the theatre, then came forward and. told the sw lience th :t a piece of .nuze over the atage had caught tire ; that it was thought a«dvisabvle to drop the curtain while the fire was being extinguished, and that there had been really no cause whatever fum alarm, a« the tive was of the most trifling chwacter. The remainder of the pertorm ance w«« then proceeded with, free from further commeotion. A Meeting of the Ontamo Peat Company Auction Sa e of 500 Burrels of Coal uilâ€" Pusst Mr. Heath, M P. for Pontiac, is in town. ces ommc cmmmmmmnnnmnnttite lt ie > C Liout General Doyle lunched with the H.n. Dr. Tupper yesterday. wWEDNE<DAY, NUVEMBER 23, 1870 HWonourable Charles Wilson, of Mon treal, arrived here yesterday afterncon and is staying at the Russell House. ‘The Canal Commissioners are expected to arrive here toâ€"day, and will hold theu first meeting toâ€"morrow. Th: Ottawa Ciumes. understand, be opened on Friduay next. It is stated that in the event of a war with Russia 40,000 nitive Indun troop will be at once sent to the aseistance 0: the Turks by the Britwh Government. wowses wl t * We regret to hear that the breaking down of a brilge on the Grand Trunk Railway, rear Whit‘y, yesterday, delayed truftic tor a considerable time. We regret to | down of a bridge Railway, roar W hi traftic tor a consid Of course the chie. organ of Faction is as a matier of self imposed duty, compell ed to attack the government fer evey thing it does. The appointment of aC«n« I ioi ». oi‘ /7 Ceemeg esc‘ oi CC _ Commission is now denounced as alto | gether wrong, as worse than useless, utter . ly uncailed fer, and merely intended t* relieve Ministers from work and responsi bility which of right Lelongs to them. The appointment of a Uan:l Commi sion was promised last session in com ’m'i;hmmbuo"MPfan ties, and scurcely a word is shid agains: it. The opinion waâ€" generally expresseu that the Government were right, and thai acommission to enquire into a subject ot such grave importance was highly ne . mmum'eoumu of the utaric Hartbours of Ketuge will, we essary. It â€" was determined u»\ men should be chosen from each Provinc« who would beable to speak intélligently a> to the nuture of the canal policy requisite bpvmoshohumudsh-t poruon oi the Dominion which they repréesentea, ans that in the select on of them, political con siderations should have no weight, ut the: an acqusintance with the carrying trade and some general business . knowledge should be the only qualitications require d We are quire contident that the pub lio genyally will approve 8f the selec tion that has been made, amt that they will and de rejoic« in the »ppointment ol a Commission | formed of able and expe rienced men. well qn-_nli&dndul'mulh gently with the queston, nrkk . robqite® the bes: me ns ï¬tr"bl to Carmada large share of the carrying trade of this coniinent. | We notice that the Globe. does not at te~ipt to tind much fault with the selec tiou that has been mude, but merely ob e e t TN oi 9e tiou that has been mude, but merely obâ€" jecis to commissions of any kind. _ 1t grumbles a little, it is true, at the ap pouintment of Messrs. Gzowski and Laid & L uc t ow Heatacs e t d law, because they are reported as being. hostile to Mr. Cupreol‘s Hur n and OUntaric canal scheme, an enterprise which the Globe has never failed to damage and reâ€" tard to the utmost of its power. . It venâ€" tures to insinuate that Mr. Hugh Allan will not pay much . attention to the mutter, a charge which we imugine will not be very agreeable to that genile man, and is certuinly out of place in the «W <AlbÂ¥ h) Iat ar N13 AMree+ 38, Rparkse Atree columns of the Globe. We do not believe that the Commission will sit for any great length of time. The subject with which they have to deal is undoubtedly a vast and important one, an i the interests of tho country demand that it should nout be treated in a hurried or superticial manner ; but by appointing m&dmmwbuomghb well informed on all matters connected mth shipping and the currying trade, the : Government have given the country the best gu«arantee that no tumé will be wasted, and that a broad comprehensive policy will be devised and recommenaded without any unnecessary delay. For in‘eresting reading A certain Mr. White has lately written a book descriptive of his truvels upon this mm-hkhhqwtmopin- fon that the people of this country desire to be annexed to the States We do not know who Mr. White is, nor for the mat NIE CANAL CUOMMISSION. ter of that do w6 nuch «ere. It is evi dent that he know#Ptiothing whatever of Canada, apd we very much question wheâ€" ' ther he ever visite d it. . Heshaps, however, like that lhterary impostor Duilke, he is of opinion that if he rode thr ugh the counâ€" ty in a railway car, and slept a night in each of our principal cities, he is qualiie . to express sound und trusiworthy opinions as to the social and political condivion of the peopleâ€" . We should not, "however, have â€" referred either to Mr. . White : or his book, were is not that the Toronto Givbe, always at its wit‘s end: for someâ€" thing 'h._no.' to buse an attuck upon the Admuinistrativn, makes some reference to theim. Uur contemporary says : «We should think . it very likely that Mr. White was throwu very much into Min isterim Circles when in U D ds, and would .nlw:fl beir all about RKeformers being very persons, unn@X itiwwuists, abd what have «l ways clumed, not only bere but in Brivam to bave a munopoly of loyalhy Whenever party exigencies are proseing wietd w‘ul‘l. arguments . are t ®, u‘ ke w‘m .“h "‘.; â€" rogivth laak : + + l denuncmuuon _ o t .eir opponents : As in all past times, the THE LOYALTY QUESTION, whCrown and tr itors to ioos and Briush ~onnectio of the IP.