INMAN LINE OP MAiL 8TEAMERS, gAILINQ PROM NEW YORK EVERYT @ATURDAT AND ALTEXNATE TUEBRSDAYs. a1ves or "A:uu #Y T88 a1 fCaOAT AtBiXER; * * Cabin, Payable in Goid. Laverpool or bou’.'n.....‘..................‘.l“ i LEYHEpGOLOE YHHRIIME commmnc. \If # KVX N iNG OF T RAILNS OR TtHE N3ULNG 8s% oN. + In addition to the Fast Time which it :s intended to make betweentho Portland and Montreal in 13 Hours Montreal and Toronto in 13 Hours. Stopplug only at the mostimportant Stations, With closse connections at all pounts. wi.l be equinpped with handsome NEW FIRST.CLAS8, CARS, Unsurpassed c.-.&u-‘ld. tinent. Special artangements have been made to accommodate the pleasure travel. PALACE SLEEPING CARS Wl be run on the Through Trains and the fap vice will be parformed over the entire line in a mannet equal to that cf any railway or this con On and after JUNu 1:ith the new arrange ments will be pat in torce, and trains will leave Montreal as follows: _ Mn Portland to Montreal in 13 Hours. Montreal to Torontoa in 13 Hours. Chi sago, and all points weâ€"t at.... NIGHT, _ _ ao M ifecntertriens dets Mail for Torontd and intermediâ€" Trains tor Lachine a 6090 a m, T 00 a m, Wi+ am, 42 acon, + +0 p m.4 00 ‘=‘.'T‘;: 830pm. The p m n-‘m‘u Provinse | ins. gouse soute Axp sast. Accommodaiion Pood -.-:-.-!vuv Peee * k 8 ermont With, 4.« ccmers Rearrecccrcrs cecrrmcrrcmnre, PP i m Express for New York and Boston, via Vermont Cen ral, at.... U p m Express tor New York ansa Boston, Lake Champiain, Rutland, sat............. 604M Express for Quebes, Isiand &0.- Bpesia! atiention "Is dirscted to this Company‘s inouncement, in regard to the As fast as completed, For further partioulare see Qoamnssoke and moron Milis only at 10 10 p m Lisoping Ours on all night trains Baggag* Lesked torough. The steamers « Ohase" and # Charlotta " loare Portiand for Halifax, N 8, every Woeqpesday and Baturday mm: 40 p m. : Freight mes gors ana The inturnational Company‘s Steamers ronning in onssction with the Graad Trunk Mailiw=7. leate Poâ€"tiand overy Monaday and Thurssay st 6 If p m fogdt John, N B, 40. Ti bets issued through atthe Company‘s prin= eiple: stions. Â¥i.. artaoor information and time of artival and station @pply at the Ticket Oflce, Btation, o« at No 39, ureat 8t James btroot. C J BRY uak8, ons of the Arnprior Common Schoo!, two MALE TEACH EAzs. Salary tor Arst, four hundred ; second, three handred dollars per annum. services to comâ€" mense about 1i January, 181. Appliscations reseived up to Ist Desember, 1870, Stat ag quall. Then and now so rapidly building in the Dominion and Unites States, It is become Permanent Institations ot l‘:.o purpose of qualifying Operators for TLEGRAPH AND RAILROAD LINES WÂ¥"LADIES and GENTLEMEN desiriog to learn this light and nonourable profession, should do so at once, ‘The average longth ot time required is three months. Ladies learn -mun'nly than m:;e-a. Both sexes aduai trom 14 age and upwards. For tull ptlc‘m. and terms address T B CHURUCHILL, Toronto, Ontario, or e Pn “ eesesses:ses00s« »seee00s00000 l eag ‘1 lu&:.& TÂ¥ut ommmemcoemnmndl ies Liverpool or M... .........M TTE cne0 n etprnecse. woves ecmmcvumncs Ottawa, September 223, 1870 FOR TAE sUMMER OFP 870. ACCELERATION OF SPEED, MNPROYEL SERYVICE OF TRAINS June 3, 1870 PAIBAGE 8Y TRA 10800a%,0TIEANMER T! CaLIFAX Tiekste sold to and from Gngiand, iIrsiznd, ant _ Continent,at moderate rates: Forthe First and Second Departments of the NOR LIVERPOOL & & L LR3 OW OVER 100 OPERATORS, Who now All important positions with } ',ll.m TELEGRAPH IN8TITUTE. 34 KISG STREET EAST, melor, Koev 9, 1819 O T CE ANTED, EAST AND WEST, intion Train for Brookville PFirm abin, Payable in Goid. O A N A DA . «sessse000000 sessesees sonsssseceseese Ratlroabs. 15 Broadway, New York, HSARICK & CROUBIE, Yaaes C A N A D A RVLMANX 8 And has turned out west 4 DKR, CORAN8STONX a scsseqres 5 0 p n T 00 a m 133 p 1 Bide, Back and Head, 0-1;:..