wPAXT» L1snMSNT OB 91# 1@ * +Â¥ l y$89 _ 5if -’ n ilas d wW#WARD Ne ‘ b“a. Al t |â€" "uge Pesce and C HALIFAX, NOVA 880TIA, Established 1351. pur® 1 «_ ePs = w.-rn. f 42 experienc '; Tucker, who is L. aa (| Whis professio " t in sither Pr H tm 4 * e _ *L cLEMOW, Bartristers and #e8* * ©** S olicwors in Chancery, t se tTe PE Pugie, &0, &o, for the Pro "1:;â€Â»â€˜ Quebes. M eeaver Duria‘y Book Storm gyarce ie Yuha®@# Wnoeut i1%=w .im P en m L «PIERRE, Barrister, Attorâ€" ¢l.“°.._£"‘.-.a mitacâ€"imâ€"Cnanceryv, Conveyâ€" T’/ onac*® LAPIEKRRE, Barrister, Attorâ€" I un-d-u'.:‘ohe\ur-\.-clm, Conveyâ€" " Notary Public, Corner ot Sussex and â€â€W'b. f & 3687 iA /’MIOB.Mmaoy-u-u.,“m | â€oll Chascery, Conveyancer, &s., u--* yous. OM®®> Univa Buildings, Jtaws. boy | «*,, HA YCOCK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€" L&w, Boirâ€" ‘. sitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery . Conveyancer, Notary " Patent mns-ndut. QGhesâ€"Im:â€" flq’“iu Russell House, Elginâ€"st 43utt . «1 e unmmnnesscmmmmemcecme nosiwis d d GKMMILL , Sarmaters, %.W &s. JMceâ€"la n : I ucss QURWE. _ _ xt aaiey *E , 5g10 a aug. _ Addres®, A pfl'““% w. FARRELL, Otaws, joaskie® dttawa Acocarss Kgas ~ _ â€"Ae Wek Architect. OMceeâ€"Aumond‘s ;nohll“‘t-""m“' e ;'m'. k& TA LLOK, Barrustars, 4 Selicitors, ko. Oficeâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, Udesaâ€"street, OtltaWa&. Wuiiim Mesozove.: 3066 Q@roses TALLO® : e . MmRMME LAE ut 450 D; Ofice, k 2 L e . ie mouth as to be capable of ali the uses to whith matural testh aro applied, withont the inconvenience to the wearers, and after tor a short time in ase, without evez a con» of the presence of a substance originâ€" â€bll.-onï¬. assciousness during the operation of extracting Wyed or dissas d testb, has introduced into wm-udmxmu Oride or , whickh the sufferer ianales without ~"ï¬:_.,_.~....|...mnnuu -harflm Us may be consaited any day, except Sunday, Whis sfice from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. hkawy. Beptumbn KiB®k __ _: _ _ _ wm‘ .a‘l'llâ€' Om tC io prepared woie. meae e o bo unery stagle ‘Toatk where saating, on cithor gold, silver or vuleanite miterpaisces, fitting so closely and eamly to Motets and Saloons. k KEtnoroltTAi®n, _ T"****AUvoND‘s BLOCK, _ _ ob I \ At experienced Firstâ€"class Commeon Schoel g8» .&‘ , who is not afraid to compete (so far * i m pofession is concerned) with any per. * .hch-rmtno.m-or-ct -,N;b dute from the Arst of January Best of reterences. ; || _ Address, stating satary, &¢., _ _ .F U G@UBEN LRE8TAUKANT, M. KAV ANAGH, Propricor, . Corner of Metoaife and wmm E&-flnmmflo the Government "QUBREN" comprises .mhone'.' t# Unstâ€"slass kectan ant. Yho House has refited «d ref. taiahed mw The BAR contains lechoicast Brands i» and Ligu wrs, and every =¢~w'ulhfl-dn~hih.nb h n (oiemnegainamee o on n o on AB and * MU" OGrwars, &Aams sto.. dallr od, and svety siteation paid to their comfort: 100y *"Sotny No M A NS, Propristor. "l “MM l18te 1D! NÂ¥ HoVSE, s Ei ron Prrrittse ww \MIh sp»sious sample room for commercial veesie (an 4* 4* .DUIGKAN‘*8, BPABKS STREET, OTTAW A. A tow more gontlomen san be assommodated apital ascommeâ€" “&hds’nvflflm!uu * B â€" hous is sitwated in the immediate Winity of ths Parliament Buildings and the aval reake. 21 #tf Â¥. ARUsTRONXG, PROPRLETOR, CORNER OF QUKEN AND ELGINâ€"STS OQTTAWA. vERY CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT FOR THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. The Bar always supplied with the CHKOICEST LIQqUORS, asy â€"at L®® "“ Pm noUsE, And the table spread with IERYF DELICACY OF THE SEASON €ETREAU, vYOL V. NO. 1534. Ure Robert Stowart having made arrangements Wh an accomplished lady teacher, announcer Uit her Dancing Classes will commence on Usizesday, the 22nd initant . â€" Wirtaer partiouiars may be obtained on appliâ€" Wmm to Mrs Robort Stowart, Wilbrod streot. _DMtaws September 9th, 1 269. is aAvÂ¥EEXLY HOUSE, New 1| sUKGEON DENTIS3T, Â¥. L. HIIGYGOINS, 'A.T‘_pv use harnMemuineiantrnnd uinae Agoer slaims constantly on‘hand. Ofice, corner + and Sparks streets, over Maon Bros w aARD «o. OpP® of O0LNGO AND DEPORTXZX®T. Stabling and an Aitentive Hostler. for the Beaver, Toroato Muatoal Firs and «Medica®â€" L* & mm mmppmmmemmeâ€"megeâ€"=â€"s \ 39 RIDEAU STREKET, w i 664 â€"___ tss f orTAW A cmb, Bariste: st.iaw, Ad.| HAYVING OPENED HIs EW E8TABâ€" Oppusite Rascell House, Otâ€" LISHMENT (nearly opposites the d Stand,) AUMONDWS BLOCK, Rideanu Streee (Mawa. 4Jntf _ Joun J. GOmani. or week at moderate torms. s is sitwated in the immediate Parliament Buildings :“"?. P. OMEARA. Provea:wron. who can make from :ymonfl";!fli 1d, silver or vulsanite closely and eanly to | bie of -I.o-no.:] b:'m-d.ï¬n' l.mmom-‘ of amm‘ L .‘ emanent af uiinbul ner of Sussex .Ml cb c 368v titat k. hak ‘ '-“-L.'.“W' 'l‘ neer, &o, u-n.-* Ay» s, Qitaw a. “!