i) i: Les®~ _ «* Lu0%., D* and gru:',;"...!&'?'“m\ Puniic, we, AoSor the PTO | kess i | ~ e # C Curne®» | esn amsaimaent » remeved hi Â¥Ward, BMA + m- .Nedica‘â€" I sraixe I-:_Olfnfltuu a ®. [ “‘-."‘:\ C MEARA & CO. t s 4 ©Tz29y ~ | Bog mort respe ifully to intimate to their friends e mm cuatiaemme mm u‘“lhtuoyhvoj“lnodn‘ud es ul o Oe amkmk kn io MB "~" _ ses Bividgke. OfBos a YCEET LiARGE A380RTXEXT mageieem snmgee Satin‘ss D en aamimean persetuient: paveniance to the woarers, and SiS" ’:u-u..... without evep a conâ€" presence of a subsian6® originâ€" mouth. =om to the remeral of palaful the use of the Nitrons Ozlde of #, which the sufferer idh«les without sonvesience, and losesihis tooth as it easant dream. recnsalted say diy, except Sunday, throm 9 1. u. to 6 p m. entember 1. 181708 . u. t d C T 14e dudfi nc Aad ven d J L maan s each" has Introduced into [(K, NOoYA g:0TILA, Established 1851 . ..-d-du:d:.m ""..-ï¬'&;mr-r- ERAL COMMISSION AGENT, Street, nest to the City Hotel UOttawa. is patronage of the Lamber Mercha® wike Ottaws. From his long experiâ€" trade he ofers his services in engaging tending to their rafts while passing ~‘ih ability, L " ur; » 28XC®B. ~‘» Jou® J. (@ WXM FLLâ€" DARTXZELL, Barritte® and Notary Public, Cletk ; Atterney, for the United «04 Russell. Oficeâ€"In th*e # 4. ham HUTCHISO®, L. D. S. GEONX DENTI8T, is fully prepared to *200 m.‘,utow sing!e *“ en sither gold, silver or vulcsanite , Sitting so closely and easily to is be capable at all the uses to «, Rehaitors wa (C! * ‘\he Provinces of K ABIiT A#ALK LA&P â€" §6 SPARCKE s3T RELET TaRY TAlL® LECT ‘Ag30RTUMENT «TIMES" OFFICE. Bread Cloths N.& pgowWSsELL. :,m.uuumoul.- +A AN. rear LONG I3LAND, MD COW, with a pisce out of hber m«nm her forshead. Both lels bored in them. The OWB Jaly 36, 1879. Vestings, de. iDE TO ORDEL xO. 1511 ".3" Coatings, Barrister®s Tan have the same by ap plyâ€" souN TIERNXET, Ird Coaâ€", No 15 Lot, IAVING OPENED HI8 >Â¥ ESTABâ€" * LISHMKENXT | (neaerly opposite the OMd Stand,) | ~4ere forsale at VERY LOW PRICES a larg® ud well selected stook, comprising ’“m Wines, Liquers, Tobaceo, Laandry and Joaps, Bauces, Spices, Pickles, Brooms, Brushes, Candles, Ooarse and Fine Salt. Also, ‘ Bordeauzand ther Vinegores _ _| _ MESS PORKK, CKLED sALMON, LABIt. HER«INGS, a° the aumerous other articles necessary 0 40â€" titate a complete stook. * '.l‘-‘:_ Jotb Con 1 lal Y apan, o8 g, 4 10 cang Ayson, quite fresh n’ M.P“ ts | oere® . P C Freosh Coff so ground and reested daily on he promises. Luuons-â€" Coox.0â€"Raixores Renau‘t & Co, Heaâ€" aesey, Piper‘s and other brands. 'l.l.ulfl o1%â€" Oe Kuppor‘s and Houtmans, n wood 14098 3.1Â¥ H" w 1NEKSâ€" abey, eobtitin‘ contnt d Mendenin ow it All prices, in wood and bottle,1 ‘ IIGMID, oLD RYE, m.’lï¬ WHISKEY, 1gh proof and avor, at extremely low riees. Thoras‘s and Stewart‘ Sootsh Whukey and d Tom. Dusnville‘s lrish Whiskey. Murphy‘s Old [rish Pottse®a @Guinness‘ and London Porter, pte a24 q4#â€" g"::""' U Apragss and 8yrups. atrefeary‘ prioes. t(HK OLD sTOCK, siVE)}» FROM FIRE SEKLLIEGO AT TWENTY.FIVE PERKCENXT BELOYW €ogT. Neow Is the time or bar alns. 106 ithe 1870. BE WHELAX, Suitable for the coming 101508, EXGLISH, _ _ NEWEST aAND MoOST FASHIONâ€"| ; ABLE DESIGNs. iprTus READTâ€"MADE ; C‘O,.‘" DRPA‘?.â€, Is alse very complete, ani wil!l "® """""" hest materials and most {ashlonable styles. Bpecial atteation is called to a 39 RIDEAU STREET, OQPrPraAY A LOOK OL wyâ€" DHY Goovs. @a m-.n---“'"“""“"““ Arst clase cutter Sults made to order in best and latest styles Good At engured or ao 14 8, yrogatiedy wophenn O‘MEARA & 0O s, ko. wmnmzo and well assorted MB @ENDREAU, the propristor of that so 'ndflrm.ln mwumb his namerous friends and the public in general, that to snswer to the great easouragement which e it ...