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Ottawa Times (1865), 12 Dec 1870, p. 3

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allaga®® . Alderman. Mosgrove, as _ Chairman “'~fw1,â€" pessnted the report of the Comâ€" " ecten Wittee of Enquiry. _ It stated that al} ovâ€" ' *A e Hence that wis adduced had been heard, M and that in the absence of legal evidence, asking u# i9 which should finally de ide the matter, 4‘ they could only hold the Collector responâ€" ngton * sible for the amount unaccounted for. it j Moved by Ald. Mosgrove, seconded by ® & 3 Ald. Cunningh:«s, that the report of the he best 1®" . tommittve appointed to enquire into the i sh29* Natter between the City Collector and wX 6 * City .. +1berlain, be received and adopted. ND x s | f% u3 * 1 °F4 $3 t 4k L gate APRBAE "la; e ®V " made in i5 1t > S MWMkEKNKLLEKMKY LULWIERE * .. @ugho® agp Ortaws ralnmaY on eccvculh e K k . 14 neon , 10 pm. fi........«.-n-- .348 pu .T +3 p ® The ag0¢e irat is connect at Prosoott Junet» ‘MMWN‘!"' «ll poinis souw q001 and west. ”wâ€"l.l street, corner e Busse ; upwards. .A lowers and Feathers. * gome persons are slready beginni ”.nay matter on du’i rowles l::h‘o to the river. s 1 furious runaway occurred yesterday in pser Town. ‘The horses ran wikily Kough sizx streets before they were sopped. There was no injury or smash o‘ y description during the whole run. and House Furnishings made a m at Garland, Mutchmor & Co‘s Alarge stock and new atyles, at reduces brge numver of persons on the Ruleau river, in the vicinity of the railroad bridge. The river in that loc«lity is nearly frozs n over. Persons should be careful in ventiurâ€" ing on the ice as it cannot be very strong yot. The Free Masons of Ontario mil celeâ€" brate St. John‘s day (27¢h inst.) by a grond tallin the Music Hall, in the evening fi”.'.mm"mh"ufl- Lzcrvas.â€"The lecture by the Rev. Mr. Sterenson last evening inâ€" the Wesleyan Methodist Church on "The City by Maid right" wus delivered in that gentlem=«n‘s wal eloquent style to a very large audiâ€" Yrrmso.â€"A meating of the electors of Ottawa Ward will be beld at 7 o‘clock this ning im Â¥* X. Guertin‘s large room, t ‘WI and Nt. Aodrew®‘s is to nominate candidates for that ward in the City Council for the year 1871 Armrrars at Rossece Ix-&“"“!" L A Hall, Boston ; W a, Quebec; T Warren, G@ B Bentam, Wm Robertson, Montreal ; 1% Mociae, Hamilton; A H Hume, Brockville. Deviin‘s Fur Depot. Ixorre. â€"The lesture by the Rev. it y y) dozen at the C. P. Dorion, 60 Sparks Street, for stoves and stoveâ€"pipe fitting. No puff; but see for yourselves. Lumbermen and country Merchants come and see. ‘The most comâ€" plete House in this Line in the Capital, L.azzxy.â€"A man named Green was arâ€" sste on Siturday for the larceny of an now.! «. .noney ndn-oapnho. YÂ¥ Goultimites Saloon, Elgin street. It sppturs he cut the glass out of the back dorof the house, and having got in tweuzh the opening thus miuts, took theabove named articles. See Posters. Porics Covear â€"Saturday.â€"â€"Patrick Flynn for assaulting a policeman was MNU‘ and cosis. Denis Flynn, father of P.< Flynn, was drunk and disorderly on the public streets . The futher was behaving in a very disorderâ€" ‘m’ arxl when Constable Banning went towrrest him the son struck him (Banning) on the fice. The magistrate looked very leniently upon the case. John Bennett was committed to prisun for two months for larceny. Sriamxo wis indulgzed in yesterday by ® ”Elm Depot Nomcu.â€"Now is the time. nounce, and we are sure the news wil be well receired, that the St. George‘s Soâ€" tiety intend to give a grand concert in Her Majesty‘s Theatre, on Thursday evenâ€" ing me«xt, 15th inst. The proceeds will beinaid ot the special Christmas fund of that Society. It is almost nesediess for Us to announce that it will be a grand afâ€" fhir, Anything undertaken by this Sociâ€" aty is always curried out in a manner high»â€" ly ere litabl» to it, and its concerts ha«ve invariably been successful. â€" Fortthe one to tike place on Thursday. evening prepaâ€" nua--qs-wo\hnanordmfly exten sivre soule hare been mulo. It will be a LOCAL NEWS. grand roow! anl instrumental entertain ment, and the best amiteour talent of the city has alre «iy been secured for the 00 axion. Gowin‘s highly po pular band will be m attendance. CraxpCoxcunrt.