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Ottawa Times (1865), 18 Jan 1871, p. 4

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i ButT®R® '“Tw""";.;..."â€"""?-"“"“â€"-_":fiiiij:'% t in acben "eee L oisi :sns cer 1§ i * oi o togeet OouUNXtY OF CARLEONX GENERAL PROâ€" The Angual Mesating of the Bubsoribers will b held in the DL~ECTOn8 HALL, on TV 8Da Y Iih FKBasUAKY nest at the hour of Two o‘sioes In the Afternoon,to receive the ANNUaL RE. F0R I, and tor the Klootion of Nirestors. * The Pubile are respectial:y lnvited to attend. AuBX 1NDSK WOLKM aN, G80R%&48 BAY, JAMES PEACOCK, W 0 MUuMYSON, JAMES ROCHRESTER, F1ov®~â€"Extra This lustitation difers frow wher Life Ofices in that the Boaus trom Produ are spplied on a spe udn’“~lh%“ #. Porsonal Bsosat and â€"~moat daring his own Litenme, wi h the option ot large Bonus additivas v» the shm assured. The Pollep Moiger thas obâ€" A LARGE REDUCTION OP PEESEXT OUTLAY tfi“fl:fl“hhm“ papâ€" ment. of a «nuwity, wihhout any expense or out ay whatever beyond the oodinary assurance po.L- fer the orginal sum assured. which :o::h- intnot for the Polsoy Holler‘s heirs, or parpases. P W ARDL A W, Rearstury . Aoswrreâ€"Mesrse J T & W PRHNNOCK utnaws. lnvested Funds Upwauds af $1,2300 000 apsecial deposits in sums of $100, for the with drawal of which 3 months* notice will be rs pnx..:-mumum.m Interest st the rate of Four per cent. any thme Five per sent will be allowed on On Money Order OMices t the Dom!i dqhuwoz'lm.l-t.d land and Princs Edwars Island, can be obtained at this OMice. Also, Postage and Matter posted up to 9.3" will be forward od Enst and w:!h.-"n":m.qm The â€" Woestern Mail arriving at T p. a. will be dewsrered the same ovening. h Per Cunn. 4 Line, closse every Tussday at 104b A aupplemencary beg for Canadian steamer will be co=oed at ll,‘h which als paid unâ€" registered maiter will be sont. Ottaws, Jan. #, 1 1 1549 Maw#i Otewa* Janaary 1, 1871 Decsemver 18, 1870, Ottawn, 211t Nov . 1878, CBOOL TRCHER wanted, for School Betion No. 10, in the Township f Nepean mmon Echooi. JOHN BROP°0T PATRICK QUINLAN, PATRLCK UKEEF® EUAL IPE 18~0Cl1atitOos OF 300TLAND. OR AaA PROYVIZION Â¥oRB OLD AdB, 10.30 . us Qurice Hoons reow 8 1.4., to 1 r.4. OTTAW A TESTANT HOEPITAL. MONTREAL. 0. P. BAXER, hE i8 § 18 10 & o0 1B 2 o8 lo41 am 1543 4 The ceam _ *Ch«se" and ~Charlotts" leaves P in doer 1 Woeduesiny and Suturday after. ns a, tor «al (fax, N.3., respectively at 4 p m. Phey has ecsollont accomimodation for passoen ga _ «ad freight. The (aternativaaiVompany‘s us sounsctos with the Grand Frunk fi isbÂ¥e â€" ortland svery YONDAY and DAY at 6 p m,tor st John, N.B., &o. â€" ~ _ _ Trokets issaed tnrough at the Company‘rprinst p â€"| ssatione ‘-;:-nd all traime u:‘u:l-qn nous, apply at the Tioket Oteces, Honarenture btation, and 30 Gâ€"eat 0t James Strest. In addition to the Fas: Time waich it :s intendsd to make betweentae WIH be run on the Throngh Trains and the serâ€" vise will be performed over the entire line in a mandder ...--.n. that of aay rallway ow this con tinent. special arrangoments hare been made to accommeodace the pleasore trate‘ spresm foo Ne» 1&! «ha . Woston via claktabur, Champlain, Burlington A”Mouu.... woâ€"â€" 800 a m apress for U[sland Pood, at..... _...... 400 p ® «igttCxpress tor Quebes, Lsland Pond. m-mv-mwu. tween Montrea) sa0 Pond at at. Wilatre «1. Hyasinths, Aston, loamons Shâ€"rbrooke, W aterville «na Jow cook aly,sat ... .__._100 pm DP 0 ping acssounall Night Trains. & KUN »~ LNG F TLA IN 8 With close csonnsctions at all pounts The lHne will be equizped with handsome _ _ NEW FiRST.CLABS CARS, Unsurpassed en the cuntines t, mun::- aETwEEN Bxpress for Jctawve aoderich, Balaic, Detroin, Onieage woderich , Detroil, Chicago, and all pobnts WOBL, 00. :sss»sssssesem Wight (do do â€"do d&o _do Ascommedatioo Train for Corawall 'ld?bumm with despatch, as the B. & U, & 0. L Aallwaâ€"s are the â€"ame gang» as the UWrmod Trunk Car loads #ill go through in Graad Lrunk Sare to all points, without trassbipment, MH" sertâ€"in sonnnstione made with Gran Portland and Mostreal in 13 Hours. Montreal and Toronto in 13 Hours. Stopplag onoly at the mostimportant Stations, thas D BaAvViBA MailWway Oon. [% Past OF CA8ADBAâ€" 1870.) BUMMER ARRANGEMENTS f1ite Crains now lears BONAVENTURE 8TATIO» Crains on Canads «omral sand Porthb Braacsh make certain sonaestions with all trains on B. a 0 nulway Freigh: torwarded with despatch, as the B. & and Intermediate 3tactons sat....... 0# p m 1csomimodation 1rain (or h ingston and Intermediate Statyons, ... â€"...... T: sw tre as for Leshise +a»,......000am, 1:08 an # 1» a m, i4 avon, ;3# p m, 400 p m and 2:30 p m. Phe 1.Jv pm train runs through to Provines Ame. GOoiNu suUTH aND EAST. akscommedation Train tor islana Pond x CANIDA â€" CEMRAL Iricbile u} Ottawa Railways, «s follows : MALu FRALN, at 3 45 p m, arriving at B.ookâ€" nile Â¥ 18 p m _ o dn acres. â€"Arrive at Sand Potat at 1.35 and 7.:0 p a. Truns Trains.» June 3 1+70. LX RKSS at 3 0 ; m, connecting with Grand Trmok Juy Ex: ress from the Woat, and artriving at Uttaws at 7 6#p m %, Lea o Oltawa. LXPRE®S8, at 9 # a m, arriving at Brockville U 14â€" pm, and câ€"nnecting with Grand Trunk Day 1 zpres» going W ost. welp k & in and after M*N D#Y, JARU+RY #wh, 1871 Traine wth un as fâ€"hows : eave Breockvil e MAIL Thal 3, » 7 3v a =®, artiving at Ottawa * Brookvilie, Jan *, 871 Bpesial atrentic= i« dir sed to this Company‘s For (farther partlioulars see advert Lo tablos. 