* ____ Matter posted Kingrdom, K8d aÂ¥uilible Tor foreign serâ€" vice. a force excluding officers, of not less thao 59,000 infantry and 11,500 cavairy. We have 3 300 engineers, besiles 2,500 "Army Service Corps, not to mention un | efficeent Army H.spital Corps. â€" By a curious coincidence the number of infantry in iIndia and the colonie= ex:.culy t.llies with the number, 59.(¢X, at present : & udn«;m We h l-l(lll:“nru.il-yi % e hive . »â€"men, with 1 Ml-gnuâ€"hm-‘ of the old Armstrong parternâ€"certainly superior to ~ny gun in use upon the Conâ€" . tinent of Europe. â€" Besides these 1830 guns nhvo-mm-&huuvnnmdmi . same tern which are being idiy "Htted ’l: Hield serv anu -wa; course, would be h;E_ increase i,. not rPogt oyr10® saivixos nixk. Ki#" Twonty yours experionce in usin fl'm will be received at this Ofice. xn’ohhodow‘ohuhnpnwdm: Interest at the rate of Fout per cent. the most effectual remedy for coughs, per annum, and deposits can """n'l‘ and irritation of the throat, caused by cold, smy time. '“’F“"'“‘w‘ unusual exertion of the vocal organs ; Tizuzl a which 3 ‘movude fooit« cill "Spie ! Bublie »peckere and singers will find then: quired. most beneticinc. ‘The entire freedom from * 0. P. BAKER, all deletrious ingredients renders Bryan‘s » Postmaster, Mm-k.znhu or Cuugh and Voce Loz Post Orric®, € & for he most delicate Ditaxa. Ilst _ Nov . 18T6 [ fersar afl&m’-undw: to be held in m The army of England ’m‘:‘:’w-‘".‘:Ihn"“"'."'m.mm o4 East fad Wesl The Wostern Mail arriving at T p. m. will be deuirered the same ovening. wl only in the number of “n-_t'm't-;y' Un addition to the Fas: Time wailen it is inteados :""..".‘:L?.. e uou':“w'. Te men must ‘g" bamided?; 90 Sore se Imteg. rernadiont | KaSTâ€"ARD WEST, m-:u-«tm be done. Fiv@ With close connections at all pounts. TheZline Cl ï¬lv-:o at once bbo.ddi:i'u“qdopdmm to strength of our â€"artillery force. runhdh:&ua&“:l NEW FiRST.CLASS CARS, would over to I gane. " The curdiintint E thit, withiy 4 | Unsurprted «a the contineut} harces tt atf hurmtly ï¬:dâ€"' Wiosiresl in it reapocts t9® ) Portland and Montreal in 13 Hours. T 16 ue tbat Aeld artiliery in dstmred | Montreal and Toronto in 13 Hours. ,b.h,.,'-"."h-‘..'.,’ Btoppiag only at the m«satimportan: Stations, Tare, we hay. no reason to be dissatistied As fast as completed, with such results. Here we have two corps PULMKAN 8 © d‘armee available for foreign service, each â€.Mwn-donhwhnï¬ PALACE SLEEPING CARS numbers, 100 tield guns, ready Or all win be rumonthe Through Trains and the serâ€" but ready for work, with a balance of field u.-u:.rmâ€"mu entire line in a gm!-h..*q'uhm manner to that ¢f any rallway or this con be indetinately increased with extreme tinsst. MM:?““ rapidity, _ We have, ho-.m,su-bm.““""‘"" yHummte of home defence to consider next. ..':'._:‘m""‘m"‘ possibuility of sending taese 70 000 men 0 J BRY Dage, abroad depends upon the impossibility ‘of . Managing Uirector, an invasion. That impossibility we ~880000 | juae 3 1810. 1M4ifu nsfmh‘;‘tb:‘u:.mkldl;lbpm «ts un tzrrgreeeeooaeoo~ o ent cond: world., e should | n y l have. then, for home d fence the whols of §#*®*A*®, ZRU*K, ZAILWAY con. the miitia, over 80,000 strong, including . D $ some lï¬:w ufwtho .&nuh-“; 1870.) sUMXMER AIIAIO‘I.‘& fisto -Ammy nnnbw":'f the w- -d-‘ .,._’; Trains now leave mvmr ) BPATIQL R:‘qvo.i&mq;l’? &tll)u\\in.di"."" eomme o soldiers in who, on completing Express their ten years‘ service bound th.:â€"mselives â€.flv: u:n'l: toromyot.ho':reolon who:'onr e.llodl m Brantforda i during a further space yours. Chicage, Then we bate the wholo of the Voiduteer «ih + a 4 «& A o Plr forcé; certainly available for garrison duty. | Accommedarion Trait (for Comwaii The ofticers of the Volunteers now sad Intermediate Stations st........ 00 p m pbh-ndyuï¬nwm-e-x:'-b Ascommoqation kingston and ing themselves and their regiments thorâ€" ‘Traine in ie ‘";“-:;-;*: * We wm’.afl. Why shoukd not a number | **3";, 2*%, *J3 * m tit»r i o€ â€"srained Indiin ofticers, now and 5:30 pm. _ ® mm.zmrmth The 1.30 pm train PIRS Uhrough to Provine: 1 utilisel in Line. the weak .s;-t. of the Vol-n:o:' eopne souta ‘% force?* in ition tmh&mhn.u-:-*m tor Istand es alroeady stuted, we may forts lntermediate Stations & a wear the mouth of the Thame: hn'-"".mlz ::“‘.";".".‘"‘".“;':"_.m“ a®8 MMM’-“"“â€.“"‘".‘I 'mO.uu...................\pn pletely, armed with the heaviest ordinâ€"| Rxpress for Nee York" coo" poain Per Cuna. 4 Line, close every Tuesday at 10.45 A supplementary beg for Canadian steamer will be ctoaed at lI.JO..l- which all paid unâ€" registered mautter will be sent. & 0..-,0".0“.â€- the Dom!