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Ottawa Times (1865), 30 Dec 1870, p. 4

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h“.."-‘- & 4B “‘n *' ““ ~fl~*¢¢u¢. ut EAUMUN, 3HOVLBREAY & 0o New Yorr. Dec. 29.â€"Cotton, 15} for Miidiing U plands. j I Flour, & t 10c better ; rec i; is 12000 | barrels ; s«les, 11.(AX) barrels at ‘536!0’ $56> for Supertine State and Western ; $6 10 to +6 65 for Common to Choice Extra btate ; $6 W w§6 70 for Common to Choie Extra Stite and Wesiein; 36 15 t $6.10 for Roumdt H.op «ho. av.“. M.y.:“lo“& bhout, quiet very tirm; receipts, 19.000 bukbels ; sules, 35.000 rushels, at $1.43 for New No. 1 Spring ; $1.47.10 $1.49 forWinterRed ani Amber Westrn ; $1 48 to a1 ) for White M.chigan ; $1.33 for Inâ€" for"‘u;rkodsombn.w 4 e quiet and y ; receipts, 4,000 bu-hl:.. C Corn firm; receipts, 51,000 bushels ; saies, 36 000 bushels, at 78c to 80c for New mmm sales, $,000 Bay of Quin * $ A te at about.#1. 10. * \Iats. firm; receipts, 18,000 bushels ; sales, 34 OUU ‘bushels, at 6040. to 6240 foy Western Ohio. Pork, lower, at #19 75 to $20 ftor “;OW:&”"%;’”&»&(&“ Lard. steamdy at to Meam 13¢ to ito. for Kettle Rendarea! * Busiter, stoady, at 120 to 426 for State. Cheese quite, at 126 to 16 }c for| ommon to Prim=«. * Petroleum at 13; for Crude ; 2246 to 22%¢ for Reiined. * _ _ _0 ,.._ 0) EmReRHE ph no, best Kit GL vee," Lnxvox 20 â€"C 2=.m, Dec. 20 o P 887 , ‘61, “‘.ulm’ “.u\ of 64 k â€" murley _ * . dA ibe. 0156 & 0 tm e t St Ht “"”F...'m"«-%'?:.':::.'::r::i $ f-! Hoane s dite o cod a 9 1t “"-"m*:m;;:::;:.fi_,‘ii e ns t 10 § l MW'IN.‘. " . M c 546 4 mmuwuum hh'mc wed at the cate of Four per cent will be ciosed at 11.30, in which ab paid unâ€" registered master will be sent. 1nterest allowed al the rate of Four cent. per aanum, and depotits oan he Withdrawaat Mo'“-m“h throug the Domiâ€" o= umm:mW land and Prince Kdward Istand, san be M_rfin').n Also, Postage and asay time. Firse per sent will be allowed on lai deposits in sume of $190, for the withâ€" 2'.‘..;.: whisch 3 months‘ notlice will be se Por Cuns. 1 Line, close every Tussday at 10.45 .M'-'-Tu-uâ€" at Western 3. -h L 12 . ‘F:d'mdnll C .'.?" Dec. 29. Uplan is 8J, | Ortguamns S+ I The Western Mail arriving sat T p. m. will be dei.rered the same oevening. * Ottaws, 211t Nov . 1878. Erie 19}. â€" Te Conttth 112 rleans i 10,30 &. us OPTAWA Y ARKTES. Pb : .ur'l:: ortriawa. | e. Arrtrwal and Oeparture of Mailso 2 » FALL Au':;ouxn. llfl./ & sr»=2=>| rar »ecmck| estlcib k}â€" BPSRE®| | _ _ POBT OPFICHR AaÂ¥IN08 RAXK, New York Markets. * ork. Dec. 29.â€"Cotton, 15} for London Ma kets. raouw 0 1.%, to T Pm for Cansdian steamer 0. P. BAXEHK, ‘s quiet, 5 203 1, 88; ; luqu {p*rAaatuer«r or caows Laxos, wWoODs aXD FORESTsS BRANXCH,) * on %0+ D â€"ceâ€"mber, 1870. N stice is hem by given, that an Ordâ€"r in Vooncil was this cay| made, directiog that a tanff ot $100 per eulse § ot on square Timber, and $i 00 per sttand &1 Saw Loy of 200 foâ€"t messur«, be imposed ~a any Wauit» or R+#] Pise Timibet bereatter‘ lound to have been or manufactured in breaym«s < ¢as onlile: apod, qusobt or uulucated the G.and or Ortaws River, between the Vilâ€" lnge of New E«inburgb, in the Province of ntario, and the Viliage of Waterioo or Gatiâ€" ueau Point, in the Prâ€"vince of Queb<c. The torm <of Tender, and the r wulations that are to govern the Feqry, may bs seen a; th Office of the Commsaionâ€"r, on and after tue 5Stn day of JASUARY, 1271, THOS, WORTHIXG roN, Uouwmssivner. D partment of Inland Reveau % _ Ouawa, .8ib Doc., 1870. 1551Ws Inland Râ€"venne, will be rec ived onmil Noon. on SaTUBRUAY, the 14th of J imuary , 1871, from parties deairing to asquire the pivilege of establishing and maintaining A FEKRY, navigat d by Swam Puwer, a ross Tlllblll Tre signatures of two solvent and responâ€" aitle petuons, willing to become sutrtive for the due fuldiment of the couttac , must by atached to quocbh & nder. The Degpat:mert will not be bound to acâ€" pt the loweâ€"tur any touder. By order, of â€" of the Supâ€"rintenadent of the Quaws River Works, where print d forms of t nder and other informatâ€"on can a‘so be â€" beâ€" in : i. Separate tooders 1:# «ach work t be arnic endurs=d respectively @ Tooger for Works« in m Asmprior to Bursstwn," and *© Teadger ftor Woke from Oalacto,jle Lake to Chain Sealed Tenders, addressed to the ond» rsignâ€" ed ~will be receir.d as this <M e, unt ) Toowsâ€" day the 5:h 127 of J.nuary, 187!, at uson, for Ovrtain «orks to be varformes on tho Madaâ€" warka River, from Aruprioc to Burnssown and also from Calabogle Laks to Chain Raâ€" phis. D partment of Public Works, O.t.=a, 24th Ds., 1870 And it is further Ordered that the Out . Port of Buby Pulint now under the survey of tbosaid Port of Wailaceborg, sbail trom and after the laâ€"t mentlioned date be, and the same bw abolish d P 9 WÂ¥. