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Ottawa Times (1865), 24 Nov 1870, p. 4

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&4 Afh}mvo-l-oltcwru- »OCK. The rates of the PROVINCLILAL LNSURANCE wnru:a-munw“' to "The cast uf me vaiee ot impurance is bowetes vot when the prominms are being paid, but wL °n | OVER 100 OPERATORS, ; Who now fill important positions with . i GO0D: SALARIES, WATLADIES and GENTLEMEN desiring ‘ to learn this mmm&pud-: should do so at once, ‘lhe mln.:- ' time required is three months. Ladies more rapidly than gentlemen. Both sexes admitted trom 14 years of age and upwards. '-Nl.-nlu‘uudu-om * T H CHURCHILL, mm o6 e EM on T en Iasurance Company is second to none. 1t« lnspectors are alway _ sent to adjust eveiy m DoPemine ToR ho n ~mepert Ts has ....,.."'.'.T--...u-u 1t respecttuly solcits a share of the patronag of the insuring pablic of Otta wa. ARIERUR AARVEY, No t.‘ # “nmmmd in Jansadza m ~ortant l0ss %u. 36 _ Fae V XLZOR WO ECEAEME MEM a NOE JUuMRANY, of Maine. ')u‘»\u U. s. 4. of *%1â€"â€"$50,000. 8. R 0O ‘RWIN, Genera) Agont, < i _ sn . Cit uts & / iR INSURANCE COOMPANY OoPr XAINL . 'ltal OTTAw a | 1VER xaVIGArION CoY‘8 8TEAMERS. Has commenced her reguiar trips between Ottaws and Monatreal, with Mails and Passengers, losting Ocxtaws at T a m, deliy, : M ARKET 3818 aMEL Major‘s Wharf to Ottawa ever Monday Sn Saturday leaving Major‘s at 5 a m, and Ottawa at ':0- purpose of quailiiying Opâ€"rators for # . & TLEGRAPH AND RAILROAD LINES Then and now so rapidly building in the Dominion sad United States. It is become one of the ; Permanent Institutions ot the Country. Ard has turned out 8STEAMER =*AaNN 81.880N," Will leare Ayimer daily (Sundays excepted) » Wl leave Havelock daily m’.‘m‘.'fill «QU EEN Y1LCT 0 &1 4" Ottawa, Aagust 22, 1870 INMKAN LINE OF MAlL STEAMERS, AAILING@ PROM NEW YORK EVERT sATURDAT AND aLTERNATE TUESbaTs. a1v®8 0P PaAdBaGK Y TWYE 6. tCroat $tTRhauzns. slus aUEUAL On and after the FIRST OF SEPTEMSEER, First Cabin, Payable in Goid. Liverpool or Queenstown...... ................. 8100 @ Stecrage, Payable in Ourrency, Liverpool or Queenstown. ..........._........._. _ 38 # Fagtad® #Y THe TOR0DAY OTRAMER T! HALIrar ~ ~ ~~~~ Mest abin, Payable th mu Quesnstown....... ................fl: @ essescesses« 4s «oeeen00 0000 »6 008 scessaâ€"se0s . Ht. s.ohn‘s, N.F,, by branch steamer....... 48 * m ’# s# m. Liverpoo) OF sseses» s+«> & w Talis.«.s. .cc :an hadurce: Tecxioe" suue" h l John‘s, N.#., by branch steamer.. ... 30 # Nenets sold to and frow Engians, lreland, * 0-.2::.::“--. (atee f : on t + Â¥ astivms, apply ai theVompsea» nnas wBHX u. DALLK, agom, 18 Br=adway, Ner York, we H¢&n uin «+ a l’-lu‘ll’ . DCt m m Is Tae Will "lsare Pembroke®: Dany _ at 1 p. m. Tuoronto, Ontario, Ottaws, September 22, 1870 1468 13 â€" *Awmmmn.-(u) '.Aa:o cfl.:(-t -nllunn:z).m; house outbaild.n sarâ€" rounded by a grove of umu.::’m whole within 10 minutes drive uf the Government C ofl.lwhr“ im from i to 10 yoears, to suit parchaser, Ampiy wike "A A BRADLET, . s panainaiole. N. B.â€"â€"Money to lena on Real Estass. Terms e CS Qaate: Vixe amudt ...5"‘...';"...“.-'&..«7-0 hre its .‘“At_h‘o Provincial To he obtaine dR 3ALE, I LkLLGOGRAFb _ IAXS8STITUTIE, 34 KI8SG SUREET KaST, | & I4bawai0, ONC. Canadian Parliamentary Caleodar OPE & CO., ant 1064 * JONES & HOLLIH®D LIVER POOL & § L L )b MR108% UÂ¥ TOâ€"DAY. Insuranctce. «gIR JOHN YOUNG@ cHANGE O# TIMXE. SJANODN GOuULD" w@r~Â¥ALIRY e SHteanmie v 4. CFimazon Daraztu®®t, \Witawns. l Â¥th Ootober, NALL STEAMER 108 AUTVAL LLFEILNSU® Directory for 1870 wis! leave Chapesa at 1 IR i CA2SELS, & W sHEPHERD. gurepear and American t Aigdat Medicines and Proparations Engiish, Freach and German $ e Nnglish Brushes and Tollet Articles, Dys Stuffe, Seeds, and all the Miscelianeous artiâ€" us cles usually sold oy Druggists. mmumw will receive the attention their importance deâ€" mands. ‘The prescription department will be =“.