â€" ummmlm land and Prince Rdward Island, san be on as trunsports : had been proviled. With the balsnce of the Line, the Militi udtbov.h.un.nu-mcu;inspo; account of whese iwlunds, whilo a -lm saystem ad.pted to the exigencies of * Te .q:-h ?.'d Rve have heen ou the army ; but Brit.in‘s n;h':L.d{. the navy. * sheet of the Briush Army. We hold India and the col nies #ith a sufficient force. We might safely count on 70,000 men for foreign service, of which f.rce, one. half would be found ready to embark as Ponrt OÂ¥FÂ¥ICHE, OTTAWA ArAval and Departurs of Mails, 1870. _ FALL ARRANGEMENL â€"â€" im From the Londos T #We h.re ab preont 10.30 1. u. Qumes Hovae reox 8 1.4., 1e T h. to 9.3# will} be forward in "nl':-uur paokage ghvave p";“."“} @otNe k completing Expreas for Ottmw th. mselves “’ln-lvh. bvm: Tmaan| Inntrtnaretnng five years. ‘ s Volunteer | gignt "40 ~ do . do" "do d md-v-lm Erain (for Cornwall now «ad Intermediate Stations st....... zy of mak. | Accommodation Train for K ingston and | _ Spesial strentine is dirscced to this Company‘s announcement, in regairqa io the Pormana orsey W oedussicp as a. for 4« fazx, N.3., ree Lhey has excellent acsou Palace of St. Cloud. Imperial mattresses serve for a bed, and a silk sofa and chair cushions for mllows. For blankets we use various thingsâ€"Turkey e-rt‘oto and other MW ‘e albo make use of the « tea and coth e services, of Sevres N;M tll:'{:‘ perial plate, glasses bottles, on which, and innumerable other objects, the :oviuh::l!;;hhtbm above it, insor Prince‘s ground is a large plot.wilh.J’nnnnmy Tu the sifddie, with tunnéleOridges, and a atation where soidiers arrived an. whence spulliont sontrivanere use ow rafuca, only oooine se mhaie There are likewme some remuins of a eymnastic apparitus (which the soldiers PV LMANX 8 o PALACE SLEEPING CARS WIll be run on the Through Trains and the serâ€" vice will h.rm-mtomnuhn manner equal to that ¢f any rallway or this con tinent. ppecial arrangements havre been made & UN a iNG OF TR aA LN S BR THE N3ULSNG s8 N. 9# is 1% a 1330 p m,. fad uds Py Mn r m :':ol.up-..hahlb °_ GOINGROUTE ANXD Baâ€"1 + RAWD TRUSK RAlL® AY O A N A D A . WAR NOTES, weparuse of all tr) «t terminal and way Station apply at -J'r?om uilce,‘ l-uvm:.i Station, 6« at Nu +9, wrout »t James street in ansecticn with CGrand ’!"Enâ€""ï¬un,. teoutt ~u thand Monday and Pharsoay at .H"'.‘ for 8t Jub», 8 B. «e Lh i ets waued t atthe Company‘s prin= ciples stions. | .. «itaer tnoformation and thws of urriv=! and the Lowet b opping between Mor . . ‘..“‘m at »t Uilsire, x Hy «ornthe, 1. toa, Acten, KHich Bromuton Faile, Shorbruok a, avilie, Coancouke and jorion Milis M 10 1¢ p m Meoping Cars on all night traike Leoked tarough _ . Bag;age The stwamers Ch " and * Charlotta " leavre Portland tor Illl-lu::l,.‘.’ 'm poti ty 42 , tnotP on retirouralte t o 69 9 . They have exceliont for pussenâ€" gers ana Freizbe _ FOR Tuak ACCELER A NZW CABRS oN On and after JU wents wiil oe put in Montreal as follows : ies 7 °07 iPikn pilianget it Wiiracatb ui t t iscc 4.4 thursgay and 3 ay nights, at 0 10 p m, and «o througzh to T. b;’. &. rn.. arriving at foro.to at 11.3 a Froight torwardâ€"d with dâ€"spatch, a* the C. 0. aad 8 & +. Aallwa}s are the rtme guage as the Woasd Trook. Mur losda‘go through in Graod Trugk Sars to all to, without trarsbipment, ._-"'Lcuh made with Gr:onad Accommodaiios Train tor laiand Hond and HALLODE Wi.â€"...»»»» Cxpre=s ?MI".,‘Uâ€"- Cenâ€" CUICW OUtenbeest seeshesssnnses Sesseezeess0000 Express for New Y and Boston, via VOHmmORe CBHD Url, Uhuccrcireres strereses Express tor New York ans Boston, ria Tugich uhnd Retpid, afrraw, and Uihssrestresrriees bh«m, Portia nd Lower Provinces Do ".4. + 00 seecscurctemes 406 p bh«m, Portia nd Lower Proviaces i U cecrsceuserctrers 11 3 N Express Quebes, Lal * owb torbzme oo Puntiend and the Lowet between Mor . . -a‘ldm at »t Uilsire, x Hy «ornthe, 1. toa, Acten, KHich: Bromuton Faile, Shorbruok o, avilie, Coanoouke and iw-mm:: t 10 1¢ p reatmsbwents. 4* y 'Mw u’:smcn%-uy *« ï¬'“‘o" AS-O. orat any Prinei. pal stations of the Yrana Tronk inail= ay. _ Ai trains on this Line are run on Montreal Fruak u"us fromihe Wost, :t,i;;‘.‘&', awe, at 8 +0 a m. Mall TnalX, at T 30 a w, at Ottawn at 1. 59 p m. u"“â€: at 3 10 p m, connecting with Grand Trunk Jny Ex; ress from the West, and artiring at Ottawea ao 1 48 p m. Erains for Lachine s 600 a m, 7 00 a -.l:o.:-.u ‘-uao'-.cr:o. l.