i is * 460. ns PCR & L C _â€"â€" to# M.‘.l. _ HALIFAX, NOVAa 8290ï¬A » L Entablished 1851 . C «ad cransiont boarders accommodaâ€" niwen %“:rub“nh& | JOUNX RMAN3, Propristor, t WÂ¥ anyes wout, &oâ€" 3 ’!I . =“oao. PROPELIETOR, OF qQuUse® aso sLoIxâ€"sta ®: QTTA YÂ¥ A. “.o* NE & TA LLO®, Barmaters, | teilsitors, &o. Ofcoâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, â€" _ Wihsnstmet, Ottawa. Wusuus Mosazove. . 36811 â€" Quowe® Tamzox "'"'uq‘u Notary Public for the Pro E‘ mn. near :bo Pos 4 ______ MtkbHeag and an Attentive Wostier. Mre Robort Steowart having made arrangoments Wih as accomplished lady teacher, announces Mat her Dancing Classes will commence on Wetzesday, the 22nd instant Burmtmer particulars may be obtained on appilâ€" titkn to Mrs Robert Stewart, Wilbrod stroot. _ Oitews September 9th, 1869. 11 a8e¢ AM experienced Firstâ€"class Common Schoel , who is not afraid to compete (so tfar ‘ protâ€"ssion is conc=rned) with any per. alther Province, desires an engagement ©vatatio, to date from the Arst ot January And the table spread with W#errpoecrciacyry oOr THE SEASON â€nuu. AND DEPORTKE®T. «. tilive, Dec 8, 1975 the Oapital wil! And a0commeâ€" %flu waeek at .‘Jonh“- ww# K 3 â€"~Cila mease is sitasted in the immediate WWalty K.Yese Parliamsot Baildings and the E. Best of reterences. Address, stating saiary, &¢., Holl, S1st Oot; 1270 D* T’!“Q‘ AND COMFORT FOR $H% TRAVELLING PUBLIC. OKOresst L1qvors, *Â¥. L. M1G0G188, TEACHUKEE is wan‘ed for School Section Ne. K, HUTCIT3ON is fully prepared to -?fly «w‘ FRET 1,0¢ to lusert stagts Tooth @ on -q“.‘l‘.alv..: valsanite $1#¢ $0 10 puse. duung so clenly and semly o UPPORITE "TIMES® OFFICE |NEWERST AND MOST Moteis and 8Sat oons. AÂ¥BLRLLY HOUSE, } .«BULGN AX*6, SPABKS STBEET, OTTiWA %â€" &s KAKA, Architoot. Oflceâ€"Aamond‘s ‘m Kideaaâ€"st., Ottaws. _ #0%7 e m e #h’. solicitorâ€"1inâ€" Chaneery, Conveyâ€" &l‘:’ Public, Corner ot Susser and Ottawa. C 368y “â€I.Muny-whv.*luu:; '.. Chancery, Conveyancer, &o., Sussorâ€" jroeks Offes, Unina Buildings, Jtawa. b4y HAiÂ¥YO0OCK, Awornoyâ€"atâ€"Law, Soipâ€" ‘ï¬'bmamt;. Convey ancer, im aed Prutest Rigat soliciior. OMceâ€"â€"Imâ€" juiiaialy opposst® Russell House, Elginâ€"st d3utt »* ¥¢4 slaims csonstaatly on hand., OMoo, corner + wand Bparks streots, over Maosa Bros natural tesuh are applied. without the Kincunvenience to the wearors, and aftor omu.omu: without erew a conâ€" a subsianse originâ€" b~pu~ "D;'“M.I: the remerval of paloful operution of extracti U diseas a testhb, bas Mt:: the use of the Niutrous vaide or ‘fl.-fl. the sulferer lanaies withoat ##@DzeKs » LESTACEANT, Â¥. LAYV ANAGOUH, Propristor, Luuh and> Wellingtonâ€"streots, 0: eutrance to the Government oupbu-mbonaom * Bd. YChe House bas radtted st Brands {» and Lige ws, 1nd every lthe seam a wiil be tound on the table. The iÂ¥ best aGforts will be dirscted to he com KETROROLILT AaNX, AUMONXD‘®8 BLOCK, Rudeau Street (Ricawa. t. COMKARA. Provamerc WICK HOUSEK, _ MIiLL, Barrtistera KBJ & GKMAMLALL, Battisters, ROK nV ICHISO*®, L. D. 8., sURGEON DENTIST, for the Beaver , Toronto Matual Fire and t Insuranse Co, Genersl Commission s AKRR K, Barrister, Attorâ€" m,‘.‘..‘t!a-m-;ï¬â€™..â€"-.‘ fl.--'. soonveatence, and loses his tooth as it easint dreain nesasulted aay day, exooept Aunday, trom # a. m. to 6 p. m, L._. w-.f.r-y.‘ the Post O.L:.ï¬l" â€"___ QGuener James and Kingâ€"sts., lï¬ot‘l- und Public OMoess, ST. KTONX, To Eg..."“.f N epfiren s Iriakng Suices. 4 L NOTICEK. LA O 8P AAKMA, Harrister and Attorâ€" Patest Rigat SoLclOF, _ VMogâ€"â€"1IM>| &z mâ€"mcmmm 0 canâ€" -'-hol:n.nllm El ginâ€"st. Ml thrate a compiote stock. mm m« "gNEAasâ€"â€" Q‘lu“""mm’ . Japan, Oolong, Con lmporia‘ Young 'u“':’m“' ceâ€"In the | Iy“.qnhr;nlu:d.r. a, Otta®: NHNORL L. PRER â€" aes, _ itutt _ jonk J. & ‘ C* Frosh Colfee ground sad reested daily on ap ¢. DARTXELL, 3 l:'w‘ he premises. Aittorney Nutary 1Q@U0R#â€" ; r'nl Jounty Attorney, for the ‘l"z .J C Counao Raixnits Henan‘t & Co, Henâ€" Prascott: and Russoll. 0.';"‘: esst, Pipor‘s and other brands. s, LiOngnal. e I"m"i:'.'x'm'â€".u ‘ Ha & MiMBEH, Barristers -il ay per‘s Hoatman s, n wood mss ons en | . ie , s ,,‘â€'."_7_" * k & i“ hartiur a Lt Hrater Wirix al kma TOL. Â¥Y. NOQO. 1041 Wed+ica!â€" t C. BARTEXKLL, Barrister Aitorney and Astary NNIO.M' ud Jounty Attorney, for the United | amcott and Russell. OMcoo+â€"1ln the Ptkee Buildings, Elgin streot, Leg#! 