ba 28 oi# ts yOL .« ol L e .w-' -M' ww wu;;,..,*"'"'..,.....-m‘ 30 RIDEAU STREET, _ . quebes. ied oTTraWaA ‘ Boox store, Sp®TX" 4AVING OPEXED H!3 _ SEW EsTAB kx â€":rt ou--‘ LISHMENT e * * * _ _ ataws (':;..‘“ (nearly opposite the Old Stand,) ' W*‘fl | »Tere for sale ‘at, YERXY LOW PRICES a large ï¬_, epposite ad ‘well selected _stook, comprising Groceries, t rfl__w‘ummmwm sod Fancy mm c m ‘ Joape, Bauces, Spices, Fickles, Brooms, Brushes, ‘,m‘l" Barristet, A“"_ ' mo-n.umuu. _ Auso. â€O‘m:‘" hamiguhe P41 Bordeaux snd ther Vinegors Fabls, Cormer of 3@!503, | «kss POKK, _ CKLED sALMON, " aceut. eee on nne t omm LABHR. HERxINXGS8, Bat Fubice, Cerner 0t $#9505, *** | ek" tw : | \T 54 308 unluorm-I-b'-l""""'Â¥ , &#o, Sussoxâ€" » -M“‘"â€, 887 .ml â€' ...' m_ yeae I'Ei.":. » Cmyt-'".* h-“..“"w’ I flâ€.-hw .A-""s: Pa-.‘“‘ &e. JGeeâ€"In » n eme, mm w" m * ~ S amsER L LLl W 5 god Salsens. _ M e m “._!s:wssr AND MosT F/ 6 pupmerenâ€"armunt, % ABLE DESIGN=. AX. IO"A†‘lwtu. | rgrtu® sEAapY.MADE boarders QrHIXG â€" P # ".“M\ C" l)"‘ "‘ MAN3, Propr1ie207 . _ ‘luhm comple: o.‘t.l'l will be _.' AMVORATZ gery, Coareys® %, cr2m409® + /-7 ..lm “II b"...’.’ n hâ€_n.w,o Conveyâ€" * Sagls, Corner ot gusses and flï¬â€"i"w"'m lary | K Japin, Ootong, C09809. e M ageary, Cont®f *"5e iul-:, ""'";'â€,E. Mlumag. _ .. â€" eeMatievse maes Wl | _ OT From outes goand und reveeld f ee and ad * epnpoment t Jeoâ€"In L | ho vremices. a Conpeganc®* l‘l‘oolnc b‘ Jous J. zoi k Coona0 Raixoizs tenau‘t & Co, s n aI°K weesy, Piper‘s and other braads. $s piak <â€" Clork OLLA ED G1%â€"â€" _ fl;:-,“"’. t Te Unined O tA Kuyper‘t and Rutusan D ’ fl’q M~ bottle. T r 34 dm WY U ie _ Sherries o all gradet, Ports « mee & ; TA °J Wexdartls sl.‘ lt ".â€"â€"-.â€.' mersial i..ï¬ Ont. tLate of m..‘.’: mâ€â€˜ ; us Chancery. ::‘ff-m-:"‘ yesue feer. omcs is M NOC‘ * Office me of @ipper‘t Terige. : Omes , 1. to 4 p. &« es nd Ride C an night ons we BY B e e CA uen skoenuk. am 10 1CK% NoUSsEK, "*"~ Corner James and Kingâ€"44 . , Gourt House and Public Ofces, 3T AsRAL COMMISSION AGRNT, 'Mm Lo the cu’ u*l Urtaws. s the patronage of the Lamber Merchan y on the Ottaws. From his long «tp®riâ€" the trade he offers his services in ongag!=8 i stteading to their rafte while passing lke best of his abllity. RGEON DENTIST, m: lohl!y‘mn“ to suppy ° p iscc e 1e Reecn en y L wes on mm ons | * . Reeaiienafeaiatin s to y io i | AN CHMAINX BA [ E- as sapable of ali the ness to dulits mide to order in best anl Intest siglet |\ _ for restoring vitalenergy, £5 to £7. teath arse applied, without the Good 8t ensured or no 18 ®. |\ _ The public are most earnestly cautioned to avenience to the wearers, and *08° | a, PUFF. o fluubw\mmammcmnemnmdu P mave nenmntaage aiges | C1 | sns e ke. for"tmproper purposs, fl ‘ and ao severely stigmatized by Vice Chancelâ€" lor Malins in the suit Mvmb':.n baps» C se smm Li a n h aUTCHISO®, L. i as Coughs, VoIds, V/ _ and Consumption. | BOWALRLD,â€" OrgrRI _ "_._ L te ucher of Org .s, Piano and Sing!9€ PG:na noe streat _ Â¥r. DoWSE® "." iret Boy and Articled Papil of Mr '“zmu‘f.‘-. . 3A ime eminy ~ YCP d Notary Public, °"'m" Astorney, for the C S su‘‘ OGeeâ€"â€"In the 4 Sestled, have bean completely catti‘, “n“: ...#-"M“: a'duxfl' and Throat, that | sn snn pi S omuery Pee | “m | and Public Speakers And great pro | ,‘:'...q. relieved and often "’“’! Once '- is takin® m"fl:’-‘-:’-m-,_, illy are its virtues known that we ‘the certidcates of them here, or do more Te CCC smm fally Rznz Row.azo K m8*». the public that its qualitios are faily hed by the acknow T radical cures effected in e’ cither m, Of mlasmatic localities, will be proâ€" k AGUE CURE daily. ity llh- excellent l’“om =-"».“.2..