0 J BRY As fast as completed, GREAT LROAD Ga! GE ROUTE 10 OTVTA W A. PV LMAN B PALAUEK â€" SLEEPING CARS HaAaND LRUbK hallLw aÂ¥ O.):08YD@G40, Managing Director EAST ANVD WEST, CA X 4 P 4. it regaid 10 the @OING WEST, 8 ABBOTT, His Excellency bhas been pleased to Order and it is hereby Ordered, that onâ€"from and hib r the frst day of January next, the Vilâ€" lage of Lambton, in the County of Lambton and Province of Ontarlo shall be ard the mme is heroby deciared to be an Out Port of Kutry, under the Burvey of the Port of Welâ€" 6. sohn‘s, N.F., by branch steameor........ w Rtewage, Payabis in Ourreancy, â€" Us the recommendation of the Honorable the Mimater of Customs, and uuder ans in whta of the 8th Seation of the Act 31st, Â¥i.toria, Chapter 4, Jatitaled * As Aot rsâ€" specting the Customs " Port of Baby Point, now under the survey of the said Port of Wallaceburg, shall trom and after the laâ€"t mentlioned date be, and the sam« INMAX LINB OF MALL sTRAMERA, saILIn PROM NEW TORK EVERT sATURDAY AND aALTERNATR TURSDAYs. RAvES 0P PABRAGA BY T8B da rCadat ATRAXER _ Piru Cabin, Payabiern Goid. _ Liverpool or \Qussnsto#u. .........=«»»» »»»»» 38 PAsBRAGE BV TWE rORADAY OTRANER T! HaLlras _______. es OUniun, RPayabiasa duidg. _ _ _ & lawerpooi or Qunéststo#n........... .....»se0ee» liv@r is hereby aboluwh d HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENEKAL INX COUNCIL. Btove Pipes and Elbows, at H. MEADOWS & Co. The Quintal Coal Stove, at toward him, on the occasion of the lute fro Henow begs to inform them that he will comâ€" mence business on his own secount in a fow days, H. MEADOWS & Co Conul Stoves, Base Burners, at Lembermen s Supplies, at FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, LATE MANAGOKR, BPARKS STREET, Wishes to return sincere thanks to his friends uad the public, tor jhe kind sympathy evinces H. MEADOWS & Co Box and Parlor Stoves, at Dumb Stoves, all sizes, at Hot Ai Furnaces, at lst Prizse Stoves can be seen, at H. MEADOWS & Co. Parlour Couk Stoves, at thasers. Consiatingin part of C CENERAL MHOUsSE FURNTISHINGS : 'u.- Kaives, ld;-..n‘ MTs“znld mvese, Table ray®, 64 «L NAPITAL * L<TOVE Blits, teol Bits, Beyiles, Lovels, lm.1' Machines, Dreaw Kaives, #0, &o, &o. 1o0gether with PAINT OF ALL COLuU®8 : Ross, Pink, Burn: Umber, Terrsa do Kiona, Chrome Yellow, )ol: w.n..cdcahl Blue, Vfi:’Mh‘lM::wd.:nouu * Black, Lvory , Lamp Black O, Raw OiAl, Coal ism eoh o gey ho Â¥H084, LHLRKETT, + ,No, 24, Hidea® stroot, Sign of the Auvil. P, B.â€"â€"All goods delivered free to any part of he Chy, Oitawa, Nov 18, 1870 Elevated Oven Cook Stoves, at H. MEADOWS & Co. Low Oren Cook Stoves, at * ‘fla Air Furnuases, W ater Cooler», Baths, (alh Cutlery, Piated anda Britannia Meta #"Vssola,"a splendid «ssortmem of Blook Tin Tes and Oofes Pou, seily Moulds, Wire Dish Latohes, Axes, Saws, Planes, Squares, H C Spokeshaves, Gouges, Wfl"‘ s 6.-.5'3.,-9-.:-:" ILRPORITER3 OF QENRQAL HOUs# FURNKâ€" 1bUING Ha RLUW An #. FIBHING TACKLE, comprising Rods, Lines, Files, Hooks, Fioats, T P mz y ve .:Ilg aaniers, Landing OJitawa, hpllt'. 1sT0 49 i7 Doeit Witk ~ancepanms, &o., 0. T Coostantiy on hand, Cooking Btoves, (best M EDICAL): HA L L, .John‘s, N.P., by branch steamer........ 30 H Mexetse sold to and from Bugiand, Lrolandi, a00 Centinent,at moderate rates _ And it is further Ordered that the Ont JUOBT REBOBLY#D, ex *Vride of Canada" and (Uttawa, Dec. 26, 1870. NOR LIVEARPOQU L & Q LKb aETOURW im-fififf t fl at the Com * O rthere BLYTH & KER No. 3 RIDEAU STREET, OVvVERx=l=t noUSE, IUCAARD HIGHAS, ARDWARLLEL ! HAROWAREZ t 35 SUNSNEX STREE,, OTTAaW A, « 2lat day of December, 1870 Drug£1»4s. WM. IL. LEE, 13, 1870. ‘me, selly Moalds, Wire Disa L o# . I.JL‘ Dressing Gases, Pie Uishes, Proserving Prums, Clerk Privy Council, H. MEADOWS & o k. MEADOWS & Co. H. MEADOWS & Co H. MEADUWA & Co. H. MEADOWS & Co. H. MEADOWS & Co. H. MEADOWS & Co. uath bhbmai t 1549 3 J100 a s100 & 14 i bth. After the miring has been thoroughly comâ€" peted. the strength of the mixture shall be tested, and the quartity gauged by the officer in sttendâ€" a 10e and daly recordsd. The mixture shall then b plased in oasks, the casks being branded or marked on the head in legible charasters, with t a