~ m-mu:‘::om .r:y. I 0 .J-nob-m A Physictans and country merchants supplied. l\.ni'’bhdlhulu“ ing to the wants of his oustcc« t digestion ; an excelieat TONIC for persons sovering L_? Uiness. Foreale |I~M“hԤ fih‘.-. dol) u. ”w. in OceLIns 20 oome afl“o“‘.:-mmboflm â€"â€"lt is plensant to the taste and harmless in its nature. Porsale by draggists and general dealâ€" _ @urdener‘s Wirst Pris: Baking Fowder, an» rivalled for parity and exceilence. For sale by Potn io imaent naet pooans io mepa uts in uin pagums hed tafeme on on 4* "*** GARDENER‘s EPILEPTIC CURZL. bottle ; sizx bottles for $3. Price $1 per ,.; ull-l-om&. Bole Propristor and Manufasturer. UANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER m.- “m::... boere Throat Cu'a-u'l PAIX DESTROYER : Among the most important of modera Mealoa: Dis # Frost Bites, &0., o. The Canadian Pain Destroyer has now been before the public for a length of time, and «honever used hnulfi-l.mwh. ingle imstance to give permanent relieof when ely used, and we have nover known a single t es UK Henatihetins whire iartirecticerarepts serty followed ; but on the all e &1 with its ‘mfi -u"m u::ml terms of its magical e€fects. 'orhh--pd.oohot-uut.m mienaceemntanend Santos ho the n .eccommended may depend uponits being a Soveâ€" ‘&‘2‘:_:--,« the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in disoases for which it is reâ€" commended, and its wonderfu)} successin subduing list of Remedies for iC “.:.."us-uun:::‘um' parts of the to the universal &hm The Cans dian Pain Destroyer never fails to give mumediate rolief{. All Medicine Dealers hml mn-md-fl.‘ and no family | it after once try ing it. i loul”! & LYMAN, NMewenstle, C. W., _ thetorturing pains of Rneamatism. and in ro ieving mgfl““ to a highr ank in wshe mt far en ntarp e tae en to. great . od)â€" simal k yearned after for ages, is o0# The following remarks on testimonials of mos wondertu)l and extraordinary cures in Canâ€"dsa 47 be Ouzar Isotms Rewrov. l k qUININE aipâ€" WINE BITTERS®,. w luable to invalids and persons of impair®) W lson Storms, iug- Ount, of Consumption, » that of Pster C V 1e« of Erostown, ‘nt, of %u“dlotto':;du *Ois snd Liver plaint, or twdfihmlmd Rhoumatism, who had actually been on crutches tor years, but has now recovered the ase of his limbs Hangdbook, somamioing anquestonable certifâ€" cutes on the groat Shoâ€"honases Remedy and Pilis mm bqprard. > p â€"A /7 ln'n.oddl-ln& Province of Â¥eb. #th, J. Ihis is to certify that the winter of 1 I wastaken with a weakness of the ancles, which gradually, during the of 1867, extended to my knees, and on up to my hips, and I became so weak that I could not walk, was confined to my chair. For abouttwo years, whilethis woakt ness was coming on me, and afterwards, I sough medical advice, employing, at diferent times prescribed by tr:ends, but of no avail. I continu« od to get worse and worse, until the summer of 1868, when I was induced to try the great Sho shonees Remedy by reading the cures performed in a pamphlet. Atthistime i bad begun to teel mmu-lnna;html-sm almost helpless 1 have taken two bottles of the Shoshon ses Remedy and two boxes of the pills and I am entirely restored to health. 1 never expected to get better, but simply tried the medicine as a nos#o®EEs RENEDY. 