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Ottawa Times (1865), 16 Sep 1870, p. 4

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AS3URANCE COMP A N\ FmHE s#COTTIEH PROV.acliaL In Winstramwon of the benefts which have 10â€" Mhm'onfi.:dmd Life Aâ€"surance the l-i-'-Q..-a- may be qud-b taken trom «he Bor ks of the Canadian Brasch of THE :o‘u.l"lbl PROVLINCIAL aSSURANCE COMâ€" Puicy, 5313, effected October, 1881, for £1000 Additions amounted in 1867 to £82 10s. . Total vatiay by assured, £1 3: tas Bonnu» taus amoun.â€" %nm;lnmn&d.nud:â€"’ut & claim cduring current yoar 187 :, the Bonus Addiâ€" F;;-’Exi‘i:;z'm | On. m'm‘n ie Total Amount rh- at ate of last Divi.ion in * s“.‘ for by tas 1NTEnMEDLATE gsunUs allowed by on the amount af ordinary premiums received, CaAPITAL:â€"ONE MILLION STEKRLINXG, IÂ¥TLETEZD IX CAKADK.......«sse.â€"«... .«.....89300,00 Canada Head Ofce:â€"Montreal, A DaAVLDSON PARK ER,J THE ONL% GOOD S8AU0E.; * CaUTIOX AGAINST FRAUD. Thae sucsess of this most delisions and unrivalâ€" ed condiment having caused certain dealers to Sn woucalastys Yempenede, the peblie is hareng Informed “~.1,'.|.m’~ emaine, supplied with a sperious Worcestershire Sauce, -Jnficl‘"-.‘ labels of waich cthe â€"ames Lok & Pert:us have been forgea, L and P give notice tnat they have furaished theow correepon» dents wich power of sattorney to take lnstant proseediags «gain«t m«oufucturers ani von «ofe of suon, or any <ther imitation» by which their mmh‘tho‘ D* Ask h L+ A k PERRINSY *Sauce and see a JuAKPH, Chairman; D C THOMSON, Trea «rer; 4 BFOOTE A THOMSON, T H DUKX. DRMMUOND Manager, « LUIMHK and to see that their nnines are apuon tae WTappot m..a:,-um Some the torsign marketes auving been OTTAWA OFFICERâ€"G P Dacumonn‘s Exchange Olice, 19 Sparks street. Quedes and Montreal -’Do North dhore of the River St. Lawrence. After the 10th of the present month the profle of the Reilroad and the specifications and terms of contract may be examined at the ofice of the com,.auy, UNION BUILOINGS, Place d‘Armes, in the City of Quebes, between the hours of TWO an FOUR o‘siock in the afternoon. By order of the Directors, M‘ under Chapter LXVII Consolidated Statutes ol“.d“. 0 ce is bereby given that TENXDET 9 will be roceived ustil THULSOAY, the FIR8T day of SEPTEMBER, at NOON, for the construction the MAIN LNE OF RALL# AY of the * North bhore Railroad and St. Maurice Navigation and Land Company."* The Line will run between P.m TELEORAPH COXPANCY OoTTawWa MAARLATS. Jemplled expressly tor the Orm®va T uns | Times OGes, Otawa, Bept 16, 1870. WORCESTERSHIRK SAUCE, Declared by Connolsseurs EKA & PELRLRISES BENEFIT OFLIFE ASsURANCE. QUEBEC AND MONTEEAL 8K FOR LEA & PERRINW AAUCE, J08. CAUVCHON, President of the Board ot Directors. DIRECOT LINE sting pain o cutting teoth ? 11 so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs, wmmv'-.hnlno SYRUP. It will relieve th poor Hitle suferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistak about it. There is not a mother on ‘earth who ba ever used it, who will not teil you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and ive rest to the mother, and reliet and health to the child, operaâ€" ting like magle. It is pertectly safe to use in all eases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preâ€" seription of one of tha oldest and best female phyâ€" wbian and aurses in the United States. Price2} _ Purch«sers should be sure and ask for Dr. R. . Erask‘s l-?clo Intment, and see that the words =a TRA~EK‘3 MAGNEIIC OINTMENT * are on the wrapper. nadife 8 Mothers! Motners Mothersiâ€"â€"Atrse you disturbed at nightâ€"and broken of your rest by a aok cnrid suffering and erying with the exoruciâ€" sting pain o cutting teoth ? If so, go at once and ___ _ MESSRS, GABRIEL, The oldâ€"established Dentists, ‘ 1iaBmikL*s WHiTE qUTTA PERCAA K ENAME., tor Stopping Decayed Teeth lol‘onthuul“mmmm Toothache, no matter how far decayed 18 6d par box. Ask for Gabriel‘s Celebrated Dental cats everywhere. Be sure to call fos "MR3 ‘wWINSLOW‘8 300THING SBYRUP.* Uaving the facâ€"smmels of * Curtis & Porkins" on the ontside wrapper, All others are base imitaâ€" Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment Cures Crov or Ratiles.â€"Dzs. Bmonax, of Uties Now York, says: @"I have used Dr. A. Trask‘s h.‘ou- e e Ly.un.admbo:uvvtfl. nlm:to«:‘l e greatest discoveries of the ; for oure Irdaramation of the Lengs, lm-ul- of the. Bows‘!s, Infammatory Rhoumatiam, and in Onildâ€" bed Paver, it utes with erfect success, in anses of lnm.gnbu.lm Lim be, it aots like a charcr, Dea. J. P. Kxexxz»r .ofnhnao. New York, says : * It has stoud thetest trial, has not been found 'M.L Its astonishing cures of Infamâ€" wition of the Langs and Croup and the wonderful succ0se to subsiding the mri-:,uud khou natisue, amd nliong Nervous Affections, entitle G“- 1KL*s O8 t RBO &un 8STOPPLNG for Preserving Front Warranted to keep white, and as frm as the rooth itsoelf This beautiful preparation restores Froot Teoth and it to a hign rank _ the tist of remedies for these ..'