be > * OPE & 00., ana Mz â€" 1wou " JONES & HOLLAND K. ] Virecto p for 1870, /‘ _ gete beobtaine ; in C+nade 4 J CC Sithe s A.\?x,i’t;o ::'A‘,’."‘?“::"“’ LLFEINXsUH | s The Canadian Pain Destroyer never faile to cik U. % ds of ‘#1 â€"§50,000. give immediato reltief, All Medicine Dealers m )R W l..mmja.. N.B | keeâ€"pit Physicians order and use it ; and so Â¥or the r of Finance | family wili be without it after onceâ€"trying it. JOBN La&N@TON \ _ Price only Twenty fire Câ€"nts per botle, icts it ;..n&-" | NORTHRUP & LY MAN. have ï¬- “r"";_“m w “‘mm“ T. | _ Sold in Ottawa by H F McCarthy, J Skinâ€" c-"vl'm"“fl M ant Mon 2 | nor, Jobn Roberts, J P Featherston, Gerorge sand Dollare &, U 9. Goid Bonds»,deof‘s; | Mottimer,. W M Maseey, and all Medicine w'.. hw“.“ m ..'"h:‘b.o“l. n..;': ber 30, 187 to the Company tor t mie ovem 810 1527 it Aitiegal matters will be reforred to him. B n i nans c (tadsdieernnennnnitihes,»* Me B. &. CORWLIX, | sm LEXKDY. ’m. I Pnd Ot awa, November 7, 1868. svatt | | STOP AND S8EE! Keq, a T Â¥Fuilon, Beq, Aogus Morrison, E#q, M P J s Crecker, Eeq. l.uorâ€"fbomudm. obrlu Otrawaâ€"â€"Mesus J T a W PENâ€" N e queinet ume es fou se ho Iengorparience har ANY are as a4 e M-uhrc.-uo. megozparieaer The ssst â€"f the valup otf insurance is, however pot when the premiums are being paid, but w! on «o. TB The tollowing lmOn'.! has reoseirec a iicâ€"ase to transaofttheo business of Incurane Major‘s Wharf to Ottaws ever Mongay and mwmu..l..lwnu Will commencse running her regular trins from i.l¥®% â€"IN8URANCE CJOMPANY OR MAIN ) U»s commenced her reguiar trips between Ottawa and Montreal, with Mails and Passengers, leating Oxtaws at T a m, deily, *% M ARKET 376 aiMEX wul A m‘ 9 j .‘:.~’: (li-‘:.’.o «xeepted) a *« _ Canadian Parliamentary Calendar €t & % VÂ¥ jsoe President â€" Leovis Moffatt, Frg. Othor .Qurg rorsâ€"C€ J Campbell, Fsq, Hon Ma: oim Cumeron, W T Macdonnell, Esq. A R McM aster F#4. Hoa Howland, Ksq, Geo Duggan, pa® OTTaw a kLVER ‘ NAVIGATION COY‘S3 STEAMERS.| Retu leave Cha; Q..-:-.-u-. 'hl we Chapean at 1 E 5 CASSELS, INMANX LINE OF MAL @TRBAMERS, AAILINQ PROM NEW YORK EVEZXT SATURDAT ‘ AND ALTERNATER TURSDAYs. RATES 0P PASBAGL Y THB 81 rCHOAY $TRAXERi Gt. John‘s, N.F., by branch steamor......... NP Rtewage, Payabis in Ourrency. â€"__â€"â€" Prst Oabin, Payablern Goid. Liverpool or M‘,"L":“:?"Jf',"“"“ O r‘ LINEAROUYVL & Q UR L basd ow Pm Te _ dm k. Liverpool or (QHOORRMORL .........:sss«sâ€"s00000». 38 U zumumornmu TLEGRAPE AND RAILROAD LINES ;. Then and now so mmpidly building in‘ the Dominion and United States. It is become ons of the ttaws, April, 46, 1870 Permanent Institutions of the Country \" MLADIEY and GENTLEMEN desiring to learn this light and bonourable profâ€"ssion, abould do so at once, The average lonugth ot time mquired is three months. Ladies learn more mpidly than gentlemen. Both #xes admitted trow 14 years of age and upwards. For tull particulars and terms address T B CHUR:HILL, Ottawns, September 2%, 1870 A beautiful sountry residense with Fifteen (15) Aeres of Land (or more if nescessary) astached ; mmmm.u::..uu,m l-nnb,o?ndhvw trees. The Buildings. * eve % wf eack, it to n:-"-d: m.':‘.:nm.- from + to i _ apoly us tke Fropticeny *‘ â€" Fol SALE, On and after the * FIBRST OF SEPTEMBER, *@UEEX YICT O R14," «John‘s, N.5#., by branch steamer......... 30 00 Tiokets sold to and from Engiand, Ireland, and PARBAGE ®Y THE TUR8DAT OTRAXER T! LALIFPAX _ First Cabin, Payablein Goid. _ _ __ N108 Â¥ub Wanvis® â€"TRaiiWAYÂ¥ QumPasx . STEAMER "AaNN 8$.880N," am»1vs mUrUAL «JaAson GouLD" WR ‘leure Pembroke Daby at i p. m. Continent, at moderate rates: RONVINCIAL IN8UKANCE CUuNPA . of Canada, Head Oflse, Toronto. OYER 100 OPERATORS, Who now fll important positions with§ TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE 34 KISG STREET EAST, _ TunauvaTO, ONT. UT TOâ€"DAY. essessssssessss »coseseess00s suene000 s60 +8# 8008 «B JoOHNX YOUN@ CHANGE OF TIXE. 18 Broadway, New Yor HERRLCK & Olhhm o..;s Yte men Jobn Halijara Cameron _Â¥ IRY Inaurante. And has turned out NHleamier 8. MALL STEAMER CEzanor Daw.asrz®m®*, Attawa. l ith October, 1868. sessescbs cessessessmnces R W SHEPHERD. 