l“ Toothache, â€" * ':: .:.bn-l'o nameâ€"None Gepuine without it. CGaborlel‘s new syst sending |particulars of ioi men nols en on orice won & the w ik 4 hobrvu“.vtl.:ll“on instructions Messers. Gabriel will undertake to Remodel or Kkepair Artifcial Tooth made by other Dentists, [m do not proveé satisfactory}, at moderate Mesars. Gabriel‘s Pamphlet on Artifcial ‘Teoth ond Faizless Dentistery on receipt of s *,@ All letters to be addressed .‘.'_‘.*!L." DGaATEk Dr+. A+ The A lcuâ€csup-su_l-l:F‘npu;y ru.ul'llnlhrtbsm on the .b in«t. For freigh: or passage, baving splenâ€" Ouaws, Augest 20, 1870 . _â€" Lromibe Fiarm of MXS. STEWART on the han« of the Carnal, oc the 20ih inst., T# EXTY»+ TBRKE LAMB3, marked with a stroke on the back with tar. Ioformation :o be given to WM. sLATTERY, Eatcher, By Ward Mar to. Ouaw»e, August 22, 18 0, i3 6‘ AND PREssRVING TAE TEETH Sold by Chemists asd Perfumers, and by the _ Upe sabsco.ber will tursish 1CB dalily to those requring it for‘th» season. Double supply Bainsday‘s (or Buoday‘s use. 10 lbe dally for he essod $6.00, Terms payaoli¢\n advance. All orders le‘t at Mr. G. Mortmer‘s Drug Store, Sussex strees, Mr. Alex. Christis‘s Drug ‘tore, ';un street, Cenc:o Town, Mr. F. Hallanâ€" dain‘s, Wellington street. Upper ‘Town, or at the ubscribers, will be strsec}y aitended to. , . TROMAS sSTARMER, 13%kf * A Ridean street, Larger ga pi‘sles suppled on I:iberal serms as "'_‘,'"‘;'":,- t h d o t :“. . DVIG@XAL‘!8, > SPARKS mm,urnv;. AW&- be accommeodated ..u.-%..m........‘x:..... N Bâ€"This house is situated in the immediase Islinity of the Parliament Builldings and the veral ba aks. __ Haft By virtuaot a writ of feri facins issued out 0 Her Mejesty‘s COUNTY COURE of the Ucsited Conntles o! Stormont, Dendas and Glengirty, !o we directed and delivered, agaiact the }ands and wnuements, .whe:â€"sof ROGER HAKKIN3 died, Oohd.udw ure asseis in the hands ot PETER TtO N», Exseutor of the said Roger UHawkins, at the suit of ALEXANDER ROSS and ALBBERT PARJONS, I have seized and taken into exscution, and will ofer for sale at public suction, at my ofice, in Baidwan‘s Building, in the City of Oitaws on SATURDAY, the NINE« TEENTH DAY of NOVEMBER, A. D., 1870, at 1t o‘clock, noon, all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption which were of the salid l-.nl-ubngoh- of his death, &f, in and tothe fcliowing. lands, being the Kast al of Lot No, 34, in the second concession of he Township of and 1t 24 in the Afth md.u‘mam.w-‘:: County ot Carleton aforesaid, M W Â¥ POWELL, _ Ottaws, 10th Augast, 18700‘ 1437 1 «3i4 i Tenfaneg frae o) recips as ueed . by e * as y Her 0":::‘"' Tfl.’::h-ms‘dl- fragrunce to the vtesth ; gives the Tecth a :-m' .“nm ahd protects the enamel. o# |#. k | 44 Ludgate Hill, London. And at LEVERPOOL and B@IG9NT>X. C€B, 1CB, 1ICK. ABmILKL®s WHLTE uUlUTDa PERCHA ENAMEL, for Stopping Decared Test» ABRIKL®S CORALITE TOOTH PA8TE, AauÂ¥ies it a Dbiâ€"TaNcs KEqoraktNe ARTIFICIAL TEEIH mey have them led, in partlal or complete seus, u!u_-nz USTRALYA, HILLL, LONDON, _ 1323 22w64 HERIFMSSALEOF LAXDS u-mï¬â€˜do':uu.‘ Shippers Line for Melbo blam _M 'IUH.I!L & C4. Canal Sireet, Montreal. 0. â€" ' 141 .6 o lawkém l.:.: Ror furtner information and time of arrival and l! %fl the Ticket Ofice, ILL, at No 39, Great 8t James : n Sheriff, * | C J BRY pe 4 Mansging s Sate | %, 181¢. â€" ugu 4 â€"â€" | qo ut j : RUNNING .OF TR AINS Â¥FOR TBE EXsUING sSEAsON.