‘.'.m r..“ he has deterâ€" minedto enlarge aand thoroughty fursish anew [ut. «etaitainmant t will save “-'..“ renador Parlour the most CORMIOTN®OID, HF 0 prosa he aa~st oxperiensed hair dressers, MB u@NDREAU having served considerable tme in seme of the best and mort «xtens ilted l Saloons in the m‘“ (HMMEY "! " L mank h & ukaumer thut cannuok be O 3 "Lle Rie 1# & HAIR DRESSING PARLOUR, Wellington street, Opposite the Bank of Moentreal. OF EmW The effects of the appilcation 01 * ! i wEST aAND MoST FASHIONâ€" ‘ macher‘s Chaine in at.; uf the above ‘w-m- | l:.i:m ’ueqd\lcâ€"m relief of pain & ntaneous. c k . mc k o. .w e _ o C e ooo T in ast Nee .0 PRING Duuuur At th ied‘ 1te. to 306. . * B. uLHAIN BANDS for loss of Yoice and bm“pldo.ulvmbb-ld.m other affections of the Throat, 104. 61. to ; materials and most {ashionable styles. #1s. § Bpecial atteation is called to a N. OHAIN BANDS ler Sciatics, Rheumatic, Nouraigia, and Gouty Puins, Local Pars LARGE ASSORTMENT OF lysis, Cramp, &c., 186. to 225. and 408. B CHAIN BANDS for Lambego, Wu-.] PRING A8D suun ovnoonl Liver, Chest, and Runctional Disorders, i u..(mu.m?..'u-umulu. B AOBAU BANDS Writer‘s cn-& a» PHE XEWEST STYLES. | â€" y C Nervousness, &¢, 226 t* usb' Beg to intimate to their customers and th M' mm"fl "M 1 §PICOAY Aanav on THE KXEWEST STYLES. Tohe hadtre A sodron ND CANADIAN MANUFACTURES «@UELL BRQ ; ROLLED _ BBE} FOR PARTIHS, govERXOR â€" GFNERAL THEIR OSLEBRATED FRESH KILLED BYWARD XAXRKXE: EXDR KAVy THKELR STALLL, #TALLâ€"» a. VNes. 5 and T; 1870 TiL MUTTONX. % BELTS, AND POCKET BATTERIEKS. Pmd These bighly improved Inventions renader Wl.ssclaite maerfactiy salt.anniicable, and exâ€" mm euttregs. _ iuts . Ahary.Atuir o w M bl and exâ€" Inowantie mun.fl“‘?‘"‘"- tremely efficacious in a mild continuous JOFTS, ; no shock or unpleasant sensation being <xâ€" ‘ perienced, whereby It becomes a true fountain of health and vigour, speedily seothing . agovizing peins, reâ€"animatiog torpid limbs, reviving the sluggish functions of life, and imparting renewed .-F and vitality to constitutions enfeebled ty whatever c*~s. Medicines and their deleterions conseqwences are thus entirely dispeused with, ‘The daily increasing number of cures ‘.T‘ by PULYERMACHER‘S MEDiCOâ€"GA VÂ¥ANâ€" IC SYSTEM is co extensive and verled, that it forcibly points to this Invention as the : embryo of a vniversal remedy. a o e e o oo oo t ons " Oc tms: : Selvat i e i i o cake N. Bâ€"â€"The folowing testimony from the elite of the English medical faculty has been received : # We, the undersigned, heve much pleaâ€" © sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Posten U wacu®ar‘s recent improvements in his Voltaic # Battries and walranio Appliances fot # Medical Purposes are of great importance to # Scientific Medicine, and that he is entitled « to the consideration and support of ever» #" one disposed to further the advancement ol * real and us ful progress. « Dated the 9th day of Marcb, 1868. « EIR CHABLES LOCOCK, Bart., M. D. P R. C.P ‘ + SIR HKNRY HOLLAND, Barst,, I"l') C% \ « SIR WM. FERGUSSON, Bart., F. K. 8. * EKDWD. H. SIKYEAING, M. D. U RC 8. « SIBR J. BANALD MARTIN, F & 0.8 ‘ PULYERVAUBAER‘3 BYSTEM is alse apâ€" proved of by an ufficial report ef the Aca« demlie de Medicine, Paris, Royal College f Pbysiciang, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" ty of Vieans, and its curative viriues are con» firmed by thousands of private testimonials of cures