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Ottawa Times (1865), 21 Jan 1871, p. 4

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| ;. 1\ & . a _ oc .. T aud â€"pii tord (Cublc mensure) 3 n-.-m?luxo.nup....: Koe.R dn '="".'J.'.'.'1 CoRrNâ€"per bushel M ibs Apples, per v-.tA!An" Kyeâ€"per boushel 56 |bs. Bartey «* 48 lbe. Buckwheat Aowr 190 bixk. W axatâ€"Fallâ€"per bushe‘!, 0@ lbs Fuovrnâ€"Extra. BUrreE® The Appual Mesting of the Subsoribers will b held in the DIRECTORS HALL, on TU+8DAY Tth FEBRUARY next, at the hour of Two o‘clock in the Afternoon, to receive the ANNUAL RE_ FORT, and for the Klection of Directors. . The Public are respestinliy invited to ALEXANDER 'Ol. GRORoK HAY, JAMES PEACOCK, W U fAoMP8SON, JAYXÂ¥Z3 AOCHRESTER, CoUNTY OF CARLETONX GENERAL PR0. ont‘ay whatever beyond the ordinary assurance 'n:L- far the original sum assured. which remuins intact for the Polioy Holder‘s heirs, or other parposes. P W ARDLA W , Rearstary, Aosureâ€"Mesrs J T & W PEXNOCK uuars Decemver 18, 1870 Ab4l m Poer Cuna. 4 Line, close every Tuesday at 10.45 "This institation difers from other Life Ofises in that the Boaus from Prodts are applied on a s1p8eâ€" clal system for the Hoide: a. Personal Benent and Enj~yment during his own Lifstume, wi h the option of large Bonas additions 10 the sum assured. The Poliey Holger thas obâ€" Matter posted up to $. ‘0 will be forward ed Mn"c:t'lln"l’.:.hry package the same night. The Woestern Mail arviving at T p. m. will be dotiivered the same ovening. j Aa LARGE REDUCTION OF PRESEXT OoUTLAY au-n-r--uhmmo.a « mebnt, of a «nnuity, without any -p.':’u Common 8c bool. Invested Funds Upwards af $1,200,000 10.0 1. a. se ie A supplementary beg for Canadian steamer will be ctosed ast 11.30, in which al} paid unâ€" registered matter will besent. On Money Order Ofices throughout the Domiâ€" mlon, Great Britain and Ireland, Newfoundâ€" land and Prince EKdward Island, can be wbtained at this QMce. Also, Postage and »it* wl be received at this Ofice. !mm“flomd'm cent. per annum, and deposits can hvu‘;nu «my time. Fivre per cent. will be allowed on m“hmiflfl.hmm of which 3 months‘ notlice will be reâ€" quired 0. P. BAKER, Otewa‘ January 1, 187 i Ottawa, Jan. 8, 1 1 Ottawns, 211t Nov., 1870 CHOOL THLIWH wanted, for Bchool ‘ Bection No. 10, in ~« Townthip 1 Nepean * ~PoOSsT OFFICE, OTTAWA. Arrtval and Qeparture of Mails 0. FALL ARRANGEMENT. NEU AL 1IFE A8.0claTtton OF 3COTLAND. OR A PROVIZION FOR OLD A10%, Qurice Houms reowx 8 1.4.,. 1o T +.4. HEKAD OFFLCE FOR CANXADA, MONTREAL, OoTrawWwai MARXETS it puntfiot 56 it Turnips per bushel strong Bakers Bagaâ€"Fall per 100 \bs. M;lfi: No 1 Firkin POBT OPFICH AAYINO8 BAXL, TE3TANT HOBPITAL. J% BROPHT, # 1CK QUINL AN, PATRICK O‘KEEFE 1559 dl&wi * rust e08. 1543 4 Brockville and Oltawa Railways. On and‘after MONDAY, JAXDU RX $h, 1871 Trains wili run as follows : 1 ecave Brockvil‘e MALL TRALN, at T 30 a m, arriving at Octawa at 18# PMG .2 _ . RUI\R.NQ t _ MAILL TRALX, at 3.45 p m, arriving at Brook nile 9.15 p m _ ky o at Ottaws at T.ifp m. EXPRESS, at 0 # a m, arriving at Brookville t .49 pm, and ceomnecting with Graad Truak -n.u-‘.",vb *k * Crains on Canade ventral and Porth Branch make certain sonnections with all trains on 8. & to accommeodate ll.m' mamk . * > > __ For further partionlarssoes advertisementsand Asten, Riscbmond, Brompton Falls, w-.n.-nmo.o..-:-. Controvese ana X0â€"1o0 Milis only at 10 10 p m RLisoping Oars on all night trains Baggage l.nnldluw 1&‘:10‘-“.7;-‘-’“'M"b::‘0 Portiand for Halifax, . every Woeinesday Baturday atterncon, m.-u 4 00 p m. and Freighe iR le gors The internacional Co.apany‘s Steamers runaing ::".mm th o Onu.‘:‘t-l Rallwag, ¢ Portland every Monday Thursday st uc;-lnlucn.!!*. Tichots issued througch Company‘s pria= alples® ations. #1. un:*-dn-‘lnodm.‘dud walus at terminal departire M thik way Station, or at No 39, Great 8t James Street. 0J BRY DukK8, In additi n to the Fast Time waien it is intenJod to make betweentae °'...t.“"‘:....... despatch, as the B. with as the B. & 0, & 0. C. dailwatrs are the same gauge as the @Oraed Trunk, Car low‘s will go through io Graod Trunk Cars to all points, without transhipment, _ M Certrin coun. stions made with Gran On and after JUNE lith the oow arrange~ ments will oo put in torce, and trains will loave Montreal as follows: Ohisago, and all points west at..... 9 00 a m N1GHT, ao 140..»2sce000.., ..:‘: 00 p m Mail Train for Toronts and intermediâ€" 1870.) SUAMER ARRANGEYZSNX.8. fi8te Trunk Trains. With alose connmections at all pounts. The line will be equipped with handsome _ * Trains for Lackne a 600 a =m, T 00 a T e hy m ted Hirgle«" the @4 , k. lfi .-"Pnh runs ‘mfiu Portland and Montreal in 13 Hours. Montreal and Toronto in 13 Hours. Btopplag only at themost _ ~ortani Stations, Portland to Montreal in 13 Hours. | Montreal to Toronto in 13 Hours. | BRxpress tor Ye« York ans Boston, via Platwbarg, u.-:;:.-'uh. Barâ€" * @@c Uhesseecesssesees Do e _ W@ . WB scuescectrcte Express for Qaeves, 1s.and Poad, Gorâ€" ham, Por:tund an\ Lo sz Proviaces NEW FIRSTâ€"CLASS CARS, Unsurpassed on the con:ines t. TRAIFE WILL ROW BETWEE® & V L Â¥ A NX PALAUE SLEEPING CARS Will be run on the Through Trains a~d the serâ€" in reeat aiees harot‘e t ns -'.::.:b-. v‘a Vermont Cenâ€" GREAT BROAD GACTGE ROUTE 10 OTTAW A. Brookvrille. Jan 5, i8Tl As fast as completec‘, June 3, 1870 POR TuZ sUMMER OF :870. ACCELERATIONX OF SPEED, : CAMDA "NNTRAL MPROYEL SERYVICE OF TRAINS and intermâ€"diate HaAtOD® #L.