A N.W AR3UMASNTC FUR A CH ANGE Kte OF ADMLMSERATION, The Toronto Gilose «s changed its bas, and hus adopted «l:ogether a uew line o arguimeut agyainst the Mimisuy. _ It ap pears to be almost williing w concaie th. the usues which diviied parties in former times hare uo longer any pount of sigui tHcanve, 10r does it insist with any d g+ of enegy or parsisience on the wiun, doing «e eorruption of the Administrativn but is claims that #if they (the Miuistry, are as pume nd innovent as they wre con tinuahy represented to be, and if all dif ferences are doud," they oughs at once w allow their opponents to 0c .upy thâ€"ir place» and examinae their recurd, and then says th CGiosbe, i# no prasumeal abuse could be incur the bhostility of England. The off cer who suthorized the outrage has veen Prussizn Government, elsted as they ma;y be by their late successes, would hardly be inclined to commit so suicid il an act us to It is stated toat King Will am and the Crown Princess of Prussi« write Ap the Queen saying that they were aliogethe: opposed to the miurringe of the Piinces Louise with the Marquis of Lorne. Wheeâ€" upon Her M jesty repued with consider able renemence, adviâ€"ing them to " min«u their own business." God sare the Que n ! A free born Highlander is better th:.n one ol King Wiiliam‘s peotty rasseils any day. Sarisf.ctory advices h.re been receired from Manito»a, where the reign of order seems now to be fully estailished under ommmummm ad wine it ofute As will be seen by reference to our tel. egraphic co.umns, Prussia hi apologised in the amplest munner for the destruction of British merchant n-ol--l?n.eq/-nd for the insult offered to the British flag This is no more thun we expected, for th: wiminiâ€"trautive course suggested" what 1 thiumph it would be for sir John A. Mac. d add ami his colleagues after hating given up their seats to Mr. Brown‘s comlâ€" tiom 10 y, «We gare you every opportu * nity for bring ng home to us any kind o+ " allowed! you tw examin», with all the a4 %@ vantages of official position, our whole * piut record, as seen in all coniidentm. "and pr vute official documents, and yo "© what have you been sble to substantinte "ng.inst us ? Aothing. And what, have It s understood that the ele.tions in British Columbis have resulted in favor of Conteder .tion, and it is believed that the Legisl ture of that Province will meet > an eurly day and sanction the Union with day when representative government wa first introiuced, and polisical parties were Organiz d, no such extmordinary reason fora Ministry resigning office h« ere: been brought forward as this Tue present (Government who h«ve desii so su cessfully with the great questions of the day, are io surrender oflice in order that Mr Brown, Mr. M»kenzie and their " imlependâ€"n.e" anud annexation friends mi.y h.ve «n opportunity of, »1 the Globe calls it, * examiuing the bouks !" To sge the Bâ€"ownites non plussed and proved t be utierly imcompetens to caurry on the Government, as they most asâ€"urediy would be, might be a triumph to the present Adâ€" mimsir.tion, but Air Jobn Mucdona«ld and his colleagues look a little farther than party triumphs if ur. Brown does not. They h.re some regard for the interests an 4 welfare of the couniry, too much let us hope to permit of their (de serting the ©ship _ of State and en Arusting it . to the churge of such a motley crew as Mr. Brown commands, io now even for the sauke of the triumph to which the Globe alludes, or for the sake of allowing the fuctionists an opportunity of =exmining the books," w.ll the preâ€" sent Admmistrsation betray their trust, or deser; ihe poâ€"ition in which they have bee.. pl ced by the will of the Cunadian peuple. The Intercolonial Railway from Sackâ€" vill-.ll-'m‘ to Amberst, Novs _Seockmthol-flnplmuth&. Jobn, N. B., by rail was opened for truftic yesleray . 44 64 We are requestel to state that th» Governor General will receive New Y on visitors at the Privy Council Chambe: Governm nt Builiings, on Monday, Janu ary nd, between 12 and 1 o‘clock. Lengthy mesiings of the Privy Council o bel@t hiay. ©| We are not disposed to enter into an arâ€" gument wiuh the Globe as to whetuor Tomes nave becoine Retormers, or Returm ers have become Tories. This is 1 matter “'.!hnh--....._ Wee en t wequme agree with our contemporury in beileving th.t "a now leat has been turned over and the past is yuone." The Globe obtain. _ In tMK# directins, as wel! as in (Mimea, we o e mitking exertions to extend our whscription list und to add to the value of THE TLMES as un advertiâ€" ing medium. â€M wUWB Lay*~ bor interesting reading matier se tirst and Fourth Pages. can say is s mpler, cheaper, or fwore ad vruntageous to the best interests of the country than that which we were in the babit of downg and arrunging betore you ? Equ=lly nothing." a thus useerring, but We can sassure is n the uteast good faith, thit our firm conâ€" mevion is, not oniy that the isaues of the pat we doad «nu vught 10 be bu, . Eh: Oitabsr Cimes. tion whick if will at img wther improvements, advertis take advanrtage of the increa o4 Mr. J. G. DAVIN » a«thorized to receive advertisements and subscriptions jor THE TIMKER Now Wat weare about Fxuarormss rus sire of THE TIMES. and nifreducâ€" We will reniure to say that since the N »w Grocery Storeâ€"Robert Crain. Diâ€"pensary Chemistâ€"Rich:rd Higman. F«IDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1870. XEW ADV®RTISâ€" MENTS. (hoeâ€"38 Sparks Street. tinst TU THE PUBLIC, CY itly i pariy line M.l, dutr ue We gare p 0e and ctreul 1M We have rece.ved from Col. Bigot, of the 69th K. gt., by the Berm ds steame:, & copy of a corresponidence relative to the alheged mutiny of the men on board the Oro«tes jast : before le ting Qnohu‘ In ceference to the highly sensational teleâ€" wam which appesed in a Hulifax® paper, be Colonel says > * wishes for the health und happiness of the 6Â¥)ih Regiument." «* During our atay on board the Orontes, aot u:zl:.unyl.--un-,ot even the 1ost nature, occurrelâ€"in truth Jur sopow n on board th.t ship wus distinâ€" guished by an unbroken basmony, on the part of all on board." Previous to the ir parting at Bermuda, complimentary letters pased between J :pt. Perry, communmuing the O â€"ontes, and ol., Begot. The latter in his letterâ€" lnted ©Bermuda harbor, 28th Novemuer" â€"â€"to Capt. Parry says : â€"â€" 1t is at ull times grutilying to every Bri ish Regiment ne-m'uoi:'m--wly lee.