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Ottawa Times (1865), 14 Oct 1870, p. 4

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BBENRFILIT 0F LiLFE ASSURANCE. In Uilnstration of the benefits which have ao $ erued to Paruicipating Poticies of Life A«surance A s 8 "'- Wt M’wm sessee tions REGULATION As TO SUR&ENâ€" DER OF POLICIES. o For surrender of Policies for the term of lite, +K+ ted at unitorm premizms, and which have been three ymgnm:r-idfl mc: eke k Feae EC NC F on the amount af ordiznary premiums received, will, at any time, be al.owed, besiaes the value of vested Honuses, where such have been deciars ad. An objection, often arged against 1ie A#w curance, th at there is no certainty of value being mmm‘muumm.bu- com g168 THE OSNLI GOOD 8200R CaUtIO® A%AINST FRAUD. Ihe sussess of this most delisions and «srivalâ€" d soniimeat having «saased “z’. m’ the aame of * C orcestershire so owalnferior compounds, the p« blic is hereby informed thatths caly wa« to seoure the _ auuine lkts :. _ aK FOR LEA a eerar=® sa008, s _ M M .sd nB SS o supplied with « sparious Worsestershire Sauce, .Ju:.:?m";u”hp‘d“ U and t gire VR3 aad to see that their aglite. areapus cae wrappar 1407 3m Â¥For the purpose of qualifying Operators for t .1 G@GLAPH AND RAILROAD LINES yonoxsr:nsmn sAUCE, Deslared by Connolssears Then and now se rapidly building in the Ousrilal‘s new «ysien seadio Dominion and United States. It is become ‘&--."'-'u.’. .‘%ao ~ne a mod wili be Permanent Institutions of the Country. mm‘:‘z Ard has turned out {which do not .......:.‘.‘.‘..2 OYER 100 OPERATORS, lâ€"-.l Cabric‘‘s Pamphiet on Who now All important with :"'uun-nu m sane portuat positions *" AILL, LONDON _ 1333 1 Go0D SALARIES, â€" Tnmu'rouru\ AUMOND‘S B} Mn cox P an t TTAL.â€"ONE MILLION STERLING. 88 RayLADIES and GENTLEMEN desiring to leara this light and bonourable profession, should do so at once, The average length of time required is three months. Ladies learn more rapidly than gentlemen. Both sexes u-m-dmu{:.n of. age and upwards. For tull particulars and terms address T H CHURCHILL, Otlaws, September 22, 1870 _ 1468 13 Mrs Robort Stewart having made arrangemonts with an ascomplished lacy teacher, announces that her Dunsing Clesses will commencse on W ednesday:. the find \n. tant o Furtaor particulars may be obtamed on appliâ€" eation to mrs RobertStowart, Wilbrod street. Ottawa September Oth, 1869. 1148tf Qanada Head OMoe:â€"Montreal. A DAYIDSON PARKER, e OTtaWw A, HAKNXETT 2, HiLL, Hair Vigor, TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE, ‘%4 KIA4G BTREET EAST, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. wE & reshness of youth u Thie air is Thick» ened, falling hair checked, and baldâ€" ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glaads atrophied and decayed. But such as remain cau be saved for usefulness K.tbl. application. Instead of fouling hair with a pasty sediâ€" ment, it will keep it clean aor vigorouns. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falliog of, and cousequently prevent balduess. Free m those deleterious -i:nen vhic': e some preparations uvmu a injurious to the hair, the lirf can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing pneither oil nor dye, it does o , giving it a zich Takee nad o gremiss pictame, oo 6 Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., racticat AXD Axarrricar Cuasuuts, Policy above Ayor‘s â€"ve referred to (N+ 1810) the sum of «res in cuep eerenabte: is at once % healthy, and ecectual for preserving the hairs â€" Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss ans nsterbed ai night u‘u‘q-d'y-u.i'b‘ u::nlu‘-h.ul erying with the eteruciâ€" paino sutting teeth T If 1o, go at once and gat a bottle of mrs. WINSLOW‘8 #00THILNG <YRUF. It will relleve th ~poor little suferer Mo&y-dq-.d!’.hlthuun“ wbout it. rm.uu.wnmmn «ver used it, who will not teil you at once that it will reguiate the bowels, and Ive rest to the aother, and relie!t a 1d health to the child, operaâ€" ingiike magie. Lt »1 perfectly safe to use in all ases, and p)â€"asunt to th« taste, and :1 the preâ€" q‘-dmdm“‘wmpr 1ia~ #ad aurses in the United States. Price#} ants everywhers. Be sure to call foz ‘MRS WINSLOW‘! S00THING SYRUP.®" Yaving the facâ€"snmsl. of «Curtis & Perkina" on the outside wrapper. All others are base umitaâ€" QQ? er BRatiles.