) »mens«e Vouniddâ€"James Mekin. U hristm=s Presents and New Year‘s Giftsâ€" Ha«u er‘s New Store. Mary Que on of Scote._I‘. S Catntright. tard ot |honks. 5 se E3 Emt 0 WR > wav rtisements and swbscriptions for THE TIMEA~* Now that weare about Ex1azo®g sus uze of THE TIMES a~d satroduc 1ag other improvements. advertis rs should rake advantage of the increa ed circulaâ€" «ign which it will at onct be certain to wbhtain. _ In other directions, as welt as v% (mmn..vm-uflq.wdonb exte d wur subscription list and to add to the vailut . FTHE TIMES @ an advertising medium. the occurrence amongst people enjoying constitutional Government." _ But in the present instance we are told that the case .‘. ~“ I .I # I"hm quence of Sir John A Macdonald and Sir George E. Cartier being in office, and, per * â€" comequence, Mr. @eorge Brown left out in the cold. Having thus stated the position dunuqmwnmsm Fiest Page. \ ____‘.â€"â€"_'__ We are informed that Mr. P. A. Eagle son has been requested to accept a seal at the School Board for the next term and that he b«s consented to do so. Mr. John Stuart of St. George"s Ward is also spoken of as a eamdidate. & ‘The Barrie Gas##le in a the Globe reproduced sa578, of the government .!* havye alty upon a majority of th mio." This is a wicked «r ‘m‘..dâ€â€œ-â€ï¬lboli wWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14 e e e uies 2 ity upon a majority of the men of Ont mio." This is a wicked «nd malicious unâ€" truth, ud we defy «ither of our conl eP ies to quote a single extract from a Min.aterial journal in which uny such ao cusation has been made. ‘The 4&1ob» informs its readers as though it had just made a great and importint liscovery, that "at no N!ï¬.‘l“d time, certanly not so far off as to be anti. “-p““ with unconcern or myn the elections will take place, and then an nounces another great truth, vis.: ‘"that there is nothing novel or unuseal in uoi thic ocms ns Aihv c en mdwdlwmm â€._.ummnhbkwuï¬lihwm ‘The Toronto Globe simply ss * newspaper, is perhaps unsurpassed upOn this continent; an energy is displayed: in its management which is in all respeC(® creditable to those concerned therein, and the consequence is that it enjoys a yery large circulation in the Province of Unâ€" ‘“. T‘h‘ m-..u'l†'“.0“ knowing that every falseho>l and ca lummy contained in its columns will be widely disseminated, and that many y tÂ¥hose who r.ad thâ€"m will never seo them EW ADVkRKITISENT» I @. DAYIS is authorts t oo e n nenie t present "A iminisatration should no longer be "-mww*» is that the North West ulty is by no means he Minister of Militia are gifted with calm statâ€"smaniike discretion," which a‘zable quality ws are given to under S w uie ie ces qo in B _ ‘The chif argament brought formint " h G‘*. wA. _L‘rl‘.l ‘-hn Auction Saleof Japanese Goods «‘zable quality w» are giren to under. | oml-uï¬rd!wwb""cnw moment compare Mr. Brown‘s conduct in regard to Manitoba affairs with that of the present Administration, and see which have displayed the most statesmanship an| patriotism. No sooner was the news received of trouble in the North West than Mr. Brows immediately went to work, not to try and reconcile parties and put an end to the dissensions which exâ€" d Laaa .“‘ P iste, but to array race aginst cree | against creed, and to aro! “lv_‘mâ€"-wâ€"-â€"i m-fl!flwd""m"d sectarianism. What was it to him though the spark of rebellious tire which was kimiled in the _ North . West country was involved in civil war? What ht he cire if a few hundred of his counâ€" [U THE PUBLIC. * was kimlled in the 4 grew larger und stronger un‘ cmuymhnlnd in civi dil he câ€"re if a few hundred trymen were slain in fratric a'rJohAl-ODoufld were trymen were slain in fratricidal strife if "ir John A M=cDonald were ‘hurled from p wer and the reins of government fell into the bands ot himself, and of his party? [s was only another instance AmORE m y simil«r, of how a man, who at heart may beâ€" really patriotic and humane, is led .lw‘.‘h.r-m. w‘ w‘,.d into all kin.s of foolish and criminal acts by madâ€" dening jealousy, bigotry, and unreasoning unrefl cting hate. 3o the columus of the Globe teemed with all kinds ot wild and ‘u-paohahhwodu, CaLCU,aAL®IE _ th minds of the people of this wuxl to mduce them to t« lieve were "»betwayei into the ba wwd to induce them to t«lieve thit the) were "betayei into the hands of the F :â€"en h.‘ 'fl-)hnitohmw-dm .M;’ m“ A CUMWPARISON. #4 ;h an article which d says, that the organs «haye charged disloyâ€" me te . ®#re ed to recerse and to arouse all the mutter 8¢¢ 1870 to be framed fer the express purpose of Toronto COrrespQuArUimVet makijug â€" Manitobas a French FProvin®e®, % wya* ' ‘ although at that time the G:‘obe know, #* . From our Special Correspondent. \ it has gince admitted, that the English _ Your aders will bare perused, no speakitkgâ€"people constitute two thirds o( doubt, with some little interest, the Lieut.â€" the entire population ! \ Governor‘s speech. . If the issues at stake Whil«e the chief Factionist and his organ | in Ontario are of less comparative magniâ€" were thus employed, how were U“"M'ltudothn those to be dealt with by the lmnout asting ? Ina manner which won | Domigion House of Commons, or those we for them from the Inmperial Goverument | were concerned with when Untario and fa unnnil s ermmimin al ulmiraflutf‘lnd:qu.h.c formed one Province, there is & 6 & y l o ffpcns â€"Pies . t While the chief Factiomet and Ina organ were thus employed, how were the Lov® ernument asting * Ina manner which won for them from the Imperial Goverument a publi~ expression of admiratiornt* and ennmendation. _ Endsaroumg, #« "Loud Granville sail, ~by prudence, firmne®s : and conciliation," to allay the excitement, and to smooth over existing difficultics, The Globe anys © the North West difficulty is far from settled with the construction of the small province of Mamtoba,"*"* and this is no doubt true. But when we see how entirely successful the Gorernment how entirely successful the Gorernment policy has been, what a wonude:ful change for the better has taken place in a very short _ space of time, and how at the present moment, notwithstanding the erroneous assertion to the contrary whicn the Glo‘e mekes; the Giovrernment