1490 10 s10N M A # at Measts, 4+ ni’l“ b ffl"- «1TiNG s0 4A+% lcâ€â€˜ Up § . or NR NBE w $ MB * The rcom 8 Â¥ih e r10X +1 LAY K Q'I LOVAL *** ~ Mc oFf w 1 pgirarâ€"A runaway occurred on Sunâ€" » “‘nflludi-..n‘nl smash of (e *“mw Microscopes, CUhoice Freach and il.w. Tess Nrong Microscopes. cheice French and i .a‘mry.nm Orfrawa Dave Swl!. W. HEAKN. . ‘;AF.un.Tomnto;DNooul,Qn.( J McAlpine, Hal{fax, N #; J A Porâ€" “Cl\ll. % Jmx: Warp.â€"The matter in protest betwessMessrs. Taillon and Guerard, and and (Guertin, is to be enquired by legal gentlemen, and if the obâ€" are found valid, the Messrs. Guerâ€" wd Guertin will at onta withdraw the contest. i3 U The public readings of the Ottawa Imâ€" Aid Society will be resumed this is and as the Society has made great & Wors to provide both instrumental lint recal music, we hope to see a large to reward their exertions, 'wwd.;ow is very desirable to agnaga en dntit‘s é.-: llimt. !u'wh.nz'z‘.&'f »tock and new: styles, at ®*** GarLAND, MUTCHMOR & Co. EW uit Weok Tartens in all the leading ;- the shantos. wy ol‘ F’;p.,_.," ey, at the irrawa D# © preparations are being maule in every arde for the due celebration of * Merry Fxras Accrount.~ &A HHHE i “ugmu,clnon‘loq tst week. a tree fulling on iOrt Couxcir.â€"A regular meating Of ts body should have taken place last even ‘bu‘umbdn.smnm pesent to form a quorum, there was no 'm Wool Tart.â€"ns in all the JeA0GL ips. A large lot ex last steamer, at GaRLAXD. MUTCHMU: & Co. Awmmvics atr tom RusakiL Hovse.â€"Monâ€" hpâ€"W Drake, Montreal ; J W Newman, &;JJ McDonald, Bic ; D Magil, Monâ€" New Bi< Nuppers‘ Brid, _ o Unsey, Cornwuil, St.4 Lawrence and m.llb Blankets, in all sizes and “WW.M â€" GAKRLAND, MUTCHMOR & CO, The Ottaws Immigrant Aid Society beg acknowledge the receipt of the followâ€" monies : His Excellency Lord Lisgar, ; Hon. Dr. Tupper, $4; Hon. Mr. l , Hon. Mr. Mitchell $4 ; Hon. . Tilley, $ and Colonel Bernard, $2. Â¥ew Stereoscopes and Slides, Bohemian imps, Microscopes, choice French and igizsh Perfumery, at the _ urtawa Daveo Stoug, e is §+ PouesCovertâ€"Monday â€"Again have wo s plessure of announcing to the public at there was no case at the Police Coart: stly every day list week wo were able mike a similar announcement, and we pe the st:te of things will continue this lomes.â€"Now is the time. Go and see P. Dorion, 60 Sparks Street, for stoves d stoveâ€"pipe fitting.© No puff; but see yourselves. Lumbermen and countr}y archants rome and sâ€"e. ‘The most com ste House in this Line in the Capital, numbers « Goklen Lion NÂ¥ Goons.â€"By reference to our adâ€" k. By all means give His Worship a of gloves, no mattor about the colorâ€" rtising columns, it will be seen that the terprising and prosperous firm of Patâ€" rson & Bryson have just receired a large ok ef new goods of all descriptions, Ish they will sell at their usually low ®s. It would well repay trouble to Flkose gentlemen‘s establishment a it Their stock is large, and of the istand most fashionable styles and patâ€" Bs. Atany time they defy competition their Ime of business, as regards qualiâ€" ‘sad prices ; but during the holidays Deviin‘s Pur Depot W‘lsm Bohemian "aAL NEWS Intend to sell at such rates as to afâ€" particular advantages to purchasers. im is now well established, and we liet for them, ere long, a leading #in our list of dry goods estublishâ€" u’mm.mpaï¬nomm yourselves as to the truth of ‘s Fur Depot nox Sars or Jaraxuss Goons.â€"Last § we paid a viat to Mr. Rowe‘s Erooms, and had the pleasure of )and examuning his large consignâ€" of Japanese goods, which, for vaâ€" beauty, and neatness of workmanâ€" ite superior to anything of the kind ken in Ottawa. The fancy cabinets, ther fancy articles of a similar na bhindsome and desirable Christmas ©p4, trays, stands, candlesticks, teaâ€" td stands, figures, ornaments, &c., PM" and rare workmanâ€" Thereare also a number of fancy # and cane fishing rods. The whole b*‘!’lb&w ;uno&-.. mamene + x \*_‘ uppers Bridge C mvan W. HEAK yestenday morning A ol Besides theso articles there tearns continue to L. JAMES & Co. . MEAKN s'mw 1486 ‘Am. ; Â¥ITORLIA WARD. The nomination for