â€"Ds. BINGEAN, 9% """"" New York, says: "I have used Dr. A.l‘n,nt; Yagnatic }ntment .1 practice: a number yeass, and can se 7 "'...&."l“.“.‘ mMWodfiomlfi"."”" Infammation of the \.angs, I ation of the Bowals, Infammatory Rhoumatism, and in Childâ€" nNuIIsC C _ _ _AE with | arfack HLGOBEE, [Y] ved Fever, it J â€"â€" "Whioke If aoks "m:«.--ffl-"u'-'..m Limbs, it acts like a charm. Da.J. P_ Exmuzpy .of Chittenango, New Tok: «ays : * It has stoud thetest has not been found "L Its cures of Infamâ€" aation of the Langs and Croup and the wonderful it to a high samk somplaints." Ds. ‘.A" sompiaimes, * Ds. A. W. Bruouse, of Knowlesvilie, New York says ; "I have used !i in soverr l cases of Special Urtitation «nd tor the woret enses of Piles, and sundry other complaints, and find 1t a superiore wticls, and well worthy the notice of all * Purshasers should be sure and ask tor Dr. â€"R. hul\lronhc‘-t.ulmuum'fl «A. TRASK‘S3 MAGNEIIC OINTMENT ‘ are on the wrapper. eeccnione, Paaches" "Sord ts Ouere 57 all Aagents for the Sold in Ottews by all mww.fifiowmm rOR Msofiummo . * "anp Pexâ€"sRvING ThE tEEtu. Gold by Chemitcs and Porfamers, and by the MESSRS. GABRIGL, The oldâ€"established Uentists, 4 | 64 Ladggate Hill, London. and at LIVERPOUL and BaIg«aT )N. is \ as sWn C mE Rare 0C NOR BCE PP PE IP EPC UETC AP tyauR.., tor Sopping Decayed Testh uu.tum-â€"l.ummw Toothache ao matter ho far decayed is 8d per bux Ask for Gabriel‘s Celebrated Dental “A-nnm 08 vBO ENAAEL STOPPLNG for Preserving Front Teoth. Warranted to keep white, aos as frm as the tooth itself Th beautful preparation restores Front 1'_:‘ n: 6 i.nnij.n sovau toora rowDER ted from a recipe as used W&‘-pfi.’“& sious fragrance to the breath ; gives the Tecth s nouriâ€"lik« whitensss and protects the enameL R: 18 OL0oOstaLGIQUE EBLXIL G'.'..'-‘n" #ash aarivalied h:: agreeable the -."""""?f.".:'m.. .ath. nuu-:: the breath; is is tavaiuabie _ to“l io suffer «nd Toothache. â€" _ "oi> Uo in pundns, on i iiI beoeaerplunte Mesers. Gabri«! will undertake to Remodel of Repair Artifsial Tooth made by other Dentists, [which do not prove satisfactory}, at moderate Masers. Cabrie!‘s Pamphiet on Artificial Teeth ond raialoss Ventisia y on receipt of postage. *_% All letters to be ddreased to 64 LUDGATE HILL, LONDON _ 1333 tuuto lavkin _ _ s TRAVELLING PUBLIC. â€"| k The Bar always rupplied with the | oHoICE8T LIqUORS, sABRIKL*®s WHiOTE +UTTA +NNHE CÂ¥IOS HOUVSE€, __ W. ARMsSTRONG, PROPRIETOR, CoRNER OF QUEEN AXND ELGINâ€"8TS oTTAW A. EVvERYT CONVENTENCE AND COMFORT FOR aBRIEuS C<LEBRATSD PREPARA TIONS _ ; And the table sproad with EYXERY DELICACY 0k THE SEASON mq;:mou..-w-n ir Batiies. â€" Bmeuax, of Uties . Will leare Agimer caliy (Jundays 1 u. u.. for thee Joichims, and Chapeau. B e‘slock p. m. Otlawa, August 13, Wl lgave Havelook dally sont P. OMEARA. Provamvros. Atew more gentlamen can be accomnmod: vith comfortab.e board and rooms. Gentle laliting the Capkal wil} ud:znnuu- ation by the day or week at moderate to ms. N 8 â€"Cais nouss is situated in the immediate climty of the Parliament Buildings and the seal ++a ts 1 U ¢ sPECIAL NOTICES. DLXMCONXD Mn meer Onand after the FIRST OF SEPTEMBER, ITAW A )FFIUCRâ€"â€"G P Darumonp»‘s Exchange Vhee, 1y Bparks street. sotcg DIRECTORS : AJOSEPH, Chairman;, D C THOMSON, Trea« urer; 6 BFOOTS ATHOMSON, T H DUEN. ',.b’l-l'l TRLEGRAPH COMPAWNY STEAMKR +ANN sISsON," Will leare Pembroke Daiy at 3 p. m. o R I D v . DUIGCONXAN*!S, SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. d under ' Apmrotbaing Stakains of Cunude," _ * Â¥iabling and an Astentive Hostler. ates with ARAT "YHM E TE «SIR JOHNX YOUNXG‘" CHANGE OP TIMXE. #JA8ODN GOULD" a list of remedies for these LOPOLIAT AR AUMONDS BL0CK,â€" > Rudean Stree (tamea. â€"None @enuine without it. Mothers Iâ€"Are yoa T EE T H. daily at T a m. lof wil leave Cbhapesu at 1 R 5 CARSELS, [ President. b 144 Af ins otf Rheu #vY. HIS EXCELLENCY_ THE GOVERNOR ‘ GEXERAL IN COUNOLIL Ou the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs and under and io vir~ ture of the 54th Seotion of the Act 31st Vicâ€" toria Cap. 8, intituled " An Act respecting the His Excelleney has been please?