In lilustratwon of the benafits which have ao erued to Partiot Puwicies of Life A surance the followiog :-::-o may be quot d, taken tro m «be Bo us of the Canadia» Br.â€"sobh of THk ;c'it‘l'lal PROVLINCLIL@L a883URaNCEK COM &A m Poicy, 5313, effected October, 188), ror £1000 Additions amounted in 1867 to £82 :08 Total outiay by assured, £1 3: tuoe Boou . taus amous,.â€" 16g to seventy. Ave per ceat. of premiums paid to «ame policyâ€"should it become a ol« im duriecg current year 187 :. the Bonus Addiâ€" toms will amom»t to £1+2% 0s Stering, <«xceeding n+« To al A-ud:m pard at the date â€"fl:st Diviâ€"ion in +867, Tais is socounted for .T'. E scoOTrIsH PROYV.XCIAL AS$8URANCOE COMPANY. CariTAi‘.. â€"ONK »®iLLIONX STERLING., IHYUUILBD 1X CAFAWL...csssssesemmo00» â€"y me iNTEnMEDLATE s@aUS allowed by tme = i0 . Fi3H PROVLACLAL.* P0« 4134. gdones Adagitions, 461 iTs. 64., ur n~arly seventy per cent. of £¥1 21. and 64., the 1»@+1t Of ureimiams paid, micll,gnall I:®«sUmA@FIQN ASs TO SURREN be ua uF POLICIES, For surren e: of Pollsies for the term of lite, e€Hoâ€"ted t unitome premiums, and which have been three yo«sse int ree, a return of 40 par cent. on the amous: af ordinary premiums received, vill, at any uime, be al.oweqa, besiaes the value : ! vested donuses, where sausch have been deciar, 11. An objection, often arged aguinst Life As varanco, that there is no certainty of vralue being sb:ained, in the event of »urrender, is thus com pletely obviated . Tuas: Should Policy above referred to (No. §31i3) be susreadered no#w m.“...‘ uver §$10» will be pa‘d to polney holider. . & LA Ageom, B saghtsmen, &o OMce, . .ouahl.u.:s:ua tawa. VÂ¥ tor Trist and Loan W. &. fursrias R prossedings again« m«aafecturers an! ToA ‘«f» of mmen, or any ther imitations by which their of smen, or any #ther imitations ay which hoi Mq:hh.-‘- IHA" Ask in L.+ A & PERRINY Sauce and see Name m Wrapper, Labei, Botle and abd to see that their names ars upon tas wrs ppor bhh.v.-lb‘s % Some the markets aaving besee sapplied with a W orcestershire ~auce, rhmd Iabels of waich the .ame» Lesa & Pert:ashure been forgea, L and P give notice that they have furnished their corieâ€"ponâ€" dants with nower of attorney to take instani : ons Bonetes must be evident to all. it may be asÂ¥ed @nsotue im the event of the Assured yiji1,. up the Polics, all such beneGrs would be in 11 lar pi+, atteation is arrected 1 ) the .ollow. Dr3 A draat, Â¥ P., Jizawa‘, Phos teyroids, Kxq Managing Virsstor 0. & 61. L. K. K. Tavt FRNHISTLE & Co., Land surreyors, Land THE ONLH GOO0D saAUCE, f " CaUTION AGAINST FRAUD. . Tas sussess of this most delisious and"unrival« od condiment haring caused sertain de«ler» to ay the aame of «* Worcestershire Suuce" to owninferior compounds, the public is hereb; informedthatthe only way to secure the . anuine, eqna e Ponon CC Eomm . MR ahime Ales and Porter. . Pork, Fiour, &0., for saie. I wri0n: No.5, Sparks sureet. nsar the Russeli mss, Ottawae city, C. W . P 8. CHRISTIE, Commission Merchant ane e cce e awes ahike Ales and Portes. Pork, Fiour, &o., for saie. _ Loung grarxed unuer Policsiee when surrendar value is of ast less amount than OUne Hundred Dotiars, OTTtaW A, HAMNETT Â¥#, HHLL, Solicitor &o, Will be held at the office of the Company in New Edinburgh, on SATURDAY, the first day of October, A. D., 1870, at 12 o‘clock noon, for the élection ot Directors for the en~ suing year, and for the trsnsaction of the other business appointed to be done at the anâ€" nual general meetinog of the company under tThe charter and byâ€"laws thereof. By order of the Directors. Office of the O C P R R C. Keptâ€"mber 19, 1870 K »ice is hereby given that a For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. wWOoRoOoEs rERSHIR® SAUCE, Deslased by Conacissears or the glaads atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Tastead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediâ€" ment, it will keep it clean and vigorors. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, aud consequently prevent baldaess. â€"Free from those deleterious substances vhi:: make some preparations b-vmo a injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. It wanted merely for a "HAIR DRESSING, â€" A dressing which & 3 N is at ouce agreeable, . Ar‘sth healthy, and eectual § / for preserving the ‘"A 1 . hair. _ Faded or‘gras ( " N hair is soon restoresd :‘ s f to its originul color S ao 3 with the gloss an n ‘ 4’:&““‘ of youth epiithe in bair is thick ened, falliog â€"hair checked, and bakdâ€" ness often, though not always, cured by its use Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, k | (Â¥ 3 N is at ¢ p SA health & ‘ for ; /' b hair. o ( harr : ol 4 a to its ATHETV «i "O)) . ie 4:’aiu es hin ened, falliog â€"hair chec ness often, though not aothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil -n“?-,n does e meopapaan N aie hnd a gratulel picticame Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., * tCat axD Axarrmcar Canasms, i OwWELL, MASS. : PRICOH $1.00. sair Vigor, SPECIAL ,GENERAL MEETING BENEFIT OF LiFE ASsURANCE. aK FOR LEA & PERXINS sav‘‘s, MILLALAW®S, Jr., Architect,. OQBceâ€" Bait‘s 0 ock, Sappors‘ Bridge. sxmoue.