1Mitf Wbitrawmmoccwccmcc td e at theCompany‘s 144 t 15 00 13 aon, Ont, of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that af Joht Heoey, of Napanee, of Rhoumatism, who had actually been on cruiches tor years, but has now recovered the ase of his limbs. fup Hangbook scomaining anquestomable certifâ€" cates on thâ€" groat Shoâ€"honeses Remedy and Pilus can be ab a.ued at all drag stores. _ Pa Nide, Back and Head, Cougbs, Colds, Sers Throat, Spruins, Bruilws, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbas Dysentory, Bowol _ Complaints, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bite=, #&c., &c. TK CANADIAN PAiX DEStROYTER Has now bueen before the ; ublic for a l ngch of time and wherever used is well hkes, never failing in a single lastance to give p r manent reliéf when umely us d, and we have nevr knoown a single case of Oisatishiction where the dimctivoas have been properly folâ€" low«d, but on the contrary j all are deâ€"light. d wiuh its uperations, and speak in the higheâ€"t terms of Its virtues and mwazical +ffoote. The astomshing <Ricacy of the Canadian Pain Destrâ€"yer, in curing the Disâ€"ases for which it is recommended, and its wonderful succers in subduing the tertnring pain« of Rhâ€" umati=+m, aod in relleving N«rvous Aff c»â€" tivns, entitle it to a bigh sank in the list of Râ€"medies tor these com;lsints. Ordersare coming from M.dicme Deâ€"los in all part« of the country for furtber a .ppies, : d each tea=â€" tifying as to the univermal satsfaction it gives. "l.::nm:.n"-d .‘-nu“d 1 m m o. that of Pster C V !lll.. z-‘pym_'p.d Mlflommw I wastaken #with a woakness of the ancles, which gradually, duriny the vp'h‘d 1867, extended to -yt-u.nlnlph.;ltm'lwn weak that 1 sould not walk, was confned to my chalr For abouttwo year», while this weakt ness was coming on me, and afterwards, 1 sough three Sectore: 220 bodinites of different Sings three dostors, and nes of different kinds prescribed by triends, but of no avail. I continuâ€" ad to get worse and worse, until the summer of 1868, when I was induced to try the groat She shonees Remedy by reading the cures performed in a pamphiet. Atthistime i bas begus to tee} tnmmhn,l“;htutlcu.m almost helpiess have taken two bottles of the Shoshonees Remedy aid two boxes of the pilis and I am entirely restored to health. 1 never expected‘mm“. dhlbnbz ease otf mine was not a private one, known to ldr-rl i..’:m;-‘n-v.ouu was, 1 have only to sap try the »hoshonees Remedy ; 1 beliete it will cure you. Bworn to before w::m me at lh“hydhh-rx,l A Â¥ wWouDd,J P, &s. I certify that I have known Mrs. Mary Aun tor theâ€"last Afteen years; she is a mm.‘m 1 have known her before, and since hor iliness I believe her certificate to be true in mmu. 1 know that whileill her case was hope, less ; and 1 know that shehas, since her recovery, alwaysattribdted her recovery to the Shoshonees l-:ï¬â€œ Whateve: may be the pecullar Eu s +f this medicine, one thing is certain, afemesmeqfanilegss 04 NUE lie ht & A # WOoOD, J P. _ Wurden ounty of Hastingsâ€" Provines ot We speak irom e«nâ€"tiâ€"nce in this matier, bhaving tested 1t Weer ogbly, and therefore those who are sufl«. ...« from any of the com. plainte for which it is recomm. nted may de. peud upâ€"a its bhing a Sowmgn‘llâ€":mfly‘._ The following remarks on testimonials of mos wondertu) and extraordinary cures in Canada bT he sarat Ixnuax® Rewurot. They are stero angeniable facts, sufficient to sonvince the most sceptical that the great od4!â€" cinal com »und, yearned after for ages, is now accessit le in the groat Asa family Remedy it is well and favourably koewn rclieving thousands from pain in the *o Massres. UNAMBERLAI® & Bi118, Conenay P 0 Invaluable to invalids and of 1 ‘ ambien ; an necvimat PORLC for parsous‘ digestion excellont TONIC for persons m&:nh-. Forsale in quart bottle ; coming to bhand till lats in the season, are offâ€"red for sale at low prices. The Subscriber has just received a full assort, ment from a celebrated Grower in HOLLAND, both for Spring Gardening and inâ€"door Culâ€" Price of the K medy in large pints, $1. _ 137 The Flower Roots above mentlionod not TWB A88%0 RTXB®ET 1X CLCDR® ANADLIANK RAIK PEsTROYER County of Lâ€"unos, Ontario, Canada: M1voc, County of Hast: DUTCH BULBS! ARDNERE EHO :HONEES REMEKDY. qUININE m WINE BITTERS, w # & * x $ _\ Hyacint®, i-y‘v-bd-. Tulips, M Lilies, ir C V Milier, of Erastown, uat, of or that of Ambroâ€"s Wood, of Conseâ€" »MWedicat. 40 Bparkest, Ottews. . 18, 1810 161191 #&e. tae -c-nn.l- taking a mogael of the mouth will be rorwarded, with all necessary instructions Mesuts. Gabric! will andertake to nemuael 0o: nepair Artificial Losth made by other Dentists |which ao not prove satisfuctory}, at mogerst: onarges. tmsers. Gabriol‘s Pum-ufl‘d‘ al Teot und raisless Dentstery on receipt of postage. *4* All letters to be addressed to 64 LuUb@#ATh HILL, LONLON. 1333 1. utm lawkom r‘l'l’lll AF A Di TANCE REQUIRING ARTIFICLAL TEEIH any nn.:n- aupplied, in parial or compicte sets, on Mesers UWeorle!‘s new system, by sending particuniars ol their onses, with a n. muttance of One Guines, when Brice 12. 