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Ottawa Times (1865), 31 Oct 1870, p. 4

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‘ soft P. OMKARA. Proracero Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, Probably: never |wicre in the wholo ‘Mfi",d medisine, has any thing won «o widety and so deeply upon the confidencr 0i mankind, as this excellent femedy for puimoisa y complaunts. w.»:’ series of years, and n-m most of the races Ew hoi Siecn Rsher sent nighee in their catima, on, as it has become better Its uniform m‘.' anu :n'.r to .:-nuv:w affocuons thromt ve known as a reâ€" =nw against m adapted to -&namwmm. i iw at the same time the most effectual remedy that can Et ECC sine mm at the same time the most effectual remedy that can :m incipient consamption, u&’m danâ€" â€"m”dnml:“tlâ€"t& J‘:‘.:‘m; Tision against sudden attacks of Creowup, !t shoull) we RT®T T 000 piha thonat and hay affections of the throat and lungs. As a proâ€" ”““*mdfmr i‘should b-u-uhm!.flu-‘-“‘"“'" are sometimes subject to solds and conghs, all "U** t2 s orovided with this antilote for them. | serLMOct whare the dis -nn-d“h"..“wfi”"' and the patient restoredâ€"to sound by the ‘Pectoral. %0 complete is its mastery "zwd&l. and Throat, that :dnndlv-tl‘ udc'z'cwrw- wma%"" great section from it. Â¥For Piseaser of the !TGRE " such as Coughs, Colds, W Couzh, Brouchitis, Ast und Consawption. ‘ “‘m.,‘ m“‘“'hfl, tured DY 55 ._ u. esmeraily cured by taking the 4 acaudics Arert is “ taking I Cherry Wfi.‘”‘:’-‘mm' a. remerally are its virtues known that we need * A* renarally are its virtues known that we need wphu.o-fll-lldn-m«donon thin sssure the puablic that its qualities are fully Ayer‘s Ague Cure,; wee Rvrye snd 4gne Intergittent Â¥eres: are literal. PLncer of Asua uvedicine n arerraien nous seeetfarmcnn J..-a"&Anu‘.mflutm Linc, nor any mineral or poisonous substance whatever, it in nowlse ’-m any patient. The namber and b“hthncedb tricts, are utlmt.ndn tiove Wihont a paraiiel in the history of Ague medicing. H®LADIES and GESTLEMEN desiring to learn this mdmm should do so st once, ‘The average leagth of time required is three months. Ladies learn admitted trom 14 ago upwards. hhflpfi‘m‘wm T H CHURCHILL, Turunto, Untarlo, Then and now so rapidly building in the Dominion and United States. It is become one of the ' Permanent Institutions of the Country. : Ard has turned out 4 OYER 100 QPERATORS, _ Who now fll important positions with Ottawas, September 23, 187 Mrs Robort Stewart having made arrangements with an spcomplished lady teacher, announces that her Dancing Classes will commence on W ednesday, the 22nd instant sation to Mrs Robert Stewart, Wilbrod streot. For the purpose of qualifying Operators for j mcorperated -u-‘&..,uru ol the ii-v-nl noUSE, €LB _ W,. ARMSTRONG, PROPRLETOR, CORNER OF QUEEN AND ELGINâ€"STS QTTAW A. EVERT CONYVENTENCE AND COMFORT.FOR THE TRAVELLLNG PUBLIC. The Bar always supplied with the CoHOLICEST LIqUORS, _ AJUVSEPH, Chairmas; D C THOMSON, Trea «rer; 8 B FOOTE ATHOMSON, T H DUKN. » DRMXMUOND Manager 11416 Ottawa s its name implies, it does Cure . _ And the table spread with EVYERY DELICACY OF THE SEASON U“ FORWARDLING & RAILWAY CUMmPAN Y . {8TEAMER "ANN sIS3ON,"‘ 1. 2 4* mt Dt sonthiter, won "interlmactam TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE » KLSG 8TREET KAST, Will leave Havelook daly at 7 a& m. lOf mmmmmpaul e‘clock p. m. Onl®xlo s Ottawa, August 13, Amhâ€" can be accommodated Ww the Capital wil ind hav‘e I accommoâ€" M%m-“yumum::wu N B8 â€"Fhis house is sitaated in the immedian alinity of the Parliament Buildings and the scal emake. 21011 MTAW A OFFICHRâ€"G P Dacwnmonn‘s Exchaag: OMeo, 19 Sparks street. NOTICE is hersby givea to Timber Manufacâ€" turers that the by Law (33 Vie. B m en enc s o Chaee Marks, will expire on the lith of NOV*MBEF next, after which they will be lable to a Prwaurt on Porvr Dounazs for negisot. . Cme o _ Search made and advice given as to Mark» which may be registesel without confileting with Â¥. 