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Ottawa Times (1865), 11 Nov 1870, p. 4

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Ayer‘s Uherry Pectoral, ue For Diseases of the Throat snd Lungs, the most obstinate of them yiekd to it . !" 200 DX _ Seief esd rahi ks ‘Asthma is always relieved and often wholly "M. .’:"fi is eured by taking the Cherry Pectoral doses. ~1=*=E‘m“""“ not pu the of them here, or do more ..........u.ul-“hq-unmm Ayer‘s râ€"â€"»* or Bu '!.'.':‘.9:.' d":u"'.:hncm-dy.m"i! the Liver into health‘v % For Bilions M!'_"_‘!'P'_.u"'...c"'_..."m' it “rt | '..'' **""XtF* & Co., Practw» L e C ErR ++ mW Chopmi t= L. comnedi, Mase., and .; all round the wor‘!. Dminion and Unites States, It is become nae of the * Permanent Institations of the Country. tAand has tarmed out â€" . _ OVER 100 OPERATORS3, Who now All h'ufl# with _ Â¥F.r the ths Ihen and now so tapidly building in Y N@°LADIES and GKNTLEMEN desiriog to learn this light and nonourable profession, should do so at once. The average leagth of time rmquir~d is three months Ladies learn more rapidly than gentlâ€"men. Both #xâ€"s admitted frow 14 years of age and upwards. For tull particulary and sermâ€" addrâ€" as T H CHURCHILL, & . 180180 Anb baroarnmenr. ~ C1EkKGORAIHR AX0 K AILROAD _ _ _ W, ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR, DORNER OF QUEEN AND ELGINâ€"8T8 QTTA YÂ¥ A. Ev ERY COUVENTENCE AND COMFORT FOR THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. The Bar always anpplied with the ogOICEST LIQqUORS, Mre Robort Stewart having made arrangements ith am accomplished lady teacher, snnounces TELEGRAPIL IN8STITOTE And the table spread with EVERY DELICACY OF THE SEASON #R) sm18 US1IOS HoUVSE, * Onu and.after the STEAMER «ANN 81.8380N,"° & witt inave Ayimee dutiy (Sundays sxorptec) a a m --:h&nu:::m MOMitles Stract Ouemens por.3, Tas steamer WUIl leave Havselock daily at 1 a m. lof Cnapeanu. Returning w\ leave Chapesn at 1 e‘slock p. m. * r 5s Ca8SSELS, $ President. Oitaws. Anonast %7. 1870 144 AF Ottawsa, August 32, 1870 m- . OULIGNRAN‘s, ‘ SPARKS STREZT, OTTAWA. A tow more wllmo ean be ascommodated vitbh comfortable board and rooms. (Gentlemen hluing the Ca»!.al wil} "nd saperior accommeâ€" ation by the day or week at moderate to ma. N 34 â€"Pais house is situated in the immediate ohnllly of the Rarliament Luil dings n’n'd"c‘h .ncorporated under Chapter LXVI! of the Consolidated Statuies of Canada. JTTAW A OFFICEâ€"G P Daruwoxn‘s Exchangse OSee, 19 sparks streat. DIRECTORS : AJOSEPY, Chairman; D C TAROMSON, Treaâ€" ater; 8 B FOOTE Aa THOMSON, T 4 DUKN. DRYMUMUOND Manager L1MLef "al v% "1 Ki®G SNREEKT KAST, NOTICE is hersby given to Timber Manolac: turers that t.ohlo‘ granted by Law (33 Vie., Cap 34,) for the Registerinog of their Timber Mark , will expiure on the 1t:h af NOYV+! MBIF nesst, alter which they will be Hable to a Pruauri or F.rvr Dornazs for negliect. VA other ‘L.-mvâ€" --“'â€" «qt sceupi ‘u m .~; ;dlmm Apply after 4+ ue Frow th» 6tb Rovember to the \st May aos, "Jason GovULD" Will ‘leare Pembroke! Daby at 3 p. m. â€"TA8US48D . 1# rt vwa, Getb, |210 KOPLENW TEL EGRAPH CONPANY Stabling and an Attentive Hostler. §4ba@~ £9, OXT. «s @IR JOHN YOUXG@ FIRST OF SEPTEMBER,I CHANGE 0# TIMZ} ot quail‘ying Operators for P. OMEARA. Proraiwron. + RAYPFLE. Tofuuly, vulaTMQ, â€" 44 Aj It is become Te Por Ic:uhnudw Engiish, Freach and German 3# o Pnane @9 . ’”-.m“.n the Miuseliansous artl= Family medicines and physicians‘ pressriptions s gUxIx®E wiyâ€" WINE BITTERS, Invaluable to invalids and persons of Impalt") digestior ; an exceliont TONLO for persons . m},..mnu. Â¥or rale in quart bottle ; price one doll u. w-’odm conlll-v-:lufl you many & n bottles 35 cents ..m....‘.:t"‘..‘:!‘.t...-..-..f. â€"it is pleasant to the taste and harmless in its nature homb{‘‘“‘l-.“""““‘" ars in all parts of Domi aton. @ardenrer‘s First Priss Baking Fowder, an: Mrailed for parity and axcellence. For sale by grocers everywhere, in 3 os packets, T cents ; 5 os packets, 10 cents ; 1 pound packets, 15 conus; six ‘m."’