wordsâ€" Ind. A sample of the wood N a (say abou lu:m)ll':l““bll‘.ml_hl every cask or paskage ased, Ird Not les« than 100 proof gailons of Aloohe shal berw‘zed at one time, which sha‘l be mixed 1 ap open mixing tuo, in the presence of an officer who »hall then rest and gauge it as to strongth and quantity. f Date on which it was mixed, Namber of Wine gaiions in the Cask. Strongtb, % Keud 4 Numner of Proof Gailons o Name of the Division. _ â€" Imitials of h« ocer under whose inspestion t_emixture took place. â€" Number of the entry under which it is ware b «wed. o (1) The nt:«lun of every package of Aleohol, brought to, stating where manaefactured, thestrength snod quantity ; the marks, &¢ , on the casks, and the general number of the Permit, under whi.h it was conveyed to the Manufactory. in) The parilioulars of every quantity mized As.: of the ormginal packages from which it was taken ; the quaatity and strongtna of the * Methyâ€" Inmed Spirits" produced trom it and the partion= lare as to warks, numbers, &As., of th» Cask io whish it is plased, _ th. With every 108 proof gallons ot Alechol, thereabhall be mixed at loast tweive and aâ€"buif gallon« of = Weed Naphthas of Commerce,‘" the wlole being mized together. Oth, A Stock Book must be kept in the Feotory in which Book must bs entered :â€" On the resommendation of the Honorable th, Misiater ot I iand Revenus, and unsder and in virtue of the authority given by tao tTth section I the Aet Bist Viet, Chapter 8, intituled, = An Ast reâ€"vesting the Laia»d kevenue." His Exoel ency in Council has been pleased to Order, and it is hereby Ordered that the following regulaâ€" tione (or the manufacture of Methyiated Spiritw in boad shall be and they are hereby made and as ta blished : Bulls are hersby notided that they ., are required by tne 8 st and following Kules of the loginmative Assembly,, which are published i . the "Uniario Gastte"), to give NOCLICE of the applicatice (siearly and distinotly specifying is nature amd object) in the * Ontario @asetts," and also in a newspaper published in the Uounty or Union ot Counties affecteid ; such notice shall be sontinued in each case for a period of at least six weeks during theâ€" intervaiof time between the elose of the nest preseding Sesmon and the con «lderation ot bhe Petition. Coples of the arst and last of such nuotices to be sent to the Private Bili Ist, The room in which the wood Naphtha is mized with Spirits shal: only ho accesmble to the j ropristor during the actual presence of an offser ol Inland Revense. Bth So sson as the mixing and B +rreiling has been completâ€"1, the ** Methylated Spirits " shall be removed trom the Bonded Manafactory, and doly entered for warshousing as required by the regaiations in that behalf. < No 34â€" The UNLON MUTUAL LLFERIHSUR ANCE COMPANY , of Maine. Deposit in U. 4. ds or ‘81â€"$50,008. B, K. CURW LN, General A.r. 8t; John, N.B Io‘colio’ hlnud'ltu.. have this day, deportted witk the Reoghnge ve ay , rnl.hody’h“ Dollars in addition to above Fitt M-w lnut‘ Thoa. sand Dollmé”.fl, U.8. Bonds, 62 0f‘81 The Hon. John H._ sSray, M.P., has beer appoi mdo'mlumhm&“ lon. Alllegalmatters will be to him. B. K. COORWIS, Tth. Every entry is the Stock Book is to be checked by the oBcer in charge, who mustkeep an acceutt of each transsction, which account or a dupltcate thereof is to be taken to the Taland No rus ofice, immesiately after oach transacâ€" With retere=ce to kem of the Tari§ it is heid by this Depar.ment, toat SLA TEsimply in a quadrangular form, whatever may be its size or thickness 1s +ntitled to exe@ption. . [f otherwise, especially »hapen or If it be polwhed, or arudcialâ€" Iy bored, it becomes subject to 1+ per cent and & por cent duty, as a non«=snumerated article, R 8. M. BOUVCHETTE, Toronts Marâ€"b 15, 1878 1809 to lawi. Ortawa, 3rd Norv,, 1870 To Counsorons or Conroms. Parties intending to make op:bdl. to Parliaâ€" ment for Privste Bills, cltt r gr.niing exoiuâ€" Other Quretorsâ€"C J o:zl"l.' Esq, Hos lud.Ouu.".J'l 1, EBeq, A R MoM aster EKsq, HB8 Howland, Geo 0!1“. n;. a T Pulson, Beg, Angus M Regq, 4 P J 8 Croaker I? Baok erâ€"The Jaasadian Bank of Oommerce. .‘&r-lu tawaâ€"â€"Messrs J T a W PENâ€" The rates of the PROVINCIAL LN3URANCE UUMPANY are as low as its longexperiense has llocnuhrn.ulo. xt The .est A the value ot tnsurance is, howevrer pot when the promums are boeing pald, but => on losses are ifl? witied, and, from the equity and ptoose its settiements the Provincial muoo(h.mumum It lnspesiors are alway sent to adjust every -Wh-dmdu::an. tt has oo adjusioo due and anpaid. It : sspecttuily sulicit, a share of the patronage ol the insuring public of Otta wa. _ _ in Canage : All stitions for Private Bills must be present «d within the FLRST THREE WEEKS of the HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOoVâ€" : ERNOR GENERAL IN CQOUNCLL, Fimmazon Daeazstruant, He: 104 (titawa. 