â€"â€" H aAgims, E1q, a.oniteot, Phila (Qansda Head OMee :â€"Montreal. A DaAYVIDSON PARK EK,] «»Waae â€"Adlan cou â€"â€" STOCKHULDERS 4y ex‘ ROBERT SURTEES, 14691d 18 cate everywhere. Be sure to> oall fo, â€""MRS WIN3LOWS 30O0THING SYRUP." tHaving the jacâ€"samele ot « Cartie & Porkins" on the outside wrappet. â€" All others are base smita eummmesmces omm Aucdrmmmaide copmnnmoes umm tmmeeee n e ue CCC w Mothers } Merners -“Hl!â€| \Uisturbed atnight and broken of your rest by a mok cnnd suflering and erying with the exernciâ€" ating painao cuttipgteoth ?| If so, go Al ande and l get a bottle of wixsLow‘s souTHINXe 8YRUOP. it -kâ€"- th «peor little sufferer immediatelyâ€"dspend apon it : there is no mistak %bout it. There is not a mother on earth who bs ever used it, who will nottell you at once that it will reguiate the bowels, and Ive rest to the othor, and reliet and health to the ohild4, opera ting like magio. | [t is pertectly safe to use inâ€"al} a108, and pleasunt o th: taste, and is the pre «sription of one ot tow oldest and bestfomale phy aois * «d aurses in the United States. <Price 4 eR en k VC & yeurs, and can say with pleasure 1 deem it ons ai the greaces: discoveries of the 10; for the cure x Infammation of the Langs, [nfammation of the Howels, [ndammatory Rheamatism, ndlaul‘c Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Oinrtment Cares cn-, or Hatties.â€"Dx Bmounay, of Utle: New York, saya: «1 have ased Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Vintment in my practice a nn-w t bed Fever, it operates with | erfect suceeds, i1 s .ses of Burns, Bruises, Fros Limbe, it acts like a charcoa Da. J. P. Kaxxzpr ,of Chittenango, New York says : «* It has stoud thetest .id-.“"‘“m loaund w Its astonishing cures of Infam a «tlon ot the L-.o and Croup and the wonderfa: success in ubchlt: the mnflduo' Rhou mnatism, and relio ':.{ Nervous Affoctions, entitle it twu hign rauk a list of remedies for thes somplaints." W e doo c O sosod s ca esd hoacctits M Woont it tou hign rauk _ the list of remedies for thes somplaints." Da. A.lz. lmlu‘.o‘t lumo'cv\llo.r York says3; * nnwllmov w ll’;\uuon and tor the worst eases of Prles, anoe sundry other complaints, and Ond :*» superior exmeng en PE NOC K P L skew . E artiole, and -.umumm«.n.h Purchasers should wure and ask for Dr. B Crask‘s ITctlc u-:-llnlno““'-b =Aa TRA~K‘"3 MAGNEIIO QlNTMENT * are enumnmel. Price 14. 64. # K is M tae "moce .T.g“...""'“ ‘betwere them sns twaces of pow 3.‘1'- briilkanoy to the Al « 4K1.*8 @8 | EV ENAAEL sTOPPILK»@ UM tor Preserving Froot Teoth. Warraoted to l:ryv;luo.wcu drm as the tooth itself ‘2‘0 benut:(u} preparation restores Frout Testh provents docay, puthsient for Stopping six Teoth ; ABnikL*$ ROYAL TOOTA POWDOEh ‘l proper d friom a recips. as used by ies Majert», Presorves the Teoth, and 1mparts a deli clous (Tagragce w the treath ; gives the Toeoth s 7 1aBuIELs ODONTALIYIQUE ELiXIn G a muuth waueh unrivralled torits agresable «. uperities in cleansing the mouth and aweetening the dreath ; is is tursluabie to emobkors, 800 nrougly recommendeds to suferers Lonm Tis, ~euraigi«, and Luothache. 4 See uabrwci‘s mameâ€"None QGenaine without it J the wrapper. Northrop rlay.“ Noewbastle, C. W., General 1gents for the Ono&l. Seid in Ottaewa by als irugglate and by ï¬t dealors overy where CABminlts WiuiftEk +UTTa PERCH a 18 sxa4l ., tor mopping ‘Decayed Test! um'h“lmï¬m“.ï¬m lootha bhe ao matter to@ far decayed be b4 per bâ€"z _ Ask for pabriel‘s Celebrated Denta ‘Tepafations | GAlnuu.’l CuUuRALITE TOOTH PAsSTZ, for ciohnsing and 1mproving the Testh, and + riee 1s, 64. rnntlso Af a D1 TaANCE aEQUIXING AmaITLÂ¥ICLAL TEELH a«â€"y harse them â€"upplied, in panmial ur complete sots, on Mutars. Waenilal‘s nee system, sending partioniars of chou ....,oan... -u:’u-u One uines, when «uLi be sorwarded, vith all necessary instructions desats ubriel will a«dertake to nemuoel or nepair Amillcial Fosoth made by other Dentists, | wAhliuh do aot prove satistaotory}, at mogerate cae1ges. * mmsers. Gubriel‘s Pamphist on Artificial Testh wad i: amuless Venatstery on receipt of postage. *,* A|l letters to be addreased to 64 LUD@ATE MiLL, 1uONDON. 139 1.uto lawkom “'l“hfl OFI.IICAIID PREPAR A t | | s en gT ths rexms Sold by Chemists and Perfumers, and by Manafacturers. | \ . MESSRS. GABRIEL, The oldâ€"established Uentists, ; AN , l4 0s & l ul abs * cU MOND‘S BLOCK, .. l\lll 6 W. ARMSTRONXG, PROPRLETOR, CORNEER OF QUKEN aND ELGINâ€"STS QTTA W A. EVERY COYVENTENCE AND COMPORT FOR \ THB TRAVELLING eUBLIC. The Bar d'syo:"lh"h the CHOICEST LIQqUORS, And the table spread with , EVERY DELICACY 0k THE SEASO N ."'â€. 1 a m., for es Joachims, and ports, ‘The steamer (OtaÂ¥s, A1gust 21, 1870 Au-w-u san be accommodated vith so a board and rooms. @entliomss istiting the Capitas wil} hl.rnvu-â€".. ation by the day or week at rate to me. Â¥ 3 â€"»(1i. agase is cituated in the immediate ob migp n the Ascliament ldldh..d'ï¬o ecal + t & bt#t Wl loare Ayimer astiy (Bunodays .,..'.'_’..f.