cembines all the REXEODY®X, #, as also C, £4. A, :hcm of Flaesak of all linds, sparin, Callous, :--â€" and undalt the consuta tien, g or fatal diseases, +e&m properiy tel= Jl are delighted k in the highest i Phame + im t, and thoâ€"rmfors any of the com~ aâ€" ried may do» -_‘.n.yul: LTYXAX, 0 I L ciaTTtlLs publisked by ROYER remedy for all vd to the pablic nsed and fmithâ€" and cured by i. Nervous A€ c k in the list of eace uying is searcely need to he latter, m ber. in the lung= or for a leagth Â¥ve o) «p and m , and cach tom= autisto tho» i4 les which in a great re cf&_m per borrl«, & LYKAN, in all parte of beenm osed for noever falls to ot foul n«cer pain in the ps in the 3, J Ukimâ€" liatetf 14377 Lm & GKMMLLL, Sarrstors, soulcitors, Conreyancers, &o. M uk s tetik, _ . â€"_. â€" . _ ED'AID €. DARTKEKLL, Barristar Solieitor, Attorney and Nutary Public, Clork of the Pesce and Jounty Attorney, for the United Counties ot Presoott and Russell. OMoe+â€"1In the Court House, L‘vrignal opposite the Post Udlce, dsWE ancer, &o. : Ofeeâ€"Lang‘t Buildings, 'w‘u snnosite the Post Ufiles, Uttawa. Ottawa. Avaceros Kawres,. _ Rans Rowas»s Koon, &2 versity | vhysician, sargeon and Agouu kum Dr. lm&Mm:-':.“ .’,,,!' *i DK. HUTCHISON is faully prepared to w new SETY of TEEC1, or w lasert slagle where wanting, on cither gold, silver or ruleahite raboer pasates, Atwng so closaly and samly to the mouth as to be capable of all the uses to which natural testh are appited. without the alightest inconvenience to the wearets, and after Wore, Lasi ena of Sappers BUGRC, . VO® hours from 9 a m. to 4 p. m N. l.dmdmivuhhnw of atsoases of t=o CY % and EAK _ At sight can be seâ€"0 al als residence, Murray 47004 _ o â€" D “: e i e o o d his ~actice the use of the Nuroas valde or l-&-..u.-uu the sufferer lansies without danger or inconveuience, and loses his tooth as it 'onh.:u-.-m HUe a .; be soasalted any day, except BSunday, at his calce trom 91. m to 4 p. m. Qite«a September 3,}870 .’w-vâ€" â€"-â€"--â€"-vâ€".“'â€"---v- v_~. nâ€"-n_“:’m sscupled by ODr. Malâ€" "ï¬o«qutu'm.nuosc-dho Arstâ€"sluss kestan ant. . Tho House hat reduted sad cef vaished -ur The BAR sontains he cholowst Brandsir Winssanad Lige «s, sad every M’Mwfl-unmb&.l\o ropmustr‘s best efferts will be directed to he comâ€" 'l‘--_o_-'iiv_ii- # REATAUSs ANT, Â¥. CAVANAGH, Propristor, CGorner of Wetsails and Wollingtonâ€"streots, 0j P“i'l‘. C y 1 " C _ > _ GCorner Ja f of nis guosts ano patroas. U* Yess>« bam» wa Autly TTâ€"? \::-t ;;:oâ€"u- sitaated in the iaamediate smasy » tas Ascilsnses Buildings and the seal â€"1 +C# #1 oof VWV :‘v .DBV1GS A4*8, # BPARKS sSTREET, OTTAWA. A row more san be ascommedated t onintioott i ineee ramans alhing the Capitai #ii ld.o:r-w ation opy cas lay or week at moderatate mae. _ _ _ _ YÂ¥. ARM3TRONG, PROPRIETOR, doRNEE OF qU@ESY a<D ELGINXâ€"sTs ) QTTA Y A. ® nnrn;vmn;l-uo on\roRt FOR TRAVELLLING PUBLIC. The Bar always sapplied with the CHOICEST 1L1qQU0ORS, ppaiaynkio® moorts Mre Robort Stewart having made arrangements 'u-u.-:uldw teacher, announces that her adlu-u will «ommence on Wedussday, the tind instant _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___, . _ And the table spread with EV ERY DELICACY 0OF THE SEASON HALIIFAX, NOVA 8SOTIA, Established 1851. f Permsmsent and ;r1saiisat voarders accommeod.: l.ndm“:{“‘"‘l“"‘“"‘ 9609 JUUN R+MANS, Propristor. calar and information, sent (ree 0n applicaâ€" tion. Darwings prepared and copted. .. _ | s.no&o:rol.m‘-n. Shiten. MA ...8... sampleâ€"ruom for -.