“"..a"¥‘3mcâ€"u;‘:‘:i: by :&‘&m ‘:é.dw 8p®: xO. 1486. ic"'"." in MJACO“:' O 447 unts WO #1 o 2» # Waiter Bmith, Req. ‘ R W Cruiss, Brq ‘ ol s oc‘ | ug» BKEF e M s effected in e ï¬"‘Ei o : CURE Mhp "arising from torpidity mu.m‘ AV.iver Complaints, it is y * : â€" the aumerons other titate a com plete stocod aality , Bur *EA ®#â€" 1gh proof and avor, at SxLP®! Thoras‘s and Stewart‘ Seotsl id Tom. Dunvilie‘s lrish Whiskey. Murphy‘s Old [rish Pottoen @uinness‘ and Loadon Porter, 1 Molson‘s and other Ales. Efl and Ayrupse, all grages. atre Anora‘ prices. HE OLD sSTOCK, SAVE)» 8SRLLIXKG AT TW EN* Beg most resps Â¥Hully to inatimate to their friends and customere that caey have jast received and have ready orinspes ion a YEEYT LARGE ABQORTIKN‘I‘ Suitable for the coming somnson, comprising \ Suspend»rs, Ssarts, fies, Coi ars, Shirts, Gloves, ,, ko, ko. Together with s large and woll assorted | Japan, Oolong, LARGE ASSORTNENT OF raixg AsD @gUMxEenr ofll WHELAN, FREX"H, LOTys aAso CGrocertes. 0+ THE KEWEST S8TYLES. wayâ€" Diy GooPs. s * Alil t scorecn AND CaANADLAN â€" MANUFACTU REKS KTo be had‘ t iong, Congon, imparial Yourg and choap. «q@HELL BRo, [ & N . € * ul *A * * * * ak * P faAA ds / #01/ I4 N CE 3 ‘.‘ '; !/qu.\* L Toh # M "_a’ . es S 7 . )\" '\ )"‘j“duw m ";-:/ ROLLED_BEER FOR pPARPLES art.clag necessat y most fashionable stylos. on is analled to a O# FRESH KILLED THWEIR CELEBZATED AYâ€"WARD XARKE1. THEILBR STALLA, ’.fl‘““ 3T FASHNIONâ€" STALLâ€"4 24 repeted daily on Nos. & and 1 , EPARTHNEXAT W EEDS SALT ‘ROUND,| | 218. ® OR | x. CHaIX BAXDS lur Retit‘csa, Rbeematic | Neuralgia, ind Goay Paing, Local Paraâ€" ,vucom . lysis, Cramp, &¢,, 18+. to 24.. and 40s |‘BCHAIN BANDS for Lumbego, Indige«stion 4 | Liver, Chest, and Ruscticnal nb-d nm _ L. Ak. ts ime w mMUTTON. % These bighly improvid laventiona loodct‘ Rlectricity perfectly selfâ€"applicable, and «x« tr. mely +fficacious in a mild continuous form. : no sbock or unpleasant sensation bolog «* periâ€"nced, wher. by 1t bâ€"comes a true fountain 1 of* bâ€"alth and vigour, Mlypumhm: agovising peins, reâ€"animating tor limbs, râ€"viving the slugaish h.oz- of Tife, and imparting renew.d ener@gy and vitality to constitutions enfeebled ty whatever caus > Medicines and their deleterious corsequences are thus entirely dispensed with, ‘The daily increwing namber of cures «ffeetwd bt PULYE»s MACHER‘S MEDIOOâ€"GALVANâ€" IC SY8TEM is »o extensive and varied, that it forciuly polnts to this lnvention as the ‘ embrvo of a anive: sal rem:dy. ptat i. U w OR en tï¬ ie o a GaLVANIC â€" CHAINâ€"BANDS luou_;otn 18 LLFE PULYERYACHER®P® PaTESXT MJCHARL E ATEETT rPULYVE+ MACHER‘s YEDICOâ€"GALYAN«~ IC CHAINS ore eamdllgmï¬ ctive without the ald ofmed:cine, matric of dist, or the east derangement of the patient‘s hab‘ts and daily accupations, in the following maladic® : } Rhenamatism Female Complaints Gout > Constipation Beiatica Cramp Luwmbago Sloggish Circnlation ‘ ‘ Nowamlvin VUrigary Disordrse Head aod Tooth:che Purmlysts | Livr Complaints Epiléepy | Tic Doloreuzx â€" Nervque Debility ! | Indigestion Faoctional Dissiders _ | ! Deafdiess &~., &e. Spasms | The effects of the a~ ‘l.ation otâ€" Pulver= wachet‘s Chaive in an; .f th« above disordors "is immâ€"dintely perceptibleâ€"the relict of paiu instantancous. > * FRICK {LIsT _ OF PULYERMACHER‘S CHAIN BANDS AND BATTELRIES. B. CHiIN BANDS for Neryons Deatoaces, Hoad, Tooth, and Face A he, and Noises n in the Head, 218. to 308. B. tHAIN BANDS for loss of Voice and t other aff. ctions of the Throat, 101. 61. to on hand | 218. & | £ 34 Ridean X. CHAINX BAXDS lor Retatica, Rbeematic,| At the #sigo of the AbDVIL, "No« l Neuralgie, ind Gouty Paing, Local Paraâ€" | btreet, you can find & ecmplete mm‘d I lysis, Cramp, &¢,, 181. to 224. and 403 _ : Grass »nd stzor Seythos. n â€"BCHAIN BANDS for Lumbego, Indigestion, | Blood silcer g.|a. all "U.' ‘ Liver, Chest, and Runcticnal Di# rders, Blood Cast tteel, . . "; | belt}, 224 to 108 and b5s, |~ ~ Bisod Gonman Nt in chak "Mant Pride of the Field siiver Stea!. | | B CHAIN BANDS for Wuiter‘s Cramp, 5 * daaie Ofte Ball, _ " | \| Trm+wmbling, Nervrousnoss, &~, 22: io 308 . oJ KRover or câ€.'