â€"Wo are glad to an Deviin‘s FPur Depot. Ald. Mosgrove said the committeo had done all in 1ts power to trace the culpabil Uy inthe matter to the proper party, but lacking legal «vidence, though they Wght have been able to form opinions, GARLAXD, MUTCHMOR & Co. w*J refrained from expressing them, knowing that the matter would have at all ®tents to be decided in the courts. _ A petition was then read from P. A. speson, X. Germain and others, requestâ€" Ug the tment for the ensuing ‘d.m who is conversant with the English and French languages. Moved by Aid. L:pierre, seconded by 4. Guerard thit the petition of P. A. Egieson, N. Germain, and others be reâ€" tved, and that in ac ordance with the Piyer therein, Mr. W . Thompson be apâ€" Rirted sollector for the ensuing year. « Golkien Lion A & 0 TAYLOR, Agents Velveteen Hats, trom 25 A lurge aasortment 0: ars. â€"Trmmed Hate and C. P. Porion, 60 Sparks L. JAMES & Co. UVUiPE . CoUNCIL Ald. Cunningham was glad to see a mo t. m for the appointment of the Chamber 1 in as Collector. It sbowed the contiâ€" d â€"nce and trust reposed in him by gen temen around the Board, and the Chamâ€" berlain wus certainly deserving of that rust and contidence.: He wasaware the} wl in vew tor some time the amalgamaâ€" on of the offices of City Colléctor and uy Chamberlain, but ne thought is then .q â€" late in. the year to attempt v carry «ut the proposition, and for that euson enly, he would rote against the motion. * #« Moved by All. May, seconded by Ald. Robinson thit the peution of P.â€"A. Egle m N. Germain aml others be received referred to tke Finance Commuttee. After a few remarks ty Ald. Mosgrore, in which he strongly urged the amaigamaâ€" uon of the two «Bices consktering thâ€"4a s mple scheme could eflâ€"ct that desire in a short time, the amendment wa» put and carried on division. ta~ "f¢" _ Yeasâ€"Cunningham, Bate, Bangs, Pratt Rob nson, Featherston, May, McDougall and Heney. e e e Naysâ€"Mosgrore, Guerard, CLouiden, LA« pierre and Martineau. Moved by Ald. Luapierre, seconded by Ald. Martineau, that the blank in the byâ€" liaw for the appointment of a Collector be supplied with tne: name of Thos. Kirby. Es _ Ald. Martineau spoke strongly of Mr. Kirby‘s appointment. » Moved in amendment by Ald. Cunningâ€" ham, seconded by Ald. Bate, that the vlank be supplied with the name of J. H. rmi- I & _n Bee ~H: h .._'J ® Ald. Martineau spoke strongly in favor of Mr. Kirby‘s appointment. Mr. Furby weak ,.,.“.A lne wr ue y -.-PMO“ the situation. and moreover his appointment would answer the prayer of the petition of i. A. Egleson and others, as he w.s con versant with the French and English lan guages. The yeas and nays were then taken on the amendment with the following result : Yeasâ€"Cunningh .m, Bate, Fearherston, Mosgrove and Gouldets:â€" Naysâ€"Pratt, Bangs, May, Robinson, Guer.rd, Heney, Laperre, Martinegsu and Naysâ€"Pratt, Bangs, AMay, 1ODINSON, Guer.rd, Heney, Lapmerre, Martinegu and Meboug~1. * The amendment was lost. Moved in amendment by Ald. )(oo’rou. seconded by Ald. tioulden, that John Ulancey be appointed Collector kr the ensuing yoar. | Lost on division. Moved by Ald. Mosgrove, neond'g by Ald. Guerard, that the blank in byâ€" law for the appo.niment of a C or for the ye.r 1871 .o supphed with the name of Timotuy Kjoite. Lost on «ivision. I This amendment drew forth the indigâ€" nation of Ald. Martineau, who . }‘d. Mosgrove with want of ity of * rpose in proposing that gent % _ 1# He had no doubt that if Mr. h jorte were appointed to