Walter was the son of Mr, Mainwaring‘s | pai ssations. l C uturile Lrothe*, a thriving City merchait, who had “;:‘:::':,.m mm ventures to all parts of the globe, and WAS | cions, spply at the 1‘.... Wikoes, Bon too busy ever ts visit Little Stanford ; but | wation, and 3 «treat 8t James Street. he was always ready to send an ambassador, U. 4; BKYUntliS, Managing Direcstor :::km.. no doubt, that it was H‘:â€˜ï¬ Montreal, May, 1874. tio to keep up friendly relations vrep hrother, the more especially as nearly all | O**** O***â€"Y+#ksrsst, corner of Bussex lb;'-ddualomybo-ldurlbw who died soon after husband had been lost +t sea leaving hber with m scanty means. But her good brother ph came to her help and soothed her last hours by the assurance that her boy should be cared is a vast city ; the distance is great between Clarges Street and Finsbury square.‘ _ ;O;Wcll, l'll‘zollavo so ; but a lonely fealâ€" 'b:-.&‘s elor’ko:n a merchant‘s em? ingâ€"house.‘ ‘*Quite right. You will have leizure "Mu heâ€" thinks, when he makes you rflmr.' +*Take your placss; take your places,‘ bawled porters and guards. * Where‘s your carriage ? we‘ll travel toâ€" gether,‘ said Walter. 'kl‘hncynot; 1 go.second, replied Regiâ€" naid. * And so will L. _ Here porter get out my tï¬ncâ€"' ® No ume now, sir; train five minutes late. U.Hn,rn. air; and so the couâ€" sins, for such young men were journâ€" eyed apart untill they reached Little Stanâ€" ford, where there uncle, Mr: Ralph Mainâ€" waring, r‘sided. He had been a prosper ous stockbroker, and having purch :sed a very fair estate in the country, retired thither with an only daughter to keep house for him. It wu.:h custom to inâ€" vite his nephews at stat=d intervals to pass a few days him. in September to knock over the pmid':o. and at Christ: mas time to look up pheasants. e did not shoot himself, but he preserved after a fashion, and invited some of his tenants to a day‘s «port occuionally. _ ‘l1 is you that make it so, ‘ said Walter, smiling. *You km‘.&t my futher, sister, all of us are most glad to see * And what am I, Cousin Regit® replied Walter, +*The governor keeps me to the desk as closely as though I werea stranâ€" * Ah! Reginald,‘ exelaimed Walter, holdâ€" ing out his hand, which the other took somewhat slowly, â€" ‘ glad to hare met you. Why, I‘ve not seen you since our days obot:h‘nthlu.’ soldly *No, W i s * London is a vast city : MBmflbï¬u Wh.t might bhave happened one chrisi mas Tune. Tnx Cast Srory wairtE® mwMare Lemox. Curmtuis was coming. (‘There were inâ€" dications of its approuch everywhere. The ‘ï¬)ovl'l.thoblt‘:l,flqu all proclaimed .stmas was coming. At t:: rnil:nyuuio- there was more than the usu«l ustleâ€"more wiggons going to and fro, more cabs for down trains, more pleas nt faces; fower looking *business,‘ nothing but +business.‘ No doubt of it, Christimas was coming. * Where for, air ® + Litese Stuntord,‘ What clusse, sirt ®© be deurered the same evening. Per Cuna. 4 Line, close erery Tuesday at 10.45 PoBT OPPIOE s1viX08 SiKC, BB Deposits will be received at this Ofice. Interest allowed at the rate of 'ournu. per aunum, and deposits can be withdrawn at «ay time. Fire per cont. will be allowed on z:aid deposits in sums of $100, for the with wal of which 3 months‘ notice will be reâ€" quired atter posted a.30 ill be forward d-lm-nd ':.I.- l*â€:.ï¬,m the ame night. _ _ Nlm.u Line, close every Fridayâ€"at .30 &. us. & A supplementary for Canadian steamer will be ctosed at II:O..h which al! paid unâ€" registered matter will be sent. " On Money Order Ofices throughout the Domiâ€" into the for you. Having paid the eabtuan I&uda- tered the station, taking ticket, ::;s»ont: the .&h‘.&rm A neat brougâ€" drove young t. + Where t:r',df?'. e eerior on Little Stanford .‘ c ï¬â€œn"m“m'-p" wiitk phu, ans » nve in you, sit Aud : P ’hvhglpohu fow And the newâ€"comer & words to his servant, entered the station, and, obtaining his ticket, went on to the platform. His name wuas Walter Mainâ€" waring. In a minute or two the young men confronted each other. The traveller was a handsome, wellâ€" formed young man of twoâ€"andâ€"twenty, one who evidently pnmdnhok the world in the face and to his way onwards. His name was Reginald Wainwright. _ Poser Orr1o®, Ottaws, 21st Nor . 1878. _ Arrtval and Qeparturse of Mails, 1870‘ FALL ARRANGEMENT. NY The Western Mail arriving at T p. m. will money Urder UMces throughout the Dom+â€"“‘ln'l.nd.lnm land and Prince Edward Isliand, can be obtained at this Ofice. Also, Postage and Bill Stam wâ€"&-n.l.....ntr.-. asâ€"first, air ? &. P. BAKER, Postmaster, OPTAW A. 1879. im JOaBO0LIOD wUB 4e WraRd Irunik J loave *cortland MONDAY and ma DAY at 6 pm,for J a t " Tickets issued at the pal seations. Por (m.