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Ottawa Times (1865), 12 Dec 1870, p. 4

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TINMAN LINBOF KLAIL OTRAMERS, AAILINQ FROMX NEW YORK EVEZYT SATURDAYT AND aALTERNXATR TUESDATs, LATES 0P rid8aGa uy vHt aafCaoar svaaxani WU leave 8TEHAMER "ANN |81880N," Will loare Ayimer gailiy (Bundays excepted) a Pirst Cubin, Payablarn Goide _ _ Luverpool or Queenstown....................... 0100 H o Rtewage, Payable in Currensy, _ _ _ Liverpool 0rf YHOGDAORLR ........=ssssâ€"smessssss 8 W PARBAGE Y TH® TCRSDAY OTRANER T! KALIFAX. wxcic k 2 -__.__‘,!_ . e an s Liverpool or -u.nh’ l.f.. by hn-\ :u-t......:.. Liverpool or 4p m. Then and now so rapidly building in the Dominion and United States, It is become one of the Will commence running her regular tDs F08 Major‘s Wharf to Ottaws over Monesy and Baturday learing Major‘s at 5 a =, s2d Ottawa at Has sommenced her reguiar trips between Ottawa and Mostreal, with Mails and Passengers, loaring Cntaws at T a m. deily, MARK ET 3 T K aMEL _â€"_â€" MrÂ¥FAIRY m ac:ll- purpose of qualiiying Operators for TLEGRAPH AND RAILROAD LLNES OVER 100 OPERATORS, Wh.mlflhw'“"fil_ ; GUuOD SALARIES, U DT LADIES and GKNTLEMEN desiring to learn this m-nn-mnflopnb-h: should do so at once, ‘The average loogth time required is three months. Ladies learn more rupidly than gentlemen. Both sexes W.‘.l‘:‘“* and apwards. For tull particulars and terms addreas * Cl eoul, Uniaio. Toronto, Permanent Institutions otf the Country. Acd has turned out hkave this daj, deposited WiD Ne IRGUOTT®E® y«meral, Ewenty Thousand Dollars in additor to T SW C No Rvants Wikkams the house and outbaildings id p sarâ€" rounded by a grove of m.l,w The whole within 10 minutes drive of the Yovernment a HNovase to transact the business of Lite [nsuranor in Canada : . No. 33 The UNION MUTUAL LFEIY®SCHR ANCE COMPANY, of Maine. Deposit in U $ da or ‘s1â€"§50,000. 8. & 0 -l'll.MAf Bt;. John, N .B For the Minister of Finanee JOBN LaN@TON, * Auditor . hare this da3, deposited with the Receiverâ€" rpu® orriara M vik § nAVIGATIONX COY‘$S 8STEAMERsS. Ottaws, Reptember 3%, 1870 L To beobtaine A beautiful sountry residence with Fifteon (15 Aeres of Land (or ""“"““"7)"‘“‘(“)3 appointed Counsel to the Company tor the Domin lon. Aflhflm"mn‘nlh. B. R. CORW LN, No. :04 mmwo-pqz has received a Hawase to transact the business of Insuranor ulÂ¥K INSURANUE COMPANTYT OP MAIX h _Its Inspestots are alway sent to adjust every -wl-“a.oc’un. 'l:luu.“u c-u::.:uu. w solicite a share m“ J 8 Crooker, Ksq Baakerâ€" The ‘saadian Bank of Commerce. A.:-h Otr. waâ€"Messrs J T a W PEXâ€" ,% of PROVINCIAL ll"lle 1 <b0e the COMPAN Y arse as low as its langexperience lhcnbbrn&hk- houn“..ouhod insurance h.:.'::fl. pot when are on d prrcemebe on ptnoss its settlements the Provincial m,.camlomu-.o. C o uy ttaws, April, 25, 18784 Mai colm Cameron, W T Macda MceM aster, E+q, H 8 Howland, Es #1q, A T FPulton, Beq, Aungus Mor Terms of saile, ----mur- t % adgxtz=ttk L A'ung.r. Ienironmerhiaihe Pom uikes On and after the â€"John‘s, N.#., by branch steamer......... 30 0 Toxets sold to and from Engiand, Ireland, and Continent, at moderate rates® For (urtherinformatien, apply at the Company‘s NOL LAVEAROOL & Q ULLDM OW @©@UE EN V1ICT O Rla," "JABSON GOLLD" Pr _ entâ€"The mon Jobn Hillyardé Cameron Hiv®E Fun W ansiat _ AaAiLWAY < umsPasxX , f Canadian Parliamentary Calendar ’.IIDE TELEGRAPH IN8TITUTE #4 KIAG BTREET KA8T, JR SALE, UVT TOâ€"DAY. NIGON mUTUAL OPE & 00., ant iB40u "JONHRS & HOLLAND ROVINCIAL INSURANCE COMPA > of Canada, Head Ofce, Toronto. FIRST OF SEPTEMSKR, SR JOHN YOUNG@; FiXy th are éo.m,‘ u. mm‘ufin m. John M. Gray, M.P., has bee: CHANGE OP TIXE. Returning. wisl lears Chapsan at 1 ® I 5 CASSELS, 15 Broadway, New i HERRICE & CROUBIE, Jdets. WALL STEAMER trectory for 1810, AInsurance. Preaxos Daraatruent, (Ottaws,. 