“.... it | t vabe t ;mkm"“:anmmt«mm : t I Hay * ~kes, straight and bent. Paralysis, Eptlepsy, 2'5"':." 1;;:’""’ pu.:.‘ %4, three pronge. Funoctional Disorders, &¢ , o Bey Soathes. | ‘ ‘ A NIQ.“ Set eof COMBINXED UHAIN ‘ Grain ‘.‘.:0.-:!::-1‘::: W“‘ | | BAX DS.BELTS, and CHAIN !AII‘IIY [ smu‘“ Sn dssones of 1 sorts, l n COMBIXED CUAINX PAaND for Cantil, Paralysis, Eptlepsy, GeBeral Debility Functional Disorders, &¢ , 308 to 508 A fl-.&lc“ BSet ef COMBINXED UHALN BAX D8,BELTS, and CuUAaAIN BaATTERY for restoring vital energy, £5 to £1. ut TL arh wninkk enrmasitly calitloued to wiu in the kaik EWePqeumnt® 8 1 TT , alias Henry h-n.._l_lxo. T, Haphey, oâ€"*luszpe, NP OA * T99 a kea ke moud, Pm 1 0 00 thiis t L M. B."C. 8, alies Heary Burrows, u‘:c No Gaivanic Belts atre grnuine ‘but those bearing the fac simile of AM. Pualrermacher‘s sigoature on the label. a A pamphlet containing full paiticulars may mpmer@en" C CC60 00. 06 &A (Obrlitle. e Mc T NX 0 Whotnge 0 be bad at the Drug store of A. Christic, Bparks Streot. J. L PULVERMACHER, Galvanic Extabiilsbment, 200 Regent Street, London, W. men. . ~ Skmecpateiret i ‘TRUly 1455 ‘awk 7 lioo:.vm act or 1809. | In the matter of k \ _ JOSEPH HENRY CASSELS, : of the Village ol Kermote, ‘ j AN INSOLYENT. | AsSIGNEEsS SALE OF REAL ESTATE Notice is hereby given that by virtus of the power vested in me as uolpoodm.awn‘ e€ects dtbo.bonnndludmt.lunllclu for sale by Public Auction, at the Court House, in mcuydmnmulnflt «‘clock, noon Te ui NS UnE : xi al Ottawa, September 6, 1870 2o2 dbudc‘ Airasinavetitritigs Ap P3 on FRIDAY, the TWERTYâ€"RPI®FTH dsy o NUVEMBEX next, all the estate, right utle, interest and equity of redeption of the said In« sijck in s ie olï¬ e e e e L0 Cl ow so‘vent, and of myself, as such Assignee as afore= nld.huihtluflhhâ€â€""m'"“ ‘ and premises situate, lying and being in th* Township of Gloucerter, in the County ot Carleton, coutaining by admessurement ffty aores of lsnd be the same more or less, being scomposed of the west quarter of lot uumber two, in the third Conâ€" | cession of the said Township, Rideas Front. t Tarms and conditions made knownsat the tume | | Dated Montteal, 1 ‘..ldlou.'anJWl\ ooo e m s | ad and in good state of caltivation, opposite Masâ€" * ‘“ug v'.&‘p: Havre your ‘ fonces, a Eme dwelling house, two story h‘gh, * ibwmflmm,\uhmbmu s T oV £ PIPRB‘ lnm’s\tow,h.tu-clm A"ly‘ m."â€.“““‘.“_ _ Terms eriamme in made knownal Ine H"Z | T of saile, and particulars can be bad by spPI7!9¢| _ y C (Q) A L O 1l1L *@ | for farther particulars to [% ara boeptember 3, 1810 HeAEdL E ETTE 's';â€"mu-t rox YOUNG LADIES, \ Most mnru:rn I A Branch of the Monklands Villa, wepdl o | sESsI AsSORTED STOCK IN THE oTY MARLA ESTABLISAMENT, MONEIESS®AL The Shters of the Omgregition ds Notr Dame respectfally laform the public that thay vlllo..huh.l.llol.‘qh-ht. Besides the Boarding uohsol a Selact Day School is attached to the establishment. For particnla:s and terms apply to the LADY sUPERLJR . Cornier of O‘Jonner and Wellington Straets, \Ottaws, Augast 13, 1870 143 * a tew youn‘s gentiomen can ba accommodaâ€" ted with onfortabl ROOM3 and BOARD by »pplying to Mrs. @REEN, corner of York and Bussex streets, ovet the G. T. R. R. Ticket Oflcs. Ottaws, September 19 1870 14864( _: rOCKET SBATTERIES oarR D. uoWLEY FARY To 18T. 17:h Sept, CHAS BAILLIE, 18170 _ 145#A w3 CuAaRLEs ROW AN, 401 Notre Dame‘t 1810. 