BENEFIT OF LIFE AS8URANCE. In hlustravwon of the benedts which hare as ::dumu«..u::u-u:ut Assurance hllo-bï¬ exaun may uotâ€"d, taken trom the Bo« ks of the Canadian I’o-lcl TH EKE souT Fis# PROVINCIAL AssSURANCE COMâ€" Poiicy, $313, effeeted October, 1881, for £1000. Additions amounted in 1867 to £8% 108. (Total outiny by assured, £1 2: tas Bonu» thus amoun«~ W-I"â€â€œ of premiams ie logy to same policyâ€"should it & slaim during curreat year |97, the Bonas Addiâ€" u-‘.t:..nn to.tu!': Storbhng, exosediag C ths To‘al Amount of me at ale of ast Divriâ€"ion in '0‘1. ‘rnhm for by the INCTERMEDIATE sunUs allowed by the « <COFIISH PROVINCLAL,"* |_â€" _ | _ _ tor Trust aan Loan Co. Â¥. &. Durstus 'l‘. BOOTTISH PROVIXOLAL AaA88U RANCE COMPAN Y k 3e General Agent. soloe agent (for Read‘s z-sâ€"mam- also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" Ales and Porter. Qrmeon: No. 8. Sparks threet. near the Russeli INYUSTED IX® CAKADA.....sss«00«««««» Palioy 42436. Bonuse Adgitions, 441 17¢. 64., or nearly seventy per cent. of £¥31 21. 64., the amount of premiums paid. tness Beneties must be evident to all. may be asked whethe. in the event of the iwiug up the Policy, all such benediis be f-u lu repi«, atteation is airectod to the 1 « #» â€"UILLILNG®, Jr., Arohiteot OQiceâ€" l‘o Buli‘s 8‘ook, Sapport‘ Bridge. f DBr A&-u.' P..\l'h-.; thlqtm" Managing Dirsctor 0. & St. L. K. K. Tabt REGULATION As TO SURAENâ€" Di# OF POLICIES. For, surrender of Polisics for the torm of lite, effeâ€"ted 1t unitorm premiws, and which have been three years inforce, a return of 40 ceat. on the amount of ordinary premiums :-lvu. will, at any time, be alsowed, basiaes the value of vested donu=es, where such hare hn.x:hn ed. An objection, often arges against Asâ€" surapce, th at there is no certainty of v:uu obsained, in the evenat of surrender, is coumâ€" __ ! «Mitsccllancom« ___ 'I‘l"l.l & Co., Laad survepors, Agents, B a«ughtsmen, &o Odecs, op “;'olï¬hpflb'dt? Loans #fTawted under P: â€" Loans grared unader Policles when walue is of not less amount than Une "l":.'a Should Poliey above referred to (No. §5313) be surrendered now (1370) the sum of over THE ONLH GOOD 8AUCK. CcaVTION AGAINST FRAUD. The success of this most delicions and: unrivalâ€" ed condiment having caased certain dealers to T EN Armmpagg informed that the only way to seours the . anuine, and to see that their names ars upon tase wrtapper labeis, aad bottle. sapplied with a spe W orcsestershire Bance, the wrapper and labels of which tho «ames ,h‘tM-I-wh-m L an! P give notice that they have furnished theis correrpon« dents wich power of sttorney to take. instant sm.‘m-mlm aand vyen lore vaou, f ther imitations by which their *mhhhpt ; "_ulo l.lï¬t Pllll_l!’_;ï¬u ulz -um-.u:u..-mq.-vm- GA..: .‘3&::.“ having beon | u. opertie: sapplied with a W orsestershire \82000, | the broal rï¬md labels of which tho 2800# | srougly Les & Pertius huve been forged, L an!i P g1¥® | meuraigh notice toat they have furnished theis correrpoD« | . gyoe Gal dents wich power of sttorney to take. InftaAt | Prige $s. ’“W"“'M uhad Yen lurs | â€"â€"â€"â€" vaos,. ¢ ther imitations by which their t’AI! o uV n‘ f ‘upphod. pH" Ask h LAA k PERRINY *Sauce and see <GaÂ¥tiaRs Name m Wrapper, Label, Bottle and LhGL uhi Wholesale and for by the _Ill be Worsuster ; Crosse .m'cl. m .‘...‘ and by Grocsers and Ollmen . aniver= | nmepair , a'. 8Bv11236 law ".“.‘ pyonee * (tnocre I hereby give notice that T shall not b | 4", " M resprnusible for any debts contracted in my | *~ /, ase, Ottawa clty, C. W . CaAPITAL iâ€"ONE _lu_u.loa nn.uro. WORCESTERsHIRK SAUCE, Declared by Connoissears namise without a written order from myseif. a NORMAN MeLEOD, Ot‘ava, September 6, 1670 * _ 1454 1m A supply always on hand irash from the Sprin A JA3. BUNHAN AN, e _ AFRURNXIHEV HOUSE ull Lt May nex Address J. M. Tiu«s Lee, Ottaws. * Ottaws, September 17, 1870 1464 3 KA & PELRO*E® Hair Vigor, s 5 {reshness of youth Sss iL. ha> .. tmik. ened, :lh-g haizr checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can resiore the hair where the follicles are destroyed. or t:‘h:la atrophied and decayed. But as remain can be saved fo usefulness b'{.llil application. Instead of fouling bair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it cleas and v‘gorous Its occasional use will prevent the hait from turning gray or falling of, and vonsequently prevent : baldcess. . Free from those.deleterious subsiances whick make some preparations du‘.er'olu and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. 