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council, virtu» of the 8th Seâ€"tion of the Act 3i8t, Â¥itoria, Chapter #6, intitaled " Ao Aot reâ€" apeeÂ¥n: the Custoam=*,"* Hi« Ex»llency bas been pl ased to Ord+r and it is hereby Ortersd, that on from and Wt rthe frst day of Jamuwy aâ€"xst, the VÂ¥il» lage of Lambton in th> County of Lanbiwn aud P.ovince of Ontarlo shall b> ard the mme in heroby dâ€"clas+d to be an Ont Purt of Kutry, under the Burr:y of the Port of Wel. Un the rrecommendation of the Aonorable the Mimater of Cuntom®, and under and in The whole of the Act 33 Victoria, Chapter 8, intitraled : "Ano Actto explain and amâ€"ad the Aot reep cting the «ullecting amt Man« A§> ment ..,on Râ€"venaâ€", the Autiiing of Public Ao onr to, and the biability of Public Accuontants." WHÂ¥ K.LEE, ~ Clurk Pusry VUuunel!, The whole of the Aut 31 Â¥i «torle (bep+. intiruled ; * An Aot reap cting Custome*," e o ptlivg themout, Hections #, 3, 4, 5, 19, 20 101, 138, 139 and 140. Heutmas 8, 10, 11, 13, 17 and 18 of the Act 31 Â¥ictors, Opepter 7, Intitaled an Act mâ€" sauting Duths of Customes, with the Tarf of Dhtic« payble und r 16." Bevitious 10 and 13 of the Act 31 Victoria Uhap tor 44, lutitul d : * An Act +o ament the Aot ol toe preâ€"eut 3 sâ€"ton, lutitaled : "Aan Art i1mpoâ€"lng Dotios of Cumome, with the Purif ot Daotis paeyable awter it" and ' Hi« Excellency in Couccil on the recom mendarion of the Honorable the MWinister o Cust me, and ander the authority aluresald nas been pleased to Order and it is hereby Ordered, that the following provisions of the Cuâ€"toms Laws of Canases, being the Acts o :zol Aots of the Puariiament of Canad mentloned be, and the same are h reby declar«d & appry to the said Province A Manitoba that is w say Be tlons 1 to 14 in lusive, and also Sectionse 37 to 50 inclasive, of the A«t 31 Victoria «hapter 8, intituled : * Ao Act r suacting the Uolicgtion a»d Managâ€"ment of the Revâ€"one tbe Auditing «t Public Accounts, and the lia viluy of Pavile Avcountants" f Plans and specifications can be swen at the Whereas by the Act 33 Victoria, Chaptâ€"r 3, Section 28, Iaitaled : = An Act to amead and contione the Act 32 and 33 Victoria, Chapter 3, and toestablish and provide for the Govâ€" mâ€"at of the Provicce ef Manitoba, it is proâ€" vided that such provisions of the cCustâ€"ms Laws of QanadE® (other than such as pr scribe the rate of dutics payable) as way be frow time to time declarâ€"d by the Governor Gen. â€"ral in Council, to apply to the Province o Maniroba, shall be »pplicable thereto and in force therein accordingly. Ottawa, Dec. 26, 1870. 1549 3 ’Gpv-nm:; HoTIE, r’ Friday, r a‘a; of Nov., 18t0. ‘ OfI3E To ContRACtoR:s. EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR LGENERAL IX couNxcour. OoTTaW aA, | 21st day dl!nu,hr, 1870. to â€" the Â¥F BRAUN, Â¥ THE GOVERNOK JK COUNCIL 1543 3 They haveexcelient accommodations for passen '.t.m Mdhoay%homm. he nt=rmer in onssstion with the Oread Truns Rallway leate Poâ€"tiand every Monday and Tharssay st 0 iC ; m tos t Jubs, N B,. «0. * [\ Â¥et ssued tarouct atthe Company‘s prin= They have encellent m':l’-.: Conticouke and x orion Milis only at 10 10 p 1 Cars on all trains Lisoping aight Baggeg> The steamers =Chase " and #" Oharlotta " loare Portland for Halifax, N 8, overy Wesnsday and Night Express tor Quebes, Isiand h y o No n Express for Quebes, Lsinand Pond, torâ€" ham, Portiand «oad Lower Provinces Expressfor New York and Boston, via VBLHORE COD LA1, Uhwsw.sesseee maseeee+ Express tor New York ansa Boston, ria PMatuwburg, Lake Champiain, Larâ€" ___ Mingtos ans Rutiadd, 44.,......»....»» «d0lINw s0UTH AND #Aa8ST, Acscommodaiion Train for Lsland Pond ans intermediate stations at........ Express fer Hoston, via Yerment Cenâ€" MPROYVEL SERYVICE OR TBRaixs Pon T aBSUXMXER or Il*. ACCELERATION OF SPEED. NZW CARS ON ALL £XPRESS T.ALINs. Portland to Montreal in 13 Hours. Montreal to Toronto in 13 Hours,. . on tod, ster JUNE imh _ the aew arrange. Turvato, mr‘l-a.. Br antâ€" Chiâ€"ago, und all points wort at..._@l9 00 wer & N1GH P, ao Binectsrerionee coue â€" , B W ,: Mail ‘Tr «in for Toronts and intermediâ€" Thite BEKROUE ««ccurvesere serrrere: seriecs Y U# B Ascommodation Train for Brookville Montreal as foliows : IErains tor Lachine a 690 a m, T 00 a m, 9 15 am, 12 ascon, : :0 p m.4 00 “.-‘”P;'.: 0'&:.‘(!. p m runs o Frovinse I ins. d.uh."' % Argdai any of the Princi pal stations of the Srao : Trunt l’.\l- ay . R mhl& THOMAS LEYNOLDS, Uttawa, N womber 19, 1870. es MALL will lowee Ottawa at 9 30 a a, connesting at Prmoon, «ith the Grand Tronk Express, bor tae West, and with the «gdensbarg Rar)â€" way, for Boâ€"won, New York, #o MALL w1 ! «0e Orta=a at +3 00 noon, conne t wmg whh :®%~« Graad Trunk Exoress, tor Mo® ts as EXPnE=â€" «111. se UMtawn at 18 30 p m, connextâ€" Ing wih t*, urand Trank Expresses, Kast ans Wost. CGeing Nerth Pressoatt to Ottawn "-:'“' o. C Weprerice tagy nd @ with the 3. West arriving in «ttaws «t 8 4s m .“Mb.u -;Mmo:t lq-:.-‘ I‘: v’t-' the * t 'l:unu .l..“.ll“h‘.m..! on nn-&mmm:-u-ucu”. câ€"-: with Q@ T. Kxpresses, Kast and _ _West, and arrivigg in Ortawa at ! p: m On and fromw MONDAY nest,. the #1st inst , three trates wiil run dally on tais RaUway as 'l‘. UT,. LA WRENCE ARD OTTAW KBA LLW A Â¥. Reoturning, it will leave Oitaws oo Tumory, Pn n Ieonely $ C trak Aimag o Jrmto at 1+ 36 a m. * Fraight forwarded ‘wife duspatch, as theC. 0. and 4. & u. kalieas are the same guage as the Urmad Tromk. ~&'-. w Oraâ€"d Lruok Cure to all Mm-uo‘:.m BHM" Sertain sonnsotions made # Troak Trains. *4 8 aABBtTT, f Maneâ€"ger Broakville, Ont., Nes 1, 1RTO 18304 make certain connsctions with all tramns on 8. & 0. hudway __ A bleoping Car will laave Torontso on Mondar, Wednesaâ€"y and Â¥rid +3 amght». by the +rand 1--.1;.,.-.....“..‘-3 t» Otage, artiving at ~.30 a m HAL . CX 41L 4, at 4 4) p m, arriving at B.