the posit he w uld be as able to fill it as any other genâ€" tiâ€"man whose name had been pH a thit night. He bad all the qual itlcations, and could speak the En and Freuch languages, but smart all as Ald Mosgrore was, he could not ca h bim (Ald.: M artine=u) in such a trap that which he set for him by the wt. Id. Moâ€"grove thought that by ving the name of a Freucuman for the tion that he (Alidâ€" Martineau) would back upon the gentleman, the motion ‘ for whose appointment he had seconded, but ao perâ€" son present could ever accuse him of such ungeni.omanly con luct. l L L L3E C sks Mecc uts Tok â€" aram. LA d ccssd Ad Emm i * | _ ‘The committee to ntorinuld the Colâ€" l'l.; lector‘s office and regulstions for its imn-rn-u was then inted, consist: *P° ‘ ing of the following tlemen :â€"Alderâ€" Mc io s l Ald. mosgrove spoke at length, in supâ€" port of the amendment. and defending m-,ol( charges of Ald. Mar tmeau. He had moved the amendment with all due sncerity of purpose, and would like to have seen it carried. lHe e« nsidered Mr. Kirby as of too excitable a n«ture for this situation. _ Ald. Heney had sâ€"ldom the pleasure of seeing Ald. Mosgrove so very liveral as he seasmed to be th.t night, but it was liber ility at the 11th hour. 'rho“-po-kor was 8 C _"€ & &94 e cnrencrmims 4 buc lll., w PoRP EERR PC T convinced that hu:m A:.l. Mosgrove the slightest rupct would get a vote in favor of Mr. R,jotte‘s nflo'nlnon, he would not bave proposed his name. Au.w:tn-dwuhnâ€"d to the remurks of Ald. Mosgrove respecting Mr. Kirby‘s excitable or E:M disposiâ€" tion, he had known t gentleman tor a number of years, and he could certainly say thut he possessed none of thoss unâ€" Aavorable qualities. | ~ AMid, Mosgroveâ€"Attend the S¢hool Trusâ€" tees‘ one night, (Laughter.) _ Ald. May thought it very hn&opor to bring up any persons name at Board in the manner in which Mr. Kirby‘s had been introduced. '“:M. Featherston looked with indignaâ€" upon the charge* brought by aid. Mosgrove aganst Ar. Kirby, He had known the gentleman for some, and detiad _ any person~ who ever hak dealings of «ny‘ kind witk â€" him to accuse him of unfionuomnly or unâ€" courteous conduct. lls was very sorry to hear Mr. Kirby spoken of that night as he hud been, particularly when that genâ€" tleman was not present to defend himself. As regards the proposing of Mr. Ru jorte tor the situation, he thought the mover intended it to answer two ends; as | u trap in which to catch the l‘n::unnu- m Dugetotti | Nok ie on s 47 .l-r wHP PARRTTTE CC T dermen present, particularly Abdl. Mar tine«u, but in which respect it miserably mu,m&mm place it was with a view to tioneering purpOses. Ald, Bings detended Mr. Kirby. Ald. Mosgrove said he proposed Mr. Ra jowe‘s name with all due sinverity and respect for thas gentlioman and the French geutlemen about the Board, So far as AMr. R-:jnun’- vote was concerne |, he could say with pleasure and independence that ‘he had no need to have recourse to uny dodg» to acquire a yore to secure his reâ€" election,. â€" Ous of 0V «lectors, whom he called uf03, he had but two réilus«ls ; therefore, _ it would be _ absura for hLun to come, there that night â€"nd endesvour to obtaim «a yore by the omurse with which he wus charged. He hw«l not to travel through any muck or Mire to 0i tain a vote. _ As to Mr. Kirby, he bad simply attributed excitability of tâ€"mperament to him. Afy person who hid ever sttended a meeting of the Bouard ot + chool Trustess must haye been impressed with that ficu. _ He was aware ihat Mr. “ Kirby was innmical to his (Ald. Mosgrove‘s) | aie. t.on for >t weorge‘s Ward, but there _ ‘The amendiment was then on division. _ 4y carried on division. â€" Moved by Ald. Cunningham, seconded by Ald. Bate, that Thomas Kirby be reâ€" quired to enter into the: usual security of Nesn on ons I $â€"5,(XX), that the rolls miay be handed over to ma "ilhom. doluy.::u_'ri.d. ~Ald, Cunningham thought the present was the proper time to cons.der any deâ€" sirable improvement in the Finance Deâ€" wm!: sc w o Oe e o 1 e © 45e k l-“-'o Aid. May particulrly desired to see the -o:i"“m of duplicate receipts introâ€" duced. ‘Moved by Ald. Cunningham, seconded by Ald. Prait, that u\k:ow Collector be empowered to collect arrears of taxes from the 15th of December to the Ist of January.