0. COOURSOLLES, _ Agent for Regisa. of Timber Marks ~#rom the tith hovember to the lat May nost, the kouss unflf.h Meary, corâ€" nes of Kent and W ellinglonuwrests _ Apply after ANCLn® as On and after the . FIRSE OF SEPTEMBEE®, PR* otawa, Oct$, BREOPLE!S TELKOR A PH CONMPANY «JAsOn GoULD" Will ‘leare Pembroke! Daly at 3 p. m. @xrarH AND RAILROAD LINES # .DUIGMANX*S, _ BPARKS BTREET, OTTAWA Stabling and an Astentive Hostler. of «BB JOHNX YOUNXG@ CHANGE OF TIXE. I 8 CARSELS, â€". Presiden 144 Af » “;.“e 1468 13 1 149 Mit and Pharmaceutieal Chemist parks btreet, Contro Town The sabsoriber begs to Inform his triends and he public generally, that he has commenced business in ‘the new building adjoining the ce _ SnglubChemieas, guropeanâ€"and American * Ontario Bank, Sparks strest, with a perfectly new and complete stock of f The Popular Propristary TCO T8 _ _° _‘ _ Medicines and Preparations English, French and Gorman Daebencare® . Dp-fil.... and all the Misceliancous artlâ€" vsually sold oy Druggists. Family medicines and physisians‘ prescriptions will receive the attention their iwportance deâ€" mands,. The prescription departwent will be under the persona }supervision of the proprietar, aad attention will bo paid to the quality ot all materials employed. Pbysisians and coun‘r7 merchants. supplied. The subscriber has ample Cacilities for atteod~= Ing to the wants of his ec«tcrc C AL®XAaNDER CHRI#L.:L Htawa, February 17, 1870 ______!!_.!_7___ Invaluable to invalids and persons of impair*®y digestion; an exceliom TONIC for persons } covering from i‘iness. Forssle in quart bottle ; price one doll ar.® & Garpura‘s Dowursrio Cocen Raxrtor will save you many a sleepless# might. In bottles 25 cents P C OCme C F. C und 50 cents each. Good tor aguits â€"â€"lt is pleasant to the cand ln*‘:': nature. Forsale by and general doalâ€" ers in all parts of the Domiaion. Gardener‘s First Prise Baking Powder, anâ€" rivalled for pority and excellence. For sale by grocers everywhere, in 3 on packets, 7 cents ; 5 os 457 Notre Dame itreet, packets, 10 cents ; 1 pound packets, 25 conw ; six pounds, $1.25. Whenever want the bes task tor GARDENER‘S and (.-_R‘pg_osl_u-___ ed with its: ope , and spealk i nthe highes :ndbmw‘m 'orlb-q-d.nhthh-“.l-h rested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the comp «ints for which it is .ecommended may dopend upon its being a Soveâ€" soveries stands the CANADIAN PAIN DEsSTROYER Back ana lead, Couphs, Colds, bore Throat Braisos, Cramps in the Storvach, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowe! O-mnh.m.?oddn. P Dites. &o., o. The Canadian Pain Destroyer bas now been before the public for a length of time, and whenever used is well liked, mw in a «ingle instance to give permanent wherpn Amely ased, and we hare nsver kuown a single nnd“ flwl on “"‘:., allare ad with its<operations, and speal l-mm Among the most importani of moders Meaioa: Dis EW DRVG sSTORZ. ___ CGARDENEK®‘s EPILEPTIC CURL. Prise $1 per bottle ; siz bottles for $8. J GARDENER, Chemist, The following testimonials of mos wymmhofla‘.h he Gazat Isxotax Rewuror. _ undeniable faots, suficient to nae es en ie Awces accessible in the groat English Brushes and Toilet W .-o.dlfl‘h-.() ulZdhhtcV llier, of Ernstown, Ont, of Consumption, or that of Ambroâ€"e Wood, of Conseâ€" «on, Ont, of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of Johs Heoey, of Napanee, of Rhoumatism, who had actually been on crutches tor years, but has now recovered the use of his limbe. . x: ARDNXER +8 molouuh:hb.m.l‘.“ Ih‘s is to certify that during the winter of 1 [ wastaken with a woeakness of the ancles, which graduaily, during the o'rh‘d 1867, extended to n’hno.nlnupb-ybt‘nl I became so weeak that I could not walk, was confined to my shair. For abouttwo years, while this weakt nsss was coming on me, and afterwards, I sough medical advice, o-ml.. At diGerept timos three dostors, and nese of different kinds preseribed by tmeonds, but of no avail. I continuâ€" ad to get worse and worse, until the summer of 1+868, when I was induced to the great Sho l::'..'