-000‘. Boce Th Br in the n on in inttecapmens Bowel â€"Complaints, Buras, * Asa family Remedy it is well and favourably knewn relieving thousands from pain in the &c., &6. % THE CANADIAN PA«X DESTROTYTER Has now boen before the public fora length of time and wherever used is well likeq, never failing in a single instance to give petâ€" manent reliél when timely us 4, and we hare nemwt known a single case of disatishaction whe: re the directions have been properly folâ€" low«d, but on the contrary, all are delighted with its operatiouns, and speak in the highest terms of its virtaes and We apeak from erperiâ€" s baving tested 1t theroughly, those who are suffering from any of the comâ€" plaints for which it is recommend»ed may de.. pend upon its binog a Sorcreign Remedy. The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroger, in curing the Diseases for which it is recommended, and its wonderful succers in subduing the tmturing peins of Rn: umati=m, and in relieving Nervrous Aff câ€" tions, entitle it to a bigh rank in the list of Râ€"medies tor these complsints, Ordersare coming from Mâ€"dic:ne Deâ€"lers in all parts of thâ€" country for furtber aâ€"pplicsa, and each tes= tifying as to the universal satisfaction it gives. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never faile to give immediat« reltef, All Medicine Dealerâ€" keep it Pbyâ€"icians order and use it ; and no family wili be without it after once trying it. Frice only Twentyâ€"Are Câ€"nts per bowl«. Otta gon * Wogatihn, J Siinâ€" wR 7, it Jafle Roterts.3 P PoslBtHites, Grorg: Mortimer, W M Massey, and all Medicine QIOOIO.I. AREMKKEDY. K ce BTOP AND 8KE! Cillige® o 691 Serinois en aed Pus Pfl-ul:-l-dv-lfl-'_.'. 5 h The following remarkts on testimonials of mo* wondertal and extraordinary cures in Canada bY he Gazat Ixpiax Rewzot. They are stern undeniable facts, suficient to com » accessible in the groat "hn'u?o".dt:nu“d 0: that of Pater C V â€"ry=4 . Wotng, u2, a Consum,tion, or that of Ambrc=e W of Conseâ€" nou, Ont, of Dyspepsia and Liver &vh-- that of Johr Heoey, of Napanee, of Rhoumatism, who had actuaily been on crutshes tor years, but has now recovered the use of his limbe. . Mï¬dlm extended to my kness, and on up to my tnll'lh..ou woeuk that L sould not walk, was condned to my shair. For abouttwo years, whilethis woak: ness was coming on me, and afterwards, 1 sough aret decitee: To4 "Dodvakes of diferees hinks three doctors, and of different kind> prescribed by tmends, but of no avail. I continuâ€" od to get worse and worse, antil the summer of 1868, when I was induced to try the great She Ih‘s is to certify that during the winter of 188¢ L wastaken dï¬swzmgnlu. whick in phist. this time [ begun ts ue e ho in n avale) in fade I was priting wâ€"h-nu'h-muuu'dh Â¥ Remedy and two boxzes of the pills ana I am entirely restored to health. 1 never expected :rl.-.bhuflmwu. dhbnh::s nl:“clï¬'lluu a private one, known to wndri.n and friends ; and to any one affinted as I was, 1 nn-guoqw,.owm;l veliove it will ours you. to me at his ninth day of Fo , 1869. .“.XIIOOD.JP.“ L certifty that I have known Mrs. Mary aAno tor the last Aftsen years;, she is a woman and truth. 1 have known her before, and since her ilinsss. I believe her certificateto be true in every k K know that whileill her case was hope, less ; and l know that shohas, since her recovery, alwaysattributed her recovery to the Shoshones: . _ Whatere: may be the pecullas ‘ of this medicine, one thing is certain, in her case it has acted almost like the performance of a miracle A J WOOD, J P. _ Warden enunty ot Hastings Provineo of w Messrs. uuaxnuaLain & Si11s, Con#eny P 0 Conunty of Lennox, Ontario, Canadas _ _ i s offered for sale at low prices., Iavalnable to lnvalids The Flower Roots above mentlonod nc coming to hand till late in the season, a: digestion ; an exceliont TONIC for persons m‘p,uu-. For sale in quart bottle ; mc dtak.. :. . 3 TITCI ET _ â€"_+ _ u-‘b‘b-ln Mul-".i-n :ucu:oromr“.lofl“ â€"h:ph'-:.-‘hu..m n:‘“ln“hh mninlp-h :LM‘-. CGardener‘s First Prise Baking Powder, an o es mflnmm;‘lz grocsers overyw Eniingitrett atr Pervant 4o on l @ ENER‘"8 and no ocher. GARDENEK‘s EPILEPTIC CURK. h\oo.lp.l?a;‘ bottles for 38. 487 mwes Bole Proprietor and Manufasturer. The Subscriber has just received a full assort, ment from a celebrated Grower in HOLLAN both for Spring Gardening and inâ€"door ANADIAN PALIN PESTROYER November 30, 1870 40 Bparkeâ€"st, Ottaws, Ottawe, Mov, 19, 1099 P DUTCH BULBS! BHOHONEES RKMEDY. ARDEER*8 moâ€" WINE BITTERS, w aAss0o at®®bxt 1®0L10D>:s Hyacinths, many varieties, o6 â€" 4A P 3 14 * 6J & (7 uK\ 1 * t X) ?’ R “‘y\’ ;l 3 +. C Ner ~ umt few nes ind { 141417 FOR THE TEET H G‘:fli’fl“ UOKLEBRATECD PREPARA FOR LEANSING, BEAUTIFYING AND PRESERVING THE TEEX®TE The eldâ€"established ‘ 1aABRIKL®S WHLTE GUTTA PERCHA K ENAME., for Siepping Decayed Teoth Rengers the tooth sound and useful, and FT-. Toothache, no matter how far decayed oe is 84 per box. Ask for (Gubriel‘s Celebrated Dental @M. Butn« GA-IIIII.'. :0‘ aces dm.t. PC enamel. 1s. 64 J } A8mMmIuUs L GA.IIII.’. O8TEO ENAMEL STOPPING for Preserving Front Teoth. Warranted to keep white, and as Orm as the tooth itsoll. Th benutiful preparation restores Front Testh and Un o cmaarieg supompraning the Pooths aod l-'.aommnh-p-;vllu- the withoat h.vt: between them ans wases of powuer, and gives brilliancy to the clous fragrance to the breath ; gives the Tocth a pourlâ€"like whiteness and protects the enamel. GAIIIIL’! ODONTALGIQUE ELILXIX a mouth wash unrivalled for its agresable properties in eleansing the mouth and swoetenivg the breath ; is is invaluabie to smokers, #«4 strengly recommended to suferers from Li>, LXAÂ¥ tvd from a recipe as used by He Majerty. Presorves the Tooth, and rmparts a deli the nr* lor taking a mogel of the wil} u_-nraa.-u‘::umm ‘pAl‘l'll. AF a DiseTANCE REQUIRING AKRTIFICILAL TEEIH mssy .":te thom supplied, in pariial or complete sets, on Mesars. Gabriel‘s new system, seading cruulmd their oases, with ln-in:’.eodOU uinea, when Mesers. Gabriel will andertake to Kemorel or u:muw Losth made by other Dentists, l‘â€".b not prove satisfactory}, at mogerate .n-.o.uhh Molhln:‘ldld.l Teeth mm-c‘ wou;. *,* All letters to be :m’l ATE HILLL, LONDON, 1833 1 awhkdor This elegant Turkish TONIU is one of the most salutary and dâ€"licate pnruh. ever «abmitted for public approval in this hemi«â€" pbeore, and asserts its pretentions to patronage “r':'unh m-““’:t of the @ one most «minent Purveyors to the Ottoman Court. It prevents acidity of the Stomach. â€" It relieves lowness of spirite. It is a mild and invigorating tonic, and a ost «ficient bat innocuous stimulent. It renders the breath sweet and agreeable. It stimulates the appetite if taken surons It promotes digestion if taken arrens meals,. It neutralises the prepensity for strong flmuwmumx. If taken babitually it imparts vitality and wb.lltloh‘dym By its use a man of 70 will become, as it were, restored to &Wtyouo;‘*to persous of delicate constitutions it is ly Bold4 by Chemists and Perfumers, and by the Becure, then, health, ?vl anad vital energy by the babitual use u:’ AL:ABAMI mlllll;onlo. stock Druggists Jm-htbw o _ For directions for use # e lab«ls on ‘bottles. HENRY CHAPMAN & CO., EVAN8, MEKCER & CO.,, _ _ _ Sole Agents for the Dominion i-fm Toothache, § See nameâ€"â€"None Genuine without it. Paris. hn:;nhmu' 1 Binging. Rideanâ€" Ottawa, June 23. k TThy aflnumu BMYTERS. Prepared by special permission om the rigina Professor of Chemistry in the University of lon of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"These celebrated Bitters are carefully prepared with the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially aduapted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitations. They are gently stimalant, and will be tound infallible alds to digestica, For directions see label round the neck of cach None are t 10238 A. K. F GIANELLL PADUA, ITALY, Kept by all the principal Druggists and Grocers in ORGANLST AND TEACBER oF MUsSIC. Residenceâ€"E!gin Stroot, South of slater Stroot. Classes for beginners at Mr Gowan‘s Hall on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4} p m. Ottawn, Jaly 15th, 1870, 1410 u From the Farm of MRS. STEWART on the bank of the Canal, on the 230th tnst., TWENTY» THREE LAMBS. marked with a stroke on the basck with ar. Information to be given to WM SLATTERY, Buisher By Ward Markst. “ UBICAL ACADEXY. & sumgawen, Mr.GU8STAYVE SMITH,( istotthe nuly s radenteot the Insporie) Conserve M Ladgats Hill, London, And at LIVERPOOL and BRIGHT }N. It is an especial favourite with Oriental Montreal, July 6. ABRIKLI8 ROYAL TOOTA POWDEh prepared from a recipe as used by Her PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLK. desay . Buthsient for Stopping six Teoth. MESSRS. GABRIEL, &. FRIPP, PARAT} 9 R I DL MK §$§$#2# ~° CABRIEL. Dentists. LUDCATE WiLL, LONDON. A. M, Â¥, GIANELL1I, and Proprietor for the Dominâ€" 8v. ® 14157 oTITAWA TIMES DECEMBER 16 ‘1870, OFFICE AND B8iALE #o0 car« to study the interest of his and that by car.