1070 A D »RATT, JOUX SM1TH, san be sccommodated Streat es and Mining Ageont Kau»» Rowans Kmwsus, an, Surgeon and LOTHS AN mmt C D Twnm Hull, P. Q. isorx 1434 & A1ott* _ | Iealso very complste, ani will be found of the 1 | best materiale and most fachilonable styles. ! Spootal attention is calloed to a t LaRG& assorturEyt or * gy raure aso s Ves 0vnoo4n By a young girl a situation as SEAM. TRE88, or ORESSâ€" MAKEB, in a private mil y or place ot business. U et erences given it required, Apply at the Angu st 1st, 1840 PISUINO TACKLR, comprising Rods, Linss, rq'-‘-un:r:u Panniers, Landing ‘:'n.-.’.n.-muwo 1498 1y A Marrlied Man, who anderstands farming in all its departments ; has had loang experience in Talloring Dopartment under the supervision of Arst class outter Suits made to order in best and latest styles Good At ensured or »*> #2 a, Buspendars, Scarts, fies, Collars, Shirts, Gloves, ko, &o. Togather with a large and well assorted JU3T RRORIV 4D, oz »Pride of C unada" and #ussola,"‘a splendid sssortment of Blook Tin Tea and Cofes Pots, seily Moalds, Wirse Dish Covers, Spise Boxes, Ludles® Drossing Oases, Trays, Enamsoilos Pie Uishes, Preservring Prm, Deit Wilk ~ancepam, &o., #o. Constaatiy on hard, CGooking Stoves, {bost makers) dot Air Farnaces, W ater Cooters, Baths, (ah kinds) Cutlierp, Plated and Britannia Meta rnu "‘xiin'o;aa-.apa" , Malaga, Maderia olnh.h.o. Noyan Curascon C:eme de Menths, Creme doe Moka, Chartrouse, Marsschino, Kngiish and Canadian Ales and Porter, #0, & :, &0, _ Reseived a tresh sonsignment of this delicions Wine. It is ful) Auroured, of greont body, and gasranteed purity, a LIGAa®TE. BLYTH & KERL, No,. 2# RIDEAU STREET, Plumbers, Gas _i Steam Fitters, Tin workmainlike manner: ; oln‘ «ttention givea to Roodng and Atting gp(';alv.datlmud Fin Gutters, Condustors, .'.'n & o IMPORTSR3 OF AENEiL HoUsG FURYXâ€" 1s01NG HARDW ani. _ A@west Rod Wine of dalicate Arvour and bou. quas, tovaluable for lnvainds. _ _ *o4 "Il'h'l-luimz-hlyw“. p;:lbohhudh 'uq,c-.-.-m. following gentlamen bave kindly allowed Mu-lonunu“:’ Ven Arshdencon Puller, Toronto. nirkmarh â€"~ Rev E Baldwin, ; «* Rar W 3 Darling, «* Ker A Wittiams, «* Rev J D Capyley, «* Roey W H Darm, «* Rey 8 Boediord Jones, L L D, Ottawa â€"â€" ALBOâ€" "A fall Stook of Branowes, wins, Jamaiss Rom, Proof and Old Ryo Whiskey, Sherries, Htill and §¥ ABLE DESIGNs, tartu® aEADY.MaDE cuoruinge _ pyRPA Buitable for the coming season, comprising ENGLISH, *A Agent for Queiton, 8t Goorgs & Corn pare reach Wines. Ottawa, Doc 10, 1878 15347 ".:".’ Sherriese o dlp...:.m.;‘:l: » ’.3“.. M“ dluhu.i Mumb.amdb’ ’nonwnw's. oLD RYE, i# ATD ~ WHISKEY, ‘ Ygh proofund uvor, at extremely low rioes. ':\-m aad Stewart‘ Bootsh Whukey and Dunvilie‘s Irish Whiskey. ‘ Murphy‘s Old [righ Potteon. .u-un'n‘l.ood-m.'.a“q.. _ Molson‘s and other Ales. 1870, 187 SPRING iMPORTATIONXS C MEARA & co. ITUATIONX WANTEXD I"on“ m'":o':u:".:. LOW n'.wn: a large stock, compriaing Groceries, I Wines, I,!q.or;. Tobaceo, Laundry and Fanoy Cnndies, Coarse and innfldt. Also, ’ Bordeauzand ther Vinezors are and 3 all ul strsdvary $rieag 4* * MHK OLD SPOCK, SAVE)}» FROM FIRE SEKLLING AaT TWESTY.FIVE * PERCENT BELOoW €OS3T. Now is the time or bar ains. 1106 OUSILLONX PORT. MESS PORKK, _ CKLED sALMON, LABR. HERKINGS, «AVING OPEXNED hfis w ® LisHMEXNT (mearly opposite the Old Sjand,) and> Copper @Smiths, Bell ANTED #RZX"u, h t . NWM . neremeite nm moue . on ons Addross R. K., wiy~ DXLY G0OODS. "%a Eis wursii®, A8 FAR Â¥ E LR 39 RIDEAU STRESET, QTFAW A sCOTCH AND CANADLAN MANVUFACTVRAES J. P, MACPHERION, Crocertes. FARMER, VWMEARA & 00 APARTMENT Â¥lgin Street. FASHION 1870. WÂ¥ E8TABEâ€" * aure sm‘:“‘: "'lu! f Ane | * Scien T AR3; 8 ATD * soml * Do riees, | * #IR t aad + Sm Tht COAitawa, September 9, 1970. Box Stoven all asizes. â€" A complelate assortment of Shaiffand Heary Hardware, Puints, OU, Glass, Pulty, Coal OH, uks THOS. BIRKETT, _ _ _Who barvre suffered by fre we make a re= dustion in the price of Stoves, 'l\o PARMERS gyâ€"HARVESTING IMPLEMENASA£q At‘"the sign of the ANVIL, No. 24 Rideas birect, ypou san Ond a complete assorta.ont of Elevated Oven and so severely stigmatized by Vice Obuncelâ€" lor Maiins to the suit Pulvermacher vs Hamâ€" Â¥. &. C n.-i.u':'l-ayum-?".' s No Gaivanio Belts.ar» '-d:‘hh bearing the tao simile of X. Puirermacher‘s algoature on the label. i Ottawa, September 6, 1810 _ â€" 1455 liawk 7 A n’-&-h Bet of COMBINED UHAIX D8,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTER&Y for restoring vitalenergy, £5 to £1. The public are most earnestly cantlioned to beware of Psenudo Klectric Belts advertised by A phict contsining full partic be h’:l-u.thobrqll-ad A. Chywerien Yveutt.:. .1 ... : r..."" ... . Livr, Chest, and Bunctivnal Dis«rders, h.iw’n u:“:.u 224 to 40s and 554. s oualx | BaNDs Toe "Wiket‘s " Chaag, B oo::xmggflufl BAND for Cantd, _ Fomtionat Dhavoinet, ho r Pate hk " in the Head, 314. to 308. B. uHAIN BANDS for loss of YVoice and dhu‘a“d&'l\-t, 108. 