are arranging for a ready and cheap mode comsequences strove to arouse local pre juadices «nd sectarian jealousies by every possible means. Men who act as Mr. Brown has done can never be safely trustâ€" ed with power. + We have little doubt as to to what will be the decision of the people. When the «com ng crisis," as the Globe calls the elections, arrives, ther will come to the conclusion that a Gorernment which has maniged under very difficult and deâ€" licate ciroumstances to savre the counâ€" try from _ internal dissensions . and to â€" reconcile conflicting _ interest®, which has in three years cemented and built up the work of Union with greater rapidity than anyone hoped or expected it coukd be, and under which the entire country, from one end tothe other, hi« «ttuined such unexampled prosperity, canâ€" not be such a bad Government after all. Mr. Brown by means of the Globe may strivre to deceire and hoodwink the people, but these are facts, palpable facts, which lo-notg-hny.ndv‘lkh.unnuh he cannot gxinsay, and which, stmive as he may, he cannot y.-onlt.tbo public from understanding and appreciating. . He may villify the Premier amd charge him with crimes and foibles of which he is innocent, but the people of this country, wo may safely rely upon it, will rather place confidence in a man whose statesmanlike qualities are recogâ€" nized, not in Canads alone but in the Mother Country and in the nâ€"ighbouring muqm.hcuwhmwflhl- ing or apparently caring about conseâ€" quences, is ready to do or say anything for the sake of injuring a political opâ€" mglfllh'fllin'wdlyhilfluwiï¬ all kinds of broken down disreputable polâ€" ntatams« in tha vain hove of obtaining power and place. We referred yesiorday to the statement ot Mr. Smith, of Leeds, that he had seen a note of Mr. McKellar, M. P., for $1,000. which with the endorsement of the Hon. wnm-.wboehnpduoupb for election purposes. E Mr. Brown denies this statement, ind Mr. Sroith affirms it on his honor, Ou, intention is not, however, to interfere with this quarrel, but to call attention to the tollowing 1inguage of the Hon. George Brown in a letier denying the charge made by Mr. Smith, and n which he intimates, that if in the contest of J867, Mr. McKe!â€" lar had stood in need of assistance * * l“m.ouy the exchequer must have teen «* very low nleed, if 1 had not found what @ be wanted." . So there it is The pur ist who is ever !n-ahiusbout corruption, und callng out for purity at elections (a most d« sirable thing) »yows his realiness toremler = ssistince," and what he wantâ€" ed to a pol tial eindidute for election purpoâ€"es. _ The public _ will see though the thmsy w«il of â€" ssistance," â€" and â€" will quite _ w 1! unjerstand that what in the pastâ€"th« Hon. George Brown h s largely practised, he is now reudy to »vow, 1 ¢., his willingâ€" ness 10 say money to the constituences, it thâ€"reby he can corrupt them. 'o'.. sale r wl * Six, â€"Crossing the Suppers‘ RBidge by momlomthnmp.:ruhnu compelled to plod his way down Sussex street â€" through . snow _ and | slush. How is it that this diy, whigh h« boo--ohmabhlornmvhg'j' from the sidewalks, haus been allowed to pass Ewny without anything having been done in the locality mentioned? Are aldermen loomuclhhcnnp'hh securing |seats in the City Council that they hare no }hno to ©SAYING MUNEY TO THEM." look after the interests of those they are now so intent upon badgering for votes ? It behooves electors to warch th se gentleâ€" men and vote according to their reâ€" cord. *A word to the wise is -B‘.l-" T aany 1ork . .. k marks :â€"** By a thorough knowledge of the lmwun which govern the operstions : of d.gestion and nutntion, and by a careful «pplication of the tine properties of well selected covos, Mr. Epps has provided our breaktast tables with a delicately fiuvoured beverage which muy save us many heavy doctors bills." â€" Mude simply mbcw | water or wilk. Sold ouly in tinâ€" | packets, labeliedâ€"Jauzs Errs & Co., ; WMM- Cpourortixo.â€"Tbe very agreeable character of this mth.h-nm ita goenâ€" eral favorite. The Cinil Service Gazette reâ€" m __ _ f* PEDESTRIAN. Uttawa, December 13, 1870. * Basagcrast. â€"Eppo‘sCocoaâ€"UGRATEFUL AXD Ou,. mmdewa.ks ® Â¥t K strive as he .publio from :o-ll ag. He may | note charge hbim | Mc of â€" which | *** were concerned with when OUntario and Quebec formed one Province, there h‘ uillï¬ug to be looked for in a Rpeech the Throne, evren in our Loâ€" cal Legislâ€"ture, and you will be poeased to se« that though ~such documents are proverbially bald, that tho present adâ€" dress contains much matter ol moment. It failed, however, to elicit from the Opâ€" position anything beyond . some general carping and a few personaliti¢s, not yery worthy of the aspiring woul | beâ€"statesmen .who indulged in them. Mr. Carnegie moved the address in a moderate and well tempered speech, and congratulated the louse on the final settlement of the Proâ€" vincial â€" Arbitration. Mr, Bluke‘s legal rwion, howâ€"ver. could see no finality in the award, and as to ailmitting that, under the circumstances, it would be better to accept it than to give to Quebec the slightâ€" est opening for «ny compl:int of injustice, such in idea was altogether beyoud the scope of his political views. The pound of Hesh must be in isted on at all hazards, even "UWough Confederation itsell were risked, and our sister Province for ever ahenated. 5s oze oc am ons ds & AvORI®NONE + To air their own party and to attack the . dire misdeings of Mr. Smith and Mr. Lauder was however quite in their lines. Mr. lauhrhuwupwhim the same ouowryofh‘umoumpuo-hnp which m«y or may not carrty with it some triling emoluments. The same subject was explained last session, and to get rid of is Mr. Lauder now offers to g!t® 10 my charity any amount that it may proiuce bime. in reply to his not unrwouoï¬t. Mr. Blake r.torts in his own peculiar porliâ€"mentary language, * thut his word is mimene@? """ 0. "+" ft is somertb«t preemeneed ~ U 3. Â¥F ® wnot worth «nyining." 