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Ottawa Times (1865), 7 Jan 1871, p. 2

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T as Province of Manitobsa has been di vidal mets four eleâ€"toral distrists for elec tion« w iune Hous : of Comnons, and such divimons have been nunsei Selkirk, Lis gard, Marngquetts and Provenchâ€"r; and A prosl un uisa will be issued forthwith sauthorising the hokiing of the elections. The local elections were t » take plaose so as to be complete 1 before the commence meont of the year, the polls being heid on the 3)Jth Deâ€"eâ€"nner. those arco «ppropride namss _ lLisg:@rd speaks for imelf ; Selkirk was the founder ol the sertlement ; Prwenche wus the lirst Bishop in the territory, and M «quest â€" w «s the groat ourly traveilor an i explorer in the North Wost. Ths Ameri ns mmwert that cortain Maseaâ€" chnmetw tishâ€"rmsa csagnt p»«ching in Camelian w ters worse rothor uaserem »ai ously hsudie l by I nperial ani Domimon eraisess _ We ds a»t bâ€"liere thit in «ay one instins> any annecesuy forse #w u«d or that iny of the d linquents w â€"re U jact«d :o incouveniâ€"nce wuicn câ€" ul : in my miunner hive been «voided. B4 sapp ming thie they w re," whi.t do Gen Puiler «ali 4r. Ana«ad, through their or gio, th«a U difec ‘bromi {4 deâ€"ive the po> Uno the A.. ume Asiuise question the Lomton Zime«says, * It is not superfuous "for us to deci«re once more that the " ide . of England being in any way respon "sible, whother politically or pecuaiarily, "for the Q1eeu s proclamation or for the "artitnle or opiniâ€"us of the British Gor #erum utor pe ple during the war is ut * rarly inâ€"dimiâ€"sible, and will not be as pla F N wa Somtes. to do? _ To sarna roun i mad ahaâ€"e the Lap o4 an! D minion authoricies (o, taking maâ€"sures to protect wast of right belougs to Novs Ssooti:, to treat thoun as the direst foss they hare. and to prostrate themnel e« in i wallow in the dust before Gener «d Butler ami Preoâ€"iâ€" deat UGrunt! _ Yer theâ€"e men, or at loasi the tHalif .x Caronicte tor them, hi the an deiy w wlk about the =~rights of the people!‘ By the side of Mr. A nand, even Busler «ppears reâ€"pectible. We underst=ml that a new system of re ceiring payments is «about being intro duved mto the laiwd Revenue service, by prorkling that payments to the Collecto: shall be made in future by means of bank dr«â€"fts instead of scceptal cheques in ali cases in which the «mounts payable exc«es $) The n.w system will undoubtedly contribute w the protection of the revâ€" We also learn that the dmiribumon o bill stamps in the .cimves and towns mss been ir usferse i from the Pust Office De partment to that of the luland â€" evenue. * any ueg timuon.‘‘ The Seiegr ph, wo, one of the most peâ€" pul«s mesrop liian duilies, eujoying an en»rmous cireulstion, states editorially, *# If ths Can «lian a«uthorities _are right i1 @whit they bhirs dons and what they "threiten tw do, we shall sustain thou, "hippâ€"a h t may." The opposing cindidate for the office o: Reeve retired at 12 0‘ clock (noon]. The el=ctions for the township of Norti Gower wok plase on Monday last in th T en Hail ofâ€"the village, Mr. James W.l Ince being recurned «s Reere. The Couâ€" cillors electad were Messrs. Brown, H:ii), & J Euimam, J. ?, aasd U. Wiiliam . #espted by the couniry as the busis 0 When the Ort wa correspondent of the Toronto Globe has no news o communiâ€" oite, be sometimes favore the readers of bis journ 1 by telegraphing his riews on Canudian politic~l sfhirs, which might poss:â€"ly be more valuablée if he p seessed any aâ€"qusintance with the political his tory of the country. We notice that on Woednesd :y last he telegraphed as folâ€" The business in the hinmds of priraie main ers -’lohu.:'» be of much greater importinc» thau «1y of the meâ€"sures of the overnmin m eXKsept that for th« union with dritiâ€"h «‘~lam #s, for which they deâ€" sart« m» crelus, «s the poalisy whi h vrings Volum n« in dil nost or@Ginste with thein The Tor at» Globe of Tnursday make cartain comments upon some remarks 0: 0 irs touching the lud peslence questi© , aud the utrerly unioamied rumour of > r A. T. tGalt‘s meing about to enter the Cab _ It is certtinly a refreshing piece of cool ness for a man to ass=rt that the present Government do not deserve any or» dit for the poliâ€"y that brings in British ‘olumbia â€" 1. e for Confederation â€" The facts are that when in 1864 dir John Vacdon«ld proposed Conlederatimn as 1 remedy for existing grievinâ€"es, Mr. B. and bhis colleagues m-lyowo:dkw that it "woul.â€"l not be 10 e to the people of Upper Cunad=" : that they agreed to acâ€" eept as a compromise a mesasure for the Federative Union of Upper and Lower Cunmia, but refu=d to enterts n the larger scheme which provided tor the Auction Sale of Furniture at the Caledénia On-l'un-rin. S:leâ€"Patterson & Bryson. Acknowledgment. will well repuy poru«al Mr. J. G. DAVIS is a«thorized to receive Wto rtisements and -l”"“ ioe VHe TIMKES . Now «ut weure about Exuazoing rux sire of Tile TLME3 a.d ~atrodu imy uiAer unprocements. adverhs rs shou d take advaâ€"tage of the increa OA circuls mon whck if wib ut onuce be cert:in to Queen Victorta intads purchasing fron the city of Halifix the late reshience of the Duke of Kent in Nova Seoti,, and present ing it to the inimbivants for a public park We publish in another column the repl; of the tiawa Bourd ot Trade to the que â€" tons propoumded by the Can«l, Comuis moners _ lt is cmefuily prepawed, and obtain. Jn othee dirotins as wet 4 in Uthnea, we e muking cxertions to exte 0 our ubscription list and to aud to the valu« of THE TLMAE3S as «n advertising mesium. won waAchk 4 wib at once 1NE way* Por in‘eresting reading matter se tivst and Fourth Pages. $ s‘ ssveage ~~tar o Acrnatanin â€" atptine Nhine cupi P einagiagifiem ons . C coe i. 8 TURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1871. ®ew abvcamns & ®T4 MEN W * DESERVE CREDIT FOR CuNFEDEKRATIONX. \ RHoeâ€"38 Sparks Streoet. TU THE PUBLIC. L theom toâ€"im~t American Union. agiinst which Mr. Brown ud his followers so sealousiy fought. Brirish Colum »is will un loubtediy soon b:come a po.tion of the Domin.on. and s »no credic is also due to the Gorernm +nt tor the su cessful results of the conference «hich took placse last spring be:ween tnem and the British Coluwnbtin deis 4 wes. The terms Agreed upon thin were