12th October, 1868. _ _ Has now béen before the public for a lâ€"ngth IVINCIAL lu'nfl of time whorever used is well liked, as its langexperience ‘mlxhn siogle instance to give petâ€" Insurance is, however, | P80u4t reliéf when timely usâ€"d, and we hare ':,,,.. '.:’.....g..'lmc known a single case of disatisfaction , and, from the equity and | where the dir«otions hare been properiy folâ€" tlements the Provincial lo::‘, but on the contrary] all 'uodou.hled pcond to none. w its 1 and un the hest way . sent to adjust every m“z.m m**fl Mw :."“:."‘.“ LintiG. We speak from erzperience in this matcer, a share of the patronage | PAY!DK tested 1t thberâ€"ughly, and therefore Otta wa. those who are suffering from any of the comâ€" ARTUUR HARVEY, i plaints for which it is recommended may ds Manager, | pend upon its betog a Soversign Remedy. a W SHEPHERD. 1M1itf 144 .Af «t 13 I am entirely restored to health, I never s u:'!:w.’uâ€".i:uu-m'u. c oi o in e aapgaes fopetroxo ues ¥® ulbv?:!'m.?u:,yq: To . [ _-_-__' * mss . 'fi'_-'.';iAl! ABK lo:.lfl his ninth da , 1869. repmandnitpning Cc CC i mmhm !a.__.-g;uq; clolg & 1 3 digestion ; an excelient TONLC for persons m&‘!“‘.' Forsale in quart bottle ; Invaluable to lnvalids of 1 m Sguation| an teestiens TOrtLY tor poneons® esmm * .‘ C T. .k :. > Gazoznza‘s Downerto Ouuhlnc?.u mu&fl-&“d* uâ€"u-: hom“..:n.u..‘dmu oers in all parts :Lolhdd-. CGurdener‘s First Prise Baking Powder, un k%mfilu“&h!‘ packets, 10 cents ; i pound packets, 25 cenw; siz GARDENER‘8 and no other. ( * i NIDRNEK. Caike. accessible u +2* Eh02 sMAOHONEES REMEDY. Whets was there over such a curse as that otf 451 Notre Dame maase, offered for sale‘at low prices, _ The Subscriber has just receired a full assort., ment from a celebrated Grower in HOLLAND, both for Spring Gardening and inâ€"door Calâ€" The Flower Roots above mentlionod not coming to band till iato in the season are _ The Canadian Pain Destroy er never falle to give immediate relief, All M.dicine Dealers keep it Pbysicians order and use it ; and no family wili be without it after once trying it. Price only Twentyâ€"Are Câ€"nts per boule. XORTHRUP & LYTMAXN. Bold in Ottaws by H F McCarthy, J Skinâ€" ner, John Roberts, J P Feath«â€"rston, George Mortimer, W M Maseey, and all Medicine The astonishing efficacy of The Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing the Diseases for which it is recommended, and its wonderfal succers in subduing the torturing pains of Rh+umatizm, and in relieviog Nervous Aff. câ€" tions, entitle it to a bigh rauk in the list of Remedieca tor these complaints. Ordersare coming from Medicine Deslers in all parts of the country for further s=pplies, and each tes=â€" tifying as to the universal satisfaction it Asa family Remedy it is well and favourably knewn relieving thousands from pain in the oo se t o s oo o o otnac. Warden ounty of Hastings, Provineo of Ottawa, Kov, 18, 1910 T 8 8 DUTCH BULBS! de, Back and Head, Cougbs, Câ€"ld4s, Sotre Throat, Sprains, Bruiws, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus Dysentery, Bowel _ Complaints, Burus, Scalds, Frost Bites, TUB CANADLIAN PAiX DESTROTER nosHOoNKEKS LEakoy. orxuvur AND 8E November 30, 18710 ARDKER * AKADIA® PAIN oKaTRONER P rns?4 n ,I $ t $ &8 80 RTXBEXTt 18 0L0 D8 Hyacinths, many varieties, MWedicat. 18377 UWnbrlel‘s new sypstem, by sending nm-u ars of their onses, with u\m.:voolOu ines, when ~r-ht taking a mogael of the mouth wil? be forwarded, with all nocessary instructions Messrs. Gubriel wil andertake to KRemudel or u:mmu-u Tooth made by other Dentists, [ do not prove satistactory}, at moderate eharges. * Messrs. Gabriel‘s Pamphict on Artifisial Tooth ond Unialess Ventiustery on receipt of post=ge. *,* All letrers to be addressea to 64 LULD@ATE HILL, LONDON 13243 1.utm lawk6n l“lfll‘ AFf A Di: TANCEB REQUIRILN« AKTIFICIAL TEEIH may have them supplied, in partial or complete sets, on Mesers. Unbrial‘s new spstem, by sending mmalnul their onses, with on-m:,.