â€"....»»«» Vermont C#0 Pual, Hh.s»â€"»s»»»»» w»n»+ RAKD TRUNi RAILWAY HLAXD TRLKXK RAaiLWAay con. PANY OF CANADA. RAND TRUNK RALLW AYX NK TEZ N8UINY ol 04 iJ1 BRYD@ER, Managing Dit a«u«: BJ# l.ine aoiN0 soUTH aAmD gask dution Train for Island Pond Arrtve »» SBand Point MRatlâ€"oaids. C A NA D 4. Leave Ottawa. lhp m, connesting with Graad from the Wot, and arriving AND WEST, , Detroit, JArected to this © C to the H ABBO0TT, via 400 p m Provine 3 4 p m T 00 a m 1 10 a m 14J p lA43Mtf i N 8 _ BLYTH 4 | No. 25 RIDEAU STREET, , | Plumbers, Gas «. i dteam Fitters, | Hot Air Furnaces, at workmanlike manner. t .“ al attention given to Roofng ftting qpemumunummm IMPORTERS OP ASNEIAL HOUVsE FURYKâ€" iDUHIN 3 HARDW AxM. JUST REOELIVED, o« @Pride of Canada‘® and #uUuseola,‘"‘s splend!d sssortment of Blook Tin Tes and Cofes Pots, seily Moulds, Wire Dish Covers, Opise Boxes, Ladies Dressing UOases, Trays, Enamelioa Pis Lushes, Preserving Proms, Deit Milk saucepans, &o., &o. CQonstantiy on hand, Cooking Stoves, (best makers) Hot Air Furnaces, W ater Coolers, Baths, @.-u.)cu:y.r.uum Britannia Mets FISHLING TACKLE, comprising Lines, T avn, Auguit it Tote 149 1y Biga the VIL, .34 ~GenauBtrest, where ent?" Atehwurs, tee *4 ipmens io ow yur id mb o oult parâ€" chasors. Consistingin part bLENERAL UOUSE FURNISHINGS : sm; ld;u. lli;. and N;l.“m BiYO#8, able ’“. 8 » Table Mats, Buts, Rorews, lmuh.cunh,n. Latobes, Axes, Saws, fl?q-:u. l-b‘-'n. Bits, steol Bits, Bevile, Lovels, l-l::u\l.o. Draw Kaives, 40, &o, &o. ‘10gether s PAIXT OF ALL COLOU®S : mlu-. l;ht. h;-:".s-h.. Terra do Kionas, Â¥aris Green, Brunswick Cr‘::',.hnpd- Green, Venstian Green, Red Lead, W hite Los4, in Oll or , BPARKES STREET, < sn unthinamaine io Taad Noh ult moses & wt:.nhomdm < Coal Stoves, Base Burners, at own saccount, in a fow dagt, 19 of Mo MeLean‘s 'A:Iul...hnn: Jobn Roos‘ Cigar = on new stowk, Gmc.l’uh-- oy.u..ulumflo'nwwlq:-uu& ahention to business, the same kind patronâ€" age that was extended to him in his sitaation. \itawa, Doeo 18, 1870 1M1g Elevated Uven Cook Stoves, at H. MEADOWS & Co. Stove Pipes and Elbows, at Liverpool or m...:.. C oltarmenm H. MEADOWS & Co Box and Parlor Stoves, at A The Quintal Coal Stove, at FParlour Cook Stoves, at _ _ MH. MEADOWS & Co. Dumb Stoves, all sizes, at laceburg. t And it is further Ordered that the Out . Port of Baby Point, now under the survey of the said Port of Waillaceburg, shall from and after the last mentloned date be, and the same is hereby abolish»d. WX. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council, INMAN LINE OF MAIL STRAMERA, AAILINJ PROMX NEW YORLK EVEZRYT SATURDAT AND ALTERNATER TUERDAYTs. LATRS OF PAdGAGK &Y vHE a. ICaoa‘r araixant First Cabia, Pagable in Goid: it‘t w.’ MMM l RMewage, Papyable in Ourremay, _ _ _ Liverpoonl of QHSSBIORH. ........==s»»s=s»ssss». 38 # Valifax..... suea40054twee sessesese sesess H. MEADOWS & Co. Lumbermen s Supplies, at Un the recommendation of the Honorable the Minster of Custorms, and under and in virtu» of the 3th Section of the Act 31st, Victoria, Chapter 6, latitauled * Au Aot reâ€" spectin; the Customs " His Exceliency has been pleased to Ordcr and it is hereby Ordered, that on from and aiter the frst day of Junuary next, the Yilâ€" lage of Lambton, in the County of Lambion Liverpool OF QUSGAILOWN........sssmesssasescseo “m'..oc.--..ouu". conesseessseesessesese06e00088 6t, John‘s, N.Â¥ ., by branch nn-........: FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, LATE MANAGKER, and â€" Province of Ontario shall be and the omhhn_by;do_clud!ohn Ont Port of EKutry, under the Survey of the Port of Wel. 66 is H. MEADOWS & Co. Low Oven Cook Stoves, at 1st Prize Stoves can be seen, at H. MEADOWS & Co. Dry, Drop Black, Lvory Black, w -a IL‘ Raw O\I.Pd‘:cn.imlu?\l:m | THOGS, BIAKETT, â€" No, 24, Ridean Streot, Bign of the Aovil. P, 8.â€"All goods delivered free to any part of HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR FOI LINVEAPR O0OL &4 QUKEEEXRTOW he Cb y, Ottawa, Nor 18, 1870 PrasmiGgk UYT TEs ruRADAY ATRAXERDY! KALIFAX â€" PRirs Unbin, Payable in Goih. _ _ John‘s, XÂ¥.#., bÂ¥ branch steamer........ 30 06 Tiokets sold to and from Engiand, Ireland, and Continent, at modernute rates Forturtherinformation, apply at the Com pany 1 MEDICAL HALL, Ottawa, Oct. 13, 1870. UOttawa, Dec. 26, 1870. , OvERxXMEXT HOoUSEK, aAn DwAaAEkUeP Winew ann t I0UAARD HIGMANX, NAPITAL + [1xTOoOVvE GENEKAL INX COUNCIL. 35 SUSSEX STREE:, Mardwars. 12 Broadway, New Yor â€" HELKRLOK &4 nohu.o.'.'.. 18313 OoTTaAW A, 21st day of December, 1870 BDrugg1s1s. 14 Broaduay, Noew H. MEADOWS & Co. H. MEADOWS & 0o H. MEADOWS & Co. H. MEADOWS & Co H. MEADOWS & Co. IL. MEADOWS & Co. 1549 3 14 0 Pm 1NSURANCE CuiMPA . of Canada, Head Ofice, Toronto. .’h“â€"l“ on Jobn Ballyard Cameron Vice Presidentâ€"Lowis Mofatt, Enq. yaoee toven o $ P in n McM aster, Req, H 8 Howland, Eeq, Geo Duggan JB Orecker, Keq. =© _ __~ h -.n..-'h:a.a-,m do-ro. ,&Ph ttawaâ€"â€"~Messus J T aâ€"W PENâ€" n."n-,-t the PROVINCIAL LN3SURANOE OOME ANY are as low as its longeXperience has .ocnufor‘hhl‘- Ts * The .est of the value of hnmool:,.::'m, pot when he premiums are being t ww om losses are being and Ts Telpesits Sre aleay roul to adjust every tm are alway to ust -ml-&-du:uln. it raint ractstnmacen of ns poo r y a share patronage ‘*w blio of Otta wa. 9* ARTHUR HARVEY, .C-nl. Twenty Thousand Dollars in addition t :.