| In additioe to the Fast Time which it is intended to make betweenthe | With close connsections at all posnts. will be equipped with handsome KEW FiRST.CLASS CARBS3, Unsurpassed on the cuntinest. ; i > qBRaALYE WiLL R0X BE WwEES Portland and Montreal inâ€"13 Hours. Montreal and Toronto in 13 Hours. Stopplug only at the mostimportant Stations, Wi!l be run on the Through Trains and the serâ€" viee will be performed over the entire line in a manner equal to that of any rallway or this conâ€" tinent. Epecial arrangements hare been made to accommodate the pleasure travel. . | For further particulars see .amiâ€"t-lnd time tables. f C J BRYDGAk®, Managing Virector June 3, 1870. ~ 4 1Ǡ__* Vermont CODITRL BE.»s»«â€"»»s»s»s200e +4 -,l:;'l‘u New York ana lcu-‘ IM w w » l.rl'h.uub Rutiand u..,.....:‘.. n.n' -;-umuuiu ‘ Gorhain and Portiand,stopping be. in coanesiion with the Grand rrm lul'.sx lseare Portland every MONDAY THVU DAY at 6 pm,for 8t.John, N.B., &0. | ?.m‘ issued through at the Company‘s prine! ssations, â€lu (further information and time of arrivaianc departure of all tra‘ns at terminal way staâ€" tions, apply at the Tlioket OMcss, venture Station, and 39 Wreat B: James o 0.J; BLYDUES, Managing Dirsctor mmmodation Train for Kingston and _ |_ ‘ / _ Stations, at..... ........ 1;30 sw Tia‘ns for Lachine at ........... 800 s m, 1:00 <ar . 0 14 /a m, 1% noon, 1:30 p m, 4;:00 p m and pa=â€" [€¢ * The 1:30 pm train rans through to M °_ dornasouth asp Sast. | Train tor Island Pond | | Express fot Boston at. TOF DOBIORN BE.,...ccostrsssecseceees Expressfor NewYork and Boston vis ~ Phe steame:s * Chase" and "Ch 1a" lon Portliani ore:y Wodnesday and 82 af nowa, for Hal fax, N.3,, respectively at 4 p m. They has excellont accommodation for in cosnesiion with the Grand Frains a as follows 1870.) & Bpesial atrention is directed to this 00.*00)’0 inouncement, in regard to the d xeg FOR TAE BUMMER OF 1 ACCELERATION OF KEW CARS OX ALL EXP ® e JA Portland to Montreal in Montreal to Toronto in ‘ On and after JUNEB 1iith, the 1 ments will ve put in force, and trai As fast as completed, Montreal as follows : PV LÂ¥ A N *3 | PALACK SLEEPING 64\33 I I â€" _ GorNu soUTH AND EAst. Ascommodaiion Train for Island Pond ‘ and intermediate stations Exprers fer Bos:on, via Vermont &- Express for New York and Boston, Vermont Con ral, #t......»»«,» «» Express for Now Orrawa Orrionâ€"York street, cormer of Bussex reot:; | A & A H TAYLOR, Aongts ol ~~BBREE XEW STORES, â€" .. > / WITH DWELLINGS THE BEST STASD oN s V 88 E X Bl'llll!'.. Nigbht RAKD TRUEK RAILWAY IYMPROYVED SERVICE OF tween Montreal and lsland Pond Bt. Wilaire, St. Hyacinthe, Richmond, .uu:-u.wm and Coatioook only, at......... A0:10 ;p m B Sicoping Cars on all Night Trains. Pagâ€" and [ate Bleoping Cars on all night trains. Baggage _“pu.l. August, RASD TRUNXK RAILWAY and freight. ress for New York and Boston, flo Plausbarg, Lake Champlain, Barâ€" lington and Ratland, &t..........,...» between Montreal and Island Aat Kt Hilatre, 8t Hy«cinthe, U Acten, Richmond, Brompton Falls, ¢ Bherbrooke, Lennozvilie, y Conticooke and Norton Milis only at 10 10 p m Apply to EAST AND WEST, MMER ARRANGEMENTS. (isTe leare BONAVENTURE BTATHO ‘ .