â€"ook nli+ # +5 p m BXARu 8, at 10 3+ pa, Brook. v o at 1:0 a m, ang connâ€"cting with Goani Trunk Niurbt Kxoress gome Wost. A Astiure at sand Pount | 35 aud 7,+0 p m. KXPRE3®, at 4 45 a m connscting with Grana Trunk sxpre= from the Wot, and arriving at Otâ€" awa, at 8 50 a n MAalL TnalX, at T 30 a w, arriving at Otaws +4 1B ‘-. KX KKB8S, at 3.10 pm, connecticg with Grand Trunk Day Express from the Woâ€"t, and arriving at Ottawa as T..6p m. Leonre Otta wa. #XPR®ES8, at 0 4 a m, arriving at Brookvilie s < 4+ pm and câ€"unscting with Grand Truoak Daes Frpress going W ost * * CA.AOA CENTRAL AWND BBAOCK VILLE AbDb QiTiAWA RAILW aTs. ALTERATICN OF TRAING, Commenoing DbhCEKNMBLR 5, 1819, BLBEE®*ING CARB between TORONTO and Otawa, going tbhruogyh in 13 HJURS, _ vaa as tollows ; Twenty minutâ€"s are also allowed at Presâ€" cott Junction for Meails, all trains on this Lins are runm on Montreal B LUTTRELL Mekets may bs obtained on apolication to any SHORTEST RAILWAY ROUTE TO THE CAPITAL, ouliecks es ooneeaneodeit »t Uilsire, 3t Hy «crnthe, U .ton, eree, toibimend, brampite Paile, By this the Craine on Canada Yemral and Porth Braash The public is respectfully informed that this Company‘s Traine wait at Prescott Jancâ€" ton the arrival ot the Grand .raok Trains Lom the West, and and intermediate statidus.. ......... bI‘. LAWRENCE AND OTTAWA RALILW AY. KANRD TRUNK; RaiLW AX Going RNouth Ottaws to Prescott. wa, goiby tDrvoys in 1J AURB, n and after M -‘Do!. Dee 5, TRAIN3 will Sup.rintendent, Oita«wa, 12th December, 1870 . 1540t0m assenager«"may rely on Conâ€" necling FOR .OTTAWA t + M-‘L& and timo of arrival ana esese0sâ€" sesssesssccsss sessessescsssse ALTERATICX OÂ¥ TIM®E, UulNG WEST. C Aa N A D A, N 0O T 1 C £. eave Brockvil‘s wime o# *permlest â€"=4 . THVUS BEYNOLDS, KoT ICO®. , t 4 00 p m. T 1# a n 111 p 5 00 p m Sth. So soon as the mixing n‘llrnm.'h. been completeJ, the «* Methylated Spirits " shall be remwed ftrom the Bonded Manofsctoy and duly entered fur warehousing as requi:ed by the Tth. Every eniry in the Stook Book is to be checked by the oBcer in ch«rge, who murt keep an acceunt of each transact:on, which aocount or a duplicuts thereof is to be taken to the Inland He 1u «itoe, immegilately aftor each transaco. (1a) The particulars of every puckage of Alcobol, brought to, ctating whre manufacturad, thestreagth and ,quaatity ; the marks, &6., on the caaks and the general namber of the ander whilh it was convreyed to the % i», The partionlars ef every q &s.> of the orginal packeges irom whick it was taken ; the quaotity and »trongta of the * Methyâ€" Imed Spirite" produced trom it sod ihe partioun= lars as tomarks, numbers, &o., of the Cask in whisch it is placed, Oth,. A Stook Book -ulbhfllltloruuq. in which Book must bs entered :â€" Namner of Proof Gallons N+me of the Division. lnivals of the oficer under whose inspestion the mixture took place. Number of the entry under which it is ware. ..ll.g: Weod Naphths of Commerse," the whole mized tog: ther. bh. After the mixring has been thoroughly comâ€" pleted h > »trength of the mixtare shal! be tested, and the quantity gauged by the oficer in attenodâ€" anse and da‘y recordosd Themixture shall then be placed in conks, the casks being branded or marked on the head in legible charasters, with th With every 100 proof gallons ot Al oho!, thereshall be mixed at least twoire and aâ€"haif av. ty o«8% ".dmu“, «= Brd Not les= than 100 proof gallons of Aloohe whal be wixed at one time, «hich sba‘l be mixed 1 an open mixing tuo in the presancs of an officer who shall then west and gauge it as to strength and quastity. R®00LAT10®8, Ist, The room in whichn the wood Naphtha is mixed woto spirits sh«! only he acceâ€"s:ble to the propristor during the actual presence ot an ofi ser of Inland KRevenue. On the recommendation of the Honorable th» Misister ot I iand Revenue, and unsd=r and in mmue of the autbority given by tao i7th seotion Ithe Aes Bist Vit, Caapter 8 intituled, » An Aot roâ€". ect ng the Lniard Hevenue" His Exoel ‘sncy in Council has beena plesid to Orseor, and i# is heroby wrdered taat the following regulsâ€" tiome for the manufacture of MetbyJated Spi it in bon 1 wh «Il be and shey are hereby mase and os tablisheq ; Ind. A sam .ls of thé wood N a htha (#ay «bou lour onnces) »hall be sent to the Bomtbo- wiz weeks during the unterval of time between the alose of the next pregeding Sesmun and the con Mderstion otf he Petumon Coples of the »rst +no lan of such notisces to be sent to the Private Bil: All ctitions for Private Bills must be present ad within the FiikbT THURKE WERKs of the Toronts Marâ€"4 15, 1878 +300 to lawa required by wheo 6 st and fullowing Rotles ofthe Logisative Assembly, which are published i . the @"UVntarlo Busouse"), to give NuCLUE of th appitoatiogTole«riy and distinotly specifying it Beture and objeot) is the * Ontario asetts," and also in a ne@spaper paonlished in too Uounty o Union ot Vounties afectes , such oaotice shali be HIS EXCELLEACY THE Gov. ERNOR GENERAL IN CuUNCLL, ; party of other partien «re hersby mries that in oz.m required by the b+s «no roliowing hules ol the House of Cummons (whicn are puoiv hes la rell in the «©Uanega Gazote " ;. to give | WO MONLHUs NO:ICK ot e appliostico ( lâ€"arly «80 gisie ty +peci yh.