TREKE ® 3 meee C & CC t the selsctions, songs, and instrument® | **~~~ /. ing remai 1t music F i ave on t Nmunder. 1, OOR #im? ERWRR EC # : -'::r:.;oll ncern::l by the audience 1 ; y, polmlupoo(UtuwgsndMathO| p w1Nx® foe «4 rendé amber of special mublui the MF,MAIOIBK‘I‘ Leky f *T sesg ngbolnvionroftbo youthful rowdies in w nigher != ¢ Wll’eb.hlfl?‘â€!â€"d‘fo mnhkplhtywmywhoneho inu*n Astonishing Acts of tke completion of the Library of the Par. | houid be put astop toâ€" | s L108 IifBtons hasarrived by cars, and is bein: ‘m- . By the Greatestâ€" Cof huled to the ground. Iron has also ar "that have ever visited gives, that z:l«lh- Mj be FKWMMM and ther: ::::::o’ugtd‘nd:o noe of Jatagio. ho M l o o l ke ~nntrs, . ts mak s-u-.'-uuum ‘The whole to conc! * e * o W ater W orks -‘hlh J “‘lï¬wn whish will Tust., wruty appoarauce of th® """" _ 0 303â€â€˜ , ~¢.w‘uhfl1¥“°°°°â€m-' wus get to work. 'd' ‘Poues: Cocert â€" Tuurspax Mork!XG.~ wine Meoks® Jimes Cammungs for being drunk and d n _ tderly in the public streets was fined tm : UiRilarsand costs, or thrge weeks in jail. s _ Felix Clondin, was charged with sellin: . Iuor without be ing licensed to do so. T) © e wférion who gave the testimony against ! Â¥ J un avamimet at consilerat 9 1EK p4# v& * \n, principa! k 14 7 cummne h \whin * 1# market LOCAL C P. Dorion, 6i) Sparks Street, ¢ wl stove.pipe fitting. NO P har vom eives. Lumbermen * =. " mfll lights are very "‘“. Rideau street, between sidewalk "A‘.s. 1k l e 4 9# § se > : mmfl?,“ï¬mmu}‘! call .mx-m&w'- Anvil. py stock and new styles,â€" at reduced | y u | |+p. H. E. Quabar M is be broken up short!yâ€" T «mm wml‘d im many places P P "~aeâ€" at Church and "-."','. pepotâ€". â€" market this '.ï¬g aeticle Dr . “,° of the steamer Oilfer wel Mbyï¬nm weeks ago, bich .“u!. Qnegn'nthf.i’ l!-“ much injured. Prriament Square is now" well planted hh besithy looking trees of various kinds Tkey are, moreover, all boxed in and tht We are being painted. The Savare 5* winaly a greatly improved appearance. Com»x M. St. Lawrence ant ; Mills Blankets, in all sizes and very cheap, at MUTCHMOR & CO. eviia‘s Â¥Fur Depot. ‘dn'!"!‘ lean horse stuck in in St. Andrew street yesterday an. and balf the load had to be taken animal could proceed on its â€" When is that lot at the west side of p®. 7 .'.‘.h. ce â€h m"n, _u‘h:'" sent there is constant danger W at the orner of ‘Connor anml Sparks \dbrtets is in a similar condition. leviia‘s Â¥ur Depot. drawn by a lean horse stuck in Hout Reaprscs.â€"The readings in Hull, .': in St. Andrew street yesterday on Woednesday evening, Wet® a complete n. ind half the load had to be taken succeass. 'l‘hohl)wuwellï¬lbd,mdonry M““M on its m".m‘d with ‘h‘“m'. enâ€" | . C > tertainment. C. B. Wright, Eaq, occupied . . . .x unehl',nddtbnlhtbmmo1 teremains of the steamer Olter which "-lwfll!wfli"-lflwï¬ï¬‚‘ -hlqd‘byb'm.mb-s?,-fl at halfâ€"past nine.: The music for the @TéN: “,uu?' ing was furnished by Messrs. Mercer, Mid * ng removed. ltf-_bdmvd\bemchm- ford, Smith, Howe and Topley. Particuâ€" L--t-nch-.pnd-, ulytobo.dml,wmmodmw Arflament Square is now» well planted Messrs. Smith and Midford, and Messrs. t I“mmdnï¬t’-m Howe and Midford. The readers were '..m.l“ boxed in and the Messrs. W. Washburne, Pratt, Davison, A. y â€â€œ"-W appearance pleasant feature was the entire absence 0 P., cesmm shono'-oumdumhphw. ; is that lot at the west sice of Dr. xm L‘W"NME? Deviin‘s Fur Depot ie mm oo s es ts in |cctorton ie ie aclet or, e More the of J ict t mnbboy:int.ho;dleryorunldo :bh'-:. > C".:‘.' P&TK® | ya11 from insulting persons 48 they enter 4 similar conds shodoorulpmooolwuko their places ‘Borrp or Scaoor Trustess.