| Â¥5 espariknâ€"ome | & aveyancer, um‘ het sitee. OGcesâ€"Imâ€" 1 ase, Elginâ€"st. dGutt | L e cce« F KT armsters, ks. :).oâ€"hn: | 3 Public for the Pro N. near the Pos A D PRAT@, 1811 im Hul!, P. Q. 1s503tf »%ors forsale at VERY LOW PRICES a large: ud well selected stook, comprising Groceries, Wines, Liquers, Tobaceo, Launary and h.q} Soaps, Bauces, Spices, Pi*kles, Brooms, Brushes, | m.m-"-_um_m.o. , _â€"_____ Bordeaguzand ther Vinegetrs MESS POKK, _CKLED saALMON, LA BI. HERXRINGS, a . the numerous other articles nosessary 0 conâ€" titate a complete stook . NE A 8â€"â€" & _ Japan, volong, Congoun, Imperia‘ Young lyoa.q-h‘“lnnhad‘cho.:.- t" | ENGLISR, . FREN Boeg most respe ‘fally to intimate to their friends and customers that they have just received and have ready orinspes lon he premisos. 1870. | it Suitable for the coming season, comprising NEWEST aAND MOST FASHIONâ€" ‘ ABLE DESIGN®. | tzrTHs READYâ€"MADE | C‘o'.". Dl’“f'm ‘ is also very complete, and will be found of the | best materials and most (ashionable styles. ‘ Special attention is called to a Dusvilie‘s Lrish Whiskery. Murphy‘s Old [rish Pottoonâ€" Quinness‘ and Loadon Porter, pte and qts. Molson‘s and other Alos. a.n and Syrupe, all grades. atrefdners‘ prices. HE OLD UTOC? siVE}» FROM FIRE SELLING AT TWENANTY.FIVE PER CENXT â€"BELOYW COST. Now is the time or bar ains. 1104 mw-‘nm“‘. first class outter Suits made to order in best and latest styles (Good At ensured or no 44 o, A. DUÂ¥FE.~ O‘MEARA &4 CO No. % RIDEAU STREET, Plumbers, Gas «. 1 Stecam Fitters, Tin EXIK WHELAX, OFFER â€" Freosh Cofes yrouna and reested daily on Buspenders, Scarts, Fins, Collars, Shirts, Gloves, a, &ko. Togsether with a large and well assorted LMPORTER3 OP GHENERAL HOUSE FURNKâ€" 180ING HBAROW aAn 6. JUST REOSIY®KD, esc ‘ride of Canada‘ and =Qsseola,"‘ a splendid sssortment of Blook Tin 3:::9::“':‘:: i...u“?u’ Dn-h:mm Wfll Vishes, Preserving Prems, Saucepans, &o., &0. % Constantty on hand, Cooking Stoves, (best makers) Hot Air Farnaces, Water Coolers, Baths, (alt kinds) Cutiory, Plated and Sritannia Mets [ THE OXNLY GOOD 8AUO0E. | CaUTION AGALINST FRAUVD. FISHING TACKLE, comprising Rods, Lines, Â¥lles, Hooks, Fioats, Trolls, Panzsiers, Landing Nets, Â¥iy Books, &0. &0. Ottaws, August 10. 1879 1498 i7 A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT | _ LARGE AS§ORTMENT OF PRINGASD @gUVxMHB gÂ¥)Y°2 Lhe success ofthis most delicious and unrivalâ€" d condiment having csused certain doalers t» w.h name of " Worcestersinre Banse" to owninferior compounds, the pablic is hereby informed thatthe only way to seeure the . enuine, .rdd“-mu Roolng and ftting o Galvanized Iron and Tin Gatters, Condusctors, and to uee thatt heir names are upon tas wrapper 1NKSâ€" _ Sherries o all grader, Ports of 80# | yypsyrpassed on the continent.* h d stieds" sz Bness MARLS, in a privais family or place otf business. Relerenses given it required, Apply at the sPARINQ IMPORTATIONS: CMEARA & CO. WORCESTERSHIRE sAUCE, Deslared by Conaoiasoar LOTHS AND KA & PEALRLXE* August 1st, 1870 0K THE KNEWEST STYLES, wyâ€" DikY G00D08. m BK FOR LEA & PERRINXD SAUCE, '::610- AND CANADLAN MANUFACTURES CGrocertes. Copper Smiths, Bell Mardware. Mapngers, &oe. 1870. Â¥YERCOATsS | i4 _/ in conanssction with the Grand Truak Rallway i*s Proprietors lseave Portliand every MONDAY and !ll!l‘ sh, Lendon, &¢, | DpAY uo:-.mu:a:..r‘.l..u. Vilmen . univerâ€" Tickets through mirfl-‘ 42712330 law | pal stations. ) acptrcirear niftraint at terminal and way se sta | Hons, apply at the Tioket OMfcss, l.'., on as .'Au_;m-.ad'“.h-u Btreot. or uf TEKK® | C.J; BRYD@RS, Managing Directer TDt | _ Spesial attention is directed to this Company‘s ‘aulm.hn'ndbno IRUX~iNKG OF T RALNS KOR TAE ~NSULNG £8 5. | _ As fest as completed, In addhtion to the Fast Time whish it 1s intended to make betweenths With close connsctions at all posnts. Theline will bo equinped with handsome * NEW FIRST.CLASS: CARS, Portland and Montreal in 13 Hours Montreal and Toronto is 13 Hours | _ MPROYEL SERVICE OF TRAINS ' ror TaE sUMMER or 1870. | AOCELERATI®% OF SPEED, !nw caRS ON ALL EXPRESS TAAINS, | Portland to Montreal is 13 Hours. | Montreal to Toronto in 13 Hours, PALAGCEK â€" SLEEPING CARS Will be run on the Throogh Trains and the serâ€" viee will be performed over the entire line in a manner equal to that of any railway op this con tinent. Special arrangemen‘s have been made to accommodate the pleasure Lrave!. On and after JUNK 13th the now artaageâ€" ments will be put in force, and trains will leave Montreal as follows: _ ________: Stoppisg ouly at the mortrmportant Stations, June 3 1870 e . Express for Ogdenshorgh, Ottawe, Brockville, : K ingston, ‘tellevilie, Foronto, Gue!pb, London, Brantâ€" Chbisago, and all points west at..... NIGHT, do O« sermarcers yerne Mail Train for Toronto and intermediâ€" Accommoistion Train for Brookville and intermediate statiO®6.. .......â€"« Trains for Lachinea 600 a m, T 00 a m, 9 15 am, 12 ncon, 1 30 p m.4 00 ‘-.5â€â€™1-. and 630pm. The 30 pm Train rans &mqb to Provincse Line. aolx«s soUTH AND RAST. Ascommodation Train for Leland Pood mm fer Boston, via Vermont Cenâ€" ~ ~Apannenpnoenrmnannnpepy . > ROT K Express for New York and Boston, via Vermont COD‘TAL, Mb,...s2ss00e secees Express for New York and Boston, via Pliattsburg, Lake Champlain, Burâ€" m and w Uievecsskcrstsess Express for Quebes, Lslaund Pond, Gorâ€" ham, Portiand and Lower Provinces KFor further particulars see asdvert The steamers * Chase * and «* Oharlotta " leare Portiand for HAalifax, N 8, every Wainesday and se io e ie ns t t n They have excelient for passenâ€" ";..