Multeg in Y ; &AÂ¥ u...,; >’i Anâ€" % # AKkYEDp AT THE . AU3SBLL . AXUMW®Y ’ YNusteupnat. â€" J _ Massey, Y > me qubhar, W J Montgomery, Toronto; â€" _ Hugh MeCulloch, â€"Galt; W D Ardugh, The St. Patrick s sucie y held 1 s sue their regu % thly meeting last evening in the ;: '.‘. Hall. * w «here was wok k very mifg® CEWETTT mee on the market. Hay, however, was ...-Nnd sold from $16 to #18 " s tan. Wood (bhard) $4 â€"per cord ; softâ€" °* wood, $4 per cord. The Corporation of th mond have passed 4 â€â€™mh,. per after their evection aDY ggreral horses were diiven about the ‘,....uhy ata rapid rate without bells f dangerous practice is against a city ..'..d.hould be at once put a stop w# * at, ibe Sinpe oO® BOOKS. k uo mane .NE . ECITORT .. OM wetion by Mr. Rowe last evening was woul sitended, and many fine books of all kinds | ware disposed of at mere nominal prices The sale continues this evening, and we would advise those to atterd who would wak to procure a cheap library . ' Yos tus Woops.â€"A number o‘ sleighs Iwuisd wih provisons left Ottawsa yesâ€" wrday for Mesars. Hamilton‘s shanties up tte Ottawa. Though the sleghing is geity ;ood just now m this vicinity, we understand a gre t coil more now has hillen some distance to the north. #o tiat teams le ving here for the shanties will not be delayed for want of aleighing Bu.xksr. Coraw By, â€" Empwe Mills Bl nke!s, weights, very cheap, a% SARLAND, MUT Weare ghd to sco that the principal _ets have been pretty near all cleared of Wunding the & The sleighs of the City Passenger Railâ€" way were out for the first time yest« rday. They are a little larger than the cars and ws comfortably chiuted up. The runuetrs wsafter the bobâ€"sleigh pattern. The con. wairn» of h.ving these commodious sleighs runsing trom one end of the city to the othes cunnot fail to be appreciated ty chuery p*t Capets aud House Furnishings made a m'y. at Garlind, Murchmor & Co‘s. »tock and new styles, at reduced Porviar ®RADING®.â€" take place at the St. Ibphm:t:“a. Patrick‘s Hall thh‘mmwruvvâ€"-... svening. A se programme is arran cesaion, ï¬"’"“'l“lonm:“__mâ€" s to | wma mil be +ustained throughout .:; the full width of said M':-(":M t jalented amatours. The St. Patrick Society l,’n";::’m:: Mohr and seconded by intend, as ou «ll occasions, in giving their ’ «t the County 0 w'.""'m""::.hmmm‘ patrons a good e t« tainment, and ex day of M «rch Isth t, pect | 4*X now last past, grunt the to see the hall crowded this evening oft one hundred and tity d ifirs to ussist in E M e nmeere * building the brid u{l bbol‘w' y Woonp, Woop.â€" the Towaehi fraay, the, nhoreey w By reference to another r p ot Fitzwroy, and, whereus, the solumn it will be seen that Mr. Jobn id ous onenihe conipre subsecqwent «es l:upr‘qmo l to sapply his customers bl’i.t"& mï¬.w:ï¬'“â€" all .\ g\v~ trst qu=lity wood during the winter, since :efused to pay thtv:::: oT she | «t the lowest posâ€"ible prices. Mr. Heney same. uoiwithstanding the re : o’f the h--wb' a hurme power â€" m« commissioner®, James u“:,".“m .‘:: dimg for us '-.' John For es, thit the work hal been com \| , wing wood, therefore, can | pleted to their entire satisfaction ; m supply wooi rea (y for the stove and |at it is resolved thit Reeve be authorized a rery al ght price for cutting. take such legal ph.oo.din e ons deemel expedient to C ons ts nep | s Msbythuld"‘omw lne ce the said Corporation of the counâ€" | ggrocds. , and Feather® Komcr.