64. to tie,. N. OHAIN BANDS lor Sciatica, Rhenmatic, Neuraigia, and Gouty Psins, Local Parsâ€" lysis, Cramp, &¢,, 18«. to 232. and 40s ncl'un BANDS for Lambego, Indigestion, CHAIN BANDS AND BATTERIES, B. OHiIN BANDS for Nerrous Doaf macher‘s Chaine in any of the above ‘Ef:;:; is immediately porcept!\i«â€"â€"the relief lnstantanceous, mt PRICE LIDT OFP PULYERMAOGERS n lâ€" -’* -â€"-“-â€"â€"‘-;.-â€"w The effect ot the application of Pubwer» & ® macher‘s Chaine in any of the above disordars Lambago . | Bluggish Circulation Nearaigie â€" Urinary Disorders Head and Tootharhe Paralysis Liver Compiaints _ Epilepey Tic Doloreuz Nervous Debility laciféstion Functivnal Disorders PULVENMACHER‘S YEDICOQâ€"OALYANX. IG Ofllllz are exceedingly oth ctive without the aid of medicine, restriction of dlet, or the least derangement of the patient‘s habits and daily occupmtions, in the following maladios : ;~:m.m and . walvanie Ar'lhlen flur @ Modical Purposes are of great @portance to !“ Scientific Medicine, and that he is cotitl d | " to the consideration and t of every " ane disposed to further m.mm-.tu @ real and useful progreas, s = Dated Pth day of Marcb, 1864, *# #IR CH ILISLOCOCK,!UL,'I.R. e 0. * SIR HENRY HOLLAND, Bart., l.'D... ‘ # ‘ _« SNIR WM. FERGUSSON, Bart., F. R. 8. * EKDWD. . SIKVERING, M.D, M ROQ3 * NR J. RANALD MARTIX # & 0.8+ | FULVERMACHER‘S 8SYSTEM is also apâ€" proved ot by an official report ot the Acaâ€" demic de Medicin«, Paris, Royal College of Physiclans, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" ty of Vienuna, and its curative virtoos are con. Armed by thousands of private t stimonials of eures eCocted. (See pamphlet gratis). These facts appeal to the good sense of every suferer to wvail himse!f of this scientiic and nmun.-zn-.nvuath inventor has devoted a lifâ€"â€"time of study and laboor, as an ardeat deciple ot that great benefactor oi waukind, the late 1llustrions electrician Mionuass Fasaor. CYTHES : Buraw Forks, three proogs. . T UE wP TRTHF EmE "Z PULYEDMACHER‘S MEDiCOâ€"GALYAN. 1C 8SY8STEM is so extensive and varied, that it forcibly points to this fnvention as the embryo of a universal remedy. N. B.â€"The following testimoony from the elite of the English medical faculty has been received ; *We. the undermioned havs musck h. 0 1nd other Blovd $liet Strmi, on [oagtne. Blood Cast steoi, #* Blood German eel, * Pride of the Field a}liver Steol., lh?hlulda «« c mou:'moqo.' the May Rakes, struight and bent. i 4 Hay Forks, two and three proags, Euommn IS LIFE _ ’ PULYERMACHERN® PAaATEXT GaALVANIC â€" CHAJINâ€"BANDS BELTS, AND POCOKET BATTERIES Electricity w’he':ly selfâ€"applicable, and ex~ m-oly.cludn- in : walld mih:'.. torm, aboc unpleasanot sensation +xâ€" :':'m:..'knby 1t b-e.un'rut:..ha: o th and vigour, speedily sooth agonini reâ€"animati lime '"""-:.t: u:“ h-;'-:'.':‘m.,: Imparting remewâ€"d energy and vitality to constitutions c..:;’b:l ty whatever ce~m0, . Medicines and leterious are thus entirely dispoused with. The dally Our WINTER BTOCK, just received SCYTHES!; â€"80OYITHES!!! * We, the undersig heve much aure in testifying .t:'c Ur, J. L. Puv-’“ yacu®a‘s recent lmprovements in his Voltaic # CAPITAL STOYVE DEPOT." 35 Sussex Street, H KRADOWS & 00. number of Muley and Grape Vine. aad ,Orindstones of all sorts and Face A he, and Nolswus No. 234, Ridean Streot, Hot Air Furnaces. Hotel Cook Atoves, C oures effected by KEKD1COâ€"GALYAN. H. MEADOWS & Ce. The Quintal Coal Stove, at H. MEADOWS & Co. Stove Pipes and Elbows, at Paris Grew ., Branswick Ur Magnesia Green, Vepsuan 0 ren, Red Lead, White Lead, in O or Elevated Orven Cook Stoves, a% Double Stoves, at H. MEADOWS & Co Box and Parlor Stoves, at H. MREADOWS & Co Conl Stoves, Base Burners, at HM., MEADOWS & Cs. Dumb Stoves, all sizes, at H. MEADOWS & Ce. Low Oren Cook Btoves, at Parlour Cook Stoves, a% Hot Air Furnaces, at H. MEADOWE & Ce. Lumbermen s Supplies, at Knivres, Table Hpooms, Tea Speons, Toea Trays, Table hats, Buts, Herews, Im-h.cm Latches, Axes, Saws, Piâ€"nes, Bq:sares, Hammers, Draw Kaivtés, #0, &o, o. 105 sther with f PA INT OF ALL COLMOURS : Rese, Pin}:, Bara: Umber, Terrs do Kinns, COhreme Yel iow, Yellow Oshre, Colestial Blue, Faris Grew ,, Branswick Green, Magnesia Green, 1st Prize Stoves can be seen, at : H., MEADOWS & Co. m:-n. wt» assortment of Shelf and aod u.rh. to suit purâ€" chasers.. Consistingin part ©ENERAL HOUSE FURNXTIBINGS :\ Farming and Milling I ts, Imel & Tiinsiis Gamaning Mecrie, Latke Machive, For farth 'ud:.l::.