‘h pature »+nd o+ j 0t )j, In the # unasa O .1 ve " «oo sls â€" in a news, «per published in the Cuunty or bUu=wa of Cobutice afteo #4, seoding coples of thâ€" Oi»t and lat of such notice» to the P1 â€"Â¥vate Buil Ofice. All Putitl ms fer Prisate B.1e must be prosent. od within the frrt taree woeks o) the %Seâ€"+iâ€" a. ALEKED 100u, Caf. Oik. Commnttees and Privete Bil}s, Hoase otf Cvemens. Ottaws, Sth Dee,,1 870 1 *36f Parties intending to make epplication to Parliaâ€" ment for Privste Bill«, «ith rvu yr.niing exelu» a Â¥â€" privile.o«, or sunflerring corporate p+ ofs tor commercial or mber purpcees ot proft, or for TTs Coxmmerciel oOf wBer purpcges 0f pFobt, oOf Fof doing as thing terding to «fectthe rights o. proâ€" Methyiated Spirits, Da e on which it was mixed, Namber of Wine gaiions in the Cask. W th retere=ce to kem of the Tarif it is boid by this Dopar ment, toat dLA I E. imply 18 a quadranguler form, whatever may be ifts size or tbickness 1s +ntitled to exemption. ILf otherwise, especially «h «pen or if it be polwhed, or artibcialâ€" Iy bored, it becomes subject t> 1+ per cont and $ peor cent daty, as a non=esumerated artiole R 8. M. B UOCOSETITE, Commissio®er oi Customs Orrawa, 3rd Nor,, 1870 To Counsorors or Cusr u«. The mlo'n.mhfl has receiveo :.lloc:mummhulnud ite [nsurano nada : No. 33 The UNION MUTUAL LLFEINSUR ANCE COMPANY , of Maine. f Depositin U. 3. 6s 0f‘81â€"$50,000, l.v.‘oul' 1N, General A.:t, St, John, N.B Â¥or the Minister of Finanoe JORBN LaKuTON A-‘Iht- hare this day, deposited with the Reosiverâ€" rord. Iwenty Thousand Dollars in addition to above Fitty Chousand, -.:13 Sevent: Thouâ€" sand |)dlm6:".~., U.8. Boads, 6# of *81 ‘lho.::. + 'hn H _ dray, beer Counse! to the tor the Domis I.."...Alllo..lm 'l‘l,l._b-o'_..nlondi red to him. "Bl ATEB,"â€"BCOHELU. £ C.â€"FREE G00D8. No. 104. uJkK INSURANCE CQOMPANY OPF MALINR. PThe .ost of the value of insurance to.::‘m pot when the promiwums are boing paid, @ ob losses are beiny jeitied, and, frow the equity and a RMIVATEK HILAL® (¢t awa, November T 1868 BDBIVATE BIiLL®, 1U8TONAS DEKPFARTARE®T, UVELRNXMEET HoUâ€"E OTTawa, 5th day of: December, 1870, THE OTTAWA THTIMES. O‘taws Norv 14, «a70 Blu® mU U aL CGove: nment MW.Lr6es. ountiee afecteds , such shall be b“-ui.opmuliu AInsurance. Fmaznon Dsrazruant, tiawa. i2th October, 1868. OHARLKS T GILLMOR, y Clork otf the House. to make applicat» n B. K. CORWIN, Manasor men and attending to their rafts while passing here to the best of his ability. AUFEXENCES, Alex F »nsor, Req, Waliter Smith, Reg, Job sore, Eeq, _ ___ BR W Oruics z> GENXERAL COMMISSION AGENT, ; | Clarence istreet, next to the City Hotel ' l Â¥ Uttaws, sefultiese.â€"Dr W mmmammm «« Of greoat effie generally on the Ottawa. From his NM'MM encse io the trads he ofers his services in engaging | 0_ ~ .0 _0 MESS AND PRIME MESS PORK. FLOUR NO. 1 & EXT R a Wheat, Corn, Flour, +Jatmeai, Pork, &o. OTTAW A.â€" « cutad -ldl“olr‘ badvanced on gooser consigned torimp Mate sale. Prompt returnsin all cases r Trauae sales of Meronandise, Farm Stook, Rea) Ev ate, Libraries, Works of Art, #0., &o., as we! as consignments, from a dutance, will meet with best «ttenction, and be conducted on rery moderâ€" wescond hand Furniture 1|l he received hour duricg the u‘-p to 7 o‘siock p. m. fl ¥«nces made on raiture, Pisenos, or other «oods sent in for Sale, or may be porchased in * Ts oate froow it well lightod an. ventilatea, e Sale Hoom &D a and about the largest in the city, being 80 x 36. ul"" iavours and patronage are respecttully Beveral Houses in the 70. hands tor sale. J BERMIN@HAM, Ottawa, March 1870, and those who have Horses, Carringes, and Harâ€" ness to dispuse of will do weil to send them to the Mart as soup as possible. . _ â€" _ meouoe unnSal .101j , SBo 1C0T Ee SC uIne Wwill 0e duly announced tie will hold '-n‘-u:l.. oi Horses, Uattle, #s, &o, on the Market, notloe uf which will be given. The large anmber e Horses and Cattle suld by him during the past yoar, is sumslent guarantee that us ability in this critical branch of auctionsering is Appreciâ€" ated 3 *4 Carrl and .-T Sales will soon commence, and uo:o':h have Horses, Carriages. and Harâ€" ver»y liberal patronage bestowed on. and confâ€" sence piuced in him, since his «dvent as Auctionser of this o ty, and to a+sure them that wl y re o .m'“ guntinuance aup flb;ull’ extended :ou:l-”“ u6 the e coan reter pleasare many testimoniaus be l.“hlz.“'xl:‘.d those who placea n ba isposal, that gquien c':a.modbu.zfl'u. aud t-o'dhn returns are his crodentials. In solisiting public patronage in this branch busines» he would respoctruily intimate, thai.i 1 the future as in the past, it «il} be his ancessing oare to stady the interest of his patrons ; and that by sarâ€"fui attentium, prow, t cash returns, and @«cerate charges, to morit a cuntinuance .f that gleâ€"r nerecofcre so liberally bestowed upor Spring Furniture Sales «tthe Mart will com wence inmedi tely, and (ruim time to time wil} be tÂ¥ . The subscriber in issuing this his bpring Cirou lar, bogse to n-n:.u :o:'thun to his triends 1nd the No of 1 l'..