â€"Carried. F%~ ns 'i'gn‘tovo, Guerard, Goulden, La original resolution was then put and put and lost men Martineau, Cunningbars, May, Dougal ind Robinson. The ion byâ€"law was then amended, making two polling tLM in Wellington Wunl.l;.tze to be at Engine House and the other at the Police Station. mdkaick In erston, thou ns certain alde A poti appoin Hall «6 ’.&tat esolut Patric ing th w the The son, * Ald. by Al heard taken |out of the hands of the famous Water|\Committee, and was in the hands of the ‘il, and he was sure that any memâ€" ber of the Board who desired reâ€"election would|not vrote for it, so that therbm was dead.| KFrom the ex & of public opinion he inferred &:: people wanted water| works, but ever one wanted them according to his own idta which was tantaâ€" mount to not wanting them at all. P. A. Egleson, the chairman of the deâ€" pu the "hb'. iefly addressed Abe. coun ©4 W it > “)ro‘ yA oty“cau. ;?pown. mg’{l Ald. Meney, that the Water Works adopted ut the list meeting of the City Coundl be withdirawn and dropped.â€"Carâ€" ried. ing. a ‘ommittee. hadl no intention to keepthe Bill from them. They did no#w inteni to keep the public in the dark. The only fault he found with those who op the Bill w»s that they did not suggest some amendment t!nnoo. & *4 w“ 1 dhic 10 2ifi stt ntissstn ind it P % ow Ald. Featherston ou'onfly condemned the uet of Abl. Me gal at 5t. Patri¢k‘s Halt on Friday night. Ald. took up the cudgel in def otf AlM. !cDoué ® After some further the meet ing Pvfn Wixzs.â€"Wine has w«ll been called the milk: of old age For invalids and convalescents its value cannot be overâ€" estimated, but what is drank now aâ€"days for wine is usually spirits disguised, and instead of being a refreshing beverage, nour.shing and invigorating, is amply stimulating and transitory in its effeot, which is more than lost in the subsequent reaction. In an admira‘le treatise on cheap wines, lately pu\blished in London by Dr. Druit, and dedicated to Mr. Gladstone, be thus spoke of the uses of pure wines :â€"** They increase the appetite ; they exhilirate the spirits ; they tend to fill the veins with pure healthy bl>«1 How often have I wished that the patients oonh& from a dispensary, or outâ€"patients‘ ital room, eoulrl have a bottle of punh:&‘c instead 0“3. ‘mixtures‘ they carry in their dirty bottles !‘ Ald rnO * d ;pin : « Be our illness what it may, ‘ most prectitioners finish off dmr'r&m with a +lis tonie,‘ with or “:om; Lox of p: i a very good 1t After day. of tover, and r‘lm.. and disgust at foo ., there «lways comes a time when the appetite may be a little h:rd. Now, wh::\; a light tonic? A little dilute acid, a ht bitter, a small quantity of some aromatic, a little aloohol, and some _ fr.grant , ether. But this is just the *mixture‘ or: ‘draught‘ ‘that :n:: h::mbnn:.lndn-dy to our nds in t grant a poddn,'i.u of France and Germany. gunly if a pa tient has two shillings to spend on something that will make him eat, he ought to be fir more grateful to us if His Worship then addressed the mestâ€" w s CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, On MONDAY, DECEMBBER 12th, 1870. "The subscriber has received a very large consignment «f the above .00". from an extensive manufacturing firm in Staffordshire, Englind, consisting « f China, Stone Ware, Rockingham Ware, Yellow Ware, Glass Ware in Glass Dishes, Decanâ€" ters and Tumblers of different kinds. consignment is large and will be w.thout reserve. * f Terms of sale cash. S.le at 2and 7 o‘clock. (ttawa, Dec. 8. 