-m&o,m, v. w_g-_-q.‘-?a sand Dollars gz’o;m, U. 8. Gold Bonds, 68 0f‘81 The lu.o‘. ihh:.:l Gray, l‘:;.':u beer ‘”“*‘ nsel to Com Domin lon. Alllegal matters will o referved to hi. B. R. CORWI®, Fmazon Daraztruant, No: 144 Ottawa,1ith Ooctober, 1868. o: 104. The tollow1 hmanOo.’u[ has recelved I.a‘ccm‘: «® Meith® x t No. 33 TheUNION MUTUAL LLFEINSUR ANOE COMPANY , of M aine. B 30“:“"1:"“" ns 544 John, 5.1s esnt inianin n ns JOBRN LANGTON Auditor. have this day, deposited with the Receiverâ€" uJBE INSURANCE COMPANY OP MAIN B. * 1st, The room in which the wood Naphths is mixzed with Spirits shall only be accessible to the ‘propristor during the actual presence of an offser of Inland Revenue. > 3ad. Au-plocflbo'odlnb.un(uylhn tour ennces) shall be sent to the Department from every eask or package used, $ra.â€"Not less than 100 proof gallons of Alooho slal: be mixed at one time, which sha‘!l be mixed {:nfllfifl.&.h“mdn“ shall then rest and gauge it as to strongth Ortawa, 3rd Nov,, 1870 To Counmorors or Costom. With reterence to item of the TariG, it is held by this Department, that SLATE:imply in a quadrangular form, whatever may be its size or thickness 1s sntitled to exemption. If otherwise, especially shapen or if it be polhed, or artificialâ€" ly bored, it becomes sukject to 1» per cent and 5 per cent daty, as a non=enumerated artiols, â€" we R 8. M. BOUCKHETTE, Commissioner of Customs l;fl?nd Gallons f â€" K of the Dirision. Lnitials of the oficer under whose inspestion the mixture took place. Number of the entry under which it is ware h. With everyp 100 procf gallons ct Alcohol, there shall be mixed at least twoire andâ€"a â€"haif gallons of * Weed Naphths of Commerce," the whole being mizsod together. bth, After the mixing has been thoroughly comâ€" pleted, the strength ofthe mixture shall be tested, and the quaatity gauged hy the officer in attendâ€" anse and duly recordsd. Themixtare shall then be placed in casks, the casks being branded or marked on the heed in legible charasters, with Oth, A Stock Book must be kept in the Factory in which Book must bs entered :â€" (1) The particulars of every package of Aleohol, brought to, stating where manufaectured, thestrength and quantity ; the marks, &0 , on the qasks, and the general number of the Permit, under which it was comnveyed to the Manufactory. (») The partionlars of every quantity mixed &s.+ of the original packages from which it was taken ; the quantity and strongth of the " Methyâ€" lated Spirits" produced from it and the particu« lars as to marks, numbers, &0., of th» Cask in which it is plaoed. * Tth. Every entry in the Stook Book is to be checked by the offcer in charge, who must keep an asceunt of each transection, which account or a duplcate thereof is to be taken to the Inland Ro nuse oflce, immediately after cach transacâ€" Sth. So soon as the mixing and Barrelling has been couplete1, the «* Methylated Spirits " shall be removed from the Bonded Manufactory, and duly entered for warchousing as required by the reguiations in that behalf. v W, H. LEE, Clerk, Privy Couneii, Parties intending to _make sapplication toâ€" the Legisisture (of Ontario for Private Bulls are heroby notified _ that thoy are required by the bist and following Rules of the Lezisiative Assembly,(which are published is the #"Ontario Gasette"), to give NOTICE of the application (clearly and distinetly spocifying its natu~e and object) in the * Ontario Gaszette," and also in a newspaper published in the Uounty or Union ot Counties affected ; such notice shall be continued in each case for k. period of at least six weeks during the interval of time between the close of the next precseding Session and the con sideration of he Petition. Coples of the urst and last of such notices to be sent to the Private Bil} ars privileses, or conferring u:TOM- powers for n-gnnr.l or other purpcses roft, or doing an: thing tending to .;:d the .f.m or proâ€" porty of other parties, are hersby nouBed that they are required by the §1s. and tollowing Rules ii:Lm required by the 612. and tollowing Kules ot House of Cummons (whion are publishes in fell in the = Canada Gazette " j. to give TWO MONTHUH‘ NOLICE of the o"lauuo- (clearly and distinetly tyh‘h nature and ofjest), h. the "Canada ," and also in a newspaper at notless to the Private Bill Office. All Petitions fer Private Bills must be presentâ€" od within the Arst turee weeks of the Sessicn. ALFRED LODV, ChL,. Clk. Committess and Privete Bilis, House ot Commons. Ottawa, 8th Deo,,1870 1838 Misister ot Ioland Revenue, and under and in virtne of the anthaority given by the iTth seotion ( the Act Bist Vist, Chaptor 8, intitaled, " An Aot respecting the Lalaed Revenue." His Exoel ency in Counscil has been pleased to Order, and it is hereby Ordered that the following reyulaâ€" tions for the manufacture of Metbylated Spirits in boad shall be and they are heroby made and as tablished ; Parties intending to make application to Parliaâ€" ment for {flnuh‘u-. ol_tl r 'lt:ruupg exeiuâ€" Toronts March 15, 1870 1309 td lawk. Alt" stitions for Private Bills must be present od within the FIRET THREE WEEKS of the HIS EXCELLENCY TH®" GOoVâ€" PII'A‘!‘. BILLS, "BLATE,"â€"BCHEDULE C.