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Ottawa Times (1865), 12 Oct 1870, p. 1

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204 10 ine is edy of the e e Coite, BR A «wrerHOUT sitaatio® NOVA guoTiAa, laked 1851. â€"-’,-‘ ye gâ€" ma~ | 60â€" Euse Je S1* * | ,,yiyqg QPENED HIS NEW E8STABâ€" y _ 3 0 ane s LISHMENT _ i rageeccbarin | _ > quanlyrmmnaai the Ail Nee ='.“. Chant®I | ayers forsaie at VERY LOW PRIOES alarge hare, opposite Huss** | "~4 well selected stook, comprising Qroceries, ® Â¥ines, Liquors, Tobaceo, Laandry .“I ml M o oraknt hiteer. uu-."g-_- and “‘.“ .'.‘i"n..“"...." on es Arvaing Prou t M ‘~&‘.\¢~.‘_‘_‘._ $ary Public, Clack | DENTIST, aid to their comfort. ROMAN3, Proprister. o es of Ountaric matern Mn C ke, JMseâ€"Ia a * Oficsâ€"In the xO. 1485. â€"zhâ€" tw , 304) «acer, Noetar» _ dficeâ€"im Eigiaâ€"st 4300 es and Kingâ€"sts.. Public OfMces, ST. Barristers and ; is Chaosery he Tomysaed tnroat thsk im yexl s "Whon notn :-lnhclvmh" t Speakers Ond great prc relleved and often wholly enred by taking the dr“ b“bfl&ouj‘m to the trs vmen t in the whole Waiter Smith, Beq. R W Oruise, Boqâ€" ur--yy.fl-t- The t of its cures in the di+ dmwwfi‘"‘ e bistory of Ague medicing. by the | we â€" u-tmymwt H#, cither resident in, of matic logplities, will be proâ€" CURE daily. _____ PER BOTTLE. ing children, it is remedy that can ‘-J~ danâ€" ljungs. Asa proâ€" “â€"-T â€".u"h' nl'”‘ 1Ess PorK, _ CKLED sALMON LABR. HERHINGS, % .omnnuh“m 0 con~ titute a complete stock. § _ Japza, 0o m”“fil L"vu-râ€" easy, Piper‘s and other brands. VW ~~ gherries o all grade:, Forys o1 2"". u.“m..-?fi.n:no .1 w.:,n.. nom-. OLD RYE, m AND * WHISKEY . 1gh proof and avor, at extramely low riees. Thorma‘s and Stewart‘ Seotsh WKWhukey and *d Tom. Dunvilie‘s Lrish Whiskey. Murphy‘s Old [rish Potteonâ€" Quinness‘ and Loadon Porter, pts sad qtsâ€" Molson‘s and other Alos. a:-“"w all grades. «t refners* prices. HE OLD sTOCK, SAVE)» FROM FIRE 8SELLING AT TW ENTY.EIVE ‘ PERCENT BELOW COST. Now is the time or bar ains. 1104 |lo|.l.nlnollâ€" De Kagpor‘s and MHoatman ¢, â€" 8 V Beg most ,..,.a.nnm»mmnu and castomers thit they have just reseived and 1870. 1® 6 «sPRINO IMPORTATIONS, . ~.C MEARA & co. ~«vo ready orimspes lon EKXIS WHELAN, *K A #â€" Juitable for the coming season, comprising QrFFEEKâ€" 1Qqv0oR s NEWEST AND MOST FASHIONâ€" â€" _ ABLE DESIGN®.~ _ Egr Tus READYâ€"MADE ; 00” ' D.’“fm’ is ulso very complete, and will O# """"* "la""" best materials and most fashlonable styles. wmumu. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ~sPRTMG AXD G1UMMER {#Y1280¢017T C004 O y DXY . GOODS. w@a Tailoridg Department under the supervision of a Arsi clase cutter atke atabte 1 d in best and lantest styles tood Ot easured or no 1Â¥ 0. C ns WMEARA & O 39 RIDEAU STREET, â€"â€"__ OfTAÂ¥WA Buspenders, Scarts, Fies, Coll ars, Shir‘s, Gloves, s, &6 Rogether with a large and well assor.ed 1NEKSâ€" e s Miet Frooh Coff es grouad and reosted dally on TUF GOVERNOR GFNERAL] to intimate customers pablic -':-alr. ...&’.?'-‘-'n -'“.l‘tln ““l LOTHS ARD waâ€" BEKEF AND MUTTON. s o+ THE NEKEST STTLES. To be had‘Co , " ) lily sCOTCH \SDG@ANADLAN __ > U ANUFACTURES «o ELL BRQo, ROLLIRD BEEPF FOR PARTIES BY.WARD: XARKEL Â¥RESH KILLED THEILR CELEBRATEZD E ASSORTMENT and will be foundt of the THEILBR STALLA, STALLâ€"J ad Nos. 5 and T; 1870 . WEKEDS .. hials *ROUND, BELTS, AND POCKET BATTERIES. it forcibly points to this invention as the â€"embryo of a univeâ€"sal remedy. y L iess on‘ 1 eaeto o k o ae ts Shew N B_â€"â€"The following testimony from the elite of the !n;lhl..‘lalhuhyh. beeu teceived : * " We, the und«rsigned, have much pleaâ€" v sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Poorerâ€" u wicusa‘s recent improvements in his Voltaic = Batt.ries and _ walvanico Appliances tor # Modical Purposes are of great importance to a .:‘:.