â€" gome wEST. | : v TRUNK RAILWAKF couâ€" PANY OF CAKMADA. O k N &A b &A . enees sesssssesssess sensessess C A N A D A GoIxG wWEsT. al and lsland Pond a mamee sumck erbrooke, W ;d’.“nom“ l.‘l.“ t Jars on all Night Tisins. !’q cluo"n"'él a" leares w .2,.‘.'..‘..'2‘ m‘ ; N+See J mM« sut accommodation ML alCompany‘s cteamers, rannin, * B 1 nb I W c JAMEIS W sessesep JPEED. 13 Hours. 13 Hours. s will leave TRALINS T.00 8:40 e line T 00 a m 1 10 a n 1 30 p m HEK OYTVAWA T mended to persons of delicate constitutions.| They are gently stimulant, and will be tound ible aids to digestion. a | i For directions see label round the neck of each None are b“-mi jure _ maXniona® ._â€" GENERAL AUCTIONEE dence placed in him,‘since his advent as , Auctioneer of this orty, and to assure them that sonstant desire and endeavour wili be, to sontinuance of the support and uh:-lly onndub“:t-. 16 “., e can refer with pleasure PJ trestimosia‘s he |lu“:o:l‘n~4'z-.‘ '?o + 10 that mepa oi oo( oadi es returns are his | SALES AT PRIVATE RESLDOENCES, 1n soliciting public patronage in this k MMNMHIU'O‘I& intimate, % the future as in the past, it be his eare to study the interest of his patrons ; thet by carsful attention, prom,t cash returps, and muderate charges, to n.orit a continuance of that sUCtuo" Tw w e -n‘ liberaily pimms sily, Restornd sulce _ A beautiful country residense with Fiftwen (15) nnepoanrarntie par ie loln within 12 miauter. drire of the mâ€"-a Whest, Corn, Flour, Oatmem, P ie oTTawWaA, ¢ End of Little Uash advancsed on goods consigned 1« Hate sale. Prompt returnsin all cases ut Terms of sale, cash, it preferable to pu Otherwise a small pay ment down, and the 1m h-‘ 1 to 10 .’.“n. to suit purchaser. pply to the Proprictor | R .A BRADLE oYB8TE C peâ€"* * * The andersigned 1 hat he his always on :::df.l:‘ it wat ’:u‘:: tukk cay wihet h uboReE 3 “ c H. KASTOX C CO., COMMISSION MERCHAN FORW ARDERS The andersigned legs to inform 1 hat he his always on hand, in season supply o thha avove, whinh will be sold If not cheapa Mn‘oflcn-oh a l:l.l.wlo 0 1022tf nm:“u dAraw the ut-:l‘n d&o??-b‘lug their nesorted Btock of Grocer1¢s, » Eaun. and Provisions, all of 'fl:will be ut prices not to be rivalled ‘withor here or * urreg ho oi of buying our Goods at mÂ¥ YÂ¥ our the Iom.. orhu.'mm from the Amporting Vessels, enables us to seil in future as we have done heretofuore, which we hope bas satisâ€" inurreben maMbe ues btunaes ways on hand. Ahï¬eflu und W ‘db.’oaly imported. who have not already tried our Goods are respuctively lovited to call, AM"Re. member motto . "Quick Bales Light Pnï¬."{ Bait and Fish on hand. â€"_ _ PR, BASKEERVILLE & #8&808. August 7, 1870, (1438.â€"1y vi\'u’l PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE, JOHNK PLUMBSELL aed JOHN SaMUEL . _‘ WARNOCK,: Plantife, | O Sherid‘s OMce, August 16, 18re, P. â€"BASKEKVILLE & 11 Wholesale and Retail dealers and OYaAL ITALIAX MTTE Directory for 1870. To beobtained from Canadian Parliamentary Cal THOMAS J. CHAMBERS; M A : writ \ of attachinent" was fseu usa E A )'†! ... W, F.POWELL, Sberiff, County o( C City of Ottawa, ? N8OLVKEKNT AC% OF 1889 UT TOâ€"DAY. Solicitor, ll*h-l-. Ort Nearly opposite the Pos DEAL HRS 18 No. 36 A. x. F RHOPE & CO., : JONES & HOI opposite the Pos: ::“llnl Estat