“;‘.MI' Company‘s Steamers running inâ€" onnection with the Grasd Trunk Railwsy, laate Portliand every Monday and Tharsday at 6 I€ t m for St John, N B, &0 . _ _ _â€" ! iw /o+ ciple:* ations. a way station apply at the Ticket OMce, Bonarenture Statio~, us at No 39, Great 8t James Strest. 0J BRY D6Â¥8, between Montreal and Island Pond at 8t Hilatre, 8t Hyacinthe, U ston, Acten, Richmond, Brompton Falle, Sherbrooke, Lennoxvilie, Coaticooke and Norton Mills at 10 10 p m Lisoping Cars on all night trains Baggage W'M_ P" a us citec kn Uh ts cmd Gmo TRUNK RAILWAY COKâ€" PrANY OF CANADA. 1870.) SUMMER ARRANGEMEETSs ji8te Trains now leare BONAVENTURE STATIOD as follows : @Gorxo wEST, Expreas for oWR °*T grogkvifie, :!E}Mb. and all points Wost, 48. »»»~»â€"mâ€"»â€" _ O # &# Night do â€" do â€" do _ do _do 0 p=® Accommodation Train for Corawall and Intermediate Stationse st....... 0 p ® Acscommedation Train for Kingston and _: Trains for Lachine at ...........8:001am,1:00 an # 154 a m, 12 nooen, 1;30 p m, 4:00 p m and 8:30 p m. The 1:30 pm train runs through to Proviae * _ eommabouth axp sast. Ascommeodation Train tor Island Pond __. _ . Erpress for BOStON Rt.........s,ssssssece00..» Express for NewYork and Boston via Express for New York and Boston mn:n-u:!.u-m Burlington & Rutland at....=......+ Nigbt Express for Quebes, Lsland Pond, Gor 22m .‘W beâ€" tween Montreorland Pond at Bt. Hilaire, 8t. Hyacinthse, Aston, vischmond, Sherbrooke, Waterville Ticbets lssued through atthe Company‘s prin= June 3, 1876 Portliand overy Woednesdiay and Saturday a2 aoon, for Halifax, N.3., respectively at 4 p m. noon, for HANISK, N. They has excellient ana Coaticook only, at......... .._.__.10:10 p M L* Sleeping Cars on all Night Ttains. h Montrsal, May, Qrtawa Orrionâ€"Tork street, corner of Bussex reet A & A 8 TAYLOR, Amgu Vermout COMTA] BE.»ss»»»ss»esse00s »«» EAST AND WEST, TRiIY® WwiLL &0X »ETwERX® C A N A D A PV LMAN 8 @OLIXO WEST. senseessesssmeeces0te8. senee <* C J BRYDGER, M T 00 a m 1 10 a n 600 1 n 400 p m 143 p 1T.00 3;46 %:00. p n OTTAWA, THURSDAY DECEMBER 8, 1s70.â€" IC 8SY8STEM is +6 «xtenâ€"ive and veried, that it forcibly points to inis invention as the embryo of a anive sal rem dy _ N. B.â€"â€"The following testtmouy from the silte of the Englisbh mpdical faculty has been received : f ce ols # We, the und:rsigned, have much pleaâ€" @ sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Pouv@xâ€" 4 wiowsn‘s recent improvements in his Voltawic: # Batteries and . walvanic Appliances fut # Medical Purposes are of great importance to # Scientific Medicine, and that he is entitled #" to the consideration and uâ€ort of every * one disposed to further the advauncement of # geal and useful progres«, * # Dated the 9th day of March, 1866. 4 SIB CHARLES LOCOCK, Bart,, 'lg 2 + SIR HaNRY HOLLAND, Bart,, l.‘p L. . 4. 8, » sIR WM. FERGUSSON, Bart., F. R. 8. * EKDWD, H. SIEYVERING, M, D., MRCS8. * BIB J. RANALD MARTIN, F. K. C.8" PÂ¥ PULYERVAUCHER‘s 8YSTEM is also apâ€" proved of by an official report ef the Acaâ€" demie de Medicin«, Paris, Roysl College of Physicians, London, aud the Imperial ;‘.cnl- ty of Vienas, and its curative viruges are con» firmed by thousands of private tâ€"stimonials of cures e€fected, ~(8ee pamphblet .nth).. PULVEKRMACHER‘s MEDICOâ€"GALYAN~ IC CHAINS are encwdlngtlz;&ctln without the aid of medicine, restric of diet, or the ieast derangement of the patient‘s habits and daily occupstions, in the following maladics ; Rheumatism Femaie Complaints oi : T""‘ Constipation BSciatica Cramp Lumbage Sluggish Citculation Neuralgien Urioary Disorders Neuraigie Urlgary â€" DisorGers Head and Tootbhache Paralysls â€", Liver Complaints _ Epilepsy ‘Tic Doloreuzx Nervous Debility Indigestion Functional Disorders machor‘s in any of the above disorders is l-â€"m;. perceptibleâ€"the relief of pain RRICE . | B. OHAIN ‘BANDS for Neryous Deafness, Head, Tooth, and Face A che, and Noises in the Head, 218. to 308. B. tCHAIN BANDS for loss of Voice and other affections of the Throat, 108. 64. to #1e. N. OHAIN BANDS lor Sciatica, Rheumatic, Nouralgis, and Gouty Pains, Local Para~ lyd: Onll&:e., 184, to 224. and 408 B CHAIN BANDY for Luambsgo, Indigestion, Liver, Obest, and Functional Disorders, ke., ‘m sds a belt), 222 to 40s and 558. B CHAL BANDSH ~for Writer‘s COramp, Trembling, Nervoneness, #&c, 22s to 308 B COMBINED CHAIN BAND for Cantl, Paralysis, ~Epilepsy, General Debility Functional Disorders, &c., 308 to 508. A G;I&-h_ Bet: of â€"COMBINED . UHAIN i BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for ruâ€"uring vitalenergy, £5 to £17. The public ars most earnestly cautioned to beware of Pseudo Electric Belts advertised by &e., ‘m | B CHAL BA Tremblidg, «nd 408. ~ B COMBINED Paralysis, > com D&H‘.B,l ::. verel w bpy“?l;o l(,;nncol so se f = lor Malinos