\r-n‘. and time ofarrivaland departure of all trains at terminal and Mtaâ€" tions, «pply at the Tloket «thees, l."’ sation, and 3Â¥ treat 8t James Street MZ* All Wool Tartans in all the leading clans. A large lot ex last steamer, at UGARLANXD, MUTCHMU2 & Ce. mmamum«mfl cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakiast tables with a delicately finvoured b«nqowhhhm save us many heary doctors‘ bills." Made simply wiubd:" water or milk. Sold only in tinâ€" rbq labelledâ€"Jiuxzs Errs & Co., omeopathic Chemists, London. (.IAID TRUNK RAILWAY COK. I PAWNYX OF CAHADA. 1870.) BUMMER ARRANGEMEXTS [127+ Prains now leave BONAVENTURE JTATIOL as follows Expreas for Ottawa, Potone taihs ols aad all points West, 46. .»»â€"â€"m~».~>â€" O & & Wighe dto o@ t 6 @o 4e O# ; m Ascommedation Train for Corawall and Intermediate Stations at...... 00 p m Accommodation Train for Kingston and _ _ > _ VOTIRORE COBUTUE HEGs»ssssseeeensense see ltpc"u:'t‘u New vork and Boston ausbaryt, Champlain, Intermediate Stations, 4.... ....... T:30 sn # i> a a, 1# 130 p m, 400 p m and 1:30 pm. % The 130 pm train runas through to Provian Line. @GoLN« s3OUTBR AND Rast. Acovmmodation Train tor Island Pond «nd [ntermediate Stationsat......... 1:00 a ta pross 101 BOBIOD Messs»sssssssssssssesecsoomw $§40 .g Kapresmstor NewXork and Boston via Conuro! ‘"'-'rï¬"" Mohn:t: ourortxo.â€"The rvery of this preparation has rendered it a mnm.;’ marks :â€"** By a thorough knowledge natural laws which govern the operntions of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful events which will itute our % Tokn&hflym.gbn her, especially it the heart chanced not to be preoccoupied.. She was not, strictly speaking, tiful ; but if a nose a little nbwucc::chin,nuiflo too round and short would not have satisfied Phidias, yet the rosiest of lips, the whitest of testb, the bright st of hnzel eyes, arched over by the moâ€"t delicate eyebrows a shade darker than her rich chesout hair, made ample ameads for the classical deficiencies of her happy face. radient with he«ith and cheerfulnessa. PMer figure was fauitless, and made all kinds of exercise acceptable and consequently she was free from all tine lady «h »ilments which are sometimes thonu ht interesting, but are at all times exceedingly ofjectionable to those who are expeci.ed to sympa hise with them. Khe plâ€"yed und sang maierately well, and she always had the good taste to attempt riee wwaee o the practive and gootus or | genius of a Renedict. Abmaged There was more than one eligihle yom gentleman in the neighbo: hood who the heartache through Emily Mainwaring, but as yet no one had ventured to proposâ€" to her _ Her futher made no secret of his confidence in her prudence and good sen«e, anmd it was .ononllz‘km that she would beâ€"free to make her own elecâ€" tion should she be ever put to the test. Reginald and Walter were more in love with their cousin than any one else and there was little doubt but the young men suspected e«ch other of entertaining this predi ection. "he might not have sauspected it also, but if she had done so Cousin Emily was waiting to give them wolc;:: mo n::on, having driven from Stan in ponyâ€"carriage, whilst Iraps, the gameke6per, had brought a light cart for the lu . _ Emily‘s ponies were the ndd!lh‘%ï¬bm and parts adjace aL:.d ber skill in bandling them was no a theme of general com mendation. There was quite a entest be tween lhmnu; men as to who should sit beside the fuir charioteer, and as she jositively declined to give the cuï¬n" vote, Reg nald proposed that they shoul ross for tï¬o honor, and reginald won. . house of Mainwaring, Wapsholl and Comâ€" paay. Haillyvoads. (To d¢ continued.) Th bets issued throuch atthe Company‘s prin= | bes alples stions. be | Â¥i. artser information and tims of arrival and dul deparmre of all trains at terminal and way | s#ation apply at the Tucket Oflce, BDonaventure | **Z Station, ot at No 39, Greas 8t James street. P C J BRY Doks, l oo ns Mansging Director, _ | _ The inturnational Company‘s Steamers running In: onnection with the Grasd Trunk Rallwvag, leate Portiand every Monday and Thurssay at 6 If p m for8t John, N B. 40. _ J BRxpressTor New York and Boston, via Vermont CBB Pul, Bb.sssssmeee oeem»s Rxpress for New York and Boston, via ~__ PMatubarg, Lake Champlain, burâ€" MPROYVEL SERVICE OF TRALNS , FOR TAE HUMMER OF 1870. _ _ ACCELERATION OF SPEED. NEZW CARS ON ALL EXPRESS TLAINS. Portland to : Montreal in 13 Hours. Montreal to Toronto in 13 Hours. On and after JUNE 1lith the now arrange ments will be put in torce, and trains will loave Montreal as follows : BDe for Otta: Brsoaviiie, m:;ï¬;: ‘Terente, Guaink, Lond ht w weet at... N1IGHT, °_ do C uumamn o. 119 J m Mail Trsin for Toronto and intermediâ€" Trains for Lachine a 600 a m, T 00 a m, 9 15 am, 12 noon, 1 30 p m,4 00 'al'pa.dl:‘l“ m. The p m nu&mato Province l ine. @oIN«@ sOUTH AND BAST. Assommodation Train for Tsland Pond _ and intermediate stations at......... ERxpress foer Boston, via Vermont Cenâ€" EX RES3; at 3 30 p m, connecting with Grand Trunk Qay Express from the West, and arriving «t Ottawa at T1.+6 v m e .:C‘OO.