such as have generally proved acceptabl «o th» people otf C:â€"nada as well as to our allow subjects upon the Paciric slope he delegates publicly declared that whei. they came here they were not prepared to meâ€"et with men of such statesmanlike qus hties and brow!i enlightened views, and after a feow interviews with the Gorernâ€" menat they fels that they. might wich perâ€" ect conddence ent ir into a more intimite sonnexion with a people, whose rulers were n» only statesm n of ability, bust of lofty h: ;n toned prtrmiotism; and to those stites work _ saccomplis ed _ until _ every portion . of _ British _ America | is in luded in the Dominion, an i in spite of ail theâ€" Fiobe can do, the people of this o wuntry will have and confidence in thosus who hare thus fir with s much su , w« carried out the poliâ€"y of Briti.n mena, â€"the * orediv‘ of estavlishing the D xninion will be giren. not only now, but tor all thme w come. [HE "HERALD‘S" SPECIAL CORREs PUuNDENC aAT Of . AWA. The New York Heruld contains a letter from is special correspondent sent on to ‘Mtaw»a to information respecting the lishery question. The correspâ€"ndent describes his interviews with certain of ou: le«iing pubiic men in a very clear and s«tr:igh forward maanee. lt is evidens, that when be beard the correct version 0| aff .ire honusphhly taken by sur prise, remacki h the Dominion states Lorn. But the Canadiain people are neither so ignorant or so idiotic as the Globe and all sonnscted wita it, from Mr Brown down to its )ttawa corre .pon lent, »eem to im «gine [aey hare longer memo:i.s thin the dcownites give them crecdit for, and cannot tiil _ to feel indignant sat _ the c»l _ efftrontery with which : Mr. Bown and his followers seek to d seive and mislead them: in the fuce of tacw like those to which we huvre referred, ne record of which still exiâ€"ts, and is within the reach f any ons Wuile they hwive been c«lliny names and misrepre enting fa ts, while they h«re striven to waken section .l and sâ€"ctarian jealousies, a«d, in fuot, have done all in their power to unmpede the work of Union, the Ministers, t use men «who d. serve no cro iit." have bean working earnestiy and lanoriously to cary out the scheme of Confae leration in its entirety. Refusing to contine it to t 1e union of the two Canad is alone, as Mr. Bâ€"own originally desired that they should man with whom he was conversing. " You have certawnoly statedl mutter for much serious reflection.‘"" As the Torento Givbe very truly a1y», ‘* the statemeats of this gentlem n are not so midiy fantastic as those ol his brother represoumiilive in Mo nraal or of hiun wao uied the «:m : * remenduus‘ off e some tunse ago at the Jan wli a Copital." He is evidently a m w of disserament «nd as.lity. Spsaking of mme Donainiwa Miniuters he says : »I have neen Ewored with loug and pro tra 1e« interviews in thes» mas: ors by the very distinguisued «nd cultmuvated Dowin wmse vroumer, tur Jobhn A M.â€"olonâ€"dd, a well as by siur Franis Hincks, the Fimance Muuster ; the Hou. 3 L Euley, the M wter of Custowms ; the Hon J F. Howe Nes ocary of Sumte tur the Provinceâ€". and eâ€"pecialiy the tion.. Peter Miwhell th Minsier 0i Marine â€"~ad Fisheries, whose de patument i more particularly cunceined in these muiters. 1 hbave bud the privilege «i full and ample diâ€"cussion with all thes yentlemenâ€"am| espocially with the lastâ€" his colleagues refused to waite the larght scheme, declaring their dete reiire rather thin actâ€"ept Mre. Brown‘s terms, and that at lengtb, after much dis. cuss on, Mr. Brown withdrew his oppositi n w the larger scheme of Union, and acceptâ€" ed office. Yot says the Glpbe‘s correspouâ€" dent in the fice of facts like these, the poliâ€"y which brings Colmmbis in did ns »igiuate the goverament ! We can scarcely vlame him, bowever, for doing 10. Parrot like, he is but repeating ine falseâ€" hood which he has heard uttered more thun once by Mr. MacKensie and by Mr. A4acKenzie‘s muster. Kor years t. Brown combutted© the idea of union in any shape whitever, de claring thit it was only another scheme to tuten =~two more calves upon the rich eit of Upper Canad:;" that =instesd of n«ring one leech draining her resources Upper Canada would hare three;" that ~â€"not one singlâ€" material interest either in \Jan«de or the Lower Provinces would be euh:nced in ralue by the union," together with a bundrel othe: expressions of a «milar kind. At lengtb, tinding that a o dunial umon in some shape must come, h e»ndesvored, as we hare shown, to câ€"nâ€" fine it to Upper and Lower Canwia, and. pror. at the possioility of ite being ox: tended from the Atlanuse to the Pac tic. Hecause he wasr at length compelied to «ive way, hea wants to rob the men who foreed him to do so of the credit that is due to them as the authors of Confederaâ€" in the ditféiculty th t bas armen, and 1 think it unpussible w »peak wo highly of the energy and luwmimy ani ftu.noss wici which the whule sunvject w.s stirsd by thaun ou beh If of wmeir Governmen: Your space would not allow that 1 snould p «rticularize the conversations I h«d wuh ewh of ihesoe siatesmen upon the Hâ€"heries and it Lawrence questions re «ders muy be sure that what is bherse atâ€" wributed to that individual is the sccurate representution of the gentlemen whom 1 specitied, whose stuiles of theâ€"e uestions seeme to be equally comprehenâ€" :‘an ‘l‘bM‘h ‘:: l-n.:lafl Fish eries, although rtme=tal charge 0i them, did not excel his colleagues in the fuluess of his knowleige un i studies of these importaat tophas.. And whatever naturally goue over aguin with all of them Lt will, {h-‘n. be convenenat thars 1 should throw my report into the form of a dnkx.uouumyoum and the »bstract lndimdual whom 1 will call «se Dowinion statesman." Anod you. rew the Am rican public mmuy take o the watiors whi h 1 have the honor to report I en least testity that the sction of the D numion Gur. rument has been taken by a group of official genilemen whom, alte: lo.g personal expertence of st stesmen and gove:»ments, l can pronounce eqn«| to any im the imuroughn s« and caure with which tbey do their susâ€"ingss of gurerning a gre i community. ladeed, 1 nare uever conâ€" versed with any statesmen who seemed so tb-nn'uy-madushmiuinm To to m ore for a Fire Relicf Grant of $28.00 for this province, and 25 W for the suitâ€" erers in the sister province. . We