‘ p M, wa 8 peo Tr m‘m‘u Frovince | ine. & LUTTRELL, _ THOMAS RZÂ¥3oOLDS, M aLlu CR ALN, at 3 45 p m, arriving at Brook nile Â¥ !5 p u. | KXPRs 8, at 103# pm, arriving at Hrock. vimeo at % m‘. -, and counâ€"cting with Grand make cartain commestions with ail trains on B. 0 bulway | A blesring 0"1'"'“" Toronto on Mond: Wednera y and Hrd«y mubts, by the 4va irunt T 30 p w ur uc.aw‘ to Otta a ..m......,p N e fe Montreal to saj d t Vitawa, N womb«r 19, 1870, CAIA.A CBWTHAL AKD BROck VILLE ALD Qâ€"+TAWA RALLW aATs ALTERATION OF TRaixe, Commenong: DlOI.ll, 5, 18170, SLEE®IXGQ ¢*:> Y:; mut-molro and Orawa. O l 1 t "‘nual +hi ifpAF, Dard, PHRALNS will Tâ€"unk Nizht .ifl"‘o-;lq '0;:-. $o y Active at Sand Point ! 33 sud 7. 0 p m. un as tollows ; UXPRESS, at 9 # a m, arriving at Brockville & # P Ath > :.!Ao.:.'-.r.-ulowo Grand Trunk The public is rspectfally inform: d that this Company‘s Trains Whn- tion the arrival ot the Gradd Hradk Traine trom the Weâ€"t, and _ s .‘J' al. LAWRENCE AND flam RALILW Ay, 8@ inf Anve arpaient Aeguinnadatioes 1t pubsct‘ ll"- ana Freizbt e be internaiionai Company‘s Steamers runaing Brockville, Ont., Trains on Canada ++mcal and Portb Branck EXPRE3:, at 4 4 an MPROYVEL SERVICE OF TRAINS Cl M chicoone reuake RAND TRUKN K @OINu n with the Grand Truakt 'm yoolh Monday and Tharsoay at 8t Juob», 8 B «e Leave Brockvilie C A @OL Raitr oads. Lens«â€" e Ottawa. N OtLICE. | BALLW AY NG WEsSI, MMER QF 181t0. I0N OF SPEED, ontreal in 13 Hours. oronto in 13 Heurs. es 1, 18TO ALL R£XPRESS8 TiALINS, NB 13th the now artange torce, and trains will iesave N A D A. l‘lun tu.o: on l-;d:.y‘, +7 mebts, the #1 aad g» ““ to Otta #2, leave Citawa® on Tuesday, B ABBOTT, sseruss â€" T 06 & m ;"Cfl.‘ tiving at Otâ€" Ma«nage, 153031 3 4 6 00 a m 40° p m 8 00 p m 1 10 a m Bth So seon as the mixing and B«rreiling h «s beou compiete4, the «* Motoylated Spirits " shall be remâ€"ved from the Bondod Maoufut» 5 and duly emered for warshqusing as requires by the teguiations in that bebh=If. â€"~W,. H. LEE, oo Oetk, Privy Ovanoll, * Ith,. kvery entry in the Ktock Book is to be checked by the oi cer in charge, who mart keep a duplrcate thereof i+ to be taxen to the Ighand He uue oihoe, immegiately after each transac. (1) The particulars of every packeage of A‘echol, brought to, stating whore manaf.ctared, thestrength and quantity ; tas marke, &6 , on the cusks and the general pumber of the Permit, under whiuh it was comvreyed to the Manufactory. «8, The particulars of every quactity mixed &3.+ ot the orginal packsges trom which it was taken ; the quaotihy and stromyta dmum. Imed Spirits" produced trow it, and the portion» lars as to maike, numbers, &o., of th» Cisk in which it is plased. + Methylated Spirits, Date on which it was mixed, Namber of Wine galions in the Cask. Streogth, ’ P Number of Proof Gallons Name of the Division. lnitials of <he officer under whose inspestion the mixturs took pl«e. Number of the entry under which itis ware. hoased Sth, A Stook Book mustbe ke;t in thy Fastory. in which Book must be entered :â€" th, With every 188 proof gallons ot Alcohol, there shall be mixed at least twoive andâ€"aâ€"haif gallons of " Weed Naphtha of Commerse,‘‘ the whole being imized tog: ther. Sth, After the miring has been thoroughly com. pleted. the strength of the mixture shall be tested, and the quartity gauged by the oficer in stend~ ance and duly recordsd The mixture shall then b placed in cosks, the carks being branded or marked on the head in legible charasters, with Ind. A sample of the wood Naphtha (say abou lour ounces) shall be seat to the Uepartment from ev.ry e«sk or paokage used. Srd. Not les= than 109 proof gailons of Alooho «hals be mized at one tune, which shall be mixed 1 an open mixing taa, in the pressoos of an oficer who shall then «est and gauge it as to strengib and quantity . On the resommendation of the Honorable th, Micister or I tand Revenue, and under and ia virtue of the authority given by tae 17th section Uthe Aet 3ist Vist , Chapter 8 intituled, " An Aot reâ€"vesting the Eniard Kevenue." His Kxcel ency in Council has been ple«sed to Orgor, and it is heroby Ordered that the following reguia, tions for the manufacture of Metbylated Spirits in boads «hall be and they are hereby mase and os tablished : Ist, The room in wliich the wood Naphtha is mixed with Spirits shal: only he accessible to the propristor during the actual presence of an vuficer of Inland Revenue. required by the 5 st and following KRales of the Legisative Assembly,. which are published 1. the =@"Ontario Gazsewre"), to give NOTLWE of the application (clearly and distinotly specifying ‘tts nature and objeet) in the " Oncarioasette," and also in a newspaper pablished in the Uounty ,or Untop.ot oulities affeoted ; such notice shat! be eontinued in each case for a periog of at least tiz weeks during the inverval of time between the elose of the nesxt preseding Sosmon and the conâ€" sideration ot be Potition. . Coptes of the lrst «nd last of such notices to be sent to the Private Bili With retere«coe to â€"_ item of the Padf it is heid by this Deparment, taat SA TE:imply in a quadrangular form, whatevrer may be its vitb 6t thickness is «ntitled to exemption. If “z C eâ€"pecially shapun or if it bo polwhed, or artbot ly bored, it becomes subject to 1» per cont and 5 por cent duty, as a non=enumerated article | R 8. M. BQUOUEITE, 1 All stitions for Private Bills mast be presentâ€" esd withis the FiksT THREE WEEKS of the ment |0'“0’='\. Bulls, cith» r for granting excinâ€" #+ . %4, e emncie mt Prepoect qst ar dee an to affeot or paersy of ’cho?pm...