--ool One Guines, when It promotes digestion it taken arten meals, It neutralizes the pr+pensity for strovg E*QOW bright and clear. uu-mnyn Imparts vitality and energy to bd:‘l’m By iIts use a man of 70 will become, as it were, restored to the elasticity of 30 ; and to persons of delicate constitations it is strong!y Hecure, health, l’vfiy and vital Kopt "he principat Druggints in stock by t and Grocers in ttot‘-hcd _ For directions fsr ase sâ€"e lab«ls on bottles HENRY CHAPMAN & Co., . _ EYVAN8, MERCER & CO,, Montreal, ___ Bole Agents for the Dominica R.'Al. JFALIAX BTTERS. Prepared by special permission om the rigina reotpe of Â¥. P. VERRI, M. D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY, Kept by all the principal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion, PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. A, M, Â¥, GIANELLI, _ Bole Manufacturer and Proprietor for the Dow :nâ€" lon of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"These celebrated Bitters are carefclly prepared with the very best quality clihrq Wine, and are especially adapted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitations. They are gontly stimalant, and will be tound infallible alds to digestion. f, Por directions see label rouad the neok of each None are unloss of 1023tf A. . F GIANELL1I, bottle: None are gon he proprietor, lor3tt suenaeemnpemmmeprmgee H &. Â¥1 C Paris. Lessons on Piano a: i Singing. streot, corner ofK in gâ€"streot . ORGANLST AND TEACRER oÂ¥ MUSIC. Residenceâ€"Eigin Streot, South of Slater Str: ot. CUlusses for beginners at Mr Gowan‘s Hall on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at4}j p m. Ottawna, July 15th, 1870, 1419 uf From the Farm of MRS. STEWART on the bank of the Canal, on the 20th inst., TWENX1 T= THREE LAMBS,. marke! with a stroke on the back with ar. Information to be given to W M BLATTERY, Buicher By Ward Markot # "® J '-'“â€"r*- VC n-*.hn.l'- seamuee _ Wiks Mvnou. AOADII.'. ‘ 1AaABRIEKL*s WHiTE GUTTA PERCHA K ENAME._, tor Stopping Decayed Teoth. Renders the tooth sound and usoful, and m- Toothache, no matter how far decayed . al 8d per box. Ask for Gabriel‘s Celebrated D& C auuimu»s osr®o ENAMEL SNbLL S for Preserving Front Teeth. rranted to keep white, and as Orm as uow""‘“- Ths beautiful preparation restores FP*** ‘l‘o‘ot: n.d MESSRS. GABRLIEL, The oldâ€"established Dentists, â€"porAgp flls ChLEBBATED FPEEPARA TLONS , o FOR LEANSING, BEAUTIFYIN®, AND PREs~SRVING THE TEETRE see (Gabriel‘s nameâ€"None Genuine without it FOm THE â€" TEET It is an especial favourite with Orlental Â¥_BM. oc s Mr.GU8TAYESM1TH, islotthe Caths . ike radantnnt ies fnoponia) Joservareny s Montreal, July 6. Bold by Chemists and Perfumers, and by the 64 Ladgate Hill, London, And at LIVERPOOL and BRIGBTON. ParRrATY} ME §5$#48~ CABRIEL. Dentists. L UPCATE HiLL, LONDON. 9 R Db Buthsient for sopping six Teoetk. mwADRID 1847 10 suferers from Tic, ‘TH K TOOTH PAa8STE oxLy gY. 14157 viTaAwA TIMES DECEMBER @ 1870. Ottawa, March 1870. .atronage in this branch ln l'“':‘lC F‘Mn’ intimate, that.i 1 :"“‘ 'h““i.n.u-m be his unceasring om'mh |' “I Storest of his patrons ; and that by M,.&.‘ :‘ndunm oh.l: IE"“; Seretofore so liberally bestowed upon .ag Furniture SBales at the Mart will comâ€" Y’&M.uly and fromtime to time will be y announced. fie will hold weekly sales of Horses, Cattle, &6, &o, on the Market, due notice of which will be given. The large number o Horses and Cattle sold bi him during the past year, is surficient guar that his ability in this critical branch of auctioneering is appreci: atgodâ€" Carriage an4 Bales will soon commence, }..“ those w20 u‘v'o‘an.. Carriages, and Harâ€" ness to Aipore of will do well to send them to w:‘nu ::h. of :m::.d‘l'n Farm Stook, Real Ey ate, Libraries, Works of Ar't. &o., &0., u' wel as consignments, from a distance, will meet with :‘..twm and be condusted on very moderâ€" pesond hand Furniture will be received Pce fik m oaiane Pees s ue rances om , or &odo“o.:‘:firhl‘. or may be porch @0, The -':3 Beom is well Highsod an. ventilated, u‘d.::o: the lu:r’l:;lo city, being 80 x 38. vours onage are respectfully solicited. Several Houses in the city on hands tor sale. J BERMINGHAM, MESS AND PRIME MESS PORK RLOUR NXO. 1 & EXT R A UENXERAL COMMISSION AGRKNT, Clarence Street, next to the City Hotel Jrtawa. Bolicits the patronage of the Lamber Merochan ganerailly on the Ottaws. From *is long exporiâ€" sace in the trade he offers his sorvices in ongaging men and attending to their rafts while passing nere to the best of his ability. Alex