1 %th October, 1868. 0: 104. The tollowtng Lnsurance Com has recseived olmumnowm 6 Â¥â€", or mm.?nhm tor commercial or @ber ’u‘au u;:.- for doing an thing tending to »Feet the : & proâ€" par:y of other parties =re bherâ€"by nutrded thst thoy are required by tboa boa â€"uctollowing Kules do‘o house of Cummeons (wiieo are publisbes In tall in the «CUaness G«mto * ,. to give I WO MONITHU * NO«1ICHK o the appliostion ( learly «80 distioâ€"tiy spect ’h‘b nature and orjest ), In the " ‘anaga G .1 0e " sno also in a newsysper pumisbed in th: GQuunty or Unon of Cobntiés affeored, senjing «oples of the frst and last of such uotice» tâ€" the Private Biil OGice. All Petirl as ter Private lmc-lnh:od- ed withia the frit taree weeks o‘ the Seeciâ€" n. LJbE INS8URANCE COMPANY OP MAIN B. ').l VAaATE BILLA, @BLATE,"â€"8SCHEDULE C.â€"FREE G00DS. Metbylated Spirits, Ot awa November T 1868 Plo'llmn. LNSUKANCOE OUuMPA + of Canada, Head Offee, Toronto. ’P!u‘-‘l& mon Jobn HiullyarE®Cameree V ice Presidentâ€"Leris Moffatt, Req. Ottawas, Hth Nec,,18"0 ;0'.“--.' HoVSE OTTtawa, 5th day of December, 1870. rPRESENT : 1U8TOME DEPARTME®T, Mlus mUfTUal MIVATKE BILLA. Ottawa, Nor 14, 1870 Gover nment Nulltces, THE OTTAWA TIMES ALFRA&D LODu, ChiL. Cik. Committees and Privete Bills, AInsurance. CHARLES T GILLMOR, Clerk ot the House. Â¥, H. LEE, Cierk, Privy Counell, of Ontari» for Private ARTRUK House ot Commons. and those who hare Horses, Carriages, and Harâ€" ness to dispose of will do well to agnd them to the Mart as swon as possibly. Trace Sailes of Merohandise, Farm Stook, Rea) Reate, Libraries, Works of Art, &0., &0., as wel. as consignments, from a distance, wil} mest with best sttenion, and be conducted on very moderâ€" Becond hand Furniture will be ndvufl bour duridg: the u‘q to 7 o‘slook p. m. vances made on raiture, Pisaos, or other @oods sent in for Sale, or may be porchased in toto, if required (he Sale Hoom is nulmu(nm and about the largest in the city, be & Â¥Your tavours and pumw’m respecttully mlul.ooummu‘gn y Clarence street, next uo the City ;bul % Urtawa. Bolicits the pacronage of the Lamber Merchan®‘ : gonerally on cae Ottawa. From his long expert= ence in the trade he offers his services inengaging men and attending to their rafte while passing here to the best of his abllity. aArrrarsczes. Alex #+â€" ~r, Beq, ~. ~ Waiter Smith, Begq, Joh . «o, Beq," / :._. R W Cruilce, Beq. gence placed in him, since his advent as Auctioneer of this oâ€"ty, and to assure them that mMr:‘A&d‘odumt:.fl‘lb.hM continuance sup "cge t ce tot ewsere io the m e ean to the m ’lunm“ ul:“lu o:b“to disposal '.z » b I at quion sale, ‘odlul.rhu. aud Il.‘&h returas are his credentials. ; of which wil} be given. The large aumber e Horses and C=itls suld by him during the past year, is sudicion gurrantee that his ability in this critical branch of auctionsering is appreci« ated @ 0 and Sales will soon commenee, uam;bmho -.':.7.-.. Carriages, and Harâ€" Ottawa, March 1870. BALEB AT PRIVATE RESIDE®CES, in soliciting public patronage in this branch > Whmummlfl. intimate, that, 1 the future as in the past, it «ill be his uncessing care to study the interest of nis patrons ; and that by carsful attentian, prom,t cash -t-o:’.u myderate charges, to merit a continuance of that pat rom=ge heretofere so liberaily bestowed uporn Bpring Furniture Sales at the Mart will comâ€" mence immedi .tely, and from time to time will be duly announced tie wili hold weekly sales of Horses, Cattle, «o. &6, on the Market, due notice ____ Sart, Â¥ork street, near the Market, The subscriber in this his Cirenâ€" lar, begs to return l:'::. thanks m.m and the general public of Ottaws and Country, as well as his many sonsignors at a distance, for the wery liberal patronage bestowed on. and con#â€" 487 Notre Dame itreet, M M?fltflw C g4 Kome the tm:!:. markets havring been sapplied with a spurious Worcestershire Sauce upouo the wrappor and labels of which the uames OFFICE AND SALE #00 informedthatths only way to seoure the enuine, and to use that heir names are upon the wrapper of Lea & Pertins havé been forgea, L and P give nptice that they have furnished their corree ponâ€" dents with power of attorney to take instant proseedings against m«anufuacturers and ven :lors of saon, or :Lmt::r“l-unku by which their may "":m # LoA & PERRINS‘ Sauce and see l;:o m Wrapper, Label, Bottle and r Ildu::o «ad for Export by the Proprietors Prepared by special! permission om the rigins resipe of F#. P. VERRI, M. D., | Professor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY,. Kept by all the prinorpal Vruggists and Grocers in the Dominion, PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. A. Â¥, F., GIANELLI, Bole Manufacturer and Proprietor for the Dominâ€" lon of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"These ce‘lobrated Bitters are carefully prepared with the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially adapted and racomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitations. m.fl:m.