‘. u,:; to er WILLLAL ulm 2, Merchants Exchange #ontreal Kevamber 24, 15224 Area T} square milesâ€"Lots number 16, 17, 19, 30 and 21 in the eighth (3) Range ; and 17, 18, 19, 21, 26 in the ninth ("..lufo ; 17 to 2* inâ€" elusire, E; j 22, N. } 25, 24, 8. hange of the .3 ant 1118 14, ~A«««n*® r &o)’_.-h-u‘hhnu in the Graphite uid of this limit is the township of .'.ll::.l o. uppor N.u-q. dlbb:Lu m for 1870 .u: ._-:.j‘:.“%&.‘ï¬"- m(zz ~Migrofthe _ YVIL, .34 dean Atrest, where y ou can get a at»s assortment of Shelf and lowing limits, viz., WakeGeld, Quebec, eoncession of Templeton, Quebes. [ _ â€"4L80â€" THE UNDERMENTIONED LICENXSEsS COMâ€"~ MONLY CALLED TIMBEER LIMITS, will b.o':.l.‘ at the same time belonging to same First Licenseâ€"Number Eight (8) for 1870 and 1871, to Cut Timber on the limite : PFPoutrrax®, Qurazoâ€"Ares 1{} equare milesâ€" .'l‘ohc-‘-. at the rear Ih:-: the .l.ho-.a pleton, ru: on rear wmiles on the ...,.."':f. worth, and in breadth not more than half way to the height of land beâ€" tween the Blanche QJLIorvc Rivers. The westâ€" fCu»rm. " seton Dnor,. 35 SUSSEX STREE»f Ottave , Kov 13, 1870 P, 6. All goods delivered free to uny part of ; Of Ottawa Quebee : rirte LOt 10, 100 Acres, Muun.g; properities to wit : The subseriber will ofer for sale 3 Pablic Auction, at the Court House, Town Ayimer, on THURSDAY the Sfteenth of December, at twelve o‘slock Noon. The Vailuable Real Estate Timber Lands, Saw Mill, known as Eagle Mills, Templeton ; Carpenâ€" tor‘s and Blackswmiths‘ Shop, Dwelling Houses, luu:l ...'N“'. &o., erected on the following OTTAWA, FRIDAY DECEMBER 16 In the Township of Templeton, in the County v4.08 © tan 00. Terpmans, Bemanie, Conl # w « +0R Paint Brushes, \'m INSOLYENT ACT OF 1259 R In the matter®ot THOMAS D. LEW!S, Of Templeton, County of (itawa, Quebes, INSOLYEXT, > aAAbwanrt #aqm@wanrt whaves, Qouges, Ohisels, Augers, Aunger stweel Bits , Bevilea, Lovels, Machines, Kai¥és. #6. &o, As. nnm KPORKiAXT si18 ill Property, Farms, Timber Lands, Timber Licenses, &c. REAL ESTATE, 138, 1870. 200 rhares _ No, 24, Ridean stroot," Bign of the Anvil. H. MEADOWS & * H., MEADOWS & Coe. H. MEADOWS & Co. H., MEADOWS & Co. . MEKETT, per annum, and deposits can be withdrawn at any time. Five per cent. will be allowed on z:'ul‘quhhuud.m.hm'uh- wal of which 3 months‘ notice will be reâ€" €. P. BAKER, ONEY ORDRERS On Money Order.Offices throughout the Domiâ€" nlon, Great Britain and Ireland, Newfouniâ€" land and Prince EKdward Island, can be â€" _ obtained at this Ofice. Also, Postage and Bill 8 Onnlnuumit.u..n Â¥ p.x. of the best kind. Ex. agr COGNAC, NEREO, UNION and Y of QUEBEC, from the PORTEX AKD ALES.â€"Gainess‘s Dablin and Daweo‘s, Lachine, in aplendid order, COFFEE, â€" Delicious Flavour. Fresh f Roasted and Ground Daily. TEAS.â€"The best qualities of Black, Japan, and Green, new crop and fragant. SUGARs and SYRUPS of all kinds. CHEEAE â€"Fine old (Reesora and Facâ€" tory) the best. PICKLES and SAUCES, Jams and Jellies from Crosse and Blackwells, in great variety. FRUITS.â€"The fnest table and cooking raisins that can be had, large fresh and DIRECT â€" IMPORTATIONS ; No. 26 Ridean Street. The following Goods in Sto :k and for Sale : BRANDIES,â€"Pare and unadulterated, good PORT WINEâ€"Pure and reliable (20 years old) nloc rdgal" mrpuu and the on ouse in im s such W&l!dlmnooua. ho BHERRY _ WINESBâ€"Various grades, very, vâ€"ry Pale, (aelicious tavour | Splendid Wines at a price to: dety competition. GINâ€"â€"John D« Kuyper & Son‘s Doubleâ€" " Berried, FirstOlass, 4 lCO‘lelixsllflle-om and Mild, (fall RUM, It you want any Firstâ€"Cless BRANDIES or WINKS and the best Family Groâ€" cerles, you maust go to .‘ï¬l;'!‘l:::lgl"' bu!:r Canadian steamar Por CUBRRNTSâ€"Quite fresh and Candled SPERM CANDLES and fancy perfumed soaps, the greatest variety in the city, and made to order by Fiâ€"ld of London, England. There is an endless variety ot _ those fine goods worthy of SPECIAL £TTEST.ON FOR FaMILIES, beiog of the finest qualitics atmodâ€"rate prices Everybody should know that to use good goods saves money. TRYTHEM. Ottawa, December 5, 1810, Por Cuna. 4 Line, close erery Matter posted lrk 9.89 p.m. will be forward ad East and Wost in supplementary package the :ame night. The Western Mail arriving at T p. . will be deurered th'n-o evening. PBH®* Deposits will be received at this Ofice. muï¬._a.; the rate of Four per cent. Ottawns, 21st Nov.. 1876. £ It is now AN ESTABLISHED FACT a BySpHRRSSca sasee § Pisagpassie faFEs ï¬ï¬ï¬%ï¬h@%ï¬; domririgcfffflders Pibsrilr¢rerifie""s :lf + & 4 i??:éi Thos. Patterson, 10,30 a. m. 1678 for any use, ailways on hand in Wood rich Aavored, ""'r & #FFiFiL OLD RYE, different places of G1owth. POBT OFFICE SAYIXGA BAXX, bppPPis is ,â€-'4'8'3" E?E?E.m i séiiéiifggégigg ifipiisith P 8 g?l ;'fl’é P â€"â€" P z; PoST OFFICEK, Oortawa. Lrvival _‘ Departure of Mails, Camee â€" FALL \RRANGEMENT. 