+ jenlousies We know, and non? *‘ "*" | »gnise the fact with more fervent gratitude than we do, that the gre«at mase of the peoâ€" ple _ of this â€" country, whatever their local _ politice may . be. we ‘ thoroughty loyal o . the crown and imâ€"titutions of Britain. What« ever war we wage with our political oppoâ€" nents shall be a fair and open one ; we ; will not knowing‘y assail them with mis epresentations or false aocusat.ons. . But we do ny.un,md..h““n this moment nei her Mr. MacKenme not Mr. George Brown an suggest a Cabinet to he formed by the first named gontleman, which would not contiin an annexationi=t like Mr. Anglin, or an Indepemient of the Iuntingdon stripe.. This does not prove imything against the Cana .ian people ; it «sinaply shows how desperate are the for .unes of the Factionists,and how utterly unâ€" lttboymwmonnw'odd ompuuowmmdh-poqh. We navo never accused the Globe of dislogalty ; m the contrary, we are willing to admit that we have read articles in its columan» m the subject of British connection, which would hare done credit to any Canadian i;uâ€";d- We only regret that Mr. Brown > lire necessities should compel him to be come allied with a number of political Pari This enterprise has proved a great boon o that large class of our citizens who can wot afford 0«b hire and are unable or unâ€" nifln»'“‘l.- Its failure for want 0‘ mwmflmï¬luflywwm‘." result has proved that there was &D 1ndeveloped passenger trailic which WHP | immedinately brought ou* by low f.res | . ind frequent and regular communication | « with . the extreme ends of the city We understand that an average of about I me thousand persons use the cars daily | . through the principal pirt f the season. nod on gals days this number is mre thin doubled. The Company hve proeâ€" ceeded ca«utiously ‘a incre sing the numbe: f cars and the fre juency of the trips t« uit the twuftic, and bus for the near ap Mol'imorwmmldmm’ e rlier, and late: thun they now do. No: wwh.nbowhuru‘e'fllbo.w Mpuy'douawkhwinmmthdrmch f horses, and with the preâ€"ent force oâ€"nno‘ do more at this season of the year. With respect to the ‘one horse"" question, we «e informed that the Company‘s cars ar llri.pdlort'oborn-tobowol when ever the state of the track requires it, and wbut in Spring and Autucna wo horses will ften be requued unul the streets are paYâ€" | ul,mmmmlhnnoochorw.ydw of. In the summer weather the intention is to run cars every ten or fifteen minuteâ€" | with one horse. These from their fre. _ | queney will not be overloaded, and as the , | curs are only about half the weight 0| R those used in Montreal and Toronto, they ;;;-y\bou easy a load for one horse as the larger cars are for two. In the present state of our streets two horse> coukd not work a Montreal ot‘l‘omw‘ street car on the Oitaws grades without assistance. The one ho se system which hus been mirluced on a very large num ber of the stie t Railw :ys of the U. 8. has «uperse ied the two horse system in leve‘ vities like iwnew Orieans and Chic:go. and in «ll â€" the â€" sm«llee towns it is the nly system by which whose loyalty is of a rery questionable in cities of mo .erate traflic, ftrequent trips ‘ «in be securedl. ‘he number of borses which any Compa y can aftord to keep dopondoontumlc.muundmr. and as this ou.abes is tixed, it results that if one horse will .o the work here for which two are employei in Toronto, the _ rips here may b= twice as frequent per ;.our-&quohshuity.ndthhhtho puint of greatest interest to the public in the management of any street railway.. In Halitax where all the cars wore at first worked with two horses ten oneâ€"horse curs have been running for the last tw . and the Company. Onthe route in this city, three cars only are required to run halfâ€" for ten minutes trip. Tenâ€"minutes Ume is | | not to.. frequent for a considerable portion | “;mm..dpu,hmlhwmnï¬ 3 hero, as it requires eight horses for erery ar run with a double team. With respect to the track, we are glad to see that in Metcal‘s, Susser, Sparks and Duke streets the Corporation have began wcomplete the roadway of these imporâ€" tint thoroughfares. â€" This is greatly needâ€" ed indeed .o.liminish the necessary inconâ€" venience caused by the rails. At present in many places the railway track is the onlypofl-onofflll street which has beâ€"n grade4, and, despite the fear of broken uxls, we observe that everywhâ€"re this track is preferred. _ Until the remainder | of the street is ‘m:de passable, the public are forced upon th» rails,and whan turned off by the cars, careless drivers or weak | atles may come to grief. . Apropos of this wa notice in the Toronto Globe of the THE STREET RAILWAY. w # Very foolishly, to ease my hbors0s, | jp Aand, our Autumn Shade in " José | N*M® CC """ " oo Cranvase Northro® A" I yot on the Street Railway, but being | paA ne hest Kid G/ wes" alsm * Jouvines® | & Co., is on MW‘ suddenly c«lled on to make way for the (,.....J.l).-m.:':sd,,,,", l:ymm, Newcastle, Odl., for railway carriage, 1 was disgusted to find "r. avm:‘.:uuowm:: Co“ Canada. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. myselt thrown out, my wheel gone, and n immenst of Kibbons, just mar ad ;"""_""â€"'. part of my loa! in the mud. . In -"1.'hr Now« tises in Laces Millinery ana Goods in endless Varisty, a'm:‘;:.. places the rail is four, five, and «vÂ¥en SX @guras #im « Goods. to §2.50 at _ inches above the street level, and it is d-! T. HUNTOK SHOOLBRED & CO. T. EUXTON, SHOOLEBEED & Co. to British instituâ€" ;hu;it;,and;hhhiho aption but to perform the cerem interst to the public "‘"“"‘..2'“‘.."""’