Aldermen took place toâ€"day at 12 0‘clock. The Returning (Mfcer, Mr. Henty Clark, having read the notice calling on the various Wards to elect their representatives, Mr. F. Abbott proposed, and Mr. T. M Blasdel! seconded the nomination of A. H Baldwin, E«q. Mr. H. Merrill proposed John Roches ter, Esq, jc., and Mr. John Langford secomled. Mr. Henderson proposed A. Pratt, Esq., and Mr. Wm. Birkett seconded. Mr. John Mowatt propused Jobhn R. (Â¥Connor, Esq., and Mr. John Ahern scconde«l the motion. * _ Wm. MeK :y Wright, Esq., and some other gentlâ€"men then called upon the gontlemen nominated to make a speech, or in other words, to state their views upon the various positions they intended to take, if elected. After some discussion as to who should speak firstâ€" His Worâ€"hip the Mayor said he thought Mr. Bal win being first nomin«ted should wlidress the meeting ; finally the Mayor was cailed on, who said, he was sorry the pl.:ce was not large enough to admit of a gre« ~r number of persons, but that he was â€" ry glad to see so muny present. He reme ibered the time on a previous occas m when they had o / call in people to second _ the motiona nominting the various representatives. there were now four candidates in the Hield. But the pl:ce being so fl it would not permit«lectors to enter hear the views of the various candidates. «coouunt of his stewardslhip. Mr Baldwin said he was prepared to act in concert with the Mayor and that they +hould meet in some place where there ews could be fully stated. Several peo ple here sad, this was a public meeting «nd to do so now. Mr. OConnor said he would be very -orrLtopanuthglr meeting. He would not be so dogged as to hold to his present 4NE & 4B EVE -‘-â€" â€""tâ€"'.'* I I ® “' is mivamas To reprosont h.“:"“;’f his desire was to represent his elect. ts fairly, honestly and independently. He beammans t se nate nith ts t out to ; & i o m?mw‘om e state of the Counâ€" i 0 . 'mwcmmu»mm details, and afterwards it was settled that the various representatives should address tie electors on Thursday night next at the Model School House on the FLits. T. Ats No p~;~d fit and , Amos Row was as a fit person to represent the Ward, by ::d.'l'_b_a.flunn,mddbylr.lo- Mr. was nominated D I"h:g“(m Mr. Woodburn by Messrs. : Jamieson, and Mr George May by Messrs. and MeDermitt. C e . _ ‘The nominations took place at the Chaudiere Engine House. Unly a small number ~f persons were present. 8T. GEHORGE‘s WARD. Shortly es io C anca cnaine hous M meet room over, me on Ba-u:.r Strooet was M.:flhinluou’ul electors the several candidatesâ€" Messrs. Mosgrove, Fentberston, Cunâ€" "'!'l“' qi ols i. Gon Wcc tw mrmktar thiae l)l"-!'uu- The momhill called to order the !ouo"mf tions were real. Moved by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. James Beattic. thit in the opinion of this meeting Mr. J. G W'bouldwpropflpa son to represent 8t. George‘s ard in the City Council tor the ensuing year. lr.'rhol-m,noonhd by John Kiit, moved oimhrlymhvoro(lr.losâ€" grove ; Dr. Swood.ud] secondel by Mr. Bennett, in favor. of . Cunningham ; Mr. Turgeon, seconded by Mr. Wensier, in favor of Mr. Preston, and by Mr. \zeb- Mr. Bak in favor of Mr. Preston, and by MP. ""CUâ€" ster. seconded by Mr. Robert, in favor of ‘v. Featherston. L. aou.::m addressed the meetâ€" ing. â€" He not. at any r"‘fl' meetngs, had an opportunity of addresâ€" sing the rate pay.rs of St. George‘s Ward., Whilst a member of the Council he _ attended _ all _ meetings _ of that body and all meetings of committees; thit was what . was neeielâ€"a man who could and would devote his time to the Ward and city genâ€" erully. tie referred. to the stuieof the Corporation generally, and .Zand what a CEmATY + P PRPREAer CC S Corporation generally, and abowed what a comparatively «mall amount of money was at the dispos :1 of the Council. He read a witten statement, showing how the money was expended that gid not pass through their hands. There was $60,000 spent for different purposes, Over which they had no control. He thought there was no possibility of reducing taxation at present. He weuld go for building bridges across