â€" mg towards the sister service, but is pecuâ€" marly so to this Regiment, which 0 stâ€" lished broudcust over the continent, and uo doubt in England this correspondence will completely set the matter at rest 1t is well known that the orderly und good mung its m imories its achieveâ€" ments on mp and which welcomes wih affâ€"ctionate remembrunce auny oppor umty of further cemâ€"nting the got triendship which has existed so long beâ€" ween the Royal Navy an i the 69. Regi wernt." % Capt. Perry returned the following reâ€" ply w Col. Bugot :â€" your bospitavle n of us on the “_""_""""'_‘l{!m‘a ami 1 hive to * Now when the parting cheers of your grew are ringing in our ears, it appears a suitable time to couvey to you on papeéer, the unanimous desise of my officers, and mdeed I wmill add ot my entire Regimeont, that I should express to yoâ€" , your officers wmd crew, our great grautude :or the un tailing courtesy, cordml kindness, and thurough goud fellow»hip we havre met with on bourd your ship troum the moment we embarked unul our departure. y sobilerlike conduct of the 69uh while in Canuds, merited the warm encomiums of the peopleâ€"not only in Quebec, but of the whole of the Lower and Uunar Pro. While we repeat the assertion that the old party names of Conservrative and Reâ€" former Imve lost their former significance, we are far trom acknowledging that "mill enial times hare come" in the sense in which the Globe affects to understand it. With Mr. Brown‘s coalition, whose war ory is ~»Party for party‘s suke," the supporters of the present Government desire neither truce nor treaty,. . Old Reformers and old ‘onservatives gre united in their deterâ€" mined opposition to the men who, actuâ€" ated simply by ambition and personal jealâ€" ousy, strive to organize an Opposition I‘hâ€"y. oppose them because all guch fact onâ€" mongers are ene mies to the best interests 0" Canads, and retard its progress and de velopment. Aga.n and again journals which #1pport the Administration have asked to he informed of some important errors ‘which h«re been commicted in the ad . ministrstion of public afuirs. The only reeâ€"ponse with which we are met, is an imovherent unsubstantiated story of «* corâ€" ruption," of members being "bonght," &o., but nothing to cast doubt or dis credit upon the able statesmanshp which bus re ulted so beneficsally to Cag=da, : nd has won the approbation of the press and f the leading men of England, At last driven to bis wits‘ end to find a ‘reason for the Ministry resigning, Mr Brown has disâ€" sovered that they ought as a matter of policy to do so in order that he and his suvordinates may have an opportunity of * suditing the administrative books!‘‘ T‘he Globe is actually becoming amusing. | We are enabled to state on the best wuthority that the stories lately promu! gited by the Ottam» ourrespondent o th6 Toronto Globe relative to reported ninister.al changes are altogether untrue Nochanges of any kind have been contemâ€" plated or are likely to ovcur. Ministers are thoroughly in accord on all import«ant public questions, and are working togethe, im thoruugh h«rmony and unity of,. pur pose. The story of Sir A. T. G.lt being bout to join the administration is per naps the most abeurd of all these rumours. Sven were there a racuncy for him no aun bholding * Independence‘" sentiments suld become am mber of the Cabinet A cvalimon of the kind might suit the tHon. tGenge Brown snd Mr. Mackentie but coula not be thought of in conmection with the present Government. "The arrival of your letter, combined with the sense of the little either myself. Micers or crew could do tor the 69th Hegyiment during their stay on bourd the JUrontes, has caused us great gratincution ; Mlb.umnuvu.mruflcn ind men the bigh estim we _entertain «i the feeling held towards us by the 69th He nt. '?:mh-mm. large proporâ€" hdlh;hhhhA;-y. and in all cuses the hour of parting his brought its regrets, and much as our experience has .ho::u «f the cordial fo.lin g entert â€"ined by the Army towurds the N«vy, «nd its ever ready coâ€"operation in the interests of the public «arvice, ami good order, in no case has it :l.l:umm t the momont o7 from the moment of embarkation of the Haggage Guard ut Queâ€" vee, on 1Uth Novembper, to the diséaba kaâ€" vion of the Regiment at this place. llnhlhi-oppnndqdumin‘yon «nd your offlisers our sincere thanks for h&v-nn.wuu.,‘ lately ealled at Houm® is an moakance ut the sulicitucle of the akbhuiic Church for ue wellaure and pros WWN&:W Lirge assom THE ALLEGED MUTINY â€" F T:E 69TH REGE. A+ QUEBEC, me whole ol the Lower Upper LoxpJ®,Dec 29. â€"Eaul Granville has reâ€" Governmen: at Beriin, apologsing for the C s *===#== outrage on English vresseis in the Neine, hmmwdhdn and stating uusyoouuu? indemaity will KRoum® is an umstance ot the solicitucde of the '.omvnlrdom-uï¬: announciog that wwmmhm'dhn‘.- the military comin 'ipvamqo( parity of her Communicants. Lirge assem the outrage has been dismissed the muummwlmm WM“ the. world, stouic * duppiiEW FPORTIPIOATtiONS. â€"â€" REPUKTED MINISTERIAL CHANGE®, which the present Government so well and so fully represent. And becauâ€"e this party is so largely in th> myjority in C:nâ€" wla, Mr. Brown received a cruâ€"hing defeat in 1867, and now, strive as he may, he is for the same reason unable to rally round him a respectable band of adherents. ergetically to push on the work of union which Mr. Brown in a fit of personal spleen deserted. . Men who~ thus unmindâ€" ful of oll worn out quarrels unite together to render permanent that great which we seek to es tablish t in connection mth the pire, h«ve more in c»mmon . whaterer their former differences may have been, thin they can hivs with Mr. Brown and the political olle podrida which forms his following . They constitute the party of Pm‘voa‘ sire as a destroyer, but there are men who in times past were allied with huniatblbfor-mh'\hn shown themselves capable of ~bdl-fhg up, to was pub DaNUBLAX PRINCOIPALITIES, on of the u.....'d:: oT tho Dengbia 1 Princip.lities has been announced here and cause â€" profoumd| sensation. of Count Bern«dorlf, stop; wwe ship chartered by the French (muâ€"ny w lay a