““‘.:'F‘ is b:“.‘ " to sup every # one disposed to further the .mmunt ot 4 geal and wseeful progress. _ = Dated the 9th day of Marcb, 1866. « SIR CHABLES LOCOCK, Bart., M . D , Â¥. K. C.P. + 8SIR HBENRY HOLLAND, Bart., I.'l? L & ‘ « SIR WX. FERGUSSON, Bart., F. R. 8. «+ EKDWD. H. SIKYEAING, M. D, M RC8 «.8IR J. RANALD MARTIN, F. K. C.8" PULYERNAUKAER‘s BYSTEM is also apâ€" proved of by an official report of the Aca» demie de Medicin«, Parts, Royal College of Physictans, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" ty of Vieuoa, and its curative virtues are con» Armed by tkng.olplnphdfi.hlld GaALYAaNIC CHAINâ€"BANDS cures efected. (See pamphlet gratis). These facts sr-d.‘h good sense of every: sufferer to avail hi of this scientific and curative progress, to which the inventor has devoted a lif.â€"time of staudy and labour, as an ardent deciple of ‘that great benefhetor of mankind, the late illustrions electrician ‘ Micwast Faraot. f PULYE®MACHER‘8 XEDLCOâ€"GALYAN. IC CHAINSY are exceedingly «1th ctive without the aid of medicine, .-.u'L of die€, or the vast derangement of the patient‘s babits anod daily occupations, in the following maladies : theumatism Female Complaints dGout Constipation Sciatica Cramp Lembaco Bluggish Circulation Nemalailn Urinary Disorders iuoman 18 LLFE PULYERMACHKER®WS® PaATENXT Nomalgia Urinary Uisorders Head and Toothache Paralysis Liver Complaints _ Epliep=y Tic Doloreuz Nâ€"rvous Debility Lodizestion Functi~ual Disorders ‘The effects of the a lication of Pulverâ€" ma. her‘s Chaive in any of the above disorders is immediately perceptibhâ€"â€"the reliet of pain inatentaneous. rRICEB LIibTt OPF PULYEBMACHERS CHAIX BAXDS AND BATTERIES. B. CH.IX BANDS for Nervyous Deafness, Head, Tooth, and Face A he, and Noises in the Head, 218. to 308. B. LHAIN BAXDS for loss of Voice and " other aff.ctions of the Throat, 10s. 64. to . lle. i l % 7 Â¥. CHAIN BANDS lor Sciat‘ca, Rheamatic, Nenraigia, and Gouty Paina, Local Paraâ€" 1y«is, Cramp, &¢., 184. to 224. and 408 B CHAIN BANDS for Lumbego, Indigestion, Livâ€"r, Chest, and Fuoctivaal Dis=rders, ‘ &o , (worn as a belt), 32« to 40s and 554. B CHAINX BANDS for Wiiter‘s Cramp, i Trâ€"mbling, Nervousness, &¢, 22s to 308 B COMBINED C@AINX BAND for Castl, ESCCE Oy oc % © W hikthe * Paralysis, Epilepsy, Gemnersl Depuny Functional Disorders, &0 , 308 to 508 . A complete Bet of CoMBISED UBHAIN BANDS,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring vital energy, £5 to £1. The public are im»st earnestly cautioned to mmammmmu ham Doctors, &c., for improper purposes, wad so severâ€"ly stigmatized by Vice Chaneel» los Malins in the suit Paivermacher vs Ham» .no.ld.dh‘o' l--g-,.-d. alies C. T, :plty. Â¥. R. C. 8, alias No Gaivanic Belts m‘nm bearing the fac simile of M. Pulrermacher‘s A pamphlet containing full pasticulars may \u bad at the Drug Store of A. Cbristie, Sparks Btreet. Ottawa, September 6, 1870 JOSEPH® HENRY CASSELS, of the Village ol Xenmore, ; AN INSOLVRNT. ASSIGNEES SALE OF REAL ESTATE Notice is hereby given that by vistue of the power vested in me as Aisignes ofthe estate and »Hects of the above named 1nsolvent, I shall ofer forsale by Public Auction, at the Court House, in ho City of Ottews, at the hour af 1% o‘slock, noon on FRIDAY, the TWENTYâ€"PILMTH tay o «IVEMBEX next, all the estate, right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said In« so!vent, and of myself, as such Assignes as aforeâ€" nu.hnubfiump-dnmdhfl «nd premises situate, 1ying and being in the rn-upam.