-CIJ L railers. 8597 r a AKCOTNGO AXD DEPORTHXEIXT. Patents solicited in Canoa Ja and the Uaited States ; Trade aod Timbâ€"r Marks, Iodustrial Designs, Copywrights, Transters, &0., register. edon the abortest notice, Covies of Laws, Cir. 66 n.\-- CG&£4." In the Domuinion lqulblalh‘o.nl.fll.-ln price. 1CMULA®S SP AMRE®, Burrisser aad Attorâ€" seyâ€"utâ€" Law, soilsitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyâ€" As MAMHA, Architeos. . Ofce a Buildings, Rideanâ€"st., Ottawa. CEKHEKHR &~ KLABEKH, Barristers and Sold by every chemist in the clty, ! actured @haoiessie by MUNRO & JACKSON, O8GOROYNE & TA LLOX, Bartusters, Bolinitora, &o. Otcoâ€"Mosegrove‘s Buildings, u0Tun BALSstERION, k&+ DICKAN®ON, Rasromes and Svsorar Kent Street. 1\ ¢. L. H199188, L. ROBLLLARD, MHK ME&TRUOPOLIT 4 AVMAONDS JPPOSITE tent Rights frewit Movember 26, 1810 ‘YOL. : YIL. â€" xo. I0GUHi. TRTRKEAU, Notary Public for the Pro Moetets aad Sut cons. aÂ¥aEauiÂ¥ HuvU8M4, The latest and mobest «P EB R F U X E" moorters, M «nufactures and slaims constaatly on hand . Offlce, corner and Yparks streets, over Maun Bros Atabltnas sad 10 Asteative Hestiet. ZLITE OF MONTREAL «Medice!â€" w an l P. OMKAKA. Â¥nor 'wâ€"" er‘s Br.idgee,. OMes HK6t1 _ Quones Tamso®, ad Wellingtonâ€" streots, :unlo mlda C. a. CoOURSOLLES, 0 15214 United States Pate «ts Residencoâ€"‘Connor street. Mr. Dowars was Mmmn‘wr-m of Mr . Doue, of Worsestar Cathedrs!l. Engiand. ORGANIST AND TEACNEXK oF MUSIC. Residenceâ€"K!gin Streot, South of slater Stroot. Olasses for beginners at Mr Gowan‘s Hall on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridaye at 4i p m. Ottawns, July 16th, 1870, 1410 uf C.AIL.‘ J, FARSKER, Accoutant: B oks prsted Acowonts made ~at. Appl; at the ofice of I P Mill solicitor, Rferences: We Mill, U U Pinhey,. Ottawa, Nov *, 18 .ncorporated under Chapter LXVIl of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada. YTAW A OFFICEâ€"G P Dacumox»‘s Exchange VMee, 19 Sparks street. _ DIRECTORS ; AJVSEKPH, Chairman; D 0 THOM8ON, Tres» arer; 8 B FOOTE A THOMSON, T H DUKN. DRMMUUOND Manager LW l‘\olul-l.r A beautiful sountry reaidence with Fifteon (15) ‘.A:. dl..:‘d(w mflm)m.::'.; mu.m«m M’m of lnvely shade t d M-lzh.lg-hun mdllunnn-o-m tbuildings. pa of eash, it preofer r.‘ Ib::rb-.:...llm:sm:.u‘n:. lalance n from | to 10 years, to suit parchaser. Apply to the Proprictor, _ _ ___ _ _ .’.U'In.’. PEKLKEKOKAPH Con P a8Y ®procu . he most experieaced hair dressers, MBR uENDREAU having served considerable time in some of the bes: and mort extensive Hair Dressing daloons in the Dominion and United Htates, is in a position to conduct the duties of his ast Is the best and cheapest material in use for pree erving aew, or repairing old He will havre alwaye on hand he best perâ€" tamea, m ported v from Paris and Lonadon. llOllollAonMn sonvrince all of the truth of bis statoement»* Pmiuv- YoUu noors, PATENT PLASTIC sSLATE PAIN‘, IRON OR TIN ROOF3, No maiter how bad their condition. Also frs 8 H.