e€ected, (Bee p-pl:t‘.nu-).' ROUND, e cuaeuiae CCC P St F These facte Ir"lbtl‘ good senge of every 1 sufferer to avail himself of this scientific and curative progress, to which the invertor has «mom..u.oduuynd Iabour, as an ardent deciple of that great benefu tr of mankind, the late illastrlons electrician M:.owase Faradt. PULVEnMACHER‘83 MEDIcOâ€"OALYANXâ€" IC CHALNS are exceeding} <th tive without the aid of medicine, nflnth. of dirt, or the least derangement of the patient‘s habits and daily occupations, in the following maladies : | Rheumatism Femaio Complainta Gout Constipation Boiatica Cramp 1.o m bazo Sluggish (!rculation luomcln 13 LLIFE PULYERMACHER® PATEXT Lambaco Neuralgie UVViGaEY IZRmGEM®T! Head and Tootba:be Puralysis Liver Complaints _ Epilepey Tic Doloreux Nervous Debility Indigestion Functional Diso: B 'OOIBINAID_CQ_A}:!' BANXND ‘km(:‘l&l'. _â€"â€" Paralysis, Epilepsy, U F unctional Dhu“fl..: A complete Bet of COMB se en TCP CE e Functional Disorders, &o., 308 to 508. _ __ . A complete Bet of COoMBINED UHAIN BANDS,BELTH, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring vital energ}, £8 to £1. The public are most carnestly cautloned to h;:.m of r-ï¬o.:h:b‘:o& ad vertised by ® m and nml‘:dmhl_ln ,mm lor Malins in the sult Puilvermacher vs Ham» rof HEETU / cf_nre ‘Tames, allas C. T, Kaghber, "":.T.J;' [eory J allas U, 1, AApSUZ, MÂ¥. R. C. 8, alias Ennmmm xo w'...“ ?'.9 A..'.,'.-.u..â€"M M. R. C. 8, allas Heory B No Galvanic Belts ate bearing the fac simile of sigosture on the label. . _ Bparks Streot. Ottawa, September 6, 1870 no unarami® BuTC CUE Muts.e aring the fac simile of M. Puirermacher‘s ".‘.“::.hhl- fall particulars may An so. hoo Drag Store of A. Chrittic, sc o tss 4o m O css ts clial on FRIDAY, the TWEXTYâ€"RLFTH day «f NOVEMBEX next, all the estate, right,; uitle, interest and equity of redemption of the said In= oeoee e C e CC m so‘vent, and of myself, as such Assignee as afore~ said, in and to that certain parcel or tract offand, and promises situate, 1ying and being in . the Township of Gloueester, in the County of Carieton, sn aar o s l d be the same mote or loss, Delng POIIPA!" " °0 00 west quarter of lot number two, in the third Conâ€" m.g...uw..mm Terms and cond:tions made known at the tume of saile, and particulars can be had by appiyleg # bucmeml Lot No 30, Ist Consession of Gloucester R . Front, containing 300 asres, 140 sores well clear= ed and in good state of cultivation, opposite Manâ€" ctic, and ffteen miles from Ottaws, with good fences, a fime ‘dwelling house, two story high, barns and outhouses compiete, is now to let on " t u.. se A aedw eeanontkinhts WHHH t of years reasonable terms, for a teem “wm._.-'n-ï¬- |"** mnowLEky FARX To 1£KT. ns uoo TE TA TP VY The Slsters of the Congregation de Sair Dame respectfully inform the public that they ,m.,......-.-_m\-n-h'- Besides the Boarding Bcohoo! a. Select Dsy School is sitached to the establishment. : . Yor particulars and terms apply to the LADY SUPERLOE mammvmm Ottaws, Augast 12, 1870 it DAm,.u..ï¬.-u-h aec0ommeda~ ted with comfortable ROOMS and BOARD by applying to Mrs. @REEN, corner oC York and .-...n..-!-l.l.â€.:'..' emsiny roRr YoUNG LADIES, A Branch of the Monklands Vills, Oltaws, September 19 1878 â€" â€" * $# "*__ Galranic Eetabiishment, 1400 Regent Street, London, W. beptember 5, 1870 Urlngary Disorders Mervous Debility 1 _ â€"~gTovy®K PiPES, Â¥unctional Disorders _ | AT ESNMONDE BROS. a~vlication ot Puiver=+ 117ih Sept, sesurement Afty acres ofland or less, being composed of the ke., &eo oHAY BAILLI®, OHARLES ROW An, 401 Notre Dame . 