are in «: respoots glad to ho ur this, and congratuâ€" late, not only our neighâ€"ors whuse proâ€" porty was destreged, but also thuse metuâ€" , bere of the Legislature who labored | zo earnestly to obrain this much needed We have receired a clegramm from ToOf: ont> announcing that the Local GoÂ¥ern« went have giveu notice of their illul_n.iun _4 H PRESTON,. Uttawa, Oth Januargy, 1871. the â€" ity Chamberl .in may not h.uve credit ‘ 4 % u;h:-'omhinnmmn‘m Custom fHowse in spring iwiproved m«ner in his books, yei l can prove by Mr Dunscemb is much improved. witnesses and receipts that my statem: nte Country roads are all blocked up. a«nd reports in every case are strictly corâ€"| Th« Hon. Mr. Langer.n left here for reot, -m-uuhawhnundn”hn Ottawa toâ€"day. manner, but not before a fag‘d, in ~hfths of whom sre o t PS | Th Hibernian ball will take place on sheeps clothing, whose acts too . truly | the 18th of January. prove their nature. Toâ€"day is observed as a holiday. l-lm-hn:;fl hare been dnnlnda.d Weather mitld. con eruing me by peity co.poration The annu«l meeting of the St. George‘s on t on hn to ces " aarey on |Spoity for the alection of oficers took gentlemen, a milling establishment will place toâ€"d.7. i TORONTO. HUUSE UF aSEMBLY. _Torowto, Jany 6th. The Spe ker took the coair at twen yâ€" firs miuutes past 3 o‘clock. After routing, Mr. Rykert introduced a bill to amens the Aot regulatng the procedure of sup ertor an | Couunty Courts. t 4 Wevemely (EReRE® C unimtmmeMd' lite. Glend '.m::nl!ookplwo imbecility, but they will tind that in the toâ€"day, at three o‘clock, from the Church Tok i nieian up uied foley. Oof Sotre Dame des Vidtaines, largely ay Mi.;homo:l’ J‘:b"mmby all classes of citizens. â€" She was The rolls were all duly returned by mâ€"», j $ o uy ubles t the mat ce b'm“' hl.l iE be ReQarat io the 0 my office v» the .«st cent, und although | Trinity House will be ' Mr. Blake introduse! a bill to avolish imprisonment for debt ; «lso a bill tos the prote ‘tion of persons holding lunds under w staken titles ; also a bill to amend the A°t incorporating the Torouto, Ghey and B uce Railway. | several other bills of an important charâ€" a ter were introduced and referred to Commirtoos. »r Cameron then moved the second reading of the Education Bill. He ex plained at some length the rarious d« tail« relief It 1« time the mun«cipal reform associ« tions were reâ€"organizedâ€"evrery day proves the necessity~awml the uime mus<t soon come round for every m« to de his duty. ts ftk, : ____ _ To the Editor of the OLFLAWA TL 24. _ Hon. Mr. Camerun 1epHi@u 10 ns oueut *Siz,â€"â€"In your iseue of toâ€"day my attenâ€" M":r;umnd?bw.l‘r:fi}k and , S es w those um y Mr. e. m‘)nmdnocldw.moflhwlnr- P:Mw-dnn road % i1 time, '“fl"mufll‘”‘wl'“h and un mution of Hon. Mr. Cameron, the more iny®e than brains, ordered. House ruse st a quarter past eleven. through to perleciion ‘hanges introduced with regard to Common Sthools we e the muking them all free, and introducing the principle oft compu! sry atrend â€"nce. Uf the4,500 schools in the Province only 3W were not free, and it was desiâ€"ed that these should come un aâ€" Cullector for the city of Jttawa, perâ€" fecily assured that they will prove satis factory an i correst in erery particular, ~ Rotten institutiens may s.nctwon any would be vast, ani w«s deserving of con sileration at the hands of the House. The vriminal calendar was no doubt affected t a great degiee by this nonâ€"attendance I. was also, proposed to introduce the s udy of Natwal Hvtory, Agriculiturs Cuemist.y, Mechanics : nd Agriculture into tae schouls, and aiso to establish industrial schools. The rarious provisions as to the appointment of (ounty inâ€"pectors fo touche»s‘ certificates, school cites, &,, were referred to, ami also the changing of the name of Common School into Public schoul, and Grammar School into High Shool, and in some cases Collegiate Inâ€" stitute. 1t was proposed to teach German aud French in High & hools, but not comâ€" pulsory. The Gorernment were prepared to receive amendments from hbon. memâ€" ners, being ounly desirous that a good bill shoull be passed. Consolxlation of law w wuild then follow. mure inpertinende LLAD DrfaIUs, UTGeTOu that 1 be called on to return a * Fax | Ledger" that they say was t.ken away by | m'h-vm.sheolbww'om | Strange to aâ€"y thit my prirate bouks | shoull be ot " ine.t.nable valusd‘ t,. the Uorporation. Pray, sir, was the report of my wliress at the mass meeting of the electors in St. George‘s Ward, also of © inestimable value" to the body orporate ? he book in question I most ralu.ble to me, as corrob rative preof of the statemeuts therein plainly, boidly and truthfully made, and 1 most cordially inâ€" intellige..¢ persons interested, withous re erénce to creed, colour, or polit.cs, to oall and examine the books, papers and'hlthn‘a Latest by Telegraph fom der one sy»rtem. There were no less than $4.000 chilursen of school 1g» who were at the present tim» not attending any school. The bemwetit which would result to soc ety Mr. Ferry said that the country had made no dem nd fer this measure, anmd he questioned the propriety of making the shoolé free. He was «pposed to ts policy of life _ appointment» in 1he Cuso Of lhe _ sChnool OMi~iais, mentioned hh:ho bill. h‘l’h;l.e?:m posed to the principle of cance cer :.i‘l,'t‘l.. He dzl m‘bdnnfiohto‘mu of the scholos would be as well looked ifter by five persons as by the Board o rusteses, such as were now managing © In. MoGFill thought that the country desired that the school laws should be «memied and then enlnol&ud;h'l'ln nill was a groit improvement on one of last year. He objected to the compulâ€" introduction in the clauses. ir.fimdw in favor of making our po-r-' Ninclair â€"ail that thusrl-rlho process of «lucâ€":ion the better it would , rove. He strongly advocated that there t e more Biblical instruction Mr. Thomsas Ferguson was opposed to the abohuon of lo ul superintendents and the appointment of country ones, which would involve an extra expense of ¢«7, UV per year. He thought the Govern ment «bhould expenad some of the surplus o--ehoolma..forthouhnl hx w s the most hensome ol all taxe. The » U nad not his cordial support. He would move an amentment on the su‘ jeot of loeal and country superintendants. It being six o‘ciuck the House took e on 4 Mr. Ryke.. continued the Mamufif condeâ€"mned mking provisions and comudâ€"red that it was uncalied for. Mr Câ€"lvin «greed with the remarks of x’. .'k'". | * Mr Fermer supported the dompulsory THE FIRE RE_IEF ORANT. FIAi MONTREAL, LINE. as to the children themselves That Tax Loedgor a pareig mmey wz o 5 bameatliead"©. Imptis in sh ow > ~ x > o /TE o it uo â€" Wt worg _ se wug «VCmV N* Jâ€"ouon bis teatmes of toe Bili of 1 st ln-l $ e e o o . 