sunmarine cable t, connest unkirk: therbourg, Brest and Bordesux. The «hip -u“inn in eh\_;c of the Custom House offisers on the Thames. The cable wus seiz=d three hours dl;r the first noâ€" tice of this embargo. pplication was made for the relew», but was retused. The French cluiin that the battle of Pontnoyelies was a success for the army o the North. It is reported that the Crown Prince and Duke of saxouy hare been sent to Amiens to assist teu. Manteutfel, The Germuns are now near Cambra«y, It is said that the French army of the north hus loft Arrus, retreating towards Vitry, and it wis thought they were fallâ€" ing buck on their strong ho ds in the ex treme north of France. The Roumanian Government deciares its wummmd CALAIS INTECRUPTED Communication between Cherbourg and Cal is is now carried on by water ; land rouies hiave all been interrupted. * TUE ATTEM:iTuD A§SASINATION OF GKN. PRIX. mq.ma--rmmduhnu the aitempt on Uen. Prim‘s state thit A proclamation has been issued by the Prussian Governmnt, placing under blockade all ports of France, now occupie i or hereafter c:r-ni by German torces. The harbor of Kiel is nowclo=e i by ice. Loxpox. Deac. 29.â€"A Tribune apecial says the Engl!sh Gorernment, upon applivcation of Count Bern«dorlf, stopped the ship A despatch from ®traabourg announces thnnh’t;«--hsnw&o?mehl fortress dt:M twisce neu'itly In | both cases were repulsed with conâ€" CaPtCRE OP THE LEPT BAXC oF TuE sEr®, Ihe Prussians have captured the left bunk â€"f the seine. There is still a large force at Yoelot. The Germuns evacuated Dinnion on the approach of the French. The French now hoid the city. _ PROSAIA FULLY APOLOGISES TO GREAT BaT AIX the artempt on Uen. Prim‘s life state thit hs adjurant wus shot. The wounds of ueither ure dangerous. No public disturâ€" bince waes ovcuasioned, as the authorities 1ook prompt measures t . prevent outbrecks ind urrest the assussins. Great popular indignation is manitested at the occurrence. ALL QoigT in ousa, Hong Kong dâ€"spatches of the 15th inst. report . il quiet in the north of Chinsa. _ _ Urasoow, Dec. 29 â€"The steamship Dor.on lw‘ New York has arrived x. Y. ‘"worLp‘"‘ pesratouss. New Your, D;-'c zl’;fl-l- : World s \;: sailles special April 28 mys that bomâ€"ardment of Flâ€"r:!on has been inef fectual. The Fremch tire caused considerâ€" «ble loss to the Prussians, Loxnox, Dec 29. â€"The French Gorernâ€" ment Las sent a form.l compl int to V.enna soncerning the employment of be rulling stock of the Austrian railways lur: military purposes, and the Austrian uovernment h «s appointed Commissioners w look into the charges. COMMUN:CAaTION BET EKX CHERBOURG AXD The advaned guard of Garibaldi‘s army entered Dyjon th.s morning. INTRODUCTION OF THE BOMBAXDMENT OF PARI, Buzxuis, Dec. 20.â€"The Goverrment orâ€" ARRIVALS, Sourmmawxrtrox,. Dec 20â€" ~The steamship Weeer, from Now York, his anrired. gins say that Mount Arron was the first pusition attacke. in order to ovtain a stand puint from which to operate agrinst the udj .cent forts. The bomb«rdment of Mount Arrun may be oon'o“idcud as l.h: mtruduction‘ to the gene shelling Paris lis c.pture will greatly 110. itate the operations ag.uinst the city. It is asserted that the Prussian authoâ€" rities inceuse! at reports muade byâ€" corres pondents of Englwh journals with the werman armies hare, after treating them very h.mhl’y. sent many of them out«lide the lines of occupativon. ‘ SUFFEKINGs OF THE PRUSSLLXS. lirns, Dec. #9.~â€"The seport that the Germans _ won the viowcz in the n:tile of Port Noyelles officially ntralioted. Not a single Frencuman wis captured. The Prussizns nare lust ue«avily in the beatcle, and from sickness. In the north aud north east of France vilâ€" Lges are encumbered with the Germun wounde‘. A great number of German soldiers| are â€"ullering from opth«lmiz. Tuerâ€" are 18,AX) sick and woundled Ger mins at Chalons sur Marner. _ *~ The tGovernment is taking measures for the distribucion of arms ameng the people every where. THUE PRUSSIANS AND BNOLISH CORREsPONDENXT tien of .he rastern Departments is fully aroused to the emergency of the situstion, «nd assist the troops to the utmost in all the ouitles ami skirmisbes. Loxpox, Dec. 29 â€"The Prussians on Wainesxi.y otcupied the line between Ducluir and Saqpt tear, and were apparâ€" enily concentrating their forces behind the town of B«lbec, where an engagement with the French defenmders of Harre 1# imminent. Veusaiuues, Dec. 28.â€"Mount Arron is silent to day, but the forts in the neighâ€" borhood reply to the tire of ihe German guns. I‘he Prussians on Monday advanced to and occupied Buyonne, 14 nules 8, 8. E. from Arras. a EASTBAY PROYVINOBS AROUSED. _ Borapeavx, Dec. 20.â€"â€"The entire populaâ€" . ! _ Midnight Desp=atchesâ€" Loxpos, Dec. 20 â€"Bullo. n advices from Purts his been received to 4 o‘cluck.n the morning of Tuesday 2.th inst. citizens am4i suldiers were in excelient spirit, and »re still determined on a rigorous defence of the city. Iutensely cold weather had suspended mulitary operations in great parts. t‘reparations were being made on a large scale, and important results were louked tor. These preparations h d imbued the inhabitants with increased confideunce. ,‘ Laicsst of Celegraph Yesterday‘s Despat :thes, BALLOON ADYVICES FORK PARIS. CABLE NEW3. FI1i XONTREAL LINE. AGAINST THS AUSTRILX GOYER®, is fully After the formal opening of the meetâ€" ing Mr. Macdoug«ll, the representtive of the County, «@lled on Mr. R. W. Seott to aidress them. That gentliem«n enâ€" larged somewhat on the general beneuts |lo. country that fow from all railway advantages that the County of Râ€"afrew wouli reap from the exiension ol th« Cana la Central R:ilway to Pemuroke, and urged those present to take the necessary steps to induce the Cuanada Central to continue their line from Sind Point west. ward to Pembroke. A reasonable sub. #idy from the municip«lity, »ided by the lytohbb grant that this railway, among others, would be entitled to under ||.ho scheme of the Untario Gevernment, 'mld no doubt justify the Company in making â€" this line _ completâ€" trom Uttawa to Pemboruke, ,u-sulo. the line was built within a ressoun:ble period the North Shore Rulâ€" way would probsbly be construted to Deep Kiver, und thus cut off the trade thit now passes through Renfrew. Foromto was now seeking to ug the lumber couniry by means of the Nipissing Road, by which route, when completed, the supâ€" W As a ratepayer of Wellington Wud, I sincerely hope in common with many of my fellow elecwors in the Ward, that Mr. SNiater may be‘intuced to reconsider his decision, invsmuch as it is prob.