8TOP AND 8EE! a private one, but known to all in Prenday s tat tay we savia is P | .d-nl!vm-n Juam _! :. _ _,_..-.._‘ Where was there ever such a oure as that otf Bworn to before Y l.:&w‘:?:mn' me at his ninth day of February , 1 869. Â¥ WOOD,J P, &s. I eertify that I have known Mrs. Mary Ann tor the last Afteen years ; she is a woman and truth. 1 have known ber before, and since her iliness. I believe her certificateto be true in mmu. 1 know that while il1 her case was hope, less ; and I know that shohas, since hor recovery, alwaysattribated her recovery tothe Shoshonees Price of the Râ€"medy in large pints, 81. _ 137 performance of a miracle 0 Mesers. UKAXBERLAI® & Bi11s, Con#eay P 0 8HOSHUNEES REMEDY. of fortorn hops. This case ot mine was not E.“’"M'""iio’i'u the pecullar of this medicine, one thing is cortain, in her sase it has acted almost like the Geo. Murtimer, John AL®EXANDER CBHBRAS1M.A. 11. ist® _ 10888 1 s, asmplo: at diferent times lag alinits tfdiferent Linds Coven Reuror will save ght. In botties 25 cents f t Patent Mod _ A B WOOD, J P. g_wmd ;"\A&-mz.u .:iin @GUTTA PERCHA A Kopping Decayed Teoth ln«utlou:lu-l.l-uhl.ul:z.fl , Toothache, no matter how far decayed 1e ( 6d per box. Ask for Gabriel‘s Celebrated Dental | rreparations ‘u-uiuuo ORELEBRATED PREPARA K TtioONs FOR LEANSING, BEAUTIFTING AND PREsSRVING THE TEETE _SBold by Chemists and Perfumers, and by the Tue oldâ€"established Dentists, (. ABHIKL*»S OSTEO ENAMEL STOPPLING M ftor Preserving Front Teoth. Warranted to keep white, and as Orm as .u_o_.flAb_-!_"l‘\_-’ b‘lllll.'l ROYAL TOOTA POWDELK 't.‘lh‘fi- a _ recips as used by tier Majerty . Preserves the Tooth, and 1mparts a deliâ€" mw-mmwmm & poarlâ€"like whiteness and the enamel Funers "" (4 12. 64. Gllmvl Do a mouth wash un vproperties in cleansing | the breath ; is is lovs streugly recommended l-n?..u‘m see Gabriel‘s nameâ€"I Price bs. A M AF A D E*TE Galmvl ODoNTALGIQUE ELLXIR a mouth wash unrivalled for its agreeable vroperties in cleansing the mouth and sweeteniog the breath ; is is invaluable to smokers, and streugly recommended o sufferers from Tic, l.n’h.u‘m see Gabrie!‘s nameâ€"â€"None Genuine without it. tni(fm AF A Di#sTANOCE REQUIRING 3 ARTIFICIAL TEEITH may have them supplied, in partial or complete sets, on Mcssrs, Gabtlel‘s new sending l M“fim‘dhm the .c-l-oi. taking a mogel of the mouth wili be forwarded, with all necessary instructions Mesers. Gabriel will andertake to Remodel or l:muuldd Tosth made by other Dentists, L do not prove satisfactory}, at moderate charges. e Messrs. Gabricl‘s Pamphilet on Artificial Tooth ond iP/aialess Dentistery on receipt of postage. *,*® All letters to be addressed to 64 LUDGATE BILL, LOXDON. _ 1383 Javtm lawktm 44 Lodgate Hill, Lendon, And at LIYERPOOL and BRIGUT }N. Kept in stuck by the Vruggis and Grocers in the For directions for use se on bottle HENRY PMAN & CO., EY ANB, CER & CO,, B.'n. ITALIAX BTTERS. Prepared by special permission om the rigina This clegant Turkish TONIU is ome of the Professor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY, Kept by all the princoipal Uruggists and Grocers ‘n the Dominien, PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. lon of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"These celeobrated Bittegs are careful‘y prepared with the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are espesially adupted and recounâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitations. Thsy are gently stimualant, qad will be found infallible aidse to digestion; For directions see label round the neek of oash None are «nless of it ganaine bearing thesignature 1022tf A, K. P GLIANELLI ORGANLST AND TBACRER OÂ¥ MUSIC. Residenceâ€"Eigin Street, South of tlater Street. UOlusses for beginners at Mr Gowan‘s Hall on Mondays, Weduesdays and Fridays at 4} p 1. COttawns, July 15th, 1870, _ 5 1410 if ‘al) a GOraduate Imperial Conse m. hnux‘!!.:nu 1 Slinging (Ottaw a, June 33. !m » Montrea! Bole Agents for the Dominion Montreal, July 6. 