4 . oadisges * _ _ * ~\â€" _ siun were . emoved from the present thea | Towp3®, Jat: 8.â€"tGed. Manteulf 1 t 1e sure. _ Wuen «he . preséhl 108640ur0 Wl‘ pe phs from Amiens on the 8rd inst., th«t betuie the Gommitie‘of the Whoule it (Gen. Beutheim with trops from theirst would need much c# :ul Cunsider«t08 | army corps uttck8d the French e vty in velure it would ve remiered ..Ccepiable to | the morking df th t day ([Puesd .;]j@m he ie prople and bevencrial to the Counir7. .‘ | left bank of the ~eine, and capturc« curce _ ait. Blake umade an clogusut »peeth iN | cannon, thige fligs, mud 500 prisongir. ’ yive capt ie o s Jyhen ro n Arvarpevares " t 8" /C 4 " Ar. blake made an cloyusut »peech in support o the rmews of ine Upposivion. He looked upon he question as most imâ€" portant, and she yovernment undervalued ite Opinion in thinking in«t if is desyred amoudiments in â€"the prisent system it would uvt uk tor tnewm. tHe would not Yore for any wessure un dicuiion of «ny vore for any messure on dictatiUh 0f =DJ | of the southein forts of Paris commenced oune ; be ag.eed with the sspiration of th# : ay, 9 q‘elock this [ i bursday) morning. counuy that the schools shuld ue ""1 Nuw Your, Jan. 6.â€"Late foreign adâ€" He huped the House would giv@its Iull" yioesstite that Sir R Murchson is proâ€" ovnsideratiun to the mea*ture. ® ‘ nounced out of danger, but much shook ‘Hon. Mr. Gamerun replied to the 0bj6Câ€" | py y recent indisposition. tions that had been mute 10 the sill, and | _ ‘Fpore 1s 1 report that Dr. Livingston has especi«lly w those im de by Mr. Blake. arrived at Mozs«mvique, und that be was be Bill was shen read a second ti01®, | w.;jing for a vessel bound for Engl:nd. _ 2 Qunezo, Jan. 6 Mrs. Glendomoyn‘s funeral took place toâ€"day, at three o‘clock, from the Church of Notwse Dame des Vistoires, largely atâ€" timded by all classes of civizens. She was acter. _ 1t lastea tur seveorcd nvurs, oul, as iir .s gan be asswermined, pe decided a1 T niage was guined. Ine loss «n the pari wi uo L. Ussians bis been very heavyy and the Freuch wuops showed remarkuable being +ued by Mr. Deviin for this«y thousâ€" and doll s is unfoundied. $ Woatue: to night very mild. and Soidiers...Spanmish and Mexican News...Meeting in Boston...Sympathy tor the Pupe. New Yo.r, Jan. 6â€"A special from Lousou says vhat a despaten Tfrom Havre, dat d J .n. Juh cuatume the despaich al rewiy publioned uf a great baitie on the lo?. uauk ul the Seime _ The battie h. vden very Herce, ana of a s nguiuary char Toâ€"day being Epiphany the Bauks, Courts ces were held in the Roma«n Catholic A special meeting of the City Council is called for on Monday next,: to appoint a Board Revisor to revise the roters list for the current year. 1 C. P. Brydges writes tdblhe Witness toâ€" day that the report of the Grand Frunk â€" European travel for the time being Would seem to be almost aty au end. Thue sueamers trom LUiverpool within the pai tew u.ys bhure averaged sumucely a dozen gain p ssengers each. 7 A oil for= meeting toexpreâ€"s to united lwy ime ympathy and congratulafions o. the Amerig.u peuple on the em melpstion JÂ¥ Rowme and its vccupation as the tutu.e ¢ pital of the nsuon, is to take place at ue Acaudemy of Music. y a Churches. To aay there is a wide glade on on the river opposite the city. . spirit anu daring. The Freuch Government informs tele yrapu companies that messages wll be wad for Paris w be forwardedl by m-umm.-m Fhe charge w 1y cents per word, ami imess.g0s Must uvt excâ€"ed 4) words. Vrusaiuces, J.:n. 5.â€"Manteutiel reports thas an attack maJle uy considable uiss o Jf the enemy was repulsed near Jeophig ries on Monday, with a smull loss on Our side, and heury losses to the enemy, in Jluning 25W priswners. _ _ im lues:ay tGeu. Von G:eben, with the 15th divisi.n, victorivusly repelied an at mek ot the army of the uouth near Ba psume _ The fight of the enemy turneu inltw& réueut, which soon becme dis .s wous i0 them, in consequence of 1ne closé pursuit of our cavalry. We hare alrewy Lak es 4) siovhiers. _‘ lospox. J.»n. 5 â€"The French army o the Norih remnedl to its encampment near oyulles, alver the battle of the 3uvth inst. % Gen Faithenbe in onler of the day says, sndiers in the pattle of Point Noyelies,you, vicuniously held your positions at B4« pume, you carried all positions of the «he enemy‘:jn nst ueny your vie By your valor cuustancy you n::.zoonvd well of your country. As+ s on as we have obtained provisions and anmunition w. will contnae «perations. The rmummn;‘a‘dmuh sirprised ispersead the French torce uon the left bask of th Seine, near Rouen, enpturing three stands of colors, two canâ€" non and 450 prisoners. 7 en Giumer, commanding the German torces in the valley of the Seme, seports thut be evacusteqa Dijon in accordance with an ».dress from heasâ€"quarters and reachâ€" ed Vesaul on the 2Â¥Uth ult., be adds that be sh«ll holi the passage of the Mirer It is said the British Government has ordered 8),000 Woper rifles. Mapup, January 51â€"A change his heen made in the Cubinet by the appointment of Ullos, M.nister of Justice and Zorella M.nister of Public Works. . the Word‘s special, dated London, §th, says Jules Farre is coming here. * Trochu accuses the garrison at Arvron of contemptible coward:ce. Cirr or Mzx100, December 30 â€"Congress adjourned on the 16th. President Juare: announced tha: a treaty betweepn Mexico «nd Italy hus been signed by the latter power, and the m&t of Congress stated and declared present a suitable ocmhmforthooom:{to either resume ber former relations with foreign powers, or form new ones presedâ€"Bt to an interâ€" change of representstions. The Speaker of Congress denmed the reports of expaciâ€" ed troubles in the comung elactions Bostox, Jan 6.â€"â€"The Catholics of â€"this city assemoled a%s the Music Hall this evening in large num ers, to express their sympathy with the Pope and to protest ?