Frasor, Ksq. W aiter Smith, Beq, Joh _ cupore, Esg, “"‘.l W Onho.loq: HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR @GENERAL IX COUNCIL MPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALER DEAL BRS 1Â¥ i Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeat, Pork, &e oTTAaAWA, End of Little Sussexâ€"st. the Minister of Gustoms and under and in virtue of the aunthority given by the 8th Secâ€" tion of the Act 31 Vic. Cap. 6, intituled " An Act respecting the *Customs." His Exce ency has been pleased to make the fcllowing uht raie. Progept reluracts aiyoages * _ *** Grand Harbour, in the Isian4 of Grand Manan, in the Province of New Brunswick shall be and the same is bereby erected into n Out Port of Customs, and attached to the Port of Campo Bello (Welchpool.) WA. H. LEE, H18 the Minister of Customs and under and io vir. ture of the 64th Bection of the Act 31st Vicâ€" toria Cap. 6, intituled " An Act respecting the His Excelleney has been pleased to Order and it is hereby Ordered, that the Out Port o Port Ryerse attached to the Port ot Dover, in the Province of Ontario, be and the same is hereby constituted and appointed to be a Warehousing Port, within the meaning of that §3 OFFICE AND BALE ROOMSâ€"City Auctio m.tatmu.uumu.?m. mmummommam. lar, bogs to retarn his best thanks to his triends n‘m‘rn public of Ottawa and Country, as Tiay ‘ubsral r.n-..-' 5 vesiowed tad vepy very on , dence pl in him, since his sdvent as 1 Aw.utdhhmty.u‘tom&o-gm madnudn‘umvnl “'M continuance of the support and pa* llb;nllyon-.“b him. the many e can refer with pleasure _‘ testimoniais he has received ,f*% "": ;:: piaced propert» in his hands 545 "Pofavalate eP e GENERAL AUCTIONEER OFFICE AND BALE #00M3â€"City A: |WBITR BEANS, At Ottawn, Sund Point and Pembroke, a a Ma 18, 1870 Orraw1, Thutsday, 22nd day‘of Sept, 1870 PEESENT : Ottawa, Oct. 4, 1870, Oltawn, Oot. 6, 10t0.°0B _‘ _ 1476 s COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FORWARDERS oveak®Eext nouols. Commission Morrhavts. OovERNXMKENT ROUVSE wmrTEAS8s AND WINES, @a AT prryi)® LEsiDENCES, Mi. FOOTE & COMPANY, EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNXOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL, 18 ts h 20 1 DW t4 A t 4 H. KASTONX & ©0., Orraw1, 26th day of Bept., 1870. 6 HOSPITAL STREET COlerk Privy Council, WX. H. LEE, © Slerk Privy Council, No 5 Bparks stroot. Of the Homorable MONTREAL 1478 > MROF ‘This hbair is thickâ€" ened, falling hair checked; and © baid« ness often, though not always, % by its use. Nothing can restoreâ€" hair where the follieles are dutmyz or the glaads atrophied and decay But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediâ€" ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent â€" baldnuess. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations du%flou and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a s HAIR DRESSING, _ A RA BIA N O TL FOR HORSES AND CATTLE Containing neither :oil â€"nor dye, it does not -on-ny‘vhi_to_ cambric, n:’_‘ y'u lasts This valuable preparation combines all the medicinal vlnmp::‘l those articles which long ~xperience has proved to possess the most safe and efficient properties for the cure of Flesh Wouuds«, Sprains, Bruises, Gails of all kinds, Cracked Heerls, Ring Bone, Spavin, Callous, Pistula, Sweeney, External Polsons, Scratches or Grease, Su;m l.a-n? Mange, Wit. ows, Corps, Cracks, Foundered Feet, Cora Dicu-rr, Bwellings, and many other disases which horses and cartle are subject to. The celebrated Liniment has been used for many jyears, and its curative properties boroughly tested, and it is concedéd to be the cheapest and most reliable remedy for all external complaints ever offered to the public «â€"it never fails when timely used and faithâ€" fully applied. c To be had of all Druggists and Country Merchants throughout the Dominion. Price 25¢, per bottle. NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcastle, Ont. long on the hair, givingâ€"it a zich glossy lustre and a grnl’crnl perfume. Probablg; n.":h‘udm' in the history @. medicine, has any won so mp deepiy Aoedy for peiindnary compinines, ‘Thivugh a Yug medy for pulmona&ry com: & serics of years, .