1870 I omm [aarues warne. FAMILY PROOF, HiGH WINES, £r0if?; 'u;zi-zi Piskhr? TLesLbs s ?igiufz FFuSL: L *552& _f ?!???gg EEE:ggi Atikiy g&?i?é? Tuesday at 10.46 iE AAtfx choice lot of Bceotch and English Ales and Porter, Wines and Brandier, Gin, Scotch At the New GROCERY STORE, Cornmer Bussex and York Btreots. * Extra Fins Greer, Black and Japin Tois, Rio, Java and Turkey Coffee. Fine l‘.nll&.nd Pastry Flour, Oat and Corn Meal, atthe NEW GROCERY STORE, Corner Bussex and York btrects, Ko.86 Rideau St., and Duke St., Chaudiere, OTTAW A, Where from their gr at increase of business and the large addition now put to their Btore, with a â€"well sel=cted Stook, and conâ€" stant attention on their part, will enable them to sell at prices not to be equalled elssewhere . ‘There will be found always on hand a generel assortment of oxogzmu, KAÂ¥ in particular, importd LIQUORS, WINES, BRANDIES, GIN, IRISH and 8sCOTCH WHISKEY, _ Gonderhem & Worts‘ * â€"â€" HIGHWINES OLD RYE, and PROOF, With a fine assortment of Obristmas and New Year‘s FRUITS and 8SYRUPS. WINTER APPLES, ® ORANGES® and LEMONB, 7 CHEESS, HAMS, and BACON. Remember our Mottoâ€"« Quick Sales and light Profits." f Try their TEAS. "W@q Ottawas, Nov 29. 1870 1526 pabaigpnat; Mc cmirtedtrananr t tinimir =® speith Wtc es ePCAP C NE Whiskey, Jamaica Rum, Old Rye, Syrups and PIOPL3S TH STMMB, Patents solicited in Canals and the United States ; Trade and Timber Marke, Industrial Desigos, Copywrights, ‘Transters, &¢., registâ€"râ€" ed on the shortest notice, Coples of Laws, Cirâ€" cualare, and information, sent free on applicaâ€" tion. Drawivgs prepared and coplied. Charges moderate. United States Pate its P. BASKERVILLE & BROS., Sm l 2. 0000 C000 P CC0 CovHeos wid Beedless Raisins and Cutrants, Fresh Tarkey Figs, Malaga Grapes, Lemons, Choice In. perial Prunes, Canded Poels, Gelatine, Cross & Black w. 112, Pisk1.~ smm L ~sesvvuc, mitdd A particularly attended Patent n‘:;ima sale. _â€" Fer the ROXANK CATHOLIC Separste Schools of this City, two Male Knglish Teoachers boldung Ist Ciass Co tifcates. t Appiication to be made to the undersigned, on nbmr‘lbuï¬hu. + WX. FLINLEY, Chairman Board ot R. C, 8: 8. Trustsoes. Ottawa, Doo 6, 1870 1582f P Mnb rmapmtiyiintiihilns veglecaintccws Wh ic l dh c ‘the New GRUCKRY STORE, Cormor of Susâ€" sex and Y ork Streets, If you want FIRSTâ€"CLASS DAIRY BUT. TER, call at the New GROCERY BTORE Corner Susscx and York Streets, t Lo t ted EVE T & at theâ€"New GROCERY STORE, Corner Bussex and York Btreets, f , _ Or. A. Trask‘*s Magnetic Ointment Cares Cro? or Batiles.â€"Dz. Bixgxix, of Utior Now York, says: "LI have used Dr. A. Trasks Magnetic Ointment in my practice a number of years, and can say with pleasure 1 deem it one of the greoates: discoveries ef the sr ; for the oure of Infatmmation of the Lungs, Inflammation>‘; he Bowein, Infammatory Rhoumatism, aad in Childâ€" bed Fover, uoruu with erfect succoss, in enses of Butas, Bruises, Fro: Limbe, it acts Hike a charm, F Ds.J. P. Kanxxpt of Chitteo 0, New York. says ;. + nluuul‘ufld,%iumhn ’h‘. [hmh‘ oures of Infamâ€" -.t{um-g- and p and the wonderfal suoccess in mhslding the torturing juins 0f Rhou . matism, and uliovfn Nervous Al‘m\ou, entitle it to a high rank t:o list of remedies for these «omplaints,* s Da. a. W. Bzuotse,of Knowlesvilie, New York Say¢; «1 have used it in severr | onses of Epecial frritation and for the worat enses of Piles, and sundry other complaints, and find :t a superiore article, and well worthy the nutioe of al} * Purchnsers should be sure and ask for Dr. R. Trausk‘s Magnetio Jintment, and see that the words " &. TRA;?'S MAGNETIC OINTMENT * are on the wrapper. Northrop & Lyman Newcastie, C. W., Goneral Agonts for the UsnuJu. Sold in Ottawa by al} l ruggists and by medicine doalers evrery where J.oB.OPATENT AGEXCY . ; IBFO, Kovember 26, 1870 Nn:w Crop .West Eod, Layers, Valencia and H Corner Sussex and Yorkâ€"sts Oltawa, Nov 29, 1870 _15208 *ANADA AND , No w#INBLOW‘B8 §00THING SÂ¥YRUP." Uaving the Jacâ€"smile of *Ourtis & Perkins" on :lt outside wrapper, All others are base imitaâ€" lons F YOU WANT _ To SsaAVE MonEY Go To Tus If you want SUPERIOR CHEESE, call at CInerse! mothers Mothersiâ€"Are you MHeturbed atnight and broken of your rest by a vick onild suffering and orying with the excruciâ€" «ting pain o outting teoth 1 Ifso, go at once and get & bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW‘S s0OUTHING 3YRUP. It willrelieve th poor little sufferer i illo(hmyâ€"-«pnd upon it :there is no mistak about it. There is not a mother on earth who ba ver used it, who will not tell you at onse that it will reguiate the bowels, and ive rest to the mother, and reliet and healith to the child, opermaâ€" ting like magie. It is pertoctly safe to use in all mses, and pleasant to the taste, and :s the preâ€" seription of one of tha oldest and bestfemale phyâ€" naran and aurses in the United States. Price 25 ‘ ..::._ > _ everywhere. Be surs to oall fo,; If you want Choice VIRGIN HONEY, cali J OH N A|. â€" BITTE RS, J,. M, 0. DELES DERNIERS, TTENTION* t Kothers ; ANTED, Coxstaxter os _ Haxp, @imuus SPECIAL NOTHOEs. «=~A L8OQ â€"â€" â€""- T. G. COOURSOLLE3, 0 15246 to. Beveral valuable of | on a par . with the difficulty, The I‘neumohelicopthere is the name given to his balloonâ€"withâ€"@aâ€"helmâ€"toâ€"go and come back, by M. Dupuy de 1‘O0me. Awaiting this apparition, we are reduced to simple ballooning fomthe departure, and simpler pigeons for the return. Iâ€" have jJust come back from the @rleans milâ€" way station. By the Daiguerre or the Niepce, I do not know which, I have de. spitched a letter for the Tribune: A week ago I sent two by the same mede of conveyance. It was the tirst opportunity afforded me by the Brothers Godard‘s balâ€" loons. These gentlemen haye the Orleans railway. station as & workshop. Here are balloons in every stage of construction, and the Messicurs Godard presiding, who are themselves the most active of their staff of workâ€"people. Every balloon is made to a particular pattern, and 1 notice it is rounder at the base than that adoptea by Nadar, These bulky servants of tge pubâ€" lic are made up of sections of stout calico, . coloured and varnished before being placed | in the hands of 200 needleewomen whose duty it is to sew the strips together. This is not done by machine, but by hand, the work being stronger. (Une of the Mesâ€" gieurs Godard cuts out the sections, all of which are numbered. First come those which form the top of the balloon and fit to the valre ; then in succession those for the sides, diminishing &l@ggwun tled. ~‘The Messiours employ a large staff of sailors to make the m(f weave the netting, the whole of which is pitched, to prevent theabsorption of moisture and the consequent inâ€" conveniences of â€" tension and . conâ€" traction, which operate disadvantageously upon the balloon at any great elevation. As the asrostat is put together, the seoâ€" tions receive casts of varnish, and a last one when complete. The sections are hung up to dry uesder the roof of the raise money in the London market for a g:-od while to come. This is ‘a pretty vy price to pay for & freak of diplomasaâ€" tic vanity. It may ps be said that the attempt to re an international treaty is on a di t footing from the repudiation of a financial en tâ€" that the one does not imply t.m otherâ€" that Russia‘s character for punctual payâ€" ment will leave her borrowing ability unâ€" impaired. But this view is not taken in the City, where the gross breach of the treaty creates distrust in any signature of the â€" Russian _ Government. there has been a tacit undonm among len:fm that ulllu-u borrowed in the guise of a peaceful power, with no other object in view than peaseful works. Now that she has once more given proof of a restless, sinister foreign policy she has very much lost caste.â€"â€"The #inancier reâ€" marks that one way in which our ï¬:;lnm lmtudofbmmiudiood, will be by this rene tern question is that there will be a ceseation, or at least a post ponement, of foreign loans, of which sevâ€" eral are known to have been contemplated. And, first of all, our market will be sared from thow Russian lnms:f' nur £15,000,000, which was d‘:fud early we shall keep our foreign swckndcmpï¬onmw'fllm still further to our immediately available resources. muwbo tlut.,mo, this threaten ed dispute wi in proportion as foreifn securities are deprecistedâ€"not merely prejudiced in market price, but also d«maged in the estimation of investors by these incessant alarmsâ€"so will, in the very nature of things home securities be reâ€" latively better appreciated. It is all but certain, says the Ecenomist that although the present storm should blow over, it will take a long time for Russia to recover the good opinion she has _ lost; in _ other words, immense sheds of the station, and, the whole having been united and duly varnâ€" ished, the balloon is convreyed to another shed, where it is inflated with wind by {nun- 3fu enormous bellows, a;i