--s the Itailian ooo;guhu ol Rome. he R ght Rev. Juo. J. Williâ€"ms, Bishop of noston. briefly adiressed the meeiing A tin i pr test was »dopted, denouncing the wfi:'dtbllli:&w-n(. Ofno( the speskers said "the occup:tion must will tenâ€" der scknowledg d head the bomnge m&m-‘&bmphoflheir A special to the Herald from Mexico, “lmw.'myuhwmi:h dency lhn&.olo::.hmr“i. at P1it su Prince and Hayti dates of Deâ€" scemier Hhka report the whole country & 4 wa i «th * â€" Cey .‘ TT Akek, n en e o Sn n C0 C CRC, alg comne oc B . Boyd was glad t6 ie« hib 4) | conipete sudcessfully ts . it Soyd in shat id h d Maof P / Wobtandayts Daspstohed) . | soupmerstcantiliy io dve trude s the m Wiare . anmwad from tha nrdient thas. & u«wslk LH. & 5y %" CpeL rerint 4 1obo ~!imvmalt Hhawit sr im Midnight Despitchesâ€" ihe steamer City of Limerick has arrived it Battle...Prussian Losses Heary... Manteuttel Deteats the Iinemy and takes 250 Prsoners... Aunother P russian Victory... The Army of the North Veteateéd.. ITne Prusâ€" sians Capture (Guns, Colors, TI#8# orvaWi #1Mas, CABLE NwW ». MONCREAL THEC W Ac. QU B sC. Mextarau, Jan. 6. ** ston shuuld 06 : report» | = ihe same cime i mass«s | + yue ofiener grai sophi§ | rer cuddition ut on our | i in at the end my, 1A | + navigsitioun, Wil ith th â€" work, and Wit 0@ | "! open navigntion | in mb ~-.§m. i:.“wuu ear Bs | +drive the trad« turneu | « interpurses suc! e dis s | ! ward progres» 1 it clos® -'n‘..m.fi_" e e oo Ee s Cmm o e aimnt OOR enniiet c3 l C CE 4 the wuf'n';n‘ d thâ€"t day [Iuesd.)Jem he| 11. Are there any harbors on Lake On left bank of the meine, and capturc« .uree | tario which ave sufficient water to accom cannon, thi@e fligs, mud 500 prisongeie. modute ocean going versols drawing 16 | _ Gen Benthem himself telegripbs irom | feot Of w«ter, or over ? f Elouen on the 4ih, confiming the above _ ** here ure no harbors on Lake Ontifric inioli gence, and adds that be has pur. * baving a »ufficient aepth to accommodate sued the enemy beyond Bourgachard, **0%%an Fessols drawing 16 feet." | The bittle lasted throughout the day, | LACHINE CArAL. _ Vexsaimues, Jan. 5, â€"l‘he bombsidment ! 12. Do you tind the lower entrance lock of tbo' southein forts of Paris commenced from the Canal Busin suthcient for the pur at 9 o‘clock this [ i bursday] morning. | poses of the wrade, or is it attended with i_sf' '}“"fvaJ':'_L }@:}g_‘_‘fl_fi{'_“(fl ad. | uelay â€"and, if so, to what extent? _ ‘The following are the answers of the " Otknra Board of Trade"" to the queries of the Canal Commissioners :â€" WELLAXD CiaNAL, 1. To whit extent should the Welland anal be enlarged, vis:â€"To what depth oi watâ€"r, to whur width of Locks, and to what length of Chambers between the gates ? © The Welland Canal should be enlarged " o the same dimeusions as the Sault Sie. * Marie Canal, viz., twelve feet water on the " sides of Locks ; seventyâ€"five feet width of »lock gires, umd three Aundred and fifty " fect length of cuamuer." . ____â€" _ â€" _ 2. Wuut is the moss euitable size of Â¥+sâ€" sels, with refe. e.0s to the geueral câ€", & i1 iues of â€"the navigation, in order to carry produce from Chicago, to any purt on Lake .mt«aio, on the most econumical terms, ind which kindâ€"â€"whether Steain or Sail vesâ€"elsâ€"are likely to be the must suitable : =©The resm is best zuapied for the gen = eral cupabilities of the navigaiion be "imween Chicago aud Lake Untar.0 are * stoatn ‘rrupollen; le.yth,~ 320 feet ; â€"beam, 70 teet; draugut, 11 ft 6 in +(eleveu feet six inches J The trase 0f *lake Superior h« to be taken. inw "sadgount, a+ . wing tae incoming s a VERsaiLLEs, Jan. 5.â€"A hbeary fog preâ€" vailed sliduy yesterday, and preven:ed an attuack on the forts. Nzw Your, Jan 7â€"A newspaper corâ€" respondent at Havana mentions the arrival of rseinforcements from Spain, numbering 31 ofticers and 2,177 men. Also that Capâ€" «in Genéral V«linaseda is punishing for disloyaity ; that thâ€"re are indications of ompiications btween England and ?}nin, owing to the »dizsure by the latier of the British s houner FVictori:; and th.t the voluntâ€"ers of Havana tind it impossitle to live on the Govermument rations, hence a â€"ubscription has been started to supply them with other food. ihe steamer Algeria, fi Av has urrived. o Lwerpoot: The reports that Gen. Chausey is adâ€" vancing are conthrmeu. Borp«avx. Jan 5.â€"<he Liberie charges Baron Er.ango. with being an active agent of the Prussian Government. _ Another_ perâ€" son w l1 go o the Conference from Paris: Wasuux .rox,. Jan. 5 â€"It was deter. mined by the Waysand Means Committee ot the ouse yesterday to tender to Gen. Shenck before his departure for England @ mfl':nnw’y dinner. Invitations hâ€"ve n extend.d to the Senate Finance Committee, Viceâ€"President Col fiax, Speaker Blair, Secretaries Fish and Boutwell _ It is understood that Gen. Scheuck will not be expected to refer in «ny speech he may m«ke on the occasion to his future policy in England. Von Gochen has dispersed General Faidâ€" herbe‘s army. _ k iÂ¥ | a ns of = uffords, it would be more likely o â€" drive the trade off the channel which â€" interpures such obstacles to is downâ€" + ward progres»s to the seaboard thun atâ€" * tr.ct is." s 4. In the event of the harge transporta on being preferred, to wh.t extent, in your upluiwh, is it desiravie to incréase the leugth, bre.dth und depth of the i mporge mens sppears to be inad Burge nevig«ation to * Misu @, Vosels of that disoription <â€" car ying 13 io 2000 bushels can n«viâ€" +«â€" gate the St. L:wrencée dun«l â€" at present. â€" .mdâ€" thare doss mot appear to be «any _ particul.r advantege _ to be «* guindd by (théir â€" ontargement. . The = qountry may be spared the cost of * reounsirucing its principal can«ls if they "* are nd-rud to nothing beiter than burge . avigatin. _ if a barge n vigation is adâ€" * Â¥i~ . .& or protit. ble ou the St. Lawrence " it mus. ‘ve equally so on the Welland whicu n youupmmmnbomhfi-"' 3 improved, so as tw itate the p.â€"ssage ongniupgoduumm?nh‘{“ connecs s« Wi.h the c.nal naÂ¥viguation, 4 Camnal, +« The St. Lawrens:e c:nals can be profitâ€" * ably enilarged o the size of the presout " Siult Steo. Murie, viz.: 350 feet between t looks, 75 feet width of gates, 12 foot wa * ter mside. Anything short of this would be uâ€"eless. 4. What is the bushel capacity of the largest burges nsvig.ting the St,. Lawâ€" rence «ind Lachine C.â€"nals? * * E ghteâ€"n to twenty thousand bushels.