. JL-.:E.'mmhnul @ ENKER‘3 and no ocher. \ GARDENER‘s EPILEPTIC CURLZ. LW DRYVO #°OLL. -“-'-w'affâ€" ~ OAwlAN PAIN DEsTROYER w&&.'tnpt in the Steriach, "eat ___ @mplaints, Bus al Rroct Blies &e.. A6. 1 whenever ased ‘o;u"m-v- t:m in a M. «sed, and re have aoevet M-n'h:.l :g‘b'.’r. «nd spe |l~$ -=:r|‘. u-:'h-nh:b‘:dnm tested it thorough!y , and WM;N Aiv suffering from any of the comp «ints for which it is .ecommended may depend upon iis being a Soveâ€" T---' ie e C e y fe."tmonishing attoney o the Conagtan Pain Destrayer, In OuTIRG SIREREEE U _ TL mt Aivs tm am oommended, and its wonderfu) successin subduing shatorouriaes omins of Encamatiem. and in re leving English Brushes and w L C NANADIAX PALIS DESTROYERE : The following remarks on testimonials of mos wondertul acnd extriordinary cures in Canades 87 he Gazat Ixoiax BR wurot. They are stera ©ideniable facts, suficient to sonvince the most » ept cal “:‘ "".':." sinal compound, yeirned after a508, accessible 1a the gre t 'znmn."-dnru“d nuacmovs-m.?fbm-;o-d W‘.’ uk Larer Uolnplaint or that of John , of Nupanee, of Rhoamatism, who had actually been on crutebes for years, but has now recovered the use of his limbs. 16 can be obsas \ mcuwy-hm"- _ 137 Connty of L/ ones, Ontario, Canada : M1000, County olflm& Province of Ontario, Feb. 9th, nuun-moummmu-di L wartaken with a weakness of the ancles, which graduaily, during the -'rh1d 1867, extended to my knees, and on up to my hips, and I became so weak that 1 could not walk, but was confned to my chair. For abouttwo years, whilethis weakt ness was coming on me, and afterwards, 1 sough medical advice, "’:E:" at diferent times three dostors, and m nese of different kinds pr..lbodfiytn.h.htduouu. I continuâ€" ad to get worse and worse, until the summer of 1868, when I was induced to trp the great Sho shoness iLemedy by reading the cures performed in a pampList. Attvis time / bad begun to toel llomlu-l.-{lah; in faot I was getting almost helpless 1 Lave takentwo boitles of the Shoshonees Remedy a d two bozes of the pills and I am entirely restorec to health. I never expected to get better, but sim 4y tried the medicine as a 1. K.. 1 LCâ€"0 aP ue was mat BR l2 sds na fih aa As‘ ETTE TD ECE & Midi.mhdlq.d’»-n friends ; and to »ny one aflisted as I was, L have only to say try the ~hoshonees RKemedy ; I en‘ " _ ~" _ | TCO . o Messrs. UKAXREKRLAI® & Bi11s, Con#esat P O it n.n!ulno:om N Bworn to before me at Madoo, County of Hastings | u.“hydhinux.lm. | I woop,J ?P, &s. L sertify that I have knows Mrs. Mary anm tor the last Afteen years; she is a woman and truth. 1 hare known ber before, and sincse her lUinsss 1 believe hor certificate to be true in every partioular. 1 know that whilelll her case was hope, less ; and I know that shohas, since hor recovery, mwumbfiom . _ Whatever may be the ~pocullar of this medicine, one thing is certain, in her sase it bhas acted almost lHike the e get beiier, but sim .wno-â€"-u ort of forlotn hope. ease of mine was not performance of a miracle A P wOOD, J P Warden _ BeCounty of Hastings; Provineo ot SHOSHONEES REMEDY. Ofi-.linom \ And # L .‘-MD:q.:‘mmh- ABR I K. public for & length of time, and ‘i EN A ME ndlonllllhl.wt:aho Renders the i snce to give permanent wheo | Toothache, ao i, and re have aoever known a single | 6d per box. 4 Mb w on raaay shanigige | *T rwam oaetther tot sped fates tigh« | 2 Amntn Sole Propristor and Manafasturer. Totlet Artioles, Patent Med $3 | ened, falling. hair checked, and DA« | ness often, though not always, cured | by its use. Nothing cad restore the | hair where the follicles are destroyed, | or the glaads atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness mhil application. Instead of fouling hair with a Dsuty sediâ€" . ment, it will keep it clean a vigorous.