149 Se=@27i OoTI‘AwWaA, THURSDAY. . CObriatic, 16 'ru: otraw aA RIVER j xaVIGATION COY‘S STEAMERS. Tas commenced ber regular trups between Ottawa and Montreal, with Mails and Passongers, @4915E Octaws at 7 a m. deily, M ARKET 6T 8 AMEE sarFAIRY : ; MoOnxTREAL, Will commencse running her regular NMau«j‘s Wharf to Oitawa over Satardsey loatviag Major‘s at 5 a m 4p m. Ottawa, April, 25, 1870 Pnun sToVE® t m P &R IZ EKE 8 TOoV 8 8s!! At the Exhibition we were awarded FIRST TRIZES as follows : First Prize for Elevated Oven Cook Stove . First Prize for Low Oven Cook Stoves. First Prize for ljnrlor Stoves. First Prize for {Iall Stoves for Coal. 4 «o UBREN V1ICT O R14A" First Prize for Hall Stoves for Wood. First Prize for best assortment of Tinware. The above Prize Tickets can bo seen in qur window. Our Fall and Winter Stock of Stoves is now _ complete, all of the very best _ â€" f description. Rey» Hot Air Furnaces fitled up to Order. II. MEADOWS & CO.,, + « Capital *‘ Stove Depot. § 35, Sussex St. gp HARYESTING IMPLEMENTS 4) câ€"CYTOEs : sCYTHR3!! E£CYTHES! 11 6n | BE A complelete assortment of Shelf ansd Heary laraware, Paints, Ou, Glass, Patty, Cosl oil, Plumbets, and kmanlike man and lulll. m"‘ Conudustors attent: ‘\"l;“.. Roo a\vanised : IM“ aod seR â€:swhl ap Ga‘t &o., &s. IMPORTER3 OFf GENETAL HOUsg PURKâ€" ishING HARDW AKS. | BLYTH & KXERE, AOKLE, comprising Rods, Lines, Phice uoses, Picate. Frolis, Passlers, Landing Nets, Â¥)y Books, 40 » 40. â€" 148 17 -mm;ï¬! of the a -..h-mhdh“m &e. N1EAMeEYrS8, BEST QUALITICS &E MALL STEAMER Oita®ws, IPardware. % # THO®8. BMLALKETT, No. 24, Ridean Stroot, w â€" M4th Jone, 18190, â€" Cart. Gart. Nicuas, nEscoTT sFoVES We havs naw the No. 25 RIDEAU STREET, zs peiles IX Shelf anl Heavy Hardware REXEY‘S STONE BUILLDILNG, Weilington Street, Upper Town, O Cooking and> Faney Ftor® Conl, Eteel, Iron, Ropt. Twine, Giass, Oll, Always on Hand. “.'. mw .. l-o 5Octe. HOMASs 18AAC, Saper "Seite, Do o miths, (kgas, _ K6 Any thing you want ask for it. ra Oars on all popdaet=r s * vintarpaatinnle * «» ## +6 «rlotte " 1 w cit hn it 5o orery Wednerday and Â¥ * August 10. AXD OTHEE ITICS £ENT AQMAEL FLLS CAARGE, to 6Octs, PER GALL. €RY 11. K W sHEPHERD. 1M1+ oN HAXED. , and Qrtawa at "flnu"i $ HQME Â¥REE 97 €4 pecial atiention is directed to this Company‘s agnouncement, in regard to the > & UN N IN G Lo “43"1‘“ the Fas\ Time which it 1s intended to -ohéhdvmtbo » _ | KAST AND WES?, W ith sopnectiozs at all points. 3 wil b:t;lyrd with handsome xEW FIEST.CLASS CABRS, Unsurpassed on the conting: t. 9 YRAIPB WILL RUK BETWEE® Portland anvd Montreal in 13 Hou*«. Montreal and , Toronto in 13 Hours. Stoppiag ‘only at the mostimportant Stations, Will be run on the Through Trains and.the sorâ€" vice will be performed over the entire lipe in a manner equal to that <f any rallway or this conâ€" stnent. Epesial arrangemen‘s have been made Tin | L dk 4i dn ces sc tb bentath, Aintubcnntnne For further particulars see advertisements and tUime tables. ; C J BRYDGES, ' Managing Virector L 1 0. lama H4iTH4 HAaAKD TRUSK RAILW AY As fast “~.w"m. (innn erUNK RALWAY CO® PAaNy o0Â¥ CAaNADA. + Il?,.] sUMMER ARRAKGI!IKTS. [IHO. r"uu now leare BONAVENTURE STAT!S® as {ollows : f Â¥ Day Express { %ouou\! Or no y aW B, Brockville, lfn“gm. ‘Bcllovmo. | rmf".'.ï¬" ndon, Brantford | doderich, Buffals, Detroit, Chicago, uk whiut "u ) PAl June 3, 1876. | NAORWEUORT 2 C U sns S | and a!l points W ort , Night _ 49,, c hoate 4 ..“- OR *‘ and Intermediate 5t3 and Si00 P Mi+ The 1:30 p m train runs through to °* â€" gory@80UTB AND EAST Ascommodation Train tor Island Pond e ten e C C 00 E0A o i ns w uc 100000 AG600MIMOUGCEETY OO 777 oo C bt mm ade o2 and {ntermediate Stations tk.....cuss T;:00 Express for BOBtOR Al..s..sceeececcce en n o>e 8;10 @xpress for New Y or k and Bostoa via VermOBt CODUA] BO.sesssecssecsense «i+ 3:45 Express for Ne# York and Boston via Plattsburgh, Lake Champlain, Buarlington & Rutiand at.s............ 6 8 Express for [sland Pond, at................. 2:0 Night Bxpress fos Quebes, Lsland Pond. Gorbpam and Pamnd.m;&pn. beâ€" ‘{“l Montrealand Lsland Pond at i. Hilaire, 8t. Uyacinthe, Acton, > Richmond, Sherbrooke, Waterville .-“‘8“‘“""..‘.-.â€â€œ""‘.