‘‘ 5. Uan such cap«city be advantageously increaed, without increasing the size of the present locks ? { ** ’fz dos not appear that the capacity * can be profitably increased as \affecting © the interests of the mwy?t may as © regards the th» forwardersâ€"but it would = be uselâ€"ss expense to enilarge canals for 4 a single interest alone." . 7. I. it practicable or advisable to enâ€" la ge the St L.wrence Canais, and deepen tne Upper 5i. Lawrence Rirer to the ex tent necossury to euable Ucean vessels, drawing 16 feet or over, to navigate from the J a mm to the Upper Lakes? g __i 1. a general rule nothing would U b ined by enle g the canals to «dâ€" U 1: . oce«n 'Q-:E,‘ because without * 1. .i ng into account the difficuity of t hb ndling such craft in a limited -r-u-â€" * the ditterence of densityâ€"in sait and " fresh water would serieusly affect the * sr.bility of the vessel by altering her #rime, straining her when loaded, and inâ€" 4# creasing the lmbility to refuse ber helm *# in the marrow channels through which " she would have to stem." 9. Can vessels adapted for ocean navigaâ€" tion compete successfully with barges and other vessels usually .tt:”‘ in the o_myi:;‘ trade on the canals and ricers ? ° | ««)0ean vessels cinnot compete on the © lukes with vesels especially adapted to 10. Is it yo 'rkon that schooners ors Ir oand ....’II“. f the Doraknce, w 3. Are there any points on the canals, or The Casal Commission. the difficulty of ocesh navig «t.on. in the trade to Europe with ocean built 13. Would it be aivisable that the forâ€" mer eutrunce to the Canal should be re opened, and the lucks enlarged so as to admit a second eutrance to the Canal ? =It would be advisabfe +~ open the " former eutran. 6 «nd en!s « locks, RIDEAU CANAL. «» 1. Is it your cpinion thit the busi pess of this uanal is of eutlicient impor t nce to warrant any outlay for improve ments ? C ‘The business of the Canal is of suffiâ€" clent importance to wurrant any outiay * which may be required f. rimprovements, " and uhnat busine:s may be incressed ditty * told if «n outlay sullicient io remove ali © obssructious in the channel were expendâ€" 4 ed on it."‘ 2. Is the can«l sufficient for the present tnd; passing through it ? "It 1s." ’ 3. Are there any obstructions to the n.vigation of the o.nil that can be eanly removed ? a " There are." 4. 1s the »upply of water from the sum mit sufticient tor the present requiremente of navigati n of the caual? It npt}whu means can be adopted to increase it »The lower entr.nce is obstructed by s ouls; it is attonded with delay." means can be adopled to InCreas® it i «* No on the 2....«» siie of the sum © mit level. The meaps to incre«se it are "by tue conservation of the river face in "the lakes at the source of supply ©*Enough scope is given for this by the " peculi r lopogrâ€"phy. of the districts It 4 gan be effecu d at small cost." BAULT STB. MARIE COAKXAL. 1. Of whus interest to the Commerce o! the Domivion would be the construction of unother Canal verween Lakes Huron and Superior on the Canuda side? " The advuniages to the Commepte oi "Canad. vy the construcuion of a cana«l within the Territory of the Dominion *t "@ S:.ult Ste. Mariâ€" fwould be unrestricted ** ucross to Luke buperior with a correc. * line of 1, JU miles, facilitating the des © eent by Capudian routes Of "the grain traie of the ~north West, and across to * ;2:‘ newly acquired territory at Red â€" River." z. Is not the lock and prism of the preâ€" sent American Canal the iargest in Amerâ€" 1. Of what benetit to the commerce of the Domimon would be the constraction of a canal giving eight feet of water from Lake Huron via French nirer, Lake Nipising, and the Ottawa river, to Monâ€" treal? * With eight feet of water on rills, the © divisions ot the locks which will govern * the freight should be the s me as on the 6 St. Lawronce, viz : PV0 feet long by 44 «wide, allowing a ressel of 500 tons, or "* say 20,00U busbels, to pass. The beneâ€" " fit to the commerce of the Dowinion â€" would be the providing a channel for the 4 trade of the west and north west, shorier uy tully oneâ€"Aird than that afforded by © any erirting outlet"‘ _._ _ 4 i 2. What saving of freight would result in the carringe of the products of the West and North West by this route to Montreai on such uepth of water, as If:lult the Wellund and St. Lawreuce Canals as they uow ar â€", or supposing the Welland to be nlarged to a capacity suitable for the lnrgeoz_ve»ah now trading on the upper lakes ? " The saving of freight would 1%3_\ fully * one third, probably oneâ€"half e comâ€" © paisons are not fair, inssmuch as the * sume dimensions are not supposed to " exist, The enlargement of the Welland 6@ Canal without ©the St. Lawrence « could not afford the question as it would ‘ only facilitate transportation to New York, a. consumma«tion the â€" Ottawa * canals would pievent by affording a " shorter and cue.per route 10 the seaâ€" = board, as betweou Chicago and ~ew York, * and Chicago and Montkes 5 )) tmiles " in favor of the Uttawa can«.~. \he prepon +« derance of distance is so great «s to out «* weigh minor consid.rations which could " be urged in favor of other routes."‘ east of Like Nipising to Moutreal, or, supposing « railway were built from Monâ€" weal vria UltaWa to P::{ Sound or any other port be.ween it the mouth of of French River, how wouid such railway auswer the purposes of the trade o be done on the proposed Oriawa C:nal ? 3. Supposing the amount necessary to enlarge the Wellund Cauul to the e»pacity of the largest vessels navigating the Upper Lakes, i exp: uded on the Uttawa Canal, would give a coutinuous depth for bâ€"rge nuvigat on of 8 feet, which would be the proferable investment ? © P‘here can be no hesitation in stating that the ‘amount necessary to enlarge +‘ the Welland Canai to the câ€"pacity of the "lurgest ves:els navigating the Upper * Lakes‘ would not nx‘yusdopm of «* eight feet, but would uuina the connectâ€" " ing cinals to the size proposed for the "Wellani, and in any case would ve far © the most profitableé investmeut. 