1t is somewb L o‘ms:hf.,.l.h.t the purs and tastilious lead. r of opposizion never ma«de this discovâ€" ery belore. Unul Mr. Lauder vores Ooca anornk ; SE T omasid Y cvwr ToEcd on e "PP CV 0 o% s ery belore. Unul Mr. Lauder vores Ooca sionally with the Government bhow bliad was the unspotted to his hutle forbles. Mr. NSmith, poor transgressor, also earn ed the whole of $414 from Government sources ; it is n t denied that he gave goud value for it, but the )pposition Ligut@en®iL. f llowing where he once led, must + pitch into‘* bim, and he, I rother fea, lost his nupor.oceueb'm;m cont gion of bad example retorted in & real lhuile tale 0! how a certain greas man helpsi Mr. Mo Kellar to $1,000, bJ endorsing a note for him for electioneering expen®*@® which note he expected to hare to pay. This ch rge MeKellar mphllietuy denied, and in the evening‘s debate Mr. Bluke read a lester from Mr. Brown also denying it» I gon‘t mppooonyomenmwhflhormm in the exact literal .uc‘:-h is true or not, and Mr. Smith bas attacked by 1 me for making itâ€"they contending that Mr. Brown is a private indiviiual, and not in the House or public lite, and should not have been dragged into the debate ; but es C ConYâ€" "Ib Acmmik s e oume e e "C 20 _ L hare been dragged into the debate ; but though it sounds gudbk. it canuat be hfgosmthtlr. own is a very imporâ€" tant individual, exercising Yery consider .bbm(}m politics, . and that it is very di t to know Grit politics apart from tGeorge Brown, that the great de monstration last week, the UGrit feed, was « Rrown and all Brown," as the jn:.eiey- CC Wns ~ Sdumnbaln whe Toronto Correspondence. would say ; ‘m of poeregumuNter brought forth the retort then w :ropo.,â€"of the same Gritp feedâ€" ied by . ven those of the same ities to have been anything but & Apart from the few show n . mais out for the occasion, the rank and of the smallest possiâ€"le fry, mi«D. more respectable reformers rOpP"!""""" / | .. luogetuer as a party demonstration, aud | â€" But it is charged that the Government 13 â€" strongly 0.,jeot to its colour. To return | ~an incompeéteut Wrueatee of our inierests." to the devate Mr. Loauder als> retorted on | In what respect, We would like te kuow ? Mr. Blake, tbo.pg;lnumm of his quon | Fuke the ubolition of the silver nuisance dom putner ur Boyd, t, the mistership | lor instance ; wke the vanking me.sure in Chancery. Mr. Blake repudiated ~all | of Liust sessi0nD ; take the winding up of the knowledge of the matter unul after tne Bauk of Upper vanada ; take ihe defeat, office wasaccepted by Mr. Boyd, and | sup | prompt anud decided, O whe Feuiaun invaâ€" pose his statement must be uc epted, it s | un , the munugemeat of the North Woest prob «ble the tru history of the transuc | expediuon; the selectien of a Governor tion will never be.known. But whateÂ¥er | lOf M.nitba; the p.cincation ol the North Mr. Boya‘s qualificauons for | West ; â€"ans in s.ch and uil of these inâ€" the â€" office may : â€"be und, it i~| stances, the Guvernment has proved «dmitte l that he is possessed of fuir | itmell a faithful ana an able custodian at il.ties, and for a young man is well qualiâ€"| of our interesis, while un overflowing He i for the position, it miy Yery safely | treasury proves that the country is prusâ€" be asumed th :t if be had n~ver been Mr. | perous», and the «dministrat 1 & success. Bl=ke‘s father, no would cert inly never Again, the UGlobe, in its formula of huve been master in ch.ncery, with a salâ€" | charges, assoâ€"rts . ** that the great vice 0 | ry of 13 000 per annum. It w «s com | ~the uuvernment is geparmental â€" inls , pl.ined in the debate that the Government | * manageme4L, und com upuon ‘‘ VUur Cun: b. stowed patronage on Consery tires, but | tewmpora y is learned in degr.es of veéualit) | this certainly is not an metan e of it â€" Mr. | «nua nemuusness Of ottences. â€" l1 is an au | Boyd h w no «vyowed poliues that we know | thority uoubtiess as JO + erying sins ‘ an« . | «iA â€"â€"Lt his fTather wau "* Baldwin i‘eâ€" | * great v.wes;,"" but Ws take imeue with it tormer,""â€"and it may be assumed that his | «ni assert that it cannot bring bom ‘ | son is n t a Tory. corruption" to the u«yernment, Or ! 1 l A similar «ppointment w «8 made a short | any member of it Bo fuar trom bein, 1| timâ€" ago in the Actorney General‘s own | gu.lty of uepartmentil mism .uagemeu | ) in the Attorn®}. TCO / . _ 1 °° l time were the aepariuments mallag6 mou w N @0 EONS! A similar «ppointment w «8 made a short tim :« ago in th« Astorney General‘s own : flce of Mr. Scout, an out and out UGrit,â€" who is mule Clerk of the Executive Counâ€" cil and sort of Assist:.nt Attorney General, r. ceiving a snug s lary for o «cla. « One of the main to tures of the speech is . ongratulation on the surplus fund at the credit of Untario, and the burden of almost every speech from the opposition vu n hes is the ever reiterated eneer that the ministry deserve no credit. In such fact, Mr. Wood met this good humourediy, but perhaps he and his colle gues are not entitl.d and he no doubt did not intend to clum the sole merit of so gratifying a reâ€" sult. The question nuturaly arose as to how this surplus is to be disposed of, and «n asylum for idiots and the construction of new railroads are suggested. The tirst suggestion will not be open to the objecâ€" toh that it partakes of conserrsâ€" tive patrounage, but it is a bener olent idea and it i# * ‘_olnqnf e e l e i d that have been adopted, as no salaries are proposed tobopzxmu- imb.ciles who rme:hprom by it. The nfl‘;:y scneme t out 0| Pdnon from represenâ€" tation ofloenl'l,uu where l nes of road are not likely to be l.eated ; it would be much ; too far sighted for them to see that the construction of such lines must rutly beâ€" nelit their constituences, indirectly whether the roads pass thro=«gh their miist or not, but the © dog in the manger®‘ has m ay imitators, and the same old dog must surely have been a Grit.â€"Query : Were there any Grits in Esop‘s days? Can they boast so ancient an origin, or are they a modern inventions inflicted for our sins. Pursicixe Hoases.