‘ Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling of, and \ cousequently prevent balduess. Free from those deleterious substances which \ muake some preparations “nvmll and | ijnjurious to the bair, the! llrl can ‘ only beneft but not barm it. wanied _| merely for a . nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing meither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts | f m;:r':n:lh:hfl' x'iflc it a rich g1088Y | _ quraws, Oct. 4, 1879 Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co4 | ~~â€"~â€"~â€" _ . ": \CTICAL AXD Axarrricar Camusts _Giu.uv. COKLEBRATZD PREPARA TLONS es FOR LEANSING FYIN AND fi..-‘nnvm Tths tEEtTA Sold by Chemists and Perfumers, and by the Manafacturers. MESSNS. GABRIESL, The oldâ€"established Dentists, Lalr Vig or, ‘i‘““v‘ wWRHitsk a@UTta PEROBRA ENAME:, tor Btopping Decauyed Testh. mmmflummw Toothache, ao matter bow far deoayed 1s #d per box. Ask for Gabriel‘s Colebrated Dental Ganm O8tEO ENAMEL sTOPPLK G tor Preserving Fropt Testh. Warranted to keep white, and as Orm as the rooth itselt T\ beautiful preparation restores Front Teoth +nd GA:nm Pnd 102.‘“ lA lt hfi.“flnfi‘.bm_;m the withou: ‘."”:.'.. them sang wases of powter, and brillizuncy to the HAIR DRESSING, G.unn.-o KOYAL TOOTA POWDER m‘ trom a recips as used by Her poariâ€"like whitenmess and .:-mu the enamel uâ€".-“l-";â€" wash 3-3:-“ ":: agresable e heatk ; 16 it lnvaluable to amokers, ..5. Mesers Gabric! will undertake to Hemodel or eAAA 684 Ledgate Mill, London, And at LIVERPOOL and BRIGHUTON. THE OXNLL GOOD 8AUUE. ‘ CaUTION AGAINST FRAUD. fhe sussess of this most delicions and unrival« d condiment having caused certain dealer» to tp onl alerier sompuends: the pablie is hateny informed thatthe only way to securs the enuine, and to see that their names are upon the wrapy®f “.Tu‘m Bome of the markets having beco aupplied with a W orsestershire Bance, r&owu‘ labels of which the sawses uuhm-nnmwaur give notice toat they have furnished r corres ponâ€"» m‘..n'hh power of mf to h.l: insts a t «garnst mamufacturers and venso~s of snaen, or any wther imitations by which tbeig right may be infringed. LA" Ask h+ L4A k PERRIES‘ Seuce and see ‘ Name m Wrappor, Label, Botile ard Woreeater ; Crosse and Biacl ko, and by Orocers and A BRIKRL® O!OITAMIQUI 2 manth wash anrtwallad for its WOROESTERSHIRE ; sAU08, _ Deslared by Conaoiassear SHARKHULDERS OF THE CANADA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO,,, Wedsssday, the _l.!l dauy ef Ostshe: Wholesale and for R esns Li en f evecater ; Crosse and lnt-’_o!g. London, 4 0, CQanadsa Con ral Rallway Ofere, _ _ Oitawa, Beptember 1 4, 1870 » lignd Ayer‘s AKADBA CENTRAL RAILWAY COKâ€" 9 R I D TLE TEETH PArR AT} 8K FOR LEA & PERLLND AAVOR, Will be be!dat the LAWRENCE HALL MONXTHKEAL M Bext. AT TWELYVE O‘CLOCK KO~KH. W LR WORELE A OKXERAL MEETINXG £$1.00. ao and vigorous. prevent the hair falliog off, and balduess. Free tor its agresable 82v1136 law 8yY. T-- We 'U-â€"-.-".'.“Vg-."â€".’i. P istor ; Corner of Metoaife ellingtonâ€"streots, r"m.:.h entrance to the M)d.l‘: MB« _______u _ S Lke allthaFeqntaitesfor & TTA wWwaA i‘-- «u Q@UBEE * RESTAUr L. KAVANAGL, P COorner of Metoaife and Wellington * MCTOL_____ilatha flavarn HI3 EXCELLENCY_ THE GovERrNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. Ortawa, 6 ealed Nm.“u.d bmw and endocsed * Teader for Post Ofice, Toronto," -mun‘-lvdmu-ouuulx-uy Kvenâ€" ummmuumn‘m,u- thon of a new POS8ST UFFICE, Teronto. mmm-!odlmwabmumo clo.nbd.o‘iuté. W. Storm Architeot, xqmmummium‘ Tua Cender ma« be in one bulk sam, and omâ€" m.nuu-flmmuuam.u material. § The signatures of two soivent and responsible pnou.'lhcb become sureties 1or the due fulllment of the contract must be atiached to each teader. Li Doarmseit aill ans be braad to accopt the lowest or any tender. ovERKXMKENXT HOUSE: m.‘dhflo'«h Oltawa, Octeber 1, 1810 HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL L COUNCIL the Minister of Customs and under and in virtne of the authority given by the 8th Secâ€" tion of the Aoct 31 Vic, Cap. 6, intituled " An Act respecting the ©Customs." His Exce! fellowing Regulation : Grand Harbour, in the Isiand of Grand Manag, in the Province of New Bruoswick shall be and the same is beroby erected into n Out Port of Customs, and attached to the MdQn.pltIIO(Wdchpol.)