‘M. a# a0il as _:u guy_'.m-lpo_n at a distance, for the OFFIOE AND SALE #OOMSâ€"City 4 Mart, York streot, near the Market. many a sled © In pbottles 25 cents mwmofimfimm «1t is pleasaot to the taste and barmiess in its anture. Forsale by druggists and goneral dealâ€" oers in all parts of the Domision. e @ardener‘s First Priv Baking Powder, an eAwalled for parity ans exceilence. hn‘oh’ «grocers every where, in 3 os packets, 7 cents ; 5 os nu::ll..u "l'.tnv ':"o N'h“d. â€"@r GARDEKNER‘S and uc:u other. wARDENEK‘s EPLLEPTIC CURLE. Price $1 per botme ; sizx potties for $8. J GARDENEK, Chemist, 457 Notre Dame treet, Montreal, Bole Proprictor and Manufasturer. price one dol} ir Ipvaluable to invalids and of Impair® W"‘ an exceliont 4'0‘10 for persons * 2.'.'."_,"_ z_r_muu. Forsals in quart bottle ; sally proceediags again«t manufuacturers and vyen fors af suen, or ..(nfi:." imitations by which their right --z be agod BP" Ask Lea & PERKINS‘ Bancse and see :‘m m Wrapper, Labei, Botle ‘and opper. Whclesale and for by the P W oreeâ€"ter ; Crosse lm-gg. m {x% apubn the wrapper and labels of which the uames J‘C. & Pertins huve been forged, L and P gve noticetnat they have furaished Mv dents with power of sttorney to hm proseediags agaidet -.QI.lfl;“lfW‘l and ven tors and to use that heir names are apon the wrapper labels, stopper and bottle. Some :'n\o w&.nnn Auving beer sapplied with a spurions Worsestershire Sauce THE ONLY GOOD SAUOE. CaUTION AGAINST FRAUD. Ihe success of this most delisiouns and anriva‘â€" d condiment having caused sertain dealers to apply the name of * Worcestershire Sunce" tp their owninferior compounds, the public is hereby nformedthatthe only way to secure the enuine, COMMISS8ION MERCHANTS, FORW ARDERSA A. M, F. GIANELLI, Sole Manufacturer and Proprietor for the Dominâ€" ion of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"These selebrated Bitters are carefull; propared with the rory best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially adapted and recom mended to persons of delicate constitutions. They are goutly stimaiant, and will be round infallible aids to digestion, “::m see label round the neck of each @®. None are ine ie “z:'- unless bearing thesignature of 106 one GOT! r. L «#. mo.xr-r- Coven Rmwror nm.d pless oight. In w.'rz Prepared by spesial p eitpeot _ . . ;. . _ Kept by ali the prinoipal Uruggists and Grocers in Ers " ARorKaas UMINION PoX. BAaLES AT PXIVATE RESIDENXCES, 1023tf WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCKE, Declared by Connoissour $b UPB 200 b i i 0 ¢+ v» 9B u> 4:# 4n an #> Â¥ as ns an h A in ho tA m th q GENERAL AUCTIONEER EKA & PERRINS! yUININE wp~â€" WINE BITTIERS, @s 4 ww wb B OYAL TTPALLA® BITTERL. PRICE $1.00 PER 8B0O0TTLEK. U. KASTON & ©o., BK POR LEA & FPERKA&AIN®‘ sAaUOR, Rieitters and Sawnwresâ€" ceminy w ow un . we we s oae m F F. VERRL, M. D., â€"of Chemistry in the University o PaADUA, ITALY, DEAL ERS 15 aA. M, F GIANELLL Vilmen . aniverâ€" 4@r1216 law K. . Basros om the rigins pof . _ **The smoke causes no nsuses. When the | kind, I have never known an inftance in « | esw aste | i+ A remedy t uuli‘i‘.-;nrl ; Parker. * t e 2 _“m!;;r- &. '.u um‘ng: -{;66‘5 ix'vi.l‘; 6'&'..'{5 at esten at meals, rapug digestive p . suâ€" Pancsreatine Puwder, bottles, 2s, 82 64, 61 64 and 11664. Pansreatine Wine, bottles,38s,6s and| 0s at itb next Eession, for an Act to authorizs the asangtruction of 'w_!gc_tg‘n”s:g I’c_‘_t‘ Is beraby given, that an mlhd.nllb to ature of the «nee of Orkario mageto the Lnglsistare of tas Prov nee of Orbari Â¥ not obtained."â€"General Alezander _ . Simart, as, 38 64, 68 and 10s. t -u“u.uoum-ucumm 108, ons AGMNâ€"Aremrco I Oendii A beâ€" Meprons 'Y::nm:'nmru:‘::nu that of ilson Storms, ton Consumption :g.dhucmn.dun.'m.a or that of Ambroâ€"e Wood, of Conse aon, Ont, of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of Joht Heoey, of Napanes, of Rheamatiom who had actually been on cruiches tor years, but has now recovered the use of his limbs. Hanabook sontaining : anquestonable certifâ€" oates on thâ€" groat Shoâ€"shonces Remedy and Pilis can be obsaitled at all drug stores. rtul and e j oures in Canada by wm' m:.nnndnwym in Canada by They are ‘storu ‘urdeniable facts, sufficiont to sonvinse the .flm:lh groaut « edi. Mbllh.;mu k .”F'm POI 18DIGESTIONâ€"â€"P & 6 CR & aâ€" TNE firoh effests the DIGKLSTION nad â€" AKLA* MTHATIAN af NAD LIWYED NTFC1LL By its use a mau of 70 will * > as it were, reetâ€"red to the elssticit; + and to persous of delicate constitutious it is strongly recomm» uded. It is an especial favourite with Orlental ladies. Secure, then, health, longevity and vita! energy by the habitual use "‘mty ALKABABAR ILUKKIBH TONJIO. Kept in stock by the princi D and Grucers in the Dominion. hst PDroggtele For directions for use s e lab~ls on bottles HENRY CHAPMaAN & 0u., EVANS, MERCER & CO,, Moutreal, $ ____.___.., Sole Agents for the Dominion That it is a preparation of one of the most eminenmt Purveyurs to the Ottoman Court, It prevenis avidity of the Stomach, It trelleves lowness of spirits. It is & mild‘and Anvigorating tonic, and a ost «MAcfâ€"nt bat innocuous stimulent. * 1t reagers the breath swort anu agreeable. It stimulates the appetite if taken aserors meals, I1 promotes digestion if taken arres meals. It neutralizes the prepensity for stroug liquore, usA It renders the intellect bright and clear. It taken babitually it imparts vitality and enerrgy to ail the bodily organs. . ‘l'h:::llmm ‘l'u:‘t::. TONLIV is one of the most walutary and to preparations eve! submittâ€"d for pubiic approval in this hemi« phere, ana asserts it« pretentions to patropag: on the fol!0Wiug grâ€"wods ;â€" Price of the R+ medy in .Jnl'lm AT a DL TANCE kEQUILKIN:« ARDLFICIAL TEELH mey MVLQQL supplieod, in parial or compiqte sets, on Mcesar» \teOriel‘s new system, by sending tuu-hn w cheir onses, with a r. muttance of One Guines, whe: the apparatue‘tor taking a mouel of the mout will e forwardes, with all nucessary instruction: Me#ars. Gabriel . wili audertuke to nemugael o MWopa«ir Artiboral FPosth made by other Dentist: |which go mot prove satistuotory}, ‘at mogerat, Ohaf gose. * 6 ; Mesars. itabriel‘s Pamphiet on Artificial Tee: uBd raisless Vsunstery on reosipt of pustage. *3* All istters to be agagrersea to 64 LDDuAl 4T1» (©«NON 11 < «4n t.