-momuo.m sontaining by admessurement Afty aores of land be thesame more or less, being m‘duo‘ west quarter of lot number two, in the third Conâ€"« l Terms and conditions made known at the time of sale, and particulars can be had by applylng and 40%. «NROLYENT AacT OP 1809. _ 1n the maiter of - 2 SPBBEE Lot No 39, Ist Convession of Gloueester K m_m‘., ed and in good state of cultivation, opposite Manâ€" otls, and Oftean miles from Otaws, with good fences, a Sme dwelling house, two story high, barns and outhouses complete, is now to let on reasonable terms, for a term of years. for {urther particulars to KARLA The Slsters of the Congregation de No tr Dame respectfally inform the public that th»y witl open their clagses on the !st Jeptember. Besides the Boarding Hchool a Select D: School is attached to the tc:flflvl and m apply to the LADY SUPERLJR: Gorner of O‘Conner and Wellington Streets Ottawa, August fl.lm________'___m guuuu FOR YOUNGLADLES, i M of the Monklands Villa, w awta â€" RaTaABLISAMEXT. MONTRLEA L, A 2 ho mc accommodaâ€" ted with comfortable RODM3 and » “._:" e «hk Paiaaae® T C C ags «pplying to Mry. @RREN, corner of York and Bussex streets, over the.G. E. R. R. Ticket Ofice. awa beptember 5, 1M0 J, L PULVZBRMAUCIAARL, Galvamic m-al,' 200 Regent Street, London, W . Ottaws, September 19, 1870 NaARBDâ€" & MOWLEY FARM To LET. 401 Notre Dame S 17th Sapt, 1870. ‘lfl JawÂ¥17l CcHAS BAILLIE, oOd ARLES ROWAN, OTIAWA, WEDNESDAY. OCrOBER 12, 1870. 1445 a@wk 3 the ipgpurortaws RIVER _ NAVIGATION COY‘8 STEAMERS. Has commenced her reguiar trips between Oltawa and Montreal, wilh Mails and Passengers, le aving Ortaws at T a m, deally, M A RK ET 81E aM BX Will commencse running her reguiar trips from Major‘s Wharf to Ottaws ever Mongay and Baturdsy loarioag Major‘s at 5 a m, and Ottaw + at 4p . At the Exhibition we were awarded FIRST fÂ¥x PRIZES as follows : First Prize for Elevated Oven Cook Stove. First Prize for Low Oven Cook Stoves. \ First Prize for Parlor Stoves. ‘ First Prize for Hall Stoves for Coal. j First Prize for Hall Stoves for Wood. mmummtdmm _ ‘The above Prize Tickets can be seen in "@UE EN Y1CT O R1A," o.,y.n..d"mm&oekd\seovuhm complete, all of the very best description. #@Hot Air Purnaces fitted up to Order. H. MEADUOWS & CO,, m Qpim" &o_v._w aâ€" HARYVESTING IMPLEMENTS ) At the sign of the ANVIL,*No. 34 Ridean btreet, you can find a complete assorta.ont of Iodu.l.l‘ Au-l.'onmcfl' +or * Blood Cast bteel, [ Hleod German Steel, * Pride of the Field #ilver Steal. Boanile Blue Bell, _ " Red Roveror Cnamplon * Â¥lint‘s Celebrated Seyth, ady for Whit a Bureka soyth re use. ‘ Bay ..u.-,mm * Haj F.:x.. iwo and three proags, Buaw Forks, t‘hree propgs. Heythes Snathos. @rain Oradies, Muley and Grape Vine. Boythosâ€"stones and Grinds:ones of all sorts RIZE STOVES! Plumbers, Gas aod Steam Fitters, 'cmul sCYTHE:!! SOYÂ¥THES!!! P RIZE 8 TOVE8!! "! attenti ‘lvu.u Rooling and ftting D on "mâ€"tmdmmm. LMPORTERR3 of GBNERRAL HoUsks FURYâ€" 1saING HARDW AKK. JUST mm-o.u'-m«o-u.--.u « Qesola,‘‘ a splendid «ssortment of, Blook: Tin Tes and Ooffes Pots, Jmm Ware Dish Covers, Bpise Boxes, L Dressing . Ozsaes. mo* PE00r lokas Prasarvine Pens, April, 25, 18170 P.uoofl sTOVES -}Anwwk BEST QUALITIES FENT HOoXE FREE OF CHARGE, Ottewas, August 10. @°FAIRY s l\io-n LHAAC, MALL @TBAMER duawe December 20, 1899. 12364 Shelf and Heary Hardwure 1 REXEY‘8 8TONE BUILLDOTING, Wallington Street, Upper Town, Oflawa. Osoking . and Fane® ktove CQoal, Steel, ILron, Ropt, y TEwine, Glass, Ol, We hare a»@ the BESI ASKORTED STOCK IX THE OITY. Any thing you want ask for it. J ESMONDE BRO3. No. 2 RIDEAU STREET, Oart. bOcts. and sizvs. y COAL 01L m ate assortment of Sheif and Heary Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, Col Oi, sST OV 6 PJPES mnpuu-ulmuaon‘- MOST COMPLETE R W 8HEPHLRD. 1M1tt No. 24, Ridean Htroot, ‘".. on HANXD. w“.| PFB GAL“' &1 lT. > Puity, &s., 35, Sussex St. (; Raskp TRUXK RALLW AT RUNNING OF T RAINS â€" yOR TBE NSUING 8E oN. Tin ESpesia! atiention is dh‘jfl t n..:...u. in regard to the ¢â€"I C and all polnts WOBb, Bt. sessâ€"esseseree Night _ do â€" do do do _ do Accommodation Train for Corawall and [ntermediate Stations at........ Accommodation Train for Kingston and q2 e O es Tia‘ms for Lachine t .......... 6:00 a m, T:00 asr 9 16 a m, 1% noom, 1;:30 p m, 4:00 p m and 130 p m. The 130 pm train runs through to Provine @orxa soUTBH AND BAST. * Assommedation Train tor Lsland Pond and [ntermediate Stations at......... 1;:00 . an Express for BOSLOR 8bt.....uccccceeccees ce icce §;40 @0m Express for New Y or k and Boston via Vermont OOBUTAl BO...00eecse.e060e. «++ 3:46 pse e e Ei n i itc ks m’cmfluwmfld Pond, @ornam and Porflw. beâ€" tween Montreal and Pond at Bt. Hilaire, St. Hysointhe, Acton, Richmond, Sherbrooke, W aterville and Coatioook only, at......... â€"»â€"â€".â€".10;10 _p B RS" Gleeping Cars on all Night Tiains. Pagâ€" F _ .M il.:‘h.o-nuul wigat £\ ains. "®G* checke thna{l ‘.gcm‘ Jo”nd « COharlotta" leaves Portiana erery Wednesdsy and Baturday after~ nonn, for Hai fax, N.3., respoectively at 4 p m. They has excelient accommodation for puased got and freight. The [nternamonsiCompany‘s steamers, ranDins in connection with the Grand Trank Railwa leare Portland O'Of‘ MONDAY and uud DAY at 6 p m,for St. John, K.B., &s. m&nfllflugbunom'l'flu- mmeogmdan £1 ET CC e Cae Intermediate Stations, Kheece Creecviu T130 tm mm l s es at [ 0____ 4:00 a m, :00 & 5 ress for Now York and Coston via Plattsburgh, 3.â€" Champlain, Anclineton & Rutland at............ 690 a m Montreal, May, 19190, 3::'. Orricouâ€"York street, sorner 0 |A& A H TAYLOR, Pottland to Montreal in 13 Hours. Montreal to Toronto in 13 Hours. On and after JUNE 13th the new arrange: ments will be put in force, and trains will leave De Express for O Ottawa. Brocaville, m NIGMTR, . Mail Train for IMPROYVED SERVICE OF: TRAINS ”.Tlfi“m& 1810. ACCELERATION OF SPEED. EW CARS ON ALL EXPRESS T4AL mHu AMTSE Emt l Trains hthcl;.tl” a m, T 00 a m, 9 is am, 1% ncon, ! +0 p m, 4 00 ‘ m, 6 30 p m, and 630 pm. The 30 pm Train runs through i~ Provinse Line. Â¥s GoIxe sovUTtH AND BAST. Accommodatiion Train for IsJand Pood and intermediate stations At......... Exprers fer Boston, via Verment Cenâ€" ‘ ml‘ Uh.»e2240+â€" secesssesscces thrstcecesenss Expre>s for New York and Boston, via Vermon* OON PAl, Bb,,2.,s0000e seeees Express tor Not York and Boston, via Plattsburx, Lake Ohawplain, Burâ€" PB M T LA Was Express for Quebes, Leland Pond, Gorâ€" ham, Portiand and Lower Provinces RAND TRUKXK RaILWAY Coaticooke and Aorton Mills only at 10 10 p IM Licoping Cars on all night trains. Bagg*g* Leoked tarough. The steamers « Ohage" and * Charlotta " is ave Portiand for Halifax, N 8, every 'm,.d Satarday aiterno08, '.’m » m. Mhu!_mf:dwfimn for ,.Lu- C A N A D A . y l P _ The Internaiional Company‘s Steamers renning in consection with the Grand Trunk Railway, leate Portiand every Mondsy and Thursday at § 10 p m for8t John, N B, 40â€" e | NOE BE TT T CC itks Wlamnanu‘s nrine diplee® stions. apiect EVUHAE lc..'.uunwu.uduud.wlnltd deparute of all trains at terminal and way station .”Iy'n the Ticket Office, Bonaventure Station, er at No 39, Great 8t James Stroet. 0J BRYDGKS, | . ‘ & ROURDE BE.,»merececeee MoDIC ® T or ?:..a Pond, &44................. 8:00 p M ford, Goderich, Baffalo, Detroit, Chisago, and all points west at..... BUTR, _ do| â€"=â€" Q..ccuseeseesm cnss Ti Yets issued through stthe Company‘s prine June 3, 181C, e e O -“ Mml:‘udbmflm:;.‘ between Montrea! and Island " ond at 8t Hilatre, 8t Hy acinthe, U oton, Acten, Rishmond, Brompton Falls, seessese0se se0000 408 40 +000# O A iFy, LSRO NARCEIE ncb o4 Rutlaid, sL........... ...« k and Boston via I Rhuereacerterrterts A«s $H40â€" p 4 York and Boston N A D A to this Company‘s esessesssnesees6 000 on and time ofarrivaland at terminal and way sta â€"_â€"â€" _ Pinnts W AST. lf......