‘ e WMU. L. LEE, â€" o F1CE TOCONTRACTORS. CHICKGO, . â€" Cincinnati, St. Louis, New Orleans, «nd all Points in the West and South. NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION ©O‘8 20 FirstClass Upper Cabin Steame.s. DAILY LiXE BB W SEX . OCDEN3SBURG x CHIOAGO, | h " A ME .w contrctentficetiate d oT cAcs aovsthecs 11 with Railway for all Making -o‘ Aor . l ovEax_KEnT HoUSE. Parties going west can secure LickOIS uuaun:yrand-lqle , ALL RAIL OR ALL BOAT Â¥Fares always cheaper than by any other Route. Ks sure and procure TICKETS at this offce GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE AND SAVE MONEY, TIME ANODISTANCE. Comparitive distance of the several W estern Ottaws, Oct. 4, 1870. Routes to Chicago : }Iu’ * CENTRAL AIR LINE ROUTE, GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. ‘ [The Model Read of Canada. j .n."- "â€"'â€"n‘vv ‘VM”W”*..O s0e ‘ Grand Trank to Mm‘m term to DOLIOMt....ssscsmeseceessesesesces Leaving in favor of the Great Contral Â¥For TICKKTS to auy Points in the United States, and all information .;'Iy to J Tt JJRCORAN, General Western Rallwaey and Steamboat Ticket ofkes, at H Puaimer‘s stoue, next to Fingland & Draper‘s, @issexst, two doors from Rigeauâ€"st. V MPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALER Tharsday, 22ad day of Bept, .-ua.â€"oflma Prescott...... . M.‘.“...“’-.‘OI'COOOQ' and l::! to Detroit..... Pare and Trank to Toronto, m‘m term to DOLIOMR....ssscsmeseceessenesesces raving in favor of the Great Contral For TLOKETS to auy Points in U Quavwa Augest $3, 1899 Ortaw1i, 26th day of Bept., 1870. rTEAS AND WINES,@q K. POOTE &/| COKPANY, ES8ENT : 6 ROBPITAL STREET Aation of the Honorable Cletk Privy Council, F BRAU N. Beor.tary. 1478 3 1417 4 1418 " € | Rovn. t Prepared by 87 reoipe of F. ! Professor of Kopt by all th the Dominion, PRICE t Sale Manufac 850 miles PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. A. M, F, GIANELLI, Sole Manufacturer and> Proprietor for the Dominâ€" ton of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"These celeobrated Bitters are carefully prepared with the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially adapted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitutions, They ‘ are gontly stimulant, and will be found infallible wids to digestion. o 3 | Nzt“Mm see label round the neck of each ‘ None are genuine un‘o«s bearing thesignature of the proprietor, y 1022tf A. M. F GIANELLL The subsoriber in issuing this his bpring Cirou» lar, begs to return his best thanks to his triends ndmrnnl public of Ottawa and Country, as well as his many sonsignors at a distance, for the very liberal bestowed on, and confâ€" dence in him, since his advent as Auctioneer of this city, and to assure them hat mh:l dndr:‘o&‘mm:.lnh.u merit sontinuance e su atronage liberally extended to M'-’m ® He can refer with pleasure to the many testimoniais he has received from those who piaced propert» in his bands for dbpoul,‘ 2 o abe c on uies was & o se sue as ata quiou sale, excellent Lflm. returns are his % + OYAL ITALLANX BALES AT PRIVATE RESIDEACES, 1n soliciting public patronage in this branch business he would respectfully intimate, that.: 1 the future as in the past, it will be his unceasring care to stady the interest of his patrons ; and that by carsful attention, prompt cash returns, and by carelul sLention, pFOMpt SHTA POVITANE 17T moderate charges, to merit & continuance of that rl:nnp heretofore so liberally bestowed upor Spring Furniture Sales atthe Mart will com mence immedi«tely, and from time to time will be duly announced. fe will hold woeekly sales oi Horses, Cattle, &6, &0, on the Market, due notice of which‘ will be given. The large number of Horses and Cattle sold by him during the past \saae is anticlant susrantese that his ability in