1870, 1489 Ba®3271 1455 lawk ; Debility rgpureoawia‘} TER NaAVIGATION COY‘3 STEAMERS. Has commenced hor reguiar trips between Ottawa and Montreal, with Mails and Passengsrs, learing Ottaws at T a m, dalily, M A R K ET 8 T 6 a M BR @â€"F AlIRY Will commence running ber regular trins from Major‘s Wharf to Ottaws ever Mengay and Saturdsy leaving Major‘s at 5 a m, and Octawa at 4p m. OTYTTAW A, Ottawa, April, %%, 1870 « QUEEN YVICT O R1aA," ©TOVESs. fNOAL OIL. scv‘lllll 1 sCYTHEYS!! 80OYTHES!!! 1XD qraEK | p>HARTXSTING IMPLENMEN18.â€"GQ Ta«o Tinswiths wanted. At the sign of the AKVIL, No. 24 Ri btrect, you can find a complete assortwent of ‘...,;.u._w of Bheif and Heary Hardware, Psints, Oil, Glass, Putty, Coal Oil, &e., &8. THOS,. BRKETT, No. 24, Ridean Stroot, BLYTH & KERE, Ne. 25 RIDKAU STREET, Plumbers, Gas ~. 1 Steam Fitters, Tin and Copper Smiths, Bell R@eAll work in any of the ; 1 bramehes executed in a prompt GOrass »~ad other Scythos. Blood Blood German Stee!, !* Pride of the Field silver Stool. in onditens â€" > of 9-‘.‘.1.....-. n'n-“-" Hay I.Iâ€.‘fl:a‘:“‘ best. H 1y Forks, two and three proogs, Btraw Forks, three propgs. “’L.....:e..'._-.. LCA Aikuma 1 or EmauULRA® IDRILICEA Heo * uttention given to and ftting > xm lm‘nd Tin om::‘-. Condusteors, A rafs 6p4 ine. Grain Cradies, Maley nd Graps Vine. :c,n;-n.ufu o'run-.nn,m B,ythes.siones § DEALEZ IX Shelf and~Heary Hardware ANNEY‘8 STONE BUILOING, Wellington Street, Upper Town, Ottawa Ottawa Desember 20, 1869. ï¬Ã©iu ISAAC€, dttaws, Angust 10. 1870 ."u..u-'iu be madeto Parliament, at its ':.":“"'u"'-"i"- SS a next Session, for the Incorporation of a Company ‘The LnternationalOonmipany‘s cteamers, running to construct s Rallway tbrough British North | is connsction v.l'l %m;u.z g.nn‘ America, consectin with the preseat Rallway I;zv;“mll‘. ‘.'“n.h'..'"“ aystem of Canxda, nllhn: t ’".::.:: '!uhiltoulmlum(k.m'lphd North of Lake Superier an through stations. West Territory to the Yellow or Loather Head ’d'u WM“W%!:: Pass of the Rooky Mountains, there to connect | S*PSFADC 2; ino Picket Offices,) Bon:: MALL STEAMXER .’....(o.na.nlm to prosesd io LaB MNorth of Lake Superior and through the Korth West Tertitory to the Yellow or Loather Head Pass of the Rooky Mountsins, there to connect with the prejected Ralway through British Columbia to the Pacifc,â€"with such powers and mâ€w“m..qhww i* eperation. Mardware,. ‘roun wes, that an application will 96 “utalg‘wndmmudm at its next Ression, for an Act to anthorise the sonstraction ¢ t Water Works in and for the Caty en s( e en CC NO Semctns cmd CANADA PACIPIC C‘ ATLW At. %ldl. Oxawi ze 1#h, 1 Cart. Micuous, and sizss. %ith June, 18190, Csoking â€" _ ALFRED WADDIXGTONX. Twine, Glass, Oll, '.a’ » .“0 angers, &o. x W £HEPUERD. 1B4‘if FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1870 and Fancy â€" Atove ce > S B tv» is sn W xX P LETT, 101 lavkâ€"3a 114491 i7 | With cless connmections at 1 will be equirped with hands LW FiRST.CL Unsurpassed on the conting» t YELiIP8 WILL LÂ¥X Portiand and : Montre Montreal and Toront Steppiag orly at the mos As fest as e.l'lch.‘.. P U L M A PALAUR â€" SLKE Will be run on the Throug vice will be parformed ove macner equal to that of an tineat. Bpecial arrangen Spesial atiention is directed to this Company‘s anngancement, in regard to the . RUN m iNG OF TR aAT FOoR TuUB NsUINX® 88 ¢%. In addition to the Fast Time walch it is ictonded to make betweentho ; With clese mudioa; at sllt poists, The line will be equirped with handsome NLW FiRST.CLASS CARS, Unsurpassed on the contine=L.