._ #» D. A. W . B of Knowleavilie, New York says; @1 have ased it in severr | cases of special irtitation and tor the worst cases of Prles, and sundry other compiaints, and fAnd :*» superiore article, and well worthy the notice of all * _ ~ # TLON% BHaUrIiFYISG * ‘ o.,murw + w , BEA h | ville, u < hok M:%un»nvmu Ttas neern. )o ) Porostw@tsifail Unicage, Sotd Uy Chemints agd Ferfumerk, and by the | MMODONA NOE q iA CMEY: LA d from reei ased t Maguly: Preverves the Toutty and imparts C dety clous fragrance to the breath ; gives the Teeth a FOR: THE UTEETH. traggists and hy medicine dealors everywhore Northrop & Lyman, Newcastloe, C. W., General 1gents for the c:.'fl.. Bold in Ottaws by als Gllllll.’l ODoONTaALGIQUE ELIXIR @ -:l M-.::dh‘ h:.n: agreea blo properties in cleansing the mouth aweeteni the breath ; is is invaluabie to smokers, .: strengly recommended io sufferers from Tis, Puflu AF Aa DL TANCE REQUIRING « ARTIFICIAL TEETH muy have them :nl:hl. in partial or complete ...-Inu:.‘ «O new system, sending ars Mo...-hu\liu:’.md.o.lm'b. the Azonlu hrhlha..-‘-l of the mouth wilt forwarded, with all necessary instructions Mesers. Gabriel will undertake to iHemudgel or kepair Artificial Tooth made by other Dentists, [":hh do not prove satisfactory}, at mogerate rges. Â¥ Messrs. Gabriel‘s Pamphlet on Artificial Teoth ond Faialess Ventistery on receipt of postage. *,* All letters to be addreâ€"sed to 64 ‘LUDGATE HILLL, LONDON . 13243 1. uto lawvito olinity of the Patliiament: Buildings and the eral banks. " #19f The A 1 Clippor ship * sIAM®" is now rapidly loa â€"ing, ana will sail for the above port on the 20ch inâ€"t For treigh: or passage, having splenâ€" Ottawa, Augost From the Farm of MRS. STEWART on the hank ot the Carnal, on the 30th inst., T * ENTY»~ TBREE . marked with a stroke on the back with tar !‘x-{-.u.- to be given to W M. <LaATTERY, By Ward Market Oraw», 32%, 18 0. 1M3 o‘slock p. m. NABRIKL!3 CELSBRATED PREPAR i KÂ¥ TioNs * Bee Gabriel‘s nameâ€"None Genuine without it. munmdwyr« T a m. lor Chapeau. Returning wiil leave Chapesn at 1 m t o ___ ms casstus, A | Presiden Ottaws, August 22, 1870 | 144 .tf “l . DULGXAN*S, k 2o & SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. can be accommodated Capitas a0commeâ€" “bhdqcvutu mbu" N Bâ€"This house is situated in the immediate STEAMER ©ANN SISSON," 7 o . m in Prichilin ts Hnntleadiais »@ Will ‘leare Pembroke Daily at % p. m. 64 Ladgate Hill, London, And at LIVERPOUOL and BK4IG uT )N. after the > * """ ATfisI OFP SEPTEMBER, CB, 1I0B, tCEB. VB1RALLIA, Bhippers Line for Me!lbourne. decay, Suthsient for Stopping six Teoth. aPECLAL ROTICKS. PA_I-Q.K'Y L 9 R I L #SIR JOHN YOUNXG" CHANGE OF TIME. 4 J ASON ""~ *MbMbrurx, a0 MULLIN, &4 C + h "anal Btreet, Montreal, 1870 144 6 In addition to the Fast Time which it :s intended to make hetweenths â€" With closge connections at all points. The line will be equipped with handsome R UN NING OF T R A LN S Â¥OR THE ENsUING sEKASON. : NEW FIBST.CLASS CARBRS, Unsurpassed on the contineut. : TRAIYS WILL RUX BETWEEN and a!l points West, *. sentcesscsssnse Night do _ do _ do doâ€"â€" do : Accommoda:ion Train for Cornwall and. Intermediate Stations at........ Ascommodation Train for Kingston and Intermediate Stations, at.... ....... Trains for Lachine at ........... 6:00 a m, 9 15 a m, 1% noog, 1:30 p m, â€" and 5:30 3 m. The 1.30 pm train runs through to Line. @GorNae soUTH AND EAstT. Accommodation Train tor Island Pond Night Express for Quebes, [siand Pond. Ouu-ndronumpu‘bo- tween Montroal and Pond at Bt. Hilaire, S8t. Hyacinthe, Acton, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Waterville Express for New York ana Boston via Plattsburgh, Lake Champlain, mu.": & Rutland at............. Eroress for Lsland Pond, at................. Portland and. Montreal . in 13 Hours. Montreal and Torosto in 13 Hours. Stopplug only at themostimportant Stations, Erpress for Boston at......, L 107 DOBVOH #4= essesssssecen0s o Express for NewYork and Boston via _ The steamers " Chase" and "Charlotta" leave: Portiana eve:y Woednesday and Saturday afterâ€" novn, for Hal fax, N.3., respectively at 4 p m. ..:.f.tolcht. t ger C The [nternamwonalCom tn svampuies Wite the Gried tregh Aaifeer lseave Portland every MONDAY and ‘!lUl‘ DAY at 6 p -.f_fl_&.JO.ll. l_.l:l &o. Will be run on the Through Trains and the ser viee will be performed over the entire line in a mabpner equal to that of any railway or this conâ€" tinent. special arrangemenis have been made to accommodate the pleasure travel. KFor further partioulars see advertisements and time ta blos. s Mb P orimia D/ pal ssations. k on uen fo ic For furtherinformation and time of arrivaian departure of all trains at terminal and way staâ€" tions, apply at the Ticket OMces, Bonaventure Btation, and 39 Great 8t James Street. . GlAlD TRUNXK RAILWAY â€"COM+ PaANY OF CANKADA. 