â€"wk*m The following remarks on testimoniais of mos “ WF ,.a_r_-_..- Lo it ic 145 i5 4 RECHE . ®H" ?.3.5:...-. nameâ€"None Genuine without t 1ABRIEKL®S ODONTALGIQUE ELiXi: (J a mouth wash unrivalied for its agreeabi viropertiee in eleansing the mouth and swoyt’nu; the brouth; is is invaluable to smoker«," an« strongly recommended io sufferers from Ti« G::"n'" f&uur{"ro&)‘rg PASTEB cleansing 1mprovin e Teetb, ano im umum&nu‘e gams ; whiten: the io Wnn ieogray bo e mnlen at u asces dor, wes brillizancy on:olf f F. n.) % LA# propsr<â€"d from a recipe as used by tie: ‘M.rmorm the Teoth, and impaurts a deli clous tragrance to the breath ; gives the Tecth : poarlâ€"like whiteness and protects the enamo! Montreal, July 6 tenders the tooth sound and oseful, and prevont {ovthache, no matter how far decayed 8:.. t 6d per box. Ask for (Gabriel‘s Ceiy brated Dents creparations G ABHIKL®S OS TKO ENAMEL STOPPLN«â€" tor Preserving Front Testh. Warranted u keep white, a0t as Arm as the tooth itself. . Th besutaful, preparation restores Frout Teoth anw prevents decay, Buthsient for Stopping six Teoth FOR THE TEETH ; ABHKIBLI8 UKLEBRATEKD Rjiarasn t®" rrows pisi+ s wOR LEANSING, BEAUTIFYING, AND PRk~ERVING 7HE TEET} _Bold by Chemists aod Porf@rmers, ans by th Mannfa MESsR~. GABR! The oldâ€"established PDentists, nosHoskks. n BMR . BTOP AND SEE ! 8HOSHONEES REMEDY. *J _ MESS®S "CABRIEL. ¢ A4 atists. P ,, atdente nc Lomon:. ABRIEKL*B ROYAL TOOTA POWDEb A ©4 Lmdgate Hill, London And‘st LLY®*KP!! ) » d BR ~ > CPaf a~\ }nunna TATUL A, | _ Affords Immediate Relietf. FOI ABTRMA, aad Chronic Bronchitis 9 R I D s no nsuses. 'hntlm known an inftance in «TD eiac ouk. Wine is the best vehicle for on sf. 4 A PERCHA | = ayed Teet! | .. and vonut | ., sd m.. to i6 rated Dents | | » BTOPPLIN®« § .. Â¥ arranted u itsolf. . Th« i t Teoth anc ng six Teoth F TB PASTRBR | ., 14157 L‘- 1y Be sure and procure TICKETS at this ofhise GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE AND saAVE MNEY, TIME ANDDISTANCE Comparitive distaunce of the sgveral ~Wostem Routes to Chicago : Americanâ€"Ozdensburg or Prescott...... _ _ Grand L rubk t0 DOLLOIt..»»»»»»»»#»»»»»se000e Grand Trunk to Toronto, Great Wes» MORTHERN TRANSPORTATION CO‘8 20 FirstClass Upper Cabin Steamers. Fares always cheaper than by any other before, during, and since her illness 1 believe her certificate to be troe it onnz:\lulu. 1 know that while ill ner case was ated hope, less ; «nd 1 know that shehas, since her recovery, «lways sttributed her recuvery to the Shoshonee: h-d{“ flww amay h‘.‘tho peouitas propert! medacine, one thing is certain, nuh\acmniumdd-o‘nuubo performance of a miracle A K WO)D,J P. Warden ounty or Hastage, Provines ¢) Nataric, 1J OCDENSBURKG & CHICAGO, Moking sure convections with Reilway for all Points West and South, Parties going west can secure Tickets at this office to any Pomt desired, VIA ALL RAIL_â€"OR ALL BOAT CHICAGO, Cincinnati, St. Louis, New Orleans, and all Points in the West and South. 1868, when I was induced to try the greoat "h" shoness Remedy by reading the cures performs« in a pamphiet. â€" Atthis time i bas begus to tes: the weskness ip -{ bands , io tact I #as getting almost helplese have taken two botties ef‘the umm’uc-omdmpuu.m I am entirely restored to healith 1 neve: e%peotso o:'!uml. hld.’? tried the medicine ar a of foriors hope his case of mine was not a private one, but knowsr to all my (o?lbutl and friends , and to any one aflinted as 1 was, : have only to say try the ~hoshonces Remedy ; 1 velleve it will cure you. 64 MARY ASHN D:‘U:.l:‘! worn to before me at Madoc, vounty »ge his ninth day of February , 1889 * A F WOuD, J P, &e. I hereby certity that I have tm;‘n Mary A-Do’itytonbo last Afteon yours; she is e womans of nrobity and truth 1 nsave knows ber ‘illAf » CENTRAL AIR LINE ROUTE three doctors, and medinines of different kind * prescribed by triends, but of no avail [ continu ed to get worse and worse, antil the summe: 0 . Province of Ontario, Feb. 9th, 18898 -f. I‘his is to cortify that during the winter of I wastaken with a weakness of the ancles, which gradually, during the aprh‘ ol 1867, extended to wy knees, and on up to my hips, and fih‘-.ol_o weuk that I sould not walk, but was confined to my chair. For abouttwo years, while this we«k uess was coming on me, and afterwards, 1 soug medical advice, employing, sat diferent time A pamphict containing fall perticulars muy be bad at the Drug Store of A. Christie, Sparks Street. J, In PULVERMACHER, | Galvanic ldubmh-nt,' | 200 Regent Streut, London, W. Ottawa, Beptember 6, 1870 1455 lJawk y N. UHAIN BANDS lor Sciatica, Rhevumatic, Neuralgia, and Gouty Paimns, Local Pars ly«is, Creamp, &c., 188. to 228. and 408 BCHAIN BANDS for 1 umbege, Indigestion, Lvrr, Chest, and Runoti. nal Diw rders, #&o , (worn as a belt), 228 to 408 and 55«, B CHAIN BANDS for Writer‘s . Cramp, ‘ Tnmbling, Nervousness, &c, 22s to 308 1 and 402 B COMBINED CBAIN BAND for Cantil, Paralysis, Epilpsy, General Debility Functional Disorders, &c¢ , 308 to 308 A com%lotc Bet of COMBINED CBHAI® BANDS8,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring vitalenergy, £5 to £1. â€" The public are most earnestly cautioned to omu of Peeudo Electric Belts advertised by s Doctors, &c., for improper purposes, and so severcly stigmarized by Vice Chaneelâ€" lor _u.lm 1?