BOUL arleton., °* "NH‘s as cheap UBIC. d in this St., FRY and 4} p m. 1110 if y o 148¢ 18 The subscriber begs to inform his triends and he public generally, that he has commenced business in the new building adjoiniug the Ontario Bank, Sparks street, with a perfectly now and complete stock of : _: _ English Chemieals, guropean and American The Popular Proprietary English, French and German English Brushes and Tollet Articles, Dye Stuffs, Seeds, and all the Miscelianeous artiâ€" cles usually sold by Druggists. Â¥Family medicines and physicians‘ preporiptions will receive the attention their importance deâ€" mands, The prescription depart» will ‘be under the personal supervision of the proprietor, and particular agtention will be paid to the quality of all materials ewmployed. Pbysicians and couniry merchants supplied. The subscriber has ample facilities for attendâ€" ing to the wants of his cestcec £ C [( > * ALKKANDER CHRIGI.k Hawa, February 17, 1570 â€" _ 1285.8 y digestion; an excelient TONICU for persons eovering from i‘liness. Forrale in quart bottle ; Invaluable to invalids and of im T fuaige] as meshicyt "PONTO for persous before the public for a length of time, and whenever used uvouum-mt;lnwhu single instance to give permanent when timely ased, and we have noever kuown a single ud%'rmmrmp porly followed ; "l‘g dflbmâ€" and spe llm ;yerms of its and magical e€fects. . Wesponk from experience in this matter, havin price one doll r. * $ 3 a many a steopless night. â€"In botties 26 conts you % ~â€" cents and 50 mwom aduits and children â€"â€"i is pleasant to the taste and harmless in 1its nature Forsale by druggists and general dealâ€" ere in all parts of the Dominion. â€" Gardener‘s First Prise Baking Powder, un rivalled for parity and excellence. For sale by grocers everywhere, in 3 os packets, 7 cents ; 5 os '.l..u W’Jntnr m’t:“::;t:: & oo w e mpulm.u ulouunt. * @GARDENER‘s EPILEPTIC CURE. Price $i bottle ; siz bottles for $5. 5 ol _'.' JO‘ARQBNII,(&-H. tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are saffering from any of the comp «ints for which it is Â¥ may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" "Tae hing efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, h..“. discases for -u:u is reâ€" commended, wonderfu) successin subdu testorsar‘a¢ painint) etownanimâ€" mot in s teving s JC soveries stands the «_ _ _ T UANADLAN PALN DESTROYER ..‘r‘.‘-hl..- load, mh“‘ï¬:' boere Throat . Cholera Morbus, Dysantery, Bowel Among the most importan! of modern Medical Dis SECC BR for the i. Deblers ar to the aniversal mum yins The Cana4Tian Pain Destroyer never fails to give ammediate rolief. Ali Medicine Dealers iml m_maul.“uum hnï¬n.flrz: IOITI@l I.YI:I'. _ _ _ ‘General Agents for 0. W M & 2B 9t ldn Bole Proprietor and Manufasturer. wondertul and extraordinary cures in Canade by he Gzrzar Ixpias Reuror. A t to They are stern undeniable facts, sufficie! Ozuvhu&olutmpdod M::o ‘nuh:'l- einal compound, yearned after for ages, un-m.hug’mc . w:..a:-“.. Brightos .ao:-::u: of ton or that of Pater C V ‘rlm. gl‘iruo'; Unt, of Consumption, or that of Ambro«e Wood, of Conseâ€" aon, Ont, of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of Johr Heoey, of Napanee, of Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutehes for years, but has now recovered the use of his limbs. BHandbook, containing unquestonable certifâ€" entes on the great Shoâ€"honeses Remedy and Pilis can be ob:ained at all drug stores. o Mossrs. uniauBtBLAIX & S:118e, Conway P 0 County of Lâ€"pnox, Ontario, Canada : + M11000, County “mf" t Province of Ontario, Feb. 9th, 1869 © Ih‘s is to sertify that during the winter of 1886 [ was taken with a weakness of the ancles, which gradually, during the lpfll‘.