in t%o sult Pulyermacher vs Ham« mond, alizs Henry James, alias C. T, Raphey, M. R. C. 8, alias Heary Burrows, &cht'c. No Galvanic Belts are rllu those bearing the fac ‘simile of M. Puirermacher‘s signature on the label. A pamphlot containing full particulars may be had sat the Drug Store of A. Christie, BSparks Streot. J, L. PULVERMACHER, G@alvantc Estabii. hm »nt, 200 Regent Street, London, W. Ottawa, Beoptember 6, 1870 1405 tawk y &pHARYVESTING IMPLEMEN18. The effects of the application ot Pulver»â€" At‘the sign of the ANVIL, No. 34 Ri btrect, you can find a complete assorta. ont of _ Who hare sufered by Are weâ€"make a re= dustion in the price of Stoves, f Box Stoves all sizes. CE #sr OF PULVEKMAUHE CHATX BANDS AND BATTERIES. Orinw»m September 9, 1870 .wwawm,‘ ardware, Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, Coal Oil, &e. bo THOS. BIRKETL, â€" > sCYTHESI!~ sCYXTHEs!!! Our WIXTER BIOCK, just «*CAPITAL STOYVE DEPOT." 85 Bussex Street, H MEADOWE & 080. in any of the above disordeérs AND OTHER . Parlour Stoves. No. 34, Bidoau Streat. &o., &e. Mot Air Furnaces. Hotal Cook Stoves. réady for use. Matter posted up to 9.39 p.m. will be forward ed Eust and Wo:r in ny:lououury package the same night. T ©3 / % The Wostern Mail.arriving at 7 p. m. will be deiivered the same evening. : BRITISE MAILB. ‘ Por Cuna.4 Line, close every Tuesday at 10.45 Per Canadiâ€"n Line, close every Friday at 10,30 a,. m, A supplementary b?!or Canadian steamer will be ctossd at 11.30, in which all paid:â€"unâ€" registered matter will be sent. On Money Order Offices throughout the Dom!iâ€" nion, Great Britain and Ireland, Newfoundâ€" land and Prince Edward Istand, can ‘be obtained at this Qfice. ~Also, Postage and Bill Stamps. _ Mothers i Morners .: Motheralâ€"Aro you disturbed at night and broken u:«':m».‘ sick omid suflering and erying with the exoruciâ€" ating paine euttingtesth 1: If so, go at once and> git a bottle of Mrs. WLINSLOW‘8 s00THILNG YYRUP. Et «till reliove th poor Hiittle sufferer | immediatelyâ€"depond #pon it : there is 16 mistak about it. There is not a mother on earth whoba ‘ ver used it, who will not tell you at onse that it will regulate the bowels, and ive rest to the \-ubu.-dnluuulull to the child, operaâ€" ting like magic. It is pertectly safe to use in all \ou-.ulm to the taste, and :s the proâ€" seription of one oi toa oldest and bestfamaile phyâ€" mols" 1~4 nurses in the United States. Price2} fl'b&rflhvwmu received at this Office. Interest allowed at the rate of Four gt cent. r annum, and deposits can be withdrawn at z:yflno. Five per cent. will be allowed on int deposits in sums of $100, for the with= z:.'.l of which 3 months‘ notice will be reâ€" Post Orric®, i Ottawa, 1st . Nov . 18790. 5 isV m > LAz C fs :.?“ @i wbu-:n.l{n“ nA y o+ ber of -|i :udeo ll‘- Tenpresion aistoreries of the »geriey the curs at j care Infgarmation of the hop.lmm; he bed Fever, 1t m ctbc‘-uuo. 1B rfldumm,,uauumm Dau. J. P. Lanxupr ,of Chittenange, Now York, says : * It has stoud thetest triai,and has not been found wanting. Its astonishing cures of Infemâ€" l\ P. ~BASKEKVILLE & BROB. Whotesale and Retail dealers and Commisâ€" l’ll!:“‘l WHOuUE Oe -l:-‘-u z;“n:;.m;‘:‘ Trask Inr‘dfl)lu‘-ti see w #A. TRASK‘3 MAGNETIC OINTMENT ‘ are “;::m»': L Agents for the Uansdas. SBold in Ottews by ali raggists and by medicine dealers everywhere. _ Desire to draw the attention of the Public to their well assorted Stock of Groseries, Wines, Liquors, and Provisions, all of which will be sol4 at prices not to be rivalled sither hereor, elsowhere, | Having the advantage of buying our Goods at the lowest nrices, and direct from the Importing Toes Lireiwbere, whish wo bupates siven oaile ore, w we has facticn to those who have favored us with a call, Ry*, Proof and Wines of the best always on Mind, Also, m«u und Wines directly imported. Those who have not already tried our Goods are resp ctively invited to call, AM"Rse. member our motto. "Quick Bales and Light Profits.‘ @@& SBalt and Fish constantly on hand~ 4 had * 5 BRLEERTICLE £ waos. Aunguat 7, 1870. 1428.17 A Married Man, who understands farming in all its departments ; has had long experience in Orrica Houms rzox 8 i.«., to T r.x. ME #PE0OPLE‘B TEA STOREK, ITUATIONX WANTED POBT OPÂ¥PICE SAYIXGA BAXE. sPECIAL NOTICES. AgYg FAR ME R MOXEY ORDERS No. 86 G. P. BAKER, Postma FARMELE, ostmaster. â€" MALL will loars Ottawa at 9 30 a m, connesting at Preseott, with the Grand Trunk Express, Iâ€"r the * West, and with the Ogdensburg Rail» way, for Boston, New York, &0. MAILL will leave Ottawa at 12 00 noon, connetâ€" ing with the (Grand Trunk Exprees, tor Montreal, ; EXPRES® willleave Ottawa at 10 30 p m, conge:tâ€" ing with the Grand Trank Expresses, Kast and West. Going North Prescott to Ottawa, #AIL will leave Prescott Junction sat 6 a m, convecting with the 3. T. Expressos Kast and Wast, n= arriving in (Uttawa at 8.30 a m. MaAIL will leave Pressott Janction at 1.2%> p m, cunnecting with the G, T, Expross leaving Montreal a; 8 a m, and arrising in Ottawa t 3 45 p m. LXPRESs rill leave Prescort J anotion at 4 