‘:ry lm:'l; most of the me::’ moen it has risen higher hm their estimaâ€" tion, as it has become better Its uniform character ln.d.sowe,r to cure the various affections of the lungs throat, have made it known as a reâ€" liable protector against them. While adapted to milder forms of disease and to =onn‘ children, it is at the same time the most Alruuddynutcn be given for incipient consumption, and the danâ€" gerous affectiong of the throat and lungs. As a proâ€" vision against sudden attacks of Croup, jt should be kept on hand in every family, and indéed as all in, thtoimnes subjent o soide not coughn i1 Practicat aAxb Axarrricar Camusts, LOWELL, MASS. Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral Suld4 by George Mortimer, Jobhn Vfivboru.m W M Massey, H F McCarthy, J Bkinver, in Ottawa, all Mâ€"dicine Dealers. : without a paralle! in the h ""'Sfmâ€"' ) medicine, Our prfilopl:ngl::dned bym nts we receive of the radical sures effected in obstinate cases, and where othor remedies had wholly failed. required by the 5‘st and following Rules of the Legisiative Assembiy,(which are published in the "Ontario Gazette"), to give NOTICB of the application (clearly and distinotly specifying its nature and object) in the * Ontario G@azette," and also in a newspaper published in the County or Union ot Counties affected ; such notice shall be continued in ‘each case for a period of at least sixâ€"woeks during the interval of time between the close of the next preceding Sesson and the conâ€" sideration of he Potition. Coples of the first and last of such notices to be sent to the Private Bill the most obstinate of them yi cured by it. _ Bronchitle is fi cured by taking the Cherry Pestoral and frequent doses. nosco bush&m ie of l‘n‘?:r‘::m Ayer‘s Ague Cure, Unacelimated persons, either resident in, or travelling through miasmatic localities, will be proâ€" tected by takin@she AGUE CURE daily. For Liver Conmdaints, arising from u)rfl«fl!y of the Livor, it is an excctient remedy, stimulating For Liver of the Liver, the Lives int For Rilion Petaer meminis. mobeacentatns fruty Ts an t remedy, i Te Mseamto mt iorperebe maint, PA _ }s> 2° 8. s 4 * rm::::"‘"'.’-‘ "‘: Bs t e | T ‘c :o Bills are _ wt restorid@ . Gray Hairâ€"to ts natural Vitality. and Color: Pll"‘ll BILLS. I hereby give notiee that I shall not be responsible for any debt contracted in my pame after this date without my written erder. All etitions for Private Bills must be presentâ€" od within the FIRST THRER WEEKB of the Beasion, 4 CHARLE® P GILLMOR, Clerk of the House, : November 24, 1870 " ~uate March 15, 1870 Prepared b'y' Dr.'.l.-G. ‘Ay"« & Co., * For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, auch es Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. A â€" NEVERâ€"FAILING REXMXEDY. ARLEY‘S oTIok., PR U3 «M e > yi'gor, ridQ . Gray Hairâ€"to this antidote for them. 3 . T nt has been used for ; curative properties | 3 ; is conceded to be | u. iable remedy for all | § offered to the public | g ely used and faithâ€" ? ggists and Country | = e Dominion. Price S P & LYMAN, i Newonatla (Oint. "ATTLE. 1522t( Hor Iming Frame Buildings under the clap boards. . An ~efftectual protection ‘ against cold, damp andâ€"rermlna. Rats and mice will _ come He will have always on hand the best perâ€" tames imported dirsotly from Paris and London. MBR GKNDREAU solicits a visit to convince all of the trouth of his statements«« Beg to intimate to their customers and th public generally, hatthey will keep comstantl on hana SPIOszv anv SALT nuUND, Opposite the Bank of Montreal. MR GENDRECAU, the propristor of that so popular Parlour, has the plessare to arnounce to bis namerous friends and the public in genoral, that to answer to the great encouragemont whic : he has received up to the prasont, he has detrâ€" minedto enlarge and thoroughly furnish anew his establishment He will sare no expense to render Parlour the most comfortable, anc 0 prosu _ ho most expericased hair drossers, MB GENDRBAU having served considerable time in some of the bes: and mort extensive Hair Dressing daloons in the Dominion and United Btates, is in a position to conduct the duties of his establiâ€"shmsnt in a manuer that cannot be surpassed. ‘as »~ BEEF AND MUTTON. To‘be has c No FRAME DW ELLING should be without Bond fer iroular, instractions, &6. BUUCHANAN & Co., Wholesale Depot for Roofing Materia and Foun . â€". Gr‘s Bupplies, e B Agents, B aughtsmen, &o. Ofice, opposite the Ontario Bank, Sp~rkeâ€"st. Ottawas. V.