.1:"3 flms cee wore s thel mifatii t mot to clim thâ€" Chur : «nd blessing on his muriage uni horsâ€"s, ten oneâ€"bors@ | is, after he has complied with t nning for the last tw |formalities And it wuld'bohu (': "rown and | road in repaIF. _ . &o. The mâ€ll‘“'. on â€" bebalf | they only had the T« party â€" of would be no more ry _ much | truth is street rail=® tar as the | and for pared stre ion to thi» v much the who r1efus Brown am! with a fae Tenâ€"minutes time is m _ ces t B 7000000 0 0 t astituâ€" wwu«nmmm The VIty CVE another u-"uhnt broaking 799" | 4, (p, gaitor of THE ,""",, _ i#tahe . whael. 1 was I had nonnodyui't €ur. _1 have this it whunel, L vean tOie k maxe uo Eam‘ng ||" _|" is disputed whether the City or the Railâ€" P0 0s Uvabton‘k I Way Company is compelled to keep the time, seen Mr. Pucatoh‘s | road in repair." We commend this to inst., to the charge made M.nlb.uwbhnmnml ihay if | me n Y°U" paper, and L they only had the Toronto rail here there upon his happy derice of ould be noimure broken aries. ‘The | | paper having no cire tuth is, street railways were originated in | °* consequently, which and for paved streets, and in extending unlikely to see. them upon macad «mized and gravel roads Mr. Presto . says, " It i where there is heary traffic. waggon wheels had P':_"“’“"! told me 1 will cut down in wet woather omg [ * Wb-t he print side any rail, as every rail â€" musy | *®0ti but it is equally . hare two sides exposel to their | te!lme that my predece action. The evils arising from this oap | t« fukee in question; . AY unly be guarded against by constunt aiten "‘:(‘:"“!_“:f_‘:m o:':d 1 *‘i P % wove » tion on the part of the Company or the L’J" +A T m. Uorporation, of both, and caution by the r. Preston states th | public in driving on the rails. Uof rtun , drawn on the Bank of M ately for Toronto, stone is source and dear, l and Mn:. id not fee i and the Street Ruiway Company have alâ€" }::" ho ’ï¬Ki&"m | wiys been t.o poor to do what they 6Dâ€" | some six mouths previ® | gaged to do for the streets, and because| Tue printed noue 0 t + | the Railway Company. had undomkon’:wh'x!‘ ’::fl .b:prd beli - -msmpovdummmoy could 49, | ing "'l % d" ; r | the Corp ration have abandoned the m t. m:m:zumom'r;r:h ; .,onothoco.plynddonoc -ppou-blo:mmnydnwnou the & » | uo compel them even to keop the track in ‘ the wonds "Ottawit Br »Norder, We hope the Corporation ang | paying at par . NBiO ® w oâ€".q-uu---mw wmm-|:=.'m_“‘,w,h{' s Mafl.mljsct.mlu‘mwno to send it to PertH or â€" | . renewal for the third time of «un actempt i-:myll,o rubbish. ic k w coerde the Company by legislation â€"n . loo.?.um 1',' t| itempe which must end in failure, and m‘o,':;‘:‘ml in nhmiublommumdimcuh reason, * I did net ins r narson therein." â€" Thi wuth 1s, street FRLWaAY® ""O" and for paved streets, an them upon â€l.mued w where there is heavy traffic. will cut down in wet than ever. To tas EBditor ot THE t. 443. Bz,â€"You made & remark in your ar-{ ucle this morning that 1 venture to say is «pen to many gruve objections. â€" The same remurk, or one equivalent to it, was also andobycolooolnqot in reference to the same subject . It is therefore worth a little serious consideration whether clerâ€" «ymen who perform the marriage services under such ciroumstances (without leave oi Te manilitanding officer) are culpsâ€" from the communding ole, although in many ole, although in many instances they »f0 ao doubt w by ** commendâ€"bl e moâ€" uves," It is neediess to say a word about nese ©! insiances‘" to which I presume you efer, when, for the sake of injured inno, ence m‘mwdonb;f the church is k y reprration. and :ï¬-m... _:3!19 is changed into a neense to marry a wife. 1 It is the culpsbility of the clery unde _ ny circumstunces, when & public subject of th'llénln-oo:&liu with ;:Z"m i;e. Bet w presents and his .m.m w the clergyiman for marâ€" mge that I £ el called on to question. 1 nm fail to see bhow or why a cleryyman € mike any distinetion between one aun and , simply bec «use he wears & milit y in this country, »t aust, the is not * a branch of the civil serv.ce,."| There is no alliance whatâ€" «wer between Church and State. Tnereâ€" f»e there is no possible reason why the o e * u_‘ Church adrilt and aun and , uimply Deciuii»® N 1 C%!! & milit y in this country, ut“ .aust, the is not * a branch of the civil serv.ce."| There is no alliauce whatâ€" â€"ver Church and Suate. Thoreâ€" f»e there is no possible reason why the state, who has cast the Church adritt and sut the i n, should now presume 10 ;ve the nnyomoruorukhorw »ir a res ity that does not right ‘ully bolonL her functions. The Stats 1.ims, in country, the privil:ge of {ving a license to marry, superseding the § ® e nos. it.."af BRaunsz"‘ aud she ol e l O c ues 4 P ‘uvuou‘s * Public tion of Banns," aud she be w:z.-nu&'mulium fer i':ux DOLLARS 'Il nse. in Log i ind this pmn.:'b- it remembered, has -oloofo-l to the Church from time immeâ€" nori«l, and therefore when the safegu rd banns published three severil Suudays _ n nansed with the onus of responsibility I% tying with is Un cdln n called 0n ficense, it is the Church who is called on| wirly enoughâ€"to m ke all due enquiries. in Irelan i, ulso, even the Diwests lished ‘hurch retains this privilege, and the fee of roe shilli only h«s been hxed as that to bogmflor charged for a marriage ucepse. . But in C na ia l“a eive that wgether with the remune the State nis relieved the church of , the responsiâ€" dlity of that duty, for which the money is paid. That dm‘b the -d!- one of takâ€" ing precaut on thit no civil wrong is involy «i in mar ying people at any hour of the lay or night, the moment they «ppear â€"@â€" "ore a cle gyman. 