-.urlo::: nl-:_:::'o eunnecting = h ram k '(.h. W est. Alu TRALX, at 3 45 p m, arriving at Brook nile 9 15 p m ll'l‘& at 10 30 pm, arriving at Brosk. ville st 3.186 a m, and conn»cting with Graad Trunk Night Express gome West. Arrive at Sand Point 1. 35 aud 7,‘0 p m. : through to Toronato by @. T. Train, arriving at hd;:h:::.:d‘ d.spatch, 0. 0 with dos as theC. C. and B. & 0, Railways are the same guage »s the Oraad Trunk. Car loads go through in Graad Trunsk Cars to all polints, without traoshipment, _ RBM" Certain connactions made with Grand The public is , respectfully informed that this Company‘s Trains wait at Prescott Janc«â€" Mon the arrival ot the Grand Trank _Traing from the West, and EXPRE3®3, at 4.45 a m connecting with Grand Wat, and arriving at Otâ€" awa, at 830 a m. KMAIL TRALIN, at 7 30 a w, arriving at Ottaws at t 5* p m. rains on Canada vemral and Porth Braash make certain connections with all trains on B. & 0 Rulway _ A SLEE®IKNG CARs between TRONT) and Ottawa, going throogh in 13 H )U R8. n and »fter M JNDAY, Docs.5, TRAIN3 will run as tollows : SHORTEST RAILWAY ROUTE TO THE CAPITAL. ie enlie mm 3. . C _ T [ . C 1~ lc-uh...“ it will leave 0&:‘-:.0}‘ M:.y‘. go through to Torcato by T 1, Trales iriving 14 Twenty minut:s are also allowed at Press cott Junction for Meals. _ * B LUTTRELL, Tllfl. LAWRENCE AND OTTAW M A LL W A Â¥. * & LUTTRHELL, THOMAS REYNOLDFG, ___ Superictendect. ___â€" Managing Dirseoto Uitaws, N wromber 19, 1870. By this the On and from MONDAY next, the 21st inst , three trains wiil run daily on this Railway as _A Sleoping Car will lears Toronto on Monday, Wednesdi«y and Friday mabts, by the @rand B1. '“;y and Friday mghts, by the Grand Imak T p,)nh.n‘pauu{ to Ottawa, Manager, Brockville, Ont., Dso 1, 1870 IW.:' All trains on this Line are run on Montreal *ANADA CENTAAL AND BROcK â€" _ YILLE ALD QfTAWA RaLLW aYÂ¥s. ALTERATION OF TRAIN#®, Commencing DECENmBELK 5, 1819. and intermediate stations.. ......... RAND TRUNK:! RALLW AY assengers may rely on Conâ€" Buperintendent. : Ottaws, 12th December, 1870. 1540tom GoingSouth Ottawa to Proscott. LAWRENCE AND OTTAWA RALILWAY. > tion Train for Brockville necling FOR OTTAWA ALTERATICNX OÂ¥ TIME, Leave Brockvilie , Ratlr oads. Lense Ottawa. C aAa N A D A, @GOoING WEST. N OTIC &. THOS REYNXOLDS, N ®TtICO®n. Managing Dirâ€"ctor 3 4 p m 6 00 a m 4 00 p m 1 10 a n 1 00 a m Sth. So soon as the mixing and Barrelling has been complete1, the «* Metbylated Spirits " shall be removed ftrom the Bonded Manafsctoy, and duly entered for warshousing as required by the regulations in that behalf. * * *.L. LEE, Number of Proof Gaillons Name of the Dirision. loitials of the offcer under whose inspection the mistare took place. Number of the entry under which it is ware. (a) The particulars of every package of Aleobol, brought tn, stating whore manufactured, thestreagih and quantity ; the marks, &0., on the casks, and the general number of the Permit, under which it was conreyed to the Manufactory. (») The particnlars ef every quantity mized 43. + of the ormginal packages from which it was t«ken ; the quastity and strength of the " Methyâ€" lated Spirits" produced trom it und the partion= lars as to marks, numbers, &0., of th» Cask in which it is plased, Tth,. Every entry in the Stock Book is to be checked by the ofécer in charge, who must keep an acceunt of each transaction, which account or a duplicate thereof is to be taken to the Inland Re zuse ofice, immediately after each transac. 6th, A Stook Book must be kept in the Factory. in which Book must be entered :â€" th,. With every 100 proof gallons ot Alcohol, thereshall be mixed at loast tweive and aâ€"haif gallons ot * Weed Naphths of Commerse,‘‘ the whole being mixed together. 5th. After the mixing has been thoroughly comâ€" pleted, the strength of the mixture shall be tested, ard the quartity gauged hy the oficer in attend&â€" anee and duly recorded. The mixtare shal} then be placed in cesks, thy casks being branded or marked on the head in legible charasters, with Bills are hereby notifed that they are required by the 5‘st and following Rules of the Legisiative Assembly,\which are published i 1 the ="Unturio QGasetté"), to give NOTICB of the application (clearly and distinetly specifying its nature and object) in the * Ontario Gazette," and also in a newspaper published in the Uounty or Union ot Counties afscted ; such notics shall be continued in each case for a period of at least six weeks during the interval of time between the elose of the next preceding Sesson and the conâ€" sideration of he Petition. ‘Coples of the urst aond last of such notices to be sent to the Private Bill Oflose. Toronte March 15, 1810 1309 ta lawk With reterence to item of the Tarif, it is beld by this Depariment, that SLATE:.imply in a quadrangular form, whatever may be its size or thickness 1s entitled to exemption. â€" If otherwise, especially shapen orif it be polushed, or artificialâ€" ly