â€"ful attentiom, ’N‘yt'm.“&r-, and moderate charges, to merit a continuance of that mm-p heretofere so liberally bestowed upon Spring Furniture Sales atthe Mart will comâ€" mence immediately, and from time to time will be duly announced. fie will hold weekly sales of Horses, Cattle, &0, &0, on the Market, due notice of which will be given. The large number o Horses and Cattle sold by him during the past year, is sutfcient guarantes that his ability in this critical branch of auctioneering is appreci: ated. owudwwuufllmm and those who have Horses, Carriages, and Harâ€" ness to dispose of will do weil to send them to the Mart as soon as possible. _ _ _ â€"_ _ ___ dence plased in him, since his advent as Auctioneer of this orty, and to assure them that m“r:‘.:*mfl be, to merit sontinuance sup patronage ulo ie reter :l:h:‘“. to the can w testimoniais he ‘:uu.mdnd l:- those :.::: quies sale, W aud m-o'dlm returns are his s SHALES AT PRIVATE RESIDENCES, In soliciting public patronage in this branch business he would respectfully intimate, that.i1 the fururé as in the past, it will be his unceasing ___â€"â€" Rart, York street, near the Market, The subscriber in issuing this his bpring Oireaâ€" lar, begs to return his best thanks to his triends L chus shadinanszeeâ€"t o Tamereapvre . vexry and the goneral pablie of Ottawa Country, as -dlulh-mâ€musmnu., for the very uu:dJuâ€"fl bestowed on, and confâ€" gence pl in him, since his advent as Trace Bales of Mercshandise, Farm Stook, Rea) Esw ate, Libraries, Works of Art, #o., &o., as wel as consignments, from a diustance, will meet with best attention, and be conducted on very moderâ€" ate terms. second hand Furnitaure will be received fl hour durigg the 41.|p to T o‘slock p. m. vances made on Furnitore, Pimnos, or other Goods sent in for Sale, or may be porchased in toto, if required The Sale KRoom is well lighsed an. ventilatea, and about the lu.l:: in the sity, being 80 x 28. Â¥our tavours patronage are respecttully solicited. Beveral Houses in the city on hands tor sale. J BERMINGHAM, Ottawa, March 1870. MPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALER Bolicits the patronage of the Lumber Merchan generally on the Ottaws. From his long experiâ€" ence in the trade he offers his services in engaging men and attending to their rafts while passing here to the best of his ability. Ottaws Auguast#3, !8T8 Alex Fraser, Esq, Waiter Smith, Eeq, ioh _ oupore, Esq, _ __ _ R W Cruioe,‘Rsq. GENXERAL oouxmmï¬u, Clarence Street, next to the City Hotel “ #M e Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeasi, Pork, &6 oTTAW A, End of Little Sussexâ€"st. _ MESS AND PRIME MFESS PORK. FLOUR NO. 1 & EXT R A WBITR BEANS, At Oltawa, Sand Point and Pembroke. hele raio. Promperitetnats astfvanes _ * *** PIO'IIO!AI. IN8SURANCE CUMPA > of Canada, Head Ofse, Toropto. ‘P'! entâ€"The zon Jobos Billyard Cameres Vice Presidentâ€"Loris Moffatt, Esq. 7 Inh TY Ar MoM aster “-1.'.’.'5!’.3‘...’ o.."‘o..‘..' . :?A‘l'ï¬b‘.bym :L-.hq. P Mnâ€"mlfldm > ’&,:-hounâ€"p-:'!awrn- UOMPANZ ateas low at ibt longexpertence has are as low as -lonloh‘rmllo. un'.h:‘m::-h.‘:an u'ht'tu' ptooss its settlements the r-ol-n-uo:-mumun.o. Its Inspectors are alway sent to adjust every -mh-dlndu:uln. It has no adjusteo due and unpaid. ‘l&wmon:dhm e Nt ARTBUR HARYVETYT, have euou‘!«,uuu with the Roeceiverâ€" sand Dollars gom U. 8. Gold Bonds, 68 0€‘81 Eut ..Onnulunr. n ll:t.c.h-h WMMMQ‘M B. K. CORWIN, ANCOEB COMPANY V . uJBE INSURANCE COMPANY OP MAINRB. FOI SALE. a aÂ¥a 18, 1870 Ot awa, November T 1868. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FORWARDERS DEAL ERS 15 Canadian Parliamentary Calendar GENERAL AUCTIONEER, mreTEAS AND WINES, @a UMINICK FOX. #K MA M10QHAM, NIUVX mUTUAL OPH!L& CO., ane {l¥¢x JOXRA & WOlkaix» UT TOâ€"DAY. H. KASTONX & ©O., FPOuTE & COxPaAaNY, isston Merchanta. &6 HOSPITAL STREKET Insurance. Ctrectory for Y8TO. No 5 Bparks stroot. MONTREAL ont as I A :"’u Â¥ s is at . “.:‘. 