1870.]J SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. fisto. Trains now leare BONAVENTURE STATIO. as follows : @onxae |wWESsT. Rf FOR TuaE SUMMER OF 1870. . £} ACCELERATION OF SPEED. NEW CARS ON ALL #XPRESY TAAINS. mm Portland to Montreal in 13 Hours: Montreal to Toronto in 13 Hours. On and<after JUNE (3th, the new arrange ments will ve put in torce, and trains will leave Montreal as follo@ws: ; * Bpesial attention is ditected to this Company‘s inouncement, in regard to the June 3, 1879. Day Express for muuh Ottaws, Broca ville, l“...oll"mo. furunto, O“l'i‘m‘-. Brantâ€" Ti reghy a08 all polats went on wot at..... NIGH t:...' ao '?o'.... sete Mail Tr in for Toront»o and intermediâ€" oN sU88EX 8TREET. Apply :o . JAMES WARNOCK, * On Premises. Ottaws, bth August,; f. 1436.1 2 Trains for 690 a m, 7 00 a m, 9 is am, 12 noon, < â€"0 p m,.4 00 ; m,. 6 30 p m, and 830 pm. The As fast as completed, .-l "A.' :-.l- ““T:.‘r..o..‘i“ GoIn« soOUTH AND BEAST Accommodaiion Train for Island Pond _Vermont COo#B Tul, Bbrssssssosss »aee6>> Express tor New York ans Boston. via Plattsburg, Lake Champlain, Burâ€" and intermediate stations at......... Express fer Boston, via vermont Cenâ€" CE WHy WBesssseess eessesssssessse soos Express for New York and Bostop, via Tickets issued through at the Company‘s prin= ciple staiions. . e For furtner information and tims of arrival and departure of all trains at *erminal and way stations, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonaventure Station, or at No 30, Great 8t James Street. C J BRY DGKS8, Bleoping Cars on all night trains. Bagg»s checked tnrough. w The steamers = Chase " and #" Charlotta " leave Portiand for Halifax, N 8, every Woednersday and Saturday mm: 4 00 p m. They have excelient for pasienâ€" gors and Freight The intornacional Company‘s Steamers running in conpection with the Grand Trunk Railway, leave Portland every Monday and Thursoay at 6 10 p m for 8t John, N B, 40. â€" _ CEC r '!-‘A -- sls CEs “:.-":6.;.: zlj:'A m_,“v...“. corner of Susser 19% A & A H TAYLOR, Aengts Montreal, May, 1870. [ P V L MA N‘8 PALAUE SLEEPING CARS IMPROYED SERYVICE OF TRAINS and Coatioook only, at......... Vermont Central at..............«» June 3, 187¢. RAND TRUNK RAILWAYT RAND TRUNXK RaILWaAY Express for w-hrgl. Ottaws, Broca rille, .mn«mo. furunto, Guetph Brantâ€" tord, Gedericb, B.failo. Detrat, Chi :ago, and all puints wort at..... ui P, ao O.»»eseqeek00e sere Tr in for Toronto and intermediâ€" UhO BURtLODB...»ssssseqs» csseces | sesseses ommodation Train for Brockviile and intermediate stations.. ......... 1 3 ow Trile mss threagh io Provinse ) ine. lington and Ratiand, at............... ham, Portiand and Lower Provinces the Lower Provinces,. m un.l.l.nun.alym-‘:h.u ton, t Amlhh-.d.‘:-’hlhm. mwm..o.:‘m. Conticooke and morton Milis only at 10 10 p m + LET. 0.J; B4XÂ¥ Duks, Managing Dirsctor EAST AND WEST, WITH DWELLINGS THE BEST STAND THREE NEW STORES, C kA N 4 D A . C A N A D A K OMIY, BE.â€"ssss»«s «e....10;10 P M Cars on all Night Tt ains. P’s.- @GoLING : WESsT. ate essesssssececss ade C J BRYDGES, CUHHPOCTC CE ~* Managing Virector 4ifi THK â€" UOTTAWA 10:10 3145 1;30 M y# 4:00 p n 400 po Provines 9 00 a m 9 u0 p m T 00 a m 3 4 p m T 10 a m 6 00 a m 400 p m ) 30 p x P58 g°r* ITALLAN RTTERS. Il Prepared by special pcd*- om th Kept by all the principal Uruggiste and Grocers in A. M.F, GIANELL1I, Sole Manufacturer and P letor for the Dominâ€" ton of Canada and the United States. Professor of Mr the Unipersity of PADUA, ITALY, N.B.