‘ YELiIP8 WILL LÂ¥X BEYTW ABS Portiand and : Montres} is 13 Hours. Montreal and Toronto in 13 Hours Btoppleg otly at mrnulx-ponuwuuon. PALAUCR â€" SLEEPINA CARS Will be run on the Through Trains and the seor vice will be parformed over the entire line in a macner squal to that of any railway or this con tineat. Bpecial arrangements have been made to accommodate the pleasure travel. For farther partioulars see advertisements and time t« blos. RAND TRUNK RAILW AT June 8, 1878 MPRJY EL sBRYIOE OF TRAINS l POR THEVUMMER OF 1%70. ‘ ACCELERATION QrF sSPEED. NZEW CARS ON ALL REXPRES§ TAAINS. Portland to Montreal in 13 Hours. Montreal te Toronto in 13 Hours. On and after JUNE 13th the now arrange ments will be patin tM_lmm will leare and Intermediate statiOn3.. ......~>> Trains for Lachine a 600 a m, 1 00 a "o bat us and 650 po. fhs m m, m. =â€" £5¢ p-_"'p}’nh rans &x& Accommeodation Train PTOVINO® LANSTY® agorny soUTH AND EAST Accommodation Tratn for Island Pond and intermediate stations at........« Express fer Boston, via Vermont Conâ€" hp;::f:.i“;'f;f aod Bostop, Verment ComTral, Kb...0,00«00« «»« Bxpress for New York and Roston, via * * Plattsburg, Lake Champlain, Burâ€" i lington and Rut\and, M.csscsscccccee« .‘ “ ‘. sesees enecse908 Express for Quebes, Island Pond, Gorâ€" ham,Portiand and Lower Provinces Kight RAKED TuUNXK . RalLW aÂ¥Y 5 The Lnturnational Compamy‘s Steamers h?‘:u-dal "itk the Trand '?nn ."“‘:". ver used it, who will nottell you at onoce "®" °* ; l.c::o rut‘hl:‘;:z !w;hy and rhm*; 2t | will regulate the bowels, and ive rest to the 3 m for , 40â€" mother, and relief and health to the child, operaâ€" R\is > amemnmne stthe Company‘s piD® | ting like magio. Itis portsotly safe touse in all o °C um"hrdlu::d:'-od nflv..‘llnd suses, and pleatant to the taste, and is the preâ€" deparnire trains minal way | soription of one f taa oldest bestfemale phyâ€" station â€" apply at the Ticket Ofice, Bonaventare ,,,l::‘ andnuo:lht.hu'u.u::m Price 25 Station, oc at No 30, Qroat 5t James Stroot. ents CJ BRYDG everywhere. BO sure to call fos Maneging g'\m "MRS [@INSLOW‘8 S0OTHING BYXRUP." â€" June 3, 1810 _ Mett UHaving the f»:.u'gj Perkins" on ME TSE TrGiGcuateeientmera YE ao .fl! base imita ail Bto BAARtIODS..... . coneescesecsences G*~** TRose nb adkincte rasy or casabaRAagt, is7; sUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. fisto frains now leare BONAVENTURE STATIOA KAYT AND WEST, Ppodinodation "Train. Comwail . * . Train for Cornwall and Tntermediate Stations at........ 00 p m Accommodation Train for Kingston and . Intermedinate Stations, ati.... ........ 1;39 am !nl'-ht l‘dl:’fl ........l...:.flnn. L:: a m & M, noon, 1;30 p m, p a .J. 130 p m. > The 1:30 p m train runs through to Provine: @orxG soUTH AND EAST. C Accommodation Train tor Lslagd Pond molne CCC aksblLome ak < 00â€" BB c & as follows : SORBSME * ‘o Day Express for °.!““m‘ "‘.A*.:‘“....-.'-u-u- ‘ '.W'“."“’..QC“.““.....MI....l ME CnCc i i actack the Lower FProvince between Montreal and ge checke@ [NT] “B..u-m-; ortiand overy noon, for Halfax C i N A D A. 0; J; BR Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all points W est, 8t. cce | 0 ani n pont‘ " " . ~ d« . i0; 4 ii{:;.th‘@tflfl.u K ige checked throngh» u; . 04 . emesmetet SS ET lg‘ ts " Ohase" and «Charlott1" leavos rtiand every Wednesday and Baturdsy afters ,on, for Habfax, N.3., respectively at 4 p m. ‘They has excellont accommodation for paas#n tween M Omava Orricnâ€"Y ork street, corner of Sassex reot; A& A ROTAYLOR, Aengts P U L U A K‘SB xX P A for Brookville 0 J BRYDAK®, Whansging vire f 1427t Great St James Streot â€" > RYDGEB, Managing T. mo.