1 muinwin thâ€"t in Canâ€" win the ~»tate has assumed this duty, and for performing it cluims the sum of six lolliurs. When, therefore, bring the liâ€" :ense of the State to the clergym«n he has Lo option but to that the St.te has auly d her functions and that he is at liberty proceed with the mcred â€" cerem â€"ny. ingly, in‘ the vase of soldiers who wilhou! I@aroe of the commanding it is the agent ot the state who gives, liconse ( f r each wuch act pocketing Al rs) who is really : oun I to mike the proper inquiries before‘or wh ing the warrant. to n«rryâ€"withoutâ€" And the culpability therefore rests him and not with the ‘lergy m in. _ in the caseof binns, which cost nothing, the names Of the respe tive parties are * galled * three several Sundays, ind may be by any officers »ttending Divine ¢, well as the friends of the womAn > u:Lpomn during three weeks muy «* forbid banns‘‘ and stay .nooz- But if this be not done in due the clergyman agriin . Aas no a»ption but to perform the ceremony. It is the civil right of every man in this * un Mhathar he wears Hor Majesty‘s dispensed with Mnot, to claim the Chur h‘s oftice «nd blessing on his mwriage union ; that hnflnhohumfl'ud with the leg=l formalities. And it would be as unjust as inquisitorial on the part of the Church ot treat one surject of this realmi difterant! -ftom.-nouur.mdmkoin?uirhouw his private aff .its, his means 0 supporting a wife, &o , &o.. simply because the man hip pouwboldold-rdhuoonmqndm tar (but no farther) was liible to certain rules and regulations of military service. mated that it would be well if clergymen. before performing the marriage ceremony for soldiers, should in order to prevent future misery, ascertain whether they have obtained the requisite permission from their commanding officer.â€"Epnrror® TixEs, To the Editor of the TIMES., Biz,â€"â€"Is the City Colhct?h:ntitkl to the sum of ninety cents for service of a notice of default for taxes? 1 have been charged this sum for the same serv.ce. I! ‘).b...mldunhhnn. please : inform of the nuture of the service he perform» ‘brwhhhb»nflimodflmfly equi Marriago of Soldiers valent to a ainecure. l S, * @> Yours, ‘0.. A CLERGYMAN. Of course we intended no reflection upon _ alakay aw a body.: Nte marely wtiâ€" (ttawa, November 223, 1870. Deviin‘s Fur Depot. , dw’a' her fun s at liberty to proceed cerem ‘ny. ing! »ldiers who M wil! mmanding r, it is ate who gives the licons pocketing he@‘d»ll x) w ) mike the proper ingu , or wi ing the ithoutâ€"B«nBs. And the a rests him and nc The Collector A «:n ty (that grants the who is called on all due enquiries. ingly, in the without leavre it is the agent liconse (f r cach »ll rs) who is really the Hall \ï¬t;:..._';fl-â€"il: Preston‘s r § Â¥ k“?u': in«t., to the charge made A RATEPAYER. TAE _1 enclose for inspection draft alluded to above. _ The Now York Sun announces that sixty thousand Fenians are preparing to inv«de Canada. s The military works of hapoleon IIL. hare been pubu.l\o_d in Germany, aud It is related that Bismurck, wishing to felicitate the society of Germ«n ludies which seeks the disuse of the French 1 nâ€" guge i’:roliu- sociey and court circles, uddressed a de patosa to ~t: Petrersburg w itten iu Gerim .n Gortechasoff, as a \reâ€" buke, returned a rep J wiilteu in Tartar. | Charles Dic ens. in twoeutyâ€"four works, intro.iuced to the woild oue thousan i four hundred and twenty tive personages. houg Fanny Fern makes answer to 1 par 1graph which has been going the rounds, to the effect thut she would cgnclude her literary Libours this year. thus : *The above anâ€" nouncement is wholly gratuitous. B wg a woman, I buve no intention of stoppiug till 1 get through."‘ A horrible cause of dreaming â€"« ccurred in Meigs township, Muskingum county, lt & ET O3 "Conel Purrsse Ieithatl Bank of Montreal, Nov T1 PCMA 00 dhsccutviy 4 Brre "ar Nn P‘ d Hcir towuship, â€"Muskingum county, 1 ut ‘l wek. in which a man named Dutton killed || his inf int daughter. lt sppears that the mun bad been out coonâ€"huuting, and after ' returning home and retiring. dreamed in : his slumber that be had cuught the coon, and struck it ugainst a tree, killing it. He was awakened by the fr .ntic sore «ms of his wife, and to h.s horror found that be had picked .up. his little infont d uughter uand ‘d«shed hber 1g «inst a bedâ€" post, killing her almost instantly. A tile of one of the wetz journals is & curious s ght. OUwing to. the scarcity of | paper it was printed one d y on red h-l car4 pap r, another: on bluv.nshuJ’ on buff, und so on. Another journual was printed on brown packing paper, ‘ ind haaWediiihg: s C124 & s Fâ€"nbenn ce P PRG e ty tar e d PV P U P 1t is recorded that last week a colored man on the Northwestern Ruilway of seuth Curvlina was run over and. fatally injured | while endeasvoring to save his dog from the s ime tate the unima«al h.«ving got under & tie an.l being unable to get out. The N. Y. World says : F I The Universal Heace Union of America has issued « truly touching appeal for Yfm but for what purpose none Can te 1t urns to Prussia to France, and to all mankind, asking wi h serious see.oaing why this cruei war shoul i continue, in such a pathetic way as would muke King William «n the governm. nt of France pause in their mad career and rush sobâ€"ing into each other‘s arms, could they but read its cirâ€" cular, â€" But such uction mwnm&â€"m Franco Prussian war is & ty, and nei their party to it will consent to a cessation of hosulitiés. Far bâ€"tter would it be :t the Peace Union weuli turn its attention to evils thit cun be remedied. Earthâ€" quakes, . hnmmnu, M_AM :l‘ld disâ€" oTTraAwA. TIMUES. _NOY. The City Collector, NMEWK ITEMs BY MAIL. s sucumdae, t C Wnn ht .7 L uster, tidul waves surround us, and soom . we may have a cold snap of weuather, whean our goor people will suffer intensely. o â€" such matters _ the union should call the sgrious~" thought of the age, for with them something might be done, and in the name of the people of tropic.l countries where earthqu kes «bound we protest against a wasle of the power of the union. Yet more. The inâ€" hubitants of the moon now are, and for a long time have ‘been, deprived of an at mosphere which we know is a nooiouity-;n l Hipe Bouxp Horses.