® °0 *** * and it is bereby Ord: red, that the Out Port 0 Port Ryorse attached to the Port ot Dover, in the Province of Ontario, be and the samo is hereby constitat d and appointed to be & Ware bou«ing Port, within the mean{ng of that Ortiawa, pemieu EeSqueRRe e C and endorsed *« Tender for Post Ofice, Toronto," will be recsived at this Office unti! Monday Evenâ€" ing, the Jith Instant, for the erection and compleâ€" tion of a mew POST OFFIOE, Teronto. * TE T C TL bs mmie at this pouu ril td c 2 d hh conatny PnA <e Aptge l in N ce 8 Pians and spemrfications can be seen at this chhee, also at the offce of G. W. Storm Architeot, King Sureet, Forento,on and aiter the 14th instant. I 8 k M Li and amâ€" Ths "..‘R.tdbohnohlt sam, aod om* bracing all trades and elassifications of work and material. The signatures of two solvent and responsible 8 TNLLEECE es Thew â€" TK yurrour, withng to: besart U * " L ud to fuillmest of the contract must be attached to cach teader. m.s Daoartment will not bo bound to accopt the lowest or any tender. Wd’nflh'uh » Ottaws, Octeber 1, 1810. OovEREIMEXT HOUSE: Ottawa, Oct. 4, 1870 © en a} Sealed Teadors, addressed tothe undersigned Oun the recommendation of the Honorable the Ministr of Customs and under anod in virtue of the authority given by the 8th Secâ€" tion of the Act 31 Vic. Cap. 6, intituled " An Act respecting the ©Customs." His Excel enoy has been pleased ;go make the fellowing +OT1I0OE TOCONTR ACTORS. Grand Harbour, in the Isiand ot Grand Manan, in the Province of New Brupswick shall be and the same is bereby erected into un Out Port of Customs, and attached to the Port of Campo Bello (Welchpool.) WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council, GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. _ (The Model Read of Canada j To‘ Sarnia, Detroit, Milcaukee. CHICAGO, Cincinnati, St. Louis, New Orleans, and all Points in the West and South. NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION _ CO‘S K) FirstClass Um_C:bgw * ovEaNwE»®T HoUsE. Ottaws, Oct. 4, 1870. CENTRAL AIR LINE ROUTE GREAT CRNTRAL ROUTE AND SAVE MoNEY, TIME AND DISTANCE Qomparituve distance of the several Westora Routes to Chicago : .« Grand 1 runk wo Detroit... Lo acmn ; .v-vv‘â€"-;----v PROTEET W.icks ho bangroâ€"menpenmarinte | . M C “m wesseesses00s sessesemsesees S WO M For TICKKTS to say Points in the United States, and mm-{flyu ; J t JnC00RAN, General Western Railway and Steamboat Ticket “filru.-‘ouuo.-nbflnll". Draper‘s, Bumex s1, two doors from a t IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALER OCDENSBURG x CHIOAGO, Oltawse Augest 13, "\- 64 QUlll Corner of Metoal qfit main ont «OuUusENX® s B "~"~~_"~__ . KAVANAGH, Propridor, _ Corner of Metoaife and W ellingtonâ€"streots, ?r q&ufi&mhm Government = «QUEEN" comprises dthnfillffl 4 Arstâ€"slass kertan ant. Tho House bat refuted and ref raished -um The BAB contains h e choiosst Braads ir and Lags ws, and every ofthe seanm s wiil be tound on the lable. The m\’tiflrvfllhw to he comâ€" M Oyvwerr, Game «ta. Aully Thcrsday, 210d day of Sept, ‘ ~PBE8SERT ¢ at this office KCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IX COUNCIL Ortawa, 26th day of 8 »pt., 1870. s@rTEAS AND WINES, @a_ #. FOO1E & Cossrasy, U Q@UEEX ! RESTAUSsAXST, PRESENXT : DAaILY L1XE B8 Wak® wY. H. LEE, Clork Privy Council, 6 RO8PITAL STRXET, 'M""w Ureat Wose pleased to Order seessecsessseess 440 +000 TICKETS at this offce THEK â€" UTVAWA Â¥BRAUN, assmessee se 000 0008 ror the due 1478 3 1411 4 NMONTREAL 1870 1478 : 850 milss 136 do recipe of Prepared by special permission ooo s ~99 P. VERAL M/ D.,â€" = Professor of Chemistry in the University I PADUA, ITALY,. Kept by all the principal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion, e c A. M, Â¥, GIANELLI, Sole Manufacturer and Proprietor for the Dominâ€" ton of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"These celebrated Bitters are carefully prepired with the very best quality of Sherry mended to persons of delicate constitutions. They are gontly stimulant, and will be tound infallible alds to digestion. “:lordhoum see label round the neck of each @. | None are ine anless bearing thesignature che prqfi“‘: * * of 1032tf A. Â¥. F GIANELLL OFFICE AND SALE #OOMSâ€"City Auctlo mart, York street, near the Marketl, The subscriber in issuing this his bpring Cirouâ€" lar, begs to return his best thanks to his triends ulmrwn publis of Ottawa and Country, as well as his many sonsignors at a distance, for the very liberal bestowed on, and confâ€" dence in bhim, since his advent as Auctioneer of this oity, and to assure them that sonstant desire and endeavour wili be, to merit scontinuance of the support and : patronage liberally