.'::.:,“u,m t\.:’mpfl-d in a pamphist, Atthis time { bad begun to tee} the weakness in my hands ; in faot I was getting «lmost hel -Il.vohhum bottles of the M"fl.&,umwammu L am entirely restored to health. I never expected :o w.usuwmm as a cr:lhthn hope. ease of mine was not ANADIAX PALN DESTROYERE ! -“v;h n buk;o-l\.:.:ll“ .'?5-'"“..‘u-o’du was, 1 uvo‘l{uuy!nm shoshonees Remedy ; 1 walllwewlhk wittwark yas. _ =__ ; _ __â€"_ _ __ _ . gUINIXE wa~ WINE BITIERS, Where was there over such a cure as that ot o Mosers. URANBERLAIY & Si11e, Counsay P 0 M 1i ‘m Remedy and Pilis n-m.cduu.m Price of the Remedy in large pints, $1. 13y ALEXANDER CHRISTIE SHOSHCONEES REMEDY. 4. "FramS BTOP AND S8EE! Sole Proprictor and Manafacsturer. P.:test Med Rertamery, of Hastin I $ $ Hair Vigor, :s For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality ud'Co,or. A dressing which | e 3 is at ouce agreeable, | .â€"fi:.;' ‘ healthy, and e€Foctual i/ 3: Jiain for preserving the | / : hair, . Paded or gr0 Â¥ N _ hair is soon restor© } $ to its original co‘ th ao" s 1 1)j with the : gloss en« CA ag 4raham of youlh ; * Mess hin bair is (lnirk-l enod, falling hair checked, and ba‘!d noss often, though not always, mrcdl by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, ‘ or the glazds atrophied and decayed. I ibat such as remain cas be saved for | wsefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediâ€" ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair‘ from turning gray Or falling off, and | consequently prevent balduess. Free. from those deleterious substances which* make some preparations: dnvrou aod injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. Uwufli merely for a % a HAIR DRESSINGaa« C‘ontainingmmseither ‘oil nor d 9:0&..‘..3 -!h- amborie. ‘ Ani :lu:t soil i\l:"u-bfie,i‘“r&“ k ng on t ir, giving it a glossy lusmndo'nurulprfm-, > k > Â¥ ) is at 3 .rM F health /3 ? for j /A 1 \ bair. ' hai» â€" W s to its thiks Pas NP with Ni ag 4:-«5: C md AMASE ELN hin nod, falling haiz, che« nothing else ean be found so desirable. "® _ Lk Ti o o h o in Argk FOXR THE TEETH "rACTICAL AKXD Axarrricar Cauruasts, MESSRS. GABRILL, The oldâ€"established Dentists, Gllllnn WBHITE @UTTA PIQOIA ENAMEL, for Btopping Decayed Teeth Renders the tooth sound and useful, and mda Toothache, no matter how far decayed 1st 6d per box. Ask for Gabriel‘s Celebrated Dental! Gll.lll.’l O8TEO ENAMEL sSTOPPING® fer Preserving Front Testh. Warranted to keep white, and as firm as the tooth itsell This beautiful preparation restores Frost Testh ans prevents decay. Suthsient for Stopping sizx Teeth. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., supplied, in â€"partial or complete sets, on Mesars. Uabrial‘s new system, sending arse of M“'h.nm.:eodhmvm the nc.n-.h hlh:n.-oul of the mouth wil} forwarded, with all necessary instructions Messers. Gabriel will undertake to Remodel or lu:‘-hu\lldd Tooth made by other Dentists, [which do not prove satisfactory}, at moderate char * M o. lt-‘:;. Gabriel‘s Pamphist on Artificial Testh ond Paialess Dentistery on receipt of postage,. *,* All letters to be addressed to 64 LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, 1339 1.utm lawkin Bold by Chemists and Porfumers, and by the . THE OXLt GOOD BAUUE. CaUTION AGAINST FRAUD. The sucsess of this most delicious and unriva‘« d o â€"andiment having eaunsed certain w tho name of " Worcestershire % owninferier compounds, the public is informed thatthe only way to seours the anuine, gi!’.’