-lg.hrsly unldfa notices to the Pritate Buy Oflce. _ , .‘AII m;-.::m Bulle -;:: o withia the taree wooks c‘ ® ALFRLD £0 “. ChL. Olk. Committoss and Priv»to Bills, Hoase ut Commons. Ottawns, 8th Dec.,18*0 i*36¢ Toronte Marâ€"b 18, 1814 +300 to lawi h:‘.uo required by the bi2 mw ot House of C.mmons (whicn are pu In tw | in the «Uun«da Gazette " ;. to give TW O MONITH NO .107# ot the w&.n..( learly 200 distinâ€"try -sd yh‘h nature and «bjast,, In the «‘manada G=zâ€"tte " abe alse in a newspaper pubsisbed in the Courty or Unta of Cobnties aleosed, seading copies of th» Arst and last of such HIS EXCELLENCY ,THE GoYvâ€" ERNOR GENERAL IN j CoOuUNULL,.._ .. se s o2 t C OOF _ Orrawa, 3rd Nov,, 1870 To Counsorors or Cosnman. ' ptuess of its settliements the Provincial m'n.canmhnuuum AIiy Lnspestors are alway sent to adjust every ? Inspestors are al *° 1 has J'ï¬â€œ'ï¬.' it * e ie yevio % « eammt : .1 * [)'7"5. ..,*mon. J 8 Crooker ""ch cth o â€"a: * ht > 4-\ A ****3 mm siel * "a M 4& ® ,‘om w iaâ€"â€"Mesares Lc } The rates of the PROVINCIAL LN3URANCE & 1 5xA COMPANY are as low as its longexperionce has | _ . _ _ ~ she an to be Jn.nlo "P9R The «.est of the value of insarance is, however, not when the promiams are boing ::d. but wi en louses are being gettled, ans, from the equity ano uIÂ¥R _ m 0K â€"OOMPANY * s OP MATN E: -r‘nlcudhuu it cccurs. f 3 * ts has oo L-nu ’nuld. t Â¥ h&-a the patronage is~ â€w‘w“ UR HARVEY * ss0ug .. . & > >** _ Manacer. "BLATE,*"â€"8CBEDULE C.â€"Â¥RER GOODS. Other DireAtorsâ€"C J Campl«il, Esq, Hot | * .4 «#ai oim Ouana W T -fl..'h. .l?q & B [ ~#24, MoM aster Esq, HS Howland, ..?h:... Dc“ *4 #1q, A T Fulron, Beq, Angus Morrison, Esq, M P | ~_ Ieasurancte. omm o ooo omm omm e mm mm mdns cq m ROVINOIAL ILNBUKRA O l’ of Canada, Head Oflce, ‘& Parties intending to make apylication to Parlia \ioense totransadtthe business of Lite Insuranot \ OM 4 .’ > No. 33 MUTUAL LLFEIN8UR : NCOE Maine. Depositi Uâ€" 4. be or ‘s1â€"£50,000, B, R.OORWIN, Genera) Agent, 8t; John, N. B _ * For the l'm of Finance "*\\.‘~___ JORN LANGTON, _ JAUIVATE BiLLA. USTONS DRPFAMtNE®T, UVLRNXMENE HuVâ€"& RIVATKE BILAR, Oitaws, Nor 14, 1870 THE OTTAMWA TIMES. Intending to make application iature of Ontario for Private 5th day of December, 1870, PRESENT ; tke * OTTaAW A, OHARLEKS T GILLMOR, Clets ot the House. has recselved MESS AND PRIME MBSS Poag. . FLOUR NO. 14 EXTRA WAITB BEAN®, duiloits the patronage of the Lumber Merchan gencrally on the Ottawa. From his long exporiâ€" #408 1a tae trade nolonhhmhm men and attending to their..rafts : while passing here to the best of his ability. â€" ‘ Carringe and Bugey Sales will soon commence, a0d sho:o.:ho nn‘?onn. Carriages, and Harâ€" ness to dispose of will do weil to sond them to the Mart as soum as possiblea. ® Travse sales of Merooandise, Farm Stook, Real Enste, Libraries, Works of Art, &o., &o., as wel as consigniments, fro:o a distance, will meet with best attention, and be conducted on very moderâ€" ato torms, ~econd hand Farniture will be uod'odfl hour &uridg the a‘q to T o*slock p. m. vances, ujudo: on | Furnituré, Piznos, or other toods sent hhsuo,cqq be porchased in toto, 1f requiredâ€" â€"= CS .05 0 The Sale Hoom‘is well lightod ans ventilated, and about the Iugo:t in the city, being 80 x ::’ Your tavours and patronage are respecttu solicited. f â€" Several Houses in the city on hands tor sale. J BERMINGBAA M, GELNK2AL COMMISSION AGRNT, Clarence street, next to the City Hotel Ottawa, March 1870. No 5 Sparks stree OHawa May 18, 137 3. °_ â€" "Patt mrea. 4 un S.8res yoar, is sutrfcient> guaranteo that | i;.‘;i-(.l'g-;‘l this critical branch of auctionsering is appreci: atbe 1 Wheat, Corn, Flout, UJatmenm, Pork, &6 oTTAW aA End of Little Sussexâ€"st. advanced on gooas consmq@ned imme. I-o:l.slo. Prompt returnsin tllouu.'. ® dence placed in him, since his advent as Auctionser of this oty, and to arsure ï¬q‘vl. mauu:‘:*nflb,a rerit llbull)oflc.‘l‘prl-’..‘ He can reter‘ with pleasure to the many m. I.