( NGLHE R OO F 8, Making them W&°FIRE AND WATER PROOF, @« Hardens into a coating of SOLLD SLATE by oxâ€" For lining Â¥Frame Buildings under the olap boards. An efectual protection aguiast cold, damp and vermin. Kats and mice will come HAIR DREsSIXNG PARLOUR, a BUVHANAN & 00,, Wholesale Depot for Moodng Materia and Foun Ottaws. September 81, 1870 * 1488 Beg to tatimate to their customers and th public seneraily, Ahattney will ueop constantl on hand Dous, of Worsester Cathedrea!, Engiand. S oaily opy ds ty Patt Oe N. B.â€"Money to lend on Real Estats Terms SPICEI To be had at DOAR _ DOWARLD, Orgaoist, Chri Price $6 a barrel, mixed ready for use. A barrel will sover 10 squares (10 x 10). the glection of OFFICaARA lvhoz- year, .:’u;;m to TuUssDiY, the 5th inst No FRAME DWELLING should be without OH of the Board of Trade, Oitawns, January %, 1871, E* prises of all my Wood ‘hat is to say, best Hard Wood $4 15, #* wa $3..0; #ecend best Har d Wood, 4 45 ..:.u: n_z.nlvflcufl:ham'n.:: N.flc-o Onttw a, Dos, 6« Bflonxu. BRo , @ENDREAU, the propristor of that so i# Parlour, has the plessare to arnounce to nstous friends and the public in general, angwer to the groat ensoaragement whicn L“vduplul. prosont, he has deterâ€" s Anlarge and thoroughly furnish anew &. FRIPP, ROLLED BUEE FOR PARTIE®, «MWitecel!ancous. 8SHEATHING FELT GOVERNO® GFNERAL _â€"â€"TDet THELIR CIELEBRATED, FRESH KILLED Opposite the Bank of Montreal. Wellington street, WiaAaRD MXARKEH THEIB STALLA, AND â€"sALT â€" ROUND, of the Ra&ARD OÂ¥ TRADE for AND MUTTONX. % He will sare ao expense to Nese. 5 and T; in a mananer that cannot be KXDUL KE AU, 3# Lemoine Street, 0. L. P_lll'. B AR7 en TE EC ALGGE enc nwww l e | Moes, 16 s lnfl } 4.‘ «* K#A210k & CRORBIS, onare. IMPORTERS OF GENERAL HOUVSE FURNâ€" 180I1NG HARDW AaAnsg. «VJs mm uiLY mo, Sa OV cige o V REGES RHu «uUssola,"‘ s splendid sssortmem of Blook Tin Tos and Cofes Pous, selly Moalds, Wire Dish Covers, Spise Boces, ln‘L’ Dressing Cases, Trays, Enuwmelica Pie Vishes, Preserring Prons, Deit Milk ~aucepans, &0., &o. _ «l4 Constantiy on haad, Cooking Stoves, (best makers) dot Air Furnaces, W ater Coolers, Baths, (al: kinds) Cutlory, Plated and Britannia Mets FIBHING TACKLE, comprising Rods, Lines, Â¥iles, Hooks, Fioats, l‘:.b. Panniors, Landing Nets, Â¥iy Books, &0. &s, Ottaws, August 10, 1870 149 1y gbhasers, Consiaingin part of LENERAL UOUsE FURKNISHTNXGS : ‘M; s:lnc. ld:. and r-;:.. Pookct aives, To mo Bpoons y #78, Taple hats, Duts, s»nerews, Looks, Boits, Catches, m:lm Pianes, Sqnrares, l.-:-n. ‘O. st+ol B vl-_viail‘m. m“lm Draw Kaives, £6, &0, ‘1egether with PAINT OF ALL COLOUrS : Rose, Pink, Burn: Umber, Terra doe Kinns, Chrome Yello@, Yellow uoinic.lcdd Blue, ruaris Green, Bronswâ€"ck Greoen, Magnesia Greep, Venstian Greeu, Red Load, W hite Loâ€"6, in Oll or mm Black, Lvory Black, Lamp Black, Oil. Raw oil, m-. Bensole, Coal Oil, Paint Brushes, V #&c. THOS. HRAKETT, â€" WNo. 24, Higean utroot, Bign of the Aavil. P,. H.â€"â€"All goods delivered free to any part of he Cluy, Ortawa, Nov 18, 1870 y mqim Pianes, Sqnrares, l.