30 p 1, conpectipy with G. T. Kxpresses, Kast and ‘\_ W est, o†armvicg in Octaws st 1 p m. 20 minutes vliowed at Pressott Juanotion refreshments. K LUTTIKELL, _ THOMAS REYNOLD», _ _Tliok:ts mey be obtained on application to any of the Co-pul'o Asnn.oru any of the Prine‘ . pal Etations of the grana Trunk Kailway. All trains on this Line sre run en Montreal time, Superictenderct. ttawa, November 19, 1870 Leave Brockvilte EXPRES3, at 4.45 a m, connecting with Grand Trunk Express from the West, and arriving at Otâ€" awa, at 8.50 a m AULTERATICN OF TRALN:®, , Commencing DECEÂ¥BER 5, 1810. BLEEPLING CAkK»s between 10kONXTJ and Oftawa, going through in 13 HJU R3, On and after MJÂ¥DAY, Dec.6, TRAIN3 will 1un as follows : MALL THRAIS, at 7.30 a m, arriving at Otaewa at 1.50 p m. [ tÂ¥ C EXPRE33, at 3.30 p m, connecting with Grand Trunk Vay Express from the Woest, and arriving at Ottawa at 7.16 p m. RHiEXPRESS, at 9 40 a m, arriving at Brockville ut 1.44 p m, and connecting with Grand Trunk Diay Fuprent goling. M k. :===â€" 21â€" 1ccccanmme ol coe lt MALL TRALN, at 3 43 p m, srriving at Brook niie 9 15 p m EXPRuz8, at 10 30 pm, arriving at. Brock~ mile at 3.15 a m, ana connecting with Graod Trunk Night Expross going Wert. _ TCrains on Canadsa Ceniral and Porth Branch make certain connections with all trains on B. & O iRkinrENNIEY ,. .. ; > . ons cssc uc3 w fyil qill A Bleeping Car will Jeave Toropto on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mghts, by the Grand Trunk 7.30 p m train, and go through t Ortawa, arriving st 5,30 a m. w y _â€"iï¬;:nfi".'â€"l_t will leare Ottawa on Tuesday, Thorsgay and Saturday nights, at 10 30 p m, and go through to Toronto by G. T. Train, arriving at oronto at 11.30 a . * Freight forwardcd with despatch, as the C. C. an14 B & ).Hailways are the rame “‘f. as the @raed Trunk,. Car loads go through in Grand Lrouk Curs to all points, without transhipment, . â€" RMM" Certain connections made with Grend Truok Trains. H ABBOTT, REAL CESTATE, Mill TProperty, Farms, Timber Lands, Timber Licenses, &c. â€" In the matter of THOMAS D. LEWIS, Of Templeton, County of Ottawa, Quebeg, # INSOLVENT, The subscriber will offer for sale 3 Public Auction, at the Court House, Town. of Ayimer, on THURSDAY the fiftecnth of December, at twolyse o‘clock Nopn. %d ; The Valuable Real Estate Timber Lands#, Saw tamaAvA CENPRAL â€"ArO BiRo.«K â€"â€" NYILLB AND OtTAWA KALL W aYÂ¥s. l;i:iio"wi'.}":.?."" Mills, Templeton ; Carpenâ€" ter‘s and Blacksmiths‘ Shop, Dpvlolli-‘ Mouses, Barns, Stables, &c., erected on the following properities to wit : * Atrrive at Sand Point 1.35 and 7.!0 p m. L'v“n& Eni In the Township of Templeton, in the County s Of Ottawa Quebec : Lots 7, 100 Acres. ;::h Rangoâ€"Part lot 3, 1%4 acres. lot 4, 200 acres. Bouth half lot 5, 100 acres, [}a:Iie lot 7, 100 acres. Do lot 8, 100 acres. W est half lot 1%, 1090 acres. On this is a raluâ€" able farm. North half lot 17, 100 acres. Brockville, Ont., Des !, 1870 «*‘ De . _ lot 18, 100 acres.. ‘ KNinth Rangeâ€"North half lot 5, 100 acres. Lot 18, 200 On thir bot ‘imerscted a Saw Mill, known uto "Eagle Mills," Carpenter‘s Bhop, Blacksmith‘s Shop, Cook House, lour other Houses, three Butns, and other build ings thsreon erected. : South nalf lot 14, 100 acres, with buildings * thereon ersoted. Bouth hdllo‘g'u. 100 acres. Tenth .fl’â€" est half lot 5, 100 acres. Kast half lot 5, 100 acres, . . West half lot 6, 100 acres. f Lot 9, 100 acres. * ~ _‘ Lot 13, 200 acres, with Dwelling House and MEORTAKXT SALE Barn. Tfah L North half lot 17, 100 neres. North halflot 18, 100 acres, :North half lot 19, 199 acres. ‘ Eleventh Rangeâ€"Lot 6, 200 meres. This is| valuable timber Land. Twelfth n.:râ€"rm lot 14, 25 acres, commonâ€" l{ called MeGregor‘s Farm. Thirteenth Rangeâ€"Part lot 13, 40 acres, with buildings thereon erected. Also Insojvents interest on lot 15, in the 15th concession of Templeton, Quebec. â€"ALsoâ€" THE UNDERMENTIONED LICENSEs COMâ€" MONLY CALLED TLMBER LIL@IT3, will be sold at the same time belonging to same First Licenseâ€"Number Eight (8) for 1870 and 1871, to Cut Timber on the following limite : PortLaxp, QUEB®ECâ€"Area 17} square milesâ€" To commence at the rear line of the Muhl‘ of Templeton, running on said rear line 6 miles on the course due north, and in breadth not more than half n: to the beight of land beâ€" tween the Blanche and Lierve Rixers. The '“:i ern boundary of this limit is the town'hir Wakefeld. ‘The upper boundary of this 1 mit has only 2} miles. ‘ Becondlyâ€"License number eightyâ€"cight (88) for 1870 and 1871, to cut Timber on the folâ€" lewing limits, viz., Wakefield, Quebec. Area 7i square milesâ€"Lots number 16, 17, 19, 20 and 21 in the eighth (8) Range ; and 11, 18, 19, 21, 26 in the ninth (9; Range ; 17 to 24 inâ€" clusive, E; $ 22, N. 4 25, 28, S.Df;f, in the tenth l.-.z-; and 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21, 8. 