2#* healtt the m / | fm: I those :?o ‘Q hll.l‘. posal, that N hatr â€" i1mmediate V \ D to its VA mME with 1CES, ) D& > 4"“’†M Xpgen s MBR hin v14444t Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agrecable, healthy, and e€Fectual for preserving the hair. _ Faded or gray. w t hair is â€"soon restored. ness ,oh;;: 1h<;ugh not always, eured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glaads atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness b{.thu application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediâ€" ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and | to its original color, with the gloss ana 4ralmm of youth M hin bair is thickâ€" ened, falling hair checkefl, and bald: consequently prevent balduess. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a f HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a zich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. _ YFor Liver Complaints, arising from torpid of the l.lnul"' it moxwllmt remedy, sdm the Liver into healthy wdvitb“ nmmlhn: remed rv..rodd e pwt:\?' o â€"an e y. wcing man re arkapin enrce. whare oiner maodicines hart Falled Practicar aAxp Axarrricar. Camasts, LOWELL, MASS,. PRBRICB $1.00, Cough, dlronchms, Asthma, and Consumption. Pnbnblmonr hefore in the whole history oi medicine, anything won so widely and #o deeply upon the confidence of mankind, as this excellent #emedy for pulmonary complaints. ‘Through a lon, series of years, and .-m most of the races o men it has risen higher higher in their estimaâ€" tion, as it has become better known. Its uniform character and nso'er to cure the various affections of the lungs and throat, have made it known as a reâ€" Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, liablo protector f“ thein, â€" While adapted to milder forms of discase umng children, it is at the same time the most effe« nmoddymtou be given for inclpient consumption, and the danâ€" gerous of the throat and lungs. As a proâ€" vision sudden attacks of Crowp, it should bonpto-hudhont{o ,ndin(feoduul are sometimes subject and coughs, all * "‘Aitough soutled "Consumption is thought inâ€" u enrable. still great numbers 0| wuvbore&:dig eurable, still great numbers of cases where the disâ€" ease secemed %Inn been oom&l:'uly cured, and the patient restored to sound health by the Cherry Pectoral. So complete is its mastery wmmdm%nï¬lh&“m "‘a;?m'""‘.’nw'&"c""}"f' :-‘-lhy:‘hdb:fl‘-pw Ag SCn tection from it. n geeat pro Asthma is always relleved and often wholly “m is cured by taking the Mmmndmtdom lomnlum its virtues known that we need not pu the certiScates of them here, or do more than assure the public that its qualities are fully A RABIAN OIL F OR HORSES AND CATTLE Ayer‘s Ague Cure, whatever, it in nowise injures any patient. â€" The number Wm ::ylu cures in the m tricts, are r bc{::d account, and we without a paralle! in history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by the nrhow{:unenu we receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate cases, and where other remedies had wholly failed. Unacclimated persons, cither resident in, or travelling through miasmatic localities, will be proâ€" md by taking the AGUE CURE daily. t Liver Complaints, arising from torpidity This valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of those articles which long +« xperience has proved to possess the most safe and efficient properti+s for the cure of Fiesh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Gails of all kinds, Crack ed Beel:.