(Â¥ & 0 :;M L ,-.,;‘.'.'1 gight C y Om tim® BC 14, ATE, 4 ww es Xa 4 ®+» t e > '“‘N“‘ sith dexad ’-‘«n Lk dab There is Di The Â¥upp!y â€"l†t wn:'i Fur Depot #" y) dozen Velveteer ants opmards. . A birge rs and Feathers. Tt Christmas Day comes on Sunday this year. Holiday to be observed on Monday. What has {ecome of the agitation as to P“‘.nmï¬nm? Two barges are ready at the Chaudiere for Iaunching next «pring. Thoy are strong wnwa mver anmd will take a large Carge. The slaughier of deer this by American Wb wreat. _|t is sime this sort 0 gru® & weet agaiD * a stop to. _ . ® The Grand Trunk Ruilway and railways therefrom to this city heve been all on time Iately the tracks being clear of snow om & more. . £.)â€" Priven to desperation the weather.â€" wisa sow predict a severe winter, because the leeces oflambs and sheep are found to be musually close. Winow said that the Depot companies of the Red River expediuon are not to ome to this city. and Inspector of Prisouns for Quebes, is in town. He has been sent to enquire into the lats escape of a prisoner from Aylmer At the The water continues to ris® We are authorized to state that Mr. May will not seek reâ€"=!»c*i~» as "chool Frustee tor By Ward. We anticipate another success at the Hull readings to night. We are sure it must be gratifying to our friends in that vicinitr to be so favored. * New Exor®.â€"We beliqys the Ottawa & 8t. Lawrence Railroad Company will have a new Ibcomotive and a new first class pae« senger car running on their track shortly. Pouce â€" Covstâ€"Tuesday.â€"There . was saly one case before the !ll.bonto this moming, and that an adjourned ons PeterLogan vs. Arsineau. It was dismisâ€" Buaxaksts, Coraw. The Canada Central Railway station and sheds are now surrounded by a neat picket fence. . Telegraph poles it is said will soon be set up along the track, and the wires will then be introduced into the different statwons along the reute. Lk The public will learn with ploasure that Ibiâ€"dd\ho()um(hrrison Artilbory intemni to give five concerts during the season. JThe doncert« will take place in Rink Music Hall. They cannot fail to be LOCAL NEWS. The antrjuated city of Kingston is very machexerci« ( just now on the local erents of this city, to judge from the columns of one of its prapers. Even the penitentiary Kingston contemporaries, J. B. Lewis, Eâ€"q.. the Rev. Mr. Lauder, awyd the other gâ€"ntlemen entrusted with presenting the petition to His Lordship the Bishop of Ontario, praying him to reâ€" move the seat of the See of Untario to Otâ€" tawa, left town yesterday morning on their important mission, Nomez.â€"Now is the time. Go and see C. P Dorion. 60 Sparks Street, for stoves and stoveâ€"pipe fitting. . No puff; but see for yourselves Lumbermen and country Merchants come and see.~© The most com plete Houâ€"e in this Line in the Captol, Pnsta»s â€"(* P PDorion. 60 Sparks '..'-5b.¢t’ avio« . cupze n y0B AX0 offiawa RaiFaTt _3 19 am . 1 £0080., The St. Lawrence & Ottawa Railway Company are improving their grounds geperally at the Ottawa station. â€" They have run a drain through what was popuâ€" larly known as the Frog Pond. and a large | platform is being built on the western side of the freight shed. ] o“.c‘ ®T % Kute. Corawall, St. Lawrence and s Mills Bi nkets, in all sizes and is, very cheap at «ARLAND, MUTCHMXOR & CO. Boarso or &cuoor ‘Taveters.â€"The DSoard of School Trustees is to meet on Taursday next, when some stormy . proâ€" proceedings =so expected to take plwe. _ It is to be hoped, howâ€" #rer, they will complete the appointment Of teachers. « Golden Lion Rean~<s.