then eft to dryâ€"a process requiring hours or days, according to the condition of the atmosphere, ~Some â€" half dozen balloons are always on hndz ready to be despatched at the shortest notice.. Each costs about $1000, including the serâ€" vices of the acronant. At8 o‘clock every evening, the Messieurs Godard give inâ€" struction to the sailors or the young men} whose ambition is to become aeronauts, in the mysteries of their profession, and now have quite a school. They ascend and descend in a captive balloon, and are thus familiarized with the use of the guideâ€" ropes, valve, and anchor. In the main, the process of construction is the same as at the Gase du Nord, where Messrs. Darâ€" tois & Yonâ€"recently Nadar, Dartois & Yonâ€"are installed. The only difference is in the detail of the work. The sewing is done there by machine, and comes cheaper. The varnsh u.flli-d when the balloon is completed, | the belloons are all of one colour, a cream white, those of the Brothers Godard being deep bottle green, relieved with stripes of red and orange. From both Associations 1 have recerved the most courteous treatment. Both are employed by the Government, which regulates the departures according to necessity, Thus there is no depenâ€" dence upon them." Russia will find it difficult or impossible to A correspondent of the New York Trib. une writin@ from Paris on the 12th ultimo, Says :â€" £ ’;'Balloom, as our soul actual means of sending off despatches, have a special atâ€" traction for us. The Government has voted a sum of $2,000 â€"to enable one M. Dupuy del‘Ome~to try by experiment a plan for bringing buck balloons into Paris. The difficulty to be overcome is great, and the pay :s scarcely commensuâ€" rate, but the name of the machine is quite OH & DA .« with tha diffienite "Bha [ "Q what shall I do for my beauty *‘ | I said to the Lady Lenore : «* O set me some terrible duty Afar on some perilous shore ! Sweet, send me where battles grow brisker, The Victor to tear from his car : Let me fetch you the favourite whisker $ ‘I hat‘s worn by the Czar, I1. «* Shall I bring home the Papal tiara As a toy for the prettiest of pets ? r Shall I go with a tantararara 1 And drive off the Prussians from Metz? Shall I dive into Etna, and bring you A gem that Emg:doclm wore ? ‘ What perilous gift shall I fling you, s My languid Lenore ?" 111. My lady, for laughter too lety, Just dimpled her mouth in a smile, And wh:i»erod, *# Dear Frank ‘you are crazy To talk in so flighty a style. Still, go to the Cape, since you pant to Be thought the most daring of men ; If with Diamonds you fill your portmanâ€" | Dovlin‘s Fur Depct. Ballooning in Paris. WORK REDUCED To a SYsTaX Russian COredit bwau~â€"â€" 1‘ll marry you then.," Mr. Gladstone spoke 178 times during the last session of Parliament, and the speeches occupy 80 columns of the Times. Gen. Beauregard has gone abroad in compliance with an invitation from the French Government. They have offered him the post of General of Dirision in the F.ench army which bhe has accepted. Mark Lemon‘s posthumous novel, "The Blue Peticoat,‘‘ is announced in England for December 9 The most valuable furâ€"bearing animal found on the northwest coast of North America, is the sea otter. "When full grown, the length of the otter is about tire feet. They are animals of much saâ€" gacity, keen scented and of great curiosity and no little sk.ll is required in hunting them. They live among beds of seaâ€"weeds, not far from the land; but the oldest hunter says that the sea otter is never seen on the shore unless it is wounded. The mothers caress their baby otters with great apparent affection, and utter a plaintive strain while fondling them, whence the saying that “mowtuqb quict their young ones." The principal otter hunting ~grounds in the United States are on the coast of Oregon. The otters are shot with rifles from the shore. They bgo about inulhrr flocks sometimes numbering seve .ï¬.