extended to him. He can refer with pleasure to the many . Be can refer with pi to the many restimoniais he has mol.v:'d‘:Et- those who piaced properts in bis bands for disposal, that Sonfer anthGaediatinly,""" teturas are his * SALES AT PRIVATE RESIDENXCES, In soliciting public mdu this branch huuuhnrldn-:wfll{ }nl-su. that. 1 the future as in the past, it will be his unceasing mummmdlbrm-u and that by carsful attention, prom,t cash returns, and muderate charges, to merit a continuance ohnc nn.m-p heretofore so liberally bestowed upor t Spring Furnitare Sales at the Mart will comâ€" mence immedi.tely, and from time to time wi}l be duly announced. â€" He will bd:.Mly of Horses, Cattle, &o, &o, on the Market, due of which will be given. The large numbpr of Horses and Cattle sold by him during the past your, is sudcient gasrantee that his abiuty in this critical branch of auctiongering is appreci: OYaAL ITALIAX BITTERS. arringe and .qa::l.u will soon commence, and those who have s O.rlh‘u. and Hurâ€" ness to: dispose of will do well) to send them to the Aart as swon as possible | _ Je .+ % PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLEK. Commission Merchants. [. BERMINXGHAN, . GENERAL AUCTIONEER Traue bares of Mercuandise, Farm Stook, Rea) Esvate, «ibsaries, Works of Art, #0., &0., as wel. as consignments, from a distance, will meet with best ~itenciop, and be conducted on very moderâ€" ate terms. sevond hand hour turigg th vances made uood» sent in ! toto, it required The sale Hoo uad about the 1 vour iavour solicited. sevond hand Furnitare will be nodvufl hour d\uu;thou,.np to T o‘siock p. m. e v«noes made on Furniture, Pianos, or other uJood» sent in for Sale, or may be porchased in toto, it required | The sale Hoom is well lighrod an. ventilateq, sad umnnlush the city, being ao:::’. vour iavours onage are respecttu solicited. pate | Several Houses in the city on hands tor sale. J BERMINâ€" H AM, Otrtawa, March 1870. Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeai, Pork, &o. â€" oTTtawa, j A beautifal country residence with Fifteen (15) Acres of Land (or more it npcessary) attached ; the house and outbaildings '{ completely surâ€" rounded by a grove of invely ade trees. The whole within 10 minutes drive uf the government Uash advanced on goods ‘:lnfltl | Hate sale. Prompt returnsin all cases # A Rastre» y P I*NIEP"*T*" COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FORWARDERS m e Terms of sale, oul.ll'nhtlflflor““"' Otbl'boln-.llpny-nrl-“‘ e Lalance in from 1 to 10 years, to suit purchaser. NJR SALE, ORUGANLST AND TEACRER OF MUSIC. Residenceâ€"K!g:in Streot, South of slater Stroot. Classes for beginpers at Mr Gowan‘s Hall on Mondays, Wedanesdays and Fridays at 4j pim Ottawan, July 15th, 1870, 1410 uf N. B.â€"Money to leni on Tu P@EOPLE® TEA §TORE, § . â€"BY+ P. BASKEKVILLE & BROS. Wholesale and Retail dealers and Commisâ€" sion Merchants, No. 36 «Rideauâ€"8t., and ~â€"â€" Duke St., Chaudiere, To be obtained frorm . oi o oc 5n fang * (ittawa, June 23, 1868.; _ Canadian Parliamentary Calendar _ Mr.@U8TAVE suu%‘.‘(mlmmo Cathe @gral) a Graduate of the Conservatory o Paris. Lessons on Pianoa: 1 Singing. Ridean t H E L L MU T H COLL EG E. M, ndl‘dtl::.â€"-.wc. HELLMUTH LADIES‘ COLLEGE UT TOâ€"DAY. easels, Insugurated by H. R. H. Prince Arth 'o::: »no r\.mrc:. ‘;“’.l' auE." ts J w Rev. L. ’m":.? f ery L muth, D. D., artioulars London, Canada West. | y s dncfiles Je e e August 8, 1870. 1 o o«â€"1 _ Fromthe Farm of MRS. STENWART on the hbank ot the Canal, or the 20th inst, TWENTY*~ TBREE LAMBS. marked with a stroke on the back with ar. Information to be given to WM.â€" SLATTERY, Butcher By Ward Market Auges 0 14481 are upouiny adapted and recomâ€" August 7, 1870. Apply to the Proprictor, . EASTON & CO., US1ICAL ACADEXY. R&. FRIPP, LGUE® EOUJaATION: DEAL ERS 18 alt and Fish oouuul‘ on han P. BAsKERVILLE & BRO8. s 1438.â€".17 :uxumagu--n. ods oonsigned torimm HOPE & CO., and JONES &A HOLLAND R A BRADLEY, '....31."