. Mlu‘l!!,_lfl are upon the wrapp+ I ns 4 ts thune", BHome of the markets haring been ..,lum.m W orcestershire Sauce, upon the wrapper and labels of waich the »ames o Les & Pertins hauve been forged, L and P give notice that they have furnished Mrm- dents with power of atterney to take instant proseedings against mamufacturers and ven i0re of suaon, or any wher imitations by which their nflwhw pHA®* Ask to: LiA k PERRINXS‘ Sauce and soo Name m Wrapper, Label, Bottle ans Wholesale and for E: Worsester ; Crosse and SHARKAUOLDERS OF THE CANADA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO.,, WI be beldat the 8ST. LAWRENCE HALL, â€" MONTKEA! W.desesdray, the 1%th day of Octobe COanada Cen ral Rallway Offce, Oitawa, Beptember 1 4, 183709 1404 64 Loadgate Hill, Londen, And at LIVERPOOL and BRIGBTOIN. WORCOESTERSHIREX sATUTOE, Declared by Concols:our KA A£!PEARLEXS) ningmmeither oil nor dye, it G063 il white c‘nbfic"‘d"’“ lasts AEADA CENTRAL _RAILWAY COMâ€" BK FOR LEA & PERRIZ® 8AUCE, At TWELVE OCLOCK KonK. W L WORsLEK Ayer‘ PaXR aT} A GENERAL MEETING + THE UiTAWA 8871136 law j 'l‘n- PP “u--. 9# RESTAUKANT, â€" M. KAVANAGH, Propristor, . Corner of Motoalfo and Woablingtonâ€"streets, 0 posite the main entrance to the Government Blil:: ing#. Eho «quEEN" comprises mmnfiurn & Arstâ€"class hestau ant. Tho House has refitted and ref tnished m'ml The BAR contains ho cholowst Brands in and Ligqu wos, and every ol ofthe seam a wiil be found on thetable. The ';,Pflzf'fl best efforts will be direoted to hbe comâ€" | rt of his guests and patrons. \ _# Ogsters, Game eto., dailly (’}OVIIl- £xr HoUsE: Oa the tecomnond!tloi‘d the Honorable the Mintster of Costoms®nd under and 19 vits ture of the $4th Section of the Act 31st Vicâ€" toria Cap. 6, intituled " An"Act respecting the Ciatome. 1 * 5 4 "& His Excelleney has beon . pleased to Order and it is bereby Ordered, that the Out Port 0 Port Ryofse Mitached to the Rort of Dover, in o THe es Sike T T N 2 o e 0n the Province of Ontario, be and the samo A8 6 _:‘ a% 4 Sealea Teaders, addressoll Wihe undersigned and endo:sed «* Tender for Post Office, Toronto," will be received at this Ofise until Monday Evenâ€" hc.mmuqm.mwm.uu-pu- tion of a new POST OFFIOR, Teronto. Fians and spemifications can be seen at this cfice, also at the offce of @. W. Storm Architeot, King Sureet, Forento,on and aiter the 14th instant. Ryte pgpedncametine y un i6 W Thas Tender mak bs is ons balk sam, asd emâ€" bracing all trades and oclassifications of work and material. R v The signatures of two solvent and responsible persons, willing to become sureties tor the due fuldlment of the contract must be attached to each tender. Ti Dssartmeat will not bo bouni _to accept the loweat or any tender. Department of Pablic Works Ottaws, Octeber 1, 1810 the Minists of Customs and under and in virtue of the authority given by the 8th Secâ€" tion of the Act 31 Vic. Cap. 6, intituled " An Act respecting the ©Customs." His Excel ency has been pleased to make the following Ottawa, Oct. 4, 1870 « Grand Harbour, in the Isiand ot Grand Manan, in the Province of New Brunswick shall be and the same is kereby erected into n Out Port of Customs, and attached to the Port of Campo Bello (Welchpool.) WM. H. LEE, s Clerk Privy Council, _________ Poliuts West und South, _ Parties going west can secure Tickets " _ at this office to any Point desired, Via ALL RATL OR ALL BOAT GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. [The Model Road of Canada j To Sarnia, Detroit, Milwaukee. CHICAGO, Cincinnati, St. Louis, New Orleans, and all Points in the West and South. NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION CO‘S X) Firstâ€"Class Upper Cabin Steamers. +â€"0TIcCE TOCONTRACTORS. DAILY L1XE BE) W «EX OCDENSBURG & CHIOAGO, Making sure connections with Railway for all Fares always cheaper than by any other Route. GREAT CRNTRAL ROUTE AND sAVE MONEY, TIME ANDDISTANCE, Comparitive distance of the several Western Routes to Chisago : A asricanâ€"Ogdensburg or Presoott...... _ _ _ 1 2ruck to Detroit...................... 186 @0 Trunk to Toronto, Great Wes» ” “ m...m«nuh-unupum ‘. Lesaving in favor of the Great Oentral Th NHns «ccercreness seversuercinn scerspenccrns HRH . ho For mlufl‘s to any Points in the United Btates, information .