â€"Â¥FREE GCODS. Ot awa m_‘;,un. Methylated Spirits, Date on which it was mixed, Number of Wine gallons in the Cask. C T Famis, bag Augee Meriion, Heq A P HlvX mUTUAL USTONXE DEPARTHMEI®XT, MIVATE *l-l_.- OVERNXMENT HOUSK . OTTaAW A, 5th day of December, 1870, Government MNMotlices. Olttawa, Nor 14, 1870 ERNOR GENERAL IN â€" _ COUNCIL, rappt 4 Aasurance. y, deposited with the Receiverâ€" 'hc.“lhllmh addition to CHARLES T GILLMOR, Clerk ot the Hoase. THE O TTAWA TIMES. of the Honorable the Ro'u. ITALIA®NX BTTERS. Prepared by spesial permission om the rigina recipe of Â¥. P. VERRI, M. D. . Professor of Chemistry in the University of : PADUA, ITALY, Kept by all the prinoipal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion, PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. A. M, F, OIEILLI, Bole Manufacturer and. Propri fer the Dominâ€"« ion of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"Theso celebrated Bitters are carefully prepared with the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially adapted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitutions. ‘They are gontly stimalant, and will be ftound infallible aids to digestion. * Â¥or directions see label round the neck of each Bome of the cmlrfn markets having been ,supplied with a spurious Worcestershire Sauce -ron the wrapper and labels of which the uames Lea & Porrins have been forged, L and P give notice that they have furnished their corresponâ€" Eolisits *Le patronage of the Lamber Mershan gens:ally un iae Ottaws. From his long experiâ€" enod ia the trade he offers his secrvices in engaging men‘and attending to their rafts while passing hore to the best of his ability. Oarriage and Bales will soon commenes, and those who I:'.O%ln. Carriages, and Harâ€" ness to dispose of will do well to send them to tbo_l.n_y_n-_,_bpqllbl_.. ag Koi ols 4 Trage Sales of Meronand:se, Farm Stook, Real Estate, Libraries, Works of Art, &0., &0., as wel. as constgnmÂ¥hts, from a distance, will meet with best attention, and be conducted on very moderâ€" ate terms. becond hand Furniture will be received fl bour duridg the “‘ up to 7 o‘slock p. m. vances made on rniture, Pisnos, or other Goods sent in for Sale, or may be porchased in toto, if required The Sale Hoom is well lighsod an. ventilated, and about the largest in the city, being :80 x 25. Tour tavours and patronage are respectfully solicited. | Beveral Houses in the city on hands tor sale. J BERMINGHAM, price one dollur. 8 ~ Girpxur‘s Dowrerio Cocez Im'm save you many a .I:K.l.” :3”. In 25 cents and 50 cents o Good tor adults and children «it 18 plorumltothmu u.d“hmlu:h 1ts nature Forsale by druggists goneral deal. ers in all parts d{lo Dominion. ; Gardener‘s First Prise Baking Powder, un: rivalled for parity and excellence. For sale by grocers everywhere, in 3 os packets, 7 cents ; 5 os packete, unuv 1 pound packets, 25 cents ; six rcna. $1.25. lmv:r want the bes task or GARDENER‘8 and no other. GARDENEEK‘s EPILKPTIOC CURK. *.9 939 ahRDRRER, Obomint, 457 Notre Dame stree:, lm of which will be given. The large number o Horses and Cattle sold by him during the past year, is suthsiont guarantee that his ability in this critical branch of auctioncering is appreciâ€" Ott. wa March 1870. GEX ERAL COMMISSION AGERNT, Clarense ~treet, next to the City Hotel A\ 1 ‘azsor, Keq, Waiter Smith, Keq, Jo. _ sapore, Esq, 130..'0"“.{-\ Invalaable to hn:‘lu nrdo m of Iimpair® ; digestion ; an exceliont persons cevering ;!". Uiness. Forsalse in quart bottle ; Lhe sucsess of this most delisious and unrivalâ€" «d condiment having caused certain dealers to ue opeinferter SoitpSundh the pubHic 12 Gerebly ir owninferior :!omuzumo only way to om: the enuine, to roturne nre his Pss "BALES AT PRIVATE RESIDEKEORS," in soliciting public patronage in this branch bulmbo''hd-nh.fiu.h the future as in the past, it be his unceasing care to stady the interest of his patrons at by careful attention, prompt Mfiu moderate charges, to merit a continuance at pat ronage heretofere so liberally upop and to uee that hbeir names are upon the wrapper _â€"___ Rtart, York street, near the Market, P The subsoriber in issuing this his Cirou. lar, begs to return :l“ b:.t:&uu m triends and the al 10 awa and Country, as well as mny':oul:on at a distance, for the very ubonl“Jm‘o bestowed on, and confâ€" dence pl in him, since his advent as Auctioneer of this câ€"ty, and to assure them that constant uu:‘u;l.udnm:.i‘hh.h merit conti1uance sup patronage |ib:.lly Mml-'.‘“ ts the e can rétfer pleasure m has received from those '.:’o placed propert» in his hands for disposal, that poe immedi«tely, and from time to time will be dul; announced. ‘lo will hold weekly sales of Horses, Cattle, &0, &c, onthe Market, due notice labels ms'undbouh. 80-'0 the toreign : Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatment, Pork, &e, oTTAW A, Cask advanced on m:-u:l':‘ lul-...‘ Hate sale, Prompt 'mu all cases dents with power of attorney to take instant proseedings against manufacturers and vendors umu.un{ imitations by which their flbt-n{bo god. }u tw L*#A & PERRINS‘ ‘Bauce and see !:‘ulo m Wrapper, Label, Bottle and oppet. Wholesale and for llr‘ the P Worsester ; Crosse and lu_::‘oy_, m OFFICE AND BSALE ___ MESS AND PRIME MESS PORK. FLOUR NO. 1 6 EXT R A WBAITR BEANS, At Otcawn, Sand Point ?:_‘9'.