66 â€" ___lg.“. Gll.lll a mouth properties in e the breath ; i strongly reco anc y Price $1. Pï¬ï¬‚m AKTI traces of «er, and gives biilli=ncy to the enamel. 7&.'._1.. “. ® 7 ’ u‘l‘ll‘b’l ll)':l:' TOOTu rPOWDER from a as used by lier lqummn.':ua.p.mum clous tragrance to the breath ; gives the Tocth a arongly recommended :o suferers f:rom Tic, heuraigia, and Toothuche, _ see tGabriel‘s nameâ€"None Genuine without it. Gllllll.’. ODoNTALGIQUE ELIXIR a mouth wash unrivalled for its agreeable properties in cleansing the mouth and sweetening the g_odl; is is invaluabie to smoners, anu | AB i 4KL#K 08 : KQ ENA EL sTOPPLNS® Us tor Preserving Front Teeth. Warrasted to keepâ€"white, and as Orim as the tooth itsolf Th« benutiful preparation restores Foout Teoth anu This elegant Turkish TONIU is one of the most salutary and dâ€"licate pl\-:ndonl ever «abmitted for public approval in this hemi= Ganumu: QuRALLTE TOOTH PASTE, for cleansing and iumproving the Teeth, and Imparting a natural rednoess to tho gums ; whitens the teeth without leaving botwses them any pbere, and asserts its preteutions to patronage un the following grounds :â€" That it is a preparation of one of the most e«minent Purveyors to the Ottwman Court. It prevents acidity of the Stomach. It relieves lowness of spirits It is a mild and invigorating tonic, and a ost «ficiâ€"nt bat innocuous stimulent, It renders the breath sweâ€"t and agreeable. It stimulates the appetite if taken suerons ~ VkK T HK T EETMH It renders the intellect bright and clear. If taken babitually it imparts vitality and -qybdlthwym By its use a man of 70 will becoma, as it were, restured to the elssticity of 30 ; and to persons of delicate constitutions it is stroog!ly recomm»nded. â€" It is an especial favourite with Oriental Hecure, then, health, vity. and . vital energy by the w-:'f the ALKABABA:’ ':'.lleISB TONIC. Kept in stock princi Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion. st For directions for use se labels on bottl: s. HENRY CHAPMAN & CO., EVANS, MEKCER & CO,, 7 Montrea!, 5 _ SBole Agents for the Dominion RO'ALI’ALIA. BITTERS. Prepared by special permission omthe rig‘ns recipe of s F. P. VERRI, M. D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY, Kept by all the prinoipal Vruggists and Grocers in A. M, F, GIANELLI, Sole Manufacturer and Propristor for the Dominâ€" lon of Canade and the United States. N.B.â€"These celebrated Bitters are caref>Uy prepared with the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially adapted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitutions. They are gently stimaiant, and will be tound infallible alds to digestion. Por directions see label round the neek of each None are P .flo*mw.l lor2tf A. K. F GIANELLT M CE None are gon the proprietor, lor2tf * u &. Â¥1 < ORGANLST AND THBACRBER OÂ¥ MUSIC. Residenceâ€"Eigin Street, South of slater Strvet. Olusses for beginners at Mr Gowan‘s Hall on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4} p m. Ortaws, July 15th, 1870, 149 of From the Farm of MRS. STEWART on the hank ot the Canal, on the 20th inst., TYENTY*~ THREE LAMBS. murkeiwith a stroke on the back with ar. Information to be given to W M m!.h_-l)'mm MVIIOAL ACiADEXY, Mr.GUB8TAVE SM1LTH,( ol the Cathe . a Graduate of the l-m Conservatory o m Lessons on Piano ar 1 Singing. Rideanâ€" It promotes digestion it taken arres meals. It neutralises the prepensity for strong vents dooay, outhcient lfor S:.upping six Teoth. Montreal, July 6. PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLEK. J'j) & R A Y whiteness and protects the enamel 9 R lb «1 edic#@i. 64 rur uviTAWA TIMES DECEMBER 5, 1870. only sy. % 14157 hn mtidh on Siamintrr auprinatin it P tm t \ He can refer with pleasure to the many | ’mhll he has recoived from those who : | placed propert» is his bands for disposa‘, that quics saie, excelient ‘zrku. aud immediate | | returns are his credentials. | and those who have Horses, Carringes, and Harâ€" ness to dispose of will de well to send them to the Mart as soon as possible. _ _ _ _ _ __ best sttention, and be condusted on very moderâ€" ate torms. nour qarseg the gap y to £ narece pome . Ad uridg up to T o om. vances made -‘lm&m. Hm?'or othor UGoods sent in for Bale, or may be porchased in toto, if required The Sale Room is wel!l lighsod an. ventilatoa, u'd about the lu.g:‘u in the city, being 80 7 :lb. our tavours are respectiul sotiorted patronage peottully Beveral Houses in the city on hands tor sale J BEKRMING HAM, Ottawa, March 1870. MDORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALER _ Trace Sailes of Mershandise, Farm Stook, Rea! Estate, Libraries, Works of Art, &o., &0., as wo\ as consignments, tn- & 0_\@7.