1 vaated merely for a For réstoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. I‘macricar axp Axartrricar Cusmumr nothing else can be found so desirable Containing neither. oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy hltundopnuzlprï¬;m. A pleasant and healthfual drink .al_dm oURISTIE, Ottawn, June 15 y OTTaw A, HAMNXETT P, HILL, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., aRRLATRACA WATER SK FOR LEA & PERRINW RAUCE, Canada Head OMce :â€"Montreal. | A DAYIDSON PARK EB HAIR DRESSING, PLANTAGANET, ONT. Ayer‘s Bussex and Weilington A dressing which is at ouce agreeable, healthy, and ecect n';l for . ing t t:: Fmd or gra» ir is soon reslore: to its original : cols 0s3 n get a bottle of Mirs. WINBLOW‘3 soOuTHING BYRUP. It will relleve th poor liitle sufferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistak about it. There is not a mother on earth whoha ever ased it, who will not toll you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and Ive rest to the mother, and relaet and health to the child, opera ting like magie. It is pertectly safe to use in all eases, and pleasant to the taste, and :s the preâ€" soription of one of tha oldest and best female phyâ€" molan and surses in the United States. Price2#} ente «~â€" everywhere Be sure to eall fos "MRS wINGLOW‘8 20O0THING SYRUP." Maving the Jacâ€"mnmele of « OCurtis & Porkins" on the ocutside wrapper, All others are base iumitaâ€" disturbed atmight and broken of your rest by a mok eniid euffering and orying with the exorucl= ating pala o cuttingteoth ? u.o..oq’_._._d_ _ Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment Cares cn-! or Hariles.â€"Dza. Bixunax, of Utles New York, says: @1 have used Dr. A. Trask‘s muh vintment. in my a number of i\ u‘ounv'nh:' â€ll‘.t-ho“.“: e greatest discover|oe e ; for the cure Infammation of the Langs, :’-'-",',','_,'," =4. TRAskK‘3 MAGNEIIC OlNTMENT * are on the wr k Northrop t lm- Newsastie, C. W., General Agents for the adas, boid in Ott#wa by ali draggists and by medicine doalors every where. 6d per boux. Ask for Gabriel‘s Celebrated Dental “A.nln’l uB i KQ | EN A MEL 3 TOPFLNG lurnu"u.lnuJ'lmh. W arraated to keep white, and as Orm as the tooth iwselt. Th# beautiful preparation restores Frout Teoth and preovents decay, buthsient for Stopping six Teoch. Gllllitfl CELESRiTED PRSPARA LK tions > FOR LEANSLNG, BEAUTIFYTINa, AND PREsâ€"SRVINs TAB TEETL. imparting a natural redness to toe gums ; waiteons the -: withous m bd'.o: them any traces ves bi1ilhancy to the enamel. m.. GAIIIII.’. OORALULI® TooTH PAsSTE, A for cleansing and iimproving the ‘h{l_.h-__-! GAI.II‘I.’:-IOY:I:‘ TOOl'l-!.‘P‘ObWD:I & as y Her nm the M’:-d 1mparts a deliâ€" clous iragrance to the breath ; gives the Teeth a po=riâ€"Mkâ€" whitensss and protects the enamel. Price 1s, 64. 7 G.wmi OpoNTaALG1IQUE ELIXIR a mouth wash unrtvalled tor its agresable v. operties in cleansing the mouth and sweeteniug the breath ; is is lavaluabie to smokets, sud «reugly recommended io sullerers trom it, Neuraigia, and Toothaché. see Gabmiel‘s nameâ€"None Genaine without it. ipnsï¬i- AF A DL TANCE AEQUIRAING s ARTIFICILAL TEELIH may have them upplued, in parial or compicte seus, on Mesars. wsumal‘s new syssem, sending partioniare of rd‘-...:'nu:nauh':‘::o.m apparatus tak a mogel mouth w Ald um-nu.n::nm instruotions Ao#usa. webriel will undertake to mtemuogel or nepair Amib= al Tooth made by other Dentists, | which ao out prove satisfnoctory}, at mogerate shaf geos. * Meâ€"=re. Gubriel‘s Pamphict on Artificial Teoth uad Falaless Vosutistery on receipt of postage, i *,* A|l letters to be addressed to 64 LUDGATE HL.... uONDON, 1323 1.uta lawitem Bold by Chemists and Porfumers, and by the W. ARMSTRONG, PROPRLIETOR, (ORNEE OF QUBEEN AND ELGINâ€"STS QTTA W A. I AB i 1KL»8 08 EQ ENAMXEL s TOPPLNG RYERY CONYENIENOR aAND COMFORT FOk THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. . _*" 44 Ladgate Hill, London, And at LIVERPOUL and BXIG@T )N. lYlRtDtLIGAbYOl THE SEASO\ % Stabling and an Attentive Hostler. Will leare Ayimer daliy (Sundays excepted) a 1 a. m., for Des Joachims, ana intermociate Wd under Chapter LXVI! of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada. WTTAW A OFFICEâ€"G P Ducumoxo‘s Exchange QTiee, 19 Sparks street. DIREKCTORS : AJVSKRA, Chairman; D C TROMSONX, Trea arer; 8 B FOOTH A THOMSON, T 8 DUKXXK. DRMMUOND Manager 1180 _ Wl leave Pembroke Dailly at 1 f. m. Tae steamer . Rtawa, Aagust 22%, 1870 Wl leave Havelook daily ‘hapeau. P »slock p. m. At::mpm ean be accommeodated vith pomfortabie board and rooms. Gentiomes iaii the Capital will And a0commeâ€" cdl.g’ theâ€"day or woeek at -uonh tos ta. 3 STEAMER «+ ANN sISSON," M?Mdyumu-donhhu YX B.