â€"The reawdings last evening in the M. E. Church, York street, were well Htended.. ‘The sclections were rery inâ€" teresting and instructive, and the readers did them full justiwe. The gentlemen who have got up those readings must feel gatifed with the success which has attendâ€" ¢d their benevolent eWorts. slled t vive an item ot news to our dayâ€"E Vaurin, Albanâ€", NY ; J Cook, J Mooney, Toronto; A Townley, Paris; W Kinton, Miss McLeod, Mr Hewman, Monâ€" teal ; L Xan, Des Moines ; J Giddes, Chiâ€" @go; A Cool, St Albans; Wm McDermid, Wm Neelin W Neelsin, Carleton Place ; ,.o-â€"; Capt Woosley: y a€ The greater porBOu ut the street railway | pelied. Thereare many WOll CONGUGCU * tmck was cleared yesterday. The cars made mfll in the flmwm everal trips, and were not particular to f;:-':“wmm oider" The insulting suck to the track where it was heavily Obâ€" | _ _ance has now come to such a puss that stracted. This, in all Canadian citi¢s, i# | ;; must be dealt with, and the sooner the ~"ntmmoflhoyear for the Mib‘“hmwdï¬w. ; wospect of the skating mania x1 in the city this wint or. Deviin‘s Fur Depot. Armrars atr tu®# Ruosssur dorssâ€"Tues ..,.,gu..lhi-m so far can sportmen has been very i time this sort of thing was put of poulwy this winter does » be over abundant. 4 & G TAYLOUL, Agents Velveteen Hats, trom 25 A lirge assortment of ers. Trmmed Hats and R of School Trustees to car go. eei, corner o BSussex L. JAMES & Co. sioner of Education 12 soon.._ 10 p.m. 48 pm ;T 14 p m, U‘rescott Janction sints south m the Otâ€" 1486 2m Many persons who bought quantities of beof and pork at the commencement of the cold weather, with the intention of keeping it fresh during the winter, hare : been obliged, owing to the warm westher, l to barrel and sailt it, and some persons who did not take this precaution in time have | lost their meat altogâ€"ther. _ Beef in partiâ€" ‘ouhl now sells very slowly on the market on this account. | ning of the rmil cars. There is generally just onoqfl::w to make the running of the cars di t, and not enough to permit of the use of sleighs. Porvuar Reaomos,.â€"We wish to remind our readers of the opening of the popular readings this evâ€"ning in the St. Patrick‘s Hall. The readings in the above hall, since they were st.ried, have been throughout managed by a good working commuttee, and the patrons of the readâ€" ings aiways receired good equivalent for their presence. A good programme is arranged for to morrow even.ng, and the aimission fee is as usual tive cents. We predict for the St. Patrick‘s a crowmdled Accioext.â€"It appears that on Monday a y.oung man wus acciienily shot in a cer tain office in Sussex street. A number of young men were amusing themselves with a revolver when it went off, the butlet lcd.h‘iuol“nm.bouldorofonoofm’ party. ~ 1t was not extracted until yesterâ€" day morning. 1t is certainly a fortunate circumstance that the accident did nout happen more seriously, and the occurrence «pouuld be a warning to persons not to tritle with such dangerous weapons. The men engaged °_ working at the quarry on Welliugion street ue«r Pooley‘s oridge, are very im less in their manner of carrying on operations. . A day or i1wo ago & large piece of rock was hurled by one of the blusis across the street, narâ€" rowly missing a luiy‘s bead, and all but going thr.ugh the window of a dwelling on the opposite side of the street. Wuen a blust is .bout to take pl.ce men sbould certuinly be placed on the read to warn passers by and drivers of veh.cles. Srueet Liout.â€" At the last meeting of the City Council compl:uint was made that the city generally was not properly lighied, . and that sufficient gas was not turned on. ‘This wssert.on is strctly true, but there ‘m.o,-putmmol the town which are particularly â€" miserably lightel. _ Sundy tuill, for instance, is remarkable in ts respect. It is supplied with a fewâ€"com: oil lamps, which throw but a very poor light, | and which are very frequently not lignted at all Devilia‘s Fur Depot. Tus Gocruy Laxcexy Cass.â€"The gold watch, chain and locket stolen on Siturday ‘ night from Mrs. Goulin and with which one of her bourders stands charged, were found yesterday morning secreted under a wash stand in Mrs. Goulin‘s bed room. The tinding of them we believe was merely accidental : Mrs. Goulin and her servant were cleaning up the room at the time, ani on moving the washâ€"stand saw the watch &c. The case comes up at the Police court again this morning intere®s ' Laxkc.xr.