4. Suppuse the Fieuch River were made havigable from Lake Huson to Lake Nipisâ€" unz. and a railway wee Luilt from the Â¥e «‘Tne lock and prism of the present Americin Canal is the largest in Amerâ€" caval OTTAWA CAKAL. acandl srvBmastes: A #* € om the sum | , i sok nhnl :: w ‘ 4 ut _ |â€" of the sum creuse it are | ,, river face in | ,, of supply | ;. this by the | ,, district 1 | 1 ies i4 ommerce of! | construction | «+ is Huron and ommepte ol | ! of a capal | Jominion t | + hoa aonrrecid| + Pject would be mitunea by passing 80 * miles of canal and over a le?o“;minu «* by 418 miles. «The acquisition of the North West «Territory by Canada opens entirely â€"new phisoe of this question. Heretotore 1t was the tra e centring at Chioago that : pe ple were anxious anout ; now is is the * w ie centring at Dil #4 *ihis port, en the extremé Western «* prolongsation of lake Superior, was "swrtea into existence within a year. 1t *"is connected with St. Paul at the head "‘of navigation on the Mississippi by a ~railway 154 miles in length; it will be o nnected with Georgeiown, un 1.ed « River, 220 miles from Fort Garry, by a * railway 254 miles in exteunt, by July, * 1871. There is open navigaiion for ves "sels of 150 tons between Geor.eiown " and Fort Garry. Thus Duluth at once ‘coummunds the traflic at the head of 'unruu-' by the Mirsissmppi to the * Gulf of Mex100 on the buuth,}fi"y the Reda ‘Ri'%r to Hususon s Bay at the North, «ud 6t %ku and St,L.wrence to the Atlan " uc on the Kast. its fromtuier is far beutet " than that of Chicago, as it commu d © the trade every way ; has Mimnesou:. * with 40,000,000 «cres, Dakota wich a like = amount and l:ed River Territory with 8y,000, 000 arce» 0t the richest land in + the world twit: 8 y t it. * As a specimen ~. wh.t this trade will " be, + innesous with less thana twoutieih = part of her area us.der cuitivation, h«s 4 sls yeer 2,000, 0) busheia of wheat £ r * export, ber territo:y i» rapidly niling up * and in 1871 she wili probably have 3v, " UUVY, U bushels tor e«xportatien _ None * of this can go out ~y the Misissipp " except what i« cou uned in ine . out " orp States. The newuest point en it to «* Chicago is Prair.e de Chien, 247 miles y "© mail, by the rime the cargo wouls rea ~ ‘ that city it would be at Liverpuol !â€" Luiuth sie Lake Supemer and the Ut:.~â€" * wa navigation. ‘The Duiuth: amd c« * i's_a‘al Raiiway has been upen since Juiy = 1870. ** moreover, the route by the Ottews ofâ€" ** fers a retuin treignt in lumberâ€"the one * great need of the North Westâ€"so that with this acvantage the transmission of " freight would be om-ief tbuin on the " limes on the ftronuer, where such advauâ€" * t.ges do nut @List, in »much as Cargugos «bouth ways can be curred for â€"the same * oust, or a listle over, as downward freigh * and return in vallast. * The (ttawa also furnhishes the advan " tage of h.ving grain mauntiactured . " tho downuward voyage in ihe ohup:: " munner. Its canais nout being ovht nuous = but deteched pieces (1LG@ _ greutest =length barely three miles) uie cost of un = loading an« cud manufacturug wouls * not be more than h«lf that on the St. © Lawrence when the power does Rot eXisi " immeuistely beside the course. ‘The * enlargement ol the St. Lawrence and * Welland «auals will not open up more * new terriiory for setilementâ€"the conâ€" . * suruction of the Utiawa cunals wii do so.. © The enilargement of the St. Luwsguce * und Welland canals will not give Cannda access o her _ terriomes "a ong Lake Superior without expos img "* her commerce to the reprisals 01 our " neighbore in ouse of hostiliues, while the * Uttewa Canals, entisely within Canadian © territory, and veyond the reach ef ho © tility, and providing at once aline of deâ€" "fence, a base of supply, and a .saite " ob «nnel forwmmora.‘ purposes. © This very queston of detence. c.nnot " be left out ot conâ€"ideration if we are not " o shut our eyes to what is occurring on " on the continent of Kurop«; we may be, « and are very favouraily disposed, but " after all we are only one of whe parties * to acompact which the ouher Eny muy break through when it is his interest to «* do so. W. are sil quite anxious to pay " policemen to keep the peace, to preâ€" © serve our property from robbers and " burglars, but we must put the principle " further, and y providng for pouu&g * contingencies preserve the national proâ€" " perty with the same zealous care eaâ€" © rended to indiridual interests. ihereâ€" * fore these Ottaewa Canals will play "an impurtant part in thiss connecâ€" © tion, and â€"they will be no rivals * of the frontier cunals, except in the at: solute necess.ty which exists for their * first consideration. If the money can " be obtained for enlarging the St. Lawâ€" 66 }"“fi b‘mifly wbn iho ame ob rence and Wellâ€"nd canals simultancousâ€" " ly with the con:â€"tructin of those on the * Ottawa, both projects ougnt to be under " taken ; but if only a limived sum can be " obtained, then the true policy will be to « open the new channel tirs. "© The frontier canals can not only acâ€" " commodate the present trade, but also «* such partions of the United States traffic * as seek a maket thereby, while the inâ€" "terier of Canada is urdevreloped and «* those frontier canals have an suxiliary " in the Grand Trunk R«ilway which should give them manifold advantages. ©! This Board of Trade are advocates of + cannl enlargement, p:uudm and l?: “volopont.uitn ud that they "‘ sre in reality the true channels shrough which agricoultural produce rmust p ss, * and that their tending is to develop» * th;mhmw of the oonbtum-' through " whi . gain ut are of opinâ€" ion that uundm.:md bo.diroo«o.‘: to * the contruction of the main lines, viz : " The Sault iste. Marie: Uitawa and: Bay 4* :’r'h Caua‘s before snything in the way "of meddling with exisiing structures ; #and that all their great lines should ve "made of the c«pacity laud down m« t. it of the Sault Ste. Marie, except the 1 ~ “Vc\’. which ought 10 hare at least . © teen feet water on the sides." _ Uitawa, Deco. 19, 1870. j Buaxcats. Corawill, St. Lawrence and Empire Mills Blinkets, in all sizes and weights, very cheap, at | On TUESDAY, the 10th day of JANUARY Bext, 1871, and fellowing days, all the"" Maro Room and 100 Bed Rooms. Consiâ€"tirg in pert of: Grand Pianc, Cottage do, 2 Ca:d Tables, 34 Heir Cloth Sofar,Oane Sâ€"ated Chaliss, Botes, Hall Stove, Crockery, Marsware, Outâ€" lety, 2 Bpledtiid Obests, containing Plate, Table and 4 sert Forks, Table, De«sert and Tea Bpoons, B# .tor Kaives, &¢ , &c., 18 Oru t FURKITURE and other moveable e#â€"cts apâ€" pertaining to the Oalegonia 8priogs Hotel Co. comprising sabout $8,0°0 Wortbh, irom the Drawing Room, Reading Room, Dicing Room, Office, Kitchen, Bowling Alleys, Bil.