-‘-n. i‘-, st+ol B vl-,vm;l‘,.m. M‘lu\hu. Draw ldvgo. #6, &0, ‘1egether with PAINT OF ALL COLOUrS : Rose, Pink, Burn: Umber, Terra do Kinns, Chrome Yellow, Yellow Uobre, Celestial Blue, | at ruaris Green, Branswâ€"ck Greoen, Magnesia Greenp, | 8t Venetian Greeu, Red Load, W hite Loâ€"6, in O or Dry, PDrop Black, Ivory Black, Lamp Black, lusz ed Qil. Raw OQil, Turpentine, Bensole, Coal 64 «4APITAL »» (1TOVE Elevated Uven Cook Stoves, at Low Oven Cook Stoves, at Double Stoves, at H. MEADOWS & Co Box and Parlor Stoves, at H. MEADOWS & Co Conl Stoves, Base Burners, at ; H. MEADOWS & Co. The Quintal Coal Stove, at Parlour Cook Stoves, at Dumb Stoves, all sizes, at JU3T REOCBLIYHD, ex "I‘ride of Canada® and Hot Air Furnaces, at H. MEADOWS & Co. Stove Pipes and Elbows, at Bign the _ VIL, .34 deanStreat, where ~u ga8 get a sate assortment of Shelf and H. MEADOWS & Ce. Lumbermen s Supplies, at _ _ _ _ __ i : ___â€" MH, MEADOWS & Co. 1st Prize Stoves can be seen, at The Subscriber has just received a fullassort, ment from a celebrated Grower in HOLLAND, both for Spring Gardening and inâ€"door Oalâ€" The Flower Roots above mentlionod not oon.h‘bll!dfllll‘blllboâ€,“ offâ€"red for sale at low prices. FAMILY toward him, on the cccasion of the late fire. n...'b.hldu-lh-uubo'lll* mense bustness on his own saccount, in a fow days, 10 part of Mr Mol.ean‘s Auction Roow, in rear of T l EWBE Plksics* veathi auttecie ‘teand whinrke: Wishes to return sincere thanks to his friends and the public, for ‘he kind «ympathy eviwsed '-F‘--.-â€"v en o e P Pm Jann Roos‘ Cigar »tore, with m-zrnal. of D ugs, Chemicals Patest medi Pertamâ€" a.7, 45,, and trusts &bo'allh'fllqmn..& absgrion to besiness, the same kind patromâ€" age that was exteaded to him in his sitaation. uvttawas, Des. 16, 1870 1Mly * ISMAN LINE OF MAIL GTRAMERS, GAILIN® rROM NEW YORK EVERT SATURDAY AND ALTERNATR TURSDAYs. ai9es 0P PaSBAGA BT THE 81 MCROiY STRACER: Firnm Oubin, Payable in Gold. l :-uv- ’J.‘............ T xo L7 â€"themage, Payoble in t it ©~ 15 66 W‘"M «eeessees4e04 s «e0000008 ## PAisgaGE BT THE TURADAY STRAXER Y! KALIFAX 'â€g" "_vFâ€"' â€"Iil “ “ #, sohn‘s, N.F,, by branc®s s6¢ Rteswrage, Payable in Liverpool or ARDWAREK! HARDWARYF t POl LIVEAPOO L & QUEENXITOW DUTCH BULBS! fLKB AB8%0RTEKE®ET 1X OLV DR MEDICAL HAaLL, Ottawa, Mov. 18, 1870 onl en eneebe l ut = 00 oR m.m seesees ss000 sesserses sesssccsssancee s l. †.John‘s, N. P., by branch st08Mm0F..â€".â€"â€".««« 30 06 Muflnflh%fl.m.‘ Oantinent.at moderate t o cige Jougquille, Hyacinths, many varieties, 35 SUSNEX STREE:», N.F,, by branch stoamor.......»« p’p DISPENSING CHEMIST, * LATE MANAGER, BPARKS Drug & 1»1*. H. MEADOWS & Co. 13, 1870. WIGMAX, H. MEADOWS & Co. H. MEADOWS & Co. H. MEADOWS & 0 H. MEADOWS & Co. 40 Sparkeâ€"st, Ottawa. 1O 151791 K. MEADOWS & Co. asess»$100 00 OLTTAWA, FNIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1871 MES Th SMB, P. BASKERVILLE & BROS., Ko.36 Rideau St., and Duke St., Chaudiere, Whire from their grâ€"at increase of business and the large addition now put to their Store, with a well selected Stock, and corâ€" stant‘ attention ou their part, will enable tiem to sell at prices not to be equalled elsewhere. & OLD RYE, and PROOF, With a fine asszortm»nt of Christmas and New Year‘s FRUITS ana SYRUPS. light Profit«." F’ Try their TEAS. Ottawas, Nov 29, 1870 WINTER APPLES, ..ORANGE® and LEMONB®, CHEESE, HAMS, | ' and BACON, Remember our Mottoâ€" Quick Sales and If you want Choice Â¥IRGIN HONEY,â€"calli at the New GROCERY 8TORE, corner of Sussex and York Streets. â€" n cS New Crop West Ead, Layers, Valencia and Beedless Raiâ€"ine and Currants, Fr en Turkey Figs, Malaga