‘6";:' T traina. ars on gki Tiains. ;aaolnh through. e steametrs " Chase" and « Charlott®a" Portiaud eresy Wednesday aod Beturds, OE CCCCL Coar 30 lesmaativele at 4 1 Qitawa | departure of all trains at terminal a0d < § al and way «ts ‘tl-.‘pfl’ at the Ticket OfMices, loun’ntflro Btation, and 39 (Groat 6t James Street. ‘ 0.); B8 Y D4ES, Manaeging Direoto Montreal, May, 1870. § nonn, for Ha) (ax, N. They has excelient EAAOCARRANEMEE : CNETTN C P on oo pit* ars on gkt Trains. F‘agâ€" | pnewh! through. € | e steamers * Chage" and "Charlotta" lsave» Portiaud every Wedresday and Bbeturdsy after> nonn, for Hai faz, N.3., respectively st 4 p m. They has excelient accomimodation tor passen gor and freight. ‘ 'nolm.ulm-pny'u“anm runBi2, | in sohnection with the Graod Trusk fuun! leave Portland every MONKDAYX and THUNS DAY at 6 p m,for St. John, N.B,, �. Tickets issued through at the Company‘s prino® pal stations. P Â¥or furtheriaformation and time of arrival ant departure of all trains . at torminal ‘and way «ts departar® 05 "~ O _ MBlakat Of@Goecs, Boaaventire a‘ms for Lachine 9 is a m, 1 and 5:30 p m. .. UHOqerren, EAERTUEUICTE it c mencet o4 and all points WOBt, Bt. viee sssscses« 8:30 a â€" i _ is _ io _ Ar do â€" do T7;30 ; " minodation Train. for Cornwall and Intermediate Stations at........ 4.00 p * amodation Train for Kingston and _ _ _ Peamet CC CA ce P Intermediate Stations, Bhi, 22. seviense Wi io> tar LABShIGAG ut .c..,..@ 0:00 a m, 1: PV L M A K‘8 f LACK â€" SLREPING qué OC1OBER 13, 1870. Orrawa Orric®s â€" IMPROVED SERVICE OF TRALINS FOR TAE SUMMER OF 1870. AOOELEBATION OF sPEED. NEW CARS ON ALL EXPRES3 TAALNS. Portland to Montreal in 13 Hours. Montreal to Toronto in 13 Hours. On and after JUNE 13th the now arrange ments will ve put in h:co..njmlu will leay Mortrsil as follows : TAE NCING 88 ;. JN Foronto, Gueiph, Londop, PBTAD!* ford, w‘." BuBalo, Detroit, UOhisago, and all points wert at..... NMiGHT, ao CUG.ccersererrrr) sns Mail Trsin for Toronto and intermediâ€" mo it D _ us Accommodation Train for Brockville Trains for Lachine at 6 10 a m, 1 00 a m, 9 1t am, 12 noon, + »0 p m, 4 60 ‘,-. and 630pm. The 30 pm Train rans throagh io Provinse ] ine. golxy soUura aAnD EAST. Accommodation Train for Inland Pood and intermediate StAKIODG Bi...<»»ss Exprecs fer Borton, via V erment Cenâ€" RAED TAUSK RAILWAY date the pleasure trave!. Ti tets issued througch at Jume 3, )C , "' I‘lï¬l .W."" mond, Brompton Ealle, Bherbrooke, "‘.'.."j'i".'."ï¬ï¬‚..";".'. 36 tA 1 to Montreal in 13 HOUTS: | po» nning Frame Buildings avder the (¢lap to Toronto in 13 Houtrs. | bosrds: An citectaal protection against cold, cesmm 5 â€"_~ | damp and vermin. . Rats and mwise will | â€" come 0 A N A D A: a«e000* @oLIxg Y;i oM gorner of Sussox A k A H TAYLOR, Aongts sesese0000007 6008800 TR tX sesessessse00® ... 6:00 a m, ".. 8 1;30 p m, 4;:00 p 13th the new ATTARE®® | pagy j a and trains will leaye The line Ottaw . 6 it s m , via , at 4 00 p m. ons for passenâ€" 9 00 a m # 90 p m 100 a m 5 00 p m Arrival and I)Tpu'tm of Mails. FALL ARRANGEMENT. f 1 10 a m 3 13 p m Post OrPICE, OTTAWA. 8 00 a m 4 06 p m 1 30 p ux 10,.30 a. m. a } A supplementary btg for Canadian steamor will be closed at 11;20, in which all paid un» ragistered mattor will be sent. MOXEY ORDERS, On Money Order Ofices throug ) â€" m Dcisoclu will boe received at this Office. Interest allowed at the rate of Four per cent. per annum, and deposits can be vman at any time. Five per cent, will be allowed on special deposits in sums of $100, for the withâ€" drawal of which 3 montbs‘ notice will be reâ€" quired. imts _ Pogt Orr1CEK, _ _ Ottawa, 16th Eept, 1870. pnzunvn YoUK LOoOFs, , PATENT PLASTIC SLATE PAINN, 1s the bost and choapest material in use for pre« arviag Asw, or repatiring old IRONX OR TIN ROoOF4, : No matter how tad their conditicn. Alto firs rate for > #+ Making them s@rINE AND waATER PROOF,"%® Haâ€"dens into a coatingiof SOLID SLATE by oxâ€" Money Order Ofices thmg‘l:on the DORME~ nion, Great Britain and [reland, Newfoundâ€" land and Prince Edward Island, can be obtained at this Oflice. _ Also, Postage and Hill Stamps. A Orric® l;:un reou 8 a.x., to 7 P.3. .