â€" Atands, 9 Cake Baskess, Plated, 10 Loaâ€"t Rucks, Bagateile Board, Firs Proof Bale, 28 Hair Cloth Chairs, 9 large Ortemans, Eay Obaire, Copying Press, Dining Tabl«, Dining Obairs, Carpets, Vicor Oil Cloth, 2 Billiurd Fables, 8 Whatnots, largo Mirrors, Chande. Mers, Coucbes, Office Desk and Clock, 8ideâ€" boar‘ts, Matâ€"ing xar‘ Utensiles. Also, 61 best Carled Hair *rasses, 40 Chip, Moâ€"s4 and Straw MWatrassc«, 93 Paire Blanokts, 127 Lineâ€"n Sheets, 256 Cotton Shre*ts, 258 Linen Pillow Slips, 100 white and colored Gvunter~ panes, 160 Towels, 141 Feather PHlows, 48 Pillews, 44 Festher Boiâ€"ters,and Bed Room Furnitas,. Bureats, Bâ€"dsterds,> Beauws ttos, #o., &o.and many other articles too numerous to m n*tion "TER «8â€"Pasias‘te uvd.r : $50 . cash ; under $100, three months ; Over $100, siz monthe crecit by furnishing approved j int ‘AaALEDO N LA N 8 PRINGB Bule to compence cach iday ut 10 a m, *‘** EDWARD 8scot1, UCOFIOL #A1B eutreal, Dee. 20, 1876. 1o0tt GARLAND, XKXUTCHMXOR & 0. Will be Bold by‘ AUOTION at Am:ILtoert #Kaloers &A "Cover,"" Cot8," or frr allowos :o progrees, results in ary and Bronchial aflectivns, ¢ BROW\‘S BRONCHIAL TROCHEs Reacth pigsorLY? the affoctou parts, and give a most instant relief. In Broporite, ABTHRA, +m Carazu® they are bemhc..‘. Obia l‘l’ the yenine â€" BauW ‘s) B#0 CHIAL TRoCKRES winzales Beltlnde cusclramal iah en . o _ C r Oe ts dints:r tss ds iss w1 0 Cataku® they are beneucial, Obtain ual;. ihe yenurne < B..0W /s BHROQ CHIAL TROCH ES which have pâ€"»e0ed their eofffcucy by test of many joars, _ Among â€" tertimunizais aitesting their eLloacy are leotters fromâ€" 4. 4. Chaun, 1. 1; New York, Henry Ward Beecher, Brookiya, K, Y., N. P. Willis, New Yerk, Hon. C, A. Pheips, Pres, Â¥ass. Bonate, Dr. G. F. Bigelow, Bosto n, ProS. cdwa. Aorth, Clinton, N. T.« Burgeons in the Armp, ana uthers ef emineze bold every where at 25 cents per bex. * TBuCREE8," #o called, sold by the eunce, are & poor imitation «nu nothing like Browx‘s Bruxncsiar Trocu®s, which are sotd enly in boxes with a Iacâ€"simile of the proprieters, JUHN I. BROWN & HJN, This care in putting up the Troches is im portant as & security to the purchuser in erder te be suse of obtaining the gemuine Brewar bronchisi Troches. Tar Frorrxor Niontisoaus er rex vrakey â€"The folilowing is an extractfrom a letter wilt tep by the Rer. C. Z. Weiser, to the "Cormanm RKeformed Messonger, at Chamber=:® =. . _an, ; A BBE> KFACTREnS. Just epen the door for ber, and »rs. Wm~suow will prove the American Floronce igbunagale of the Aursery. Of this we are sure, th»! we will teach our "Sc8r" tosay,; " A Burmas> ox »ze. Wirxsiow," for belping , her to survive and escape the griping, colicking and teethina » ape, We contirm every word set forth in the Prosâ€" excorus. It perform» precisely what 1t preiesses to perform, every part of itâ€"nothing less. Away with your "Cordial," * Puareguria," * Dropâ€"," Laudanum," and every ether " mrootic," by hich the babe is drugged into stupidity, and epdered dull and idiotis for life. Having the tncâ€"simmue ot ©Curtis & Perkins*® un the outside wrappor. All ethers are base im aitamnens. We bare never seen » re. W inslowâ€"knew he «aly through the preparation of ber * Boothing syrup for Children Leething." If we had the pewer, we would make her, as she 18, a phy sical oo en on 9c s d aAs C # 4 Carpets and House Furuishings made a speciality, «t Garland, Murchmor & Co‘s. Alarge stock and new styles, at reduced Hare commeneed selling off their entire stock of ~aviour to the Inf&nt Race. 25 cents per t »â€"eld by all druggists. pye Soalle Be sure and call for ie ll_E. 'Jl‘sw"fl BOOTHI®G EYRUP, PATTRRSON & BRTSON At prices regardless of cost in order to make room tor larger B * at Factory Pfices, ! _ All the » stock to be sold at reâ€" uctions of from 20 to 25 per cent. The ontire stock of WOOLEN GOO0DS, consisli Cloaks Mantlies, Break: fit Sharw)s, Clonds, Mufllers, etc., etc., at cout price." * * A WINCLES, worth 20¢ for 160. PRINTS, _ do 20c do Ise, _‘ Bet RIBBED HUSE, worsh 650 for 450. JUOUVIN‘S GULD MEDAL KID GLIVES at 50c. CAN'A.DIANM NKETS, TWEED 8, ole., WINTER COODS heavy, worth 15c for 124. White Cottons, qnxly cheap. « and best assortment of â€"amail cuke», and cor» D E P A RT Â¥ E NX T 3. Otitawa, September #, +470 on buitan,: Aoed, Poond «~aker, â€" Sponge and other lurge cukes, loed ano orna@mented at D. Morsl»=on‘s, 88 Riâ€" doan Stroct,. where you whifm: th: lurgest Have now received a full supply of » NEW FALL GOODE 4 rirnce in loofil'hfi.loqqlhud giving satisfaction to all who fasor, him. with their orders, _ Please 10. w,lk sam . and plas«, D Mosrtison, Biacuit man‘eliciurer, Pasâ€" tbry Bakâ€"1, Whulesale an ’Mdl COant=ctioner, 388 Ridesn atrert, and 45 Y ork Bwert, Orta«n, Dec. 28, 180. 1sbou 3t ~~‘* + ~Of bowse "~aoddorsign mane : faot ut e . D . M orr)+o n is now prepared to "tutnish Socials, hm,:um ::mm:. A groat Variety of TOYS. ALBUMS, LA DIVS OOUMPANIONS, WaITiX 4 DKrKs, J8Â¥ K .A KET, JUVEN:LE B0 iks, and other Fenry ROUOME, WITH OR WITHOUT BROARD. Best 36 inch GNEY COTTOXNX, CURNIRLHAM & LL.OS Y, Spring Importations. Ottawa, Jan. 8, 1871. ns 6 Aicbiiaiiien ax _Ir s ~HAUSER‘*® XEW STORE, Rhideau Bireet, Ottawa, De# 14. 1870 +b39y Ortans, Jul; 8, 1898. N0R ONEKIBDTMAs PuL. LKXTA REAT N EW Y Ea #O8 GTFTTS, 563 EP RKS STREET, * Opposite BAlz. & Co. AKD OF CGAaAK+ 8. Wu on rdnuk GKEATLE®ANS PATTERS8SON & BRY®oX GARLAND, M: TCHMOR & Co. Cak a, «Ttron pakes, L»â€"mâ€" 14 RIDKLAUV sTAECKT, C o‘n 1e «Monery M#. ROWBELL 8, Opposite the Union H tâ€"l, LEARINXG w«â€"ods. Iaktta*ts Te:oas, in serious palmon , of tentimes incup. *ten ‘years +ap Cenire L «a. engine at Abe steam Baldwin, as well as came off i réspectah The sings ceived, M as a «inge meunts se« They are volnt p serving o one hun Grxkar . As may tising col megnitud Springs of ture and . the Caled at about $ ‘The sale * tainly will to partion first â€"class at an cart the mem! that frig disease hn the city § intention appoint a livery of want of . street has boped thi bouser are to he day even PBALL .â€" issued to Gowan‘s Queen U AMEF.â€" Prairice « lowers a Bonnet«: night es noon «no E8q Tus Cu * At At the a B4

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