year, is sumicient guarantee that his ability in this critical branch of auctioneering is approci: ated. Carriage and BI‘? Sales will soon commence, and those who have Horses, Carriages, and Harâ€" ness to dispose of will do weil to send them to the Mart as soon as possibls. Trage bales of Mercnand:se, Farm Stock, Rea! Estate, Libraries, Works of Art, &o., &0., as wel as consignments, from a distance, will meet with best attention, and be conducted on very moderâ€" ate terms. Becond hand Furniture will be mdndfl hour duridg the day up to 7 o‘slock p. m. â€" Adâ€" vances made on Furniture, Pianos, or other Goods sent in for Sale, or may be porchased in toto, if reqaired The Sale Hoom is well lighsod an. ventilated, and about the largest in the city, boing 80 x 25. ~'.Il’ tavours and patronage are respecttully Beveral Houses in the ogyol hands tor sale. J BERMINGHAM, Ottawa, March 1870. CoMmIsS8ION MERCHANTS, FORW ARDERS EAL ERS 18 Wheat, Cora, Flour, Oatmeai, Pork, &6. oTTaAwWA, | Cash advanced ‘“hdmd epee ufl:lo- on labn.lo.' Prompt returns in all cases #. H. Kasres R. M. Eagros FQMIWSALI.W‘ D y o t A beautiful country residense with Fifteen (15) Ee re eastion en m n:uo‘by.mol ':p'v:ly ade m’ The W muo‘b:‘:rcnd Invely â€" shade trees. The whole wit 0 minutes drive of the Government Buildings. Terms of sale, cash, it proferable to purchaser Otherwise a small pay ment down, and the Lalance an th-‘l"u 10 ’O.;l. (:fll:“ purchaser. y to tne Proprictor, * P R A BRADLEY, Solicitor, aâ€"st., Outawa. Nearly 0 the Post Office. N. B.â€"Money to lend on Real Estate. Terms ORGANLST AND TBACRER OF MUSIC. Residenceâ€"Eigin Stroet, Bouth of ilater Streat. Classes for beginners at Mr Gowan‘s Hall on Mondays, Woednesdays and Fridays at 4} p m. Ottawa, July 15th, 1870, 1410 tf Tlll PEOPLES TEA STOMR, * | M Desire to draw the attention of the Public to their well assorted Stack of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, and Provisions, all of which will be sold at prices not to be rivalled either here or P. BASKEKRVILLE & BROS. â€" Wholesale and Retail dealers and Commisâ€" Harâ€"ng the advantage of buying our G at tke lowest mises, and direct from the importing Vensels, enables us to sell in inture as we have done hereiofore, which we hope has given sa.isâ€" fuciion to those who have [avored us with a call, Rys, broof and Higzh Wines of the bestaiways on hend. Also. Gin, Brandies and Wines diâ€"eci‘y imported. Those who have not alseady tried our Goods are resp: cuively inovited to call, AM"*"Re. member our moi o. "Quick Sales and Light Probis."""R& Sa\t and Fish constantly on hind. & P. BA+KERVILLE & BRO8. Auoguast 7, 1870. 1428.17 of Canadian Parliamentary Calendar M USICAL ACADEMY. Mr.GUSTAVE SMITH,(Organistotthe Cathe . dral) a Graduate of the Im: Conservatory o Paris Lessons on Pianoar 1 Singing. Rideaunâ€" streot, corner of K ingâ€"stroot. Ottawa, June 23, 1868. TThy “ 1g0852 EDUUATION:â€" H EL L MV T H C O L LEGE. Board and Tuition per annum, $226. . HZLLMUTH LADIES‘ COLLEGE UT TOâ€"DAY. I~ ugurated by H. R. H. Prinse Arthur. B. â€"1and Tuition $236 per annum. » ««sipexr:â€"The Very Rev. L. Hellmath, D.D., D.;"l:"?.mm to Er ars # or London, Canada West. ®uy '."'_ se _ _ From the Farm of MRS. STEWART on the hank of the Cgaal, on the 20th inst., TWENTY»â€" THREE LAMBS. marked with a stroke on the back with ar. Information to be given to WM sLATTERY, Butcher By Ward Market. August 8, 1870. H. KASTONX & ©0O,, 4 EK. FRIPP,. Yaxp C.rector y for 1870.©‘ BITTERS. No. 36 «â€"BYâ€" s, aud immediate om the rigins OPE &4100., ana JONES & BOLLAND This elegant Torkish TONIU is one of the mostFsalutary and: delicate preparations ever submitted for public approval in this hemle« phere, and asserts its pretentions to patronage on the following grounds :« weuriBdr PROW T CC VCO on the 1oli0wI0E p*UMIUCMC .. That it is a preparation of one of the most | eminent Purveyors to the Ottoman Court. It prevents acidity of the Btomach. It relieves lowness of spirits. It is a mild and invigorating tonic, and a ost efficient but innocuous stimulent. 