_- 4.00 p s seecessecsns 4 6 +6 8 8 sestes sssssenes 2e eeseee*rs seee0: +8 at 10 10 p m 1870. T 00 a m 1 10 a m 3 46 p m 8 00 a m 400 p m e sâ€"L*‘ c EerI2ssCs $aantrisaffEEyz nibertikarsr®s!: .E‘...n- i ubik! * * S _ 1 30 p © in' tt} Arrival and Departure of Mails,. FALL ARRANGEMENT. Matter posted up to 9.39 p.m. will beforwardâ€" ed East and West in supplementary package the same night, The Western Mail .arriving at 7.30 p. m. will be delivered the same ovening. © PoOst OrFFICE, OTTAWA. BRITISE MAILA. Por Cunard Line, close every Taesday at 10.45 &o We â€" _ > Por Canadian Line, close every Friday at 10,30 a. m, A supplementary beg for Canadian steamer will be closed at 11.30, in which all paid unâ€" ragistered maiter will besent. _ â€" % On Money Order Offices throughout the Domiâ€" nion, Great Britain and Treland, Newfoundâ€" land and Prince Edward Island, can be obtained at this Offlice. Also, Postage and Bil! Stamps. : Orrics £'ll reox 8 1.x., to T P.X4. POBT OPFICE siV1XGS BAXK, f'notrdu will be received at this Office. Interest allowed at the rate of lmm per annum, and deposits can be with at ny time. .Five per cent. will ‘ be allowed on quired. Post Orr1c®, Ottawa, 16th Fopt, 1870. Puflllv,l YoUur Roors, PATENTU PLASTIC SLATE PAIN, Is the best and cheapest material in use for pre« erviag ®#w, or repairing old o : Ee wl Oe ie t s En C n Te Besise KK is ue ss pecial deposits in sums of $100, for the withâ€" rawal of which 3 months‘ notice will be reâ€" IRON OR TIN ReOF8, No matler how bad their cendition. Alse Sre rate for s H [ NGLE R OO F 8, Makirg them ( S@rrIRE ASD WATER PROOF, Hardens into a coatinglef SOLID SLATE by exâ€" For lining ‘Frame Balidings «nder the clap boards. An cHfectual pretection agsinst cold, damp‘and vermin. Rats and mice will come No FRAME DWELLING should be withent Gend tor ciroular, instractions, &e. # BUCHANAN & CO., > Wholessle Depot for Roofing Materia and Foun Ottawa, Septomber 21, 1870 Price $8 a barrel, mixed reaay for use. A barrel will corer 10 squares (10 & 10). Will _ Roomfor one or two Boarders. Ottawa, Augast 9, 1870 e Buf 'I‘O KEyT, x From 1l:t November ne:t, a DWELLILN® BOUSR, 10 rooms, Corner Eusser and Patrios r’t:oou,u present oscup!ed by W. B. Lintssy, Â¥ ' THOMAS McKAY, Ottawa Mills, Chardiere, or from Store Busert Ottawa, September 23, 1870 *_ For sule a SEOONXV HAKND WAGGON. Enquire of * Queen‘s Aucstioneer Jo:‘l ,OI'API:‘{;.* ard Ottawa, Beptem ber fl. 1870 ° e NAP ti experionce, and the testmoniale he «: n fGf isa, is a suflicient guarantee that their intore.t will be care{ally attended to. 80H OO L Â¥OR B O Y 8, QUEEN STREET,\ 11 on the rrthanr" SEPTEMBER PROX. HE LEYV. J. MAy‘s mll, | 100 i puteaditatd Jog.’ OI..AIIA!. gon‘s Auctione Ottawa, September 1%, 1870 Prepared for byNdings of PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, &e., or‘s Eupplies, OTICK. UCTIONX KOTICK. sSHEATHING FSLT NOXKEY ORDERS. G. P. BAKER, 34 Lemoine Etreet, Montreal. 1870. Oregon prop‘ & taXx, not On NNR men, but on all wearers of queues. Indians are en as hopâ€"pickers in Wisconsin. } , A Michigan jplo celebrated . their A Michigan ple | celebrated their wooden wedding &t a saw muill last week. Fashionable idletps on the Continent put on the red cross| badge and get railway transportation to the front free of expense or le. : © A Cleveland was so mortified at his wife‘s asking him et money, before strangers, th t he to shoot her tfltco to keep her quic + Squirrels are sw ing the Ohio river in droves, and are being killed in great profusion in ns and yards near the stream. C : _ _A Cincinnati m§énufacturer ships 24,000,â€" 000 bungs a year.! Le must be something of a bungler. â€" § Ashley, IlL., his a four year old mule which 1s over six feet: high,, and proporâ€" tionately large in|bther dimensions. The herrings on the Scotch coast are so plentiful this yeadr . that