the canal to connect Theodore and Wilbrod, and Wellington and Rideau streets. Hoe was for water works; but tirst some reliable scheme should be subâ€" mitted. _‘ Mr. Mosgrove thought Mr. Robinson had pretty nearly nhnotl to every question of any importance. He n‘l_’oAr_rled tokt.ho seâ€" CITY NOMKTNATIONSB, wekky Oene@nem®et DC CC roulnt n veral debts of the city, showing the comâ€" pnï¬nlyhdthyemdltï¬ndl.hm at present, and inferred that the result of decrease of debt and increase of revenue #cm new sources would be to lower the rate of taxation 2 tenths. He would strongâ€" lyudvoeflothobmldin'dthobndgun ferred to by Mr. Robinson, and also for the repiacement of Pooley‘s bridge by a new one, and would T; for a permanent -ysunofmw.. e would go for the construction of Water Works, but not at :l;oxpomdï¬nw of:iux‘ï¬on.o:‘ people. He would v.hm.lz honestly exert his best abilities the benefit of St. George‘s Ward and for the _cty generally. ‘r. (.miu‘-} came. forward as a candidate at the instance of a large uqu'niï¬on.mdmhlrmllyfotm improvement . ret to by previous speakers, but not if it would increase the taxation of the people. The Chaudiere was the thriving port.on of the city, an they should have some direct road to it. St. George‘s Ward had interests to be proâ€" tected, and if elected he would act as a faithful trustee for the Ward. . ur.munzndinonwflw view, and criticism of the points advanced A bypnviomnp‘lkul.m“â€m pmegg sunshiny days when he occupied a seat in | gp I the coundcil, and contrasting the present chaotic state of municipal matters with T the manner in which they were conducted =: in the days of yore when he sat at the k Crameil Roard,. ‘He went into & seriee of| *~ statements to show fhe. nominated by Mesars. bridges across the canal 4 years s N::Nnchlhtmuhdz-h ..R.EQU'ISITION wus use thapwerd attending there o » ninoes ts tha I ld“‘ Ml'lt!&_l:‘l.m the mtepayers. He went into long ®xâ€" SnA undersigned electors and planations respecting the difficulty beâ€" | ra Ottawa Ward respectfully reâ€" ween himself and City Chamberlain. He | t will allow was hot in fault. _ He had nothing sise 10 | 4*A HMh * yoursell to be put ‘doudi!olocudmldmm 'Mh}hmtmum of the Aldermen for time to there interests. | the above mentioned ward, during the .P:-lin?wpooflr:::udl: emumgurm;uhmldy'&x accede to our 8 @ Lo tements Eimtbe i Unelat ifraaid es mtnivere infrucarfownmien do lms utmost to ha 1 o his utmost to have the improvrements _"| . . _ _ .. F X Guertin the the rmatepayers. He went into long ¢xâ€" planations respecting the difficulty beâ€" ween himself and City Chamberlain. He was not in fault. He h‘dnothfloln to do and if elected would devote whole time to there interests. Ald. Featherston "':f retuted Mr. Preston‘s arguments statementa ag inst the City Councl, &6c. He would do is utmost to have the improvrements referred to by previous speakers carried out. He showed that hllly but a small amount :;.M, came ofin‘:o t;flr hunds for haprovements of t ty. He showed strongly the necessity of water works, und if elected would do al in his gonr to have them ew not y eommmb’fl byi:“.‘ ttee of the Council, but. by a pr coum or by contnc:. He showed that ?Ze“! id more for its present system of water r:ummwom. good deal more than pay the interest on the money that pA9h o marmubing my -N-"L" ton, bmwonâ€":oin h'-phcohmldnos run for a seat at the Council Board. He would first go into the courts and clear his charncter of all imputations, and come forth with fAying colors to the people and ask to be elected. He had sat four years in the Counc.l, and he came before them again to be elected. He did not care for the title or honor of Alderman. He had the welfare of the city at heart, and if elected would do his utmost for the benâ€" efit of the city. The meeting was then adjourned ï¬ the first Monday of 1871, when elections will take place. Mr. John Heney was nominated zrlr J F. Culdwell and seconded by Mr. A. (.