1 It renders the breath swe:t and agreeable. It stimulates the appetite if taken, BBFORE ‘ meals, ? It promotes digestion if taken artes mals. It neutralizes the prepensity wfor strovg liquore. It renders the intellect bright and clear. If taken babitually it imparts vitality and energy to all the tod;l{y organs. By its use a man of 70 will bâ€"come, as it were, r. stored to the el»sticity of 30 ; and to persouns of delicate constitutions it is strongly recommended. It is an especial favourite with Oriental t‘ k ladies. Secure, then, health, longevity and vital [ NEEoaE u..n'uhltnl use of the energy b'y the babitual use of the | ALKABASAR TURKIBH TONIO. Kept in stock by the principal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion, For directions for use see labels on bottles. HENRY CHAPMAN & CO,, EVAN8, MERCER & CO,, Montrea!, 1 Bole Agents for the Dominion e ol 0 cA acreae ce A Live stock Insurance Co, General ‘\Commission Afi‘“-l-m Mu«nufactures and Mining Agent Mining claims constantly on hand. Oflce, corner Metcaife and Sparks â€"streets, over . Maun Bros Gardware Store. s * () T. . H1IGGINS, Agentforthe Beaver, Toronto Mutval Fireand Live stock Insurance Co, General ‘\Commission 1 7 ME on LILCS sad seimame iAmatnt fipwedl LIFE IN8URANCE . 0oOMPANY OF MAIN k. the above Filt: 4h EPV WmnF OOD vaa 4 Dollars ($70,000) U. 8. Gold Bonds, 65 0f 81 sptihnd Coupsel tothe Compan lor the ols a| to the or the Dom! lon. Aillegalmatters will u’:I«M to bhim. B. R. COORWIN, _ Montreal, July 6 Puiann.y- YoOUL ROOFS, *~ PATENT PLASTIC SLATE PAIN‘, Is the best and choapest material in use for pre« erving now, or repairing old * thhs.. IRON OR TIN ROOF3, > No matter how,Lad their :oondition. Also firs rate fir & § H [ NG LE R 0O O F 8S, f Making them f S@rFIRE ASND WATER PROOF,"®@a Hardens into a coating of SOLLD BSLATE byra- For lining Frame . Buildings under the ho M css ansd Wh crcintenn AiPies rante ie â€"4 boards. An e@esiaal protestion against eold, dimp and vermin. Rats and mise will come Ot awa, November T, 1368. BUCHANAN & 00,, Wholesale Depot for Roolng Materia and Foun 'â€"IT() rfn-ll: Weo Who have suffered by Sre we make a re= dustion in the price of Stoves, Ottawa, September 21, 1870 Price $6 a barrel, mixed ready for use. A barrel will cover 10 squares (10 x 10). Double Stoves. Box Stoves all sizes. No FRAME DW ELLLNG should be withount Gend ter ciroular, instractions, &o. Stove Pipes. at the ()ttawa, September 9, 1870. m _ ag ©HOT CC mou.m-i:fl‘;.-’a for Trust and Loan W. £&. Taratus. yNHISTLE & Land Survreyors, Land l A:-u.l ..;&';’... ko. OfMce, opposite BILLINGS, _Its» Arln. fhoe~â€" Ro B‘oll'lMiO or A ‘:ml_| %i% Dr J A Grant, Â¥ P., Oitews ; ‘Thes Reysolds, lruqh.m 0.&‘-'51.1\. 140 COR _ â€"I heroby give noties that I shall not be responsible for any debt contracted in my name after this date without my written order. N oPTICE. Ottawa, Augus :&-uum'«mg’dn.uflw Alos and Porter. : Pork, Fiour, &0., for saie. Orricn : No. 5, Sparks Si.reet. near the Russel! ouse, Ottaws city, C. W . or‘s Bupplies, Our WINTER STOCK, just recei OHRISTIE, Commission Merchant and o Genersal Agent. â€" Sole agont for Read‘s « CAPITAL STOVE DEPOT." 35 Sussex. Street, C o5 B MEADOWS & co. SHEATHING FELT 2gencies. Fmmaxor Derizstuu®t, Ottaws, 12th October, M iscetlancounus. 342 Lemoine Street, Cook Stoves. Parlour Stoves. Hot Air Furnaces. ~â€"On and from WEDNESDAY next, the l14th inst., three trains will run daily on this Railway as MAIL will lears Ottawa at 8 30 a m, connesting with the Grand Trunok Express, dce in Toronâ€" â€"â€" to at 10 p m. Also with the Royal Mail Line ; of Steamers, at Prescoti, Kast and West, and .. with the Ogdensburg Railway, for Boston, *. _ New York, «0. MAILL will leave Ottawa at 12 00 noon, connectâ€" ing with the Grand Trunk Express, due in Montreal at 8 p m, EXPRESS wi‘l leave Oitawasat 10 pm, connestâ€" ing with the Grand Trank Expresses, Kast and West, due in Toronto at 11 a m, and in Montreal at 9 a m. Golng North Prescott to Ottawn, MALL will leave Prescott Junction at 6.