â€"Now is the time. Go and see C F. Dorion, 64 Sparks Street, for. stoves and stoveâ€"pipe htring. No puff; but see for yourâ€"elves. Lumbermen and countr} Merchants come and see. The most com Plete House in this Line in the Capitl, Sea Posters. C. P. Dorion, 60 Sparks Mrrmxc or tus "Orrawa Iumoraxts‘ Aip Soartt."â€"The‘ regular monthly mming‘ Of this Society was held last night in their. rooms in Aumond s block. bnfl persons were proposed and enâ€" + tolled as members of the Society. The Secretary read his monthly report, im which he recommended improvement to the rules __ of the Socifl'y. stated thit :t was the inten. tion of the Committee to hoid a tea meetâ€" ing during the Christmas bolidays, and anâ€" nounced,that the readings would shor‘ly be resumed, and be held on every Tuesday O each week. Barrie; D Doly, Goderich,; Jas Lamont, Rulus &tephenson, M P, Chatham; D Hudley, J Evans, M K Dickinson, John Cotnâ€"Tuo-hy.â€"'l‘hou was at the court this morning. Devlia Young, J. Girant, Montreal ; Lieuat. lIynch, R. A., Quebec. « Goklew Lion A Jlozen Tss Revy. Mr. Pollard, who was present, mored the adoption of the report. Ou the question coming up for the or ganization of a plin to aid out immiâ€" grants, a member roso and stated that in his opimion the Society should emdeavor t procmwe employment for the immiâ€" Funts at present in (ttawa before assistâ€" lng others to immugrate. He said there GARLAND, M TCHMOR & Co. Dethn‘s Pur Depot up Â¥Velveten Hats, trom 23 A lrge assortment of ore â€" Trrmmed Hats and Depot Fur Jt ;“0 â€"The sale of books by ion." | _ JaACKETSâ€"A Llirge stock new stylish R. L. JAMES & Co. ‘ Jackets, at moden.te pricés, &t â€"â€". ._.= (thi @GARLAND, MUTCHMUOR & Co. t the village of Richâ€" a l'y-h' oxompl'lll perio 1 of five yoars » manufacturing purâ€" MUTCHMOR & CO NEW N. TamL K. Agoms. ;ood sleighing yes very large attend lav. however, WA us â€" Roesssin _ Hooss, St. Lawrence and »inm all sizes and l'l’tll .' .i- s â€"oott Janstion 1 points south rmer 0 Basse® readings will | sucuctiion on the esnc c ~Creneranrepomy 7 16 woare between lifty and sixty heads of famâ€" ihes at present in Uttaw» without employâ€" ment. The Secretary sated that he waus unaware of the tact, anl those thus cir cumstanced shouldl harse made known their positien to the Society. A couple of other members concurred in the st:tement that those in Ottawa at present should be provided with work beâ€" fore assisting out other immigrants. They thought there were few immigrants in Otâ€" tawa who could contrivute money for the purpose.. â€" The consideration of the depositing fund scheme was «Jlelerred to the next monthly meeting. s The fascinating Laura Sherman who so successfully swin lled a number of confid ing residents of this city out ot money and articles of clothing, hks after a protracted residence in the common jail here, resumed her conlidence operations in Montreal. . k. The police authorities of that city alreaiy had their attention directed to her, and it is not improbable that before long she will favor air. Payeite‘s model est.ulishment, uear Hochelagsa, with a Visit. This _ young> lady has a decided penchunt tor telling fivs and reaidâ€" ing in jJul. by Mr. Eliiout, that the lollowing persOons | be exempt trom the payment ol L.X@s tur | the curent year, Â¥is; Widows Brown, Mctarthy, Denis and Biks, and Thomas Howard, Sen.