â€"A special in the reserved seats. Such conduct is not w_., Board is called for this Mhuymdwhc-uh, and h 10’doek.hthocuylhll. We it is not creditable to the Capital that wedemtand that the meetin$ is callod for | such ruflanism should be permitted to ~demp rupwkd- ’rboproprbmottb ment of te for the ensuing year. unk will find it damaging to their buildâ€" k m.-ophoduutsndihhn-n-o ut ns s sanable of froulral . ax Ane® erossing has be@n nb eb M Mandempowu tor rhich the in i bitants in that localicty a"e wily thinkful. Let them be taud in eVOr: gutof the city, and particularly in Spa MD» ind stove.pipe fitting. . No puff; DUt®C Bit youâ€"cives. Lumbermen and COUDIT! r-â€"‘-fln‘- The ."(';::, P 3 m Howse in this Line in the CUP" > # Golden Lion." n...-.-â€"-di"fu‘d"' m Ridean streot, and who are compelle= to blast the rocky soil at times, should be sarefual to look that no horses are passing or near at the timis the explosion O8CuUT® Nesterday afternoon a team of horses WeC" wally fnghtened into gailopping off bY # Mamtwhehimik nlauce as they were pass Goren "YORMUNUN! S cortment of gards. _ A assortmen nd l r-m% Hate \ ‘“u..pol'wo Torce are AgnuivALs in namber. The i Montre Afhey certain; ‘u. Hodges, Montr® \ J. P. Grant, do ; R. Mreags leading from Sue. | EOM PEX heeg . he St. Patrick‘s Hall is in | VC Comauts t . . esns Lewis A. Hail, do ; cromingd «. Mews. Dutie & Sons NAY® **** Ueober number ot the Edinburgh whith contains a number of int jmpers on current events. They | Irmle the Englishman‘s Domes weleomed by the ladies. #renng in the vasement of the COngT¢E" tonal Church were well Attended. Ne Workman, mmisted by Mss Workmap spamed the programme with a duct. Al the selsctions, songs, and instrameDi® Husic were well received by the audientt amd were well rendered. Feathers. 18 rket this morning. article brought on. morr Aby e â€" 4C : â€" + T. H. E. Qeapanas Cuomâ€"=The first M [D, MUTCHMOR & COâ€" | sambly of the season o Ax: tm m‘ Velveteen Hats, ftrom 25 place on Wednesday evening, in Gownn‘® A Targe assortmen w of | Hall. ‘There wore about 80 couples Pres, hark Hats and | ent, and everything being well prepared ,mmmimm»-ym::: langerous to man a certain den and finally, at the request 0f »7 it; the case was adjourned until 10# is the time morning to allow other witness¢> JAMES & Co. -n..gneon in the Capt®, . W Ang vavan‘* 1 ami Sparks | â€"â€"A special ied for this ty Hall. We , | very good quality. The price | steady at 18 and 20 cents per pot Tus WarhaLL&, Trours.â€"IDB SU"P" e their third entertainment, with a L of programme, to & good house last night. The porformances were in every respect up to the mark. _ Littte Boâ€"PeeP on the rolling globe on the slanting plank was astonishing. The tableaux Wer? as on previous nights beautifully . arranged and very effective. The girafte act was capitalâ€" ly done. ‘The fountain concladed the perâ€" L formance, and elicited the usual admiraâ€" tion. 1 1488 2m. Lavik . tinly, es ih _ s e tfg They â€" ronto ; J. C. Geddes, Chicago; J. Mar '!" shall, Toronto ; F. A. Hall and wife, Stock Perth ; J. B. Pantre, Lancaster ; Lawâ€" f rence McEwen, England ; C. Mutetroad, Clinton ; Alex. Manning, ‘Toronto ; R. D. BL Tinning, do; B. S. Nicholls, K. %.; Walter Smith, Onslow ; Captain Fuller, | Fancy ] | England ; 11. F. Turquand, do. o Mo Toronto ; Stxmes siditin; wardind < m'm“i'* m'..pu.du & the | sther parties in ts tor | jealing . with ty are| ind it to their int .'