‘ l;du $6 a barrel, mixed reagy for use. A barrel will cover 10 squares (10 x 10). Ct‘aws, Eeptember Â¥1, 1870 rying aKy. J. May‘s §CHOOL FOR RBO.YS, QUEEN STREET,] Will open on the . @#ii<T SEKPTEMBER PROX., Roomfor one or two Boarders. dvtawa Anca»r® *®74 No FRAYE DW ELLILNG should be without Gend ter cireular, instracticme, &s. ImI0 aByt, From irt Novewmber nex! AOUSK, 19 rooms, Corver A®w r't'mu, at present osoupted by * ¢, TAY Oiawa Kills, Ctavdiere, or 1 Btrect. I Otta wa, September 23, 1870 ; _ For sule a BECOXV LADRXV | N AZIUAI Engu «e of ‘JO8NK CH4PMAN, Queen‘s Auctioneer opposite the By Ward Market. Uttawa, Bopten ber $9, 1870 | 117644 iÂ¥ s H INGLE R OO F 8, ‘Uotlol KOTICEK. n B ‘The subscriber would take this mede o‘ informing the public that he is prepared to receive nlluwdnnlnu.o-‘lsuu. either for anstion of private ssle, at his rooms, Y ork T 2C e C <k «O . oMas A swint Coperistcerand the testincninis he ci n fut i6b, € k 0 it 218B , is a suBsient .uruho“tbdr intercat be carcfally attended to. Ni »yegh Joun CaAPMAN, o . Queen‘s Auctionser, cous s _Aastar 19 1870 Cl Jm P rn n iciines o t ind t to is adre magh ‘M!..f_‘._ u..“s..‘cr.l.l. pÂ¥ F4 .mn-’a.m POBT OFPICE SAVINGS BAXNKX. O TICE." Ottawa, &â€Nt 12, mm mm n 00 k’“â€' sP ECLFICA TIONS$, &e+3 Prepared for bu{ldings of every desariptl SHEATHILNG FELT a BEOONXu HAXD WAGgJONX throughout the G. P. BAKER, â€"mext, a DWELLIN® er husstX aod Patrick 4 by W, 8 LAingesg, Tanxas YoKaY, . or trom Btore Susses Postmastor, was really a German, o U e Ping s Gogns T was really a German, who had taken the | , :&'flu uniform and the livret of a French | . soldier. The man was baffied upon the | the last part reliting to the campaign. The man was about to be released when the maker of the number declired that it was allr'alzt‘, but a slight accident soon showed an important mm been made. <This is one of the inâ€" cidents of our daily life. A ‘ Since we â€"have no iolice, messicurs les voleurs, thieves and pickpockets are having their carnival. â€" Every day brings out some new form of rascality. Un Tuesday there is an amusing Cise. A big, hardâ€" md butcher was arrested with a bundle under his am. It was found to contain the body of a lamb killed. Asa number of -beo&l,uve been missod tï¬be shepherds in the Bois de Boulogne, 1 is butcher was charged with stealin the lamb. _ In court he gave â€" the followa:g e tion : He went to the Bois for a _it‘off‘- u'lr,g;d 443144 1478 wo‘ ic fBucdicanmm cant ut C idb lt s citizen and the safety of his Aoroao the ul‘e,puld of the troops of the In the face of the enemy ® ®0 regard for the law is the first de i :opriowl! uses e1 * in and md:ï¬ â€˜9‘0 ..fl‘.-’.t-':ll::'mnt vurndoguga me C 4e l Quite a number of Prussian prisoners &re being brought in, for the tirst ï¬m.'h“.,d they all curse terribly about their uo. CC C iemit strrins. ° The quaite & nomoe® * . est tim being broughtin, for the first time, wer they all curse terribly about their . hard fate, and tell most pitiful B10086 hove monk sintolnt Es oca pertootly 5 and, 11 pbrisoners French ; and, if CCC ux Latthar Inorah . nOr pris00e‘* "?""""" _ J ith neither b cqvairy, are taken with neither horse 1O valuables. That is, probably, & mnmhd war as old as the Trojins, but the F do not nppear to see it. â€"____-,.’â€"â€"- Ottawa River Navigation: _ The loq‘neededninh-uthothlhn- It has been anxiously looked out for not m,yb,mmb,mm fm-ndlmb“!:l“'.- Kor. warders and contractors w"'m enpechly fe ol in benefit. y thex have wm-fls’m O!P“‘“ ".'m'“ twelve barges where .m‘nm in consequence of the iy s water not allowing the barge® deeply is Aus lt Bs x PE Ann‘s fll. * | packet and a piece of parchmenb L a piece of | which was a requestâ€" to “-’nm“im 97 | ward it wm‘bâ€&†gencl poosivice ie i o i o o Ne s den. On arriving below it. Ann‘s, the ;';’rh-vmb.mnmi!