{’l’ to J T JnxCORAN, General Wostern Railway and Steambont Ticket ofliee, at H Palmer‘s sto:e, next to "l‘ls:‘. Draper‘s, Bussexst, two doors fron â€"at. @Arya JAngust 33, 1870 Ottaws, Oct. 4, 1870. CENTRAL AIR LINE ROUTE MPORTER® & WHOLBMALE DEALER ovERXMEIT HOUSE. REAT EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IX COUNCIL. meTEAY ANO WINES, m , FCOTE & COiPAXY, Orrawa, 26th day of Sept., 1870. 6 ROBPITALBTRXKZET, ESBEBNT : t BNAUN, Beorctary. 1478 3 1407 4 1478 ? ‘Ror* IFALIANX BITTERS. | Prepared by special permission . om th roorpe of a ‘of Canade and the United States. m.l.â€"m. selobrated Bitters are carefully prepared with the very best quality of Sherry ‘Wine, and age especially adapted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitutions. ‘They are geontly stimulant, and will be found infallible alds to digestion, For directions see label round the neck of each are es bearing the re of m“ al-h-nl ng thesignate: .. Pommiasion. Merchants® OFFICE AND SALE R#0OOM3â€"City Austlo ‘ mart, Â¥crk stroet, near the Markeol, The subscriber in issuing this his bpring Cireu» lar, begi to return his best thanks to his friends and the ‘mrn public ot Ottawa and Country, as well as his maoy sonsignors at a distance, for the very liberal patronage bestowed on, and confâ€" business h A Omhgondhgfiwufllmmm and those who have Horses, Carriages, and Harâ€" ness to dispose of, will do well to send thom to the Mart as soon as possible. _ _ _ _ _ _ Trage Sales of Merchand1se, Farm Stook, Real Estate, Libraries, Works of Art, &o., &0., as wel as consignments, from a distance, will meet with best attention, and be conducted on very moderâ€" Ottawa, March 1870. A beautifal sountry residence with Fifteen (15) l Acres of Land (or more if nécessary) attached ; the house and outbaildings Inh.l completely surâ€" rounded b{‘: grove of lovely ade :l’.“. The ;:oum':. 10 minutes drive of the Government Terms of sale, cash, it preferable to‘rnnm Otherwise a small payment down, and the Lalance in from 1 to 10 years, to suit purchaser. Apply to the Proprietor, & A BRADLEY, Bolicitor, lg:‘u-. Ottawa. Nearly opposite the Post Office. N. B.â€"Money to lend on Real Estate. Terms Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeait, Pork, &0. oTTaAW A, Untlet End of Little Sussexâ€"st. Hate uh.' h-,.c.mnll- .uouam' VY . * Classes for beginners at Mr Gowan‘s Hall on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4} p m. Ottawa, Jaly 15th, 1870, 1410 tt Tlll PEOPLE‘3 TEA STORE, l.uslou, and Provisions, all of which will be sold at: prices not to be rivalled cither here or olsowhere. Having the advantage of buying our Goods at the lowest nrices, and direct from the Importing Vensels, enables us to seil in tuture as we have done hoeretofore, which we hops has given satisâ€" laction to those who have favored us with a call, Rys, £roof and mg W ines of the best always on haond. Also, Gin, Brandies and Wines directly imported. Those who h«ve not already tried our Goods are respectively inviteéed to call, A@"Re. member our molio. "Qaisk Bales and Light Profits."""@®% Balt and Fish copstantly on hand. Mr.GUSTAVE SMILTH,( tthe Cathe . lr&.. Graduate of the L Conservatory o P Lessons on Piano ar 1 Singing. Rideauâ€" street, corner olll-f-ltnd. Ottawa, June 23, 1868, TTbYy â€" ««BÂ¥ e« ; P. BASKEKVILLE & BROS Wholesale and Retail dealers and Commisâ€" sion <Merchants, No. 36 Rideauâ€"8t., and Beveral Houses in the city on hands tor sale. J BERMINGHAM, Hunn EDUJATION®: HE L L MU T H C O L L &E G E Inrugurated by H. R. H. Prinee Arthor. Board ana Tuition $236 per anvum. Parstoest:â€"The Very Rev. L. Hellmath, D.D., Mfi.‘:"mm wply to: Major Evans, or London, Canada W ost. t August 8, 1870. :: «& _ From the Farm of MRS. STEWART on the bank of the Carnal, on the 20th inst., TWENTY»~ TAREE LAMBS. marked with a stroke on the back with ar. Information to be given to WM. SLATTERY, Butcher By Ward Market. Augus . 