‘.hh hands for Aisposal, ::: aced ) in :'-m saie, W aud immediate returns are his s SALES AT PRIVATE RESIDENCES, In soliciting public patronage in this branch business he would respocttuily %&. the future as in the past, it aill be his ing oare to study the interest of his patrons ; and that by careful attention, promt cash .h and muderate charges, to merit a continuance of that m-lennllmfl) bestowed upon Spring Furniture Sales atthe Mart will comâ€" mence immediâ€"tely, and from time to time will be duly announced he wil hold weekly sales of Morses, Unitle, &o, &6, onthe Market, due notine Yex Fraser, Heq, dense piaced in hink sings his adveiy as * Auctionser of this oty, and to arsure H‘on mm;:*mgb,z rerit ‘ llb;ull;oac...‘:‘.‘:lâ€-.m is ‘ ie us e oan ~refer pleasure many pl mm.l.“hh hands :c-aup.a,:: s aced » in quics sule, excelient prices, aud immediate OFFIOE AND SAuR £00MSâ€"Ouy 1nd the publtc of tta: ".â€".".i'm"' "'; well m-“ sonsignors distance, v::) .l.nbcnl n’tlougo bu::u on. â€"4'::: of which will be given. The large number o Borses and Cattle sold by him during the past â€" â€"Ganzoren‘s ""wi'.'.....-"o...‘ ;:u.-â€"' T Will save you many a siee '!z gm and 50 serts mdulty «i0 is pleasant mh:ï¬' ms in its nature _ Forsale by MMI“{- ers in all part: of the Dominion, . h s <‘ Gardener‘s First Prip Saking Powder." onâ€" 1 9 Invalaable to invalids and of impair® digestion ; an excethont _Nï¬. C for persons aige«tion ; an excelient TONLC for persons cevering "rg?mnu Forpale in quart bottle ; ir‘s Fint Pri» Bakin um rifnling ho pariy se peveettapees | Poroge 99 grocers wlu‘,hlu_m, sents ; 5 os m A.“J m‘ ’“,!lut.; slx "3‘:5%-‘} m'?'...":l.“..%‘:‘.‘“ Autsék _ _ GARKDENEKE®: SPLLEPTHO ours. Pres Stine hag oï¬:t:luni Chomist, Ast ow sa.'?:'m and Manufasturer. mart, York street, near the Market, ‘l\oubnflhchl.h‘thulhmat-. lar, bogs to return his best thanks to his triends price one doll ir ~ .. THE ONLE GOOD BAUORE. CaUTION® aAgAINQT . YRAUD. Lhe suscess of this most delisious and unrival« d condiment having caused certain dealers to mpply the name of * Worcestershire Suanse" to ©%.90B Lpma a pesains‘ SAUCE, dn ie poeore hevrre -‘:fl-.hl& & mn.'.“m‘. â€::'s:: af tas 4 Portioatare base forpent t aed P Yive notice tnat they have farnished their correrponâ€" pp 06 1 2 & 1 5" MMBI M. D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of i : / PADUA, ITALY, : > 1 by all the prinoipal and Grocers oys ,â€"aauent.. ggta;;q.wrm BOTTLE. # 6c dlp w & *‘ %__â€",. "A. M, P,. GIANELLI, Bole Manufactirer and *Propristor fer the Dominâ€" lon of Canade and the United States. N.B.â€"These colebrated Bitters are carefully proparedâ€"‘with ts very ‘best quality of Sherry â€"::?.-.-ummam. They are gently sitmalant, and will be tound infallible alds to digestion. 3 For directions ‘see label round the neck of each None are genuine anless bearing theosignature of mm. f 102238f °0 ~C ; ‘A. M. P GIANELLL NOR SALE, C on #90090.4 h ka rep PA w + 4 +4 CoM MIS8SION MERCHANTS 4 FORW ARDERs t in ty ALAM@AAA dbg 0 © _ C _ GENERAL AUCTIONKER. OUMINICK FOX. ARDEERS OYÂ¥AL IT AH BITTERS. . KAdsTON & ©o., eranyt * P\ ‘t\‘ * x ie ) + $ '?'?i) 4 sing & es GR‘ P +# and Savces:â€" DEAL EK8 15 W alter Bmith, Req, R W Craise, Keq. (‘s @% om the °47 [XRIGE®TION»â€"P a ® C & E aA» TINE mg-dv effects the DIGKLSTION and Ab®"MILATION of COD LIVER OLL, the f1it oaten g meuls, &6. In digestive activity, suâ€" rior to Popuin T Pancreatine ~Puwdor, botties, 28, 36 64, 6e 68 and 12s6d. Pancreatine Wine,bottles,32,5s and10s !.I-â€"Ponnuh. Wine is the best vehicle for taking Cod Liver Oil. AGARTRâ€"Messre Â¥. U is hereby given, thst an #fl-ml be maue to the Legisiature of the imee of Ontario nmun&ma.hiuwb-“mflo eonstruction of 'u-'&hhn‘lu;&__m “mA x . mafiaa aGa 2P sefainess.~â€" D r.. W. Pcr‘:'.- ; "= " Of "efhcacy in â€"cases of Asthms and mm,. «â€"= Dublin Journal Medical Sot< ence. «* The smoke causos no nausea. m-m kind, I have never known an instante in relief was not obtained."â€"Gasral Alszander Hon.: B. Stmart, In Tins, %8 64, 5s and 108. Or formed into Cigars and Cigarottes, Bexes, »8, 8s and 15s, F Pastilies for Inhalation, Boxes, 2s 64, b1 and 108. SAVORY & moor 143, New Bondâ€"st., lé‘- Aextnraâ€"Messre . F. Cundill 4 Co., Montrea) Handbook, containing anquestonable certif cates on the grout Shoshonses Remedy and Pilis can be obcained at all drag stores. ~* *3 They are steru anseniable facts, sufficient to oo-vl.