4 22, B. j 23, 8. j 24, 25, 26 in the eleventh Range of the township of Wakefeld. Also, the Insolrents interest in the Graphite Co.pnv of Canada, 200 rhares Farming and mh‘:&"“" including a valuable Gumming: Lathe Machine, Dies, Slab Cutters, &c., &e., &s. INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. Â¥or further particaulars, apj 2, Merchants Exchange Montreal Koevember 24 1823@ mease Otta wa W est half Lot 15, 100 Aores. reâ€"North half Lots 1, 2, 3. ©285 sn« i & to w icoiiU Aabear, Managing Direguo Miyc. 1 b30 ©There is death in the pot," is from the Bible (2 Kings iv. 40). "TLovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their death they are not divided," is spoken of Saul and Jonathan (2 Samue! i. 23). *A man after his eye" (Deut. xix. 21). «© A still small voice" (1 Kings xix. 12). © Escaped with the skin of my tecth" (Job xix. 20). ©That mine adversary had written a book" (Job xxi. 35). * Spreading himself like a green bay tree" (Psaim xxxvi. 35). "Hanged our harps upon the willow" (Psalm exxvii. 2). * Riches certainly make (not (ake, as it is often quoted)| themselves wings" ((Proverbs xxii. 3). © Heap coals of tire upon his bead" (Tbid. xxv. 22), «No new thing under the sun" (Ecclesiastes i. 9). *Of making many books there is no end" (Ibid. xii. 12).| «Peace, peace, when there is no pesce made famous by P. Henry (Jeremiah vilil1) "My ranse is Legion" (Mark v. 9), * To kick against the pricks" (Acts Ix. Z). ©Make a virtue of necessity‘‘ (Nhakespeare‘s Two Genilemen of Verond). ‘‘Aall that glitters is not gold" (Merchant of Venice). _ **Screw up your courage to the sticking place," not point (Macbeth),. * Make assurance doubly sure" (Ibid.). * Hang out your banners upon the outward walls" (lbid). « Keep the word of promise to our (not the) ear, but break it to our hope" (Ibid). « It‘s an ill wind turns no good," usually quoted, ©It‘s an ill wind blows no one any good"‘ (Thomas Tasser). ©Christmas comes but once a year (Ibid). ©look before you leap" (Ibid.), and * Look before ere you leap‘‘ (Hudibras), commonly quoted, © Look before you leap." Out of mind as soon as out of sight," usually quoted, "Out of sight, out of mind" (Lord Brooke).. * What though the field be lost, all is not: lost‘" (Milton). "Awake, arise, or be for: ever fillen" (Ibidy. «©Necessity, the tyâ€" rant‘s plea‘‘ (Ibid). Peace hath her vicâ€" tories" (Ibid)y. © Though this may be play to you, ‘tis death to us‘ g:;f.r ‘Estrange, 1704). "All ery, and no "â€"not "littlé wool" (Hudibras). ‘Count their chikens‘ere (not ‘before‘) the are hatched", (Ibid). "Through thick and thin" (Dryden), ©When Greeksjoin Greeka, then was the tog‘ of war," usually quoted, *When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war‘ (Nathaniel Lee, 1692). _ * Of two evils, 1 have chosen the least" (Prior). © Richard is himself again‘‘ (Colley Cibber). #Classic ground" (Addison) *A good hater‘ (Johnson). * My name is Norval"‘ (John Hume, 180¢). *Ask me no quesâ€" Where Familiar Quotatious Come W in t inss i ied lt dnc an * Pinitts d W m mee memm enc ecrmand No pent up Utica contracts our power"‘ (Jonathan Sewell). ©"lHath given hostage to fortune" (Bacony. * His (Cod'& image cut in ebony‘‘ (Thomas Fuller). " Wise and masterly inactivity‘‘ (Mackintosh, in 1791, though generally attributed to John Ranâ€" ’dolph). «© First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his fellowâ€"citizens" tnot «*countrymen‘"‘) ( Resolutions preâ€" sented to the House of Representatives, December, 1790, prepared by Gen. Hienry hater‘ (Johnson). * My name is Norval"‘ (John Hume, 180¢). **Ask me no quesâ€" tions, and T‘ll tell you no fibs" (Lioldâ€" smith). * Not much the worse for wear‘‘ â€"not «"pone the worse" (Cowper). ©" What will Mrs. Grundy say" ‘(Ihomas Morton), Lee). "Millions for defence, but not one cent for tribute‘" (Chas. C. Pinckney " The almighty dollar" ((Washington â€"Irviog). @ As good as a play" (King Charles, when in Parliament attending the discussion of Lord Ross‘s Divorce Bill). ‘~Scllm§ & bargain‘" (i« in Love‘s Labor Lost). " Fast and loose," **Go snacks," Pope‘s (" Proâ€" logue to Satires)," "In the wrong box," (*Fox‘s. Martyrs,") «To lam‘" (in the sense to beat), " Ki:&:nd no king." by Beaumont and Fletcher. The hackneyed newspaiper=â€"dsitin quotation, «"Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur in illis," is not found in any classic er latin author, The nearest -ggroscb to it was, "Omnia muâ€" tantur," &¢., and this is found in Borbonius, aGerman writer of the middle ages. «Smelâ€" ling of thelamp‘"‘ is to be fund in Plutarch, e o ve*t uaras T uVC T v® c 0 7 V eame t \ and is there attributed to Pythias, " A little bird told me** comes from Ecclesiâ€" astes x. 20, "For a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which had wings shail tell the matter."‘ He that fights and runs away, © ‘*May live to fight another day. These lines, generally attributed to Huâ€" dibras, are really much older. They may be found in a book published in 1656. The same idea is, howevrer, expressed in a couplet published in 1_543 while one of the few fragments of Menander, the Greek writer, that have been preserved embodies the same idea in a single line. The couplet of Hudibras is :â€" hnd s Forthooethl&flymx ï¬ï¬t.pin, Which he can never do that‘s slain. "«Iell is paved with good intentions," though found in Johnson and Herbert, was obviously in that day a proverbial exâ€" ?r-â€"ion. Walter Spott ascribes :t to some ‘Stern old divrine.