01448t . U%,LMUTH LADIES‘ COLLEGE ToSbeobtaine BB m :n GHA M , GENERAL AUCTIONEER ORGANIST AND TEACRBRER OÂ¥ MUSIC. Residenceâ€"Kigin Stroot, South of slater Stroot. Canadian Parliamentary Calendar Desire to draw the attention of the Public to COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FORW ARDERS Auguat T, 1870. OR SALE. UT TOâ€"DAY. USICAL ACOADEMXYX, Board and Tuition per annum, $126. KASTONX & CO., Cirectory for .18710. \ lt and Fish on han ®P. BASKI"WI BRO8, + 1428â€"1y DEAL ERS 15 A. M. F GIANELLL. GIANELLI, rietor for the Dominâ€" OPE “300”“‘ JONES & HOLLAND BOTTLEK. om the rigina University of Austioncer: This elegant Turkish ‘TONIU is one of the wu?llnhn and* delicate rrerutlou ever submitted for pnbfié approval in this hemi«â€" phere, and asserts its pretentions to patronage on the following grounds :â€" That it is a preparation of one of the most eminent Purveyors to the Ottoman Court. It prevents acidity of th« Stomach. It relieves lowness of spirits. It is a mild and ijovigor»‘"~~ trair, and a ost efficient but innocuo unlent. It renders the breath eweâ€"! sunâ€"l agreeable. It sttmulates the appetite if taken ssroRs meals, s It promotes digestion if taken arrer meals. â€"It peutralizes the prepensity for strovg liquors, + It renders the intellect bright and clear. If taker babitually it imparts vitality and energy to all the todily organs. recommended. 'â€"f; "its use a man of 70 will become, as it were, restored to the elasticity of 30 ; and to persons of delicate constitutions it is strongly w{: is an especial favourite, with Oriental es. | Becure, then, bealth, longevity and vital energy by the habitual use of the ALKABASAR TURKISH TONIO. Kept in stock by the principal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion. For directions for use s e labels on bottles. HENRY CHAPMAN & CO,, EVANB, MERCER & CO,, Montreal!, _ fole Agents for the Dominion C T. R. HIGGINS, Agflorfio Beaver, Toronto Mutval Fire and Live k Insurance Co, General Commission Af:-t;lhporun. Manufactures and Mining Agont M claims constantly on hand. Office, corner Metcaife and Sparks stroots, over Maon Bros Hardware Store. o LIBE INSURANOE COMPANY OF MAIN k. Fimanor Deriaztue®t, Ottaewa, 12th October, 1868. No: 104. ; The tollowing Insurance Oo-’uL has recelved a license to transactthe business of Life Insurano in Canadge : No. 33. The UNION MUTUAL LLFEINXSUR ANCE COMPANY , of Maine. Deposit in U § ds or ‘81â€"$50,000. B. K. CORWLN, GmnlA?t. Bt; John, N.B Â¥or the Minister of Finance f JOHN LA&ANYTON, I have this day, deposited with ns Receive ve > verâ€" MMM Doliars in addition to sand Dollars é:n,m; U. 8. Gold Bonds, 68 0f‘81 The Hon. . John H. Gray, M.P., has bee: appointed Counsel to the Oo-ps:l tor the Domin lon. Alllegalmatters will be referred to him. B. R.CORWIN, Is the bost and choapest material in use for pre« erving new, or repairing old 'ij.'â€"iifififisfimb;.‘ n PATENT PLASTIC SLATE FAINT1, IRON OR TIN ROOFS, No matter how bad their‘ condit‘on. Also s HINGLE R OO F S, Makirg them B@FIRE AND WATER PROOF, Harders into a conating of BSOLLD SLATE by exâ€" ‘m'.o KFor lining Frame Baildings under the clap boards,. An efectual protection against cold, damp and vermina. Rats and mice will come Montreal, July 6 No FRAME DWELLING should be without Sond ter ciroular, instractions, &0. BUCHANAN & CO,, Who‘esale Depot for Roofing M»*t=is and Foun . _ Who bave s+Lred ty fre xe make a 1e« duction in the price ot Stov »s, Low Oven Double Stoves. Box Stoves all sizes. «4 CAPITAL STOVE DEPOT." y 85 Sussex Street, Dumb Stoves, Stove Pipes. Our WINTER STOCK, just received at the H MEADOWS & CO. Ottawa, September 9, 1870. f HISTLE & Co., Land Surveyors, Land o xnminniians Suve yotm Ottawa, September 21, 1870 1163 Ot awa, November 7, 1868. Dr J A Grant, Â¥ P., Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, Managing Director 0. & St. L. R. R. ( Price $6 a barrel, mixod ready for use. A barrel will cover 10 squares (10 x 10). I horsby give notiss that I shall not be responsible for any debt contracted in my name N oFicon. "C @eneral ‘“ Sole ”“' "Reoad‘s &vhn andProof W hiskey'!.s- Ales and Porter. Orricn: No. 5, Sparks Sureet, near the Russeo!! ouse, Ottawa city, C. W . s FARMER s BLLLIN: Irâ€", Architect. Office~ a "Pelt Blosk: Seppore Brrege! _ *‘*~ .f & h”!