the salt and barâ€" rels for curing them are for the present exâ€" hausted. _ A carâ€"drivers‘ strike in New York turns on the question Wwhether fourteen or seven hours constitute a day‘s work. A lady in ' Wisconsin, amused herself in Ch on Sunday by counting the different styles of doing up the hair, and found & Portsmouth in England, the seat of the Portsmouth i principal gove? pulation of 12 to every 124 in! in all. 1478 pr:n:tpd goverttment dockyard, has a poâ€" pulation of 12(,000, and a public housg to evl:ry 124 inhabitantsâ€"there being 966 in all. i | A practical firmer in Wisconsin adver tises for a healtby young women to take his name and bring up his five children. The at at a recent meetin{ at the Church the Strangers, in New York , rep ted $100,000,000. A Cinci ilady, who poisened her busâ€" band, added igsult to injury by selling his body to a medical college. Among the stories from the diamond l fields of South Africa, is oneabout a homeâ€" stead and whose plastered walls were faund studded with diamonds. famous for tifeir d‘::x onr:enth t years ago. .Sir Joitn Burg« Em Eugeni clap fmm'& “:II' mind e wih is t i/ an .J.Q:Fn thu found‘studded Mary ' Ind., has b Krumpasitis maiden name, A little New Orleans boy, WAaVCMINR 12"" ; mother her head with orange blossoms, "() how ‘sweet that is, ma. You look as if pa ywas dead and you was going to marry sonjie other man." A New Albany wife excuses herself for marrying ther man during her husâ€" band‘s tem absence by the stateâ€" ment that heé promised to sug away only six weeks, but was gone four days beyond the time. Moreover, the new husLnd threw his ecessor out of the window. A brief market report. Pfl:hink and paper Are ‘gtationury ; new is unâ€" changed ; b Em are heavy, but dealers g‘e::nfly rm ; wheat is a grain better 1 oats ; wines and liquors generally have adow#mrd tendency ; yeast cakes HNCILLD CAD® 4 ERTERE ECAE 0 Moasi td six weeks, b t was gone four days beyond the time. Moreover, the new husLnd threw his ecessor out of the window. A brief market report. Pe:hkink and paper Are ‘gtationury ; new is unâ€" changed ; Em are heavy, but dealers Qenenlly rm ; wheat is a grain better gonovN. "I 2 00‘ and Vinnbrs kensrally Numerous instances are on recOrG 0i monarchs have been tiaken prisoners on the field of battle. We subjoin a few of the best known instances :â€" Name 1 Baitle. ; Date. . _ Name.) Battie. 4JAVO. Stephen of|Eng. . . Lincoln. ... _ * _ | 1141 \ Henry lIIL. ... ... Lewes... .May 14, 1264 David IIL. of Scot . .Nevil‘sCross Oct 17, 1344 John of France. . . .Poictiers Sngf. 19, 1356 Francis 1..], .. .. .. Pavina ... Feb. 24, 1525 ‘Napoleon [II ®. .. Sedan.. . .Sept. 1, 1870 At the ch fair recently in San Fran cisco for benelfit of the wounded French soldiers, a botitle of cordial which was dealt |out in a tiny gold cup realized $1.380; ofe thousand bottles of brandy sold at $10) per bottle ; and a matron who attended the fair with a box of mu‘_l’; inh: n & DoR Of i1 M in borde‘s very is, that in \HO DT/"B_ **". sues the |needie soon becomes tarnished and oxid while in the actually defunct it retaing its polish. .d"l‘-be %hmm' of Turkbe.y mtb.nport“ on authority, to be on rling. steel mm for which The muslin looms of Scutarf and._Jirnovs, | 1 which bered two thousand in 1812, are | . now ced to less than two buncdred | spindles}; and Broussa and Dimbekir once | famous for their velyvets, do| not now ‘pn duexon tenth the amount &ny did forty years ago. j Sir Joifm Burgoyne, who hLou'hH.heex- Em Eugenieovertohghnd, is the ‘a very ancient family seated in for%l;i.r:sineo the time of John of Gaunt, :l;w,vhoa:bm an on t , ‘which gi ‘;:Flnfium: | *1, John of Gaunt, | ‘t gosmond do :grant j To Jo 4 hnd the beirs of his Join, |\ ~| _ Sutton and Potton § â€"|â€" _( Untd the world‘s rotten. Mmtontmuuwbommnym | Several naval officers say that when the loss of -hgrwu discovered in the fleet, the thrill of horror felt by the stoutest ‘men with the intensity of kind â€"beartâ€" ed ty to discover what the the name of the i g-hipflwldmout,mdh no ce was the sorrow more than in ‘tho Captain‘s great rival, the Monarch, whose, gallant chief Commerill â€" was the flu*tm tontiml Several nava loss of -hgr v the thrill b men with ed ty to 1 of the mmissing no co w th: Cap tain‘ s whose\ r“"" bosom, friend both VS C.