â€"â€"Cais house is situated in the immedian slimky of the Carilaemokt m‘? the cul a % 144. t d# AHK UNX1ILOS HuUsK, The Bar always supplied with the CHOICES8T LIQqQqUORS On and af*er the HE METROPOLITAN, AUMONDS BLOCK, . Ridean Street Otawa., SORf P. OMEARA, Prorawron. ROPLE!S PCELEGORLAPH COXPANXY MESSRS. GABRLGL, # . DBULGORAA*8, 8SPARKS STREET, OrTAaWA. sPECIAL KOTICEKS. reli 9 R h FIRST OF SEPTEMBER, #S8IR JOHN YOUCXG" CHANGE OPR TIXE. Mawelock daily at 7 a m. lof Returning wiil leave Cbapesu at 1 «Jasox ~GOULD" -msâ€"mnl o aty l L S R 1 CA@sELS, +â€" se tss Bm h ol IA‘W 144 t In addition to the Fast Time which it is intended to make betweentho Bpesial attention is directed to this Company‘s announcement, in regard to the RUNNING OF TRAINS ; Â¥osk ths® Exsuike sEasox. With close connections at all posnts. The line will be equipped with handsome * nxw‘-np'r.cmsa CARS3, Unsurpassed on the centinent. " geate TRAIYB WILL RUX BETW EEN Portland and Montreal in 13 Hours. Montreal and Toronto in 13 Hours. Btopplag only at &o-o,u-mnm-. Will be raun on the Through Trains and the sorâ€" viee will be performed over the entire line in a manner equal to that of any railway or this conâ€" tinent. .‘...ul arrangements have been made to accommodate the pleasure travel. For further particulars see advertisements and hy is 0 J BRYDAES, | | e Managing Virector, Luns % ThIk laift Expremstor NewYork and Boston via Erpress for Ne+w York and Boston A via Platwbargh, Lake Champlain, Te Burlington & Rutland at............. 6.00 am Erpreas for w':.u Pond, at................. 2:00 p m worbham MMW. beâ€" € tween Montreal and Pond at § st. Hilaire, St. Hyscinthe, Acton, j Richmond, Sherbrooke, Waterville + .Mmi"dy.u..ï¬..ï¬.‘....i.{;}::u'p- JMM®* are on t e [ > m steamers * Chase" and «©Charlotta" leaves Portiana eresy Woednesday and Beturday after~ no~n, for Ha) fax, N.3., respectively at 4 p m. They has excellent accommodation for passen Jout. uhk fhuighhts.. /.. . _ L. =<= .. 0. 2°â€".. > and Intermediate Stations ut......... T:00 ERxpress for Boston .!E"‘.'n“':“i:‘"".'." 8.40 [ 1 1 64 u000004 i cddvicthcc ts Aerore ts ooo omm .. it Anttimnernad Stations, Al..., ...-....1 n.m #G..coo++.+.. 600 a m, 9 1+ a m, 12 noon, 1;30 p m, : and $:30 p m. * The 1:30 pm train runs through to * â€" gorm@soUTH AND EAast. Asscommodation Train for Island Pond, 1870.) SUMMER ARRANGEMENXTS. . [1870. Trains now leare BONAVENTURE STATIO. as follows : 4 bey A @0 IO“'E&. i RErpress for r WBR Brockville, K BeDerite,‘lr. , Brantford Goderich, alo, Detroit, Chicago, and all polnts WOBt, Bt. ssssssssepeees 8:30 a a Nighe do _ do _ do do _ do 1;30 ; Accommodation Train for Cornwall and Intermediate Stations at........ 4:00 p m Ascommodation Train for Kingston and _ _ _ d " *h sn h e Agm The Internamonal y‘s cteamers, runnin . in coaneciion 'uclh.:,;.nd Truok Reallway leave Portland every MONDAY and THURS DA‘ at 6 p m, for St. John, N.B., &0. : lssued through at the Company‘s prino: stations. P ercanemipimpate patttce siaffiains ‘ay staâ€" tions, apply at the Ticket Oflices, lJn’unn Station, and 30 Great 8t James Street _. _ _ _ As fast as completed, PALAUE â€" SLEEPING ~CARS8 NEW CARS ON ALL EXPRESS On and after JUNE 13th, the now arrange ments will be put in force, and trains will loave Portland to Montreal in 13 Hours. Montreal to Toronto in 13 Hours. Montreal as follows : @GoLIxg wWESsT. Day Express for Ogdenshargh, Ott Montreal, May, 1870. Vay Express for Ogdensha Ottaw a, Brockville, m.-.":’.u,nmo. Toronto, Oul.zl. London, Brantâ€" g:‘l. Ood:‘t Th Bufalo, Detroit, nts weet at.... l,lOlr..m do 'ddo.... ues Mail Train for Toronto and intermediâ€" _ Phe all the fo AtsiGiats limtes nam . ter tioce ber brenradited lnh'znlu-bb =E-flulqo and every mmbfln hflu:hilo. The ho x m hu::mvlllhw to he comâ€" _ RMM" Oyiters,Game «e Anliy ~ :!‘I:'A Orrionâ€"York street, corner of Bussez Ak A H TAYLOR, Aoengts and intermediate stations.. ........+ Trains for Lachine at 6 00 a m, 7 00 a m, 9 1s am, 12 noon, ! »0 p m, 4 00 l-.l 30 p m, and l“&-. The 30 pm Train rons through to Provinse Line. GO[NY BOVUTH AKND EAST. m.-oduh-fnhht Island Pond ‘_ and intermediate stations at......... Express fer Boston, via Vermont Cenâ€" Tn i QUKE Corner of Meto: quo-.hfl Arstâ€"class hoestac zad cef ruished . he shoiogst Brand: acy of the seas "Tprslcashestod Express for New York and Boston, via Express for New York and Boston, via Plattsburg, Lake Champlain, Burâ€" _ â€" lington and Ruatland, At............+«» Express for Quebes, Island Pood, Gorâ€" ham, Portiand and Lower Provinces Tickets issued throuch at the Company‘s prin« For furtner information and time of arrival . ad departure of all trains at terminal and way stations, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonaventure station, or at No 39, Great 8t James Stroot. ; * Managing Direcor June 3. 