.'.. “P. wm Spark» | shey are subject t a «hort a time, nor Snpvmorâ€"smi. ~ Ei atove» members, &A themselves. _ It must have been §FaimmD *" °~~ menb‘l'wwimc.lhemoe.l which atâ€" tended the club on the opening night. 1t is the intention of the club to hold fortâ€" lm;hd!-mbhudummm last of M# at mm Russees Horse~â€"!â€" Montreal ; John ‘-‘“n’!\‘h; do ; R. Nimmo, T. Perrin, do ; ‘ao: J.. H.. Dumble and as well as those invited, enjoyed «B VOT OME on ccasion two policemen walked down C Lwo youths mmlh‘llm a gen ;.-vuhnml"-“‘b'd".mh "laed the bawless by the coat collars, and a a trice had them outside the building: l‘bm'.lm. ed in the pit mogies e were called that evening, not as the amusement been attempted since \ll that it wants is policomen. plucky MWM _ etermin edem)‘lhw"i'.mâ€m \ MM‘Mmutmme.‘F . . C e EM Un ce alte ts tixte vet .tndunbaw\oabym«nteoulfl."" mu-‘“mmwm the building. 1 ho offisers remained in the pit nc M ore names were called that evening, nor | ‘ as the amusement been attemI ‘ i that it wants is policomen. plucky and etermin edonoï¬lhw"i"mâ€â€œ nde-rrythomutmw“"“ s “\ *A T So€ what a silutary offect this will in kmaale this . Culï¬il pEPARTNE Qrnawa, lik November, 1879â€" a «il farker “.‘:"':‘ # ***"s" u. BOUOCHETTE | ty O Jno. Cosgrove, Toâ€" been gratifying Go to the sign of the price remains P ponnd. â€"This troupe iment, with & aA M w 6ootanmee Te WEREY T do the city capable of *sapâ€"| A DDITIONAt STUCK mwxfl: Flowers, Feathers and as they enter Trimm their places conduct is not Peor 8. 8. * MORAVIA! . Framaikts HMWUET _ _ L. . . mathe Haikknuat (4 GARLANOY, MUTCHMOR & 60 ATLANTIC TELEGRAI in Reptember. 3OUDS, reâ€"ordered by C Their Stock will be again yery COMP ! in all the Departments this week. «h. Are ."'roooiving large lots ef .\ and comfort of viSLNOIS, __ FLANNEIS 3 , mpmmdmmwzmu,m Aw Rarer Cain ; every po-iblondmup. Saweneh J WHOLESALE & RETAIL. .« | R. L JAMES & Co. * beaus -..,-7_.-_..________â€"-â€"â€"â€"-____._â€"â€"__,..â€"-_ d ~ I tiMh & n \nu€ e T inss Ssmn & U | , h _ _IAUHUMLALO.N KL MA N â€" BLACK and COLOURED SILKS, \74. EPARKS â€" ST. 49.‘; __ FLANNEIS, All purchased in the best Markets, under every possible advantage. WHOLESALE & RETAIL _____* Will reseive this week oxpon, England, "* | W ALH ALLA & BIOPLASTIC imvite special oo cun tb d clcmatihdwrs . Aifibemettnnitst IP l d s eP WimnemePro o ie | _ d met with last year and the wideâ€"spread ClfC!=« 8 s tifies bope , commend Trimmings, ..‘mu:md’m:nuo. In order to increase its clrealation, and to repder it still Per 8. 8. * MORAVLAN.‘ more valuable as an advertising medium, ths C Gawe lameat ,.h..m,chh,a. be reduced to 10 cents Extra Cloths, { E:c“u;n:u“uflyku than the actual A of pablication. Satin Cloths, . The Q:l:.dn.mtho rates ::cd .d'nnhtll One st beginning or 0o “-m “ “ m ut .m““. ‘ ‘“w......-.. ww e @ ## * * ". oo Half do do «a+ & rv% +k® 0.0‘2 i _ 0O RD EKE D 1 Case of Newest GLOVES, The «OLIVE OREEY* somane) (0 0 _ ) prove the most fashionable, and of the AbO*® ** are in receipt of ten plec® «@«New Seal and plucked Otter Skin* Oum«â€"», O%* 11 °®"F M.Uuo un.:.- , E;';l".l: Positively for Five Nights‘ Only | ie i: o4. 6 annnstner PURBDAY, ROY . 15th. ‘Ds- CuTrroNx}, \ WALH ALLA & BVE LBJ ®5" e h «ADA CESTRAL AKD BROCKVILLE : TROUPE8, C.WTtA'A HALLW AY8. } Numbering 25 Artists from the WALHALLA |, smm« p mnad aux:.(: A‘I:c.:“z’:ln,cn.