â€" Carried. * Moved by Mr. Elhoit, and seconced by . & hy s epe s mipiy. s APC VC e o n PC Mr. Mobr, that this Counoil do now adjourn tor an bour.â€"Carried. Tue council met, the same members present. | e C nc d ie t U e 0 Cc C O Hecnaerra in t Mored by Mr. MacLaren, and seconded | CR by ale. Mobr, that this Council do grant the sum of afteen doliars to Uwen Coiton, to assist him to support his family, he harâ€" r * ing lost all his crop by the late tire.â€"Uarâ€" # uzmm red, . P _ Moved by Mr. Mohr, and seconded by Â¥r. Mac: aren that Joun Moorhouse, Uverâ€" seer of ilighways, be inst ucted 1O ‘"“‘\ If you want Cholce Â¥IRGIN HONET, cal! the persoirs bauving fences or other Ob | u; she Now GROCBRY BTORLK, uorner of struciion on the side line road beotwWe@D | gussex and York Btreots. luts numwer tive and six .n the third conâ€" | . lu.iu.. forthw:th to remove the same to the full wiaih of said rowd.â€"Carried. \ | uie Moved by »r Mohr ung.?‘nbdg f Mr Eluou that, whereas the Corporation «t the County 0 Culeton did, on the liih day of M «rch now last past, grunt the sum yeveuns. ~AOAmEE ESCY Moved by Mr. ].cluon, and seconded 15¢ n d lc sls aginal chanARanians Acetrtriptiaininints. / Moved by Mr. Elliout, and secomtied by Mr. Mackaren that this Council do now adjourn unul the twenty fourth day of December next. â€"Carriec. t tiru Smum &6\ ... 47. srirks st. 49. Will receive this week # per Express,‘, 3 CASKS OF MiuuiNERY, Containing the Vrar Larkst Styles in Bonnets, Hats, and some very Choice things in Flowers, Feathers and “ ‘. . L -On'lu.' 1 Case EBxtra Cloths, in the noew Trimming to match all our Fashloaable 1 Case of Newest The #@#OLIVE GREENX * . pnnm--cuulnubn..-l are in receipt of tem plese «@New Seal and plucked Otter Skins Clouds, Breakfast Shawls, Ties Fancy Wove Goods still arriving. o in endless Variety. T. HUNTUN, SHuULBBED / 47 and 49 Bparks Street. Mantle Cleths. Satin Cloths, Dress Gboods. 11 18984 SHuUULBEED & 00 N. L JAMES & (0 AT TAE If you want 8UPERIOR CHREESE, call a thâ€" Nâ€"w GR=OhRY 8TORE, Corner of Busâ€" awx and Y ork Streets., If you want FIRSTâ€"CLA®S8 DalBY BUOT. TER, call at the Now GROUEARYT bTORE, Corner Bussex and Yo k Streets, N. w C:op West End, Layers, YMM{ & ol as ii=isius and Ourrants, Foen Tarkey Fizs, Mailaga Grape«, Lemoos, COholce laâ€" perial Prunes, Cauwted P «1», Gulatio: , Cross & Bla. kw:lU‘s Pick!««, Bauces, Jams, Jeliies, am+ Marmaiade«, Fresh ©ysters, Lobster« he. guin Wa kerel, 8«lmou an# Tomatoss, with a chuice lot of Ncotch and English Ales sns P.ter, Wines and ._‘.1 OGin, Bomte: Whiskey, Jamaica Rum, Old Bye, Bjyrups and At the Ne« GROCBXY STORE, 8.a«x and York Strests. Extra Fins Gree~, Black and Japan Tesas, Rio, Java and Turkey Coff.e. TTKK c10% t â€"Fine Family and Pastry Flogr, Oat and Corn Meal, at the NEW GHOCEBY 8TORE, Corner Sussex and York btreots, Il\o LUMBERME®. sPEOIAL LOXDON, OXT, wml‘“‘hflfonhflfl and Ships only a Fimerâ€"Orass Article. He has or Sale trom some of the Leading Packers and Curers : | Heary Mess Pork, guaranteed. g{.;mlc.ll!