‘.... v‘elock p. m. Wl leare Pembroke Daly at 3 p. m. The steamer Will leave Havelook daily sat 1 a m. lor Chapeau.. Returning wisl leavre Chepesn af! JTTAW A OFFLICRâ€"G P Daerwmony‘s Exchaage Olce, 19 Sparks street. DIEECTORS : | . a JVSZPU, Chairman; D C THOMSON, Tres arer; 8 BFOOTE A THOMSON, T 8 DOKK. VRMUVUCUOND Manager * . 11MW l)lurl.l’l rlylflll'l 0O PA CY ncorporated under Chapter LIXVIl of the 6A Ladgate Hill, Londos Aad at LEVEXPOUL and 8@I9 +T N t\ sE US10®A nuvlsk6,; On and afer the FIRST OF SEPTEMBER, s t i d . 2 s1 1 P. OMEARA, Puorasmrons. *3 #pï¬on. {" y‘ EB WI i. LONDON. wA JP ACTACC STEAMER "ANN +I880N," i) THE TUTEETH Â¥ .OVIGNA®*!%, s SPARKS STREIT, OTTAWA. ’,:‘ Lb’;{b’flll PE 4 , & IEWRLWCES ‘ x _), opemen. + cesmm 4 ‘.\ R AT\ sPREOLAL HKOTICES. Stabling and an Attentive Hostler. 9 R I & # SIR .OHN YOUNXG" CHANGE OR TIXE. #JASONX â€"GOULD" 1 muoael of the mouth & s CASSELS, 144 Af In addition to the Fast Lime whisch it is is ten to make bhetweenthe Bpecial attention is dirscted to this Company‘s l reâ€"ipe of announcément, in regard to the R UKNK NX I NG With close conmmections at all pounts. The will be equipped with handsome _ . KEW FIBRST.CLASS CARS, Unsurpassed on the continet. > TEAIXE WILL ROX BUTW®AA | »oitle. Portland and Montreal in 13 Hours, | . Noteare «o Montreal and Toronto in 13 Hours ...:;3" § Stopplug ounly at the mostimportapt Stations, PALACE SLEEPING CARS Will be run on the Through Trains and the sorâ€" viee will be performed over the entire Hine in a mapner equal to that of any railway or this conâ€" Exprem: (o Nee# YÂ¥ ans . Woston mwn Champlain, l-ihmldul umm UE k t Broress for Pond, 44...... .......... 8:00 p B Wight Express fo: Quebes, [sland Pond. dornam and Portiand, stopping beâ€" tween Montreal and lsiand Pond at bt. Wilaire, S3t. Hyacinthe, Acton, Rishmond, Sherbrooke, W aterville und Constcook only, at......... ....._.l1@:l10 pm® MB® Hesping Carse on all Night Tuains. Pag tinent. Special arrangements have been made to accommodate the pleasure travel. For further particulars see advertisements and Poruanaers=y Wedseedsy and sbaturoay afterâ€" no m, for Ua) fas, N.3,, respectively at + p m. in conansstion with the Grand Trook Ruilway lsare Portians every MONDAY and flwd DAY it 6 pm,for 8t John, K.B., &0. m&uwumo.-m'npm * For (urtherinformation and time of arrivaian A4eparture of all trains at termina! and way sta tions, apply at the Ticket «)Mcees, Bonaventure wation, and 39 Great 81 James Street. _ reas Lot BOBOOD M4......,.00sâ€"ssseeese000s #:n KewYork and Boston via Vermont OBBITR] BE...»»»»»s»20s000« »»» and all points Wost, 8t. .............. 8300 & a Night do do _do do _ do 1;30 ; = Asscommedation Train for Corawall and Intermediate Stations at........ 4:00 p s Cre ns for Lachine 1t .......... 8:00a m, T:60 a» 9 is 1 m, 1% noon, 1;30 p m, 4;00 p m and 5:30 p m. The 1.30 pm train runs through to Provine @GoINxe 8s0OUTHR aND EAST. kocommeodation Train tor Island Pond _ _ Gm. TRUNK . RAILWAY COMâ€"« PAWXY OR CANADA. 1870.) SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. [1s70 Frains now leavre BONAVENTUR®K STATIO as follows : @olxe wWEST. Day Rxpress for As fast as completed, On and after JUNE iith, the noew arrange: ments will be put in torce, and trains will leave Montreal as follows : June 3, 1876 ACCELERATION OF SPEED. NEW CARS OMX ALL EXPRESS TAAINS3, Portland to Montreal in 13 Hours, Montreal to Toronto in 13 Hours. Day Express for NIGAT, «se â€" 46............ ..« Mail Triin for Toronts and intermediâ€" Ascommaistion Train for Brockville and intermediate stations.. ........> Trains for Lachine at 6 00 a m, T 00 a w, P is am, 12 noun, : :0 p m.4 00 ‘aoup-.-un m _ The p m fuh_‘nqtn Provinse ) ine. @GOINY 8SOUTH AND EAST. Assommodasion Train for ILsland Pond and intermediate stations at......... Kxpress fer Boston, via Vermont Cenâ€" o-:::n mâ€"rn“.mds-m A & A H TAYLOR, Aongts _____ °0,4, 8KY1D4ES, Aunaging Director Montreal, May, 1870. Express for New York and Boston, via Vermont O8M PAl, BE...0â€"0s0008 seeee»> BRxpress tor New York ano Boston, via Pistisbarg, Lake Champlain, barâ€" i.'..' for Quebes, Island Pood, Gorâ€" ham, Portiand and Lower Proviaces the Lowetr P:h-u. k mwuum at t Hiiaire, 8t Hy «ornthe, U ; ton, Asten, Richmend, Bromptons Falls, Bherbrooke, Leanezxvilie, Com + Mua“m...:;:no 1# p m Bleoping Carse on all night trains. Bagg» w4 se~g* The steamwers = Chade " and " Charlotta " leave Portiand for Haiifax, N 8, overy Wedmeday and a.,m‘..-.m:&" Bronâ€" passonâ€" gare and Freight The internacional Company‘s Steamers running in connection with the Grand Trunk Railw=3,. leave Putiand every Monday and Tharsoay at _ Mekets uwsaed throuck atthe Company‘s prin= ciple stations. C Â¥or furtaer informatioa and time of arrival : ad stations, apply at the Ticket Uffce, Bonaventure Station, or at No 39, Yreat bt James btreet. C J BRY paok8, s (a . Mansging Director. "WHE 4 QUHBEH M RESTAUSsAXT, IMPROYVED SERYVICE OF TRAILNS Â¥FOR TaB SUMMER OF 1870. RAND TRUSNK RAILWAT and [ntermediate Stations st......... June 3, 181C. RAXD TRUNK RalLWAY Chisago, and all points weet at..... lington and l,.