â€"Many persons pbysic their horses Muntlyâ€"â€"upoeully every spring. This is a great error, and one which has caus~d the loss of many v«lushle horses, as physic, as it is usuailly given, often produces inflamation of the bowels which generally proves fatal ; it also weakâ€" ens the horse, and thus renders him more lhblotodhun,orln.floumhol‘ -whni-nnstindh.ndim which wili operate gently upon the bowels, und act ‘uyouunlimndlup.nm' all obâ€" structions therefrom, purifying the blood, ‘.do-d»lin' all the organs to do their work without overtaxing any, which is aoâ€" complished by the use of "Darley‘s Condiâ€" tion Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy" â€"it 1s always rate and certain. Rememver the name, and see that the signature of Burd&Oog is on each package. Northrup & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., proprietors for $ at an rate MpP, Sual into ‘.u!.. the tale, a »sts more _ with thost menced â€" the _childisk of p.uon-hdu Bold by all medicine se of the same proclivâ€" | UV "".. "Ane spirit of â€" nything‘but a suâ€"cess. lity, but in the spirit of true Briush ; show un mais trotted mauliness. Buch was the polidy imuicatâ€" a, the rank and file were i by the povm;ns last sessiun, and siâ€"le fry, miny of the such a policy the people are ready to reformers repudiate it endorse. ty demonstration, aud But it is charged that the Government is s colour. To return | »an incompeteut rusatee of our interests."" I auder als> retorted on | In what respect, we would like te kuow ? C Fe * . 4 _ aAf tha xHvAr Nuisi10® k. porikte. > t C i the great deâ€" td wapudition, t pUHHT TOCIUN JOC the IaAster , Grit feed, was | Yon»s W be organized ou Lhelr soil for the master as the jockeys imvasion of Canuda, then Canade will street Mr. Smith was s mply legislate for her own intereéstsâ€" Kingst tale, and the | °4* will impose such dutes as wmili bonâ€" situate h those who ciit ber trude, she. Will mainkul the _ Rutle childisk â€" banâ€" control of her own canals «Bd iuterud sued t nalition that n-vwnn,.howulumnwn inviolate the as po then with him rmght to ber own nsueries, she will seek breect iy feedâ€"it is adâ€" w develope her own trade aud comâ€"| _ A J. he same proclivâ€" merce, and all this in no spirit of bostiâ€" © hama, g but a suâ€"cess. lity, but in the spirit of true Briush â€" frigat« n mais trotted manliness. Buch was the polidy imuicatâ€" hart k rank and file were | °4 by the Governuaiâ€"nl last session, ani durin ge *4 07 U > ths neoule anre rewly to despo 80®, which This ch rge , and in the mad a lecter it» 1 gon‘t ipl.d. M 1# ©gr OTTaAwa TIMCS. From the Montreal Gazette. e o e en ns oo o _ D i The Hon. George Brown and the Globe | THE W AK, haye organized a crusade against the Govâ€" w ernment of the Dominion. Their chief i Loxpox, Dec. 13 â€"Sâ€"veral Russian Y68â€" opommlolooio and Blak®) | s61, are in process Of completion at Mr. have held meetings in Untaro and 89+ | muipuda‘s shipyards On the Thiames. They dearoured to m&“ pn.uh opinion» | are declared to be ships intended for merâ€" But the public demand a policy from th8 | cantile, not warlike pursuits. Upposition, as centra distinguished 1{r0M | "~1; ;4 pumoured in London that a portion that of the Government, and a reason 39 | of Gen ral Manteuffel‘s army huve Ooolâ€" the proposed change of Administration. | p; q pieppe, the main body baving iDâ€" (ur contemporary, driven to & OUrner PY | vest d Havre. the force of public sentiment, has ut l«st | ~ (GGerbourg is a1s0 threatened. tormulated its charges, and that after this | ppe latest advices received report that fashion: «What after all is the CYWE the Army of the Loire, while retreating =â€"«in of the present Uo'.fllm.qt? We rowar is Tours, closely followed by the » may measure in several mots its 1041 (;_ymans under the iuke of Meckienâ€" » wunt of accord with the national T8‘ purg, was attack.d at Beaugency, where â€" quirements or popular sentiment. These | tbo%‘n ench were reinforcad. _ Fifteen bunâ€" "amply justify its condemnation 85 82 . gred prisoners «nd six guns were taken. © ineffic.ent and incompetent truste® of | _ ‘The remainder of the French aimy, ON «our interests. But ite groat Yi0¢ !3 deâ€" the road to Bourges, is either captured «+ partmental mismanag. ment «nd C9" | op peaten. "ruption." _ We take acle of this accusaâ€" | Another account says that after the fight ies e uie connarmitere ~A ~Ainth 1 ... o1c Woeln thim Havrinit lhr.a"euo(i Beauâ€" Uio also their policy has been a success . B a su ks guPt t it Nova Svotia has been reconciled to m{ ports of Australia, Union, the * RNorth Wost has b.en adâ€" T,he rust is prevalent in the wheat crop. ued fo our borders, and the Dominion â€" Parliament ut Victeria is now in 26# Low reaches from Haulitux to the foou of " oT. j the Rocky Mountams, opening Up ie ... e n being taken to secure the 0t fertite acres to settiement, . Th« policy neutrality of the colonies in case of a genâ€" of the Government has led British Cotumâ€" eral Kupopt d Wal e vi. p. seek admission mto the Contederaâ€" A disastrous fire had. occurred at Lyttle viow, and terims have ueen offered which t n, destroying oneâ€"third of the town. The i i to Sedute the Adbesion of its utite loss is estimated ‘at three quarters of & pop lation. Lu the great question, then, wiltion of defart. °t Biivish unity on this UnHLSIHLT, ‘thd )IA“d e«rlthqu-ko destroyed the whole 0 \""““"' of the prevent Goverument sil ues Victorin is visiting Lady Clarend 6p o has at one with tue people, and lead p9PUF ay Walford iting Lady on \_____.â€"___cznmmemmemmem bia ps nok-;l;;m mto the uwou, and terims have «eeu ut s ain to secure tp..lm-nn' al one wiln °be® pFup" seniiment. Turuing now to th yo to clothe the bot has brought together Turuing now to those measures whi.h yo to clouhe the bones wuich the Umion has brought rogether an i vivily them inlto hfeâ€"like activity,â€"in other wurdls, lw gi¥®@ vizour, power ard proâ€"perity W the umied =! rrovinces, we tind he policy of ie gor. ernment on all the great quesuons aud / interests of the day eudorses uy ue pooâ€" | ple. Even the Glvbe hnas been forced 10 3 uph ld their tishery policy, as againet the . men 10e of the Unit. d States. The Goreinâ€" ment bure on trade and commercial ques> tions a distinct national policy, which ths people endorse. Lying alongaide a powe« tul neighour, whose _ policy is eyi.enily dictated by a desire to cverce the Dominâ€" i.n into annex«tion, the Government avow â€" ing a determination to mainiain the Biitâ€" ish connection, assert & Wwade pol.cy, nut of xna. but of seifâ€"reliance. F.ey say in 1, we desire commercial intercourse of the freest character with the Uniied States. but our . counitry . Can lhve without it, _ and if they choose . to â€" shut Canada out of their markets uJ hign dutiesâ€"â€"if they choose o debar auads lrom the cousting wwle, to clse the Suult Ste. Maurie Canal against 4 peuce tul expedition, 10 permit bustile expediâ€" uons w be organized ou Lhelr soil for the imvasion of Câ€"nuda, then Canade vil |\a mply legislate for her o#whn lulerosisâ€" | she will impose such dutes as will benâ€" | ctin ber trude, she will mauintain the | control of her own canais «Bd iuteruid , | n«vigation, she will maimtain inviolate the rmght to ber own nsueries, she will seek .