&l. M;ï¬nf;mbauw Ko. 1 Sup. Floar, Oats, Corn, &o., i Orders or enquiries havre prompt atter= tion. @hrough rates to Brockville, Sand and Otte=a. eceaniien o from 3 to 90 cents, at 15 to 80. L. _R 0 88B, PROYISION BR0OEER. Corner Bussex and YTorkâ€"sts. Oltawa, Nov 29, 1870 15266 Dep rtment, especi.lly the prices, are Excoexpmoecrr Moverats, GoLDEXx LLox. J OHN A. BITTE RS, White Beans always on hand. Â¥iquu98 PToRmelp London, (‘at. London, Ont, Â¥or. 14 1470 _ 138 Jn Constaxtey ox_Haxp, . C. DELES DERNIERS, that in this . J AMES & Co. It is at the lowest Fmet THE OTTAW\ TIMES DFEC. 7 1870 Haring met with ~UNAPPROACHABLE SUUCCESS this AUTUMN, in the disposal of their IMME SE IMrPORTATIONS, (the Lergest ever ltrought to Ottawa in one Scea â€" son) were undâ€"r the agree ble necessity of reâ€"ordering a Second Supply to fill up the numeroos blauks made in their Several Leâ€" parcments, M* Oving to the terrible conflict now raging in Europe our maidect agents were enabled to secure during the cor sâ€"queunt de.â€" pression of Trade in Britain mamy very vala able lines at exceedingly low prices for Cash * #& A portion of "hipmen‘s 1ot yet to beud, are expocted this ‘weok, â€" Ihe following comprises afew efth« ha ding articles, viz.: WINCIES8, »COTCH PLAID TARTAN®S, FRENCH MERINXOES, ansd FA TEEN COs« TUME CLUOTH Bee Figured Sateen Cloths at 90 :y~. per yard, the Newest Dress Material of the scaâ€" Black TELYETS,YELYETEEN®, EPAKNKâ€" GLEK®, 811LKB8, 8SATI~8, and CRAPES,. M" Alscur Manile V:lrats were purchased in Jave, only a few days bâ€"fore they »dvar o 4 considerably in price, ans as they are likely to be fully 50 per cent deaer in the Bpring, would,advise L=dies to Purchase atthe present tUme ; will guarantee the best value in Cana~ da, Â¥ilks Satins, &¢ , equally zood value," Mew Grâ€"y Cottons, White Shirtings, Shectâ€" ings, Pillow Cottons«, Prints, Lincn and Coâ€"tâ€" ton Tickings, Linen â€"and4 Co:ton lrap r:, Table Lin n of every desciiption, Quilts «1nd Counterpas s, ‘Towâ€"!s and Tow lling, &c., ko. We can confidently, r commend the above mentivned Domestic Goods, <x« celleut value. MAGBE & RUWELL 100 dozen large New Style Ha‘r Nets, 200 dos a Cambrics Handkerchofs, One «ase Black avud Colored hibbon V Iv<!s, Bilk, Watin and Sash Bibboss, F.inges, Butious Uollars and Cuff«, and a ma,nifcent vailety Beal Lace G.o%s. 60 dosen Gents White and Lavemder Rid Oloves ; al=o, 20 4: D Plus» ans Lamb Lin. d Kid Glows n! Mitts, cans with Beal Cufls, besides a li etClass 3tock of Wooellâ€"n Mock and Real Buckouin Gl ves, tauâ€"dian, Scotch and Engliss L «mte W ol Unserciothâ€" iny, deuteh and canadian Fingeiloag Yarus, RIBBONS 4 ND LAC SILKS, Mew Double Wiith Damaâ€"ks at 45¢t®, G:e+0 at $1.10, the OChâ€"apet in t« tAW &, llmno- Muslin and Lace Curtain=, also Lace by the yaris4, one Cusk varnished Corni..s aud one Cas«» Stair Roâ€"a PATTER 0V & BRVON In cons»â€"quâ€" noe of our great euchess since openivg we hbave been obliged to lay in a large adâ€"fudonal Stock, which we |will mark as low as heretofore, helng d t tunL d to te tain oor acready well establisn: a | charactâ€"r, for selling ch<aper than any other House in We have made such arrang»â€"ments with the bes Factories in the Lominion as will â€"nuble as to keep constantly ou hand a large an a well Assorted Stock 0t T «~eds, Flaanels, Blenkete (Urey and Whit:), Cottor and Linvn Bags, Cotton YarD, Rostery, Underâ€" vlothing, otc., «tc , etc. DREsSS G 0o Ds An entirely new and well argorted Stock of B Itish and Foreign Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, which haye been marked at prices to defy competition. %1 _ _ £f 10003 ! HOSIERY a>~V GL H&* Reuswuore tus Prack, 53 Sparks Stroot, : Directly Upposite C B oks posted Accwut» ai the office of H P Hill, sol + Bill, 0 H Pishe/ Ottawa, Hoyv b, 4 I beg to intim