“.,0‘,"“! meet with GELXERAL COMMISSICN AGENT, Ularence =treet, next to the City Hotel _ OUOttaws. Solicits the patronage of the Lumber Merchan generally on the Ottaws. From his longâ€"experiâ€" suce in the trade he ofers his servrices in ongaging men and attending to their rafts while passing hore to the best of his ability. Ottaws August33, 18170 Alex Frasor, Keq, Fon SALE: MESS AND PRIME MESS PORK. â€" FLOUR NO. 1 & EXT R A OFFICOE AND SALE #OOMSâ€"City Auctlo 3 mart, York street, near the Market, The subscriber in issuing this his bpring Cirouâ€" lar, begs to return his best thanks to his triends uduor-l publie of Ottawa and Country, as welil as his many sonsignors at » distance, for the very liberal bestowed on, and confiâ€" dence in him, since his advent as Auctionser of this oity, and to a+sure them that constant desire and endeavour wili bo, to merit sontinuance of the support and patronage liberally extended to him. P in Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeat, Pork, &¢ OoTTAW A, End of Little Sussexâ€"st. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL TX COUNCIL, Ioh _ oupore, Esq, ““.l W Cruice, Kaq. Cash advanced on consigned tor imme Hate sale. Pn-pnmhdluno the Minister of Customs and under and in virtue of the authority given by the 8th Secâ€" tion of the Act 31 Vic, Cap. 6, intitaled " An Act respecting the ©"Customs." His Exce enoy bas been pleased to make the fcllowing Grand Harbour, in the Isiand otf Grand Manan, in the Province of New Brunswick shall be and the same is beroby erected into u Out Port of Customs, and attached to the Port of Campo Bello (Welchpool ) WM. H, LEE, W . H18 On the recommendation of the Honorable | the Minister of Costoms and under and in vir~ | ture of the 54th Bection of the Act 31st Vicâ€" toria Cap. 6, intitaled " An Aot respecting the | (§ 1 His Excellensy has been pleased to Order and it is hereby Ordered, that the Out Port o Port Ryerse attached to the Port ot Dover, in the Province of Ontario, be and the samoe is hereby constituted and appointed to be a Warehousing Port, within the meaning of that Carringe and Buggy Sales will soon commence, WBITR BEANS, At Ottawn, Yand Polnt and Pembroke, a a Ma 18, 1879 Orrawa, hu-hy,‘:d day of Sept, Ottawna, Oot. 4, 184790. COM MI8S8SION MERCHANT3, FORWARDERA Otinwa, Oof, 4, 1870. $X 1418 s HKMMIDQHAMq ©, GENERAL AUCTIONEER OvVERNMEXT HOUSE. mwWrTEA3 AND WINE=~, @a UMINICK FOX. OvERKMENT HOUSE: N. FOOTE & COXPANY, H. KASTON & CO,, XCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR @ENERAL IN COUNCIL. Ortaw1, 26th day of Hept., 1870. Isston Merchawvts 6 RO8SPLITAL STRKET DEAL KKA 15 Clerk Privy Council, WÂ¥, 4. LEE, Wlerk Privy Counell, lon of the Honorable No 5 Bparks streot. W aliter Smith, MONTREAL Austioneer +1 44444 1478 : 1870 nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a gratctul perfume. Prepared by Dr. Jl C. Ayel‘ & c°0' Practicar axp Axarrticar Carxasts, LOWELL, MASS. PRICE $1.00, encd, falling hair cheoked, and baldâ€" mess often, though rot always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the bair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glaads atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefiiluess by this application. Instead of fouling the bair with a pasty sediâ€" ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous, Iis occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Frco from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a j HAIR DRESSING, Hair Vigor, For Diseases of the Throut and Lunge, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthms, ; ud Consumption. Probably never before in the whole history o mnudicine, has any thing won so widely and so deop!, upon the confidence of mankind, as this excelien, ANuedy sor pulmonary complaints. Through a long series of years, and lm:x most of the races of men it has risen highor hflsfln their estimaâ€" tion, as it has becoume better known. Its uniform character and power to cure the various affections a% the lungs and throat, have made it known as a reâ€" liable protector against them. While adapted to milder forms of disease and t;tyoung children, it is at the same time the most effectual remedy that can be given for incipient consumption, uui the danâ€" gerous affections of the throat and lungs. Asa proâ€" vision against sudden attacks of Orewp, it should For resioring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and ecectual for preserving the hair. â€" Faded or gray Ayer‘s Chorry Poctoral, vision