| w develope her own trade aud comâ€" C n n nc 2 o0 beer "actntindls â€"AnK ~HHLNEET+ maunliness. Duch Was iC PNIUTJ,""" 0 00 eu by the Governaiâ€"nl last session, and such a policy the people are ready to endorse. But it is charged that the Government is reasury proves that ihe country is prosâ€" , perou», aud the wduministratl N a sUCoess. Again, the Globe in its formul« of‘ charges, Assâ€" TL # that the great vice ot | "the uuvernment is geparmental . imisâ€"" +« managemeJat, and cori upiion ‘ Jur cunâ€" teoim popra y is learned in degr.es of veuality and heinousness of otfences. 1t is an awuâ€". thority uoubtiess ae V +* erying sins" and â€" great v.0053;" but We take seue with it, ani assert that it cannot bring hbome + corruption‘"‘ to the usyernment or to une mambar Of is S0 fue trom . being wiy â€"mumaber 00LA NV MAAA lc : gu.lty of uepartmentil mism .uagemeut, at uo time were the «eparuments managed wich mure vigor «nd efliciency, and at uo lime were the miuisters mure assiduous 11 the discharge of their departâ€"ment.l «nd | viher duties. UGlarice at the Mimster of ‘ usuce‘s departiment, and e«rly und late, | uespite the Lalse »landers of the Globe, he is ut his post of duty, caring ulike for the iminor aetuils of the asumimistration of Jus tice, und the bigber duties of the Fremierâ€" ‘mu ‘Turn to the Militia Depiurtmeunt, «mp un o 10. HANMMI ELE unlunt anud you tind Sir George Uartier, Vvigliiant, uotive, energetic, unuriufg and resvlute. Enter the Finance Department amdl you tind its veteran chief, thorough .« aster of our whole Fin«nci«l position, working from nine in the morning till late at night. r--in‘onwtho&mdofw»rb, we tind its chief indefauigable in attent.on to its | duties, prompt, decided, active and devoid of sect.onalisim. Luok at Messrs. Tilley and Morris, of the Custoins and Internal Revenue Departments, and you tind them assiduous, diligent, and atientive in the control of Departments, which are euch advancing their incomes At the rate of $1,000,000 per annum. . Entar the Agâ€" ricultural 1».partment and you find Mr. Dunkin in his office from early morning til nearly midnight, maturing his Census arrangements with indefatigable, â€" painsâ€" tuking accuracy and energy, and mkmfl to attract to our shores a large emigration. Pass on lastly to the laborious, energetic Mimister of Marine, and you find him erecting some thirty Light houses this year, and instant in season and out of seaâ€" son in guarding the interests of our hardy tishermen, and maturing measures to proâ€" mote and advance the prosperity of our Maritime interests. And so we might pass on to the Post Offtice Department, to those of the Necretaries of State, to every Department of the Govrernment, and We tind them occupied by men and by a min istry who are entir.ly in accord with puiâ€" lic sentiment and with the pniyfnlro- quirements ; who are efficient and comâ€" petent trustees of the great interests with which Canada has &r(d them ; and who are thorougly active administrators, Goods in andless Varisty. Clouwds Jrom 3i ; to 2.50 at T. HUKNTUK, SHOOLBRED & Co, f â€" Trominion, . Fholf: UNIWE | â€" Loxpor, Pobo. i«~~" > o mulestion s irs. McKenzie and Blake, 1 sels are in process of completion at Mr. imgs in Ontano and ®0>| puipuda‘s shipyards on th* Thimes, They m‘:ln“ public OpinIOD. | are declared to b@ ships intended for merâ€" lemand a policy â€" from the | cantile, not warlike pursui$s. i .,..,‘..d..m‘m-hod 110M | ~1; ;s rumoured in London that a portion dn Bs Th uts ol n C )‘ army huÂ¥e OOcuâ€" Deviin‘s Fur Depot. e i NP | P® OEaRIRRT CCC CCC and a policy from the | cap;ile, not warlik®e ursuls. tra distinguished from | c.l;t is rumoured in }I,Andun that a portion nent, and & reason 107 | of (jen ral Manteuffel‘s army DATC occuâ€" rge of AdministratiOD. pi. q Dieppe, the muin body hbaving D driven to a ourner .by_ veat d Havre. 4 rey are sustained by of the people. The next place, advocate which is compatible ‘Latest by Telegraph $ M â€" Wavien Jouds jrom 31 4 thkdkL4@@ue .. £ E6E NE NOE Ne o c nnins nronaninne aied nd ut uo @cemy. (Ut such an assertion one Ccan only iduous in | say that it is a sulutely foolish, and was ent«l «nd | only made to stir up peQ le‘s â€"minds linister of | ag inst the hostile armies. 'Fho publicaâ€" und late, | tion of such things forced us to arrest and (Globe, he | send away M. Masson. We alsoâ€"add that .e for the | the â€"ystem of requisitions is lightened and om of Jus | reduced within the smallest compass." nll’ SCYCH. i min. _ Private letters report that the British | _ Adtstâ€"elon . % vow. Aying squadron completed the circumuaviâ€" â€"_ Prof‘s to be j B.it. gation of the world on the 21st of Septem . Debt. ot of ber, being just in the same position as uNn _ Ortaws,. Nes y in the same day 1869, and Admiral Hornby : â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" se of made a .lifn-l trom the Aagship Li erpâ€"of .c‘o" cnas ates, to the . Phaebe, Endym on â€" and Liffey, hout !