â€"A hourse is said to * be hideâ€"bound when his skin wil not slip under the pressure of the hand, but ticks as if it was glued, which condition is always lependent on a deranged staté of. the stomach and organsâ€"by correctâ€" ing which, and giving to them a healthy e T un s h 2 k m necessi y, mark, not a luxury, of lhfe. We have a«bundant meins of compressing air, an : nitroâ€"glycerine is & got. projectile. Sh 11 we ie supine while there is such sutâ€" ferimg tor bre«thing, mauterial in the moon ? Human nature abhors the thought. It is & grind duty we owe to ourselves «nd man kind w.hootruouol compressed air to the moon und let the lunar ,ï¬uplo crack them and live. Why shoull we waete power and neglect opportunity ? j plaint will disappear. Experience has i fua m pariey‘s Clmwation ‘Powder this is 4 ‘s tion Ts MA‘:I!&I flu'M" It has been use in numerous cases complete su« cass, generally Mm in a few cass, â€"generally. elleclung in & TOW days. 1:‘& t‘t best‘ % modicino\ known may be given ect safety «t all ï¬m«wdhaoqnu. rWipaire that the horse be kept from woj ver‘the name, .:d see m‘%*;d Kud,} & Co., is on ‘Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Odt., . fetors for | CanadK. â€" Sold by &it Medicine Dealors. . | The American Peace UVaion Â¥our obdt. Servant. uin i war is a reality, and NDel . , will consent to a cessation Far bâ€"tter would it be :t on weul 1 turn its attention can be remedied. Earthâ€" »mnese, fires, death and disâ€" ves" surround us, and soom s cold snap of weuther, coor people will _ suffer Ts â€" ancho matters the _sTEWARD. | 19, 1870 The House met at the usual bour, A few Ppervitions were received, an:d the House went into Comuittee of the Whole, and adopted several amendments to the mu« nicipal Code. _‘ > No evening session. Hon Mr. Beckwith, Hon. Mr, Wilmot, and Hon: Mr. Connell}, are here as a deputa tion for a railroa d berween the River Et Lawronce and New Brunswick. The Courier newspaper, the orgin of the Roman Catholic Church party, is ®*â€" tremely agitated in reference to the taxaâ€" tion of church property by the Corpora: ton. Pr. Dou‘[;r'“ll to morrow & paper on a voyage to India fiftty years A80. The Government steamer Napoleen l succeeded in saving the three men it prisoned on Bird Island. Loxmox, Nov. 22.â€"News has been T© ceive i from Paris b{_.:tlloon- up to mid night of Monday. city was entirely tranquil. Gust .Â¥ve Flourens was arasted for comâ€" plicicy in the riots of 31st Uctober. He was get at large. & o e y se oo ty t aacne Mn cnah tr e t &b infgU. The supply of meat had been limited to fifty gramines daily,. Horse fHesh and veâ€" geot ibles are still abundant. C s k n o Cl o Rratannlery ~Khk PR of 30 and 30 have Dexn ERpob@Nt 44. CONC National Guard, 2.e Gardes dJobile have been repulsed at Dreux and Chateau Neuf. They fled west und northwest. * some Landwhers, with two squadrons of the Fifth Yussars, who were artackeu by the French on the 19uh, near Chaulion, withdrew to Ch teau Villain, with a loss of ‘lfll"mon and 70 horses. j _ ~Russi«‘s pacific position simply means that she reit rates th« disclaamer «t any des re to re op n the Eastern quen.ionxr or any bhostile intention towards Furkey. The Czar, however, is tirmly resoived to mainâ€" tain the position taken by him in reference to the Black Sea question, &s explained in | the circuli of Prince Gortschakotf | _ It is believed here th.â€"t Russia in deferâ€" enâ€"e to the opin on of the Great Puwers, will withdraw the pretensions advan ed by Gortechakoff s note, and express her wilâ€" lingness to refer the T_nomon at issue to .A conteren.e, wh ch will not be summoned until after the termination of the present war | It is «lso belieyed that Italy will ulttimately join Austria and England in re | sisting Rus is _ There is no truth in the ‘ report that Turkey is negotiating with â€" Russia in regarnd to an armistice. _ . _ _ This Morning S idiinii nds e Bd â€" inodwrtiateiiinne t // se i CA T «o Fenians, nam +1 W ish an i Bouche , w re ariested to day at the railway statiou in Mavcbester. Tnree bhundred cartridges «nd p pers in cypher were found in their Ali unmarried posses=â€"i0n poP~@u®eeit * Bismatck denies that Switzer and has | comp. omised, by & correspondence found in a ecap.ure1 b«lloon. > * ‘ Fuo «exor.‘ 22 â€"Onlv 130 out of 433 elecâ€" tions in [taly were »nal. Those undecided ag o ve repealed. ‘.TmKn‘will go to Rome about New © r‘s & » roues, 22.â€"â€"A balloon has just brought go>s news trom Paris., ‘Tne suco § 8> Of C % UnC: ack: sesuntarmual n LEGISLATIVE 4 4 onl 14 0 old s hride c thosec it <Awalbortand Berux, Nov. 22.â€"The latest informaâ€" tion from Versailles says incessant exer: tions are directed to the formation of & »econd outer line of investment to cover" the operations of the inner line. The strategy of B urouki is understood at Versaille«, and has been nist by counter movements witth thâ€" conwe at Orleans. °_ B :vssELs, mpza;:l -;Tno Iudapadauu Dege says & tion for peace, as well as «n urmuu%x will soon be submitted at Verâ€" sailles, from the basis of which the rfbd’ ple of territorial cexsion will be excluded. LinLs, 22nd.â€"A body of Prussiinsâ€"foot and astitiarv. 11 (XX) strong, s adrancing Linus, 22nd.