‘s. The? extraordinary progonl has been made by a distinguished civil engineer of raising the Captain. Moving the earth is only a uestion of fulcrum and a lever, and raising the Capt in is olrflfl&'l!"'@i‘“l of j ( appliances, but s there is hn t ‘*‘in the meantime the Adâ€" mirality will: have the 3»‘ »puoyed. inNC | Admirality have decided on ""“.‘3&"-’." way of gratuity, a year‘s P:L”‘h’ ' and orphans of those went down |‘ when the Captain foundered. % Moynier and Appia, two . Frenchmen, | unZEimnminwinsbwk o it i ing the wounded of armies in the‘ fie ic their anecdotes is one about the rpois Society. They say that one day ‘during a battle in this country: his horse inj his kneeâ€"pan so that he could not walk, and that by order of one of their about the field for the purpose of admipisterimg comsolaton to dying and wounded comrades. â€" This must have been it ordecal for the pious clergyman. Aj of English sportsmen have just ic} .d.m;a‘;hwmw-f’;:; bou, t":;‘d “"".f."“' 1.3';: ::."'“’v‘“d & (probably to se question fore )Mhdn:flflh blunt tooth l ffid“”“‘b“fi“,fidfl” "‘"?" serrated claw on the ‘ right, while trike in New York turns hether fourteen or seven i day‘s work. t chief Commerill was the _ of the glorious Burgoyne, lloUs. not on China the snuff by {PRICEâ€"3 CENTS in the female this is reversed, Nothing now remains to add to theextreme imporâ€" tance of the general undertaking but to discover whether there is much &iflennco between the fiay or of the sexes. The wellâ€"known ancient custom of the Jews to observe the annivesary of their father‘s death by a religious service cele â€" brated by ten of their members was not neglected at the Lbattle of Woerth. A Prussian doctor, a Jew, obgerving a soldier evidently in search of something, inquired what he needed. © Are you a Jew?" asked the man. Receiving an affirmative reply, «Come with me then,‘"‘ return+sd the man. «"My comrade wishes to observe the day of his father‘s death, and we are only nine." It is needless to say that the surgeon readily acceded to his pious request. t] of The Evening Advertisee of London, one of the live papers of Canada, says of the venerable city of Kingston ;â€"*"There is fi‘t lamentation in the venerable city of ingston. _ It has already (according to the Whig] lost all Kublic spirit. Even the the little town of Napanee is passing it in the race for prosperity, and kicking nP its heels in the face of the old fossil it is leaving behind. _ The very merchapts of Kingston transfer their business to its thriving rival, and desert the ancient setâ€" tlement with the royal name. No wonder. Any town that becomes the feeble h‘nm on to a Government soon loses all ru spirit; and can o;l{ b> brought to life by a thorough politi¢al rousing. > Nations as well as towns have discovered this before now, and we hope Kingston will before it is too late. Bestir yourselves, 0 fossilized Kingstonians; get rid of your political stagnation, and it may be that commercial oo C Correspondence of the Constitutionnel. Ls Maxs, September 19. The trains on all the lines are subject at this moment to considerable d:rl:za and the energetic and intelligent s lance of the companies isâ€"requred in order to avoid accidents. Thus, the train which leaves Tours at 5:30, and which usually arrived at Mans at 9 o'clock!ndkl not arâ€" rive yestorday till 2 o‘clock the mornâ€" ing. ‘The emigrants from Paris have inâ€" vaded all the hotels undnfltlnmuh rooms that was to be had, and, in 1 to this, a h.rie.nmnber of soldiers are quartered on t inhabitants. 