‘:::u AL"ERATIO®X OF TRALNS, + straoge pre= h _ | sentations *4 his Troupe have been the theine COIISNQING ‘luVllBBB 2lst *% of admiration o-mou..dxuwaw, wannmaama« d and especially from g-rllau-um-rouom.. THE CROWNED HEADS OF EUROPE OPTAW A, going throug* in 13 HOURS. 8 | These Delighttul and Original Entertainments On and after MONDAY, #1st November , Train It |â€" consiating of will ruin as tollows : l1 * Leare Brookville at 4 45 a m« a.m., a8 ie : > ARTISTIC arouptngs, 330 pmâ€" Anhogout'nu 8.28 1 m, 1250p= PC Fancy Wove Goods still arrivingâ€" ow;c Breakfast Shawls, Tic# N‘-; aï¬ np “fl“ “l‘ "that have ever VISiLC The whole to conC cent and Georgeous 1 w@rPRISMATIC The entire Stage C .\ arotro. The of as it ascends and det Mn..d causes and delight, to ©50a] audience. Admission,. 250t8 Tickets for Sale Store. Doors open at Ti Overtare at 8. ‘ ui > Â¥ aGop 82 HOALIERY. By the Greatest: Congress of GYMNASTS that have ever visited this Country. _‘ cmmmmmnnmmmeam ‘The whole to conclade with the Magnifâ€" he * "ut. s tae» af the Sik Exeaaeeieit. C CE t. HUNTON, SHOULBRED & CO .‘.? :‘:‘n"'lfl. â€"_ L cce gSHEETINJ$, Adzmiss108,; 999 > / * / o us / m“"“'nm at ORME & SON8 M Doors open at Tiâ€" Overtare at 8. C B NEWELL BHAWIA Mantle Cloths. attention to MILLINERY in all the Fashion BLANKET®S and aop saVE TBE QUEENX . _ , arnd MANTLES Tgar OTrawa TIMES, GYMNA8IA, and MODERN ART. | g.10 pm Opposite the RUSSELL HOUSE MILLINERY, MANTLES ouB GOuBN LOV.") BONNETS., * \ . _ FBATHERS, Flowers, Trimming Materials, &0 UTU XN. DISPLAY of NEW GOODS, Fashionable Velveteen New Paris Jackets, SPARKS STREET, WEDNESDAY, Oct. Ax Rarer CaLn SeuicitE»®. clothing, WILL All the now styles in Z2®A% NT F Every advertiser taking a page will receive 12 copies of the Aimavac for distribution for baff a page, 6 copies ; and for a quaiter of a page, 3 coples. Abplivations for advertisements should be sent in at once. LEGISLATIYVE ASSEMBLY OF oxTARIO, Tomoxto, 19th O:tobet, 1870. Notice is hereby given, that the last day for resetving P«itions for P.ivate Bills will 8 U onsgraly iY / the ““"o‘lfl“‘ ho bncmedutatlificain .. Aif P Une Page in body of wotk . ... .++ b. WEDNESDAY, the * bay of DEOEMBER nest. OS se shen‘ Ottaws, Oct 31, 1870 is Jackets, may~ M. & ®‘s facilities for doing justice in Various Styles. | to the requirements of the public is now | g such as to warrant them in saying that no : » house in the Province can manufacture and Children & Underâ€" superior or better fitting clothing. ‘ I ces en MM.&’)‘AQ. ale yaky eC p 1. mumflouuo 1 m, 1.40p 2 and 0M1 p a. muwmuuu-..utn p m «omm Trains on Oanads Jentral and Pofth 1 .ao“"“"“-'“.“m"... 0. Rail way. A Sersing Gar wilt fears Teronte on Mor 8277 weanenet 25 Poanl prrfrcagh is frank 7 34 p m train, and g0 es FOR 1871 BE PUBLISHED EARLY PECE MBE R. RuinesCs® and EvaoesT, out transhipment. « DOMINION ALMAKAO " p 1 elveteen Hats. »ay~ M. & R. would suggest to those re sound and aweet. _ quring NEW and CORRECT FITTING UKEEN, of the verious kinas, From 25 Cents npvnrdl. GABN.ENTS, that it would be wise to and fragraot. ho o Eaare T place thyir orders at once, to prevent disâ€" 5 u. t ies WB an Tackets. PU T CV " O «x a A#reat pressure of Trule SUOAM. synCes e« ® L Brocokville, Onts DICKIX8ON®, CHaRLEs T. GILLMO®R, Oler 1870 1awkh+â€"28 D. 1870.‘8‘ complete | o Nov 14, 1819 K.en t Streot, Ottawa w'-.‘l..’ MAGEE & RUSBLL 10 00 150 2tf wWINTER CLOTHING 4 \St;l;mdw ; nay~ Seo r'.nly, at xov. 18, 1870 SPARKS STREET, _ Beg to inform the Genâ€" tlemen of Ottawa and the public generally that their ‘Tailoring Department is row under the manage ment of a FIRSTâ€"CLAS® ARTIST, of ENGLISH, AMERICAN and CANAâ€" DIAN experience. Aise tmat. their ~BTOCK o CLOTHS this season 1s extremely large and vaâ€" ried, embracing all the NEW STYLES adapted and OVERCOATS, Ortawa, Oot 29, 1870 PEA JACKET§, GBEAT An jimmense Stook DRESS GuODS$S A very Heayy Etack of ENGLISH, scoTcH 4 and CANAVIAN TWEEDS, BEAVERS | ANNUAL REVENUE,. â€" £ 25-,,633{ Stg. PILOTS, WITHEYS, MELTONS, &¢, * T | at Fuxnsmh.nd.ndinmud,l,w,asb « yan â€" _ "paATTERSON & BRYsON.| : Just Received @ Lot of aBENTLEMEN‘S | * oo sOOTCH and CaNADIAN UNDEBâ€"| § t & CLOT iING, TIES, SCARFS, (‘OL-‘ The BOOKS and AOCOUNTS hate fo LLBS, &¢ , &¢, at many years cubjected (uot yoarly ouly, or at an; i ; f other interval, but) to a contin1008 AVUDIT~ PrATTERSON & BRYSON. apart trom the Directors and other officies y | Profesiional Accountast of hlsl sta g an $ *J) experience. ‘In the VALUATIO Y3 also, whic S m-flon»pwd‘lmxum ty , tb \ CNPP"""" _ anlv are takeninto 8 ARGAINS ! OoTraw A, PATTERSON & BRYSON. AT BARGAINS in GREY and wWHITE BLANKETS, at A ‘1 §¥n »â€"VÂ¥ LV LR E _R C0 ‘ Have now received a full supply 0t | ‘ \ _ Previous Entrants will be entitled to a W H O L E Y EAR‘® BOoNU 8 ge NEW FALL GOODS 4# f i x-uu-w-mm \ The PROFITB -.n-nlo.,.-lw ï¬rfln“â€"w“mm e and Varied Assortment INTER GOOD3, at cuRNINEHAM & UMGSWY, PATTERSON & B&Y8ON, OVYVERCOAT®S, Dll’Al'‘s. \ Ageonts or vitaws,) T & c Morember 8, 1899 14 RIDEAU STREET, ARGAINS! PATTERSON & BRYsON. x _ of PLAIN and FANCY DS8, at PaTTERSON & BRYSON. 538 Bparks Btroet, opp““. Bar & Co‘s. ef Qrtaw a. PIRECT F‘x Ships Cognac, Jrom Nero, from OPM to, $ from Italy,) ARGAINS ! 10 of FANCY 10 Ihe n'lg 910 ABG Pomee n C C TNL S haal use in the city, and used by all the best dootors in this visinity. Ordered ex pross!y for the purpose. .)5 CasKs susBriiy WINE, «h Fine, vory Ane and Extra V P for tamily use or . rst class hotels. A trial wiluho- & C i ce P w lak en‘ tihe 1! F,\'U‘:‘o‘rso [ WUreet â€â€œ London, 4 Firet Class Brands,} warrantod yenuine for 1O0FFELE, ’\IHDI. ProORTt WwINE, very 14 \¢ 1851, Lhe only old and [olltblo LES & PORTERâ€" NK A8, F. Fine, vory Ane and Extra V P for tamily use or rst class bhotels. A trial will show that they are cheap and reliable, and the price as low as the common trashy kivd gevorally used. s HHDS. BRANDY, p1COKLES, THE FOLLOWING ;@00D8 ; i, is UM and WHUISKEY, The very best brat ds to be had. wa &A PORTERâ€"ALL KINDS, Ubabli Porter, put up Ales and rorter, in g=0 on havd. KK3UR*S CHEESE, Queen‘s, Arms and Stilton, very @@OP®. The very sest, alw+y* tresh hoarted and Iruund on the promiâ€"es. BL ACK, in differen ; @4 *° +th Jur®e SAUCES and FLAVOU RING EXTRACTS, The very best, from the Crosse & Bi«â€" 1870. HATS! LIFE AssOCI ATION sCOQTLAND. imporTATION8 or0s YEAx+ .’cullo( ."I'i'“:.l:‘ll remaining in hand and hvjutel are 30.805,945.00. _ The List of Policyâ€"holders in Class B. for | 1870 will be closed as at | 1 well a@so: ted OF ALL KIND®S. The amount pald last 181 Wines, sPECIAL \INTIMA TION. rOUNDED 1838%. ut up to order. Lawet in g=od scongition, always Thus | JUST RECEIVED. Call and Examine. H ATS! Charente, : and (and to arrive and Liquore, and FaUITE, ©YLES OF kinds; aiso very treosh wises for tamty $8,159,044.00 $601,763,00 DECE MB ER . year asone ha j early ouly, or at any “.hn‘lm A D[Tâ€" d other officialsâ€"by & of .’Rh stap § and ra mIAYs also, which t w E IBEB i ‘ “.O'llCl A0 Wu:--_,_‘ 4 l Sealcd Tenders addrâ€"ssed to the -.u-‘C""""" Ne o o o ns e s t will be entitled to a sizgncd, and endorsed, «Tenvder for Removal of Orraw1, Srd Nor,, 1870 .Snow" will be rec. ivead at this office until Friâ€" | yp GonnsoroRs 0F Costow. \nys ‘ONUS m.uttho 18th inst., I‘M} ftor the reâ€" woval of Spo#, kc , from the Walks and «83LA TB,"â€"BORBEDU LE Câ€"FREE 6 ODs. 8 around the Pablic Buildings, Ottawa. sb o ntrant will receive. peq§fications fl'h‘:"d:::““. We teterects to _ Swmal thaKaall 446 where other information he‘d by this Department, tost SLATE Amply in « rliocated on a principic â€‘:u'm qtdtuphtm-.