ï¬lng Bone, Bpavin, Callous, Pistula, Sweeney, Euerul.i’olnou, Scratches or Grease, Btrains, Lameness, Mange, Witâ€" ows, Corns, Sand Cracks, Foundered Feet, Coro Dlotoncur,j Bwellings, and many other diseases which horses and caitle are subject rntcnd" repared by Dr. J. C. ArER® & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemiâ€"ts, Lowell, Mass., and sold all round the war!d. The celebrated Liniment has been used for many years, and its curative properties horoughly tested, and it is conceded to be the cheapest and most reliable remedy for all external complaints ever offered to the public «â€"â€"it never fails when timely used and faithâ€" hl‘g.’pllod. â€" be bad of all Druggists and Country Merchants throughout the Dominion,. Price 250. per bottle. § NORTHROP & LYMAN, . â€"_ Newcastle, Ont. . Proprietors. Bold by George Mortimer, John Roberts, W M Massey, H F McCarthy, J Skinner, in Ottawa, all Medicine Dealers. November 24, 1870 1522tf required by the 5‘st and following Rules of the Legisiative Assembly,(which are published ia the #"Ontario Gazette"), to give NOTICE of the application (clearly and distinotly specifying its nature and object) in the * Ontario Gazette," and also in a newspaper published in the County or Union ot Counties affected ; such notice shall be continued in each case for a period of at least six weeks during the interval of time between the close of the next preceding Sesmon and the conâ€" sideration of he Petition. Coples of the lirst and last of such notices to be sent to the Private Bill Prepared by Dr. J. ‘C. Ayer & Co., Toronts March 15, 1870 1309 td lawk. All etitions for Private Bills must be presentâ€" «+d within the FIRST THREE WEEKS of the w 100, UHARLES T GILLMOR, ' Clerk ot the House, Is hereby given, that an application will be mage to the Legisiature of the Prov.nee of Ontari o at it» noxt Bession, for an Act to anthorise the Wc!'uc_'nh in and for the City w# es Pl!'A“ BILL®. For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, ARLEY»8 A NEVERâ€"FAILING REMEDY. oTICE PRJ Ayer‘s Jflcdlcal. > »@@ #O0TTLE. W 101 lavkâ€"im Q CHRISTIE, Commission Merchant and + 3e General Agent. Sole agont for Reoad‘s Kl{h'il‘l andProof Whiskey , also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" chine Ales +nd Portef. Pork, Flour, &0., for sale. Orrion: No.5, Sparks SBureet, near the Russell W Â¥Bae Bell‘s Biock, Sappers‘ Bri Rerszazxors.~â€"H Afll-c':."bz; Amnd. Ph msu. & Thos Fuller, Eeq, Alba Dr J A Grant, Â¥ P., Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, Managing Director 0. & St. L. R. R. | ry*UISTLE & Co., Land Surreyors, Is the bost and cheapest material in use for pre« erving now, or repairing old praays yous uoors, PATENT PLASTIO SLATE PAINY, IRON OR TIN ROOFS, No matter hew bad their cendition. Also firs rate for , t ~»« 3 H{ NG LK R OO F S, > Makiug them B@°FIRB AND WATER PROOF, @g Hardens into a coating of BOI.ID BLATE by ox For lining Frame Buildings under the clap boards. An effecstual protection. against cold, damp and vermin. Rats and mice will come No FRAME DWELLING should be without Bend ter : iroular, instructions, &6. [ BUCHANAN & CO., Wholesale Depot for Roofing Materia and Foun MR GENDREAU, the propristor of that so popular Parlour, has the pleasure ta announce to bis namerous friends and the public in general, that to answor to the groat encouragement whicn he has received up to the present, he has deterâ€" minedto enlarge and thoroughly furnish anew his establishment. He will sare no expense to render Parlour the most comfortable, anc 0 prosu â€" he mast experieunced hair dressors, MR KK DREAU having served considerable time in some of the bost and mort extensive Hair Dressing saloons in the Dominion and United States, is in a position to conduct the dutics of his establishment in a manner that camnot be He will have always on hand the best perâ€" tumes imported directly from Pâ€"is and London. MR GENDREAU solicits 1> convince all of the truth of his statemos*~ or‘s Bupplies, Beyg to intimate to their customers and th public generally, hatthey will keep constantl on hand Ottawa, September 21, 1870 _ 1468 THVF GOVERNOR GFNERAL m BEEF AND MUTTONX 8PIOuv â€" anv ‘SALT; nuUND, ouse, Ottaws city, 0. W . To be had c Price $6 a barrel, mixed ready for use. A barrel will cover 10 squares (10 x 10). F . cegu ce 5 .'.'i"'-â€"'" v-lym and Articled of Mr -D--.ct'mc::mh::". ITTAW A OFFICEâ€"G P Ducumo®»‘s Exchange Ofice, 19 Sparks streot. DGAR . DOWARD, Organist, T osarch imaibh uf Trges, Finte wed DIRECTORS ; AJOSEPH, Chairman; D C THOMBON, Trea arer; 8 B FOOTE A THOMBON, T H DUKE. DRMXYUUOND Manager L141 g»xorres taresn®arna conrary ncorporated under Chapter LXVII of the BATCHELL BR o 3 veaws â€" Jale 5. 