{1?1:“-, V . None are gor aine unless bearing thesignature of Bpring Furniture Sales atthe Mart will comâ€" 1022tf WORCESTERSHIRE sAUCM, Declared by Connolaseur +aABRow®@n‘s 4 un BRKR@® _ Mlhes > COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FORWARDERS KA & PERARLNS! Biutters and Sauvuces, OMINXICK FOX. and by Grocers and Oillmen nuiverâ€" ) 6§8v1436 faw 16 6 18 #1 1 A G +4 a on 4 GENERAL AUCTIONEKEER, qUININ B / wyâ€" WINE BITTERS, @ BK FOR LEA & PEBRXKINS‘ SAUCE, CaAUTIOA AGAINST FRAUD. THE ONLY 9400D SAUCUL. H. KASTON & C€o., Bole Froprietor and Manufacturer. A. M. F GIANELLL »+@ # FOR THE ITEETH. Gglulll.’l CKLEBRATED PREFARA TLONS FOR LEANSING, BEAUTIFYING, AND PRESEKRVINXG THE TERETE. _ _Bold by Chemists and Porfumers, and by the MESSRS. GABRILEL, The oldâ€"established Dentists, | ”DATUBA T ATUL A, f | _ Affords Immediate Reliet. | M e« sefulness.â€"D r] w.‘r:‘?‘.’ ®4 :"::'" :: mesmebronthe. _ Ouitindounerteinindies ‘ 1ABRIKL*S WHLTK @UTTA PERCHGA K ENAMEL, for Stopping Decayed Teeth. Renders the tooth sound and useful, and mvfl Toothache, no matter how far decayed. oe 1s Od per box. Ask for (Gabriel‘s Celebrated Dental _ s The smoke causos no nauses. Whenthe kind, I have never hox:: instance in -'3 relief was not obtained."â€"General Alezander and AS@‘MILATION of COD LIVER OIL,the ;:::d: at meals, &6. In digestive activity,suâ€" Or ’ml.- Pancreatine Powder, bottles, 2s, 31 64, 6n 64 and 1266d. Pancreatine Wine, bottles,82,5s and16s N.B.â€"Panoreatine Wineisthe best vahicle for taking Cod Liver Oil. «£" Aass«reâ€"Mesars. F. N , who had actually been on crutehes for years, but has now recovered the use of his limbs. Handbook, containing anguestonsable certib. eates on the great Shoshonses Remedy and Pilis A9J |C $ dSes, ) . keep white, and as firm as the tooth iItself. Ths beautiful preparation restores Front Teoth and The following remarks on testimonials of mes wondertul and extraordinary cures in Oanada by he Guzart [nvp1ax Reurot. % They are stern undeniable faots, convince the most sceptical that the 1.001» ohdoo-pou“.‘munnuh agos, is now accessible in the Whtovut::nnu:‘::nu“d Wilson Storms, Tl-. 00.‘.&-, or that of Poter C V Miller, of Ernstown, ot Consuinption, or that of Ambrose Wood, of Conseâ€" non, Ont, of Dyspepsia and Liver.Complaint, or that of John Heney, of Napanee, of Rhoumatism, can be obcained at all dnf stores Prisa of the Ra madew in laroa ni GAlllll.’l CORALITE TOOTH PASTHE, for cleansing and 1mproving the Teeth, and imparting a natural redness to the gums ; whitens te ts preae se thee maibuet‘‘to M aces dor, ano enamel. mo 1s. 64 7 1s hereby given, that an application will be made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontaric at it» next Ression, for an Act to autborise the eonstruction of Water, W orks in and for the Oity mLajoPLy . ErOROTVOE IHC LO0L3, ARG 1MpATIG & GOll+ clous fragrance to the breath ; gives the Topth a poariâ€"like whiteness and protects the examel. GA-unfl.m O8BTHO ENAMEL STOPPING LA for Preserving Front Testh. Warranted to GAIRIIL’I ODoNTALGIQUE BLIXIR & mouth wash unrivalled for its agreeable properties in cleansing the mouth and fluouam the breath ; is is invaluable to smokers, strongly recommended to sufferers from Tic, PAR‘I‘!II AF A DIBTANCE AEQUIRING® ARTIFICIAL TEETH may bave them supplied, in partial or complete sets, on Mesars. Gabrlel‘s new system, by sending particuiars of their oases, with a s« mutta boe of One aines, when the sapparatus tor taking a mouel of the mouth wili be forwarded, with all necessary instructions Messrs. Gabriel will andertake to del or m:‘-u Artificial Tooth mage by other Dentists, [which do not prove satistactory}, at moderate charges. i 7 i t onX + ‘Mesers. Gabriel‘s Pamphict on Artifi¢ial Tootk ond Paialess Dent‘stery on receipt of ug‘. Â¥4* All letters to be addresseq to 6+ LUDGATE HILL, LONDON. 1333 z.-u."i-no- This elegant Turkish TONIU is one of tns most salutary and delicate preparations ever submitted for public approval in this hemi«â€" pbere, and asserts its pretentions to patronage on the following grounds :â€" fi Hall, Otawa, CE Jith, 1870 1401!avkâ€"2m That it is a preparation of one of the most eminent Purveyors to the Ottoman Court, It prevents acidity of the Stomach. It relieves lowness of spirits. It is a mild .x invigorating tonic, and a ost efficient bautinnocuous stimalent. T It renders the breath sweet and agreeable. It stimulates the appetite if taken suroxs meBhis, It promotes digestion if taken )rln meals, It neutralizes the prepensity for streong liquors, It renders the intellect bright and clear. If taken babitually it imparts vitality and energy to all the bodzy organs. By its use a man of T0 will become, as it were, restored to the elesticity of 30 ; and to persons of delicate constitutions it is strongly recoummended. It is an especial favourite with Oriental ladies. Hecure, then, health, longevity and vital energy by the habitual use of the ALKABASAR TURKISH TONIO. Kept in stock by the principal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion. For directions for use s=e labels on bottles. HENRY CHAPMAN & CO., EVANS, MERCER & CO., Montreal, Bole Agents for the Dominion meals, lm-‘ligl" ki nuad Tootknthm... _ ._= â€" _ â€". _ See Gabriel‘s nameâ€"None Genuine without it $+ Iormod tute Giguts ahi Clereites, Bhant, APs a arottes lbfi and 15s, P * astilles for LInhalation, Boxes, 2s 64, 5s and 168. £ SALLITO® IUT AERIWEIUT,ATIDE, 40 UV, CS DHW IVF, . savory & MOORE, _ 143, New Bondâ€"st., . 