â€"These. celobrated |Bitters are carefully prepared with the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially adapted and recomâ€" -fluhmdmn‘omuum. They are gently stimulant, and Y\uumnd infallible aids to digestion. | _ #or directions see label round the necx of each OFFICE AND SsaAuB mart, Â¥ork street, The subscriber in issuing this his bpring Cireu lar, beys to return his best thanks to his triends and the general public of Ottawa and Country, as well as his many sons at a distance, for the very liberal patronage on, and con§â€" aence placed in him, s his advent as Auctionser of this oty, to assure them rhat sonstant desire and endeavour wili be, to merit boutinuance of the sup and patronage liberally extended to him. | K ln soliciting public age in Q.l:‘-bnuh buâ€"iness he won’l‘d ru’ y intim that,: 1 tbe future as in the past, it will be his uncessing care to study the interest of his patrons ; and that by careful attention, prom,t cash returns, and muderate charges, to n.orit a continuance of thit mence immedi«.teoly, and duly announced. ‘io will Horses, Cattle, &0, &0, on : of which will be given. , Horses and Cattle sold by year, is surficient gua this critical branch of Trace baies of Meron Farm Stook, Rea‘i Esate, Libraries, Works of Art, &0., &0., as weoi as consignments, from a distance, will meet : with best attention, and be on very moderâ€" ate torms, sw second hand Furniture will be nulvuny hour durigg the u‘qp T o‘slock p. m. vances made on Pisnos, or other Goods sent in for Sale, or may be porchased in toto, if required. f The Sale Koom is nll‘)giud.u ventilateqa, and about the largest in city, being 80 x 25. l\iol::‘.umn and patr are respecttully solic 1 _ He can reter with pleasure to the many ud-ollu;“r I.“h l:... od‘m-d. !hoo: who aced in ba or disposal, that :‘ulu ul'no. exceiient , aud m.odi' ate returns are his credentials.| f r‘un‘-p heresofere so liberaily bestowed upor mm | Bpring Furniture Sales at the Mart will com mence immedi«.tely, and time to time will be duly announced. te will! hold weekly sales oi Horses, Cattle, &o, &0, on she Market, due notice of which will be given. , large . number of Horses and Cattle sold by him during the past year, is surficient gua that his abiluity in this critical branch of onsering is appreci: ated. <] cuflmu‘h?hlh'mmum and those who have Carriages, and Harâ€" ness to dispose of will do to send them to the Mart as soon as possible. . _ _ _ _ _ ueoulpmu.fio'q.dt noe, will meet : with best attention, and be on very moderâ€" ate torms, ow second hand Furniture will be nulwlny hour durigg the u‘lp T o‘slock p. m. vances made on Pisnos, or other Goods sent in for Sale, or may be porchased in toto, if required. The Sale Koom is well an. ventilateq, and about the largest in city, being 80 x 25. Your tavours and patr are respecttully solicited. | Beveral Houses in the ri;yo- hands tor sale. J BERMIN G HAM, Ottawa, March 1870. A beautiful sountry residence with Fifteen (15) Acres of Land (or more if nesessary) actached , the house and outbaiidin uh.g:‘o.-'hhly sar roundged by a grove of trees. The whole within 10 minutes drive uf the worernment Buildings. Terms of sale, cash, it to‘:tonnr Other wise a small payment down, and the L alance in from 1 to 10 years, to guit purchaser. Apply to tae tor, A BRADLEY, Boli .Ix:‘u , Ottawa. Nearly .site the Post uffice. DEAL 18 Wheat, Corn, Flom}mou. Pork, &o. oTTaAWA, 208 FPORWARDERS e list of R iear ki 17 sountly Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatméai, Pork, &e. “%‘.‘3 oTTaAWaA, e o P vmiek Crers « of Little Sussexâ€"st. .'&’»'}“;‘ vanced 0 consigned forimme. 4 lHate sale. ?n-n.v&:ll all cases * #. B. Kastes | R. M. Easros FOB SALE, NV . ‘ OoRuaANIST AND Residenceâ€"B)gin COlasses for beginners a Monday$®, Weanesdays a Ottawa, July 15th, 187 Fuu. oYrsTER8, G #RUIT. | hat be bas always on h supply of tha avove, wh it not cheups than None are genuine us os8 TI(I PEOPLE‘S TE A Wholesale and Retail sion Merchants, No. City of Oltaw Sherift‘s Cfice, August JCHK PLUMSELL : WARNXOCE done heretofore, which we | ifuceveatond migs Wipee ye, 6 iemeanaars im ported. 'l'luo"bl “1 are et t Infa n in o Profits."""®@& Salt and [Fis done heretofere, which we hope has given satisâ€" iaction to those who be hv?;d us with a call Rye, rroof and B‘: of the best aiways ot hand, â€" Also, Gin, les and Wines diâ€"ectly imported. Those who haure not already tried onu: Qoods are reap ctively ipvited to call, . #M" Re member our molio. * Qaisk Bales and Ligh Profts."~"®& Salt and |Fish oomull on hand o l s P. BAsKERVILLE & BK08. August T, 1870. | y 1428.â€"1y 1023tf ComnmMiSKS10ONX . f BERMIXGHANM, . 4 GENERAL AU N l[.l.â€"luqb.l.o"u’.c PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. CcoM MIS8SION fl FORW A THROMAS J. CHA A writ of at NSOLYEET A0‘t P. BASKERVI BALES AT PRIVATE RESIDENXCES, N. EASTON 4 R&. FRIPP, is to inform the publiâ€" I:ns,m was issued in this , in season, a larg«, will be sold as cheny t house in the city & N1CHOLSUN, No 85 Ridean streot * r. POWELL, \County of Carleton. CTIONEER NOM3â€"City Austlo ear the Market, IERCHANTS, En & CO., and UNES & HOLLAND LLE & BROS. dealers and Commisâ€" 36 RideauSL., and ied JOHN SAMUEL ; Plantiffs, ACBRER OF MUSIOC. t, South of blater Street. Mr Gowan‘s Hall on ad Fridays at 4j p m bn 1410 t 16, 18to,. Merchants. DF 180v. AME, POULTRY and STORE, Ausctioneer; Calendar 1486 18 , SEPTEMBER 16, 1870. vlw pava sFonk. 