187C. | 14%%f checked tarough. _ The steamers = Chase" and * Charlotta " le :ve Portiand for Halifax, N 8, every 'ou‘u::y and Satarday afternoon, , St @, M.::’nmuwfl m.- for p.'.’...- "‘l'.bo intornational Company‘s Steamers ronning in consection with the Graad Trunk Raillwa=7, teave Portiznd every Monday and Thursasy at 6 10 p m forSt John, N B, «o. _ _ _ . ... Vermont OODITAL BE.»»»s»sssesseeee ++ IMPROYED SERVICE OF TRAINS FOR TAE BUMMER OF 1870. ACCELERATION OF SPEED. l\l‘ 6 Q@UEEX !! RESTAUSANT, M. KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of Metoaife and Wollingtonâ€"streets, o‘: site the main entrance to the Government Buil Sleoping Cars on all night trains. Bags»+ge RAND TRUNXK RAILWAY June 3, 181¢C. HKGL, Whececeree cervircrrnrere re rsriee Vermont Cen ral, at..,........ EAST AND WEST, 0.J; BKXDUNb, managing Drector asese® sessesesses sessdness ces sessens se se00 000 C Aa N A D A . lation Train for Brockville P V L M A N‘B O A N A D A 3:45 4;00 p m TJIAINS 9 00 a m # 900 p m T 00 a m 3 4 p m 1 10 a m 4 00 p m ) 30 p x P°" Ro_vn,n.m‘l_». MTTERS. Prepared by special perimission . om the rigin® 3 : PADUA, ITALY, Kept by slluopn-p'gm and Grocers in the Dominion, | * PRICE $1.00] PER BOTTLE. af fl F. GIANELLI, Sole Manufacturer Proprietor for the Dominâ€" Sole Manufacturer and ton of Canada and the N.B.â€"These celebr prepared with the v« Wine, and are especiall mended to persons of delic are geontly stimulant, and aids to digestion, | _‘For directions mlM None are genuine as the proprietor, | 10331 | OFFICE AND The subsoriber in issuing this his bpring Cirouâ€" lar, begse to return his best thanks to his triends and the general publis otf Ottawa and Country, as well as his many sonsgignorp at » distance, for the very liberal patronage bei on, and confiâ€" gence placed in him, s his advent as Aupntioneer of this outy, -nfl:‘;unn them that coustant desire and z‘u r wili be, to merit continuance of the suppert‘ and patronage liberally extended h“‘:tn. io h * e oan reler w ploasure e many mopniais he ‘:u*:mlx fh-d those who pi ropert» ba or disposal, that quioa o’.lo.muW aud immediate aro I e soliciting 1 in this branch b-t:uu he 'u’l.d Mmy intimate, that.: 1 the futurs as in the :Q‘M':l'bolh u::‘u‘l.l. care to study the \ï¬.-l h rons ; Pd by carsefal attent prom t !:- returns, and muderate charges, to morit a continuance of that tt“m.‘. heretofore so liberaily bestowed upor m < 4 i Spring Farniture Sales atthe Mart will comâ€" mence immediately, and f:um time to time wil! be duly anpounced. tie will nold wuokly sales oi Horees, Cattle, &6, on the Market, due notice of which will be The large aumber oi Horses and Cuttle suld by him during the past year, is suthcient gusrantee that his ability in this crical branch pf auctioneering is appreciâ€" atod. & Carringe and Bl.b Sales will soon commence, and those who have korses, Carriages, and ta: ness to dispyse of will do weil to send them to the Mart as soop as possibles. & Trave baies of Meronandise, Farm Stook, Rea‘ Es ate, Libraries, Works of Art, looih-. as weli as cousignments, a diustance, will meet with best attencion, and be conductes on very moderâ€" ate terms. pecond bhand will be Mn hour duriog the dgay up to T o‘siock p.m. â€" A vances made on Rurpiture, Fianos, OfF AROT Goods sent in for Sale, or may be porchased in toto, if requiréd. _ | The Sale Koom is |well lightod an. vontilateq, and about the Jar in the city, being 80 x 25. Your tavours and patronage are respecttully solicited. _ , + *.; Beveral llouul_lJ the city on hands tor sale | J BKRMLN«@HAM, Ot:awa, March 1870. A beautiful country residense with Fifteon (15) Acres of Land (or more if necsessary) aitached , the house and oub*uup boll'g completely surâ€" rona‘byowo: m‘orl( ade trees. The whole within 10 m ve uf the wovernment Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeai, Pork, &o. oTrTawa, _ . | luoluuohz-n. easy. .. ORGANIST AND TEACRER OF MUSIC. Residenceâ€"E!igih Street, South of slater Street. Clusses for begi at Mr Gowan‘s Hall on Mondays, W od ys and Fridays at 4j p m Ottawa, July 15th, 1870, 1410 t /yE PEOPLE‘3 TEA STORE, P. BASKEKVILLE & BROS8. Wholesale and Retail dealers and Commisâ€" sion Merchants, No. 36 RideauSt., and Duzke 8t., Chaudiere, Desire to draw the attention of the Public to their well assorted Stock of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, and Provisions, ail of which will be sola at prices not to be rivalled cither here o elsewhere. i ‘ bhaving the advantage of buying our Goods at the lowest nrices, and direct from the importing Vensels, enables us to sell in future as we have dune ‘heretofure, which we hope has given satisâ€" laction to those: who have favored us wita a call. Rye, rroof and High W ines of the best aiwuys or hang. Also, Gin, Brandies and Wines diâ€"ectly imported. . Those who have not already tried our Goods are resp ciively loviced to call, #"Re. member our moto. **Qdisk @aiss and Lignt Profits.""