-ma may be its sizs of oxcars then AXY OT*** Tiifaw 21 the comract..unst be attaohed to «408 mkm:mum-: ".m" «mder. * erpecially apen, Of _ <r arubci SV h"â€":""““ “‘""‘“““"l'.lynd.nw.q-cn-,um.uc 1 uc | e lowest or any ie puduty.-omu-wcu.mdo w t P P K. 6. l-.ouo‘lt}l. *( Elevaled (ven Cook Stoves, Low Oren Cook Etoves, at Double Stoves, Box and Parlor Stoves, at (oal Stoves, Base Burners, at The Quintal Coal Stove, Parlour Cook Stoves Pumb Stoves, Hot Air Furnaces Stove Pipes arnd Elbows, a Lumbermen s Supplies, af K. 1st Prize Stoves can be s L cce mc Noy esnt qms in Ee DEALER 1X Sthelt and Heavy Hardware RENEY‘S STO NE BULLDING, Weltington Street, Upper Town, O Câ€"oking and KFaneJ Etove GQoal, Etool, Lron, Ropt. Twine, Glass, O Ottawa, Oct. 13, 18 sAHOMA® L8A AC, PITAL * oF! ested are ng been Oltaw a, Nov 11, 1870 1qil PWE 2F _ 1 OP vHB. C CCRET _____â€"â€"________-____...‘_-__‘.______‘____ 1 44 it tntorlie h d l. onHaANCEARY. ::th th:b(r:oflfmm (‘lelfl:'od indepenâ€" ues v=f m Majesty wou »a graciously Pursuant to a dec. ce of the Court of Chauâ€" * Lo sok it fr’ee * € * cery, made in a canse Bpain ve. Watt, the pleased â€" CM‘;:flll' of ll‘fll‘! Bflhé late ofot‘\"‘h'lm In answer to the first question T have to ship epean, in the County 1 s ho died in or Lvout the month of NOVEY> state that Her Majesty s Government have FER, 1867, are on tor before the 15th 0_ | no reason to doubt that the people of :llnlnxv::.d to :endb ‘ha poo: xpu.c‘ to | Canada are sincerely desirous of maintain essrs. Kenuedy & Chiistic, 0 ty of ; R A sece o ivs 4 ts Debsdce® | is e ‘rest of tne Smpin oc hien Arthor‘ Watt, the Exeeutor of the decessed, with the rest of the JAmpitt, Y their christian and surnames, addresses aund | therefore, think it unnecessary to enter descriptions, the tull particnlars of theit | into a discussion as to what might be the claims, a statement of their accounmts and the licy of this Coun Lowards Ahe Do nature of the eecuritios (if any) beld by them, | pOD L *N" y C o or in defeult thâ€" 1« 0‘ they will be peremptori}y | minion if a different state of circumstances excEIndod fto:; the lmln“lld the ut:: decree. | were to arise. * very Crediter bolding any security is to pm;! the same befors me at my Chamb 18. But I may observe that whilst her M# roduce the * "¢" â€"" on the 23rd day of | jesty‘s Government have ever been ready 9 5 _ 2 C admmnaithion Liutcd ; B. for" OQrtawe, Ost 21, 1819 § .o crolde isrrenircomeraprenimetenien e tncerter | my omcs o qoN TRACTORS l * _ Sealed Tenders addrâ€"ssed ad to a | sizned, and encorsed, «Teoder ~S.o"'vlllion0vind.tthllq U 8 day next the 18th inst., at DC zoval of Seo@, kte , from °1 atognd the Public Baildings, U eive. Speqi§fications can be seeD \-zmhbc:ah-ea al princip‘e signatures two soivent mosp"" “"“â€w“‘_fl â€"k;m Crediter â€"L=uiding KHJ BM®""" 0 . _ _ produce the same befors me «t my Chamb 18. ut I May DUREDPUYC *XERTT, TUTELEU ECCC at the city of O:itewa, on the 23rd day of | jesty‘s Government have ever been ready KW‘.NI, l87°| ut 11 O).Clwt' in the fore«» to ‘“i" in l“.m"‘lns & mmon ‘M on on tu.s claims«. i Dated thi 21»t day of October, 1870. North America, the Assemily. cannot * (Signad), ~ W.