-’.no-nm that the great =odiâ€" cinal compound, yearned after for ages, is now accessible in the great 7 . That it is a preparation of one of the most emid¢nt Porveyurs to the Ottoman Court. * Itâ€"prfevents acidity of the Stomach. Tt relleves lowness of spirits. It is a mild and fuvigorating tonic, and a ~ O8t «fliciâ€"nt but innocuous stimalent, 7 * It reuoers the breath »we.t and4 agreeable. It stimalates the appetite if taken szrors meals, * It promotes digestion if taken arres meals. It neutralizes the prâ€"pâ€"nsity for strong liquors, It cenders the intellect bright and clear. If taken babitually it imparts vitality and enâ€"rgy to all the tbodily organs. t By its u«e"a mau of 70 will become, as it 'ux,bwan to the elssticity. of 30 ; and to persous of delicate constitutions it is strongly recomm+nded, It is an especial favourite with Oriental ladies. Secure, then, health, longevity and vital energy by the habitual use of the ALKABASAR ':‘hliallsfl TON1IO. Kept in stock by principal Draggists and Grocers in the Dominion. . > KFor directions for use # e labels on bottles i HENRY CHAPMAN & 0O., EKVAN8, MEKHCER & CO,, Montreal, _ Bole Agents for the Dominion QIUOIIOI K KS 2..9'. The following remarks on tebitmonials of mos wondertul and extraordinary oures in Oanads bY he Gumar Lnpia® RewreDÂ¥. ~ > This elegant Turkish TONIU is one of the most salutary and d«licate preparations ever ;:bmittrd for public approval in this hemi=â€" ere, and nsgerts its pretentions to petrovage W}b:rmflu'lu yrounds :« ...Alcuu .L A DL TANCE REQUIRIN¢ ABRTLrHIGVIAL TEELH m«3 have thes suppliod, in pariial or complete sets, on Messre Gubriel‘s new system, by sending particulars of their ‘anses, with a r. quitance of One Guines, whoi the apparatu» tor taking |a.moael of the mout will be rorwardea, with all necessary instructions Me#sre Guabric! wili andertake to Hemudel 0 kepair Artificial Fosth wade by other Dentist» [which do not prove satistactory}, at mogerutt onat ges. s Als«â€"sre. @Gabriol‘s Pamphict on Artificial Teoti aond ~aisless VUonhstery on receipt of postage,. *4* allietters uo be asgdressco to 64 cUDGAT! NILL, LONDON 323 i whn lawkto â€"‘ 1ABHLIE!S UOKLEBRATIED PREKFPAKA EK TLONs ROR LEANSING, BEAUTIFYING, ) AND PRE~MRVING THE TEETB "" Sold by Ohemists and Porfumers, and by th: enamel. Price is. 64 G_mll'la" R A the X the 1s, 64. ht mt ninitmmmmemmmmens GA BRIKEL*8 â€"OD a touth wash o properties in cloansing the breath ; is is in . secomnmende H%m Tooth: "=‘:&h I‘s 1.« ue ‘..AI Klims .L A ARTIiiciAl 490 & AALAFA) Seaneosg~~0 vae ECE , Wuivont the '-'= without l:‘ “'r:l.l: them any traces of dor, :m brilliancy to the enamel. ‘:o'ou: 6a Carat‘. FOXLK THELE TEETH. Gllllll.’l' ODONTALGIQUE ELIXIb a kouth wash onrivalied for its agreeabl properties in cloansing the mouth and sweeteninp the breath ; is is invaluabie to smokers, anc i secommended io sufferers from Tic NA anc .Toothuche. _ See uabrrel‘s 1.. uoâ€"None @enuine without i: Foothache, no matter how far decuayed Price is 6d per boz. Ask for «iabriel‘s Celebrated Dents GADHIEL’I o8rEO ENAMEL STOPPING for Preserving Front Tooth. Warranted to keep white, and as firm as the tooth itaolf. Th beautiful preparation restores Front Testh ana provents docay . Sutmsiont for Stopping six Teoth. MESSRS. GABRICL, The oldâ€"established Dontists, GAIIIM CORALITE TOOTH PASTE, for cleansing and 1mproving the Tecth, and ‘ YABRiIKL*s WHLTE @UTTA PERCHA F ENAME:, for Stopping Decayed Teet} Renders the tooth sound and useful, and snm Toothache, no matter how far decuyed Price is Price of the Remedy in large pints, $1. â€"â€" 137 Montrea!, July 6 oTion ABRIEKELIS ROYAL TOOTA POWDELh 8HOIJHONEES RKMEDY. 64 Lodgate H1ill, London And at LIIYERPOCL and BRIGNTDN. * 1#%h, 1 f iDA'l‘UB.A TATUL A, ‘ * * Affords Immediate Reliel, ki] .A rewedy of groot powet sns o R I R , € a recipe as used by He the Teoth, and 1imparts a deli the breath ; gives the Toeth : and protects the ename! oV g6iib¢ tt4â€" NOR aAsTNMA. MmADRID 1847 1008 lawkâ€"2m 14157 3 $ T9 w Leating in taver of the Greai Coniral .o ** #ebebcrece00 srbooste reapse m “ yor. Tidkite ‘Poinis in the United Yiuneint Wastern Antiman ant Aanmnaak Alokat Americanâ€"Ogdensburg or Presoolt...... 0 Un KOHEU.â€" .1 carse" revrrccrnttccrenmecsenr WB Grand 1 runk 40 DOtrOM....»»»»2»»+++»»»»»» TM Grand Trunk to Toronto, Grest Wesâ€" Routes to CBicago : “‘oanu'r CRNTRAL 30,3,?. 4 * owpiglins dietnags M ok, Aa ME rARO NORTHERN . .TRANSPORTATION â€" COB 20 First.Class Upper Cabin Steamers. DAILY LXE B6 WeEX OCDENSBURG & CHICOAGO, Moking sure:connsitions with Railwey for all * County of Lannaex, u:““d&“o-mro & M21v00, County of Proviass of Ontasio, Pab. utoribée. nmmoumynuhm&mm.u mï¬um:m mtndtrm utn:d“: -yhou’,monnpu.y %nlkmu weak that I could not walk, was confined to my chair. For abouttwo years, whilethis woeukt ness was coming on me, and afterwards, I sough medical advice, uw. at different times three dostors, and nos o(dtl«rt kinds prescribed by tr:ends, but of no avail. 