19814 Rufuu.ul PoORT. * Reseoived a trosh consignment of this delicions Wine. 1t is fui: @avoursd, of great body, and gusaraateed parity, r\ LLCA®T K. A Yweet Rod Wine of deliâ€"ate Asrour and boa. in niet B tovetyttiaty teperted Phis w ## as & purs W ine to be used in the toly Communion. 4Cn C sÂ¥ 44 §gckcs t s dn etmde o s The following genileitmen bave kindiy allowed theis names to be used as references : Ven Archdescon Fuller, Toronte. Kev J Beaven, D D, * â€" her 0@ B Read, D D, ®* : Rer E Baldwio, * Kex W > ~ clirg, * Malvolsie, Noyaa Curscon V ®me GH .A MIOUOR Crome de Moka, Chartren:e, Marâ€"schive, Kngliish and Canadian Ales and Porter, #0, &:, &e. r at the Police Station. ‘ wer to a question from ald. Feathâ€" is Woraslhip the ::Ior stated that city solicitor not givren him n opinion to thoo&:t.“yuit was t at the law provi that all n should go out this year. ion was then read from .doszhuoa I at the meeting in 8t Pa rick‘s Frilay night. The petition reâ€" ded the â€" reconsideration of the Nork‘s question,. «nd embodied the »mn‘s passed at the mecting in St. ‘s Hall on Friday night, and F‘"1 Council to submits new scheme ple for approval. e"uution consisted of P. A. Egleâ€" IL. Waller, Dr. Beaubien, Jaries k and Mr. Pidgeon. McDougal then moved, seconded . Guerard that the deputation be t the Board. Cunningham said the Bill had been out of the hands of the famous Committee, and was in the hands of il, and he was sure that any memâ€" he Board who desired reâ€"election not vote for it, so that uufun ": From the ex ion of pub he inferred ;fl: people wanted Rey W i Davi®s, 66 Rer 8 Bealord Jones, L L D, Ottawa â€"AL80â€" A fall Stook of Branaies, wins, Jamaiss Ram, Proof #+n4 Old Hyo Whiskey, Sherries, btilk and sIUCIh(I- selle, O-'opa Malaga. Maderia alvolsie,. Noyan Curscon C eme de I_:::. ir@, J. P., MACPRERSON, Wine Merch ant Eigin Btreet. Agort for Queiton, 6t George & COone parse renach Wines. Ontawa, Dos 10, 179 1966 By A. Rone, Auctionser. COrIO® #aLk£ i4Â¥ , COMMENCING A. ROWE, â€"_THE OTTaWwA Tmirs "[ R. L JAMES & 00 J AT TAE If you want Choice YIRGIN HONEY, eali at the SNew GROCERY STORE, coraur of Bussex and York Streets. _ If you want SUPERIOR CHBEESE, call at the Now GRCaRY S8TORE, Cornor of Susâ€" sex and York Streets. If you want FIRSTâ€"CLA®SS DAI RY BUT. TER, call at the New l)-!-OUIBY bTORE 6oâ€"r;'¢‘ihex and York Streets New Crop West End, Layers, Valencia and SQredlâ€"ss Raisine and Jurrants, Frosh Turkey Figs, Malags Grapes, Lemons, Cholce Iuâ€" 1 LW ue ts e t . uhoh ht s RPraics .“ es megs .122 C ol L F perial Pranes, Canded Peels, Gelatiaâ€", Cross & Blackwâ€"lWs Pickies, Sauces, Jams«, Jliles, and Mermalades, Frosh Uysters, Lobstâ€"ra Re. guin Waâ€"kerel, H«)imon an : Tomatoes, with a chatce lot of Rcotoh avd Enuli<h Al+s and Porter, Wines and Srandi«, Gin, Soton Whiskey, Jamaica Rum, Old Rye, Syrups and At the New GROCEKY STORE, Corner Snseex and York Streots. * Extra Fins Greer, Black and Japan Toas, Rio, Jara and Turkey Colf.e. Fine Family and Paetry FPIOUT, V"V MU" Corn Meal, atthe NEW GHOCERY sTORE, Corner Bussex and York btrecets, 8k HEXRY has removed his Residence and Burgery to the corner of Bank and Vitâ€" torls Streeta, near the Parliament Buildings. Operrt on Caruuto®, o k 4 PUBLIO NJTIOR is hereby given that the Courts ot GBNBRAL sH8s10Ws$s of the PEBAQ®, and COUNTY OOURT, is aad for the said k COTUEE VC C AELC GL ts o‘-yd Carleton, wili be holden at toe VOURT H0USE, in the City of Otitawa, on TUnSD \Y, the Thirtsenth day of DECEMBELK, 187 , at the hour of TEE of the csook, A M, of whiss all CORNERS, SALIFFS 0 â€"N3CABLE3, and all others conserned are req»ired to Take Notice and C€TEEXTIONX t Sherif a Ofles, Ottawa, Peoeey Eepatmet C OP CCC ‘. govern themgeives unr‘:i:c!' u smm mmmanumulr«- mm. SMALL POOKET BQ K soa. nsl'o #IVE D)LL+KRS8 Sank ot Mon real Bank Nowss. . he finder is requested to leave the same with the Doorâ€"Keeper ot the Lasiorna Biock Pariiament Baildings, PQeavea, Dos $, 1619 M 15 _4 â€" Corner Sussex and Yorkst Ottaws, Nov 20, 1870 1526if OTICK OF LEMOVAL OfTICA4. J OH NCA. BITTE RS, GoOoLDBEXxX LIoNn. from 4) to ) cents, "* at 15 to 80. especially the prices, & «e Exrommuxour Movezats, R L. JAMES & Co. Family and Pastry Flour, Ot and . 