‘" " Thereis a time coming,‘"‘ is an ognu'mn n.aï¬; Sir Walter Scott in Rob Roy, wnd ‘has doubtless for a long time been a familiar saying in Scotland. The "most married"" woman of which there is any record, was undoubtedly the Harlem woman spoken of by Evelyn in bis diary, whose propensity jor remarrying had finally to be checkâ€"d by law. She married her twentyfifth husband, and being now a widow, was prohibited to marry in future. Mainy years ago, a man in Harsville, N. Y., became attached to a young and beautiful ‘damsel, who died before their intended murriage could be consummated. He then married the mother of the deâ€" ceas@t, who was some twenty years his | undger £80,000; also of the underment.onâ€" senior, with whom he lived quite | $4 ; J. Brignell, under 160,000; R. Fitch, happy ulibom.:t.ghtyfm:“lbob’n& £15,000. _ years of age. As m e A correspondent of the Photographic time quite decrepit, they adopted | yap» gives the following simple method of a maid of some thirty summers, who bad | gxing pencil and chalk drawings : Milk, lived with them a year and a half, when | gpre. parts; water, one part. Lay the the old lady died. Before the time 'f' drawings, face upwards, in a large «dish or pointed for the funeral, the ~man himself | teatray ; pour the milk and water over was taken sick, on which account the 19â€" | each one singly, well cover them, pin them neral services were postpone | four weeks. up to drain, and when dry they will be as But in less than two weeks he sent fOr # | ppoure as a print or engraving. justice of the peace and was married to t.::mld:hd.dopg 'l‘b'o‘:oxt day | â€" mesevei se snn un kess the coup plied to the town for support, ‘;nd & 'oo‘k‘ruer the ngurbl;md‘th dudf! IMKIQ_I_'_IOTII. is funeral being attended before that 0 inting j ‘hi'g"“’i'fï¬ï¬‚db.th.wm brhd-o ""“l.m bridal toilettes can no longer cently married ing the only mourner. w I,' home i latest edict Human folly is " vast and illimitable." _ ‘ D‘m:d;-:ï¬: is «he of and a week later the man himsel! died, his funeral being attended bâ€"fore that of his first wife and the woman he had so reâ€" cently married ~being the only mourner. Human folly is " vast and illimitable." When Socrates was asked whether it were better for a man to get marrned or live single, he replied : " Let him do either and he will repent it." With due respect to Socrates, we must object to the above. We once knew a fortune hunting young man who married a maden lady on the wintry side of fifty. She was worth about $109,000, and died in less than a monthafter the celebration of the nuptial ceremonies. He inherited her property, and he never repented his marâ€" + Among the ancient Germans it was death for any woman to marry before she was twenty years old. By the laws of Lyâ€" ourgus the most special attention was paid to the physical education, amd no delicate or sick women were allowed to marry. In the Royal Library of Paris is a written contract drawn up in 1207, between two persons of noble birth in Arnigns. The document bound husband and wife to faithfal wedlock for seven years. Itstipuâ€" lated that the parties should have mutually agreed ; but if not, the children were to be e_qunfly divided ; if the numâ€" ber should chance not to be even, they were todraw lots for the odd one. In Bornee, marriages, which generally Walter Spott ascribes 1t to some Queer {PRICEâ€"3 CENTS groom are econducted : from : the bpAÂ¥vhite ends of the village to the spot where the ceremony is performed. â€" They fAre seated on two bars of iron, symbolical of the vigâ€" orous and lasting Nflllnfl in store for them. A cigar and a betel loaf, carefully repared with areca nut, are put into the Elndl of each. (One of the ‘officiating priests advances, wares two fowls over the Eouh of the betrethed, and in a long adâ€" dress to the bu{\rome Being, and a short one to the couple, calls down eternal bMesâ€" sings on them, implores that peace and happiness attend the union, and gives some temporal advice, sometimes of a character mere medical than shintly. The spiritual part being thus concluded the nï¬tchl succeeds. ‘The heads of the affirmed are knocked togethber four times ; then the bmdegroom _&n:u betal leaf and cigar into the mouth of the bride; and and thus they are acknowlodiod a wedded couple, with the sanction of t ï¬ religion . At a later period on the nuptial evening, fowls are killed, the Blood caught in two cups, and from its color the priest foreâ€" tells the h-Rino- or misery of the newly married. e ceremony is closed by a succeed‘a lengthened routine of enigmaâ€" tical courtship peculiar to those people, are celebrated with great pomp and conâ€" siderable originality. â€"The bride and brideâ€" feast, much dancing and noisy music The London Times, discussing the quesâ€" tion of military organization, estumates that the forces required to place Great Britain in a position of security from invasion are about 70,000, and our field army must hbe provided without drawing upon| this force. About 100,000 regular nofd.eu would also be usually wanted for foreign service, and a home field army of undetined strength and character would be needed beside. "With these estimates, let us cympare reâ€" sources as at least nominally available. Including the recent augimentations, the Times presumes the regular army may be reckored at 200,000 men. @T these, perhaps, halfare in India or at other stations, and half at home. . Here, then, we have our foreign army of 100,000 men actnally provided, and 100,@00 more dis posable tor our home field army, . 