°®R& Salt and Fish constantly on hand Paris. Lossoos on Piano ar 1 fl\l‘l;’: street, corner o!fllnf.““. » . MAitawa, June 23. s \ V MA ol Aiee® Mr.GUSTAV £ SMLTH, (Organist otthe Cathe iral) a @raduate of the Im: brial Conservatory o N0R SALE. §3 man »vâ€"ror : H E L LM U T H CC L L EG.E. HELLMUTH 1,AÂ¥ADIES‘ COLLEGE Insugurated by H. R. H. Prince Arthar Beard ana Tuition 8}_30 per anbem. : . _ C mee : | _ .A * The ‘undersigned, ~retiring from business requests all persons having clauwms against him to present the same at his Nflice, 134 Sussex Street, Ottaws, for examination ard settiement. aad all persons indebted to him are requested 16 pay the amcunts ho!{l_h- without delay, â€" Praestoest: â€"The V r7; Rev. L. Helmath, D.D., . Ar Pot Part 1t nply tof Major Er or wlare or Evans, Londoen, Canada West. 6. lJf cowd, P EDWARD BURSTALL, Otrtawa, Beptember 13%, 1870 1450 b To be obtained f M CoOMMISSION MERCHANTS, FORWARDERS _ / BSALES AT PRIVATE RESIDEXCES, Canadian P Aagust 7, 1870. UT TOâ€"DA" August 8, 1870 "oTIcr, A USICAL ACADEXY, Board ani Tuition per annum, $2826. ait and Fish constantly on han P, BASKERVLLLE I BROS. 4 | ‘m-l’ ctory for 1870. rliamentary Calendar s=â€"BY in the University ¢ ERS 18 HOPE & CO., and JONES & HOLLAND pldtl.l..l‘.“l paring thesignature of 1 F GIANELLL R. M. Baswros Auctioncer: L.« T1hy NI' DRUG STORK. f ALEXANDER CHRISTIE Druggist and Pharmaceutical Chemist Sparks btreet, Centre Town. The subsoriber begs to inform his triends and he public generally, that he has commenced business in the new building adjoining the Ontério Bank, Sparks streot, with a perfectly now and complete stook of £ English Chemicals, guropean and American 4 The Popular Proprietary Modicines and Preparations English; French and German s English Brushes and Tollet Articles, Dyo Btuffs, ;lo!d_l.‘.d'l_d:!!_ the '!_ueouumc artiâ€" _"*_ _ gles usually sold 6y Druggists. Family medicines and physicians‘ prescriptions will receive the attention their importance deâ€" mands. The prescription department will ubder the personal supervision of the mpfldz,l attention will be paid to the quality ot all materials employed. \ Physicians and country merchants supplied, . The subscriber has ample facilities for attendâ€" ing to the wants of his oustcr c £ y ALEXANDER CHRIS11R. NMtawa, February 17, 1570 1285.8 y Invalaable to invalides and lrnoil of impair digestion : an excelient TONIC for persons covering i‘lness. Forsale in quart bottle ; price one doll r. Garonza‘s .{)d-no.‘o‘?-hlnDt w’n:l save you many a slee bottles and 50 moufl.-flwslumlut“ï¬m â€"â€"it is pleassnt to the taste and harmless in Ats nature.. Forsale by dr;ï¬ma and general dealâ€" ers in all parts of the i cion. Gardener‘s First Prise Baking Powder, an: rivalled for purity and excellence. For sale by grocers everywhere, in 3 os packets, 7 cents ; 5 os 457 Notre Dame itreet, Moutreal, 8 Bole Proprietor and Manufasturer. P 10 0 ;1 j , 25 conts ; six oib snmmw‘m the bes task 10r GARDkLNER‘S and no other. _ GARDENERK‘s EPILEPTIC CURE. UANADLAN PAIN DEsSTROYER #, Back ana sload, Couphs, Colds, bore Throat ’ï¬mmmnumm‘ a ll:’m.flul'd: m i m~ “o“ The Canadian Pain Vestroyer has now been sefore the public for a length of time, and whenever used u'olluhd.mtmh. single instance: to give permanent when timely ased, and wehave aever kuown a single case of dissatisfaction where the directions are proâ€" perly followed ; but on the all are dol od with its mom, and cu:l’lnlo hi terms of its virtues and magical e€fects. _ _ _ . Among the most 1mportan! of modern Medical Dis soveries stands the We .lrnl from experience in this matter, havin sested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the comp aints for which it is ...ons.‘-‘.? may depend upon its boing a Soveâ€" y. ‘flo effcaoy of the Canadian Pain Dmm disonses for which it is reâ€" sommended, and its wonderful suocessin subduing gumr‘:'pu»d Rncumatism. and in re ieving Nervous Affections, entitle it to a highrank in wshe list of Remedies for uunoouushu. Dealers are .