‘5 a m, OOI”OUI{ with the 3. T.; Expresses leaving Toronto at T30 p m. and‘ Montreal at 9 p m, â€" and arriving in Uttawa at 9.30 a m. MAILL will leave Prossott Janotion at 1.30 p m, connecting with the G, T. Erpress Jeaving Montreat a: 9 a m, and arriving in Oitawa at 3. 4+ p m. © EXPRES3 will leave Prescott Juanction at 5 p m, conpecting with G. T. Expresses, leaving Toâ€" rooto at 6 ana 7 a :a, and arrivieg in Ottaws st T.10 p m. All trains on this Line are run on Montreal time. R LUTSRELL, FAOMAS REYHOLDS, Superictendent. Managing Directo Ottaws, beptemher 13, 1870â€" TIME TABLE, No. 13, * Commencing on MONDAY, NOV. 28, LEAYVE BROCKYVIL ... 4 15'. M.â€"â€"CRAINS will leay $ R eP sBrockrille dsily a +156 p m, 14 am, arriving at Sandpoint a: 10.06 p m, l -. ® LEAYEK BANDPOLNT. A. M.=â€"â€"TRAINS will leave lhzo()sud‘nhn at 6.00 a m and 2.3 o m, arriving at Brockville at 1216 p m,8.30 pm, sarrivin m . “ HE ST. LA WLEXCEK AXD OTTAW A RAIL W AY. LEAYVE PERTH. P. M.»â€"TRAINS will leave 5835romu 8.36 p m and 9.05 a m _T 2.12. 2+ Qmith‘s Fallsat 6 45 n m and 9. 56 GoingSouth Ottawas to Prescotit. No 1 leaves Brockville after G T Trains are due trom the cast and wes.. No 1 is due in Brockville in time to connectwith @ T Trains for the oast and wost. i. ABBOTT, Opening through from Windsor to Annapols, completing the connezion between Halifez and 8t. John. On and after SATURDAY, the 18th Dkâ€" CEMBER, 1869, this Railway will be open for , leave Windsor (in connection with the trains of the Nova Sootia Railway from Halifax) at Kentrille at 11 45 a. m., and 8 p.--.udunn’dll at 10 p m, u-ntlag there with steamers e t on ces s Lowte ‘Aiamg â€"the traios leare Annapolis at 2.36 M en o en t T ME NT s us us * t m, with passengers by steamer ftrom Bt Jobn, rufiuumnion.admuw.t 6.20, Windsor at 6.40, and Halifax at “& YEXNXON SMITR. K antvilla. Des 8. 1862. 1 430y INMKAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMERS, AAILING@ FROM KEW YORK EVERY SATURDAT AKD ALTEENATE TUESDAYTs. RATBS OF FABSAGE EY TEE 81 rCRDAY SrBiCER! _ _*._* Rirst Oabin, Payable in Gold: w:ml_-:: _ MESS AND PRIME MBESS PORK, FLOUL XO.° 1 &RX UTAR iA Kentville, Dec 8, 1862. ETLEE..e00 «s ee0000000008 . «**psmpene eeesSEEDEWMRRNN® . SW Wl John‘s, branch steamer......... 380 00 Fickets sold to and from Engiand, Ireland, and Continent, at moderate rates: * Fer (crtherinformation, .p:l‘, hoos, JOHN G,. DALE, Agent, 16 lnodwsu New York, or HEEKICK & CROMBIE, Ottawa. Those who desire a comfortable m::‘ld'll please call and leare their orders, will be attended to ai the shortest notice. .. All work gone by Arst class '«l.nhn my mgb.d- I have been particular choosing manufacâ€" serviceable ware for the Farming and -u%mmby'h- 1 am so largely petron and atprices as usual delying comâ€" , WBITR BEANB, At Ottawa,Hand Point, and Por "INDsORL & ANKAPOLIS RAIL« ‘ W AY. wv&.“-flm Rules of the Legisiative Assembly,(which are published in the f its nature ind object) in the «Ontario Gazsette," and . alsoin a newspupar published in the County Of. Union l6f Counties affected ; such notice shall be eontinued in each case for a period of st lcast tiz woeks during the isterval of time between the clese of the next proseding Session and the conâ€" Tideration of he Potition. Coples cfthe first and last of such notises to be sent to the Private Bill OfMfce. All etitions for Private Bills must be presentâ€" od within the FIRST THREE WEEKS of the Bessioa. CRARLES Â¥ @TLLMOR, Clork of the Hoase. Forento March 15, 1970 1309 td lawk. LR LIVERPOOL & q UEEEITOW Ratlroabs. YHANGE OF TIME, *s, N.Â¥ ., b Steeragse, NOTICEK. PEXKTH BRANCH. Kirst Oabin, & OTTAWA RAIL* W AY. :.' Ketwer rstwerserirrriul i s Papable in Qurrency . batie sessapees ecenssess000000 : GEO9RGE XURYHET, sececee _ Borofulous poison is one of the io: enemies ofmm'&?