14157 Â¥From the Farm of MRB. BSTEWART on the bank otf the Canal, on the 20th inst., TW ENTY*~ THREE LAMBS,. marked with a strokse on the back with ar. . Information to be given to WM | BLATTERYT, Butshes By Ward Martmi, i _ PA R AT MESSRNRS. GABRIKL, 9 R I L MLK §5§## ~ CABRIEL. LDentists. L VUPOATE WILL, LONDON. THMEK TEETH wADRID 1847 A,. Â¥M, Â¥, GIANELLI, . anad Propristor fer the Domiaâ€" ~â€"â€"_â€"â€"__~_1| â€" Commtssion. Merchants. OFFICE AND SALE 00 JIT A W A ____ mart, York street, near the Market, The subscriber in issuing this his bpring Ciroaâ€" :;‘, return bis m&-h:.: his triends g.r..u public awa and Country, as well as his many sonsignors at a distance, for the very liberal patronage bestowed on, and confiâ€" BALES AT PRIVATE RESIDENCES, 1n soliciting public patronage in this branch wnmuflpu%mw. the future as in the past, it be his uncearing care to study the interest of his patrons ; and that by carsful attention, prompt cash %lfl mederate charges, to morit a continuance of that mmm.ollmlly bestowed upon Spring Furniture SBales at the Mart: will comâ€" mence immediately, and from time to time will be duly announced lie will hold woekly sales of Horses, Cattle, &0, &0, onthe Market, due notice of which will be given. The large number o Horses and Cattle sold by him during the past ; ugd uc 40000 Bh p cmcen hcntreiiy. Wiveacp o Ned , is surfcient guarantee that his ability in m'cdlul branch of auctionsering is appreciâ€" Carriage and Bales will soon commence, u‘tl.o-bon.v‘o%.o"fl.fl‘- and Har: ness to dispore 0‘ will do well to send them to the Mart as soun as possibls. Trace Sales of Merchand:se, Farm Stook, Real Estate, Libraries, Works of Art, &0., &o., as wel. with rmmhwumm terms. second hand Rurniture will be mdvdfi wm;uu‘q to T o‘olock p. m. vances made on Furniture, Pianos, or other Goods sent in for Sale, or may be perchased in toto, Iif required f The Saile Hoom is well lighsed an. ventilated, and about the |argest in the city, being 80 x 28. Your tavours and patronage are respectfuily Otawa, March 1870. MPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALER Several Houses in the : ‘. BEKARMINGHAN, GENERAL AUCTIONEER @GENMERAL COMMISSION AGRNT, Clarence Street, next to the City Hotel UOttawa. Bolicits the patronage of the Lamber Merchan gonerally on the Ottawa. From his long exportâ€" ence in the trade he offers his sorvices in engaging men and attending to their rafts while passing here to the best of his ability, Alex Frasor, Keq, Waiter Smith, Eeq, Joh oupore, Eeq, ____ R W COruice, Beq. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FORW ARDERS DEAL ERS 15 Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeai, Pork, &e. oTTaAwWA, Cash advanced o w w?‘ u" Hate sale. Pn-: .mu :i cases W . _ MESS AND PRIME MESS PORK. FLO UR NO. 1 %6 EXTR A the Minist«r of Customs and under and in« virtue of the authority given by the 8th Secâ€" tion of the Act 31 Vic. Cap. 6, intituled " An Act respecting the,# Customs." His Exce ency has been pleased to make the fellowing "ms EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL _ _ Grand Harbour, in the Isiand otf Grand Manan, in the Province of New Brunswick shall be and the same is bereby erected into n Out Port of Customs, and attached to the Port of Campo Bello (Welchpool.) WM. H. LEE, WRITER BEANS, At Ottawa, Sand Polnt, and Pembroke. | 1 1@uewe, Ort. «, 1976. a a Â¥s 18. 