‘ anlt..Puivermacter vs fiaw» mond, alias H ury James, alias C. T, Raphey, M. B C. 8, alias Heory Burrows, &c, &¢. b.m) Gaivanic Bâ€"lts are genuine but those g the fac simile of M. Palvermacker‘s signature on the label, GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. _ _ [The Model Road of Canads j “. sesssce00 oo soessersssess sornscpscseses ‘” “ For TIOKETS to any Points in the United CHAIN BANDE AND BaTTEKRIEKs8s B,. CH,IN BANKDS for Neryons Deaf 0 Messre. unaustriai® & Bilt8s, Con#ar P ® County of Lennos, Ontario, Canada t # _ _ M1v00, County of Hastings, } Heud, Tooth, and Face A he, and Nolse» in the Heas, 218. to 308. B, LHAIN BANDS for loss of Yolce and The «ffiects of the application of Pulverâ€" macher‘s whainve in any of the above digorders i» imm. distely perceptible=â€"â€"the Tteliet of pain insts ntaneous. PRICE LIbT OF PULYERMAOCHKR®s Head aus Tootbarhe Paralysis Liver Compluints _ Epitepâ€"y Tic Doloreuzx N: rvou» ] ludigeâ€"tion _ Functiâ€"o Deatn. as #t., Spsgtnug _ PULYE+ MaCHER‘s MEDL Oâ€"GALYAN. IC CHAINS are exceedjinogiy «K.. tive withou th+ aid of medicine, m striction of gdirt or the east derang. ment of the patieut‘s bhabits and daily occupations, in the following maladies : «beumatisum Femaile Complammts ~Jout Constipation Scistica Crarmp Luombago Sluggkish Circulation Neuralzin _â€"__ Uvinary Disorders o These highly improved inventions render Electricity periâ€"ctly selfâ€"applicatle, and <xâ€" tr. mely efiicacious in a mild continuous form. no sbock or unpleasavt sensation bâ€"ing ex pericnee d, Whey. by 1t becomes a ttue fountai« of beslth aut vigour,â€" »peedily soothin« agorizing peins, reâ€"auimatirg torpid limbs, reviving the siuggisb functions of Iife, ana imparting renew.d energy and «»vitality to corstitutions enfe bled ty whatever c»~s Medicin« s and their geleterious cousequences are thus entirely dispeunmd with, ‘lhe daily increâ€"@wing number of cures «ffected by PULVEnMACHER‘S MEDiCOâ€"GALYVAN. 10 SYSTEM is +0 <xteusive and veried, that it forcibly points to this juvention as the embryo of a unive:s«al r:mdy. N. Bâ€"The following tstimony from the clite of the English medical taculty has been received ; * EUE B0 DHEEONL s cxcorsrrrcrrrentercrerses THE Ub pi®omaortt is uies | PULYERMACHERS PATEXT â€" | GALYANIC ® .CHAINâ€"BANDs _| BELTS, AND POCKET BATTERIES | i HAIN BANDS for loss of Yolce and other affcctions of the Throat, 10s, 64. to in favor of the Great Central DaILÂ¥ L1XE B&~Wreism kevuediar seassrerserscerzsercesse BBW wothon «Medical. L1etrou, Milwaukee. N: rvo«» Debility Functiâ€"oeal Disorders 1536 do appess," Persons afticted "'-:' th ‘the followi MDLlnd imn» we relef, cn:;‘b.y‘.'.' nee_ of this #ARAAF # O# ‘ Tetter, Balt Whewm, MN ..g,"- n THE TIMES is printed and pu tions for each case are feund in our A) W Hheumuatiom and 4 by acoummnlations of extranci in the blood, vield quickiy to it. as rehef and 4 Â¥ PREPARED A Y Brt. 4. C. AYER & ©O., Lowell, Practical and Analytical Chemit®h Kore E Bore FBares, and othor vieinle fgmu of wbu dhem‘w more concealed , & pepsia, D® ies meser ons boiionk es l and mc ons parmee of me® roome d ce antaginr, o aré & J these .D'n long continned ‘hes ‘of this -ma The complaint. Leucorrhea or Whites, Ulcerations, and Female Dissoscs, M# monty soon relieved and ullimately curgh soon rellieved and i h purifying abd invikorating ‘etfece." Js they '? mfileting haye Lbeen gil:.:nu- fl ':n‘m::n in 'vn(t‘mm f= country, public ' o wiumimed of Jns tmiuge ar ande. "mfl,' Berofulous poison is one of the -ltfi #nemies of our race. (W- At of the organisim w nen®G hm.;m.wtafm"’m‘“ m"xm sugpicion 6 t# p Â¥1 Rnerve o arerd bre Lee mroutrent the ie s vOTR » P into 02‘moherdh mmub surface or among the viais. lp the latior, ales may be suddenty deposited in the &"’&’fi%m&nh zlm.flfi its presence by eru on skim, or foul m:@uy lence the Â¥.â€"~«ble, even wh i_ue-_".-n-nm'.