bored, it besomes subject to 1+ per cent and 5 per cent duty, as a non=enumerated article. All stitions for Private Bills must be presentâ€" ed within the FIRST THREE WEEKS of the every cask or package used, 3rd Not less than 100 proof gallons of Aloohe «hal. be wized at one time, which shall be mixed 1 an open mixing tab, in the presence of an officer who shall then west and gauge it as to strongth and quantity. t Counse! to the Com: tor the Dom :P'o “ong'm boâ€r:km to him. > y simaier B. R. CORW LS, have this n‘. deposited with the Receiverâ€"' Twenty Thousand Dollars in addition to the above Fitt Tm-flflovflz Thou. sand Dollars é‘ U.8. Bonds, 6s of‘81 The Hon. Col. John H. Gray, M.P., has beet appointed Counsel to the Company tor the Domin Parties ln.dhg::‘-m o’ï¬uu to Parliaâ€" ment for Private eithâ€" r _ pw"i:g exoiuâ€" a Â¥e vilewes, or conferring powers for m’“ or other flm,c for doing an: thing l-.lh.loaut.o nr perty of other parties, are hersby notifed that th o‘.m required by the Olunfldbcht RKules of the House of Cummons (whicn are published in teil in the = Canada Gazette * ). to give TW O l')xdmn' NO «108 ‘o.l |= ."qu:: (';l;:;ly and netly speci nature ® + in the "anada Ou?.o.‘-n also in a newspaper publisbed in the County or Unmon of Cobnties afected, sending copies of the first and last of such notices to the Private Biil Office. RrOCLATIONS. Ist, The room in which the wood Naphtha is mixed with Spirits shall only be acceâ€"sible to the propriestor during the actual presence of an ofser of Inland Revenue. Ind. A sample of the wood N abou lurm)ï¬'.‘:l Nnbh‘mm Miniater ot Iâ€"land Revenue, and under and in virtue of the authority given by the !7th section (the Act 3list Vict., Chapter 8, intitaled, = An aot reâ€".est ng the Laia»d Revenue." His Rxoel sacy in Conuncil has been pleased to Order, and i is hereby Ordered that the following regulaâ€" tious far the manafacture of Methylated Spirits in baonad shall be and they are heroby mase and os ta blished ; All Potitions fer Private Biils -uh:‘uu- od within the Arst taree weeks o! the Sersi« o. ALFRkLD fODu, Chif, Clk. Committees and Privete Bills, Hoase ot Commons. Ottaws, 8th Dec.,18"0 18360f in Canage : No. 33 â€" The UNION MUTUAL LLFEINSUR ANCE COMPANY, of Maine. BTiE diR it Bogentatette tss roa m + » 8t; John, N. hï¬â€˜oï¬uu{m JOBN LAN4TON, Ortawa, 3rd Nov,, 1870 To Cornsorors cr Custrom:. f Finanon Deraztu=nt, Ottawa, 1%th October, 1868. No. 104. The tollowing Insurance Com has received a lioe ase to transactthe buhou’ofllbhnnu HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOoY losses are wf’ settled, and, from the equity and rv-pb- its settlements the Provincial nsurance Campuny is second to none. Its inspectors are aiway sent to adjust every in portant loss flndu.n-n T: has no adjustea due and unpaid. It respecttuliy solicits a share of the patronage of the insuring public of Otta wa. ARTHUR HARVEY, : 308tf Manager; lo;, A T Fuiton, Eeq, Angus Morrison, Keq, MP J 5 Crocker, l? Bankerâ€"The Caaadian Bank of Commerce. A':lulor Ottawaâ€"â€"Mesers J T & W PENâ€" N0CK. s oorm' u;;of the ‘PIOVI.I.GXAL xmnut.c: ANY are as low as its longexperience she #n to borfl.flo. The est uf the value of insurance is, however, not when the premiums are being md. but w* on losses are being settled, and, from equity and ulk@& INSURANCE COMPANY OP MAINR .r!uun-â€"ho moa Jobt Hillyard Cameron Vice Presidentâ€"Leris Moffatt, Enq. Other Direntorsâ€"C J Campbell, Eeg, Hot Maisolm Cameron, W T Macdonnell, Eeq, A R McM aster, Ksq, H 8 Howland, Keq, Geo Duggan, A PRIVATE BILLA. "BLATE,"â€"BOHEDULE C.â€"FREE GOO0DS. Methylated Spirits, ; Date on which it was mixed, Namber of Wine gallons in the Cask. Ot awa, November T 1868. aRBIVATE BILLS. Parties intending to make application the Legisiature of Ontarieo for Private USTOMES DE&FARTHENXT, OVERXMENT HOUVSE oTTaAW A, 5th day of December, 1870, Biv® MUTUAL ROVIEKCIAL INSURANCE CoMPA > of Canada, Hoead Ofice, Toronto. = Ottawa, Nor 14, 1870 Government MNMetices. ERNOR GENERAL IN CoUNCLL, AInanranre, CHARLES T GILLMOR, Clerk ot the House. R. 8, M. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs tion of the Honorable the . _ GEXERAL COMMISSION AGENXT, [ Clarence Street, nest to the City Hï¬o’ll’l Uttawa. Bolicits the patronage of the Lumber Merchkan | generally on the Ottaws. From his l-gmb;l ence in the trade he oGfers his services in ongaging > men and attending to their rafts while passing here to the best of his ability. Alex Fruser, Keq, > ‘W alter Smith, Beq, Joh . eupore, Esq, â€"___ .R W Oruice, Esq. Oltawa, March 1870. Trage Sales of Mershandise, Farm Stock, Real Estate, Libraries, Works of Art, &0., &0., as wel. as consignments, from a"distance, will meet with best attention, and be condacted on very moderâ€" ate terms. * »econd hand Furniture will be mdw‘fl hour duridg the u'(. up to 7 o‘slook p. m. vances made on raiture, Pianos, or other Goods sent in for Sale, or may be porchased in toto, if required Ths Sale Hoom is well lighsed an. ventilated, and about the largest in the city, being 80 x 25. nl‘-' tavours and patronage are respecttully Beveral Housses in the on hands tor sale. J.l;‘“.