1 continnâ€" od to :get:worse and worse, until the summer of 1868, I was induced to try the grosat Sho‘. shonees edy by reading the oures performed ‘l:: pamphict fl“‘z‘::lh‘-bfl Anmy hands # as getting m * Ihvoh’hntvo bottles of the u&-â€"muum«m,&u‘ L am entirely restored to health . . I never expested |. GHICAGO, â€"â€" :: â€"; all Points in the West and South. Ottawa, September 8, 1870 M. R. 0. 8, alin» Heury Barrow ks.. *.: No Galvanic Belts are nm those bearing the tac simile of J Pulrermachker‘s signature on Ie?o label, A pamphiect cont«ining full particulars may be bad at ‘the Drug Store of A. Christie, Sparks Street, J. L PULVERMACHER, Galvanic !.«tnloallmuh w _ _ 200 Regent Street, London, W. sham #&c,, for» improper & and -omrvudy M†by Vice m lor Maline in the suit Pulvermacher vs Ham»â€" mond, alias H:â€"ury James, aliss C. T, Raphey, 21s. N. CH.IN BANDS lor Sciatica, Rhcumatic, Neuraiglia, and Gouty Pains, Local Paraâ€" lysis, Cramp, &¢., 188. to 228. and 408 BCHAIN BANDS for Lumbago, Indigestion, Liver, Chest, aud Rusctional â€" Disâ€"rders, & , (worn as a belt), 228 to 40s and 55«. B CHALIN BANDS for Writer‘s Cramp, Trembling, Nervousness, &c, 22s to 308 and 408 B COMBINED CHAIN BAKD for Cantil, Paralysis, Epiiâ€"pey, General Debility â€"_ Functional Disorders, &c¢ , 308 to 508. A oongete Bet .of _CUMBINED CHALIN D8,BELTS, and CHALN BATTERY for restoring vital energy, £5 to £1. Th» public are most carnestly. oautioned to t» ware of P eudo Klectric Belts advertised by $ cnï¬â€˜n BAKDS AND BATTERIES. . CH a B&ANDS for Nergous Deainâ€"ss, Head, Tooth, and Face A he, and Noises in the Head, 218. to 308. B, uHAIN BANDS for loss of Voice and _ Other affâ€"ctions of the Throat, 10s. 61. to The effects of the application of Pualverâ€" macher‘s Chaing in any of the above disorders is immeâ€"diately perceptibleâ€"the relief of pain instentaneous. â€" PRICE 1LIsT OF PULYERVYACHEKRs Spagms I Head and Toothache Paralysis Liver Complaints Epilepy P Tic Doloreux N+â€"rvous Debility ladigestion Functivnal Disotrders * Dated the 9th day of March, 1866. * SIR CHARLES LOCOCK, Bart., M. D., F.R C.P <SIR HKNRY HOLLAND, Bart., M. D , £ F. R. 8 « sIR WM. FERGUSSON, Bart., F. R 8. * BDWD. H. SIEKYERTNG, N.D. M RCos * 8IR J. RANALD MARTIN F R. C 8~ PULVERMA.BHERS SYSTEM is also apâ€" proved of by an ofticial report of the Acaâ€" demie de Medicine, Paris, Royal College of Pbysici+ng, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" ty of Viemna, and its curative virtues are con. firmed byâ€" thousands of private tâ€"stimonials of cures eLected. (Bee pamphlet gratis). " We, the undersigned, have much plemâ€" l & sure in testifying that Mr, J. LLch.vn- * waor®r‘s recent improvements in ‘his Voltaic | " Battcries and _ walranic Appliances for | * Medical Purposes are of great importance to | 4# Scientific Mecicine, and that he is entitled | " to the consideration and support of every | " one disposed to further the advancement of | # real and usefol progress, I These high!y ‘mproved inventionsâ€"reader | EKiectricity pertâ€"ctly selfâ€"applicable, and +x~ | tremely «fficacious in a mild continuous form, ’ no shock or unpleasant senâ€"ation bâ€"ing x perienced, wher. by 1t becom*s a true fouutain | of bealth aud vigout, speedily soothing ! agonizing peins, resanimatirg torpid limbs, reviving the siugzish functions of life, and | imparting renewed energy and vitality to constitutions enfeebled ky whatever eâ€"--s.‘| Megicines and their deleterious consequences are thus entitely dlspanfgd with,. The daily | incressing number of cures «effected by | PULYVEpMACHER‘S MEDiCOâ€"GALYAXN.! I0 6YBTEM is »o extensive and vericd, that | it forciviy points to this invention as the embryo of a univessal remedy. | N. B.â€"â€"The following testimony from the elite of the English medical faculty has beeh received : f pictiolt? 1s Lk se PULYVEBMACKHER‘S PATEXT GALVANIC ~â€"CHAINâ€"BANDS BELTS, AND POCKET BATTERIES GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. [The Model Road of Canads j CENTRAL AIB LINXE ROUTE and procure TICKETS at this offce :-vu?un' Provines o! Medic¢al. A P WOOD, J P. 1455 lawk y THE TIMES is printed and i Liver into healthy activity. * ?‘m‘m“u..: mnblleimlm. "here ,.....""‘:m- Prenâ€"â€"4 by Ir. J. C. Aver & Co and Ansivticd! Chemists, Lowell, Ma# ment, it will keep it clean and vigord Its occasional use will : prevent the h from (mng gray or ï¬â€˜.; ::o?