0. DELES DERNIERS, Constaxtur O%_ very cheap. A large , 1879. It is «=AL3Oâ€" W M # POWELL sheri4, By W H FALLA, Depuaty Sheri#. 154 d54g@l 1528b LIGHT . Really better Goods than sold other years at 3s, 9d., for 2s. 6d. per yard. The Nicest, Cheapest, and most durable Dress, for either street or inâ€"door wear, in Ottawa. PATTIBRSON & BRYEON: GaARLANXD MUTCHBMOR & CO. opening we bave . been obliged to lay in a large additional Stock, which â€"we will mark as low as beretofore, being dâ€"termined to re tain our already well established character, for selling ch:aper than any other House in the We have made such arrangements with the bes Factories in the Lominion as will +narle ns to keep constantly on band a large anc well Assorted Stock ot Tweeds, Flannels, Blavkete (Grey and" Whit»), Cotton and Linen Bags, Cotton Yarn, Rostery, Underâ€" clothing, otc., <tc , etc. 80 Sparks Atreot Ottawa, Nov. 80, 1870 tAn entiroly new and well asgorted Stack of British and Forâ€"ign Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, which bave been murked at prices to defy competition. In consequence of our great euccess Parties intending to make op&l'm to Parliaâ€" ment for Private Bills, cithâ€" r gr.nting exolu~ %iy» privile.e:, or conferring -'-rnu powers for commercial or other purpcses or for doing an thing tending to affect the rights 0« proâ€" periy of other parties. are bersby notifed that n:Lm required by the 512â€" anod tollowing Rules of House of Commons (whicn are published *" Wol n the h Uinmude ‘iubette " 3. to give TWO RY 1( 00D8 ! I beg t» intimate that my FUR BIOUOK is now completo in every ; notioes Réy* Reuzusee tur Prace, £ 53 Bparks Stroot, « Directly Upposite _ BATE & Co. RIFLE GREES PEP ARTMXENT. Ax Eircr Caurz is Soucte». pu-bc.op‘“- : 83 Aidean Streot. OPPOSITE OLD® STAND ; ax®® [FRENCH MERINOES, Fine, WHOLESALE & RETAIL: RIVATE PATTERSON & BRYSON. IN CANADIAN GOODS8 w‘O‘ * UBT RECERIYED, I _ Wide, Heary, and Warranted ai | Wool, in the following Colours : ) DARK BRG . n ROWN, RY GENULIX z2 _DEC. 12 1g70 DRAB Y U RAs. F U R 8 , YIOLET, great euccess since obliged to lay in a &Y 0oDs 1 FRENCA MERINOES, AGULINE, HCARLET. "VN, yoDs ! All goods delivered free (within the limits ef the city) by our own wa, will be paid to proper packing and delivery. JOHX HMHILL, T io Smimp & C 474. srarks st. 49. Will resrive this week " per Express,‘ from ONDON, Engiand, * ‘$% CABKS OF MiuuinbLhi Contsining the Vaar Larzst Styles in Bonnets, Hats, ~ _ and some very Choice things in Flowers, Feathers and B Per 8. 8. MORAVLIAN. 1 Care Extra Cloths, in the new * Trimaing to matoh all our Fashisaable 1 Case of Newest The @«OLIVE GREEN" & prove the m »st fashionable, and are in receipt of ton plece 6 New Seal '-.nd ‘gluclslfed Otter ‘ Fancy Wove Goods still arriving. Clouds, Breakfast Shawls, Ties &e., f in endless Variety. T. HUNTON, SHOQULBEED & CO 47 and 49 Sparks Streol. POMES Th SMB 9 P. BASKERVILLE & BROS., No.36 Rideau St., and Duke St., Chaudiere, OoTTAW A, A Wh:re from their groâ€"at increase of business and the large addition now put to their Store, with a well selected Stock, and conâ€" stant attention on their part, will enable tiem to sell at prices not to be equalled elsswhere. Â¥ § Gire me what I enjoy A snug domestic scene , And take my word, I fell m, As happy as a Queen, _ Nor do . These mo. To comforts fo. "Tis not a large desire ; R I wish to sit at perfect ease, Begide my evenimg fire. I wish a friend or two would call, To ask me how I _do ; :l:b;n will ‘be found always on hand aA general assortment of GROCER!IES, TEA® in