{mn for Trust and Loan 80. W. R. Tarstus. R. Lixe. Q COHRISTIE, Commussion Merchant and * %e General Agent. Sole agent for Road‘s ll(b'hu «n‘ @roof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" sbine Als> nd Porter. Pork, hur, &o., for sale. Orricn: No. 5, Sparks SBurset, near the Russoll Is the best and chsapest material in uss for erving aoe#, or tepairing old o. â€" ‘IJRON OR TIN ROOFi, No waiter bo« nad their condition. Alzo firs rate for . t y icaiakthg them :. S@&PFIRE ~AND MATEK PROOF, ze Hardeps.into ®.deaping of SOLLD SLATE by ex uigun' 5““ Fuller, Esq, Architect, ‘Kliingy ; Dr J A Grant, Â¥ P.,Oitawa ; Thos Reyrolds, Esq Managing Director 0. & St. L. R. R. T40 ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT ROARD. rormariy Choirster Boy and Articled Pupil of Mr : Done, of w-m:." Cathodral, -’:.u‘u Nee 'l\lll‘l'l.l & Coâ€", Land Surveyors, Land Agents, B aughtsmen, &c. Ofice, opposite THEF â€" GOVEKRNOs GFNER aL PATEN® PLASITIC sLATE PAIN‘1, Ottawa, September 21, 1870 _ 1468 IJTTAW A OFFICEâ€"G P Deruwoxp»‘s Exchange NMece, 19 Sparks streot. DIRECTORS ; AJUOSEPH, Chairman; D C THOMSON, Troaâ€" «rer; 8 BFOOTE ATHOMSOXNX, T H DUKN. DRMXMUOND Manager LIMILt .ncorporated under ter LXVII of the W& of Canada., RSOvirch, teather s Orgns, ricoe 208 Singing" Residenceâ€"@‘Connor street. l.t“ Doward was ')_Io'l-l’l TELEGRAPH CoXMXPANXY .‘ BILLINGB, Jr., Architect. Oficeâ€" e â€" Boll‘s Blook, Sappers‘ Bridge. Rurnazxous.â€"â€"H ASims, Keq, A.chitect, Philaâ€" HAIR DRESSING PARLOUR, C Wellington street, vase, Ottaws city, C. W * Oprinthie Ibe Union Hioter, to D * H Centre Town. Â¥#*2@« â€" Jate 5. 1478 1400 u Price $6: a barrel, mixed reaay for use. A barrel will pover i0 squares (i0 x 10). Apply at g aTC NWO OR THREE CGENXTLE® AN be accommodated with UTCHERS To HESEKRVE LKOUL iL0O00EF=, ROLLED BkREEE FOR PARTIES 8 HMINXGLE R£ OO FS, AY.WARD MARKEI " THEIB "ZLEBRATED, SHEATHING FELT Miscellancous, FRESH KLLLED $HELL B p,, THFIR STALLS, HI# EICELLE®SCY Nos. 5 and 1, ATALLâ€") m« 1 ENDREAUV, 32 Lemoine Etreet, Montreal L NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION CO‘S 2) FirstClass Upper Cabin Steamers. DAILY L1XE BE WaE® OCDENSBURG & CHICAGO, Moking sure connections with Reilway for all $ Points West and South, ' Partics going west can secure Tickets at this wifice to any Pomnt desired, . Fares always cheaper than by any other Whereas it bas been represented to His Exâ€" celle ncy, that the public convenience wou!l be promoted ‘if the Out=â€"Ports of 6t Armand and Rousse‘s Point, which are situate in closer proximity to the Port of 8t. John‘s, than to hat of Montreal, with which they are now connected, wore detached from the last men«â€" tioned Port and placed under the surrey of he Port of St. Johns ; His Excellency on the recommendation of the Hon. the Minister of Customs, and under and in pursuapc» o the 8th section of the Act #1st Victoria‘ Chapter 6, intituled : | _# An Act respecting the Customs," bas been pleased to Order, aud it is hereby Oraered that on, from and atter the First day of Deâ€" comber next the Outâ€"Ports of 8t. Armand and Rouse‘s Point shall be and !B?m bereby respectively detached from the Port of Monâ€" 1 and placed under the Burvey of the Port f 5t. Johns, in th» Provinoe ot Quebes, | WM. H. LEE, :; ols y>e! GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. [The Model Road of Canada j , To Sarnia, DJetrou, stilwaukee. CHICAGO. Cincinn~ti, 8t, Louis, New Orleans, and Be sure and prosure TICKETS at this office by the â€" , GREAT CRENTRAL ROUTE AND sSAVE MNEY, TIME ANODDISTANCE. Comparitive distance of the several Western Routes to Chicego : Armmericanâ€"Ozdensburg or Presoott...... 