“.‘-.l....m'........ EAgT AaNGO wWEsr, Ne â€" o8 + R A I N S THB EN3UING sEAasoN. f tion Train for Kingston and 0 A N A D A . mesesse cescesstsesses tessessssssssee PV L M A N8 0 A N A D A GoING WEST. ‘alo, Detroit, Chicago, Tikkk SF . . 22. d ces sesee0000s de se 40000 6 + n# 6 and "Charlotta" leaves 0 J BRYDG4L®, Managing Virector i1 sensesse . sneee000 Ottawa, UELDSt Ottaw a, Isiand 1;:00 T 00 a m 3 4 p m ~ utLAWA ‘IWIMES, SEPTEMB 1 10 a n 6 00 1 m 4 00 p m 1 30 p a @1 \ / Commtssion «Herchants. ’J B K B MIXGQH A M , & & l M@NED Aa T o AH*TINWERR i;ovn. tqu.ul BITTERS. Propared by spectal permission . om the . rigina 1* ofessor of Chemistry in the University 0/ PADUA, ITALY. Kopt by all tho principal Vruggists andâ€"Grocors in PRICK 41.00 PE} BOTT}.E. A. M, F, GIANELL1, Bow Manufsctarer and Proprietor for the Dom:uâ€" ton of Canads and the Unyted States. Â¥ B.â€"â€"Thuse celebrated Bitters are carefully prépared with the very boest quality of Sherry "iws, int are especrally adapted and recomâ€" «ended to persons of delicate constitutions. They .ce goatly stimulant, and will be tound infallible aide to digestion. , _â€" GBNERAL AUCTIONEER. UFFIOE AND SALE KOOM3â€"City Auctio Mmart, York street, near the Market. ‘ The subscriber in iesuirg this his tpring Cironâ€" lar, begs to retarn bis best thaoks to his triends and the general pubhe ot Ottawa and Country, as well a» his macy sonsiguors at » distance, for the well a» his maocy sonsiguors at » distance, for the very liberal patronage bestowed on,. and confâ€" «wence placed in bim, since his adpent as Auctioneer of this o ty, and to assure them that® soustant desire and endeavour wili be, to merit soutinuance of the suppert and patronage berul‘y extended to him. Me cas reler with pleasure to the marny testimoria:s be bhas reccived from those who pinced propert) in his hauds for disposal, that quics saile, exceilent zr\on. aud inmediate roturns are his crede e BALES AT PRIVATE RESIDL. CES, _ In soliciting public patronage in this branch spring Furniture Sales at the Mart will com mence urmediâ€"tely, and fruw time to time will be daly anmounced. te will hold weekly sales 0i tiorses, Unttle, #o, &0, on the Market, due notice of which will be given, The large oumber of Horses «nd Cuitle suld by him during the past year, is sumolont guarantee, that his ability in this critical branch of auctionsering is appreci: ated. Carringe and dules will soou commence, aud those who l..:o?n_q Onrrtinges, and ta»â€" ness to dispore otf will do wail to send them to the Mart us soun as possible l business be would respectiully intimate, that,: 1 the tuture as in the past, it «ill be his uncesting eare to study the interest of nis patrons ; and that by carcful attentiwo, prom t cash returns, and¢rate cbarges, to mesit a continuance of that patrunege beretofere so liberally. bestowod upo; Ou,wa, March 1870. seound ';llc.:o received :" hour durie up to ock p. m / vanogs -l.‘. n.gtr:-‘. hmr* other d4uode sen: in for sale, or may be porchases in Traue uies of Merenunpdise, Farm Stoc*, Rea) Be ato, rdbsaries, Wourks us art, 46., co.,.r we. as consigninents, from‘a distance, will mee: witch best stteniiun, and be conguotbu on ‘¥«ry mudet «Le terms. | A beautiful aountry residense with Fifteon (15) Acres dl..ldgn more if negessary) aitached , Teundet by a grove of Tiosly "theds oabe: P rounged by a j no whole witain 10 Mmd the wovernment Bu:iidings. r Terms of sale, ‘cash, it preferable to'rm.ut Otherwise a small pay ment down, and the Lalance 10 h-‘l to 10 yeats, to suit purchaser. m to the 'w' k A BRADLEY, Bolicitor, Elginâ€"st., Orta wa. Nearly opposite the Post uthoe. N. B.â€"â€"Money to len4 un Real Estace. To: ms Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmea, Potk, &c. oTTaAW A, | ethadrens End of Little Sussexâ€"st. l-b-u.' h-p.t.n‘;..m ‘o.o .:l;.o.:‘uw Phs Sais Houin is well Highood an. v?uu. swd about the largest in the city, being #O x #6. _ u: iavours and patronage are respectially #Â¥or directicor see labol round the usok of each Noneare gonuine on 0# tbearing thesigaatuare of $Â¥ . * ORGANLST AND TEAChHER OF MUBIC. Residenceâ€"Kigin Street, South of slater Street. Ulusses for beginners at Mr Gowan‘s Hall on Mondays, Wedanesdays and Fridays at 4j p m‘ +giul PEOPLE‘s TEA sIORE, their well assorted Stuck of Grocermics, W ines, u?m. and Provisions, ail of which will be swid at prices not to be rivalled cither here or aving the advantage of buyi Goods at vantage of buying our Goods a llo.l-- wriges, and direct from the Importing Vensels, enables us to sell in tuture as we have done beretofure, which we hope has given satisâ€" luction to those who bays favored us with a cail, Ry:>, + roof and li¢ W ines of the best always on hend, Also, Gin, Brandiss und Wines diâ€"ectly im ported. Those who h«ve nut already tried our Goods are resp ctively lovited to cali, AMÂ¥"*Re. member our molto. "Qeick bales and iight Profits.""0®% Sait.and Fish eo-mull on hand P, RAsKERVILL®E & BRoS,. August T, 1870. / 1428â€"1y «â€"â€"BY¥«â€" P. BASKERVILLE & BROS. . Wholesale and Retail dglc: and Commisâ€" sion Merchants, No. 36 RideauSt., and Duke St., Chaudiere, several mouses in the city on M;rruh J Bii.M LN & iA M, Mr.GUSTAVE sMITH,(Urganisi otthe Cathe aral) a Graduate of the L al Conservatory o Paris Lessous on Piano ar 1 Singing. Rideansâ€" street, corner d(hmod Rtawa, June 23. | TThy Inaugurated by H. R. H. Princs Arthor. Board «no Tuition $1236 per sncum. 