““"“ vewsuwd"""""’â€â€œ" Td six, which are destined for Montreal or Whiteball. _ The six empty barges bave IP return, carrying 1 " erents ï¬uwtmm~ l We learn that the deepening of the riâ€" ver at 8t. Aun‘s has beena longâ€"felt ne C kx 0 A.â€"..Jï¬d' m We reard EPe® aNIT _ _1 e us ver at 8t. Aun‘s has beena long felt noâ€" cessity, and would be comparitively inexâ€" pensive. compared with the cost “,,,m"""',‘h Rorks which are now being pushed a Te C 10 E.sdare and lumâ€" WOTkKS WHiwil B U U C 0 6 Em mandlane P Parliament. Notonl{::twa“'mdlum-‘ berars, but farmers a have been thus %fm:l lo #ness of water in the m vers. has latterly been onl, four {;etlixin::hesofwau:dd St. Aun‘s, and a steamboits, to avo Mndh“ have to carry only half cargoss, thus leaving beh nd at many _ of the wayâ€"stations, proâ€" duce awaiting for conveyance. Farmers, e Ei o ie NC S 36 6t onaonteiiary Shie uce aeoone 0 0 k l seeing the difficulty of transportation to market, are trying to dhpoueohporï¬on‘ ofthoh'hr;eyiaudpoumtby offering them to dealers in Abe country,â€" at from iwenty, to twenty five cents Jotb-hol- _ The steamboats on the ttawa have all bmmotleubomod.ll.pdn;m these shallow places, they have to cease working their engines, to avoid concusâ€" wyoun wWHd 0d 1al M C i Tortunately, the usual height of the St. Lawrence has not been quite so much inter. i with, a fact which is evmdent in the greater wiith occupied by the 8t. Lawrense water at the confluence of the two . rivers above L~chine.â€"Montr eal Wilnes. Moperx FEEXCHK LOPT UPFAT®*" T:.'Em.mmdwnwiflf the 18th that a balloon, to which was attachâ€" ue se Ee i i 0 t d ed a small car, was found ten kilometers distant from Neuchstesu. In the cff was ® L C l# _ .. mant unOn @ the people " have deâ€" such facts show why » spoken so confidâ€"ntly Paris when they began : ‘Tiberty of the | three y p C 'uï¬reoi{oundor\ 8. lfl s of the nation, | medical y a scrupulous| 4. Fi first defence of | join the years. es loft empty are f-"-W are in | fourpe! m‘ï¬im he ma as been issued to | abode, dudndv": dom, & A l :‘:‘deofpw -iaml' to the house of | but th {PRICEâ€"3 CENTS sians. The car of the balloon can cnm one kilogramme, and we are not permit to write at greater length. Army and Navy. A new cork helmet for the use of the. officers of the Royal Artillery while serving in India has just been approved. Its colour is white, and it is surmounted by a brass spike two inches in length, like the Prussian helmet. lh'olzy-l Highness Prince Arthur is expected to rejoin his regiment, the Ritle Brigade, at Woolwich, about the middle 0f October. He will reside at the Ranger‘s house, Blackbeath, from whence he will ride over to his duty every day. llis' reâ€" ols SmR CV smy TR l 6 UF imental quarters in the Royal Artillery Eufwh will again be placed at his disâ€" posal, and he will have the option of dining either at the Royal Artillery mess or with his brother officers of the Rifle Briâ€" â€" Naturally at this moment there is MUCH curiosi 't{o:bou& the turret-shipo consequent on the of the ‘Captain.‘~ We (Army and Nary Gazetic) therefore, give an in teresting account of a trial which took place at Vigo the other day. Tllr i Capâ€" LK e W oy Cl A 4%.0 o4 $Fomamian" enmnnil tain,‘ ‘Monurch,‘ and the +Mercules were ordered to fire at a rock, 200 yards long, 60 feet high, at a distance of 1,000 yards, for the space of five minutes. The result was that the "Hercules‘ fired 17 shots and hit 10 times ; the <Monarch‘ fired 12 shots and hit 5 times; the (Captain! fired 11 shots and hit 5 times. Weight of shot hitting rock ; <Hercules,‘ 4,00) Ibe. ; ‘Moâ€" narch,‘ 3,(1() 1ns, ; +Captain,‘ 2400 lbe. The + Hercules‘ fircd from her