__-f.u. sOLD BY a11 nRmECcIaTrs Uttawa, August 7, 1879. tation of the Heart, Pain in # Bacek ard Loins, they should be continus taken, as mquired, to change the discasor acte the ?;.h.. With such ofinm those comph 1. moâ€"'ud Dropseical Awellings *::: taken in large and frequent doses to duce the effect of a drastic purge. For 8e om ahmr«fin‘o‘l‘hl as it the desired efect by aymnathy, Asa Dinner PiH, take one or two Pills to mote digestion and relieve the stomach. Â¥ . Anaoccasional dose siimulates the stomach howels into healthy action, restores the & and invigorates the system. Hence it iso mm where no serious derangement exi feels tolerubly well, often finds that a d Pills makes him feel decidedly better, fr cleansing and renovating effect a"’- dig DK J, C. AYER & CO., Practicai * ow _ Fer Dysente Diarrhoea, but dose is _p_.muy'&':m.l e * of KFotr Ryepepsia or Endipestion, KAstlt I‘u::f and Loss of Appetite, t m be moderately to stimulate the st ach restore its healthy tone and actio=,. For ver Complaint and its ramou» #y1 toms, NHeous Headache, Rick HMueandac Faundice or Green Ricknoms, i#‘ ‘ Calte and Bilious Fovers, they shos* 9+ diciously taken for each case, to correct the disea action or remove the obstractions which canst 1 mfi that it e their uch'hu nd“‘ cures =§ ow that what it does m&“ â€"that it never fuils througt any t our ons nf cotil im or trns menrecnie on gn of their «emarkable complaints, but such oures are knows rfl and we seed not all ages and conditions in nether dalomel 0of any they may be taken with safetr by anybody. sugar presotves them over frosh Whuu:u Aake, while hunq parely u’:flm i mfircwln‘::ym ¢ operate r powerfu uence hm:il viscera u’punf_v the slood and dfl into healthy action â€"reinove she obstructions of 1 stomach, bowels, liver, anc other organs of 1 body, restoring their irregular aotion 16 1 by correcting, wherover they exist, auch deran ments I': are the first -m,:n;l of dll..e&-: Miputé direction« are given vm- the . for the (.llowing complaint.., wh J _ We speak from »Xperi ace in this having terted it tboroughl;, ans t those who are suffering from any of the o plaints for which it is recomm a+4â€"d mar pend upon its being a Sov reg. & an The urtonighing <filoacy of whe C Puin Destrâ€"yer, in vufing the: Disâ€"asee which 1t is r commended, and its w. »uourrs in evbsuing the t=turmmy Roâ€" umatiâ€"+m, and in rmdlieviog Nervous AK tions, entitle it to a bigh rmok in the diet R medics tor these compl ins, Urderea comimy from M.dicme DVe les 18 wil parte the country for further s pplies, and oâ€"h tifyimg as to the unirereal m'u;td giv‘s. The Canpnadian Pain Deattoyer never l‘ give imm~Oiat= reltef, All Meduio keep it Physicians order and use it ; family wili L without it after once ")m Price only 1 weu!ty Are Qonis per bortls, NORTHRUP & LYIfi Boid in Ottaws by H K MceUartHy, J ner, Jobhn BRobests, J P Posathor»ton, Mortimer, W M Mussey, and ail Denlers. pâ€"â€" â€"{JARABI&LEKâ€"O11L [FOR HORSES AKD 6i ide, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, 1 Throat, Sprains, Broies, Crâ€"mps in g Btowe: k, Cholers Mortms Dn-u.'. Bowel â€" Oo.'plo u-i Burus, Boaldn, Frost Biws, * .. #e., #c. THE CANADIAN PA1X DESr Has now b «â€"a tb â€"fore the |puvlic fra of time and wherâ€"ver uâ€"ed is wel} uever faillu. io a single ijuster e to gi manert rwsi6f when umely us 3, and w» uever knoown a siugle case of 0 vhere the directicns have bien prope} «0w«d, bat on the contrary, all awd/ligh wihib ite uperations, und speak ip th high terms of its virtms aud mayical : Rects, Ara family Remedy it is well and far knewn relieviug thousandé from puin en t &.14 by Georee Mortimer, Jobn BRun W M Masâ€"ey, H F M Carthy, J Bkimo r Ottawa, all M»â€"dicine Dealore. November 24, 1870 152266 The celebrated Liniment has been ues mauy jyeare, abd its curative rop boroughly texted, and it is conceved ; be cheapest and mose reliable remâ€"dy external complaints ever ofier~d to the P «â€"â€"it never faus when timely used and i fully appli«d. ille. * For w:-u‘t This valuable preparation combipes all medicinal virtues of those arti: les which «Xperience bas prov» d to pessers the most and effcient properiiâ€"s for th« cure of Wounds, >prains, Bruises, Gails of all Crack 0 Hoels, tnin= Bone, >payiu, C Pistuls, Sweevey, Ext rual Poisons, Scr Of Greosse, bisins, Lanwbtens mavge, lows, Ciorus, tand Crac+s, fnon‘.-rwo eru Distempor, Bweliings, and mâ€"ny discases whi h borses aha cartle ar. To be had 8! all Dr girts and C Mercbants throughout the Duiniuion. 25¢, per bo.Al . BKORiHROP & LY M a ®. Ayer‘s Cathartic NANADLA®N PALN DEKsCRHON iEA Navemher 80 1818 ARLE&EY®‘s LOWELL . MAKK., C. & 4» NEYERâ€"FAaILING REMEDY Sarsapar YING THE & evidence of &s The reputation this sellent medicine en)o is derived from its cut many of which are 4 maryclious, . nverg cases of bcrofu east, where the corraption, Te sorruy x @ wfld aud eunll fulous affectiont disovders , which were c::ued by the -.l oonmtarsination s les asile, Ont, , Attorney an« VPvn‘r-fl. und Jounty &A C &T T Py solicited ; rade .l‘!:-(tr. "*P &R r j ICEKs8T 11 T ut DELICAcCF oF 7 trom 9 a m. to 4 p. &â€" wiuoi®s, PaTtE®r a ‘mplished lady C@RBxM, +) see of the £Y & and ai ais residence, M nR W@UroCuIs0® avadoGRON DJ OLIJVER LAR 26, 1870 MSFROSCe, Prop, F QUBE® asp OTTA W 4. NOR AND C y oE A» ANQ HAVYOOCK., A: & OF xMoxXT Shemist in the » and much less in the AXD DErqo PALA, NOVA _ Retablished 185 IEEE "! aKeTr K. KAV AS A6 Realfe and Wellin Sntrance to the @< Psetent Rigat Soli posite RKussell Ho o T. DART , Attorney and N Otta w a CKEKMMILL, 5 s, Convey ancers, s , Noaries Publi wrie and Quebec Darie‘s Book 5i ET: saves Be OL. 1 I NORM , Attora®! ncery, Conveya Unie Building: Â¥. WARD, te, &eo,, op posite Fat in# , DOFS ke, for the P P. O‘MEA i. _ > O MEA Â¥ Hovsak, nous®, AUMOND$8 LA PIEKEKRR ] #, Solicitorâ€"1n â€" zy Public, Cor House and JOHN Ro m a HOUVsk, of doughton‘ sampleâ€"room witl be tound 6 will be dire and Buororey a£ m. to 6 p bar 8. 18Te & CLEMO MA&Y be U, F 64 ttatl ©2 «nd Russe in 4sge, io fally alid to 36611 and 1&w

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