‘hunp-:‘. Mr. F. McDougall by Mesars. D Bâ€"aubicn and T. Coffee, and Mr. Laâ€" pierre by Messrs. E. German and Archiâ€" bald McDougal oo ut es c esn ~: bi-:'-'-'-r&%y Mr. . B. JnE A. Guertin. :&ï¬â€ ? Mr. E. Ts T. D. :fl r:::.fb: by Mr E. ::.t..uuu, y Mr. CNL Goulâ€" Mr. Guerard becoming a candidate. Mr. Martineau did the same agunst Mr. Guertin. Kit" Twenty years experionce in ! using Bryun‘s Pulmonic Wafers have proved them to be the most effectual remedy for cougbs, and irritation of the throat, caused by cold, or unusual exertion of the vocal organs ; public speakers and singers will find them most beneficiau. The entize freedom from‘ all deleterious ingredients renders Bryan‘s Fulmonic Wafers, or â€"ugh and Voice Loz enges, a safe remedy for the most delicate ; ersen, Mh-mmdthontobohofl_'? F & Sï¬ tR oan e Tok 4 & hi.h esteem by all who have used: them. rold by all medicine dealers at 25ct«. per SOLD he @rand Trankt Railway Company, to sell by ustion, at their stores, Point 3t Charl«s, the Govts damaged by the accident at the Bt Franciâ€" Bridge, nsar Kichmond. Q , comprising : Gener=l Dry A00ds, Blanksts, Furs, BaFalo Robes General Groceries, Tobrocos, Teas, Cheese Ficken Butter, Bris Flour, Peed, Fruit, Fisp, Mr. Taillon entered a protest against DAMAGED GOODS The Subscriber bas received uml-t‘fl’" »ignm«a of the above named Goods, which h« wili offer for S«le by + Mr BONKEt has reseived instrustions from RV UV MS8, RIDEAU 8TREET, Montreal, Dec 13, 1870 Commencing on TUK*DA Â¥, DECEMBER g20th, 18710. Consisting of in Part, Ter Caddies, Olove Boxes, 'smw Wine Cape, Trs ~ads, Jandlest Teapots â€"‘nad <tands, F ...â€".~«, Urnaments, &0,. This u-u the fOrst time these rare curlosities were ever ofered by Fub i+ Aaustion in vitaws, the pubric is invited to inspect them. dPne 5 WCnR C O NeWe Bs Deviin‘s Fur Depot _ TheGoods will be on view on MONDAY, De e mber 19, and up to the doar of The Sale will take place at 3 o‘slock, m ERY IMRPORTANT s1i1LEK. By a. Howe, Auction MMENSE a0CTION SALR Â¥or a Single Gentloman. Adires C., Tons Omces, staiing torms. Uttawa, Dâ€"cember 20, 1870. 1644t€ A * Second Hand" 8AFE, modiam size, Apply at the Office of & W CRUICE. Ot:zawa. Decen har 19. 1370 15403 3 oX TUESDAY, XÂ¥ik DEC., 1870 For the ROMANX CATuOLIUC Separate Sohoois of this City, two Male English Teachers bolding mounauum..“ lotk Appiication to be made to and guoed, on or betore the 15th inst. WNM., FLIALEY, Chairman Boars ot K. C 8. 8. Trustees. Ottawa, Deo 6, 1879 * Wint Liquors, Oils, Hardware, Sewing Machines Puwps, Bar and other Iron, Chaps, Faws Ciothing, Boots and Shoes, Rubber Ove Khoes. Eole Leather, Faney Goods, P per nm Stationary, and other Mershandise in ‘ases, Casks and Barrels, in great variety Bale at TREN o‘clock, A M. _ Rwo smart boys wanted to carry papers Must be able to read and write. Apply at this Ottaws , Dec 14, 1870 Terms Cash Ottawas, Decewber 19, 1870 rUBRLIC AUVCTIUOHN®, ox aAacoouKr or wWHoX IT MaÂ¥t CuNCaRN. JAPANESE GO0DS8. dankD WAasTED, Apply t> Post Office, Box 244. BoYS WAITED, Anction *ale â€" ! aAnTKD, f AN AsgIsTANT BOOKKEEPES, ANTED. ANTED, OTTAiWA WARD. BY ROMAN CACHOLIC Separate «&T W*ants. nilfhcrs s ts dbdninmnint t 4 lrhn carried P A 5‘;"""" y but a small James Wadswo me into their MN“IMI nte oft: city. ?‘h“::‘mm scessi water | ‘Thos en o e en t a Con-[lmâ€ol" Laurent Duhar vrate ms’ or Pluln‘;mu d that it * Dufresne 4 that sbe ;eity | InF Dufresne & BOOKE®, Aastioneer, lsalrd ROW E. James Wadsworth Thos Kehoe, Theophile Leclaire Stanislas Robert A E uus,.m James !r::;'nllou‘h ‘Thos Francis Potvin Martin B.ur" ‘_J T Prudbhomme Moses Dupont 1, H C«useault Laurent Dubhamel _ James Burns Puvl Tombeau Martin Wallace 2F Dufresne J B Archambeault xhul Boyle Haml Cauthers G Caseault â€" Edward Gurry, H Casgrain MJn:nï¬oy J Jackson J Bue lohn’or Michael U‘Gara Francois 8t Jacques J A Lessard Joseph Lafrance Thos lliffe Edward Mooney Theodore Pichette James Gillie Jeun B«sin James W hite Wm Gauthier Thos McEvoy Auguste Deguise _ John () Connor Barthy Maloney John Burke George Lavigne Andie Aubichon miif-ymom John Young J P M Lecourt M Brady James ‘Connor Abrabam Rathier ‘Thos Paquette Patrick White F X Gauvreau Thos McEvoy Charles Gauvreau _ Wm M Steirs Andre St Amour . Jas Brown Francois Derie Patrick Green Maxime Morin Wm Easdale Hyacinthe Dubreuil H Bingham Robt Snaith Geo Sleeman ut Green Michael Brennan . M Cussick &r FPatwrick Omeara M Cussick Jr lGieo Kasda«le :l’ Taylor Em‘:" Iu: John Boyle Stanislas Bourke Paul Saruzin _ . Thos Campbell | Barnaby Desjardin . Robt Harms .. J Monaghan . _ Peter Collins . | Ee Obver P Finzsimmons Fiere Jobin Wm ‘Connor . | Gabriel Quelette J A B\hmr. 1J MGillivray Heram Johnston David Lessurd Isaie Mentha t | Ed Peltier H O Burritt .