four 18â€" ton z::.and the ‘Captain‘ and +« Monarch their four 25â€"ton guns. The + Her oulu‘ of course, could haye been deliver ing the same quantity ofu‘nz\okt‘ï¬'om her op L FF tan c (JBK s caam tlhint o o e t o oo h) C P posite side. ‘Thus it will bo seen that, even with regard to Lreciuion af fire, the broadsi:e ship had the advantage. The sea wis as smooth as possible at the time. ‘‘Our readers are aware that the Imperial Government have c«lled out the army reâ€" serves, the practical effect of which is to pn&tn for the enlargement of the army to the extent of from 50,000 to 55,(A®) men, all of whom have seen service, and who will make good soldiers. _ f The follâ€".wing notice has been isued from the Horse Guards : 1. Soldiers who have been discharged from her Majosty‘s service are invited to join the Firstâ€"class Army Keserves. 2. The soldier must be under thirtyâ€"four years “.ï¬n..d must have sorved at least three &..l'. the army. 1 *3 ;n::tboo[pod character, and imedically fit for service. 4, Fulfilling these conditions, he may join the Firstâ€"class Army Reserveos for five gwIeot ® 5. Whilst in that force he will receive fourpence (44.)a day quarterly in advance ; he may continue to live in his present abode, or in -n{ part of the United King: dom, and to follow hs present trade or Iunaify, as risind m the attenintion piver; as tation r, ‘mmz’m.u.-m will Ro lfl'ln‘.li ‘as to interfere as little as possible with his ordinary trade or occupation. 6. A roldier serving in the Firstâ€"class Amym is liable, in case of immiâ€" nent danger or of great emer: Wnï¬ï¬ to service with that of the .:rhr a«my in which he has P s Ungond sin moutts atter passe bas been neXxt Wflml gewAne 7. If he is recalled to the regular y he will receive the full dnflyu;:y m rank he beld in the army at time of his discharge, up to the rank of sergeant inclusive. He will receive the free kit of j3 3 on c cldhdh c dW scnai ind Audice dn i s a soldier; and, if he be a married man, & daily allowance will be made to his wife -d&ildnl.whn-eponudrmunh mqumofhh-bem(onmb in the 8. Ifrecalled to the regular u-nz, the wbbpï¬odofbhlomor.mioo the uny-ndinunreurnmdfllhdbv- ed to reckon in full towards good conduct pay and pension. He will not be allowed lC ECC l oL "thk mainrie HBrok _3% O\ K6b LHAzHIPK pension for service in the reserve lorce .nhunalbdwm"phrny. 9. Discharged soldiers who are 'II% tojoin the First.class. Army Reserve i immediately notify their desire to the stail officer of p. nsioners nearest to their presâ€" ent abode, forwarding at the same time their‘address, and stating the dute and cause of their discharge frum their lute regiment. Instructions will then be sent to them for their future mfl When w,.m;m W. Pavier, A 6. ammmmanins s m ca cce t M enc mm mm Adrice for Good Little Girls. Good little girls ought not to muke mouths at theis teachers for mfl offence. This kinds of relations afl!hemtodwummflm' vated circumstances. llypuhnnothifllm"‘“"“"'" Th n nc hun tas 6 contly chios mates A T .p.h’ EL .,-__;amn-nf justify you in sble to do it. mUIC VJ UV 10 You ought never to take your little brother‘s © chewing gum * away from him by main force ; it is oc modan and a half you find floating down the river on a grindstone. In the .m--i-fliï¬? -u-l»hhumotub.uvmvrd t of the world this mfllmzl:‘uul tion has lured the obtuse to finanâ€" ehllfnhn‘::.m'-m it [ at any * Milu ’“,.-ho&:. do not correct flï¬dâ€"w"‘.“’wm-‘ at because it will soil his clothes. It is mfluldhm.liflh;for“fl!“ attain two desirable resultsâ€"you secure u.-uhumamnmmm amuum-â€"-ï¬um %&m‘ â€"c-:,on-t“l person: se f u.:‘aab, o ols lt ",,F-\ y m w ‘L‘P-_‘.. # 0 llview Tod more this moment there is much + <ip s 4 ALUO® «omm e h) DC bouï¬-:nu her with a show of nevertheless. And you ought BÂ¥ WARK TW AIX,. Prince Arthur is it, and you t to makea forcible ewap has boeen i~sued tA