«ble that the term of service will be short. and I trust that the »lectors in any case will not rumt Mr. Slater‘s efforts in the post in E:Iulfof our educ:tinal institutions to pass unnoticed, and without some mark of their high approval. plies for the Upper OUttawa would pass, amad M.vduabrm'wubokntw this section of the Province. Mr. M«wdougull explained the position of ihe county in relerence o the Brockâ€" ville and Ottawa Ruiway, and the inmortgage given by tht Company to protect the municipality, He suggeste! that before pum any aid to the Canada Cenir«l at 1 be airisable to postpone the consider.tion of the quesuon unul the scheme of the Uutario Goverrment was announced. _ The meetiny wus also ad dressed by Mesars. Irving ami White, of Pemoroke, who urged inmediate action lrmhl.:’lho l.::uvun 5.‘*. spoke eloquen on great advanâ€" tiges the county would derive from the vontinu«tion of the railway, and pointed out in forcible linguage how the work might be carried out. Mr. â€" Wiley of the Brockville Kecorder wis aiso odb-lonwwndhufowpauyn marks urged the continuation of the ra.lâ€" way. : Mr. McAdam, Mr. MceNavb, and tees" shall be elected on the first Wednesâ€" day in July next. In view of these ftacts would it not be highly desiravle that Mr. Slater should continue at the Board of School Prustees until the Board ceased to exist. he public generally are. perhaps, not aware of the valua Je services Mr. Slater has rendere| in beh«if of the education 1 .nterests of our city during his long term ot service at the Board. In his capacity tains a provision whereby the existing Grammar and Comm n School Boards will be «abolished. and a Board aesignated the 4# Public School _ Board" _ constituted in their stesd. It is also proâ€" Â¥vided in the Billâ€"that the memers of the proposed Board of Public School Trus. . ATTEMPTED ASsSAS8INATION OF GEN. PRIX, Â¥apup. Dec. 28.â€"Last night as General Prim was le«ving the Cortes, eight shots were tired at his onrriage by a bind in the street. _ Prim was woumled in three places on the left arm and on the right hand. No arrests were made. To the Editor of THE TI"E8 Sir,â€"The School Bill now before the Legislature of ‘ntario, ard which is likely to become law in a very short time, conâ€" General Robert C. Schenck, the nowly mpoimcd Minister Plenipotentiary to Court of St. James, is sojourning for a few days at the B.evoort House. He will suil «bout the 18th of January for Eugland. , ARRIYVAL OF THE 8. 8. CITY OF BROOKLYK, The steamship (Â¥ty Brooklyn from Liverpool Dec. 15th dox»ouwlm 16ih, with merchandize and 39 passengers, reached this port this momin& She reâ€" ports on the 28th off Nantucket passed the steanwhip City of Cork hence for Livâ€" | SURRATT‘ S REAPPEARANCE, ’ New Your, Dec. 28.â€"A Washington despatch says that Surratt‘s reâ€"appear.nce to public notice has brought out & fact concerning him which has never heretoâ€" fore been published. It is stated on most responsi le authority that when Surratt‘s mother was on trial here Judge Advocate Holt consented to Felease her if the tormer would give himselt up to trial. Surratt was informed of this %y his friends, who were in communication with him, and in stead of at once eou:xlying. and thereby, sec ring the release of his mother, he imâ€". :mdi.uly absconded, leaving ber toho_:( ate. THEB CUBANX REBELS. BnAn‘â€D.-c #.â€"The rebels are preâ€" senting themasâ€"lves for surrenuder everyâ€" wher» in large numbers. Their condition when they reach us is lamentable in the extreme. The steamship Missouri from New York has arrived. +« y3 > | ~ & RATBEPAYEL, Wellington Ward, Dec. 23, 1870. ATTENMPTED ESC.PE OF FREXCH PRISONERS, Baruix, Dec. 29.â€"It is stated th.t the French prisoners conlined in a fortress near the Rhine conspired to revolt and escape on Christmas Eve, but the project waus discovered and defeated. The Board of 8shool Trustees. ‘ty as to the necessity for the railway «are no doubt, now umu tarted, the entorprize will be a d}nhnm,....-,. . linked with Pembroke :- Yours truly, THE OTTAWA TJIMES. s .me 1hat a petition he presented to Parlia ment »y the Dominion Board of Trade, mgfgfl:rnpd of the duties on Flour The propriety of making efforts to es t.biiwh the Central system of measurement in .he h :ndling of grain aud other commoâ€" dities throughout the Dominion. Th‘.:dt.ho D::‘::Aon Uo':lmmt be reâ€" uested to publish a monthly or quarterly ?uwmnc -iowlng the axunsu& varioty of the trade berween the different Proâ€" vinces in the Dominion. I‘nat infomration relating to the trade of the Br.tish Colonia: Possessions be pubâ€" lished from time te time by the Domiunion Bourd of Trwde. That the Executive Council be re quested to represent to the Gorernment the importance of publishing a monthly sumaaury statement of the Import and Exâ€" port Trade of the Domunion, specifyi us far as possible, quantities and nluun.' Thit it be a recommend:tion to the Exâ€" ecutive Council to rot.muno the Doâ€" minion Government the nâ€"cessty which exists for a revision of the laws relating to Patents of Invention. TORONTO ROARD OF TRADB. Uniformity in the Commercial agd Fiâ€" n ncial L.we and Usages of the Dominion, in the following particulats :â€" tured Products 3. Collection of Debts. 4. Weights und Measures. % 5. Bills of Liding, Warehouse Rece‘pts, Leimurrage, &o. The que:tion of Protective Duties. kONTREAL ROARD OF TRADE, International Navigation, and effacts of Canal eolargement on the general comâ€" merce of the Dominion. That representati ns be mide to Govâ€" erument in favor of revising and consoli dating the Inspâ€"ction Laws ; and4 thit they be made to »pply to the whole Dominion, and that this important question should be pressed upon the attention of Parliaâ€" ment. That the various Boa» :« 1nd Associations be requested to publish Aunu:l Stateâ€" ments of the Tradâ€", Comme â€"« «nd Manâ€" ulactures of their :«â€",<=.re ciiies or towns, as soon after the tirst day of Januâ€" ary in each year as possible ; also, to send to the Secretary of the Dominion Board of Trade mon::? statements of receipts, -himu, stocks of produce, to be by him summarized and putvlsbed under the direction of the Dominion Council. Should notices of other subjects come to hand before the meeting, a supplementary list will be msued. (From The Canadian Freeman.) The Globe virtually repudiates its sentiâ€" ments of ten or twelve years ago, when :t vousidered it protitable work to abuse the Uatholics. Some of the extracts which the Leader but a short while ago timeousâ€" 1y unearthed, in order to prove Mr. George Brow /: peculiar affection for Catholics, are ~!