1 Aonpreâ€"Mesars. F. Cundil! & Co., Montres1 â€"| Price of the Remedy in large pints, $1. _ 317 Is hereby given, that an a Montreal, July 6. HOSHONEKES LEMEKOY. STOP AND 8EE! 64 Lodgate Hill, Lenden, And at LIVERPOOL and BRIGBTIN. oTICE i"t'lll'"co-rlh""oiv_ effects the DTYESTION Ab@"MILATION of COD LTVER OIL,the ABRIKL*S ROYAL TOOTA POWDER BHOSHONEES REKEMEDT. decay, Buthcient for Stopping six Teoth. INDIGESTIONâ€"â€"P A N CR E Aâ€" Papra7T}+ 9 R I D ME SS"3 °CABRIEL. Dentists. LUDCATE HILL, LONDON. from a recipe as used by Her res the Teoth, and 1mparts a deliâ€" 108R ASTYIMA. and Chronic Bronchitts WÂ¥X P LETT, 14157 Emmmr! 18 LIFE These bighly improved inventions render Riectricity perfectly selfâ€"applicable, and exâ€" tremely efficacious in a mild continuous form, no sheck or unpleasant sensation being exâ€" perienced, whereby it becomes a true fountain of health and vigour, speedily soothing agonising peins, reâ€"animating torpid limbs, reviving the siugwish functions of life, and mparting renewe & energy and vit«ality to constitutions entecbled ty whatever c*~se. Medicines and their deleterious consequences are thus entirely dispeused with, The daily increasing number of cures effected by PULYEpMACHER‘S MEDiCOâ€"GALVANâ€" GaALYANIC CHAINâ€"BAND3 BELTS, AKD POOKET BATTERIES GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE AND SaAVE M>NEY, TIME ANODISTANCE IC BYBTEM is +0 extensive and varied, that it forcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. * e States, and ailintormation apply to Tmacs 4 J.'p\;ouoom. General Western Railway and Steambosat Ticket “ulrumno,-n-m PDraper‘s, Bussexsi, two deors from N. B.â€"â€"The following testimony from the lite of the English medical faculty has been received : " We, the undersigned, beve much pleaâ€" 4# sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Pourerâ€" #t ncm';rucem improvements in his Voltaic * Batterics and walvanic Appliances tor 4# Medical Pusposes are of great importance to " Bcientific Medicine, and that bhe is entitled 4 to the consideration and support of every 4 one disposed to furthér the advancement of *# real and useful progress, NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION CO8B ) Firstâ€"Class Upper Cabin Steamers. Comparitive distance of ta: several Westert Routes to Chic+go : t $SFEE 6e Grand Trank to Toronto, Great Wes» . *tarle 40 DeHPOIR.....carocitrectermcactfBly :A LAaving in favor of the Great Central ___ _ " Dated the 9th day of Marcb, 1866. " EIR CH ARLES LOCOCK, Bart., M. D., ~ Â¥, £&.C.®. + BIR HKNRY HOLLAND, Bart., M. D , *« F, R. B. « sIR WM, FERGUSSON, Bart., F. k 8. * EDWp. H. SIEKYERING, M. D., M L.C.8. « 8SIRJ RANALD MARTIN, F. X C.8" PULYERMACHAER‘S BSYSTEM is also apâ€" proved of by an official report ef the Acaâ€" demie de Medicine, Paris, Royal College of Physicians, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" ty of Vienna, and its curative virtues are con» Armed by thousands of private tâ€"stimonials of cureseCected, (Bee pamphlet gratis). MARY ANK DOUVGHTY Bworn to before me at Madoc, County of Hastings his ninth day ofFebruary, 1869. A P WOUuD,J F, &e. I heroby certify that I have known Mrs. Mary A-Dc!w.tch last fifteen yocu.;xh # woman bity and truth. 1 nave n ber bdon.“.-‘ since her iliness.â€" L believe her certificateto be true in fl.tyzflolln. 1 know that while il1 her case was ared hope, less ; and L know that shehas, since her recovery, alwaysattributed her recovery to the Shoshoneos â€"â€" Whateree may be the posullar of this medicine, one thing is cortain, at in her ease it has actod almost like the Bé sure and procure TICKETS at this offce Grand -y‘?ou,ud on up to my flnm I became so wesk that I could not Walk, was confned to my chair. For abouttwo years, whilethis woukt nees was coming on me, and afterwards, I sough medical advice, ..m:o“ differept times three dostors, and of different kinds prescribed by triends, but of no avail, I continuâ€" od to get werse and worse, until the sammer of 1868, when I was induced to try the great Sho shonees Remedy by reading the cures performed in a pamphlet, Atthis time i bad begun to teol slo'ukuull-{lnu; in faot I was getting almost helpless 1 have taken two bottles of the Shoshonees Remedy and two boxes of the pilis and I am entirely restored to health, I never expected toget better, but simply tried the medicine as a performance of a miracle ‘:r{“ better, but oh%:rlo‘ the medicine af & of forlorn hope. ease of mine was hnot & private one, but known to all my nlflbun and friends ; and to any one affiinted as I was, 1 have only to say try the shoshonees Remedy ; I bellereltwilloure you. | . ... _ _ _ __ _ | [The Model Read of Canada j To Sarnia, Detrouw, Milwaukee.â€" CHICAGO, Cincinnati, St. Louis, New Orleans, and all Points in the West and South. " DAILY LiXE +BHW «BX OCDENSBURG & CHIOAGO, Msking sure connections with Railway for all Poiuts West and South, f Parties going west can secure Tickets at this office to any Point desired, Â¥ia ALL RAIL OR ALL BOAT Fares always cheaper than by any other for restoring vital energy, £5 to £1. The public are most earnestly cautioned to beware of Peeudo Elo‘cwc Belts advertised by sham Doctors, &¢., for improper purposes, and so severely stigmatized by Vice Chancelâ€" lor Malins in the suit Pulvermacher vs Hamâ€" mond, alias Henry James, alias C. T, Kaphey, M. R. C. B, alias Henry Burrows, &¢c, &c. These facts appeal to the good sense of every sufferer to avail himse]f of this scientific and curative progress, to which the izventor has devoted a lifeâ€"time of study and labour, as an ardent deciple of that great benefactor of mankind, the late illustrions electrician Miouiams Faraptr. 