‘" i ue Post Uikee. o the rigins 1870. Auctioncer:; N-v pBRUG STORE. ALEXAKDEB OHRBISTIZE DPruggist and Phar_mmitioal Chemist Bparkeptreot, Cen The subscriber bogs to he publis gecerally, that Ontario Bank, Sparks stroot, and complete stook of gquropean and American The Popular Proprietary * . a lodlot*l and Preparations Englis Â¥rench and German & | Perfumery, English Brushes and Tollet Articles, Dye Stuffs, Seeds, and all the Miscelianeous artiâ€" cles usually sold by Druggists. Family medicines and physicians‘ prescriptions will receive the attention their importance de l mands. The prescription department will be under the persons }supervision of 3. ;hnprlm. oo ilitegrs seighhe eP ADpmer VPe VCAE [." :::cuu p::uo- n n o o e s rmll t attention will be paid to the uality of all materials employed. ® e Physicians and country merchants supplied. The subscriber has ample facilities for attendâ€" Ing to the wants of his custct ¢ C ALEXANDER CHBRIS#11B. Mtawa, February !7. 1570 Ig.& y TThy Invaluable to invalids and gonm of impair _ | digestior ; an excellent TONIC for persons ‘ covering from iliness. Forsale in quart bottle ; price one dollar. GABDIII'I“MO.‘O:VOII.%"%] ..:.v': many & n:hn t. '.: d o!au each. cmi for adults and children â€"it is pleasant to the taste and harmless in its nature Forsale by druggists and general dealâ€" ers in all part: of the Dominion. Gardener‘s First Prise Baking Powder, un rivalled for purity and excellence. For sale by Siotnn, (0 Joote1"i yound paske 26 sonte ) ata 4 $ cents ; # pounds, $1.25. Whounrl&“vni the bu;tul lor GARDENER‘S and take no other. GARDENER‘s EPILEPTIC CURLE. Price $1 per bottle ; six bottles for $5. J GARDENER, Chemist, OCTOBER 14, 1870. 457 Notre Dame strect, Montreal, P Bole Proprietor and Manufasturer. Among the most importan! of rodern Medical Dis e ne@ e e soveries stands the QANADIAN PAIN DEsSTROYEKR Gide, Back ana Jlead, Couphs, Colds, bore Throsw b'nlli. Braises, Cramps in the Storwmch, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowel C -&hu. Burns,Pcalds, t Bites &o., ke. The Canadian Pain Destroyer has now beer before the public for a length of time, and whenever used is well liked, never tailing in a single instance to give permanent nlu’ wher timely asod, and we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directions are pro perly followed ; but on the contrary all are dol od with its m«u. and speah i athe terms of its and magical afects. _ We irtl from experience in this matter, havia.. tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who ar: suffering from any of the comp sints for which it is .ecommended may depend upon its being a Sove -f:o “fi:‘*.:luoy of the Canadian Pais. Destroyer, in dissases for which it is reâ€" commended, and its wonderful successin subduing tlnomr‘fl pains of Eneumatism. and in re ieving Nervous Affections, eutitle it to a highrank in che list of Remedies for thmb‘.rldlu. Dealers are coming in from Medicine ers in all parts of the sountry for tarther ngplm. and each testifying to the universal satisfaction it gives The Cans dian Pain Destroyer never fails to give mmediate rolief. Ali Medicine Dealors t:&l Physicians order and use I,‘ and no family "&'fi °o wm';‘?v:"m‘ r bottle. aet = cents lon'l‘lfi; & LYMAN, Newocastle, C. W., General Ai:-u for C. W . Bald bw Geo. Murtimer, John Roberts, W M guocnouu REMEKOY. Nes wueme sTOP AND SEE! ARDNXERS 1iaNADIAN PAIN DEKSTROYER! ‘The following remarks on testimonials of mos wondertal and extraordinary cures in Canada by he Gakar Inoia® Reurpr. â€" | â€"â€"| â€" ~.})â€" _ ; They are stern andeniable facts, sufficient to cohvince the most sceptical that the groai @dlâ€" cinal compound, yearned after for ages, is now accessible in the groat gULININE way WINE BITTERS, m« Where was there ever such o:‘tmnthud Wilson Storms, of Brighton. Consumption, O:MdeIOVfim. gluirmonflu.d Consumption, or that of Ambro«e W ood, of Conseâ€" aon, Ont, of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of Jobhs Heoey, of Napanee, of Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutehes for years, but has now recovered the use of his limbs. Handbook, containing unquestonable certifiâ€" cates on the great Sho.honees Remedy and Pilis can be ob ained at all drug stores. _ _ N# o Messres. Unaxrtrrain & S1118, Con#ay P 0 Connty of lr-;al. Ontario, Onads: 1000, m' of Hastin Province of Ontario, Feb. M.