‘..‘nflhmfll& alds to digestion. Por directions see label round the neck of each N unless of .-‘.“Nl?h. bearing thesignatare 1033tf A. K. F GIANELLL Invalaable to tovalids and r!l. of im * digestior , .= e.seliout TONLC for 'fl!o.:ll' * cevering ta Winess. Forealein quart bottle ; price one 401) 17. Onu-'ndnm Ootvul Rawrmr ';'n rave & . In bottles 25 cents 109 0 stote aath " 1aod tor aduite and ohitgres â€"â€"2 is pleasant to the taste and harmless in its nature Foreale by druggists and general dealâ€" oere in all parts of the Dominion. Gardener‘s First Prin Beking Powder, an mvailled for parity and exceilence. For sale by uounov:ryvlon.hl.puuu, :.cuh;l‘u packets, :0 conts; | pound packets, 36 cents ; siz :nt,.l.fl Jm on want the b-‘ug GARDENFER‘8 and u{oum. f @OARDENER‘** ESPLLCGPTIC CURK. Price $1 per nottle ; siz potties for $8. Cl en at J GARDENEK, Chemist, D COM MIS8ION MERCHANTS, : FORWARDERS ad Hig BEAL EAS 1B [ x Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeat, Pork, &o. oTTAW A, End of Little Sussexâ€"st. MESS AND PRIME MESS PORK.s:: FLOU KR NQO. 16 EXT BR A WBITBR BEAN®, , At Otawns, Band Point and combroke, . â€" > Cas» aavances on consigned torimme. Hate sale. Prompt -S:m all cases W . THE ONLY GOOD 8SATUOE,. OaUTIO® AGAINST FRAUD. ®f Fhe success of this most delisions and unriva}â€" d condiment having caunsed certain dealer to ;ql,y the name of «* Worcestershire Sanse" to heir owninferior compounds, the public is hereby Beveral Houses in the on hands tor sale. J‘finuoull. WOROESTERSHIREK SAUCE, Deslared by Connolesoar EKA & PEARIXS! UMINICK POX. OovYaAL IPALIAX BIYVTERS. aARDFER‘s 16 ts a8 M i i t 41 A h 4 @ENERAL ‘AUCTIONEER wyâ€" WINK BITTERS,@% Bitters and Sauces: BK FOR LEA & PERRIN® SAUCE, U. KASTONX & 06., Ke $ Bparks swreek | Puzonic Brone «â€"â€" «+ The smoke causes no nausea. 'Inmm kind, I have never known an instance in w‘ relief was not obtained."â€"General Alezander Mon,. B. Stuart, In Tins, 2s 64, 68 and 10s. “buflllufn Inhalation, Boxes, 2s 64 ga‘ 10s, BAVORYT & MOORE, 143, New Bondâ€"st., London. Aenpreâ€"Messrs. Â¥. Cundill & Co., Montreal 'Mvut.l‘onmn..:nu“d or that of Poter 0 V mlm. ?l.innavn. Ont, of Consum,tion, or that of Ambrose W ood, of Conseâ€" ie M dnmanan dbaasien at 0 eney, who had actoally been nmmmm but has now movoudt?:unoflu limbs. MMA dunta ‘“m “ eates on the groat Bh::onu Remedy and Pilis tan be obsained at all drug stores. : Rdse of the Reomedy l?fngo pints, $1. 17 sofuimess.â€"Dr W. Parke. _ â€" _ _ Nal smO0f greoat effcacy in cases of Asthme and They are stern: angeniable facts, suficient to sonvince the most sceptical that the groat ~ediâ€" cinal compound, yearned after for ages, is now accessible in the groat Ts fine me Or formed int “b.' and 15s. mstilles for 1 _ kAeawreâ€"Me! F2 TLNE cor Becure, then, health, lol:sovlty and vital energy by the babitual use of the aALKABASAR TURKISH TONIO. Kept in stock by the principal Druggists end Grocers in the Dominion. KFor directions for use # e labels on bottles. HENRY CHAPMANK & 0O., EVANS, MEKCER & CO.,, wondertul and extraordinary cures in Canads by he sa®ar T=piax Reurpt. I1 promotes digestion if taken arren meals. *A It neutralizes the prepensity for strong iquore. It renders the intellect bright and clear, If taken babitually it imparts vitality and energy to a‘l th« tbodily organs. . C TINE completely eff: on and uemtufion of 0.01 m&. {fatonten at meals, &0. In digestive activity, suâ€" p“tu Peypsaine. i. B Cowder, bottles, 32, 3s 64, 61 64 and 122664 . Pancreatine Wine, bottles,8s,bs and10s N.B.â€"Pancreatine Wineis the bost vehicle for taking Cod Liver Oil. Aoantsâ€"Messre F. 9 This elegant Turkish TONIU is one of the most salutary and delicate pterlnllobl ever submittâ€"d for public «pproval in this hemi«â€" phere, and asserta its preteutions to patrovag« un the following grounds :â€" F That it is a preparation of one of the most emiunent Purveyors to the Ottwman Court. It prevents acidity of the Stomach. It relieves lowness of apirits, It is a mild andâ€" invigorating tonic, and a ost «fici=nt but innocuous stimulent, It rengers the breath uwert and agreeable, It stiinulates the appetite if taken asrors By its u«e a man of 70 will become, as it were, mestâ€"red to the elasticity of 30 ; and to persons of delicate constitutions it is strongly recomm+nded. It is an especial favourite with Oriental ladies rAll‘lll ft‘ A DL TANCE KEQUIRING ABTIFICIAL TEEIH mâ€"y tare then uppliod, in parual or compiste sets, buâ€"Mebare debrial‘s new symem, by somling pArticuiare 01 sheu oases, with a 1. Multab: e ui Ube vB.dea, Wheri sbe epparatue 10 taking a muoutc! of the moutt wl be sorwardoea, with aii necessary instruction» Aessts. Uabric} wili audertake to tHemudel es Mmr Artibcial Pooth made by other Dentiste ; wt du not prove satisfaotor;}, at moderate gharges. e * , Is hereby given, that an application will be made to the Legisiature of the Prov : nee of Ontario at it next Ression, for an Act to anthorise the w.tvuc_wm in and for the Caty FPOX THE TEXTH . Gabriel‘s Pamphicst on Artifoial Tooth vad P:hn Dentistery on receipt ol pam *24* All 1etters uo be addressed to 44 L ATk MILLL, 1ONDON. 