‘" «* W e Grand ‘Trank lwoy. Mooday and Thursdiy at will regulate the bowels, and ivoe resi io u1 N B, «0. mu,ndulpuumnh to the child, operaâ€" th atthe Company‘s prID® | ting like magic. Itis portectly safe to use in all Jloa.aud time of arrivaland | 0950# and pleatant to the taste, and is the preâ€" ins at terminal and way uflpï¬ouolnoo(mw.umtbuhpbr- Ticket Office, Bonaventare | ojan and nurses in the United States. . Price2} Jreat St James Streot. ents everywhere. Be sure to eall o. 0J nnroas& C a Maneging * «MRS ‘WTNSLOW‘S8 S00THING SYRUP." 1415 Having the fao of «* & Perkins" on ns esns luelarincnan en t iemmmsipectacmem the m are base imitaâ€" §M lllla.‘:' com . | tione. f or casabaKa&gg, | Dr. a. Trask‘t Ointment Cares wvere ‘â€"| Croup or tries.â€" Bxoxar, # LRRANGEMENTS. (1870 | Now i’olk. says: "I have ased Dr. A. Trask‘s Y‘ ‘____ | Maznetic Ointment in my . practice a number of 2 1 «40 «0000000 OF TRiaISB Lsland Pond at 4 acinthe, Acton, / N oconveldcd$ p m $ Phil WighcRaine. aag | & " and «Charlott1" leaves | 0 Cmm mabe "| ecommodation m;-un g € teamers,rauring | â€" * aries Tronk hattw }_o!n_n‘-u THURS i OttaW &; via and 1 00 a n 5 00 p a T 10 a m 3“;- 6 00 a m 4 09 p m 1 30 p x Arrival and Doputm of Mails,. 1870. FALL ARRAKGEMENT. 1810. rOost OFFICE, OTTAWA. ‘ Matter posted up to 9.30 p.m. will be forward â€" ced East and West in supplementary package the same night. The Woestern Mail : arriving ar 7.30 p. m. will be detivered the same evening. Per Cuna. 4 Line, close every Tuesday at 10.45 a. m. * Per Canadisa Line, close every Friday at 10.30 a. m. A supplementary bt g for Canadian steamer will be closed at 11.30, in which all paid unâ€" registered matter will besent. . * On Money Order Offices mtudt ;ho fl)o-‘:- * wrlfl"' , Newfoundâ€" land and Prince Edward Island, can be obtaincd at this Office. â€" Also, Postage and Bill Sunlrl. p Orrics Hours rzox 8 a.x., To I rx. pÂ¥* Do will be received at this Ofice. hunot;lflfl the rate of l'mrtmt. per afinum, and deposits can be withdrawn at any timie. Five per cent. will be allowed on special deposits in sums of $100, for the witk» drawal of which 3 months‘ notice will be reâ€" quired, Smsce m C000 *Wothers 1 Moewners: Mothersiâ€"Aroe you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by & sisk omid suffering and orying with the exrcruciâ€" ating pain o eutting teoth 1 If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. wWINSLOW‘B §0O0THING BYRUP. It willrelieve th poor little sufferer tmmediatelyâ€"depend upon it :there is no mistak about it. Thereis not a mother on earth who ba ver used it, who will nottell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and ive rest to the mother, and relyet and health to the child, oper®â€" ting like magie. It is pertectly safe to use in all Pssr Orric®, Ottawa, 7th : Noy , 1870. Dr. A«+ mui?oumcm cm" or Ratiliss.â€" Bmoxuax, of Utier Now York, says: * I have used Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment l,;-‘ practice a number of years, and can say With ploasure 1 deem it one of mopomudhoworhl of the uge ; for the cure af Infaromation of the‘ Langs, x:r.-muun he Bowois, Infammatory Rboumatism, and in Ohildâ€" bed Fever, it ognm-vu â€" erfect success, In sases of Burns, Bruises, Fros Lhnbs, it aots like rOGT OPPICE BAYVIXGS BAXL. «PRBOLAL NOTICEKS. MOXEY ORDERS Postmaster. DIRECT IMPORTATIONG Fx Ships Cognac, from Charente, and Nero, from Oporte, (and to arrive 1 use in tke ciiy, and use0d #J M """ "" 0 éectors in this vicinity. Ordered expressly fer the purpose. 