‘: InO8t destrney,., renant of the organism ul-‘::.‘-t ";t‘h‘:;.t‘ t:::ne C ing or Siital diseasy," w a it seems to b:m w rokees \ hi one at othe‘ o in td one or 0 +A surface or among the vitais. :-".1“_ cles may be suddenly deposited in 6. [ 44 heart, or tumers formed in the u':'?m its presence by .'..“..“ ations on some of the % ~- sional use of a J%Q visable, even when no active #rmntiont "I* M# visamIc, CTEn wheon No active lomne .‘vpmr. Persons “@ plaints generally find immediate rehef & plaints generally find immediate rehet T8 rflmh. cure, by &e use of this um}if L A: Bt. Anthony‘s Fire, Rose or Tetter, ‘Bait Rheum, Beald H.m Timto ‘i"" of Scrofulons 4 aloome E visivle forms # more concealed forms, as Meart Disease, Flite, and the various Ulcerons of lar and nervous eystems, Te mey Syphilis or Fenereal and are cured by it, though .m subduing these obstimate maladies W But long continned use of this L the complaint. Leweorrhea or *n L’lnr&au, and Female N. monly soon relieved and ultimaiis._"" ** tions for each case are feund in plied gratis, Rheumatiam caused by accumulations of ¢ in "the uises, yile quelif i ho mm ) y 1 a ho g.o:?{::::& KAver, .‘Jfl-¢ I mation o'f‘:o dloh'o. and Jawndice, blood. _ ‘This llmmr§ storor for the strength af the akk Those who are 1:.6'.‘.32.., Sysen . dent, Sleepless, and troubled with ..:,," prehensions or Fears, .=¢ the &b Falict and â€" coninang Snd on hnd mutton power pon trial, of is restoratve 4 P R EP 4 & Hido Dr. : ©. ukc td r At:. 06,, Leven, i F. Smap. e sOLD BY ALL PRUGGrTs 'â€"â€"â€"_;Io.“;â€"-’: 6 Eveerwurre “-“ frew Yiffing and Inviferating Ayer‘s M nnb wou Wnn EORsnn t i U L G as .0:.*....“"'“.'-..":,';__ -“m-gm'" l.-"u or Greea Colte and -Io:‘m&!"’“""-"" wine Rmngâ€"wa aaan to anrrect the dises * Oolie £00 BC C ch case. to correct the dises dicionsly taken for each case, to correct the action !thmtmuv' Ees C® 22000 t ocoatc ang . ul dBn0 # dose is _ For WhS tation of Back ard taken, «s ® tho system. disappeai Pnovucul. 1INSURA NCE ‘0 of Canada, Hoad Office, Toropik h .P’l entâ€"The Bop Jobn BW V ice Presidentâ€"Levis Mofatt, FS.| ! _ Other Direstorsâ€"C J Mai colm c.-on-‘ W T M 8B McM aster. E1g, H 8 Bowland, K1, 08 dm- P Rwellings \=*‘ should be m io fewsgere* duce the effect of a should For lm"':','."..:."fl. lye -;m For BupPr®®®"""."_a e€fect ot # it prod o ooo palln bo unpnniteeserenr s a sn n m ds srtron, esn e Rem Wevigorates too Ficvotes dori One :o li:oln wla:;l ofen of these Pills makes l"-'& their cleansing and renovatiby +4« tive apparatus. pR. J. C. AYER & 00 ., Pract LOWELL. MASS., V. $ 4 Ottawa, August T, 1879. 6 McM aster, E1g,H 6 Bowland, £24, 0W Â¥ey: AOT Beinge, Haq, Angus Moriews Mn J 6 Crocker, Keq. Cw l‘nkor-â€"‘;r'bo o%?“mm J 8A wa~â€" xodk." q The rates of the PROVINCIAL 2!?1!; are as low as its @n to C * The test of the value ot Ansurab0e 14 MMM she@n 10 D6 » The test of the value ot Ansuranse is MBM pot when the premiums are being pLMEAE losses are being settled «nd, from#f r::nlooo 7 m|"‘:.' ... smm # # ‘"T%» Inspector: arn. 18 ; stt M"" im portant lows direct!; i has we adjunes lc amant It respecttuliy solicits a shatre € of the insuring public of Olia®wk _ , PA * o 16 A it .. e . 143, How Bebé# n Coage) Aom uen $ ienss umou!‘wl"”’* [.‘:%:‘:'efxn.&m? of mafl fat oaten at meals, &0. i aigestve stt * perior to Pepsine. 'm.,.cl." Pancreatine t« «ie Pmmaraintnethmemnmase taking Ood Liver Oll _ .. YxXC THE 8L10G, Suruly o piace ot bantnest _ , 4 suly at 194 family or Reterences given it “'.‘. TSE TIMES is E:"‘W.n”' Orr Bpuke® -w?fiw’“fl" Cors rtant lous direct!; 1 um mu.qmlo..-% eamnathaiie aolinits i snn srawa, Jaig 5. 1408â€" August 1st, 1870. ';_'"._.;.’.....w.. Temue weaianinl == k: "ok wirgout 1045 . Mes HvanPih, ould be continnor«ly the dissaged action := age those emapls\\ gAVORT 4 Pu) 4 Â¥ 3,.,«24 is a pat in 2 OL TETREAU, C m cl the Post H, *"*J 4* p x CuE® 1810 AUL%LDs , #14 * SURG Publ.¢ at La® L A EY

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