1333 2. w6u. 1,wkbm ABRIEKL® ODONTALGLQUR ELLXIh G a mouth wash unrivalied tor its agreeabic viuperties in cleansing the mouth and sweetening the bresth ; is is invaluable to smokers, sno ‘-'*‘...- mudg Tuutkaditk. . _ : .. _see uabmel‘s nameâ€"None @enuine without it MELSSARS. GABRIEL, The oldâ€"established Lentists, imparting a natural reduess to the gums ; whitens the no: withom leaving bc;on them sns trades aer, and gives briiliancy to the enamel. R:.ufu & wd from a recipe as used by tie: . Preserves the Testh, and imparts a deli sious tragrance to the breath ; gives the Tocth 1 m.:mu' as Nes *k s, 64. . ABBHIinl*s WHiTB «@UTTa PEROHA ta KNAME., tor B:opping Decayed Leoth AebDders the tooth sound and useful, and w Foothache, no matter how far decayed 10 64 per buz. Ask for wabriel‘s Colebrated Dentai keep white, aud as firm as the tooth itsoelf. Th beautiful preparation restures Front Tooth ans provents decay, puthcient for Stopping six Tooth ““QI.L'. UbLKBRALEL â€" rharAbA . TIVN® 1i3 d rou LxaNsing, BBAUTLFYINq ‘" _/ AND PEasSRYING ThX TEETE _ _Bold by Chemists and Perfumers, and by the Gnlullvl OURALITE TOOTH PASTE, for cieansing and improving the Teoth, and : ABHIKL®S u81 EBQ ENAMEL STOPPILNG (l tor Preserving Frout" Testh. Warranted to The following remarks on testimonials of mos Montreal, July 6 HusHONKES ACKEMEKDY. BTOP AND S8SEKE! . ABRIKL*IS ROYAL TOOTA POWDEh oTICE f 84 Lmdgate Hill, London, And at LIVERPUVUGL ans BuIGguT N. _ S8HOSHONEES3 REKMEDY. 1SDIGESTIONKâ€"â€"P &A K CR E A«â€" P 1 x AR AY} 9 R lR Montreal, | Bole Agents for the Dominion FOI ASTHM A. aod COhronic Bronchitls DATURA TATUL A, _ Affords Immediate Reliet. ‘_‘:A_n-ldydâ€"mmm MWediteai. wADRID 1847 uo suferers fLom Tic W P LETT, 108 lavihâ€"in 14157 Province of Ontario, Feb. 9th, 1809. § Ih‘s is to certify that during the winter of 188¢ [ wastaken with a woukness of the ancles, which gradually, during the opfilfi of 1867, extended to my knees, and on up to my hips, and 1 became su weak that I sould not walk, but was confined to my chair. For abouttwo year», whilethis weaki ness was coming on me, and afterwards, 1 sough medical advice, um.. st different time» three dostors, and ines of different kind» prescribed by triends, but of no avail. L continu od to get worse and worse, until the summer os 1868, when I was induced to try the great ohe shonees Remedy by reading the cures performed in a pamphist, Atthis time i bad begun to teei llovo.kuull.lnua; in faot L was getting almost helpless â€" 1 have taken two bottles of the shoshonees Remedy and two bozes of the pills ane I am entirely restored to henlth. 1 never expecteo t:rtmr. but simply tried the medicine as « of foriorn hope ‘lllh oase of mine was no TRTTT -.,‘-l-l-'. WBPE CEIR, CV P 6 m-w“ sand truth.: 1 h’m known ber before, and â€"slnc«. her iliness:â€" L healliors her certificate to be trus in onnfsniulu. 4 know that while {ll her case was declared hope, less ;and 1 know that shohas, since her reporery, always attributed her recorery to the shoshonse; Remedy. _ Whaierer ‘may ‘ be _ the posuliar :».n{- of this medicine, one thing is certam, at in her case it has acted almost like the «nd friends ; and to any one afliinted as I was, . have only to say try the ~~hoshonees Remedy ; 1 veliere it will cure you. ~ inpsiies w HASX ABmp o pine dworn me 06, ast! his nintb day of February, 1869. ns* L hereb nlflnlu l‘h' 'w:‘n“im ave ann Doughty tof the Tatt Sfteen yeart; The is L & private one, but known to all utfih-a «nd friends ; and to any one ._lm.o’dy WHs, 1 performance of a miracle A pamphlet containing full particualars may be bad sat the Drug Store of A. Cbristie, Bparks Btreet. J. L PULVERMACHER, Galyanic Kytatbiisnwent, © 200 Regent Street, London, W. Ottawa, september 6, 1870 1455 lawk y OVatario, i6 1 Onosds sham Doctors, &6,, for improper purposes, and so severely stigmatized by Vice Ohaucelâ€" lor;c lnnlho suit Pnlnrnlzhe{‘ vs Ham»â€" mond, alias Heury James, alias C. T, kaphey M, R. 0. 