3 ALEXANDER OHRISTIE Druggist and Pharmaceutical Chem‘st ‘ Bparks btreet, Contre Town. ‘The subscriber begs to inform his triends and he public generally, that he has dommenced business in the new‘ building adjoiniug the Ontario Bank, Sparks street, with a perfectly now and complete stock of To English Chemicals, »uropeans and American The Popular Proprietary Medicines and Preparations English, French and Gorman . Porfumery, English Brushes and Tollet Articles, Dyo Btuffs, Seeds, and all the Miscelianeons artiâ€" gles usually sold by Druggists. Â¥amily medicines and physicians‘ presoriptions will receive the :tunflol their importance deâ€" mands. The prescription department will be under the personal supervision of the proprietor and rmlonln attention will be paid to the quality o1 all materials +mployed. : Physicians and country merchants supplied. The subscriber has ample facilities for attendâ€" ing to the wants of his cc:tcre r AL®XANDER CHRISl.ak. "Wtawa, February 17. 1570 1285.8 y f Among the m‘:l::.m Medical Dis CANADLIAN PALIN OBESTROYXER * "opretan Efficen Oraicpe in the Storiack, . _ y n the Cholers Morbus, Dyp:mry. Bowel &-#l;l‘-l-. Burns,Poalds, Bites. &0., ko. The Canadian Pain Vestroyer has now been before the public for a length of time, and whenever used is well llkod.umtnlh’h. single instance to give permanent relief when timely ased, and we have aever kuown a single ',:fl““w““"“&':.'.:‘.”.....g‘”“”.‘fi‘:"..‘.::a’ Y 6 ‘with its d i a th ce of Ts yirmees nad agionl uileate."" . * Wu‘rutfro-uprlomlnhh matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are euffering from any of the comp <ints for which it is .ecommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" Invaluable to invalids and gcrqonl of impair® digestion ; an excelient TONLIC for persons scovering fi'o-n i‘lness. Forrale in quart bottle ; price one doll w. Byc Garoxuza‘s Doursrio Coven Reuror will save you many a sleepless :‘l’sht. In bottles 25 cents and 50 cents oug Good for adults and children â€"â€"it is pleasant to the taste and harmless in its pature â€" Forsale by druggists and general dealâ€" ers in all parts of the Domtnion. _ Gardener‘s First Prim Baking Powder, un rivalled for parity and excellence For sale by grocers everywhere, in 3 oz packets, i cents ; b.0s packets, 10 cents ; 1 pound ‘packets, 25 cents; siz pounds, $1.25. Whenever you want the bes task lor GARDEKNRR‘S and take no other. @ARDENEK‘s EPILEPTIC CURE. Price $1 per bottle ; siz bottles for $5. J GARDENER, Chemist, â€"The “fifi efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in ng diseases for which it is reâ€" commended, and its wonderful successin subduing klomr‘:‘ pains of Rneumatism. and in re ieving Nervous Affectiona, outitle it to a highr ank in whe list of Remedies for fiw. Dealers are soming infrom Medicine rs in all parts of the 457 Notre Dame street, M sountry for turther supplies, and each testifying to the universal n.mgutxon it gives The Cana dian Pain Destroyer never fails to give amediate rolief. Ali Medicine Dealers keep i :‘u’bfid.” order and use i. l and no family vlrl out it after once try ing it. _ e“o.flo.'" REMEDY. * en 8STOP AND S8EE! Pricet wontyâ€"five couts bottle. noarnfi; & LYMAN, i Newcastle, C. W., General w 0. W ~Bold by Geo. Murtimer, John W M Massey, H. Â¥. McCarthy, J. Skwarer, and J The following remarks on testimonials of mos «ondertul and extraordinary cures in Canada by be srzar Ispia® ReuzEptr. | They are stern anueniable facts, sufficient to convince the most sceptical that the eai. cinal compound, yearned iafter for ages, is now «dcessible in the groat + « that of Peter C V Milser, of Erostown, (nt, of Jonsum,tion, or that of Ambroâ€"e Wood, of Conseâ€" won, Ont, of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of Joht Heney, of Napanee, of Rheamatism, »bo had actually been on crutches for years, but has now mnd:louoofi‘u limbs. Bn'wb:. conrgining anquestronable :fllâ€" ‘ates on great Shoâ€"honees Remedy Pilis ~â€"an be ob ained at allâ€"drug stores _ s ya s M1n100, County of Hast:i: Province of Ontario, Feb. 9th, lgl. ‘ Ih‘s is to certify that during the winter of 1846 [( wastaken with a weakness of the ancler, waich gradually, during the qrh‘d 1867, extended to my knees, and on up to my h %‘nd I became so weak that I could not walk, was confined to my chair. | For abouttwo years, while this wosakt ness was coming on me, and afterwards, I sough medical advice, employing, at different ti three dostors, and -:Lnlnu of different Mhdbymw.bmdusnfl. I = ead to get: worse worse, until the summer 868, when I was induced to try the great shonees Femedy by reading the cures perf: in a pamphlet,~ At this time [ bad begun to t thvnlmh-{hna; in faot I was «lmost helpiess have taken two bottles of <hoshenees Remedy ard two boxes of the pills [ am entirely restored to health. I never expected to get better, but simply tried the medicine as & 'Whn was t:'or; norugu.:uu that ot Storms, righton Consumption, w f‘u«rmiov xfim. of Eructown, tYht, of sort of forlorn \bo:.. _This .u:l;a m ]..;'.'