Grapers, Lemons, Choice lnâ€" perial Prunes, Canued Prele, Gelatiu«, Cross & Blakw.lUs Pickies, Bauces, Jams«, Jelies, aud Murmalade», Fresh Uysters, Lob»tâ€"r« Be. ).dn Mackâ€"re}, Saimon ans Towatoce, with a chnee lot of Scotch aird Euglish Ales and Purter, Wines and Brandie#, Gin, â€"Bo 1ch Whiskey, Jamaica Ram, Old Rye, Syrups and If you waent SUPERIOR CHEESE, call at the New GR@CaRY STORE, Corner of Susâ€" sex and York Streets, If you want FIRSLâ€"CLASS DAIRY BUT. TER, call at the Nâ€"w GROCERY STORE Corner Buss«x and Y ~rk Streets. At the New GROCEXY STORE, Comer Susax and York Strests. j ‘Extra Fins Green, Black and Japan Teas, Rio, Java and Turkey Coffce. Corner Bussex and York btreets, F YOU WANT ‘ To sAVE MONEY Fine Family and Pustry Flour, Oat and ru Meal, atthe NEW GHOCERY STORE, TYENXTIONX ? $ LOXpO®,: ONT., Inspects every BARBEL of FPORK he Ships and Ships ouly a Fmstâ€"Crass Article. He bas or Sale trom some of the Leadicg Packets and Curors : C Heary Mess Pork, guaranteed. Ex. P. Pork made from Heary Mess. Shoulders Mess Mutton. _ Heary © Bacon, &c., at the lowest Fiest Mdu“\‘t‘ihd‘m f Ko. 1 Sup. Flour, Oats, Corn, &c., bought tion. , ‘ brough rates to Brockvilie, Sand and Ottaws. pastpeydta® ie e wrhin Te :s | 3 207 PR OV 1I8IO N B R8O K E R : e t 3. ;‘:g.f IIABL!..‘ N l\linl%' Oitawa, Doso 6, 1878 J UOYAN A. BITTERS, White Beaus always on hand. Orders or enguiries have prompt aiten» London, Ont., Nov, 14, 1870 ANuUS «uBRRLSON, R&.q, M P, I d 'bu‘..“".; .flu M P J 0 WORTS. Krq. & 8A RUOTUERRURD, E6q, w H ngx.uo. Beq. & P RIDOUT. Wq , JOHN 88 EDDE ., Bxg, i Coxstaxttr ox Haxp, CGroceries. OTTAW A, u0e DIORWE! y London, Ont. . is2 1526 15 3% jonpe, dauces, Spices, Pickies, Brooms Candles, Coarse and Five Salt. Aiso, Bordceauzand ther Vinegors 39 RIDEAU STRKKEKT, oTTAW A + HAYVIKEKG OPENED HI8 4Â¥ ESTABâ€" e LI8SHMENT {nearly oppostte the Old Stand,) #ers forsale at VERY LOW PRICES a targe nd nl‘l.‘nwrcuol. ecomprising .O'I‘m'om. W in uore, Lauoar goq:.' 6u_|2u.splo:o:ml’. Bgognu. Bm‘::o’. MESS POKHK, CKLED sALMON, LABR, HERKINGS, a . the numerous other articles necessary 0 oonâ€" titate a com plete stock. FWYEASâ€" > H1G _ Meseived a trosh consignment of this deBcious Wine. 1t is ful) favoured, of great body, and gusaranteed perity, A LICABTK. A Sweet Rod Wine of delicate fAsvour and bou. qu«, ipvaluabie for invainds. _ This wine has been otuhll imported as a pure Wine to be used in ,,°9°_',:’ E?é"’.-""* 3 * The following gentlemen bave kindly allowed their names to be usea as references : Ven Archdescon Fuller, Toronto. hey 4 Beaven, D D, w# Rer G B Read, D D, a* Rev E Baldwin, .* |#t hev W is Darling, s Rey A Wiiams, «4 Key J D Cayley, #" Rev W H Davis, «e Kev 8 Bealord Jozes, L L D, Otta®w» â€"AL8Oâ€" A fall Stock of Branores, wins, Jamaica Rum, Proof »nd Uld Kye W hiskey, Bbherries, btill and sJullb. Movelle, Champagne, Malaga, Maderia M«lvoisie, Noyan Curacon C eme de Menth«, Creme de Moka, Chartrem»e, Marâ€"schizo, kogiish and Canadian Ales and Porter, #s, &«, &c, J. P. MACPBEKKSON, Wine Merchaat & Elgin Street. Agont for Quelton, Bt George & Co e n-ol" Wines. a* t p9f Urtaws, Deo 19, It13 15367 € WKIBKIY'. Igh proofand avor, at extremely low rices. Thorne‘s and Stewart‘ 8 Whiukey and id Towm. Dunvilie‘s Lrish Whiskey. Murphy‘s Old [rish Potteon. Guinness‘ and Loadon Porter, pts and qts. Molson‘s n‘.g other A.llr ll' &n » " ““o :fo “Nll.l":" :r.ku. (HE OLD UTOC% BAVE}! FROM FIRE BELLING AaT TWESTY.FIVE PEBRCENT BELOW COST. Now is the time or bar ains. 1106 MPORTER®S & WHOLESALE DEALER %¢ preston & RowsELL, MILITARY _ TAlLORS H A B1T M 4A K E R 8 N. 36 SPARKS 8 TREET W. "‘i‘.