¢ churacterized by the Globe * preâ€" ter | ‘A extracts"‘ from its columns. Preâ€" lewi.4, of course they are, bmmï¬ not also real? And if not, which one thofotpfl Did not the Globe denounce as worse the ten plagues o(lcn. scheme for Irish Catholic immigration the Stutes to Canmida ? Did 1t not go to the expense of woodâ€"cutsâ€"it a time when George was very hard up indeedâ€"in order to cast ndculo:ï¬ln ‘-h? Charbennel and insult the izs ot Toronto ? The fwt is thait the Globe‘s record is so snameâ€" ful on this head that it shirks discussion of its conduct in relation to it, and boidly sheers past the difficulty, or takes the deâ€" ience of somebudy eise whoâ€" knowing Chairman of the Association. The following is the offi :ial programme of Recommendations »nd Resolutions to be presented at the Annu .1 Meseting, witi. the uames of the bodies proposing them : " that this Associauon desires to hol i out the oon}tul hand of fellowship to their commerci«al brothers in Canada, and heartâ€" ily wishes them goodâ€"speed ; also that a special subâ€"committse of the Association be formed for the special &‘urpouofin tereommunication with Canadian Board on «ll matters nfl?octim:onw relations between Great Bri and Cana d.; also that the past printed Reports of the Association, and all informsaton as regards their proce.«lings up to the preâ€" sent time te torwarded, along with a oog of this resolution, by the Presideni, to the Extract trom the Minutes. (Signed,) Trade." <â€" U t og:oi:l meeting of the Associ«tion of Chambers of Commnerce of the United Kingdom, held at Bradford, on the Mth «nd 25th of November, 1"7), at which deâ€" legates from upwards 0. .uiry Chambers of Commerce were present, â€" The Chairman gom : .s‘~.‘~i a letter which he h.d receives ivoum «ir. Patterson, Secretary of the Dominion Bo«rd of Trade [of Can.da}, cont.ining an interesting acâ€" scount of the form:«tion of an Association of the Ch.mbers of Commerce of that Dominion on prnciples s.milar to those on which this Association is founded. 1t was thereupon unanimously resoived,â€" _ Chairman Association % Chamb merce of the United Kingdom. 17. 7 e e i o Pormit me, in doing so, to add the perâ€" son«l expression of the g::nï¬uï¬ou and inverest which L f. el in the nion Board of Trade;â€"~ my earnest desire for its sucâ€" cess ; my desire at all times to interchange inform «tion and friendly good offices; and my most earnest good wishes for the pros perity and progress of the great Dominion, u:ld that thes: may be p;c:ln Ated w':ll:o fullest extent possibleâ€"while preserring and cementing the union which exists beâ€" tween your great country and the mother country. _ e t * f | & AGRTTVREEg AZNOTCC MORE Yours fnithmfly, h (Signed), SaMPsUN 8. LLOYD. Chairman Association of Chamber of Com I deinyed my reply to your very interestâ€" ing communication, until our provin al Meeting at Bradford had taken place, in ordo:mtio lay your letter before the meetâ€" io to transmit to you its,reply. fh-n now the louzro ofoon':lu{tht- ing herewith our ï¬mu..'. formal reply to your letter. Secretary of the Dominion Board of Trade, Montreai. Dzir Niz : Wu. J. Partrrsox, Esq, _ The fbllowiné communications from the Associ«tion of Chamvers of Commerce of the United Kingdom are embodied in the A880CIATION OF CHAMBERS OP COMMEBRCB 0P THB UNITED KINGDONM, 29 PARLLAMENT STREST, sb i1 ve «uly chartered, the ExecutiveComâ€" mittee will recommend that an expressed intention to »pply for an Act of Incorpora tion be construed as a compliance with siid Article; and, inasmuch as several other Boards have not had sufficient time to consider the question of bw..‘.:ï¬ chastered, all such are invited to delegates to the first annual mâ€"eting.‘"‘ _ Boards of Trade and Ch.mbers of Com merce throughout the Dominion, having reference to the first annu:l meeting of the Board to be held at *)ttawa on the i5th of January next. In the crcular Mr. PA:tterson says that "while the Delegates resent at the organization on the 5th and gnh Octber considered it desirable to adopt Article IL of the Constitution, which proviies that constituent bodies We have received from Mr. Patterson, the Secretary ofâ€" the Dominion Board of Trade, soory of a câ€"r sulw? «idressed to the Boards of Trade and Ch:mbers of Com All Wool Tartans in all the 164 : A large lot ex last steamer, 8t Dominion Board of Trade. The C«thotic Support. I remain, Dear Sir, EXEOUTIVE CoUNCIL. BAMPSON 8. LLOYD. lsro. ol German corps and divisions and minor mussed bouies h.ve to make their way about the country as they best can, someâ€" tumes in the dark, sometun~s in twilight, but no longer in the blaze of nooniay (to them) as they did at tirss Sungly each scouting av«nt coureur of Uhlans ma«y be of no vital importance. Cut off ali the tentacles of the picuvre, and his fate swonâ€" vests of the aruvillery. Transformation, puriticati_n.