Agamst suUnuon aIIBURS DL LAAOVERq 5 BMUCIA be kept on hand in ever{ommfl((. and mieed as all are sometimes subject colds and coughs, ali should be Krovldod with this antidote for them. Although settled (Jomno(“on is thougt inâ€" curable, still great numbers of cases where the disâ€" Ayer‘s Ague Cure, THEK ONLY GOOD SAUUK. CaAUTIO®N AGAINST FRAUD. . Fhe sucsess of this most delicious and nurivalâ€" d condiment having caused certain dealers to apply the name of * Worcestershire Sauce" to their owninferior compounds, the public is hereby informedthatthe on!y way to seoure the enuine, a1d to use that} heir names areupon the wrapper labels, noror and bottle. Some of the tonm. markets |having been supplied with a spu W orcestershire Sauce, upon the wrapper and labels of which the uames of Lea & Portias have forged, L and P give notice that they have furnished their corresponâ€" dents with power of rney to take instant proseedings ugainst m«anuafacturers and veniors of sacn, fl;l"m'::;:‘l-l lons by which their right may onl y L Ask i LoA & PERRLNS‘ Smauce and see Name sn Wrapper, Labol, Bottle and Rtopper, ~ Wholesale and for lxr‘ by the 2?'“ Worcester ; Crosse and Blackweli, on, &¢, &o, and by â€" Grocers and OQilmen univerâ€" sally c 82v1236 law As its name implies, it does M.Mdoux fail. Containing neither Arsenie, Quinine, Bism Zinc, nor any :&a mineral or poisonous substance whatever, it in nowise hyum any patient. ‘The nnmhar and imnartanca afite enras in the aone dia. whatever, it in nowise h?nm any patient. The number and In‘-orum of its cures ln&ho-{:edb- Mfln.mlmn:l{bevondm-dwo liove without a parallel in the history of Amm“mdidne- Our pride is gratified by the acknow ts we receive of the radical sures effected in obstinate eascs, and where other remedies had wholly failed. Unacelimated persons, either resident in, or travelling thcough miasmatic loct/lmes. will be proâ€" .?ed by taking the AGUE CURE daily. or Livrer Complaints, arising from tomkllty of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy acdvi!h For Bilions Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is Bills are heroby notified that they are required by the 5 st and following Rules of the Legisiative Assembly,(which are published i1 the #Ontario Gazsee"), to give NOTICE of the application (clearly and distinctly specifying its nature and object) in the * Ontario Gaszsette," and also in a newspaper published in tho Uounty or Union ot Counties affected ; such notice shall be continued in each case for a period of at least eiz weeks during the interval of time between the close of the next preseding Session and the conâ€" sideration of he Petition. Coples of the urst and 1 «: â€"f such notises to be sent to the Private Bil! For Fever and Fever, es Apipiinniied Pite can Tsd Indenn on the caedone whooh se from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic Prepare d and Analy: a@ll round t! an excellent remedy, prodwcing many truly r markable etire:, where other m:ï¬cines ‘ad faled .1 etitions for Private Bills must be presentâ€" : within the FIRST THREE WEEKS of the Bession, * 8 CHAKLEKS T GILLMOR, Clerk of the House. Toronts March 15, 18106 1309 td lawk. _ I hereby give notiese that: 5 shall not be nqc-lbhbrnybuMh my pame aftar this date without my written order. WORCESTERSHIRK SAUCE, Declared by Connolssour EKEA & PERRINS! MHIVATE BILLS. oFICE; PRI BK FOR LEA & PERRINS SAUCE, Ay er‘s Medical. T9 Â¥% C hair is soon restored to its original color with the, gloss ana 4ruham of â€" youth hin hbair is thickâ€" Arer & Co., Practical owell, Mass., and sold +at .ROTTLE. the Ontaric Bank, ds:r for Trust ana Loan Co. W. &. Tamtus. Is the best and cheapest material in use for pree erving new, or rapairing old TD« Boll‘s Block, Sappers‘ Bridge. Rurszaswxors.â€"â€"H ASims, Esq, A.chitect, Phil dolsu‘ Thos Ruller, Esq, Architect,. Alban Dr J A &rm. Â¥ P., Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, E Managing Director 0. & St. L. R. R. T4 For lining Frame Bailding« under the clap boards. An effectual proterticn against celd, damp and vermin. Rats and mice will come near it. IRON OR TIN ROOFs, ° ® No matter how bad their condition. Also firs rate for . f RaFFIRE AND WATER PROOF,"@q Hardens into a coating of SOLID SLATE by exâ€" Punsuuvn YoUR LROOFS®, PATENT PLASTIC sSLATE PAINYY, MBR @##ZNDREAU having served considerable time in so mo of the best aod m« t extonsive Hair Dressing saloms in the Dominion and United Stated, is in a position to conduct the dutics of his establishment in a manser that cannoot be surpassed, i# Opposite the Bank of Montreal. MR GENDREAU, the proprietor