-,. “u-l'“ “-‘-w'll-."' LNVE GHwWINES, OLD RYE, PROOF AND ESIS WHELAX, UuUbILLOX PORT. LEGISLATIYE ASSEMBL Y OF ONTARIO, Toronto, 20th O:tober, 1870. Notice is bereby given, that the last day for receiving Pâ€"titions for P ivate» Bills will be WEDNESDAY, the TWEXTY.EIGHTH day dbï¬OtIB}l next. A Married Wan, who understands rarming in all its Jeopeartments ; has had long experience in "M. FoOUuUIE & COxPrPany, mrTKEAS AND WINES, @a Freosh Coffee ground and roested daily on A SEKLRCT A8SORTMENT 41R 01 Â¥MADPE To ORORL ITUATIONX WALTED £ ‘% ce o& > g Bherries o all grader, Ports of Ane Jv.awas, Jaly 16, 1s70. Groceries, d ¢. Brcad Cloths, ©â€"BO8PITAL STRE&EET AaSs Â¥FAR M E R 0 ©il ‘rw Souterne and 'l:z;l..“': Doe Skins, CHaRLES T. GILLNMOR, Fancy Coatings, Congon, imperia! Young Vestings, dc. MONTREAL R. L, AMB & 00. AT THE Arnold J Ardegh H A.oneson Alex Aver=ll Jao Baard Wm Barber W m sallepd H > Benan Jno Bell H H Berry Jos Blakely Wm N Bowes Robt Ho th & Co, James Bssweil & boott B own Miss M Brown Miss A Brit Mis sarah Brennan Maj., W D Bryan Mary } Brown Miss Kate Brown Miss Margaret Brown J as B aton D4 Borke Miss M A Buras Miss Oath Boroham J Bâ€"xton Jno T Uarter T Campbell Richd Llll wKF LETTERS REMALNING IN TBE OTLaAWA PusF® »+FLICE DBse 3%ih, 71. Adams W m Kely Martin _ < Angrews W m KX nnedy Pat Aarnoid J Ke ly £ Ardaegh H K crins Androw A.anwson Alex Kirou ok Frs Cameron Jno M O'M 4 Carsona Wm Ormend J : Cadwell Mrs Patterson Jno Cbrutie Mrs J Parks Anuic Caase Rey H P \Patterson J M Chesher Mr ‘ \Pet»rson A qâ€.,. ' .‘ | Puï¬-’ M Clay Johanash T Powell K Cook Jub Purdy Jao Coulter alex Provansaile Bag Cobb Mrs h A Presiey Ellen Corâ€"ctan Mary Quine J D Nommutse Jas W‘ Jao Crang J»s Miss Cath ArAs nanaid Reypoids Miss J Dekin Jno LDowler hichd Doyle Jno Lougall W Dagosina J 8 Dusnartt Jos Daocn M oc 4* Kdwards C Li¢:> Miss M &A w.f‘m E Elwo thy W G Kilintt P kesex Bryron Ferguson Miss J Â¥eliy Juo Â¥Folsom &A M FopterJas PFornes Danie} Gibmey Miso E Gordon Mis 3 G «mas Miso In* Grapam Miss M K Gribth R GWrant Wiss M Guon Jao Hanion Miss l A Harris Jas _ _â€" Hayes Miss M Rarper W H Hammend Jos Harkness Mros 4 BRell tre nanoah Robt Harrin sten Jas Herden J) o Hariow J«s bawbiin F4 til‘n 6 qm‘ï¬: &E Hogan Miss M Hollavd T 8 _ Jonn=ros Fred Jones Jno James ie C Keply Dsn He ge B‘ 4 Cimnmmt§ _ Oitaws, January %, 1871 URESS GOOLS. Department, especially the prices, are Exoerpomsour Moosr:ats, GOLBEN LION from 20 to 90 cents, at 15 to 80. L L. JIAMZXS &.:Co. BNry Goods. ; that in this present Ottawa ptioéo. very cheap considerably lower much under pretty generally A large Market value, Meot onsla t J J MeDiarmid Mre M McGaâ€"re Miss M J MeGuire M McoGee W L McoGows«na Mrs N Me!‘hinoy A M Kay Jno M Kay Mus J MoKay M+s H C Mcken~« Mcs F H M K a Mrs * MeNaogbton D MoeMartin Mrs 0 : Mobeod Â¥m _ ot It is I‘. « Norman Leslice .+ Lee Hober Ma«jor Merrit Wm Minmoon Jas Miller Mrs £#4 Moran Miss M Moir Jno Mose Geo Morgan Jno M Maireaneale Miss : Marpuy Juo H lool":.’ W m J Needham Mrs O Deli Thes gldn M J Ormond J z Patterson Jno Parke Anuic \Patterson J W |Pet»rson A Pirt t J Purter Andrew Rodden Jno Rovinsca W Robertson Jne kyan Mro C Ehiclds Cbas Shae Miss Mary Bla ne J5 Bims Mrs M _ . bivse »iss Alic® â€" Bmith Alex Bmith W m Bpratt Mi«â€"s E& Bpel can M Btare Jas _ Streinick Jos ~~ 1 Btackpob Wmm Staples M St Taylor Mise J . _ "Lhompson Robt ) hompeen G@eo Thomas Erne» Thomson H FTownsend W m Torence D Tyndle Richd Jupper J 8 Uobs'lfl W m Vandus a J W YVuan Al .3 W a sh Miss 8 W alsh Joo Watren Q W arringtâ€"n E6 9 Whillans Robt W hitlans Geo White Thos Wilson Androw Wilop Wa W ilson R K oods Mirs Ann Mo Jormick F _ WoCaug o dn if I:Ifl .:kb-‘ MePuoerson J, @ P BAKKR, . _ Miss M bicciuddh cAdtcal. o mRane! 3 up, including farmimpleme=nts, &0. I saw cattle and horses lying dead by the way side; they could not esc:pe, : even bears, deer, and foxes were Iying dead with the cattle, amonget which they had fled for got a central villages had been there was not the slightest trace of a dwelling left standing. and I know that several parties who had been wealthy, and had :::PM their charity fully and freely before this .sad ovcurrâ€"nce, were now in one uwight aswept clean: of everything they possâ€"ssed, and rendered ?v.uu destitute, . unsble, to do apything for themselves and in many cases were very unwilling w accopt the cold charity of the world, (Hear, hear.) 1 found that on the otherside of Ahe river where the hou. member for Ottama lives, a very large number of persops, ware burnt out and had focked to the city of Ottawa which was close to them. Many ‘of these were carried away in ~floats snd boats, in order to escape from the confiagration, a» were also many people in my own comstitu. Mboeoumo'rtboqnfwtolï¬om peen ue ol "I i t out on the in his employ, numbering between. three Th wl A families burn hundred and four bundred. . He re built Q';br“_ Lyonâ€"Yes.. There Thout ont “"'WM?‘“"‘W?"IP‘!O hundred families on thet wide which were willing beart to assist them, boadaw rentiored f Fare five us £500 in money for our fund. : [ | sundsid m“?"l..““' while M'ww io my hear ) _ The Central Committee formed | . ,-il.l “““fl'd’"d'm':.“‘â€â€œ. themselves into sub.committees, of two o: ' im."‘â€:.â€'m‘"'m e of I1, rep:esented three members in each township of the by Mr. Crai { do.un..ot know the #EM06 district, and went round to invesiigate th Tok ofu“I la Rent we Keut cases ol distress requiring assistancé, w'u.b ‘““'w†hersâ€"in ras done aview to guard against any fraud beiDZ | ro, al the § the fire had Pn Seatdof muok “’.,'.2.."‘““:..“:';:" es whach ho uisnn ho s Commitiee ied to. before. . Me “’l‘:‘dfw"!†n-h-:'.m im tion 10 the position with them of the several PMâ€" _ pusp; out, My own county ie {PRICEâ€"3 CENTS | turional@s a free grant, but 1 felt /so | anxious mbout the Hatter that 1 was fain | to be satisfied with it. This offer was a | loan of $100,000 for ten years at «ix per sent, on condition that the County Coun cil would guarantee it. 1 urged thit .nlmght haveit at the same rute they were getting for it at the bankâ€"four per cent. (Hear, hear.) But I was told that it was "lucking up the moneay for ten years,"‘ and that there @"must be two per cent 1umoa that account." 