‘ It will be edifying to note now long this model state of morals conâ€" tinues after the siegs ends. The Nerth (German â€"azelte gives an acâ€" count otf the nilitary hospital in the palace at Versailles. ‘The wounded ue placed in the picture galleries, und large windows ol which are upened s0 thut the uir is kept pure. Every putient has a bed, with one or two mattresses, two blunkets, and clean sheets, The body linen and sheets have otten, from the nuture of the wounds, to be changed daily, and in tive weeks 7,946 urticles bad to be washed, without reckoning a large amount of b«anâ€" wuges and 566 muttresses. The »Gullerie des Butalies ‘ is devoted to the medicines and the thousand other requisites ‘The foo i is prepared in two kitchenus in differâ€" eut wings of the palace in order to expe. dite its to the hospital rovms. Besides J: usual diet of meai, white bread, anu wine, h.m, irui,, ssusage, champagne, etc,, ure provided for the severely woundâ€" &1l.; The fruit is supplied by the palace § rdâ€"ns, and the champ goe is the gift of ine King of Prussia, who d «uly seuds orderâ€" hes with newspapers, and trequently with delicacies, Iue King and Crown Prince ofteu visit the convalescent. lhrsmq not contined to their beds can walk out ;! the besutiiul terrace, and even the bed ridden are placed there when the weither porâ€" mits, in onder to strengiutien body .nd mind by the splendii prospects. Smuking, newspaper reading and; letier writ ng. go un, nor ure friendly visite anu religious,conâ€" versation wanting. while diviune service is frequently held in the large nent. Une thing is certain (writs: =u uce.sionâ€" al correspuondent of the Zimes froum Tours), that the Francs tireurs nare becomme a most important element in this war. Not so much from the number of the enemy they may kill off with pot shots, but from the serious interruption they may cause to that system of trentacula feeling of the far distant surrounding counuwy, so to speak, which hus been one of the essntial features ot this marvelious German invaâ€" son of France. He adds:â€"* The Uhian scouting system was essential to tlie Prussiin meibed of invasion. Well, if they have uot done much else, the omni present Franceâ€"ureurs have clipped mauny, at least, of th.se important tenuacles.. We hear little more of the +four Uhlans.‘ The A French writer thus descants on Paris puritied ;â€"Lhe powder has purilied the atâ€" mosphere. The red cross banner waves over the the.tres where emperors and kings fHocked to see Schneider‘s eanâ€"can. The Champs Elysees are one vast camp. Wuere the luxurious equipage of the lorete swept insclently by, ine only veâ€" mcles are those of the military train. Besides those restaurauts which so lately resounded with the loud laugh which speuks the vac.nt mind, "vari.d by the pop of the champ.gne corks stanus the cormn sealed. This is just the work the tireurs are doimng, and have largely done No wonder that a sagacious insrinct prompted the great FPrussin strategists to declare a war of exierminaâ€" tion against them from the outset, to deâ€" clare them an organizâ€"d brigandage, to say that they were not reguluar, respectaile commissioned soldiers, eniitled to the imâ€" mumities â€" of war when captured. The Franceâ€"tireurs have now grown into a serious and regular instituuon. m-m!nw in a thousand fush: A Paris correspondent who visited the Southern Hospital a few weeks ago, writes that he found a notice posted on the enâ€" trance door : Whocver shall bring a cat, & dog, or three rats, shall be at liberty to stay to lunch and dinner. N.Bâ€"Iv‘s abâ€" solute y necessary that the animals «hould be brought alive. The skins may be taken away." Such a netice, it is sauid, is com mon on the doors of the hospitals of Hercism still exists in the world, and Oxists inuthmnble-t ranks of lfe. Un U Auber chlotruorin had beguu to gire out in Metsz â€" ihe wounded wers pou:ing im, but so little was in the medical stores that the surgeons were ovliged to econâ€" umise it for the serious cases. A fuot cussseur of the guard was brought iuro the operating room. His hnd was cushe1, and it became necessary to reâ€" move the ntth metcarpal bone, the sup. fl)fl of the litvle tinger _ He came on foot. e would not leave his musket, which he had slung by the bandeleer. * Well, my triend," said the sur eon, »we must perâ€" torm a livtle operation bere." _ * 1 kn w it, mousieur ; that‘s why 1 came."‘ _ * Do you w.ut to be put to sle.p?" _ "Of vourseâ€"] suffered so much last night that 1 sball not resist it." _ = You wish it vâ€"ry much?" * Welkyes. U, bus it is very scarcy, isn‘t it, th.:t stuft that putsa fellow to sieop?" «We are almost ut‘ Well, well, just you "keep 10 forâ€"theâ€"bey vhat ioses x leg or an armâ€"only look «live." uie stuck his poor blue cravat, ail bloody is it was, between his teeth, lay down, and streicned out his arm. ‘The opersatien was pertormed. _ " Lid you sutter much ?" You bet I id ; but what‘s that ; p or t.Mows must belp each other." _ In its way this story of the zimple f.ot sold.er matches tue iale of Sir Phliip Sidney‘s geuw.ous self demial on the tield of Zutphon. poo success, forthe Frenci. suspect bim o be a person of the highest pussible imâ€" portance, and â€"so many i~~ â€" ces are brought to be«r in his favor s, do nut believe the st:.tement thit ho is ouly an ed.tor, and imagine him to be some Minâ€" ister in disguise. _ He has been remuved to the F rtress of Clermontâ€"Ferrant, and is held in solit«ry continement. Ibree French sergeants named Bagot, Kount and Morizit. have escaped from the Saxon fortress, Konigstein, in a most hasardous manner. This fortress °s built on a perpendicular rock, and can be asâ€" ~The French have captured one of the editors of the Berlin: Areuzzeitung, the organ of the Prussian ari«toorscy, and strenuous efforts havre been maae by his influential friends to get him relessel, but toeir efforrts have so far met with vrery cended «:ulyulzoo stairway. The three serâ€" geants manufactured a rope of shirts wow is and under clothing, and _climbeti down the perpendicular rock from . a height of almest two bundred feet. ‘They suc. eeded in reaching the Aust: ian border, where they were arrested, and placed at the dirposal of the French Embassy in Vienna, on condition of giving their paâ€" role. It is stated that all the great singers and actors who did not leave Paris prior to the deciaration of the state of siege, are now on the ramparis. dirt as we are.