1870 @rTEAs3 ANO WINES, @a the Minister of Castoms and under and in vir. ture of the 54th Bection of the Act 31st Vicâ€" toria Cap. 6, intituled " An Act respecting the UMINICK FOX. »n. FPOOTE & COHPANY, + His Excelleney has been pleased to Order and it is bereby Ordered, that the Out Port o Port Ryerse attached to the Part ot Dover, in the Province of Ontario, be and the same is bhereby constiteted and appointed to be a Warehousing Port, within the meaning of that OvERnmENxT HoUSE. Ottaws, Oct. 4, 1870, _ . Orraw1, Thursday, 22nd day of Sept, 1870 OvERNXMKENT ROUSE: August 33, 1819 EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IX COUNCIL H. EKASTONX & C0., Orrawa, 26th day of Sept., 1870. & BROS3PITAL STRKET PRESENT : hands tor J‘?l:lllulul: Clerk Privy Council, TimEK$. NOVEMBER 24, 1370. WY. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Oounci1, No 5 Bparks street. Jon of the Honorable MONTREAL al 4444 1478 > 14e a [3 202 lt i hoh Mithardvie. .t thatnbeirmattnie Arbe by its use. Nothing ean restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain cam be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediâ€" ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will‘ prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free C ue on o au io udn monk \s KA e make sofue preparations dangerous lnjn'r‘i'o.:lb. to the hair, the Vigor .c:: only benefit but not harm it. If wanted nnnvfco j HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does Toig‘on the intrrgiring ie rich glone l e ind s praisks pacfuims. . . * _ _ W by Drojncko & co" PrAcTICAL Axp Axarrricar Camasts, Ayer‘s Chorry Pectoral, Proth.:our hefore in the whole historyâ€"o, medicine, has anything won so widely and so deeply upon the confidence of mankind; as this excellent temedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a long series of years, w most of the races 0 men it has risen \gin their ostimaâ€" tion, as it has become better known. Its uniform character and er to cure the various affections of the throat, have made it known as a reâ€" Yin Ioha against them. While adapted to liablo protector against them. While adapled ( milder forms of Aisease and to ng childrea, it ig :uu-"mmmmflmmdy&mdm m m consum m &D AN« m”dum&dhnu. s against "‘."‘ of Croup, it nhoul;il be wept on nand in erery fully: 404 ndood," al shanld be vrovided with this antidote for them. _ oo oo lltimes ‘subject to coids v l i reiny Aoprege . eontinaa extianenn uen ie m ar mas -é”"z‘ en feane ty oo oo Correers Aviom rield re i. When poth Ayer‘s Ague Cure, Â¥or Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. an excellent remedy, many truiy roâ€" markable cures, who;n mm{m failed. Pfxnd by Dr. J. C. ArEr & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists,. Lowell, Mass., and sold all round the world and to vee that their names are upon the wrapper C hm oo en aninims ?ro'nmnl labels of which the uames Les & Porrins have been forged, L and P give notice that they have WMIW dents with power of attorney to take instant proceedings against manufactuters and ven jors . 