| Ed J McEvoy _ Patrick Maloney Elio Obhver P Firzsimmons Piere Jobin Wm U‘ CUonnor Gabriel Quelette _ J A B.I-m J MGillivray Heram J ton David Lessurd Isaie Mentha Ed Peltier H O Burritt Ed J McEvoy Patrick Maloney Jos “8‘ " s Damase Laderoute Basilie V erdon Jos Groulx Prerre Boyer , Wm B Johnston wctave Berubé Auguste Lafieur Pierre Morin Jos Goulet Octave Lemay Chas Valiquette Wm MctGowan Pennis Motirath T;r:noo (Â¥Connor John I’Kr:::l. A Thos Â¥ 7 nlugeds J Haifpenny Wmm Garrett R Shackery Ed Bambrick Napoleon Caseault J Murray Chas Robert J Gunn Napoleon Duchesne Cha» Mullin Thadde Hotte Hugh Burgess w‘: Barbeau Alox Gauvreau Foisy. I accept your moaublo ana nuinorâ€" usly signed and in compliâ€" ously .;....-i::q-muo&a mvself :t ance therewith will offer mysellt as a candidute for the office of Alderman, for Oitawa Ward. I thank you for the kind offer of your votes and influence, and if elected 1 best of my ability. TO Â¥. X. GUERTINX, K8Q. w.,chomdonipod.m.nd rate payers of Ottawa Ward, respectfully reâ€" quest that you will allow yourself to be pntmnomhnthnum,oflhudm for that Ward during the ensuing year. should you acceede to our request we pbd.oounlmbunourvommdm- Huence in favour of your return :â€" E E Lauzon Moses Dupont James OU‘Connor Taurence O‘Connor John wunn Gabriel Ouelette John Young Damasse Roy James Gillie James Burns Fhomas Ihffe William Garrett Wm M Evela John Kennedy James White ‘John U Connor John Burke Edward Bambrick John Murray A Le Roy Charles Mullan Peter Jobin Hugh Burgess Pierre Morin Alexander Gauvreau Edward Gurry Patrick White Theodore Pichette James Brown Paul Tambeau Patrick Green Wm Steers William Esdale Martin \\ allace George Sleeman _ Michael O‘Gara Justice E Burritt _ Henry Bingbam | Uatrvick (Â¥Meara â€"â€" Michael Brea nan Justice E Burritt _ Henry Hingbam Patrick U‘ Meara Mhichael Bre nan EAguar Burritt &amuel Bingham atric« McLaughlin Stanislus Bourke W T Cusack Thomas U::-pboll M Cusack Kobert H Peter Collins F L Caseault Patrick FitzsommonsNapoleon Caseault Edouard Pelletier â€" Samuel Crauthers W m U‘Connor Wiliam Cardwell .john Mc~iinay -ll:ll: &:lfl |M u W m :m Hiram Johl‘;{on Xavier Lariviere _ Elie Oliver Abraham Rathiee lsai Mantha .john Mcâ€"lnay -ll’lll‘: &:"fl Lafrance u € Wmm :M Hiram JohI’;tfll Xavier Lariviere _ Elie Oliver Abraham Rathiere lsai Mantha Baeil Verdon Patrick Maloney Uctare Lemay Joseph Groulx Thomas Lacey Wm B Johnston Francois St. Jaogues Augustin Lefleur Pierre Boyer Jo-oï¬h Goulet L, A Belanger Charles Valiquette L urent Duhamel Thomas Maï¬:gn, thesker boten â€" Pemiemcl C Robert Denis voGrath J P L Lecourt John Kehoe _ L F Dufrenne Thomas Pries ummwnm#" R Tackray J T Prudhomane Francois Potvin Philip Brady _ _ Thomas Brady ‘Thomas Paquette FH Gauvreau Charles Gauvrau Stephen Stratton _ Andre St. Amour ° Francois Deri Maxime Morin J B Archambeault Hyacinthe Dubreuil Robert Snaith. Napoleon Duchenn Patrick Green John: Murray James Taylor _ George Branigan He _‘ Young, Thos. lliffe and others: . }To P. A. Egleson, sr.. James Wadsworth, James TDLW; v1oorg? DHingas John Boy Paul Sarazin John Monaghan Andre Jolicceur Alex Gauvreau Amable Beauchamp Thaddy Hotte (l:i’“n. Barbeau . Pierre Foisy canlooomiok Octave Beru! To Messrs. James O‘Connor, E. E. Lauzon, THE OTTAWA TIMES. & EQUISITIO N, In compliance with the above requisition Ibe‘lunlolhu\btlwilloflll’fl!_"" uumhmmm‘ lfohm-yur.:gmudn“!h Council Board, I shall use my best 97. deserve the honor which you have CODâ€" ferred upon me. ?m m’“n’ » Moses Dupont, _ GEORGE TAILLON. 