&O. ‘ Ih‘s is to cortify that during the winter of 1886 [ wastaken with a weakness of the ancles, which gradually, during the vcpfln‘ of 1867, extended to my knees, snd on up to my h wu I became so weak that [ could not walk, was confined to my chair. ‘For abouttwo years, whilethis weakt ness was coming on me, and afterwards, I sough medical advice, npl.oIh.. at different times three doctors, and mediaines of different kinds prescribed by tmonds, but of no avail. L continuâ€" ed to get worse and worse, until the summer : of 1868, when.I was induced to try the great Sho ‘ shonees Kemedy by reading the cures performed in a pamplifet, Atthis time [ bad begun to tee! the weakness in -{ hands ; in fact I was getting .l-:”\:‘lrlm have taken two bottles of the Sh Remedy ard two boxes of the pills and I am entirely restored to health. I never expected to get better, \dd-.l'lu.trld the medicine as a sort of forlotn . hope ease of mine was not a private one, but known to all my ulfhbun and friends ; and to any one affiinted as I was, I have on!y to say try the ~hoshonees Remedy ; I Ayultevie it wiklhoike yuue|. . 0s .. . . _: .. _ Price of the Remedy in large pints, $1. 137 °* MARY ANN DOUGHTY Bworn to before me at Madoc, Jounty of Hastings his ninth day of February, 1869. A F WOOD,J P, &s. t hmb‘uflllythu I have known Mrs. Mary Am: uo:, ty tor the last fifteen years ; she is a « man obity and truth. 1 have known her b'.xou.h!m.ud since her iliness. I believe her certificate to be true it onnzudulu. 1 know that while il! her case was declared hope, lets ; and I know that she has, since her recovery, always attributed her recovery to the Shoshonees Remed Whatever may be the pecullar m-&. of this medicine, one thing is certain, P rlermghate op h mivarty, n oo ~MAor: Hihe thih . & l Waiien ofiie Dogaty o HeLHEh Protices omo-u:?&m. * SHOSHONEES REMEDY. Â¥. MoCarthy, J. Skimrer, m his triends and s has commenced ing sadjoining the ith a perfect!y new emioals, Patent Med This elegant Turkish TONIU is one of the mortBealutary and delicate preparations ever submittâ€"d for public approval in this hemi«â€" phere, and asserts its pretentions to prl‘ofll" un the following grounqh sm== ~#} Un tBo JORMWISR B°* CCE C 1 That it is a preparation of one of the most eâ€"minent Puorveyors to the Ottoman Court. It prevents acidity of the Stomach. It relieves lowness of:spirits. It is a mild and lnvigouting tonic, and a ost efficient but innoctous stimulent, It rengers the breath swect and agreeable. It stimulates the appetite if taken BEFORE meals, [l It promotes digestion if taken arTER meals. It ucutralizes the pr-pen-lty for strong liquore. it . It renders the intelle¢t bright and clear. If taken balitually it imparts vitality and energy to all the todily orgaos. i By its use a man oQ’lo will bâ€"come, as it were, restored to the el»sticity of 30 ; and to persous of delicate conftitutions it is strongly recommended. II : It is an especial fayourite with Oriectal ladies. i * Bâ€"cure, then, bealth, longevity and â€" vital . energy by the habitual use of the ALKABASAR TURKISH TONJO. Kept in stock by the principal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion. For directions for use # e labels on bottles. HENRY CHAPMAN & CO,, EVAN r MERCER & CO,, ‘ o Montreal, s j _ _Bole Agents for the Dominion C T. R. HIGGIN®, Aauoruu Buvqk.‘totonlo Matval Fire and Live § k lucr:‘m‘:;co. u.ur:l.(h-hdu Agent,Importers, -.n:tuunun ining Agent lf:nh& clasims constantly on hand. Office, corner Metcaife and Sparks streets, over Mann Bros Hardware Store. it LIEE INSURANCE OOMPANY OP MAINK. Fimmaxor Dsriagruext, ‘ fo: 164 Ottawa, 12th October, 1868. O: # I The tollowing Insurance Com has recelved a license totransactths business of Lu. Insurano in Canaga : Ih . 3 No. 33 The UNION MUTUAL LLFEIEBUR aNCE COMPANY, of Maine. : o.?m- U. 8. 6s or ‘81â€"$50,000. B. R.CORWILN, General Agent, 8t; John, N.B For the Minister of Finance &ouul. t:‘:ntz;l'honud D&llsn in a£GGitIOB to e above Filly l::hl‘.- m‘ Thoa. ‘sand Dollngé:‘“, ) U.8. a:fm; of ‘81 The Hon Coi. John i. Jray, M.P., has beer appointed Counsel to the 00.’:’ tor the Domin ton.; Aillegalmatters will be referred to him. } B. R..CORWIN, Montreal, July 6 HAIR DREYSING PARLOUR, m Weulfiagton street, ® Oppofiuo the Bank of Montreal. MBR GENDRCEAU, the proprietor of that so popular Parlour, has the pleasure to apnounce te bis namerous (riua and the public in general, that to answor to the greoat ensouragement which he has received up to the present, he has deterâ€" minedto enlarge and thoroughly furpish anew his establishment. F’ ‘will save no expense to render Parlour the ‘no-t comfortable, anc o prosu. . ha mast 19«!0.