of that so popular Parlour, has the pleasure to arnounce to bis numerous friends and the public in general, that to answer to the great encourageiment whicn he has received up to the present, he has deter. mined to enlarge n! thoroughly furnish anew his establishment e will save no expense to render Parlour the mo«t comfoâ€"tavie, anc 0 procu _ he mast experionced hair drossors! He will have always on hind the best perâ€" tumss imported directly from Paris and London. MR GENDREAU solicits a visit to convinse ail of the truth of his statement« Beg to intimate to their customers and th public gonerally, hatthey will xeep comstant! on hand No FRAME DWELLING should be witkoct Bend ter ircular, instractions, &0. _BUUHANAN & Co., Wholesale Depot for koofing Materia and Foun or‘s Bupplies, e ons eornieaaetie efainas SPICau j‘anwv SALT ROUND, To be had s ~*~*~ wa~ BEEF AND MUTTON. THF â€" GOVEKRNOR GEF NER al, Ottawa, September 21, 1870 1468 4 Charch, teacher a, Pisno and flmm ie miamie ons Ip and .MIW&MW JTTAW A OFFICEâ€"G P Derumon»‘s Exrchange Oce, 19 Sparks street. . DIRECTORS : AJOSEPH, Chairman; D C TRBOMSON, Treaâ€" srer; 8 B FOOTS A THOMSOXN, T H DUKK®. DRMXMUOND Mansger 1141tf PIOPLI’I TELEGRAPH COMP AÂ¥YY ncorporated under Chapter LXYVII of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada., HAIR DRESSING PARLOUR, Wellington street, ouse, Ottawa city, C. W . Price $6 a barrol, mixed ready for use. A barrel will corer i0 squares (10 x 10). Praws â€" Jale 5, 1878, Apply at ‘ CHRISTIE, Commission Merchast and e General Agent. Sole agont for Road‘s ghwines andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" ne Ales and Porter. Pork, Flour, &0., for sale. )rrion : No. 5, Sparks Sireet, noar the Russoll NWO OR THREE GENTLE®AN Miscellancous, I l"o'-".l' A0T OF®18sq. e o en menre ie ivea Gani e neg e ue en ie m m td venteemntnindaires Aitis HISTLE & Ce., La:: szrryou. 'l:‘l: in the matter of ):tui.i!uk.spsrh-u. Otuv..‘.'vxm , JOSEPH HENRY CASSELS .‘.ATU UTCHERS To DGAR _ DOWARAD, Organist, _ Christ ROLLERD BEEE FOR PARTIES, 8 H[ NG LK R OO F S, BILLINGB, Jr., Architeot Ofico~â€" TGHELL Bl’.U 9 THEIR CELEBRATED BY.WARD Â¥MARKEI SHEATHILINu« E=LT FRESH KILLED THEIR STALLS, HI8 BXLOZLLEN@Y ‘Nose. 5 and 7, Makiug them &TALLâ€"» m MR." ROWSELL 8, Opposite the Union Hotel, OR WITHOUT ROARD. ENDHREAUV, (£ 32 Lemoine Street. { y R. 4A xo. 1400 ut 1401 Whereas it has been represented to His Exâ€" celle ncy, that the public convenience wou! be promoted if the Outâ€"Ports of 8t Armand and Rousse‘s Point, which are situate in closer proximity to the Port of 8t. John‘s, thar to hat of Montreal, with which they are now connected, were detached from the last menâ€" tioned Port and placed under the survey of he Port of St. Johns ; His Exceliency on the râ€"commendation of the Hon. the Minister of Customs, and under and in pursuanc» o the ‘8th section of the Act 31st Victoria‘ Chapter 6, intituled : « Ar Act respecting the Customs," bas been pleased to Order, aod it is bereby â€"Oraered that on, from and atter the First day of Deâ€" câ€"mbâ€"r next the Outâ€"Ports of 8t Armand and Rou«e‘s Point shall be and lb?an bere by tspectivâ€"ly dâ€"tached from the Port of Monâ€" treal and placéd under the Survey of the Port of 8t. Juhns, in thâ€" Provinee of Quebec, WA. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council, Terms and conditions made known at the time of sale, and particulars can be had by applying NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION COs 20 FirstClass Upper Cabin Steamers. the '!jlhgo ol Kepmore AN INSOLYEN T. ASSIGNEES SALE OF REAL ESTATE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power vested in me as Assignes ofthe estate and effects of the above named Insolvent, I shall offer forsale by Public Auction, at the Court House, in the City of Ottawa, at the hour of 12 o‘clock, noon on FRLIDAY, the TWENTY=â€"FIFTH day of NQVEMBER next, all the estate, right, title, interest and equ;ty of redemption of the said In= so‘vent, and of myself, as such Assignes as aforeâ€" said, in and to that cortain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Gloucester, in the County ot Carleton, coutaining by admessurement fifty acres of land be the same more or _ s, being composed of the west quaarter of lot number two, in the third Conâ€" cergion of the said Township, Ké ieau Front. 