[l_‘u.o MESS AND PRIME MESS PORK. FLOU R NXO. 16 EX T R A § WBRITE BEANS, At Otawa, Sand Point and Pembroke. _ . Carriage and Buggey Sales will soon and thn".who i.n‘fouu. Oufla‘u.m ness to dispose of will do well to send them to the Mart as sooh as possibles. : _ is . In soliciting public patronage in this branch N.huohvo&'dmpod‘uï¬ intimate, that.i 1 the future as in the past, it will be his unceasing muady&-tmmdlhm&flï¬u by careful attentign, prompt cash rus, and muderate charges, to merit a continuance ohl. mn.-.olmw{cnoo liberally "bestowed upop Spring Furniture Sales at the Mart will comit mence immediately , and from time to time will be duly announced. He will hold weekly sales of MHorses, Cattle, &o, &0, onthe Mairket, dus notice of which will be given. The large number e Horses und Cattle sold by him during the past year, is surfcient guarantee that his ability in this critical branch of auctioncering is appreci: Whest, Corn, Flonr, Oatmeat, Pork, &e. oTTAW A, s8008. 56 £0080 5900900E S0% iotles. lxo“o.d.:.' Prompt tnln all cases Invaluable to invalids and ruou of impalr®‘ digestion ; an excellent TONLO for persons oonriu‘hu iMness. Forsale in quart bottle ; price one doll ur. Garoner‘s .lD:l-m-lOoulhl-t "I:l save many a bottles 25 cents pleasant to tasté "KAGâ€" nature Forsale by mal‘m ers in all parts of the Dominion, & Gardener‘s First Primp, Powder, an: rivalled for parity and . â€" ufn.iy grosers everywhere, in 3 or paokets, T a 0% packets, 10 MJ 1 pound ’.‘*.“ u pounds, $1.25. loun‘:cl want the bos ior GARDENER‘S and po other. 'mualnllll'b .l:ual_fll:' &Ull- e bottle bottles n d o'u.nma-ï¬. 457 Notre Dame stroet, M Bole Propristor and Manufacturer. The subscriber in issuing this his bpring Cireaâ€" lar, begse to return his best thanks to his triends ndtlornnl public of Ottawa and Country, as nlhla‘ huum-lpona:.:m:..‘bm boral rm.' besto on , confâ€" :‘2» pl in him, since his advent as Aunctioneer of this city, and to assure them that muhl::‘a:l*mr:.igh,h norit continuance the su patronage llb;uny on-:‘M to“:l:m i tke s e can refer w pleasure m testimoniais h‘:umnulhd ‘:l- those ::’o placed propert) havds disposal, that fuics fail, excelient prives, and â€"{mmediats returns are his c & M,.F,GIANELLI, Bole Manufacture: and Propristor fer the Dominâ€" ton oPOdnada and the United States. N.B.â€"These celebrated Bitters are carefully prepared with the very best quality of Shorry Wine, and are especia‘lly adapted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitutions.. They are gently stimalant, and will be tound infallible aids to digestion, bot't‘:’m see label round the nock of each O None are genuine unless bearing thesignature of the proprietor, 1022tf A. M. F GIANELLI, OFF1CE AND SALE #OOMSâ€"City Austle mart, York stroet, near the Market, Prepared by special permission om the rigina neotpwill . > cssz ie o sds & * Kept by all the principai Uruggists and Grocers in informed thatthe only way to seoure the enuine, "_‘i,’_‘,‘:.._‘-; of «* Worceatershire Sause" to their owninferior compounds, the public is hereby * Hartiat" '. P. VRRBI, Mo Do, fs Professor of Chemistry‘in the University of PADUA, ITALY. ~ NR THE ONLE GOOD SAUULE. CaUTION AGAINBT FRAUD. ‘The success of this most delisious and unrivalâ€" d condiment having caused certain dealers to Oltawe. May 18, 1870. 4 ommtzzsion â€"Merrenhnarnts C .. j MISSION MERCHANTS, FORW ARDERSâ€" WORCESTERSHIRK SAUCER, UMINLICK FOX. PRIOE $#100 PER BOTTLKEK. KA & PERRLISZK‘ _ â€"~ OÂ¥ aAL UPAaLLAR:BITTERL. BALES AT PRIVATE RESIDENCES, B 16 i1 21 1 & to 14 A 02 4 GENERAL AUCTIONKER, + itters eand Sauces, BK FOR LEA & PERRINS® SAUCE, 8 ALE: I, KASTONX & CO., Declared by Connolssear DEAL ERS 15 No 5 Bparks streot, uiess rellendy in Teates of. Abthcs and gol at efficncey eases of Asthmas *~ 1# The smoke causot no nauses,. mmm kind, I have never known an instance in reliof was not obtained."â€"Gencral Alezander Hon. B, Stmuart. In Tins, 2s 64, 6s and 10s. uogo and l“:“ *st * Pastilles for Inhalation, Bores, 2s 6d, be and 105. 