wtk'nln,lnnorhd, LIQUORS, WINES, BRANUIES, GIN, IRISH and _â€" scorcH WHISKEY, Gooderbem & Worts‘ ; HIGBHBWINES I‘ll tell you what I wf-h for nowâ€" WINTER APPLES, ORANGES® and LEMON®, CHEES®%, HAMS, â€" and BACON. Ramember our Mottoâ€"â€"*© Quick Sales and 47 Ottawa, OLD RYE, and PROOF, With a fine asso:tmeâ€"nt of Christma« and New Year‘s FRUITS and sYRUPS. Remember oUr MotWâ€"*" QHHOR XHMETC® ID°0" light Profit«." wal" Try their TEAS. "W@a Ottaws, Nov 29, 1870 1526 A GKNG@KAL MEE LN 4 of the Stooknolder s of the Ontario Posat Company will be h sld at .be Russell House, Ottaws, 04 Tussdat, the 6th Decewber next, at 1% o‘siock, noon, for the organizat.on of the Company, uonder the Ast of lmpuuu.hrm selection of Direstors, and ie COl on C000 .. ce dnc ts dn wiinia . y e UE o nc tor the transaction of genera Uttawa, Nov 22, 1870 o For Property in Montresli, improved or unimâ€" proved, ‘hs ns# Manâ€"ard Koof Stins Hou:e sitasted in Vistoria Crescent, having all the modern conveniences 0t heat, water and gas, co‘ad building, on an ample Lot, and erjyâ€" a the finest river view in Orctews _ For further iarticu‘ars apply to W C. BMILLIE, on ths :n.b-. or 2t the Ofise of the BRITIS 1 AÂ¥ME ivuaAN BAs#K NoTE COMPANYT, Wellington F YOU WANT _ To SsAVE MONEY YEATBE PMPRI O CCA C l‘ prises of all my Wood, that is to #*8s7, best Hard Wood $1 75, n»wn $3.00 ; Becond best Hara Woud, 4 15 Gaws $450. My Saw Miil is now in constant operation ans ready, and will out prowptly in obedien0s to al! Fol $A I-lg New Teas in great variety, Coffee â€" â€"the ver Ottawa, Dec 3, 1870 4 : Rtwccth | The Proprietor begs to inform the 1t vers otf THE TEA POT | erally, that the alterations are now mpleted, the whole p ; thoroughly renovated and stocked with i ns nef 9t 040. s... Cc * 4 Of the very best quality. He is ”OZ‘;’?’Pa’ed to execute orders Wholesale and Re. tail, and every article will be guarante ; as they have been selected with the greatest sHARLES J. TA*KER, Accont."t: â€" B oks posted Acownts made out. aAppls the offce of H P His sulicitor, Rierences Oct 11 1879. Mantle Cloths. Satin Cloths, THIS DAY FORXTH 1 change tre s m Es ue ul se Ns :h s ts T Nesn CS svar aet very high ‘hey widely roam ‘srate wishes are confin‘d nd at home. OF MivxuiNERY, Go To THE the very bestâ€"roasted A Raisins. Currants l.‘:.-"“:{ ground daily EXCHANGE and Fresh Groods MA Artnodfientcicam d â€"\ 42‘ , Currants, Figg' &c.?&c. P°"‘.,Wi{'-°v, Sherry V so wellâ€" Old Lady‘s 1 RIDEAU sTRrREET. JOBNX HEN®Er. 1531 .t the above. w self English Old Tom Ginâ€" 1530 im ,pl DIRECT IMPORTAN. Ex. Ships COGNAC, NEREO, UNION and CIrY of QUEBEC, from the â€" different places of G:10wth. It you BRANDIES.â€"Pure and unaduilterated, good f for any use, always on hand in Wood or Bottle. PORT WINEâ€"Pure ard reliable (20 years old) â€"forâ€" d purposes and the only house in the Ci:sy that imports such \â€" wWINES direct to order, _« SHERRY .WINESâ€"Vrious grades, very, v<ry Pale, (oelii us tavour J Bplendid Wines at a price 4+ defy competition. GINâ€"Jobn D« Kuyper & Son‘s Double= Berried, First Jlass. sCOTCH WHISKEYâ€"OIld and Mild, (fall strength.) BRUM, The following Goods in Btock and for Sale of the best kind. PORTE% AND ALES.â€"Guiness‘s Dublin and Dawe‘s, Lachine, in splendid order . COFFEE. â€" Delicious _ Flavour. _ Fresh Ro asted ard Ground Daily. TEAS. â€" The bost qualities of Black, Japan, ard Grcen, new crop and fragant, SUGAR» and SYRUPS of all kinds. 'r? Winev Bnnd_v, I Tom Ginâ€"Booth‘s, CHEESE â€"Fine old (Reâ€"sors and Fac«» tory ) the best. PICKLES and SAUCEK®, Jams and Jellies from Crose und Blackwells, in great vuariety. FRUIIS.