..’Q& a private one, but known to my bours .&flm; ndhmhoclhduflu. L have only to say try the shoshonees Remedy ; I seliere it will cure you. t .‘IIAI! ANN n':yom « ~+m to before me adoo UVUounty of Hasti ainth day of February, 1869. ne® [ hereby certify that T uave topre r‘ ave e ann Doughty tor the last Afteen Joarsy ahe is L *Â¥ ARDNERS NANADIANX PAIX DESTROYER! 0 Messtes. Unixuruauriaix & Biu18, Conway P O County of Lâ€"unox, Ontario, Canads: A Price of the Râ€"medy in large pints, $1. gUININE m WINE BITTERS, e 8HOSHUNEES REMEDY. Bole Proprietor and Manufasturer. Patert Med tlii weakt Ir'o'n ti C T o * u-:u F m to teel | son ras ttles of ie pilis Ott er fiat moetfealutary and# delicate preparations ever ubmitted for pubnc approval in this h¢emi«â€" phere, and asserts its pretentions to patrovage uh the following grounds : . _ _ That it is a preparation of one of the most +inent Purveyors to the Ottwman Court, It prevenis acidity of the Stomack. It relieves lowness of spirits It is a mild and invigorating tonic, and a ost efficiâ€"nt but innocuous stimulent. It remgers the breath sweet and agrecable. It stimulates the appetite if taken serors 1t »romote® digestion if taken arte®® meal«. ‘ 1t mneutralizes the propensity for strong liquors, * | 1t renders the intellect bright and‘clear. .| If t«k. m babitually it imparts vitality and en+rgy to all the bodily organs. _ \ By its u e a man of 70 wiil b come, as it wee, râ€"st: red to the elasticuy of 30 ; and to rsous of delicate constitutions 1t is »trongly recommepded, j Becure, then, bealth, longevity and vital onorgy'z the habitual u<e of the _ ALKABASAR TURKISH TONIC. Kept in stock by the principal Druggists and Grogers in the Dominion. For directions for use s e labels on bottles HENRY CHAPMAN & CO,, 7 EVANXS,, MERCER & CO,, It is an especial favourite with ‘Oriental ladies. | C T. R. HIGGINS, f Agt_{onh Beaver, Toronto Mutual Fire and Live &" Insurance Co, general Commission Afnt.l-mn, Ma«nufactures and Mining Agent Mining claims constantly on hana. Office, corner Metcaife and Sparks streets, over Maun Bros Hardware Store. , Fimazorn Deraztuent, Ottawa.12th October, 1868. No: 104. The tollowing Insurance Oo-put has receiveo a license to transactthe business of Lite Insurano in Canaga : No. 33. The UNLION MUTUAL LLFEINSUR ANCE COMPANY, of Maine. Depositin Uâ€" 4. 6e or‘s1â€"g550,000. B. R.CORWIN, General Agent, 8t; John, N.B For the Minister of Finance JORN LA&ANGTON, HAIR DREsSING PARLOUR, Wellington street, Opposite the Bank of Montreal. Chrose MR GENDREAU, the propristor of that so popular Parlour, has the plessure to arnounce to bis numerous friends and the public in general, that to answer to the great encouragement whicn he has received up to the ‘present, he has deterâ€" mined to enlarge and tbhoroughly furnish anew his establishment He will save no expense to render Parlour the most comfortable, and 0 prosa â€" ha mas«t expericaced hair dressers. the above Fiity Thousand, m Beventy Thouâ€" sand Dollars (é;u.m, U.B.w Bonds, 65 of ‘81 The Hon. . John H. Gray, M.P., has beer appointed Counsel to the 0.-':-1 tor the Domir, lon. Alllegal matters will be referred to him. g B. R. CORWILIN, Dressing sJaloons in the Dominion and United States, is in & position to conduct the duties of his establishmsnt in a ‘manner that cannot be surpassed. LIBEE IN8URANCE COMPANY _ _ @OP MAINLk., He will have always on hand the best perâ€" tumes imported directly from Paris and London MBR GKEND&EAU solicits a visit1> convince all of the truth of bis statement« ‘ â€" Auditor. I have this day, deposited with the Receiverâ€" Cineral, Twonls Ehowend Dottass in ‘dditos it Are you affiisted with toothache, 1immediate eliet from Frasora‘s Magnetio Fluid TH* @GBR&«aTâ€" PALIN CURER. Headache cured in hree minutes !lounl.l-:s. an sacute painintbe a0e, is cflumrhl.blo rheuma ism by the ntenseness of its pain and che suddeness of its ittaok, may be cured within two minutes This Filuid is composed entirelyot vegetable substances, And contains nothing which ean injnre the human System cither by butward or inward applicutions ‘{r’ it and you will not be disappo:nted. Kor sale by | ists and Drog eraily . 