143, New Bond 20. London. Aouwresâ€"Messrs . Â¥. Cundili & Co., Montreal FOI umonmA NCH E a~ TINE completely DTGESTIOE and Afluxnï¬g: o{‘ Cop u'v.n OIL, the fat caten at meals, digesti activity , anâ€" hi m«c. bottles, 38, 36 6d, 6s 64 and 12264. Pancreatine Wine, bottles,38,5s and16s taking Cod Liver Oil. dornrtsâ€"Messre. Â¥. NOflOI ~ Is bereby given, that an a will be “hthumlmndunmm at its next Ression, for an Act to suthorise the eonstruction of Water Works in and for the LSity of Ottawa, % wWNMPLETT, _ or that of Peter C V Milier, of Ernpstown, Ont, ot| Consumption, or that of Ambro«es Wood, of Conseâ€" aon, Ont, of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or. that of Johr. Heoey, of Napanee, of Rhenmatism, who had actually been on crutehes tor years, but. has now recovered the use of his limbs. ha~! j ludb:.l. onusl::.u anquestonable certifâ€" cates on the groat honees Reomedy and Pilis can be obsained at all drug stores. * The following remarks, on testimonials ofâ€"mos wondertul and uxtraurdinary cures in Canada by he Gzanat Inpuax Keugsor. They are stern undeniable facts, suficient to com a or a now accessible in the groat yÂ¥ 'Y.:ummp"ui:n-“d; 1lson Storms, ryhun. Consumption, or that of Peter C V Milier, m'n.od.o’h . This elegant Turkis® TONTU is one : of the most salutary and drlicate preparations ever submitted for public approval in this hemi= phere, and asserts its pretentions to patropagr on the following grounds :â€" £ It renders the intellect bright and clear. If taken babitually it imparts vitality and energy to all the bodily organs. | + y o nant REMEOY. BTOP AND 8EE! That it is a preparation of one of the most eminent Purveyors to the Ottoman Court, ‘)Alt'l‘lll AÂ¥. A Di TANCE A£EQUIRINe o ARTIFICLIAL, TEELH may have then suppliod, in partial or complete sets, on Mesare G@abtlel‘s new system, by sending particulars of their cases, with a r. mittance ot One Guaines, wher the spparatus for taking a mogel of the: mouts will be torwarded, with ali nesessary instructions :‘L:nu e::m: ‘:ou.ltl u«mo to nemodel: or E‘lx Artificia m y other m [:“Mdonotpnnunhfmryj,a t yos. i . Meesrs. Gabriel‘s Pl-plhtr :‘M Tooth ond : Al 1loss VUentistery on rece! tages *4* all iettors to bo aguresseq ’t: “P‘:UNATD HLILL, LONDON. 1323 2aw6¢m lawkom Gummw- oDponTaLGIQUE BLiXIh a mouth wash unrivalled for its lnle properties in cleansing the mouth and .:m.. the breath; is is invaluable to smokers,â€" ano strongly recommended to sufferers© from Tic, Neuraigia, and Toothache. n See (:dmol’n nameâ€"â€"None Genuine without it ‘Price 61. > A ~PaARatâ€" FORâ€" THETEETH LK prepared from a recipe as used by He: lsjm’.;nuflu the Teoth, and 1mparts a deliâ€" clous fragrance to the breath ; gives the Tocth s m-nn“ whiteness and protects the enamel 1s, 64. FOR LEANSING, BBAUTIFYING, : AND PRESERVING THE TEBETH BA4 by Chemists and Perfumers, and by the Mapufacturers. MESSRS. GABRILL, The oldâ€"ecstablished Dentists, G?llllum o%uun mgrgm Or cblldlg &D uï¬m“.‘ e » mpwummm»mpu;vm the without lea between them any taces of powder, and =m brilliancy to the Renders the tooth sound and useful, and prevents Toothache, no matter how far decayed. Frloo 1s 6d per box. Ask for Gabriel‘s Celebrated Dental keep white, and as firm as the tooth itself. â€" This beautiful preparation restores Front Teoth anu provents decay, Buthcient for Stopping six Teeth 1aABARIKEL8 UOKLEBRATED PRBPAKA €x 'nou:* ‘\Allluul.’l WBHLTE GUTTA PERCA@A TBR ENAME, for Bopping Decayed Teoth GABIUIL’I UBLIEOQ ENAMEL STOPPLNG 7 for Preserving Front Tooth. Warranted to Price of the Remedy in large pints, $1. â€" Siy\ L1 promotes digestion if taken arrar meals. It meutralizes the prepensity for strong It p‘vvmuuldh'dthom Aniitass Tt relieves lowness of spirits. f It is a mild and invigorating tonic, and s ost efficient but innocuous stimalent. It renders the breath sweet and agreeable. It stimulates the appetite if taken surors Montreal, July 6. (ABBRIEKL*»s OSIKO ENAMEL STOPPING® "M Uudgate Hill, Lendon, And at LIVERPOOL and BRIGBTON. % ABRIEL®S® ROYAL TOOTA POWDbER BHOSHONEES REMEDY. by 9 R l D ' BDentists. _\ L UDOGATE HILL, LONDON, DATURA TATUL A, Affords Immediate Relief, Montreal, _ Bole Agents for the Dominion Ls. «* A rempdy of groat power and .Bectia« t OR ASTHKA. and Chronic Bronchkitis Wine is the best vehicle for y 81. 8 14157 of| [The Model Road of Canads j To Sarnia, Detrou, Atilwaukee. CHICAGO, Cincinnati, St. Louis, New Orleans, and all Points in the West and South. NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION CO8 . _ B FirstClass Upper Cabin Steamers, OGCDENBBURG 'E;GHIOAGO, Moiee nrrsiimn panaad n n 5t n Parties going weet can secure Tickets at this office to any Point desired, Yia _ _ ALL RAJIL OR ALL BOAT h 11000, Gonnty «n-n.B Provipse of Ontario, Feb. #th, .& Th‘s is to certify that during the winter of 1 J wastaken with a weakness of the ancles, which 4: adually, during the n,flnd 1867, extended to ny knees, and on up to my '{&“‘ 1 became so weak that L sould not walk, was confined to y shair. For abouttwo years, while this weakt ness wus coming on me, and afterwards, I sough amedical m.‘uplmu difflerent times three dostors, and m of different kinds prescribed by trrends, but of no avail. T continuâ€" ed to get worse and worse, until the summer oi 1868, when I was induced to try the groat Sho ‘shonees Remedy by reading the cures performed in a pamphict. Atthistime { bad begun to teal tlo'uhouhnlluu; in fact I was getting almost helpless I have taken two bottles of the dhoshonees Remedy and two boxes of the pilis ant [ am entirely restored to health. I never expectes n:'rtmn. bat simply tried the medicine as a of forlotn hope. ‘In-mo of mine was noi a private one, but known to all my u?hbouo and friends ; and to any one affiinted as I was, 1 UGrand Trunk to Detroit........»».»»»»»»»»»