â€"M. MATHESON, ighorant of the disinclination of this Counâ€" l Master at Ottawa wyminurfeu,byhmo. with the wishes Boorr & Ross, r Plaintiff‘s Solicitors. of the Colonists. ‘ Ottawa, Oct: 24, 1870 1495 14â€"3@. With respect to the second question, | Py n n en ree e aonnnnnnneefeomnenone l ts y Pn that it is not within the ETW ts 000 ies Aiffecan o rontiate ASSIGNEES SALE OF REAL ESTATE l Notice is bereby given that by virtus of the |ponfvu:odh-o s8 unpudmm.-d effects of the above named Insolvent, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction, at the Oourt House, in the City of Oitawa, at the hour of 12 «‘slock, no08 on FRIDAY, the TWENTYâ€"FLFTH da7 of â€" NOVEMBEK next, all the estate, right, uitle, interest and equity of redemption of the said In« n‘nï¬.u‘d-yn‘f,uufl Assiguee as aforeâ€" said, in and to that certain parcel or tract ofland and prouises situate, lying and. being in the | Township ofum.lubcu-ydo.rlou-. containing by admeasurement fifty acres of lend 100 vB > kh ncad aof the NDOI‘VIIQ a0F OF 1909° in the matter of T 1 JOsSKPB IIENRY Oa8sSELS, _ the Village ol Kenmore ' AN INSOLYVENT. at contaiming 2/ C 0000 ol P be the same more or Jess, being composed of the vdqmdht uumber two, in the thira Con cersion of the said Township, Rideaa Fro: t. ‘Terms andâ€"sonditions made known at the tume of sale, and partioulars c_n be had by app‘yi®6 [ Dated Montreal, all Application will be made to Parlianent, at its ! rest Ses:ion, for the Insorporation of a Company to construct a RaUway throrgh Ernitish h orth Amer ca, coupectin with the prosenot Eailway a yetem of Caprd«, aud thence to proseed to the North of .ake Auperior and through the Nortb~ West Territory to the Â¥ellow or Lesther Doad Pess of the mmchmh connect aundl PAE OSR OA TR 0(0 No EeC COREE 07 '.M Pses of the Rooky Mountsin® y prommnbyer 6 CHL the prjetted Iarlmay Abroogh Briith Columbia to the Pacific,â€"With such powers and ivileges as may be necessary to catry thesam* into operation. CcaNADA PACIFPIC 13, 1870. , at \ ot Pabiic W orks, * P ea ts Now 14. 1870 H. MEADOWS & 0s. , at n. MEADOWS & C# | Scotin. Seiis t » Cns im en t n C e s ig My Lord : MEADOWS & Co. | I have the honor to enclose hcerewith letter from the Administrator of the Govâ€" ernment of Nova Scotia ansmitting ® MEADOWS & C eopyofmaddnuwtheQumfm the t e Representatives of the people of Kova at at x KIL W A*Y . a07T OF 18089. EADOWS & Os. [EADOWS & Oe. {[EADOWS & Os. ADOWs & ® EADUWR & CJe. ;A DOWS & ®. .DoOWSs & Co. ADOWS & Cs. 401 Notre Dame . 17th Sept, 1870, 1469 3aw37i _ ALFRED WADDINGTON. 21, 1870 1493 2o at CcHAS BALILLIE, of the Colomsts. 1495 14.â€"3w. With respect to the second quest10 ___._._._._._..__â€"â€"+ i have 4o: @bservye that it is not within p 1869. \o'lmdmsondpwdw the Dominion of Canada, and that mjutvalllv'wwwithpon regret Y Oa8sS«KLS, attempt to disturb an Union which, a believes, is caloulgted . to promote hige ol Kepmor® security of every Province included in AN INSOLYENT. in conclusion I am to express He coce‘a aatiefaction at the assurances Otlawa No. 01. The Right Honorable The Earl of Kimberley, I have the honor herewith to enclose & copy of an address containing" certain Res olutions agreed to by the House of Assomâ€" bly of the Province of Nova Sceotia, with a view to its being transmitted to the proper authority at Home. \ I have, &6., Signed, â€" EDWARD KENNEY, Administrator. No. 1 have recerved and . la Queen your Despatch No. : of September, in which you dress to Her Majosty, from Assembly of Nova Seotia. Â¥ BRAVUL, The Secretary of State, For the Provinces, &c., &e. _ " @itawa. I observe that this address was aZN6C! to by the Assembly, on the 16th of April. it only reached this Country on the 21st of September. 