â€"A body of E and artilleryâ€" 11,00U0 strong, on Amiens supposed to be Manteuttel‘s command. .. _ Lm:-cu, Nov. 22 â€"The bombardment ‘ ot Thionville by the Prussians has been very active toâ€"day. The shots average «about 18 per minute: The cannonading is very distinctly heard here. * The Echo says the French have been uscessful in severil encounters with Uhâ€" lins lately near the borders. lmudu llsmr have been killed. _ More 100 Uhlans have lately been driven into Belâ€" gium, where they were at Loxpox, Nov. 22. ‘The Eaurl of Shaftesâ€" butywflww’oflma u!voum:f& Fa: o0maiderution If the treaty conjointly with oth r ouir + pHeEds ‘The Times‘ correspondent telegraphs from Berlin. 21st: Russia is endeayoring to prove tothourmt’oï¬ontwtbu:a no founilation in the rumour that sh« bought or intends buying Americinp on« cln.lom:q- the Black Sea. {lot I.n&p is Prussia in replying to Earl Odo Russell is expected to advocate an amipable arâ€" rangement 0 the Eastern q'l'bom t N‘lw York, Nov. 22.â€" H rald‘s special fmtul;. lp;:‘l:n says that Earl Bu.og‘ writes to imes Â¥ ving= El Gr uvalle‘s ï¬rmwfl m'ï¬lbl. desp <tch, and nrg'm’ that more authority, if necessary, be conferred upon . the Crown to call out the militia, He considers that a real em rgency exists when a Minister of a great power assumes the w of uphold â€" ing a{ binding the f States of Europe. He points out the h:xlumbor ot Russian troops moving to frontier of Turkey, und suggests thit 100,000 militia, in addition to the militia reserve, be called out. C e # QUEBEC. Loxpos, Nov. 22.â€"â€"A telegram from Tours says there was a five hours‘ engage ment botween 300 Francs Tirours and 1,200 Prussi:â€"ns near Nants, without any decided advantage on either side. i.;l‘;ho Germans are fortifying Mont Pelâ€" The country between Longua and.Montâ€" mody is occupied by the enemy. . _ _ _ p ©.. hy of feute Leone, vie Vessut a ~ enb to via l‘ "ville," and Bouyillon, .. Wl There is a foree of the enemy, 29,000 strong," in position neir Guay. ‘ Another balloon from: Paris was capturâ€" ed near Chartres. Tours, Nor 21.â€"The balloon ml‘;: just arrived and brings news con & Edmund About‘s account of the feeling in Paris. The victory of Coulniers gives fresi: Paris. ‘Lhe victory of Couilniers gives fresi: courage to the Paris.ans and there is no ap preohension of the supply of food giving YESTERDAY‘S DESPATCHES. wried men between the ages 35 have becn enrollied in the ts EALS. ... AG@ @CCEcEcP .â€",~ ) Welgr: wE Emt uit tbollniflw produ?d&n rm-, labelledâ€"JauEs Errs & Co t Nx««ensions were t: | Homesopathie Chemists, London. sty for political tfl'meo:ï¬d _ onl & â€"Ammmeeee www ine peuple had consented | Taz FuorErxos NiestrseaLs oFr THE Â¥ARH heir eagerness ‘for a sortie, | â€"The following is an extract from a letter w ned to stand on the defen. | ton by the Rev. C. L. Weizer, to the "Germa L. been no serious B‘hun Reformed Messenger, at Chambersburg, Penn. ammimadlina ; Latoly u'oua ~\_ _A BEMAEFACTRESS. s lln COLCIES Anaedie har ssm abre WIxEBLO é':Dap.&wh“ Kussia is endéavoruig Te it Po#ers that there is a meric in ironâ€" | â€" Hea. ilot hn&pk g to Earl Odo Russell vocate an amipable arâ€" | 500 astern question. _ ! i maici. in PPAOUADRGRGT VY (§* Prurâ€"6!8, it is expected, will sustain a peace: ful »olution of thâ€" question between Rusâ€" sia and other powers in felaton to the i8 is tre A7. msC .. ne Mo Anmink that 1 & is VrO :Â¥J7 + The Morning Post officially denies Bismurck repudiates the existence understandiug with Russia about e :stern question. ' T 9e 0 WWihie‘ Te ie e©.st°ern quosbnl Mipaw, Nov. 22. â€"The Impartial gays the formal acceptance of the b'pl.tnnh 6 own by the Duke of Aosta was rece ved & h 0 ED chuat . Am MSCOrG Gâ€"owu U’ 4| 1 51 P 4 cccacinete Aecnintiot " in this city on Sunday last. â€" An escort s juadron leaves Carthagens for GenO® next | F iday. F | | FLOREKCE, Nov. 22.â€"Returna of the elec. | t ons for m. mbers of the new Parliament | a.e not all received, but the (Goyernment 1 C o ntainail bÂ¥ â€" an iIfiltense | mA l jonty. â€"__"â€"_â€" Nsw York, Nov. 22.â€"The Newfoundâ€" | landers residing in New Â¥ork and Brook!yn \ propose to organize & Union Society, and to adopt every availablemeans of agitat© § t 16 cause of innexation in Newfoundlany, Newfoundlanders in Boston will also form a coâ€" union, by which they. hopp, to create a power{ul element that will stir up to renewed action the annexationists of tueir country and those of other Bril..ogl prg ndre.apÂ¥entaity PV\ V\ S uy o e e e n c ca tusir country and tho»e of other pro vinces They will meet in the city of Brookâ€" lym within a few weeks to draw up a deâ€" pluraiion of their sentiments in reference w the c.â€"use they are advoc»ting, and :l«-snsmit. it to their leading countrymen at me. : The late action of the British Governâ€" ment tow»rd the colony of Newfgundlund 8 + .& Fexiharn . Crel; TV O 18 AMERICAN NEW$ is their great incentive to â€"trenuous efforts to become the United States. i Last night the steamer Magdd/‘a ®/*"!"" * from Shangha1, through the Suez® C«nal, ] a cargo of new tea, valued at al out . 5,000. â€" She sailed from Shanghai on the 10th August. (s ~ Wasainorox, Nov. 21. â€"It was announced in all Catholic churches yesterday that Archbisbop Hall would preside at a meetâ€" ing here which has tor its obj.ct the ns toration otf the Pope. It was also anâ€" noun~ed that Cast.bolpza in America must av nge the insult to the Catholic Caurch bv the Italians, and restore the Pope to by the Italians, his throne. R§Z* Is health worth having? If it is . protect itâ€"it is a jewel as easily lost as virtue, and in many cases as aifficult to recover. In this climate, and more parâ€" tvicui«arly at this season of the year, people are very apt to take cold and suffer from sore throat, coughs spitting of blood and pulwmonary compiagints generally, which if not checked immediately leads to seriqus consequences. The question arisesâ€"which is the quickest and most effectual remedy ? Bryan‘* Pulmonic Wafers have been seftore the public for twenty years, and have always given periect sitisfaction, and . invariably effect perm inent cures when taken in seaâ€" son. Seld by all medicine dealars ï¬ country stores generally throughout Province, at 2&cts p.r box kx Bazacrast â€"Erra‘s Cocoaâ€"(GRATEFCL AND Couroxtixge.