â€"The foest table and cooking rsaiâ€"in< that can be had, large fresh and rich flavered, CURR ANTS â€"Quite Peels. SPERM CAKDLES and fancy perfumed soaps, the greatest variety in the city, and made to ordâ€"r by Fiâ€"1d of London, England. Thereis an endless variety of those fine goods worthy of BPECIAL £LTTE®ST.ON FOR FaMILIES, beiog of the fineet qualitiâ€"s atmod.rate prices Everybody should know that to use good goods saves money. TRYTHEM. It is now AN ESTABLISHED FaACT Patents solicited in CanaJa and the United States ; Trade and Timber Marks, Industrial Dâ€"â€"igos, Copywrights, Transters, &6,, regint 1 â€" ed on the shortest notice, Co des of Laws, Cirâ€" culars, and information, seut {ree on applicaâ€" tion _ Drawings pro.nn’ sand copied, Charges modJerate United States Pate its particul«rly Sttended to, Several valuable Patent Rights for sale,â€" _ _____ _ ___.__ serTHE ULSTER OVERâ€"COAT Is the Great Novelty in @ENTLEXENX‘S GARMEKTS This Reason. BMAM®* A Specimen on View, at ;â€"â€".- Â¥s â€"«â€"vening Wish, Thos. Patterson, Begs respectfully to announcs to the pnbâ€" lic in general that the above premise«s wil: be apened for businers this day, 29th inst , and you want any Firstâ€"Cless BRANDIES ur WINKES and the best Family Groâ€" ceries, you must go to> |,:,p'-. ~"y «trict attention to busioâ€"ss +ni! mod rate charges, to werit their patrocage and favour. " Â¥ Ottaws, December 5, 18 70. My Â¥. 8. PATENT AGENKXCY. Kovember 26, 1870 Ottawa, K ov 39, 1870 ‘«aANADA AND "THE TEA i oT,‘ Ri. Ottawa, Nov 29, 1870 NETCALFE AXD QUEEN STREET®, The tea would gladen er‘ry heart, And brighten every face ; And nothing more could we desire In such a happy case. With JOHN HILL‘S Te.. Iâ€" alway; The comforts of my home ; ~d whenI can partake of this I‘d set the tea things on tne And we should ail agree, While taking everâ€"welcome Of JOHN HILL‘S wholo«: oLD RYE, Then truly happy I should be sPECIALITY. ‘The Proprietor, G. R. EY ANS, No. 26 hideau Strest. wishes seldom r-oâ€"a'm AMKLS* FAMILY PROOF, AND gons, and cvrery attention T. G. CONURSOLLES, () 1524t Bern;r}l‘. & Thompson‘s MAGKE & RURM&ELUS, welcome cups 8 wholesome tea PoXL,.! _ T and the public genâ€" premises having been HIGH WINES, ~EaU SrReey of this always crown OTEL k4 m ~Ons. 2 + 1 E26tf R@y~ Our Stock, for extent, variety, quality and price, gtands unrivalled in $ jeverinn d 7 Have now received a full supply ot P EP ArRr t ME NT 8. Ottawa, September 26, 1870 yâ€" E2 pa _ . Notice is hereby givren that the Auoual Genoral Meeting of the Sokholders ot the Ottawa and @loucester ROAD COMPANY, will be he.q at the Office of FAANCIS OLEMOW, K+g., in this City, on MOND 1 YÂ¥, the 12th day of DEC@GMBER inost., atthe Hour of TEN «‘clock, a.m., for the Klection af DIRECTIORS for the etsuing year and for the purpore of receiving the Anoual Ke.â€" port of the Seeretary and Trem»urer for che our rent yoar. Ottawa, Dec. 8, 1870. D sted this 3rd day of Ubecsember 18! MUNESTIMOSLAL CUNNIRSHAM & UkOS\Y, HON. SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, L.C B., &s., &1., &s. 1s hereby given that the Corp rition of the City of sitews will 'f"" to the Legislature of the Provines of Untaris, at its next mees10a, for n Act to a mend the Aot Ineorpor a ing the Otawa City street Pessenger Railw «y Ume paDy W r'l.tfl. 2 < 2# The _ Have opened uj sevreral CASES an, GOUDS, to which Attention, B@" Ladies, ple ca.etully, their be merated worthy af TTAWA AAb GLOUVCKSTER Oitawa, Kov 11, 1870 NEW FALL GOODS <4g OTIC «& &R OA D C O NX P ANY . RETHL ADV._RTISEM A Magke & Ruge 4 MAGEE & RUSSELL 14 RIDEAU sSTREET, Cambric Ha. "*** Cushon Tassels,* White Filacclie, â€" lartan Velvet Ribbons, _ Black and Coloured Silk Rit TSFhm Sik Rikhons ‘Tartin 8i ib New Linen Sets, n,, "Kand White Silk Laces, Pis. Nets, Kew Style, Hair i‘n.h: and Rolls, Hair + Cambric Ha, dkerchiefs, Fancy Woollen Goods _adies Sot. H me, _‘ Gent‘s l'n(IM‘lathing' Kid Mitts and Gloves. Breakfast Shawls By order SPARKS sSTREET ASL® and BALEs to which they res â€"â€"T0O THBâ€" ind ( d up within the last f. Silk Twists oloured Velvet &'; W . K. FALL®, Beoe ~Treasurer, respectfully Caty Clerk. 1611 Iwk tw Assorteid 1592 1w

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