25 casKks sa®rRny WIXEB, Fine, veory Ane and Extra YÂ¥ P for tamily un ar ht olsts botele. A trlal 'tlrl ‘(Iï¬w from Italy,) â€" THE FOLLOWIiKG GO0D8; N@FFLE, irect frem London4 put up to order from the maker, a yery superior artiole, very cheap. * A full and well "assorted stock of general Groceries Fiurst Class Brands," tw BP . 1%, RUM and WHISKEEY, The very best bra: ds to be had. LKS & PORTERâ€"ALL KINiS, i AsuaAhd Abhe/ gnd brought into this city, and are weil W being tried by families requ ring thom for ETT wl 1 T2 ns c dhoate etutenrbortts A lew trials will prove their superiority common goods«. b iA oall selicited lmm o mm tren h The only old and l’lllbl. pICLLES, USARS, Fine, very Ane and Extra V P °0 use or rst clars hotels. A trial ® that they are cheap and reliable, C eoerrâ€" Feaporerep L mas ( o0 4th Jon e, 1870. ;I'o'o';;'l;'vi as the common generally used. KAF, HHDS BHANDY, Dubli Forter, put Ales and Porter, in on khand. PERLEE & PATTEES sAaAWwW MILL A Saw Sharpener & Gummer KKsuL‘s CHUEKSEK, The very sest, always Freeh Reasted ‘and Uro.und on the promises. Mill Owners and Filers are invited to call for AXCT:IOAPS, BLACK, in diferen :o;;dcï¬d aweet. â€" e SKEEN, of the various kinds, and fragraot. SAUCES and Â¥1AVOUCRING EXTRACTS, The ver; best, from the Crosse & Bisc â€" well‘s, Loapox, The lat. st Noveltics in Ottawa, Nor 1, 1870 [ a%**® aheve Grocerites * rvie e ky SEele SA o ow Aithor Wa of the decersed, the addresses and tticulars of their , a etatement of their accounts and the l nature of the securities (if any) held by them, or in default there of they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said decree Every Creditor bolding any security is to produce the same befcre me at my Chambers, st the wity of Oitawa, on the 23r4 day of November, 1870, at 11 o‘clock, in the fore» sirchchet Ducoinh Copre T RPEV Y( T00 78 e MOvBnkgt ty LURMR T2 00 c 6 cMc t Je noon, being the time appolut.d for adjadica»â€" tion on tha claims. 4 Dated tht 21:t day of October, 1870. (Bign»1), : W.M. MATHLSON, * Master at Ottaw®& HATS / 1870. Boorr & Ross, Piaintiff‘s Bolicitors. “ cmmene A..xpeflewhu-da-wwd ‘Teacher, who is not afraid to compete (#0 f#‘ u}hpo(“l‘ concerned) with any perâ€" sof in either Province, desires an engagemeni in Ontario, to date from the first of Januar» next. B«ddm. C., Address, stating salary, 4C.â€"_ |â€" _____. ALL And see it in Prectical Operation. E. 8. SMITH. f.. ‘!-l and sulmo Oitawa, Oct: 24, 1870 SYRUP3 and FARULITS, all inds. and Liquors, OF ALL KINDS. PDEFIES COMPETITION. Kuli, 31st Ogt, 1870 $3 Ridean Stroot. OPPOSITE OLD 8TANXD. W incs, AETEPD. reliable wires for tamily aed used by all the best E IHIBLT I O ® "warranted gonuine for FOUR DAYTS, are well known to be the fines THI6. PATTERSON, Fo. 26, Ridean Stroot. ot up to erder. Lawe® in geod condition, always JUBT RECELIVED. Call and Ezxamine. H ATS! w«A P â€" TYLEJ OF very 00B« e e e e en n T00 uce P [ for tamity | it is marvellous and pleasant to me that 1 I the best ‘ am always fastened to the dear shore by expressly | this wire, which joins me to all that I | love. 1 am delighted by our charming journey, and I would like to!give you &A * * descril)tion of it; but so many. duratOors, for family | Ore earned and clever than I, have unâ€" will show | dertaken this task, that the best thing, t s, and the mymmd,'iiformoloohmflmynflupm arhy kit¢ | mute admiration. I was very uneasy all ‘day yesterday thinking that > YoU WERE IX PARiS WITHOUT ME, A D PRATT {PRICEâ€"3 CENTS 15e 2b 14086 14â€"3=. The following letter from the Empress Eugenie to her husband must be of inâ€" terest at the present moment, As will be seen, it was written during Her Majesty‘s travels in the East, when she went wos.en the Suez Canal. A few sentences which