1I6th December, 1870. I shall do my duty to the Martin Wallace J B Archambeault HRaml Cauthers Edward um' }nhr hmn {ame ty J Biue lthn’" Francois 8t Jacqu Joseph Lafrance Edward Mooney James Gillie James W hite Thos McEvoy John O‘ Connor John Burke Andie Aubichon John Young M Brady Abrabam Rathier Patrick White Thos McEvoy Wm M Steirs Jas Brown Patrick Green Wm Easdale Thomas C Pidgeon Moses Dupont, ; John Hamnet A Baldwin John Ashfield Leon David Brons_n & Weston Francis Abbott John MeDonald i R Booth A W Soper Robert Young Gordon 6 Pattee Samuel McGibney _ Wm Hay Maurice Malone Henry White E P Williams John Kénna Wm Ellia E B Gallup John Ahbearn John Ciappy John Rowatt 1, E Goulin W i Martin John Alvert John Abbott Aaron Carruthors John Soulier . J B Robaire Simuel Mix . Archer Bayley Nazaire Bertrand _ W H Morgan William Atkinson Peter Atkinson J Cheeney Thos MCloy Feter liobertson Wim Mason Geo Mason Simpson Fleming Thos Travc‘ler Bervard Mullin â€" Jobhn Martis Louis Turpin Joseph Dewart _ Wm Gorman Dan Sinith John Olliver Wim Watson D McQu«de John Joyce 1, P Dorion : Bâ€"k&;{k’ Bros, â€" WmCain Michael Naven _ Wm Abearn Michael Naven D Wiliet Moses Proulx Mau ice Abearn Alex Philion John Mowillivray A 8 Whittier Patrick Kennedy Patrick Hurley Wm Lecleare James Bambrick John Pushman Nelson Perkins H Kinville â€" James W Smith Arthur Bisaillon Thom«s Lawrence John Quain Hmon Kinney M Carm .n 10 JOHE BR O‘CONNUOR, *£Q. John Boyd James Verner Michael U‘ Neal James Maiks Israel Waterhouse eape aokm ston Robinson Lyon R W Baxter John Doucet Thos Traveller lsaac Villeneuve Geo Oliver G D Booth * Hugh Ross R W Baxter James Dyke John Doucet Alpheus Pease Thos Traveller Eimon McMahon lsaac Villeneuve (i W Crane Geo Oliver | T W Blasdell (G D Booth * Jas Philion Hugh Ross John Brodeur Pierce (irace Alfred Aubrey Martin White John Gleeson Isidore Joennice â€" George Newell Wm kichiards Joseph Sleeman Peter A Egieson _ Thomas Russell ‘Thomas Sleeman ° John Bigros R E J‘ Connor J P Mciherson Andrew Cayar J .sme-“Wud-worth GextLeuex,â€" It would be impossible for me, or almost any man of a public spirit, to decline acceding to so handsome a requiâ€" sition as you have presented me on this B Bigros _ Chas Esplin To the Etectors and Rateâ€"payers of Victoria names of so many reliable citizens. I accept, with much pleasure, gentle men, your requisition to place me in nomination as one of your candidates for Alderman for Victoria Ward, at the en suing clection; and if elected, will enâ€" deavor at all times to exert my boest efforts in promoting the interests of the city genâ€" erally, as well as those of our own importâ€" 66 rmus aogka.» Equal to Lubin‘s, and much loss ia price. Patronizsed by the Bold by every chemist in the city, and manuâ€" factured wholesa‘s by MUNRO & JACKSON, 1540b Draggute and l‘oru-on.ionhul. FIOK THIS DAY FORTH 1 change to: prises of all my Wood, that is to «ay, best Hard Wood $+4 75, + wn $5,00 ; Hecond best Hard Wood, 4 15 Sawn $1.59, My Saw Mill is now in constant zondu ant ready, and wiil out promptly in obediende to all orders. JoBN HENEr. Rattwu Than L. 1531.â€"t1 Onttwa, Deoc, 5. The Christmas Examinstions in the COMMON sOHOOLS of this city, will be hoid as tollows. Punuc sCHOOLS. COKNTRAL SCOHOOL, West, WRDNESDAY, 2ist December inst. * CENTRAL 3CHOOL, Enst, TBRUR*DAY, 2226 _ D cember inst. _ DUKE STXEKET, Primary Schoo‘, TUESDAY Quth Dâ€"câ€"moor. And B8 )TON sCKEET, Primary School, TUESâ€" DaY, 20th December. The exacinations wiil be held from 9.30 a m 19 13 noon ; abd trom 1i to 4 p m, on euch of tke above mentioned d +7 8. Pareats, guardians, and all persons interes.ed in our educational institu ions, are invited to atâ€" CHRISTMAY EXAMINATIONS. The latest and mchest t P K X Fr UV X E" Wellington Street, Upper Town, Ottawa IHtawa December 20, 1869. 1236.t ionâ€"embodying, as it does, the and secure Bareains. as thaw *** Qitawa, December 19, 1870. Fcld .0 )e mm P esnt vrin @99 C ment of Robes of different kinds Parties reâ€" quiring u)_llh‘hna lHne witl do "oll to call SnNes ___Lles as thaw ara amiiie a ~4 â€"~â€" The Bubscriber has Booth HOMAS ISAAC, OR SALE. By order of the B sard DEALER IM Shelf and Heavy Hardware BENEY‘3 STO YE BULLDOING, ELITE OF MONTREAL I am, gentlomen, Teime, Glass, Oll, Your obedt.