ito that my FUR B1OCK is now sompicte in every . DJ M Es TICS ; ax B8 PEP ARTM ENT . Ax Eirzcr Carr 1s Souicit®n. it hamember the place, 83 Aidean Atreet. OPPOsSITE OLD sTAN W O 0 L L EN 8 smHauLus J, 13A+LRRB, EC CE : > ces thes MAGEE & RUSSELL IN CANADLIAN GOOPS SAÂ¥liNs, VELYVETS : PATTERSON & BRYSON. CaiaLlPETs . RY F T R S , EU R 8 . P RA C O Qp RY 0oDps ! OV ES BATs & Co C voDps ! sumnmeememepmemee es 0000000000 D ]A 3 W N 0 n A be %€ s CLN + of tne Stocka« ‘ of the Ustario Peat Company will be mm | at be Russell House, Otte=s, 0 Tuâ€"sday aAc ou #nt; Oh Deseu ber next, at 13 o‘siock, non, f: mt _ Auply orgams t.on of the C.mpany, under the A Ris. on :ost lw:wm.!ubom- of Directors | AMOTIPY * T 1__ 2P aanaral business. ‘The Proprietor begs to inform the lovers of THE TEA POT and the public genâ€" erally, that the alterations are now, completed, the whole premises having been thorpughly renovated and stocked with New and Fresh Goods Of the very best quality. tail, and every article will be Teas in great variety, | } Coffea â€"â€"the very bestâ€"roasted and ground daily, / Raisins, Currants. Figs, &¢., &¢. R * + Port Wine, Sherry Wine, Brandy, â€" £* English Old Tom (Ginâ€"Booth‘s, Bernard‘s & Thompson‘s. All goods delivered free (within the limits of the city) by our own waggons will be paid t» proper packing and delivery. _ | % p ¢ JOHN HILL, LIFE AssOCIATION OF + SCoOTLAND. ANNUAL REVENUE, . 4 257,683 Stg. FUNDS in hand and invested, 1,357,386 * The BOCKS and ACOUNTS have been for miuny years â€"u jested (pot > early »â€"1y, or at any . other intert»l, but) to a cont‘in‘>~8 AUDITâ€" ao«art trom ibe Di sctors and other offcialsâ€"by & Profes fonal Awountart of bigh standing snd experiense. . In the VA\LUAI‘I%!; also, which are m=«de on apâ€"roved Tables of Mortality, the ret Arsurano: Premivms only are taken into acâ€" avint. . Thus by ~omstaot independent checke and rig :d tests, the ut wost presaution is adopted to se~ure the prusen cood sc «n ) parm â€"nenat «t abilâ€" bility ot the Inctitstion _ It ras always m«\ tainâ€" ed a bigh postion among the Aesurance OM s of the Kingdom, aod has already pald Suns AB â€" avrkp and #0rvs®s to the «wount of My wishes soar not very high, ‘or do they widely roam These moderate wishes are confin‘d Give me what I enjoy so wellâ€" A snug domestic scere ; Aod take my word, I fell my self As happy as a Queen, To comforts found at home. I‘ll tell you what I wish for nowâ€" "Fis not a large desire ; I wish to sit at perfect ease, Beside my evenimg fire. upwards of os08 YLiALâ€" The Foxos remaining in hand and lovested are upw ards of y The List of Policyâ€"holders in Class B. for 1870 will be closed as at 618x DECE KBEQ. Pravious Entï¬h will b“ontiitlod to a piy â€" oï¬ n o C O Hints e Imtwm-"".‘m' of Directors, | jlor the tran«sstion of r-llm Ouawa, Nov 23, 187 1671 wish a friend or two would call, To ask me how I do ; STBTEM. The amount paid last * Tha PR FITS ars alloceted on Tiish gives Laresa Boscers thas N ovamber 8. ‘ ‘2 PIOMES Th SMB, Previous Entrants P. BASKERVILLE & BROS., Ko.36 Rideau St., and Duke St., Chaudiere, OTTaAWA, W H O L E Wh:re from their grâ€"at increa80 01 DUPI"!"