4 qmmppeg m .96 +2 L of saon, or ther imitations by which their mwhhflfl f#ik _ = _ .. att.. > & â€" Curiye, Auges Â¥For Bilious Disorders and THE OXLY GOOD SAUUE. CaUTION AGAINBST FRAUD. . Lhe sucsess of this most deliciouns and unrivalâ€" d condiment having caused certain dealers to mytl. name of =Worcentershire SBause" to owninferior compounds, the public is heroby nformedthatthe only way to secure the . enuine, required by the 5ist and following Rules of the Legisiative Assembly,(which are published ia the «"Ontarto Gamtte"), to give NOTIOHR of the application (clearly and distinotly specifying its nature and object) in the * Ontario Gasette," and also in a newspaper published in the Uounty or Union of Counties affected ; such notice shall be continued in each case for a peried of at least Six weeks during the interval of time between the close of the next preceding Session and the conâ€" dideration of he Petition. Coples ofthe first and lari # such notises to be sentto the Private Bill All etitions for Private Bills must be presentâ€" ed within the FLRST THREE WEEKS of the Taeronteo March 15, 18780 _ 1309 td lawk. ‘-!h-bym;mx-num be responsible Tor any dobt contracted in my name after this date without my written order. WOROESTERSHIRK® SAUOCE, Declared by Conaolsseur KA & PELRLSS‘ BK FOR LEA & PERRIN® SAUCE, ir Vigor, Ayer‘s ‘3“0“0 OHARLES T GILLMOR, Cletk ot the House,. substances which \Kas, aovtLDOm. .Am. Aq on EURECC the Ontario Bank, 8 (or‘l‘ngudlaonszf IENULISTLE & Co., Land Burvoyors, W. £. Tarstis. ul"â€"glu-gf'h& Fuller, Ksq, Architect, Alba Dr J A Grant, Â¥ P., Ottawas ; Thos Reyrolds, Managing Director 0. & 8t. L. R.R. 1 s CHRISTIE, Commission Merchant and e General Agont. Bole agont for Read‘s m&m andProof W hiskey hdn, Dawes‘ Laâ€" chine Ales and Porter. Pork, Viour, &o., for sale. Orricn: No. 5, Sparks Bureet, near the Russell suse, Ottewa city, C. W. Is the bost and choapest material in use for pre« erving new, or repairing old | lpTculuv- YoOUR ROOFS®, PATENT PLASTIO SLATE PAIN, IRON OR TIN ROOF3, No matter how bad their condition. Also firs rate for â€"8 H[ NG LK R OO F 8, Makiug them PFIRE AND WATER PROOF, "®@@ Hardens into a conting of SOLLD SLATE by exâ€" Kor lining Frame Buildings under the ‘clap boards. An effectual protection against cold, damp and vermia. Rats and mice will come No FRAME DW ELLILNG should be without Bend ter ciroular, instractsons, &¢. BUUCHANAN & CO., Wholesale Depot for Roofing Materia and Foun er‘s Bupplies, * 32 Lemoine Street, Ottawas, September 21, 1870 _ 1468 Opposite the Bank of Montreal. MBR GENDREAU, the proprietor of that so popular Parlour, has the pleasure to anpnounce to bis numerous friends and the public in general, that to answor to the great encouragement which he has received up to the present, he has deter. mined to onlarge and thoroughly furnish anew his establishnment. He will save no expense to render Parlour the most comfortable, anc 0 prosua . ho moist experienced hair dressers, MR #EKNDREAU having served considerable time in some of the best and mort extensive Hair Dressing salooms in the Dominion and United States, is in a position to conduct the duties of his establishment in a manner that cannot be surpassod. He will have always on hand the best perâ€" tumes imported directly from Paris and London. MBR O&I:IIAU solicits a visit io convince all of the of his statement«* Price $6 a barrel, mixed ready for use. A barrel will cover i0 squares (10 x 10). HAIR DRESSING PARLOUR, Wellington street, THF GOVERNOR GFNERAL Boeg to intimate to their customers and th public generally, hat they will keep sonstant!l on bhand ie BEEF AND MUTTON. m SPICay ;Fanu To‘be had : â€"â€" %@ THEIR CELEBRATED JTTAWAOFFICEâ€"G P Dacumorxp»‘s Exchange Ofice, 19 Sparks street. DIRECTORS ; AJOSEPH, Chairman; D C THOMSON, Treaâ€" arer; 8 BFOOTSE ATHOMSON, T H DUVEKNK. DRMXMUOND Manager 1141tf ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT ROARD. Bell‘s Blook, Sappeors‘ Brid PIOPLI’I TELEGRAPH COMP A NY Mâ€"40hurch, teacher of Organ, P+zz26 z0d Sing! Residencseâ€"O‘Connor : stroot. . ‘Mr. 1 Articled ncorporated under ter LXTVL W& o[(hudl:’“. UTCONERS To Tra # tabe * 1878 Apply at ROLLED BEEE FOR PARTIES \\'0 OR TBREE GENTLENAX be accommodited with DGAR _ DOWARD, SHEATHING FELT sCHELL BR , BY.WARD MARKEL H ASims, FRESH KILLED THEIR STALLB, .