0 Mossrs. URAXBEZELAIX & Siuie, Con#ay P 0 o o on Ou:t'ycoflint‘u 4 DOO, Fute ts to petitly that during thares “?fu‘o e winter I wastaken with a weakness of the ancles, which gradually, during the spring of 1867, extended to PULYEEMKACHER‘S \Â¥ED1COâ€"GALYANâ€"~ IC CHAINB are exceedingly «<f.ctive without the aid of medicine, restriction of diet, or the least derangement of the patient‘s uhu and daily occupations, in the following maladies : Rbhenmatism Female Complaints Gout Constipation Bciatica Cramp Lumbage â€" > Bluggish Circulation Keuraigia Urinary Disorders Head aud Tootkache Paralysis Liver Complaints Epilepry Tic Doloreux Nervous Debility Indigestion Fuuctivnal Disorders Deatness . &e., &e. Bpasmos â€" No Galvanic Belts are genuine but those bearing the fac simile of M. PufTÂ¥ermacker‘s signature on the label. . K.UHAIN BANDS lor Sciatica, Rbeumatic, Nequraigia, and Gouty Pains, Local Pare b% Cramp, &c., 188. to 22s, and 408 B OHAIN BANDS for Lumbego, Indigestion, Liver, Obest, and FAnctional Disorders, .:ir. as a belt), 228 to40s and 554. B OH BANDS for Writer‘s Cramp, «â€"~‘Prembling, Nervousness, &c, 22s to 301 . â€"and 402. B COMBINED CHAIN . BAND for Cant:l, Parsalysis, Epilepsy, General Debility Functional Disorders, &¢., 308 to 508. A complete Bet of COMBINED CHAINK BANDS,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTEERY A pamphlet containing full particulars muy be Lbad at the Drug Store of &.Obristie, Bparks Streot. , J, L PULVERMACHER, o Gaivanic Egtabiisbment, 200 Regent Street, London, W. Ottawa, september 6, 1870 1455 lawk y #12. The effects of the application of Pulverâ€" macher‘s Chaine in any of the above disorders is immediately perceptibleâ€"the relief of pain instentanceus. FRICK LIbT OF PULYEBMACHKR®s CHAIN BANDS ANXD BATTERIES. B. CHAIN BANDS for Neryons Deainess, Head, Tooth, and Face Ache,and Noises in the Head, 218. to 308. B. tHAIN BANDS for loss of Yoice and GREAT WESTERN RAJILWAYT. CENTRAL AI&LI{I ROUTE | AF WuuD,) P. Wardeor ounty oi Hastngs, Provinee of REATF ether eff.ctions of the Throat, 10s. 64, to PULYERMACHER‘S PATENT nesenses® enenpas ns n n0 8 00 20 02 00 00 Medical. -Mnnâ€"mw-l” ‘. to any Points in the United THK ‘1iMEo is prinvea and published by Tzs Orfawa Tixes Priwmxo axpo Po»s uiser®e Coxuraxr, at the oflice, ** Sparks Street, Contre Town, Ottawa JiMES BAJILIFF Managing Director This valuable preparation combines a) the medicinal virtues of those articles w experience has proved to p('-eultb.:: and efficient properties for the curs of Floeh Wounds, Eprains, Bruises, Gails of d\.“' Cracked BHeels, Hing Bone, Spavin, Calloug, Pistula, Sweeney, External Poisons, Seratche or Gryase, Strains, Lameness, Mange, Wia, lows, Corns, Sand Cr1ac+s, l-‘num". Corn Distempcr, Swellings, and many uther discases which borses and catle are aubject ”. I The celebrated Liniment bas been used fi many years, end. its. curative propertig horou(ly tested, and it is conceded to jy be cheapest most reliable remedy foray external fihh ever offered to the pabls â€"it never whenâ€" timely used and fwg, fully applied. The astonishing «fMhicacy of the (\"* Pain Destroyer, in curiog the Disâ€"ass which it is recommendged, and it« wondâ€"sfe| suceers in subduing the torturing peios e HRnoumatism, and in relicving Nervous Affse tions, entitle it to a hbigh rauk in the lists Remedies tor those complsints, Ul‘m. coming from Medicine Desles in all p-m.' the couutry for furtber s pp‘ics, and #auh tos» tifying as to the universal s®at slaction & gives. The Canadian Pain Dostro;er never failes give immediat« relief, _ Alt+ Nâ€"¢=â€"in~ Doalgss keep it Physicigus order and u«~ it ; and ae family wili be without it after once tiajug it Price only Twenty fve Conts per bot le, NORTBHROUP & LY MaAN, Sold in Ottawa by H F MeCarthy, J Skimâ€" ner, Jobn Roberts, J P Feathorâ€"tos, Gâ€"orge Mortimer, W M Masseyp, and =!l Mecicine Dealers. > _A RABIANX OIL F OR HORSESs AKD ca~ ® |"|'l'“ Bold by 00’" Mortimer, John Rober,® W. M Massey, H F McCartby, J Skinoct, in Ottawa, all Ml. Dealers. : No#ember 24, 1870 1822¢tf THE CANADIAN PAiX DKFS : ROYER Has how been before the public for a lengtk eof time and wherever used is well liket, bever failing in a single iostance to give manent reliél when timely ugâ€"d, and nc never knowe a single case of Ginstirfaction where the directions have tw en properly folâ€" 10wed, but on the contrary, all are delighte® with its operations, and speak in the highost terms of its virtues and magical «fects, To be had of all Drggists nndu' Merchants throughout the Domivion, Prige 25¢,. per boitle. NOB’&‘HBOP & LY M A®, Bide, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, o dent, Bleepless, and troubled with Nervouws . prchonsions ‘of Fears, or any or the nhooules Rensions Fears , T the affections Rmeptematis, or menknese wl ind romediane and con 0e pow® upen trial. * Asa family Remedy it is well and favourably » knewn relieving thousands from pain in the * We speak from ~srpetience in this watior, bhaving toeted 1t thorougbly, and thâ€"r. fore those who are suflering from any of the com. plaints for which it Ts recomm â€"nded may de. pend upop it« bâ€"ing a Sovâ€"re‘gu Remâ€"dy, & * PR EPA REB # Y Br. 4. C. AYXYER & ©0..Low The repntation this es eclient medicine enjoys, C is derived from its cures, ):) t:\lnr of which IT;.