1t would remain, therefore, to provide 70,00U0 men for home garrison duties, and for this ser vice we have at least 250,000 militia and volunteers. To put the cas in a wotio-l form, let us imagine ourselves galled upon for the exertion of our military streng:h at this very moment. We have some 14, 000 regalar‘ troops at bhome, and the: mmilitia would, of course, be at once, embodied. and the volunteers callei out. As many {:rlup- as 40,000 or 50,000 soldiers would required for the immediate reinforce ment of our foreign garrisons, leaving 50,000 or 60,000at homeâ€" that is to say,not enough to hold the uruwgi.cal points of our on is! nds. This is the kind of reckoning by which it is sometimes shown that we could not put 20,000 or even 10,000 men into line, and it is by no means altogether fal. lacious, It proceeds on the assumption that for active service our regular troops alone can be considered available, and igâ€" nores the aid of the militia and volunteers. But if the militia are within the linuts of the Kingdom as â€" good as reguliar soldiers, | than we could .certainly . put not meresy 20,000) men in line, but more than fire | times‘that number.. The weak point "of | the case is in the constitution of the home force. There is probably no material deâ€" ficiency in numbers ; but the militia is but | half officered, and the men can hardly be | considered more than half trained. ~Above | all, the subsidiary services indispensable ‘| to the efficiency of any troops in the tield, | whether regular or irregular, would not be | be forthcoming from our present resources. | One of our first duties will consist in the | recognition of the fact that every body of * | troops, however it may be designated, or | | however ils duties may be limited, reâ€" \| quires in these respects provision for its *] efficiency no less than a regular army. English oflicers are volunteering for serâ€" vice in the Turkish army. In England alone @bout $300,000 â€"was z:th-tyurh the purchaso of false for Sunday services each week in London. Zhe'En;lhh pepers are agitating the "Mogging in the navy" question again, In Somersetshire, England, cattle are dyâ€" ing by scores from havying eaten too miuy The widow and two dl:fbtfl'l of Naâ€" thamel Hawthorne, author of the «Bcarlet Letter,‘‘ the «House with the Seven (Giaâ€" bles," and other famous stomes, are now living in Kensington, the "Old Court Buburb of London. "Ahe Princess Louise, with \the express consent of Her Majesty the Queen, has acâ€" cepted the dedication of MrKebert Buchaâ€" nan‘s work on the Highlands, and the book will appear immediately under the title of #©Hebrides and the Land of Lorne."‘ The import of beet root lng in to Eng land from the Continent is more eon siderable than is generally supposed, and has averaged during the last three years .omvthil&“lih 50,00) tonsâ€"an amount equal to which she takes from the Mauritius. The will of Sir Frederick Polliock, Chief Baron of the English Court of Exchequer, , has been sworn to under £45,000 personâ€" alty. _ The will of Richard Campion, E»g., of Denmark Hill, Camberwell, #ras proved under £80,000; also of the underment.onâ€" ed : J. Brignell, under 160,000; R. Fitch, £75,000. . A correspondent of the Thotographie News gives the following simple method of fixing pencil and chalk drawings : Milk, three parts; water, one part. lay the drawings, face upwards, in a large dish or teatray ; pour the milk and water over each one singly, well cover them, pin them up to drain, and when dry they will be as secure as a print or engraving. The Reine Margot body is a novelty in dresmaking. It w made fitting tight t> the figure and coming far down on the :i&t.bbeh. copied from old illuminated A new dress material is called Velours Imperial. Notwithstanding its 1% has no velvet in it, Mafl.mp. of beary ribbed silk and satin. The fashâ€" lonable colors for street weer this winter are violate de'tqll.. slate Nu‘, bottle ] greon, trn and nasturtium. I The dress most fashionable and useful in the all round skirt worn with a court train. * and pretty lace breakfast capsfor home wear. Cerise and amber silks, with black lace over, are much worn for dinner dressos materials are both elegant and popular. With cashmere suits, mulls of the same of carryni on. Vultures‘ feathers are much worn this winter by young ladies who must be fonl England Armed. Old Country Ttems. color in different 11 tÂ¥