â€"The very agreeable churacter of this preparstion has rendered it a genâ€" eral favorite. The Civil Service Gazetie 16 marks :â€"* By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws whch govern the operations of d.gestion and nutrition, and by a o'urefull P 2 rouso" mm 9 O munblas mt real Oe : Wl 4e t ENee m i o w N 1 o ocm tale ho .prliution of the fine properties of.well selected cocoma, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately Havoured béverage which may save us many heary doctors bills." Made simply with boiling water or milk Sold only in tin liged Tus FuorExCE NiesrseaLs oFr TKE Â¥RR®RT â€"The following is an extract from a letter writ ten by the Rev. C. Z.. Weizer, to the "German Reformed Messenger, at Chambersburg, Penn. : °_ A BEAEFACTRESS. Just epen the door for her, and vrs. Winasuow will prove the American" Florence ~ightingale of the dursery. Of this we are sure, that we will teach our "*‘Busy"‘" tosay, " A Burssixe ox Maxs. Wixsiow," for belping her to survire and escape the griping, colicking and teething siege. We confirm every word set forth in the Prosâ€" _reorvs. It performs p:‘u;iuly :l':‘il“ it prefessos to perform, every tâ€"nothing less. Awa ) with l." “Cndm‘ *# Paregoric," " Drops," * Lavudanum," and every ot_llor " mrootic," by Sm e e e t o y which the.babe . is into stupidity, and Taaeced ud abd idlorls for lite, _ =___ *_ We have never seen A rs. W insiowâ€"â€"Kknow no uly'thnnï¬o pugnnion of her " Soot.hing4 Byrup for Children Teething." If we had the power, we would muke her, as she 1s, a physical Bdviour to the Infant Race. 25 cents per bettle sold by all ingku. _ kRS, WI SsLOW‘s so0OTHI®G BYRUP. Having the facâ€"simile of ©Curtis & Perkins", en the outside wrapper. All cthers are base imâ€" mitations. A "Coven," " Coup," or Iraitate»p Tarear, if allowed to progress, results in serious palmonâ€" ary and Bronchial affections, of tentimes incurâ€" able. . BROW S BRO ©CHIAL TROCHES Reach pirsoryY the adectou parts, and give al most instant relief. In Broxcuits, Astuxa, and Cartir®® they are beneficial. Obtain only the L _XCL.C C AWL C aavk a en /n PC sds d ruih ons i whaiate t e + "Oipetnroper y F Catir®x they are beneficial. Obtain only the yenuine BROW ‘B BKO CHILAL TROCHES, which hire proved their efficacy by test of muny years. Among testimonials attesting their effcncy are lmt'l fromâ€" E. H. Chatn, u. 4; N~w York, Henry Ward Beecher, Broekiyn, X, ¥« N. P. Willis, New York, _ Bold ererywhere at 25 cents per box. *‘Froonr®s," so called, sold by the ounce, are & ‘poor imitation and nothing like Bzowx‘s Broxcuiar Trocuzs, which are sold only in bores with a facâ€"simile of the proprietors, JUHN I BROWN & SON, This care ip putting up the Troches in imâ€" rflll'“ nmh the purshaser in erders be sure of ing the genuine Brown‘s Bronchial Trochés. _ ~ Hon. C, A. Pheips, Pros, Yass. Senate, Dr. G. Â¥. Bigelow, Bosto n, Pro®, + dwa. North, Clinton, N. Y., Burgsons in the L’: and others of eminence sustained by FIYE HURSDEED BAKRRELS OF COAL Bale to tak»r place at â€" the Bnbocdborv'i 200M6, Rideau street, on TUESDAY, NO VEUBER 29th, at Eleven o‘clock, | Terms Cash in delivery. | Bamples can b»> sâ€"en at the Bubsoriber® Ottawa, Nov. 23, 1870. 1821ta@ _ N. B.â€"â€"To be gelivered at the Oanada Cen~ wal Devwor in Ottawa. A GKNGXAL MEKCLN + of the Stooxawiders of the Ontarie Peat Company will be heid t .be Russell Hous», Ottew=a, 0n Tuâ€"soay, the th Deseuber nexst, at 12 o‘c:ock, noun, for the o â€"suigat.on of the Ocm , uuder the Act of £ w.brlhnm\ of Birestors, and Lbnhnu.ud- ‘1"““ Ortews, Nov 32, 18 163i 3 4 ‘The Bubscriber _has received insfructions EXTEKSIYE GOAL OIL FIRY IX . THE, WEST, To offer to the Trade of Ottawaand Vikinity, 1y PUBLIC AUCTIO®, ‘By A. Rowe UCTIO 1 "BaL£ BARRELS _OF "COAL OIL. t Great Britain ; a In Lots t@Sait Poerchasers to become annexed to ce J ces A rs. Winslowâ€"knpow he OIL, 1* A. ROWE, !a arrived that Auctioneer 1521td 1 ns Snom &b ‘A9. srarks ost. 49. Will receive this week ONDQN, England, *a CABES OF MinuiNERYT, Containing the Vrar Liarrsr Styies in i _ Bonnets, Hats, “4. some very Choice things in !'lowenis, Feathers and 4 Trimmings, 1 Care E1itra Cloths, in the new Trimming to 1 Case of Newest The @«OLIVE GREE®" appears stUul prove the mist fashionable, and of the above are 4n receipt of ten plece i Noew _ Fancy Wove Goods still arriving. COlouds, | Breakfast Shawls, Ties MAGEE & RUSBLL * \ 6 Haying met with UNAPPROA °H ILI! M PR TE mW ASC C 3 SUUUESS this AUIUMN, in the disp»s of j â€" 3 tbeir| IMMENSE IMPORTACIONS, «t * Lad i ' Last nig Largeâ€"t ever brought to Uttawa lu ore ~&+ es «nd Children‘s Unia ; * gres won) |were under the agreeable n certit; of clething, im géness e.ordering ua Second pupply to fll up the j uumtruus blavks made in their beverai Leâ€" A large Asortment. Smur Ch u jsre Ogawae +« N nis. Rey* Oving to raging in Europe rusblied to secur pression of Tradge h.% Afe e3pec vompriees & few . DRESS GO0 06: WwINCIES, »COTCH PLAID TABRTANS, rntncu MERINXOEK»s, and sA TEEX COSâ€" TUMKE CLUTH Bee Figured | yard, the Newost ; w FANCY AND STAPLE DRY | en ; GQ00D8. lack YELYETS, YELYETEEN$, EPAX. ml"bs, 81L K8, SATINS, aud CRaFPE$8. $@y" Alicur Mantle Velrets were purchased in .