9y S888e w W rnaskn, _ Auoun'l DIVORCES legaily obtained in New York, Indiansa, lllinois and other Btates, for persons from any State or Country leg=»l ever where, desertion, drunkenness, aonâ€" support, etc., sufficient cause; no pubjlicity ; no charge until divoree ontained. : Advice free Business established fifteen years. . Address * M HUuUSE, Attorney 1318 3m _ Ho. 78 Nassau Streot, New York City OI'IAI.IO BANK. ‘BATVINGS DEPARTMENT. MBR «@£NDKEAU having served considerable time in some of the best and mo:t extensive Hair FIFTY or SIXTY COWS and other Cattle some fat, all good stook at. JOHN ROSERTAON‘8, Ottewa, August 19, 1870 Asupply always on hand rrosh from the Sprin JAS, BVOHANAN, One or both . otf hU?.r Â¥Flats of the guhm.;:'ubolo:rw :tp(lnd Xok reots. partionlars t s ,mm‘o' To LET. FO‘ SAiALE, This elegant Turkish TONIUC is one of the Ot awa, November 7, 1868. Montreal, July 6 itawa, August 1¢, 1870 A pleasant and healthful drink in bot weat NOTICE,â€"Depositors will hereafter enter by e door on Bparks street. For the future the Ottawn, June 11, 1£70. Ottawa, June 15 yhoyaqpb yb § qi3 q ARRATRACA WATER KADER. Or to PLANTAGANET, ONT. 4 Montreal, Bole Agents for the Dominion Agencies. KEARNS & RYAN KNDREAUV, Bussex and Wellington On the promises. 1438 1415 OI .M ‘m 4 » +o MA “.m will run d.“l‘ on t.h hun] 48 MALL will leare Ottaw a at 8 30 a m, eonnesting with the Grand Trank zw,u:fi:‘r.m. to at 10 p m. Also with the Royal Mail Line of Steamers, at Presoots, East and West, and _ with the Ogdensburg Railway, for Boston, °_ New York. ac MAIL will leave O‘tawa at 12 00 noon, connectâ€" . ing with the Graad Trunk (Express, due in Montreal at 8 p m, EXPREsSS wi Meave Ottawa at 10 p m, counestâ€" ing with the Grand Truuk Expresses, Kast and West, die in T>ronto at i1 a‘m, and in Montreal at 9 a m. Going North Prescott to Ottawa, MATL wili leave Préscott Juanetion at 6.‘5 a m, connecting with the 3. T. Erpresses leaving Toronto at 730 p m. and Montreal at 9 p m, and arriving in Uttawa at 9 30 a m. MAIL will leave Prossott Junstion at 1.30 p m. connecting with the G, T. Express leaving Montreal a: 9 a m, and grriving in Ottewa at 3 4: p m. lXPREs‘; will leave Prescott Janetion at 5 p m, conwtl:. with G T. Expresses, leaving To ronto at l6 ana 7 a m, and arrivieg in Oitawa at 7.10 p m. . # | All trains on this Line are run on Montreal time. + | Superictendert. . Otawa, beptemher 12, 1870â€" TIME TABLE, uo.upa. f Commencing on MONDAY, NOV. 28, B69, R LUTTRELL, THOMAS REYNOLDS LKAVE BROCEKVILLE. 4.15’. M.«â€"«â€"TRAINS will leay e ROZ Brockville daily at 4.16 p m, 1A a m, sarriving st Sandpoint at 10.0¢ p m, ; p m. 6 00‘. M.â€"«â€"TRAINS will leave 8 Sandpoint m« 6.00 a m and 2.3 pm, arriving at Brockville at 12.15 p m,8.30 P,., M.*â€" TRAINS will lear 5:351’"&“ c.u‘. m and 9.05 l.. arriving at Smith‘s Falls at 6.25 p m ard 9.56 LEAVE SMITH8 JALLB. 4,35 p m.arriving at Porth at 10.45 a m and T.3 * First Vabin, Payable in Gold. Liverpool Of QHOODELOWIL....».».ssesmmesse0ss _ All trains on Main Line connect at 8mith‘s Falls with trains to and from Perth, No 1 leaves Brockville after G T Trainm are due from the cast und wess. No 2 is due in Brockville in time to connecstwith G T Trains for the oast and west. On and after SATURDAY, the 18th NEâ€" UEMBER, “A:u. this :l-sy“"m be open for passenger goods tr , &# or : Trainsleave Windsor (1in connection with the trains of the Nova Sootia Railway from Halifax) at 10.%5 a m and 6.50 p m, arriving at Kentwille st 11 45 a. m., and 8 45 p. m*, and at Annapolis st 1.30 p m, connecsting there with steamers KEmpero: or &1 for 6t John, N B. traias leave Annapolis da L:.finpmn by steamer tfrom 8t J flvumucsu.ndurinulmvmon 6.20, Windsor at 6.40, and Halifax at 9 p m. _ Liverpool or Queenstown. ...................... llm% Ladies, Misses, and «Onlidrens Kig, Goat and a, in Buttoned Balmorals uACu:nu.OmlnclhlluMhm Valf, Kid and mflufinnfisun.&pn. Those who desire a comfortab fih: will please call and leave their orders, which will be attended to at the shortest natioe. All work gone by first class Workmen in my establishment. 1 have been perticular in shoosing and mannfacâ€" t'-rh! _o‘orvhnblo _wuere for the h.rnly and INMAN LINE OF MAIL 8TEAMERS, SAILINQ FRONM NEW YORK EYVEERY SATURDAY AND ALTERNATE TURSDAYs. RATES OF PABRAGL BY THE 82 fTRDAY STRAXERi ) _ PFirst Cabin, Payablein Goid. Liverpool or Queenstown...... .......»»..»