*Accept my thanks for keeping me comâ€" «hut pany round the world. I intend to splise: ~ N EW uy the ma«inbrace,‘"‘ _ Whereupon all hands lebar hbad an extra gr0g served out. â€" \__ A grent Var cluse | _ The offices of Lieut. Colonel Patterson, 2 oo JUTRR euce / A.A.G, and of the Kingston Brigade Major, Goods, at pediâ€" District Paym ster, and District Quarterâ€" | ; the master, have veen removed from Ontaria h vill street to the Tete du Pont Barracks, in Ortawa, De stsâ€" â€" Kingston, where they are most comfortably ; ~~Guav. benâ€" situated. | * . the _ Rufles of a superior pattern are being isâ€" _ A Red and eruid sued to the troops in England as rapidly . fam" e} ie â€" i e the as possible. ‘They are, however, oD the :'.:"'3' by | seek breechâ€"loading Sniler principle. . i thhry Of h':.;" comâ€"| _ A Japunese youth, brought from YokOâ€" |â€" ‘Deceus. ut 4 hostiâ€" ‘ hama, as a nav«l cadet inthe British strew ! ~ * _ _ _ ___ riuish â€" frigate Live pool. committed the suicidal / (~ABD « iicatâ€"â€" hari kari in the ward room of that vessel | * ; and â€" during her pass ge home. â€" He had been ‘ a':": ",‘P:’ ily to . desponding sin e leaving Vrlg:;sino. TDhS geing a purt | boy was buried in the Eng cemetery, | services aur kurc® n | KB B hla. « ‘ O .wa. 1 UoxsTt.XxTINOPLE, J€6. official joarnal La Tw Turkey will not oppose® for the entrunce of vess Block .‘i..t mc e + matorie Es Y ?‘ ‘The publisher of the Ztince/le, at Meulan, | ce | a town 26 miles northâ€"east of Paris, which re is occupied by the Germans, his been u-| he . rested and seut »way, under circumstances at, stated in the fo lowing proclamution by | yaâ€" | the Prussian Command.«nt, which is certiâ€" / ist | fied by the Mayor : * The orders of King ; or â€" William bave av v rious times indic ited ‘th | that we ure not making war ugainst the inâ€" French populati n ; on the contrary, We red respect their private property, aud are ian â€" prepared at all times to protect their true wg . .nterests. They are bound on their part, rowâ€" | therefore, to fultil the just requirements of is. | the German troops wh ch the war necâ€"ssiâ€" of | tates, and refrain irom any hostile act toâ€" ot | wards them. In consequ.nce of the deâ€" nis stru tion of the means of communication . unâ€" : cariied out by the order of the French luy | Government, the transport of provissons uuâ€" | for the Germ«1n troops became impossible. und We were thus compelled to support Our . it, | armies partly by quisitions, partly by the ome | purchase of provisions. It has, however, : 10 \ been decl wed in the numver of the Etinâ€" eing . celle for the 24th of October, that accordâ€" eut, ing to French law it is forbidden,â€"under ged pun of death to furnish provisions ‘ to the N i a 200 nc ixke mmnk win AnPl sr iL EXCOGNE CR M CC + A disastrous fire had occurred at Lyttleâ€" t n, destroying oneâ€"third of the town. The loss is estimated ‘at three quarters of a million of dollars. An e«rthquake destroyed the whole of Mund:yâ€" Jsland. . Queen Viet_ria is visiting Lady Clarendon at Walford % The RAsgian nayy in the B «Itic comprises sixty three vessels Of . all sorts and thirty ir msports. In the Black Sea her Heet consists «f twenty five vessels and an un known number of gunsoats, which have found a harbour und a pl .ce of concealment in the wuters of the great streams«. Un thit China station to which all the navies of the world throug, she has eleven vesâ€" sels, some of which are large. In the . Mediterranein the number of her ships is ; seven. | Turx Fuorsexcs: NioutixoaLk OP THE JRF®®! â€"The following is an extract from a letter writ ten by the Rev. C. Z. Woizer, to the "Gorman Reformed Messenger, at Chambersburg, Pena. : A BENEFACTRESS. Juit epen the door for her, and Mrs. Wixsrow will prove the American Florence Nightingale of the ~ursery. Of this we are sure, that we will teach our "Susy" to say, " A Burssixo oX Mas, Wixsiow," for helping her to survive and escape the griping, colicking and tecthing siego. We confirm every word set forth in the Prosâ€" rEotus. It performs procisely what it professos to perform, every part of itâ€"nothing less. Away with your " Cordial," * Paregoric," * Drops,‘ * Laudanum," and every other " ~arcotic," by which the babe is dne«l into stupidity, ‘and rendored dull and idiotic for life. io amndinctapimm e o4c k8, WI sLOW‘s £00THING SYRUP. H ving the facâ€"simile of ©Curtis &.Perkins" en the outside wrapper. All othors are base im« | mititons. P 4a~ .3 PAEOE m MEATE SR M i ic ies We have never seen 3 rg. Winslowâ€"know he only through the pn';mdol of her "Beothing Syrup for Children. Teething." If we had the power, we would make her, as she 1s, a physical Saviour to the Infant Race. 25 cents per bettle avld by all druggists. Â¥e sure and call for â€"â€".._.____. _0 n‘ ABRMY AND NAVY. A "Coven," " Conp," us llmt Tazeat, i allowed to przgesu, resuits in.serieus palmonâ€" ary and Broathial affections, oftentimes incurâ€" abie. BROW \‘8 BRONCHIAL TROCHES Reach pizrorLy the affected parts, and give al most intant relief, In Bnol?m Astuxa, and Catiarza they are beneficial;" Obtain ,a'a yenurae BROW†« OHI ® which have pr Ar t of many years. Among testimonials †efGeacy are letiers fromâ€" R. . Chain, 4. ; New York, Henry Ward Beecher, Brookiya, N, T., I N. P. Will_'nl..l.:\:- \l"ork. T Hon. C, A. Phelps, Pres, u.‘..t., Dr. G. F. Bi‘olol:. Bosto D, Pre®, tawa. North, Clinton, N. Y., Gurgeons in the Army, and others of eminense lofd every where at 25 cents per box. # Trocu®s," so called, sold by the ounce, are a poor imitation and nothing like Brown‘s Broxcn:ar Troo®es, which are sold enrly in boxes with a facâ€"simile of the proprieters, JOHN L BRUWN & SON, This care in putting up the Troches in in runu.nuflq to the purchaser in erder be sure of obtaining the,genuine Brown brone hial Troches. .. es PEC. 14. 