1 had the atest trouble in the world to find at e Pel.can Hotel, after having knocked t five or six doors, a mattress in & COrmiâ€" l .â€" In such circumstances one must bear inconveniences with a good heart, ‘E l W eeeeannee AROEmm Sn e [rfllu:-y stations are disgorging travellers and fugit.ivo;,tv;!l:o:je falling back o:( 3:: appruach ‘o vanced guard g;n-um. p «* VCVE â€"~In my carriage there M landed proprietor from the f eil, opilhgediy They come down upoh the Vi“l':i“ bands of 1,000, extort money from the inâ€" habitents, overhaul the furniture, search the cupboards, and appropriate: the conâ€" tents in the most ‘unceremonious manner. On their entry into the villages they find e k ues Te o ies o P chomodnburic.dodbydr-udtbohll- in(ofmu,bunhey . n + hesitate to adorthormuwddnb'ou‘dfi a threat of blowing out the brains of any one who n.womnu to resist their comâ€" mands. It wou seem, however, that the Pm-fipamy,incme ofintgfribucio-, is very m w ‘otr‘:v:fiing companion "tuld me that the bussars, to the number of fifteen, who came to take possession of his house, comâ€" plained bitterly of the kind ot life they " "Ceusonally they. profit nothing by the y they no Eiunn::hm\.do.f:rd’thef-ol:i:utdh Prussia, as for devile wbo‘mundutbeimn yokemsw cipline, they can only obey murâ€" mnnnghkoS:nndbo";:oldm Their clothes are in tatters, irappegrance is yery wretched. Even the Uhrnlnnddnuu- sars have less to suffer than th:hoopof We Ee AERem C t P reg be the line, who take no part in the pilfering and the exactions indulged in by the small dom}hmonudol:ouumd;dvmca ‘u“.d.' ‘or these latter good. Wbonthoyponrintotma'! subov:r‘hinl they can lay hands o. Above all things they love a change of linen, and when they have taken shirts or |wckhp£l;olzdo not take the trouble to leave their old ones behind them. . Tt is to b.bopodthtfln-iopofl’cilwllnh the business of these rntry.litdomn orderly, and that very ew of them, if any, will burden Charon‘s bark with the fruit of so much robbery and plunder. _ _ _ _ _ _ oo on EU C NUM .0 C gndiiice «tm ts I learnt that at Corbeil the Prussian !“fimfin%f‘r’m"m in house Y, ®% * and took breakfast there. Alhfm wr.dmuns.mwa'mof boatsâ€"in the construction of which pesâ€" sants, in accordance with the Prussian dttseg Th Parks M map 6t en towards Paris. It may be supâ€" roudunt they will try an attack near vry. They will then have to deal with thoeombinodefirholuuwchdm' enton and Bicetre. At the moment I am writing, I am inâ€" salles are interrupted. l n L Phichd piaris ‘bre at Atembonntiet, ns ‘Trape, and probably at Baint Cyr, . The My letter of to morrow FWii ‘In,’yondohfllcnthafimbo,thh- siegors in that quarter. Topographically, the Prussians, assuming that they have marched straight on, sre toâ€"«day under the fire of the forts of Monsrouge and Mont Valerein. . Much good may it do them ! ‘MANS has a thoroughly warlike The mummmdwithwm is a question of establishing here a vast camp which will serve as an auxilliary to The March on the centre Everywhere one meets soldiers joining their respective corps, with arms and bag» gage. The trains are crowded with troops of the class of 1870, who are proceeding to the d:rou. One feels reaâ€"sured at tte sight of all these men. It is indeed easy to prove that the movements of the troops. * T SA 4.4 AML natamn -Mu\nmd'-l are made with intel to a wisely arranged THE HORDEE OF KIXG WILBMLAX. will return to your sorrowing PILLAGE BY PRUSSLAN4. whose house was completely of which will be at Tours. an honest Y N | 5 4 1| | 1 #t 3 /d

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