‘ 1867, extended to my knees, and on np to wmy hips, and I became so weurk that I could not walk, but was confined to my chair. For abouttwo years, while this weakt ness was coming on me, and afterwards, I sough medical advice, npmng, at different times: three doctors, and mediaines of differept kinds prescribed by trionds, but of no avail, I continuâ€" sd to get worse and worse, until the summer of: 1868, when I was induced to try the great Sho shonees {omedy by reading the cures performed in a pamphlet, Atthis time [ bad begun to teel the weakness ll-{ba.dl; in fact I was getting almost helpless 1 have taken two bottles of the Shoshonees Remedy ard two bozes of the pills and [ am entirely restored to health. 1 never expected uo get better, b!l.l‘-p%‘:l'h‘ the medicine ‘as a sort of foriorn hope. case otf mine was not a private one, but known to all my ld{.b.fl and friends; and to any one aflisted as I was, I have on‘!y to say try the shoshonees Remedy ; I nat> ve it will cure you. : hi MKARY ANNKX nr.:}mm n to before me at Madoc, County of Hasti his .inth day ofFebruary, 1889. Nes 1 hereby cortify that :‘ .!.‘.' °.‘2.2.’(.t‘ Mary mDO:fl‘!ï¬NN last fifteon years ; she is a w@oman and truth. 1 have hmht mhm since her iliness. I leve her certificate to be true is mmn 1 know that while ill her case was ‘hope, tess ; and I know that she has, since her s iways attributed her recovery to the Shoshoness ‘The Canadian Pain PDestroyer has now been properties of this medicine, one thing is certain, en e t e uo Sn ie : Wavien of the County ot Hastings; Provinee of *ANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER! The following remarks on testimonials of mos , AUGUST 31, 1870. Price of the Remedy mwiarge pints, $1.. 137 gUININE m WINE BITTERS, w S8HOSHONEES RKMEDY. Medicines and Preparations may â€" be FPatent Medicines Porfumery, ness. I believe 2'_‘ 'vufl-ln. j & l ared hope, ee her recovery, '] ) the Shoshonses thigg ts‘ Un Smd it | ty This elegant Turkish TONIU is one of the most salutary and diclicate preparations eve: submitted for public approval in this hemi«â€" phere, and asserts its pretentions to patronage on the following grounds :â€" That it is a preparation of one of the most eminent Purveyors to the Ottonian Court. It prevents acidity of the Stomach. + It relieves low ness of spirits. It is a mild and invigoreting tonic, and a ost cfliciâ€"nt but innocuons stimulent. / § It rendgers the breath swect and agreeable. It stimulates the appetite if taken ssrors meals, * It promotes digestion if taken arter meale. It neutralizes the propensity for strovg liquors, . 