8, alias Heory Burrows, &c; &e. * No Gaivanic Bâ€"lts are genuine but those bearivg the fac simile of M. Pulrermacher‘s signature on the label. G REATYT CENTRAL AIR LINE ROUTE, Â¥Ta QREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. [The Model Road of Canads j To Sarnia, Detrou, Milwaukes. CHICAGO, Cincinnati, 8i. Louis, New Orleans, and aell Points in the West and South. NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION «CO‘8 B) FirstClass Upper Cabin Steamers. Ale,. N. UHal\ BANDS lor Sciatica, Rbeumatic, Neuralgis, and Gouty Pains, Local Pare lysis, Cn?gslc.. 181. tw 225. ana 408 BCHAIN BA for 1 umbago, Indigestion, Liver, Chest, and Functional Disâ€"rders, &e. &iwfl,'u a belt), 228 to 40s and 55. B CHAIN BANDS for Writer‘s Cramp, Trâ€"mbling, Nervousness, &c, 22s to 308 and 408. * * B COMBINED CAAIN BAND for Caotl, Parnlysis, Epficpey, Geueral Dobility Functional Disordurs, &¢ , 308 to 50s A eol:g‘lr“ 8et of ‘COMBINED UCHAIN BANDS8,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring vit«ulenergy, £5 to £7. The public are must earnestly cautioned to beware of Puendo Kisctric Belts advertised by These facts lrfn‘l to the guod sense of every éuflerer to avail himeclf of this scientibe and curative progrese, to which the inventor ba devoted a lifâ€"â€"time of study and labour, as an ardent deciple of that great benef«tuor of mankind the late illustrious electrician Miouaso Farapy. PULYEbpMACHER‘8 MEDLCOâ€"GALYANâ€" IC CHAINS are exceedingly <fi«tive withow the atd of mediciue, restriction of diet, or th« east derangement of the patiout‘s babits and deily occupations, in the following muladies ; khoumatism . Femai~ Complaints vout Constipation Bciatica Cramp Lumbago Bluggish Circulation ; Neuralgin _ Urinary Disorders Meking sure connections with Railway for N. B.â€"The following testimony from the elite of the English medical faculty has been reocived ; * We, the undersigned, have much: pleaâ€" © sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Poiyse " wacuuer‘s recent improvements in his Volkai: * Battries and _ twalvanic Applisuces | tor *# Medical Purposes are of great iwportance to * Bclentific Mecicine, and that be is eutitl d =" to the consideration and support of eÂ¥ery *# one disposed to turther the advance of " real and useâ€"ful progress, i " Dated the Oth day of March, 1866. * * EIR CHAKLES LOCOCK, Bart., l'. D., $ R&. C. * BIR HKNRY HOLLAND, Bart., M. D ‘t ‘ F. R. 8. « sIR WM. FERGUSSON, Bart., F. R 8. * LKDWD. H. SIkKYVERING, M. D., M BRCS " SIB J. BANALD MABTIN, F. K C.8 * PULYERMA_HLR‘s SYSTEM is also ap proved of by an official report of the Acaâ€" demiv de Medicinâ€", Paris, Royal College of Pbysiciang, London, and the Imperial: Facul ty of Vienna, and its curativ: virtues are cou» Armed by theasands of private t stimonials of cures cBected. (Nee pamwphbict grutis). Lumbago Bluggish Circulation ; Neuralgin Urinary Disorders Head anud Tootbache Puralysis Liver Complaints _ Epilepey Tic Doloreux Nâ€"rvous Debility Indigestion Functinal Disorders Deatness #c., &c. Spagme Â¥ares always cheaper than by any other Grand L runk to.DStFOit..........»»»+««»».»« Grand .Trunk to Toronto, Great Wesâ€" Euommu 18 LLFE PULYERMACHER‘B PATEXT GALVANIC CHAINâ€"BANDS BELTB, â€" AND _ POCKET BATTERIES These highly improved inventions render Klectricity pertectly selfâ€"applicable, and exâ€" tremely «fficacious in a mild continuous form, nou.shock or unpleasant sensation being <xâ€" periâ€"nao d, wher by it becomes a true fountain of bealth and vigour, epeediiy soothingx agonising peins, reâ€"animativg torpid limbs, reviving the siuggish functions of life, ana imparting renewed energy and vit«ality to constitutions enfecbled ty whatever ces Mearcines and their deleterious consequences are thus entirely dispeusâ€"d with, The daily increming number of cures +ffected by PULYEAMACHER‘S3 MEDiCOâ€"GAaALYAN. IC SYSTEM is â€"0 ~xtensive and veried, that it forcibly poiuts to this invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. Be sure and prosure TICKETS at this offce The effects of the application ot Pulverâ€" macher‘s Chaive in any of the avove disorder» is imm«diately perceptibleâ€"the reliet of patu insle Dtancous. PBRIOL LIb®T OF PULYERMACHKR®s cHAIN BANDS AND BATIERIES,. B. CHaIN BANDS for Neryous Deafness, Heas, Tooth, and Face A he, and Noises in the Head, 218. to 308. B, uHAIN BANDS for loss of Voice and __ _ other affections of the Throst, 108. 64. to AKD SAVE MONEY, TIME AND DistAawos. Comparitive distance of the several Wostern Routes to Uhts &0 : _ * Potuts West and South, â€"*__ _ =â€"~ Parties going weet can secure Tickets at this office to any Point desired, Via ALL RAJL OR ALL BOAT Lesaving in Fer TICELETS to Potnts in the United General Wostern Railw Ja'inu‘-bou'w uuim’...muw PDraper‘s, Bussexst, two doors from 0 Mossre. uuausiaraimm & Bi118, Con#ay P 0 42 County of Lennoez, Ontario, Canada: ____ M1v00, County of Hastings, °i For TICOKEKTS to OcCDENSBUKG & . CHICAGO, GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE Ja% Qgdenstiurg or Prescott...... eesesses" en cenene ns 0000 s0 205000 00 f A 4 Woop,J P. ounty of Hastings. Provines ©> 136 do THE CANADIAN FA1NX DES ROYEER Has now b en botore whe