{uu, only a few days beâ€"fore they advaug ed congiderably in price, and as thâ€"y are likely to be fully 50 percent dJearer in the Bpring, wo*ld,w'vlu Ladies to Purchase at the present tim, ; willcuarantee the best value in Caneâ€" ds.) Zilks Satine, &¢ , »qually goud value, Kew Grey Cottoos, White Sbirtings, Sheet ings, Pillow Cotwns, Prints, Liven and Cot« ton Ticking«, Linen and Cotton Diap<rs, Table Linen of every d.«cription, Quiits and Counterpan s, ‘Towels and Towâ€"lling, &c, &o. We un confid:nily recommend the «bove mentioned Domestic Gooos, being <xâ€" velleus value, ONEMBER ARRIVAIS, 47 BLANKETS, English and Cacadian Plain ns Fan y FLAN®LLS, Waterproo!l Cloak» iugs, â€"Biack aud Bive Prâ€"sidgents, Piluts, B..avers, and the New tn‘ F:teze Cloibs, t r making F Ulster Over.â€"Cunts A |Bpecimea Oont for S«le. . 100 doz n large New Style Bair Neta, 200 dz n Camb c Mansdue.chief~, Oue «as Bimkâ€"a.o Cour a wibbon V.â€"iv rs, Stlk, swin uBd S«sh Hibboas, Friuges, Butious \ olarâ€" aud Cuffs, spo a maegnibucut varlâ€"t» Real Lace Guous. | BOSInRYX aav GLOVES. &c., ! Por 6. 6.« MORAVILA®X. | 50 duzen Gents White ano Lavâ€"nder Kid Gloves ; uwleo, 20 az n Plusb and lamb Lin d K Gloves and Mitt,, somwe with Bou! QuBs, b mlaes a Hst.class 3tock of Wowilen Mock and K al Bucuskin Gl ves, Canadian, y.otch und Euglisn L mbe Wool Uuuercio«b» i. EILKS, sATIAS, VELVETS: RIBBONS aaD LAC New Double Width Demaâ€"ke at 45cts, G1een Bepp, ut $1.10, the Châ€"apert in Ut. awa, Now Harue» dusunand Lae Ou:â€"tamins, siso Lace by th: yerse, one Cusk varnisbhed Quunices and onr CUa« Stait Roâ€"s Real and _pluc_:l;ed Otter © wudu'hl ‘VAl.rnAl THE AMERICAN WATOH. The public of the Uuites otates and COanadse neve pow had over ten yeare experience ol WÂ¥ AuTHAUQ W aATCAEs, and they are uow everyâ€" where acknowledged to be the vALY RELLABLEK T I M Eâ€" KK EP E & s ! in e at p etences ; not oue in a hunored bears tooe pname «f the real maker; the public buvre avsolutely no security, and bave, therefure, been consiantly i1mposeq up.a Un the contrary, 0\'03 buy er of a Waittam ‘Vatch gots a guaranptee of the com pany, and uo muiter frow whom he buys i, has r\uvo security thst he is getting a TimE .EP.‘.&o‘-WM&e tml At a-:‘-w-u.m selling m * nu-m:;.-m larger profits: i-:u * enterprise trade an article and ready ub.a‘-a.l'una no bad 3 It is »small profits and quick resurns." * watches can te had in several grades guuranteod), therilve: casor are made from oohdnu.uumznomh'::’u The cases are made i1 18 carat » old, from i Ato 4 ounces in woerght; the size for ingises al® engraved or enameiled. For the quelity, “"J‘!‘.._‘!_um..'!"...- mnevee e Aw Y fo [ Satin Cloths, can t cA Smd agh «ty < Arar Auat ( CBEAPEST WATOuks 1N THE WORLD These wautches can be orderea ol any relizble wat hmaker or joweliler i« the Dominion ; but «he guarantee of the vompany should be invariably required, The Company in al,cases pay the sinvarnment duty, which makes the Canadian ROBERT WILKES, Bole Wholesale Agen: for toe Vominlon of Oar ds J etonts wae 48 aod $0 t‘w Moxreal 445 61. Pau! Almost all other watoshes are rold under false , Bouten and Cauadian KFiugeri g Yurus, metch all our Fashiosable in endless Variety. HUNTUN, SHOULBEED & 00 nd 49 Sparks Street. Mantle Cloths. Dress: Goods ' 7 | # ving to the terrible conflict now | nmhn(' Europe our rsicent ag uts were \G‘nu s u’ » o gecur. during the cons queut de. * {*Tradte in Britain many very veluoâ€" 4 s at . x.«¢ ingly low prices for ufl.\ * k. L. JAMES & Co. have e portion of thipments wot yet to their premises, not «nly to make n expeciud this week. ‘The jollowing | larger stock, but also for the conr s a fow +f tbe leagipg articles, viz : \‘ comfort of visitors. D Q M K o TIO S 1. 187@ «â€"AL8Oâ€"â€" W O 0) 1. 1 K N 8 : MAGEE & RUSSELL a privh C a KR PE TS , Sateen Cloths at 90 cte. pef . Dress Material of the set» * yper Express,‘ from Opposite the RUSSREL1 Boty MILLI NERY ME COR pfâ€" |Olob sid Â¥iremiax $ * i | Cloth an Jackets, f t‘ UTUX®. Flowers, Trimming Materish &o Fashionable Velveteen Hatsâ€" DISPLAY of XEW gogp New Paris Jackets, H° R. L. JAMES & Co Iavealap<® . their premises, not «nly to make ram l § \.p“,hfllllflfï¬ih“ + and comfort of visitors. SPARKS Strepy WEDNESDAY, Oct, 13, A Large and Veried Amortmest & MPF wWINTER GOODs, st PA TTERBSON i BMX GREAT BABGAINS infffT=H BLANKETB, at ;3 ~ urm Ax Kamy Can Bouiorten, An immense Stoock of FLABM® DRESS8 Gu0D8, 8t â€" _ . & A very Heary Btock of PE ‘ PILOIS, Ww i1sEY$s, M A Fiall andg@â€"lect . LACEK®S, TIES ABGAINK® dants of Bostcamen quested to «ssemUle ! At the AL paAY, NoV to walk in pr0t®®"0"° >° soppel Church, wbon&i"‘ ï¬ in be b’ï¬w b M. corbus, BD. 4 Bb ols reariel fom can &Wrfl†“'ï¬ es A DINK -l':""',,,.. -’:"' in GOW AN‘S BAE "he 6 partake of the" J Sawe may expect & 5004 90 8 t ® of the choicest sonable rubes gie (mv. M â€" ‘ © ' f, ray Aickei, $1.15 To uh-*“‘_"?‘“ members of the God Bave the \""" py order, J'r‘ â€'& at Anthm*. CLOP 1I®G, LLBRS, &c , #&¢4 The Bt. 4 _ the ALBION N0UXD: Ottews, Nov. 18 4® mutrccntecs Westndaninds 'â€"': :.;, “ h pa rreason £80®* _ I : awnt E. + MANTp . ~, _ In Varombgin JAMES & C ARGATX® \ A complete Siock. § PA p ) TTEaon 10® PA 180 1870, 4 1 a $ ARGAUS® 9 o ues Tr9® with "“:ac. “__‘:A orric) mt L A large #10¢ “'.‘" * M boy wwfm' shanty 1eA The «water : Aurg men c â€tre;t' conditionâ€" Aylme: railway . ®C with the © The fenc* in a dilapids The roads ! fore Mr A beautiful FuoUk barrel. _ eXLUTA, $6 The sever® Empire * weights â€" Y peviin‘s logs mus “'â€"“ The eid to walk 0 4Â¥es well ¢< sa4dewalk: m Lt wil lawren: ga a Y five e the bs tity as for #1 Devi U Al boy will b44 *b