45 * Cursioest:â€"The V.â€"r7 Rov. I, Helmath, D.D., n it Parttniart | nply tof Major Er Or sulare & London, Canada West. 44. ," M s Augu«t 8, 1870. L «l M gyreues Lov>AriON® ME L L M UV T H C COLL EG E HELLMUTH LADIES®‘ COLLEGE __.I bereby givre notice that 1 shall not be responsible for any debts contracted in my nawe without a written order from mysâ€"If, TBISV..| . .. _ NORMAN MoLEOD, Ortawa, September 6, 1670 1451 1m 10R SALB, Directory for 1810. To be obtained from CoM mIs8ION MERCHANTS, FORW ARLDEHkKE | Ottawna, Jaly 15th, Canadian Parliamentary Calendar Desire to draw the attention of the Public to UT TOoâ€"DAY. ofTIcE. USICAL ACADEXY. Board and Taition per annum, $226 R&. FRIPP, N. LKASTOR & ©O., . P. VERRL, M. D., AS DEAL ERB 18 &A M ® GIANELL!L :870, HOPE & CO., and JONES & HOLLAND Au 1110 uf Vl' DPRUG STORE. ; & ALEXANDERE â€" CHRBISTIE Druggist and Pharmaceutical Chemist Bparks btreet, Centre Town. ‘The subscriber begs to Inform his triends and he public geccrally, that he has comimenced business in the new building adjoining the Ontario Bank, Sparks stroot, with a perfectly new and complete stock of Genuine Drugs, § 4 English Chen:seals, ; vropean and American f The Popul«r Propristary Eoglish, Fr Dyo Stuffs, Seeds, and all the Miscelianeous artiâ€" R cles usually sold by Druggists. Family medicines and physicians‘ presériptions will receive the attention their importance deâ€" mands. ‘l'h:.'pmnflpth-n department will be under the personal supervision of the proprietor, o o n e S e c E and fmieuTEr attemion will be paid to the quality of all materinls «x ployed. Ph .M.:t and country merchants supplied. Thi subscriber has ample facilities for attendâ€" ing to the wants of his eustcre‘ £ | ALEXANDER CHRI#1.k. "Wawa, Pebruary 17,18570 1285.8 y Invaluable to invalids and of im pade | s sesalieut POV ‘for possous. digestion; an excelieut FPUNIV ToF persons covering {rv- Winess. Forsalein quart bottle ; price one doll w. 3 o Garoxzr‘s Dowrstio Cocenx Rexror will save you many a sleepless night. In bottles 25 cents and 50 cemts cuch _ Good for aduits and children â€"it is pleagant to the taste and harmless in its nature l‘:ulo by druggists and goneral dealâ€" ers in all part: of the Dominion. _ . ; JANADLAN PAILI~N u8sSTROYEbh Side, Back ana Jdead, Coupts, Colds, sore Throa: Sprains, Eruises, Cramps in the Storwach, Cbolera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowe! O mplaints, Burns,Poalds, #fl(flll.l &o., &o. * The Canadian Pain Jestroyer has aow been sefore the public for a lengtb of time, and «honever aused is well llhd,mtulahn singl: «nstance to give permanent relief whe: timely ased, and fluvrnml known a single sase of dissatisfaction where the directions are pro 457 Notre Dame itreet, Montreal, s ( Bole Proprietor and Manufasturer. perly followed , but on the all are deligh: ad with its :&i:m 24 ipoak i‘n the m term» of its virtues and magical e€Gfects. _ _ Gardener‘s First Prim Baking Powder, an: rivalled for purity and excellence. For sale by grocers cverywhere, in 3 os packets, 7 cents ; 5 os packets, +0 cents ; 1 pound packets, 25 conts ; sizx pounds, $!.26. Whenover zo- want the bes task tlor GARDENEKR‘s and take no other. GARDENKER‘s EPILEPTIC CURE. Price $1 per bottle ; siz pottles for $5. i | J GARDENER, Chemist, _ We speak from ce in this matter, havic sested i thuronghiy, end sharefore shose who an «affering from any of the comp «ints for which it is .ccommendes may depend apon its being a Sove A m the most 1mportan! ot modern Medical Dis Ont soveries stands the The mnlha eficacy of the Canadian Pair Destroyei, in ng dissases for which it 1e roâ€" sommendea, and its worderfu) successin subduing nuwurl-‘, pains 0f Rnoumatisn. and in re ievinp Nervou» Affections, entitle it to a bighr ank in «h» list of Remedius for tlmoo-cshu, Dealers are soming in "rom Medicine rs io all part» of the souantry for W&flm,nfloflmw 7 to the aniversa) ‘satisfaction it givee The Cans tian Pain Destroyer never fails to give wmmodiate rolie! Ali Medicine Dealers h.‘f| Physicians orderand use i ; and no family wili without it «fter ono.o try ing it. Pricet wontyâ€"fve couts bottle. .0.Tl!