401 Notre Dame ‘st, Dated Montreal, 17th Sept, 1870, 1469 Saw2i7i GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. [The Model Road of Canada j To Sarnia, JJetrou, Milwaukee. CHICAGO, Cincinnati, 8t. Louis, New Orleans, and all Peints in the West and South. Moking sure connections with Railway for all Points West und South, Parties going west can secure Tickets at this office to any Point desired, Every Oreditor bolding any security is to produce the same before me «t my Chambers, at the wity of Ottawa, on the 23r4 day of November, 1870, at 11 o‘clock, in the fore» noon,.Llu the time appoluted for adjudica= tion on tus claime, Dated tht 21st day of October, 18 70. (Signed), W, M. MATHESON, HIS EXCELLENCY ThE GOYâ€" ERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. NILILITARY,; â€"â€"TAILO HEL L M U T H COL L EG E. MOUUB «»ssssce0»»» ersrsessssees errscsessesser 180 40 For TICKET3 to any Points in the United Biates, «nd ail information arply to J t JnCORAN, General Western Railway and Steambost Ticket office, at H Palmer‘s sto;e, next to flmud & Diaper‘s, Susâ€"erst two doors from ot. Pumassant ‘o a d+c ee of the Court of Chan= cetr, Insse lu a causs Bpain ve. Watt, the reditors of Martin Spain, late of the Townâ€" ship of Nepeau, in the County of Carleton who die" in or about the month of NOVEÂ¥4â€" RER, 1867, ure on or before the 15th NOâ€" VEABiLRK nâ€"xt, to send by post prepaid, to M.ssre.. Kâ€"nnedy & Christie, of the City o1 Ottawa, the Solicitor of the Defendaunts, ArtLur Watt, the Exeentor of the deceasâ€"¢, their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the tull particulars of thâ€"ir claims, a statâ€"ment of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if nyz.bold by them, or in defeult thâ€"reof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benâ€"fit of the samid decree. Bootr & Ross, Plaintiff‘s Solicitors, Oitawa, Oct: 24, 1870 Board ana Tuition $236 per anvum. _ _ Parsrosur:â€"The V:ry Rev. L. Helimath, D.D., ï¬";“':m nply tof Major Evans, Or Ws" 8, 1ore. 1 . «@1 ALL RATL OR ALL BOAT Fares always cheape: than by any other Route. Be sure aod procure TICKETS at thi» Mlce by the GREAT CRNTRAL ROUTE AND s3AVE M)NEY, TIME ANDDISTANCE Comparitive distunce of the several Wostern Routes to Chic«go : Americanâ€"Ozdensburg or Presoott...... ho OBKGMD.s+s+cses : sesixeresrercess cerscrrs ChH HERLNKE @rand 1runk to Detroit...................... 736 do Grand Trank to Toronto, @rest Wese HELLMUTH 1LADIES‘ COLLEGE ‘;RIA’I‘ Leaving in favor of the Great Central pREsTON & pgoWsELL, CENTRAL AIR LINE ROUTE OCDENSBURG a CHIOAGO, N CHANUERAY. tori SbQ S DUHEDOUE: s crrrencectercascereres uVERNMKEKNT HoUSE, oTTAW A, 10th day of Yovemher, 1879. IGHER EDUTATIONâ€" A SELECT ‘A8SORTMENT Board and Tuition per annum, $22 : Ouawa, July 26, 1»78. HA BIT M A K E R 8\ 36 BPARKS sTRL ET DaAILY LNE B&\ W»â€"ER Doe Skins, Fancy Coatings, CHAS BALLLIF, TO OB BPER Vestings, de. Master at Ottawa 1495 14 130 do lU S'I'I.AIID' !‘.U Ipto the subs the 17 h. a KiD. E The owner ean b4 payloy this adve }-5 Ottaws, Nov 21 O s.lll‘lt‘ 2 A Branch & MARLA â€" ES8TA The Blistors of m Dame respectfull will open their ols 0 .u“‘:l the B« a n,m ( orner of O‘0 m Ottara, August 1 5 g u«e uow F Lot No 30, | Froni, containing ed and in good sta kwmflunwmg, Oilters beptember 6, 1t â€" â€"Mbntertiit®_ _ THK TIMES is printed and w“"';z Tas Utfiwa Tiues Priynxo A*D **, Benool is c N Sonlaiir Th r-,.m.u terms apply to th* * LADY sUPERDE ue orner of O‘Conner and Wellington $irb#® g u«e uowiey paRkk mo 1+%%, Lot No 30, ist Consession “"""'._.' Front, containing 300 nores, 140 a0res uuhmmdfl"""""’ otic, and fifteen miles from Ouare, ##b 60 fences, a fine dwelling house, tw# #50 is barus and outhouses myh"'“:,: Ipto the subsoribers prom{ises abx the 17 h. a KiD, wirh commar and chabn st Ipapmn in m & # P LOBEAT SK84b Ottawas, Nov 21, 1870 smuuv FOR Y0OUGLADISSE A Branch of the Monklands VHé MARLA â€"ESTABLISEMENT, MONTREAL The SBlisters of the Oongregation 4# *"" Dame respectfully W-.'F“'“H will open their classes on the 1st Septembef Besides the Boarding Sohool s 64i0® P# kind, I have never known an 1nsM relief was not obtaincd."â€"G@eneral In Tins, 2s 64, +s and 108. Or formed into Cigars and Cicareties Bm be, 8s and 1be, Pastilles for Inhailstion, SAVUR) 143, Now Bondâ€"#, AGEFTSâ€"Messre . F. Cundil) 4 C Uant EC ‘TINE compictety effect: the MOMDLE and ue.'um?ro- of COD LV OlL & 2:“ ;; -ru. &o. In digesirensiny**" or to Pepsine. 6 UA o m _ o . Pancreatine N.B.â€"Pancrestine wmubwu taking Ood Liver Oil. A * LEGISLATIYE ASSEMBLY OF OXTAB®, ‘Tonoxre, 20th OAober, 1870, Notice is hereby given, that the 188 for receivin g P «it o‘-'o for P M.z be WEDXE DsY, the Tw ENTY BIGET day of DECKMBER next. CHARLES T. GILLMOR_ ""l“_t““‘.:m epromat us Sod, 27 the Stmle they were painfally AfRicting , ::,‘,".:?u. t enred in such great numbers in lt ost "'h\, tion of the ceuntry, tint the Public m“"“ s be hï¬m?