‘“g CHRISTIE, Commission Mershant and Twenty Thousand Dollars in addition t e Fitty Thousand, u-klfi Sonn{"l'lu. lars ($70,000) U. 8. Gold Bonds, 62 0f‘81 SHEATHING FELT wADRID 1847 U Ascellancous. Agencies. 32 l.<moine Street. Mo 1real. Cook Stoves. Hot Air Furnaces. Manager. 14157 On and from WEDNZSDAY next, the 14th inst., three trains will run daily on this Railway as follows GolngBoulth Oitawa to Prescott, MALL will lears Ottawa at 8 30 a m, conmesting with the Grand Traok Express, due in Toronâ€" to at 10 p m. Also with the â€"Royal Mail Line of Steamers, &t Presoott, Eart and West, and with the Ogdensburg Raiiway, for Boston, New York, «0. MAIL will leare Ottawa at 12 60 noon, conneâ€"tâ€" ing with the Grand Trunk Express, due in Montreal at 8 p m, EXPRESS w1i‘lleave Oitawa at 10 pm, connoeostâ€" + ing with the Grand ‘Truck Erpresses, Kast and West, due in Toronto at 11 a m, and in Montreal at 9 a m. Going North Prescott to Ottawa, MALL will leave Prescott Junction at 6.15 a m, conneciing with the 3. T. Expresses leaving > Toronto at 739 p m. and Montreal at 9 pm, and arriving in Uttawas at 9. 30 a m. MAIL will lears Pressott Juncstion at 1.30 pm, connectiog with the G, T. Express leari :(:wux at 9 a m, and arriving in omn'.'c # m. ; IXPBESI; will leare Prescott Janction at $p m, \ conpectiny with G. T. Expresses, leaving Toâ€" _ ronto at 6 ana 7 a m, and arrivieg in Otaws at T.12ap m. & uul trains en this Line are run on Mentreal me, R LUTTRELL, THOMAS3 REYNOLDS, . â€" Superictendert. ______ Managing Directoo Ottawas, beptemher 12, 18760« TIME TABLE, No. 23, Commencing on MONDAY, NOY. 28, 869 LEAVE BROCKYVILLE. 4.15'- M.â€"â€"TRAINS will i \Â¥ e ROP Brockville daily at 4.15 p m *A 1 m, arriving at Sandpoint at 10.06¢ p m Uke» e ® LEAYE SANDPOINT. A. M.=â€"â€"TRAINS will leave 83003.-4;&.-; o. h0 a m ant 1.9t pm, arriving at Brockville at 12.15 p m,8.30 LEAYE PERTH. 5 35 P. M.«â€"â€" TRAINS will leare $ eB eP rorth at e.u’- and 9.05 a m arriving at Smith‘s Falls at 6.25 p m and 9.55 lo 0 5 A.M.â€"=TRALINS will leave SU oD smith‘s Falls at 10.06 a m and 8,35 p m, arriving at Porth at 10.55 a m and 1. 24 . " All trains on Main Line connect at 8mith‘s Falls with treins to and from Perth. Tnbtaitiege â€" No 1 leaves Brockville after G@T Trains are due trom the cast and wes., _ 4 _ No 2 is due in Brockville in time to connect with @ T Trains for the oast and west. i. ABBOTT, Opening through from Windsor to Asnapols. completing the connezion between Halifazs and St. John. On and after SATURDAY, the 18th DLâ€" CEBMBER, u.:“' thi:' &.dlvq.:‘lll be open for passenger goods , as under: Trainsloave Windsor (in connestion with the trains of the Nova Sootia Railway from Halifax) HEK ST. LA WRENCE ANXD OTTAW A R A IL W AY. “7!'“0‘ & ANNAPOLIS RAILâ€" WAY. nlo.zls-udl.u&-, arriving at Kenwille at 11 45 a. m., and 8 45 p. m:, and at Annapolis st 1%.30 p m, connecting there with steamers lmorl-rflfor&'lohl.ll. ingâ€"the trains leave Annapolis at 2.3b rn.vul passengers by steamer from 8t John, eaving there at 8 a m, end arrive at Kentville as 6.20, Windsorat 6.49, and Halifax at 0&-. VEKNXON SMITR Keantville, Dec 8, 1869. 11809 INYÂ¥AN LINE OF MAL STEAMXERS, SAILIN3 FROM NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY ° AND ALTERNATE TUEsDAYs. LAYRS OF PABBAGZ EY TBR 81 !CRDAY STRAXER uv-rpool‘grQung-’;_.._..._.‘..:.:f:...‘ LiverpoOl 0T QUOGDBLONI: .msssseccssssesseccccces Pb PASBSAGE EY THEE TUESDAY STREAMER Y!I EALIFAX _______ Rirst Cabin, Payable in Gold. Liverpool OF QUEBDELOWH..,..»»»