10 ORLORMILO:... . reunsriireniich‘s it ie siexe se Grand LrUDK t0 DOLLORE......»++++++â€"seseeee Grand Trunk to Toronto, Great Wese DEEis J6D _ TNEENONHccrrinntantionparraubnierry t a Lenving in favor of the Great Central Btates, and ail information a NP ced ce Amostlicene, P Bc sn ie P4 s ow o Ari. y w it M.â€"ssrs. Konnedy & Christie, of the City of Ottawa, the Solicitor of the Defendants, Artlhur Watt, the Exeentor of the decemsed, th.irâ€" christian and surnames, addrasses and descriptions, the tull particvlars of thoir claims, a statâ€"ment of their accounts and the n«ture of the recurities (if any) held by them, or in default thâ€"reof they will be peremptorily excluded from the bemfit of the said decree. Ev.:ry Creditor bholding any security is to produce the same before twe ut my Chambers, nt the «ity of Oitewa, on the 23r4 day of Novembrr,» 1870, at 11 o‘clock, in the fore» noon, being the timo appoluted for adjudicaâ€" tion on ts claims. Dated tht 21+t day of October, 1870. (Signed), W, 4. MATHESON, Boortr & Ross, C td efi + Plaintifl‘s Solicitore. Ottawa, Oct 24, 1870 1495 14 seesion of the said Township, Risean lmt.‘ Terms and conditions made known at the of sale, and particulars can be had by app 401 Notre Dame ut Dated Montreal, 17th Sept, 1870, 1469 3aw27i HIS EXCELLENCY ThE GOYâ€" ERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. btates, and all information s{ply to J T JuKCORAXN, General Westorn Railway and Steambont Ticket office, at H Palmet‘s sto:e, next to n-zou & Draper‘s, Susâ€"exet two doors from Rideauâ€"st. Pursuant to a deciee of the Court of Chanâ€" cery, made in â€"a cause Spain vs. Watt, the ‘reditors of Martin Spain, late of the Townâ€" ship of Nepean, in the County of Carleton, wha die* in ur about the month of NOYVEMUâ€" Bik, 1867, are on or before the 15th NOâ€" VEMBER nâ€"xt, to send by post prepaid, to prRrEsTON & pgOWSELL, MILITARY; â€" TALL O | whatls i | HABILIT M AK B R&S NJ. 36 SPARKSE 8#TREET Board una Tuition $236 per anpum. _ _ _ Parsioventr:â€"The Very Rev. L. Helimuth, D.D., JF For Particalars to, Major Evans, London, Canada Weost. 9e .4. Rugust 8, 1879. 1 1 Notice is hereby given .that by virtue of the power vested in me as Assignes ofthe estate and effects of the above named lnsolvent, I shall offer forsale by Public Auction, at the Court House, in the City of Ottawa, at the hour af 12 o‘clock, noon on FRIDAY, the TWEXTYâ€"FIFTH day of NJVEMBERK next, al the estate, Fight, title, interest and equiry of redemption of the said In« so‘vent, ind of myselt, as sach Assignoéo as aforeâ€" said, in an1 to that certain parce! or truot ofland and prewmises situate, lying and being in the Township of Hloucester, in the County otf Carleton, coutaining by admessurement fifty acres of land be the same more or s, being scomposed of the west quarter of lot number two. in the third Conâ€" ll IGHER EDUCATLION:â€" H E L L MUT H COLL E G E. Board and Tuition per annum, $22 . HELLMUTH 1ADIES‘ COLLEGE ASSIGNEES SALE OF MWOUNBD »usssecseses evsessesevces ssrsssssssese: 180 30 For TICKETS to any Points in the United CENTRAL AIR LINE ROUTE N CHUHAKOEKRAY. s REAT NBOLYENT act or in the mattér of _ JOSEPB HENRY ALL RATL OR ALL BOAT all Points in the West and South oVERNMENT HOUSE, _ OTTAWA, 10th day of Xovemher, 1879 Vestings, &e. SUIRTS®MADE TO OBRpER A SELECT ‘ASSORTMENT Otawa, Jualy 26, 1376. Bread Cloths, Doe Skins, the Village o! Kenmore Fancy Coatings, CHAS BALLLIE, Clerk Privy Countéil, AN INBOLYENT Master at Ottawa . in the third Conâ€" CASSELS, .. T30 do 850 miles 136 do applying THX TIMES is printed and !“"”' Tnumn"l‘m.'”"; LISEIN® Cw.‘"-“:.'.% MARLA ESTABLISHMNENT, MO®"""" The Slsters of the Congregatio® .= Dame respectfully w~~“ vm.”mm‘th“# Bosides the Boarding School «_ gates 94 laodhuuebduu.u-l‘â€"- For perticulars and terms apply &6 199 1 ied ts Corner of O‘Conner and W by * Ottawa, August ll.L’_‘________,_,..â€" 'i'\mfivvfll""" [ Lot No 30, 1st Consession of GJ### M.uu:mumuwl“'"'"" u.uu..umddâ€""“':" otic, and fifteon miles from O%®®® \pigh fences, a fine dwelling -"":":'.v- barns and outhouses ©ompiM® #6" * | uy for farther partioulars to Nitaws beptember 6, sefulness.