“‘ hair dressers, MBR GENDREAU having served considerable time in some of the best and mort extensive Hair Dressing salons is the Dominion and United svt;i;rvi: in a wfl“ to conduct the duties of his establishment in a mauner that cannot be surpasied.. < * He will have always on hand the best perâ€" tumes imported direstly from Paris and London. MR GENDAEAU solisits a visitto convince all of the truth of hbis statement« "l\o FARMEK _ Who bave suf dustion in the price |_ J UVBMn L ARMT &A Altilm. I have this d‘if deposited with the Receiverâ€" sneral. Twenty Thousand Dollars in addition to Elevated Oven Low Oven Ot awa, November 7, 1868. Double Stoves. Box Stoves all # Dumb Stoves. Stove Pipe:. at the ()ttawa, Septe beoedlitieie . butrcntet EcE UEy Lauad WE the Ontario i:n sEsrb:G. Ottawa. for Trast and n Co. W. &. Tarstic. £ "l\llll‘l'l.l # Coâ€", Land Surveyors, Agents, B qughtsmen, &o. OMce, op B BLLLL e Bell‘s | aelphis Thes on Dr Aérnt,) Managing Dir iâ€"_ é_nifi‘fn?,’ Commission Merchant and ;1 a General Agn: Sole s:lo;t' l;:r':‘u"- G&Alu udt:: Pork{}ku. tp_.,fo_ut__ VÂ¥ [ A man na his wife to take full sharge of a large FARM on the Ayimer Road. The wan must hare a goodmnnbdp of farming, and the management of Stock, and his wife must be on pable f the ngement of a deiry. An active couple without incumberance pnfo.l:l'fi_d«_m“ falinees se l 1 . 0 8 waoth Hull, September 29, 1870 1416 1m&w3l 2m _ I hereby give notiee that I shall not be responsible for any debs contracted in my name after this d:. without my written order. Orrion : No. $, Sparks & use, Ottawa !M:?O W . Our WINTER STOCK, just ‘*@OFICE 46 CAPIT A.Tlp, a‘mn”o }:.’D.-AU’ _‘ H MEADOWS & CO. mber 9, 1870. â€" ) Sussex Street, AL STOVE DEPOT." 'G:'sc'l’c. ‘l:‘lm Ofc ook, Sa ppors‘ H ABims, Beq, ~aohitect, P1 Fuller, Beq, Alba P., Oitawa ; Thos Reyrolds, tor 0. & St. L. R.R. 1 sred by fre we make a re= of Stoves, JORHRN LANYTON cellanecous. ,Cool Stoves. Cook Stoves. Parlour Stoves. Hotel Cook Stoves. Hot Air Furnaces. ! is one of the c mnaee i sifatits CHASB, GOUVLDEN, 14157 Manager. received On and from WEDNESDAY pext, the 14h inst., three trains will run daily on this Railway as T veg 4. R LUTTEELL, _ THOMAS REYNOLDS TIME TABLE, No. 23, Commencing on MONDAY, NOV. 28, 869 LKAYVE BROCKYVILLE, A 15®,; M.â€"â€"TRAINS â€" will leay $ R eP Brockvilie duily at 4.15 p m, 14, a m, arriving at SBandpoint at 10. 06 p m, .; -. ® LEA VE SANDPOINT. A. M.=â€"«â€"TRAINS will leave 63003-4:::: at 6.00 a m and 2.3 p m, arriving at ville at 12.16p m,8.30 st 7.14p m. All trains on this Line are run on Montreal LEAYE PERTH. d 5 3 5 P. M.â€"â€"TRAINS will leave 8 eB oD porth at 6.38 p m and 9.06 am arriving At Bmith‘s Fails at ”J m ard 9.56 LEAYVE SMITH‘8 FALLB. 10 05 A.M.â€"â€"TA AINS will leave $ Bmith‘s Falls at 10,.05 e m and 6.35b p m, arriving at Porth at 10.45 a m and 1.2% w. ® All trains on Main Line connect at $mith‘s Falls with trains to and from Perth. 1. _ No 1 leaves Brockville after G T Trains are due trom the cast and wess.. ‘ No 1 is due in Brockville in time to connectwith @ T Trains for the east and west. i. ABBOTT, am Wupoon & ANKAPOL! * WAYX + . Opening through from Windsor | WIIDIOI & ANHKAPOLIS RAIlL * i WAY+ . Opening through from Windsor to Asnapoln: completing the connezion between Halifez and 81. John. On and after BATURDAY, the 18th Dkâ€" CEMBER, ..l:“. tll: .l..dlw-yuv‘fl.@' ‘bo open for passenger v‘- rafic, as f Trainsleave Windsor (in connection with the trains of the Nova Bootina Railway from Halifax) uu.:u-uu.u&-. arriving at Kentrille at 11 45 a. m., and 8 45 p. m:, and at Annapolis st 1%.30 p m, connecting there with steamers m for 6t John, N B. e trains leave Annapolis at 2.35 r-.wnl'..rn by steamer from 8t Jobn, uflwum 8 a m, and arrive at Kentville at 6.10, W induor at 6.40, and Halifax at 9 &-. VERNON SMITH. Kentville, Dos 8, 1869. 11309 INMKAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMERS, GAILINQ FROM NEW YORK EVERYT SATURDAY AND ALTERNATR TUEsDAYs. RATRS OF PASBAGE BY THE 81 rCROAY STRAXER! First Oabin, Payable in Goid. LAÂ¥GrpOOLOT OQMOCORELOWNKE...... ccceccpecscersmccl00 41 Liverpool OFf QUO@RStOWRN...... »..cccsssecseees xfi 2. 7. ikmar‘y es man | ‘os e supen ROCKYVILLE & OTTAWA ‘ W A Â¥. gpor e MESS AND PRIME MES3S PORK. ‘I‘LOUB NCO. 1 4% ZXXT K A .John‘s, K.#., by branch steamer........ 30 W Tickets sold to and from England, Ireland, ans '0‘='=“fl)l' moderate rates: eC or in orluuisql st theCompany‘» Goos, JQ .