â€"â€"Yesterday afternoon a woâ€" man was seen looking very p fticularly into ‘lr. hï¬'o*n’d\hhnthgh- in the door, and haring apparently satisâ€" tied herself that she was safe in commit, ting the deed, seizeqs one of the hoopskirts hunging outsile and hiding it under ber shawl burried off. She was seen taking ,| the article by a gentleman in a house opâ€" posite, but he supposing she would be deâ€" tected by some persons on the street, did ‘ | not trouble himself «bout giving informaâ€" t | tion, and so she escaped. ‘ | _A p ir of boots were also stolen yesterâ€" â€"| day frm a shoe shop at the Chaudiere ® | by a woman. Informat.on of the theft ‘!wu communicated to the policeman on duty in the locality at the time, but he tailed to discover the thief. Beef was scarcer‘ than, for some time buck, and persons seemed slow to purâ€" chase on account of their dread that tine '.M-ulfloblptb-b-lt“don ‘Tarkeys (dead) 3 to 60 cents each, Geese, 4) to {y cents each. Potatoss, 50 to 5# cents per bushel. Buster, tab, 20 Cents per pound. T Hino Smum & t 44. sriarks st. 49. Will rescseive this week * Express,‘ frow ONDONX, England, aegt _ s CABKS OF MiawksNERY, Containing the Veur Larzst Styles in Bonnets, lhu. and some very Choice things in Flowers, Feathers Satin Cloths, Trimming to match all our Fashisaable Dress Goods. Per 8. 8. * MORAVLAN,! t Case Extrs Cloths, in the new The @«OLIVE GREEN " appears still prove the mst fashionable, and of the above,. #* are in receipt of tan plece 1 Case of Newest #@ New Neal and plucked Otter Skins Clon(al:, Break{ast Shawls, Ties C., 1t Have now received a full supply ot Fancy Wove Goods still arriving. D E P AR T ME NT 8. Oitawa, September 23, 1870 _â€"_â€"_â€" in endless Variety. T. HUNTON, sSHuULBREV ‘ S 51 3go, Ay, ppurke Srrees «s ,{'-“ § E> CUKNINGRAM & L.GS4Y, ‘VAI.'PIM. wul.'run- THE AMERICAN WATCH The public of the United States and Canade havre now had over ton years experience of WALTIIAMY W ATOHRES, andt hfuo now everyâ€" where acknowledged to be the ONLY RELLABLE T IMEâ€" KE EP E RsS! Almost all other watohes are sold under (alse rthe fmmhn:u-u ssotutel «n real ® avo a no security, .J':l.."'z-a-. been a-u’uly imposea upon. On the contrary, ony buy or of 1 Waittam Watch gots a guarantee the com '..,,-u-o-.lofln. whom he buys h‘w fl%‘;:i’“m’ that be is getting a TIME 3 u--‘nuu-uuuum :mnfl interes of watchmakers lies la . selling wat ches, which they can make larger profits. but men C Avavr tng wivegy in .o P PP V T i 0700 -smmym-no larger profits: h.“.n { enterprise trade preter an article Iur «nd ready sale, and which leares no bad stook . It is »smail profis and quick resurns." These watches can be bhad in md‘:.‘u‘ (all goarantsed), the silver caser are D from coin silver, and from 3 to A ounces I-':,M The !fllmmuï¬hlnmlou. trom 1 Ato 4 ounces in weight; the size ftor ladies are richly engraved or exameiled. For the quailty. noth in gold aod sitver. are the ourapkst WaTouks 1N THE WORLb The«s watches can be ordored of any reluable 'um::vflhh the m‘l‘;; but : he guarantee «1 wompany shou variably }nqnln‘. The Company in ail cases papy the n ooonmant duty, whieb makes the Osandiae consamer a privilged purchaser % ROBERT WILK E5, Jole Wholesale aAgouse for the Dominion of Car Toroato â€"44 and 40 Yonage Street. ;:- family Remedy it is well and favourably kuewa mlieving thousands from pata in the <i «, Back and tiead, Coughs, Colds, Sor Throat, Spratose, Brouls s, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholâ€"ra Morbus Dyseuery, Bowel â€" Complaints, Buoros Bealide, mt .huo-, f â€"â€" [ _ _2 THE CANADIAN PAiX DES rROYER Has now b +~n before the public foral ug + of time aud wherever used is well likeo, <v.r failing in a m’lo inatance to give per man ot relié? whon timely us d, ant w» bay, nevÂ¥ t known a assngle case of wb in t haflaotts an wh. ro the dirmetisns have been projwrly fol: low. d, bus on the contrâ€"ry,, all are delight: d «hh its operations and apeak in the bigbe>t 1. rus of its vimu»s and maxical « ffeets, W« spesak frour experi nce is this met « baving tested 1t thorougbly, ano ther far those «ho are suffe:sing from any of the com. NEW FALL GOODS 4# ufying a* in 4+( . "" aÂ¥ADIAN PAIN oK sTROYER ut is next . l9 Tei, w :“.