â€"servt. * *J / R. OUCUONNUR. Amable Periere John Carditl® Nelson Dault J McKillican Henry Laroque John M Haskin John Purtell W F Huntley James Kenuedy James Gordon Alex Coulter Wm Kennedy W in Mitford Wilfred Kipp A D Fraser John Shelds John Cross F X V ..liquette FF.ncis Duhamel Menry Brading George D Iglish Joseph Levine Adoiph Gilbault James Wood Deni, Noonan Patrick Darcy John Law | Alvbert Dorion | John Joenice AND BUFFALO of : our best and most , W COUsSBNS, Losal Sap‘t. 810. 1813 3 In the Dominion btove PATTERSON & BRYSON, Have just received a new assortment of FANCY GGODS for the approaching scriptions we Show. We bhave secured a quantity of JOUVINS celebrated Goun Mrenars KID GLOVES, which we sell at +IFTY CENTS. In going through our stack we have cleared a lot of Remnants of FLANNELS WINCIES, CLOTHS, etc., which we have markd at prices that will clear them out at once. | We call the attention of Gentlemen to our New SURPRISE COLLAR, (the best make) one prize in every Cartoon, C~TILL THEY COME! In FANCY WOOLEN GOODS of all deâ€" GARLAD, MUTGAMOR & C0; Ray* Call and secure a Bargain. 31 PACKAGKS ! Comprising amongst othe: Goods the folâ€" For sale during the Holidage. B@ey~ Rexexwser tus Pr HOLIDAYXYXYS ! ()ttawa, Dec. 20, 1870, lowing :â€" 1 Case French Merinoes, 1 Case Kid Gloves and Hosiery, 1 Case Plain and Terry Ribbons, and Plain 63 SPARKS STREET, and Tartan Sash Ribbons, 1 Case Black and Colored Ribbon Velvets 1 Case New Jackets, 1 Case Waterproof Tweeds, i 1 Case Ladies Hats, 1 Case & mbroidered Muslin Sets, for Even ing wear, 1 Case Hair Nets and Silk Epangles, Trituminge," 1 Case Sheetings, t j 1 «@« White Cottons, â€" 1 Bale Serges, 1 @« Soarlet Flannels, 1 Case Fancy Flannels, 1 «* | Canadian Flannels, 3 Bales Canadian Grey Blankets, 2 Cases Cornwall White Blankets, 6 Cases Heavy Tweeds, 3 @| Light Grey Etoffes, _ 2 @| Mid Grey 6 Ts 3 @‘) Oxford w Would say that their Stock, notwithstandâ€" ing their Immense Sales during the last 3 months (without doubt the largest ever made by any Dr{ Goods House in Ottawa) was never so well assorted at this season of the year as it is just now. ï¬- Ixsrection lxviteDp. | HOLIDAYS. PATTERSON & BRYSON. Wi&h other Goods too numerous to parâ€" CARLAND, MUTCAHOR & C0, |â€" wWHOLESALE‘& RETAIL % Ortawn, Dec. 16. 1870. â€" CUKNINGHAM & UnOSaY, awa, September 26. e now received a full supply ot ï¬EW JUST REC] HOLESALE: FOR THEâ€" D E PA R T M E NT S. 14 RIDEAU sTRLEET, Opposite BATE & Co. h E6 W ACE, a very large for 3 lbs. Raisins for l Bottle Pure Old Rye for _ â€" Is. 3d. 1 Bottle Family Proof for â€" 3 ls:. 3d, 1 Bottle Scotch Whiskey. for â€" Is. 3d. 1 Bottle i’ure Elderberry W ine Tdf}]s. 3d. The above articles will be sold at these prices during the Holiâ€" day Season. j ; All goods delivered free (within the limits ef the city) by our own waggons, will be paid to proper packing and delivery. is £ JOHR HILL, 4 T in Summ & C 4A%. ‘sriarks st. 49. Will reseive this woek "inr Express,‘ from ONDON, England, Containing the Veer Larsst Styles in Flowers, Feathers « Per 8. 8. MORAVLAN,‘ 1 Case Extra Cloths, in the new Trimaming to match all our Fashionable 1 Case of Newest The @OLIVE GREEN" appoars still prove tne mst tash:onable, and of the above w are in receipt of ton plece #New Seal and plucked Otter Skins YF‘M, Wove Goods still arriving. Clouds, Breakfast Shawls, Ties &c., § in endless Variety. T. HUNTUN, SHQULBBED & CO 47 and 49 Sparks Street. Ottawa, Oot 11 1879. (OW N INMPORTATIOXN, FROMENGLAND, WARRANTED GENTUINE, ||lbo¢|qld-u0tlu-y FUR S1JOK is now complete in every Ticket for Christmas! (13 #6 2 ASKS OF MiiuuiNERY, HON. SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, £."B, &41, &1 &o The ftrieads of Bi; JJ!