{MLI.AM 14 N'Qu New York, or HEBRICEK & CROMBIB, Jttawa. N0R LIVERPOOL & Q UE LDRITOW WRAITR BEANB, At Ottawa, Hand Point, and Pembroke. 8 CHRISTIE, No 5 Hparks stroot. PllVAl'. BILLS. required by the 5ist and following Rules of the u‘umuc-bl:.(vmhmpumu-u =Outario Gazette"), to give NOTICE of the application (clearly and distinetly specifying its nature and object) in the * Ontario Gasette," and also in a newspaper published in the County or Union of Counties affected ; such notice shall be ‘sontinued in each case for a peoriod of at least Six woeks during the interval of time between the PRIEG AND SUMMER S8TOCK tideration of he Potition. Coples ofthe first and last of such notices to be sent to the Private BiH â€".All etitions for Private Bills must be prosent o4 within the FIR&T THREE WEEKS of t» buartes, OHARLES T GILLMOR, CGierk a the Houre, Corento March 13, 1979 OW ti ow a Ma 18, 1870 CHANGK OF TIMK. Batlrombs. PEXKTH BRANCH. K O TIC E. Ottawa to Prescott. Aceable ware for the Farming and community by whom 1 am s lergely and at prises as usual detying comâ€" Payable in ap â€" »40teea000 eesebes80000008 LINE. Managiny Dweor. @GEORGE XURÂ¥PET, "_®~ ITOCK & <gx" H.,'. " ‘l l-“ F JP i :, & â€"â€" V‘ sRrikâ€"gToR® l 2 f’â€" E. | SaL ay the painfully “- '*- e;r{d';. such great numpqre C*"¢ bee ::m o’( |Inelcio(\)xfn=.7.u ~i~1 inform virtues ‘ Coralatons «ol GOooe ifi t visinle forms of Serofulous daen. more concesled forms, as discasy, . Heart Discase, PFits, and the various Uleerous _ Syrprhifte or T eneredl Ayp a or Fenereal and are cured by it, though a long subxluing these obstinate But long continued use of this The complaint, Leuscorr hea of Ulecrations, and Female monly soon relieved ane hd purifying and invigorating tions for each onse are M.. pued grails Rhoumateom m caused by accumuiatioft of in the \*M’ .t (.'mnrlnhu. * mation of the Liver . and J PREPFPAREp #37 Pr. 3. C. AYER & “n. Practical ~*. A sOLD BY mmh h 4t ue 4 TL OA 0 d Adapted to all ages and condit containing neither calome) or a they nybouh-m-fi. “‘H’mm"“"h them pleasant to take, while be nohnrmc;\nnr\o:’mud hurul! T iscore to the i howle oouen reberei tried it, know| thom hioes ture i Gares Tok aigt And all know taai wine it dom â€"that it never fuils through anr Ayer‘s Oathartic My.mflu“hww by correcting, wherever they exis s# ments as £re the first origin of diseass Minute directions are given in the ! the for the following complain‘s,‘ and nontls be mber mederalely io mt sep und restore its healthy fone and For KAver ccafl is c;m. ”-zmu COolte and ”&'.:'“.'7 mdyu-tufl.u-w mor,n-mmm PIOVII(‘.IAL xmu-= of Canada, Head Oflee, .g entâ€"The Hon Jsn $# V jee Presidentâ€"Leris Other Dire~torsâ€"C J Mai »olm Cam Â¥ T yolut:r_i_oq.fl_; wlapd Beg, A T Fulson, Ang n Crocket, !?m Bankerâ€"The Canaadiab Agents for Ottewaâ€"â€"N _ Â¥or Wysentery or HFIAFERNDM BMS T mh&ll&“m ® tation of the Weart, Pain in the e oh ho t on es W 1e io. W uk saok dhange fow tm disappeai. Drepsical Bwelling and ..T,Ziam.‘- large and frequent dosth duce the effect of a draste purge, _ . , _ ‘The rates of the PROVIE! OOMPANY are as low as it# sheen to be profitable. .. For Rappression a late® Sot" 7"" as it pmdamue“d‘"‘ A‘:n ws‘.““'-‘ mo du“'. = An occasional dose ‘-L hnwels into healthy ““'""_' and invigorates the eystem, 80 avons where no serions Gerah pot when the premiums are 4 losses are bI’ setiled, and Tiin tite Oimpany thew Campany is second Its Ipspectors are alway w Esn‘ "Lac woall One who tss tolemthit rmn; de Their cleansing and renovating unw“ oE J. C. AYER 4004 P LOWELL XASBK, It respecitully solicits a of the‘ipsuring publMc of 0 endeé. ‘ «: The amoke causob RO kind, I have m...a '_.“‘ fit enten at meals, 40â€" perior to Pepaing. . __ EWe romprny Mots and AbS"MILATION of 00P To) cxban a d mablk an K dig and 1 2800, FPARSY"""" " nerce 16 N B â€"Pancrestine Wine!#! taking Oo€ Liver 0%- 1 â€"aNwo OR THREE 95 se <epdliredtet * w4 & £, and 12s6d. Pancreatine_ ROOMS, WITH Apply at cez â€"â€"mpe STRESS, or uuyfl!h':“"‘.':':a‘! ‘d| pm, 45. aPNTCCTCC In Tine, 2s 64, $s and 196 Or formed Into Oigare 84 ;bu snd 1bs, astilles for Inhaintion,B (3, New P TTAW be Â¥a%e t4, l ths valee of August 7, 1819 Jalg | 1678 liver on Ano* & the ox wirhoU! :.‘.....v’ enov E. ETREKAYUs 1A K As $4 Pigsias. t # » ::’M of aAKLPs , ke, 08 wp. to 4 pâ€" eel ... ei€kh ® H"" _ C188 L , Arob1 Ridean RUrCL o B Bo+ pA K £4, Bo} 08e 18

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