1870. in to secure the in case of a genâ€" is now €r TWE JRARRT _ {n this city, on the 1 2th inst., the wife of Mr. Robert O‘ Reilly, of the Finance Do purtment, of a daughter. _ f The Subssrib=r bas â€"acelves sign«â€"n of the above ».m vwili offer fur ~ ie by â€" R U U M 8, commncing on * UK+M*Y, DECENBEH %0th, 1870. Consisting of in Part, Tea Caddics, @iove Bozes Fansy Cabinets Wine Cuyps, fray:, Btan«s, Jandlestloks, Teapots â€"nd stsads, Figures, Ora»ments, &e. This Nc-’ the Orst time these rare curiosities were ever offered by Pub i: Auction in uitawa the pubtic is invited to inspect them. } Thetboods will be en view on MONDAY, De o mber 19, and up to tho dour of Sale. | _ ‘The sale will take place st 3 d‘olock, . M â€" â€" By M M ENA & CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, COMMENCING On MONDAY, DECEMBER 12(h, 1870. The subscriber hus received a very large consignment .f the above goods from an extensive manufacturing firm in Staffordshire, Engl ind, cons‘sting of China, Stone Ware, Rockingham Wue, Yellow Ware, Glass Ware in Glass Dishes} Decanâ€" ters »nd Tumblers of different Rtads. The consignment is large and . will\ be sold w.thout reserve. Terms of sale cash. Sile at 2and 7 o‘clock. Lerms Vaeh "xtaws , Doo 14, 1870 © 6 The Per T S CART w i HT, Mâ€"A, w.l! delilver hi» Cel« brated, On the LIFE and TIM®S of QUEEN > aAraRÂ¥, P UB t lo ~AV C J A P A NE SE G o 0 p 5. A ereat Variety of TOYS. ALBUMS. L&a DIFS ChomPa~IoNns, W«1T:NG DEKâ€"K <, JEW sLL B Y, JUVRXILE BQ K»s, and other ~Fancy Goods, at HAUIER‘ NEW sTORE, » Ride.u 8 rert, mss ) = Fren 14 NT# 1b3Q» ‘ ()ttawa, Deo. 8. By A. Rone, Auctioneer. UCOTIOS bALK A Red and White B:indle UELIFER . Shert Horns, rred is iwo f-m old cast lhs owner cas h«¥e her by paying exnenses . Apply «t i| e date HUere!, J «mes Meokino, B ak strest Road To n wh:i, of Nepean f 1: 11%% & Commencing at 8 P.M. Adthiâ€"slon . 250ts. Profi‘s to be given in Aid of St Albanps Church boin, â€"â€"FA M« l E N 4# L A N U . THE GREAT CHARACTER ACTRES8S Ottawa, Dec 14 Om CMHAISTMAs PREKAR x EW TEA Bs GIFTS,. Decew. or 14. 1870 AT TH * Rmay MUSIC HAiLL & oT T AXAwW A, WEDN SDAY AND TH URSDAY, DkCEMBER 21st & 22nd. TRAGEDY! COMEDYL:â€" OPERA! S0OxGS! : DANCESs! OOSTUMEES! Tickets to be had at Messrs. J. L, ORXE‘8. _ @op saAyE TuE QUEEN. Ottawa, Deo 10, 870 18 36tf On THURSD\Y EVENINXG, > G OWA U $ cA ALL, From the L«adiea of Rrnox Cburon, DVai 8 reet, at their BAZAAH, opposite Bat~ & o , Soarke street, ou the 13tn aud 14th DECE i. BER â€"Good Music, zood4 iuncheop, Oy»â€"t I soup. Contifuutions received on the 12 h in th« Boom Uitews, Dec 6 1870 1531td ARD u®r THANKS. We hereby ferbid aoy person or perscBS8, hiriog or barboring | Rowâ€"rs Garry BRli Lerose Timrothy cowan James Jobnston John Ken=ick James ohea David Barke Amable Scircis Gearge Varcutt Maloots Cloutier g.;‘id Duem, gm.u «nThibe au avia Auger osoph Moore Michae! Garvia, P Kioux, Menpry Potvin Joseph Ladosoler ~Michacl Kearney Albert Ladousier James MaCormick Be: jamin Bolonger ‘ Joha Cavans gh Jobn Malietts Alex Meron T Laundreaun Charles Burke w illian Joeque Or any of them. they having deserted our emâ€" ployment at diferent time:, and oroken theis contract of Liring and services ertered icrto with us. And we bereby give notice that we will prose .ute, any, and every person birriag or barboring any of the sbove nameoi, PERLEY & PATLI%E. Astaws Tas 10 1878 1434 i@ aALY QCKE® OF scoTs 99 Application will be made to Pasrliament, at its next Session, for the [uwlol of a Yompany to construct a Railway through British North America, connectin with the present Kailway system of Canada, and thence to proseed to the North of Lake Superior and through the North West Territory to the Â¥ellow or Leathe Head Pass of the Rooky Mountains, there to onnest with the projected Ruilway through British CGolumbis to the PaciGe,â€"with such powers and privileges as may be necsossary to Jutry thesa®ms into operation,. UÂ¥ YuUi Chnist MAs PRESEK AT»S DR HENRY bas remor.d bis Residence and Surg+ry to the corner of Bauk and Vitâ€" toria Streets, near the Parliameut Bpfldings. Ortawa, Dos 10, 1870 MRowe, Auction:er. Sang yUiluos sAaia BIARTH CaNADA PACIFPIC sA IL W A Y . â€"AT HiBâ€" RIDEAU STREET â€" > _ ALFRED WAbBIN@1O®N. Ottawe, Ost. 21, 1170 1493 21 A L®lsG. OTIOE OF REMOVAL. D.cember 1, 1879, 14, ‘®TO SINGEE ives a very larg® Conâ€" n:med Go ds, wlich he 1876 Oor Ladiea of Knox Cburch, Dal =â€"â€" & NB A. ROWE, PrLLAX :3 LOXSDALE " A. RKOW E. Auctioneéer ib3btd Auctioneer. 1535td 1539 : 113Â¥ ® Big,â€" * i We, the undersigned, *Electors and | | Ruate payers of Victoria Ward, respectfully | l request that you will allow yeurself, to be : | put in nomip«tion as one of the Aldermen | for saidl Ward, during the ensuing year, and we here y pledge ourselres to use our influence in favour of your return, Hammet Hill â€" â€" Thos MeKay A Baldwin Wm G Perley .John Ashtield Wim Morrison Leon David Sexton Washburn Brons n & Weston _ John Atkins n â€" Francis Avubott Horace Merrill John MeDonald Levi [YÂ¥oung k i Booth Moses Aubrey A W soper â€"A Fotheringham , | Robert Young Gordon B F‘attes Samuel »mctuibney _ Wm Hay ‘ | Muurice Malone Henry White E p Williams John Kenna Wm Ellis E B Ga«llup John Abearn \;, Jobn CiappYy : John Rowatt 1, £ Goulin W i1 Martin John Alvert & | John Abbott Aaron Carruthers & | John Soulier J B Robaire S :muel Mix | _ Archer Bayley ~ P | Nazaire Bertrand W H Morgan William Aikinson Peter Atkinson J Cheeney Thos MUCloy Peter Robertson Wm Mason (Ge~ Mason * Simpson Fleming _ | Thos Traveller Berpard Mullin John Martin Louis Turpin Joseph Dewart Wm Gorman Dan Smmith John Olliver W im Watson D McQuaâ€"de John Joyce 1, P Dorion Baskerville Bros. Wm Cain E, | Michael Naven Wm Abearn p Wiliet J Hanrahan Moses Proulx Amable Periere 70, | Maurice Abearn John Cardiff Alex Phbilion ° Nelson Dault py | John m cuitlivray J McKillican ds | A 5 Whittier Henry L«aroque in Patrick Kennedy John M Haskin na Patrick lurley John Purtell ow W m Lecleare W F Huntley an. | J2me* Bambrick _ James Kennedy (he John Pushman James Gordon old Mutthew Patterson Alex Coulter John Cowan . Wm Kennedy Nelson Perkins W m Mitford 1 Kinville Wilfred Kipp James W Smith A D Fraser Arthur Bisaillon John Sh1elds râ€" â€"| Thom«s Lawrence _ Johbn Cross d â€" | John Quain F X Valiquette} ~~ |Simon Kinney Francis Dubhamel M Carman Henry Brading John Boyd (George Dalglh %,___| Leander Booth Joseph Levine uie s H n aon e c cotks 1k * 152860 James \ eruer Michael U Neal James Maiks Israel Waterhouse John Bennett Joseph Johnston Ammole Goulir Robinson Lyon R W Baxter _ John Doucet Thos Traveller lsaac Villeneure Geo Oliver (G D Booth t Hugh Ross Pierce (Girace Lo andodoctonelerentrntadatids_A Martin Wiite John Gleeson Isidore Joennice _ George nowell Wim «.ichirds Joseph Sleeman Peter A Egieson _ Thomas Russell Thomas Sleeman _ John Bigros R E U‘Connor J P Mci‘herson Andrew Cayar James Wadsworth B Bigros Chas E«plin To the Etectors and Rateâ€"payers of Vict | Ward | GexTLENEX®, â€" s i It would be impossible It wo;x,ld be impossible for n or almost «ny man of & public spirit, decline