‘l..: A “l.ll‘cdb »NALD . ose to prerent that disuun ed sta esn an m ¢uu’tnn.l tofl‘mnï¬l recognition of bie lo»g and unâ€"elfsh pubsic services bteps anboh‘ul.tonlcdhhtm.uh al Ee M us CCC C commoltontios ost Antnbs uig 6 B i d alcns Awrmnnirtinediasetvet ty n 7 yuurd the Do.inion an ooportunity of joining . ll? proposed menifestation of estcom and re gard. A The tollowing gonilemen compose, (with power uudulbdt--b:t..)tbmuoaus; i w’...u," i 1c ‘i“:'»o‘shr R, # t ayor J K: ER, Jr, £14, THus kEYnOLDS, Beq, ols R W 800 ¢C. l?.nr #, Vr GLAN F, M #, E MeUiLLLVRAY, lq, U V SukZL, Esqâ€" | H V Soel, Â¥sq, has consâ€"nt:d to ast as Tren surer, to whom «11 may be adâ€" dressed . Â¥or the information of subscriber> the names of the gentlomen posing the Contre} Committee at Toronto ars su wiz : i His Worshp the Mayor, o B HARMAN, Eeq, Ahe Hon 0 W ALLAN| _ _ __ IL)U&S PEP ART MEN T. Ax Eaircy Carur 1s Sorsomse». p" HRomember the placs, 33 Aidean Street. OPPOSITE OLD STAND. Bonnets, Hats, and some very Choice things in B PAMONLA L New Figs for â€" Currants for Dry Goods. The «oo D L MACPHMRSON, The Hoa JOUA CARLL +#, Â¥ P, JOBN CaAW FURD, Keq. M P, ABsUS CURRL%ON, Keq. M P, F W UUMBEALAND, keq, M P J U WORKLS. #rq. _ _ C H RUTHEREFORD, Req, W O uoâ€"WLAXD, £+â€"4, G P RiIDOUT. Wâ€"q â€"_ _ | JoRN sU# DUE Y, Keq, THOMAS DL :K. Mantle Cloths. Satin Cloths, Dress Ancca Ir carn Wegnanke y V Pn om «11 â€"t-" information of sub ( the geatiomen com posing the at Toronto ars su viz : p the Mayor, o B UHARMAN, | Hon 0 W aLLAN soo D L MACPHKRSON, HJoa JOUN CARLL }+#, M P, N CaAW FIRD, Eiq. M P, US CuRRL3ON, Keq. M P, UU MBEALAND, £e4, M P %OK 18. #+q. f RUTUERFORD, Req, â€"ALSQâ€" . TEA POT, RIDEAU STREET. F U R S , Â¥UV L# . «â€"KQ 1MB= PRA C0OGQ _ Trimmings, LA +0 LUMBKER L .:; £& O B6E, PR OV ISION BRO K E R. LOXDON, ONT., Inspects every BARREL of PORK he Ships and Ships ouly a Firstâ€"Cuass Article. He has or Sale trom non:" of The Leading Packers and Curers : Heavy Mess Pork, guaranteed. Ex. P. Pork made from Heary Mess. Shoulders Mess Mutron. Heary Bacon, &c,, at the lowest Firer Prices, and on Terms to suit Purchasers Ko. 1 Sup. Flour, Oats, Corn, &¢,, bought ou commission White Beans always on hand. ‘ Orders or enquiries have prompt attesp» tron ‘1hrough rates to Brockville, Sand and Otiawa. Will be received by WM COOPWAN, Eeq, Oounty Clerk, Carleton, uddressod to the undersigned, until 12 o‘slook, noon, on Wednesday, the 2ist Dec., 1870, For contracts to furnish aad dâ€"liver at the County @aol the following supplies, vis, 150 Cords of Good Sound Merchantable 25 do do Tamarac do 23 do do Memlock do Thirty cords of the M to be end deli ed hml’ho mooth of J.*uuq uu."’ lcnuâ€b.o -nun.uldlubodï¬nn.“aflqu- ber, and to be delivered not ater the Aret day of April nest, and to boeproperiy and closely mh.ulyfl-hn dirested {ymd Tenders to state persord of 198 oa*ie udmdpo‘.:‘:-m -.d:lc?u'. tulfillment of contract . Pwoodu bse made on completion of contrast by Warden‘s «»irder on Co. Treasurer. ; Tonders will also be receired as above for PRISONERS RATIONS, Consistingz of tollowi Nes d to state pri es f ‘u-t nt':o::zd 'ov“ln-l Meoat, ï¬.'.“’ Potitoos, per bushe! of 61 ibs ; Oorn ,.e;;g’:.â€." Ostment, per pound ; Herring, cldodu-l‘dlbo nzhlbc rlorm â€" -:anuuund. maant 106 -mq’:u.fly London, Ont., Nov. 24, 1876 anse of ountract. Payment to be made quarterly by Waurden‘s Order on Oo m"’ $ W aerden, C C. C maoty Coancil Hail, Ottaea, Dec 13, 1870 Application will be made to Parlisment, at its next Session, for the Lncorporation of a Company to constract a Rallway through British North America, connectin with the preseat Kellway .m-«(mu-..uwumluu North of Lake Saperior and through the North West Territory to the Fellow or Leaths Wead Pass of the Rocky Mountains, there to onnest with the projected KRailway through Britich Columbis to the PaciGe,â€"with such powers and privileges as may be nsssssary to carry thesame into oper ation. Building and Sivings Bociety. oTIcEk. opâ€"ued an Ooffise in Bang‘s Block, P gi8 Strâ€"t, Ottew«, and are now prepared to ioan mounâ€"~y on city or other property, at the low »t rates, repayable by moâ€"utbly instalâ€" wment«, orf otherwi«, 10 suit borrowers. apply to . â€" _ JAMEs COX, Mess Aar s . Mesa .»amae CAaANADA PACIFPIO +0 ALFEKED W ADDLNO®TONK. Ottaw «. Ost. 21, 1270 1403 tm SHB METHLOPOLUITAN above society hbaving is on the 1st Octobe T ENDE R 8 KA L W Aa YÂ¥ . MOKXEY TO LOAS. L, ROSE, Produce Broker, Rock Maple Wood 1s. Is, I1s. 3d. 1640 3 61 1 18522 sn