-ll‘"lm Mloi;‘oh. pok t:‘:u,p.m of the sountry unnTrn , and oach testifyin to the universal mufmm it gives * The Cans ï¬= Pain Destroyer never fails to give ammodiate rolief. All Medicine Dediers keep i s Medicat. Massey, H. Â¥. MoCarthy, J. Innz.h awa â€!' el«)lnonlll REMEOY. , 8 w 8STOP AND S8EE! Price $1 bottle ; siz bottles for $5. t ‘ r' JG;AnplNln, Chemist, General ts for 0. W "Gold by Geo:. Murtinats Jobs Roborts W ie They are stern undeniable facts, suficient to convince the most sceptical that the groat ediâ€" sinal compound, yearned after for ages, is now accessible in the groat The following remarks on testimonials of mos wondertul and extraordinary cures in Canade by he Garzat Inp1ax Reuzor. | Where was there over such a oure as that of Wilson Storms, of Br:hm. Ont, of Consumption, or that of Pster C V Milier, of Ernstown, Ont, otf Consumption, or that of Ambrose Wood, of Conseâ€" ~on, Ont, of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of Johs Heoey, of Napanee, of Rhenmatism, can be obcained at all drug stores. who had actually been on crutehes for vears, but has now recovered the use of his limbs. Bandbook, â€"containing unquestonable certifiâ€" sates on the great Sho:â€"honees Remedy and Pills NAKADIAN PAIN DESTROYER! Ih‘s is to certify that during the winter of 186 [ wastaken with a weakness of the ancles, waich gradually, during the spring of 1867, extended to my knees, and on up to my hlmnd 1 became so weak that I could not walk, was contined to my chair. For abouttwo years, while this weakt ness was coming on me, and afterwards, I sough medical advice, ewmploying, at different times three doctors, and mediaines of different kinds prescribed by triends, but of no avail. I continuâ€" ed to get worse and worse, until the summer of 1868, whon I was induced to try the great Sho shonees iemedy by rsading the cures performed in a pamphiet, Atthis time [ had begun to teol th-un-ulnnllua; in fact I was getting «lmoet helpless have taken two bottles of the thoshenees itemedy ard two boxes of the pills and [ am entirely restored to health. I never expected to get better, b-ut-pl‘l tried the medicine as a sort of forlorn hbo.po.k hhun“ot mine was not a private one, but known to a qy.d{hb‘u «-& friends ; and to any one affiinted as I was, I * .ve ~nly to say try the ~hoshonees Remeody ; I +« e it will cure you. . MARY ANN DDUGETY «orn to before me at Madoc, County of Hastings ARDNER»S his ninth day of February, 1869. her certificate to be true in mnm“n. 1 know that while ill her case was ared hope, less ; and I know that shehas, since her recovery, always attributed her recovery to the Shoshonees <emedy,. Whatever may be the peculiar of this medicine, one thing is certain, that in her case it has acted almost like the performance of a miracle. : wmammuwm Ontario, Dominion of Canada. et I hmb{ntdfy that I have known Mrs. Mary Ann tor last years ; 8 a the fifteon she } woman bity and truth. 1 have known ber bo(m.d,rfl:,u‘ #ince her iliness. I believe 0 Messrs. UBAXBEELAIX & Si11s, Conway P 0 Price of the Remedy in large pints, $1. 13y qULININE m WINE BITTERS, m County of lrn:a.;ladu 7 1D00, County of Hastin ie 'N',i_'-"!ofliwo-_huï¬.f!"&i SBHOSHONEES REMEDY. Mte rollei. All Medicine DeAiers & 1 lnomundlul.l .u-.c-n::& It after oncse try ing it. .flmty-lvoonmchfl.. NoRX P & LYMAN lM.O.*. General Agonts for 0. W A F WOOD, J P, &6. Patent Med Porfumery, nt iA scvic h i6 sc ind is ..A â€" sc wtenir stt ‘That it is a preparation of one of the most eminent Purveyors to the Ottomaan Court, ‘_‘ 1t prevents acidity of the Stomach. 'â€}t relieves lowness of spirits. â€" Jt is a mild and invigorating tonie, and a Ost efficient but innocuous stimulent. . Itgenders the breath sweet and agreeable. It stimulates the appetite if taken sErork meale, * I?pronouu dige tion if taken arree meale. It neutralizes the propensity for strong liquoge. It tenders the intellect bright and clear. If fakon babitually it imparts vitality and epergy to all the bodily organs. This elegant Turkish TONIC is one of the moct‘-lnhn and* delicate preparations ever submitted for pubflo approval in this hemisâ€" phere, and asserts its pretentions to patronage on the following grounds :â€" y By its use a man of 70 will become, as it were, râ€"stored to the elasticity of 30 ;. and to persops of delioate constitutions it is strongly recomm+nded. o It 4s an especial favourite with Oriental ladies. o nz:â€, then, health, longevity and vital f by the bhabitual use of sthe | ° AaALKABASAR TUBRKISH TONIC, Kept in stock by the principal Druggists aB0 Grocers in the Dominion. ‘For directions for use s e labels on bottles q HENRY CHAPMAN & CO,, EYVAX8, MERCER & CO,, C T. R. HIGGINS, [ Agentforthe Beaver, Toronto Mutual Fire and Live u;: Ensurance :)0, Gno::l Commission Agent, Lmporters, M«nufactures a Mining Agent Mining claims comstantly on hand. Office, corner Metcaife and Sparks streets, over Mann â€"Bros Hardware Store, LIBKE INSURANCE OQOMPANY OF MALIN R. * Fmaxzos Derazgturnt, flo: 104 Ottawa.12th OQctober, 1868. 