“m_“"b!‘ â€" Monatreal â€"445 8. Pau!i 1301 3 14 RIDPEAU sTAREL<, Kovember 30, 1870 Mantle Cleths. «â€" 48 ALL * iven, ‘ that an application awn~ll1 e gisl ure 0 the rrovince of Vat ar 0 sion: tor a« act to author 1e t ® t Wacer Works in and for the Un»y Trimmings, A L T H A M W M P LETT, _ Obpy Clerk. 1401 lawvkâ€"3m THE OTTAWA TIMES, NOY. 30 1870 15277 EW FANCY Having met with UNAPPROACHABLE | SUUCESS this AUTUMN, in the disposal of ; their IMMENSE IMPORTATIONS, | (the| Largeat eger tbrought to Ottawa in one 3<a . son) wers under the agreeable n: cersity of% son) were under the agreeable nâ€"cersity of lo-cllll:: uw Second supply to fll up the nom e blanks made in their Several l eâ€" parments. W@y* Owing to the t« tible conflict now raging in Europe ent r aident agents were enabled to gcome dming the core quent de. pression of Traade In Bâ€"itain mwauy very valaâ€" avle lines at exo.enusly low priceca for < ash, W@y* Owing to the t« mible conflict now raging in Europe ent r sident agents we enabled to gcome dming the core quent de.â€" pression of Trade In Bâ€"itain mauny very valaâ€" a‘le lines at exoenusly low prices® for < ash, WwaÂ¥" A putlon of chpments rot yet to band, are expect d this wook. The following comprises a few ef (be 1« acing articles, vis : DRE33s G 00 D8 : wINCIES, sCuOTCH PLAID TARTANS, FRENRCH MERINOES, and SATEEN COSâ€" TUMK CLOTH Bee Figured Sateen Cloths at 90 ct«. per yard, the Newost Dress Matcrial of the scuâ€" Elack VELYETS, VELYETEENA, EPAN. GLKS, 81LK8, SATINB, aud CRAFK8. WiÂ¥" Alicur Mantle Velrets were purchased in June, only a (a« dys bâ€"fore they advanced considerably in piice, and as they are likely to be fully 40 per ceut dearer in the Bpring, would,wivise Ladiea to Purchase at the preseut New Grey Cottons, White Shiitiogs, Sheetâ€" ings, Pillow Cottons, Prints, Linen and Cotâ€" too Ticking:, Linen and Cotton Diap rs, Tuauble Lin o of every description, Quilts and Counterpan~s, Towâ€"!s and Tow« lling, &¢,, &e. â€"W'o eu cpold-mly rcommend th» «borve mentionead Donrestic Goods, bing «xâ€" velleat value. BLANKETS, English and Cacadian Piain ans Fancy FLANNELS, Waterpsoof Cloak» ings, Biack aud Blue Prosigents, Pilois, Bâ€"avers, and the New Irish Friese Clowws, for making Fasbionable Ulster Over.Coats A Specimen Coat for Sale. MAGEE & RUBBLL |0 000024000 0000 M tninas> *Wamani t eP it AVVPL T 3+ 4e / Collars and Cuffs, and a magnificent varisty Real Lace Goois. 50 dozen (Gents White and Lay.â€"nder Rid Gloves ; also, 20 dezen Plusb and Lamb Lin<d Kid Gloves and Mitts, some with Seal Cufls, bâ€"sides a first.class Stock of Woollen Mock and Real Buckskin Gloves, Canadian, Hcotch and Eoglisbh Lambe W_;uol U.uovf'loch- ing, Bcotch and Canadian Fingering Yarps, “' 9 .c' c OVEMBER ARRL VAS, RIBBONS A ND LAC K «â€" Double Wiith Damaakse al â€" 400. Gre. 1 Lopï¬:l $1.10, the Cheapest in Ot. tawa, New Harne»s Masiin and Lace Curtains also Lace by the yarse, one Cask varnisbed Cornices and one Case Stair Rods. ll\o LUMEERXEX. 100 dozen large New Style Hair Nets, 200 son Cambric Handkerchiefs, One Uase ack and Colored Hibbon Velrvets, Bilk, tin and Sash Hibboos, Fringes, Buttons LOKDON, ONT,, Inspects every BARREL of PORK be Ships and Ships ouly a Fimstâ€"Cuass Article. He bas or Sale trom some of the Leadirg Packers . and Curers : Hâ€"avy Mess Pork, guaranteed. Ex +P. Pork made from Heary ‘Mess. Shouldâ€"rs Mess Mutton. Heary Bacon, &c., at the lowest Fimer Prices, and on Tâ€"rms to suit Purchasers. Ko. 1 Sup. Flour, Oats, Corn, &¢,, bought on .ommission i White Beuns always on hand. Orders or enquiries bave prompt atter« 1LLRSs, saTIa8, VELVEBTS : L. LOSE, PROV 1810 N BR0OKER. ‘shrough rates to Brockville, Sand Point and Otiawa. 