£; & LYMAXN, _ Nowenstle, C. W., Qnosnoluu REMEDY. | M hm STOP AND S8EE! They are stero angeniable facts, suficient to convince the most scepticnl that the great odiâ€" cinal compound. yearned after for ages, is now accessible in the groat The following remarks on testimonials of mos wondertul and extraordinary cures in Canada bY be Grzat IxDpia® Reuzopr. i gk o. that of Poter C V Milior, Consum,tion, or that of Ambroâ€"e Wood, of Conseâ€" aon, Ont, of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of Johs Heoey, of Napanee, of Rhenmatism, who had actually been on cruiches tor years, but has now recovered the use of his limbs. Hangbook, consaiving anquestonable certif. ontes on the groat Shoâ€"honees Remedy and Pilis can be obsained at all drug storos _ CC Where was there over such a oure as that ot Wilson Storms, of Brighton Ont, of Consumption, General ts for 0. "Sold by Geo. Mortimats Jobs "Robert, W gradually, during the apfln‘n 1867, extended to nykuu,udu-pto-ylp.n‘imn weak that I sould uot walk, but was confined to my chair. For abouttwo years, while this weakt ness was coming on me, and afterwards, I sough medical advice, o-pk:{‘mg, at different times three doctors, and mediaines of different kinds preseribed by triends, but of no avail. I continuâ€" ed to get worse and worse, anti) the summer of 1868, wher I was induced to try the great Sho shonees Temedy by reading the cures performed in a pawphiet. At this time [ bad .z: to teel tho-omh-{h&lï¬; in faot & getting almost helpless have taken two bottles of the <hushences Remedy and two boxes of the pills and L am entirely restored to health, 1 nover‘ to get better, b-uhp%:ht the medicine as a sort of farlorn hope , case of mine «as not a privets one, bat known to all my uI’iuu- and friends ; and to any one affiinted as I was, [ have only to say try the ~hoshonees Remedy ; I nelieve it will cure you. _ _ _ ____ . ._ _ 0 Messrs. UBAMBERLAI® & B1118, Conway P 0 County of L nnox, 0, Canada ; M1v00, of lm& .__ Province of , Feb. 9th, Lh!z is to certify that during the winter of 1846 [ wastaken with a weakness of the ancler, waich MARY ANN D>UGHTY i«~â€" ~»n to before me at Madoc, County of Hastings .. _ inth day of Febraary, 1869. f A F WOUD,J P, &e. ! hereby sertify that 1 have known Mrs Mary ol :’“’;:‘:dh:m 1 m Cvon hat Wowman robity «K: , her before, dugn;, and ‘since her iliness ?.'- her certificate to be trus iz every t 4 know that whils ill her case was hope, less ; and 1 know that she has, since her recovery, always attributed her recovery to the Shoshoness Remedy. Whatevyer may be the peculiar ,'o..fl.. of this .o‘uho,’cu thing is certain, that in wer sase it has woted almost like the W & ma . i i thee A J WooOD, J P. arden County of Hastings, Provines et Ontario, Dominionef Canade. # w C ® C W ‘sANADIAN PAINA DESTROYER! English Broshes and Toilet Articles, Price of the Râ€"medy in large pints, $1. 137 | yU[XINE sayâ€" WINE BITTERS, SHOSHONEES RKEMEDY. _‘_ Medicines and Preparations ud Germabp Cns , Patent Mod , 1870. This elegant Tukish TONIC is one of the mort salutary and drlicate preparations ever submitted for public approval in this hemi«â€" phere, and asserts its pretentions to patronage on the following grounds :â€" That it is a prepatration of one of the mast eminent Purveyors to the Ottoman. Court It prevents acidity of the Stomach. â€" It relieves lowness of spirits. It is a mild and invigorating tonic, and a ost «fliciâ€"nt but innocuous stimulent. It renders the breath sweet and agreeable, It stimulates the appetite if taken BEFoRE meals, > ‘ It promotes digestion if taken ariza meals. It neutralizes the propensity for etrovg liquors, . It renders the intellect bright and clear,. If taken babitually it imparts vitality and energy to all the bodily organs. _ By its use a man of 70 will b.come, as it were, Iâ€"stored to the elasticity of 30 ; and to persous of delicate constitutions it is etrongly recomm+nded. * , ‘\It is an especial favourite with Oriental Srcure, then, health, longevity and vital energy by the habitual use of the ALKABASAR TURKISH TONIC. Kept in stock by the principal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion. For directions for use s e labels on bottles. HENRY CHAPMaAN & CO,, EYAXS, MERCER & CO,, C T. R. HIGGIN®S, Auuofllu Beaver, Toronto Mutoal Fire and Live k Insurance Co, Ggeneral Commission m[-mn, M«pufactures and Mining Agent claims constantiy on hana. Office, corner Metcaife and SBparks streets, over Masn Broâ€" Hardware Store. | LIBE TNSURANCE COMPANY OF MAINLE 1» Fmaxos Derarruzxt, | Ottuwa. i 2th October, 186%. | No: 104. | | The tollowing Insurance O“P“{, has recelveo a license totransactthe business of Life [nnr*un in Canaga : â€" | No. 38 The UNION YUTUAL LLFEINSU® ANCE COMPANY , of Maine. | Deposit in U. s. 6e of ‘81â€"$50,000. | B. R.CURWLN, General Agent, 8t; John, N.B For the Ministes of Finane« g JORN LANGYTON, | Audi I have this day, deposited with the Receiyer General, Twonty Thousand Dollars in additiop t« the above Fiftsy Thoasand, -am Seventy Thoo sand u.umé:u.m, U.8. Bonds, 62 of ‘81 The Hon. Col. John . @#ray M.P., has beer MR uENDREAU having served considerable time in some of the best and mo:t extensive Hair Dressing Jaloms in the Dominion and Ulfl"‘ States, is in a position to conduct the duP. of his establishmsnt in a manner that cannot be He will have always on hand the best ; tumes imported directly from Paris and Lon« MR GENDAEAU solieits a visitt» convince of the truth of hisâ€" statement« appointed Counse! to the Compan: appointed Counse! 