6 It renders the intellect bright and clear. If taken babitually it imparts vitality and energy to all the bodily organs. By its use a man of 70 will ‘b:come, as it were, rest_red to the elasticity of 30 ; and to of delicate constitutions it is strongly mme+nded. t is an especial favourite with Oriental les. ure, then, health, longevity and vital energy by the habitual use of the ALKABASAR TURKISH TONIC. Kept.in stock by the principal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion. For directions for use & e labels on bottles. HENRY CHAPMAN & CO,, } EVANS8, MERCER & CO,, C T. R. HIGGINS, R < Apt!orm Beaver, Toronto Mutual Fire and Live Sstock Insurance Co, General Commission Aflnt,lnpvun. Manufactures and Mining Agent Mining claims constantly on hand. Oflce, corner Metcoaife and Sparks streets, over Mann Bros Hardware Store. a license to transactthe business of Lite Insurano in Canage : No. 33. The UNION MUTUAL LLFEINSUR ANCE COMPANY, of Maine. p.i.m. U. 8. 6s or ‘81â€"$50,000. B. R. CORWLN, General Agent, 8ti John, N.B '?0‘;.!.!.&!9!.61 Auditor. > L have this day, deposited. with the Receiverâ€" LIBE â€" IN8URANCE â€"COMPANY . OFP MAINR, * Fimmanon Dasriarrusntr, No: 104 Ottawa, 1 2th â€"October, 1868. > “ * mtmmw has received a license to transactthe business of Insurano @mnarnt tnvaty trounnd beltam in sediten ts Peronanpmont ariaf remacen The Hon. Col. John H. Gray, M.P., has beet appointed Counsel to the Com tor the Dom lon. Alllegal matters will u':Iu-u to him. B. R, COORWIE, Opposite the Bank of Montreal. MR GENDREAU, the propristor of that so popular Parlour, has the pleasure to arnounce to bis numerous friends and the public in general, that to answor to the groat encouragement whicn he has received up to the present, he has deter. minedto enlarge and thoroughly furpish anew his establishment. He will save no expense to render Parlour the most comfortable, and o procu . he most experienced hair dressers, MR @ENDREAU having served considerable time in seme of the best and mort extensive Hair Dressing Saloonsin the Dominion and United States, is in a position to conduct the duties of his establishment in a manner that cannet be He will have always on hand the best perâ€" tumes imported directly from Paris and London. MBR GENDREAU solicits a visit to conyince all of the truth of his statements® i Auow-u DIVORCES leguily obtained PA in New York, Indians, Hlinois and other , for persons trom any State or Country al ever where, desertion, drunkenness, nonâ€" support, etc., sufficient cause; no publicity ; no sharge until dirorce ontained. Advice free Business established fifteen years. Address NOTICE,â€"Depositors will hereafter enter by the door on SBparks street. For the future th business of the Bank in allits Branches will i conducted in the Offise fron on 8 stree! 5. Dâ€"RaSrwobb," i m O M @oUSE. + 1818 3m | Hoe 'Illuuullufl.lwtod!h HAIR DRESSING PARLOUR, Wellington street, . Asupply always onat‘o‘..dlnï¬ ï¬r'b..l’lh l‘~ \‘ bvcc d yIpTyer sIXTY CoWs and other Cattle some ‘“‘ stook *b JNHNK RO#ERTSON‘8, 'l‘(\ LET. Btreots. For partioulars apply to TCO _ _ mosaadvie Or to _ K & RY Oltawa, August 19, 1870 Oltawa, August 16, 1870 .._One or. both d’th;’or VFlats of the Union Block on the corper of nusser snd York Montrea), Jnly 6 Ot awa, November 7, 1868. $** *# it wani P Wms se« stt â€" es & *EÂ¥tion nonout®® ©Encrar exceuss»** Ottawa, June 11, 16 70. A pleasant and healthfal drink in bot weat Ottawa, April 27, 1870. 