'l‘ avs R * ARTP. ‘ * wAlE BA («h, holding a Firstâ€"Olars | CertiGcate, io @M» o the Schools in Ha«keâ€"bory ' Village, On:. o=ary, $300 per anpuw. Duties to commence on the 20d day ot January, 1871 HOSIERY anD GLOVE3. to commence on the 2nd day ot January, ;lfl Applications, with testimonials, will be recsived until 10th December, by y a x 88 I bag to Intimate t a. my FUR 81IJCK is now p a,‘ote in every J$A® Remember the place, 83 Ridean Street. OPPOSITE OLD sTAND. D 0 M & a TLIC3S : ail .« her notice 1. percep; P;r 3 M. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Castem Ottaws, Nov 22 1878 W O 0O 1 L K NB : Ax Eaisey Cann USTOMS DEPARTHENXT MAGEE & RUSSELL CaLk P ETS , AND s1AP"E DRY adope. Ont., Nov. 24, 1810 DE P A RT M EN T. O@11w1, 168th November, 1870, JOHN McKERCOHER, Becretary Board of Schooal Trustees, F U R 8 , F UV R 8 . PRACOUA Prodsuce Broker, London, ‘‘nt. 1512 im The Proprietor begs to inform the lovers ot THE TEA POT and the public genâ€" erally, that the alterations are now completed, the whole premises having been thoroughly renovated and stocked with | . New and Hresh Goods care Of the very best quality. He is now p tail, and every article will be guaranteed, Teas in great variety, | Coffee â€" the very bestâ€"roasted and ground daily, Raisins, Currants. Figs, &o., &¢, | Port Wine, N:err{ Wine, Brandy, English Old Tom (Ginâ€"Booth‘ i vaos e DICOKISSUN8, wi LIFE ASssOCIATION â€"OF sCOTLAND. ANNUAL REVENUE, . 4 257,683 Stg. FUNDS in hand and invested, 1,357,8861 " The BOOKS and A(0.0.0UI.':"! Iulu bee . for many years subjected yearly only, or at any other interval, but) to a continuous AUVDITâ€" apart trom ihe Direcstors and other ofécialsâ€"by a Professional Accountart of Msh standing and experience. In the VALUATION® also, which are made on approved Tables of Mortality , the pet Assurapoe mh‘l only are taken into asâ€" aount. Thos by mu&.‘u« checks and rig:d tests, the utmost precaution is adopted to secure the praudent onaduct and perm «nent vt abil. bility of the Insti ution. 1t bas always mairtain« ed a high positics among the Arsurance Offices of the Kingdom, and has alrovdy paid Buus As surEp and Soxvu®s to the amount of lil wishes soar not very high, or do they widely roam These moderate wishes are confin‘d Give me what I enjoy so wellâ€" 'l'J;J‘?o]‘“ found at home. A snug domestic scene ; And take my word, I fell my self As happy as a Queen, I‘ll tell you what I wish for ’ "Tis not a large desire ; _‘ I wish to sit at perfect ease, . Beside my evenimg fire. I wish a friend or two would call, To ask me how I do ; on Us The List of Policyâ€"holders in Class B. for 1870 will be closed as at 51x DECEMBER. ‘ Previous Entrants will be entitled to a W HOLE YEAR‘8 B O NU 8 lmmwznmtwmï¬ooivo. â€" fhe PROFITS are allocated on a principe }-bl«-i gives Laretz Boxvers than Aaxr OTa®s The amount pald last year Nevember 8, $601,763,00 The Foups remaining in hand and lovested are ‘The Subscriber has just re wived a full assort., ment from a « elsbrates Grow«r in HOLLAND, bo h for Bpring Gardening and in.door Cal ture. Tae Flower iooh above mentionod not coming to band till late in the season, are off red for sale at lo# prices. Patent, so leited in Cana Ja ard the United State» ; |ruse and Timber Mukes, Iodustrial Designs, Copy wrights, ‘Transterr, ko , registâ€"râ€" ed on the shortest notice, Co«lies of Laws, Cirâ€" cuolars, and information, senat free on applicaâ€" tion. â€" Drawings propared and copied. Charges moderate United States Pate ste particulariy atrend=d to. Beveral valuable DUTCH BULBS! BPECIAL INTIMATION. #©% As8%0:Tk®ETt 1xCLC Hjacinths, many varietics, e Tulips, i Ottaws, Nov. 18, 1870 atent Rights for sale. 6. Kovember 26, 1870 FOUNDED 1%3% . ANADA AXo AuLEXANDER OKBISTIE, Druggist, â€" 40 Sparksâ€"st, Ottawa. nws Waw IK IHIO _ 151771 Rmuon es and EvacosrT, or udawa, J T_ & $8,159,044.00 $6,605,045.00. PATENXNT AGEXCY. RIDEAU STREET. 'l“l. Old Lady‘s Evening Wish. t. G. CO3URSOLLE®, 0 1524+f &c. He is now prepared to execute orders Wholesale and Reâ€" guaranteed, as they have beon selected with the greatest P WaARDLAYW, amone baving been 1%® C L U D E8 ‘( “mo Oï¬l'. Secretary. 