%ol Mo virtmes o“.::_ *) uo Sorefu poison is one Porenet Fu ieX TAn®.. ONen, shiy ypatt ‘:‘m- tenant ofï¬oomlm uuu‘,."..::n and in vites the #Â¥uck of e-tu?:.‘wu io !Plï¬slu Hoen of in Sisvas: :‘....n-nh b ‘hhxogr " h‘h,_ Monot, a~_. Sm "uas uc uc then , on seme faverable 1 bumoro&cofhn.." oow surinee or ame the vitks, it e cles msy be .n‘&uly «eposited n heart, or tumers formed U the Niveq it« """""’"‘.("“'“‘“*“ ations en some pa ®f the bod y h siomal unof.f.‘. of this &, visable, even when no Aotive "Nq complaints, but such in Adapted to all d e s ages s containing neither calomel or druz, they may be taken with safety h â€" Then sugar coating proserves them and m sh them pleasant to m'fl.flâ€w lolumcuu:’m&dr- any quanli~ They oparate by their powerful infuence on tho internal viscers to purify the alood and stimalate i into healthy action â€"â€"remove the obstractions of t stomach, bowels, liver, anc other organs of t« gdy.muflrmgfl-u‘“d ments ns £te the first origin of dlsokes. C Minute direction» are given in .o"a-- the for the following compliaint;, thes Pmcrï¬lym:â€" For or Endigestion. Listios sioual use of a vicable, even m appear, Perse wi blood. This #4R84AP 1 »wone in (., storer for l:he‘m’ï¬t & 'h.!‘v: Those who are La.u -‘w evsten., dent, Kleepless , twoubled wit: A »â€" Despon. prehensions or Fears, of ‘l-u.. 4. remt romatic, or, ieakment, wh it atecten power pon trial, evidence of its restorauivg Cemptorints Tare [ No it, as also $28 . , + ~ mo Heeeee Een O ols An o:rm ?ho“ «timulates the u:n and howel!s thto heal action, reslores and in un’ «y stem. Hence h‘nm vflwu where no serious derangement ons One feels wloubX( woll, often fhade thaka dow of these Pills makes him foel dechki=ly better, bus their cleansing and renovating eBoct a" She dige tive apparatus. ® DKR J. C. AYER & CO., rnal-laâ€"- LOWELL. MASK., V. K. 4 Ottawa, August 7, 1879. . hn prrdrq in k rnveg lo‘tli‘m o.-lz id Ts Yatios; + toms, Milious Mea #Bick Meada cb> Jaundice C’W WBb ons Colic and Riltions Fevers, thoy should \ dicionsly taken for each case, to correct the dise> action or remove the obstructiens which ean«. tatior of the Moenrt, Pain in the #* Baek ard .:‘-'-"u'u-..... iy taken, as nmwww the system. those compla\c m‘l v dml m\‘u y mumhludmw!-†» duce u:eoloaofldn‘hflt' For bappression '1 should be take as it produces the desired odh!w- Asa Dinnoer Pill, take one or two to pro -m dw‘.‘lon .lfl.d !‘lmm.. Sha stnmmch ant * The smoke causos no nausesa power upon trial, * """"*#00 0f ie restorauy, C : $ reaoume § 1 â€"â€" to oAR Addes Dr. J. C Am."ҠT. ‘ "~ovemove a ; i . osonovEk # Koi 00, Lowell, M as,, Â¥x Belicttors. &8 .". soLD BY ALL PM0germs emany; en weasnaauasceseseccaucccasecir NNi i irevee . ~~ _ FrETREAUV, I "t | m!‘."&! _ Fer @ysentery or Wiarrheea, but ons » dose is y rea o. Ahonmatsan ons troret #ul ihlon‘ou.-:'ï¬' r E'. Parker.. "' 4 stt «4 at eCcacy in cases o AAB mmf:onenm.. â€"â€"l)ublin Journal Muabes B6 Aonsteâ€"Mesere F. ‘0R _ 18D1IGKS®TIONâ€"â€"PARORZEE Te ANY, at the VJVs Bparke st., _ Contre _ Town, | OH J man Gorrex, Managing Duv#}et OTICEK: ‘\0. ABTH MA+ and Chronic Brondlits PaATURA TATOLL Affords 1mmediate Boid. «* A remedy o1 great pmns to the establisbment. §al'sapa_r¢ a xX Ttuy karh _ and Loss of to _ i torm o 1994 The es selleuy sh0tation n ie im Y Of wwiiicg, “‘:':i. ca â€â€œ_ b ty â€"'“ 2 ) j uiru‘h"“.: :k'...r.l‘ eay. popt foul 1 w x+ "d'.‘L ;’“ & 9y £1004 * t ille Slow t * _._ore M se Tuine ’_,"‘"’. Qutaric and Q Mige: orer Dari®"* _ 'M’- T «Kok **‘ . 3 Wersier s SE hk Neary Publi ['dli/,-:{‘“'.. e Mllo‘OA‘ ‘..M' 0o C o aaue, Uni e 3# nomes troms 9 . to 4 p. "J,'l‘».‘«i‘-w t of twe EY & a .moh residence, u. :}b‘;.“.( Rigo PssE To opposite Au*ss Te soenss B# . see. ORAWKR: _ tUD*, gll y h veniance 1 negfor‘s shor: tiine in A e« g5 w§10 * 4*7* g * No 11â€" 1870 M iparnerst wrt, «wsstlâ€"msmess during t tbhoiped or dizeas 3 t Ne pracise the UX was which © '.‘F' of the pre» Lo the ae _ B wieth a view 19Â¥ DK BV PC @1 <o N i wRATs otf CEEC +, g, 4 lps s sa«ulted se trom 9 a. m Oite#ws September 2. CoRKER or qu EFERY DELIC DPOFOR HENDI n-hyl'i)"""- um recent! nu.cbudun ii M «bH®1 » 1. A 4 4 heur, O# VPPUOSITE * A row more T* 14 Sition to Mirs Nisll, 31st O w\l!.o we*"" (. .‘“' ts «OA rl T. occemmtis .Vu 0B 011C Es EL. Best of Motes 4 AYVERALY H OWL,.IV KA M A &, 1LK00608, VOL. guests ano / SPARKS RKTM OR * AU . K. H10GG weelak ,~ ®## 1 .8 avese, Ououg ks to be 6 U# Q@UEEN r al L‘Ongnal tabl img , who in t3 W w aA MA zo . PP QMoe L A F1 w . 201101 Ou i0 #06 8 sma ow 19 )N