&mm“w WT. ;::;u;io.:lm:o the hair, the r‘ only.benefit but not harm it. 1 was merely for a HAIR DRESSING, on en iBingers on 4 encd, falling hair checked, and b ness <often, though not always, es by its use. Nom-flml hair whore the are destroy or the plands atrophied and decsy Butmchunmmx.vl:'l usefulness by this “‘"!‘u_lx'hk with a pasty q Ayer‘s Oherry Pectoral For Diseases of the ‘Throat ‘and Ldngk mich as Coughs, Oolds, Whooping _ and Consumpton. "Probibly never before in the whole kidor « Pracricar axp AXALYTICAL Unorty Recteres ohp ep nothing else can be hluba Countaining peither oil nor dye, it ï¬.’:.“&"‘ï¬'.» ’.'n'“ï¬rh lmud.‘nmlv:‘fh.s Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & C#, ds isnn m es und to cure mmmdâ€..& made i6 i ..u..."mu&‘.‘ mmb young gu.'o.uzbm Loo be given for incipient lan, | Emererheâ€"rege » sometimes subject hould be provided w1 eomactiramaincmene ease seemed seitied, have C Upob ts h iog a I pe"l"he »umi‘h‘?m:‘ Pain Dertroyer, in curing th, which it is n commnded, and it sucoers in subsuing the t=rtBring Rnâ€"umatism, aod in releri0g Rervon, a tiongs, entitle it to a bigh Vwik ho The Remedies for Mu.'h câ€"ming from M â€"cit‘nâ€" Deles in al} . thâ€"country for luuhn«*,“..b tifying as ‘to the uuircua Wihitle i 1Â¥r8, € The Canadian Pain Dâ€"stroyer never give immediate roJief, All Moduin. keep it Nn,-k{m OTOET Hhd Us 31 $ t family wili be without intfer once uyin Frice only Twenty frâ€" Guy botil itin Otmee 0 t PRA iE o wa 4 ner, John Roberts, J P PFeath»â€"rston, 6. Iortilur, W x u.*†...~ Dealers. For restoring Gray Hair its natural Vitality and ‘Col F 0oR io © OBE WBP PAz .‘ >\ of Piccuis, o9 Sly Mn Bone R@ Piltul.,S.. .lle)“ E“.u { or Grease, btrdus, [..":‘":; O#w8, Oonu, Fand cm.s ' < oro DisteMper, Swep ~'N. dib:ABscs whi h ho.« _"R_‘ " _ eance W i AiGiteg a(: to. f The celebrated u.‘.m fic, many ym. and Its «borougbly tested, a.g n‘."‘: he cheapest and mos; C external complaints "QIM _ «â€"it never f&ils when “h~ fully applicd. ®ly e« CC, THE CANADIaX PA1K DF8tRoy1 Has now been before the public fora| of time ang whercver useq i, #el} never in a ai lobtance to pi, nnr::'h d':-ly 18â€"0, and w nevr kndun a single «case of disstiâ€" '::Ih Cirecticus bave t en proper lo hluthnun\m,. all me 6+ with 1ts uperations, and epegk in the I tcmdhv_hhnuml «Becie, We apeak from. S2peti DCP 10 this p bayving tested it thoroughly, apa th. those whoâ€"are ruffering from any t the flaints for which it is recomm. md. d wi penc upon its bring a Bovergign Rom., The artonigbtr g '.\'1 0 the Om Pain Dertroyer, in curing th. m. " Bold4 by George j Tie :‘)\I Massey, N p :'b'.l::': tiawa, all M+dicing %. J Skinp _ November 4 180 * CAIADWâ€â€˜_ Ak.n. family Mï¬b R*Yks ewn uum.'h:"ï¬lh. is from paip i; To be had of Mertcbants throu 2Ȣ. per bottl», Bkig, Back Ottawa, August T, 1879. JiMES BAILIFF, Managing 1 This 7C, DA&ACk aud H M Throat, sm “M.‘ l ap 4 November 30, 1870 AB LE p +5 valuable NEVERp HOBSE' A xt rovided with this antidote for then. ,_ Scalde, Frost _ Oof all f‘m“slnunu?‘n_“,h Nq o"cd‘,“l Ayer‘s tm [ melCis1" alLixg " 7 UPâ€"0, Abd w !l;.md desti» Ne \h(‘..'.‘ Bitaty, all me 6+ abd epesk in the | Centre Town, A dressing . Beptember 2, )87 is at once * * healthy, and €.3% , and for preâ€"rving LKke: hair, Faded or is ‘ t'q“"' to ) tlu’ ~:< ANp Bites 9011 B tle ‘ Car KETOALFE aXD QUE " S n0oNÂ¥ NOR , Aito aey â€" , Conveyano Usei e Beildings, : 2. aa Â¥000K, Attorn ‘(Morâ€"inâ€"Ohancery . Conv usd Pstent Rignt solicit h.'.b Ruseell Hous 4 GEMMILL, Bar *"~UrROEON DE wiiin‘t 4 6. Pesofe ts â€" \ & Wh» ame i spetrel sttention snses of tit ‘,“‘.‘_g HUBPORI8ON is folly 1 PPS of TBEC 4, or +o 1 easting, on cithor gold, The Proprietor, G. 1 _,.,‘_..“ residence in Akcod, & short thme in use, % s of the presence of a .b ¢. DARTKE .,wod N uta and Joauty Attorne; Presoott and Russell , Lomngnal SR & KIMBEHK, nies #t Law, Solicitoi rs, &o, for the Prov s trom 9 a. m. to 6 Beptember 1, 1870 ~‘.-.I.. 9 LK KCAV A 1 K Wintuuite and W board an< :Mu w@ill to the day or weak at M# RPKGS® is sitaat ‘ the Zarlianso as to be oapable _ Hiuoi®s, peotfully to that the abot this attention whurges, to m IYVEKHR MARTE » ser, Cont: al 0 Nttbllng and an Conveyancers, &6 LAs 10K HOUSK, Oorper Ja Oourt House and RMSTRONG, P OP qoses® â€" OTT A 0 Established | and transiont 6 DELICACY OMoe Buildings, HOUGKTON, P tLate of +ough , Soticitorâ€" Offbce, Ottawa solloited in C _‘h"l:.l pares Public and Quebec YENLENOE | TRA VELLL AX. ~NOVA A AEKD RuPoruIT 4 AUMOND$ ©oilerate _ Sttende ts for sale Â¥ HOUREK, ortest notic« informatio n A0gs prepar 20, 1870 ho yairons . URe ats .4 WAaRD,; / o‘l"""'.'l J0MH Architeot fowt â€"#t.. Otce constanti y ks a #ill be t Ats will be STREET sam pho A N #6 , 366t! zay d to the 12w TV Raex® aid BtDFr Joi im Ser 1C1 U