-h- hands. We % these facts stated in a paper of the l Institute, printed in the American Naturalist. â€"â€"] Allegro. i You can‘t marry aâ€"miss if you marry & An Indiana paper tells of a lawyer there who charged a client $ for callecting $9, but said he would not p himtopaidn other dollar for a few if it be more convenient for him to let it stand. Pr. Hall tells the story of a man who Mr. E. K. Collins, former owner of the Collin‘s line of Steamers, is now superinâ€" tendent of a coal mine. ¢ A Mr. Evarts, who got lost amid the mountains of California, wandered about for many days, and was finally discovered when nearly perished for want of food, hdw-?hnciaoomoourhh tow «rd described : " He does not admit of the ides that he was deprived of sound mind, but at the same time fancied that he bad plenty of l‘unch wants to know whether the Gerâ€" mans will care so much for the weatch on the Rhine, now that they have got the great Strasbourg clock. _ _ â€" . i6 That were ut&l:unfllrlpo-ull," and all through singing was fumbling in his pocket to make sure of the smaliest piece of silver for the contribution box. . company ; thought hisright leg was one nun,hin’ioftum,hhmmuhn and his stomach a fifth, thought they were good feliows, and was sorry he could not gire them all they wanted to eat, He was surprised that when thistles were to be dug, fires made, wood brought, and M%M&h‘ymflmwp him. Everything he ate tasted good exâ€" on pio’:f'“â€mh’??mï¬ mine, .m"‘(\'en the wh _ _An ambitious amateur once put up the play of the "Lady of Lyons‘" as a compliâ€" mentary testimonial to himselt At the end of the first act he addressed the audience as follows :~â€"*"TLadies and genâ€" uemo‘:ivithymkindmfviu concl: oltheovonhg';“-il.m;by inging * id not fy Thime." u!bduu’nnofaaudcmm hufty for me*". _ _ _ e ic 8 IPRICEâ€"3 CENTS uIbduu’n.rtostï¬uhb'o hefty for me.‘ The Brunswick (Maine) Telegraph telle a remirkable story of a horse that preferred roaming in the fields to remaining in the stable, and was in the habit of escaping from his stall. Not long since his owner drove a nail over the hasp fastening on the inside of the door. in the morning the borse was in the garden as usual, it m(onndh“thntb:'uindhd drawn the il with his teeth; unhasped and opened the door. He took the garden gate from its hinges and did not drop it, but actually set it up along side of the fence. Some citizens of Colonge have bought an iron cross, weighing tmty?t pounds, to hang around the neck of & townsman, who skulked in one of the batâ€" tles before Metz. delicious ; caught one snowâ€"bird, and had a rare meal ; chased a toad forâ€" two days, luuwManrh. it. In his dreams hon-g:o some of the most delicious meals he ever ate in his life," cept p-n-hmnu s. His stomach had not been educa! ug‘;o that point. He freâ€" quently ate raw fish and esteemed them A long residence both in Russia and in England, and an intimate acquaintance with the opimions of both peoples, conâ€" vince Col. Gowen that a oonference can only delay the fin .1 Ccaitastrophe. The Rusâ€" sian peo%la are strenuous in their,demands, and the Engtish are emphatic in their reâ€" fusal. There can be, heâ€"cltims, but one result, namely, war. > A lively, bright eyed brunette, who stated that she was a Hungarian Countess, recently hired an apartment in Brussels, and was soon joined by a tall, stout Mrquis of some forty y _ They seemed to adore each other,em"on a late Sunday, after driving out together," shots were heard in the apartment, am{, on opening the door, they were found bathed in blood. The Marquis had shot the lady in the breast, but slightly, and then fired six shots at his own heart, which will probably kill him. ‘The affair is a romant:ic mystery. young gentleman, w ri cession following t.hoh&.' father to the cemetery, and two mothers, all legal, made the thing possible. Anexplosion of nitroâ€"giycerine occurred the other day in a factory in Rostoky, in Hungary, at which more than fifty persons lost their lives, B The result of a minute inspection of the fortifications of Metz by the German enâ€" gineers is that these fortilications are conâ€" mdered "excellent in every respect." The news re of Chi lain that ...."ml" m:- of mc:‘:il;o?'l‘i"ht, swear, riot, and commit other extravagâ€" ances" when they go to funerals. At a m'aont ï¬m«:l Jig,Noy Haren, a Je and ounbtal se U M * Nods, and becks, and wresthed The Conrrier du Bas Rhin, the E:'incipal paper of Strasbourg and Alsace, been purchased by a German publisher, and a German has been installed as chief editor. A Los Angeles (Cal.) paper is "glad to see that moast of our citizens have had sense enough to return to the use of the bowieâ€"knife, The beautiful ‘Fountain . d-;-ilmooo.u,. in Paris, has been bombâ€"proofed with clay :hn;i’ lphsur ‘to protect it from Prussisn £, m o mon Aeoy im e eeegel + Ad The new Russian uniform is said to be the richest ever worn by an army. A company which had been formed in Paris to insure against bombardment has recently raised its premium from 3 to 84 per cent. Mr. Motley will shorlly publish a pamphâ€" let ":: defonge of his diplomatic policy. _ Fancies of a Starving Man. Quips and Cranks PERBON AL. Foreign Nows. cemetery, saw two fathers while riding in the proâ€" bokï¬nl of his grandâ€" riding in the proâ€" A divorce had it