04 D5 ||mucr ImPong t aTIONAS. Fx Ships Cognac, jrom Charente, and Nero, from Oporto, (and to arrive from ltaly,) 10 loflnl. PORT WINE, vory |@¢ *Clag* 1861, The only old and reliable wices for tamby __ use in the city, and used by all the best gostors in this visinity. Urdered expressly for the purpose. : 25 CaskKks tRERRY WIXE, KÂ¥ ne,very Ane and Extra V P for .‘.“;'.“’ Then traly bappy I should be, And they‘d be happy, too. 1‘d set the tea things on the tray, And we should ail agree, While taking everâ€"welcome cups Of JOHN HILL‘S wholesome tes. The tea would gladen ev‘ry heart, And brighten every face; And nothing more could we desire In such a happy case. With JOHN HILL‘S Tea 1 always crown The comforts of my home ; And when L cndplruke of this j My wishes seldom roam. l)wll.ll’ A fnlr;t'l- well assorted stock of general ....Ao.:l.l solicited by A to# IRVIN‘8 â€" FUEL: ECOSOM*ZE K. 1%, RUM and WHIESKELEY, The vory best bracds to be had. LES &"PORTERâ€"ALL KINPS, i OFFELE, ' HHDS. BRAKDY, First Class Brands,° warranted genuine for UGARS, SYARUPS and FRULTS, Thoussnds of Testimonia soertify tha‘ they are without exseption ihe best Drum or Daub Stove «verinvented to save foel, We gnariublee that one of these will save 39 per cont of fauel. We will place them upon any Stove, and «ftor on mooth« trial if not all that is stated, the will be taken back axp wo Uxasozx Mape. Please allow us to place one on your and give it a trial. Mz. Tuowas Levr:®s, Bascuari.18, Ont NANUY s0iAP®,* > +im,â€" The two Irvrin Fael wh B we caused to be placed on our propeliors| "East* aod B uno.,‘ drring tâ€"o #all and Wintapot 1857 and +868. have given entire satisfertHiha as to saving of fuel, comniced with the gresa amojint ot he«t thrown out, and Lave no hae in sta*â€" lag thet it is the best heater for stoves bave Â¥.ne,very fine and Extra V P for family use or rst class hotels. A trial will show that they are cheap and relizble, and the price as low as the common trashy kind <th June, 1870. AHDS. PORT WINE, very . 14 _ .. J B AUSEE 4 Co. * #Ae Agents in Ottawa, for IRVIN‘3 Dram, C-l.b.‘ J,.. TAKSKER, A luon;.ud Asow «ts made ou at tre offfce of H P Hi. solicitor KE Ur Wil!, C H Pinhey _ EEsuR‘ CHEESE, Queen‘s, Arms and Stilton, very @90D« Booth‘s, Rernard‘s & Thompson‘s. Dubli Porter, put up to order. Lawe‘s Ales and Forter, in good condition, always Apply at this Ofice. Ot awa, Nov 15th, 1810 The very best, always Fresh Roasted and @round on the promises. BLACK, in diferen kinds; also very trosh sound and eweet. GKEEN, of the various kinds, ‘mew THE FOLLOWIEG GuUDS8; UREK A ! SAUCES and FLAVOURING EXTRAOT8, The very best, from the Crosse & Biackâ€" well‘s, Loxpex. Nirect from London, wut up to order from the maker, a vory superior article, very rought Into thig city, and aro We tried by families requwring thom trinls will prove their superiorit FPoOoOT, 4 ANTED IMMEDLATELA yet. 1870. TBE BEST THINXG OV , OF ALL KINDVS. | oods are well known to be the # l‘-o thrs oity, and ars weoll i"‘ Nov 5, 104 0 @90 D0 sialLEks Y s m Fod& Crorams THOS. PATTERSO®, Ho. 26 Ridean Street, ‘" RIDEAU STREET. Y sars respocifully, and every attention and Liquors, _ | EsM0XU8! ®O3, irtage, you can get a complete srrortment ol Sbhe‘i ana Heary Hardware, and ut prices to suit p-vq chasers. Consistingin par: of | | GEXERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS : 1 Butcher Knives, Kuives n:d Forks, Pooket Knives, Table Spoons, Tea poou.l}"u Trays. TablÂ¥ Mats, Buts, Scrows, Locks, Bolts, Catches, Latches, Axes, Saws, Planes, Squares,, Hammers, Spokoshaves, Gouges, Chisels, An.‘n. Auger Bits, steel Bits, Bevils, Leveols, Bnfln‘ Machines, Draw Knives, do. &o, &0. 108 horw‘lh PAINT OF ALL CXI‘A)UI'S: Rose, Pigok, Burn: Umber, Terra ï¬o Kinns, Chreme Yellow, YÂ¥ellow uchre, Celésiial Blue, Faris Green, Brunsw ck Green, Magoosia Green, Venetian Green, Red Lead, White Lo«+#, in Oil or Dry, Drop RBlack, Ivory Black, Lamp Blask, Câ€"iled Qil, Raw Qil. Tarpentine, Benzola, Coal Oil, Paint Brushes, V arnishes, &0. _ | THoOSs. dmxltg-r, . No, 24, Kidean streot, Sign of the Anvil. P. 8.