«â€"sâ€"me«sses0000e 6t. John‘s, N.F., by branch steamer......... _____.. ifiteerage, Payable in Ourrency. m; OF QUOBRREDWIL...:1+ces ssreessescrses Yal FOR SALE: MESS AND PRIME MESS PORK. FLEOUYX XO. T & LX L4A mMrFEET WARE@: { 4T THE CAPITAL BOOT & SBOE 8. OR YORK STREEz * T am now BPRING and ®UMâ€" MER STOCK 'Mm'm.b,obu‘ complete in all lines o-’nd-’ Lnmdies, Mirses, and Ohlidtens :l:.eouud rannella, in ‘l:‘nuo‘ Balmorale on Geouts English Mw C.lf.ll,m Morrocco Oong:ufluhuu Those who desire a comforta M pleass call and leave their orders, will be attended to ai the shortest notice. All work agone by first class Workmen in my establishment, L huve been perticular in shoosing and manufacâ€" turing serviceable ware for the Farming and Lumbering community by whom 1 am so largely pfi:ggho:. and atprices as usual doetying comâ€" ROCKVILLE & OTTAWA RAIL»â€" ‘ W AY. Joh:":. ':‘l‘;::‘mm.;.... ‘.u .:‘0 ':o‘dud.i :: moderate nin-.“. % ‘urthorinformation, a; eCompany Goos, JO““AL‘. Agent, 16 Bro“'sh'lo' York, or HERREICK & CROMEBIE, ottawa. required by the 5@st and following Rules of the Legisiative Assembly,(which are published 1 1 the #Ontario Gazette"), to give NOTICE of the application (clearly and distineotly specifying its nature and object) in the * Ontario Gaszette," and also in a newspaper published in the Uounty or Unlon ot Counties affected ; such notice shall be eontinued in each case for a period of at least gix weeks during the interval of time between the alose of the next proceding Sesmon and the con sideration of he Potition. Copies of the first and last of such notices to be sent to the Private Bil! All etitions for Private Bills must be presentâ€" ed wiikin the FLRST THUREE WEEKS of the Feronte March 15, 1870 1009 io law*. NOR LIVERPOOL & QUKELNRSTOW is i WHITER BEANS, At Otkawa, Sand Point, and Pembr ke} 8 CHRISTIE, No 5 Bparks streoot. a a Â¥Ma 18,1870 PRING AND SUMMER STOCK at Smith‘s Falls at 6.25 p m ard LEAYE SMITHs IPALLB Steecrage, Payable in Currency, CHANGE OF TIME. Railroabs. PZRTH BRANCH. NO TIC E. essesstecs00 . sbebsssese ecsescensabenses a «be000e se n000 se n00 68 8 00 6 6 60 06 6 # CHARLE® T GILLMOR, Clerk of the Houre, LINE Manoginy Bueskar. GBORGE XURPHYT, $100 0: $100 08 15 00 elief and ng Ctidence af u. "**u4 P owe Spes n evidence of ts mnuge 45 _ raRrpaRXD @3 pr. 3. C. AYER & 00,leoa s soLP BY ALL Peoooo‘ m provexcy o R" of Canada, Hoad Office, Poront® _ _ _ % a,‘ Pr â€" entâ€"The Bop icts wa â€" K P. is >A V joe Presidentâ€"Levis Mofall, Â¥ Te mMb mare Comeran, W 4 meodwady t H McM aster, Eeg, H 8 Bo Â¥8Q4 t n. A T Pulton, Eeq, Angus i P n.m-i':?-'-u!-i Agents for Otewaâ€"Meun J 2 4 NOoCK. '!\onhldflMV(lfi 2lrfl:muh'u- «n to m‘:u‘:lmma- not w e premiums are Pnpaiiane dompiiy mantenet surance Company is second _ Its Inspestors are alway # imnwortant loss it ocours. Jt has umm nrwdcy.lhb.” of the insuring public of Ottewa. should be .'-: dnce the effect of a For Ruppression & as it produces the As a Dinner PHWH, mote digestion and welle .?mm..-_--g-_-g-_ kind, I have noever kDoWwR reliof was um'-m â€" Or(omdhumd“ be, Bs and 168. > bmmwl‘ “..?' & 10 A_-â€"u.‘:"wb&- An occasional dose stimul »wels into healthy aotion, and invigorates fi'- Â¥i u« where One who foâ€"is of these J* ts makes their cleansing mad resoval tive apparatus. B Sn Hetnt se oi aba aApprmfLATION of COP L1VER O r’.:fl.u: ;« meals, &o. In digestt® * OF mo Pancreatine Powder “h-.c.‘ and 1 226d. Pancreatin®e TT A _â€"Panoreatime Winelsths * DR J. 0 AYER & 00., l'fl LOWELL MASS.. V.% THE TIMES is ocue 166 P t .. Prascs a mar t m”..h By a o EThESS, o baEss MAE family er place of business. Ottawa, August T, 1879. mily er place of ! ;,w’“’uamum'h" A pply ht August 1st, 1870. Tus Oreawa Tmm»# **®"""" o goorkpt mme Coxpary, at the 080# + MAWY 4 9 m--'?“-” s Neaumme® CC ';/ #e" ::nol-:.l* Â¥ e€ects 0N of COP LIVER ho. "In digestive aedtt" u;h‘!&_&fifg Â¥ P°C 'n‘ osonRovy + car mm IT A,. MAKR 4e Bulldings, 19 astoushesr « se0e at his v O aAVYERAL RoB! _ ‘.! st, C Ph of

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