â€"Dr. W, Parke. _ . _ ** Of g:t efoncy in cases o COhromic Bronchitis. â€"Dublin Jowns % Into the subscribers promises the 1Tih, a KID, with coliar and g Tl;‘:wz:-:‘nn it by proving paying vertisement, m OBERT KB Ottawa, Nov 21, 1870 f eEMIEARY FOR Y0UMGLAN® they sainfaly, 1Jou8 copye! 49 goy, g were enred in ‘«ba onl ameting ianttaatarct we :@fihmnq"“h \'MN Scrofulous potegy C C# 9 use *) myyo enemécs of our rune / °2* * the .. . * "The emoke causor D0 R&USOR, W kind, I bave never known as witam it relief was not obtained."â€"Gawel demér*® To Tint 1664, +s 20 $ 5 n be *« Or formed into Cigars and Oiesramm. Pun be, Bs and 168. P astilies for 1 nhaiation, Boyes PrB fibl it Notice is bereby giveh, that the o for receiving Ptitions W be WEDNEsDaAY, the day of DECEMBER nexi _ . _ . > containing neither calom Supar ooktleg preserves sugar | them pleasant to take, w no harm can arise from LEGISLATIYE ul'i-l!-! H“' ‘ neart, or tum‘:-’d in r-| its presence in hL Py ations on s"p&.“‘.’:é‘ viable, even hepka, -'Z..,_"*- Atnme.y" " sik WBCD no Activg L O °f4P9rill, S vines LA: 8t. Antheny‘s Pip, Tetter, Salt .h-'hfi. loyv t,n, Bore '..‘*J visible forme a¢ «_7 "*"*, und visible ferms of Serofut more conmh." eraiul Heart Dba..%’ :urd the various fi.~ r and nervous #ystems y 0 CV Eenate s lk s . bloba" mfz“..,@ ioe, KoT fhe strength h : Toel: Bb ol es Te o prehensions or Fears, or ’:.- reper and ho on neaknen it power vpor ox2i= /0 Ctidbce of q4 ’.."". aA y Br. 34. C. "-. ce,, s m-l.* ". SWY Ho oW emes e N-- eands of certificatos of their remurkable of follo.' complaints, but auch cure are cvery%bor&od.d:& Adapted to all ages and cond , C CCPYT oo Mn Aiematt t cs.... . â€" by acoummniatiens ;fg."m yield qudas Syphilis or Fenereal ..;;‘ -' .ml:«:urcd \é_‘.'.l:. though ..‘;~.\ uing t mlfih ;:n long continued use Of this &‘\. the complaint, lamh..\‘\ Ulcerattons, und Femate N mnnlg soon relieved ano hre ce LA â€" ons for eac ph«} _gratis. Rheumaties. "* tation '3 the Moeart, Pain ;l._-_'oi-'&& taken, to the diseased 7 e nb e neptanion mh&vhh'eu-1 all know that what â€"â€"that it never Tails thr tried it, know it l C _ As a Dinner PM, wke one or two Pllls o weo -0 U m#t; digestion ”Q? eR WWe An occasional dose et4mulates -mu howels into healthy action, w hhm and invigorates theâ€"system. e ~a ooo ioom mtc femtorns mss o uce Piile makos M fog aetgod sese on 2{.‘&“‘ :urn-inl and renovating effect «‘, »» diges y tive apparatus. f a becan pR. J. C. AYERA & 00., Praction LOWELTL MASK., V. 4. 4 “ Ottawa, August 7, 1879 sownm*' duce the as it C1 oY l Ayer‘s Osthartic For .‘ ienss _ % TRAYED, A Branch of the Monklands Vih Hone, and Femate g4.""***, 6 soon relieved ano \.‘ ng nn';l h'mg~.Â¥ t enc v ench case are feund gi M 4 l‘|uu< !' ans Chronie Briadth :/i D aAT U R A TARDLA oo **R, | .. A remwedy of gospane #l "Hhe porporse of omaRLEs T. GIMMO®, versaparily We & C2DATDCy BOF Was o3 ) L“".E_'P.u im STe tm s C en Thike Bundink t rtio H mexe‘ns M o + Selicitors, &6. k M“.M e M oany Pcrupmonru $E z_ TrETREA torm of yours waked |,, * Were koBEMBAW 1 sererr «boukd tb tak on ©pou (is and mak o amay Pm flflp""'" v"‘f:-:.-: Ottawa Aveveree Kxxt:*> N 1cChoia®® ® aey â€"ate l ®> * WW "actorney® * Incéiniely oppo®** ‘ â€"""..". @ KM M ; Seitcitors , Cony luckh, Duke 1t, Ob r'.. Ce A2% ustt _ Tess is mongw nV e ud ".. £o8Rl «.A Accoucheur More, Eas. end . $h“ # a m« â€"wl.‘ « faewesuses of tus 1 a seen al als romd BDR, HUTCHL aee BETS o r:b'j whete wanting, Ou pabber paiales, Uke mouth a« to which natural zâ€"s incun Llor a sbort »clousne»s of the deoâ€"yed or d1se lis prastice the lsugning ga# danger or noon were in a pleas Ooeâ€"P o# U bis oAce trom OQitews Septe! od, and overy f ...l‘.fl , nory â€"ukâ€" LBtt s . und Nonmry rl of his g 10008 «» YO oCponr HwY veraity | Phy® w164T L ,_â€"-â€"‘ ation oy sae NK 4 ~â€"Lnss a wluaity s% eral » aa x1 Pesese and Vof bes of Presco!! *1" YPPUSLITE EyERY 00 TH Attornies at samncers, &¢, allkiing the «HEK LET ©% Atow more & M D BJ a#t o0 H O AVE »1U iiG B6 .' L1, with ® H A Â¥ 06 '-h-m Psetept K A iA As Otia®w A ttor

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