“o‘ “ " ENDREAV, MBR. ROWSELL 8, Opposite the U:iojuflo_Ahli BALT ROUND, On and from . MONDAY next, the 21st inst , three trains wiil run daily on this Railway as follows MALL will lears Ottawa at 9 30 a m, connesting at Presoott, with the Grand Tronk Express, for the West, and with the Ogdensburg Rail» way, for ::mn, New York, &6 ‘ MAIL will leare Oitawa at 12 08 noon, conmec‘â€" ing with the Grend Tronk Exprees, tor Montreal, | EXPRESS will leave Ottawa at 106 30 p m, connestâ€" ing with the Grand Trank Exprogses, Kast and W est.| » Going Nerth Prescoit to Ottaws, MALL will leave Pressott Junction at 6 a m, ‘with the 3. T. Expresses East and West, arriving in OGitawa at 8.30a m. MAIL will leaye Prossott Janction at 1.25 p m, connecting with the G, T. Express leaving 'lo.uru! a% 8 a m, and arriring in Ottawa at .456 p m. | tme IXPBIS':I will leave Prescott Janotion at 4 30 p m, conpectiny with G. T. Expresses, Kast and W est, | erriviecg in Ottaws at T p m. 20 minutes aliowed at Pressott Junctien for refreshments. |â€" l w a® it *> _ ;;"‘l‘:o;i;ti may bs obtainesd on lppli:(tt!ou 'to ‘::y Compauy‘s Aguu.oru the Princiâ€" pal stations {&o rapd ‘rm:.i.fl-oy., All trains on this Line are run on Montreal R LUTIRELL, THOMAS REYNOLDS, _ Buperictendent. _ ____ Managing Directo: Ottawa, ® womber 19, 1870. G REAT CENTRAL AIR LINE ROUTE, [The Model Road of Canada j To Sarnia, Detrou, Milwaukee. & \~ CHICAGO, Cincinnati, St. Louis, New Orlcans, and all Points in the West and South. NORTHEERN TRANSPORTATION CO‘S 20 FirstClass Upp.caljnml. Msking sure connections with Railway for all ____ _ _â€"__ Points West and South; _ Parties going west can secure Tick _ at this office to any Pomt desired, Via ALL ‘RAIL OR ALL BOAT Â¥ares always cheaper than by any other GREAT CRNTRAL ROUTE AND SAVE MONEY, TIME AND DISTANCE, Comparitive distance of the meveral Woesiern Routes to Chicago : Americanâ€"Ogdensburg or Presoott...... _ _ States, and all information ?'0'5“ | J RCORAN, General Western Railway and Steambost Ticket oIn.llB!’MMl.-ltbm‘l Draper‘s, Susserst, two doors from ~st. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. Whereas it has been represented to His Exâ€" celie noy, that the public convenience woul be promoted if the Ountâ€"Ports of 8t Armand and Rousse‘s Point, which are situate in closer proximity to the Port of St. John‘s, than to hst of Montreal, with which they are now connected, were detached from the last men» tioned Port and placed under the survrey of he Port of St. Johns ; His Excellency on HJS EXCELLENCY ThE GOYâ€" ngNon GENERAL IN \ _ COoUuNCIL. the recommendation of the Hon. the Minister of Customs, and under and in pursuance 0, the 8th section of the Act 31st Victoria Chapter 6, intituled : 4« An Act respecting the Customs," bas been pl-ndi': Order, and it is hereby Ordered that on, from and after the First day of Deâ€" cember next the Outâ€"Ports of St. Armand and lou-'cmlnt shall be and th’ym bereby respectively detached from the Port of Monâ€" respectively detached from the Port of Monâ€" tteal and placed under the Burvey of the Port of 8t. Johns, in the Province of