1878 UTCHERS To NWO OR THREE GENTLEN®AX ROLLED BEEE FOR PARTILES, Miscellaneconsâ€" SsHEATHING FELT BY.WARD MARKEI DRESSING PARLOVR, Wellington street, Opposite the Bank of Montreal. THEIB ELEBRATED, FRESH RKILLED THFIR STALLB, ATALLâ€"» . EKNDREAV, MKR. ROWBELL 8, Opposite the Union Hotel, OR WITHOUT ROARD. 32 Lemoine Street, E*4 ASSIGNEES SALE OF REAL E ATE Notice is hereby given that by virtus of the power vested in me as Assignes ofthe estate and effects of the above named Insolvent, I shall offer forsale by Public Auction, at the Court House, in the City of Ottawa, at the hour af 1% o‘clook, noon on FRIDAY, the TWENTY=â€"FIFTH day of NOVEMBEK next, all the estate, right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said In« so‘vent, and of myself, as such Assigues as aforeâ€" said, in and to that certain parce! or tract ofland and prewmises situate, lying and being in 1\ the Township of Glousester, in the County of Carleton, containing by admessurement fifty um&%:: be the same more or _ s, being composed of west quarter of lot number two, in the third Conâ€" cession of the said Township, Ri teau Front. NORTHERN, TRANSPORTATION CO‘S B0 Firstâ€"Class Upper Cabin Steamers. Terms and conditions made known at the time of sale, udpcniolï¬neu be had by applying 401 Notre Dame‘st Dated Montreal, 17th Sept, 1870, 1469 Saw27i GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. [The Model Road of Canads j To Sarnia, Detrou, Milwaukee. CHICAGO, Cincinnati, St. Louis, New Orleans, and all Points in the West and South. Meking sure connections with Railway for all "‘IIA'I‘ ROUbB ..«â€"csssseese svessersssces stecsescsser:: 120 40 For TICKETS to any Points in the United States, and all information ?ply to J T JQnCORAKN, General Woestern Railway and Steamboat Ticket office, at H Palmer‘s m...nuï¬muda Draper‘s, Sussexsi,two doors from at ____ Points West and South, _ Parties going west can secure Tickets at this office to any Point desired, Â¥Ia % ALL RATIL OR ALL BOAT Fares always cheaper than by any other GREAT CRNTRAL ROUTE AND BAVE MONEY, TIME ANDDISTANCE Comparitive distance of the sgeveral Woestern Routes to Chicago : â€" Americanâ€"Ogdensburg or Presoott...... _ _ Grand 1 runk to Detroit...................... T36 40 Grand Trunk to Toronto, Great Wes= Leaving in favor of the Groat Central informed thatthe only way to seoure the enuine, and to see thattheir names are upon the wrapper l.bol.,‘ < s ~ome lhohna‘-m having been supplied with a spu W orcestershire SBauce, rï¬owumul labels of which the =ames Lesa & Perrtias huve been forged, L and P give notioe that they have furnished their correrponâ€" dents with power of sattorney to take instan: procseedings against manufacturers and ven iors of suon, or ther imitations by which their m-o{;.‘m-pc pa" Ask to LaA & PERRINS‘ Bauce and see Name sm Wrapper, Label, Bottle and Wholesale and for the P Woreerier s Grome 208 Bisckiei, Longiny a0, m'ni by Grocers and Oillmen â€" aniverâ€" 62v1236 law THE ONLY GOOD SAUUKE. CaAUTION AGAINST FRAUD. LThe success of this most delicions and unrivalâ€" +4 condiment hnh" snaused certain dealers to my the name of " Worcestershire Souse" to heir owninferior compounds, the public i hereby Pursuant to a deciee of the Court of Chanâ€" cery, mage in a cause Bpain vs. Watt, the Creditors of Martin Spain, late of the Townâ€" ship of Nepean, in the County of Carleton. who diec in or about the month of NOVEMâ€" BEKLBRB, 1867, are on or before tae 15th NOâ€" VEMBELR next, to send by post prepaid, to M+â€"sers Kennâ€"dy & Christie, of the City of Ottawa, the Solicitor of the Defendants, Arthur Wautt, the Exeeutor of the decease0, their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the tull particulars of thâ€"ir claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benâ€"fit of the saia decree. Every Creditor holding any mï¬o‘lu to P the same before me at my bers, at the tity of Ottawas, on the 23rd day of N ber, 1870, at 11 o‘clock, in the fore= noon, being the time appoluted for adjudicaâ€" tion on ths claims. Dated th1 21st day of October, 1870. (Bignad), W, 4. MATHESON, n Master at Ottawa prEsrton & JgOWSELL, M ILIT A R x T A L LGO NHOLYVENXT Aiact orX : In the matter of CENTRAL AIR LINE ROUTE ggronss pvoatorâ€" H EL L M U T H C O L L E G E. Board ane Tuition ‘ anpam. Pl-,:-mâ€"m‘;?q’:n. L. Helmat® ).D., Dean of tturon _ pM~VÂ¥or Particulars voky to| Major Wrans, Lendon, Canada W ort. 1. Auagust $, IDTS. _ .