‘"‘ The Crown Prince of Prussia, after & combat before Puris, review. d his victoriâ€" ous Bavarians, one of whom eyed him wi‘h a broad asmile. * What is up, comrade;‘‘ asked the Prince. "Why,is it uot jolly,‘"‘ was the .fo\l humourei reply, "to see your Royal Highness just as bespattered w.th It is stated thit at Orleans the German officers organized an impromptu Sall in M. Magzne‘s house, and that no ladies veing forthcoming, young smooth faced Germ«n otficers ma ie charming toilets in MaJame Magne‘s sumptuous dresses. Whenerer Count ron Meltke has been in Be:lin he has for years been in the habit to take dinner at the St. Peersburg Hotel. Sincs he has left for the seat of war in France his chair, which has been crowned with a laurel wreath, has been lett unocoupied at the accustomed place at the dinner table, as though the «iis tinguished guest was expecied to appear at any mom nt. At the commencement of the war the French had one hundred and thirty nine regiments of râ€"gulars, Unly teu are left. The Germane h«re also capture five hunâ€" dred thousand Chassepot guns and three thousand #ix bhunired cannon. and now responsibiy artsache1 to s of the regions h’ which they WAR NOTES. OQttawa December $0, 18090. Containing the Verr Larser Styles in The Aonusal Me ting of the Meâ€"mb l"al w | him for the last nine years, Frind« of the 8T Pa€RI KS « RPH / % | Sprjet . is busine «sY LUM of Ortawas, will be ueld on 4 HUT ‘m‘:,.' '; fie in DiÂ¥ Everi@ n xt, at Seven oclick, p.u. , | 10 secure ir guonm at th ASYLUM uo Cbuch Site t, to râ€"«ei e| He would also remind them th t e Ruport ot the affaics 0t the Io«titutio= | »lways on hand fur the past rear, and to elâ€"ct the Memb. rs of the Conuncil for the «nsuine yâ€"ar FRESH MEAT, NABTIN BAiTTLE, § Beer tary. Ottawa. Dec. 28. 1870. 1550 : PORK, Peor 8. 8.© MORAVLAN.* 1 Case Extra Cloths, in the now ' * Trimming to mautch all our Fashicsa®‘e The «@«OLIVE GKEEN" apperars still prove tns m st L1sh;onable, and of the above, w are in receipt uf ton plece 5# New Seal andh;;l::k,ed Otter Skins Fancy Wove Goods still arriving. Clouds, Breakfast Shawls, Ties Will recssive this week ONDON, England, Begs to inform hbis frieads and the public geverallr, that he bus just receired his exâ€" tensive B:ock of IRUG s AXD XEDICINESs, And he bas opened at his tâ€"mporary Store, next to JOHN ROO%, at McLE@N‘S late jovernment duty, which makes the Oanadia; sonsumer & ptivl{‘rd purchaser A NB smm T HllTn' snflï¬u“ The gentlâ€"man who founda small pai copntaining part of a Ladies Evening Df ueur l.lch'::c B-o::i yo-t-ldq (T uesd A =w:1, be suitably rewardâ€" on leaving it at AT. SsPARKS StT. 49. Che o! W R TAIBTLE & Co., Centre To Bonnets, Hats, and some very Choice things in Flowers, Feathers and These watches can be hud in several grade (all guarantsed) the silver caser aro ade frow vcoin siiver, and‘"rom 2 to n ounces in weight Th: gold cases are made is isourst . old, and frow : 3 4 to 4 ounces in worghbt ;â€"the size for ingres are richly engcraved or eacameorled. For the quaiity ooth in gold and siiver, are the CHEAPAsT W aTOHEs 1N THE WORLD ° These watchos oar be orderesa of any reliapl« wut â€"bmaker or jeweller i« the Dominion; butsb» guarantee <f the uompany should be invariably required. The Company in a:l cases pay th» DISPENSART CHEMIST, LATE MANAGER MEDICAL HALL, BPARKs STREET, § Aln~ost all other watohes _ are .»old under .L1lÂ¥ prevences j not wue‘th » Buno: red bears the pam of the real maker; the pub« b â€"Â¥ve acsolutely no security, and huve, there!re, been constant!y impuses upon Un the contresy, every buyer 0: a Waittam Watch gos a ;uaranteoe of the com pany, «nd no mster from whowm he buys it, baâ€" itive security thst be is getting a TIuE rI:EPhll. it must be admitted that the apparent interes: of watchm«kers lies is selling other watohes, of whish they can make larger profits. but mes { enterptrise in the tcade preter un article of lur «nd ready sale, and which laaves no bud stoc 1 Case of Newest Would anrounce t> his numerous friends and the public gen raily, that he baes jast opened in the Shop termeriy «ccupied by Â¥r. JaMES ©0O0Tr, €: J Oâ€"ntracts for Building and Maron an1 Brickâ€" Work stterd d toasu u«l. Also Waite Bri.ke cunstantly on hand aud for seale. “'AL'I‘HA- “/ A L T 1A a M THE AMERICAN WATCH Lpe public ot the Uuites ~tates ano Câ€"+Rada have pow had over ten years exzxperience oi WArTHAUX W APOHEs,and bey are sow ever, where acknowledged tghllo vNLX RELLABLue T I M KE â€" K K K P K B 31 MARRIED. ()n the 2?%th instant, in St. Andrew‘s Church, Pictou, Nova Sotia by the Rev. A. W. Herdman, assisted by the Rev. Allan Pollock, George Macleed, Kaq,, of St. John, New Brunswick, to Sarah J., eldest daughter of William Gordon, Esq., of Pictou, Nova Scotia,. ROBERT WILKES, <ole Wholesale Agen: forthe Dominion of Oar 4» Toronto â€"43 and 60 Y Stroot, Montreal â€"445 81. Pau! tn‘( With a well «alâ€"ctd Steck «.1 Grocerles, Vouetablâ€"s anâ€" Pr «â€"risions, &c. ; he sollcits a call aud hop. + v, str«t attrntion to buelness to werita share of public patrona; e, It i« vemall profiis and q@ick resurns." well housed, well clothed, and well fe, T e banks and similar institutions are the d positories of sterling money wealth, which in Toronto »lone exrâ€"eeds that of Chicago and Milwaukee combined. N 4uction Mart, Spaik â€"st, RB@J" Prescriptions carefully attendâ€"* tos Uttawa, Dec. 30, 1870 1551 Iw " poor Canvdians," . Witho «t indulging in anything like vaunting, the derogatory statement may be successfully chnllen“ed. In a monetwry point of view Can Cu is rich. Its national unds stand bigh. Its taxes are inconsidersble. Its fields are fertile and its herds fruitfal. Industry is well rewarded, and the general ‘rvpulutinn well housed, well clothed, and well fe, Why have they not a right to serve ar«. | defend their country, thus invaded, in this way as weil as in any other ?" | f (From the London Free Press.) It is the custom with a portion of the U, S press, representing more ully the views of the almuinistration «t Waâ€"hington, to speak of the people of this country as _ in endless Variety. T. HUXNTUN, SHOOULBEBED & CO 47 and 49 Sparks Street. Ottawa, stet !J #78. Ottawas, Dec. 28, 1870. Ottawa, Dec 30, 18 70. OM as 18Â¥A AC, HEXNLY‘s sTO NE BULLOINXG, «s citiagton Street, Up>â€"r Town, Otiawa ® CÂ¥ PATRICK!+ NRPHAS AsYLUYX 1807 3 Ma. ROSES7T CRAWN Corner of Rideâ€"u and Kim â€"sts 1 Hand HIGaAaAaN, & W GROCERY 2 CASK3 OF MiuuiNERY, Sucli auws sricavy bardware &c., MAsOGN AND BUILDER. "The Poor Canadians " PROVISION #TORE. Tavns, Giuss, OHl, Mantle Cloths. Satin Cloths, ROBERT CRAINK, Corpner of Rideau an~ Kiongâ€"str. *â€"4 KD«» 1851 im in fhe city, r _ Markeerâ€"Tuv «@Ba fancy bozes,Horas, _ â€" MaArket was small of plâ€"niy, prre Boâ€" ‘ h Bowever, were plent gar toys end Figures, ts being unusually 1 of bome asd forsizge manu,. per bushel Pork 'flx'..n..