‘. marvellous. Iny cases of' Berofulous z ease, where the # M seemed onlurau-J= corruption, bave been mfifd and cured by k. ‘ rf:lou- l'hfl‘zhfl disorders, w rnvuled 'l:y tin'n l m‘wwo:onlu&m until they were pain ng, have m r“ cured in u{'ch .re.{ numbers in almost every 80e tion of the country, that the public scarcely need t be luformed of its virtues or uses, Berofulous poison is one of the mutdm= enemics of our race. Often, this unseen and tenant of the organiam undermines the constitution, and invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal di withount exciting a suspicion of its prosence., it seems to hmgivnffl'unn throughout tit then, on some fÂ¥vorable occasion, rapid) into one or other of its hideous formas, fltz-'flfl surface or aummlhe vitals. In the $atter, tubsr» cles may be suddenly deposited in the luu heart, or twmors formed in the liver, or it its presence by eruptions on the skin, or foul uleer ations on '"."flm of the body, Hence theu: slonal use of a bottle of this Sarsaparilia is v.sable, even when no active eymptoms of disease ~ Persons afflieted with the following ainte «nrrflllv-lnd immediate relief, ‘.fi cure, by use of this AARKKAFP LA: Bt, Authony‘s FirE, Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter, balt KHheum, Reald Head, R visibple Rerofulous discase. Also more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Dropiy, ina ie ns Tiomans Cheodont of mm lar and nervoil;r -y'nuii.;;;"‘_ e '" . apf Ayphilia or Venereal ercurial Diseast Pnbduing there spationte makniits 6 any moditine w any But long continued use of this -Ja.‘.wu- the complaint. Leueorrhoa or Whites, Uterine Uleerations, and Femuale Discusees, are O monly soon relieved and ultimately cured hyp#s ~sRssness> Siker Thome who hars other, ‘Those who hars it, know that it eured them ; those who hare that it cures their neiyhbars and friends, all know that what it does once it does always â€"â€" that it never fails through any fault or neglectof .le.?om We have thousands upon thow sands Mofmdrmmhcumdr following complaints, but such cures are known overy njfihorhood and we nced net publish them Adapted to all ages and conditions in all containing neither calomel or any deleterions + they may be taken with safoty by anybody. u_hrnmmnmmug{n_?qunnfly;‘ _ They operate by tneir powerful infuence "â€"o'-"t‘ internal viscera to purify the olood and stimulate "rlll ® a d )“2 m mal CA# m« > T cor Lfl.ll' T dis BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EvERYWEEEK -{‘ * *h Aneraicc cce â€"vsawas, August 1, 181%. f 'l‘. UK1O® e C porumene â€"â€" spmpemunpcemeess ..A Pody, rebtoring thoi nvogults aotles 1o Hoad ind by correcting, wherever they exist, such "aie 20 tie ie Hscorben o 42 ies 9000 on ven the _ qummm For Buppression a large dose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by lywy. As a Pill, take one or two to proâ€" mote di and relieve the stomach. An dose stimulates the stomach and mcl. healthy action, restores the :a::uu. invigorates the system.. Hence it is adâ€" mnguu where no serious derangement exists. One who foels tolml%voil often finds that a dose of these Pills makes lce‘doddnuy better, from their cleansing and renovating effect 0 the diges tive apparatus. * & DB J. 0. AYER C CO., Practical LOÂ¥WELL . MASS., V. &. A, Ayer‘s Oathartic -fl «SCon seont winT, ~@ugHe oik § roat, Bprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Btomach, Cholera Morbus Dysentery, Bomcl _ Complaints, Buros, Bomlds, Froâ€"t Bites, November 30, 1870 18 ANADIAN PAIN OKLsTROYERBR ARLKE Â¥ 8 A NEVERâ€"FAILINXG REYXEpy ye Med+ray TYIXX6 THE #100B. Sarsaparilla, Pirvs »hoAud wired kizX any before so universal ly adepted into use, in T clasope, is ths id :Il.‘ a, ms this nx" son is, that it is a more 1# BHable and far more effec ewcastle, Ont, Proprietom, caTTtLas 15347Â¥ vou uJ #. thons und 1 e sorole tion wntil very seo y noeed to stractive nc wafelt u;t“, l;ogv'dq i Â¥ P ‘er on the hangs ar it shows ..‘;‘Luu. the oces la in wd f dinemse ving ©0Me e > ATine !'l'“‘o s-“o- e 1 a#0 in the | it 1 _ Kqgual to Lubin‘s, as | Patronized by the . ieeigie ts '__‘_lpg:: «4 ation by tne day or # * N '-7“. A‘O:!O io glhaity o ca» #«0% _ The=@QUEEN"soq Aretâ€"class hertan ant and ref vnished w»r he chotosst Brandsir ellenoy ofthe se ae. s 4 Poprietcr‘s bes »8 »~.» rhof is g10848 Bs 4 BD* s wnrs 4a ne that her W. ARÂ¥sTtHRO OoBNEL OF q404 Ey ERY OO NVENTE TUE TRAY Hardware Store. ravellers. being for a short selousness of the the mouth aAr be which natural toth deoâ€"yod or dissase his practice the us ud med DK, HUTCHI SO! snew BETS f TEEC ’l’ * ET ERYT DELIOA He me ; be cvonsulie at his oitoe trom # a. od, and overy be seon al abs WA'.“' io.uo':nflc «. & . B â€"g@pecriai a of atsonses of the & l\ll é46 QU.ll-l COorner of Mewsaite &A tow more AKADA AKHO November 26, 18 i AKWOLno AXDB 0 H 0 LC Ks Bold by every i.oul MV sURGE 10K WICK tareign . the YPPOSITE * K. OIJVER Importers, 4 Motels RIGHT & DUIGN A AUVU JO0

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