!" and the large addition now put to their Store, with a well selected Stock, and conâ€" stant attention on their part, will enable t em to sell at prices rot to be equalled elsowh. ro. Agonts or uitawa, J T¢& Pexxoce. H'lr'hou will be found always on general assortment of GR CER|ES, e mm eplne Eutacat More than later Entrant will recsoive. SPECIAL INTIMATION. OLD RYE, and PROOF, With a fine axso‘tmâ€"nt of Christma®s and New Year‘s FRUITS ana SYkUPS. _ > WINTER APPLES, ORANGES «nd LEMON8, ~ * Cfll“ "# B“so } ‘«and BAaACON. * Ramember our Mottoâ€" Quick Sales and F YOU WANI‘ f â€"â€" To SsaAVE MONEY Remember our light Profit«." FOoUNDED 1%i#§%. -.-,,'m their TEAB. O‘tawa, No« 29, 1870 $8,159,044.00 $6,605,945.00. Advodes 1 .® in particular, imnorted, LIQUOR®. WINES, BRANUVIES, GIN, IRISH and scuo rcH WHISKEY, Guooderhem & Worts‘ HIGHWINES An Old Lady‘s Evening Wish. $601,763,00 Y EAR‘S BONUS8â€" Â¥EKs CLN + of tne Stockaâ€"iders No Peat Company will be h +1d use, Oita=a, oâ€" Tuâ€"sday, the , at 13 ofeiock, non, for the » Qmuvany, under the Aot otf year mone having been P WaARVLAY, Secretary. at increase of business ) on a prinsipte than ANT U/%84 ORiDS 1526 Have now received a full supply ot D E P AR T ME N T 3. Ottawa, September 26, 1870 CUNNINGRAM & UKOSAY, Then truly happy I skould be, And they‘d Eo happy, too. I‘d set the tea things on the tray, And we should all agree, While taking everâ€"welcome cup$ Of JOHN HILL 8 wholesome tea. Patents solicited in Canaia and the United States ; Trade and Timber Marks, Industria â€" Derigns, Copy wiights, Transters, & , regiâ€"t râ€" e1 on the shortest notice, Co. ics of Laws, Cir. culars, and information, reut {ree 0 : applicaâ€" tion â€" Drawiâ€"gs prepared and coplied Chbarges mwolerate United States Pa‘e it« puticulaly attended to. Beveral valuable Patent Rights for sale. __ _ ___ [ss The tea would gladen ev‘ry heart, ( And brighten every face; 4 And nothing more could we desire _ In such a happy case. With JOHN HILL‘S Tea I always crown The comforts of my homne ; And when I can partake of this A MB TS DR HENBRY bes removed his Residenc and Sargery to tne corner of Bauk asd Vi â€" toria Sir.eta, near the Parliament Buildings. D.â€"cember 1, 1870. 1528b s@~THE ULSTER OVERâ€" COAT Is the Great Noveity in eEXTLEMEN‘S @ARMENTS This Reason. ; My wishes soldom roam. Kovember 26, 1870 Begs respectfully to rnnouncs to the pubâ€" lic in general that the above premises will be opened for busine»s this day, 29th inst , and hopesâ€" by strict attention to businâ€"ss and mod rat« charg:s, to merlt their patro: agoe and {avour. & o) "THE TEA 1 OT,‘ Ripzao StReet. iNADA AND NEW FALL GOODS 4$ YÂ¥ Ottawa, Nov 30, 1870 K. FATENKNT AGEXCY. oTICE OF REBMOVAL The Rer. W. BTEHENSON will preash the third of bis eeries of Sermons to Â¥oung Men, i8 the W esley an Conrch, Metoalfe Screoet, METCALFE AND QUEEN sTREETS. Ottawa, Nov 29, 1870 & For Property in Montreel improved or unimâ€" proved. he as® Mansa~d Hoos? Stoms Hoa e sitasted in V:otoria OCrescent, heving 1 *be mo lern conÂ¥epienses ot heat, ® aler e:d & as, good out bu:idiag, on &D ample Lot, an enjyâ€" ing the Raest rAver view in Ortawa . F»~jur her ia Homars apply to W C. sMiLLIE, on the rnbu. or at the Offce of the BRITIS ! AÂ¥Kâ€" ivaK BAxK NuTE CMPANY, We‘lington Btroot. i on jay MBwk 1530 im »PRCOLIALLEY. l_“ol SALE, Authorised . disccunt on until tusher notice 1: per Ottawa, Nov 22 1870 14 RLIDEAU sTAEET, Ortawe, Des 3, 10/% ce anmacemsremnmrentani e ciieactcamcamm ie e ( 1UsToMS DKPARTMENAT A Bpecimen on View, at The Proprietor, G.R BVANS, x g « GAMBLERs AND GAMBLING * awa. Dee 2. i8179 1t LA RGE:â€"â€"CIIIELS8. TOâ€"MORROW EVENING, 1N Ortiaw1, 26th November, A NK in# JOBN MoKERCHELR, Beorstary Board of School Trustees. t G. CoURSOLLE®S, 0 1534tf , and every attenticn MAGEE & RUSSELLS. 