(;ll|00l w‘l7wm is now ptepired to furnish Bocials, $ par ton. Straw @8 Boirres, Ters meetiogs and other â€"~â€"nd price uncl in th+ bes: a*]s, buving bad ten years bigher in rience in Moutr=«l he feels confi tent of frere price sitisfaction to all who faror bim wit" ; no vegetab plac*, D. M«rigon, Bisouit meanutactur, try Bakâ€"r, Wholesale an : R««ail Câ€"nfâ€"oth 38 Bidâ€"an etreâ€"t, ant 45 Y.rk Btreet. Oute«s, Dc. 28, 1870. 158 tamiiXIA 4g+ Reaninos â€"Last â€" UWing to some doubts having is Suvelle raised as to my qualiications for 8 ’“‘ on us Alderman for Ottiwa Ward, for at the Congreg year 1871, and having arcert .in~ed that some excelle fact of my being a licensed Iun New Year" uader the Corporation, substantiâ€"tes ‘The *preadin doubts. I hereby beg to tender my o nation as a Candid:t» in the Election in the above m Alserman .iior the said Ward, and on account of th renounce all intentions of being so eonnection â€" with and declare that I am no Mn (u‘:’ndidlbo at uh. e mamintinnmead the week. C o n 1e ctionery g Plaom scakes, Fruit in ¢“PL- Cakes, Oitron cakes, Lemâ€" 6 . P. Do on Sultan, Bâ€"+ed4, Pound cakes, 4 Eponge and other large cakes, Lced dozen Velvete: and ornamented st D. Morsiâ€"on‘s, 38 Ri« A larg deau Streâ€"t, where you will find the Feathers. Tr and best assortment of small cakes, and TLGHIAK Lbar. 1 Candidate as above mooruoind (Signed) § 2 Ottawa, Dec. 28, 1870. 4 ~ The Subscriber begs to return to his Customers and the pubblic ly, for the Liberal Support exte To the Rduv-fl' Oflicer and Flectors & 4 Boston ; Ottarmca W hagatydM:F Barwick GrxtuenEx,â€"f '-_‘___â€"â€".“. to declare that | am no longer a 0 3:!.“ in the election of Alderman . Um"mf“ m.:' HN B. GUERAF (Bi ) C Ottawa, Dec. 28, 1870. 1551 not be uble to devore my atte to the interest of Ottawa W.1d in par lar, and the City in general, as I h 164 hereiofure, and therelose tin« it 1mpos to acce, t their ungu Jditied suppot heartily tendered. 1 veg therefore w der my resigustion as a CanJlidate in present mumicipal election, and het And all the FOWLS oi the Season. JOHN KENNE To the Returniny Officer and Electors Â¥% w Otturmwa Ward, in the O:ty of Vitaws Wereethst Mr. Gaextisuex,â€"I beg to thnk al in the friends and supporters for the kind Molean as an ciation of the services l have 0 to reuder them tor the last six years, ing which I reprosented Otitawa Ward ay dos the Mumicipal Council of Ottwwa, by setisf 10 strongly aiding my nominâ€"tion ® & Candidate, but oniag to u gent 4 in ah Â¥aute occupations, 1 tuau: wmat I nonaikinkly . The gentloâ€"man who found a emall part containing part of a Ladies Evening DA\ ueer the Quebc Bank, yâ€"et« day, (Tuesd« =:1, be suitably rewardâ€" on leaving it at t At 8 04] ok a 1 ~cture will be delivered J, GKO, BUURILIAXOT, Keq. & To refuse to comply with their raq in the absence of »ny reasonable ple such refusal, or to neglect to do my 4 to the best of my ability, if elected position on the Board by the unso; votes of my friends, would be to show self altogether unwerthy of their c dence. k I.l:mfmuadr. to theirwhb::." if electedns one of your represen my best efforts, in the interests of Public Schools of the city, shall be atp The mnext Regulas Meeting wl be hel the LEC: UKRE RJOM, on FEIO.Y, ; D.â€"cemi«r, at T} P M. Good accommodation for the travelling pub. # lie. Fhlbâ€"Cll. Wll~ and Lh“ ““‘ btabling, Py » Gextuexex,â€"I have hbeen asked large number of the in flaential Eleot Victoria Ward w‘lflw "to be nomination as one of the School Ir for uid._erd, during the ensuing t disposal, A ..urovugh Servant man the care of Horser, aud a K at this Office., C Appi1cation to be made to th or betose the 16th ost. * uniersigned, op For the ROMAN Ca Feouteo Scbhoois «4 this City, two Male English boiding ist Cines Oe tincates. For a Binsle Gentloman, Ones, rtating te: ms ; Uittawa, Dâ€"sâ€"mber 20, 1810 sck L T+A HKR wante Nf. l'. o!. â€"«Gen8*@. . Wloucester, Dec 22, 180 W W 16 Canadian Matertals for History, Poctry Romwan c« ." VA@Cq) inffodicaats .. * lpatAtady aittst 4 * Ottawa, Dec. 28, 1870._ _‘ ~Y55if,. fMiual Christ Chure Trigk:. Will take place : N Waii d Hall. An excelle The gentloâ€"man who found a emall par d, embracl intaining part of a Lagdies Evening jental music, an ur the Quebec Bank, yâ€"et« dag, (T ‘11 be suitably rewardâ€" on l-vlu(g it mt i known and fas Nise o! W R TAISTLE & C+., Centre T will enjoy a trea Ortawa, Dec 28, 1870 ; 1580 3 ‘ occasion this ov JORHN TERRANCa o returniec sA RD« Ottawa, Dec. 29, 1870 Admirsion Fiee Ottar a, Dec. 22, 1870 1 have the honor to be, | : / fdon. â€" >** Aolt _ tentlemen, M n Your obedient servan ioe on the river is n ERSKINE 11. BRO an army of elep} Chnndun. 25th b’c., 1870 1450 ho > 100 a 0_ anmatke Ottawns. lâ€"eo 6 1870 Ottewa, Dec 8, 1870 JOHX UcDOlul.b. . A Amer Aylmer, Dec 38, 18¢0. 1646 a prâ€"awsa Litrnuaint asp mild duys succee i week, und several sCIENTIFIC §001ETY. the ise at differe METCALFE AXD QUEEy STREETs F. EVÂ¥ANS, Proprietor. FaLlk se. 1+ W THE EKLAGL10Be K Â¥ioweal, . SH a ob §b B 'M AND O# CAKLES., ViBD WasTa=np, AÂ¥TRD, ‘.T‘â€. W a M L. s w M flll.l'l Chnlr.n.!?n o K.C 8. 5 in the city, fancybozes,Horn#, _ â€" of plâ€"nty, prre Baoâ€" gar tops end Figures, A BK ts u * W‘ants.£! i _ _ "~y es Th are getti .'. â€. |‘,.- '“. F‘,z u†KK « \\“ 4 * h :".?'w for bohool m * _ameter 1 BLBJSCT ENNEVY, C ie 1y F. X. 4 UERTINX ), ‘q%ï¬ld. â€" Address C, OTKL, Driver nl.-.‘ HAM, 15350 4 1581 1841, »}eken, Toronto ; W < mpe huve always met 5 1urday Pig m.‘mafly esca ire. Thefire had gair mWMem had is not been seen : building maâ€"t have se aviinuvnuished witt sommitted for trial at its elose will prob: wa, a place where th seeking out serge: him that a man ap on committing som # house through :« which he succeed. to a shed hard down to 1 where he foun 4 s had in afiretâ€"cl > sons.antly «n ha "There am., the other a aglois case fog lar adjourned until e of selling 1 the fire last ev and House come and se near the ma«r as anse Russeus re. W H Mille Cavron Reapixc c Uinwan‘s Hall. “ Winter, â€" ure will be deliv Wel.f ‘ have ZTero yO# inst. by the Be 64 Rt.â€"Thursda st the Polic QcaApRILLE C1 and membe bfl;a.‘(_! evening nex! in the pl«ce s#tisf 6tion upon tion is be se buildu htely des usually in was char ND, M! T â€" Jones, Blanket heap, At the 106 troupe + on the 2 * U ol the out few . at