1| retwned to Uttawa ani placed the proposal of the Government before the Central Commitiee and the County Council. The Council refused to take action in the m«tter them selves, and relerred it to the people. The Reeves held meetings in the various town ships, of which 1 attended two. At these [ explained to the people that they had better take the loan at six per cent, for if we refused to have it at that, we might | have to pay eight per cent for it, But the | spirit of the people rose, and they refused to take the offer, (1oud choers) They | uaid they wouldnot mike iteven at 4 per cent if such was the way they were to be | ureated by the Provincial â€" authorities, .| (Hear, bear.) â€" Hir, the House wili underâ€" "| stand the feeling in the minds of those | who represent those constituencies, most | lurgely devastated by . the dire, in this | douse ; it will understand my feelings at | this return to the, as l conceive, warm and | generous support which 1 have accorded | the Artorney 4; . (Mear, bhear ) We f mhuhLmh puld have said would * hochuhgoouuhi’down.muinun j estimates, and see if the House was in | favor of it.â€" Mr. Bpesker, 1 refer to this | matter today because there is not the | slightest reference to it in the Address. | Lhere is not even any allusion to that ‘ | sympathy which I am sure must be felt for ‘| the sufierers by almost every one, but | which I am afraid does not exist in the ° | hearts of the members of the Government (hear, hear), though I know that it exists hmmumd.fll’ova ?.:.nbu':‘duh&hflm'.“am.) kind «ym which u-ohqnnzupu-odby tlobon teader of the Opposition, 1 felt very much â€"â€"the disaster was allyded to in #o kind a manner, and this the more, that unlike the Pn-ht.hmnunrpd:::o.o. We were very happy to receive this sympathy, but when L asked the Gwmtp::lr- grant the reply I got was this: =©What wouh.“ the Almighty has inâ€" Milfllhway.†That was eaid to ..byquuannL 1 felt this remark very much; it struck me to the heart, and my reply to it was, «1Iam sorry to say that the only resson 1 know is that [ have supported your Government for dluyau.“ (Loud cheers and laughter ) [ stute this honestly and fearlessly to the Houss ~After considersation perhaps it would have been better for me not to have itated it, but L thought, after the treatâ€" m“lumunu-mmy iuty to tell the House the whole circumâ€" stances of the case. (Hear, hear.) But, Sit, it has struck me since that, perhaps, therewas another cause for "the Almighty to have inflicted us in this wey. 1t has -Mmoï¬q:..tly-ho that the Alâ€" mighty might afflicted that section of the Province in that way, with a view, through the affliction of the people, to met the bearts of the members of the Government. â€" (Hear, hear, and laughâ€" :.:v" b'ï¬':.,‘mumwl one you have hn . district, “uywï¬inihm‘-.l""’i“ We were called to contribute towards the relief of the sufferers by that, and an ap ploation for assistan ce was made, to your Sovernment in Ontario, and the answer was !noâ€"nothing."" ~We gare $15,000 to .“m,‘."nq-nhg..dn aball therefore girve you $3.000." _ (Uneâ€"rs). Hon Mr. Wooedâ€"~But that was for the suffeters on their side of the river. Mr. Lyonâ€"â€"Oh, no. Jt was sent to the cCentral _ Commues . Tuee Government ,,."g.mnov(:cw.lu-niuu. to be distributed in aid of the whole sufferâ€" that