6 1b27f UR EXCHANGE BUBJEC T : BOVCHETTE, OTEL, #srett Bign of the ANVIL, No. 14 Rideau Street, where y :u can get a complete assortment of Shelf and Heary bardware, and uornuo to suit purâ€" chasers,. Consistingin part GENXERAL HOUSE FURNXISHINGS : Butcher Knives, Kuives and Forks, Pooket Enires, Table Spoon», Tea spoons. Toa Trays, Tabl« Mate, Buts, snerews, Looks, Bolts, Catches, Latches, Azxes, Saws, Planes, Squares, Hammers, Spokeshaves, Gouges, Chisels Augers, Auger Bits, steol Bits Bâ€"vils, Levels, Boring Machines, Draw Knives, do. &s, &o. ‘ao0gether with PAIXT OF ALL COLOURS : Rose, Piok, Burn: Umber, Terra de Kinns, Chrows Yellow, Â¥Yellow Ochre, Celestial Blue, raris Greoen, Bransw:ck Greon, Magnesia Green, Vepnetian Green, Red Lead, W hite Load, in Oll or Dry, Drop Black, Ivory Bleck, Lamp Black, B «iled Qil. Raw Oil, Turpent.ine, Bersole, Coal O.1, Paint Brushes, \'unhphoo. &o. 1611 8 the Ch’o Ottawa, Nov 18, 1870, 1130 1 For the First and Second Do‘ut-o-h of the Arnprior Common School, two ALE TERKACHâ€" ER~. Salary for first, four bundred ; recond, twree h ndred dollars per anvum. bServices to comâ€" mence about 1st January, 1871, Applisations re »eived -:‘to 1st December, 1870, Stgt »g qualiâ€" foations, &c. DR. CRANETOK W Elevated Uven Cook Stoves, at Low Oven Cook Stoves, at 11Y0ICES8 Double Stoves, at H. MEADOWS & Co Box and Parlor Stoves, at Coal Stoves, Base Burnets, at The Quintal Coal Stove, A is D W a BL 70 HAttGW anl t Arn clor, Nev ° 1810 Parlour Cook Stoves, at Dumb Stoves, all sizes, at Hot Air Furnaces, at Stove Pipes and Elbows, at Lumbermen s Supplics, at 1st Prize Stoves can be seen, "ANTED. NAPITAL » Vellington H. MEADOWS & Co Ottawa, Oct. 18, 1870. ) 0 MINJON ~AL M A N ALl FOR 1871 _ WILL BE PUBLISHED EARLY IN D EO EMBE BR ~ ttawa December 20, 184Â¥. It is intended to a rve as & convenient booâ€" of referenc», and at the same time to be «> ceptable as an agreeable privut« companio With this end in vi~=, in arttion to @muo valuabtâ€" statistica! ini, r+mationA larke amou of interesting readiog 1 stWer wi:l b. found in~ is page«s. _ The faroiub‘e reception which 1 mâ€"t with las\ year, and be wideâ€"spread clreu l«tion it obtained in Ontario and Quebec, jas tifies the bope that it will, this yâ€"ar, commaD a still larger share of patronage. In order t merease its ~wcalation, aud to render it stil! more valnable as an ady rtislog medium, th piice will, this year, #¢ reduced to 10 ceat ow cony _â€" oorlderably less than the actua sHOMAs ISAAC, â€"___â€"_ PHos. BIRKETT, _No, 24, Ridean street, Bign of the Anvil. All goods delivered free to any part of coss of publication. The tollowing ars the rates for advertising Oue Page at beginning or end of the BOOK. . . y« kess 660 >*+* $18 ¢ se 1# usw An [ Cl Hous No e 8 00 Quarter Page do P\ s «w rm c EPC Une Page in body of wotk....... 20 080 Haif do _ co s asars 2B BB Every advertiser taking a page will receiv« 1% copies of the Aimmu@e for distribution foâ€" bait a page, 6 copies ; aud for a quarter 0 a paxe, 3 copirs. Applications for advertisements should b snt in at 0u00, â€"â€" _â€" Addrers : ' « DOMINION ALMANKAC " Application will be made to Parliament, at 1t cest bessiâ€"n, for sne Incorporation of a Compan) to construct a Railway through Britich b orth