public for a l agth of time aud whernver us=s is well liked, vever fallu, in a single just«Dce to give perâ€" manept rosi6t when timely us d, and w; heve uever known a single case of dgisatisfactive vhere the directivns have been properly fol= «owed, but on the contrary, all are delightâ€"a with its uperatious, and spesk in the highest wrims of its virtues and magial â€" ffoots, We spouk trom axperiâ€"hee is this matuer, baving teuted 1t thorougbly, ano thâ€"r fore those who are suffering from any of the com~ plauints for which it is recoumm n1« may deâ€" peud Uupoh is bing a Sorvâ€"reigo Rom oy The astombhbhing efficacy of the Canudiag ~‘min Destroyer, in curing thâ€" Disâ€"amses fer which it is r.cowmended, and it« wondâ€"rful aucoees in subsuing the tnturiny paine of Rnâ€"umati=+m, aud in relieving Nervous Aff c tivns, sutitic it to a bigh rauk in the list of R medies for thrse compl«ints, Ordersare 'o:dlllng from M.â€"dicomâ€" Deâ€"les in all parts of thâ€" cuuntry for furtber 6 .ppties, and e«ch tes» utying as to the univeremal sut.sfm.tion it gives. A RABIAN O IL FOR HOBRSES AND CaATTLR® Asa family Remedy it is well and favourably knewn rlieving thousanas from pain in the Side, Back and Head, Cougbs, Oolds, Bose Throat, Sprains, Bruims, Crempe ic the Btumach, Cholera Mortus Dyseu:â€"ery, Boweâ€"l _ OComplaints, Buroe, The Canadian Pain De«troyer never fail» to give imaediat. miief, All MeGdido Demiets keep it Phyâ€"iciuuse order and us it ; and no family wili be witbout it after ouce tryivg it krice only 1 weuty fiv» Q. nts per, NORTHRUP & LY @#aN. Bold in Ottaws vy H F McUarthy, J Skinâ€" ner, Jobn Roberts, J P Fouthâ€"râ€"ton, Gâ€"orge Mortimer, W M Maseey, and ail Mesicine Â¥ M Masâ€"ey, H F M«Cartby, J Skinuer, Ottawa, all Mâ€"dicine Doalers. November 24, 1870 1522tf The celebrated Liniment bas been used for many years, and its curative properties horoughly tested, and it is conceded to be he cheapest and mus: reliable remâ€"dy for all ~xternul compluints ever offered to the public â€"it never fatis when timely used anud taithâ€" fully apphed. _ > To be bad of all Drggists and Country Merchants throughout the Dominion. Price 25¢. per bottl. TBE TLME» is prinea and published by Tes Ortawa Tss Parstize axo Por» sgurface or iia" p the vitails. In the latter, tuber« onb uP shimare formed in the hhe, or i nhone its presence by ns on the skin, or fou) nloer Jonal se u:"n “d‘fu%. lile is m A v'.‘m.._:!n no active symptoms of dinease figfl%mmabazh: nA D* Anthonn‘s Pyres Rese or Eryaipclas» LA4: bt, Authony‘s Fire, Rose or ‘halt m'. Seald Hoad, Perc oper,. Beys more, andiine tried it, know that it mu: those who hare -& know that it cures neighbors mm : nll“howthtwiu itdn.;.ool" always ie oo:rodno‘. We have :u-nfi upon thoeâ€" sands ma&w-amut 'W%'Wo .."3‘.."'&“":. Publish thtee: ov Th A.:hlnt es‘hd dr:.:lrbud M con Or they mymflufiub'ylflyw- "u Mphuant"ouko while nrdl.:‘w "pnine on t oo t ie o on ies sls uence on wflmn’mumumu m%-monumuu stomach, bowels, liver, anc other organs of the Those who are Mw'mlg-l" IAstless, Desponâ€" dent , Sleepless, m\fimrm# or Fears, or any of the of Weakness v{l) And re ind convineing eviddnce of its restoranve § PAREPARED B Y Br. 4. C. AYXYER & 00. Lowell, Man, Practical and Analyties! Chemists. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGIENTSE EYVERTWHEEZEZ Atawva, Augest T, 1879. -â€""â€"'--v ""-i DOSPF TR omcs -‘ ""tAigule direchons are given in the wrapper on _ For Kiver Complaint and its various sympâ€" toms, Milions Headac Meadache, l.-'-l.lx or Bilicnes diciously taken for each case, to corroct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which canse it. For Dyseutery or Diarrhoa, but one mWd tation of the Heart, Pain in the Aide, Back ard Leine, thoy should be continnuonsly taken, as mfln‘.hehmmmd Th o . Witk Anoh e e For .\ For Rrepay and Dreprical Aweilings het duce the effect of a drastie ko ‘donar l‘orw.h&xmmtofi as it produces the desired w-yw-\ u-nmm.uucwm to preâ€" mote digestion and relieve stomach . hmddmmmm-fld and invigorates h::yu-. Mizi-m o..aua.mnn, One who fo« hdl"Tdcnz' rwh "-&'-n-""u-‘”"ii&i’“” of these Pills makes decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect 0" the diges tive apparatus. C u:.o.annaoo..mL LOWVELL . KAKZK., U. L4 As S.l4 by Georgee Mortimer, Noevember 30, 1870 ANADIAN PALNM DESKTROYER ARLEY®E A NEVERâ€"FAaILING REXMXEDY. Sparks Street, Centre Town, Ottews JiMXEA BAILWY Managing Direote ly cure :â€" NOBRTHRO & LYMAN, _, _ _p ewcastle, Ont. 16217 Equal to Lo aral OJBRX C&R ed on the EÂ¥v E&Y 00° TH stiee oy ca W ednersday bt af Aus g28 #* Iva s OA M «e * W * ET ER P 4 > DK. H â€"Be# BET were in a +0 lousness ally forei Bold by e “Y & Â¥ A cow Kovem ent, [ mpo mtag clar NAYX A D 0 H 1 be seep & P 1}*~ A NC Av Public, %4 11° *Â¥ JP arl

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