0: * The tollowing Insurance Oo-pul has receivec a license to transactthe business of Lite Ensurane in Canads : ’ " No. 383. The UNION MUTUAL LLFEINSUR ‘ANCBCOMPANY , of Maine. s Deposit in Uâ€" $ 6s or ‘81â€"$50,000. B. R.CORW LN, General Agent, 8t; John, N.B ‘ "Tous Lanare®,""" Lb t:hu day, deposited m uns Mecarve ave 3. verâ€" General, Twenty 'l‘u-.r Dollarsin sddition t« e above y Thousand, m‘ing © Thou sand Dollars ($70,000) U,5. gold Bonds, 6¢ of 8) The Hon. Col. John Hi. Gray. **.P., has bee: appointed Counse} to the Cor ~â€"r the Domin fon. Alllegalmatters will be ~~ «rrod to him. f B. i., CORWIN, MA u ENDREAU having served considerable time in seme of the best and moict extensive Hair Dressing Saloons in the Dominion and United States, is in a position to conduct the dutics of his establishmsnt in a manner that cannot be surpassed, ~ He will have always on hand the best perâ€" tumes imported directly from Paris and London MR GENDREAU solicits a visitto convince all of the truth of his statement« * Opposite the Bank of Montresl. MR GENDRLZAU, proprietor of that so popular Parlour, has plessare tn arnounce to bis numerous friends and the public in general, that t answor to the grpat encouragement whicn he has received up to the presont, he has deter.â€" minedto enlarge and thoroughly furnish anew his establishment. He will sare no expense to render Parlour the most comfertable, anc 0 prosa . ho mast experionced hair dressers, TO "Al-ll? _ Who have suffered by fro we make a re= dustion in the price of Btoves, Elevated Oven Low Oven Box Stoves all sizes. Double Stoves. Dumb Stoves. Stove Pipes. Montreal, July 6 Our WINTER STOCK, just received at the s HAIR DRESSING PARLOUR, Wellington street, ; _ H MEADOWS & CO. Ottawa, September 9, 1870. OHA'A PROTESTANT | LADIES) sCHOOL, No. 200 WELLINXGTON STREET LADY PRINCIPALâ€"MISS MACHIN, the LADY PRINCIPAL, or The school year will commence, Sept. Lst, 870. Piospectuses may be obtained at Messrs. Durie & Son, and urther information on application t6 Ot awa, November 7, 1868. Ottawas, July 25th, 1870. One or both of the ‘‘pper Flats of the Union Block on the corner of susser and Â¥ork Btreets. For partionlarse apr‘= + MOSG RC " ALLLON Or to KEARNs â€" â€"rAN Mrs Robert Steowart having made arrangements with an accomplished ladyâ€" teacher, announces that her Dancing Classes will commencse on Wednesday, the 22nd instant a Â¥Furtner particulars may be obtazmed on appliâ€" eation to Mrs Robert Stewart, Wilbrod stroet. Itawa, August 1¢, 1810 Ottawa Beptember Pth, 1869, 1140Â¥ 10 LET. An Eifficient Staff of Teachers. ANCINXG AXD DEPORTKE®T. +CAPITAL STOVE DEPOT." ..‘ >â€" Siontroikt | â€" Bole Agents for the Dominion Agenciues. 35 Sussex Street, 1 ENDHREAUV, AbBISTED BY KLEV. H. POLLARD, Beoretary, Ottawa. Cook Stoves. Cook Stoves. Parlour Stoves. Hotel Cook Stoves. Hot Air Furnaces. Un the promises, 14157 wt.qmr.nonu.usu... conme ~ag with the Grand Truok Express, dce in To onâ€" to at 10 in m. Also with the Royal Mail Line of &u{n-,u Pressott, East and West, ana with the Ogdensburg Railway, for Boston, New York, «o. _ h MAIL will leare O:tawa at 12 00 noon, conne~tâ€" ing vit:Im Graend Irunk Exprers, due in Montreal at 8 p m, EXPRESS® willeare Ottawa at 10 pm, counssâ€" ing with the Grand Trunk Expresses, Kast and West, due in Toronto at ii a m, and in Montreal at 9 a m. t Going Korth FPrescott to Ottawsa, MALL wili leave Presoott Junstion at 6.156 a m, connecting with the 3. T. Expresses lesring Toronto at 730 p m. and Montreal, at 9 p m, and srerh‘ in Uttawa at 9.30 a m. MAIL will leave‘ Prossott Junstion at 1.30 p m, connecting with the G, T. Express leaving Montréeal a: 9 a m, and arriving in Ottawa at 3 4i p m. $ ‘ IXPIBB will lnv:’ P;oo;ott Junetion at ."l‘ ronto at 6 ana 7 am, and arrivieg in Outaws st T.10 p m. * M nAll trains on this Line are run on Montreal me, R LUTTRELL, THOMAS REYEOLDS, _ e Superictendent. Managing Direct» Ottawa, beptemher 12, 1870â€" TIME TABLE, No. %3, â€"__ Commencing on MONUDAY, KOV. %8, 869, LKAVE BROCKVILLE. 4.15'; M.=â€"«â€"TRAINS will . leay s ROF Brockville daily at 4.15 p m, 14 a m, arriving at Sandpoint at 10.9¢ p m, ,.; t LEAVE 8ANDPOINT.* A. M.â€"â€"DRAINS will leave 6:008.-?0'1:( at 6.00 a m and 2.3 pm, arriving at Brockville at 12.15p m,8.30 P. M.â€"â€" TRAINS will. loaws 5:35!’«“:&’ m and 9.05 am arriving at Bmith‘s Falls at .ulrnordi.“ LEAVE SMITHB FALLA. | 5 A.M.