â€"All goods delivered free to auoy part of the Cily. Ottawa, Nov 1*, 1870, Forthe First and Sesond Departments of the Arpprior Commen School, two MALE TEACH. EK+. Salary for first, four bundred ; recond, three hndred dollars per anuum Services to com â€" mence about 1st January, 1871, <‘Applications reseived up to Ist De:ember, 1870, Stat ng quali. Biga of the ANVIL, No. 24 m.um fic.tions, &6. 18141 wh D Elevated Uven Cook Stoves, “; Low Oven Cook Stoves, at Double Stoves, at â€" H. MEADOWS & Co Box and Parlor Stoves, at _ | Apply Coal Stoves, The Quintal Coal Stove, at Parlour Cook Stoves, at Dumb Stoves, all sizes, at Hot Air Furnaces, at C H. MEADOWE & Go. Stove Pipes and Elbows, at â€"| > iR DW ARL * nann\vul; * Lumbermen s Supplies, at 1st Prize Stoves can be seen, at _ _ fI. MEADOWS & Co. "AaANTED. Jtawa Decomber $0, 1869. Ottawa, Oct. 13, 1870. An excelient light RED WINE for ordinary ure, not unlike PORT, but highor in body . ‘HOMAS I8SAaC, Application will be maieto Parliament, at it» next Session, for the ho-v:rntkto(ocnpuy to constract a Railway through British Nortb America, coopectin with the prevent Kallway om-do.ub.-uu..-‘p to prossed to the North of Lake m.flmhhhmt West Territory to the Yellow or Lesther Head Pass of the lukyl-.u‘&tbonh connes with the projected Rulway through British Oolumbis to the Pacifc,â€"with ruch powers an privileg.s as may be necossary to carry thesas . â€" ALFKED \'AbollCt% ~ Ottawe, Ont. 21, 1870 _ 1493 1« â€"reby given that the Corporation â€"of th Clity of Ortaewa will apply to the Legisistere : the Province of Ontario, at its next Beemon (» an Act to .....u..u:l-.-mw ts City Street Passenger Railw2y Companr. ' ar m T PTT Ottawa, Nov 11, 1bTs Lk. c t Amp PP LVEA # ns destrous af h.".'d Prere »ali in languages _A m" tm quir «in a short tiipe, Charges w« M Robitaille‘s Boardirg House Ottaws , Nov 14 1870 OUsILLONX VIE ROVGE. MAR 20H00u, CANADA PACIPIC Ottawa, Nov 11, 1870 OFIC# rm‘.’: woutfeg &A oA_!,_t.A;!_.?{-ixmdmï¬lAl SEA Lecol Ahatne tm . * $4.00 Per} DbZ“- $1 25 Per _ Poly, £0., | Always on Hand. BR A 11 W‘ AY . annum . Sbervices to com â€" wary, 1871, (Applisations ember, 1870, Stat ng quali. DR. CRANSTON Chbairman‘ PEiLER (X | â€" H. MEADUWS & Ce. J. p. MACPMERSON, Wine Merch ant, «: *A f | Elgin Btreot. H. MEADOWS & Co. | H. MEADOW! & Co. 1. MEADOWS & Co |,, H. MEA H. MEADOWS & Ce. H. MEADOWS & Co. at GALLON, Street, where of Shelf and DOWS & =# DOWS & Co. gb knowledge is as W P LETT, i Trains on Canada Central and Porth Branwa .__| make certain conzections with all trains oa 8 « w8 & Co . o. Kalway |\ _ A Sleeping Car‘will leave Toronto on Mon d 19, | Wednesdsy and Frid+y nigbts, by the «rand WS & CO: | Trank 7 30 p m traino, and go through ts Ouaws, | arriving at ».38 a m. | Returning, it will leave Ottawa en Tuesoay, WB & «o | Thursday and Saturuay nights, at 10 35 p m, and â€" ‘ go through to Toronto by u. T. Traim, arriving at Toronto at 11.30 a m. wude? 4 1511 Iwk 8@ \ QKNunAL MEK CiN i o" ta« Scooknsidere the ORAM of the Oitals Pâ€"«â€" @o»~»â€"«y will bebhad ourt t , > t hse Resseli tous», Vite#i, [ussdar, the ,":rnbh a Deseubernest, st 12 o‘cicck, nown, for the .h“ ".p".n.l‘l“ Com mt +, @ der the Ast of er at +. nso sporatmon, for the e eril a 1 Dirsctors, and. i1# 7i BB .Of 1 1e tram« »Auive of ge oral ousiness. 1511 2w Ottewa, Nov 21, 1870 18314 On and from MONUAXYX pext, the 21st inst,, tBree trains wiil run daily on this Railway as follows. MAIL will lears Ottawa at 9 30 a m, connecting at Presoott, with the Grand Trunk Exprers, for the Weet, and with the Ogdensburg Railâ€" way, for Boston, New York, &¢. MAIL wili leave O:tawa at 12 00 noon, connectâ€" ing with the Graend Trunk Express, tor Montreal, EXPRESS will leave Ottawa at 10 30 p m, connetâ€" ing with the Grand Trunk Expresses, Kast and West. Going North Prescott to Ottaws. MAIL wili leavo Prescott Junction at 6 a m, conneciin;; with the 3. T Exprosses Kast and West. and arriving in (Uttawa at 8.30 a m. MAIL will leave Pressott Junction at 1.2> p m, , connecting with the G, T. Express leaving ,I:l.rou a: 8 a m, and