Quebec. WX . H. LEE, X OCDENSBURG=_ & CHICAGO, LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ONTARIO, ~__ Toroxto, 29th O:tober, 1870. Notice is bereby given, that the last day for réceiving Potitions for Private Bills will be wm:cm;r, the TWESTYâ€"EIGETH day of DECEMBER next. Going South Ottawsa to Prescott. KILIT A R Â¥} T A 1 L O JPRESTON & pgOWSELL, H A BIT M A E E R 8: NJ. 36 SBPAREE sTRE ET Hum EDUJATIONâ€": HE L LM U T H C O L LE G E. HELLMUTH 1LADIES‘ COLLEGE ‘Inauigrrated by H. R. H. Prince Arthur. o n anntiesmconhe Taig hn de dictimcts, :D OvVEANXMENXT MHOUSE, | oTTAWA, | â€"._10th day of November, 1879 OTICK A BELECT *‘A8SSORTMENT | Vestings, dc. sUIRTS MKADPE TO ORDER Bread Cloths, CHARLES T. GILLMOR, Clerk Privy Council, Foncy Coatings, TICKETS at this offce .. T80 do 850 miles 116 do Tickots "f 4 *wcracomegerecammcaccmacqegarec e m l 'd s""‘o. 06 % ME e t H The owner can have it by provin$ % m "’h‘“.‘m'uojfl'. $â€"â€" HOWLEY FARM To 1®8 8 (z) "" 10 xo 9 in onmin ue 300 acres, u.«upumdd"‘“"". fences, a fine dAwelling house, two #607 w burns and outhouses complete, 1# M# o .\ reasonable terms, for % term of yest ‘ D) | tor turtper partioula®® ©® _ | â€"~a, powitth . 3 m__M () | equanany rou omement e. FJ A Branch of the w* & E MARLA â€" ESTABLISEMES® you? Weâ€" Kistars "of the 0‘"{:’*" in ie ©i00d, vici@ T vey4 Cmrhlnu, in io "‘t mth:n 9'1; the lI.("!'r. .‘J v as 1 often do, from Dlood. This uum storer for the strength and [(7°4 * % BM 1 getorer Tor The SUNSN&th and wiee» .¢ c C066 1b Those who are Iauflu.:r._‘._h Prekienzi on "ot the buttititih Seeeq i: a T FORGPL i» as. "o "EPOUE c'v';'n':;:::t?: of w.‘..,' "“."&t relief and con vineing Svidente of ho Inmeduate powar upon trial. Testoraime 4* ‘P REPARED a3 Pr. ‘o €C. Amm Practionl and Andiyticel 0) * laints goneral w ho io ioh anns compiainc, viliber Ayer‘s Oathartic !i, _ For all the purposss C 1 lawn NOTICE is hereby gives it 3W °/ m . turers that the dela " g.’c:b,”')mf“ the on the of arke, w next, after VWW will be f or FiFerr Dotrazs for neglect. Search made and advice gree. which may be registered without 087 ntuore YE 3. G. 00 Afd for Regis. of «»aret aare . Ooct 5. 1870 _ +oi _ Intothe subscribers premises 08 the 17th, a KID, with eouflnlg 20””:'0:-‘»" it by provieg FP* M ‘ LoBBET SKMAP â€" Ottawa, Nov 21, 1870 uc h g$*â€"*â€" HOWLEY FARM To 1ML 8 Lot No 30, st Consession at Gueeait t m.mumm-d’ uuu.ncmd..mmq" otic, and fifteen miles from O%A®® witn ge* fences, a fine dwelling house, £19 M6M7 hig@ barns and outhouses complete, i# ®PÂ¥ to 1# reasonsble terms, for % term of yoatt , for further particulars to i onanums noOWAK _ ouswa, Oct 5, 1870 éâ€"mulâ€" L Y FOL Yyuiain®~"""" A Branch of the Nonklanis VW6 MARLA . ESTABLISAMENT you? The Bisters (of the M,.,‘r:".':, Dame respectfully U"'.'" vucpl“m-m"‘ pef her i " baect Schoo! is aftached to the e# the "mmw”. 1 4pY SUPEBLOE omuo'om-e""“".’ W TBE TIMES is printed and Publtfpy, Tax Onaya Tocs PS‘ fine " 3 “Fo- n'ulh( %muun TATO | _ Affords l*. fuser 2/ fi.Ar':r'T;.".’;-"“ se ol brout \oficacy in casth of MMMM suix6 Cw " mon C Bparkest., Centre MM” J_cmnl""i" â€" o iE m _ L Sarsaparily | * yOL. Yaxe tm, Wncs s i utirme o the. n o ot With the fellowsy * A*®»â€"" 10 a A8f"’ + .L.‘“-w. “ faver, OBoeâ€"L l a Ae -‘.‘_...‘. }‘:e Buildings, "â€" osonRnovEk 4 §M Boticitors, &0. Of "ppo8ITE © Attornies at TETREAU, *4, and overy ”“c e _ fee, Unisn 5= h on t "a, y0008 Wuort SURGEO """l s 2 hn# A "--l 0K O wAaRp A¢= opp* :‘rll w . Bolicit V KB ‘ Poablic and Q# t# » 1870 Bs t EY of for

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