1o the Com tor the D lon. Alllegalmatters will boâ€r:&rr“ to h B. R. CORWIN, Opposite the Bank of Monmnr‘ MBR GENDREAU, the proprieccor of that so popular Parlour, has the pleasuare to arnounge to bis namerous friends and the public in general, that to answer to tho great ensouragement whica he has received ap to the presont, he has deterâ€" minedto enlargs and thoroaghly furnish akew his establishment. He will save no upnl: to render Parlour the most comfortable, nc 0 prosua â€" he mist etperisaced hair dressors, _ Who bavre sufferead by fre we make a dustion in the price of Stoves, 'I‘O 'Al.ll’ Elevated Oven ; Low Oven Double Stoves. Box Stoves all sizes. PDumb Stoves, Stove Pipes, Our WINTER STOCK, just received at the | & H MEADOWS & CO. Ottawa, September 9, 1870. O‘I"I'AWA PROTESTANT LADIKS‘ sonoor, No. 200 WELLINGTON STREET LADY _ PRINCIPALâ€"MISS MACHIN, AsS18rED BY The school yvear will commence, Sept. l1st, 870. P:ospectuses may be obtained at Mossrs. Dorie & 8on, and urther information on application to the LADY PRINCIPAL, or HAIR DRESSING PARLOUR, Wellington street, Ottawa, July #25th, 1870. ‘me or both ot the Uppor Flats of the Unton Block on the corner of sussers and York btroots. For partionlars 3»1‘ to * ye‘" MOSGROVE & TALILLON : Mrs Robeort Stewart having made arrangements with an accomplished lady teacher, announces Purtner particulars may be obtaimmed on appliâ€" eation to Mrs Robert Stewart, Wilbrod streot. Montreal, Jaly 6. Ot awa, November 7, 1888. [§] Hawa, August 1¢, 1870 . Ottawn Beptember 9th, 1869, 11 48Â¥f 10 LET. An ANCING AND DEFPORTMENT. <CAPITAL STOVE DEPOT." Efficient Staff of Teachers; i. . ‘‘.. Montreat, Bole Agents for the Deminion Agencies. 35 Sussex Street, KEARNS & RYAN EBNDHR K AV, RKV. II. POLLARD, Becrotary, Ottawa. Cook Stoves. Parlour Stoves. Cook Stoves. Hot Air Furnaces. Hotel Cook Stoves. On the promises, 1415â€"7 On and from WEDNESDAY next three traice wiil run daily on th follows. yNHE®T, LA WRENXCERE ar®p orr l RALLW Ay. AwA MAIL will lears Ottawa at 8 30 a m, con sesting . with the Grand PTrank Exprers, dze in Toronâ€" to at i0 o m. Also with the Royal Mail Line of Stes mors, at Presooti, Kast and West, and with the Ogdon:barg Raiiway, for Boston, ~ New York, se MAIL willleare O:tawa at 12 00 noon, conne~tâ€" ing with the Granad Trank Exprers,; due in Monreal at 8 p m, ‘ EXPRES= «1lleave Ottawa at 10 pm, connextâ€" . ing with the Gfand Trank Expresses, Rart and West, dce in foronto at 11 a m, and in â€"Mentreal at 9 a m. Going North Prescoll to Ottawa, HALIL will loave Prescott Junction at 6.15 a m. conpeciing with the 3. T. Expresses leaving Toronto at 730 p m. and Montreal at # pm, and arriving in Uttawa at 9.30 a m. MAIl will lears Prossott Junction at 1.30 p m,: connecting with the G, T. Express lesving Montreal a. 9 a m, and arriving in Oltewa at 3. 4+ p m. EXI'!&ES'; will leave Prescott Junetion at 57 m, concecting with G T. Expresser, leaving Toâ€" ._â€" rooto at 6 ani 7 am, and arrivicg in Octawa at .10 p r. * All trains on this Line are run on Monireal time, | â€" Superi..cenders. Cttawa, beptormbes 12, 1870 R LUTIHEK"LL, _ THOMA3 REYNOLDS TiIME r&nu,m. 23, Commencing on MONDAY, NOY. 28, 13 LEAVE BROCKVILLE. * 4.15!’. M.«â€"«TRAINS will leay e HOP Drockville daily at 4.15 p m, 14 a m, erriving at Sandpoint at 10.0¢ p m, _, p m, arriving * LEAVEk SAXDPOINT. .OOA. M.â€"«â€"TRAINS will leave Go Budrln at 6.00 a m and 2.3 p m, arriving at Brockville at 1215 p m,.8.30 s 3,5 P, M.*â€"â€" TRAINS will loare +D 8 «BeB rortn at &.38 p m and 9.05 a m arriving at Smith‘s Falls at 6.25 p m ard 9.56 LEAVE SMITH‘s JALLH. lo 5 A.M.â€"=â€"THAIN® will leave s GD3D Smith‘s Falls at 10.05 2 im ano 6,35 p m, arriving at Porth at 10.45 a m and .8 dt. John‘s, N.F., by branch steamer _ All trains on l(b‘n Line connect at Smith‘s Fall with trains to and from Perth, No 1 loaves Brockville after G T Trains are due trom the eaâ€"t «nd wesr.. No 1 is doe in Brockville hu-.“m't @ T Trains for the oast and wost. o " °. ABBOTT, ._ Stecrage, Payabis on Ourrency, Live: 1 or Qll“lm...-...... sessese ces sses 30 ou 'l-“z:.o.... reveseese000s sensseeee ecessenssesense â€" l. .‘ «John‘s, N.#., by branck steamer......... 30 6# Tickets sold to and from Engliand, Iroland, and to Mtrf.“ theCompany For fo: ormation, at * Goos, JOHMA.I.I. A'gn. 16 lnuvon New York, or HS8 RICK & CROMBIE, ottews. ® PFirst Oabin, Payable in Goid. Liverpool 0T QUOONEEOWN.»»»+» ssssesscersseces ___ iSteerage, Payable in Ourrency . Liverpoo! or Ql:omwn sessesstoncts seesmout * TBb PASRAGE BY TBs TVE8DAYT STREAMER Y! HALIFAX Firet abin, Payable in Gold. Liverpool or Queenstown.........................