acceding te so handsome a req sicion as you have presented me on occasionâ€"embodying, as it does, names of so many of our best and rliable citizens. I accept, with mUCh proagul‘ty #"*"*~ / /| men, your requisition to place me in nomination as one of your candidutes tor Alderman for Victoria Ward, at the en suing clection; and if elected, will enâ€" deavor at all times to exert my best efforts in promoting the interests of the city genâ€" erally, as well as those of our own importâ€" ant Ward. u1A R O‘cosiuHk, â€"+Qq pir®,â€"The retiroment of Chas T Bate, Eeq., from be Council Board, creates a Yacer0y in the reâ€" preseatation of Wellingtor 'm._ln'hhl we, the undersigned Electors ot the W ard, request ye9 t» be put in nowinution, and we feel every coufâ€" dence in your ability to properiy discharge the 7 7 Lsns y io s ce ho CA GEOvne CR S EECete . Oe n o 20 OE C O P dutie: of Aiderm«« for our Ward, and we pledge vur vores and infl 10nse io secure your election We are, sir, Yours &0., Jubn» Esmo »de Thos Runto® A J meph us H MoCormick J a+pna Mews.lfe Wi Y oung A °&A Laemar A Mathoewman Jobn» Esmo »de A J meph 1s J a+pna Mews.lfe A 4A LuDg 3 Gulachrite Alex Câ€"istie J hn W »lsh : Levia x J Browse L A Shidsatsbidertat W cldi‘n Ohampport W m Sb oulbred P s Jas Biraoit, U Wileon J Kvans 3 skiawer, Jt Jobn iurdy flyun'ï¬â€œ Rebt ::'-‘n’ ud 506 .. # A x Sparks B Gtoddl nichulas Srm. John Cook Epos P Bu J k DHartram W m Chaimers A 0 Mowbray K o Rowsell J K.vnuc KFrea H Htunton M Michas J« mes Lang H Nelson Eugene Rooitai‘le Thos Demsey Aired brown A Wilson Jobn Dewan Alex Mills Joun Ly on T Beament » J Hagt rd W J Powell U J Meaforth Â¥F Pacrick J pvougias D Merpby Poo amills E Lonzg U Mu«grove Bc‘g Bennett Kdwara Daniels Geo H Macauls+y Th s Lsaac John Garvin Jas Forresier Wm Kleon l H M Thowpson R J chaw W Heain Htewart Woodland | A botheringham *K C Haydea | a Da#yer Frapcow Lemleut ; | J Roos W n Wrigkt A Hutson J R Smith, a Abbott ‘Thos Clark ; | K Spurks James Adamson, Jos K Exmonde J E i# MoeCready Lhes bororidge Jona U‘Conpor A MoCormick Wm M Goscire pa«»1 Cpristie W m Wiiliamson ~"â€"| J Offra Tnomas W aiker 0 Khugzer Robt Hick, jr W im Brown @ Kennedy. REPLY. \ Te Sheriff Puwell and 150 others : RQULSEFIUON To aAmos nOoWw £, K »4 es 1eurs,â€"In answer to the rquisition sign" ed by yâ€"u asking me to represoent Wellington W ard as Alderman for the ensuag year, I bog ts a afagou whemeg CE6 N o Mn nc mran i> W ard as Alderman for the enmuiug y®ar, I bog t* stute that I will bave pleasure in allowing @7« self to become » Candidate for the said responsiâ€" ble position, and it elected, you may rest assured that everything will be done by me to the best of my ability to farthe the interest» of 'on?h. W ard, and alsothe weliare and prosperity of the City generally. I am, Gentliewmen, Sko A DPWELLIEG HOUSE containing {18) k rooms. kâ€"n. £10 per annum. Possession J®mt» diatery, Corper Busr®X and bt Patrick Btreoir Apply at the Fiour Store. THO% MeKAT. uCortlandt Desembar 6, 1670 0 LETF, wit.h much pleasure, gontleâ€" I am, gentlemen, Y our obedt.â€"serrt. J. R. Y‘ CONNOR. Patrick Darcy John Law Albert Dorion John Joenice E C Barber._ James Dyke Alpheus Pease Simon McMabon (G W Crane T W Blasdell Jas Philion John Brodeur Alfred Aubrey John Gleeson George nowell Joseph Sleeman Â¥our obedient servant, AMJS ROW E. our best and most H Mipure K W stephen A bwaiwell W im Sb ovlbored Jas Biragst, J Kvans Jobn iaurdy Robt Haerdy A Wilson Alex Mills T Beament W J Powell F Patrick D Merpby E Lonzg Boux Bennett Geo H Macauls+y John Garvin Wm Kleon R J thaw EHtewart Woodlani Victorta FRENCH MERINOE® Fine, Wile, Hentry, 1JIGHT BROWN, UsST RE EIVED, 1 tï¬ Smme 60 A7%. sparks st. 49. wuie, Heanty, M’w al Weol!, in the following Colours : Will reseive 3 CABKS uF Mius 4NihS, Oentatning the Vat Lavest 8644 4n Ottawa, Nov. 80, 1870 SENUIXE FxEXCq IERII(q Flowers, Feathers and MID BROWN, lo-m.u.h he no® 4 ~â€" _ Satin Cloths, â€".. .| Trimming to imstch all our Farbicontie ||â€" | |oâ€dl“ Jns the most fashionable, mllml".‘."““ ploce U New Fancy Wove Goods still arif@® . Clouds, Breakiast Shawie 5# c" P Lo _ _ on Antes .†§ f RIFLE GRLEX pitTE&IN & W opening we as low as heretofore tain our alresdy ® for selling ch.â€" apetâ€" large additional We bave made such aCB" bes Fsctories in th* P enable us to keep consts9® an d well Assorted Btook 0f Blankets (Grey ®24 y Linen Bags, CO““'." clothing, otc., etc., et* WHOLESALE & REVWL Bonnets, Hsts, An entirely new ®81! *5 _4 ghÂ¥ . f British and Foreign Ataple 890 °o sxjeas 4* :}oodl. which have m-"“ $ defy competition. ¢ ront y00008 In comsequence of $9° E%° y y J# w6 ou“ C ..u’ * DARK, BROWN %0 Eparh« Stre® IN CANADIA Mantle VIOLET, al Btock, which *~ Aofore, tb 188 M sdy well eâ€"t ablished k ‘pa than moy ~ 58 Sparks Streeh he -nn‘l‘.-' RY x 60008 {> well #0988 Py the abore * + trm niTs4® ; y g0®â€" * bait t © 2 MWd <ulainidh flq' M new ‘"“ " -Awnv †Rex. Mr. ®t â€â€˜:â€wr. it ing 10 ‘w “‘: amel (a “ OmMa®es ______ uce prevents our gis 1. e Brother Lb JuDM® ‘~pP" Francis Abbotit, W. ward M'- jr'c John MeCarthy, Tre Forde, Becretary ; t Chiaplain LOCAL “" e elecief ',“.'“q,i“‘ y.l *Â¥ . M., Bro. A. Bro. . W. Harpec: WAn. Other officers t l"' M. elect. In«t .M\'d' ol t M# All Wool i ; hA kÂ¥ "‘.‘ y d "“L‘Iefl yq dozen CP. Dorion, 60 _dmr.ynpe n? .’uml\m-. Merchanis come plete House in Kee Posters. we x mits® 4 Praat CSc M.â€"- â€â€˜ Corow .l e Mills Blaoke is, very cheap 8 .“'.Ax“o M GraxpCoxorer ago that the St to give a grand tible funds of t Theatre, on T ing). We are , all preparation suc essful car have been 0o ecure a tioke joaty‘s I heatre ae00® pxox «ko r** __.B PÂ¥B in an app to morrow Porvian Re t. Patrick‘s 1 be very good. arranged, and radings may We also learn ures are heno vigilant coms hand over to unruly pers( above hall th utinost capat « Gollen ge0* Rance, J tronul. u'mq fow subjects the history « Devhn‘s F ‘g #‘ur * at B4LE. lamnd‘s bast dents that on of M occupied ine and A | ouwe lot GARLANXD. Nery rec« thrown on eation of t Froude, # heave avail 244# it it N 4CME sonduct t&o hear brother exau®e"~ I § +1 #aÂ¥ % House : Garland Rowe ® are be! Yerk ® A & 8 & that an e electe WWhp i Y ¢e)ve aYÂ¥ 1 ue Ste «oW d ‘T‘ s The