1343 In 18 3m Ottawa, June 15 gogq§ 4554 4 § TY I ARRATRACA WATER NTARIO BANK. 1304 1 BAVINGS DEPARTMENT. ARRIVED AT LAST! PLANTAGANET, . ONT. y Montrea!, Sole Agents for the Dominion Agencies. MmADRID 1847 ENDREAUV, Bussex and Wo * On the promises. 14157 1440 4 HE ST. LA WRENCE ANXD OTTAW T RAILW AY. On and from MONDAY, 13th JUNE, tra will run as follows: l» traine NETOUAOIAINHE 5s ccen000s xe aabe Gloucester .. ... visserses s serees.« 3 80710 00 VUKECE . «> iferssatkeserestunnt s UONAD B0 Norrâ€"Trains are run by Montreal Time. R LUTTKELL, THOMAS3 REYNOLDS_ Buperictendect. . Managing Directoi 6th June, 1870. (Formerly the Ottawa and Prescott Railway) * TIME TABLE, No. 23, Commencing on MONDAY, NOV. 28, 869, 4 15'0 M.â€"â€"TRAINS will leary $ BR eP Brockville daily at 4.15 p m, 1.4 a m, arriving at Sandpoint at 10.0C p m, Me e P LEA VE SANDEOINT. 6:00%., LEAYVE PERTH. 5 35 P. M.â€"â€"TRHRALINS will leave $ eBDeDrertn at .-..u:- and 9.05 am arriving at Bmith‘sFalle at 6.25 p m ard 9.56 LEAVE BMITHs PALL8, 10 05 A.M.=â€"â€"TARAINS will leave : @P Bmith‘s Falls at 10.05 # m and 6,3b p m, arriving at Porth at 10.55 am and 1.2% ®*. P All trains on Main Line connect at Smith‘s Falls with trains to and from Perth. No 1 leaves Brockville after GT Trains are due trom the cast and wes.. No 3 is due in Brockville in time to connectwith @â€"T Trains for the east and west. #, ABBOTT, Gt, Aohn‘s, E.. by brant‘s HOKIMGFâ€"........ Liverpool or Qnm..‘:.. .........:.. * PFirst Oabin, Payable in Goid. w Laverpool or mm....a..:...........sl“ @ Liverpool OF QHUOGDELONE »»»=2»»»»»»»»»â€"»»»».». 26 U PASBAGE EY THE TURSDAY OTREANER Y! EALITAX wBe is Jh_-w&_-.’wbfl Cc wa‘qï¬tnlo.u'u‘u: < Trainsleave Windsor (in sonnection with the trains of the Nova Bootia Railway from Halifax) -uo.zu-au.u&-. arriving at Kenwille at 11 46 a. m., and 8 45 p. m, and at Annapolis st 10 p m, oonutl†there with steamers or for Bt John, N B. trains leave Annapolis at 2.3% r-.'lclwn by steamer from Bt Jobn, nv\vumui.-.aduï¬nuldvflhu 6.20, Windsor at 6.40, and Halifex at 9 p m. â€" INMAN LINE OF MAL ESTEAMERS, AAIL INQ FROMX NEW YORK EVEEY SATURDAY AND ALTEERNATE TUERsDAYs. RATBS OF FPABSBAGE BY THE 82 rCROAY OTRAKER On and safter EATURDAY, the 18Mth Dkâ€" CEMBER, 1869, this Railway will be open for Opening through from Windsor to Arnnapolu: â€" MESE AND PRIME MESS PORK. FLQU KE NO. 1 &% EX°T L A wxn»ol. & AXHAPOLIS RAIL W AY» Fo. LIVERAPOUL & QL ERNHTOW AT THE CAPITAL BOOT & GHOE STOR YORK STREEY I.o-uvmflfla. BPRING and SUMâ€" MER BTOCK which ‘tâ€"u complete in all ll-uu-;mh' Lnmdies, Misses, and Chlldrens 2.0-&;-‘ Ms.n.l-d’nd w Calf, an‘mï¬xoaflm + Those who desire a comforta mz‘l.":'m please call and leave their orders, ‘will be attended to at the shortest notics, All work gone by first class Workmen in my establishment. 1 have been particuiar in shoosing and manufacâ€" turing serviceable ware for the Farming and Lumberivg community by whom 1 am s« largely petronised, and at prices as usual detying comâ€" required by the b‘st and follewing Rules ofthe Legisiative Assembly,(which are published ia the ="Ontario QGaszette"), to give NOTICE of the application (clearly and distinctly specifying its nature and object) in the " Ontario Gasette," and also in a newspaper published in the County or Union of Counties affected ; such ‘inotice shall be continued in enach case for a period of at least six woeks during the interval of time between the close of the next preceding Sesmon and the conâ€" Mideration of he Petition. Copies of the first and last of such notises to be sent to the Private B PIWATI BILLS. Foroute March 15, 1970. _ 1309 44 lawkâ€" Eo on. .John‘s, N.