relate to political matters, and speak of coup d etat, may throw some light on the domestic opinions of the exâ€"Emperor : l (n Board the ‘ Imperatrice‘ in the Nile, October 27, 1869. Mrv Deare«t Louis,â€"I wrote to you en route upon (word illegible) on the Nile To tell you: that we are enjoying fresh breezes (gue nous arons frais) would not be absolutely the truth ; but the heat is tolerable, for there is some air, but in the sun it is quite a different thing. Besides, I tell you the -mdg.mphm by telegraph. Through same means. I havre news of you and of Louis every day : Es C uns is Shkt 4 la a [sic}) AT® 1 am son, and my true jOys®, 1 T which, passing through mine. â€" Meanwhile L enjoy journey ; the suhâ€"sets du soleil) ; the shvage N cultivation on t _b‘_"k’. Eugenie to Napoleon. An enraptured correspondent thus desâ€" cribes an interview with the Empress Enâ€" genie : Her Majesty being pared for her pmmemdo,mdm-edvnwn&hgm- lume of a most exquisite shade of brown. The petticoat was of silk, trimmed with three flounces of velvet, the faintest shade darker than the silk, over wh.ch she wore stunbndmoflhoebmrinooflhe finest and softest texture. The tunic was trimmed with flounces of silk the same Mqudv-\oqaod up most gracefully. The jacket, which fitted her lovely shoulâ€" derse tg was slashed at the back trimmed around with one a#mall velvet collar, and at thovrbudooppdnhdonï¬. omamented with gold buttons, extending from the bbttom of the sleeve to the top of the ouft Hcglonlnnoflnlulk.lon‘n the wrists. Around her neck she wore a large white t1e of the finest linen cambric, trimmed with Brussels lace. HMer hat was of black straw, bound around . the brim with Hack mibs and a large biack bo on ide was its i was de was its only trimming. 1t was "J ET Cl Wore her hair. the tint of which is a mixâ€" tunof'rnotudfl“vb“‘mw"“"' fall of yvery moderate size. b T kava "heard much of the beauty and J havée mekhd4 musk Yi 10¢ Nee . TD of the Empress, but ] was not F' £ to see a person of such exquisite l:olmeu. The Empress did not appear to be more than twentyâ€"five years of age, Her eyesâ€"but how can I do-aibo‘ga eyes? 1 have never seon such eyes before ; u..,mhloâ€"do‘pl , darkly beautifully blu.â€"d-onicblr“"v the outer ‘oorher .dmph‘,tboh-hutheoolotofhthk; a?..xp'nuionauumbinm of digâ€" nity, modesty and purity. Her complexâ€" ion ,.p.uwuh‘utpdlot: I think 1 canâ€" not describe it better than by sayi that it is an lic.llernonh-lifllflrqah’vb’ beautiful, and ber smi enchunting it lights up her face like a gleam of sun" shine, Mer bands are not steaif, but are of such fine proportion® thakithey 4ok .m # C000 4 Afitmametcmmmmmmemmmcmmccmmame IDEAS AXD XOT EXPEDIEXTs, Interviewing the Empross. e n n o C L k for the conâ€" a long time past have asked for F3 struction of certain necessary W n;.:;t}:.. BEFUIoad 4 °* 5 Gha Otiaewa principal part of the Ottaws Riverâ€"beâ€" tween the Island of Montreal and L‘Isle Jesus. Hitherto the rapids of the River "les P I|n-"m.wob¢ndototho igation of the Ottawa. At low water rafts h‘mbonurlwdhwa'iblw be Noated down ; and even these, frequently, were damaged. _ _ > Ltaam mgs entered this channel, but rapids and there wait, : rapids there wait, until the cribs drifted down. At some distance up the river, above the village of St. Vincent «Je Paul or Isacore, these were often for days bali contrary winds. . AAuiDor ROLâ€" mun ycopr'monof tow boats Mmummu&:md% ho. ng to pay, usclesly, men during the delay. Commissioner of Persons engaged in the timber trade for Trado and Mavigation. Early last Spring the Honomble as 1| see by the deâ€" EUGEXIE PA )