arriving in Oitewa t p m. EXFRESS will leave Presoott Janction at 4 30 p m, conpectiny with G. T; EKxpresses, Kast ana West, and arrivicg in Ottawa at T p m. | _£0 minutes @liowed at Pressott Junctien | refreshmeute. © | Tickets may be obtained on application to avy of the s, or at any of the Princiâ€" \ pal mwmm- Trunk Lu-.y. Ottawa, November 19, 1870 R LUTTHRELL _ THOMAS REYNOLD®, ALTERATION OF TRAINS, COMMENCING NOVEMBER 21 BLEEPINQ CAL.3 peiween TORONTO ana OFTAW A, going hrouga in 13 HOURs. On anod after MONDAY, 21st November, Tra‘mse will run as tollows :â€" f Leave Brockville at 4 15 am., 740 am , and 5.50 p m. Arrive at Oitawa at $.08 a m, 12.50 p m. and 8.10 p m. 156i¢ 9.37 p m, a Arrive at Sand Polat at 1.25 p m, and 8.03 p m HE ST. LA WLENCE AND OTTAW A BR AIL W AY. All trains on this Line are run on Montreal Freight forwarded with despatch, Car loags go through in Grand IEruak Oars to all points, withâ€" out trasshipment, _ â€" PM Certain Truok Trains F OR HOLRES AND CiaT TL B Going South Ottaws to Prescott. Leave Ottawa at 9,18 a m, 4 31 p m, and 18.25 Amive at Breckvills at 2.10 a m, 1.4¢ p m, and This valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of thos» articles which long experience has proved to pcssessthe most sale and «ficient properties for the cure of Flesk ANADA CEKNTRAL AND B&@OCKYVILLE AND OTTAW A RALLW aÂ¥ 8. J Wound«, Eprains, Brauises, Gails of all kinds, Oracked Heels, king Bone, Spavin, Callous, Fistula, 8wâ€"eney, Extâ€"roal Poisons, Scratches or Grease, Strains, Lumeners, Marge, Wit. lows, Corne, Kand Ci:acas, Foundered Fest, Hora Diâ€"temper, Awelliogs, and many vther discases which horses and caâ€"tle aresul ) «t _ ‘The celebrated Liniment bas been as«d for many years, and its curative properties thoroughly |'onod, and it is mu-Ll to be the cheapest and moes: reliable remedy for a‘l external complaints ever offered to the public Brockvi‘le, unt., Nov 14, 1870 _â€"it never fatis when timely used and fuiunâ€" TuDyapyplnelass eA cssc ts‘ .0. c00. 0_ To be bhed o! all Druggists and Countrr Mercbants throughout the Dominion, PA0e %5¢, per bottlâ€". NOBRTHLOP & LYM AN, Noewonstle, Ont. 8cl 1 by George Mortimer, Jobn Roberss, W M Masâ€"e3, H F MoCarthy, J Skinner, in Ottawa, all Medicine Dealers. November 24, 1870 18s22ef P0 MINJO N AL M A N aAv s FOR 18h wILL BE PUBLISHED EAELY Ix D E 0 E M B E R It is intend~d to aâ€"rve as a convenient book of 1:ference, and at the sam« time to be ac= ceptable as an agreeable private companion . With this end in vie=, in addition to much valuable statistical information,a large amount of interesting readiog matter wiil be ftound in its qpeges, ‘The favuiable. reception whi h 1t mt with lest year, and the wideâ€"spread clrou~ lation it obtained in Ontarie and Quebec, jus â€" tihe« the bope that it will, this year, comtu=® + a still larger abare of patrouage, . An order t« increage its chrcalation, and to repder it «L more valeable as an advertising medive, th« mice will, this year, be reduced to 10 «ntbs per copyâ€"couslsâ€"rably less than the actual vost of publication, * The tollowing are the rates for a4vertising One Page at beginoning or end wf 1 muo¢"......‘0"l.. “'†ARLEY*s A. NEVERâ€"FiaILING £EÂ¥EDY w ‘O do a # # a ## 10 00 Every advertiser taking a page will r wâ€"ive 12 copies of the Aimauae for diatribution L bafl a page, 6 copies ; and for a quait«r ot a page, 3 copien. Applications for acvertisements sabou!d bms «Bat in at once. & Address : t ALTERATICN OF TIME, â€" The Pauitnership existing between t3e un. 1 rsigned, io the City of Olta=a, uo ler th « ume of WATSON & CLISBY, B«l 00 K â€"epâ€" Nitness 1 Fignature, U, 1. Gaaxt, Jawes Sranwen. Mtaw«, Nov 11, 1870 ut _ e : mM _ /. Quarter Page _ do _ do Une Page in bedy of work. s, was dissoived by imutual consent. on the ires Day of SEKPTEMEBER, A.D , 1®#70. WaTsONX & CLIsBY, Jawk« RoY waTso®, LA YEL LKENXT CLIsBY . Ottawa, Oct 31, 1810 Raitvoads. A LKABIANKX O IL OTICKâ€" N O T IC E. « DOMTXION ALÂ¥A®KA0~ made with Orond H ABBOTT, M onng or 15182 150 2tf 1 s16tt 1| #4 11 |A