â€", HELLMUTH 1ADIES‘ COLILEGE OCDENSBURG & CHIOAGO, WORCESTERSHIR® â€" saAUCE, Ottawas, Oct: 24, 1870 1495 1d K CHANUERAY. EKEA & PERARAiNS HABITFT M A K B R & 2. â€" $Â¥ BPAKXKS SUTREEI Vestings, &c. sHIRTS®KMKADE TO OBROER A SELECT *ASSORTMENT 6K FQOR LEA & PERRINS® SALl Board and Tuition per annum, $22 : Daclared by DAILY LNE BEY W £EN evekukrpFrtpecrurset sretearszszess HOW Wetknt Doe Skins, CHAS BALILLIE, e TICKETS at this ofice by the Fancy Coatings, 18690. l'd svutllh EU Into the subso! H the ITih, a K1JD, ® The owner can bat [J) | veview ie adver i; | .Ottews, Now 21, O orn. HOWL z Lot No â€ol Froni, containing : & ed and in good sta otie, and fifteen n fences, a fine d# w barms and outhou (0) | for farter pertioul a Itawa beptembe! [ | g@mmaay E A Branch 0 t‘ MARLIA ESTAB b The Blstors of BCroluIou8 poiGon is one of 1.‘ C oeeie Porteie fpat ce h&:“: most destmneg.,, tenant of the organ; a Unscep and in vites t}nmu‘:.u‘_‘%h-’.h‘ and invitesâ€"-‘.ï¬a without exciting a m‘h‘ ite it seems to breed infoction thros i) * NKE ds But long continued use m the complaint. lw Ulcerations, and Female monly soon relieved and ‘ mation of the IArer, and, as they often do, from the blood. This 84 storer for the st Those who are J dent, Sleepless, prehensions or eymptomatic of relief and convig power upon trigl, "k > PREPARZX» #3 Dr. J. C. AÂ¥ER 4 0.3 * Daaoklaall se o. > k Bchool is attached to ce metauieit, ‘Lcomuor to the For particulars and t::- app$ ho Corner of O‘Conner and W t ouare serne 161900 _ e n THE TIMES is printed and rï¬ â€˜, % Tus itrawa Toxs PRNEE® ) _ 2. @ï¬& The Bisters of the that the# Dame respectfully inform the P _ will their classes on the open their classes on the \" """ | . Pef I the l‘l?:.?.x'l‘m:" u‘m g uu The owner can have it hy A â€" 1 paying this advertisement, M’ Ottawan, Nov 21, 1870 KB % 'f.'.;-,,-(;,,fl,‘,dâ€"â€"â€"â€"", rani o ue Fees: Lot No 30, 1st Concession ‘% Froni, containing 300 nores, 110 aored * . dlith dndhmm&.mvâ€œï¬ C ::"" otic, and fifteen miles from M‘“ That .“‘ fm.lfldnllh‘_‘“.‘ © Di barns and outhouses :-#".,. * * maag, ;MQ terms, fo tfl‘“ kh. .: p® w-flAflt . b‘ # I‘reactioll Gnd Abdiptot) Chamiz. BOLD BY ALL DEDGGrems m; oas,cmmnuseroeccciltttntitpeetis css 1000 E) e oo â€"scireuiiks [ lt snuAnr FOR !W"; M A Branch of the Monklents MW® "Jag i M A RIA zs-rux.tsnlll'-_â€",,,» T a u. m t ‘ToroxT0, wm‘ Notice is hereby given, thit for receiving Petitions for be WEDNESDAY, the TWE day of DECEMBER next. _ â€" )L. LEGISLATIVE Aap" "’ Ayer‘s Mnmï¬ In Tins, 2s 64, 6o and J86 Or formed into OWM : pricy e on e w a 6 N'ldt'nly m" in Wihey., m formed in the h.m'. k by eruptions on the skin, or goy ime part of the n - a bottle of this Henge .‘ n when ho CVE @Â¥imptam, 174 4 o mÂ¥ â€" Dtllent magiae® Hines, is AARKAPAR "-"'.'-u‘t’z ï¬ inuuu R#AIOLA §) etream A) ; arepetra gmigenes at effcacy in case of Aotme uo 10R ABSTHEA: aod Chronic Broadlth Perposns O n Lamg i’i“ weks _ ameerand N Y ork streots, * ‘DR, HUTCHIS sETsS + TERL o wanting, 0 a paintes, â€" tP n:.l.bao st, Ob ‘ '... uu.: Rears from 9 a (.\.Ol.l L deeâ€"pyed or 4 C Anapbeamgs Mote NE KET «t his otfce from hechologst B rand» mâ€â€˜}l{o sons 1t of fl... PE un guosts an MP" Nwam+s 4n a 3 «~Caus a l _ T N 1C0MUL A® aey â€"utâ€" Law anser, &o. Oc epposite the Post Otta wa. li tn C & K at Attornies Convey ancers, . «stousners of the GQourt Vouse, TL Ronert Lers. getiznialy oppos od, and overy +0 Lealpenses of tue e s0i% al ais rew CoRXER or¢ RFERY DE 'l\l. UstO UYVBRT O0 %v w wukar W Qepvey ancers , IK q@ L & cow mare ?flq the C Oitewa w"l M 0 H 0o To T K A M 16 Bullding». JPPOSITE OCTOH R. OLJVE . _ with = # ‘!mflfl gains: s Ponce an ties of Pre B â€"Speoral Accouchear seileitors ®¥ BDBUIG: SPARCKS the main a AVEML «P ® ® .ldll naturel TETR » e Mb G+cCo® sUKG 44 4J tao day t » »®y , U