«» UOrand Tronkt to Toronto, Grest Wes» eï¬ igns / n to any Points .u‘ the United flates, and aflintormationâ€"sprty to . _ . .. â€" General W / GREAT CENTBAL ROUTE > AHD BAVE MONEY, T‘xlu'.“nnm".(‘ Routes to %x w.h._ll favor of the Great Central Â¥Fares always cheapor than by oiy;ï¬. M. R. C. B, alias Henry Bu: y AS: . bearing the fac simile of M. Pulvermacher‘s signature on the label. _A pamphilet containing full particulars may :. had at the Drug Store of A. Christle, Gninegs! 4 + 4 PULVERMACHER, Gllmlcsl.huhhuclt,' 200 Regent Street, London, W. . Ottawa, Beptember 6, 1870 _ 1455 lawk y «ham Doctors, &0., for Amproper purposes, and so sevéerely stigmatized by Vice Chancel= lor Malins in the suit Palvermacher vs Hamâ€" mond, alins Henry James, alias C. ‘T, Raphey, The effects of the &pplication of Pulver macher‘s Chaine in of the above disorders is immediately the relief of pain instentancous. PRICE LIbT OF PULYERMACHEKERS CHAIN BANDS AND BATTERIES. B..CHAIN BANDS for Neryous Deafness, Head, Tootb, and Face Ache,and Nolms in the Head, 21s. to 308. B, CHAIN BANDS for loss of Yoice and other affâ€"ctions of the Throat, 108. 64. to N. OHAIN BANDS lor Bcoiatics, Rhenmatic, Neuraigia, and Gouty Pains, Local Paraâ€" lys!s, Cramp, &c., 188. to 228. and 408. BCHAIN BANDS for 1 umbeago, Indigestion, Liv<t, Chest, and Functicnal Disorders, &c., (worn as a belz. 22%s to 40s and 55s. B CHAIK BANDS r Writer‘s Oramp, Trembling, Nervousness, &c, 228 to 208 and 408. B COMBINED CAAIN BAND for Cantil, Paralysis, Epilepsy, General D«<bility * â€" Functional Disorders, &¢., 308 to 508 A complete Bet of COMBINED CHAIN BAND8,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY â€" ‘Yor restoring vital energy, £5 to £1. The public are most earnestly cautioned to beware of Pseudo Klectric Belts advertised by Liver Complaints ~ Epilepey Tic Doloreux Nervous Debility Indigestion Functivnal Disorders PULVELMACHER‘S Â¥ED1COâ€"GALYAN»â€" IC CHAINB are exceedingly eBictive without the aid of medicine, restriction of di«t, or the ieast derangement of the patieut‘s babits and daily occupations, in the followiung maladies : Rheumatism Female Complaints Gout Constipation Lumbego Bluggish Circulation Neuaralgia Urinary Disorders Head and Toothache Paralysic bpgm These facts appeal to the good sense of erery sufferer to avail himself of this scientific ano curative progress, to which the inventor bhas devoted a lifâ€"â€"time of study and labour, as «n ardest deciple of that great benefactor of mankind, the late illustrions electrician Mionamt Fariaptr. *# Dated the 9thâ€"day of March, 1866. * EIR CHARLES LOCOCK, Bart., M . D., Â¥. _%C.E. t $IR HKNRY HOLLAND, Bart., M. rD & â€" K B. «" sIR WM. FERGUSSON, Bart., F. R 8. * EDW p. H. SIEKVERING, M. D., M RC.S. "* SIBR J. RANALD MARTIN, F. L. C.8 " _ PULVEBRMACBHER‘S SYSTEM is also apâ€" proved of by an official. report ol the Acaâ€" demie de Medicine, Paris, Royul College of Physiciang, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" ty of Viewnoa, and its curative virtues are con. firmed by thousands of private testimonials of cures efected. (See pamphblet gratis). * We, the undersigned, heve much pleaâ€" # sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Pouver 4 wa0g®er‘s recent improvements in his Voltaic " Battcries andâ€" walranic Appliances toutr " Medical Purposes are of great importance to * Scientific Medicine, and that he is entitled *# to the consideration and support of every * one disposed to further the advancement of " real and useful progrese, IC SYSTEM is »o extensive and veried, that it forcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. N. B.â€"The following testimony from the elite of the English medical faculty has been received ; These highly improved inventions render Klectricity perfectly selfâ€"applicable, and exâ€" tremely efficacious in a mild continuous form no shock or unpleasant sensstion buing exâ€" perienced, whereby it becomes a true fountain of healith and vigour, spéedily soothing agonizing peins, reâ€"animating torpid limbs, reviving the siuggish functions of life, and imparting renewed energy and vitality to constitations enfeebled ty whatever ters«, Megicines and their deleterious consequences are thus entirely dispensed with, The daily increasing number of cures «fected by PULYEpRMACHER‘S MEDiCOâ€"GALYANX. yi‘koumotâ€"uiws PULYVERMACHERS PATENT GALYVANIC â€" CHAINâ€"BANDS BELTS, AKD POCKET BATTERIES GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. CENTRAL AIR LINE ROUTE, oral Western Railway and Steam) ahhoe, at H Paimer‘s store, next to . m to 7&"‘â€'--..00.0;00;.;0;“0-;;-0 REAT and prosure TICKETS at this ofice sestensebree sepesscsssess srressensensee 130 4e DAILY LLXB BB) W ESEX Medical. nereansans esns ene n0 #&e., &o 788 do do THE TIMES is printed and ; ublishe l Tus Ortawa Tocss Prmwt=e ax» Pu® usurxe Cowuraxt, st the 0Ben, 3§ Remedies for these complaints, Ordetsare coming from Medicine Deâ€"lers in all parts of the country for farther s=pplies, and ouch tos. tifying as to the universal satisiaction 4 gives. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fallete give immediate relief, All Medicin< Desie keep it Physicians order and use it ; and ue family wili be without it after ons« trying i. Price only Twentyâ€"&Ave Conts per botthe, NORTHRUOP & LY MAX, Bold in Ottaws by H F McQarthy, J Skinâ€" ner, Jobhn Roberts, J P Feathorstor, Grouge Mortimer, W M Massey, and all â€"~icine Dealors. We speak from experience .“ having terted 1t thoroaghly, -“.:: those who are suffering from uny of the com.. plaints for which it is recommnded way do. pend upon its being tï¬u?.h., The ustonishing efficacy the Cunading Pain Destroyer, in curing the Discases for which it is râ€"commended, and lte wondertul succers in subduing the torturing paine of Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervou Mlog tions, entitle it to a hbighâ€"rank in the list of tions for each case are feund in our Al phcd greme. Rhcomenem* snd "Gout, whe caused by accumulations of extrancous -;ï¬ in the MW* Auit 0"""‘!!‘-__ n / D Autsi .1 n .ï¬‚ï¬ the the ind 4 freate ‘ oo e t o ce an o P ocfice Toos fio h Fenpote tet Ppale power MHeart Discase, Pite, Epllopey, ®oura‘mhs p.(.:_ov-h- &Md&m lar and nervous systems. _ __ _ _ Byphilis or Fenereal and Morearial Discast® red by it, though a time is tup undanep aranapnth ie iaaatners su bduing these obstinate maladies _â€"z ï¬-#." Te Contsinh es hegor Fhitre, Tterine Wb Aihtncind. 2. Has now been before the public h.b‘ of time aud wherever used is well Hike#, never failing in a single instance to give perâ€" manent reliéf when timely us~0, and we have never known a single case of disatisfaotion -h:n the directicns have been properly fo}« lowed, bat on the contrary, all are delighted with its opor:tionc, and apeak in the highest terms of ite virtues and magical eBfpets ts eageni e Aenor arnentn o nose, rJ shoald be m.m mnwmiuw&y{-mm For Kiver Complaint and its variou) symp toms, Bilious AKeadache, Sick Ool Hfd‘-.:“f Feovers, they be d me dicionsly taken for each casé, to d mémhogm“lfl nose, a shoald be moderately to mn‘rflmflu w‘ For Hiver Com ainnd its variou) oympâ€" toms, Bilious M eadache, Sick Ool l:d.l.l'lh“ Fevers, they be d me dicionsly taken for each casé, to d m;mho*‘om~h For Dysentery or RDiarrhoaa, but one wht dmhflmflymdflt For QHMM% tation of the Meart, Pain in Back ard Loeins, they should be taken, as @quired, to change the disnased astion i d m SI!2 Of mll g“' Crkckea ueeu:"l'uq “Bon.] vin, Callogg Pistula, Sweeney, External ::.,.'la.‘. or Greuse, Btraine, M w ows, Corns, Sand Cracks, ;‘oum h:: oroa Distemper, Bwellings, ‘and many Other discases which horses and caitle are BUbject to. The celebrated Liniment has been used tor many years, and its curstive properties horoughly tested, and it is conceded to be he cheapest and most relisble remedy for a}; external complaints ever offered to the public. «â€"â€"it never fails when timely used and taith. o Ts oo tnt 59 ai1 Druggists and Country To be Mercbants throughout the Dominion, Price 25c. per bottle. KORTHROP & LYTMKA®, Newcastle, Our, Asa family Remedy it is -nunu.‘.' knewn relieving thousands from Pain in the This vraluable preparation combines aq; medicinal virtues of those articles which C experience has provred to possess the and eficient properties for the Cure Of Flesp Wounds, spm%&'uhu. Galls of ay kinds, Cricked Heels! ing Bone, Snaria mAu‘ Bold by Georee Mortimer, Jobn W M Massey, H F IcOlnhy,J Bk Ottawa, all Medicine Dealers, November 24, 1818 Re A RABIaA x F O R H OB S & s A N Back ard Loins, they '&uâ€"lil_bâ€"qâ€"" dn Wik Pom otpags ho mepigse ppeai. abalite onen ie i. nrantihel am es pt * Tor Hupprention‘*s tavge Totk shtilt be whes As a Dinner Pill, take ane or two Pllk t po mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulages ~rs howels into healtby action, reatores and invigorates the system, Sb 4o vmtxoul whers no serions %‘ TeR marp oL Eo â€" thoir cleansing m.mvm 1t tive apparatus. » g * DK J, 0. ATAR & CO., Pooweth LOW BELL KÂ¥ 4AKL:, V o Ar: BOLD EY ALL penvoc®@Trs EVEETWHFERE Ottawa, Augest T, 1878 tried it, bnun oured them ; those who hare mm it cures their neighbors and friends, _“zlmcumnmmumm its composition. 'o‘!u_nl E-‘l-"n'-"#-'-‘-" TBE CANADIAN Pii» Nes $ug t LA:A , Al){lx Dnm November 30, 1810 Sparks Street, Centre Town, Otiwa AKADIAN PALIN DEETROrTER aARLEyY»s FEYERâ€"FAiILIXG BMCEpy &A N D OIL ‘OATTL. 1028 1t2ts "NETOALFE J POSITE KAR As BC »ULKGE ADRRE + Re m heur., r-ou of %% w. to vby® !Lu’m st, Cbar ICHI «hore th & , the « ‘ T k e uT yaPrt #&e Dauw LC th OF TL tful 0 tw W V