++«+/@100 © _._ _ Stecrage, Payable in Ourrency, _ _â€"_ MESS AND PRIME MESS LQU K XO. T #%° &X Opening through from Windsor to Asnapoli completing the connezion between Halifezx and 8t. John. I ummhm-y BPRING and 8SUMâ€" MER STUOCK which wili be found complete in all AT THE CAPITAL BOOT & sBOER SToR "â€" _ YORK STREEr. Lambering by whom 1 am so largely Q’M.::d.:tm'u;h:o‘o:’- Bills sare hereby notiféed that they, are required by the 5‘st and following Rules /of the Legisiative Assembly,(which are published i« the «"Ontario Gazette"), to give NOTICEK of the applicution (clearly and distinctly specifying its nature and object) in the « Ontario Gazsette," and also in a newspaper published in the County or Union otf Counties affected ; such notice shall be sontinued in each case for a period of at least six wooks during the interval of time between the closs of the next preceding Session and the conâ€" sideration of he Petition. Copies of the frst and last of such notises to be sent to the Private BiH! 10:085 Toronto March 16, 1879, 1309 td lawk. W PIIVA'II BILLS. For (urtherinformation, at the Com m P AoAvdimnimnnmicsy > ; ~/ » * </ + *+~ rung All etitions for Private Bills must be presentâ€" od within the FIR&ET THREE WEEKS of the PASBAGZ BY THS® TUOESDAY STEAMER V! HALIFAX a a Ma 18, 1870 At Otcawa, Sand Point, and Pem! Kentville, Decs 8, 1869 NOR LIVER POUVL & QUELENXSTOW HE 9T. LA WRENCE AND OTTAwWa RAILLW Ay. PRING AND SUMMER 8T ROCKYVILLE & (OTTAWA RAIlLâ€" * W AY. t OR SALE: Going South Ottaws to Pressott. TINDSOR & ANKAPOLIS RAIL > * W AY. s@rFEET â€"WARE LEAYk SANDPOINT. CHANGEK OF TIME, PERTH BRANCH. LEAVE PERTH 16 lmdv.n New tork, HEBRICK & CROMBLE, Ottaws. WAITR BEANS, Railrombs, MAIN LINKE. KOTTIC E. A.M.â€"â€"«TRAINS will leave Bmith‘s Falls at 10.06 a m and COBARLES T GILLMOR, Clerk of the House,. #, ABBOTT, Managiny Dresor. @GEORGE XURÂ¥EY, VEkKNXON SMITRB. 1(307 o BB IDVLLS, Managing DM‘1 8 OB PORK. $100 0+ "Woy Wwere painfully cured in such great Mb tion of the "““"“’!-'h‘“’h ab be informed of its y .“‘ b"'f’f“‘:fl' poirop is ; '2.. enermes our [ tenant of the orgar®: _ Ofito, ay 8 Rerofulous poiron ; enernes of our Tate. tenant flf'mm" and im'huhm Without eXciting a aw Ogame. Aprii 36 _ _ i 8A LK.â€"â€" The We 52 protl Pesrs m en banion, 21 prosens in the E0009 Seppt TDen , o‘hh h';‘o‘muro.u ®u ‘C or amon cles may be en heart, or tumers it« preserce by e ations on gome x siz rooms and kitohe®, ® burnham HIil ThereiW* The uest of the valus of nt'h-tbo"n-‘l;:‘w losses are be A rro-yb- : hnulfl: n;nrnnl Campany is necont ts Inspectore are ale im wortant loss ‘M{ Bz * i rapeniety scton ea res wity tb -(tbohnfl-‘plblhdé appeatr A T Fulson, Keg, Aunges ncmm. BReq * ,.&orâ€"“‘l'\ooau.“ a w xodk." " The rates of the PRO VOMPANY are as low as U she@en to be profitable. . and 1 2800, FAROU®®"" . _ _ :. the b6bt*"" N .B.â€"Pancreating Wine is the taking Ood Liver Ofl n1 i " Aekereâ€"Mesrs K._ B slonal nee of visable, even i ESTION=â€"â€"P 4 l: r?u'fao-?clv effects the and AbE"MTLATION of O0D fat eaten ;t .rh.“ To t 44 perior to Pepsine. botties, 8t Pancreatine Powdet, h ” and 12e6d, Pansrentine Wint O0"""~ «e Tw enc usn C T Bond D nenthenarg in the lx,ood. vi€ld anbilt! Nee QT-â€"-â€"v-v' &8 relief was not obtained."â€"@4 Hon. B. Btuart, In Tins, 2s 6d, $s and 108 1 Tt in e c b8, Paitilies for Inhaistion, Bo#t aints , Torp ‘ maslan ot is repp "tte as they often do, from the â€" blood.. ‘This AARKAp un storer for the strength # Those who are ® dent, Sleepless, and wa i8 symptomatic of w.i" *®re tomatic of :‘rl':lf‘ and mm_.zl prehensions or EP 2 ecan,Tieed ol Te of Canada, Office, 4 l'l" entâ€"The KHon Jobn | VÂ¥ l'oo l’l-‘“-. Lorvis 3 Other Dirertorsâ€"C J Mal ~olm Cameron, W T McM aster. Esq, H 8 BRowlasd, power * ahbvus their ne all know that it does â€"that it never fails t n mm:n:nfl.r of eny they may be taken aufety by them pleasant to 'fiq.- uhr-o-ub&“u tried it, know tint | them ; serms to breed infetion tive apparmias. DB. J. 0. AYEAR &A 00., P# LOW ELL MABK. Ottawa, August!f, 1870. . P har nds moynene their cleansing | &* as it produces the desired As a Dinner Pill, ake ont mote digestion and relieve An cccasional dose stimulates howels into healthy action, resb and invigorates the eystem. Ayer‘s disappeai. For -fl-.' should be in z duce the effect of a For Cuppression a TAGE TO oc ann mmz -‘::.d kitohes, 9 *""_, g06 hm.-- L 3e o We C rllu‘"" t . 2. C. AYER 6 on 1 C Or Amoz "'; ah.fl 3 w59 fonr on es Ag* uk a suspicion of ue ne faÂ¥orable convinging Cvidess y erupton * ;‘: e of the t Pn o mt v F4 .. henen ho Active | kitGn0®*" . se rmufi.‘d' : y the $" n â€" K. .‘ 61 _ Â¥. Cundill 4 Ots purposs of ; gAVOER U 4 4 ) &eo. O8 COd P t & As S§PA (thoe , Arch Rideauâ€" AU TE Bu

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