$100 _ Trainsleave Windsor (in connection with the tr11ns of the wova Sootina RKailway from Halifax) at 10.25 a m and 6.50 p m, arriving at Kencrille at 11 45 a. m., udfl&p, m*, and at Annapolis at %50 p m, sonnecting there with steamers Empero: or Empress for 8t John, N B. noturningâ€"the traing,leave Annapolis at 1.36 rn, with passengers by steamer trom Bt Jobn, eaving there at 8 a m, end arrive at Kentville as 5.20, Windsor at 6.40, and Halifax at 9 p m. (NMAN LINE OF MAiL STEAMERS, SAILINQ FROM NEW YORK EVERYT SATURDAY ANKD aALTEERNATE TUBRsDAYs. % RATES OF PaBSagHE BY THE 81 fTROAY STRANER: MESS AND PRIME ME3S PORK. FLOULR NO 14 AEXT XL A Opening through from Windsor to Asnapoln: completing the connez:on between Halifez and 8t. John. On and after EATURDAY, the 18th Dkâ€" CEMBEK, 186Â¥, this Rail@«y will be open for peassenger and goods trafic, as under: _ _ _ I am now rooelvhf my BSPRIN3 and SUMâ€" MER STOCK which ‘7 l bo.fuu e-):plcdo n::: lines com â€" Ladies, Misses, a t het Seoam pammrent moprnatnannt C 88, Morrocco Ou?flhbr U ppore. Those wno desire a comfortable fiiting Boot will please call and leave their orders, which will be attended to a1 the shortes: notice. All work gone by first class Workmen in my establishment. 1 hive been particular in shoosing and manufacâ€" turing serviceable ware for the Farming and Lamberinog community by whom 1 am s« largely petroulsed, and at prices as usual detying comâ€" V AT THS CAPITAL BOOT & 8HOE STOR required by the 5‘st and following Rules of the Legislative Assembly,, which are published i the "Ontario Gazette"), to give NOTICE of the applicstion (clearly and distinotly specifying its nature and object) in the * Ontario Gazsette," and. also in a newspaper published in the Vounty or Union of Counties affected ; such notice shall be sontinued in each case for a period of at least six woeks during the interval of time between the clese of the next preceding Session and the con sideration of he Petition. Copies of the arst and last of such notises to be sent to the Private Bil} ©PRING AND SUMMER STOCK KComonto March 15, 1870. 1309 td lawk. All etitions for Private Bills must be present ed within the FLRST THREE WEEKS of the Beasion. CHARLES T GILLMOL, Clerk ot the House, l)ll'l TL BILL®. WHAITE BEANS, At Otcawa, Sand Point, and Pembroke, Kentville, Dec 8, 1869. a a Â¥a 18, 1870 uUucCKVYILLEL & OTTAWA RAILe WAY. _ GoingBou‘th Ottawa to Prescott N08 LIVERPOUL & QUEENSTOW s INXDSOR & ANNAPOLIS LAIL W AY. seee ressensen es »ene008 se8008 26 200800086 900 006 8 @pPFEET WARE SALE; CHANGE OF TIMK, PERTH BRANCH. Ratlroxbs. wMAIN LINE. LEAVE PERTH NoOoTICE. YORK rockville at 1215 p m, G8oRGE YXURÂ¥AYT, No 6 Sparks stroct. VEXNOX SMITEH 11307 Managing Directo Managiny Unredor, xt, the 14th inst., this Rallway as $100 6 $100 O enetmmies of our nt of the of rnd invites the without exeitin ©110 MVILCs the a without "‘_“-;B:Q‘ it seems to breed %I ickon then, on some favorable pess into one or other Of its Bel00, ty surface or am the “bh cles may he a“ 'uwt heart, or tumers formed in the its presence by erupitions or the anone on some Of the lmn;ull u«e of a m of this §2 visable, even anmesr. lt..â€"!.?.’ Brtive ,_vvâ€"'-‘ isable, ev when no artive :i:l:‘l‘r-.;"e‘“ afflicted 2 L:m.- cure, by L mas se ‘.. TmTzO Erncerally fing L3 "90 M 44 o i ag on se e d L A: Bt. "‘W’ Tetter, Ralt Rheum, Seaté y Bore FEycs, hore E.n * Hest nore Fyes, Bore Ears L. Â¥iethle f::m. of ..m more concealed h-, Ue urxast Discase Fite, i anci the rariong éh-u hrruml nETVOu®s #veteme Syphilis or Fenereal . lrc;":nml by it, though .-w. aubduing these obstinate maiky But Ioliro‘m‘â€"“ the "m'l;hh. m. Ulcerations monty 008 > fhe female J Agonts for Otta waâ€"â€"Mesrt 4 xodk." , The rates of the PROYVINCIAL ï¬lru:mub'.h- «n to rnmu The cest .ouhod“ not when the premiums are betng) 13'3'- Oa-u-"gq MceM aster, , 8 w-u‘ l:rnllnhhzo.uw J 6 Orocker, la““ Bankerâ€"The an Bask &r. 35. C. AYER &0 Practical and" sOLD BY Au,~. losses are h\" settied, and, fr ptness its settiements t:menmluu-uul K acpria eccurs. tthun.qm due s It respecttuby solicits a share : of the insuring public of Otte wa. they may be taken with hmnufl-.vï¬ no harm can aris¢ from their _ They opernte by thair pow utm 2w 2 to y into healthy action â€" tried it, know that it 4 m“l all know that what it e â€"â€"that it never fuils any iuoo?o&u. We hare sands of certificates of their tulowi :‘ w we no Adapted to all ages and rol‘ï¬t“u. they may be taken with by PIOV!ICIAI- P of Oanada, Head taking Cod L4ver Oll. Aoarteaâ€"Mesere F. ©° To a off ects «nd ‘ig."IILAQIDI‘d†utul:d.uh.h- In digt Pancreatine Powder, bottl84 kind, I have never KROUS reliet was not obtained." Hon. B. Stu08t. In Tine, 2s 64, 6s and 108 , Oe femns fate prgant N P astilles for Inhailation B and 1 2284. Pancrestine Br "Â¥ _â€"â€"~â€"g Nz §TRES$, or oz';ltufl' #*? J famity or place business. ‘. lei’-ncnl'"‘“-‘“ w â€" af these Fifte makes him feel de tive apparatus. DE J. 0. AYER & OD., Prac "LOWELL . KAKRK. ®, Ottawa, august T, 1878, mote digestion and réliers the 6# y Am occasional dose stimulstes Mnl-mulzm"" and in » aystem. Hence hraes where no semious Ayer‘s Osthartin ‘v ANTED V foe Presidentâ€"Leris Medicine #t127k6, Jj 4, «: The smoke causes ho n80804 143, How Pn “m. -4"0 w{ Apply at s:o OR 7-332.0-“" se ~mmodated OME wWITH OR wrpaout :llluu, and Female : uoi ons on o gTatl®, | ty m“"7 a wing, Pas dnc & m of the LAsep y often 40, from the f “it.h.w Or xo are Lanpait mu..... pea -__,‘| 1®DIGESTION=â€"»P A PREPAXE»p # ME M (aios Opposise th* CR BHon Jobs U «s BBAÂ¥ adt #8> of