America, coppectin with the present Kailway aym--lcu.a.ndw to proseed to the North of Lake upflnuwm-m We« Terr tery to the Fesow or Lestg 1a. € Pass of the Rooky Mosntains, there to * 0 weat with the p.jected ka.lway through â€" British Columbia to the P1ciSc,â€"with such powers and j privileges as may be nscessary to carry thes .me into oper ation. l ALFKED WADDINGTON. Ottawe«. Ost. 21, 1270 1493 im | _ oraws, Kov11, 1870 Shelf and Heavy Hardware nExayg8ST0 Â¥E BUILDING, &A M 1s hrreby given that the Corporation of the City of ortaws wili apply :0 the Loeyi ature of the Province of On‘ar0, at its next Besson, for an Act to a«mend the Aot Tnpoorpor 1tn ag the UttaW& City street Pasconger Railway Company . Â¥ P LETT, Ottawa, Oct 31, 1870 35 SUSSEX STREE:f CAaANADA PACIFIC ton Siret, Upper Town, Oitaws Cevking and Fancy tiove oTIC Taine, Gliass, Oll, Patty, &6., _ _~ /. Peaiemen @ko. CKAIG, | ~ ~H. MEADUWR & Co igreeable privute companic in vie«, in arhtion to mt a} in|. rmation.a larko amod dive s atwer wisl b. found 1 H. MEADOWE & Ce. H. MEADOWS & Co. n. MEADOWS & Co II. MEADOWS & Co. H. MEADOWS & * H. MEADOWS & Co H. MEADOWS & Co II. MEADOWS & Co MEADOWS & Co Ortawa 1611 1wk O# FRENCH MERINUOES Fine, Wide, Heary, [and Warranted * Wool, in the following Colours : LIGHT BROWN, se 2+( Really better Goods than sold other years at 3s. 94., for 2s. 64. per yard. The Nicest, Cheapest, and most durable Dress, for either street or in door wear, in Ottawa. GARLAND NUTCHBMOR & Co. Th« Paitnership exiâ€"ting beâ€"tween the un. 4 reigned, in the City of Otte«a, un er the aame of WATYON & CLISBY . 8«1 o Kâ€"â€"pâ€" ' I N (eus se ols CEeeeet CEX 00 SBe OE C Wt 20 0 CC APmiet rs, was discored «y mutual conâ€"e%t m the Firss Day «f BEPTEMEER, a.D, 1870, WaTsON & CLIâ€"BY Jamks® RoY WaTsON, LAYEL KrNC .« LIsBY. Witness of Rignature, U, 4. Graxt, Jawes Srarumu. Ottawa, Norv 11, 1870 20 Sparks Atrest Ottawa, Kov. 80, 18 70. ; MID BROWN, @An excelient !‘g~ RK> WINECIor erc‘anar use, not unlike PORT, bat higher in body. G@GENUING FRENCH MERINOES, *NTICK RIPLE GREEN r&ka@¢%, Norlt.A 60 CHEB CANADA wy~" PROVINCE At Its next Bession, for the C@XTIEXUANCE aAND EXTENXEIO® FOR FOUR YEAXS, s O( the Provisions of the Aot INCORPORATIN® THAT CoMPA®XY, And of the Aots mentioned t heroin, in se far a ney reints to a CGram of Lend in ald of tha Coapany > W L WORSLET, tes. 0 OUsILLOX VIN RoUVSLk. From the Leadiâ€"s of Knoz Church, Daly * reet, at their BAZAA#, oppâ€"si:e Bat & o , Sparks street, on the 13to aud 14th DECEM. BER. Good Music, w»04 iuucheon, Oseter olelt~â€" CTl t r or reochrud k the Xtth, K _4A u/ A OAY,l.A.Mtn‘ndmclAu. Â¥aR RCROUL, ofers bis bo-omur . ms desirous of learuing the French, Bpa: w#h 0 ° \talien languages A thorough knowledge :18 80â€" quired in a short time. Charges moderate. Mre Mmlan.pwnn. Ca._lle se Â¥4 NBR 16 Buw m i on ATh: bet prowpily in e reâ€"dy, and vill out prowptiy in 0 WHOLESALE & RETAKL Ff?i_mï¬ Â¥Q .. 1 change «u8 iser of all my Wood,that is to «a). beâ€"k ‘,,"'...“u,..ntl.flwutlm "-"w!"“.“.'..-.t- sratl.a ami Quave, Dsc, 8. Urtaews, Dec 6 1810 ARGUAGKS. DiRX BROWMN, §1.25 Per GALLON ®$4.00 Per DOZEN. KADA CENTRAL RAILWAY C# Will apply to the P A R L I A M E N T i ontiluntiâ€"ns , 0# 16, 1879 Â¥TOU K CHRLISTM A8 PREKXTS pmoev 14 1870 YIOLET, . P, MAOPEKERAO®, Wine Merchiant, oF OXTARIO e AGULINXEZ Elgin stre«t. L1b y Jonn HEKEEKL: 1bâ€"14f 16168 188114 1| V\ P 11 Ip i)