1f this delay re«ts with the Provincial Governinent, I can scarcely be wrong in inferring that they do not attack that 1importance to the address which on its face it would appear 10 deserre. 1 lose, however. no time in acknowledging it. The House of Asseimbly request to be im formed, first, whether should the Dominion of C:nada claim to be made independent, Her Majesty‘s Government are prepared & to acquiese in such a measure and to perâ€" mit the Dominion to assume the posi tion of & free and independent nation, and secondly, whether it the people of any one _ | of the Confederate Provinces dissatisfied with the Confederation, desired indepenâ€" dence, Her Majesty would hbe graciously * | pleased to set. it free. pOMIXION OF CAN ADA. Tur SeorstarRy OF " To mam {i0Y (Signed.) 1414 3 @rmsze, Srrrayae® Tth, Gorerxuext Howvs®, Haurix, Nova Soora, With respect to the second question, * have to observe that it is not within the legal power of the Sovercign to dismemiser the Dominion of Canada, aud that Her x-je-tywouavmwmpm regret any attempt to disturb an Union which, as She C . __a 114 4A mmmmobte ‘h. M‘m w VErmali# .. #o > :ik security of every Province included in it L rhairPreorad TV veoua uy aak Nmd 0C in conclusion I am to express lHer Maâ€" esty‘s satisfaction at the mssurances of hss Sontinued loyaity and attachment of C people of Nova Scotis, und Her confent .pectation that further experience of the results of the Union with other Her NouP American Dominions will remove the appré®â€" h.ndouwhicbmentemindw the A*s ..uuy,.oa-mp-mwinw‘hl“ this Union the Imperial ~Parlisment bat laid the foundation of a greatand pro«per« wvy mae aM TS :C which Nova Bootin weill “mi.â€lin x t†d: exercise the n_n?n- 1 L > _ 2 ie ek P oT CC d ols me itime position of its termtory portant 1 have, &¢., o . KIMBERLEY. The Pastneraluip existing ib dâ€"rsigned, in the City of Otts name of WaATsON & CLI8BY WRArPOdU® 4 T f en e o n CA ie «TR, Was disroived by mutual 00 Ficet Day of SEPTEMBER, A. air a TSHON 4 Witoess of Bignature, p. 4. Gzra®t, § Jixzs StaaueR Ottawa, Nov 1!, 1819 W bur John I have, ¥¥ mm en For the First and Eesond Departments of the Arnprior Common Sch ool, two MALE TEACHâ€" EA+ Balary for Arst, four bundred ; secord, three hendred dollars per anpom nervices to com â€" ired dollat® PO‘ """o.. 1871, _ Applications sWn CC mence about 14 J8DU8T}» *"0+ _/ The oveli, ressived up to 1st Decemner, 1870 Btaring qualiâ€" Roations, 46. pB. CRANETON Onairms GKO. CBAIG, _ oTICE: or Srare ror Tu® CoLe® \M0® , (ioverxor GexXERAL, * Dowxixs Srauset, §th October. 1874. USsTOMS O‘tews, Kor 14, 199 25th August, JOHNX YOUN@.â€" and lail before ihe h No. 201, of the Tth ich you enclose an ad â€" e from the House o‘ , Kow 9, 1810 «eÂ¥ P W lâ€"__o_ccrmamom x8 DEFARTZXENT, [ 2c Aiidueer cuttc titled to exemptions If otherwist, .‘..“““u,(rw m" 1+ â€â€œl“‘ -...-ot.-cubdomdo _ L uL on es Amamas ty of Ottaw®, under the k CLISBY, 8« on Keo« L mutual consent. on t EMBER, A.D, 1870. wAaTSON & OLISBY, jiMEs ROY WaATsSON, LA YEL EKEXT CLMSBY . K 6. M. BOVOREITE, on missioner 0( Oust 1878. botween the .’0 rreed Y oung, J516t4 #1 t H 64