#., by branch steamer......... 30 0 Tickets sold to and from Engiand, Ireland, ancs ':):-uug.u moderate rates: k ferther at theCompany‘s hoos, JOEIQ.sALI. Agent, 16 ln“'.n New York, or HEEELOK & CROMBIE, Ottaws. All etitions for Private Bills must be present od within the FIRGT THREE WEEKS of th ; WAITR BEANS,| At Oltawa, Sand Point, and Pembroke, ; 8 CHBRISTIE, § z. No 5 Sparks gtreet. Kentville, Dec 8, 1869. awa Ma 18, 1870 ROCKVILLE & OTTAWA RAIL« | W AY. completing the comnezion between Halifaz GeingSouth Ottaws to Prescott. PRIEG AND SUMMER STOCK arriving at Brockville at 12.15 p m,8.30 e00s . eossbencetbes . «obbesense eneetressepense mrFEET WARkom LKEAVE BROCKVILLE, CHANGE OF TIME,. PERTH BRANCH. Aailroabs, N O TIC E and Bt. John. M.â€"â€"TRAINS will leave ipoint at 6.00 a m and 2.3 CBARLES T GILLMOR, Clerk of the House. SEORGE XURPHY, jalifex at 9 p m. YEKNON l&lu. ssesssseeâ€"$100 00 T 00 1%41% T %5 1% 55 1 40. i 15 [ C 11309 15 O¢ Bcrofulous poison i eneof t * *4 enemies of our race. bc;.'h~ tenant of the organiem \ nn&h?mm‘m.‘% w out ex *. hwtomm_, | Wiitimes..." Byphilis or Femereal lm'r’nmfl byl,w .u rnhdulfl(hM“ Bnt long continued use of this q Civsrafienst dttgemaze s Emss t in the blo lc}. A T Fubon, Reg, Angus J 8 Crocker, .l.’g.' * Bankerâ€"The Onasdian Bank Agents for Ottawaâ€"â€"Messrt â€"â€"flw'_' betutstarih 4o sc 3 e mag n«:-n»dm‘ -3“'..'. Wo...r.w: MHoeM aster. Keq, H 8 Howl oolru: are as low as Jts sbe@en to r-h.flo The uest of the value of im Its Inspectors are alway M# l-wh-dndlI‘ g.-. solicit, a abarm & ! ‘mmpdadv ‘c‘ of its scttlioms Ottews, April 26â€" * BR 8 ALK.=â€"«The¢ E..:&"d'-"fla Te sat © 994 °¢s ) Session, at prosent in the 4 e be es lows and wE PEA O _ 1 2 ) Practical and .~"“‘"l soLD BY ALL Do ne "'.u"' ‘ anmal 6 eout ,§ ul"uum‘{.'z Pecin ts Repateart AD oot Panereatipe Mm and 1 226d. ru-ul-'._.. l.'M taking Cod u-u* n1 Aoanteâ€"Messtt ®â€" _ _ lows and Wu. TEONPHT» * nweuet, Barristers, Oftawsâ€" CEE TIMES 4s Tas Orta® 4 -:'n“..uuuun' tind, I have never: kno#n®" " for each anse are 600 1 (000k | ions.for each ease are ied gratin. .ï¬â€"â€"g_h-s _ ‘In Tins, 2s 64, 6+ and 18â€" . Ortecund juse 01 gan M Pastilies fu'% tive apparatus. dronts ts hy nvnaraighe in daress n For R satiorn One who feel w1 or...eor?;r:.&u m their clean=ag “ w“" ach and restore Back ard ï¬ï¬‚: taken, to z .: y :lmfl%‘m qose appomi. F and prdimngnn area durre th.o-o.‘t % o » or as it produces ‘-m As ; ‘mï¬zc to digestion Pn inond dorn tm es howels into action, restore and invizoâ€"ates the aystem. Homs dicious}y taken Ratyâ€" Ayer‘s Pr ext~ The Bon Jobn The rates of the PROVT Minute 4* k PREPAREp Ap ,â€" 3. C. AYER # Practioeal â€"‘h z. J. C. AYER & 08., Pr LOWELL. MABKs Ottawas, August T, 1899. we Oonr 4Â¥T ; or 18D1GESTIOR@LP! LOvIECIAL INSURANO O#A of Canada, Head Ofice, Torms en i t For Sale or to 4* MAliks Pettons '..,..g.::'*‘:."...'-"l-:§ a where no purp0u88 C % lage, 141, ow POP . 4. Oundil) & OR APTUEE §x. J.un $6 U "*%., C E CMY , As KRA