=â€"«TRAINS will leave ._0:00 Bmith‘s Falls at 10.05 a m and 8,3b p m, arriving at Porth at 10.55 am and 7.3 w. P A‘l trains on Main Line connect at 8mith‘s Falls with trains to and from Perth, No i leaves Brockville after G T Trains are due from the cast and wes., No 2 is due in Brockville in time to connect with G T Trains for the oast and wost. «. ABBOTT, Managiny Drwoeder, / Trainsleave Windsor (in connection with the trains of the Nova Sootia failway from Halifax) at 10.25 a m and 6.60 & m, arriving at Kenwille ut 11 45 a. m., and 8 45 p. m:, and at Annapolis t 2.30 p m, connecting there with steamers Empero: or l-rT'lor 8t John, N B. heturningâ€"the trains leave Annapolis at 2.3b n:.'iu passengers by steamer from 8t Jobn, ving taere at 8 a m, end arrive at Kentville as 6.10, windsor at 6.40, and Halifex at # h-. YEKNON SMITE. INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMERS, AAILINQ FROM NEW YORK EVERT SATURDAYT AND ALTERNATE TUERSDAYs. BATES OF PABRAGL EY THE 81 rCROAY STRAl HRI s . First Oabin, Payable in Goid. _ _____ Opening through from Windsor to Asmapolu: completing the connexion between Halifaz On and after EATURDAY, the 18th NDhâ€" UEMBEBER, 18569, this Railway will be open for passenger and goods trafic, as under: _ _ _ _ for" PFirst Oabin, Payable in Liverpool or Qm.............‘....'.f.'.., St. sohn‘s, N.F., by branch steamer........ ____*_ A#tecrage, Payabis in Ourrency, Lverpool Of QUOODELOWL..»20« sesesesssenenennc® __ _ Stecrage, Payable in Ourrency, _ u'«poolotQu-'-wn. sik im ie sternniiies â€" ABP PABBAGE BY THE TCRBDAY OTRAXER Â¥! BALIDYAX Lt 1 or Qi’illi'l......... n-nn"om MESS AND PRIME MESS PORK. FLQU EL XQ. 1 % EXT L A FOR SALE: HE ST, LA WRENCE AND OTYFAwWA | RALL W AY. httoniorh!om-wl at the Company ‘s CGoos, JOHN .*uu,l. A" f 156 lrudvcn New York, or HERRICK & CROMBIE, Ottawa. AT THE CAPITAL BOOT & SHOE STOR ‘ ~ "YORK STREEY. I umnï¬ï¬‚xuy SPRING and BUMâ€" MER STOCK which wili be found complete in all lines Misses, and Colldrens Kig, Goat and Prunnelia, in Buttoned Balmorals ud'»zf-.‘ Geuts English and French imported Calf, Kid and Moâ€"rocseo mamflm. Those who desire a comfortable m-:‘ will please call and leave their orders, which will be attended to at the rnortest notice. All work aone by first class Workmen in my establishment. I have been paerticular in shoosing and manufacâ€" turing serviceable ware for the Farming and l-w:x' community by whom 1 am s« largely petron! and at prices as usual detying comâ€" required by the 5‘st and following Rules of the Legisiative Assembly,(which are published i 1 the "Ontario Gaszsette"), to give NOTICE of the application (clearly and distinctly spesifying is nature and object) in the * Ontario Gaszette," and also in a newspaper published in the County or Union of Counties affected ; such notice shall be sontinued in each case for a period of at least Hix weeks during the interval of time between the hhncflbl-; Mm and the conâ€" sideration of he Petition. Copies of the first and last of such notises to be sent to the Private Bil} ROCKVILLE & OTTAWA RAIL« W AY. â€"John‘s, N.F#., by branch steamer......... 30 O Tickets sold to and from England, Lreland, and Continent, at moderate rates _ Kentville, Dec 8, 1889 WBITER BEANS, At Ottawa, Sand Point, and Pembroke, 8 CBRISTIE, eavartinat . No 5 Sparks stroot. Herouts March 16, 1870. 1809 to lawk. All | «titions for Private Bills must be presentâ€" ed wilhin the FIKRET THREE WEEKs of to« Session. € > CBHBARLES T GILLMOR, Clerk of the House. a a Ma 18, 1870 N0R LIV KR POOL & Q UE LENESTOW PRING AND SUMMER STOCK INDAOR & ANNAPOLIS RAille W A Â¥ â€" mPFEET CHANGEK OF TIME, PERTH BRANCH, LEA VE PERTH. ARailroabs, uth Ottawsa to Proscott. K O TIC E. and 8t. John GZORgE Â¥UReHY, 1 +307 4100 O 16 K they w ,.... K &‘:.';‘".f‘;.':.‘““ ""-‘.h be in ho »O} o0 VPBY ht ks """-"--" be informed of is Berofulous "“.‘h‘-'.' enemies of our T#O8, tenant of the m and invites e TXRMME undeg and the varinus o t‘ 4 d the -""M :r-dl:mou'm Byphilts or red :Nzwm"‘a‘..m But long continued use ni?-",-nu" tion, We bat .':“'2' o m«: eafryrregaapees relief . tried it, know Mumï¬t‘s they may N taken with ga :oywny laken with ¢.f0 sOLD BT AlL Drvequm ‘oclubr*flm The usst of the value of not when the premiums & mmbd’ setiled, ptness its setil [:.uo:-mh- Its Lnspectors are im nortant lows T1 has no adjustea Mek aater. R2y B 6 Bowh ratner Morâ€"ï¬o'a“ fromptems" of To t K:.uo-mhu Its Lnspectors are i im nortant lows &ho u.d-.: dh'm:ï¬b 1 298tf h The rates of the PROY OOMPANY are as low as NO ntion or vemove the Ayer‘s Osthartic Pnovucul. of Canads, 8 TBE TIME® i8 995555 sorpe 48 and Ab"*MILMALDYV® f 2t onten «t meals, 46â€" enoe. «t}u.nbu-llfl‘ reliof owas ut.lhh"va Hon,. B. Pusri. h Is Tins, 2s 64, 6o and 199 Or formed into Cigats 404 ‘v mekP * sitgntion 3 exiines erpatezatt® * family or plw:‘ Tok j required. Aj perior to Peypsinpg. reatine Powdtt, DBR. J. 0. AYEARA # 004 «+. PMHFi2XD a3 F. '-c’“‘.q I'. ein, M“*h srawa,. J0¢ , Be â€" be Pputites for August 1«t, 1870 _ LOWELL WAKbb« Ottaws, august 1, 108 Tus Orta® + wwe CoxP4Â¥" ; TISE all the parpome for 14, Mesers. P AÂ¥t , 6/ Town, i 499. ko. OMhee ce Oe Quebes thdone 4 Soilo).of A R K. ® U# Beoll d a tD is 50 1D